Science Questions

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Science questions

Q1. How do you calculate the height of a tree?

Q2. What do you mean by reflection? What is main condition for

diffused reflection?
Q3. Tell all beams of light and also tell where we can see them.
Q4. Tell the difference between the Image and Shadow.
Q5.Define skull.
Q6. Tell physically. Bones of human leg while labeling with the help
of finger.
Q7. Explain why doctors use X-ray photographs?

Q8. Explain locomotion in birds.

Q9. Is earth a huge magnet? How?
Q10. How magnet compass works?
Q11. Explain how muscles work to cause movements in bones.
Q12. Why do snakes not move forward in a straight line?
Ans: The snake's body is twisted into a tangle of loops. The snake's body is
made up of several muscles that are linked to one another and to the
skeleton's bones. Each of the snake's loops is moved by these muscles. As a
result, each snake loop pushes forward by pressing on the ground. As the
snake body is made up of numerous individual loops that push and move
forward, it does not move in a straight line, even though it moves incredibly
Q13. Define joints. Explain its importance
Q14. Explain how muscles work to cause movements in bones
Q15. Name 5 methods used for separating substances from their
Q16. How do you separate sugar mixed with wheat flour?
Ans: The method of sieving is used to separate the sugar and wheat flour
mixture. First, the mixture is filtered through a sieve. Wheat flour particles will
pass through, while the large sugar particles will be trapped by the sieve.
Q17. Advantage of Winnowing:
ANS. The operation of this method does not involve the use of any machines.
It is entirely reliant on human activity; hence it takes less time to process and
is unquestionably inexpensive.
Disadvantage of Winnowing:
ANS. Winnowing is a way of separating heavy components of a mixture from
lighter components using wind, but this procedure does not work for items
heavier than grains, such as stones.
Q18. How can magnets be used to separate junk in a junkyard?
ANS. Materials such as iron, nickel, and cobalt, are attracted to magnets.
Therefore, materials made of such magnetic substances can be separated in
a junkyard by attracting them to a strong magnet. Hence, cranes with larger
magnetic capacity are used in junkyards for separation of junk.
Q19. Explain magnetisation.
Ans. Magnetisation is the process of creating an artificial magnet with the help
of a magnet. Place a piece of iron bar on the table. Then move one of the
magnet's poles carefully along the entire length of the iron bar. It's important
not to lift the magnet halfway. During this process make sure to use the same
pole of the magnet to slide along the iron bar in the same direction each time.
This method is repeated 30-40 times until the iron rod becomes magnetised
Q20. How can a compass be used to find directions?
Ans. A freely hanging magnet will always fall to the ground in a north-south
orientation. A compass is made out of a magnetised needle that may freely
rotate. The compass needle will always point north-south when it comes to
rest. The needle will always point in the same direction. A compass can thus
be used to determine north and south.
Q21. At which point does the arm rotate?
Ans. The arm rotates on the round pit like structure.
Q23. What are floating ribs?
Ans. The last two pairs of ribs that are not joined in front of the breast bone/sternum. So,
they are called floating ribs.
Q24. What is slithering?
Ans. The movement of snakes is called slithering.

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