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This particular chapter presents the methods and techniques of the study in order to obtain, analyze and interpret the data
requirements for the study. This also includes the population, research instruments, construction and validation of research
instrument, data collection, data processing and statistical treatment.

Research Methodology
This study will use quantitative methods of research. Quantitative method will be utilized to transform the gathered
data into numerical measures.
De Franzo (2011) stated that quantitative research is used to quantify the problem by way of generating numerical
data or data that can be transformed into usable statistics. It is used to quantify attitudes, opinions, behaviors, and other defined
variables – and generalize results from a larger sample population. Quantitative Research uses measurable data to formulate
facts and uncover patterns in research. Quantitative data collection methods are much more structured than Qualitative data
collection methods. Quantitative data collection methods include various forms of surveys – online surveys, paper
surveys, mobile surveys and kiosk surveys, face-to-face interviews, telephone interviews, longitudinal studies, website
interceptors, online polls, and systematic observations.
Jost (2016) elaborated in his article that quantitative research methods are a good instrument a later stage of the
process to validate prototypes or measure improvements. To say that quantitative research methods are therefore objective and
qualitative methods are subjective, is an over simplification of both methods and is not correct. It is very important to
understand that both methods do not work against each other.
But above all these, the quantitative method of research is deeming necessary since the use of questionnaire, open
questionnaire and unstructured interview, and Focus Group Discussions (FGD) are also associated with these methodologies.

The study focused on the Impacts of Online Gaming to Academic Performance of Senior High School Students in St.
Francis National High School – School Year 2022-2023.
Figure 1

Population of SHS Student

Grade Level

123 GRADE 12

Male 53
Female 47

Figure 1 revealed that there are 164 Grade 11 students and 123 Grade 12 students a total of 287 students and 53
percent of the population are male while 47 percent of the population are female.

Sampling Technique
The researchers used the random sampling technique because researchers should choose sample in which all the
members of the population are given an equal chance of being selected.
The researcher utilized random sampling technique in the study for the whole population composed of two hundred
and eighty-seven (287) Grade 11 and Grade 12 students.
Figure 2

Mal Tota Tota
Female Male Female
YR & SECTION e l l
11 GAS - GRATITUDE 18 20 38 10 12 22
11-GAS -
17 23 40 10 13 23
11 HE - LOYALTY 8 19 27 5 11 16
11 SMAW-COMPASSION 22 8 30 13 5 17
11 SMAW-FORTITUDE 23 6 29 13 3 17
12 GAS - MODESTY 4 21 25 2 12 15
12 GAS - TEMPERANCE 15 12 27 9 7 16
12 H.E. (INTEGRITY) 6 19 25 3 11 15
12 SMAW - DILIGENCE 40 6 46 23 3 27
TOTAL 153 134 287 89 78 167

Male Female Total Male Female
GRADE 11 88 76 164 51 44 95
GRADE 12 65 58 123 38 34 72
TOTAL 153 134 287 89 78 167

N, Population 287
e, Error 0.05
n, No. of Respondents 167
Figure 2 shows that there are 95 Grade 11 students or 57 percent of the population and 72 Grade 12 students or 43
percent of the population after using the Slovin’s Formula.

Research Instrument
The questionnaire-checklist was the main instrument used in gathering needed data. This survey instrument appeared
to be the most appropriate materials in gathering the responses needed to know the Impacts of Online Gaming to Academic
Performance of Senior High School Students in St. Francis National High School – School Year 2022-2023.
As defined by Good (2010), it is a list of planned, written questions related to a particular topic, with space provided
for indicating the response to each question, intended for submission to a number of respondents.

The questionnaire is the main source of the data gathering and analysis. It was consisted of two parts. The first part is
about the profile of the respondents and the second part discusses the perception of the respondents on the aspects provided.
The list for the particulars of the questionnaire is defined below:
Part I is about the profile of the respondents. This was used in profiling the respondents according to age, gender,
strand, section and source: internet or printed materials. While part II consist of statements that describes about Impacts of
Online Gaming to Academic Performance of Senior High School Students in St. Francis National High School – School Year

The researchers read and analyzed books, journals, research papers and newspapers either through physical books or
through internet surfing. The field of study is new in the research topics hence readings as part on the development of the study
is deemed necessary. The researcher after readings and comprehension prepared the draft of the questionnaire and enhanced it
after thorough considerations. The researcher sought the help and assistance of the thesis adviser in the construction of the
instrument. To enhance and improve the said tool the thesis adviser made some modifications to ensure the reliability and
validity of the questionnaire.

To test the validity of the research instrument, the questionnaire was proofread by (Subjected for changes as we will put
the name of the teachers who will validate your research survey questionnaire) for modifications and improvements. After some
modifications, questionnaires were produced in their final form.

Unstructured Interview
Unstructured interview was conducted to obtain other important data that not provided in the questionnaire. This
might be informal in a way but it will surely help the researcher in the interpretation and analysis of the data that will be

Data Processing and Statistical Tools

The data that will be gathered by the researcher will be treated statistically to know its usefulness and worth. The
statistical tools the researcher will utilize include slovin’s formula, frequency, percentage, mean and average weighted mean.
They are described as follows:

Slovin’s formula. In getting the sample size, the researchers used Slovin’s formula where in the total population of
senior high school students and margin of error or 0.05% was used.
n= N ÷ (1+Ne2)
N = total population
e = margin of error
N = 287
e = 0.05%

Frequency. It was the rate per hundred in which obtained by dividing the total number respondent’s responses. This
treatment will be utilized to present the profile of the respondents.
P = f/N x 100%
P = percentage
F = frequency
N = number of respondents
Mean. This is the most commonly used measure of central tendency computed by summing all the scores of the
variables and dividing this sum by the number of respondents in the distribution. This will be employed to obtain the means of
the age and length of service of the respondents.
M = ∑x / N
M = mean
∑x = total of the frequency
N = total number of the respondents

Weighted Mean. It will be used to determine the average of the questions of the people about non-discrete variables,
variables with continuous scales and without apparent zero point.
WM = TW / N
WM = Weighted Mean
TW = Total weight
N = number of respondents

Meanwhile to compare the Impacts of Online Gaming to Academic Performance of Senior High School Students in
St. Francis National High School – School Year 2022-2023, a Likert scale will be used with a 5 points scale and an interval of
0.79. A Likert scale is a psychological measurement device that is used to gauge attitudes, values, and opinions. It functions by
having a person complete a questionnaire that requires them to indicate the extent to which they agree or disagree with a series
of statements. The Likert scale is named after its creator, Rensis Likert, who developed it in 1932. In survey research, Likert
scales are the most commonly used type of scale.

Scale Rating Scale Description

5 4.20-5.00 Strongly Agree
4 3.40-4.19 Agree
3 2.60-3.39 Neither Agree nor Disagree
2 1.80-2.59 Disagree
1 1.00-1.79 Strongly Disagree

Notes in Chapter III

Susan E. DeFranzo (2016). What’s the difference between qualitative and quantitative research? Retrieved April 15, 2018.
Retrieved from

Saul McLeod (2008). Qualitative vs. Quantitative. Retrieved April 15, 2018. Retrieved from
Zulfiqar Ali & Bala Bhaskar (2016). Basic Statistical Tools in Research and Data Analysis. Retrieved October 18, 2017.
Retrieved from

Survey Research and Questionnaires. Retrieved March 14, 2018. Retrieved from

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