Fight With The Evil Scientist Ch-1

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It was 31st December, 2021 ,when I went to a ceremony NEAR MY HOUSE. It was a
very good night but suddenly, a call came from my home. It was my friend’s call. My
friend was staying that night at my home. I asked ”What happened, Bro? You called
me now. Its about 1:00am. You didn’t sleep till now”. ”He answered I don’t have the
time to answer all your questions. Some horrible sounds are coming from the garage!
You please come home. I am very scared.” I said ”I am coming home right now.” So, I
left the party and came home. I couldn’t find my friend. I shouted ”Where are you?” I
saw him hiding behind a furniture. I said to him” Why are you so afraid?” He told
”There is a mysterious creature in the garage.” I said ”What!” I suddenly heard some
sounds from the garage. My friend told ”That must be the mysterious creature. ”I
planned to catch the creature. I got an idea. I had a dummy. So, I silently entered the
garage. I put the dummy down, tied a net to the dummy through a long rope. Then I
hid behind the tyres. After a few minutes, I saw a long creature coming towards the
dummy. By seeing that, I understood that the creature was a carnivorous animal; it
was looking  very dangerous. The time was 2:30am.It was completely dark. The
creature caught the dummy and trapped himself into the net. I called my friend quickly
and told him to bring a torch with him. I fell the torch light on the creature. Oh! It was
a leopard. It had came from the backside jungles .My uncle was a forest department
officer. I called him, soon. He came with some forest department peoples and trucks.
They came by 4am and took the leopard in the truck. I also told them to cut the
backside jungles fully. My friend thanked me.
After one month, the jungle grew again. After that, one day, when I was talking to my
friend via mobile in the balcony of the second floor of my house , I suddenly heard a
hissing sound from the basement . I went to check. It was so dark that I couldn’t see a
thing. I quickly switched on the light and saw a snake with a spike in its tail is sitting
in my dinning table. I took its picture and searched on the internet. How strange! No
results matched my search. I thought for a while that how can I push that reptile out.
Then, it struck my mind that I had a rope gun in my store room. I quickly brought it.
Then I shot at that creature. The rope tied it up. Then I put it in a basket .After that, I
quickly called the snake catchers. They came and took it. They told that it’s not a
normal snake, it’s a mutant snake. The words circled my mind. How could a mutant
come inside my house? Then I quickly remembered that sometimes I heard some
sounds of  machines. One day when I was playing football with my friends , the ball
mistakenly went into the jungle. When I went to take it , I saw a bulky machine.
Anyway, I slept for only 6hours that night.
The next morning, I packed up my bags and left that house and went to live in another
house. It was about 35miles away from my previous house. It took hardly 40-
45minutes to reach from my previous house. After settling in my new house, I went to
the bathroom to take a shower. When I came out of the bathroom, wore my clothes
and switched on the television, I saw in the news headline that a creature looking like
half dog-half goat has entered the house in which I lived previously. It entered just
after 15minutes past I started towards my new house. I thanked God for saving me.
Then, I thought why did those creatures enter that house? Were they in search of
anything? Then I remembered that the guide of that house told me that a precious
scroll was present in that house. Was the creature in search of that scroll? If my
guess is correct then, the mutant maker was in search of that scroll. I need to inform
the police to catch that mutant maker. I quickly called the police and told them
everything. Then, they informed the black cat commandoes to search for the mutant
maker in the jungle. The commandoes quickly went inside the jungle. They searched
for the whole afternoon and night.

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