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EDGET CHORA SECONDARY and PREPARATORY SCHOOL History Handout For Grade12 Students,

2014 E.C Compiled By Million. T. CHAPTER 4 and 5

CHAPTER FOUR 4. Competition b/n Britain and Germany in

5. Italy and Turkey fought to control Libya in

4.1. The First World War (W.W.I) 6. Britain and France rivalries in Sudan, Fashoda
in 1898
 World War I was basically the result of
Economic and political Rivalries among the B. Militarism and Arm Race
industrial nations in Europe.
 The qualification of armed strength and the
 It was took place in Europe but many people
attitudes that international problems can be
from different continents were involved in
solved by use of force is called Militarism.
this war either directly or indirectly.
 To strengthen their military potential, Britain
The major causes of World War I were: and Germany had sharply competed with naval
power construction.
A. Imperialism Rivalries and colonialism
 Therefore Britain built the most powerful
B. Militarism and Arm Race
battle ship in 1906 and German Also built the
C. Creation of Military Alliance
same battle ship in 1909.
D. Nationalism
 During this period, military service had been
A. Imperialism Rivalries and colonialism;
made standing obligations to citizen in many
 European ambition to possess colonies in
European powers.
Africa and Asia led them to conflicts and
C. Creation of Military Alliance:
 After Franco-Prussia war in 1871 German
 It was called Imperialism.
followed a policy of Isolating France and it
 A policy or ideology of extending rule over
established friendly relation to Austria
peoples and other countries for extending
Hungary in 1879.
political and economic access, power and
 It was called Dual Alliance.
influence through colonization, use of military
 After three years, in 1881 Italy Germany and
force, or other means.
Austria formed a strong military bloc it was
Examples of Imperialism called Triple Alliance or Central Power.
 On the other hand, France and Russia
1. Struggle b/n France and Italy to colonize
established dual Alliance in 1884 and France
Tunisia in 1881.
also created friendly relation to Britain in
2. Russia conflicted with Austria in Balkan
 After three years later, France, Russia and
3. Struggle b/n France and Germany over
Britain formed Triple Intent or Allied Power
Morocco from 1905-1911
in 1907.

“Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need”. (K. Gibran) Page 1
EDGET CHORA SECONDARY and PREPARATORY SCHOOL History Handout For Grade12 Students,
2014 E.C Compiled By Million. T. CHAPTER 4 and 5

D. Nationalism; iv. Four Balkan states, Greece, Serbia,

 It is the feelings among a group of people Bulgaria and Montenegro created Balkan
that they belong together, bound by a ties of League
common culture, common history, and a  With the help of Russia to have got their
common psychological makeup. provinces from Ottoman Turkey
 The beginning of strong nationalist feelings in  The members of the League declared war
Germany, France and Balkan states were against Ottoman Turkey and they took
taken as the cause of the first World war Macedonia from it in 1912.
i. German Nationalism;  It was called the First Balkan War.
 The government of German had shown great  But the members of the league quarreled
colonial ambition after Unification so that to each other when they divided the new
possess colonies and to secure its interest province.
Germany began to compete with other  Bulgaria declared war against Greece and
European Powers in Africa. Serbia.
ii. French Nationalism;  These two Balkan countries invited Romania
 There was a need to gain Alsace and Lorraine and formed a common army against Bulgaria
from German. And some of the nationalists of then they defeated Bulgaria and took her
France also angry because of the measures former territory.
which was taken by William I, the king of  As a result Serbia became powerful and
German who crowned as an Emperor at the strong and it need to Annex Bosnia
Hall of Mirror in Versatile
Immediate causes of World war I
iii. Balkan Nationalism;
 Nationalist feeling was inflamed among the  The Austrian crown Prince, Archduke Franz
peoples of Balkan countries of South East Ferdinand and His wife was assassinated by
Europe to liberate them from the despotic Serbian Nationalists Garvilo Princip on June
rule of Ottoman Turkey. 28, 1914 in the capital city of Bosinia,
 As a result five Balkan states namely Greece, Sarajevo.
Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro  After this event, Germany promised to help
appeared on the map Austria against Serbia.
 But their independent was incomplete because  It was known as ''Blank Cheque''then Austria
large numbers of their fellow nationals in sent Ultimatum to Serbia. These were;
province Such as Bosnia, Herzegovina which  To stop Anti Austria Propaganda
were under the Austria Hungary since 1879  To allow Austria to investigate the plot
and Macedonia which was under the control of in Serbia that led to the assassination
Ottoman Turkey. of the Archduke in Sarajevo. But
Ultimatum was refused by Serbia.

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EDGET CHORA SECONDARY and PREPARATORY SCHOOL History Handout For Grade12 Students,
2014 E.C Compiled By Million. T. CHAPTER 4 and 5

 Russia also mobilized its people to support  The major objective of this plan was avoided
Serbia. to fight in two fronts within the same time.
 In the same time, Germany declared war on  Because of this, Germany started the First
Russia and France on August 1 and 3 1914 World War on the western front with a
respectively. massive attack on France by going through
 On the other way Britain declared war against Belgium and Luxemburg.
Germany when it invaded the neutral Belgium.  But Russia mobilized her army immediately
and attacked the German.
The Course of World War I  Austria from East direction before German
 The war was fought between two major completed its invasion in France.
military blocs.  French Government evacuated Paris and
 These were the Allied powers and Central moved to Bordeaux when German reached
powers. near Paris.
A. Allied powers  The French commander, General Joffree
B. Central Power gave battle to the advancing Germans on the
Marne River.
A. Allied powers  Dead lock was created between 1915-16
 Britain It was the leader of this bloc. And the between the Allied powers and Central Power.
other members of this group were France, 2. Eastern Front
Russia until 1917, Belgium, Italy since  Russians invaded east and south Germany and
1915, USA joined 1917, Japan. they invaded the province of Galicia in Austria
B. Central Power Hungary.
 Germany was the group leader of this group  But After some months Russians army was
during this war. defeated at the battle of Tenenberg north
 The other members of this group were eastern part of Poland.
Austria Hungary, Bulgaria, and Ottoman  But the Britain Attempt to defeat Ottoman
Turkey. Turkey and controlled Constantinople was
failed because;
The major Fronts of World war
 The army of Britain was defeated by
 There were two major fronts during this war. Ottoman Turkey’s army which was
1. Western Front. commanded by Mustapha Kemal at
 During this war the Germans followed the Gallipoli Campaign.
Schlieffen war plan which designed by the  The only Success of Allied forces was the
German chief of Staff Alfred Schielffen conquest of Germany’s overseas colony in
some eight years back. 1915-1916.

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EDGET CHORA SECONDARY and PREPARATORY SCHOOL History Handout For Grade12 Students,
2014 E.C Compiled By Million. T. CHAPTER 4 and 5

How Italy did join the First World war? Russia was signed armistice (cease fire)
with central powers
 Britain and France gave promise to Italy to
 at Brest Litovisk treaty on March 3,
give the lost provinces of Italy from Austria
Hungary and certain parts from Ottoman
 because of frequent defeat of Russian
Turkey after the victory of Allied powers at
army in the World War I,
London Treaty in 1915.
 The outbreak of Russian Revolution and
 After this treaty Italy was became the
economic Hardship.
member of Allied power and it declared war
 In the spring of 1918 the first Unified allied
against Austria Hungary in 1915.
command was created in the west under
How did USA entered in the WWI? Marshal Foch and he crushed the central
power in many battle fields.
 On May &, 1915, the German Sub marine (U-  As a result Bulgaria was the first country to
boat) sank a commercial ship of Britain and surrender on September 30 1918.
caused the death of large numbers of people  The other two members of central powers,
including 128 Americans. Austria and Ottoman Turkey were
 After some months Germany also sank many surrendered in October 1918.
commercial and warships in Pacific Ocean.  Finally Germany, the leader of Central power,
 Finally the telegram sent from Germany to signed ceasefire on 11, 11,11,1918.
Mexico was intercepted by the Britain Agents
became the final straw for Wilson and The consequence of the World War I
America, and war was the only alternatives.
 There were many peace treaties which
 The foreign minister of German, Zimmerman
signed between the members of Allied
sent telegram to his ambassador in Mexico to
power and central powers .These were;
be a member of central power and he
i. Paris Conference
promised to support Mexico for restoring its
 It was held in 1919.
lost territories in 1940 by USA in February
 The dominant figures in the peace
conference were Britain, Italy, USA and
 Because of this event USA declared war
against Germany on April 6, 1917.
 These were called the big four.
 So that the balance of the warring Nations
was shifted from central powers to Allied The proposals of these members were
powers even if Russia was withdrew from the the following.
members in the same year.
 Prime minster of Lloyd George of Britain
wanted to create a power of Balance in
Europe without weakening Germany

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EDGET CHORA SECONDARY and PREPARATORY SCHOOL History Handout For Grade12 Students,
2014 E.C Compiled By Million. T. CHAPTER 4 and 5

 The prime minster Orlando of Italy 12. Germany forced to pay war
demanded that he forced the Allied powers compensations 6,600,000,000 Dollars.
to keep their Promise regarding Italy 13. Rhine land became demilitarized zone.
 Clemenceau of France requested that iii. The saint German treaty
Germany Should take harsh treatment  It was signed between Allied powers and
 Woodrow Wilson, (Fourteen Points) the Austria Hungary on September 10, 1919.
president of America prepared fourteen  Because of this treaty Austria restricted only
points regarding human and democratic rights one tenth of the former territories of its
of men, nation and nationalities. Empire.
 These four members of the conference  Some of the former provinces of Austria
agreed to have more or less satisfied. Hungary went to Poland, Yugoslavia and Italy.
ii. Treaty of Versailles iv. Treaty of Trianon
 It was held in 1919  This treaty was signed between Allied powers
and Hungary.
Allied powers signed treaty with Germany
 It was signed on June 4, 1920
on the following Issues
 Hungary agreed to separate from Austria and
1. Germany lost all her colonies in Africa established as republic of Hungary
2. The colonies were given to France, Britain v. Treaty of Sevres
Belgium and South Africa as mandatory  The treaty was signed between Allied powers
Rule and Ottoman Turkey in August 10, 1920.
3. German lost her colonies in pacific Ocean  The former territories in the Middle East
to Japan, Australia and New Zealand were given to Britain and France
4. Alsace and Lorraine were given back to  Syria and Lebanon were to give for France
France  Iraq, Palestine and Trans Jordan were given
5. All of lands of Poland were given to Poland to Britain as a mandatory rule
6. Danzig became Free City vi. The Lausanne Treaty
7. German Lost upper silcsra to Poland  It was signed b/n Allied powers and the
8. Small districts like Eupan Morcsent and Republic of Ottoman Turkey in 1923 to be a
malmedy were transferred with Belgium. republic.
9. German’s army would be reduced to The Birth of League of Nation
100,000 men. ᵯ It was emerged as the first international
10. The army of German would not possess organization to keep world peace in 1920.
heavy Tanks Air crafts ᵯ The members of the league were 51 in 1921
11. Germany agreed to have limited and it grew in to 60 in 1934.
numbers of Navy ᵯ Two of the members German and Russia were
latecomers because they came into the league
in 1926 and 1934 respectively.

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EDGET CHORA SECONDARY and PREPARATORY SCHOOL History Handout For Grade12 Students,
2014 E.C Compiled By Million. T. CHAPTER 4 and 5

ᵯ The head quarter of the league was in the Ԙ In the first and second decade of the first
Switzerland, Geneva half of twenty century, three revolutions
The organs of League of Nation were; were broke out in Russia.
ᵯ General Assembly – it was the highest organ 1. 1905 Russian Revolution
of the league. Ԙ It was the first revolution in twentieth
ᵯ Council – the decisive organ of the league century
ᵯ Permanent court of Justice Ԙ The major causes of this revolution were
ᵯ Secretariat the following
1. Peasants were forced to pay heavy
League of Nation was unable to take measures compensations to land lords and most of
against the following the aggressor Nations. them were the victim of Serfdom and
1. In 1931, Japan invaded northern part of They forced to pay heavy taxes
china. 2. Russian peasants suffered from the
2. 1933, Japan and German announced the shortage of lands.
withdrawal from the members of the 3. Peasants were not given equal status
nation with Russian upper classes
3. 1935/6 Italy invaded Ethiopia. 4. There were economic and social and
political divisions and national oppression
The shortcoming of League of Nation
in Russia.
1. USA was not a member of the League The immediate cause of this revolution
2. German and Russia were Late comers Ԙ It was the frequent defeat of Russian Army
3. The league was dominated by Britain and by Japan in 1904-5.
France Ԙ Because of this, the people of Russia
4. The League didn’t have armed force organized peaceful demonstration to winter
5. General Assembly had no effective power palace on January 25, 1905.
Ԙ This peaceful demonstration was lead by
Powerful European dynasties were dethroned in Father Gapon (George Apollonovich Gapon). A
Europe Russian Orthodox priest and popular working-
ᵯ Hubseberg dynasty in Austria, Romanov class leader before the 1905 Russian
dynasty of Russia and Hohenzollern dynasty Revolution. He was murdered by members of
of German were dethroned in Europe. the socialist Revolutionary Party.
Ԙ Also the Russian police killed the peaceful
The Russian Revolution
Ԙ Tsarist autocratic rulers had ruled Russia Ԙ The day was known as Bloody Sunday.
from 1613 to March 16, 1917 through Romanov Because of the measures of the police, the
dynasty. uprising was continued until 1907.

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EDGET CHORA SECONDARY and PREPARATORY SCHOOL History Handout For Grade12 Students,
2014 E.C Compiled By Million. T. CHAPTER 4 and 5

The results of this revolution were the Ԙ In 1903 this group was separated in to two
following: branches theses were Bolshevik and
Ԙ Czar Nicholas II agreed to establish Duma Menshevik.
(parliament in Russia)
The differences of this two groups were:
Ԙ Election for the membership of Duma was
accepted by the government. Bolsheviks:
Ԙ Even if Nicholas II accepted the
establishment of Duma, the real power of the  Were the supporter of Lenin
government was occupied by the king  Were radical
(Nicholas II)  Want to have small, selected and
dedicative members
After this revolution, many social groups were  Were highly centralized
emerged in Russia these were:  They were the majorities

1. Liberal and Moderate Social groups Mensheviks

2. Social Revolutionary groups
3. Social Democracy groups  were the minorities
 Were reformists
1. Liberal and Moderate Social groups  Want to have all members who were
Ԙ These social groups were not more powerful interested to follow Marxist Ideology.

than the others and this group didn’t do any  Want to have loose organization
more to bring the better life of the people. Ԙ These all social groups forced either to leave
2. Social Revolutionary groups the country or restricted their movement

Ԙ The members of this group were followed didn’t in the country during the 1905

Anti- Marxist ideology. revolution.

Ԙ They were interested to do more on the Ԙ Because of this these political parties

peasants participated actively in the social, economical

Ԙ They wanted to distribute land for peasants. and political activities in Russia.

3. Social Democracy groups The March Revolution in Russia

Ԙ It was existed in 1898
Ԙ They followed Marxist Ideology Ԙ The major cause of the revolution was the
Ԙ They were interested in both social classes same to that of the 1905 revolution in Russia.
(peasants and Workers)
The following were the immediate causes:
Ԙ The newspaper of this group was Spark
(Iskara)  Shortage of food in Petrograd
 Inflation
 High price of food

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2014 E.C Compiled By Million. T. CHAPTER 4 and 5

 Demoralization of soldiers Ԙ Finally the provisional government was

 Because of theses strikes and food riots overthrow and the Bolsheviks seized power in
in Peters berg or Petrograd or Lenin November 1917.
grand ( it was the capital city of Tsarist Ԙ Leon Trotsky was the president of the
Empire) Petrograd and Lenin was the leader of The
The course and the result of the revolution
The Measure of the Bolsheviks
Ԙ The workers of the city carried the slogan
They took the following measures such as;
“Down with War” Down with Autocracy” and
continued their strikes together with the  Redistribute lands for peasants
peasants and the Solders.  With draw of Russian Soldiers from WWI
Ԙ Finally they deposed Nicholas II from the  Nationalized Industries
power and ended the Romanov Dynasties on  Introduce Eight Hour working Day
March 16. 1917.  Organized workers in the Factories.
Ԙ In the same time, provisional government was Ԙ In 1918 Bolsheviks established United States
set up in Russia. of socialist Republic (USSR) in 1918 and they
Ԙ This government was led by Prince George organized a secret police called Cheka to
Lvov and later by Alexander Kerensky. suppress counter revolutionaries in Russia.
Ԙ The character of this government was
Ԙ Bourgeois and it was supported by Capitalists. Civil War in Russia
Ԙ Even if there was the change of Government Ԙ Civil war was broke out in Russia between
in Russia and provisional Government came to Bolsheviks and Counter Revolutionaries (Anti-
power, it didn’t fulfill the demands of the Bolsheviks) when the Bolsheviks came to
common people (peasants, workers and power in 1917.
solders) therefore these social groups
organized Bolsheviks
Ԙ The Soviet and continued their struggle  The members of this group were peasants,
against the provisional Government. Workers and soldiers.
Ԙ Especially, After the return of Lenin from  Their army was The Red Russians
exile in April 1917 the soviets were became  The army was led by Leon Trotsky
active and he declared “ All powers to the
Counter Revolutionaries (Anti- Bolsheviks)
Ԙ The war against the government went on and  The members of this group were high
the slogan of Bolsheviks was ‘Peace!, Land! , Ranking Ex-Tsarist.
Bread!”  The members of the group were Bourgeois
the Royalists and capitalists

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2014 E.C Compiled By Million. T. CHAPTER 4 and 5

 They were supported by Allied powers Ԙ In the same time Bolsheviks under took
because Russia was withdrew from WWI rebuilding of the country and introduced New
 Poland also Intervened against Bolsheviks Economic Policy.
Because it desired territories from Ԙ They also began a policy of force full
Russia collectivization in agriculture in the following
The Result of the War
Ԙ But some of the rich peasants (Kulaks) in
Ԙ Bolsheviks defeated the white Russians after Russia refused Stalin’s collectivization and
three years in 1921. they were deported to forced labour camps in
Ԙ The Major Causes for the defeat of Anti Siberia.
Bolsheviks were the followings: Ԙ After the death of Lenin in 1924, the two
1 The White Russians didn’t have political known leaders of Communist (Leon Trotsky
program and Stalin) had struggled against each other
2 The White Russians considered as until 1927.
traitors of Russia because of the Ԙ Finally Stalin came to power and Leon Trotsky
presence of foreign soldiers. exiled to Mexico and he was died in 1940.
3 They had ruthlessness rule on the people Ԙ After this Stalin introduced series of
4 Workers and peasants were advantageous economic programs called Five years Plan
from Bolsheviks and they decided to from 1928-32.
fight against the whites. Ԙ The economy of the country was command
5 Bolsheviks had well organized and economy and the rule of Stalin was dictatorial
disciplined army and highly centralized.
6 Russian’s large size gave time for the
Resistance to colonial Rule in Africa
Bolsheviks to protract the war.
Ћ During Interwar period (1919-1939) the
Foreign Invasion against Russia colonial powers introduced
Ԙ In 1919 Poland took the opportunity of  Many economic, political, and social
Russian’s internal difficulty and waged war changes in Africa.
against Russia.  Many schools were opened,
Ԙ But the war between Poland and Russia came  Postal and Telegram services were
to an end by the treaty of Riga in 1921. expanded.
Ԙ Poland took large provinces from Russia by Ћ These reforms of the colonial powers
this agreement. helped to create new social classes in
Ԙ Russia also conceded the independent of Africa.
Finland, Estonia Lithuania and Latvia Ћ Therefore the African resistance was
mainly centered on towns and cities in

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2014 E.C Compiled By Million. T. CHAPTER 4 and 5

Africa and the objective of African  For the prestige of Mussolini through
resistance was not for independent but military success.
for some reforms in this period.  But the colonial interest and the plan of
Ћ The demands of Africans were Economic Italy were covered with approach which
and political rights. Some of the rights presented herself as good friend of
were: Ethiopia.
 To have representation in colonial  Because Italy: Supported the admit ion of
government Ethiopia as a member of League of Nation
 The right to form trade union in 1923.
 To have equal opportunities of  Gave worm reception for Emperor
Business Haileslassie when he was invited to visit
 To stop racial segregations Europe in 1924.
 To end land alienation  Signed a treaty of Friendly relationship
Ћ There were also different parties and with Ethiopia in 1928.
Associations which emerged in Africa in this  On the other hand Italy was busy for war
period. These were: preparation in her own home and her colonies
1. Wafdist party in Egypt in 1919 in both Eritrea and Italian Somali land. In
2. Neodastur in Tunisia in 1934 1932, Britain and France signed a treaty of
3. Kikuyu Association in Kenya in 1922 Hoare-Laval treaty.
4. ANC in south Africa in 1912  They agreed to offer Ethiopia for Italy.
 That was done to encourage Italy not to
ally with Nazi Germany.
CHAPTER- FIVE The Immediate cause for Italo-Ethiopian War
ETHIOPIA, 1935-1941  On5 December1934 the Italian troops who
 In 1922 Mussolini and his fascist party was were just waiting for a pretext for
came in to power in Italy. After this the aggression, opened fire on an Anglo- Ethiopian
following factors drove Italy in to Aggression Boundary Commission passing through the
against Ethiopia such factors were: area around the water wells of Walwal
 The desire to erase the shame full escorted by Ethiopian troops.
defeated of Adwa  This led to an armed clash, in which 30
 The plan of restoration of powers and Italians and 100 Ethiopians were killed. This
glory of Rome was called Walwal Incident.
 The interest of territorial conquest was  After this Italy demanded to that Ethiopia
important to divert the attention of the should apologize and pay reparations but
Italian people Ethiopia took the Matter to the Members of

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2014 E.C Compiled By Million. T. CHAPTER 4 and 5

League of Nation even if they didn’t gave order to elongate its communication
immediate response. line.
 After long delay League of Nations imposed  The Ethiopian army in this front fought the
sanction on both Italy and Ethiopia. The only Italians from the three directions and it was
state which affected by this sanction was led by Ras Kassa Hailu.
Ethiopia because it was surrounded by colonial 1. The first branch of Ethiopian army fought
powers and it didn’t import firearms from the Italians from: -
abroad.  Shire Endeslasie direction in western
 But Italy could import weapons from USA and Tigray
German. Because these two countries had not  This army was led by Ras Immiru
been the members of League of Nation. Hailesslassie.
 This group of army destroyed some
Italo-Ethiopian War 1935/36
Italian Army at this front on Aril 2
 There were two major fronts which fought in 1936 and he became victorious.
Ethiopia. These were:
 But the army also retreated to
A. Northern Front
Ashengi because of poor fighting
B. Southern Front
A. Northern front
2. The second group of Ethiopian army fought
 The Italian troops crossed Merb River and the Italians from
occupied large sub-provinces in Tigray in  The Temben direction in central Tigray
October 1935. this army was commanded by
 The first Italian commander was Emilo  Ras Kassa Hailu and Seyoum
Debono but he was replaced by Petro Mengesha.
Badoglio in November 1936 because of  They attempted to attack the Italians
Mussolini’s interest to control Ethiopia from January 20-24 1936.
before the beginning of rainy season and he  But they were defeated.
blamed general Debono for the failure to  After a month the Ethiopian army
make more rapid advance he replaced confronted the Italian army for the
Badoglio. second time in February 1936 but they
 During this Italian invasion from this front, were defeated and retreated to korem
there is no resistance from Ethiopian side due in north wollo to join the army of
to the following factors: Emperor Haileslassie.
 To show the world the Italian were 3. Third branch of Ethiopian army who fought
considered as aggressors. from
 From the strategic point of View i.e. it  The eastern Tigray at the Battle of
was to meant to pull the Fascist army Ambaradom.
deep in to the emperor of Ethiopia in
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 This army was commanded by Ras B. The southern Front:

Muluget Yigezu (the war Minster)  The Italian troops crossed the Ethiopian
 His army was defeated by the Italian boundary from Italian Somali land and invaded
on February 10-15/1936 and he was Ethiopia. The army was commanded by Rodolfo
killed. Grazziani.
 The battle of Maychew:  The Ethiopian army had also two branches in
 The retreated Ethiopian army from the the southern front. The army was better
Temben front armed and they were commanded by young
 The powerful and fresh army, Imperial commanders with better morals.
Body guard  It had two branches.
 Were commanded by Emperor 1. Ras Desta Damitew
Haileslassie.  (C.1892 – 24 February 1937) was an
 He confronted with the Italians at the Ethiopian noble, an army commander, and a
battle of Maychew on 31 March 1936. son-in-law of Emperor Haile Selassie I.
 The Ethiopian army was defeated for  Was one of the Ethiopian army
the last time in northern front then the commanders from Sidamo.
emperor ordered the rest Ethiopian  He was the governor of this province
troops to retreat and save their life.  He marched to the battle of Doloodo, (it
 But many members of the troops were was the Ethio-Somali border land in the
killed by Raya and Azabo peoples in south).
northern wollo.  But he lost half of his army by shortage of
 The emperor retreated to Addis Ababa and provisions, epidemic disease.
calls some officials to discuss about the  Finally he was defeated by the Italian
future plan. After their discussion they Army at the battle of Genalie Doreya in
agreed to: January 1936 then Negele Borana was
 To transfer a central government to occupied by the Italians.
Gore in Illubabur. And Rass Immiru
was elected as the head of this 2. Dejazmach Nessibu Zeamanuel
government.  (1893- October 16 1936) was an army
 The emperor Haile Slassie and other commander of the Ethiopian Empire.
some officials went to London on May  He was an educated at Menelik II School
3, 1936 through Djibouti to appeal in Addis Ababa with his brother Wasane
the problem for the members of where they received a western-style
League of Nation. But Badoglio education.
entered Addis Ababa on May 5, 1936
from northern front.

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 The other commander of the Ethiopian 4. Addis Ababa(Shoa renamed)(Addis Ababa)

army in the southeastern part of the 5. Harar……………………………………………………(Harar)
country. 6. Ogaden & Italy-Somali land…….(Mogadishu)
 He was the governor of Harergie.  The capital city of Italian East Africa was
 He fought the Italian at the battle of Addis Ababa and there were three viceroys
Qorahe (the strategic area in the who administered the above six regions.
southern Ogaden to control both the city  The name of these officials were:
of Harar and Jijiga) in November 1935; 1st petro Badoglio,
 The commander of Ethiopian army at the 2nd
Rodolfo Grazziani and
battle of Qorahe was Asfaw wossen. He 3rd
Umberto D. Aosta. Among these officials
failed to Graziani. the last one was liberal.
Basic factors for the defeat of Ethiopian army Ethiopian Patriotic Resistance1936-1941
were the following:
 Most of the time the fascist rule was limited
 Italy was superior in weapons both in
in the towns (urban centers) because the
numerically and technically
rural area of the country was occupied by the
 Poor organization of Ethiopian army
Ethiopian patriots or national liberation front
 There were dissatisfactions on emperor
Haileslassie Administration system among
Phases of patriotic Resistance:
Ethiopian nobilities. Some of the nobles
 There were two phases of patriotic resistance
were Kassa Hailu, Ras Mulugeta , Haile
which were seen during the Italian
slassie Gugsa and others.
 Shortage of Knowledge about war (there
was no major war for 40 years after I. The first phase was begun from May 1936
Adwa. and ended in February 1937.
 League of nation imposed sanction  The major adjective of prominent leaders of
the resistance was to liberate Addis Ababa
Italian Administration in Eastern Africa from Italy Administration. Some of the

 After May 1936, Italy established six national liberation leaders were the following:

administration regions with their respective  Ras Immiru Haileslassie.

capitals in east Africa. These were;  (23 November 1892 – 15 August 1980) was an
Ethiopian noble, soldier, and diplomat.

Region Capital  He was also the cousin of Emperor Haile

1. Eritrea and Tigray……………………………(Asmara) Selassie.

2. Amhara Region Gonder, Gojjam Wollo and  He became the head of Black Lion

N. shewa……………………………………………. (Gonder) Organization.

3. Oromo-Sidama……………………………………(Jimma)

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 This Organization was established by the

students who have learnt at Holta Military
Academy School in 1934.
 The military leaders of this organization were  Abuna Petros
Lieutenant Colonel Belay Haileab, Kfile  (1892-1936) was an Ethiopian bishop and
Nessibu and Ketemaw Beshir. martyr, executed on 29 July 1936 by the
 He planned to liberate Addis Ababa and Fascist Italians occupation forces in
organized the land lords in Illubabur to attack Ethiopia for publicly condemning
the Italians in the southwestern part of colonialism, invasion and massacre
Ethiopia but he was defeated by the Italians  The bishop of wollo who suspected as a
at Gojeb River. unifying figure was executed publically at
 He had caught and deported to Rome. Addis Ababa
 Dejazmach Balcha Safo
 Ras Desta Damitew:  (1863 – 6 November 1936), popularly
 He organized the Askaries at the battle of referred to by his "horse-name" of
Genale Dorya in south eastern Ethiopia. Balcha Aba Nefso, was an accomplished
 He was also supported by D.A Beyene Merid Ethiopian military commander and lord
and G/ Mariam Gari in Wollega and tried to protector of the crown, who served in
fight the Italians but he was defeated at both the First and Second Italo-
Gogeti in Gurage Zone in 1937 and Ethiopian Wars.
 He was executed at Butajira.  Dejjazmach Balcha was killed while
 The son of Kassa Hailu( Abera and fighting the fascists in the southern part
Asfawossen) and other three patriots. of Addis Ababa.
 They made an abortive attack on Addis  At the place he was killed, a memorial
Ababa from different directions in hospital, Dejjazmach Balcha Hospital was
summer 1936 late constructed and still bears his name.
North direction  The two brothers (Abera and Asfawossen)
Abera & Asfawossen persuaded by Hailu TekleHaimanot who
promised them not to be killed but the
N. west Addis Ababa Italians ignored their promised and they
Direction (Abuna Petros) Eastern direction killed these two patriots.
(Abebe The Addis Ababa massacre or Graziani massacre
Aregay) (Fiqre-Mariyam  Abraha Daboch and Mogas Asgedom
yinedu attempted to kill Marshal Graziani and other
colonial officials on February 19, 1937 when to
Southern direction celebrate the birth of the Prince of Naples,
Balcha Safo (Aba-Nefso)

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 Graziani announced he would personally  Quartering the Warriors on peasant

distribute alms to the poor on Friday, 19 homesteads,
February, at the Genete Leul Palace, but he  looting the property of collaborators,
was wounded and some other officials were  Ambushing enemy convoy seizing
killed. provisions as well as armaments were
 Following this day the Italians made some of the methods which were
wholesale killing in and around Addis Ababa taken by the Patriots.
continued for three days. Educated Ethiopians  They also hunting wild animals and
were made the first Target of the Massacre. collecting wild fruits the patriots
 According to different sources more than were supported by Yewust Arbegnoch
30000 peoples were killed in the Massacre (Inner patriots).
and the other 400 Monks also killed at the
monastery of Debre Libanos. Yewust Arbegnoch (Inner patriots)
 Inner patriots were lived and worked
I. The second phase was begun from
with the Italians in the towns but
February 1937 up to May 1941.
they passed useful in
formations ,medicines for patriots
 Grazziani Massacre was a land mark for the
 Some of the inner patriots were
beginning of second phase for Ethiopian
Shewareged Gedle of Addis Alem
patriotic resistance.
Kebedech seyoum of
 The tactic of the patriotic resistance was
Shewa.Shewanesh Abera of Lasta,
Guerilla fighting and the patriot’s ambush of
Abebech Cherkos and Lekyellesh
enemy convoy and seizing provisions, cutting
Beyan of Jirru.
communication line and soon.
 These all of them were females
 This resistance was strong in Shewa, Gojjam
because they were preferred the men
and Gonder. Some of the resistance leaders
and not Suspected by the Italians.
were the following.
 HaileMariam Mamo, Ababe Aregay and Geresu Colonel Abdisa Aga (1919-1977)
Duki and Bekele Wayo in Shewa,Belay Zeleke  Was born in Welega Oromia.
in Gojam and Amoraw Wubneh in Gonder.
 He was the other known patriot in Italy.
 The patriots were affected by several  Show exemplary patriotism in Italy
problems in the resistance movement such  He fought the Italians troops in Italy
problems were luck of sufficient supplies and during World War II
loges ties. Zerai Deres (1914- July 6, 1945)
They tried to solve the problems by taking  He was an Eritrean translator and
the following measures. patriot

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 He considered a legend and hero of anti  The Sabo military school was opened to train
colonialism both in Eritrea and Ethiopia. Ethiopian officers in the Sudan.
 He killed the Italian Officials and  In addition to this Britain campaign against
soldiers at square in their own country. the Italians troops in Ethiopia and in Eritrea
 During resistance movement the patriots were were launched from Sudan and Kenya.
affected by not only different supplies and  From Sudan the British army under General
provisions but also there were personal plate made an offensive against fascist force
conflicts among the patriotic leaders and lack in Eritrea.
of Coordination and no strong uniting political
 After 53 days of bitter fighting, the fascist
troops were defeated by Britain at Keren.
 They were fighting for the Ethiopian flag and
2. The Second British army from the sudan
the Monarchy.
accompanied the emperor in to Gojjam.
The war of Liberation and Ethiopian Independent  The Gideon force under its commander
 The Italian government declared the war on Colonel Dan Sanford and Major Orde Charles
Britain and France on June 10, 1940 when Wingate together with the patriots in Gojjam
Hitler occupied many states in Western fought in western Ethiopia.
Europe.  The combined forces fought the fascist
 According to Mussolini, the Second World troops in Gonder and Gojjam
War is closed to its end so that he didn’t want 3. The third British force was organized in Kenya
to be left out from sharing the fruit of  Under the commander of General Cunning
victory and he was entered to the side of Ham made a quick advance in to Italian
Germany. Somaliland and then to Harar and forced the
 Because of this Britain feared that with the Italians to surrender.
help of Hitler’s army, Italy would expand in  These forces together with the Ethiopian
east Africa and take away its colonies. patriots drove the Fascist troops out of Addis
 Then the British government began to supply Ababa on April 6, 1941.
military assistance to the Ethiopian patriots A month later, on May 5, 1941 Emperor
in preparation for the final campaign in east Haileslassie re-entered Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Africa. was liberated after five years of fascist rule.

1. The first military assistance to Ethiopia

patriots arrived through the British Colony.
 The patriots invited to cross the border in to
the Sudan and collect firearms and munitions.
 Britain arranged H/s move by Air to the

“Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need”. (K. Gibran) Page 16

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