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Success Criteria Constraints Requirements Considerations

Aesthetics No dull colors Must portray a plane They might not be

accurately able to include all the
details of a plane and
No design that the if so, they might be
target audience will too small hence
not find appealing You should use bright unattractive.
such as animals, but simple colors that
numbers, or letters have good contrast
which they might such as yellow, blue,
find childish. and red.

Cost Cannot cost over 500 Materials must cost

rupees for material under 500 rupees
and selling

Cost of making must

cost under 1,000

Customer The product should The product is made

not be marked for for teens and allows
children under 3 them to learn simple
years of age due to mechanisms, stay off
small breakable parts screens, and use their
creativity. It is safe
and affordable.
The customers are
teens who have
limited pocket money
hence the product
cannot cost too much

Environment No materials that Decomposable Foam is cost effective

release toxins when materials should be and easy to work with
burned used material as well as
easy to access,
No materials that however it is not
cannot decompose The product should environmentally
be made of materials friendly, since this is
that do not release one of the only
toxins. options it must be

Size It should exceed 12 Should be around 7-8

inches in length so inches in length and
that it is easy to 3-4 inches in base
store, handy, and width so that it can
does not cost too be held easily.

The parts should be

The parts of the correctly
product must be proportioned, and the
proportioned; one catapult must be
wing cannot be large enough to hold
larger than the other the aero dactyl

Safety Must have no Should have In materials such as

splinters smoothened edges cardboard after
shaping an object
many splinters show
Must not have sharp Any color or material up and covering them
edges or points used should be non- is difficult. Cardboard
toxic is easy to access,
simple to use and cost
Must be made from effective therefore
non-toxic materials even with this issue it
cannot be replaced.
Function The catapult should The catapult should
not exert less force be able to launch the
than the normal aero dactyl product in
force acting on the the air and it should
aero dactyl. be able to glide.

The product should

use simple
mechanisms which
help students
understand basic
physics and distract
them from screens

The catapult material

should have sufficient
elasticity to launch
the aero dactyl
product or else it will
not be able to glide
as per its function

Material Heavy materials Foam, cardboard,

should not be used so and chart paper are
that the to be used to make it
aerodynamics of the simple to use and
product are not cost effective.

Must be non-toxic
Toy Airplane (Top View)

Description: Weight, lift, thrust and friction are constantly pushing and pulling on one another, with the
airplane in the middle. Applying aerodynamic principles to all aspects of flight is essential to advancing
the scope of aviation. The plane in real life should be 10cm long and 4 cm wide.

Toy Rocket (Front View)

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