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XML Definition(Extensible Markup Language)

XML is known as Extensible markup language which is used for data representation only.XML file Simply
contains text files enclosed within the tags.XML file are free from operating system so they can be Run
over any operating system.These are portable files.XML is used to organize,store and retrieve the
data.No calculations Are done in XML.







HTML Definition

HTML is known as Hyper text markup language.This is used to create web pages .HTML files are run

Over browser i.e (Internet Explorer,Firefox Mozilla).Browsers are used to connect with internet.These
are text file with predefined set of HTML tags.

HTML tags are the set of instructions to control the display of document in browser.using HTML we can

display the information in the browser.




<b>welcome to HTML</b>

<u>hello to internet</u>



Sorting Definition

Sorting is the algorithm in computer science which provides way of arranging the
array or List in well

Organized way i.e ascending or descending order with well defined mechanism.

Bubble sorting, sorting algorithm that repeatedly steps through the list to be
sorted, compares each pair of adjacent items and swaps them if they are in the
wrong order. The pass through the list is repeated until no swaps are needed,
which indicates that the list is sorted.

(51243)(15243)(12543)(12453)(12435)(12345)(one by one sorting).

Selection sort(minimum or maximum value) Once checked

The selection sort algorithm starts by finding the minimum value in the array and
moving it to the first position. This step is then repeated for the second lowest
value, then the third, and so on until the array is sorted.

Selection sort is the most conceptually simple of all the sorting algorithms. It
works by selecting the smallest (or largest, if you want to sort from big to small)
element of the array and placing it at the head of the array. Then the process is
repeated for the remainder of the array; the next largest element is selected and
put into the next slot, and so on down the line.

(326491)(132649)(123649)(123469) once checked for min or max

Insertion sort

Insertion sort does exactly what you would expect: it inserts each
element of the array into its proper position, leaving progressively
larger stretches of the array sorted. What this means in practice is that
the sort iterates down an array, and the part of the array already

covered is in order; then, the current element of the array is inserted

into the proper position at the head of the array, and the rest of the
elements are moved down, using the space just vacated by the element
inserted as the final space.

Here is an example: for sorting the array the array 52314 First, 2 is
inserted before 5, resulting in 25314 Then, 3 is inserted between 2 and
5, resulting in 23514 Next, one is inserted at the start, 12354 Finally, 4
is inserted between 3 and 5, 12345

(52314) (25314)(23514)(12354)(12345) insertion of number in exact

Stack,Queqe and Linked List (Data structure)


Stack is a Linear data structure. stack is a container of objects that are inserted and
removed according to the last-in first-out (LIFO) principle. In the pushdown stacks
only two operations are allowed: push( ) the item into the stack, and pop( ) the item
out of the stack. A stack is a limited access data structure - elements can be added
and removed from the stack only at the top. Push() adds an item to the top of the
stack, pop removes the item from the top. A helpful analogy is to think of a stack
of books; you can remove only the top book, also you can add a new book on the

**Stack Underflow**
An error condition that occurs when an item is called for from the stack, but the
stack is empty.
**Stack overflow**
An error condition that occurs when there is no space in the stack for a new item
to add.


Queue is also a linear data structure.A queue is a container of objects (a linear

collection) that are inserted and removed according to the first-in first-out (FIFO)

principle.New additions to a line made to the back of the queue, while removal
happens in the front. In the queue only two operations are allowed enqueue and
dequeue. Enqueue means to insert an item into the back of the queue, dequeue
means removing the front item.

Linked List

Bus Topology

Bus topology is a network type in where every computer and network device is connected to single

Features of Bus Topology

1. It transmits data only in one direction.

2. Every device is connected to a single cable

Advantages of Bus Topology

1. It is cost effective.
2. Cable required is least compared to other network topology.
3. Used in small networks.
4. It is easy to understand.
5. Easy to expand joining two cables together.

Disadvantages of Bus Topology

1. Cables fails then whole network fails.

2. If network traffic is heavy or nodes are more the performance of the network decreases.
3. Cable has a limited length.
4. It is slower than the ring topology.

Ring Topology

RING Topology

It is called ring topology because it forms a ring as each computer is connected to another
computer, with the last one connected to the first. Exactly two neighbours for each device.

Features of Ring Topology

1. A number of repeaters are used and the transmission is unidirectional.

2. Data is transferred in a sequential manner that is bit by bit.

Advantages of Ring Topology

1. Transmitting network is not affected by high traffic or by adding more nodes, as only the
nodes having tokens can transmit data.
2. Cheap to install and expand

Disadvantages of Ring Topology

1. Troubleshooting is difficult in ring topology.

2. Adding or deleting the computers disturbs the network activity.
3. Failure of one computer disturbs the whole network.

Star topology

In this type of topology all the computers are connected to a single hub through a cable. This hub is the
central node and all others nodes are connected to the central node.

Features of Star Topology

1. Every node has its own dedicated connection to the hub.

2. Acts as a repeater for data flow.
3. Can be used with twisted pair, Optical Fibre or coaxial cable.

Advantages of Star Topology

1. Fast performance with few nodes and low network traffic.

2. Hub can be upgraded easily.
3. Easy to trouble - shoot.
4. Easy to setup and modify.
5. Only that node is affected which has failed rest of the nodes can work smoothly.

Disadvantages of Star Topology

1. Cost of installation is high.


2. Expensive to use.
3. If the hub is affected then the whole network is stopped because all the nodes depend on
the hub.
4. Performance is based on the hub that is it depends on its capacity

Computer Devices


Hub is one of the basic device of networking devices which works at physical layer and hence connect
networking devices physically together. Hubs are fundamentally used in networks that use twisted pair
cabling to connect devices. They are designed to transmit the data to the other appended devices
without altering any of the transmitted packets received. They act as routes to direct electrical signals
to travel along. They transmit the information regardless of the fact if data packet is destined for the
device connected or not.


Short for modulator-demodulator. A modem is a device that enables a computer to transmit data over,
telephone or cable lines. Computer information is stored digitally, whereas information transmitted over
telephone lines is transmitted in the form of analog waves. A modem converts between these two


Switches occupy the same place in the network as hubs. Unlike hubs, switches examine each packet and
process it accordingly rather than simply repeating the signal to all ports. Switches map the Ethernet
addresses of the nodes residing on each network segment and then allow only the necessary traffic to
pass through the switch. When a packet is received by the switch, the switch examines the destination
and source hardware addresses and compares them to a table of network segments and addresses.


A local area network (LAN) is a computer network within a small geographical area such as a
home, school, computer laboratory, office building or group of buildings.

A LAN is composed of inter-connected workstations and personal computers which are each
capable of accessing and sharing data and devices, such as printers, scanners and data storage
devices, anywhere on the LAN. LANs are characterized by higher communication and data
transfer rates seed with twisted pair cable connection.


Short for Metropolitan Area Network, a data network designed for a town or city. In terms of
geographic breadth, MANs are larger than local-area networks (LANs), but smaller than wide-area
networks (WANs). MANs are usually characterized by very high-speed connections using fiber optical
cable .More than one LAN or group of LANs create MAN.To maintain the speed of the this type of
Network generally OFC(Optical Fibre Cable) is used.


A computer network that spans a relatively large geographical area. Typically, a WAN consists
of two or more local-area networks (LANs) or MAN.

Computers connected to a wide-area network are often connected through public networks, such
as the telephone system. They can also be connected through satellites. The largest WAN in
existence is the Internet.

Twisted Pair cable /ofc

A type of cable that consists of two independently insulated wires twisted around one another. The use
of two wires twisted together helps to reduce crosstalk and electromagnetic induction. While twisted-
pair cable is used by older telephone networks and is the least expensive type of local-area networ(LAN)
cable, most networks contain some twisted-pair cabling at some point along the network.


Short for Web browser, a browser is a software application used to locate, retrieve and display content
on the World Wide Web, including Web pages, images, video and other files. As a client/server model,
the browser is the client run on a computer that contacts the Web server and requests information. The
Web server sends the information back to the Web browser which displays the results on the computer
or other Internet-enabled device that supports a browser.

Most popular browsers todays are Internet Explorer,Firefox Mozilla,Google Chrome.

WWW Definition (World Wide Web/W3)


The World Wide Web is a system of Internet servers that support specially formatted documents. The
documents are formatted in a markup language called HTML (HyperText Markup Language) that
supports links to other documents, as well as graphics, audio, and video files. This means you can jump
from one document to another simply by clicking.


Short for electronic mail, email (or e-mail) is defined as the transmission of messages over
communications networks with the use of internet. Typically the messages are notes entered from the
keyboard .

most e-mail systems include a text editor for composing messages, Some systems will also
provide basic formatting, including bold, italics, font color and HTML. we can use the program
to send the message to a recipient by specifying the recipient's address using the e-mail address.
we can also send the same message to several users at once.

To send the message through E-mail first we need to create the E-mail account.

Popular E-mail service provider is Gmail.

OFC(Optical Fibre Cable)

A Optical Fibre cable is a network cable that contains glass fibers inside an insulated casing.
These cables are designed for long distance and very high speed network communications.

Fiber optic cables carry communication signals using pulses of light. While expensive, these
cables are increasingly being used instead of traditional copper cables, because fiber offers more
data carrying capacity and is less susceptible to electrical interference.

BANDWIDTH:-Bandwidth describes the maximum data transfer rate of a network or Internet

connection. It measures how much data can be sent over a specific connection in a given amount of
time.Bandwidth also refers to a range of frequencies used to transmit a signal. This type of bandwidth is
measured in hertz

In telecommunication, a band - sometimes called a frequency band - is a specific range of frequencies in

the radio frequency (RF) spectrum, which is divided among ranges from very low frequencies (vlf) to
extremely high frequencies (ehf). Each band has a defined upper and lower frequency limit.

Encoder and Decoder:-An encoder is a device which transforms the data into some bits known
only to it and the decoder is a device which transforms those coded bits to generate the original
data again.

Syntax and Runtime Error:- A syntax error occurs when the programmer fails to obey one of the
grammar rules of the language.  Typically this involves things like using the wrong case, putting
punctuation where it is not supposed to be, failing to put punctuation where it is supposed to be.

Runtime errors commonly occur when statements are written in the wrong order, or perhaps the order
is modified by dragging statements up and down the screen after they are written.  Another common
cause of runtime errors results from the construction of instructions that the computer is unable to
carry out.

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