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Prepared by /

Ebrahim Shawky
Operating system
 Computer is consist of hardware and software

 Operating system (os) is a software

 An operating system (OS) could be defined as a

program that manages the hardware and software
resources of a computer and acts as intermediary
between the user and computer hardware.
Fig 1 operating system
Operating system
 According to Ebrahim Shawky, there are two types of
operating system
 Command line interface (CLI)
 means of interacting with a computer program by allows a
user to perform tasks by entering commands
 Command line interface (or CLI) operating systems can
operate using only the keyboard for input
 Graphical user interface (GUI)
 user interface that allows users to interact with electronic
devices through graphical icons
 Mouse , keyboard
Fig 2 command line interface
Fig 3 graphical user interface
Famous vendors of
operating system
 Windows

 Linux

 Unix (apple Macintosh)

 Solaris
History of unix
 implemented in 1969, at AT&T's Bell Laboratories in the United
 by Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, Douglas McIlroy, and Joe
 First released in 1971, Unix was written entirely in assembly
 in a key pioneering approach in 1973, it was rewritten in the C
programming language by Dennis Ritchie.
 AT&T was required to license the operating system's source code to
anyone who asked
 As a result, Unix grew quickly and became widely adopted by
academic institutions and businesses.
 In 1984, AT&T divested itself of Bell Labs; freed of the legal
obligation requiring free licensing, Bell Labs began selling Unix as a
proprietary product, where users were not legally allowed to modify
 Closed source
 The GNU Project, started in 1983 by Richard Stallman,
had the goal of creating a "complete Unix-compatible
software system" composed entirely of free software.
 Stallman started the Free Software Foundation and
wrote the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL) in
 By the early 1990s, many of the programs required in an
operating system (such as libraries, compilers, text
editors, a Unix shell, and a windowing system) were
completed, although low-level elements such as device
drivers, daemons, and the kernel, called GNU/Hurd,
were stalled and incomplete.
 Linus Torvalds has stated that if the GNU kernel had
been available at the time (1991)
‫ايوا يعين بقا احنا هنعمل ايه !!‬
‫‪ ‬احنا هنحاول نعمل ‪ 3‬حاجات ان شاء هللا‬
‫‪ .1‬هنحاول ندرس لينكس وندرس اوامرها‬
‫‪ .2‬هنعمل اوبيراتنج سيستم وهتكون مشروع كل طالب انه يعمل اوبراتنج‬
‫طريق بديل عن رقم ‪2‬‬
‫‪ .1‬هنحاول ندرس اندرويد ونعمل شويه اكواد بيه ان امكن‬
‫‪ .2‬هنقسم نفسنا تيمان وكل تيم هيعمل مشروع في حاجات هنتفق عليها ان‬
‫شاء هللا وانا عليا مشروع هعمله وانفذه قدامكم ان اتاح الوقت لنا‬
Section 1 objective
 Learn how to download ubuntu
 Create virtual machine
 Install Ubuntu
 Linux is open source
 Popular Linux distributions
 Debian
 Ubuntu.
 mint
 Fedora
 Red Hat Enterprise Linux
 kali
 Raspian
 Difference in package manager and desktop
 Linux operating system(Ubuntu lts )

 VMware appliance

 How to install it
After installing Linux
 Update Linux
21 thing to do after installing
 See this video
Linux command
 Pwd  show the location you in
 pwd  print work directory
 Cat read file
 More  read long file
 Nano  open file and write file
 Ls -> list folders and files in the direction
 Ls – l  more description and order files and folders
 Ls – a  list hidden files
 Ls – la  list hidden files and ordinary file with order
 Clear --> Clean the terminal
 Cd  change directory
 Cd ..  back
Linux command
 Mkdir  make directory
 Rmdir  remove directory
 Touch  create file don’t exist
 Rm  remove file
 Cp  copy file
Cp filename newfilename
 mv  move
 Mv filename place tomove
 Mv can use to chnge the name of the file
mv filename newfilename

Linux command
 Grep word filename  serach for worrd in the file
 Diff file1 file2  difference between two file
 Passwd  change password
 Make variable
Name = name2
 Echo  print string
Echo hema $name
 Info echo  description about a command
 Printf
Linux command
 Alias h=‘nano’  make alias name
 To save command result into file
 Ls > test
 pwd > test

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