Insight Language

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Erispe, Isabela G.

August 25, 2018

Eng 4-2 Stylistics

The Cognitive Universe

The world of a man is made by his thoughts. His thoughts are transmitted through language. Language as a

medium of man to communicate his ideas with others. It is the immediate concrete counterpart of the

abstraction of ideas of a man. However, a language of a man is different from others because language is the

product of the thinking of a man. They say that man shapes his language yet language made the man. The man

thinks and develops thoughts that are sooner or later he communicated to others with the use of language. The

information man gathers around him is transmitted through the use of language. The language and man’s way

of thinking is interconnected with one another that shares a bidirectional relationship.

The man as he thinks, his world is created and dwell with it. The brain of a human is considered one of the

most powerful parts of a human body. Its ability to connect the different neurons with one other and transmit

the message from the brain to the entire body made it a powerful yet mysterious part of the human body. The

brain gives a different reaction to different situations. This ability of the brain made it distinguishable from

others. As a responsible agent of the composition of thoughts, the brain is different from one another which

results that there is no similar brain among human beings. The brain may have the similar in composition but

react differently to a variety of situations. As thoughts develop inside the brain it is able to be transmitted into

different mediums. The ideas of a man must not remain stagnant.

With this unique ability of the brain, it affects the language. The brain made the language itself. It

formalizes the message that a human has into words. As stated from above, the language goes hand in hand

with the mind of the man. Every language can be considered to be big, deep, broad, early, and weighty. Big in

the aspect of time and space. Language can make the human brain to develop ideas differently in the abstract

ways like time and space. The time and space vary among thinking man. This makes the language as big
regarding the concept of abstract things. It touches the idea of thinking beyond with the tangible objects.

Moreover, language is indeed deep as it accesses a different field of learning. Language is not limited when it

comes to ideas, it circulates and revolve around the brain and tap certain knowledge as it reacts to a certain

object. As the language expands the brain expand as well. Language enables the brain to react to certain objects

differently. The language let the brain to function differently with one another like for observing colour shades.

The language never limits recognizing the colours like recognizing the colour green. The language can produce

thousands of names to recognize the different shades of colour green. As the language production deals with its

stimulus, the language is getting broad. There is narrow head when it comes to language and it goes into

different directions. The language let the human brain to categorize the stimulus around him. The language

leads the brain in reasoning and justifying the events. It enables the brain to function and weight the situations.

This is not the literal way of weighing, but the weight of shouldering the responsibility like in blame and

punishment. With language, the human brain can take the responsibility yet it can also decline the idea of

taking the responsibility. With the characteristics of the language, the way of thinking of a man is not limited

but oozing with thoughts. The language and the brain share the same field of environment that when something

changes it has a direct effect on the both of them. Changes to the human brain have a visible effect on the

language and changes to the language means there are changes in the human brain.

This only proves that the language is a living thing. It continues to breathe like any other living thing as it

continues to develop. It establishes that the human world is not just one but composes of more or less seven

thousand languages. As the human brain continues to produce thoughts it sustains the language and creates the

new language. Humans may not share the same language but it shares the same cognitive universe. Cognitive

universe composes of intergalactic connection of ideas. Like the brain, the language will remain powerful with

its mysterious effect on humans.

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