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PART A. LISTENING(20 points)

I. You will hear a man telephoning a library to find out about joining. Listen and complete the form
below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS/ OR A NUMBER for each answer. You will hear
the recording TWICE(10points)

For registration, must take
- two(1)________ (passport) photos/ (passport) photographs _______and
- two forms of I.D. E.g.driving licence, (2)______ (a) bank statement _______
Cost to join per year(with out current student card): (3) £______125 (per year)_________
Number of items allowed: (members of public)(4)________8_______
Loan times: fourweeks
Fines start at (5) £______1.50_________
Computers can be booked upto (6)________ 48_______hours in advance
Library holds most national papers, al l(7) _ local papers/ local
Newspapers __,and magazines
Need(8)_______ (a) card/ cards ________to use photocopier
Creative Writing class
- tutor is John(9)____ Grantingham ___________
- held on(10)_____ Friday __________evenings

II.You will hear a teacher talking to a group of students. Listen and choose the best answer A, B, or C.
You will hear the recording TWICE(5points)
1. Why is tonight’s disco special?
A. It’s the last week of the course. B. It starts earlier than usual. C. It’s Sam birthday.
2. Where will the football match take place?
A. at Henry’s College B. at the sports centre C. in a park
3. After the football match, the students will .
A. go to a pizza restaurant B. have a party at the college C. celebrate on the
4. The train to Thornton leaves at .
A. 12.15 B. 12.45 C. 1.20
5. What should the students bring to the picnic?
A. drinks B. bread rolls C. glasses
*Your answers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
III. You will hear a student called Shona giving a presentation on her research report. Listen and
choose the best answer A, B, or C. You will hear the recording TWICE(5points)
1. In order to set up her research programme, Shona got .
A. advice from personal friends in other countries
B. help from students in other countries
C. information from her tutor’s contacts in other countries
2. What types of people were included in the research?
A. young people in their first job
B. men who were working
C. women who were unemployed
3. Shona says that in her questionnaire her aim was .
A. to get a wide range of data
B. to limit people's responses
C. to guide people through interviews
4. What do Shona’s initial results show about medical services in Britain?
A. Current concerns are misrepresented by the press.
B. Financial issues are critical to the government.
C. Reforms within hospitals have been unsuccessful.
5. Shona needs to do further research in order to .
A. present the government with her findings
B. decide the level of extra funding needed
C. identify the preferences of the public
*Your answers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in the same line.
1.A. purse B. nervous C. surprise D. worse
2.A. architect B. parachute C. choir D. psychology
3. A. precious B. preparation C. pretty D. repetition
II. Find the word with the stress pattern different from that of the other three words in each
question. (4points)
1. A. invent B. literacy C. inventory D. stationery
2. A.dormitory B. handicap C. minority D. voluntary
III. Choose the word, phrase or expression which best completes each sentence. (30 points)
1. It says in the program that the show______ at 7:30. (thời gian biểu)
A. starts B. has started C. will start D. started
2. Two students ______ at a bus-stop were kidnapped yesterday. Mệnh đề quan hệ rút gọn thể chủ động
A. wait B. waited C. waiting D. were waiting
3. ______ anything suspicious arise, please phone me immediately. Biến thể điều kiện loại 1+ đảo ngữ
A. Should B. If C. Would D. Could
4. Most American people don’t object ______ them by their first names. Object to + N/ Ving: phản đối
A. that I call B. that I am called C. for calling D. to my calling
5. In my opinion, young ______ must be punished, but education is the best cure.
A. crime B. criminals C. crimes D. criminality
Criminal(a/n) : phạm tội, kẻ phạm tội
Crime (n) : tội ác, phạm tội
6. A cooperative program between two companies building a famous ancient city into a(n) ______ city has
proceeded smoothly since it started in September last year.
A. friendly ecology B. ecology-friendly
C. friendly-ecological D. ecological-friendly
Cách tạo tính từ ghép tiếng Anh
Số + Danh từ số ít
Ví dụ:Five-minute meeting: cuộc họp 5 phút
Danh từ + Tính từ
Một số tính từ ghép được tạo thành từ Danh từ + Tính từ như: Accident-prone (dễ bị tai nạn), Air-sick (say
máy bay)
Danh từ + quá khứ phân từ
Các tính từ ghép tạo thành từ Danh từ + quá khứ phân từ thường gặp như: Heart-shaped (hình trái tim),
Middle-aged (trung tuổi)
Tính từ + V-ing
Các tính từ ghép tạo thành từ Tính từ + V-ing như: Sweet-smelling (mùi ngọt), Peacekeeping (giữ gìn hòa
Tính từ + quá khứ phân từ
Các tính từ ghép tạo thành từ Tính từ + quá khứ phân từ: old-fashioned (cũ kĩ), long-forgotten (lãng
Danh từ + quá khứ phân từ
Air-conditioned (có điều hòa), Home-made (tự làm, tự sản xuất)
Tính từ + Danh từ + ed
Một số tính từ ghép tạo thành từ Tính từ + Danh từ + ed như: Kind-hearted (tốt bụng), Narrow-minded
(bảo thủ)
Trạng từ + quá khứ phân từ
Một số tính từ ghép bởi Trạng từ + Quá khứ phân từ: Brightly-lit (tràn đầy ánh sáng), Well-known (nổi
tiếng), Densely-populated (đông dân cư),
7. Mr. Henry was given a medal in _______ of his service to his country.
A. gratitude B. knowledge C. recognition D. response
in recognition of: sự công nhận, thừa nhận.
8.“Go on, finish the desert. It needs _______ up because it won’t stay fresh until tomorrow.”
A. eat B. eating C. to eat D. eaten
9. My parents lent me the money. ________, I couldn’t have afforded the trip.
A. However B. Therefore C. Only if D. Otherwise : nếu ko tgif
10. Her face turned _______when she heard that her mother met with an accident.
A. red B. blue C.white D. grey
Tái mét, xanh nhợt, trắng bệch
to turn (go) white
tái đi, nhợt nhạt
11.That is the last _______ I am leaving.
A. straw B. pain C. limit D. nuisance
'The last straw': giọt nước tràn ly, cuối cùng, giới hạn cuối cùng…thể hiện sự không thể chịu đựng được
thêm nữa 12.-“Do you mind if I take a seat?” - “______________”
A. Yes, I don’t mind B. No, do as you please
C. No I mind D. Yes, do as you please
13.Florida _______ Georgia to the North.
A. borders(n): biên giới, (v): tiếp giáp với cái gì B. stretches: quãng đường thẳng của một vòng đua
C. frontiers: biên giới D. boundaries: đường biên giới
14. The new school complex cost _______ the city council had budgeted for.
A. twice more by far than B. twice much more than
C. almost twice as much as D. just twice as much as
so sánh gấp bao nhiêu lần: twice/ 3, 4 …times AS + ADJ/ ADV+ AS
15.When the electricity failed, he _________ a match to find the candle.
A. rubbed B.struck C. scratched D. started
*Your answers: 1. 4. 7. 10. 13.
2. 5. 8. 11. 14.
3. 6. 9. 12. 15.
IV. Give the correct form of the words in brackets. (20 points)
1.When you travel into space, you can eat and drink in ______. (WEIGHT)
2.How do you ________ the real painting from the fake one ? (DIFFERENT)
3. He __________and fell into the water. (BALANCE)
4.All the ________from the last lecture were not allowed to attend (ABSENCE)
the interview for the coming project.
5.Ann _______ and picked up her riding hat. (MOUNT)
6. Jim is very disorganized and not very ________ . (BUSINESS)
7. You look rather _______ . Are you worried about something? (OCCUPY)
8.He was the only student to be awarded the special prize in reciting poetry_______ (Compete)
9.He is_______ to have completed all his coursework by next week. (Plan)
10.If you felt _______ ,you should have given me a ring(lone)
1. weightlessness: tình trạng ko trọng lượng
2. differentiate (v)
3. overbalanced (v): quan trọng hơn, có giá trị hơn
4. absentees (n) người vắng mặt
5. Dismounted (v): xuống (ngựa, xe...)
6. Businesslike (a) Thực tế, thiết thực, Tháo vát, thạo việc,
7. preoccupied(a): bận tâm, lo lắng, không thảnh thơi
SECTION C. READING (60 points)
I. Read the following passage and then choose the most suitable word or phrase for each space. (20
Sound Advice for Language Learners
            A recent issue of a language learning magazine has consulted a number of experts in the (61) ____ of
second language acquisition. Their advice may prove invaluable for those (62)____ a language course. One
suggestion is that you (63) ____  whether you are likely to be successful at learning a language? Did you
enjoy studying languages at school, for example? Do you have enough time to learn a language? The major
(64)____will be your own time and effort. Therefore, you must be sure that the course on offer leads to a
(65)_____ qualification. Also, be realistic in your (66)______. If you don't set achievable aims, you are
more likely to give up. Do not be deceived (67)______thinking that the most expensive courses are the best.
(68) ______ around to get the best possible value for money. You should also bear in mind that the quicker
you learn a language, the more quickly you forget it. Sandra Miller, a French teacher, tried to teach herself
German by enrolling on a (69)______course. Already fluent in four languages and with a sound knowledge
of teaching methodology her chances of (70)______ progress were high. Three years on she remembers very
little. She feels her biggest mistake was not to follow up her first experience. "I should have consolidated
what I'd learn by continuing to study, even if it were by myself."
61.A. branch B. field C. area D. domain
62.A. wondering B. thinking C. looking D. considering: cân nhắc
63. A. assess: ước định        B. review C. balance D. survey
64. A. chance: tiền công, tiền thù lao    B.Cost – /kɑːst/: chi phí để làm ra sản phẩ
C. Price – /praɪs/: giá cả, giá bán của sản phẩm D. evaluation
65.A. recognized  B. understood C. valued D. regarded
66. A. sights        B. ends C. objects D. goals
trong khi goal là đề ra những cái mà mình muốn đạt tới thì objective lại đề ra những bước cụ thể, hành động
chính xác cần làm để đạt được target hoặc goal.
object≠ objective
67. A. by             B. about C. into D. in   
deceive oneself into thinking to pretend in one's mind
68.A. nose          B. push C. run D. shop
"Shop around (something)" / "shop (something) around": xem xét kỹ lưỡng để tìm hàng hoá có chất lượng
tốt nhất (hoặc dịch vụ tốt nhất..) hoặc thương lượng giá cả.
69. A. rapid           B. crash C. quick D. fast
Crash course:khóa học cấp tốc
70. A. achieving         B. doing C. making D. gaining

1. 3. 5. 7. 9.
*Your answers:
2. 4. 6. 8. 10.
II. Choose the most appropriate heading from the list A-H for each part (1-5) of the article. There are
TWO extra headings which you do not need to use. The first has been done as an example(20 points)
Lists of Headings

A. Making friends during exams D. Vary the way you revise G. Set yourself targets
B. Remembering the difficult bits E. Reward yourself H. Write down the main points
C. Keep calm F. Be organized


0. _____G_____
It’s always good to know what you’re aiming for so that you know if and when you get there. By having an
aim for each week, or even each day, it will help you check your progress and show you if you need to
change your plans.
1. ___________
Rather than have to work through masses of notes every time you revise something, try noting down things
you want to remember on a piece of paper. It doesn’t seem much to learn that way, but it makes sure you
don’t miss out anything important. Once you’ve learnt the main points, rewrite them on another piece of
paper without looking at your notes.
2. ___________
There is nothing worse than being confused about what you need to prepare for your coming exam. If you
have a plan and stick to it, you won’t end up cramming all your revision into the last few hours! Make a list
of your exams and what you need to learn beforehand, and then drew up a timetable covering all the topics.
You can then work out what you need to do on a weekly basis and when you are going to do it.
3. ___________
By now you’ll probably have discovered the method of revision which suits you best. But every now and
then it might be helpful to try a different method. You could try working with a group of friends, or using a
different book which covers things from a new angle. Whatever it is, just try something different
4. ___________
Some things are almost impossible to remember, so you may need to do something unusual to help you
remember. Try writing them down in large letters and bright colors and sticking them on the fridge, on a
mirror or on the bathroom door. Try recording them onto a cassette player and keep playing it back to
yourself - on a personal stereo if you have got one!
5. ___________
Not too many people like exams and most of us get nervous before and during exams. But if you’ve
followed your plan and put the effort into revising, then there is no need to worry or panic. Hopefully these
tips will have helped you. Give it your best shot - that’s all that anyone can expect from you.

1. H 2. F 3. D 4. B 5. C
III. Read the following passage and choose the best option marked A, B, C or D to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions(20points)
What is ‘extreme’ weather? Why are people talking about it these days? ‘Extreme’ weather is an
unusual weather event such as rainfall, a drought or a heat wave in the wrong place or at the wrong time.
In theory, they are very rare. But these days, our TV screens are constantly showing such extreme
weather events. Take just three news stories from 2010: 28 centimetres of rain fell on Riode Janeiro in
24 hours, Nashville, USA, had 33 centimetres of rain in two days and there was record rainfall in
The effects of this kind of rainfall are dramatic and lethal( chết người). In Rio de Janeiro,
landslides followed, burying hundreds of people. In Pakistan, the floods affected 20 million people.
Meanwhile, other parts of the world suffer devastating droughts. Australia, Russia and East Africa have
been hit in the last ten years. And then there are unexpected heat waves, such as in 2003 in Europe.
That summer, 35.000 deaths were said to be heat-related.
So, what is happening to our weather? Are these extreme events part of a natural cycle? Or are
they caused by human activity and its effects on the Earth’s climate? Peter Miller says it’s probably a
mixture of both of these things. On the one hand, the most important influences on weather events are
natural cycles in the climate. Two of the most famous weather cycles, El Niño and La Niña, originate in
the Pacific Ocean. The heat from the warm ocean rises high into the atmosphere and affects weather all
around the world. On the other hand, the temperature of the Earth’s oceans is slowly but steadily going
up. And this is a result of human activity. We are producing greenhouse gases that trap heat in the
Earth’s atmosphere. This heat warms up the atmosphere, land and oceans. Warmer oceans produce more
water vapor - think of heating a pan of water in your kitchen. Turn up the heat, it produces steam more
quickly. Satellite data tells US that the water vapor in the atmosphere has gone up by four percent in 25
years. This warm, wet air turns into the rain, storms, hurricanes and typhoons that we are increasingly
experiencing. Climate scientist, Michael Oppenheimer, says that we need to face the reality of climate
change. And we also need to act now to save lives and money in the future.
1. It is stated in the passage that extreme weather is .
A.becoming more common B. not a natural occurrence
C. difficult for scientists to understand D. killing more people than ever before
2. Which of these things is the basis of normal weather patterns?
A. greenhouse gases B. human activity
C. El Niño and La Niña D. water vapour
3. What caused thousands of deaths in 2003?
A. a period of hot weather B. floods after a bad summer
C. a long spell of heavy rain D. large-scale landslides
4. According to the passage, extreme weather is a problem because .
A. we can never predict it B. it only affects crowded places
C. it’s often very destructive D. its causes are completely unknown
5. Which statement is NOT supported by the information in the passage?
A. Extreme weather is substantially influenced by human activity.
B. Unusual weather events are part of natural cycles.
C. We can limit the bad effects of extreme weather.
D.Such extreme weather is hardly the consequence of human activity
*Your answers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
SECTION D. WRITING (60 points)
I. Write the sentence beginning with the word(s) given so that it has the closest meaning to the original
1.While I strongly disapprove of your behavior, I will help you this time.
→ Despite my strong disapproval of your behavior, I will help you this time.
2.I only realised that I had forgotten to close the door when she told me.
→ Only when she told me did I realise that I had forgotten to close the door ( đảo ngữ only when/ only by/ only
3.Despite Jack’s strange clothes, everybody ignored him.
→ Nobody took notice of Jack despite his strange clothes. ( take notice of : chú ý tới)
4.We will not delay our voyage whether there is a rain or not.
→ Regardless of the rain, we will not delay our voyage. (regardless of: bất kể, bất chấp)
5.To pass the time, I looked through some magazines.
→ I whiled away the time looking through some magazines
(whiled away the time Ving: giết thời gian, dành một khoảng thời gian hoặc hoặc bỏ ra vài giờ để làm gì (vì
rảnh rỗi).)
6. The company presents a gold watch to each of its retiring employees.
→Each of the company’s retiring employees is presented with a gold watch
7. They tried hard so that they would pass the exam.
→With a view to passing the exam, they tried hard
With a view to + Ving: nhằm mục đích làm gì
8. On his way home Terry had an unfortunate accident .
→Terry met with an unfortunate accident on his way home.
without accident: an toàn không xảy ra tai nạn
to meet with an accident: gặp rủi ro; gặp tai nạn, gặp tai biến
9.The Pacific Ocean is averagely deeper than the Atlantic.
→The average depth of the Pacific Ocean is greater than that of the Altlantic.
10.Peter said “I wish I were in your place”.
→ Peter said he wished he were in my place
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