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Depreciation and Amortization sete, cette rom4 562 a (Including Information on Listed Property) 2019 Dept aay Inter Revenie Service pasate yauriae return. attachment i) > cote muvw.irs.cov/Form4s62 for instructions and the latest information. Sequence No. 479 Name(s) shawn on return f= oF Baro wen i Torn Feats [denying number DONALD J & MELANIASTRUM RUMP INTERNATIONAL GOLF CLUB ‘SCOTLAND 1 Part Election To Expense Certain Property Under Section 179 Nota: you have ay sted property, complete Part V before you complete Pat 1 Waximum amount (eee instruciona) = z 2. Total com of section 179 propery placed inser see nsrudions) = sv tL 13. Threshold cost of section 179 property before reduction in imitation (see Instructions) + + 3 44 Reduction in imitation. Subtract ne 3 trom line 2. If zero or less, enter -O-« + + + Bere a ‘5 olla liitaton for tax year. Subtract Ine 4 from tne 1. I zere oles, enter If mare fi ing septa, 6 (a) Description of property © a Rar use | (¢) Elected cost 7 Usted property. Enter the amount Fomine 29... =... he 18 Total elected cost of section 179 property. Ads amourts In eon (cine 6 and 7 Ls 8 Tertatve deduction, Enter the smaller of ineSorling 8s + 2 es ee Sere 20 Carryover of disallowed deduction from line 13 of your 2018 Form 4562.- + + + Bee lao! 414 Business income limitation, Enter the smaller ef business income (not less than zera) orline 5. See Instructions, : Sree glee ese uae ae [ae 42 Section 179 expense deduction. Add lines 9 and 10, but dont enter more than tine 11+ + + + + + paz 13._Corryover of disallowed deduction to 2020, Add Enes 9 and 10, lessline 12 [ a3] ‘Note: Don't use Part If or Part III below for isted property, Instead, use Part V. Parti Special Depreciation Allowance and Other Depreciation (Don’t include lated property, See instructions) 14 Spel deprecation nlowance fr gn repay (aer thn ted rope) Haren seve Gg the sax year. See inetictons, = + Pace eee ee aes eis [ae 35 Property sublect tm section 16001) lesion Ss eee ee eee [ae 46 _Ctner deprecation Ickdng ACRS) + + + ss wes Ges s faa aii MAGRS Depreciation (Don'€indude [sted provety. See istuctions.) ‘Section A 7 WACRS deductans for eels phced h sevice nfax yeas beginning belore 2017 +18. Ifyou are electing to group any ase placa nsevice dung te tax year into one or more general asset, Moun CNN ee Ed Section BAsaets Pnesd in Series Duving 2019 Tax Your Using Wha General Depreciation SSM (e) Be for by Month and | erection (3) clases of head Coninerfreimene | (Ofer | ay convertion] ct Heted | ‘epson nyse isvtons) oa Tyer nae 5-Yeor property € Fear property a iO-yenr eeperty e 15 yer property 20-year property yer orpery ye a T Reser eral sve om si oper TSyis i Sh Tonsil ea 3 7 Si oper) wn Si Secon C~Assets Placed in Service During 2019 Tax Vans Using the alternative Depreciation System Boa Gass ie b B2-year fe 30-yenr a 40-yeor Part iv Summary (See instructions) 7H Usted propery. Enter amount fromiine 28 © > 7 + E Te Pe 22 Tota. a amount rom ine 12, nes 34 though 17, ne 19 and 20 clu (), ae ne 21 re and on the appropriate lines of your return, Partnerships and S corporations—see instructions = - + + + | 22 Sit s/t Sit, Si 7s 30 yes. a0 yrs 123 For assets shown above and placed inservice during the current year, enter the Portion ofthe basis acviourabe fo Section 253A costs es 23 For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate Instructions. Tat Ne, 72506N1 Form 4562 (2010) Form 4562 (2019) Page 2 PartV Listed Property (Include autowobles, certain other vehices, certain aircraft, and property used Tor entertainment, recreation, or amusement.) Note:For any vehicle for vihich you are using the standard mileage rate or deducting lease expense, complete only 24a, 24b, columns (a) through (c) of Section A, all of Section 8, and Section C if applicable, Section A—Depreciation and Other Information (Caution: See the instructions for mits for passenger automobiles.) £249 09 you have evidence to support the busneteinvestment use camed? [Iyer LIne _|24b ites," isthe evidence writen? Clee CINo ©, 7 @ el @ Bast tor Seeecston | ped 9, cates “ype or nopery (it invesenont | cost rather = resarery | tatagy | Depron’ o ‘le fe) ‘ee ‘a (utrem/eveciment | SEIT | ctrwerton | 'deducton’ | section 179 centage ‘sean on 25" Spcal doractonalovace fox auf sd property Pac sees ding thet veer and used more than 50% in a qualified business use, See structions, Hee Ze Property used more than 50% in qualfied business use: 2 Propariy used SOs or ise p 9 qualified business we se Is we Ef ‘28 Add amounts calum (hj, nes 25 Gough 27. Enter here and on lve 2, pose P £29 Add amounts in column (0) tne 26. Enter here and online 7, page 1+ vs ss es 23 ‘Section B—Information on Use of Vehicles Complete this section for vehicles uses by a sole proprctar, partner or other "more then SY owner,” or related person If you provided veces to Your employees, first answer tne questlons In Sesion Cta see you meet an exception to comet tis section for chase vetiles (a oy te) @ | o vehicles | veticle2 | vente | vente | vehicles | venice 6 2s 30 Total businassinvestment miles crven during the year (on Incuge commucng miles) = ss + ‘34 Total commuting miles criven during the years ‘32 Total szher personal(noncommuting) mies driven. 35 Toa mis dendrite year. Aas Ines 30 trough 3200 beats 34 os ee efor pr we yes [No [ves [No | ves [No [Ves [No [Yes [No |¥es [No uring of duty ROUTS? ee ‘35 Was the vehicle use primarily by 2 more than 5% boner errlatee person? . [36 Is another vehicle available for personal use?" ‘Section C= Quastions for Eraployers Who Pravide Vehicles Yor Use by Thalt Employees ‘Answer these questions to determine if you meet an exception to completing Section for Vehicles used By employees who aren't mare than S% ‘Swers or related persons, See Instructons 37 bo you attain writen pole satemert that rosa peter u of eles, nung crs, by your Yes | No, employes? se se tite ttt te ‘38 be you attain a wren goley statement tht probs pesoal se of vi ecg cammuting, by yor eplyees? See the instructions far vehicies used by coxporate officer, clracto's, a 194 a more oaers 39 Do you treat all use of vehicles by employees as personal use? eesti etetuete “40bp you rovde more tan ve velo your employees, cain nrormatien fom your employes abot thes of vehleles, and retain the infermaton recelves? ‘ 41 Do you mest the requirements concerning sualfied automobile demorstration use? See Instuctons. « Note: if your answer to 37, 38,38, 4, oF 41s "Yes," don® complete Secon 8 forte covered ves. Fart Vi Amortization o ore ey ) oan , Descrpttonorensts | amarson | Amortzle oe riod or en vt . mount section . this year cans percentage ‘42. Amortizaton of casts that begins during your 2019 tax year (Gee instructions) “43 Amortization of costs that bepan betore your 2019 tax year». eTecreeeeS eat [ea 44 Total Add amounts in column (1. See the instructions for where toreport_» . ss ss + | 44 Form 4562 (2015) SSN: ‘Spouse SSN: Name: DONALD J & MELANIACTRUMP (afile GRAPAIC TY 2019 Ite ‘DO NOT PROCESS [LATEST DATA ed Other Categories Statement roduction Name: DONALD J & MELANIA 2. Maximum Value ofA Depost Accounts =. = e = ‘3. Number of Custodial Accounts (eperted Pat V) > “4. Maxim Value of Al Custodial Accounts 3 5, Were any foreign depos or custodial accounts closed cng the taxyeer? ~ ves wo Parti Other Foreign Assets Summary 7. Number of Foreign Assets (eported in Pat). > 2. Maximum Value of A Asses (eporiedin Part V) : = 3 Wore ary foreign assateacmured or sold cutrg tha axyear?. ss ~. +. Gye One Patil Summary of Tax ome Attributable to Specified Foreign Financial Assoto (se instucions) 7 {@) Amount reper Where reporied (2) Asset Catego i taxtom | sniormor schedule @ramandine io) Sched and na 7 Foreign Depost and [fainirest Custodial Accounts rib Dvidends “¢ Royals 5 | | ‘a other income (6 1 | “fe Gains (osses) —_[S [ I fDeductons 8 { it 1g Credits is I I 2 Other Foreign Assets [2a Interest is [ I [2b Dividends. \s | | [2c Royattes |s | I [2a.other income [5 | L [2e Gains (losses) |S | I [ztDeductins —_S L I [2a creas is L L Part IV Excepted Specified Foreign Financial Assets (see instructions) If you reported specified foreign financial ascets on ore of more of ha folowing for, enter the huribar of such forme fled. Vou do not need to Include these assets on Form 8838 forthe tax year. 4. Number of Forms 9820 2. Number of Forms 3620-4 3. Number of Forms 5471 1 4. Number of Forms 8621 5. Number of Forms 8885 4 PartV Detailed Information for Each Foreign Deposit and Custodial Account Included in the Part | jummary (s2¢ instructions) ‘you have more than one account fo report in Pa V,alach& continuation statement for each eddlional account (eee ierucions) ata CF topest EY a Fea aber ot ean 3 Check all that apply a C] Account opened during tax year b (1 Account closed during tax year ¢ C1 Account jointly owned with spouse d CI Notax item reported in Part iit with respect to this asset 1 areca eee eae ats ¥ 5 Did you use a foreign currency exchange rate to convert the value of the account into U.S. dollars? O Yes C1 No 6 Tyou annette corm al hao Se cane | Matias ses ale Tal Pa Tae ITE te Fowgncurensynvnin | Eon ous dere (Ge eta Departs Buca ote Peal fies sare a a aa Cat Ne SER Fa BOT Form 8838 2918) Page 2 Part Detailed Information for Each Foreign Deposit and Custodial Account Included in the Part | ‘Summary (see instructions) (continued) 7a _ Name of nancial nattution in whieh account is mainiained _b Global intermediary dentfcation Number (GIN) Opto) ‘8 Maling aderese of financial inattion in whieh aeoount& malntabed. Number, sree, and room or sullen. Oli or Town, Sate or province, and county (ncuaing postal cade} Part Vi__Detailed Information for Each “Other Foreign Asset” Included in the Part ll Summary (see instructions) Tryeu have moe Tan one asset fo report Parl Vi. allach a continuation statement Tor each addiional asset (ese instiucTons) "1 Description af asset 7 Waning number or other designation 3 Compete al that apply. See insuctons for reparting of muliple scquston or deposition dates ‘4 Date asset acquired during tax year, if applicable 3 Dae ase dose o dng iax year, apleble fee taaee © C1 Check asset jointly owned with spouse U1 check if no tax item reported in Part Ill with respect to this asset 4 Maximum value of asset during tax year (check box that applies) = 11 $0- $50,000 b C1 $50,001 - $100,000 ¢ C1 $100,001 - $150,000 a (2 $150,001 - $200,000 ita dP BS oc, e auee area nasty 5 Did you use a foreign currency exchange rate to convert the value of the asset into U.S. dollars?. O yes C1 No €_Myeuanewered "ax tw compe a htop Forage emrany ann] FOG TE] SEARS wd Sarena ae no OTTO (2) Foreign cxvncyinwicn | OE ret iw US cers eS Froauy Gepertrente Buea tte Fecal Sevdoe "7 Wasset reported on Ine 1 Sock ofa Toregn anily or an lareat na fovaign any, enter th folowing wformalion fo ie aSSaL 8 Name of foreign entity GIN (Options © Typeofforeignentty (4) C] parnership 2) C1 Corporation (a) Trust (@ 01 estate 1d Maling address of foreign ently. Number, street, and room or sue no, (@Gilyortown, state or provines, and country (neuding postal code) 8 _Tasset reported on Ine Tle rl lock of &Toelgn any or an ifarestin a reign eri, enter Te Yolowing Formation for The asso Note. ithis asset has more than ane issuer ar counterparty, attach a continuation statement withthe same information for each ‘ckitonal issuer or counterpart (see instructions). a Name of sever or counterparty Check information is for OD twaer canigany b Type of issuer or counterparty () Individual (2 C1 Partnership (3) C1 Corporation (4) CI) Trust (5) CI Estate © Checkifissuer or counterparysa TE] ys, person El Fosin ponon Mating address of issuer or counterparty, Number, steet, and 1oom or sult no ‘© Gaver town, state or province, and country (wcluding postal code) Form 8838 (2015) DONALD J & MELANIACTRUMP Farm 8006-4 2010) Patil’ Phase@in Reduction Page onset Pat ont your taxable nome mare an $76 70 bl na $270 T0 (5760725 a $270 72S maa tg SaparaTey HAH 40 ad SAE AOOT ‘maroc hing jonty)andina fOr less han ine’ Ofer, se Pa I, a 8 © 47 Enter amouns emtnes eee amr 18 Emertne amounts om ie 10 seeeereiee 19 Subvactine 18 vomine 17 : eee 20 Ta1abeincome bor qalficg Baineincome deduclon =. | 20 2ersams 21 Theshol. Ener 8180700 (6190725: mated ng separate 8221400 mae ng ney) Ue eee at 22 Subractine 2 fom ine 20 B 23. Phasoinango. Erte $80,000 (6100000 merraa ing joy) — | as 24 Phasoin pecantago Divide ne 22y| fine 29 nee 4 + 25 Toalphasein resueton Mlb ine 1b me 24 Series 26 uated nusnessncone ser phan duction. Swat ‘ino 25 tfom in 1. Erte mount Neeson Ine 12 forthe ‘corcrpendng vada obucnese| ei .. [a Fart Determine Your Qualified Business Income Deduction, "27_Totl qualified bsnoaansame camparet rom al ques Wades, bosnesen, oF ‘oafagalona. Ena the smeunt Fomine paeee eal dar 28 Quatied REIT aidars and publiyvaded parnership (TP income or fos). Se= Ineeuctons ra a 29° Qualied REIT dvidends and PTP os) canyfonwars tom por years . De 30 Teal quale REIT dvdends and PTP incore. Canine nes 28 and 29 lees han zero, eee be 7 » 31 RET and PIP component. Mutiny tne 90 by 20% (20) .. De 32 Quali business income deduction before the nea nian, Add nes 27 ane 31 F 7 Le 33 Tasabisicame before quafed brass income seduclon aii Le 2976.73 134 Net captl gin. See instructions piesa 5 3a 227637 38. Subtracting 34 fm ne 3. Ize ora, nt -0- 3s ° 38 Incomaliton. tp ne 35 by 20% (0.20) ED 137 Qualted business income deducton before he coms production aetvles deduct (OPAD) under ‘Seetion T95A()- Ener he smal of Ine 32 ore 38 pee oe oar ‘38 PAD uncer secon T88A() located tom an aprcutra or hricuuralesoperave, Do eter more than ne 38 minus he a 39 Tal qafed turns income deduction. A nes 37 and 38 ea se 2. Dae 440, Total quafed RET ditends and FTP (oss caryfomard. Combine Ines 28 and 2,20 or eee, enter. moe ne «0 Fam BEACH, [ele GRAPHIC print DONOT PROCESS ETT) rom 8995-A Qualified Business Income Deduction OB ie ee sal sagonaecgin 2019 Go to wines. govFormB90SA for Instructions andthe atest information, " ‘tachment Intl Rove Sere Sequence No. S5A Tana aan Tea Part! Trade, Business, or Aggregation Information’ ‘ome te schedules for Form 996A, (A B,C, andr, a5 appt, befor sara PartT Aaah edeona schedules whan needed, Soe hetetons : (a) Ted, business, cr agarensten name ‘wcrecc# | (ercneacr | (a) Texpayer ]fe) check paton| ptchiadserece | agoreseion | Wenieton Determine Vour Adjusted Gualified Business Income o A 8 c 2 Qusffed business come fem the rad, business or aggregation. See Irerstene 2 3 Mati tne 2 by 20% (020). tyour taxable income ie $180,700 or ($160,725 fared fing separtoy $321,400 maria tins Ja), hip nes 4 trough 12 end ene the aunt from ine' anne 13 4 Alocabe share of 2 wage rom he wade, ousnees er agaregaton| 5 Muli ne 4 by 0% (2.50) 7 @ 8 ttpy Ine by 25% (225) @ 7 Alcan nectine rag bask naa ae ston (UBtA) ta gaits prose, is 1 18 Mul ino 7 by 2.5% (0.028) 7 : fe 3 Add ines Band Se 3 10 Enertte geaterotineSorines rm 11 Wz uage and uae ropa tan Eriorhe eater one or Tne 12 " 12 Phacownteduten, Enar amount fom line 26, tony Seeinsiniors| 2 43. Guanes busess reome deavton bee pston edn, Ene he Stetar ote 1 rine 2 2 14 Pane. tere aoun tom Seta D orn 65. ne eteny 1“ 45 Qiatiedbusness income compenant sutectine i4tomiine 13. is 18 Tou quate sins income component Aaa aroun repre FFF RTS PTT PS SOFTEE [efile GRAPHIC print DO NOT PROCESS [LATEST DATA DEN: 16221688991110) TY 2019 Foreign Tax Credit Carryback Computation Statement Nam ssi ‘Spouse SSI Explanation: 2017 FR TX PD 490680 CARRYOVER 490680 2016 FR TX PD 1254108 CARRYOVER 1254108 2015 FR TX PD 465747 CARRYOVER 465747 2014 FR TX PD 550298 CARRYOVER 550298 2013 FR TX PD 1002346 CARRYOVER 1002346 2012 FR TX PD 363405 CARRYOVER 363405 2011 FR TX PD 346519 CARRYOVER 346519 2010 FR TX PD 2010500 CARRYOVER 2010500 2009 FR TX PD 1401174 FTC CLMD 302915 CARRYOVER 1098259 DONALD 7 & MELANIA

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