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upon a time there was a boy named Pancho with obesity problems, he lived with his mother,

because of his mother’s work they had to move to another city called Los Santos because it
was closer to his mother.

Mom: son, I am very sorry, but we had to leave town.

Pancho: But mommy, I like my school.

Mom: I’m sorry, the decision has been made, now go to sleep!

(Pancho went to report the next day to school)

Pancho: Hi, I’m Pancho and I’m 12 years old.

Juancho and Pedro: they started to talk whispering and laughing at him.

Inspector: And what are you laughing about?

Juancho: it’s that he is very fat

Pedro: yes inspector he is very fat, he looks like a fuchibol ball.

(the others laugh)

Pancho gets sad and starts to cry.

(they ring the bell)

(Pancho goes out to recess)

Juancho and Pedro begin to bother him, push him and hit him.

Pancho: But why are you hitting me?

Juancho: because you’re obese and you’re just in the way.

Pedro: Yes, you’re just in the way

Pancho: Don’t be like that, I have the right to have my physical and psychological integrity

Juancho: we are as we want to be

Pancho: But why are you treating me like this, it is your duty to respect others?

Pedro: because you are very obese

(Pancho goes to the inspector)

Pancho: Inspector, Pedro and Juancho are bothering me a lot.

Inspector: calm down later I will talk to them

(and so the days went by and they continued bothering)

Pancho was already feeling sad and they were bothering him worse and worse and he didn’t
want to go to school anymore.

His mother asked him why he didn’t want to go to school.

She took Pancho to school and his mother asked the inspector.

The inspector told her that he didn’t know anything

Pancho: It’s just that Pedro and Juancho are bothering me.

Mom: My son says they are bothering him!

The inspector called the parents, told the parents and had them expelled.

Years went by and they settled their problems

Pancho was able to get ahead and Pedro and Juancho learned that they should not make fun
of others.

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