A3 LST DanielaCaielliPenteado FS Es

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Number of words: The trainee:

791 (√) needs to be resubmitted by 21 DECEMBER 2022.

Cambridge ESOL specifies that for this assignment, successful candidates can demonstrate their learning
1) Providing relevant information about
Criteria not met. Too much information is missing.
the group of students.
2) Finding and selecting an appropriate
text to the specified class and Criteria not met. Too much information is missing.
providing a rationale.
3) Designing appropriate tasks for the
development of receptive skills and Criteria partially met. Gist task needs to be redone, and Specifics task
relating them to development of needs to be revised.
such skills.
4) Designing appropriate tasks for
Criteria not met. Problems in the task and in the argumentation.
productive skills.
5) Evidence of background reading and
correct use of terminology (skills and Criteria partially met. Some quotes are misplaced or unnecessary.

6) Using written language that is clear Criteria not met. Too many language problems. Please revise the text
and accurate to this assignment. before uploading files.

Dear Daniela, thank you for your submission. There is a lot to do now. I am concerned about this assignment. Please
work hard (start right away) and email me should you have any questions while at it. Let’s make sure this assignment
becomes a pass.

Statement of Authorship (to be signed by the trainee)

I declare that this assignment represents my own work. I have not copied from the work of other students and
I have not allowed or enabled others to copy from my work. I confirm that this work has not been submitted
elsewhere in any other form for the fulfilment of any other degree or qualification. I also confirm I have not
allowed or enabled others to copy from my work.

NAME: TUTOR 1: Elcio Souza TUTOR 2:

Daniela Caielli Penteado

Elcio’s color code: Delete, Edit (language or content), Attention, my contribution, my comments.


Assignment 3: Language Skills-Related Tasks | 1st Submission
Section 1: About the text

This reading practice presents a news article that deals with an important social issue: the
relation between cultural identity and the autonomy (or restriction) to choose our own outfit
(see Appendix 1). It is an adequate piece of reading for B2 late teenage learners (CEFR)
since these learners “… can read articles and reports concerned with contemporary
problems in which the writers adopt particular stances or viewpoints” (URI & ABD
AZIZ, 2019 : 33). This is a sensitive topic to late teenagers whose concern with forms of
expressing identity is a part of everyday life. Also, adolescents they are very fond of
debates, which can be elicited by this text. As observed by HARMER ( 2007:84), when
teaching teenagers, “part of our job is to provoke intellectual activity by helping them to be
aware of contrasting ideas and concepts which they can resolve for themselves – though
still with our guidance”. Daniela, your target clientele has to be either A1 or B1, and they need to be adults. I tried to help by
calling them ‘late teenagers’ if you do not want to say adults, but the level needs to be adjusted.
Information missing:
- student profile: how many ss, nationality, L1, average age, general academic background, general professional background, learning preferences.
- text: why reading (instead of listening?) + number of words in the text, if over 200, which part will be used in the tasks? + an overall analysis of the
text language level – is it appropriate for B1 learners? (Pls study the sample you were sent).

Note: The following sections describe tasks presented in Appendix 2.

Section 2: Lead in

The Lead in is the first task of this sequence. As described by SCRIVENER (2005:187), it
“…gets the learners interested in the topic, (...) (in order to) make an explicit link between
the topic of the text and students’ own lives and experiences, focusing on important
language that will come in the text”. In this case, through the discussion of a social media
post commenting on double standard in dress codes, students are asked to share their
previous experience and opinions on the topic. Next, students are presented with two
detailed journalistic photographs (it is possible to observe human gestures, written posters,
objects, ect). This large amount of visual information helps to understand the facts
discussed in the news. – This is setting the scene. It should be mentioned in the section below – not here.

Section 3: Initial Reading Task

It is relevant to start by discussing key words that are essential to understanding (what is
called pre-teaching vocabulary). As HARMER (2007:272) mentions: "One useful technique
is to use some (possibly unknown) words from a reading or listening text as part of our
procedure to create interest and activate the students' schemata. (…) The students can
first research the meanings of words and phrases and then predict what a text with such
words is likely to be about”. Considering the present text, the pre-teaching vocabulary
would include these words: lawsuit, banned, hypocrisis, double standard (an expression).
After that, the students would be asked to choose the most appropriate headline (among
three different) to the news article. This procedure is described by SCRIVENER
(2005:187) as a “task to focus on fast Reading for gist”, allowing general understanding of
the text. We encourage “students go through the answers in pairs or small groups. This is


Assignment 3: Language Skills-Related Tasks | 1st Submission
partly so that they get more opportunities to work together, and partly so that when we go
through the answers with the class, individual students do not get exposed as having failed
in a task. (HARMER, 2007:271) You need to mention which subskill is used and you have to define the subskill clearly,
too. Task is inappropriate – see the appendix.

Section 4: Second reading task

Next task proposes reading for specific information. Known as scanning tasks (where the
student is asked to look for a specific information while reading), these tasks “are very
useful for getting learners to read selectively” fostering “efficient reading strategy (for
example, where the teacher legitimizes skipping insignificant parts of the text for certain
tasks)” (UR, 2009 :147-148). With the aim of apllying these principles to the text in
question, we propose a true or false activity, through which students have to search in the
text for specific information to check if statements are true or false. This kind of task where
we get students to look at the text for specific information usually happens after a previous
reading for gist task since it “allows students to get a feel for what they are seeing or
hearing before the have to attack the text in detail, which is the more difficult thing to do” as
this assignment does not deal with detail tasks, this quote is completely irrelevant (HARMER, 2007:270)

Section 5:

The last task concludes a set of tasks and has a similar intention as the tasks at the end of
a reading skills lesson described by NUNAN (2001:72) as involving “translating information
from reading to writing. This stage is essentially concerned with helping students develop
skills in summarising and expressing themselves clearly and accurately in writing. Only in
writing? CELTA disagrees… (...) It is important for activities at this level to focus learners on doing
something meaningful with the information they have extracted”. Also, this activity “is
designed to get readers to go beneath the surface of the text, as it were, in order to judge
it and evaluate it. Here readers are required to differentiate fact from opinion and to identify
the writer’s attitudes, intentions and biases”. This is reading for detail, not follow up (NUNAN, 2001:74).
Whithin this context, students are asked to write arguments for and against the banning of
hijab in Indian schools, having the opportunity to assume both perspectives. Inappropriate – see
the appendix.

References Titles in italics, please.

CEFR – Common European Framework of Reference - www.cefr.org
HARMER, J. (2007). The Practice of English Language Teaching. Pearson Education
NUNAN, D. (2001) Designing tasks for the communicative classroom. Cambridge University
SCRIVENER (2005) Learning teaching – A guide book for English Language teachers.
MacMillan Education.
UR, P. (2009) A course in Language Teaching – Practice and Theory. Cambridge University
URI, N. F. M. ., & ABD AZIZ, M. S. . (2019). Teachers’ Evaluation of The Suitability of
Reading Syllabus Specifications to The CEFR. Journal of English Language Teaching


Assignment 3: Language Skills-Related Tasks | 1st Submission
and Applied Linguistics, 1(1), 32–44. Retrieved from https://www.al-


Assignment 3: Language Skills-Related Tasks | 1st Submission
Assignment 3: Language Skills-Related Tasks | 1st Submission
Assignment 3: Language Skills-Related Tasks | 1st Submission
Both sides decry media coverage of the issue. Those on the right say Western
coverage has unfairly celebrated the high school girls in Karnataka. And they
accuse Indian Muslim groups of being comparatively silent on the Iran protests.



Assignment 3: Language Skills-Related Tasks | 1st Submission

The lead in must be separated from the set the scene. There is a grammar mistake in the questions.


Assignment 3: Language Skills-Related Tasks | 1st Submission
Daniela, please avoid pasting your own tasks as image – it is hard to help you out because we cannot write exactly where the problem

Gist task is inappropriate – the information is explicitly said in the text.

Text is inappropriate, too (too long – 650w). You must identify which part of the text you will focus the tasks on (200-280 words max).


Assignment 3: Language Skills-Related Tasks | 1st Submission
Assignment 3: Language Skills-Related Tasks | 1st Submission
Assignment 3: Language Skills-Related Tasks | 1st Submission
Assignment 3: Language Skills-Related Tasks | 1st Submission
Specifics – spelling problem, misuse of conjunction. Revise it. The answer key must show the correct information when the statement is
False (statements 1, 4, 5). Always number the statements (1. 2. 3. …) – it makes it easier to peer check and group check.

Follow Up – Revise punctuation and insert missing punctuation. Task is inappropriate – it isolates the student, there is no
communicative purpose (why do ss need to write it?), it doesn’t necessarily test whether and how much ss really grasped from the text,
it doesn’t personalize the discussion, it ends the lesson in a low-energy task.


Assignment 3: Language Skills-Related Tasks | 1st Submission

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