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Organizational Behavior and Leadership

Need Base theories differences


Asad Jamil (SP21-RBA-110)

Advisor: Dr. Zafar uz Zaman Anjum
Date: 06-12-2022
Fall 2022


Maslow’s and Herzberg’s Theories

 Both use a hierarchical scale. One stage must be fulfilled first before going to next stage.
 Both theories fulfill internal needs first
 Hygiene have same idea with Maslow’s physiological, safety and needs. Same criteria
basic pay, work conditions etc.
 Both theories are based on environmental conditions like employee attitude as their
 Maslow’s each stage fulfil step wise while, Herzberg proposed that there be just two
stages (hygiene and motivators) rather than five.
 In Pakistan, hygiene theory is not applicable because the first need to fulfill the basic
needs satisfied factors then we shift them into motivator factors like in Pakistan basic
salaries is too low. To motivate the employees it is necessary to fulfill this first.
 Maslow said that completing each stage is a motivator while Herzberg, however, believed
that completing the hygiene stage is the motivator. We fulfill base need first and then
shift them into this stage.

Maslow's and ERG Theory

Maslow's hierarchy categorizes human needs into physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-
actualization needs. ERG theory is a modification of Maslow's hierarchy, where the five needs
are broken into three categories (existence, relatedness, and growth).

Existence includes Maslow’s physiological and security needs.

Relatedness includes Maslow’s Social needs.

Growth includes Maslow’s esteem and self-actualization.

Goal setting vs Reinforcement theory

Goal setting is a cognitive approach while reinforcement is behavioristic view.

Reinforcement ignores inner stage of individual like feelings, attitudes and expectations, while
goal theory does not ignore.

Expectancy theory
Goal settings theory sets clear goals for the employee while Expectancy theory relies on the
employee who decides their own goal according to desired outcome.

Acquired need theory

Need for achievement: wanted to excel succeed
Need of power: wanted to influence other and make impact.
Need for affiliation: Wanted have friendship and engage with others

 ERG theory has 3 needs while Maslow's theory has 5 needs.

 Herzberg's theory not only determined what satisfied and motivated employees but he
found out what dissatisfied them as well, this was unlike the other 4 theories.

 All separate theories work at creating motivation for the employee's.

 It takes a long time to acquire all the needs required for motivation.

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