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speed is the currency of the



Services should be
delivered faster with

lower costs and failures

being dissolved

in no time

comarch a professional
vendor of I.T

systems has provided you

with a ton of

useful components that

made your company

evolve significantly

however as an innovator
you want to know

how to make processes

faster cost

effective and more efficient

that is why comarc offers


automation systems based

on artificial

intelligence and machine


Technologies which
facilitate further

growth of your network

your experts can reduce

involvement in operational
work by

accelerating the AI learning

process and

delegate some tasks to it

then they can

put all their attention on the


ambitious goals using

Dynamic real-time


so let's take those

Technologies out for

a spin

energy management needs

strict control

and attention

many operations generate

massive heat

thus cooling should be

turned on and

then more energy is being


however Ai and ml can

predict the load

of processors long before

they overheat

by tuning the whole

program for the most

efficient parameters and

Network sustainability

also these Technologies can


Network congestion during

events like

press conferences Ai and ml

changes the

network configurations to
adapt to

increased massive needs in

a room

another great thing about


intelligence and machine

learning it's

the predictive maintenance


anticipates disruptions
before it is

experienced by end users

as AI is always learning it's


more meticulous and

flexible and soon it

will be able to handle much

harder tasks

than before

comark Mira multi-criteria


resource allocation system

is there to

help you be more

productive and creative

with day-to-day tasks


comark creating Innovative

values in


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