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Doon Blossoms Educational Society Final Exam Syllabus of 2022-23

Class ___X____2022-23
Subject Pre Board Examination

English I 1)Composition
(Language ) 2) Letter Writing ( Formal and Informal )
3) Notice and E-mail Writing
4) Comprehension
5) Functional Grammar :
Verb passage
Joining sentences without using and, but or so
Transformation of sentences

Internal Assessment :
Listening and answering skills
English II Drama :The Merchant of Venice:
(Literature) Act 3, 4 and 5

Prose :
An Angel in Disguise
The Little Match Girl
The Blue Bead
My Greatest Olympic Prize
All Summer in a Day

Poetry :
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
The Patriot
Abou Ben Adhem
Nine Gold Medals

ह िं दी साह त्य पूर्वकाहिक परीक्षा

साह त्य सागर-1-10

एकािंकी सिंचय-1-6

Class X 2022_23 Pg. 1

हिन्दी भाषा 1)पयावयर्ाची
3)भार्र्ाचक सिंज्ञा
4 )र्ाक्ािंशोिं के हिए एक शब्द
6)मु ार्रे
7 )अशुद्ध शुद्ध
9) र्ाक्
11) हिदे शािुसार र्ाक् पररर्र्वि( हििंग र्चि कारक )
12)अपहिर् गद्ािंश
13 )पत्र िेखि
14)हचत्र िेखि
15)हिबिंध िेखि
16)उक्ति िेखि

History CIVICS
L1. The Union Parliament
L2. The Union Executive The President and the Vice President
L3 The Union Executive -Prime Minister
L4. The Judiciary The Supreme Court:
L5.The State Judiciary;High Court
L-6.The Subordinate courts


L1.The First War of Independence,1857-

L2. Factors leading to the growth of Nationalism and foundation of INC
L3. Objectives and methods of struggle of the Early Nationalists-Partition of
L4. Second Phase of the Indian National Movement
L5. The factors leading to formation of Muslim League and its Objectives.
L6. National Movement during I world War-Lucknow Pact
L7. The National Movement 1919-1934.
L8. The Quit India Movement
L9 Subhas C. Bose,Forward Bloc & INA
L10 Independence and Partition of India .
L11. The First World War
L-12. The Rise of Dictatorship
L13 The Second World War-
L14 United Nations Organisation
L15 Major Agencies of the United Nations
L-16 Non Aligned Movement

Class X 2022_23 Pg. 2

Geography L-6: Mineral & Energy Resources
L-10: Agro Based Industries
L-11: Mineral Based Industries
L13,14,15(as one) Waste Management

Map Work: Entire Syllabus and map work of half yearly syllabus.
Water Bodies, Distribute of Minerals, Important Cities and population map.
Including Entire half yearly syllabus .

Maths 1. Banking
2. Good and service tax
3. Linear Inequations
4. Quadratic Equations
5. Proportion excluded (Ratio)
6. Factorization
7. Matrices
8. Arithmetic progressions (A.P) excluded (G.P)
9. Similarity(excluded ratio of area of similar triangle )
10. .Reflections
10. Section Formula
11. Equation of straight line
12. Circles excluded incircle and curcumcircle of a circle )
14. Mensurations
15. Trigonometric Identities
16. Trigonometrical Tables
17. Height and Distances
18 . Measures of central tendency
19. Probability

Physics 1. Force ( Topics excluded: uniform circular motion)

2. Work, power and energy

3. Machines ( Topics excluded: levers )

4. light ( Topics excluded: scattering of light )
5.Sound: ( Topics excluded: sound level and noise pollution.)
6.Current electricity ( Topics excluded: derivation of Equivalent resistance in
series and parallel, diagramatic representation of ring system, two way
switch, staircase wiring )
7.Electro magnetism ( Topics excluded: Transformer, dc motor, ac generator ,
frequency of ac)
8.Calorimetry and heat
9.modern physics ( Topics excluded: Nuclear fission and fusion )

1. Ohm's law verification
2. Refraction of light through a prism
3. Refraction of light through a glass slab
4. Finding focal length of a lens

Class X 2022_23 Pg. 3

5. Magnetism (studying and tracing magnetic field lines around a magnet or
current carrying conductor)
6.. Electricity experiment:
Variation of current in series and parallel combination of two resistances.
Finding the individual resistance.

Chemistry 1. Periodic Properties and variations of Properties– Physical and Chemical

2 Chemical Bonding
3. Study of Acids, Bases and Salts
(Excluded Part : Methods of
preparation of Normal salts with relevant equations. (Details of apparatus or
procedures not required). Methods included are:
Direct combination
Displacement Precipitation (double decomposition)
Neutralization of insoluble
base Neutralisation of an alkali (titration)
Action of dilute acids on
carbonates and bi-carbonates.)

4. Analytical chemistry

5. Mole concept and Stoichiometry

(Excluded Part : • Idea of
mole – a number just as a dozen, a gross (Avogadro’s number). Avogadro’s
Law -
statement and explanation.
• Understanding molar volume-
“the mass of 22.4 litres of any gas at S.T.P. is equal to its molar mass”.
(Questions will not be set on formal proof but may be taught for clear
(ii) Refer to the atomicity of
hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and chlorine (proof not required).The explanation
can be given using equations for the formation of HCl, NH3, and NO.
(iv) Mole and its relation to
• Relating mole and atomic
mass; arriving at gram atomic mass and then gram atom; atomic mass is a
dealing with one atom; gram atomic mass is the mass of one mole of atoms.
• Relating mole and molecular
mass arriving at gram molecular mass and gram molecule – molecular mass
is a
number dealing with a molecule, gram molecular mass is the mass of one
mole of
molecules. • Simple calculations based on
relation of mole to mass, volume and Avogadro’s number.
(v) Simple calculations based
on chemical equations Related to weight and/or volumes of both reactants

6. Electrolysis

Class X 2022_23 Pg. 4

7. Metallurgy
(Excluded Part : (ii) Stages
involved in the extraction of metals.
(a) Dressing of the ore –
hydrolytic method,magnetic separation, froth flotation method.
(b) Conversion of concentrated
ore to its oxide roasting and calcination (definition, examples with equations).
(c) Reduction of metallic
oxides- some can be reduced by hydrogen, carbon and carbon monoxide
copper oxide, lead (II) oxide, iron (III) oxide and zinc oxide) and some cannot
(e.g. Al2O3, MgO) - refer to activity series). Active metals by electrolysis
e.g. sodium, potassium and calcium. (reference only). Equations with
should be given.
(d) Electro refining –reference only.)

8. Study of Compounds
(Excluded Part : 1. Ammonia-
Uses of ammonia - manufacture of fertilizers, explosives, nitric acid,
refrigerant gas (Chlorofluro carbon – and its suitable alternatives which are
nonozone depleting), and cleansing agents.)

9. Organic chemistry
(Excluded Part : • Uses of
methane, ethane, ethene, ethyne.
(vi) Alcohols: ethanol –
preparation, properties and uses.
• Preparation of ethanol by
hydrolysis of alkyl halide.
• Properties – Physical:
Nature, Solubility, Density, Boiling Points. Chemical: Combustion, action with
sodium, ester formation with acetic acid, dehydration with conc. Sulphuric
to prepare ethene.
• Denatured and spurious
• Important uses of Ethanol.
(vii) Carboxylic acids
(aliphatic - mono carboxylic acid): Acetic acid – properties and uses of acetic
• Structure of acetic acid.
• Properties of Acetic Acid:
Physical properties – odour (vinegar), glacial acetic acid (effect of
sufficient cooling to produce ice like crystals). Chemical properties – action
with litmus, alkalis and alcohol (idea of esterification).
• Uses of acetic acid.)

10. Practical’s Chemistry

(Excluded Part : Action of
heat on the following substances:
(a) Copper carbonate, zinc

Class X 2022_23 Pg. 5

(b) zinc nitrate, copper
nitrate, lead nitrate
Make observations, identify
the products and make deductions where possible (equations not required))

Practical Syllabus
Final practical
1.Identification of cation present in given substance
a. Pb2+ b. Zn2+ c. CU2+
2.Identification of the anion present in given substance

a. CO32- b. SO32- c. S2-

Biology 1. The Excretory System
2. Endocrine System (Idea of feedback mechanism-Excluded)
3. Nervous System
4. Sense Organs
5. The Reproductive System
6. Population
7. Structure of Chromosomes
8. Cell Cycle and Cell Division
9. Genetics
10. Absorption by Roots
11. Transpiration
12. Photosynthesis- Diagrammatic representation of carbon cycle
13. Chemical Coordination in Plants
14. Human Evolution (Excluded)
15. The circulatory system
16. Pollution
1.To study the structure of Human Heart with the help of a model
2. To study the structure of Human Excretory System with the help of a model
3.To identify and locate the following endocrine glands with the help of a

4.To study the structure of Human Brain with the help of a model
5.To study the structure of Human Eye with the help of a model
6. To study the structure of Human Ear with the help of a model

Class X 2022_23 Pg. 6

Applications 1st Preboard

Chapter 4 – Arrays (Single Dimensional)

Chapter 6– Class as A User Defined Type

Chapter 5 – Functions/Methods

Chapter 7 – Constructors

Chapter 8 – Encapsulation And Inheritance

Complete ICSE Computer Application Syllabus

Education (Section-A) 50 marks
Chapter-1: Human Growth and Development
Chapter-2: Physical Education
Chapter-3: Body Types
Chapter-4: Physical Fitness
Chapter-5: Sports Training
Chapter-6: Principles of Sports Training
Chapter-7: Safety in Sports
Chapter-8 : Prevention of Injuries
Chapter-9: Health Education
Chapter-10: Dietary Modifications and Meal Planning
Chapter-11: Careers in Physical Education
(Section-B) 50 marks
Chapter-12: Cricket
Chapter-13: Football
Complete ICSE Syllabus
(i) Football Game
(ii) Cricket Game


(Section-A) 50 marks
All Chapters
(Section-B) 50 marks
Complete ICSE Syllabus

Commercial Complete ICSE Syllabus

Project Assigned
Recruitment Selection and Training

Class X 2022_23 Pg. 7

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