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Reg No. Max. Marks: 100 u 12 a) Dy a) b) a) ») a) » a) b) a) ») A1801 APJ ABDUL KALAM TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY FIRST SEMESTER B.TECH DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL 2018 Course Code: MA101 ‘Course Name: CALCULUS PART A Answer all questions, each carries S marks. Determine whether the series D9 converges. If'so, find the sum Examine the convergence of D( ae Find the slope of the surface z = x e~ + Sy in the y direction atthe point (4, 0) Show the function f(x,y) = e%sin y + e¥cos x satisfies the Laplace's equation Tax + fyy = 0 Find the directional derivative of f (x,y,2) = x8z~ yx? + 2at P(2,-1, 1) in the direction of 3 7- J +2k Find the unit tangent vector and unit normal veetor tothe curve r(0) = 4costi +4sintj + tkatt Using double integration, evaluate the area enclosed by the lines ves "ab x=0, y= a If F (x,y,z) = x21 —3/ + yz?k find div F Find the work done by the force field F = xyii + yzj +.2x k ona particle that moves along the curveC: x = ty 4z2st)0ses1 Use Green’s theorem to evaluate [(xdy~ydx) , where c is the citcle x? + y’ 2 *)dedy de 22 a IFS is any closed surface enclosing a volume V and F = xi + 2yj + 3 2k show that [{[F.nds = 6v PART B Module I Answer any two questions, each carries 5 marks. Determine whether the altemating series Zfy(-1)*""-* is absolutely convergent Find the Taylor series expansion of f (x) = => about x= 1 Find the interval of convergence and radius of convergence of Sifay(—1)8*# S22 Module IL Answer any two questions, each carries § marks. Find the local linear approximation L. to the functionf (x,y,2) = xyz at the point? (1,2,3) Also compare the error in approximating fby L atthe point Q (1.001, 2,002, 3.003) with the distance PQ. Locate al ive nrema and sade points off (2.9) = Bay — Ifu = f &,2,2prove that 2 tye =0 Page 1of 2 Duration: 3 Hours @) @) @) @) @ Q @) @ 3) ©) 3) () © ©) ©) 3 19 20 au 2B 24 28 26 2 28 A1801 Pages: 2 Module 111 Answer any two questions, each carries § marks. Write the parametric equations of the tangent line to the graph of r(¢) = Inti + en'y + ttkate= 2 ‘A. particle moves along the curve r =(t?— 4t)é + (0? +4t)/ +, (80? ~ 3¢3 )k where t denotes time. Find 2 (the scalar tangential and normal components of acceleration at time t= 2 (i) the vector tangential and normal components of acceleration at time t = 2 Find the equation to the tangent plane and parametric equations of the normal line to the ellipsoidx? + y? +42? = 12atthe point (2, 2, 1) ‘Module IV Answer any two questions, each carries 5 marks. Reverse the order of integration and evaluate | { —-=—sdvdx ort +¥ If R is the region bounded by the parabolas y = x?and y? = x in the first quadrant, evaluate ff. (x + y)da Use triple integral to find the volume of the solid bounded by the surfacey andthe planes y +z = 4,2 = 0. Module V Answer any three questions, each carries 5 marks. Ifr = xi + yj + zkandr = |[r|l, show that Tlogr = Examine whether F = (x?- yz)i + (9? —2x)j + (22 = xy)kis a conservative field. If so, find the potential function Show that7?f (r) = 222 + f° (r), wherer = xit yj t2k, r =lIrll Compute the line integral [(y?dx ~x*dy) along the triangle whose vertices are (1,0), (0,1)and (-1, 0) Show that the line integral [(ysin xdx—cos xdy) is independent of the path and from (0, 1) and (x, - 1) Module VI Answer any three questions, each carries § marks. Using Green's theorem, find the work done by the force field f(x,y) = (eX + (cosy + x37 ona particle that travels once around the unit circle x? +y? = 1 in the counter clockwise direction. hence evaluat Using Green’s theorem evaluate [(xy'+")de-+x°dy, where cis the boundary of the area common to the curve y = x2and y = x Evaluate the surface integral f{xzds ,where S is the part of the plane x + y +. = 1 that lies in the first octant ‘Using divergence tieorem, evaluate [[ F.nds where F = (x2 +y)i + 22j + (07 — 2) kand S is the surface of the rectangular solid bounded by the co ordinate planes and the planes x= 3, y= 1,2= 3 Apply Stoke's theorem to evaate. | 'dr, whereF = (x2 —y®)t + 2eyfand cis the rectangle in the xy plane bounded by the lines x = 0,y = 0,x = aandy=b Page 2 of 2 ‘) 6) @) () ) (5) «) ©) (6) (5) (3) 5) (3 (5) (3)

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