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See See ZN CALENDAR SHEET - 01 Introduction Calendar Name — Gragorian calendar Established by ~ Pope Gragory XIII in 1582 Years Normal Year Leap Year carer af) (at ay + 365 Days % 366 Days % Feb 28 Days %& Feb 29 Days + 52 Weeks + I Days 52 Weeks +2 Days Normal Year/Leap Year(arara af /efty_ af) To Check any year as leap year or normal year, the last 2 digits arte divided by 4, if the 2 digits completely divisible by 4 then leap year other wise normal year. (fet # at aT oft ato ary af d wa a oie & fare, sifs 2 stot wr a @ fernfre fear oar @, afe 2 ae 4 4 oes fea & ct ca at aren ra af) To chek any century years as leap year or normal year a division of 400 is given to the year if it is completely divisible by 400 then leap year otherwise normal year. ad at chy af ar ara af dé wy Foor & fery erred] af wr ao0 ar arr fear orate cafe ae 400 FW a8 Re & fag z at ots af serena a) Some Example of normal Year/ Leap Year (i) 1870 Normal (ii), 1948 Normal O Leap & Leap (iii) 2056 Normal (iv) 1990 Ef Normal Leap O Leap (v) 2022 EY Normal (vi) 1976 Q.Normal D Leap & Leap (vii) 2142 Of Normal (viii) 2142 of Normal C Leap O Leap (ix) 1866 & Normal (x) 1996 Normal Oi Leap Leap (xi) 1600 Normal (xii) 1700 & Normal Leap O Leap (xiii) 1800 &f Normal (xiv) 1900 &f Normal C Leap Ci Leap (xv) 2000 Q.Normal (xvi) 2100 &f Normal Leap Ci Leap (xvii) 2200 Bf Normal (xviii) 2300 Normal O Leap O Leap for Subscription Use Code Que -01 Que ~ 02 Que ~ 03 Que — 04 for ee ES) CALENDAR SHEET - 01 Which of the following option is not a leap Year? Has a af che af adh a ) 1800 (b) 2000 (c) 1600 (d) 1200 Rem =200 | Remo | SXRem-0 | S2Rem-0 So. 1800isa 2000 is a 1600 is a 1200 is a Normal Year Leap Year Leap Year Leap Year Concept :- In the case of a century year, the century is divided by 400, if the year is completely divisible, then it is a leap year, otherwise is a normal year. 1800 is not completely divisible by 400. so it will be a normal year. Century Year @ Case 4 Century #1 400 8 arr fear aie 8 afe aT yI-yRT GR at Leap Year Wet a Normal year 1800 4 400 T ART WIN-WRT Ael TTA safe ae wars af er Which of the following option is not a leap year? oar cha af ae 8? 5 2100 (b) 2004 (c) 2000 (d) 1996 Be rem—100 | A*Rem—0 | SE Rem-0 | @2Rem—o Normal Year Leap Year Leap Year Leap Year Concept :- In the case of Century Year, the division of 400 is given, in the other year, the division of 4 is given. If the year is completely divisible, then it will be a leap year otherwise will be a normal year. In 2100, the division of 400 is not completely divisible, so it will be a normal year. Century Year ® Case # 400 @1 art far sat & aa a FH 4 or aT far Ga 21 afe arr REG oe at city af sraen rary af err] 2100 4 400 wT APT RH wel eT Safed ge WAT af er Which of the following option is not a leap year ? fapedt 4 8 Gaara af vet e ? ) 2006 (b) 2048 (c) 1892 (d) 1768 Concept :- 2006 is not completely divided by 4. so it will be a normal year, whereas 2048, 1892, 1768 all years are completely divisible by 4, so they will be leap year. 2006 ¥ 4 OT RIAA APT AST ore Safes ae Wa af err crate 2048, 1892, 1768 War 4 OT RAT AMT eT & safes ae cts at err Deepak was born on 29th febuary 1896. In which year he will celebrate his first birth day? Que 29 wea, 1806 et dar yan eT] ae aT oafer oa SRT? (a) 1897 (b) 1899 (c) 1900 ) 1904 Subscription Use Code ee ES) CALENDAR SHEET - 01 Que ~ 05 Que - 06 Que - 07 for Concept :- The year 1896 is a leap year. Deepak was born on February 29, the last date of February of this year. February 29 comes only in leap year, so we have to look at the next leap year. After 1896, the next Leap Year will be in 1904, between this there will be no Leap Year because in 1900, is not completely divided by 400, ai 1896 va ca at & swat at oat are a sifers fetta 29 weak wr crow Ol UH BMT! 29 Head Hac cg at H St onc & guferd g Next Leap Year ‘Bl CET EMT! 1896 & az Next Leap Year 1904 # em gad ata 1900 cfg at set err aa 1900 4 400 @T BRIAR APT AY GATT | In a men’s birthday was at the last day of feb. 1964 then how many birthday he will celebrate till on march 2012 ? wafact or oH 1964 S wat we & sifos fer gar ct arf 2012 7H ae feet ae ora fer aaa ? (a) 10 (b) 11 (c) 14 O12 Concept: - The last day of feb 1964 will be February 29 because 1964 is a leap year, Leap year will be 12 till March 2012 which is as follows ~ feb 1964 or sift fet 29 weal MIT FA 1964 YH Leap Year eal @! March 2012 7& Leap Year 12 Tt vit FT WER @ — 1968, 1972, 1976, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012. Easy Method :- 2012 — 1964 = 2 Years = 12 times (Divisible of 4 has been given in this question because Leap Year comes after four years./@8 ¥e4 4 4 aT AFT watery fear wat & ef Leap Year UR Tf ae sini Z 1) Sumit born on 29 feb of 1988, then how many birthday the celebrated till on 28 feb 2006. afia ot oT 29 weed}, 1988 I ga en, sal fe Te 28 weal, 2006 TH foot a aman ort fea are? (a3 (b)5 ¥e4 (6 Concept: = First birthday — 29 feb 1992 Second birthday — 29 feb 1996 Third birthday > 29 feb 2000 Fourth birthday — 29 feb 2004 In 400 consecutive years, how many times 29" feb appears? 400 marred ast # fart are 29 angft ? (a) 100 (b) 400 7 (d) 397 Concept: - 29 feb is only in leap year and leap year generally repeated after 4 year but leap year not repeated after every 4 year. Subscription Use Code See See ZN bea YY So | Que - 08 Concept :- for 29 feb Hac Leap af 4 etd @ oie cha af area. 4 af G qe oa 7) WEG wee 4 af are ofa ad et eta For Example 1601 to 2000 erenk 400 at 1700, 1800, 1900 city af =éT HO = 100times-3=97 times Be ge wre 3 aH eT RTT Year Normal Year _| Leap Year 001 to 100 76 24 101 to 200 16 m4 201 to 300 76 24 301 to 400 75 25 401 to 500 76 24 501 to 600 76 24 601 to 700 76 24 701 to 800 75 25 801 to 900 76 24 901 to 1000 76 24 1001 to 1100 76 24 1101 to 1200 15 25 1201 to 1300 76 24 1301 to 1400 16 24 1401 to 1500 76, 24 1501 to 1600 75 25, 1601 to 1700 76 24 1701 to 1800 76 24 1801 to 1900 76 24 1901 to 2000 75 25 In 100 consecutive years, how many times 29" Feb appears? 100 mara aat H fect ae 29 weatt amet ? (a) 25 (b) 97 (c)24 (4) 24/25 In this question, Leap Year has been asked in 100 consecutive years but what will be these 100 years has not been told. The centuary year in these 100 years may or may not be a leap year, so the leap year will come 24 or 25 times. 3a eT H GAR 100 ast H Leap Year Yor TAT @ Wy Be 100 at Gre ett Sw ay 4 set garer war | SF 100 asf 4 ary aren sretteét af Leap Year eT *ff wo & sie ae ah, ga fery ofa af 24 aT 25 aR MET Year Normal Year_| Leap Year 1801 to 1900 76 1 1901 to 2000 (hl 25 Subscription Use Code ee ES) CALENDAR SHEET - 01 Que—09 In 200 consecutive years, how many times 29" Feb appears? 200 marta awl % fort ae 29 weet sneef ? (a) 48 (b) 49 (c)50 4) 48/49 Concept :- In this question, Leap Year has been asked in 200 consecutive years but what will be these 200 years has not been told. The centuary year in these 200 years may or may not be a leap year, so the leap year will come 48 or 49 times. Se get A cera 200 ef 4 Leap Year Yor war & Wy as 200 af wre ert 3H a 4 ef gaa WaT! FF 200 aa F oy ate eetedt TY Leap Year et +f weal & ok ae ah, ge fore cfg at 48 aT 49 aR TET Year ‘Normal Year_| Leap Year 1601 to 1700 16 24 4601 @ 1800 4 — 48 1701 to 1800 76 24 1701 8 1900 #4 — 48 1801 to 1900 16 24 1901 ¥ 2000 4 — 49 1901 to 2000 15 25, Que-10 In 300 consecutive years, how many times 29" Feb appears? 300 APTA aul F fcr ae 29 weak aneft 2 (a) 72 (b) 73 m4 472/73 Concept :- In this question, Leap Year has been asked in 300 consecutive years but what will be these 300 years has not been told, The centuary year in these 300 years may or may not be a leap year, so the leap year will come 72 or 73 times. sa ye ¥ TAR 300 ast H Leap Year yor TT Wg ye 300 af GW ert Be ay F vet Tea Tar! S4 300 Gat F at are eavedt TY Leap Year eT +t wo! @ sik aa oh, se fore cha ay 72 at 73 aR SET Year Normal Year_| Leap Year 1601 to 1700 76 24 1601 8 1900 4 — 72 1701 to 1800 16 4 4701 @ 2000 # — 73 1801 to 1900 16 24 1901 to 2000 75 25 Que—11 In 400 consecutive years, how many months have 29" day. 400 warra ast # foot ae wer wr 2oat fe sa 21 6) 4497 (b) 4800 (c) 4400 () Noneraitg =F Concept :- There are 12 months in a year and 29th is in every month except February. Therefore, 29th is sure to come at least 11 times in a year. And it is sure to come at least 4400 times in 400 consecutive years. We know that 29th February also comes 97 times in 400 consecutive years. So in 400 consecutive years 29th will come 4497 times. we SF 12 Fes cia 2 ate 20 TE wea & sree we AE F eh 71 watery we af i a S HF 11 TR 29 aN ar srt Peat 21 six 400 CATTATR aot ¥ a 8 wa 4400 aR oT PaaS) eT TFT ze fe era 400 at H 29 oratt a o7 aK sit & | sefere cera 400 aut for Subscription Use Code Que ~ 12 Concept == Que ~ 13 Concept = Que = 14 Concept = for Year Normal Year| Leap Year 1601 to 1700 76 m4 1701 to 1800 76 24 1801 to 1900 76 24 1901 10 2000 18 25 In 100 consecutive years, How many months have 29" day ? 100 ward aat H fect ae wey wr 2oai fA ana f ? (a) 1100 (by) 1124.) 1125.4) 1124. T1125 There are 12 months in a year and 29th is in every month except February. Therefore, 29th is sure to come at least 11 times in a year. And it is sure to come at least 1100 times in 100 consecutive years. We know that 29th February also comes 24 or 25 times in 100 consecutive years. So in 100 consecutive years 29th will come 1124 or 1125 times. we af 4 12 Fer dia @ oi 29 athe Heat S oer vel He A ert 21 gafery wa at Ha S HH 11 aR 29 ae wT sir Psa B1 GAR 100 cA af % ma S HH 1100 ae at fafeaa @1 et UIA z fo wTAR 100 af H 29 re 24 a 25 aT are 81 AR NGG a 20 er 1124 a 1125 aR \ How many odd days in 100 consecutive years ? 100 ATTA Tet y fares fea fart eh? (a4 (b) 5 (0) 6 i) 5/6 We know in a normal year there is | odd day and in a leap year there are 2 odd days. In this question, odd days has been asked in 100 consecutive years but what will be these 100 years has not been told. The centuary year in these 100 years may or may not be a leap year, so the odd days will come 5 or 6. BH Ura @ fe we ware af H uw fare fer grate) oie ye cia at FH 2 farr fea dla 31 ga oer 4 cea 100 oat 4 fase fet yw aye Wg aE 100 at ord ett ge ae 4 ae sera war] g4 100 ast H sry Gre Beet aT Leap Year 81h waar & ak Ter A, ge fery fasn fea 5 are err) Year Normal Year | Leap Year 1801 to 1900 76 24 1901 to 2000 18 25 How many odd days in 200 consecutive years ? 200 HAPTE ast H fara fea fry (a)3 (b)4 os 43/4 We know in a normal year there is 1 odd day and in a leap year there are 2 odd days, In this question, odd days has been asked in 200 consecutive years but what will be these 200 years has not been told. The centuary year in these 200 years may or may not be a leap year, so the odd days will come 3 or 4 Que ~ 15 Concept = Que ~ 16 Concept = Que ~ See See ZN CALENDAR SHEET - 01 wr a @ fe ve wre at 4 ye fae fea era 21 aie Uw city at 4 2 farr fea ela 31 ga eq 4 cara 200 auf 4 faa faq ys aye Wey ae 200 a ore’ ett ga ae A vel aca war! g4 200 ast F aM ae eevedt aT Leap Year et ft waar & afk wet A, ge fery fase fea 3 ar 4 EFT) Year Normal Year| Leap Year 1601 to 1700 76 24 1701 to 1800 16 m4 1801 to 1900 16 24 1901 to 2000 75, 25 How many odd days in 300 consecutive years ? 300 APT er? (a)1 (b)2 ()3 ¥H 12 We know in a normal year there is | odd day and in a leap year there are 2 odd days. In this question, odd days has been asked in 300 consecutive years but what will be these 300 years has not been told. The centuary year in these 300 years may or may not be a leap year, so the odd days will come 1 or 2. wr oma & fe ve wry at 4 ye fase fea stare ake Uw cite at 4 2 farr fea ela 31 ga oe4 4 coma 300 auf 4 fava fea ys ay @ Wey ae 300 af ore ett ga a A vel aca war! g4 300 ast F a aren eeredt aT Leap Year et waar & aie wet A ger ferg fare fe7 1 aT 2 eT] Year Normal Year| Leap Year 1601 to 1700 76 24 1701 to 1800 76 m 1801 to 1900 76 24 1901 to 2000 75, 25 How many odd days in 400 consecutive years ? ware aah H fare fea fr ert? 0 (b)1 ()2 (3 In this question, odd days has been asked in 400 consecutive years. In 400 consecutive years there will be definently 1 leap century year and 3 normal century year. so the odd days will be 0. sw yet 4 coma 400 oat 4 fava fea yer war 21 ema 400 asf F 1 aig wordt af err cen 3 waa wert af ett gafery fava fer o ert) Year Normal Year | Leap Year 1601 to 1700 76 24 1701 to 1800 16 24 1801 to 1900 16 24 1901 to 2000 75 25 If I*' Jan, 1972 was Tuesday then what will be the day on 1" Jan, 1973. oA 1 Tae, 1972 | Aca F at 1 TATE, tee sa fea etn? Subscription Use Code rg See See ZN CALENDAR SHEET - 01 (c) Tuesday Tera (d) Thursday/ToaR Concept :- Between | January 1972 to | January 1973, the month of February will fall in 1972, which is a leap year, it will also have 29 February. Therefore, the day of January 1, 1973 will be Thursday. 1 watt 1972 H 1 Gta 1973 & dra wRadl wT HEAT 1972 HI se GT YH cig af & seri 20 weet At arf) gafere 1 Grae 1973 oT fer awa er] Que-—18 The Independence Day was celebrated on Wednesday in 1988 then when will be celebrated in 1989? af 1988 4 vaca fea gear ot war var at af 1989 4 ae fee fet AAA uret ? (a) Monday/#7ae (b) Tuesday TIT (c) Friday/gprar ) Thursday/paR Concept :- Between 15 August 1988 to 15 August 1989, the month of February will fall in 1989, which is a normal year, it will have only 28 February. Therefore, the day of August 15, 1989 will be Thursday. 15 SAT 1988 F 15 srTeT 1989S leq ak GT HEMT 1989 eT GET GT YH ware af ¢ gaa das 28 weak eri) galery 15 apr 1989 GT feT WwaR erm! Que-19 If first day of any year (not leap year) is Friday then the last day of that year will be? cafe fot af Gi cha af a al) or veer fa gear a a ve ad or aia om ur em? ) Friday/3par (b) Sunday/

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