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SEN Clic eerste acon) Ete eeela) PRESTORMING -2023 Clear the Prestigious Civil Services Preliminary Examination using this Most Reliable Test series 70 Questions Reflected from Prestorming 2022, & Coe ee ‘Chennai | New Delhi | Trivandrum | Bengaluru Itrichy| Salem | Coimbatore | Madurai She GENE STUD PRELIMINARY TEST BATCH - III 2022 -23 SCHEDUL! INDIAN POL 1. Historica Background 2. Salient Features of indian ‘Conatucon 3. Preamble 44. Union & its Territories eae cal Ae IES E Curent Agairs TANUARE 2022 mI 5. cieenship 6. Fundamental Rights 7. irectve Princes of State Policy Fundamental Duties Pana! current agains FEBAUARY-2022 1. Orgin of Universe 2. Evolution of Earth 2 Earth’s Structure 4 Volesnoas and fartnquskes 5. Contents and Ocesn sins 6-Farth Movements 7. Mountains, Plateaus, iains and laeer 8. Ros, Sols. and Minerals 9. rainage System and Patern 10. Various Landforms 11 Relief of Ocean Basins 12. Temperature and Salinity of Ocean 13, Ocean Deposits 18, Ocean tides ane Currents 15. Coral Refs 16. Marine Resources 27 Steueture ang Compositon of ‘urosphere 18 isolation and Heat Budget of. ‘Atmosphere 19, Temperature and its Distribution 20, Atmospheric Pressure 21. Wind System 22. Humicty and recptation| 23. Frontogeness and eylones 24, Word climatie Reglons (toeaton iswibuson, Climate, Vegetation, Wise, People ‘and Economie setivites) Pee ett ar) Ezoramies 2. National income 5. Inflation 2.Growth andDevelopment 6-Bankingncusing R's Policies) +. Puble Finance 7. external Sector 4 Money 8 Financial Markets Cee nu) bate current Rees ‘aPRiLz02e INDIAN HISTORY - MODERN NDIA 1. arrival of Europeans 65. Adminisvation during company 2. aly nghsh Ware Crrtic Period (Cv Series, udcary, Pin basse Marae ered pole, Education pokey, Famine Policy, Press Regulation et) imyor Wars s.tamcrucnre ofortsnmpire 7 Thbland Peasant Uprising i ‘4. Constitutéonal Devel its nae From 172 to 1858) eee torn 5. Governor Genera (rom tobart__® Sta felus Reform Movements ‘lve to tra Dalhousie & their ‘Administration, reforms, Et.) 14.12.2022 ORENTATION AND CURRENT AFFAIRS CLASS FOR TEST S bate curent feneae May 2022 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 1. General cence and Basis NcERT 1- PHYSICS from NCERT (Chapter 01 -Physis Wer 2. Space Technology (Chapter 06 Wor, Energy and Power 2. Astro Physi Chapter 08-Gravitation 4 Nuclear Teemnology (Chapter 25 Sounds and Dop 5. Bioteemolegy eects 6. Health and Hygiene NGERT x1- Chomistry {With Respect To Diseases only) Chapter 14-Environmental Chemistry NCERT XIl- Physioa— 7. Green Technology CChapter09-Rayopticsandops NCERT SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY instruments maxon) (Chapter 10- Wave optes ee ina bate Curent apoirs Pies SNE 2022 ENVIRONMENT 1 1. Ecology 4. Conservations and iniatves 2. Blodiversty Concepts 5 Pollution 2. indian Biodiversity Flora 6 Impact of Environmental issues and Fauna (Both Terrestial ‘on Heath of Organisms and Aquatic) ete current apars Biess JANUAR JUNE 2022 ‘CURRENT AFFAIRS REVISION TEST1 (te) ei eu) ote ‘current notaeas ute 2022 INUN POLITY 1. the Union and the states (Excluding udiary) 2 Federalism 23. Contre State Relation 4 Palamentary form of Government 5. Amenément tothe Consstution 6 lection ee eu ote current. soe ‘ueusr 2022 CSEOGRAPHY «INDIAN GEOGRAPHY 1. Geological structure 1 Population 2, Physiography 8. Resources 2 orainage 9. Industries A.climate 10.Transport 5, Natural Vegetation and Wilde 13, Trade and Other Economic Activites 6.sois ee ena ote current Apairs shozeat Seoremaen 2022 EcoNoMs I 1 Agreuture 6 Social Secor (Special Focus on Sil Development 2.Pianing Employment) 3industy 7. Contemporary Economic isues 4 infrastructure Inna an the World 5. Senge Sector eee ie es pete current agiars Sieaon GcroneR 2022 INDIAN HISTORY = MODERN NDIA 1. Pre Congress Poitcal Paris Indian National Congress ~ Early Leaders and their '. Non-Cooperation Mavernent and Temple Entry Movements 7.Chl Disobedience Movements Contibutons 2. Phase of Moderates and £5. Developments to Government of extremists India Act 1935 (Simon Commission, Round Table Congress, Poona pat 2. Swadesh Movement teres, Poona Pact) 9, 1927 Election and Formation of 4 Period of Revoluionary Congress Ministries in Provinces Movements 10. Transfer of Power ssues From stv of Gandhi his on 1940 10 1947) ‘Sucesses in South ariea and his Early Experiments in iia 1, Rise of Capitalism and Rise of trade ‘Union Movements 12, Rise of Communalsm 13, Other Politi Parties during National Movement 15, Constitutional Developments and Brish Adminsteation ater 1857, 16, Taba and Peasont Uprsings ater 1857 14, Famous Personaies and their CContrbtions Bre cuuen nina aus ate Current affoles NoveMaen-2022 1.Generalscence andvecent —-NCERT Al - Biology sevelopments Chapter 6- Human Genome Project 2.Bleecal and Electonics and DNA fingerprints { Molecular Basis ‘Technology fof tnhertance) ‘Chapter 8 Human Health ‘chapter 9 Food Production Enhancement ‘Chapter 10- Microbes inuman Weltare ‘Chapter 12-Biotechnologyandits 2: information Technology 4. Robotics (Applications) 5. Defence Technology 65.Nano Technology (only Parece Seance) applications ‘intellectual Property Rights Chapter 13-Organisms and, NCERT2XI- Chemistry Population ‘Chapter i¢-Sio-molecles ‘chapter 15 Polymers ‘chapter 16-Chemistry in Everyday Me enue oun ‘current ote zens DECEMBER(I to 15)-2022 ‘EIRONDENT 11 4 Enuronmental Governance (institutions, Acts an Policies) 5. Ecosystem —Types and Functions 6. Environmental impact Assessment 4. Climate Change —concepts, Causes, Effects, Mitigation Srategies 2. nia and International Climate ‘Change negotiations 3. Environmental Organisations, “Treaties, Conventions and Summits ote current afars shosaes SUUVTO DECEMBER 2022 ‘CURRENT AFFAIRS REVISION TEST-2 (omune) pe aibine cua) ote Current afors sen DECEMBER(I6 to 31) -2022 INDIAN POLITY suindian Judiciary 6-Tebunals 2. The Union Territories Languages 4 Local Setl—Government 8. Constitutional and extra Constittonal bodies 9. Other Mscellanecus topics 4. The Scheduled and Til Areas 5. Emergency Provisions Ce ena current ote eS sens JANUARY #0 DECEMBER 2022, 10. Early Medieval Ina icing Colas) 11, Deh Sultanate 12, Bhakti and Su8 Movements 13 Regional Kingdoms of 1th and 15% {Century (necng Bran and 1. Pre History 2. indus Valley Cation 53. edie Period {ealy and ater Vee) 4 Mahajanapads ‘5 Mauryan Period Serta in {Dark Age (300 8Ct0 30040) a4 gnats 7. Gupta Period 35. Marathas 4. Post Gupta period tll Marsha 46 Later tughals: vvardnane 9. Ancent nda religious ane 47-Areand Culture from Ancient Times ‘hiosophes including auachism —_ Moderntlstor) {Glaiism, sb philosophical schools 18. Places an Terms (Related to Ancient ‘and Medieval) ee ced ate current affers Ranzoas TANUARY Yo DECEMBER 2022 ‘SPECIAL FOCUS AREAS - SOCIAL JUSTICE, REPORTS, AGRICULTURE AND MAP 1. Agrculture-Geographle, Economie 6, Governance ‘and Eavronmentperspective 5, International Reports 2. Map-Inda and World 6 National and International Sports wee 47 Other Miscellaneous topie (inetuding Histoncal Events) 3.Schemes, Acts, Pills, Reports, Rules and Regulations related to Sodaljustceanaempowerment ee enn ote current easzoas SANUARY 2023 INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS. 1.United Nations (Organs, ‘Agencies, Programmes and Funds) 2 Regional Organisations 53. Nuclear Organisations 4 Treaties and conventions S5.deological and Poial ‘organisations 6 Financial and Trade organisations 2.Cultral and Regious organisations 4 nternational Relations (lateral ‘ane Multilateral relatonsincluding Miltary exercises) oury Sesion compete SYLLABUS current affees Coteus GEOGRAPHY Current Affaire ote eet zens outer SruABUS EoONOMICS. Bote Coun, Eetent Afar Cone Cass Bore. Bupcer & Baers ECONOMIC SURVEY (one) Histor’ ote ene furan afta Gout asus current affors ESE Sttaaus Bet gay CURRENT ASFARS FUL TEST (one) ‘2RONMENT ete COMPLETE Curent Sooaaeas SyuABUS ——COMPLETESYLIABUS = Santor = = Gio sw. xe 2 3912023 ‘COMPLETE SYLABUS TEST-I 4 422023 ‘CONPLETESYLABUS TEST- IV 6 1.022028 ‘COMPLETE SYLABUS TEST-W ‘COMPLETE SYLABUS TEST- Vi 10 13.08.2028, ‘COMPLETE SYLABUS TEST-x. ‘COMPLETE SYLABUS TEST-x1 4 6.042028 ‘COMPLETE SYLABUS TEST-x1 INSTRUCTIONS: « Tesi candace bot few edie edo wih seuten 6 {21202 cota oy MNEs Pa swe SH 6 Cee es mi Ucn seh ob povedr ich case ene Nntigaronetoariaanusrme Ine Sk 0 meee en ipo yes an “pa prt nbd neo os Yori ce leanne tine rn hae de FarGee Ste 2 P-GP lone by et ain 430M restr ZF cP hwy ea oss SI co en GY Go SHANKAR. |. ovsnwonns fax AS ACADEMY Upper ground oor, 2, Fuse Road,

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