The Andhra Pradesh Transit Orientied Development Policy 2022

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File No.

MAU03-17 15212022-PLG-DOTCP

PHONE: 08645-295969
EMAIL: dtco. ao@gma il. com
From To
The Director of Town and The Metropolitan Commissioner, VMRDA
Country Planning, The Commissioner, APCRDA
H.No.241, N.H.16, MGM Capital The Vice Chairman, All UDAs in the State
Near NRI Fly over, Chinakakani, The Commissioner, All ULBs in the State
Mangalagiri - 522508.
I r Roc No 171\?l)O)?lP .latpri' aq npr dioital ci.lnatrrrc
Sir/M ad a m,

Sub O/o DT&CP., A.P., Mangalagiri - MA&UD Dept., The Andhra Pradesh Transit
Oriented Development Policy, 2022 - Telugu and English versions -
Communicated - Regarding

Ref 1.G .O.Ms.No.72, MA & UD (M) Dept., Dt.07.06.2022

2.G .O.Ms.No.87, MA&UD (M) Dept. Dated:01,07.2022
3.M emo. No. 1733632 lM2 12022, MA&U D Dept. dt. l4-O7 -2022

Adverting to the Subject and reference cited, I herewith enclosing the copy
of the G.O.Ms.No.72, MA & UD (M) Dept., Dt.07.06.2022 in Telugu and English
Versions for taking further necessary action in the matter.

You rs faithfully,

Director of Town and

Country Planning
Encl: As above

copy to All the RDDTCP'S in the state

Copy to All the DTCPO's in the State

iigned by Rj Vidyullatha
)ale: 27 - 12-2022 1 I :5 I : t9
leason: Approved
Municipal Administration & U rban Development Departmen
Pradesh Transit Oriented t - The Andhra
2A22 - Orders * Issued.
o.o .?2
Fhoa the RICR I.r.RoC.No.lZl 52
/ 2022-ptg, Dt" r g .o5.2O22
The Governmeut
the urban areas to deal

retail and commercial us

located at shategic pointo along the
trasrsit system.
land use and transit re

of publie transport.
3. Andhra kadeab has been pioneer in operation
through private
vehicle playo as
9n hlbtic Transport initia
of the Rrblic Transport svstem and making
ilffir#frffi it a fea8ible

' Effecting shift to new urban

danning and deeelopment philosophy of
land use and transport integration.


' Meldng cities livable by improving aceess

public transport facilitijs. of citizens to the cnhanced
o Financing extensioa of urban infrastructure
projects ttrrough tend development. and public raneport
L. Ttrus TFansit Oriented Developraent
Unified Metropolitan Tfaasport Authorities

ensure connectivity and manage vehicular

supportive uses, Create pedesfran and
sprawl etc. by e in mixed-u
strategic points
6. Therefore, the G

Gram Panctrayats cove

developmeqt control norm
in Aadhra pradeeh.
srrs$ be pubrisrred in an ortraordinery
I;"*ffigmt*?ycation issue or

Ttre coqmissioner,
.ldtti"s sJatignery & storee hrrchase p*armar!
y"H::* for hrblicatiori'of the rvouf;"attoJil ,rr. ca/fr a*f n *iut rci
The commissioner & Director of Municipal
Administration, A.p., Guntur.
Ttre Directol of Tourn
fi";"3ltT,l*"se &Firescrviee
AII MuniciPal commissio'ers in the
stote thmugh ttre commissi@r& Director
_ of Municipal Admini tion, rq_p.
*'iriffioxioner' Andha praaesh caprtal R€oo,r Developmurt
Visaktrap*tnam Metropolitan Region
lopment Authorities in the State

RANSCO, Vijayawada.
tration & Sta,nps, Govt. of A.p.
on Limited, Vijayawada

Coov to:
The osD/PS to .special chief secretary
Honble Chief Minister /Additional/principal secnetary to
The OSD to Honble Minister for MA&UD Department
All Departrnents in Ap Seereteriat
I IYo tD :: By ORIIER//


d by Section l 16 of Andhra kadestr
ment Authorities Act, 2016 and Section
Autiority' Aet, ZAL4, tl.e Government of
Andhra pradesh Transit Oriented
s order.


ra s t rie te eue o ent icy
1 Background

2 Need of the Policy

3 Purpose &Applkatlon/Ap0licahlltyof the Po1ky........ "'..--"-...5

4 Translt Ori€med Develgpment

4.2 Obiecttues .,.........'.'.:..... ..-.--."...6

4.3 Beneflts. ."."..-.'..8

5 Tnnsh Orlented Darelopment FODI Areas and Transltion Area-........... ..".'-"........-.'.....9

$.l Deflnitlons .........".,......... ".-.."..9

5.2 llemarcatlon of TOD Areasftransltlon Areas .'.....---'...-..9

5 Approaches to Realtse the Polkry ObJecthe .'....'...........-....-10

6.1Tramlt-supportive UEes............ ................-10

6.2 Densifkatlon and Mlxed lneome Developrnent around Transit Stations/Corrldors........"...'..'.'11

6.3 Ensrrc connectbity and Marage Vehhtlar Trcffic & Partlq .... 1)
6.4 Pedsstrtin and NMV-Orknted llesfin
*?lace* 1a
5.5 Make each Transit Stationrco{rtdor Area a

6,6 Phn ln Context udth tocal Connrunltles ......-.....-...-.....17

7 Xey Actbn Areas


1 Background

Urbanlzatlon h*s led to horizontaf growth of the citiesthuscreatin8 probleme of *rban spr*ud,
Thls has resu*ted in Increase Ef utp lengths and hlgher *sage of prlvata whldss, ptofotents of
pollutlon and lncreased dem*nd of Infrastructure. To address these lszues, rmny ciths ft*ve
strengthened their public lrcn* developing mass rapid transit system* (MBTSI such as
r*etro rails and Bus Hapid Transit Systems (BRT$I. lt is however, important to efftclendy use
these systems by integratiag the tand use with the transpom infrastructure ro malo the dtles
llvable, heahhy and smart.

Andhra Pradesh has a populatlon of 49.39 Million (20tt Censusl and is spread srrL6Z,97*sq
km area. Andhra Frzdesh is rapidly urbaniring with a Srowth rate of 7% tr+ the tast ilewde,
accounting for nearly 3ffi of the state population in 2011. A strong correlatSon exists between
urhan populetlon and econor*ic growth, higher the urban population, greatar ts the economh
growtfi due to agglomeration af re$eurces, both physical and human. This calls for grmter
emphasis on irnproving living wnditions and factors aidfng econoraicgrowth In uybar arear.

Urban development in AF encomFfrsse$ the provislon af ernployment opportt*nlthr.

affardehle houslng rellable and convenientservices, cleao a*d green envtronmento as wellar
building accountab[e ard financially strong Urhan lscal Bodies iULEs]. The goat* of urban
devekrpment in AP is to achieve a better q*allty of ttfe and social incluslon for rlt urban
residents, a higher rate of urbanizatlcn drlven by industrtaltcation and irnprovenrent of
productivity. and sustainable urban growth. Andhr* Pradesh has registered Z*,$ffi at
urbanlzation level [n 2011 and has 123 urban Joc*l bodies, Out of whlch ? c*ti,es (namely
Visakhapatnam and Vilay*wada) have million plus popu*ation and 34 other cltie* have
populatlon more than 1tskh,

Citles ln Andhra Fradesh are witnesslng rapid gro$rth not only in terms of populatiorr but atio
ln their spread leadlng to low density urban sprawls" The urtan sprawl ls leadlng to str€ss sn
llmited urban lnfrastructure and urban local hodles ar6 often trylng to catch r*f wlth pronddlng
extended urban services to the ever expanding urhrn sprawl" This ha* elso drained their
financial caFacity In providirtg access to urban services to tie highly populated, sparsely
distributed and targety spread cities.

Further with increase in urban spread the travel lengths and tinte
leading to use of un-su$tainable means of transport, Thas together
of trips have made sustainab{e modes of trenspcrt s*eh as puhlis
falling short to meet the hege travel demands.
moderate and high density housing as well as new pubtic uses and a majority of
neighbourhood-serving retail and commercial uses will be cbncentrated in mixed-use
developments located at strateglc points along the transit syStem.

2 Need of the Potley

Land use plannlng creates llvable environment for balancing the human needs such as
housing, r,vorking, social interaction, leisure and moblllQ of persons and goods. Land use
plannlng ls lmportantfor balancing of competing demands (of human needs) on llmited urban
rpace, Whlle transportation is one of the human needs for mobllity of persons and goods,
often mobllity has been consldered to be limited to movetnent and also seen in isolation from
other human needs. Mobility is not just morement bqt other dimensions attached to the
mobility are flextbillty and aeesslbitity, Flexlbillty in the mobitlty is attributed to the lesser
trave! dis6nces ard accesslblllty in the mobility ls attr{bu&d to the access to varlous human
needs (tand uses).

Tte linkage between land use and transit resuJts in an efftcient pattern of develoP.ment that
supporB a transh gystem and makes stgnificant progres$ in reducing traffic congestlon and
urban sprarvl. TOD polldes may perform cruclal role in improving the work to home relation
as well as improviftg tlre efficlency and sustainabiliry of Bublk transport.
private bus
Andhra pradesh has ben ploneer in operation of publictransport system through
operators, where Govt. owned special purpose vehicle plays os facilitator ln Public Transport
operatircns. To further capitallze on Pubtk Transport initiative, TOD pollcies are needed
to be
irnplemented to lncrease ridership of the Public Transport system and making lt a feasible
mode of transport. GoW. of lndia has formulated National Transit Oriented D'evelopment
(TODI pdlcy and has deslred state$ to formulate TOD Poltcles and ensure Transit Orlented
losing its
Denelopment A state levelTO0 polley ls required as eities of Andhra Pradesh are
grace ard beauty under ttre growlng pressure of urbanization and increaslng trafflc and
to*portatlon related problems. Thus there ls an urgent need to address the iszue of urban
transport by way of
o Etrectir6 *hlft to new urban phnning and development phllosophV of land use and
tnnsPort lntegration.
, publlc transprt
MaklnBclties livable by lmproving access of citizens tO the enhanced
o FinandrB extension of urban infrastruAure and publlc transport
proiects through
land developmenL

Thus Transit Ortented Devebpment Pollcy will be a guidirE tool for Unified
Transport Authorities (uMTAt, Mass mn$lt agencieq urban local bcdles,
paraetatal agenciet, enforcemeftt ageneies and publk for promoting Translt
3 Purpose & Application/Applicability of the Policy

Thls Pollcy applies to whole of urban areas ln Andhra Pradesh as a 6uHlng tool for
preparation/revision of derelopment phns (DPsl under Munlclpal Corporatlonq
Munlclpalltles, Nagar Panchayats, Gram Panchayats covered ln Urb*n Development
Au*toritles, formuletion of dwelopment control ncrmsand regulatlons and regulatirq urban
d*elopment in Andhra Pradesh. This Policy shall be speeifhally rneant fr pmmot&rn and
control of development around Transit Stations and along Translt Corrtdors ln all the diles in
Andhra Pradesh.

TTETOD Pollcy will assist

. Government SepartmenB, Directorate of Town & Country Plannlng, @mmhslosrer
and Dlreetor Municipal Administration for makirq relevant amendil{*ts ln Actg
Rules & Regulations for urban development in Andlrra pradesh.
r Directorate of Town & Gountry Plannlng Municipal Corporatlom/Munhlpaltties
/Municlpal Councils in peparatinn and revision of DPs, Zona! Plans *nd TOD Arca
Zonal Plam for urban developnrent ln Andhra pradesh.
' Directorate of Tqpn & Country Plannlng; Munfrdp*l CorporatioqrslMunicfpafitbs
/Municipal Councils ln issuing planningldevelopme.t permissionr *nd bultding
permission in response to applications for developrnent of hnd and construcdon of
bulldlngs Cnhin the vicinity of a ?ransit Stations and Corrldorc.
' Development Authoritles/AP Housing Eoard/APllC and other para-st*talagendes ln
formulation of TOD Layout Plans/Fown Devetopment Schemes/AffordaHe llursirg
Schemes/lndustrial Developrnent Schemes within the vlcinfi of a Tnnslt St*$ons
and Corridors.
' Developers and land owners in formulating their.applkations for develogment of
land and construction of buildings Mthln the vicinity of a Trarxit Sbgons ard
I Reglstered Archltects, Urban Planners and Engineers in providlng consuttancy to
Developers and Land owners ln formulatlng thelr appllcauons for devefrcpment of
land and conttrucilon of buildings wlthin the vlcinity of a Traruit Sta6om and

This TOD Policy is intended for Transit Oriented Development of TOD Area (Transit Stathn
ard Corridor Area) and Transltlon Area phnning modalltles, both in respect of new Translt
Statlons and Corrldors as well as redevelopment plans that may be preparcd for existlng
stations, Corridors and Neighbouring communities. Such TOD Area (Transit Station and
Corridor Area) and Transition Area shall be ldentified in the Devetopment plans (DFs) and
demarcated in the Zonal PlansfiOD Area Zonal plans, Wlrcre Dps, Zonal plane and
Development regulatlons are in place, this docurnent will provide basis for the
revision/amendments of these existing stEtutory Plans and doeuments. And all future
Zonal Plans and urban development regulatlons and other docurnenB shall be formulated
the basis of thls document.
4 Transit Oriented Dsrelepme*t

Transit Oriented Oevelopment (TODI is defined as compact, p€destrian and Norr Motarised
Vehicle(NMV) friend{y development of transit supportive uses having moderate ta high
deniity residential, offtces and retall uses within walk-able dlstance from public transForL
TQD ls mixed-ure, rnixed-incorne residentiatandlor commerciaf area designed to maximize
acsess to publlc transpofl and incorporates features to efiEsurage transit ridership such as
pedestrian and FIMV orlented destgn, multi-modal integratian *nd connectiyity. TOD is wtdely
considerad a5 one of the most su*tsinable forrn of developrnent and is being practiced in
rnany part of the world. lt raduces the dominanca of private rnatorized vehicle usage and
promotes develspnnent sdrtdr is morc conducive to translt *sage. TOD encourages residents,
worhers and shoppere to use Maes Transit and reduees thein dependency on private
motorized vehlcles by rompact, raixed-*se and ped*strlan fri*ndly development around
Tran$t Station and along Transit Corrldor.

4.l Visisn
$mart and livable ffewt;h in urb+n areas by making public transport a preferred mode of
transport through high density, mixed-use development. To ensure pedestrian safety,
eomfort and convenienee,

rl"2 Objectives
Transit Orlented Development FoticV has been developed on following key Polisy ObJectlves
that apply to Tr:aasit Station and Corridor Areas:

1. EnsuraTnnstrt supporthe uce*

€nsuring land uses around Transit Stations and Coridors sueh that they support ridershlp by
generating hlgh levels of translt use and provide a mixed-use activity node for the locat
Eommunity and eity-wide transportation network beneflts. This provides the local corarnunity
with increased servlces, employrnent, and housing optioni within their communlty area.
2. Derwiftethlr ald Mtxed lnoame dov*l@msmt arc$nd Translt Statbns ard Certldors
Denslfkatb;t wlll promote; hieh frequency rapid trarsit service and atso provide a base for a
variety d housln& ernployment, local services and ameoities that suPport a vihrant $tation
and Cgrfdor area sommunity, Mixed income developrnent will include; diverse types of
housing units for people with variout income levels. *t should also include a range of
affordehts houslng Option$ fsr lowor lncome residens and lncorporate diverse commercial
developments complementi*g various income levels"

3, Enssre conne*fulBf ard manage vefdcular traffrc and pa*lng

Ensure coqnec4vity through comprehensive transportatio[ notwork planning in the city with
special focus on Mass Tr*nslt Corridors" Accommodate transit serv'lses and private motorieed
uehicle crrculation and parking n6eds, while reating * eomfonable pedestrian environment
wlth proger integraticn sf varlous mode transfer optioas.

4. Cfeatc Fedstrlanend Ntrt6v-srlemad declgn

4.3 Benefits
TOD shall provide the following benefits to Cities:

l. Mobility Optiorc for all - Change the paradigm of mobility by enabling a shlft frorn
use of private vehicles towards the use of public transport and alternatlve modes.
ll. Better Qua tty of llfe lor All - Provide a variety of high{ensity, mixed-use, mixed-
income houslng employrnent and recreation options within walking/cycllng distance
of each other and Mass Translt Statiorr in order to induce a lifiestyle change towards
healthler living and better quality of tlfe, lnte8[ate communitles rather than
s€gretatint them and reduce social stigma and dissent"
ffi lfotrlry For All - lnoease the supply of housing stock for all kind of lncome Eroup
including filnge of affordable houslng and commercial space in the city which woutd
bringdown prloes and make lMng and working in cities more affordable.
lu. Market Parddpe6 kt Bstter OtV - Open up development opportunity to the private
sector to brirE ln Investment into the citt/s growth and revenue and also help cross-
subsidize sochl amenhies, affordable housing ald public transport, using a variety of
posslble development models low-income groups can be provided ipace and shared
amenhbs in integrated mked-lnome communitles, thereby reduclng further
prollferation of gentriffed slums and unauthorlzed colonies,
y. Self-Suffichnsy - Creating htgh densities would make decentralized infrastructure
provlslon and manageclent teehniques morE feaslble, thus making lt more
, economical to recycle waterlsewage loelly to meet communlty needs.
v{. Clpaper Publk Tranrport - Frovide a slgnlflcant source of non-fare bq revenue for a
publk transport fund, whidr may help reduce Ucket prices and lncrease prorision of
publk trensport fa d lities"
v[. f,cduca ElMrcamffital DeEradatbn - Set a clear vislon for the groudl and
redevelopment of the city in a compact manner, by mlnimizing sprawl (low density
spead out developmentl. Help save environmenully sensitlve lands and virgin lands
through hlghdensity compact development
r(1. Save Publlc Moncy - Provide savings in publk money through reduction of
innestmenB in physiel infrastructure ltke additional road expansion, plplny'cabllng
costs, tlme-cost of trafftc congestion and other larges costs asgoclated. with low.
density sprawl.
[c Multldtscl$nary lntcsfated Ap'pro*ch - Pranide a shtft to a more hollstlc paradlgm
of planning where all sectors- mobility, planning policy, urban design, infrastructure
and economks work together in unllled manner-to deliver integrated development

8emfftc to Tramlt Agandc:

r lnereased ridershlp due to hrger populatlon livirrylworking within walking distance.
rl, Velue Gpture of lncreased land values for long term cross-subsidy & maintenance of
public tra nsportation.
gencfrts to land, Rod & Serhe Owntrr8 ASends:
xlt Potentially lncreased ravenu€ from land due to increased development wlth lesser
public money investmenl
dn. CttY level reduced infrastructure costs (reduced lenglh of roads, plpcs, cahles,
tunnelt etc.) due to aceammodatin8 the overall planned population wlthln tesser net
land area, ln a more sustatnahle way"
tdv. Increased feasibllity for srtainable decentralized physical infrastru6ure.
rv. lncreased and more efficient use shared social infrasttucture factliues.

5 Transit oriented Development [ToD)Areas and Transltbn Arca

5.l Definitions
Mase Translt Statlon: - Allthe existing and proposed Mass Transit stafions in the Mass RapE
Translt System (MRTS) Conldor/Network whlch has been approved by cornpetent autftarity
for development and operations. (referred to as *transit StaUonx)
Mass Transtt CorrHor: - All the exlstlng and proposed public transport routg like Metro
Ratfueht Rail/Mono Rall Corridorlllefioork and Bus Rapid Transrt (BRO or H[h capeEtty
Public Transportr Corridor/Routes/Hetwork, which has been agproved by cortpetent
authority for development and operations. (referred to as -iranslt corridor,).

ToD Arca fInnslt Statlon/corddorArea]r - Area wlthin the 500m wide beh (5,IO Mtnute
Walk) on both sides of centre llne of Metro Rai[Ught RaiUMono Rall, Mass Transit Contds
and Area within a 3fi)m wide belt on both sides of centre line of HiSh capaOty pubti€
Transport', Mass Transit Corridor or entre line of lt's Right of Way (ROW). Such wldth of the
belt on both sldes from the centre line of Metro RalllLight Rall/Mono Rail, Hlgh capadty
PublicTransport and Mars Transit Corridor may be increased or decreased by GoAp.

Note: 'To bc able to conslder Htsh eapacity Publlc Transport Corridor/Routelpetwork as

Mass Translt Corrldor in the purvieur of TOD Areas such Hlgh capacity public Transpo6
Corrldor/*oute/Network shall be desfned wlth a carrylng Eapadry of more than SOffi
paslengers per hour per dlrection,

5.L2Tmnsltlon Atea
Tnnsl&n Arca : 'Area withln the 1@0 meter wide belt on both sldes of cenre llne of Metro
RalfUght Rai[Mono Rall Corridorfi*etnork and Bus Rapid Transit (BRT] or High capactty
Publlc Transport' Corridor/Route#?*etwork whlcfr has been apBrwed by ttre coflrpetent
authority for future transportatlon/t0D based planning. Such Transltion Area rnay be
lncreased or decreased by GoAP based on the regulrements of projects.

5.2 Demaretion of TOD Neasftra*$fionAreas

The dem*rcation of TOD[ransltlon Arms and zones pertalnlrq to these areas w1! b€ done in
the TOD Area Zonal Plans under the provisions cf the DPs prepared for any spedflc Translt
Statlon/Corridor Area (TOD Area). Such TOD Area Zonal Plans shall be prepared by Mm
Transit Agency. Amravathi Metro Rail Co Umlted (AMRCt)/Mass Translt Agenof may seek
support of Municipal Corporation/Counclls and technical support from urban plannlrg aRd
development experts in the preparat'on of TOD Area Zonal ptans, layoutffD scherne and
identification and implementation of proFcts. The actual demarcatlon of the TODfiranslt&rn
Areas and zones pertaining to these areas rnay be done qn area wlthinfteyond the
TOD/Transition Areas defined in the Gause 5.1, wherethe land outside the specifled distance
share specifle Transit Station/Corridor Area charaeterisUcs and is not physically sepanted
from the Transit Station/Corridor Area or may have dlredt pedestrian connectivity in the
designated time as per Clause 5.1, and could arrommodate transit-supportive land uses or as
per requlrement and sustainability of fOD, Zonal Plan and planned development in the city.
Similarly such actual demaretlon of ToD Areas may exclude existing stable residential
communitles or other us€ zones around Transit Stations/Corrldors, which don't share speclfic
Translt Station/Corrldor Area characteristics and are separated by physiel barrlers that
preve*t pedestrian acqess to a Transit Station/Corridor ln the deslgnated time as per Oause

6Approachs to Reallze fre Policy Objective

One of tfte purposes of thls document ls to set out strategies to realize pdlcy obfectives for
Tnnsit Oriented DevelopmenL fiese Strategles reflect the GoAPs strategic policy, with
speclflc refurence to development around Transit stations and corrldors.

6.1 Translt-sr,tpportlve Uses

1, Transit- supportfue uses Transitrupportive land/buildlng wes eneourilge transit use and
lncrsasd transportatlon network efftrciency. The pattern of land/bullding use around transit
sta$ons and corrldcs sha,l be characterized by:
. Hlgher Employment DenslUes udlorResldential,Densities
. Promoting TrrvelTime otherthan peak periods
o Attracting reverse-ftqr travel on Roads ard Transit Staffons
r Encouraglry extanded hours of Activlty, throughout the dayand week
r Attrastlog Pedertrlan Users and Generateg pedestrhn Trafflc
2. ttlrol lrc6
A TOD Area dtall alkcw for a mix of residential, oommerclal, employrrent public semlpubllg
supportlng retall. entertrinment and servke uses. The rnix of uses shall be vertically aodlq
holzonatly; that ls, dre mlx of uses shall be fuund wlthin a par$cular bulldllg, or
inorporated ln mulUpta butldltgs drrougtroult the TgD Area. This prorides a narlety of uses
wlfiln a compacq walk-abh TOD Area and creates a synerty between the.rarying Wpes d
3. Umlt nontraruh 3upporthn use
Al the focus of TOD Is on th€ transit rider and pedestrlans, lt is lmportant that private
motorized vehicle orlented development does not overnrhelm the TOD Area. Hon-translt
supporfive hndftulldingutes arethose whlch areoriented prlmarllytothe prtvatemotorized
vehiclas and not dre pedesuian or tran t user. These types of uses

o Generate hlgh levels of prfuate motorlled nehicle actlvW

I Creates area oriented towards prhnte motsrized vehich use
r @nsume a hrge arnount of land thruugh lor{enstty urban form
. Requlre extenshre'surface parking areas
e Mlred lrrcrn dwehpment
Mixed income development shall include diverse typs
of housing units for people wtth
wrlous income levals. lt shall alsa include a ran6e of affordabte
houslng nptio* for lower
rse commarcia
lopments heve

6.3 Ensure connectivity and Menage Vehicular Traffic &.parking
Comprchensive transportation network plannlng shall be done in the Dps and Zonat ptans to
ensure cornectfuity in urban ereas. TOD area proposals shall accommodate transit servlces,
prlvate motorlzed vehicle rirculatlon and parking needs, whlle creating a comfortable
ped estriaa envlronme nt

L @nncctlvlty Thc tranrportetlon popoeab urder th€ DPr and Zonal plans shalt be
gcpardlrculsad as hbw: -
Cre*te dense networks of streets and paths for alt srodes of transport. '
Dkperce hlth trafmc volurnes cver multiple parallel streets rather than
concentrctlog tnfnc on ferrar mapr arterlal roads.
' Create flne netnrcrks of streets that proride cholce of routes, for all modes of
tE,E0ort, trfille reducing distances betureen places. The development
proposalslLayout PlanfiD Sdreme etc ln ttp TOtt Area shall prodde shortest
direct route for pedestrlans and HMV modes up to Transit Station#Corridors as
well as berween indMdua I bulld irUslcomp lexes.
& Multl-moda n@ntlon
Publlc transport operations plannlng shal! be carried out to ensure muhi-modal antetrati{rn.
Some of the ky conslderations in sudr planning are: -

' Provide fast and cotwenlent lnterchangp optlont for various modes of transport
wM a prlorlty to publlc transport Includlng lntermdiate public transport,
pedestrlans and l,lMV.
r Mass tramPortauon options suctr as Metro/LithvMono Rall, 8RT, Hlgh capacity
Pubth Transprt ser$es and otler modes of Publlc Transport shall be integrated
with each other ai well as wlth gedesHan and NMV networls, so that Urne spent
ln mode transfers is mduced.
. Mtdti-modal intetration shall minimize travel tire and cost for maJority of
corEnuters alog with prorislrcn of safe, affordable and muhlple trar*lt mode
opHons ln developed areas as well as along grwth conidorc. Such rpde choices
for last-mlle connecfivity shall be prwided based on narlous prhes and comfort
' Major transit Interchanges sha$ be planned as Multi-modal Transit Hubs
lntegratlng var{ous modes of tranrport, whlle providing seamless interchange
befireen allmodes.
. Mt lti{nodal lntegration *ratl not be iust the physhal lntegratlon but also involve
otler lntegration ehnrenB relevant to public transpoft such a$ fare,
, Gommunkatlonrpassengerlnformatbnetc,
Tha dwelopment proposdyteyout PfanfrD scheme etc" in th€ ToD Area shall: -

o Priorltlze pedestrians, public trsnsport, NMV modes over prfuate motorized

modes ln desltq rnanagement and phnning of publlc spaces.
. lnte8rated puHlc sy$tems are e*entially to ensure a fully lntegEted TOD area.
Elemens of the Fubllc systems shail indude primery and secordary pedestrian
routes, blcycle routes, road ROWs, F€destrlan/cycle overpasses and underparses,
puHlc open spaces, puHlc toilets, translt sta0om and bus stops.
3, Panlng
a. Beduced per*rry req*iren*ents
ToD, through Sle transit-supportive uses, increased denslty and pedegtrialr
ility options,
TOD has pot
nts should
shaff he done fior roD Areas condderixg fc*ra$dng
r Appropriatelylimitingandd rtdngofgrlvatemotorizedveftlcle prl(I{Ig,
to discourage private rxoter *se in the ToB Areas.
' prlvate
Publlc Barking supply (be it on-streetor off street! as well as ECS reguiramentsfor
motorized vehicles shall be rectricted in tmrnediate yicrnity
of t'fi,*sft
stations/corridors and sueh perting provision shafi be hased on
locettron /dlsrrw
from transit stationslcorridorr"
' Higher *nd oifferenti*t parking prices in ToD Area shalf be
considered as part of a
parking fit*nesement srategy" The prices shall rrary
as per fogowlE ordel-
Wl - Highest +
' [ -Lowest I

Similarly the parking charges shall incruase wfth proxirnity

to the ?Enstt
r Farkirry for transit buse+ IPT modes and NMV shall be prioritfted
to h* cnstreet
andlor at-grade in the immediate vicinifF of Tran*ttstaticry'corrldor.
r Mandatory share of parking for NMvr transit huses, lpT modes
*nd Z-wfteeler*
shall be part of ECs requirements forany development ln
tfte TsD Areas.
r on-streat p*rklng shall bo limited to be short term and haph* prieed
trr the ToD
t oft street puhltc parklng shall be discouraged in the tmmediate vlcfnity
of 61G
transit st*tions/corrldors, it shEll be restricted ta the edge of the
TOs Areas"
' Park and ride facilities for private motorized vehlcles
may only be provld*d In the
transit station premises, whereas such faciltry for.NMV
may be prsrided on$tre.t
or off-street tilathin the ToD Areas as welf as wlthin
ransit cta$on premis.s.
r park and ride facil?fies shoutd
be encourr8ed in the Terminalsetione and Multi*
modalTransit Hubs.
r Al[ the parklng supplles (be it ofi-strg€t1 off-street or
garklng space$ ln the TOD A
on-slte) $l*If Ie shered
agenc*es or private devebpe
be developed by **tsrblk
$soclatiofts ek
h' Parking placement and parki:g form comgbrnenting the pedestrian
nature of tt* ItE
area Parking spaoEs shall he designed appropriately in
order to rytaint*ln pedes*rtan
comfort in the TOD Area.
r Publlc off-street parking spaeet and on-sfte parking sBaces $rould
5g acse$sd
ftom lowsst hlerarctry road aht*ttinB any devehp"r*ntir,
the ToD Area3, udth*,t
Irnpactlng exlstlng comm*nities or the pedestrian
erlvrrorgnen: of the area, Dlrcct
pedestrlan cryrnections read from t?mse Fa*iry aress to
'ha[ maJor offisc
lons such as the tnnsit station, erear, ffit +*irtty
. On-slte, at grade parkiry in the TOD Area should be discouraged and lf provlded
shall be located on the rear side of the building and shall not face main ROW. On-
site, muhi-level parking aocess ramps shoutd not be prwided directly on main
' Allparkingspaces shall be designed and located to mlnimize the number of vehicle
crosslngs wer primary Pedestrian routes. At such crossings all driveways/vehlcular
entraes shall be raised to finished footgath and cycle track level,
' All the surf,ace parking shall be broken into srnaller cells thrangh landscaplng and
walkways and shall accommodate safe, direct pedestrian traffic through the
prorislon of landscaped walkways to and from. as.well as through the slte.
' Use of publk open spacas, parks, fooQaths, cycle trads and other spaces in the
road ROW as parkirg (unhss designated as on-stleet parklng) shall be strictly
prohiblted ln the TOD Areas.
4. Encourage emp&oyer based transportation demand [Enag€ment (TDMI strategies
Employer based TDM strateShs rnay asslst in redr.reing private motorlzed vehicle use,
'enhancln[ transit rlderchip as well as reduelng the need for pa*ir6 tn the TOO
Such strategles are
r Encouraglng lool shuttle servlce for employment centers or shopplng eenters to
@nnect to Trarsh Statlom and Malor. lnterchanges.
o Fadlitatlng communlty cer-sharirq and car-poollng by provtdtng preferential
parklng spots for car-sharelcar-pool vehldes
' Promoting TDM inltlatlrcs such as flex-$rne hours, tel€work, bfte/walk to work
pr(grams, ctc.
r Work wlth emp@ers (such as Bovernment offfcet private offies, buslness groups
etcf to encourage translt ridership programs among employees by providirg them
wlth unlversal transit passeVsuhsidized fares rlelid on all mode of transit 6 part
of remuneration package.

5,4 Pedestrlan and NMV{riented Design

Pedestrlan and Non Motorlzed Vehicle tNMvI friedty enviroilnent ls most essential and
fundamental requlremenB of TOD. To rnilterialize higfi lnvestments in the publk
transport system pedestrlan end NMV acoe$ to the publlc transport shall be gfuen hfh
L Psdcetrlaa & ili,W corutcctlvtty

.. Direct oonn€ctlvlty for pedestrians and NMV up to tlp Trans'lt Station/Corrldor shall be
ensured in every devebpment proposals in theTOD Areas.
r TOD Areas, developrnent proposals shall incorporatr ldentification of primary and
secondary pedestrlan mutes.

o Pdrnery PodcsBlm nantes-These routexr run dlrectly between the Transit

Statlon Platfurms,ffransit Corridor Bus 'Stops and maJor pedestrlan
destlnadons ln the TOD Area, Primaty routcs would indude wider
sldevyallts and Statlon/Corrldor access fot over bridges/under pass6s.
Skpralks etc
o Secondary Pefutrian noufg - These routes do not provlde a dlrect link
to the Translt Statlon/CorrHor but fued lnto the primary routes" These
routes would .lnclude stardard sldeuratks and prtvate
to/betrreen indivldual bulldings.

' Ttre Pedestrlan conEectlvity shall be ensured

with all the etements d the pt&llc ,,otcm
nrentioned in the chuse 6.3 (2rabotre, ufiich will
ereate pder;trhn qorrrort r.dthh the
TOD Area.

2, P€destrian and NMV-orlented design

s educafion, localshopptn& felrure trlps

are shoft trips, hss than 3 Kms. Good
ges users to
for short trlp
such trlps, reduces orrcrall cost of travel and also
r A conrrenlent, comfortable and safe pedestrian or NMV
route shall have thc
followrng qualrdes fike short, @ntinuous, barier-free,
easpy navtase and
destgned for local cllmate.
r Primary pedestrian routes shall incorponte efiirete
and weather protectlon
elements, r,'hese elements can incrude cornred waitinjareas,
burHing Frrriectlons
up to Translt

be located clme to, but physicaHy separated

frorn a Transit Station/corridor vehicle drop-cff zooes
or bus stops to avold
potential confltqts with cycllsts and tran
wiff afiow fur tfiroqtr
nd NMV connectlng dlrectlY to
*MV Pa
op.'nent shall provide adequate arnenitles for
p€destrlans, cyrllst, NMTard pubth transport
' Buildlngs drall be grouped togettrer to atlow for
eesy pedestrlan access betrreen
bulldlngs atgrade or abore at intermedlate floor
teveiano to frarne the"rpn
spacet for easily walkable routes.
' BuildirEs along these routes shall be oriented
to the street a nd shall have minlmrl
road side marginel open sPaoo (Mosl, direct
buildlng entranoes qrlenkd ard
connected frorn the sidewalk. ln case of arcade
no-road sEe M(E *[rn be
' Allthe road and street lnfrastructure proposals dnd
deslgns shall be mandatorlly
approved by MPMRcVMass Transh gency under
tfu provtskons of oF$ eyen tf
the imphmenting agenef ls government agency.

t. Safety and Security

r TOD Ar sha, crcate rtne€t rever actMths, Eke btyr*ry
zon€s? encouraSe walkabillty, street hrcl.
. The grourd floor of bulldtng In ttre TOI! Areas
to pedestrhns, such afiq
as retall, personal serulce, and
. All the strects in tfie TOD Areas shatl have sidewalks on both sides of the road that can
actommodate hlgh-volume pedestrlan activlty and their layout shall be oriented
towards the Tra nsit Stiltion/Corridor.
o Wherever possible, street and buiHing conflguration shall be designed to seate vi$tas,
or to terminate views with a landrnark feature, building or publlc space
h, Building Design Detalls

Eulldiqs in the TOD Area shall be designed to ensure that Fedestrian comfort is of prime
. Doorways and windows shall be orlented towards the street in order provide ease of
ent ?noe, vlsuel interest and ln*easd secu rity through inform a I viewing.
. Varle$ of rrchltestural fieatures shall be usad on the lower storey of a buildlng in TOD
Areas in order to prodde visual interest to the pedestrian.
r BulldlrEs hlther than tLS storey slrall step back higher floors ln order to malntain a
human scale alor6 the sidewalk and reduce shadow lmppcts on the publicstreeL

6.5 Plan ln Contextwith LocalCommunifies

L Csnmunfi partidpatbn local communitis can provide valuable local knowledge on
sswhes and amenlties needed W the communlty, housing form& key pedestrian
dcsUnations, current Fedestfian habads, Farklng management etc.
o lt ls essential to consult wlth local communities early in the planning process (be lt
DPs, Zonal Plans sFubllc Agency/Private Developer lnltlated TOD layouts Plannlng)
to ensure a commQn undertarding of important community issues related to a
partkukr site or area.
r Local land owners and oommunities should participate in TOD Area plan planning
2. t{eeds of $e oommuntty
r New development ln TOD Areas should provlde servlces and ameniUes needed by local
communlties. These could inch.lde new housing forms to support community
dernographlcs, emphyrnent optlons, conyenience retail and perconal servlces, pqbllc
. gatherlngspases. eE
r Any devdopment ln the TOD Area shall conrplemefit the exlstirg darebpment and
help to enhsnce the local character whlle creatlng a unlkable and vibrant TOD Area.

TXeyAcfion Areas

Ihe Planning, Development and Regulatory Agencies shall devise efficient land acqubition
models such land sharlrg land poollng land amalgamation, plot reconstitution and other
alternatives for prolision of housing employment and other urban services ln TOD Areas.

The Planning, Developmcnt and Regulatory Agencles shall earmark a certain portioo of land
rt affordable rates for housing for E\rfS/UG based on the TOD Rules and Regulations.
All the developments in the TOD Areas shall discourage bound*ry vntls to ctea?e
' eyes on the rtreet.
6.5 Make each"lr*neit $tation/Corridor Area e
Each TransitStationlCorrldor area shall be developed as a unique environment, tra*sformir6
a utilitarian transit node into a cammunity gateway and a vibrant mlxeduse hub of *stlvitles,

1. Activities & Uses

a. Encourage "Round the Clock Activi$f
. The develapment pfopesals in the TOD Area shallcreate a safe, vihrant, comfortable
urhan "place*, by encouraging rou*d-the cfwk active streets and Ineidertel pl*ces to
. All streets, puhlic open $paces, parks. parklng and other elements ef pub{tc system as
per Clause 6"3 (2) above in the TSS Area shall be universally accesstble with *pecial
focus on needs of differantly-abled citlzens.
oEyet on the Streef
h. Create
. The development propoeals in the TOD Area shall create "eyes o{t the streef hy
removing boundary walls or compounds end building to the edge of the street EOW and
hy having uniform bullding line. This would dlscourage mlsbehaviar, shady corners,
urinating ln publfc places, etc,
r Mixed use without houndary walls, built-to-edge buildings with minlmrlrnlno ra*d *!de
marginal open space (MOS) and non-opague fences along with other lnformal on-;treet
activities like hawker's zone in the TOD Area, shall help provide ratural surveillance of
public spases.
. Arcades and colonnades aleng such bullt-to-edge mixed use buildings shcxrltl be

c. Creative Use of Public Open Space

' Publie open space shail he developed to conrplement TOD Area develcpmerrt. Thls
would empha*ize the Station/Corridor as a public place, while protridlng a comfortable
and interesting waltingldrop-off area, and giving the cemmunity a gathering pl*se.
. The development propcsals in the TGD Area shall create climate*scnsitave streets and
public open spaces through adeguate street tree planting buildlng edge trratmentr to
facitritate shading of public realm, orlentation of cpen spaces, etc.

2. Emphasize tmponent Buildings

. Public or high prafi|e huitdings (t.e. statlons, large ccmmerclal, prominent re$idential
buildings) shall he visible landmarks within the TOD Area. Th*se bulldings sha*l h*ve
distinctive design features (farade, rooflines etcl that can be easily identifted.

3. Design & Aesthetics

a, Sffeet and Block Layout

. Whlle desi6ntng the TOD Area development proposals, new streets and walkways shall
be incorporated into the existing local road pattern"
Conslderlng land as a scaroe resource there ls need for rerylating use of urban land ln TOD
Areas up to optimum levels; pnalizing under utillzation and incentivizing optlmum utllization
within a specific time period"
of t
The TOD Areas shall be nottfied asTDR Receiving Areas and Influence tueas in the purview
TDR Rules and Regulations. Separate fDR regulations shall be formulated by competent
authorities and TDR policy should have relevant provisions.

7.2 Finanse
The TOD leyosts on govemrnnt land shrll he prepared so as to mobilize finances for
strengthenlrrglextenslon of transit servlces and capital expenses thereof by way of using land
as,a resqtrce. The flnandal rnodel for such projects shall ensrre delivery mechanlsm for
publlc lnfrastrrrcturc, publlctransport fadlities as well as affordable houslng ln such proFcts,

Th€ TOD areas shall encourage unlocking lard value and attraG private lnwstnenB in
lnfiastructure development and seMce delivery througtr land value capture finance
m6chanlsms lncludlng hlt not limited to FAR banefis, land v'alue tax, fees for changing lard
use, Betterment levy, Devehprnent drarges (lmpact feesl, Transfer of Developrnent Rights
(TDRsl, Vaent Lard Tax, Tex lncrement Flnancin& Lard Acquisidon and Developrnent, lard
Poollng system or any other posslble beneftt that ttre regulatory authorhles can glw.

Inorne gencrated throregh aforesaid financing mechanism shal! be accrued to the Dedicated
Urban Trcnsport Fund (DUTfl. These relrc*ue streams shatl be identified based on the
beneftts enjryed by a piece of land lying withln the TOD Area.

7.3 lnfrastructtre
The urban seMce delivery agencies such as Municipal Corporation/Munlclpalitie# Munlcipal
Council or Mass TransitAgencry etr" shall ensure:-
. Strengfiening of tnrnk infrastructure ln brown fiGld TOD Areas so as to effect
desired mlxed use and density levels.
. Integrated lnfrastructure and serv'lces system Ptans for treen fleld TOD Areas
indieung space requlrements for all urban services based on desired mixed use
' anddmsfUlevel+
o The infrastrudure prMsions ln tJte TOD Area devekrpmant proposals shall as far
as posslble en:rure decentrallzed infrastructure, so that Impact on exlsting Trunk
Infrastructure ls mlnimized as well as long tirm sustalnabillty and resouroe
efftdency is adtleved.
Smh strcnghenlng of trunk lnfiastruAure proposals and integrated lnfrastruEture ard
servlces systam plans shall bo prepared and implemented based on the DP proposals and
TOD Area Zonal Phns

. The TOD Rulesard Reguhtbns shell ensure

o Sustainable wat€F, energy, waste rArater, Storln weter and solid waste
tnanatem€nt and communication systems ln the developrnent proposal in/alont
Tranoit StaUon/Cotfr dor a reas.
. Raln weter harvestlng to be lntegrated with the lardscape and public open space
8 Role & Respnsibilities of various ftencies
1. Dep.nment ol Munldpsl Admtnlstn$on and uruaa oevehpmcirt
. Formulation of TOD pollcy
Amendments in APMRUEA A*,,2a16 and AP Buitdlng Rutes 2017 rnd Ap (tad
tlevelopment) layqn Rules, 2017 ard there under"
' Prepare/revlse various DEvelopment Plans lncorporatng separate chapterfor ToD,
enabri and amendments fior imptementation of ToD, z*rrp,
regula mcnt controls and subdivisioo/amalgamatloa regrdainns for
varbu es, building hylaws for rrarious uses/acthrities and desi*n
guidellnes for IOD Areas.
2. Dlrcc&ratc of Tryn and Country plandng
' Amendments in APMRUDA Act, 2015 and Ap Butldtng Rules 2017 and Ap (trnd
Development) layout Rules, ZA77 and there under in consulta$on
Al\f RC UMass Tmnsit Agency.
' Prepare/revise various Development Plens lncorporating separate chapterfor ToD,
enabling prodsions and amendments for implementation of ToD, Translt
Development zoning regulations, development contrds *nd subdMsiofl
regulations for vrriotrs uses/actMties, bulldlrrg bytaurs for rrarlous
and deslgn guidellnes for TOD Areas in coordlnatbn with AMRCVM*c;
r Promote, control and Regulate the Developments in sre TQD Areas
In coordlnation
with MPMRCUMass Transft Agency.
3. Denrelolnunt Authrftb, ap ibudrg goard, MpMRcL Mas Tremk Agmry rtrd
other Pan*tatslArcndar
' PreParatlon ard implementation of TOD Area Zonal plans, fOD Layo|ft Han/fD
Schemes/rP Schemes/Redevelopment Schemes etc. in ToD Areas in
solc capadty
or ln partnershrp wtth hnd owners/deveropers as applcabte.
r Preparation ald implementation of proposals for strerythenilg of g,unk
infrastructure and integrated anfrastructure and services syst€gls glan
lnftastructure components in TOD fueas based on the TOD Area Zonal pbn
as per
thei r respectlve jurkdictlon
rL Munklral corporathn/itiuddpamv/MunEpal Coundl/ilagar pendranG not
faltlq n UDA llmlts.

r Preparationlrevislon of Zonal Plan hy incorporating ToD Areas

ard subsaguent
zoning regulatlons.
' Preparation ard lmplementatlon of TOD Area Zonel Plans for TOD
Areas throqt!
Mass Translt Agency.
o Promote, Control and Regulate the building constnrction activifier
ln the T@
r Preparation and lmplementation of proposals for strerufhcniry
of trur*
lnfrastructure and lntegrated infrastructure and se:vices ,yrtu*i plan
inftastructure oomponents ln TOD Areas based on tfie TOD Area Zonal phn.
5. Amar.raftl MGtro Rafi co umM lAfrtgoJ/Mas Transt lgcncy (irst o Een/&ht
naUilono Ran/Enf,/HEft capadty ptrtrk tnmpoa serytrsf
' Preparation and Irnplementatiqr of TOD erea aonal plan with th assistancE of
M unhipa I Corporatlon/Munlcipality.
r Apprwal of layout plan ln TOD erea.
. Plannln& enforgement and regulating urban transport including publlc transport
(Metro Rat/Ught RaillMono RaillBRTlHigh capacity public transport servlces), lPl
parklng, pedestrian & non-motorlzed transport facilities and prlvate motor
. Promote, Control and regulate the building construction activities in the TOD
. Preparatlon and implementation of integrated Multi*mdal Public Transport
operations service plan"
. Ensuring end managing Multi-modal integration of FT Servlces through integrated
service planning.
. Regulate roads, street and hullding construction/development in TOD Areas and
ensure that Codes applicable for Urban Roads and Bullding are being complied
during such construction/development.
. Preparation and implementation of TD schemefP,scheme and approval of layouts
prepared under aforesaid schemes in TOD Areas in sole capacity or In partnership
with landowners/developers.
. Admlnlstratlon and management of Dedicated Urban Transport Fund (DUTF)

eJo 5d5 4

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65rSJd &gf
$Oe:S 6o"ea" @Os-6 $ofe.:S: (dr:.o5:o.6J) 6s 6d"s6" J.5o"g$6ea
eoflSpQ Co.SSo e"5 5rf5625 $65oer (651'ro") eSdr"6566:o6.
6CeS 5:.66625fud 6 g3oBS 6Oh 6oc.r.o:r: 6a.ea" s*Bc"6$r r5{o,5:e.1,
$U{XD C0dr"n"en, Lfqlosd dSs:, es$Soqr$d CdJo$S6i$er,"S LeFhS
XDOo5D $04o6: C65$ea, 6o'ea.5r S:{6Ct5:1 &Cdr"n"e::, }5a"r5:e.r$

a"irSire.: ep$rt5:ea &p5,6+ea" 5r$5r:o 3oc.: {r5i:6635 *er"{ tutd$ S$drn'e.r

erfl$gg do@S0o5:ic @63$"oi5:ec o5e $66 C6po+o a'5Q Codrog8or5:ec S[o".
6) s"65 LSdr SSp a"{u esog@d6dC eo51 $erea @oo"er$ SQor5rSt*
esol$t!5d6dn $rcturd s"o'pdaQ, bDC8:$Ode)), Sgea.flspB SoSer 506dS
5r(d $o.="ooo&oo, gr"5o$ esflSJ? 15e4.05e.:c .!c$,rdo
do6:ec5:,S5Oo.5rt:$, eofl 53Q CdSro[6ea [55r.Ed"eD, Caod$ e:r 605r.6 do:lecS
a,5 $*f5625 )65oe> teoLdGSd.S 6a.ea. ,$5o"550r(rca eo053Q SO"5SI, 2O22Sr
7) eeoLdLSdE ade.I dr54 eglq"6ea l$ed eoc5o.f a:6tr005 Lfgels
(eo1$$d5 65616: n"o e{Cu5o 5i$$0os $oosD ilo *6rp)
el{e5 $S :llgcr6 eD 656J$oe5

a 55l{56r, 13:o8oi6 }aS6 C {53 6d;€ t}6r&3:oe5,ceuo$a.6 +08 REcSd

l$SecS @;$6ea CArqSr, troOoJD 10 s"*:er: $6{o"p
a 55){56 & EB56 eg $s")sd JeAcQrrS,J.$.,r{:oir:.ri:.
6 EB$E es$ e3'5 eroE SogB ftco6, J.3:.r$oeo:"6.
6 EB$5 a;s6e5, eso1g1gd.5 te5 ea"f5 B$;53 & pE 165::5 &$cu$o05,i.3:.
o"E)tudC epodiS* SDstuSet 55{595r,55{56 & pa$Cu e:F sDc$fe'
Jeec6{5,J.&. 6"5@
6 g5l{56,erot66dE s.8:ecd 6eoOS e5esaloos esp06, caoS:a.6.
a arLdlocrs s5{s5, sa+$cuo 3)LeS }oers odd5rs dse.:5Booc5 ega"86,
o"Elsodc .ofo rgeeOs;Q Sofo ES pE s6;5er$
a p635 c $SeoF EBH5,;.$. Le.FsJ*,caro$d"d.
a 55rr55 & Od6fi5 & {o53,65d:Ja)oe])
a5=":p$6 a56e5 es$ es$ J.3:.
a d:deoE Ee$6,4.a:. arg$ pd s"eJ3{5 0$68, caod:o.6.
6 s.tu. &:r"s.tu, J.3:. iPR:oF dU;, aaoSra.f.
$hOS $oaoQU es$S6 eso565r
a e.. i5. &.f:. J5. er ::ltre5 $F ?)lgero /iShSe5[B:R:3Se5 ?:ggec6 e,r ffrr $:eg6)o1&
A d".J5.t. 0r ilrr $o[35t5:ger:,Jo.h. & o$.&. &]t5r3:o0r
J. b. =dlgdsd6e5 dc erq a+64:oe$

//6q6r5erE - {>o$o&o6ll

?r{5 ca$$6

eso1g16d,5 Bo13sloirS 6*oS15 Sooo$ e:6;5 e5e.:54:oe5 ere"o8S
,58$r,2o16dc :)HS 116 6:8o5r J.&.s.beJd 5€d65 dSe)EB:od5ese"86 JB$r,
2014 dS ?)HS 18 65s"6$ tFs"so drus egAs"6SrE{D dtrdr"no$ eso1fl$d5
FdrdS$, 5a e{6:S5: a:6S0CS eoglSdd 6a.ea. 3"5o"5*u6:ea erflSpQ &o"55r,
2022 $ ee"6 ddi)f$Sa.
=.{5 es$SE
="rpxie5 $S =.115o6 eD 656J&oe5
E.a.Jo. J5.Eo. 7 Jo.b. & dtu.8. e+ err
6. 0-706-2022$ ep$ao6o

ils Klea

r ( 022)
Dirdroel Sr.05:
r. 35{go 1

2. CO"S es5d556 2
3. SO"$5o dr54 t56ra$o, of,o6 5:6o5:u SQo$ 3
4.. 6+ee S5egi$r(:ea ,$S"lB 4
a.1 5g&
4.2 og5,er>
4.3 erqren
5. 6oee ilSeg$t$eo. ,05J8 @o65oer SDOdD 6O6ES
@o65oel: 8
5. 1 C6555xtueu
5.1.1. 6eee #Se5{or$ea s05JB t}o65o
5.2 6oea il5eg$6ea eo053Q @o65o / SoSqS @o6;1})i$
6. se$ erg,Ser$o dOtcS i1*fituer I
6. 1 6eee$ So{6C'5rg CSdwn"en
6.2. 6oee doleo:7SdSo$ itu3 tu1*4;$ eeo6rsqer oflS;Q $OdD
6. S.oSoSoe$d Sd;o5o/qnoJo6doJo€c SoOoJoo *S55,rrer
e5il65er, #6gol$ C653ro;$ec
6.4 $5*t$el6),Br.F6) dS a"tr"Se6er6r esrl$eaom 6r55el3$
6.5 136S 6uee do155u7b65 @o6tuSo a,5 "15d,5o"n- 6dr.6 $o5l'O
6.6 qSS ag$ SSrr;$o df65od 1See.05
7. 8oS .56ger 6sSfoss s{o$er 19
7.1 dlel
7.2 es056a)
7.3 EilOg 556e))
8. SS6 fofer #96 NDodUD er{56er 20

1 3$6ro

5s$ $6o'q: {r&f Sf,u.o66$n a5h64 5660{6ca S$Kgu:

S;bQ"e. ddpodd: 65cfrea5:"6;5r:sD -il6r$b, 55$6d a"i:.$tuq: at50c
epQ5tolutc, s-e:li5 $XoSSer:, ;5fO55$6o 5o35S: er{56$er: ?:6:6:e.:. & $io$5e.:
So&;o"Cp $do"e.r: Jcgt$poo, 8@c5>:n 1$c5o.e3od aS 555{
(fl.es6.6.d65.)o5: erfl$;f, do5:Co o5o'65es.6a'ea. 556fer5: arc66i5r5:oeroXo>.
asor:d 6a 56o.oi$ ca.Sdr"65on", es#f6Srn, essde$obon do5r"6 doirood
6a.ra. }, 5: eg$54o dr 66d0"6s:>o$: $5:5505: $6'$S'$eJ ao. ;tl+6;5:0.
2011(tS35) ao.qp d54 1$s'65r: eeol{Lfd5 49.39 tuOd6+ ep5n 4
$g aeoa"d 1,62,,975 J.e.5. s&g5Dd a"58:os 6oa. ero1S16d6
d5o66SS 566568a Bo6:6r", 1€o56 5a.gSrd Z,Z, f;g a".lSr:d, 2011 p6t
4"q5" ao"qJ.d KDSr"6 3oo/o {66 a:o'q:S SOh 6o6. St{6 ao"a:"S:, esOS
'o ae;Br5 S$'Soaod;1:o6. ?XeS tDEdfu Sr55 55t$o 5e:#6 SeS
gQ Sods

$66 ao"eJ. ?lOd 5"e es$SSpQ es05$)d doc.r:o6. wg5 a6 S6o"erd 1$ao d$S
1$i5:.ea"er{0, es$SSpQe dSf f f,,l 316r$ $6.$S"5Ss$$ es5.J5$e5$:
Aododqoa /,sts43a:6o6.
6)QSe5S, eoodrar"eo{6d Ca"}er, 5Xo35pS $Bddn }5655oUpS
?:Su:, f.:;C $O,6EES $0$oer, esOSorF aerpS, a:+ar:o"665o 6o
Sofo$:6o5:.{u noSr5do eoggd5dc 56e05pQd ar6p 6oXor. esog@d6
56o'flS34 og,gdA*cod 6a [3oAS ]6o56o: 566 (Sa:o6: o"eaSp5 d$6o,
o"6.!;1r5er dp SrlU @e" d55o $O1g"tus"ASJB, SrOoiD ar6rn6 edSQ o1e
ep05a.6o 5666680, f5o$o SXopQd $66a"gQ. eso1g1Sd.Sd SXo"OS;Q 29.6o/orp
2011d 5;r4,123 66/$66$o5 So$er sOflo5r$Ja. ao6d Cagotu;"C $OoSD
CailSeUo 56o'e:: 10 er{o6: pn" 34 56o'er: a.5 er{p$ asuq.506 6S;C.
eroldLfd.Sd0 Sdo'e.:d eoQSSgQ erJA a:o"al"dJ s$oc", d$.as
a$$o156d Sa.o {rq.n S; e{Oo'5erd 5:"c" 5556;5:51S. e S46ea 5o$
$66 $ae)odEg 5flOS $$6op 3:$q:'6on 5:"6r6>S;a, $cS 66/b66 $osSofor
5e SSe!:eND 1$a:oo568 esot$at"bdB SKD$o.Scr"Sg 16o6&3(4rXor:. eer Kur5n6

@oo"o5: &{OQS;s"o5er Spo"e;$;5f05 556o $c$}o$er 5-03o;5:e.:d 6e

$ofo e$5 f8frd:er dql&oboXor.

qio$o6 566 C{6ea5e.:5 $o5rea 5ro"q:, io;5:O5po =":0n 55o6o SS>;Q

sser:So6 6a"ea" $5o5o &Cdr6o ?:6:/udo6. qo6)$ dCo 1g6o5peo"e: Soeg
5:"c" 866:ecd @av" 6a'ea", $of,o: 55o$o SXopQ 5e-: 136av"6o"ea" #5o"5o: Src'
5on", CertrScgdd5#.5oo"tror: Sc0c$co 15 ar"i$ o.o 5c .!d egn" r":S
s"$S esol$1$d6' 1f fi 55o "6a"o' #5o.g{o6:ea elflSpQ" (Transit-oriented
Development(TOD)) 6r"[s"e:5$60ofl 56o"o$ elfl 539 So5rOoXo" 6+ee SDOoSD
fgeo.fl$;$ s;$$5oi6 i6tr4oe>$gS $6o.od ee56"rc$o5rp5 S;QC @63$"oo"erc
"6 a"ea" #5o"5S: t$ea .p fl SJB " (Transit-Orienred Development(TOD))eed 6
dre$dr.6 Sr"L@e:$ $6eo: eo5oer 56.5bd fSSOo$ elflSpQ {rgf:"o. 6
$g,iro 15s.6o ?:f;6o.e0"-&5o5er Se.r 6iro'6:od sCgUSSsdgS fo"erd 5rq66*F,
elg5 a:5$o15d r(e.: Ca"S 5;$ro.o6r"er:, a'68 eo$:aco{orn eo$$6p$ a"6asg,
e66 1$a"Sdo"5erl dogl50of ado.or:.
2.D eg$ 6
d)" 6fdr.6 @ea"05 SoS Ca"SSrq:, e#8, $o"+5 s.655o"$o:, So"5>o,
$'$fuSrr, 5Q6e.: 6o.eo. 5!o" 135e's5o'e.r sXo6o5dd Srt ca'K tu6pS
oes6rao 50;o$a:t$6:o6. Sotud fo"od Sfl$p 65a-$5ee.r$ f$6:o5dps
deroroSo6: d,"6$dr.6 135ea.05 $+5p56.6a.ea" eoda Xo$>frr5o $Oo*u SQber
er65o.5 er$$6p$ "e.5 L$d.5$ 5:oB do"g 1bda.sB Sdpeco" eoor$$;63
66ev"5$o"od e.SES 16aer, S65:e.: 6a.eo"Xo d5oo l6dc.ea6rn S '5rdacCodr,
q66 eo5$o"e.:d Se.:$S:oc" C&n" J:"{Cu. s"C 6a"er elda gbo5*eadr s"S:oc"
65o5*ee0B 5er $deco. g5c6:.etsoJc'CB 5e> egJa 6$a5 [505:"ca t5po"CB
SoaoQos$B. epo"f, epoS:arer: elda apsp erS$o"er$ d66o.
{:'6$drn"o6r, 6a"eo"$ ${g6o 6oao6dr e,5 6a"ca" Sgff$ 1$6.1$'o$
SXDHpS erflspQ 6o.c3, 6oXo.1e.:."as 68, 566 D{6ea 6f;6od $6& 5c&o5:dc5:
o"O Sqoa. 6+eo" #Se5$r{:ea erflS;Q Opo"er: Co"$, 6}S {udg 516o
siio6:od, (6fl5) 15ev"Ua.eo" 555f ao5;+Xo$o, f5o5:o S6:pQc 3:6X: S65c.:od
6So+&Ld Sb.{or.
65a:r6+gd. &6)e:5) S5:55o5r f6d tf466s 6od 6a"gr Sof o5o" Eder
ac5 esSdecpi $i:"s"6tud 65a6ore SgSfS 5CS6od eeoL6g5d.5 eo1flri.fl:.
qo6$ #e8oSn 1Sa. 6+eo.5g$fd @o5*e6$o 5oq:5 ?:o5rt:$ 566r Sg$fXo
er"d o.cScSSccn" 'Jc$ooCcSc do.ed. 3-5o.5$cr(cea erflSgQ Oqo"e.:o
esND$$6J$oR:o5rSgA. do15 1S{:.jstu as"Sd$ 6d"ea. }5o.550r$ea epflSJB
&q"S;5r:o$: 6:.1&5OoO, o'Qo$ Sr"c" esd 66$s Cq"S$);$ 15:"#o6o$ $5dl
' qA a8de:l
$65$e.:tuSan $0o"6.
566568a a-Qt, 1u:"fu8, 6oec.
KoaoQd S$K6o b6l$iJ SoS eso$65d5d0 $6o"o dr:54 eooSo,es{6o #6:oXo:r
s"65 o"${or 6o"ea" }5o.g,Kor{:ea er05pQ CA.Situ s"5o$o5r5;6. s.$5
5666a"ea" s{o$od 6 [Soa 06tun 565o: SKusSdo er65oe"5d55pb6:
{r.eSd*65ror, 6o"eo.e.:5> SXoS5o5r Sdd LSq b$ea (Seo"05 $Oo5rr
eoilS;Q 5f.6o$ 5y6Co.
$6:6:S65a:&S 65a. 6o.ea" $So.g,e.r6: 1;5a:erl d6ir$ 5er: 5 ;o56o
o5o" 5t{o"e.:50 Ca.5d:"6JoN 6oir"6 do6do.
$o"o erflb;Q o5o" @ar6areo" @85:o$, 566 SPOS b$.5rer C{6ea6r
6A 60ho$do
5$:5 6a.ea. S5o"g$6>ea elflSpQn i:o$o6o5rCc S6$ 1_i:ao$, er6:er:565:
5ofe.:5:, 66/566 $o6$ofo$, $Sn"&.,S 6a.ea" Sofe;Sr, (gS656oX $ofo$,
65:5Jd ar13$ )OerS 6a.ea" @6s'6 $o$er6 (o$.05:o.6J) 6 6oee #5o'5$6rea
erflSpQ SO"Stu e.5 $"f5625 $dSoo'(A51Oo") 6Sd:"6$d6:o6.
3.6A SED 6D $6raS o.Co5 $6air: 5
5erea756efl5pQ Sofo ro0dc $66JoS $ofor, 66$er5 $of,o:,
5r{6 $oa.o$&er, grs> Soa.o5r&e.:$ 6o er053Q geo"06o$:6ddr"6Sd6CJ$ d6"
Ksoo;$ir$, erol$(i5d5dc 56o"fl SpQc co$o1& o;S:e.r$n'sr eofl SgQ cd$o[deo
Cao65er$ ct So6oi5rcc$ 6 CO"55r: eeoL6[6d.5d0 er0; 566 @oo.o5:
SQo;$tu. 60o"Sir: addSSD ;5r:+5orn Uo"ea" rg{Q, 6o"sa SdS;$u6 eoflSpQS
1-i563 3:.o5:C;, C d6 oL& d$ iJ.
6a"ra" #go.5,$/uea eoflspB CO"S5r &13o8 4"08 6$d:"6rd.:6ro6:
. begeo"flSpQ3 $oaroQo05So$, Sao{Sel 60$.6 doSoecd
15$65a.q:o$, O"5 C 5o16ftCo6 Koa"o$s s"o5oo65r: a"08, g6$erd a"qr
55r{56 $Oo$ $oa.e.:Srs s'ege.:o5:;b a"BS
. igea"flSpQ3 Soa:oQo$S erfl5JB 15ea.05o0, #Sel qq Uo"re
Sgo"g$oi{:ea erasgQ [i"o6 dses *q 605r"6 dolDeJd e}S C 5o18 rtCoE
$oa'e.:(:e.: a"88, 566$o 5 $of o5:, g6$o5$o$o6r

. 6-Dcdo *gaq, fo"* SCSe:$ (s"Oc"H$) S5l$$rd drflr erflS;Q

$Oo$ {5$ Co.3ea*u:er$ n $:5035 56a"QoKo SOAOoc Co"3ea/erfl5pQ {$or
es6Dafu&oJoeJ*f c.:"S & Soge3 ftso5 So,=.er5co s.o.6erc$c5cc o"88,
S66$o5$ofo$, 66J"sS $o5o5:
. ftag, U*o" 5c5o$ f5:fsnd 6a'eo" #So5fo/uea eofl$pQ
dep6o **, re*flSpQ $655l:o, $6Sps sa.5 aY5sco.3ea s65*oer,
$oUFnDs"ASJa 5{5;ber: 60d$er6n"$ erflSpQ Sof,er, eoglbd5 iPtuoF
a6!, esol$1Sd6 5o@5:o 5ilO55$6:o $of 5:oo5r a66 $ofo6:
. Ua.ea.rg{Q, 6a.m. 5C5er5: S5lfsrrd drar erflS;$ XDoo5}, d55
So3eaSr: 5: {6: el 605*61 d o:l er d d;" o6 ;5px$ e:), er fl 53Q o"Cr 6:
e.r as e-r

. 6a"e6o !Aq, U** S65e.:6: S5>fSDd d:"$ erflSpQ $oc[rl d55

So"3ea 5r o 5: ft $ er 6o5:"6 do:r o d dr o5: a 5r $ e.r:, er 05pfi o"6 o 5: 5pQ$6p S
ie.ri:so: a;53ec$ 6s$6r s"a&S e048$o:, uoa:Sfsr {5*,
lsgi 6a"ca.{{Q, 6a"ra" $dSo$ 5*96$ s"5 1SQ6sl:S; Uo.o" }{Q,
$65er:, ;$QtFSSo s"e.:Se.:6r Src. 6a.ra. i"5o"5$:6:eefl53Q f6t5ro, eoo";t"c$;
5o6r @oo.e:6: 15ea"05er: 6$o'5ro 5a #So"g{ot$ea erflSgQ dr54
4d.JPd)) SJA. epc.D$o6 6a"ea" SPfbr, @ o6$$ e9AfJB L$t6"05ed,
!4$: 5) Oo5r,

dSO +Serd, 6a"ea" #5o5{06:ea eofl5gQ @o6 #SO *Se,d 6:Qo55dS:.

aspd eril$;Q 1$eo"05od, #S.SqSo:, $Sea"OSgQ Caro{Ser: a$36d eola:.
ep$ $SEo,5ro$ $ SLeJo esry6om fcSo5rrXD. aS da${d 6d6r.6, ddr666
esOSJB 1$ea.05o:, dSO *Ser, $$ea.053Q Caod6el 6a 516o erq"6om
<. (J^./--
(Ju ,.1_.t_
o.J i, G!Al-1.

4. 6alee 6rea eo 6.#.c0.

1Sa*6oee #S65tu S:o& 5d03{p 6of, 6r"65x66 Xo{5 66ir6 i$ot
eoQS a5$o$66e $d.K S5Do'o5ri>o, s'o5oo65r:er, flg6ar"g$6$ e.:$ 6$e;<

fofud, $6at$o5: XDOo5D Br"er.6 dC a"f:"S o"6er$ esSDgr.e.lfDrr doJD

erfl Spfi eo0 "6aea" #So5$r{:ea esil5p6"" (6. #. Ja:&56. }5 o"6er, eg. )C6SOo
3r.eJ'6 dC a"f:"5o"6:o6: eo5:E:"eron , epdg 6a.ea" $6o"e.: eo;.$$oO.5;Jr:e.:Xo
1#6p3"od 5f6:oXo So666K4 g5ev"6a"ea" #5o.5CB 5f6 o"B 5-O3S4 6l"So6od
elC; 6s"e.: eo"o$$qo Ca"Slfus:, a"e6a5 6$dr.n e.: &:g{So eoilSg{ 6oeo.
3"5q$:6:ea eo05pf,(6.n".eo.)es$ eo65o6 fD$6OnS er05p$ 56on" qPe{6 5r8o5r,
@6o5od eo$S.$g 6CC eoSfoqol6. aa 5gfl65 6a"ea" a"#o.e.: 6Sdrn"e:

Llq"S5d{o 6f, oS, 65a*6a"ea"{05:.e.: eofl 53QC 1#6pS:"Qo6. es5n S66-"NDo$,

s.B3$o$/e56gt$o5:, .6rs.eao"t5e.r$ 6<115 Ser$r:d ArLd5, SJB 5:0ofu $6a"6:o5r
er$:Sr"e.rp5 f Ofr .6od Sg$r{5 o"irS;$e,:{o 65d:"ho55roc', g$av"6o"ru.}
esq.65de.P @6;S"Qo6.
4. 1. 5rS
tutirXD d6dln er eoflSp$, eres aS$ogdd 66a"fo.eed @ryS56 a$;eBn
$e.:ea@oo"erd dOp5, co.Sdrf6p$ 566 e0fl536 $da'6:e.l dt$d, Koqro So0oir
4.2. oetoo:
fa.ea. !dQ, @oo'e;$ Sqod 6a lBoa o9,go66 4 6a'ea"
#5eg$:6ea eoflS;Q 56"5o 6r&o6o.5at$6.
1. 6a"ee5r${ebCSSa$6r65ro5:pd$56i$cr/Sd,1d5rS6r5rc.::
,\C5co$c Scg{50 65of,r"r( s-6g[55o"e; .[5o 5o"poo S,t,
g5a*6+ee$:$dr8o;$ eg06ao.q:. e$Codegn fa"ca"ftffi, s"8c"{ r$qS"
e&d dpdfdr.rrer$ Sd;o6S6i$eJ $Oo5> 566 6;"ea" 55$f, er5:SoO'Co5adgco
{c$o6: *$o, +}0, ibfr.$Se a"o @o6odd -o6>6:e"or:.
2. Oo"ea. ft{Q, s.Oc-gi dreB$" tu1dio ereoSr ,A$JB, o6g65 ecOS;Q
eoo;6*o erfl5p$ eoQS $o155d do165Oo$e,: 5oS AH:e;5$d SBf,
86lUa"ea" #5o"5e;S: 1iF6;3"oS$Hbe6o6, p6555odp5 6a.rd.
ftaq, s.oc"gS
$$d:Cd; CSd 6s"o f5fr"S$e, 4)Q, #5o.5or, *5e-,$ e.5 cgq"6o 56;Co6o6.
C&6 ego"odr 5o"o ($a:er6: $oaroQoflS fDfr"SKS tug5Xo eso"o6 erflSJBd +"65o
eoo"d eoo"3o"ci6 Sgo{: 66fp5 66e:d Sd.65Do @eB, eoq esuro$Sqe.:S:
sSe.:Rl5 o"eBa5 66d;.65r:e:r 5:"c" q:.6d).
3. C$fi@oeo cp$$oe$bo, ar;!F;5uo eSeFSer Sd5ro16ea, &63o8
erd565 a:$SSu"S 6a"ce e0c.65: 1)q"S56SfJ. 566$do54 SSrtSps
6a"ea" i'5$ 6Tc. S&S @oo.o eo$:Soq"5;1ol$ Cd3o5:6&$eo. $5a"r5ro$
Kup5odp5 aos"56eao 6OJ$I, EJor, +i:"o.e.: (-5o5rea;i:55:, )O4o/u6r 5or
5er6$f4, a.5 6apea" $6SS" $oB d6.5 6a"ea" ${$5r:$ S:'6icl$ JoB:S
JSS"SdJS Sern' +C.>Q6C eo{o$oq"SKl 6;eea" ?:5oS: egS:rtea$6,5ec.
4. $5*t$er, 4r.el"6 d0o&5e6:o S$r$eo @ee"05 $3$
1Sa"6a"eo"{o @F.l;S:"oil:€r5: tDOdiD 6a"eo"rg{Xo XDBcfu s.0c.6
5d5585od 666d eode.tsn" J5a.t$o6:,$ o$"$o't$o$ #odgon"
+ode,ln" {u"55e.:3$ SO*r.
5. gS& 6oee' "g{5 / s6a-6$ 'e"5 1g6oqr 6SdaSo'n dOoer.
$oB pdSg5o6p5 416$ 4$do"n e.r, s"6515$:"e:
J"O"6ea $o5:.ea @odeao
do16on tu6:;d54 @& 6a"ea. *g{5 / s-Ec-5 @o.!;5r$ eo0$gg do5::er.
gQ6st:5g$614o5: o"E 5O;S4 d66d 65d:"656on'eod g$d$a:.6
6. $$5
o L- i.S) 60$.6 SoSec.
eg6b;Sowfser$ SSrSar

{cS aS $5v;$e.:6: $o1S6o;$e.: o5e o08 656ser fDfFS$O, DC5

6a.ea" #5o"5e.: Lbo'S5l;dsFer, $5y3;"5 f:Ser:, S5o"5o -d:o65e.:, Sd55r
1}q"$ger5r; a"s56eao 6s 6d"e6" #5o5$6ea erfl$pQ 5-Opo.56ern O.
7.. 1_$aw6oee$ @p$5el0; $g$66 o&o.o 6f,o(2." S6o'g$r$ea erflS;Q @o6tud eogSa$$o1gd 6o d6:er$ erflSpg
56'$e.:o5e 65av" 6a'"ea" i0dp6o"t$e.r SoeJ,$ -":o55i5:3tu. 6o1o" $Xor3"S
6o.ed" $0o5D SdS a.65r$l =.:o,5S'513$:, 5g$t16 a"#o"e.: $oe5i$ 6flo'55;$;Xo.

esd36orr o"SlFSq:, &64o8 3.565tu er5dg56, weri5,o, 6Q 53o"er 6a"ea"

#5o"55:6:ea e9ASJB Llods$d U6SS1S.
8. ot6 e"o@SUea:
$da't$o$, 8r"0r"6 dS a"S5o"6o$ CCd 6$dpn"o$, Uo.eo" {{S5>
er$:$orycS4 o4€ +o$SUea do:ro.
9. ro6fd 6$rau"053Q:
d$Sco"3ea ca:o65e.:d ;$"6;er: el5n'1$i:.6 n4fe:: dc d565:lo$l &
1$6;boJ6o Ce3eao 8o8o6, fero$o i$6:$n e6deno'5r${oe.r,
5:roa5: +"0
a"e6a5 dSo"o So65 $OfrQ fo"e.r;.$ 565$:.qerm L$CSdJ"6 fo"ern Ko6fl6
K6:"ewfl SpQc cd;oDo$6o/ql'd5r66.56o 3r5or$$s Sot5:564"O.
10. 5668"5[ Ccfiro16ea:
6a.ra. s"Bc.65: o"o 5-O;$4 6$45 fotud es65 ao"q;.*o 56ga:"e.:r
do:rer o5e 566 a"5QC Co5:o1-4o,55;5:3$, ::ega#rer$ do$SooSSS;$ XDoo5D
5FO55Sdre.:5o35$ +Cn; 6fl o'55;$;$.
11. 5e556eaS"6, P6o55gcf6 566o:
${u;er:, e:i;fo"o, tFd$dr.6 a:.0 6.:"* Sqer ddrec o5o" looo5::
ii7 ri
6o.g$6ea3:'6 U$05:"* oQ;s.e.r$ So.6:ec o5o" 56pK 6o.6;i:o5: 6noSStSr.;5:.
4.3 eFeper):
6a"ra. #So.5$r{>ea eofli;A 56o"o5: & 13oA o'q;"oS: SOEKpo6:
(i)ero608 L$i$ru ofl;S5oor: S6qr{e, 3r"tr"6,"$;f:o Soo&
154.64"ea", a66 1$o"5;5*gc$: $6o"e.:$ 5:.6do o"5o. g$dSr"ea 5S*o"5:
(ii) eoo6o€ &6nS dfS 66Srec"or: eroargsU db5o, a:6!S dSS
1pbr.eo.e.: pb d553o Sr{up s65:565 do" pBerd Bdpdof, dr"6$rd$ DASJ
eoQS $o165, $655:6Sdrn e), 4L4;1] ero"o5: $qo fDf].55S, 6$0, S,$6$ere)
5o"";Ur:. SSd $ofuS Sofr"o / $Sr:"i:so Seror:S 6oc.O dS; C{aS 6o6dr.
(iii) eoo668 r!&5SS: $6o"erd erQ 6s"o e:o"o5r 5o"e.r5:, S6fps
66ed fDfp55e, o.eBagfo"er $6{o" ?:oJdo o"5o" ff6er 66;bDeo fcger$,
$66od eoodt{:" epo6:ar.0l 6 6od CSruot5rer6), SCddSDcrS: 666:.6$C,: 6oA.
(iv)$6[S Sdeod EdeD cafliJeo"6reu ]6poe.rdr: Sr{6$gQ,
ego"oJl"od 4"6on tldtS egflSJ6o.6er: ?:er:a:& BqeJS, epSsoaoel ,rilto,
S05556o, S6$&566od fDfFSSs, [6a'6a"ca" 6on erd DA6 erflS;f, S66od
e6rJe-D 6fl{6/d0+6 A:95*o eso"odr iqo S;lu$sod eroXeo5: Sgox$ Src.
d6;6o 5oS Sr:0Ba'6o, 6r$6o6.
eo$Qs"6 s.e:5o &S6ea
(v) S5c$oSSoSQ: erQ5$o156o$o SpfloJCo 5o$ ;5rOS$Se6oKo
rdo@5ooXS;5:1$. c65$ea656eD eeJ6EadFF6$r$$. S)oo$r 5ec 7 SOrc5ec
,6656S &Bh oC,:t:oXo" +516 ddsr$;5rJ.
tvi) *5135aw6+se: Lfes" 6a"ee foE S65: +"Qe.r Uu'$od soS>oc"
t-f b::eSS ego"o5:5:.65r 5o"3e.:: do5rooSe 6Bo5{ 6o1 6ho;$ec$, k6€ ?:o,5re.:$ 65d*6St561o6.
(vii) SegS6eo $ea6 6flo(2: 6$15 $ogdd c{Oo.5: eoflS;Q 6flo0,
65r3s fosr)d 566 ?:cu6:de, bso"flsgQp eaJdps {cfug @ea"es 6o5J.6,
doS:"O. 65145 Soi>d esQS $ogddd erOSpg So5rO 6o5o. bo"556ea S6on
fo0gdp$ f.5r:e.:$ 6foa"O^
(viii) lSewSSo ero.: 6$eS $o156d6o &56ea 5e.:$ Su:/u &6pS
E6o Ea:dp 5o1er5: erhi eLtJo, 64.3 S"d6$SoSOo0 ept$ e6JeD Spo
53"05$$6o 5ole,ud eoit et$Je5l 6ho.5:ec o5e 15ay.S5o eso. do5:5;51$.
(ix) aelodsqFd r5>s;u r5:sgu esflS;Q s.6$ erQ cepn er:
ep$n 5e.r$de.:d, 1$ea.05 CO.55r:, "*at;,
eo615 &F5, ;1IO5 SS6e: SopS $Oo5r es$S
Soeco66 flq1"6$r$ Sofu Sog"$bori" a.5 1$ea"05 55u.o" 60$"6 dd5DiJ$,
5r.6eJ$ epbs"do 5O3Qo6.
(x)65es.6a"se ig$fer$ erpeD:
J<Z$;$oB ao"qp 5C;$ 6J"65rrdd Ca"$$r 6oC;cc, e$6#o6o So$,
15d:"cB$o -ilt$I{:5e.:.
-i:6:r$5e.: 5e.:S J(raS s'e.:S>
d;.Sq:Se.r $4"64'eo.i$ S653:"d5:ecS a"Qe,
6flo6$ 5s/uto. ro5er: So5r Sg5fo$ erDq).e:):
d:"o5:a;;5r.S:q:, O46, aUU
(xi) 65:35 gies"S5o -i:er:a&d J6:p eo05p$ do5reo5o5 {rn:p e:o.o5rS>
(xii) 6$re5 drard 8"q5" c$aoo$ ago'q;.Sr So61 56i5re.:5o5 oafg
pger, dau:#; S6o6oo #C6er: dn 566
**d {ilO55$6:o 5o"per +6166;$.
(xiii) ndoLASBos$ fl&g ;13'05556o 5o3er fr6on" cerS6or&c.:
$68iod:ec -3:6rtSD.
(xiv) 5o;$$3 $o6+g SOgfS6e)$ $Ood 65:$5o55>n" 65do.Eoi$
s.$eJ ?)616$.
5. 6ese il5egKo6ee oASJB LlodSDeD $Od*D $OSES @o6e5oer:
5. 1 $d'5Si$er
5.1.1. 6oee #5egi$6rea o0S3Q @od$o
$5rPs.5 GfrS) do$o:-
er6SgU fo6d eoflbpQ 5:oo5r s655o.)op esBr6o5a:85 i'XDFS"S
4gc6o.ea. 555{ (c$oo.e6.E.o5c5.) 5CSftu5564dC [6f4e!tuSg lDOcSr:
1$elAo5a:8$ eo0; $tu 3r5 6a"ee do1s5rer (6a"ea"do65ore 36;at$6o6)
i.$J"S'$ 65oee 565:-
eo6spUfofd er05pQ $od6D s"655o"$erp eB:.6oSatS $Q65oS;
XDOoSD 154$6o5a85 er0;[6e.64.eo. S*ftuo: er$rn io1eslor / dO5]6pe/

Br$P* 565/3e#54 a:S 46!" do. erO$ $Xo$fr, 5e.: g5aw6a.ra. SdS /
5:"qo:ftu9554 ("6o"ea'565"n BS;a:,$6:oA. )
6oee #5e5i$6oea erflS;Q Llo6$r (6o"ea" €o1do I Sd'5
&1t:per/do5$Spor, ar$er
$5vb"5 64"e6" 565 dr64d:Sgdap
S:o& 6o6o 6554e.r 5005.86o13 565: (5-10c4:$o 565) *5g s&g5" $tsolD
eeOSi"XDSSD 6o @a:" 6a,ru. aKo; do" $So:"BrS 6a.eo" 565 doS; ${gdq)
$o& EoC; 6553o 556 J"5y&.,56aeo" $6Sd>S4
3005.Eder3 565: 6ee&g$r.
Xodg d+ o"C SEOS eso1g1bd5 t6e6.!S$, o"6: ?:oJ5t51to do. 5no55;$;$.
So'.55:- $56 eoQ5$$$tu 5o @eu. 6a"ea" SdE do" 5r"65D$ $$J"S"S
da.ea. 565n" (6a"ea ir.5o"g$:r$ea eeflS"1fr @o65:r Jf55od; &XussfOSq.f
$56 eoQS $Xo$Sr:6o Lfes.6ae6" 565 / 5r.65D ar53 $50$;5rl5: e"S454 pb
r5occg: 0$oA gro$"c8$oxD S6Jd66On 56 n" o'r$o6o55 OS:.

5.1.2 $o5ES @o66r:-

6a"ea" /6+eo 3"5o"55:6:ea eoflSgQ eryOd 65e0"05 60o6c;5: eo$5p6
5of d e:ara o,5a e S a:1e5lerydO 5$6Eu:73:"sapor S 6 S7tser 564 S:o o5r aE I 6i:
6a.r" do" er05$Xo$tu5e.r 65a"6a.ea" S65/5rqo io5S64dr54S:6Sdp $oa
Bor,rp6o 10005 566 c&g$J6, fobgs @ods:r epor.:'6:. S So{gs

@o6tu5: csff $dso es5So.o$ aS dC@d esolglSd8 g{>65srl a"6r

?:oJ$t5:y$ do" 6noJ5{$.
5.2 6ryeo' #Segi$t$ea erOSJB []o65r:
6OSES @o65o$ r$eos(r€c:
5do 6a"ea" dogS$ /5d5 @o65:o5$ 6d6r.6 dc6a8$ ,A$JB
65ea"05odc eso65Do5$S0ofl 6a.ea. #5o55:6ea erflSpQ / 6o5!5 @o65r:er:
6oea. #So.g5:t$ra erfl5pQ Llo6 S55 G6s6"Q5ed r$BoSacC;$. Sd6r"
#5o'5$:r$ca er053Q tlod #5e5 1fm'05o$ $Sor.$"5 6oea" SoK 60$.6)
$oOfOS. eo;!o.S& 3rG5Ee5S OA:EE / )5rl$.5 6a"ea"Sof 6aea" #Seg$r{:ea
erflSgQ Llod dSe5 66ea"e<o5r, der6o, bSeo.flSpQ SS55ro: 5o5:"6dd5DeJ$,
S$ser 6rQo[ 5:0o$: es;$e f65r0r S"€ 5116 ]e;5 $ofo 5i:"s"65D XDOc$)
566 Lfs6"eg Xo8o5r erflS;Q Cgearo too8 $oda5 Sir"s"65r: $US;S;S.
pS EOBrS 5.1dc 6d.s6. #So"5{or{>ea erflSpQ / $oSqS @odtud$
6a.eo" $5o.gto6:ea eofl$;B /505qS @o6;ber, #S:o er$p6 16006 So$Si$JS)
do" C66 6roCB zcd$e.: 6a'ed. dogo756$ @od o{ero: SOn6o&, d6rr
$5,r.cter$ esXDgr"eatun' CBAoflS s"ood$e.: 606, #Se5+$, LSe6"pg
afs6o"il5pQg Ki:.sood {:"6Sd:"6;tuo$ SOn 651$ Kd6r 6a"ra" }Seg$r,uea
erflSgQ /$05{$ @oe"CB a:o$ec 5:.c" d:ecJ$;5:;5:. epr.::er3 }d;er$o5o
eg55r"o5r:n dC,f, ryOS eo{o$o:Sg,$ 6o.ea" do16o/Sd5 @o6 og[eo.o: dC.S
e @oe.er5r t$Oob ;1:o& 6"e.:noJ5;$;$.
6. CeS og,5el6o dOelS 5r.6Sler::
6516o dr64 *{a"5e.:d a.SE 6a"ea" #So"5{oi$ea erfl$p6 S65: Sa.S
elg,Sers: dU>ecS 6nS {ry5i:sos: 6d5r"6, dKlrs"Srec & g"gi:6er 6a"ea" do[o"er:,
565o .5:ec erflSpQS 6oaoQo0 eog4fd5 65:U5 {rg{*635 so"55::$ @eflofl}o::.
6. I 6oee$ So{6rU53 C0drrpo:
1. da"eo.S: So6e6C;5:; d:"Ar/dSS SCd:"n"o 6a.eo'#5o.go SXDf6XD
?:oi$s.or:, 6a"ea- ecS)6oO.S 555f &Sdl"n"C; 1i66"1b"Qor. 6a"ea"do[o'o:,
565er5r ;$c.D o"Sob$ SSd*n e.l er{aa"er: qe:. 6oc"O.
. eoQ5$o@6d so"ge.:o5:.e.u, S+$S>s:
. 6A SSDo5:.{ s"S:oc" a"56 $Sod:"{ 1$o$"ru.o$ g#d;$"o$e.r
Oagd, Ua"ea" dogre.,d SJedS A,5d5r.c. 65o5rea.e;to e50*oJ6*rr>
. 64aeooo, +6Xooe. s.6g5erler a:Ofq $C6oeco $8no6
. &5a6ro$> e:50*o;$€c, $6a.t$er o'SiF5o 5 po5:ec.
2. fuUf$ 666rn"el
6a"ea" #Se5$orftea eoflS36 @od$rd Co"S6r:er:, eS6gd$rer:,
a5)6$or, (S665tSa"$oao{sqoo5:;$er:, n$65rq: SEo. 6d$dr.6 [:o5>o:
dr54 Ar$Xu SCd*n e.ri$ epsl;1&o55dKo. 5a ATUTXD DCdr"6$) epd6 Cel6n
do" elfiSr:n, epSn" ed d555tr d cc{ eoo6Kue.:d sDd 65d:.n'er: do' epd5
d5o"erd SS{ $C6:.n"er 6a"ea. }So"5$:/uea sflEJQ t}o6Soe 6od5i53i$.
eB 6(.aS 5o;1::d, S6.5rd:.65Dd 656s"e.: dsdr" 5-O3K4, ASS erfl$pQe>
$6g $=":r:"Qa:S 506$:o6.
3. 6eee$ ${O55C 65drn'er5r 6O$8 C0o6:
6o.ea. #5o5$or$ea erflS;Q L$do.a$o #5a"6oq:, L5ew6sce
SCd*6o.r$er: 5SrS, 5S66"6r a";$S6r:er ep{or$ea elflSgQ e 6oca"
&5eg,$6:eo eofl5gQ @ddtuer*o SroB{S:oc. eoCccc 5rr+Stu 5S6d 8r"$"6,
o.S$$e.r55:t1>eo5on" do0u. $5a"6s5:, 135e"6o.o.$ epi$rtea6r:m dpd 6a.ee6l
Sofi 855S 6$d:"6;5De::. eg$:
. er65 {od 5Sq66 Br"cr"6, +*r56>erxo66o"ho;$b$ 6.0 S* $8"gS.
. 538^r{6"6 +{r$Sro dSd*n Sr6:ea fo5rto S3$
. 6$45 $og66d 566 s{6ea5o5 eo65 d>a: a"es€
. 6$Ede.: $04o6:5: ee6PS {eru er$S65:6:cc
.565o'EB es6on"G
a"i:"So"6:sr, a"s" 5165r dr8d$, UrSDd 6F&S
56ger, {5S $o6 an$fo$ros: .5*6;$56o, J(r}F 6p6odoer dgiFSXo So6
ggggggg; r a,ua*---,;
a il;
grggtgggggng rggtg
,*g*ffiggg{tfi*ilqg g [r*€fiu=
. eeo)6Ed$o, esBdon SSSa&S a.O $ir.Sro OS; $O$.ea6ud eSg
er56s'65 6o6o ;$005r eocr:5o6 a"esaeg $;5r:o"06$e.rd +5656o a"65r:
esQ5on 4o0r:o6. $165: eo"o6 Sqo er053Q XDOddD er6505 erflSpQ $o@6 565e1?r @o5:"ea"o$ esXo5:"e.r (Fa"$o 6o0:ro6.
6. 3. ep$$oe56 Sd3o5l/qrd$tr6i5)er XoOotD$Soer e5tl65er,$O4ot$

,flsJq g$ea"ggoef, #sO +sorf 566 @oe'{ essDSoeSuJ*D
c63o6$6:,5ec6: n $
$Xoglp$ 6;pcr "ee;,$$oo"S 555f" 1$ea"05tu 605r.6,
doSrSoS. 65e}55od $5a.tio$ $o{5p5 a"e56eaod }er:
6+ee #Se6or, 5Sq66 Ar"e.r'6 a.i:"Sdro o"5it65er:, $O4oi$ ep$$o"er:
1. sx$6or$6: eoflrge 15ac"96er,#56 *Sd 6oee 1$8$5$or
6 [8o6 C65on" 6dr'6 doOSOSFSOo.5SBST:
. eoC;6oee J6ue.: S"65, d*, o"t5sd 6r.e$ f66p5 er$SoryS
ejoUcJ Srhoa.O.
. eoQS Soqr5*f eSl o"ir.Sdrer o"Sirs5e.r*o s"ei"S ="€ dEE
do1$Soo$$oc" aSr@S $Xu"o66 56:erSr s4oof So5r.O.
. $6s.o S'6$ OS6 gloo'er S:{5 UBfE, 6*SSeoS
Srqod 5546 er$Soq"S SgSfXo $pSoa'O. era$gQ 1$ea"05er, €lSO qgd
6. #.@o6s>d $5*t5o$,3rdr"6d0 o.#5o"t5o5: 6a'ea' do grer:756$o5r

Bdrpec$ dOn" a*:; Srf6oe.:$ Krso'J$d{o.

2. aa$od 6ecr J65a1uo K5o55d5ro:
airqrd 6+cr $655r:o ${o55o5.:tu& Cd;o$556do" 65a:"6+eo'
s6g5erlo6: 6"S5er36 do5:.o. eoo$o6 6r$5e-55d SB8Oo55o$S sCg;$+5

1$aw6o"ea"$, 6o6566$s 1$aw, )5a"t5lo$, Br"eo"6 dC

a"ir"$e5r:o5: tlo"586 5O3S4 sc6 6a's6" $6il"eld e-S o"c $:o& qos6o"c8
dr{on", Koe.:dd6on" S:"6c"CB ep$s"a.el SO;oa.O.
ar13s pe:>6oS)6/3FS por,ar5 46b 6o"ea"/er66 $XDS$, 5o @ey"

6a"ra" 5g5f,o$o6 )Su"b"S LSas" 6a"cr )6il"e:d

6il'ct'$6o"oi5: a66 1Sa"
epSr$oq"S 5OS, $5a6ro$, Br"c,r.6 dC o"f:"S5re., es$Sop5 Sg$fd 5:"c"
eo$Soq"6 600, i'6S $r6:p$ fd SXDd6o 6SraS do5r.O.
& aimd
$6o.e.: 55055o5:5r$ eoe5505:F5 1So5c.e8$o [$d6r.aa S5:05:o
+6; dfloa'O Sr0o5r, d156, S66pS {6ur,a:i:rd }{o"o q$Js"e:l @fl5J8 BoaS
@o6;fuerd, elflipQ 5ot5:d:S;Sd5d 6:.c" etoS:a:.C,ld eoc"O. SC6 66e:l,
So{5oS: es;,1$8oC 05O per: 565: eer:So6 }65 5r.6J/ofl;s"or 5e";or
CS6 6s'o $So"e:$ er$Soq"CSr.,$SS 5:"61p es& dO5rt. ar8f,er.
d$4 air$d 6oc6 ${o"o dopon" 6 ?:5 6a"sd. }{5 Sr6lp do1o"o6l
a#od t5+ea" $6o"e;$ KS:SSdS:SDS, d5o5r: fe6 6$55o5:$$ so6>oc",
a66 SXoS5o6 tr:r"e.:soel el5n" 6B e5/66, 4"55$56ea,f 5:.*65r: Sleo S: gra-
&ot5r56a"O. 6.S. eo. @o6;tud erflSpQ 1$e$5$uydeoge5rtS/rgea.flS3Q 6655r
. S5qrld Br.€^r'6 oip55rer Sod 66dfArd Se>o 6'$5er";S,C65$"ea,
god $6a.6:er$, 66ew 6a"m.$, Br.iJ"6)dC a$S;tpe.:$ @O"$gd aa"5O.
Lf sd"P
. 5$g1SS @av"&S6:.d5>e:r @odto Ar636"e eo5:6oryS65r
Sd;ds: $6a.O. 6 65e"scin:"r{5Ded suq,5p$s G).6arS,Sr6g d6fs }da.ti:e:
E:.ftuo, pBo: S:"65r:u:, dH Arq Bdolor, $5u"t5rerftuBer p$oESer,SoES
[Bod S:.6;fuo:, LSdfdFd qp"O SeSDe:l, 1$a*;1o6r/u d"Cg, 6a"ra" *gaq SOof"
3. o;SSSoer Ceri2,lfeo ($03o6:)
eo. &O4or{> es5See: 6t!5er:
Xo{6 a;5:; &Sd*mo o"5o", $o166 ?:On, }5a"6o es$r5re.r
t5:"55o3Ser, fu6p5 6o.ea' $doo o')s"el, 1;5av' 6a"ea" 130o5:.c$$o Soq:5,Sr
?:ot5ro"ol,$5$66 3r"er"6 a"i:.o.o o'SiF5or 6fl{or. 6.}.es.So5 oir"S 6.$4
o"t5:e.: SoeS 6d et5s"d;1r:$;o65 6.3".ep. @oee.:d $O;ot{: eo56ee.r 6flog
+0;6on SOAOoJSo$cU,::S;6. $64or$ 1Sd:"eeerio @oee.:e$
*.e6aflSOoSer$ 6e [8oA {rgife:l eo$r5Bo5$;5r;So:
. $g{6.! 8o"C.r.dc o.$S6cos o.dodso C6co.3$S6oJo0c5c$o65oerd tpJo Ar.$"6 a'ipS;bo &04o6{o b0&:6o do:wO. 6Uer/
deg sps 6od p6oroa.o.
. 6o.eedo1_o.e17565s5: es$$C o5>sg{rc5rld 5S66 Arsr"6 o$S;tper
S6$ &83ol{l f,o.o $66o. iOtudo do::"O, escr:5o6 56fo. 6;reo" dolo"er:/
5d5s S:o& c5:"o'C; aQ 6oc.O.
. 6.S.eo.@o6tud $o4or1: i{** Sg(rod qr"6on" eeQ6ps, $ASFS
$O4o/u fi6o: C$oroa"O. 6 [BoA 56:$ g5s"65r: 66*6Q 6oc.O:
. SOdd to4rg axe:l;dJl - er6505o
. 5Og *.uon" esd $oDd - I
. 5Og 5r6on ecSrC {ood - el65o;o
ecd S6on" 6a"eo" dogl"er66$o5: 5f;6n erord &04o6: 66q: ?:t$t{>o'or.
. l$ar 6a.ea" acKo;or, esSOs"BS 1$a. $6o'e:r $BddD Br.e.r6 dS
+{pcro$ 6;eea" dogo"er:6{5e-r5: egS:$C o5r5gf,o5r:d 644y'5066d de epd
q-rd $o;oXr dssserS @o.s56 aa5o
. aer5o6 elflS;Qdpo. Br"er"6 dS o.So"el, 6a"ea"
ec$3o,eo56s.O5 135an 6*ea. $6eo $0oJD 2 J[*o o;]o.er5: ]04oi'u
65;SSEn" Q.r(p eoc.O.
. 5eo"H $04o6r erda us4s s$ 50to6o do::"o,0.+.eo.po6$d
ep65 66elrn'C$oloa.O.
6.#.ep. @oeery565e.:5: e$$Co5r6g$o5rd 5A aertro $B4ol'u$:
C6repS S6a"O, 6.$.ep. @oeo epo.5:sd o"EC $8S:6o do:rO.
. 5Sq66 ar"gr.6 a"ir"5;1:e.r5: 6a"ea" do15o dr54 tlodea;fud SlUd>
$0;o6$, eon aqeJ$ er$>;5r&o,5ft5:35:, eod #565o 8r.ur.6 dC a"#S5r>o5o:rd
6.#.ep. @o6fud 5Odc,5Og Ber:$o Xo6o5r 6a'eo" dog5 @oXeaod Src"
. sSE t{ild$o,aimd 6a.ea. }6o.e.: {So"od{o }B;oX:, e8s BdD
J"5 65;i:er @63 S"o J.5:.$:.
. @o65roef erS; $04o16 {u"oo $oJoS";,$ }04or$
eofli;Q o"6:o/d:.o6a$p$qr/
f,o"d.ere.r6o6 S6{o"oXo 135al>65 foo do" lpdur
a5$6 $of,er erArJB dd655rJ(D.
eg. @o6iuod #6*t$er #o{gtu $S}hoi$tc$, 6.#.o.
6o5g $5*6o si$Srer 6$ed $O;ot$ f,ertuo5r 6o5565o.
(-SQ65o5; s.o5o5r do" $6a"cter ep{o6:"er o'o"56ea"C; (6e"S6o
doir$oc. L6#rdJ"6 569 aer$e.: $64o6ro$:6.#.e0. glodtudc 5 f,osr:ds
eoe 451 64f2 *oopo" dfXon +oa-O. Uo.ea" {agS, wo6oo5rir:o: ep6$$rn
5:51@o65ro5:, es85 $o1Fd 6o ca"$er Speo$ 6 #o;ot{: f,er$ro $o&
36lpCo5: SOn" SoOo:r: $erd$rn" $5*t$o 5:"f;;fuerod$O$.
::15:: @o6tud fo$od do' 3o **d &04o16 563{u;5rrc
C6q*r.$65$d5:, 56;655d$q$ d56$, dr:54dS:S +"0 6oS$d$, 5e.,Srd
er6 Src 6ir"o"O3 Jt5:t5:m 6oCo'6r.
f,oslld &O4o/u, aYmd $ord $03o6:5r
dd; beroer o"6rq: 5:"c. 6$"o"O8 elt$C o$ode5>.
$6a"rto LJ{ATS ;$"6;5rod a.i:"S;5r:u o"er:ic eldgel;Sr do:lSt*
$04or$ {ofu{o 6*So6o55Oto. J546oord eoC.r: o"0c5ob$;$1,$ er5;d
a"ir5$r:o$: Sf,lg 5:"f$er/"5fuul 6Sdao,:: @o65lel Jq::S $d6o"6
do" p3o o"O fto:r 565: -d:o558$.
4 S0 do $O4o /u o C;oSo 5 5;5 5 o, S 65er$o d C 5; fl S; a:.n'o: n" A 6 Atu,

&5atio o"5365e1 {1e1on', C6:n Ser5l rtoc" 6,odu: dr}oBo5id$.

6.#.e0. @o6tud 6rg. ryS $e.:Srq:, $63er, $C5o.r5o, ?:Bo orter:,
6*po6erdc a66 eJ.6;1> (o{Qp }o;ort f,otu ns ces& 6SJ) o$ }B;oi$
6Sd*fl ot5rO nt6o5a6o$:.
a. a56gd 135e6 elp6d "6FEr ne8 S65Sea,, {f5;iser$ @FoS8no;5rec: $Sr(6"6 a"{r.o.o a'd5o 6hot$e^r5:, $ew6a"ra.
16o5re8$o Soqrgi$ ?:o5:eo$, $O3or{: Ss"e; epS$do 6flo;$er$ 6a edt56 65o"6
e:q-Ed 6o"ea" no.8 C65Sea 6f5i:6u: 6$dr6$65t51;,$. es g.girto 5A:ercd:
5F (Fd65DoS, do a"eBeg dog5;1rlo$: 6a.eo" do166:rod fo8ojr 6a.eo,
565;6 SrSg dogSoe:d 5o:65:e {C6on eeer) Be,D O6:tu o'SS }6$;be:
5o";el: giF.!;3roJdo, So;$SXDerSr, S556sa S65: $O3or$ de.:"oooiud
@e.5560$Jer oXo" J$45 5:o6 e.5 s65) $o,$$b6o do" a"S4546aala.S;d4O
s.t5Ko elo56r" gob d"6$Sdo so8 $6$06:o Ser6do6oco.
6+ea. no'8 S65i:"ea &{oirobi
1#63$"o5eco et$m eoXo6:,e.: $;$o5rer.
AO${u4 eo$n" i54& S:opo' 5C Bo5:56o,$CB 565/pBo d
aU;fo S[o"er.
5o[56o0 1g{:65Qde.r s.o.god6rel, a.5}6 $oSo:)
e5656 16o"6er;,$
e6a5i$e.:o608 #5{6o }5o/ So.S.rE 6a"co" }Se:l erC; }6o"e>5)
6$drX6ds" a3:po'56o, a.6S a.0 d6{o"5od e,r.don doSXo f3e...
6.4 &6+6ro$, dC o$.5o"6er$ cs6)6)saorp drESelSS:
)5*t5:e.:5r Br"er"6 dS o.i:"5o.6o$ ep$Sr"o$S a"o"b6sad:
d>53g$dars ;$Ootu 663C5OdrS er556o. 66av" 6o.ea" fsffd eres ?:0Da:6or
$e6$:aSerod 65a'6o.ea"$ $5a.t$e.:, ar.e.r"6 dp a.f:"So"6:o $OSS: erQs
@o.5go aa"5O.
:: l6::
1. $5a"t5el, 8r.$.6 dn a'f:'S ette) ee$$of$d:
. 6.$.es. @o6od 15e er0$3Q @S$55erd 6a.ea. do165r/5df $65)
$5 a"6to, +ir5 oti 5: C6 n' esXD Kory so,5: cc Cd;06/q:"o5t6 6a"O.
Ar"e,F6 d C e.:

. 6 @oe"er erfl5pQ [6e]55od ]5a.6:o @Ser5,65&o5: ;t"qo$r

. $5a6:o L$6sr5 S:.o"er:: 6 S:.qer:6o.a.do65 {e5}5ro:, 6aree
$dS a:5{5o: Xotsdfu S"+JES }5a"t$er 6515o 5:65 J6rn' *ooror:. 56d
B6er:3 eror:s O€q 6S4SfSe6*, E 5oB5o:, SoES 13oB o.6>er, egs.d SdSq:
5!o. 6o0roo
. &5*t5:o a56o5r S*qo: e& d6:n 6o.ea. do65o7565e.:$ Sob6isoro.,
Llfar6 Srqoi$ Ser:$eor:. qs dSo.e: 5:{5 QSu o"6reln 6oer.oD.
. p 6,3(2) 5o6r EO3:S 65eu" 6a"ea" J5o"oS 6a $5a"6o es$:$oqp$6
Cd1o6$6s5'$, 6. S. es. @o6;i:d $5a"t6o #o{5S Sg$oJa:d,:d:oa.
2. &6u6ro,"6 dC +S$e6let6r eoi$t$eap$ t5wS5op5:
;$5 $6eerd 3SJ$5ES $oa:5d ,t$;1$o5rea"er: es5rr 3 C.5. Sod
J$e$ 5:.6$ Bd; Lfo5:"ea"d 6ocroox. eoA 55l$ 5"65r, +Cg S{on6dlg, ar&
$Xoo5r 16o5reo.o:,
{CS 5C @da.o$ 56;$er$, pBe5 a"C.rec$ 5546 a:"e$6eao
5O3{ A5:45n o.t5: 56Sn C }35p n C 65es"6a"ea"5r O$; g$oir*i'er: $Q6r.
elell$o6 66o5r.eo.o$ 565do n"S, p3d a.dcco n"C, [$oIr"ea e6r3$, 6fl{or,
ar"eJ"6 +ipoe; p erq"6SfieJ .5f6o6,
. &CS
+ry56e6"C8 66e.DrF
O- d' o 6r"65D,er56465> d$oc.,
do5n" gso5*ea6D Sd66o6€Jo esds 6
dLdp$, 3"56g5odp$ $oolD 3"e-:{5p5
$da"6ro do" Brte6 dC aexFS6P6o S:"fbr: dlSS o{ea"el eeo) 6ilXo).
. $5a"6:o &6arg eq{ 8d6 XO,o.e.$6eao SroB 6{ea 5-o3o5>
Sloe.rsq:oc"O. el$ E 55; 6o C6{ea f,o"er, d5o"er ;$o5: 5$;o &8no$o:,
d55$ro Srodr hg{ $6S q;.0 f,oatuer, p 55y 6o SdS o.c.:er:, p SoESer,
SoE$ [BoB 5rg*, 5S35So a"65o 5[o'. 6a 6.$5o35 Suoers-er $o5r.ea;fuerS:,
c6{eaS Kood66o S**.
. 6; ir"eJ.6) dC a"$S5rer:ftBor $:.qo$$o75d5$ +{:.o'or
Bdrp #5o5:, a5fu5e.:$ 5f6nS, fl8Son" J6, d$q 6oa"o-6+sd. tFo$"cts5rer>,
pBe.r: o"t5:er e0r:Cc $+Ooi5rec$ 6 C6on" a.6r d6rm 6+ee dole-SB SOEDS
)64or{: 65da"CB 3d;6eute"t5:.
.6.$.ep. @od eo0sgQ ffifse $5a"6ler$, 1sar" 6o"ea"so
6$dr"ho':5:a"t$, 3reJ"6 dC ;rip5o"6:s5: $0$C,: #Seg,er: SO;oa.O.
. S0gdSo'o{o SXoo.d6$rern dR:, do **d s.c, Spo. p eoo6Q
*-d s.S )da"tl:er$ S6'$iJ$ {5o"o Xo{g;$ger:,Sd6 a:"ber: 5636a"O.
. 6 a:"tco Boa& 6s d55tuer5: d€ pO erdgo; +r0 fo;tu 6oC.:Ku.
556 d$$;tro gSd,XSe:l 1954 +"S 6o;1: 5ro& b6;6$. esd;E eq.f ier6o6
ar$ 6*rf" eeSK6SD d6.
. er0g Oafg, o"t5:o 5FO5 b$d:o @S$65u:, 6r'55e.:";So$: $5u.&.5
6o'ra" Sof elflSpQ $ea"06dc eso.E$)o5$:5Eofl esdr"6oa"O. es6:o:b0$ Sof,
1$965 SoK eoor:o. drc. d$36r.
3. Ko6fl6o SoBo6o #156:
. @o6;5r:er er0$pf, ga$6$q: 56 {o:: s"o56o"}er ersm
$O a"J$6 #q,$o ercdQd *go Sfleo$ SOh 6o& 565{o 1$663$.,odeceBn
Ko6f6on 6oc.O.
. 6.J".es. @o65rld d$56ro So eoodKgd $5a.ctel6: es6{e8o5ron
er$n" 096 a"5)6$, 5S66 t5e-rr,da:$ae:or, es6ad$cr d$o:, ca.$Sr:er
. 56ro 55ea SUS @o65rldn eo0;db6boor, @o6caa$e.r5r
LStr"O h'66e.l$ CB3o;$b C6o"3ir.S65$8$.
6.5 135e 6oee do955o7665 @odSu$o a"5 "66d.{o"m 6dr6r doUrO.
(66l"a:Ss"O$:$ e.5 6a.eo. dolo"Sg a$$$pb"s"CB e"5 1$dd 6T6$)
5O, p6555odp5 er65D SCdr'6 s"6g5o"#er dol5$r:n 5"6S4 1e53 6;nea.
do15o/565 @oe$;e"5 er$65p5 5056on eASJB do5r"o.
1. s655erleu 6oOd6D S0drmoo:
ep. degoe a6f, eegS6ea(o L-$-6p8no*O
. 64aooo ;$6:5:n eod 56:sS:, Ctjpo8 &$Si$ ep6rao6 fo"e.:$,
1. OfS$4 @odtudc eeflbgQ tFo$55q: e.5 Xu6f6p5,p6$55odp5,
n o{gps s66 "(Fd,Jo"$ 6p$oa"o.
. er0;56ro:,65#fao"rt er$ 6r:"*, $6:4er:, $04o6: f,o"o: $Bo5r p$
6.3(2)dC 65av. 6a"ee S5SfdC eoC; @oo.e.: ero56r, ;5oq:gon AflS; $So$o
5oa"6: {rc", g53ao$6Of,q eoc-o.
eg. '56>er 5{ee' spS:
. 6f"6 n{de-,S S63oJ5:oc", 6Y:"o.8 erc6$6$ d6$so, C03oi$€c S:Oo5r
erQd55$e;$ 5560 d55 d+ 6OE dodcco e5e @od$::dC erilS;g

65e$55or '55rer5gea' 5: $3Soa"O.6 J65 fi1f55$5, 5da"u ;5u.e.:or, 5fl5

fe:"* Srr"Ld eS5iS 5o6S CCr:o3$565atSKo. 6.}.es. 1}od$rd0 [ffr"O
n4trer dS $U{XD Ocdr"6", d€ epo,5:565: ere 6<re;5 5Do6 el.$ f,otud do"
5ro6o +"0 6e.lS" dScoc", &66625 Soier: 5od3$, epSOsBS Soa'6
o"5)65ro: -$5w"b.g f, ore.: Si:"a CS:.$ 6ir50Qo::.
. 6i:"o"0 epo.5>565: co3o$ qJ5ir.ed d6eo"er, {oqr"e:d cB3o,56o
e.66dfanrt +0 6ere, S3ao"6g6 6$dr65r:
lFdfdr.6 erO 6"S"S @o6 er0SgQB d&obn erflSpg $o$o.
6a.aa. dogSo/565K: #5655odp5,e$$56p$ doX*tS/SfO Bebp
n"tp, a:$65u"i:6er 5e.:or:5 1$d,Eon" do:roS &SDegdS, a(4o6.
6.#.ep. @o65rld e0fl53fi 1fe$6Ser 56>e.rd s"SoR:SQBeg =o:o,5ec,

l$aer o.Co f,o"er$ 5d SoJo'$er, +.0 f,o"o$ 6pS c{5rrn 6.&o6o5:tr

S[eo ole +e56ea eg$t$Ea 56erS ct']o6oaO.
2. 5uq:5p$ d555oel5l &q"Sgd C.5rJel:
6.#.ep. @o6;i:d 6oee dogeer:,-i:f; ;r-e3a:g dbo"er:, GSSD+ $+S
#Sawo 5o6 er06 1p"qe.S56 Ser$n" 6oc"O. 556d 5e.eo6-o:n" &olfap5 6r$5op5
do$uo5e,S '& dSo"er do6rn t$gofa6o"o.
3. 6r65e35 Xu0oir: eroSo:
ep. 50 soAu {"rc; deogol:
6.J'.e0. @od eo05pQ g$e$5$er 6:"$o6o$5$;f,r 1fQ65r:51{CS
045 rgs5d Ls"q 66€, $ds o.ou d-6ros. @odtudc 6tEPJ6g EoCc 1554o 565 o"ecero8, erQS Soe:5d
$6o"6:o s"655o"$e;Ko Soh eo& 6a'ce dogSo/S656 d6:5qo6$o$.
5e.:or:$ $g dSo"o, 56o foffrqs{o5d, a"E '.tS6 /uQo$ SO8S
dSS$, do" 65#fa*6 fertud S{ea eehiFsd$.
es. d55 6r55ep6 CSeen:
6. S. ep. @o.!S:>dc d$$Srer$ $6a"tio J"e.:{g;ir$5: 1- 5De56sSI
Cu.SSer;S doOSOS.
o565:re.r:,B68er 5O Eb &8n 6od$d$. Jo6r55n" dosn grdaro,
5{ea es5$ 5o6oiD e0556:6$4 5{ea 5e.:5 q5t!56 B6ri:cr a6>i$e"or.
6.3".er.@o65rdn d6$6rso5o 3o ero.SQd scd 6s"e.: e8365p65
p6ea"gor+d58S:. Jot5:S$n )da.t$erS: ${ea e$$n So)r$ddtuSJ.
SAS 6'6€p 5d 1tra" 5flo6ec5:, oaq 6S4sxSo"od S*Ss t4erS
Ss3'soi$cJ$ 4-5 eoodQer god apS d55$Dd =": eoodKDe.r6: BS:5$ asBB:
6.6 i.Cg aS S6u.i:eer Sfdgod g5ee05:
1. as65$r;io $S56o: a56;!:'irsC3 s$oR:S S5o.ger, *Ser,
fDX''S$e, $5a.r5e 8oS fi;1r5o:, 65Qd $5+6e: eoero"Cr:,)04o6: C65irea
Sfleop Derp5 {35 Sgo"c;ero6556odr.
. f,oSr do" @o65155r SoaoQoSS SIpJES asSSa$r"S S$S5oSr
$q"6eaorr ergio dSSSer Cd3o5r$6;5:eo6 n'{o @ea'05 @13o5: @6o{$dd
(erilSpQ 196ede05ex,#5et {S:o: do" 6.}.es. deoge.S pea"05)
e.:Sr 5o[56 ot5re.: eod55$65::.
. *CS d" Xr$4o"6rer e$006r a:S $Syi:so 6.#.ep. @o6 gea"g5
FteoSrd $8560$.
2. eS $Srr$"6aro cr5$ee:o:
. $sS aS $5pi:so6 eoSS6pS #So"5er, *$er, 6.#.e0. @o6tud
Sd; LS{ eo05pQ S-Opoa"O. ep0 KSur.*FedC a56oqr5$ S:{&re LSq fDfr'S$e
es5p6o:, d$8 elsseerl, &56g5odp$ S96 o5$6o,Sggdd *$er:, lgaer Se.ror5
16da.o 5[o".
. @o6;5r:dC 5 erri)S;Q eoo::u 65(gdSr5leoflfJQg esdsom
d&o$Se>oc-O. er{ea"C; 3:616: 56i$dr$ $;S5Ooo.O,SdS$ er $Srop$,
F6555odp5 6.#.ep. @"e"Q. SOpoa.O.
7. SerS 565er 6Ko$fer$5 D{dr.ep:
7. 1 drtu:
6. #. eo. @o65r:dC 6Sea"eS, e04536, Co6oldea $o6er fg{r" S$e, d}0,
Sgea *5or SOJo.$cJ$ ft"tu So'5:S"l$Cr, {l" S5:56eao, dp S$dpSo,*ear
6t$O3.e3ea;5r $0q5D a56 lgeg$o"5o5ro 5oB Si$65odp$ 6F*568a $S::.o"er
6.$.es.So$;$"or,CaoS5e.: S$S0ofl esp5on" B$5 a&5 a"BB ,eoo3o'o5l
$go a"08 r6SpS 66eld rl)$"S$oB @ea"05,erfl53Q,co5:o16ea bof,er, so6
{r.c:C de,:.oroa"O. {9"tuC 6<#* oflod 556:n E:"ASI, 6<raS* C0drhoiSr
a.08 ao$*o. COSE, a"o{So6on CCd*hoi5: a.oe [n56;RrS4, 6.].ep.
@odtud$ {:"&:s $r":"d:SpS {ord pcarno$e coSrogSoJSoR: 6o6.
$. er.@o.!b;:e.r$o aab dc6,:6nS erfl SpQ 5o5;4 (Transferable
Development Rights (TDR)) Sd6$rer, &SS'S @o65r:er 5:0o5r o"S
CdSrSro [SeISeS @od;1ler:n 1656o550$. er$Spu: er6s.Oor [5d55'.
Ca:o{So: 605r.6 $oSSOS. a:.ep.i>". SryS5od 6oa;o66 elodsrs:o65d*o.
7.2 cg056o:
{:.4:C e.,5 55tin
a.& 6a"ea" }5o.go Seno6p;5u.o 65 q:r$;e.r $65r
eso6 5556eap (F665 {l.s:d 6-$.ep. depbq 6d6r"6 doSSOS. @ev"5F05
556>or, 135aw 6+co' #5655:rer, 66SpS 6fr55e eoo6oi5r 5f;e$ 6 es$S
Siu.o' 6665o$.

*6 Soot Sffi er+ur, &SCo$ 65p rt. e,5dr"6 516:;6:Ku$r,aec6

B:ou5 6:$;!:, eoflS;$ o"Qer (Lfa"$o 6rKD$rr), a:AS dd$6ES e0fl53$ fr6r;or,
erO 6"Srr bKol 551b6t$5e.:5: SSr3, # *gUea SOot urflSJB, d).6556aa
sq.$;5D 5o6 ser:S e:a.06 SXD;S$ cpo"e.:d )er:m Cd5ro[Uea t]O=.C
$of, a55r{Ons 5 e66 o{5r S!o"e.r o5e 6.}.e0. eoflSgQ, aoSe.>
doSd 63eo 55$er 3:ega6:oi1 es50*o55d;.$.
p Sd$r:n 50.15 eeeo6$>$ 6d€o'5es&5 $66 6a"ea" CO 1nUTDd
6o558;,$. 6.#.e0.@o65>d sod dFar6€ Sd; o"erc; aS e:o'o5r ;5r.ger(u
7.3 SOg 5$6xp:
566 $oS $ofor, io6&er5 $of,o:, 3'5r"3r"S 6a.eo. Sof,er 5!e 566
*Sq:SoAo$ bof,er 6 lBoA0 CdJdu/qr"d$ S6JSO$.
. s"Se.:R:S A:g{So CCd:"n o:, }o15U {orer5: }Qoi5:ec S6$ eoflSpa
SoBS 6.#.e0.@ooe:d G5O"S SfOS 5S6ro$ ae.r$6ri5>c;.
. s"$er$S S:11{Xo esdnn er,}o1$6 {or:e.: esp6ori" elC;$Qea *Sogr
eo$Ko.o$ tusKI 1s$n erflbpQ Boo"o35 f5lSgU Xo'oS
5$6err, r":5e.r Se"55> 6.55o;5.
. 6.#.ep. @od eoaspQ L$ei"6sd @Q5tusgG6o"$ StoS 5$6:op
LSar.SSD eo65erp5r +odcgm, 6$s.o Ko'g66Sfr,$S6, JXDSd $$o;S:$cpm
cdol$SooaS ;lf OS 56d:e){o sd;o5:$6;5o;,$.
. esflSJB 65ee05er,6.#.e0. @oU#SeS {Koe.: erq"6on" eru::5o6 65pS
SFOS 5$6re5o ecer$6'5rt:, f5)SpU 53"05 $56o, *Ser aq"55D 601,"6,
. 6.#.el.Co$$"ep, Cao65er: Ss Lgo65 Sd3o5r$65$Oto:
.6+E@ do156>d, 56$ BoaB erflSpfi 6a i.5$od KD"g6pS 56
SfS, efirS{,511616) 56, $Oo5D 56"1656 C{#ea, $Sra'6o eoo6ors &ryS6r:el.
. 56"16 56 so6{eax5: S5;5$od, 6.w ryO f,o.od S$S5o6b&$ &Sir".
8. ASd $ofer &;6 $OoJD engg6er:
1.(a6$er5 $6olD iegee.flSpQ &$dr3$oer:
6.#.eP'fl4'"5 605r'6
J.3:.Jo.es5.ob).e.i. .585r, 2016, J.&. {S$ Cao{o"or, 2012, J.b.
(er"JoE e5e5&oeD des6t5 Saro{Sor,2017 $OoiD o.6
lBod 6Sga"EB it 6:per it'6562s"ox$ elA5J6 Lfcd.05d a"5 @dg5 e{d$Srrn. d6SI
6.S.e0.1.$ eoflSp6 es56ea$ eES SFH 662so:, SC6 O0dr"n ol$oSJ6eaer6:
dCoB paco$So:,erfl5gQ Cod:o1e5ca Ca:o65sD, A{a5/5$3d$o Carc{Su:, {$$
Cao6$e 6d5P6 do:r:eoft SOo;Sec.
2. Eo56 es$ rI5 & Sogd {coE:
. J.B:.Jo.eg6.O5>.S.J. .JBEI 2016, i.b. {5S Ca:oSo.o:, 2012, J.$.
(o.5oE d$o53:ouD derbui Cao65ep,201Z $Oolp o'6 18o6 651+68 br6;er
(J. Br. ee6. $. ie5&$)"S"S 6o'ee $oSd $o656o gerd ).
. Srf;562s"e.:So erfl536 gea"O5d e.5 gd5< C{ddr5rrn" 36rS4
6.#.e0.@oee.:$ ePS il*f; 562s.o, SSd CCd:.n'e/s"o"5J6eae.:$ dCoF
Cao{$er, erfl 536 Co6o[5ea Cao6$qr, S{a5/Jd:3d$o Caodser:, db5 Cao66q)
605r'6 doJtr iJ/JSOoi$eJ$ 5er 5-OpS4 E 6dSS erq"5d$SDd (Amaravathi
Metro Rail Co. Limited) $$:pS,S 6oed. $o6d $o[5664 A56 eeASJB lbae05er
60$.6 do:r:er/SSOo;Seo.
. Jo.S.Jo.es5.S.Jet/J.Sll"8r.S 6aea" So{# bo1$aoS 6.}.ep.
@oeod eoOSJBP [#6;bo;5ric, Cd$oL&oi$eJ.
3 er0$gQ L$0s6 $ofel,J.h. SPR:oF O66;,
b.J6., i"$r.b5 6oee Sof $Odo s;$o66 Lf665 So$o:
6.#.ep. Llo6*4$e5 {e, 6.#.e0. deo6e5 {S:, 6See0SpQ b6s"er:,
$C;ea 1pea"Q666ser, 65o"A5JB 56s"or S[ So6on do" d:'o$a5r$o/
eo05p6 o"t5:o arfiX5ogod do$"6 do$reJ, egd:o: 66i$er.
d'o 6o6dc 6.#.e0.@od dSO qsos{o$6oo 6.S.ep. 6}oeod
195q"5 SilOS 5$6:e;Ko aeS6i$cr, f5)SpU ;1fOS S$6q:, *Se) sq"6ro {Sl
dolr6 JoJr:t:,es$ex f 6i$cJ.
4. S66$er5 So{eD/5DS$}O6elr/S66 Soeoar&el (Stgee0SpQ
ro€o 666dsc) $oe5r56r$4 CSd *S, 5dJ.6 doSer/SSooSer,
66rf0 d6$d Sao65el.
i.XoJ.bS 6a"ru. $of o5e 6.#.e0. @oo"e.r6r 6.#.e0. d5e5 +il
5oir6 es$o.
@oo'{ d55 Ce3ea se5So"}o$ 1S6.3bo;$eo, Co6o13o5:o.
o"o 6o0dc 6.#.c0.@od dSO *SoS$$Eos 6.#.ep. @oeerd
1$tr"5 XtrOg 556:e.:;,$ ecer$6r'5rec, S5>S;U SilOS S$dlell, *Ser Cryo"er ft$r
6d6F6 SoSr:o,es5:er S6i$cJ.
5. sSre$& a)Lc$ pd $ OArEE/i'tu bS 6d.ed" Sofer (&[ef
pd/Eei Peplhw.$ pel/0.e6.6./oQ5 $$$o 6o [Eew 6+ee. to So$er)
566 $oS Sof /SoCR:)Od a"E Si:"s'65rS"CB €6Sd
ft$:6o516 ertoer.
6. #. er. @o6;bd derbeS {5: esBrS6r:.
1$e 6o"o" Sofo Boluf p6tre5perrfir'$ pu:/fl.es6.6./eoQ5 i"XDSo
6o 66av" 6o.ef *+ Sofer:, o.8:.6.,&64o6>, )da6rer, 3r.eJ'6d$ o";h$;1r:e:
S565;i:o: 5S66 B*e.r'6r a"i:.S;fuer Sfle 566 6arru" dr5g ftCoE, er$er:,

@oditud dSS Co"3ra s"655o'$er$ @63bot5reJ, Cd6oL3oi5)cJ.

K5rSJd a6od 6oetn $6o.e: 65aw 6a"ee, S65Sea, *So *S Uo::.6,
f5rSSU r"r5o *Xo 6Tt:" (Few 6a.ea" *Set$ airqld" $6ipod
SX!55o5r66O S65*nea.
d6g, aIS o"o C o"3ea 6r/eofl $pQ $ Soo5o$r:e$ e!e5;oao{Q S dEer
eo6:S8Q6gegn Cd;o5r$6'5: $ocu. 56r e:r, 6s €, ds uo fl 5pQ Co5ro gdea

$5o6orn ri"C, q5o" o5oa:;$.too/eofl53Q o"6o ar.r{$5Xogouf n C

#. co. 1}o65r:d f geo"ASgq S{ S$er:/5gea 65eo"Q5
6. Sd$$oq: 5olr.6, es;$q:,
p $Ss.erd$ deogg er3n5tu.
6d8os5 566 6o.eo'CO 6oE @ure 56$e)5 SooolD s65;Sea.

:rffrei $S a1Sec6 co 656J5ooear

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