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Current Environmental Health Issues

Environmental problems are bothering not only professionals but also simple people who
want to know the development of the situation in the world. Still, the professionals from
different spheres remain the most preoccupied people who care for the changes in the
surrounding world. The environmental issues are usually connected with human health
and if something happens scientists usually think about the influence of the affair on
human health.

The changes in the environment happen every day. Some of these changes are really
dangerous, some of them are just the predicted consequences or reasons for other
disasters. The most recent environmental problem which happened in the world is
connected with the diseases of human being and land animals found in marine life.

The problem is rather specific and requires deeper research as in case the parasites which
attached marine animals will mutate people and land species will be in danger of being
infected with the diseases the marine life is full of, and most marine species and diseases
are not even discovered yet.

Considering the situation, the scientists report the vast majority of cases when human
and livestock diseases are spread on marine life become more and more frequent. Such
bacteria and infections as clostridium difficile, harbour seals, coxiella burnetti,
cryptococcus gattii, fungus, toxoplasma gondii, sarcocystis neurona and sarcocystis
neurona are the parasites which have been recently met in the marine animals.

Considering the effects these bacteria may result in the following consequences should
be remembered, the production of the lethal toxins in the intestine, the development of
the clinical disease and succumb to the infection, the cause of the aborts or impact on
weak offspring’s development, and some of them may be fatal to marine life as they are
fatal for the human beings.

The bacteria and parasites which are met in the dead bodies of the marine animals really
frustrate as it means that the mutation takes place. The organism managed to infect the
species which were sustainable to them before. Something has changed and this may be
the main reason for concern as the changes in the environment which have caused such
changes may effect other organisms.

There are a lot of other consequences and bacteria which cause them. Dwelling upon the
possibilities of the infection appearance and its spread, the scientists consider the
opportunities of the water, air and soil delivery. The infection could appear in the body
of the marine organisms, such as whales, via the air.

There animals have to use air and they are believed to exchange large amounts of air
during breathing, this might be one of the ways the organism appeared in the marine life.
Additionally water and soil pollution could be the reasons. The scientists prefer to think
that is was the source of infection as if to consider the research conducted by a number
of scientific centers and organizations is becomes obvious that more and more marine
organisms are in danger.

Looking at the number of dead marine organisms and their size on the seashores,
scientists cannot even imagine what is happening in the ocean with small organisms
which are not seen.

The environmental health professionals are really disturbed about the problem. The
presence of the infection in the marine organisms is really disturbing as the inability to
treat these infections with the antibiotics makes the problem more devastating. The
infections mentioned above were difficult for treating when they were found in animals.
Different kinds and types of antibiotics did not provide any results. The treatment of the
marine organisms with such antibiotics is useless. The environmental health
professionals should make sure that they are doing all possible to save those infected
marine organisms which are already infected but are not dead.

The research should be done with taking the samples of the blood and of the skin of the
dead organisms with the purpose to create the vaccine and prevent the spread of the
disease further. Moreover, the water, soil and air samples in the infected organisms
should be taken to identify the viruses which are there as this may help in the research.

Therefore, it ma be concluded that he environmental problems become more complicated

for the scientific society. Dealing with the spread of bacteria and parasites is always
difficult, especially in this case when it becomes obvious that the viruses which
previously affected only human beings and land animals have spread on the new spices.
Marine organisms are under attack and the problem is really serious as scientists are not
sure neither in the types of the bacteria which now infect marine life nor in the ways of
bacteria spread.

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