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0 Q4 2022

• Stop Being an Owl. Start Being a Leader

• Can an Introvert Succeed as a BA?

• The Difficult Stakeholder

• The Coaching BA

• And much more …

Your regular round-up of useful BA content

BA Digest is published by Blackmetric Business Solutions

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A very warm welcome to the Q4 2022 Development Units (CDU) per
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diverse set of authors. Each article BA Digest as being relevant
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particular articles. Up until now, finding
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We were keen to find a better way, Finally, I'd like to extend a massive
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● BA Digest has been assigned an Until next time,

'ISSN' by the British Library (an
ISSN is to a magazine what an ISBN
is to a book). So we are now
officially catalogued & classed as a
Adrian Reed
recurring publication.
Editor-In-Chief, BA Digest & Principal
● BA Digest is recognized by IIBA®
Consultant, Blackmetric
as acceptable for 30 Continuing

2 ISSN 2753-7900
4 Enabling Stakeholder Viewpoints: Equality Versus Equity - Helen Holder

7 Business Analysts Can Be Product People - Kent McDonald

10 How Is Professional Development like Salad Dressing? - Emily Tom

15 How to Succeed as a Solo BA - Thando Jacobs

19 Stay out of the Tech: Why Conversational Development is a More

Human Approach - Sue Cornish

21 Viewpoints

25 The Difficult Stakeholder (Customer) - René Lamens

28 Stop Being an Owl. Start Being a Leader - Jenn Bedell

32 Brainy Glue: Making Change Stick - Ian Richards & Filip Hendrickx

36 Can an Introvert Succeed as a BA? - Tracy Mudzviti

39 What Is Continual Professional Development? And How Do I Do It?

- Pip Hall

43 Using Group Construct Analysis to Understand Stakeholder Worldviews

in Ambiguous Situations, Part 6 : Getting Underneath the Surface
- Nick de Voil

47 The next Normal, the Matrix, and the 21st Century Business Analyst
- Byron Fortuin

50 The Coaching Business Analyst - Patricia Williams

53 A Lesson from Top of the Pops: Knowing Your Real Stakeholders’ Needs
- Adrian Reed

56 5 Tips to Help Make the Transition from a BA to a Scrum Master

- Marcus Udokang

59 Job Vacancies

Equality Versus
Helen Holder

Across the BA profession I’m sure there delivering change. This supports early
are few of us who would need to identification of risks and challenges,
be convinced of the importance of which allows for these to be managed
good stakeholder engagement and the and mitigated effectively.
synthesising of different viewpoints to
drive effective change management. Often our focus when gathering stake-
holder viewpoints is around providing
Stakeholder identification and analysis an equal opportunity for people to have
techniques ensure that we have their say. Commonly this involves the
considered the relevant groups for any utilisation of workshops or focus groups
given change initiative, and that we which can provide an opportunity to
understand their levels of interest, bring together diverse groups and invite
power, and influence in order to factor them to contribute.
in the appropriate level and style of
engagement needed to manage those So, if we already understand these
relationships. viewpoints as being important and are
providing forums for people with
Regardless of tools and techniques used different perspectives to have an equal
by individual BAs or organisations, and opportunity to participate and put their
whether from a project or organisational views forward – what’s the issue?
perspective, it is accepted that
combining different perspectives from a For me the shift has come with the
diverse stakeholder community helps in emergence of the design thinking
achieving a more holistic approach to approach and increased focus on

Customer Experience (CX) and User and power/influence grids continue to
Experience (UX). I have found in my be useful there are other approaches that
own organisation that we often group can complement and build upon these.
our stakeholders by business areas, job Techniques such as personas and user
roles or grades and whilst this does journeys do not have to be purely the
invite a divergence of experiences it domain of user researchers and can be
perhaps doesn’t go far enough in used to provide insight into the lived
enabling us to understand the individuals experience of users as they interact with
behind the formal structures. particular products or services.

Whilst equality is about providing the Personas, for example, can be used to
same resources or opportunities to all, create perspectives around those groups
an equitable approach to stakeholder who may be under-represented in
management requires consideration of the main stakeholder categories and
the different needs of our stakeholders consequently help us to focus on
and understands some will need to different aspects of accessibility.
be treated differently and provided
with different resources. It is about Co-Create: Stakeholder identification
recognising that equal doesn’t mean fair. outcomes can be strengthened through
In contrast, stakeholder equity allows us sharing and inviting others to evaluate
to take a more personalised approach to whether we have really considered all of
how we build and maintain relationships the relevant groups. Working with the
and hopefully helps us to forge more wider project team to review and
inclusive outcomes. contribute to our work can ensure that
everyone has a deeper understanding of
Re-Shaping Stakeholder who the key stakeholders are and what
their motivations might be. In addition,
Analysis: Equity Over individual stakeholders themselves can
Equality be invited to comment on the type of
engagement that they find most
In order to try and adopt this mindset productive.
myself and within my own team, we
have begun to reshape the way that we Personalise: Lastly, it’s just accepting
address stakeholder analysis and look at that one size does not fit all, and it’s
how we can diversify, co-create and okay to have a divergence in our plans
personalise our approach: to cater for a set of needs that may only
relate to a small group of people. This
Diversify: We have embraced the could be a group of users who we have
variety of different toolkits available to identified as being more resistant or
BAs to allow us to identify stakeholders anxious about a change and so need
and explore both the impacts and additional engagement. This could
opportunities of a change. Whilst involve using one to one interviews to
techniques such as the stakeholder wheel support stakeholders who struggle to

engage in larger groups because of In conclusion, there is no fixed template
hearing or speech impairments, or to achieve equity and perhaps no way to
perhaps it’s simply offering hybrid ensure that this is achieved all of the time
options for workshops to accommodate but the thought and the effort to move
those who may not have the same access forward in this space can only support
to technology to participate in a purely richer relationships with our stake-
virtual event. holders and promote a more inclusive
culture which in turn can allow us to
When utilising workshops or focus achieve more quality outputs.
groups, active listening and strong facil-
itation skills can go some way to Helen has been a BA for over 10 years
ensuring that we manage the voices in and currently leads the BA function for
the room and call out those who might the Defence Infrastructure Organisation
be struggling to be heard against more (DIO) Chief Information Office. She
confident and outspoken participants, is passionate about learning and
but, thought could and should be given advancing in her own role and
to how we can tailor group sessions to supporting others to do the same. You
incorporate a mixture of techniques and can contact Helen on LinkedIn at
exercises that might appeal to different
personality types. a765354b

Can Be

Kent McDonald
Are you a business analyst who wonders Lessons Learned from BAs
what your career will look like in three
to five years? who are now product people
Is your company undergoing an Don’t worry about the title,
agile/digital/product transformation focus on your skills
leading people to believe that “we don’t
need business analysts anymore?” Stephanie Cooper started out as a data
analyst at an IT Consulting firm where
Do you really enjoy business analysis she taught herself SQL. After a few
but feel like the only way to get the months, the company had a business
compensation you deserve is by taking analyst spot open on their tech side so
a new job with a different title? she moved over to that role.

As I first noted back in 2017, product After a few years as a business analyst,
management roles offer a viable career she wanted to have a bigger impact on
path for business analysts. This path is her business and have a bigger vision of
especially relevant for business analysts her product. She felt that shifting from
who currently work on custom software business analyst to product manager
development projects in their current would allow her to do that.
To make that switch, Stephanie started
Here are the stories of four people who looking for product management roles
shifted from business analysis to product outside of her company. To overcome
management. the challenge of not having an official
product management title before, she

leaned into the skills she brought to role at a consulting agency performed
the table, not necessarily the title. The the same as product managers within an
skills came from her business analyst organisation. She clarified the product
experience including working through ownership and product management
requirements with customers, and techniques she used, but the interviewers
working with API integrations. responded with “but you haven’t
managed a product in our industry.”
Stephanie’s advice to business analysts
looking to move to product management Fortunately, when Stephanie got her first
is this: “Don't doubt yourself in the skills product management role, she found out
that you have. Look at the skills that you she was doing “more than what they
have. Don't worry about your title, worry expected for an experienced product
about the skills that you have and see manager.”
what transitions over.”
That experience leads Stephanie to
Explain how your BA experience observe that business analysis and
applies to product management product management are very similar
from a skill set perspective. The
Stephanie Lewandowski got her difference comes in the scope of
business analyst experience working in responsibilities for the two roles.
the business analysis practice of an agile
technology firm. While in the business Stephanie’s advice for landing a product
analysis practice she became practice management role is to explain how what
lead and expanded the practice to you’ve done as a business analyst
include aspects such as process analysts, matches the abilities the product
product managers, strategists and data management job is looking for. For
analysts. example, if the particular role you’re
trying to get is looking for the ability to
Stephanie’s move to product manage- put together roadmaps, be prepared to
ment initially came when she expanded “explain how you've done that before
the business analysis practice, followed and communicated them to a wide range
by leaving consulting to become a of audiences.”
practising product manager. She made
the move to product manager to get out Discovery should be iterative
of consulting and because she found that
the business analyst role seems to “tap Beth McHugh’s path toward product
out” at some point and the product management included several roles such
management role is higher on the as a stint as a business analyst/developer,
organisational chart and includes more a move to user experience then a move
responsibility. to product management.

During her search for a product Looking back on her various roles Beth
management role, hiring managers identified the flexibility of the business
weren't clear on how the business analyst analyst role as an enormous benefit. The

various processes she analysed exposed Muhammed made the move to product
her to a variety of situations that helped management because he saw the product
her refine her interests and decide her manager role as an opportunity to
career path. empower users more than he could as a
When she transitioned into a product
management role, she found she got the Muhammed’s advice to business
most benefit from having worked with analysts looking to move into product
a product manager. That experience management is to pick up the additional
helped her understand “what he was skills you’ll need as a product manager
doing and how he approached things and while still in the business analyst role.
what his role was because I honestly “This could be technical, strategy,
don't think a lot of people understand commercial, user experience (UX), data
what product management is.” querying, learning new tools, etc.
Whatever you do, think about how it will
Beth’s advice for business analysts enable you to empower your users.”
moving into product management is to
keep the proper perspective on discovery Do you want to be
and research. Instead of trying to do all
of your research at the beginning of a a product person?
new effort, make it more iterative and
If you answered “yes” to one or more of
do it in increments. You won’t find all
the questions in the intro, it may be time
the answers during an “analysis phase”
to learn how to apply your existing skills
so you should view research work as a
in a product setting and pick up
way of answering questions and get
additional product management skills.
direction throughout the entire initiative.
That collection of skills will come in
Acquire additional skills handy whether you’re joining a software
while in your BA role product company, or you’re working on
internal products - custom developed
Muhammed Zaulifqar had a variety of software that your organisation builds
product owner and product lead roles for itself.
over the course of 3 - 4 years which he
considers “technically” business analyst Kent J McDonald writes about and
roles. practices software product management.
He has product development experience
While in those roles he began “pushing in several industries, including retail,
for user feedback, tracking analytics, fintech, agriculture, financial services,
user discovery to better understand health insurance, nonprofit, and
personas, GTM strategy & a more automotive. Kent practices his craft with
focused product vision.” Those extra various product teams and provides
activities led to additional responsibili- just-in-time resources for product
ties and eventually a move into the people at and Product
product management role. Collective.
How Is
like Salad
Emily Tom

In your workplace, have you ever workshop facilitator who spends more
noticed the executive who is focused on time taking notes than coming back
strategic aspects of the job but doesn’t to the stakeholders with thoughtful
communicate well? Or how about the analysis. Are you one of these people?
project manager who is great with
people but gets led down the wrong path No one intends to do their job poorly,
by the technical team? Or how about the but I wonder if it would help advance

our careers if our professional develop- ● Strategic – defining the organisa-
ment (PD) plans were a more inten- tion’s mission, vision, and strategy
tional, balanced mix of skills and
knowledge. ● Tactical – executing solutions to
meet the mission, vision and strategy
A Balanced Mix ● Operational – performing day-to-
Some of you may know that I’m a bit of day functions to conduct the business
a foodie, so I often use food analogies
● Facilitator – bringing together the
when I work. I have thought about PD
appropriate stakeholders to define a
and how it’s like homemade salad
problem/solution; training and
dressing. Generally, salad dressing is
change management to apply the
part acid (e.g. vinegar, lemon juice), part
oil and part flavourings. With just these
three components, there are endless Then these roles can be mapped to the
kinds of salad dressing you can make. three PD categories as follows:
Go overboard on one of these compo-
nents and it may be too acidic or bland.
Strategy -
I think of PD in three general categories leaders
(ingredients): a) technical domains, domains
b) business domains and c) soft skills.
Tactical -
Just like salad dressing, each one of us managers
needs to think about what is the appro- Business
priate mix of PD that we need to do our
job well. Operational
- workers
Of course, we need to take the training skills
that is required by our organisations such Facilitating -
Analysts, change
as ethics training, data protection Management,
training, security training etc. But this is
not enough to help us do our specific job.
Taking a cookie-cutter learning plan Figure 1 Role - Professional Develop-
for someone who is in the same ment Mapping
role as you (e.g. “business analyst”,
“project manager”, “product owner”) At first this might imply that everybody
isn’t sufficient either. needs to know everything, but of course
in reality this is absolutely not the case—
This is where we can map the different different roles will need a slightly
roles and PD categories. People gener- different mix of skills. The table below
ally fall into one of these roles at a given describes the mappings:
point in time:

Type of Business Domain
Technical Training Soft Skills Training
Role Training
Needs general knowledge Must build and
about many domains plus maintain strength in
Needs to know the trends, deep knowledge about these areas to be able
benefits, risks, benchmarks. their own domains. to work with people.
(e.g. C-level) E.g. Awareness of cyber- E.g. Understanding E.g. Negotiation
security threats and regulations, relevant skills,
impact on business domains such as communications
insurance/finance/ skills, emotional
underwriting etc. intelligence
Needs specific technical
knowledge to perform
Needs to be able to
own tasks plus general
communicate with
knowledge of any technical
a large variety of
solutions they are Needs a deep
stakeholders to
implementing. understanding of the
Tactical effect change.
business affected by
(e.g. Project E.g. How to use the solution. E.g. Motivational
Managers, management and reporting
Developers) tools such as MS. Project, skills, how to give
E.g. Business impact
good feedback,
JIRA. Plus need to of e-invoicing.
understand the scope and
project objectives/
purpose of the technology
solutions that their team
is implementing.
Needs to have these
Needs a deep knowledge
skills to be a team
Needs specific technical of their own domain plus
Operational player, to
knowledge to perform knowledge of related
(e.g. People communicate their
own tasks. affected domains.
perform the perspective, to get
work buy-in
E.g. How to approve E.g. How Accounts
processes) e-invoices for payment Payable and Procurement
E.g. Negotiation
work together
skills, training others
Needs medium-depth
Needs knowledge on how
knowledge about many This is a critical
Facilitating to apply technical solutions business domains skillset for this
(e.g. business to solve a problem and their (broad range) so they type of role.
analysis, impact on stakeholders.
understand processes
change and terminology. E.g. Being able to
E.g. What are the transition
management, requirements for converting communicate the
trainers) E.g. Finance, government, value proposition,
a manual process to an
manufacturing, telecom, stakeholder empathy
automated process
healthcare, environment.

Table 1 Role - Professional Development Mapping

12 Descriptions
As you can see, every role needs to have Remember that your PD plan needs to
a balanced mix of PD for their job. The be a combination of technical, business
general organisation training or cookie- and soft skills. If you go overboard in
cutter role learning plans don’t address one category and overlook another, it
this mapping. You will need to reflect just may ruin your salad. Try different
on your own skills and knowledge, do things and see what works. After all,
your own gap analysis and determine variety is the spice of life.
what is the custom PD mix that you need.

If you consider yourself a business

person, you do not need to shun
technology, and if you are a technology
person, you do not need to shun business
domains. You need just enough of the
appropriate training in these domains to
be productive in your job and your career.

Yet, everyone needs soft skills because

we all need to work together and have
the ability to communicate with our

In today’s knowledge economy, where
you may transition from one job to the
next, one employer to the next, you need
to take control of your own learning. Figure 2 Author's Spice Drawer
Don’t become obsolete. You know what
your own gaps are and what skills and Emily Tom, CBAP is an independent
knowledge you need to be successful. consultant based in Ottawa, Canada.
Or reach out to a mentor who can She is also the Regional Director IIBA
provide guidance and share their experi- Americas Northeastern Region,
ences and lessons learned. supporting 18 IIBA chapters. She is
passionate about promoting the business
PD is personal. You cannot use a analysis profession and supporting
generic, cookie-cutter learning plan fellow business analysts in their careers.
because you are likely coming from a
different starting point than everyone Connect at:
else. Also, you know what you need to
do the job – in what areas are you
lacking confidence? Develop skills to 59190453
boost your confidence.

Strategy, not technology,
drives digital transformation
Your business model is your companies’ most
important strategic asset.

The truth is that many of the worlds leading companies

were not engineered for the digital world. Their systems are
outdated, operations complex, processes inefficient, business
knowledge fragmented and their value proposition rapidly
losing its lustre. Without a complete overhaul of their business
model, no amount of digital technology will save them.

Unfortunately organisations have not tended to invest in their

business model as an asset. This lack of a single source of
unambiguous truth becomes particularly challenging when
it comes time to change. Most large-scale transformations
require a considerable exercise in “business archaeology”,
wasting unnecessary resources on discovery and analysis of
the as-is situation and the relative maturity of their business
capabilities. The lack of a dynamic, enduring, incrementally
evolving view of the consolidated business model constrains
decision-making, limits competitiveness and inhibits business

For business analysis professionals, this presents a significant

opportunity. As we move on from the era of process

The Capsifi automation and managing long-term capital investments to

an ongoing focus on business model innovation, the business
Digital Business
analyst and the business architect become pivotal roles as
platform enables
custodians of the most important core strategic asset in a
a connected
digital business – the business model.
the business We’ve created an eBook especially for BA’s. Explore how
operating business architecture & customer-driven design are key
model as a core enablers of Business Model Innovation and learn to leverage
startegic asset. agile analysis techniques to drive clear value propositions.


How to Succeed
as a Solo BA
Thando Jacobs

I am a lone wolf. whiteboard and pens to brain dump my

thoughts. Occasionally, I talk to myself
For a large part of my career, I’ve been too.
the only BA in my team. It’s great
because I do things my way and work But every wolf needs a pack so I joined
within my own systems using tools and a community called Young Business
techniques that resonate with me the Analysts (YBA). YBA is an online
most. Plus, I’ve learnt to be a self- community for young BAs providing a
motivated self-starter in such a way my safe space to connect with each other
line manager doesn’t even have to and grow in our skills and knowledge so
manage me. we can be confident in our careers. Plus,
it’s run by young BAs!
Being the only BA is great, but every
rose has thorns. For example, I don’t I look after the social media marketing
have the option to huddle with other BAs for YBA and I asked our members on
to brainstorm ideas to tackle problems. Instagram what they would advise for a
Instead, I pull out my sticky notes, solo BA to succeed in their role.

This is what they said. (MVPs) and stick to product deadlines
and engage with more workshops with

This is solid practical advice.

I like to think of projects like a moving

train that is heading towards the desired
destination. I see this advice as learning
to jump onto the moving train, getting
on board to perform your duties

Highlighting the last point, it is valuable

to engage more. There can be times
when we focus on the analysis and
neglect engaging with clients and other
stakeholders. To quote the Manifesto
for Agile Software Development, we
should place greater value on individuals
and interactions over processes and
tools. There can be times when we focus
on the analysis and neglect engaging
with clients and other stakeholders.

All pictures are snippets from the Show Your Value

Instagram Stories of the Young Business
Analysts page.

© Young Business Analysts, used with


Have A Gameplan
“Own it, show the team what value you

As BAs, we are highly valuable.

We bring clarity to the needs of the

customers and the business and help
senior stakeholders agree on the desired
future state. We advocate for the needs
“Find out the Minimum Viable Products
of the business and often act as the voice

of the customer to ensure the project learning first can lead to poor decision-
achieves its goals. Plus, we manage the making and ineffective analysis. You
requirements, provide the details needed can utilise the POPIT™ model to
by solution developers and we translate identify the key things you need to learn
the complex ideas and concepts into a in each business area.
simple format so the problem to be
solved and the proposed solution are Stand Your Ground
well understood.

The truth is, you already know that, so

you don’t need me to tell you what you
do. Follow the advice from our members
and actively show your team the value
you bring!

Learn As Much As You Can “Stand your ground! Good analysis is

seldom ignored”

Ultimately, you performed the analysis

and you own the requirements.

This puts you in a position of authority

to know what may work and what may
not work. There will be times when you
have to challenge stakeholders or
“You got a great opportunity to learn question decision-makers. Your analysis
more!! Stay focussed!!” may uncover more problems to be
solved or highlight the complexity of
Get ready for a fun ride. implementing the solution.

As a solo BA, you’ll have so many Take our member's advice and learn to
opportunities to be involved in projects stand your ground because “good
that will teach you a lot. You have the analysis is seldom ignored”.
opportunity to develop in-depth
knowledge about the processes and Believe In Yourself
operations within the organisation. As
well as learning more about the
industry/domain, the organisation and
its customers.

It’s important to identify what you need

to learn and learn it as fast as you can.
Taking action without investing time in “Believe in yourself”

I love this one! ● Learn as much as you can

Believing in yourself means having ● Stand your ground when necessary

confidence in your own capabilities. As to promote value for the business/
a fellow solo BA, I know too well how customer
imposter syndrome can cloud your self-
belief and lead you to second guess your ● Believe in yourself
every move.
If you’ve enjoyed what our members had
One of the best ways to build confidence to say and it sounds like YBA is for you
is to identify your strengths and find then feel free to join us. We’d love to
ways to incorporate them into what you have you!
do every day. Or, proactively check in
with your team on anything you can help Thando is a Business Analyst at the
them with. Helping others boosts your London Stock Exchange Group. He’s
confidence. also part of the leadership team at
Young Business Analysts leading their
Conclusion marketing activities.

Connect with Thando on LinkedIn:

The core tips to succeed as a solo BA
Join the Young Business Analysts
● Have a gameplan
LinkedIn Group:
● Show the value you bring to the team


Stay out of the Tech:
Why Conversational
Development is a More
Human Approach
Sue Cornish

I believe it’s time to get a bit radical, hopefully delivering exactly what we
maybe even tear up some pages of the have specified….
rule book. As business analysts we are
taught from the start about the impor- Let’s stop and reflect for a minute:
tance of writing detailed requirements, whilst BAs are deeply engaged in
the word “atomic” is often used to writing all those requirements, are we
describe the need to have beautifully getting too bogged down in the detail
formed singular requirements. It is and is this stopping us and the
sometimes assumed that in order to be developers designing being able to get
“atomic” that requirements must have creative and build better systems? Could
an immense level of technical informa- technical-heavy requirements be leaving
tion added to them. With this technical our developers hamstrung, with no
detail added, we then hand requirements ability to use their own creativity?
over to our developers and off they go,

Don’t Constrain The Fear Of Ambiguity
Solution Too Early This is where it probably gets a bit scary
Over the last couple of years, I’ve been for BAs, what I did next was to start
engaged in a major IT transformation creating requirements with less technical
project which has involved building an detail, instead focussing more on the
enormous technical system from the problem the business was describing and
ground up, module by module. To start provided a much vaguer and at times
with I was creating very detailed ambiguous set of acceptance criteria
requirements in the form of user stories, and detail. I adopted visual methods
my acceptance criteria was written with of communicating the requirements,
a high level of technical detail, right including screen mock ups of my
down to telling the developers what field “vision”, and these were especially
types to use. During a requirements useful in helping business stakeholders
refinement session one day one of my understand what was possible. All of this
development colleagues said, “Sue can forced me to engage more with the
you stop specifying what field types we developers because we needed to work
should use, it’s not necessary, we know together to explore options and work
what will work best, all you need to do out what would work best. We had
is tell us what the problem is”. At this many conversations, working together,
stage I had a lightbulb moment, I’d involving the users more and bouncing
been merrily writing requirements and ideas off each other.
chucking them over the fence to the
What this change has left us with now is
developers without stopping to think
a good and collaborative approach to
about the bigger picture or allowing the
software development. We work as one
developers to get creative.
unified team who have got to know each
At this point I hit the stop button, other well and who work together to
reassessed what I was doing and thought explore options, refine requirements,
about how getting bogged down in deliver value and ultimately have a lot
technical detail was limiting us. I was of fun doing it. The conversational
“telling” the developers what to do approach focuses on the fact we are all
in a solution that they were experts humans and that when we talk to each
in, this was leading to us missing other we work better, create a clear and
out on opportunities to look at new shared understanding, and share the load
functionality and develop solutions that and deliver better outcomes.
not only added value but that were
Sue is the systems transformation
forward thinking. By focussing on the
and engagement manager at bpha
business need, and keeping things
and a practising business analyst,
technically agnostic, this pattern can be
you can contact her on LinkedIn

On social media, we posed the question
“What advice would you give to someone
just starting out in business analysis?”

Keep an eye out on our Find a mentor or network of BAs

social media pages for for guidance and support. It's
the next ‘burning understandable to feel uncertain
question’ we would in any new role - having someone
like your views on. there to talk to and offer practical
advice will ease that, as well as
A huge thanks to help you to adapt and grow your
everyone who
contributed to this Naomi Berryman
editions’ bumper
Viewpoints section.

Ask questions! Ask about workplace. Prioritise learning and
everything, there's no such thing as take the time to reflect on
a stupid question - you'll learn more what  you're learning - don't rush,
and it develops a habit you'll need everything will fall into place with
to be a successful BA. Pay attention time and practise!
to other BAs and absorb what they
do in workshops and meetings to When you're experiencing self-
identify what traits and behaviours doubt, speak to your mentors/
make a great BA. Don't pretend peers, you'll realise everyone feels
to  be anyone but yourself - like that at the beginning and you'll
authenticity helps you build better learn how to overcome self-doubt,
and more productive working which will give you the belief in
relationships, and you'll begin yourself to succeed.
creating your personal brand which
will make you stand out in the Lauren Gascoigne

When I first started I made the work within it. Learn how the teams
mistake of rushing into analysis work and collaborate. Learn the
to show/prove that I know my stuff project methodologies used and the
and it was a huge mistake. I available tools the project teams
advise prioritising learning initially use. To speed up this learning
because knowledge enables you period, identify a couple of BAs who
to  be an effective BA. Learn why can be your unofficial mentors to
the  project exists and what it's guide you through.
trying to achieve. Learn about the
organisation and the way things Thando Jacobs

My advice would be to listen. Listen Getting used to reading body

more than you speak. Get really language is also crucial to getting
good at asking insightful questions the full picture of a situation.
and never, ever think something is
a stupid question. If you have the Finally, I would say to try to be
question in your mind, you can be empathetic - as BAs we are always
sure at least one other person in the being launched head first into new
room has the same one! Also situations that need us to get our
remember people generally like head around things quickly so to do
talking about their job, their this we need to keep stakeholders
challenges and what would make on side.
their life easier.
Brenda Duffy
Don't be afraid to make mistakes Ensure the problem statement
and to ask the simple questions is  understood and agreed by
(they're often the ones people all  stakeholders involved. This
have forgotten to think about also  helps validate your initial
because they seem too obvious!) stakeholder matrix.

Helen Holder Farrah Pearson

Listen, and then listen differently. team structure might change for the
For most change projects there’ll
be a range of views held by your Are they dismissive? Why might that
stakeholders which you will take be? Not interested? Or maybe
time to understand. As you do that they’ve seen it all before and have
it’s important to observe the way some good insight into potential
they are feeling. How do they pitfalls…
express themselves? Does it give you
a clue to their emotional connection If you consider the why behind
to the project? people’s emotional responses, you
may just discover a whole new
Are they excited? Why? An obvious understanding of the project and a
answer might be because of the clearer view of what it’s important
financial savings expected, but to deliver.
maybe it’s because they think the
Kate Stephens

There’s no such thing as a stupid know the answer! Don’t assume that
question… Unless you ask it too late. everyone else already knows the
answers - quite often the ‘simple’
In the past I’ve made the mistake questions can lead to wider and
of joining a new team/project and important conversations, and not
being afraid to ask ‘stupid’ clarifying everyone’s understanding
questions, which I learned the hard can lead to issues later in a project.
way, are much more difficult to ask
when you have been working on Jenny Loren
something for a while and still don’t

Find yourself a mentor and demand help you understand a completely
exposure to a variety of work different domain. Investigate the
alongside your training. Being a BA wider trends in the IT industry –
is about more than learning 123 what is your opinion on a BA having
techniques. It's about knowing when no part to play in Scrum and just
to apply them, which you will learn how does a BA work with a Product
through continually being exposed Owner? Understand that being a BA
to different types of work and means being curious and unleash
working alongside experienced BAs. that skill by exploring the wider
community in which the BA
Ensure you understand that BA profession plays such a key role.
knowledge is one part of the jigsaw.
Understand your business domain Frances Eccles
and find the techniques that would

I’d offer two tips to new BA’s - read and dive deeper into things that are
and relax. Read everything you can new. BA work requires agility and
- from publications by IIBA and BCS constant learning. Relax - if you’re
to blogs from real world BAs and on this path, you’re in the right
magazines like BA Digest, network place. It isn’t for everyone, but if
and read profiles and posts on sites it’s for you, you know it.
like LinkedIn. Take stock of what
you know to build your confidence Kathleen Schwaber

Ensure you are inserted in a correct Relationships are important, make

environment. People in your sure to have access to people,
company need to know what a resources and supportive sponsors.
business analyst is and how it can
be useful. If they are unsure, drive Last but not least, ask for a “start
their expectations. kit”: never accept the assumption
that “you will understand with
Do not count on templates and experience”. If it is not clear from
models, follow your way. Less is the start, there is something wrong.
more, but only in the amount of If your company doesn’t give you all
notes and documents you prepare. this, look around or push for a
Go in detail as much as possible and change.
from there define the milestones,
never adapt facts to an idea, good Claudio Pedrazzini
ideas always come from the study
of the exceptions.

The Difficult Stakeholder

René Lamens
When I read about this opportunity to supporting the IT of the workers. This
write an article for BA Digest, I included making sure new globally
immediately remembered a situation at rolled out software was introduced
work where I had to deal with difficult without problems.
stakeholders. The story starts when, after
being a technical IT consultant for Each week key stakeholders within these
almost 20 years, I changed jobs and IMFPs would have a meeting with the
became a business analyst for one of the IT business systems manager who was
biggest oil refineries in Europe. The my boss. This role acted as the interface
refinery consisted of five main factories, to the global IT organisation, to discuss
each with their own Information and understand business stakeholders’
Management Focal Point (IMFP). Each problems and frustrations with IT.
of these IMFPs was responsible for

So what’s the connection with difficult After a few weeks of these meetings I
stakeholders? Well in the first week in tried to find a common denominator,
my role as a BA, I was told to take over why were these people so angry and
the meetings with these stakeholders frustrated with IT and the people who
because my boss could not handle the worked there? It turned out that the key
criticism any longer and had simply reason was that they did not trust IT,
stopped attending them. My boss since IT continually failed to keep its
probably thought René is an experienced promises. Even worse, new IT stuff was
business analyst with the right people implemented without consultation and
skills, he can handle that?! So with a the people in the factories spent more
blank sheet and not knowing what to time trying to get IT to work instead of
expect, I planned the new series of doing what they were hired for.
meetings with stakeholders who I will
nickname “Mr. Bully”, “Mr. Know-it- Armed with this knowledge, I tasked
all”, “Mr. Complaint”, “Mr. Whiner” myself to regain trust with these people
and “Mr. Quiet”. As you might have so that they would see IT as a valuable
guessed these are not their real names asset instead of an unavoidable pain. The
but they do represent how I perceived first thing I did was to introduce a new
their character at the time. set of rules of engagement for the
meetings. We agreed that we would
Soon I learned that Mr. Bully was the listen to each other and that everyone
loud mouth, who would grab every gets an equal share of the time to express
opportunity to threaten escalation if their concerns and issues. The next thing
things did not go his way. He would act we did was to prioritise and clean up the
in a dismissive way, saying things like issue list, assigning each with their own
“we make the money for the company risk profile. Crucially, we deliberately
and IT is inferior to that”. Next to Mr. restructured the meetings and agreed that
Bully we had Mr. Know-it-all, a guy we would have an open and honest
who had an opinion about every topic discussion without any back-stabbing.
tabled even if it was not of his concern.
A guy who thinks “I’m bright and you’re The stakeholder who I had perceived as
stupid.” Next we had Mr. Complaint, a “bully” was far more cooperative once
who complained about everything, not he had taken on several responsibilities,
a thing was done the right way even to and he became an excellent owner of the
the annoyance of Mr. Bully and Mr. issue list. It was his task to keep the issue
Know-it-all. Mr. Whiner was a bit like list up-to-date and clean, and this gave
Mr. Complaint, although he would keep him the control he needed.
on whining about decisions and actions
that were already signed off and To address the concerns of the
completed. And last but not least there stakeholder who I had perceived as Mr.
was Mr. Quiet, he would sit and listen “Know-it-All” I invited guests to the
and not say a word. meetings with specific subject matter
expertise. These people had the

knowledge and ability to have a use humour to break the ice and tension,
meaningful discussion with the group and to be honest and open in the
and address any specific questions. This discussions you have with your
also turned out to be the solution to get stakeholders. In my opinion you first
Mr. Complaint on the right track. By need to invest to (re)establish trust in
showing the bigger picture, supported order to have people work with you to
by the subject matter experts, Mr solve any issues at hand. That’s why I’m
Complaint took a more holistic view and convinced that having the right people
realised there were bigger problems to skills is of utmost importance for a
solve. business analyst, maybe even more than
the business analysis techniques, tools,
The new rules and structure of the frameworks and methodologies.
meeting transformed the meeting and the
relationship with these stakeholders. René is a retired lead business analyst
Now you might think this was done in a who worked for 35 years for Shell. He
couple of weeks but changes like this started as a mainframe operator and
require time. In this case, the first signs finished as an agile coach. Currently he
of improvement only showed after a is a steerco member for the International
couple of months. It just takes time to Institute for Business Analysis (IIBA®)
regain trust. I think it’s really important Dutch Chapter.
to acknowledge people’s frustrations,


Stop Being an Owl.
Start Being a Leader
Jenn Bedell

I was recently visiting a friend's cottage Approaching a project this same way is
for a "girls" weekend. Aside from the not advisable. Can you imagine the
obvious camaraderie, a notable part of a kick-off session for a project where the
girls weekend is the team approach to sponsor shows up with a basket full of
everything. If a meal needs to be cooked, login IDs and passwords, but the team
it gets cooked. If dishes need to be needs to randomly determine who uses
washed they get washed. If drinks need each one and when? This example is
to be poured (and this happens often), extreme and not likely to occur, but there
they get poured. Although there was will be some things that slip through and
advanced planning to ensure we had go unassigned.
enough supplies, we didn't assign tasks.
We all know stuff needs to be done and In a project or operational role, we may
it always gets done—by the person or hear phrases like “who is responsible for
persons who are inclined to do so at any tracking risks?” Or “who was supposed
given time. to follow up on the last meeting?”
Although, it is wise to get clarification

at times, we need to be careful that objectives so that decisions and direction
we don’t become owls who constantly can be aligned.
ask “who?” If the response to these
questions is “not sure”, then YOU are 2. Nobody Managing Risks
Your project is moving along as planned
Here are a few examples of project and the team is working well together.
scenarios we discussed when I presented As you are reviewing requirements, you
this topic at the Building Business realise that a stakeholder group was not
Capability Conference (BBC) in July consulted. This poses a risk that the
2022: solution may not meet the needs of all
stakeholders. How will you make sure
1. Unclear project goals that this is addressed? You could just
manage it on your own, but your role is
2. Nobody managing risks
focused in other areas.
3. Stakeholders not available
One Possible Solution: Consult with
4. Not enough resources your project manager. Work together to
create a centralised risk register so that
5. Unrealistic deadlines anyone on the team can log risks. Be
sure to clarify the difference between a
Although these may not all seem like risk and an issue as many teams use
issues within the business analyst role different definitions.
on a project, everyone on the project is
a stakeholder in its success. As a 3. Stakeholders Not
business analyst, how would you handle
these project scenarios?
You’ve been assigned a specific topic
1. Unclear Project Goals and need to understand the current state
so that you can help the business identify
You have joined a project in flight and their needs. But, the people with the
cannot find the project goals. You have information are busy with their regular
asked for clarification on the purpose jobs and can’t free up time to work with
and objectives so that you can align your you.
work to them. However, nobody can
give you a clear answer. One Possible Solution: Review any
available documentation and create a
One Possible Solution: Create your own starting point of requirements to review
project objectives and validate them with with your stakeholders. Schedule short
the project sponsor. Once you have regular calls that they can more easily fit
confirmation, share them with the team. into their day. Agree on a central
Now everyone is aware of the main repository for Q&A where you can log
your questions and they can provide

answers as time permits. This will not One Possible Solution: Check with the
replace the need for live meetings, but it project manager and/or project sponsor
shows that you respect their time and it about the firmness of the deadline.
can reduce the number of meetings External factors may have changed
required. allowing flexibility. If there is still no
flexibility, it is time to put on your
4. Not Enough Resources prioritisation hat. Work with your
stakeholders to deprioritise where
You find yourself working extra hours possible. This will require clear
to keep up with the amount of work communication that deprioritising does
needed to meet your project timelines not mean deleting. Stakeholders are
and you know there is not enough budget more willing to deprioritise if they know
to add resources. This is not sustainable when they might have that feature added
and may lead to missed time for illness, in future.
if not addressed.
Regardless of your title or your role on
One Possible Solution: The project a project, you are a leader. Leaders take
manager is your friend! Make them ownership when they see areas for
aware of the situation by presenting improvement or areas that require
options. This is where the analysis ‘hat’ attention. As a seasoned BA, this is your
comes in handy. Could the timelines be role.
extended? Could the scope be reduced?
Even without an official scope What is a leader?
reduction, a review of the project
objectives almost always leads to ability In conclusion, a BA is a leader, often
to reduce the scope of individual influencing without formal authority. A
requirements. Those pennies add up to working definition could be “anyone
time saved. Of course, you will need to who acts in a leadership capacity at any
assure your stakeholders that their given time. One who makes themselves
requests are not forgotten and they will accountable to the success of the team“.
be added to the backlog. That certainly includes business
analysts. So it’s important that we
5. Unrealistic Deadlines continue to step up!

This is often the result of not having Jennifer leads the business analysis
enough resources, but not always. community for Mariner Innovations as
Adding resources is not always an well as speaking internationally at
option. Remember that 9 women cannot conferences related to business analysis
have a baby in 1 month. How can you and change management. You can
manage your own work when you know connect with her on LinkedIn
there is a high risk of missing the

Immersive, practical, live training courses
At Blackmetric, we offer a range of business analysis training courses.
We specialise in running practical, hands-on courses that focus on real-world
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Actionable techniques. Authentically presented.

Find out
(An excerpt from a business novel a range of different characters as she
on business analysis, innovation and encourages business change from within
change.) the organisation. Through stimulating
graphics, anecdotes and quotes Ian and
Infinity Supermarket has been throwing Filip articulate the role and value that
away unsaleable fresh produce at an business analysis brings to the organi-
alarming rate and is now suffering from sation in an informative and enjoyable
a social media disaster as a consequence. way.
To help them out, fictional business We catch up with the story at chapter 14
analyst Abbie Townsend where Abbie and her wannabe BA, Jane

applies her own twist on 25 business

analysis techniques while working with

host a creativity and innovation session substituted the nougat for ice
with varying stakeholders within the cream, and they maintained their
supermarket to develop ideas on how the sales figures across the two
supermarket can throw away less fresh products. So, is there anything that
fruit and vegetables. At this stage, Abbie we could substitute to get a better
feels that although they had some good product for the waste?" No one
ideas by using more traditional spoke, "Nothing? that's ok, we are
techniques, she could just obtain a few not going to get an idea for every
more ideas by using SCAMPER. letter."

««« »»» "How about C for 'Combine'? An

example of this could be the smelly
"I would like to try one more crayons. Combining smell with
exercise called SCAMPER," Abbie crayons is a real winner for kids.
said, conscious of Jane's quizzical Some smell so good they even try to
looks as this was off-piste from what eat them!" Abbie joked.
they had discussed.
Charlotte Wilson from the customer
"SCAMPER is an acronym for perspective team said, "My family
Substitute, Combine, Adapt, spends a fortune on smoothies. How
Magnify/Minify, Put to another use, about we combine the fruit with the
Eliminate and Reverse. It is normally vegetables and create smoothies?"
reserved for moments where we are
stuck for inspiration, which I know "That's a great idea Charlotte," Jane
isn't the case today as we have lots said excitedly, "we also spend a lot
of ideas, but I would like to try it of money on healthy drinks at my
anyway. I will give you some house."
examples along the way."
John Edmunds, one of the forklift
"So the idea is …" Abbie continued, drivers from the warehouse said,
"that the product or service being "Hang on a minute, I am not sure
discussed, products in our case, are that I would want old gone off fruit
assessed against each word to see and veg in a smoothie."
what we could Substitute, Combine,
Adapt etc to see if this gives us any "John, trust me, these products
other solution ideas… Get it?" They have not 'gone off', they have just
all confirmed that they understood. passed their peak quality date,"
Rachel the shelf stacker inter-
"Right, S for 'Substitute'. An example jected. "For example, an apple that
of this was when Mars noticed that is deemed to no longer have enough
their sales of Mars chocolate bars 'bite' is still perfectly ok for a
dipped during the summer. They smoothie. I was astonished when I

read an article that said that every end? Well, this process was reversed
year approximately 4.5m tonnes of by some popular fast-food estab-
food is wasted in households across lishments by getting the customer
the UK, estimated to be worth to pay for the food at the point of
around £14bn, which equates to order, allowing customers to simply
£700 a year for an average family. leave the restaurant without
This is because families throw needing to find a waiter to pay."
produce out that is past its sell-by
date. Sell-by dates are simply an Each letter was interrogated, and
indication to the store to rotate the a SCAMPER Mind Map was drawn,
stock as we manage such large but they all agreed that Charlotte's
volumes and, in my opinion, the smoothie idea was top of the list by
sell-by dates are often too short. far.
This food is still very edible and I
wouldn't have a problem eating The next day…
most of our fruit and veg that we
throw out because it's reached its
sell-by date. I'll show you some
when we go downstairs."

To prevent a discussion on the

quality of the fruit and vegetables
derailing the exercise, Abbie went
through the remaining words in
Scamper, giving real-life examples
such as IMAX cinema for 'magnify',
iPod Nano for 'minify' and a tyre
swing for 'put to another use', to
which Jack jokingly volunteered "Help me carry these." Jack handed
Viagra as a better example, putting Jane and Abbie a selection of fruit
a tablet for high blood pressure to juices, syrups and fresh fruit from
a different use, much to everyone's the store and walked off into the
amusement. staff kitchen area. Passing a pen
and paper to Jane, and careful to
‘Eliminate', was illustrated by the follow strict hygiene rules, Jack
example of eliminating wheat from weighed portions of fruit, and
food products to create gluten-free measured juice and syrups and Jane
food. Abbie went on to explain, "A started taking notes. "We can't just
great example of the 'Reverse' try it now surely?" Abbie protested.
technique is restaurants. Who "Why not?" Jack retorted…
remembers when all food was
ordered upfront and paid for at the

References: or Amazon (UK, US,
NL, …).
Eberle, B. (2008). Scamper.
Prufrock Press, Waco, Tex. Ian Richards is a Director of Business
Analysis, who does a lot of work with the
Illustrations by Koen De keers- wider BA community, including being a
maecker from Bizzuals, used with member of the BCS BA Leadership team,
the kind permission of the authors a member of the Business Analysis
Conference Europe and have judged UK
««« »»» BA of the Year for the BCS and IIBA.

You will find drama, intrigue, humour Filip Hendrickx loves bridging business
and even romance in this unique novel analysis and innovation, and mixes both
and learn new perspectives on skills in in his work as speaker, trainer, coach
the best way possible: through story- and consultant.
As co-founder of the BA & Beyond
Join many other BAs worldwide and get Conference and IIBA Brussels Chapter
your own copy now, as a physical book, president, Filip helps support the BA
PDF or Kindle format from profession and grow the BA community
in and around Belgium.

Can an Introvert Succeed as a BA?
Tracy Mudzviti

We probably all had one teacher at So, can an introvert be a good BA? The
school that we will never forget. Mine BA world is highly interactive, we are
was my college economics teacher. We constantly being pushed into unfamiliar
used to look forward to his lessons territories to investigate and discover.
because he preferred to teach us about Not only do we have to talk to new
anything other than economics, people, we may also need to persuade
spending more than half of the lesson them to embrace changes they don’t
chatting about his life, current news want, manage their expectations and in
events and philosophy. One day he some cases resolve conflicts. We
convinced us to take the Enneagram facilitate workshops which often seem
personality test and report back our to be dominated by extroverts. This can
results; that was the day my feel frustrating for introverts in the
understanding of introversion changed! workshop who may prefer to take time
to reflect and analyse before
If you are an introvert, you will most contributing. It almost seems impossible
likely be aware of the internal struggles that an introvert can be a good BA. But
we face when we are forced out of our is this really the case? Before answering
comfort zone. Unlike extroverts who are this, it is worth exploring introversion
energised by being around people, further.
introverts are energised by being alone.
Social interactions can be incredibly When I took the Enneagram personality
draining and anxiety-inducing; whether test I found out that I was a ‘type 5’ also
that’s small talk, unexpected gatherings, known as ‘the investigator’. This means
arguments, talking to strangers, that I tend towards being an introvert
presenting, group activities… the list is driven by the desire to understand the
endless. world and while minimising the need to

interact with it. I also found out there prefer to listen to the conversation than
were many ‘type 5s’ who were to participate in it. This trait can be
successful in their careers. Suddenly I valuable for the BA as we need to gain
realised that being an introvert wasn’t a deep understanding of our stake-
such a bad thing. holders’ needs. Good listening skills can
help us to fully grasp business processes
Here are some key traits of ‘The and dependencies. Where there is
Investigator’ according to the Ennea- uncertainty and confusion, the introvert
gram test, and how they affect the can remain calm taking time to figure
introverted BA: out the best course of action. However,
it is important not to fall into the trap of
Thinks Extensively Before agreeing to everything the other party
Speaking says to avoid conflict.

Usually, introverts gather and process Independent

information to build a full picture,
understanding the underlying themes Some of the analysis we do as BAs
and patterns before sharing their ideas. requires a degree of independent
This can become a problem in settings working where we spend a lot of time
such as meetings where they can be on tedious work such as analysing large
perceived as being passive or slow to data sets. This is an area that the
think. Sometimes the pressure to introverted BA can thrive in but must
contribute an idea during a meeting avoid the temptation to overthink and
can make the situation worse for strive for perfection. In an increasingly
the introvert. But it’s important to agile world the BA needs to focus
understand that it is alright to share those on initially defining and delivering
‘half-baked’ ideas as they can provide the minimal valuable product with
useful insights to the wider group. You the understanding that getting early
may also find it helpful to split any big feedback will allow improvements to be
meetings or workshops into two. The progressed.
first meeting will be for idea gathering,
there can be an interval for reflection and Conclusion
further investigation to build the picture
and then a second meeting to review Although there are hurdles to overcome
your findings. This way you give as an introvert, with a few workarounds
yourself, and any other introverts and embracing the traits that make us
present, the opportunity to think without who we are, it is possible to succeed as
the pressure. a BA. In fact, as illustrated above, many
of the traits of introverts are useful for
Good Listener BAs. So, if this article resonates with
you, rather than being a reluctant
An introvert is unlikely to interrupt introvert, perhaps it is time to ‘lean in’
anyone who is talking as they tend to and embrace it.

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What Is Continual
Professional Development?
And How Do I Do It?
Pip Hall

Continual Professional Development.

C. P. D. Lots of people talk about it; lots
of qualifications require it; lots of
courses offer it. But what actually is it?

In my opinion being aware, alert and

actively participating in life means you
will get it, whether or not you want to!
Some of it will be deliberate, some of it
accidental, some of it stealthy, but all of
it—your professional and personal life
experiences—combine to develop you
and that development will consciously
and subconsciously inform your
thoughts and actions as a professional.

This article encourages you to widen

your definition of CPD and see the value
that different types of events can

Deliberate CPD
This is the content that most of us will
be most familiar with, and I don’t intend
to dwell on it here. It’s usually
undertaken in the workplace (or
comparable environment) with fellow
professionals in the same or similar

In the case of business analysis, my workplace, on your own or with your
experience is that this encompasses both family or social circles, accidental CPD
skills, methods and tools relating to my is, in my opinion, the most important
being a BA, and also those relating to development for a BA. It’s all about
the domain within which I am working. building, maintaining and developing
For example: relationships, understanding what is
happening in the world around you and
● formal training courses to learn new how you and others could, should or
skills or how to use new tools might influence it, and to what end. So
how do we identify it? What does it look
● informal development opportunities, like?
working with senior or specialist
colleagues on more challenging or I’ve taken a look back over my last week
complex projects, or implementing and have picked out a few examples
a new project approach of accidental, but significant, CPD
opportunities from my non-work life.
● self-guided development and
training, such as researching a Doing boring housework!
particular topic to aid understanding
e.g., legislation and regulation I am a working mum and found
myself with a couple of hours to fill.
● webinars and seminars run by What a treat! I had a number of
professionals or organisations on mundane housework jobs to do, some
specific topics e.g. experience of volunteering tasks to complete, and the
applying a specific technique in a inevitable draw of some ‘me time’. What
specific situation did I do? In real life, I did the
housework, made a cup of tea, and then
● attending, watching or contributing
awarded myself the rest of the time to
to industry content e.g., Black-
relax. I didn’t spend any time on the
metric’s webinars and “Open Mic
volunteering tasks.
Night, AssistKD’s BA Brew… and
so much more… On reflection, in CPD mode, I identified
the outcome required by the end of the
These are all very valuable sources of
period available (make the house
growth and, assuming you continue to
serviceable for another week), set out
practice these new skills and tools, will
what the minimum requirements were to
make a significant contribution to your
achieve that, prioritised the tasks on my
professional development.
list, made and then executed my plan.
Accidental CPD Looking at it in more detail, taking the
list of housework to a more granular
This is much more subtle and requires a level, I sorted and put the washing on,
degree of self-awareness and reflection. cleaned the kitchen and put the
More likely undertaken outside the dishwasher on, cleaned the bathroom,

and dusted, vacuumed and mopped the If you don’t know the words already,
floor. Not very interesting is it? But, in look up the lyrics (better still, watch the
a reflective CPD world, not only did I film!) and see if you recognise any more
prioritise my housework over relaxing, lessons (there are loads). What lessons
but I prioritised within my housework, can we learn from your favourite book
planning the order of tasks to maximise or film?
my efficiency within the time available
and to ensure I ended up in an Indulging my hobby
appropriate place to start my relaxation
– I made sure the washing machine and I am an archer and I love spending time
dishwasher were working at the same on the range, repeatedly shooting arrows
time as me, and mopped myself into my into a target. Whilst in the moment, I
lounge! Ok, it’s a very basic example but combine my passion, equipment and
it demonstrates my thinking. technique, and make adjustments to
adapt to weather conditions, to score the
Watching a film very best I can. I chase a personal best
for no reason other than my sense of
I then watched a film. How often do you satisfaction.
reflect on the lessons you could learn
from it? I don’t always do it, in fact I In CPD mode, I am learning that:
rarely do it at the time, but sometimes
things occur to me and validate an ● practising my technique makes me
approach to my work. Mary Poppins, for better, quicker, stronger and more
example, is one of my favourite films. I confident
not only happily sing along to the songs,
● improving my technique improves
but also witness the story’s lessons at
my scores, and that encourages me
work at first hand:
to push myself into more
● that embracing a positive outlook challenging situations
makes difficult things more
● visualising my outcome, and
manageable (“a spoonful of
focussing on my success criteria,
gets results
● that routines are comforting and
● monitoring and measuring my
predictable and conversely change
performance helps me identify how
is hard to understand out of context;
to improve
that until you understand someone’s
worldview you cannot understand ● the environment is unpredictable
their observations and challenges and cannot be controlled; I must
(“the life I lead”) control what I can, and be able to
adapt to everything else
● that putting someone at ease can
lighten a challenging mood or task
(“I love to laugh”)

● not every day is a successful day, one that I practise and preach regularly.
but it doesn’t mean I’ve lost my I always encourage my team and project
ability stakeholders to think – our success is
measured by the outcomes we achieve
● a poor technique may get results, but rather than the number of words we
they will not continue to get results speak or type, or the detail of the
when the goal posts change approach we took. Passion is good, but
it needs to be directed and expressed
Stealthy CPD appropriately.

Finally, stealthy CPD. I define this as the ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’
development we are ‘forced into’ as a
result of the challenges that life throws I am acutely aware that significant
at us, for example, situations we come periods of my development have
across in family life and parenting, occurred as a result of prolonged
travelling in different cultures challenge and effort, sometimes in
and languages, navigating through adversity where I have not had a choice,
significant life events, like buying a and sometimes deliberately where I have
house, changing jobs, or losing a loved chosen to break free from my comfort
one. These are invariably difficult or zone to learn. In each case, the challenge
complex situations that require thought, that felt like it was breaking me,
persistence and patience and, whether provided the ideal conditions for growth
you control the exposure to the – requiring sustained effort to work
environment, and/or the outcome you things out, and hard work to achieve
achieve, the ultimate CPD prizes are the almost imperceptible progress. My
skills and experiences you gain that help reflection has shown me that I have been
you navigate a similar situation in the richly rewarded for my efforts and hard
future. work, but that it was always apparent at
the time.
In my experience, the key skills that are
strengthened in this way are ‘pausing’ I wonder what will challenge me next?
and ‘persisting’. CPD is a daily occurrence, always just
around the corner, if you know how to
Think twice, act once spot it.

A variation on the ‘measure twice, cut Pip Hall is a business analyst at Telent
once’ rule, ‘think twice, act once’ is my Technology Services Ltd. She is
reminder to engage my confidence and passionate about delivering outcomes,
ability to pause, observe the facts, think driving continuous improvement, and
through and respond to the situation challenging assumptions that hold
rather than immediately react to the individuals and organisations back from
initial trigger whilst in my emotional embracing change. You can contact her
mind. This is a hugely valuable skill and via LinkedIn:

Using Group Construct Analysis to Understand
Stakeholder Worldviews in Ambiguous Situations, Part 6

the Surface
Nick de Voil

On 23 August 2022, a train broke down the other tunnels, but they wouldn’t be
underneath the seabed of the English able to function effectively without it.
Channel on its way from France to the We’ll come back to this later.
UK. After being trapped for several
hours, the passengers were evacuated In previous articles in this series, we
from the train and escaped through the learned how to explore the way an
service tunnel. Among the many striking individual thinks by eliciting and
things about this story, I found myself mapping their personal construct
reflecting on how we always talk about system. Business analysts can use this
“the Channel Tunnel” as if it were a technique to generate a rich, nuanced
single thing, but actually there are three and complete picture of a stakeholder’s
tunnels. One takes trains from England mental model.
to France, and one goes in the other
direction. The third, through which the In principle, we could try to map the
fleeing passengers were led, is a smaller entire construct system of one or
tunnel which is linked to the others and more individuals. However, this
is used by engineering staff. It’s would be time-consuming and is
unobtrusive and works differently from usually unnecessary.

With Group Construct Analysis (GCA), map just because stakeholder B has
as with any other modelling technique, mentioned it. Each map needs to
it’s important to focus our efforts where represent your best effort at describing
they will help most. Where is that? Well, what goes on inside that stakeholder,
in the context of one individual, that purely on the basis of what they’ve said
means noticing those parts of the to you in one-to-one situations. If
construct system which are most stakeholder B does mention an
relevant and/or remarkable; but the interesting construct, you can try
really interesting results with GCA start probing gently to see whether it
to come when we look at individuals or resonates with stakeholder A, but avoid
groups interacting with each other. First, putting words in their mouth. Only add
though, we have to look at each it to A’s map if they pick up the
individual separately and see what construct and run with it, and only
makes them tick. Paradoxically, our introduce it into the conversation at all
analysis of how people interact will only if A says something that clearly indicates
work if we first concentrate on it might be part of their system.
understanding individuals.
There’s never a “right answer” when
During early investigation with you’re doing individual construct maps.
stakeholders, draw individual construct GCA is an interpretative approach: as an
maps purely on the basis of what each analyst, you’re actively searching for
person has said in one-to-one interviews and choosing between potential
with you. These maps will be interpretations of what you’ve seen and
fragmentary and you’ll feel far more heard. Some important points to
confident about some parts of them than remember:
others. This is normal. Of course, the
most useful constructs are often the ones ● Pay extremely close attention to
you’re most sure about, for example what is said and how it’s said. That
because an individual repeatedly uses includes intonation and body
words which indicate a particular language, for example.
construct. But you might include
additional constructs because you feel ● Think carefully about what the
they are implied by the other ones on the person might be trying to imply,
map. Specialised elicitation activities, beyond the literal meaning of their
like the ones we looked at in article 5, words
can help you to firm up on these
● Think about what the person does
constructs, but you may not have time
not say. A stakeholder always has a
for that.
choice of what to tell you in answer
Until you’ve created your first set of to a question. What are they leaving
individual maps, be sure to focus on one out? By choosing to foreground
individual at a time. Don’t be tempted certain things and not others, what
to add a construct to stakeholder A’s

are they telling you about their things by using words like “so-called”
construct system? or “allegedly”, prefacing them with a
sigh or a particularly long pause, or
● Above all, concentrate on describing making dismissive hand gestures.
the stakeholder’s view of the world, Conversely, they may indicate
not yours. Don’t introduce your own enthusiasm by talking faster, dilating
constructs, ideas or terminology. their eyes or making hand gestures that
When interviewing, try not to use indicate ownership or alignment. They
any vocabulary or ideas that haven’t may not even be aware that they’re
already been used by the participant. doing these things. Or it may be more
overt than this: they may signpost things
Some of your most interesting findings explicitly in words. Alternatively, if a
may come from thinking about the participant is very guarded, perhaps
stakeholder’s throwaway comments or because they don’t trust you, then there
humorous asides. These may not even may be no back channel evident at all.
occur during a proper interview; they Whatever style the participant adopts,
may crop up during the gaps between it’s vital for the analyst to tune into it.
comparatively large set-piece events like You should demonstrate that you’re
meetings or workshop sessions. picking up the signals; the explicitness
of your acknowledgement should match
Often, while talking about the
the explicitness of the mode adopted by
organisation’s issues, a participant will
the participant.
set up a back channel for making a kind
of commentary on what they’re saying. Once you’ve mapped the construct
This is the conversational equivalent of systems of the most salient individuals,
the service tunnel that we mentioned then it’s time to start looking at how they
earlier. On the one hand, most or all of behave in relation to others: we’ll look
what the participant says to you at that in a future article.
explicitly is strictly relevant and
politically correct. We can compare this You can read the previous articles in this
information to the trains that run through series by accessing the BA Digest
the Channel Tunnel. As business archive.
analysts, we care about this information
and we need to elicit it. But on the other Nick is a director at De Voil Consulting.
hand, we should be equally alert to the He specialises in helping organisations
information coming through the service create people-oriented systems,
tunnel – the back channel. products and services. He has trained
thousands of professionals in business
Each participant has their own style of analysis, user experience, systems
back channel. They may say certain design, project management and agile
things in a different tone of voice, or development. Nick is author of the book
with different facial expressions. They "User Experience Foundations".
may distance themselves from certain Contact Nick via LinkedIn

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The next Normal,
the Matrix, and
the 21st Century
Business Analyst
Byron Fortuin

As Steve Jobs said: “You can't connect Business analysis was needed in order
the dots looking forward; you can only to define new ways of work, changes to
connect them looking backwards” business process, new business rules and
new technology solutions. We could do
In a similar vein, the term “new normal” this because we understood the rules, we
has been employed to describe the analysed the “current normal/state” and
new state after crises such as wars, understood the outcomes that our
terrorist attacks, financial crises, global stakeholders were wanting to achieve.
recessions, and more recently the Covid- You only triumph if you know and
19 pandemic. History teaches us that comprehend the rules, your current state
these events ushered in a new age that and where you need to be in your future
we frequently refer to as the new or the state.
next normal.
The notion of the next normal can be
The recent Covid-19 pandemic altered expressed with an idea I had when I
the status quo. It turned the world upside watched the movie called The Matrix. A
down, businesses were forced to key theme from this movie is that “The
temporarily close, and it challenged One – Neo” must understand, know,
what we thought we knew. Nevertheless, and tolerate the rules of the Matrix to
in times of adversity there are also fully evolve and be relevant, in the next
opportunities, and during this time BAs normal. I make a likeness here of Neo to
were at the forefront of transformation. the 21st century business analyst.

As in the Matrix aka “the corporate our progress more effectively. We
world, the new normal” the business need to shift our mindsets when it
analyst is a critical change agent using a comes to requirements elicitation and
range of appropriate tools, techniques, management, this can be done from
and modern technology to drive anywhere in the world if you are online
innovation. This will be achieved and connected. Strategy analysis has
by appreciating the operating context changed, our stakeholders expect more,
to enable change by eliciting and and we need to deliver more to match
understanding the stakeholders and this growing demand. Our solutions
their needs when integrating digital must be innovative as we are far more
solutions, to ensure that value is evolved compared with the more
generated when implementing the new traditional BA. We have transcended
strategy and transformation by following beyond the new normal and are thriving
the rules & guidelines of the in the next normal, this is the Matrix!
Matrix supported by IIBA®’s Business
Analysis Body Of Knowledge In conclusion: As BAs we need to
(BABOK®) v3 as a guideline. understand the next normal and
comprehend and articulate the value that
As the new normal transitions into the we add. We have never been simply
next normal it is very important that BAs “note takers” or “scribes”, we are
shift their mindsets, equip themselves trendsetting change agents who
with relevant future skills and do things collaborate with a range of stakeholders
that might have never been done before. to help bring the future into the now.
We need be even more agile and
fluid. Conventional business analysis We need to be equipped with relevant
approaches are still relevant and these digital skills and be at the top of our
worked well during the transition. game so that we can make a profound
Covid came and challenged traditional impact in our domains. Sadly this is not
approaches, including ways of work, as simple as in the movie The Matrix
ways of thinking and introduced us to where new skills can simply be
rapid exponential change, and you know “downloaded”. It will require conscious
what? These changes were defined by effort for us to develop the skills and
us! As business analysts of the future, competencies to thrive in the matrix aka
we accelerated into the future, we played the next normal!
by the rules of the Matrix, we evolved
with technology, the proverbial “box” You are living in an ever-changing set
we were taught to think outside of does of next normals, you are changing this
not exist, it is discarded. We must not be Matrix and defining the future from
confined in our ways of thinking and where you are. You play an important
break through boundaries. part in defining the next normal.

We are 21st century business analysts, Byron Fortuin is a lead architect

we need to plan differently, monitor designing fintech and digital

architecture, lead business analyst and The Matrix (1999), directed by Lana
senior lecturer in business analysis. You Wachowski & Lilly Wachowski [film],
can reach him at on LinkedIn. Warner Bros

References Sneader, K & Singhal, S (2020), Beyond

coronavirus: The path to the next
IIBA (2015), A Guide to the Business normal, McKinsey & Company [Online]
Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK® available at:
Guide) v3, IIBA, Toronto

Requirements Workshop
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This practical and hands-on one day course is for anyone

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particularly relevant when handling NFRs
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apply these when documenting them
● And much more…

25 October
Find out more
2022 in collaboration with ITWorks
The Coaching
Business Analyst
Patricia Williams

Have you ever considered the similari- Building rapport can be a little hit and
ties between a life coach and a BA? A miss initially, but once it’s achieved, it
coach and client relationship is all about helps to grease the wheels of a good
building trust, rapport and establishing working relationship. A coach will go to
an effective and positive relationship. great lengths to build rapport with
Open and effective questioning, active their client, they will focus on being
listening and being inquisitive, reading empathetic, authentic, harmonious, and
between the lines. Offering no judge- interested in what is being said, they will
ment and not putting words in people’s seek to understand rather than being
mouths. Flexing your style and approach understood.
to suit the needs of the client. Does this
sound familiar to you, my fellow BAs? Like a coach the BA must build valuable
relationships with stakeholders in order

to get what they need from them and problem and fully absorb what is
similarly must employ, as a minimum, being conveyed.
good questioning and listening skills.
This includes: This is a BA’s bread and butter; it is
what gets the inquisitive juices flowing
Effective questioning to kick start the investigative fact finding
and analysis.
● Asking a good open question that
provides space for your stakeholder Structuring a Conversation
to answer fully, for example: “Under
what circumstances does the error Many coaches use a tried and tested
occur with the sales report?” method of conducting coaching sessions.
It’s called the TGROW method—it is
● Using a Summary Question: –the used to guide a client who didn’t know
ability to ask the question to confirm where to start. TGROW stands for:
what you have understood. For
example: “Just let me check my T - Topic - What you want to discuss
understanding, I picked up that the
error occurs when there is a negative G - Goal - What you want to achieve in
balance of greater than £100 in the the session and how it aligns to the topic
report, is this correct?”
R - Reality – Where are you now, what
● Selectively Deploying Closed Ques- is currently happening?
tions: usually we are asked to steer
away from closed questions, but O - Options – What options do you
they can add value if used under the currently have, who can help you?
right circumstances. For example:
“so the error only occurs when there W - Way forward – What are the actions,
is a negative balance?” what can you commit to and when?

Active Listening Although the origins of TGROW is

steeped in coaching, I think it can
● Effective questioning works well be successfully adapted to suit a BA/
if it is accompanied by active Stakeholder interaction. It could provide
listening. The BA needs to read a model for a conversation and allow the
between the lines, take in more than BA to get the most out of an interview
what is being said, consider how it with any stakeholder ensuring that it is
is being said and what is not being a valuable and enriching conversation,
said, look out for incongruencies. where a clear goal of the meeting is
This will create space for the BA to explored. I am sure that BAs achieve this
ask those deep enquiring questions unconsciously in a lot of cases but
to ensure they are getting a good making it more explicit would reap
understanding of the situation or benefits.

So, imagine taking this method and blockers are you experiencing? (Options
applying it to a structured conversation discussed)
with a stakeholder. Consider the
following scenario: In terms of next steps, can you send me
the data discussed earlier, attend the
A BA wants to speak to the head of sales workshop planned for next week, and I
reporting to understand a problem with will reach out to systems to understand
negative balances as part of a project to more about the bank end system as you
replace a Management Information (MI) suggested. (Way forward – next steps)”
reporting tool
Of course, there are other coaching
BA: “Thank you for your time today, I skills that BAs use consciously or
would like to discuss the sales report unconsciously to create and improve
(Topic has been established) and in relationships with others. After all
particular leave here with an under- stakeholders are people first and
standing of the problems with the nega- sometimes wearing that coaching hat can
tive balance report (Goal established). help to establish those all important
relationships more smoothly.
So can you tell me what problem you are
currently experiencing? How often does Patricia Williams develops and coaches
it occur, how does it affect your ability business analysts to be professional and
to do your role, when does it happen, empowered. She is a lead business
what are the issues in relation to the topic analyst at Close Brothers and you
and the goal etc.? (Reality explored) can contact her on LinkedIn at
What workarounds do you currently 66abb7
have, what else have you tried? What

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A Lesson from Top of the Pops:
Knowing Your Real
Stakeholders’ Needs
Adrian Reed

Over the past few months, I’ve been One of the things that looks really odd,
watching old 1990s episodes of Top of in retrospect, is how the crowd reacts to
The Pops (ToTP). For anyone who isn’t the music. Generally speaking, they
UK based, or doesn’t remember ToTP, pretty much clap along in a weirdly
it was a weekly show which featured coordinated, almost robotic, way. It’s
music artists and bands from the charts. really odd seeing people clap and sway
Being on ToTP was seen as a huge along to early 90s indie music in a way
indication of success, and at the time it that, well, nobody ever would at a gig.
was one of the few places to see chart If you go and watch an episode from 91
music on TV. For anyone that liked pop or 92 on YouTube, you’ll see what I
music, it was required viewing. mean.

Having watched a documentary about themselves into some smoke-filled bar
the making of Top of The Pops, I gather in some rainy corner of Portsmouth to
that in the early 90s the crowd were listen to the next ‘up and coming band’
pretty much told how to behave. Not on a Friday night.
only this, some bands and artists that
weren’t seen as ‘visual’ enough would This got me thinking about business
be provided with backing dancers who analysis and where definition and design
would dance along with them. Watch decisions happen. Too often it seems to
these in retrospect and you can see how happen in comfortable conference
much the different styles of dancing jars rooms, miles away from where the
with the music. It must have been a service will actually be delivered or the
thoroughly bizarre experience to be in solution will actually be used. Phrases
the audience, and in retrospect it’s quite like “oh, that workaround is fine,
a bizarre thing to watch! it’ll only add an extra 60 seconds to
the process” might sound completely
Building For “Them” Not innocuous when a group is scoffing
down donuts trying to wrap-up a
For “Us” meeting before the rush hour traffic. The
front-line staff left to deal with a queue
The decision to encourage people to clap
of angry customers because the solution
and to employ generic dancers could
delivered is so slow might take a very
be described as ‘design decisions’.
different view.
Ultimately, an executive producer (or
someone) is presumably responsible A key point here is that it’s easy to fall
for designing the programming and into the trap of defining and designing
ensuring the output meets its stakeholder what “we” want and what “we”
needs. Those stakeholders would include find acceptable rather than finding a
the viewers, the live audience and many balance of our stakeholders’ needs and
others (including the needs of the person perspectives. Now, this is a provocative
commissioning the show). statement, and of course it is never quite
that binary. Yet, the fact remains that
When it comes to viewers and audience
it’s very easy to specify features that
members, one possibility here is that at
the people in the comfortable, air-
least some of the ToTP executives
conditioned, coffee-filled conference
had very little insight into how
room “reckon” would be a good idea,
people actually reacted when they
rather than actually understanding the
watched live music, or what people
needs of those that will use or will be
wanted to see when they watch the show,
impacted by them.
and instead were focusing on ‘doing
what they’d always done’. Perhaps the
senior people making the design Engage And Engage Widely
decisions weren’t typical consumers of
We are probably all familiar with a
Blur, Oasis, Aqua or any of the other 90s
range of stakeholder identification and
bands. They probably weren’t packing

engagement techniques. Yet, hand on puzzle’, we’ll collaboratively see
heart, how many actually get used? In enough of the picture to make a real
the rush of project initiation, where some difference and avoid unintended
enthusiastic and bombastic manager is consequences.
rushing straight for an assumed solution
(without doing any analysis), it’s easy This conscious and determined effort to
to get caught in the slipstream. Yet engage and understand stakeholders
it’s crucial for everyone—for our shouldn’t be seen as a luxury or
organisations, for its stakeholders, and something to be played down or
even for the over-excited manager—that cut. Change is inherently a human
we don’t. endeavour, if you’re doing it without the
humans then it’s very likely to fail!
Scouring the stakeholder landscape early Remaining curious, having empathy,
and revisiting it regularly is crucial. This and seeking to understand perspectives
should start pre-project. How on earth will lead to a better set of outcomes.
can a project or product be defined if Surely that’s better than rushing towards
there is no input from key stake- a solution that nobody uses and
holders? Yet it happens! This doesn’t everybody hates?
mean all stakeholders need to be
consulted on everything, of course, but Adrian Reed is Principal Consultant at
it is important to identify who will be Blackmetric. He speaks internationally
relevant and approximately when they on topics relating to business analysis
will be engaged. Ultimately, change is a and business change. Adrian wrote
lot like a jigsaw puzzle. Everyone holds the 2016 book ‘Be a Great Problem
a piece, but nobody can see the whole Solver… Now’ and the 2018 book
picture. Hopefully if we gain enough ‘Business Analyst’. Connect with Adrian
perspectives and enough ‘pieces of the on LinkedIn. Check out Adrian’s blog.

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5 Tips to Help Make the
Transition from a BA to
a Scrum Master

Marcus Udokang
Some BAs aspire to be scrum masters. business problems, recommending
If you are making this transition, this solutions, writing specifications, and
article looks at the different roles and mapping processes, and much else
outlines some tips that will make things besides. A scrum master focuses more
less daunting. on processes and approaches. But at the
core, both roles are agents of change,
A scrum master places greater focus on and of course there are transferable skills
leadership and less on analysis, and that are common between the roles.
therefore may appeal to a senior BA, or
BAs interested in moving into leadership. Here are 5 tips that can help a BA in
transitioning to a scrum master role. If
BAs may be more familiar with you are an experienced BA, you may
requirements, co-creating value, solving well be doing these things already.

Doing them more consciously, and Build Your Team Through
building upon them, can mean that
you’re well-positioned to make the Valuable Relationships
sideways step to become a scrum master.
How do you build relationships with
customers, stakeholders, and product
Ask Open-Ended Questions managers? Have the right amount of
detail to get the job done. Facilitate a
Open-ended questions inspire intro-
shared understanding. Understand what
spection. Posing these types of questions
your team needs. For example, make
to your team and stakeholders elicit
sure you can deliver and test that one
creative insights and initiate a
user story.
commitment, curiosity, and a challenge.
For example a scrum master might ask: Convey priorities to your team.
What are the roadblocks and why Highlight recent accomplishments.
do they exist? What can we do to Don’t promise things you can’t deliver.
improve the outcomes or the customer Share priorities with other teams,
experience? What is the goal we are customers, and stakeholders. Regularly
trying to achieve? How do we define and demonstrate progress. Be transparent
measure value? You will notice a and be a leader who is recognised as a
definite overlap here with the types of creative problem solver, who can
questions that you already ask as a BA! explain different points of view. Clearly
define expectations and responsibilities.
Have a Growth Mindset
To be an agent of change, it is important
Communication is Key
to be vulnerable and open about your It’s all about communication,
failures. This involves gaining the individuals and actions over processes
support of your team to help find a and tools. Deliver early and often.
solution to the problem you are trying to
solve. It’s crucial that you are open to The team, developers, stakeholders, and
change and actively establish a safe and anyone in the loop should attend the
positive learning space. relevant agile ceremonies. These
meetings provide a frequent feedback
Work with your team to cultivate loop of steady delivery to end users, and
feedback and cooperation. Allow your other stakeholders, with constant
team to watch you grow. Have your team communication with all the actors
hold you accountable to your goals. This involved. Consider any risks, whether
will benefit them while also helping you business, technical, cost or schedule
to develop a growth strategy and related.
providing alternate solutions to
problems. Learning objectives should be Lead through influence, earn respect of
tied to team goals. the team, build credibility and build

consensus. You need legitimacy and role. They will also encourage project
authority to get the work done. buy-in, develop team growth, and help
you accomplish project goals.
Marcus Udokang is a Business Analyst,
Many people learn best through hearing Project Manager, Writer, and Presenter.
and relating to stories. Allow your team He is also host of the Podcast and
to understand how scrum methods and YouTube channel The Inquisitive
agile values can provide different ways Analyst, which focuses on the triumphs
of solving a problem. Explain using and challenges of BAs and PMs.
stories how change can transform and
benefit the way they work and LinkedIn:
accomplish goals. These stories are more
effective than reciting the Agile
Manifesto or Scrum Guide verbatim.
The team needs to easily understand
what the approach is, and why it is being
used. Podcast:
These 5 tips will help you if you
transition from a BA to a Scrum Master

Job Vacancies
High Quality BA Jobs For High Quality BA Candidates
The 'Job Vacancies' section is a feature within BA Digest. The employers
advertising jobs in this section have agreed to:

● Identify the hiring company and location

● Specify the salary or salary range
● Make it clear if the recruitment process involves more than one
● Give feedback to anyone who gets to interview stage and not "ghost"
any candidate
If you have a BA job to advertise, and can agree to the terms above,
contact us HERE to find out how to advertise in the next edition.

Job Description:
● End to end project lifecycle –
interact with different
stakeholder groups developing
products or process
Company: improvement using the BA
Capita toolkit and service pack

Role & Salary: ● Up for challenging work across a

Business Analyst large portfolio of work
Up to £45,000
● Want to learn about pensions
Location: digitalisation that improves
Work From Home (with some millions of lives across the UK
office travel depending on
project assigned to) ● Team has tripled in size (c.30)
over 2 years
Employer pension contributions ● Recruitment process may involve
Private healthcare 2 interviews
23 days annual leave (increases to
25 days after 2 years’ service) Email

For BA related Videos,
Interviews & Webinars subscribe
to Blackmetric on YouTube.

Search ‘Blackmetric’ on YouTube

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Thanks to all the authors who kindly allowed us to use their content.
Helen Holder
Kent McDonald
Emily Tom
Thando Jacobs
Sue Cornish
René Lamens
Jenn Bedell
Ian Richards & Filip Hendrickx
Tracy Mudzviti
Pip Hall
Nick de Voil
Byron Fortuin
Patricia Williams
Adrian Reed
Marcus Udokang

Layout & Design

Matt Smart

Licensed Artwork & Photography

Image Credit: © Julien Eichinger— #171655696
Image Credit: © kucherav— #105306958
Image Credit: © Julien Eichinger— #65946682
Image Credit: © Julien Eichinger— #155813634
Image Credit: © splitov27— #268749015

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one way is via
But whatever you do… do.

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