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Students’ full name:

Bazán Poch Rubi Fernanda
Gonzalez Calle Naizha Evelyn
Qquente Arrisueño Rodolfo
Campana Ramirez Diana Karolina
Schedule: From 19:10 - 20:45 
Cycle: C.D.
Teacher’s full name: Jessica Gutierrez
Presentation ́s day: December 29th

Arequipa – Peru
December 2022
In this episode the Simpsons decide to take a fabulous trip to Friendly
Village…. the town where Homer and Marge met and fell in love. There
they begin to understand and remember what they decided to put together
despite the opposition of Marge's mean sisters and Homer's sad childhood
growing up without his mom but with an unusual but loving dad.
This is how the Family decides to start this adventure, to better spend
Christmas in a place that fills them with memories and where they can
also continue making more memories as a family.
They hope to have a calm and comforting journey through the holidays
and hope that nothing gets out of hand, however, this unusual family is
always full of surprises.


Homer Jay Simpson is Marge Simpson's

husband and has three children Bart, Lisa,
and Maggie. He performs the typical head
of his family functions. Homer has a poor
concentration capacity, as well as being
very impulsive, which he complements
with his ephemeral passion for various
hobbies and companies; he then has certain
changes of mind when things go wrong.
Homer is prone to emotional outbursts,
very envious of his neighbors especially
Ned Flanders, and easily angers Bart,
frequently strangling him. He likes to
spend his spare time watching TV or at
Moe's Tavern.


Marge Simpson is Homer Simpson's wife

and mother of the three children he has had
from this marriage: Bart, Lisa, and Maggie.
She is a hardworking, loving and patient.
Marge is famous for her recipes; both her
family and neighbors recognize the high
quality of everything she cooks. She is also
a compulsive cleaner, even in inappropriate
situations. She is very meticulous, a
perfectionist and likes to give the
impression that in her house they are very
clean and polite when they have visitors.
She is also very strict in terms of
compliance with regulations and laws.

Bart is the mischievous, rebellious,

misunderstood, disruptive and
"potentially dangerous" oldest child of
the Simpson family. He is Homer and
Marge Simpson´s only son, and Lisa and
Maggie´s older brother. Bart makes
prank calls to Moe at his tavern as a
running gag... His best friend is the boy
with glasses called Milhouse.


She is Homer and Marge Simpson's middle

daughter, and Bart and Maggie´s sister.
She is eight years old; she is the most
gifted with intelligence unlike her brother
Bart. She loves to read, write her deepest
thoughts in a journal, and do homework
and uplifting. She also uses her free time to
do volunteer activities and social works.
She is a very talented and kind girl.

BART: Hey family Christmas time's coming… What should we do?!

LISA: yeah, it's a great idea we should do something to remember the best of this time!
HOMER: Yeah, Lisa it would be good, but I can’t think very well when I am hungry.
MARGE: Come on Family Bart is right this time let's make something interesting.
BART: I guess we can have a big party.
LISA: Yes, In my opinion is a wonderful opportunity! a party or what do you think we can travel
to north pole to know Santa?
Bart: It’s so difficult for you to find another place? North Pole, Santa doesn’t exist! I’ve never
heard such a stupid idea in all my life
HOMER: It's a long trip to get there. What about visiting the city where we grew (griu) up, I mean
your mom and me
MARGE: oh, HOMER that’s so sweet of you
BART: Sweet? it’s because it’s only two cities next to us, Why don’t you change your job
Homer? so we can travel to Las Vegas Nevada!
LISA: No matter where we go as well as we are together
HOMER: Ok say no more, we will go to Friend village for Christmas! (crismas)
MARGE: Yes, we'll have a great time because it's a good opportunity for our children to know us
BART: OK guys I'll go to pack I have many new tricks that I want you to show to that Friend Town
ha ha ha.
LISA: Hey Bart, I hope you don’t ruin our Christmas trip
HOMER: There was nothing to ruin that wasn't ruined already.
MARGE: Dinner is ready for the family! I hope Homer you can get a better mood before going
BART: Mom I am packing
MARGE: Ok, ok but hurry up or you won’t get any piece of pizza.
LISA: More for me. Mom you are the best
HOMER: What about me?
LISA: Come on dad nobody like you
BART: Mom is raining, I am sure you have enough clothes to pack.
LISA: Oh, Mom don't worry I will get the clothes for you.
MARGE: Thank you Lisa.
LISA: You are very welcome mom.
MARGE: What can I do with you?
HOMER: You will have me darling.
MARGE: I know sweetheart I know.


MARGE: Everybody here soon! I have been waiting for more than one hour.
LISA: I am here Mom I just trying to pack my collection of new books.
BART: I am looking for Santa´s little helper, our dog. He must come because it is family. And how
about Homer? Isn't he the driver?
HOMER: the best driver you have ever seen right away. Everybody gets in!!
LISA: Santa's little helper is over there.
MARGE: Come fast Santa’s little helper! It's time to go.
HOMER: Ready to go?
LISA: Are you sure we didn't forget anything?
BART: Oh... I'm not sure.
MARGE: Yeah, I'm sure, I've got plenty of emergency kits ready, for all sorts of situations.
LISA: Wow mom I think you exaggerated, but it's okay, I mean if we left everything properly
turned off and closed, I heard there are a lot of burglaries lately.
HOMER: Don't worry daughter, I hired a very good security service.
MARGE: Really? Which?
HOMER: Obviously, I invited your sisters to stay at our house while we're not there.
LISA: But dad, they're two women alone and vulnerable at Christmas, they could take advantage
and rob them or worse.
BART: Why should we accept your ideas?
MARGE: Yeah, Lisa’s right Bart. I strongly disagree with your point of view
HOMER: Ha ha ha not at all, Patty and Selma are very ugly, they are so ugly that no thief is going
to want to enter, it's the best idea I've ever had.
BART: Dad you are a genius, you have my respect, no thief will want to enter our house, it is the
best security service in history, we are losing money.
HOMER: Son, you're a genius like your father, we could start a security business (bisnes)with your
aunts ha ha ha, we'll become millionaires for sure.
MARGE: Oh Homer, you're terrible.
LISA: Oh guys, you're a hopeless case. I think before we leave, I'll tell Mr. Flanders to come by to
check on our house from time to time.
MARGE : Yes, better daughter, I'm going to check the house one more time, and check if we forgot
anything, if anyone wants to go to the bathroom this is their last chance we won't stop until we get
there, I'm saying this especially for Santa's little helper, Bart. We'll leave in exactly ten minutes, so
hurry up.
BART: Okay mom, so everyone in the car at nine o'clock, right?
LISA: Yes, loser ha ha ha (sarcasm).
BART: Every person should have the right to say what he thinks. I don’t care.

STORYTELLER: Once everyone returned (riturnet) to the car, the Simpsons set out for their
Christmas vacation, the whole (wul)family left with great expectations on the one hand, Marge
having new experiences, Bart making friends, Lisa learning new things and Homer... Well,
Homer just thought of the delicious food of Friendly village.
“The Simpsons in
Friendly Town”
MARGE: So, guys, how are you enjoying this trip? It´s very good, isn´t it? We are going to have a
lot of fun.
LISA: Oh, mom please, let me sleep for a moment, it won't be long now, and I want to be full of
BART: Yes mom, let us sleep, and turn off that music, my ears are going to explode. I think we
should ask them for more time in bed
HOMER: Oh, come on guys, please, don't be so cruel to your mother. Don’t forget there is a lot of
time to play many different songs before getting there.
MARGE: Stop it! I'll play whatever music I want.
LISA: Mom you must remember our family situation.
BART: Oh no mom!!!In your position I’d prefer the other one


HOMER: Okay guys, officially, we've (wif) arrived.

LISA: Are we there yet?
BART: Are we there yet?
HOMER: Yes, we're here, please be quiet now. I think we should just wait
MARGE: Okay, remember we're parked in the ethnic princess section.
HOMER: Don't worry, this time I'm going to write down where I'm going to park.
BART: Okay, let's go. Hey look everybody, a fair in sight.
HOMER: What happens Marge? why are you worry?
MARGE: I´m worried about the children, I´m afraid that they will get lost in this fair that is so big.
BART: Don´t worry mom, we know how to take care of ourselves.
LISA: Yes mother, we are no longer babies who can't take care of ourselves.
HOMER: Well, go carefully, don't get out of our sight please.
BART: All right, we'll be back in a few minutes.
MARGE: No Homer, don't let them go alone, you and I know they'll get into mischief.
HOMER: Don't worry Marge, keep calm, they'll be fine. We'll go for a walk over there. Well in
order to be fair (fer)to you I am asking you know, what do you want?
MARGE: Well, if they get lost it'll be your fault, look over there, they're giving away tickets for a
HOMER: Great, let's go and see if we win something this time, since we've(wif) never won in a
MARGE: Oh no Homer, but we don't know how reliable this is.
HOMER: Oh my God Marge, what's the worst(werst) that can happen? Can’t you see we have no
LISA: Dad, Mom we're back, what have you been doing?
MARGE: Your dad wants to go get those tickets they're giving away but I'm telling you he's not that
reliable. Homer specially for you I’m willing to give more options but not that
HOMER: Well, don't worry then, I'll go alone.
BART: Dad, I'll come with you, wait for me.

STORY TELLER: They returned with the tickets,(teket) but they were not free, Homer was asked
to leave his car in another parking lot, since those who are participating in the raffle(rafol) will
stay very late, and the security guards will take care of their cars.
MARGE: It can't be Homer; Don’t try to fool us by saying that, how could you do that? I'm sure
it's a complete scam, nobody asks you for a car in exchange for a ticket for a raffle!!!!
BART: Mom stops it, relax, it's not that big of a deal, you'll see we'll walk away with our prize and
our car.
MARGE: You asking me to calm down? How can you think I'm going to calm down, with all that
nonsense your father did? For God's sake! We just can’t accept this situation
LISA: Mom please, don't make a fuss here in the middle of people, they're all watching us.
BART: Dad, help us, please, mom's making a whole drama out of it.
HOMER: Everybody be quiet, I'm thinking about where we're going to have lunch, I don't see any
restaurants nearby.(nirbai)
MARGE: Oh my god, Homer!
HOMER: Well, let's walk around and find a restaurant, since we're staying here late for the raffle.
MARGE: Really with you we can't talk, I'll go get some air over there, I'll be right back. Homer
Take a look at what we need here
BART: It's a good thing mom's gone, she's very paranoid. In your shoes I wouldn’t listen to her.
LISA: In your shoes perhaps, I see it differently! Come to think of it, maybe Mom is right, why
would they make us park the car somewhere else, this is so weird.
BART: Are you going to start too, Lisa? Please forget it, I'm hungry, let's go get some food. You’ve
got to decide how to manage this.
LISA: Well, okay, look over there is a restaurant, let's go and see.
HOMER: Great, well-done Lisa, I was already starving, call your mother while I go and ask what
food they have.
STORYTELLER: After everyone finished lunch, it was time for the drawing, there weren't many
people, only about 15 were in the drawing, but the gentleman who was supposed to do the
“Meeting with
the relatives”
STORY TELLER: Finally, the Simpsons arrived to homer old house where his dad still lives
BART: Hey Finally!
LISA: Yes, at last!
BART: LG Homer… was this you home?
HOMER: More respect, are you little…
MARGE: Hey Guys don’t forget the door is here.
LISA: let’s knock at the door! …Somebody is coming
BART: Yeah, I guess it´s Granpa!
HOMER: Hi Granpa, how are you doing?
GRANPA: What a nice surprise, I thought you forget this old useless man.
MARGE: Come on Grandpa you are important to us you know it.
LISA: Yes, Grandpa come on give a hug! Don’t you think it would be better we come to you
suddenly instead you go our home as every year, don’t you think so?
BART: Ok boy! where am I going to sleep?
HOMER: Bart just (jast) goes upstairs(upsteirs) to the right the first room used to be mine, you can
use it.
MARGE: You too, Lisa, you both will share the bedroom.
BART: Mom do we share the room here too? Can’t you see how dangerous that would be?
LISA: Stop talking Bart we must enjoy this time.
HOMER: Yeah, talking about enjoying, what's for dinner?
MARGE: Homer I will cook something leave you father alone.
BART: Don't bother mom, call for a pizza.
HOMER: I feel like eating meat balls.(vols)
LISA: Yeah, let's quit the jam food for a while.
MARGE: You know its family time so tonight we all cook together!
BART: No! we just can’t accept your offer.
HOMER: Don’t try to fool us in this way, Ok Marge I will boil the water.
MARGE: If it’s your best honey, it's enough.
LISA: Mom I will cut the meat.
MARGE: Bart boils the spaghetti.
LISA: Grandpa has a nice kitchen mom.
BART: In my opinion the disadvantages are greater when I am cooking, well where is the
HOMER: Stop complaining! It’s in that drawer,(dror) I used to cook because my mom died(dait)
when (juen)I was so young.
BART: Really Homer I can't believe it I thought you were always useless ha ha ha.
HOMER: Bart, are you little……... (STRANGLING).
LISA: Dad don't pay attention you are a great dad I’ve always known it.
HOMER: My sweat (swet)smart Lisa, I love you.
MARGE: We made a great job! the table is served now.
LISA: Yes, it's delicious thank you mom.
MARGE: Thanks to you Lisa, Bart you too these spaghettis are amazing.
BART: Yeah, even Homer, he also boiled the water.
LISA: He did more than that He helped us showing where all things were.
MARGE: Yes, Homer has you here sharing time with your dad and us has been a blast.
HOMER: OH, Marge I feel a little sad remember all that I live in this house.
LISA: Yeah, dad I get it sometimes it’s difficult to think you were a child like us.
BART: Yeah, that’s right Homer, I love your room, I imagine you were a cool boy.
HOMER: Thank you Bart is the first nice thing you say about me.
BART: Don’t get used to it ha ha ha.
MARGE: I think you overlooked the most important point we are together!
LISA: I feel very happy with all of you cooking together.
BART: Right? It's been a while since we had a good time as a family.
MARGE: I'm sorry if we've been busy... but...
LISA: No, calm mom, what we mean is that we should have more moments like this all together.
HOMER: Yes honey, we've been through some very difficult things, and very exciting adventures.
BART: Yes! and all good memories are created in family.
LISA: We have the best adventures as a family, no matter the circumstances, if things don't turn out
as we expected, we will always be together, I love you family.
MARGE: Ow you're going to make me cry, thank you for your kind words, you are my best
Christmas present.
HOMER: And you mine, I love you.
LISA: Merry Christmas Family.
BART: I hope to share all my Christmases with all of you, I love you, Merry Christmas.
STORY TELLER: And so, ends the Christmas special of the Simpsons, who taught us with their
adventures that Christmas is not specifically about traveling and gifts, but spending good times
with your loved ones, with the family, and that the best Christmas gifts are not toys or
expensive(ixpensiv )objects, but to be with the ones we love and create new memories that unite
us more with our families, Merry Christmas to all.


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