Fight With The Evil Scientist Ch-2

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The next day, I switched on the television and saw the news that the black cat
commandos found nothing in the jungle other than a creature like half snail half bat.
They quickly caught it and took it for forensic test. The forensic department tested
told that it is a mutant and a strange chemical has been found in its body. They also
told that the chemical was applied both to the snail and the bat whose result made
them combine. My head was just spinning like a top. Mutants over mutants were
marching towards the scroll. Who could do this? Who liked to make mutant when I
worked at the Los Santos laboratory. Then I remembered my rival, Kraken liked
mutants very much. He used to read mutant books when he was a kid. When he was a
kid, he promised that he would surely make mutants when he will grow up.
I thought that if my guess is correct then it will be an enormous trouble for us. But I
should not panic. I tried to cool myself by drinking one can of cola. I thought what’s
his weakness? Then, it struck my head that he feared tortoise. Then, I quickly called
in the Black Cat Commando Office and explained them my guess. First they thought I
am joking but at last they had to believe me. I told them that as soon as possible
inform the forest department to catch as many as possible tortoises. They did as my
The next morning, I went with two Forest Department helicopters carrying about 50
tortoises in them into the jungle. They spread the tortoises all over the jungle. After a
while a screaming sound came to my ears. I quickly identified the sound that it was
the sound of Kraken and told the pilots to mount the helicopters towards the south of
the jungle.
They quickly did it. But we were two late. Kraken has left by keeping a mutant looking
like half buffalo half human to hunt us. We quickly threw two nanobombs at that
mutant. Within a minute, it broke into pieces.
I immediately told everything about what had happened in the jungle to the Forest
Department Officer and the Commander of the Black Cat Commandoes . I also told
that Kraken didn’t escape, he is still inside the jungle. I told them to stand security in
the south of the jungle and stand some tortoises also.
After standing the whole day, they couldn’t find Kraken anywhere. I decided to find
him out. They blocked the exit of the jungle so that Kraken can’t escape anyway.
The next day, I went to his lab. I saw a secret underground way. I saw some footsteps.
It might be the footsteps of Kraken. I quickly called the Black Cat Commandoes. We
followed the footsteps and came to a way out of the underground path. In the way of
the underground path, we fought many mutants and destroyed them. After that, I told
the commandoes to stay in this underground and I will go out. So, they followed me.
And I came out of the underground.
After coming out I saw Kraken at my front. I am standing at the back of him. I told him
“Your game is over, Kraken”. He told me “That’s what you think. My game is not
over.” Then he took out an injection and told me that if he injects this medicine to me
then, I will also become a mutant. Then, took place a great fight among us. And he
finally caught hold of me from all sides and threatened me “Now I will inject this
medicine in your blood.” When I saw no way to escape, I quickly shouted “There is a
tortoise at your back. He was afraid and turned back and saw no tortoise. In the mean
time , I quickly seized the injection from him and pushed him with all my strength. The
I quickly called the commandoes and they arrested him. He tried to escape but
commandoes and tortoises surrounded him from all sides. Finally, they took him to
the jail and
I returned home.
It was really a tough time passing from a few days. But its all over and I could finally
enjoy by thinking that there would be no more mutant attacks.

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