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Professional Organizations,


Ligi Xavier
M.Sc. Nursing
I year
“United we stand divided
we fail”
Professional Organizations in
Professional associations have been defined as groups of
people who share a set of professional values and who
decide to join their colleagues to affect a change.
--Poder-Wise (2007)
The Professional Organization is the one that provides a
means through which efforts can be channeled with
authority because of the number it represents.
Membership Benefits!
Personal benefits
• Socialization - Networking
• Travel – conferences
• Stay Connected to professional issues
• Scholarships
Professional Benefits!
• Spring Board your Career!
• Political Influence
• Professional Standards
• Credentialing
• Quick Access to Staff experts on Practice
• Professional Journals
International Professional
International Council of Nurses (ICN)
American Nurses Association (ANA)
Sigma theta Tau International
National League for Nurses (NLN)
Commonwealth Nurses Federation
American Association of Colleges of Nursing
International Red Cross
International Council of Nurses
• World’s largest and widest reaching
International organization
• 130 National Nurses Organizations
• Represents 13 million International Nurses
• Founded 1899
The Three goals are:
• To bring nursing together worldwide
• To advance nurses and nursing worldwide
• To influence health policy.
Core Values:
• Visionary Leadership
• Inclusiveness
• Flexibility
• Partnership
• Achievement
Functions of ICN:
1. Professional Nursing Practice
Provides guidelines and policies for-
• International classification for Nursing Practice
• Education, Management & Research
2.Nursing Regulation:
• Code of ethics
• Continuing Education
• Regulation and credentialing
3.Socioeconomic welfare of Nurses
• Occupational Health
• Career development
4. Partnerships and Alliances
American Nurses Association
• The only full service professional organization
• Representing the RNs of USA
•Policy development
•Organizations partnership
•Publications and Newsletters
> The American Nurse
> American Nurse Today
Sigma theta Tau International
• Honor society of Nursing – 1922
• Storgé, Tharsos and Timé meaning "love,"
"courage" and "honor
• Organizational Mission
“….support the learning, knowledge, and
professional development of nurses committed
to making a difference in health worldwide.”
• By invitation
• Baccalaureate and graduate nursing students
who demonstrate excellence in scholarship
• Nurse leaders exhibiting exceptional
achievements in nursing.
Core Areas
• Education
• Leadership
• Career development
• Evidence-based nursing
• Research and scholarship
• Journal of Nursing Scholarship
• Reflections on Nursing Leadership
• WORLD views on Evidence-Based Nursing
• Chapter Leader Emphasis
• STTI connect
• Scholarly books on a wide range of topics in
Virginia Henderson International Nursing
NLN National League for
The Voice for Nursing


• Created in 1893 - The 1st Nursing

organization in USA..
• “the establishment and maintenance of a
universal standard of training” for
• “…..promotes excellence in nursing education
to build a strong and diverse nursing
Core Values • Leaders in nursing
• CARING Education
• INTEGRITY • Commitment to
• DIVERSITY members
• EXCELLENCE • Champion for nurse
• Advancement of the
Science of Nursing
Commonwealth Nurses Federation
• Organized in 1973, operates in
six regions of the
commonwealth countries

• Objectives:
• Influence health policy
throughout the commonwealth
• Develop nursing networks
• Enhance nursing education
• Improve nursing standards and
• Strengthen nursing leadership
Membership Office Bearers
• Full membership President: Ms. Susie Kong
• Affiliate (Singapore)

Headquaters Vice President: Mr. Satish

London, UK Chawla (India)
• “Serves the public interest by
setting standards, providing
resources, and developing the
leadership capacity of member
schools to advance nursing
education, research, and
• Curriculum standards
• Government Advocacy
• Accreditation
• Research and Data Services
• Conferences and special Projects
• Publications
International Red Cross
“Is an impartial, neutral, and independent
organization whose exclusively humanitarian
mission is to protect the lives and dignity of
victims of war and internal violence and to
provide them with assistance”
Principles … Headquaters
• Humanity Geneva, Switzerland
• Impartiality President
• Neutrality Jakob Kellenberger
• Independence Director-General
Angelo Gnaedinger
• Volunteerism
• Unity &
• Universality

• “UNICEF is mandated by the United Nations

General Assembly to advocate for the
protection of children's rights, to help meet
their basic needs and to expand their
opportunities to reach their full potential”
• Headquarters – New York
• Estb. 1948 specialized agency of
the UN.

Nursing in the WHO:

Chief Scientist for Nursing –
Hirschfield (Israel)
Professional Organizations at
the National and State level
Trained Nurses Association of India (TNAI)
Student Nurses Association (SNA)
CMAI – Nurses League
Indian Nursing Council
Evangelical Nurses Fellowship of India
Society of Indian Neuroscience Nurses
Oncology Nurses Association of India
Nursing Research Society of India
Indian Society of Psychiatry Nurses
Society of Midwives India
Indian Confederation for Health Care
Accreditation (ICHA)
Trained Nurses Association of
India (TNAI)
• Established in 1922, dates back to 1905

• Sections within the TNAI

• Nursing Service
• Nursing education
• Nursing Research
• Socio - Economic welfare
• Clinical Speciality
Functions of the TNAI
• Nurses Charter
• Standardization of Nursing Education
• Service Condition for Nurses
• Continuing Education Programme
• Socio – Economic Welfare programmes
• Scholarships
• Nurse’s welfare Funds
• Relationship with the Government
• International Affiliations
• Projects
• The Nursing Journal of India
• Indian Nursing Year Book
• TNAI handbook
• Basic principles of Nursing Care
• Simplified Microbiology
• Nursing Administration
• History and trends of Nursing in India
• Fundamentals of Nursing Procedure
Board of Directors
• President – Mr. A.B Kulkarni
• Vice President – Sr. (Prof) Gilbert
• Secretary General – Mrs. Sheila Seda
Student Nurses Association
Organized in 1920 - Under the TNAI.

Activities of the SNA

1. Organization of meetings and Conferences
2. Maintenance of SNA diary
3. Exibition
4. Public speaking
5. Propagation of Nursing as a profession
6. Fund Raising
7. Socio – Cultural and recreational activities
Indian Nursing Council
Established in 1947 under the Indian Nursing
Council Act of 1947
Aims, Objectives and Functions of INC:
1. Uniform standard of nursing education
through inspection.
2. Recognition of qualifications for
registration and employment
3. Approval of foreign qualification
4. Syllabus and regulations for nursing
5. Withdraw recognition
6. Advice State Nursing Councils,
examining boards, state and federal
7. Approval of registration of Indian and
Foreign educated Nurses
1.Executive committee of the Council-
maintenance of standards of nursing programs
2. The Nursing Education Committee- nursing
education and policy matters
3. Equivalence committee- issues of recognition of
foreign qualifications
1.Teaching material for quality assurance model
2. Practice standards for nursing
• New Delhi

Board of Directors
• President – Shri. Dileep Kumar
• Vice President – Dr. Asha Sharma
• Asst. Secretary – Mrs. K.S. Bharathi
CMAI – Nurses League
Founded in 1930 as the Nurses Auxilliary of CMAI
• Promote cooperation and encouragement
• Efficiency in nursing education and services
• Highest quality of candidates
• Secure highest standards of education
• Consider special work and problems of
• Implementing schemes of comprehensive
• Help in calamities and disasters
• Mentoring leaders
• Health and development
• Consultancy services
• Policy advocacy
• Dialogue with church on health and wholeness
• Supporting new health and development
• Dissemination of information
• Publications..
• Scholarships…
Nurses Christian Fellowship
• Good news of Jesus Christ to nursing practice
and education
• Foster growth of Christian community
• Practice nursing from Christian worldview
• Mentor students to view nursing as ministry
• Leaders for ongoing Christians influence on
• Equip nurses for worldwide mission through
Oncology Nurses Association of
Formed in November 1994 at Tata
Memorial Hospital
Aims and Objectives:
1.To bring together the disciplines
of Oncology nurses towards the
betterment of Cancer care.
2.To standardize the current
practice of Oncology nursing in
the country.
3.To encourage the advancement of
education in Cancer nursing.
4.To serve as a link for other regional and
local organizations that influence the
development of Oncology nursing.
• Awards…
• Cancer awareness Campaigns
• ONAI is affiliated to the
• International Society of Nurses in Cancer
Care &
• Australian Cancer Nursing Association
The Society of Indian Neuroscience
• Dedicated to the development and promotion of
neuroscience Nursing activities

• Aims and objectives:

• Highest standard in the ethics and practice
• Maintain close association and cooperation
• Adequate opportunities to those qualified
• Promote research in neurological nursing
• To receive donations… further the aims and

• Disciplinary committee…
Nursing Research Society of India
Established in 1986 “ to promote research within
and around nursing environment
Aims and Objectives:
1. Development of nursing research activities
2. Platform to nurse scientists to exchange views
3. Sponsor scientific meets, seminars and
4. Create public interest in contribution of nursing
to health and family welfare
5. Establish nursing research journal of India
Indian Society of Psychiatry Nurses
• Registered under cooperative Society Act
in 1991 with a motive of….

1. Enhancing advanced knowledge and

skills in Psychiatric nursing
2. Provide platform for discussion and
deliberation On EBP
3. Create awareness and translate research
Society of Midwives India
Obtained membership with ICM in 2003.

1. Mainstreaming midwifery practice in clinical
and public health
2. Women’s awareness, choices and decisions for
safe motherhood
3. Improving standards of maternal and newborn
4. Enabling midwifery practices through better
education, training and research
Indian Confederation for Health
Care Accreditation (ICHA)
ICHA is a National non-profit organisation

“Establish validated excellence in healthcare
through collaborative team effort to achieve
ever-higher optimal levels of quality, access,
cost and risk minimisation “
Values / Guiding Principles
1. Balance of rights and responsibilities
2. Credibility through integrity and quality
3. Failure mode redressals
– Withdrawal of accreditation
– Action by ICHA on redressal of complaints
– Support to the right practices.
4. Integration rather than division
5. Innovation encouraged
6. Choice of Adaptation and adoption in implementation
7. Trust- Transparency- Transactions as core operative
8. Work through Volunteering – Negotiation - Conciliation

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