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Sub Material : Foods Substances


Qurrotul Anfa

Biology Education International Class 2012


Syllabi Specialization MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE

Unit Education: Senior High School

Grade : XI Grade

KI 1: 1. Appreciate and practice the teachings of their religion

KI 2: 2. Appreciate and practice honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring ( mutual assistance, cooperation, tolerance, peace), polite,
responsive and proactive attitude and shows as part of the solution to various problems in interacting effectively with the social and natural
environment as well as in placing themselves as a reflection of the nation in the association world
KI 3: 3. Understand, implement, and analyze factual knowledge, conceptual, procedural, and metacognitive based on his curiosity about science,
technology, arts, culture, and humanities with knowledge of humanity, national, state, and civilization -related causes of phenomena and
events, as well as apply the knowledge procedural in specific fields of study according to their talents and interests to solve the problem
KI 4: 4. Processing, reasoning, present, and create in the realm of the concrete and abstract domains associated with the development of the
learned at school independently and act effectively and creatively, and able to use the method according to the rules of science

Structure and Function the Composed Cell of Tissue in Digestive System

Structure and Function
1.1. Admire the regularity and the Composed Cell of observe task 3 weeks x  guide
complexity of God's creation of Tissue in Digestive • Observing one sat the digestive tract of • Writing the data of 4 meeting students
the structure and function of System ruminant animals . food consumed each  Biology
cells, tissues, organs and ask day during the week Campbell
systems compilers bioprocess  Substance food. • Why is the digestive tract shape berjonjot - include the type,  Book
that occur in living organisms.  BMI & BMR flakes ? quantity and Introduction
1.2. Recognizing and admire  Healthy Menu • What is the function of digestive tract and are composition of food to Nutrition
scientific thinking in the arranged by what ? • Review the literature
bioprocess observing  Structure and • Why da person who became obese but also on the composition of  Torso
capabilities. function of the there is to be thin ? a balanced diet is digestive
1.3. Sensitive and concerned about cells making up associated with a systems of
environmental issues, maintain the human Collecting Data ( Experiment / Exploration ) person's caloric needs humans and
and care for the environment as digestive tract • Develop a balanced diet for the category of animals
a manifestation of the teaching tissues. normal activity for 3 days through self- observation Ruminantia
practice of their religion.  The structure of the employment . • Scientific Work,  Internet
2.1. Scientific behave: conscientious, digestive system • Using a torso and a tool to identify the locus of scientific attitude and  Images
diligent, honest to the data and of ruminant the digestive gland and its functions through work safety  Etc..
facts, discipline, responsibility, tissues. group work .
 Diseases / disorders • Conduct experiments testing a variety of food portfolio
and care in observation and
digestive system substances in foodstuffs by chemical reagents . • A written report
experimentation, daring and • Conduct experiments digestive process in the
polite in asking questions and mouth to know the working of saliva / saliva . test
arguing, caring environment, • Comparing the digestive organs of human food • Creating the human
mutual cooperation, to animals Ruminant using images / Charta . digestive system
collaboration, peace-loving, • Collect data information abnormalities that may scheme and shows
argue scientifically and critically , occur in the human digestive system from a the types of
variety of sources as independent tasks and constituent network
responsive and proactive in
report in written form . each channel
every action and in making
observations and experiments in associate
the classroom / lab and outside • Linking the results of observations and
the classroom / laboratory. experiments on the structure , cell function
constituent tissues of the digestive system and
2.2. Concerned for the safety of disorders of the digestive system .
themselves and the environment • Linking multiple problems with digestion with
by applying the principles of concepts already learned .
safety when conducting
observations and experiments in Communicating
the laboratory and in the • Describe the structure of the cells making up
surrounding environment. the network and associate with digestive
3.7. Analyzing the relationship function .
between network structure • Describe how to maintain the health of
constituent organs of the themselves with the principles in the acquisition

digestive system and associate it nutrition and energy through food and the
with nutrients and bioprocess digestive system .
that can explain the process of
digestion and impaired functions
that may occur in the human
digestive system through the
study of literature, observation,
experiment, and simulation.
4.7. Presenting the results of the
analysis of abnormalities in the
structure and function of tissues
in the digestive organs that
causes the human digestive
system disorders through various
forms of media presentation.

Structure and Function the Composed Cell of Tissue in Digestive System
Unit Education : Senior High School
Subjects : Biology
Grade/Semester : XI/Even
Topic : Structure and Function the Composed Cell of
Tissue in Digestive System
Time allocation : 1 x 45 minutes

A. Main Competencies
K1:1. Appreciate and practice the teachings of their religion.
K2:2. Appreciate and practice honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring (mutual
assistance, cooperation, tolerance, peace), polite, responsive and showed proactive and
attitude as part of the solution to various problems in interacting effectively with the
social and natural environment as well as in putting themselves as a reflection of the
nation in the association world.
K3:3. Understand, implement and analyze factual knowledge, conceptual, procedural based on
his curiosity about science, technology, arts, culture, and humanities with knowledge of
humanity, national, state, and civilization-related phenomena and events, as well as
applying procedural knowledge in the field of study accordance with the specific talents
and interests to solve the problem.
K4:4. Processing, reasoning, and presenting in the concrete and abstract domains associated
with the development of the self- learned at school, and were able to use the method
according to the rules of science.

B. Basic Competencies and Indicators

1.1 Admire the regularity and complexity of God's creation of the structure and function of
DNA, genes and chromosomes in the formation and regulation of processes in living

1. Showing grateful to God that create all the life mechanism
2.1 Scientific: conscientious, diligent, honest to the data and facts, discipline, responsibility,
and care in observation and experimentation, daring and polite in asking questions and
arguing, caring environment, mutual cooperation, collaboration, peace-loving, argue
scientifically and critically, responsive and proactive in every action and in making
observations and experiments in the classroom/lab and outside the classroom/laboratory.
1. Showing the behavior of caring each other
2. Showing the behavior of proactive in learning activities
3. Showing cooperative in learning activities
3.7 Analyzing the relationship between network structure constituent organs of the digestive
system and associate it with nutrients and bioprocess that can explain the process of
digestion and impaired functions that may occur in the human digestive system through
the study of literature, observation, experiment, and simulation.
1. Identifying the food characteristics.
2. Formulating the procedure of the food substance test.
3. Can be able to test the substance that contain in food.
4. Classifying the food based on that contain.
5. Explaining the function of food substance.
4.7 Presenting the results of the analysis of abnormalities in the structure and function of
tissues in the digestive organs that causes the human digestive system disorders through
various forms of media presentation.
1. Can be able to communicate by presentation.

C. Learning Objectives
1. Students can be able to grateful to God that create all the life mechanism.
2. Students can be able to develop the behavior of caring each other.

3. Students can be able to develop the behavior of proactive in learning activities.
4. Students can be able to develop cooperative in learning activities.
5. Students can identify at least one characteristic of food substance.
6. Students can formulate the procedure of the food substance test.
7. Giving some of food, tools, and indicator, students can be able to test the substance that
contain in food
8. Giving some food, students can classify the food based on that contain.
9. Students can explain at least one function of carbohydrates.
10. Students can be able to communicate by presentation.

D. Learning Materials
Food is the main something needed for human. The human body get and energy from
the food. The food is needed by human for surviving and doing all the activities. The function
of food is provide the material that’s body needed for growing and repairing the broken tissue
Before used by the body, the food must be hydraulic to be the food substances. The food
substances are the substance that is needed to doing metabolism process. The food changed to
be nutrient by the digestive system.
Carbohydrate is the food substance that can more produce energy. Beside it that,
carbohydrates have the function to provide the material formed the protein and lipid, then
keeping the balance between acid and base.
Carbohydrate is a compound that contains the C, H, and O elements. Carbohydrates can
be divided to 2 groups, there’re simple carbohydrate and complex carbohydrate. Simple
carbohydrate or single sugar can called as monosaccharide, this sugar can’t hydraulic to be
more simple sugar again. There’re 2 kinds of complex carbohydrates, that’s disaccharide and
Polysaccharide is a series of similar or different monosaccharide molecules
Polysaccharides, such as amylum, are mainly in the backup storage plant foods, such as in
roots (cassava), tubers (potato), and grains. transport of amylum from cell to cell is not
possible in the form of amylum, but must be in the form of sugar because sugar is dissolved in

water, while the amylum is not. In the process of food digestion, amylum is broken down into
maltose by the enzyme amylase.
Another example of polysaccharides is cellulose. Cellulose is often referred to as food
fiber. Fiber can’t be digested by mammalian digestive tools (including humans). Other than
that fiber is insoluble in water and organic solvents. Fiber is not a source of energy for our
bodies, but were able to stimulate muscle fibers in the digestive tract of food. If we eat a lot of
fibrous foods, the digestive tract disorders can be prevented.

Monosaccharide (C6H1206) Fructose
Disaccharide (C12H22011) Lactose
Amylum (Starch)
Polysaccharide (C6H1005)n

Carbohydrate is an important energy source because carbohydrates can be hydraulic into

glucose which is an important part of a complex reaction. Every reaction of glucose to
produce energy in the form of ATP.

E. Learning Method
Model : Problem Based Learning
Method : Cooperative
Strategy : Observing, questioning, data collecting, associating, communicating,

F. Media, Tools, materials and learning Resources

Media : LCD, Laptop
Tools : Pipette, mortal alu, drop plate
Materials : Lugol solution, plain bread, wheat bread, rice, soybean, bananas, and pear
Learning resources : worksheet, a diabetes mellitus case

G. Steps in Learning Activities


Initial Activity (± 15 minutes)

Opening  Saying greetings.

 Teachers guiede to pray together.
 Teacher ask students about the foods that they have

Apperception  Teacher give an apperception by showing the example

of foods and then guide the students until they have
question about foods classification.

Objective  Teacher give learning objective

1st Phase:  Teacher informs about the diabetes mellitus case.

Orienting the  Students are asked to read.
students on  Students formulate the problem, then students asked to
problems formulating the questions as well as a learning objective.
 The question is:
1. What kind of meal (food) that can substitute the rice
(other than potatoes) consumed by people with
Diabetes Mellitus?
2. How can we know that there’s an amylumin some of

Main activities (± 25 minutes)


2 ndPhase:  Teachers guide and give some questions about

Organizing the carbohydrates and students will answer it (questioning
students activity)
(Questioning)  Students organize theirs tasks that associated with the

3rd Phase:  Teacher divides students into heterogeneous group for

Guiding students discussion
to find out  Teacher guides students in practical activities to test
(Observing, foods that containing amylum based on the procedures
Questioning, and  Students do practicum activities to test foods that
Data collecting) containing amylum based on the procedures.

4thphase:  Teacher Guides students to write the result in the paper

Guiding the  One of students group present the results of the
students to make a discussion, then ask the other groups to make it perfect,
creation result then teacher give confirmation.
(Associating, and  Teacher asks one group to examine the amylum content
Communicating) of the food that has been provided, later observed and

5th phase: Teacher and students analyze the problem-solving process

Analyzing the


problem solving

Closing activities (±5 minutes)

Closing  Teacher concludes the process of problem solving,

how to test the amylum, and what food that
containing amylum.
 Teacher ask to students to present their practicum
 Students arranged the foods example from less
amylum till foods of much of amylum.
 Teachers give rewards to students who had
expressed the opinion and encourage students to
always be grateful to God.
 Saying greetings

H. Assessment
1. Techniques and Instruments
Techniques Instruments
1. Attitudes observations sheets and
Attitudes assessment
2. Performance assessment sheets and
Performance assessment
3. Presentation assessment sheets and
Self assessment 4. Self assessment sheets

Name Proactive in Cooperative in
Caring each other
learning activities learning activities

Attitude assessment scale is made with a range between 1 to 4

1 = less consistent;
2 = start consistently;
3 = consistent; and
4 = always consistent.

No Aspects 1 2 3 4
1. The accuracy in doing the procedure
“amylum test on food”
2. The accuracy in operating tools
3. The accuracy in recording the result
based on observation
Maximum score 12

The determination of assessment criteria are as follows:

• Score 11- 12, the students can be determined as very competent.
• Score 8-10, the students can be determined as competent.
• Score 5-7, the students can be determined as competent enough.
• Score 3-4, the students can be determined as competentless.


No Aspects Rubric
1. The accuracy in doing the 4: - polish the meal until it become smooth
procedure “amylum test on - Move the meal into drop plate
food” - Drop the lugol solution to the meal
- Observe the color change
3: If 3 criteria in point 4 are exist
2: If 2 criteria in point 4 are exist
1: If 1 criteria in point 4 are exist or there’s no
criteria exist
2. The accuracy in operating tools 4: Students correctly operate tool mortar-pestle by
pressing and turning clockwise or counter-
clockwise consistently. The results are
polished foods is very smooth.
3: Students correctly operate tool mortar-pestle by
pressing and turning clockwise or counter-
clockwise consistently. The results are
polished foods are not smooth.
2: Students is wrong in operating a mortar-pestle
but the results of polished foods are very
1: Students is wrong in operating a mortar-pestle
and the results of polished foods are not
3. The accuracy in recording the 4:-Lab results (data) are presented in accordance
result based on observation with observations.
-Lab results (data) are presented complete.
-Lab results (data) are presented organized, and

No Aspects Rubric
easy to understand3: If 2 criteria in point 4 are
2: If 1 criteria in point 4 are exist
1: if there’s no criteria exist

No Aspects Yes* No*
1. Am I caring each other while we do learning activities?

2. Am I being active while we do learning activities?

3. Am I being cooperative while we do learning activities?
*give the √ to yes or no based on your answer. Please, be honest!

Structure and Function the Composed Cell of Tissue in Digestive System
(Especially for Food Substance)

Learning Objectives:
1. Students can be able to grateful to God that create all the life mechanism.
2. Students can be able to develop the behavior of caring each other.
3. Students can be able to develop the behavior of proactive in learning activities.
4. Students can be able to develop cooperative in learning activities.
5. Students can identify at least one characteristic of food substance.
6. Students can formulate the procedure of the food substance test.
7. Giving some of food, tools, and indicator, students can be able to test the substance that
contain in food
8. Giving some food, students can classify the food based on that contain.
9. Students can explain at least one function of carbohydrates.
10. Students can be able to communicate by presentation.

Read this case!

 Mr. Budi has Diabetes Mellitus disease. He goes to doctor and the doctor said that mr.
Budi cannot be suggested to consume simple carbohydrates. Rather, be suggested to
consume the complex carbohydrates. Can you help Mr. Budi to choose what the better
food that can be suggested to consumed by him?
What Do you think about that case above?

So you will know the answer !!!

Tools and materials

Tools : Materials :
1. Drop plate 1. Oats
2. Pipet 2. Rice
3. Mortal and alu 3. Bread
4. Pipette 4. Tempe
5. Knife 5. Potato
6. Banana
7. Melon
8. Pear
1. This activity is composed of at least 3 students.
2. Prepare the tools and materials.
3. Enter one of material into the pestle.
4. Polish the material and move to a plate drops.
5. Give as much as one drop of Lugol solution, thenobserve the color change.
6. Record your observations results in table form.
7. Repeat steps 3 through 6 for all materials that have been provided.

Member of Group:


1. What’s the problem based on the case above?
2. What’s the objective based on the case above?
3. How can we do the amylum test?
4. Based on the observation, record your result in this table!


5. Based on the table, answer this question

 What the best kind of meal that can substitute the rice consumed by people who
suffer Diabetes Mellitus?
6. Conclusion?


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