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Medrano, Jan Raven F.

Do you agree that having Low IQ can give can be a factor in committing criminality?Justify you answer.

Yes, I believed that low IQ can be a factor in committing crime because from the word itself low
intelligence it means that someone have not enough knowledge on something that makes them
innocent in a particular situation . But for me it can`t be cause a wild ranges crime such as murder, rape,
etc. instead they`re only commit small crimes such as prostitution, public intoxication, vandalism and
reckless driving. Lastly, having low IQ doesn’t mean that you cannot decide and choose what is right and

Activity 2
Identify atleast five characteristic of a chil having ADHD. Write you answer inside the bubble

Not always paying

uncontrolled Difficulty on
getting lessons.

Forgetting where they

Keeping away the tasks that bring their things such as
needed to pay attention. pen, crayons etc.

In Relation to Differential Association Theory , kindly discuss the maxim, Tell me who your friends, and I will tell
you who you are.

Tell me who you your friends and I will tell you who you are in relation to Differential Association Theory simply
tell to us that our characteristic , attitude and behavior starts at our environment where we in. It also tells that
you can`t say you`re good when you are on the circle of friends who always do bad things like committing
crimes. Lastly, it shows way of living can be a factor to individuals in commiting crimes because it is reflection of

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