Adv. Eng, Subordinate

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1 Faculty of Social Sciene© Arts & Humanities oF ea Bachelor ADVANCED EN@LISH BAE 1333 CL esson-2 2a/o3 [2022 * Subordination ey Subordinate clauses = Clauses can be coordinated Ith each other so that the Sentence consists of a set of Conjunctions € can be also serve Fammatical functior another clause Clause which serve ammatical Fanction ing alle Finite clause. A main clause is atoays finite’ Ta always has a verb which is marked for tense 6 agteem- vent Cuhere appropriate) + _I+t can contain a modat auxiliarg & its subject Cifa rencud ) will be In the subject Cae Si celine ould call me? acting 1 Sdverbial in alarge clausé Non -finite clause: finite verb Cp ome A doctor non finite verb _ There are © general types off non- finite Subordinate clauses. n-finite constituents are adittonally treated as phr onee oie 1 in moet moderns ey J OT hrfinitives. Participles Gerunds 4) Verbless clauses Infinitives Selb finitives are VPs whese |V must be unmarked - -| There are @ kinds OF inGoitive Ini ie wFfinitive infinitive Full infinitive -|The First ve preceded 1 be zing Jic redatre vel of gallibilitg: leas infinitive cana OF with subjects as in @ and ® -|Fall infinitive can appear without subjects as in ©and infinitive - The First Cabligatorily unmarked verb of the VP Is not preceded. by gel, as in ~The subject of an oS Infinitive is alscys ID ae objechicasenifin oheap a |) Bore inginitives” alae ag Subject 5 Full infinitives | anustimes have overt subjedls Sometimes don’t ,deper” ~ding on the structure of the fest of the sentence: * I want him to leave Chim Ts the sabject of to leave "I want to leave Cno subject For to leave.) leave Chim Is verb in the sa participle [Participtes - present or, Past or -ing -enl-ed | participles Porticiples | present and post porticiple | ace the traditional names _ They are duite misteadin since neither participle provides py ip formation 4 tense: ou i ab post porticiple clause The man is decorating the Lash room. jt isn’t set ir present participle in the en/-ed) participles are Pemetimes alsa called p Used in passive sell aS in perfect en participle clauses never | ghou variation in aspect , but as clauses can be petfect perfect progressive jas or as Simple: ei Having sot bere all days ee: was completely bored. erformers were ex whe P ne: bee —Gietrund clauses are Clauses in which the first verb in the VP is a gerund ,an -ing form. e ihe subject’ of a gerund may be omitted or may appear , iit > 7 — ee) | in either objective case or mi Possessive , but it can Revem be in the a >ct Seq ° t them Ahett ¢ Pk, Orie a4 Losing the ike infinitives G —ing Participles gerundS can appear in various aspects & voices: T was surprised at having joist the race Cpegeocm) They asked me about bs: having been meeting bear at es inecd re Pet to visit there anymore’ C Perfect and pascive-) clauses ~ Verbless clauses are clauses that appear to have DO verbs — For example in @-@® the Underlined constituents act Just like clauses, but have Do verbs: A) through atraicdscopebears, @®Pespite the power cuts, we have to continue our studies: k ~ C-ing) can be +. to a verb to make the first verenin thee vinoio: aqusenocnoe es ee ple extmples above 0° Ing) can be suffixed to & MEIC B SU On nantes mutate mea ter verb Sooo nee gerund examples above As we discussed in talking About VPs, verb + ing forms are used in progressive as in} Th ere 1 everel F verbt drinking belping © » The iKainng shocké : The teacher woe please th their competent i ibe problem timate °F progressive verbs Ys. adj.s: em y is possible to confuse ise e saperficiall 5 fo distinguish ther Q > Consider the progressi¥e Form. * Her presentation were us: 1 the subject complement jective form entations were Progressive verbs Vs-Gerunds | — It would be possible confuse a progressive Verb] with the first verb of a gerund ct XU cting au ele 1 bye e to aplement to Killing Killing s#ons can be replace by a NP bis Killing of Swans or his _Sloughbter of swans as in The primary symptom at_Nis_madness wos bis Killing| IRE EE Os Seen i fn GCC Umpocimeasss Dy c.c.a bis Killing [slaughter of swans” xX UNgrommaticg) Seis — NPs and gerund be containing Elauses camer confused: n ope reading Flying planes Flying planes precede av entence will be pose Flying Plane no be Jangerou Bal determiner will immediately the noun Csince the not part of the Npy precede verb is planes Fiuing. these can be dangerous = Most of the other -ing forms are distinguishable eg Mean different |* Bimali’s reading was | wonderful ldistinguish whether thisis a Gerund clause with Bimal’s its subject G reading as its VP or is a noun reading with A possessive NP Bimali’s Meee determiner + It’s really not possible to Ee i condi Gerunds Particrples NPs whi t head is modified by an -ing perticiplell l@ gerund clauses can also be confused. 2 The bears attacking the innocent hiker were vicious. § + The bears(’) attacking the innocent hiker Ws suprising. Functions ee ee [Functions of clauses- Predeterminers , determiners, Doun phrases typical i roles, Serve in nominal ects > Subject , direct obj ¢ iNdirect objects , Prepositions etc 3 adverb phrases, prepositional Phrases, anc noun phrases can all be adverbial 4 objects O° Prepositional phrases can be Adj. complements clauses are -— Comparative the standard different in that parison in a clause has historically been only corn parative o clause tive clause - The term relative clause Has been Glee aitomeaaanee Finite clauses Which modify a noun & which contain Pronoun: head a relative ® the Kid who stole that bike oeeds belp- @ the bike which he stole wasp worth ten cents. oF which could contain a relative Prono Qthe Kit sot Stole thaliae sf sa ‘ aa Vea Many traditional analysts Would treat the that in © as a relative Bronoun—- but it is cle, on Jexamining the distribution of |that in relative clauses that | is not the Same as who or 4 which + ines cloes that differ From Jabo or which 9 that cannot |be the object oF a preposition jin the position directly afier the preoposition whose toler A digression on Restrictive & Non-restrictive Modification p GruNon Gee cS Modifrers can be restrictive or non -restrictive lA restrictive modifier? . JrestrictS , or limits, the meant] ding of the modified clementy -|A non-restrictive modifiers give supplemental Information about the modified element without restricting its means iend a ae é SS ec es Aen attomer aces sae : picags eet ene S Unie see Which Friend 21) Peers eee Chicago WIG" sarees Friend , wboslives »Says that thé Qos ™Museums are among Oe went ibeValbave sentence OdlPuing aes rict the Boer ae 'dentity of the clement. dearest jp a alent, but gives OFS aCe ner the Frier omelets at the friend lives ID Ghvcaga Th e Modifier js —ctive hon Peers modifiers. Friencts frien : them| > belneeeaeeel Neen > to London has moved to | aaa wee NM on-restrictive| Beas Liss elements Cappact.| Cee to the|-_tives) can be len ce ningse Fi: eieaaine Sent. peo" esis a aaa without a | the Som toss of meaning. enol , Nan ate eate So re ipomees ie ™e 18 needed not needed FO erin Mets or laistinguish.ae0r € Or distingul or restrict,OM Sb whic Woumees ° Vest J b brother| brother gou ve 2 talking about —~ * All students All students “bo failed the lwho failed the exam re must be fbxam, mact be tested -Conly retested. Call who failed |students Failec t the eam t |the exam & reiested )|be retested.) > Groups of words that modify Houns or pronouns may be e€sSential to the meaning of af Septence and in identify abichil ene, thus restrictive fon the etherhand , theg may add information that hile interes- ting ,is not necessary to Known which one, the € Ron- restrictive > used! dered Swi Veport to her — a restrictive |orfice at the clause is an Fportant port oF the sentence — A oen-restri Age one een bh bas Inform] ctive clause end of the day. whic cation identifying] 's Ginecessarg ecru : ieee oe in that it . wee oun should: Provides a be understood: more ip Formation than iS required ° unclerct oma the whole che to modify with rtF Be ee _ Another s or Pr way onoans is noun participles = Pacticipe hove overt with the participle: DP noan modifiers subjects in never the clause _ are typically Inchangeable with relative clause @ the Ging) participle clause modifiers the noun locks modifies Charley in ©) the Cfinite) relative clause w povestric ditie Provides the same Bay charley In formation ) Charley, Anclaned™ by bi Ginkhninersek , cept constantly \(p) Charley ,.qidmuommeqnens ped be bi gine cpt hl cons antly ar : Infinitive phrases: See * Tomescercisies Cvanphag 1S a gocd abbit: + teommescemaitcrey is the jnfinitive- + RENTS js the modifier for the object “day” Functions aS a noun: T was relieved tomeansaly my pr ttc test s the infinitive. woul i \ifier For the Unctions 7 A somewhat less frequent form usec to modify Nouns 'S an infinitive clause: for the children the party is bere: 2) The chapter to reac For Friday is nineteen: L gave the st-s oq Hem assignment to have completed by the enc of the week: 4) IT gave the st.s anew assignment to be working on for the next two weeks: Harlod built this hous

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