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‘ASTM FOUNDATION’, A NGO, I want to Create for to protect and feed
street cows, We Know that cow is the symbol of earth, the nourisher, the ever
giving under demanding provider. The Cow represent life and sustenance of life.
cow is too gentle and generous animal who take nothing more than water, grass
and grain. They are beneficial for humans as well as the environment in several
ways that, unfortunately, we fail to identify or appreciate them for their deeds.
They are raised as dairy animals, and they are responsible for providing milk
along with other dairy products and also as draft animals. In India, the mother
cow provides us with the overall needs for our farming activities in Agriculture.
It helps us in the transportation of our goods. Also, it works in our agricultural
lands and can be considered as the backbone of our agricultural sector. In
addition to this, it provides us with medicine and preserves the crop from
insects, pests as well as fungi. Many people residing in rural domains of India
consider cow as the pet providing milk. Cows are considered sacred in our
country and still they are being slaughtered for beef. They spend their entire life
giving us their milk for life sustainability which we use to provide nourishment
to our kids and when cows grow amid are unable to provide milk to us we leave
them on roads or on the doors of slaughter houses.

We the ASTM FOUNDATION, as an NGO for animal welfare, is creating

awareness about the value of cows in Indian society.
1. As an NGO for animal welfare, we will be safeguarding the lives of cows and
other animals and helping those who have got trapped in slaughterhouses
from getting out of the shackles of pain.

2. ASTM FOUNDATION, is proactively fulfilling its responsibilities as an

NGO for animal welfare in the direction of helping the cows survive against
all the hardships and odds.

3. We will make gaushalas in nearly every state of India - no milking cows, just
bulls and old and infirm cows, all who saved from cattle mafia and butchers.

4. To help implement the Indian laws regarding cruelty and abuse of animals,
e.g., illegal transport and slaughter of cows.

5. Prevention of cruelty to animals in co-operation with other NGO’s, police,

law, government and the public.

1. In the world of confusion caused by economic pressures and environmental
problems, it is easy to forget that we are not the only species living and
surviving on this planet.

2. We hope that compassion expressed in action will create a new balance in

the human-animal-nature relationship. This is in the interest of all living

3. To run Animal Awareness Programs in schools, colleges, institutions and

4. To promote and propagate love, care, and protection for cows.
1. Respect
We respect the intrinsic value of animals, people and the environment.
2. Efficiency
We will strive to use our volunteers’ time and donors’ support wisely. We will
do our best to be effective, organized, and frugal.
3. Focus on factory farming
Because factory farming of animals for food is the cause of suffering for the
greatest number of animals, we will focus our efforts here.
4. Humility
We recognize that the people who make up our organization can make
mistakes. As we count on each other to make plans and organize our activities,
we will try to be patient and understanding.
5. Responsibility
We stress the responsibility of humans to ensure the welfare of all animals,
especially those in their care.

We will do our branding through: -
1. Photo
Photography is the most accessible, and therefore widespread, means of
establishing a brand. Pictures can establish trust very easily
2. Video
Videos can achieve the same result as photos when it comes to giving a
representation of a project’s progress.
3. Website
All the above-mentioned ways of branding your NGO have to come together on
a single platform accessible to all. Our NGO’s website is the one location for

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