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Now, I had to escape the jungle. It had better to be called “House of Terror” rather
than a jungle. I started to walk out the jungle. It was a very long way. I felt like I was
walking through the Sahara Desert. We had crossed more than half of the jungle. We
were almost out of the jungle.

I was in a very happy mood because we were exiting the jungle just when I heard a
loud scream. I was terrified by hearing that noise. I quickly turned around and again
heard the same scream coming from the East side of the jungle. I quickly ran with the
commandoes. While running in the right side, I saw a terrifying scene. I stopped and
observed the scene very carefully. I saw a creature like a werewolf dragging one of
our commandoes into a den. We had no tranquillizer darts. I took a stone from the
ground and threw it on the creature’s back. I t dropped the commando and ran
towards us. We all ran for our lives. We hid behind the trees. We planned a trick of
confusing the creature. Two of our commandoes went forward in the sight of the
monster and it started to run behind time. In the meantime, we ran towards the den in
which the creature was about to pull our commando. I noticed some imprints of nails
of a big creature. I quickly recognized that these were the nail imprints of this
terrifying creature. Then, I called the two commandoes who went to confuse the
creature. They came and we all hid inside the den closing the door with an enormous

We all hid for about an hour. After that, I spied the creature through a little hole in the
den. The creature was walking all around the den. After a while, it went away. We went
out of the den. As soon as we went out, the creature again marched towards us with
an angry face. We escaped its hit. It was like a bull fight happening inside the ring. I
got an idea. I dipped the tip of the stone in the jar and chemical stuck on its tip. I
threw the stone towards the animal and it hit him on his forehead. He stumbled for
some time and lied on the ground being fainted.

We all thought that the terror was over but it wasn’t. A group of angry pigs with horns
on their nose started towards us. Funny questions like “What kind of creature was
this? Was it a mixed version of pig and rhinoceros” ran through my mind. I was about
to laugh loudly when the creatures came towards us. I managed to escape. One of our
commandoes almost got hit by them, luckily he managed to escape. We all quickly
prepared stones with little chemical stuck on their tip like the previous ones and
threw it on that group of creatures. All of them fainted.

By that time, the werewolf creature turned back to human. He could talk and behave
like humans. I had a little conversation with him about Kraken’s new location. I asked
him “ Sir, are you OK now?” He replied in the affirmative. Then I asked him “Sir, is the
new location of Kraken known to you?” He replied ”He now stays at the top of K2”. I
was worried about climbing up Godwin Austin but I had to. So, we came out of the
jungle along with the mutants who were converted back to humans. But on the way,
we met another mutant, a mutant shaped like half human half bat which is
unimaginable. I started to laugh by seeing its face. It chased us but we were a bit
faster than it. Then, one more like that came out. They both were chasing us but we
managed to hide. We all prepared stones when one of them threw the jar with the
chemical. The chemical spilled out. Now, we had no other choice rather than taking
the creatures to the ground. I appeared in front of them. With one my hand I had
prepared a blow with a tree branch. It came and I let out the blow. The branch stuck
on its hand. It fell off on the chemical and turned back to human after 15mins. I told to
myself ”Kraken, start back counting. I am almost near to you.” Finaly, we had made
our exit from the “House of Terror”.

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