Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

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Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API https://docs.graphhopper.


GraphHopper Directions API (1.0.0)

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With the GraphHopper Directions API you can integrate A-to-B route planning, turn-by-turn navigation,
route optimization, isochrone calculations and other tools in your application.

The GraphHopper Directions API consists of the following RESTful web services:

• Routing API,
• Route Optimization API,
• Isochrone API,
• Map Matching API,
• Matrix API,
• Geocoding API and
• Cluster API.

Explore our APIs

Get started

1. Sign up for GraphHopper

2. Create an API key

Each API part has its own documentation. Jump to the desired API part and learn about the API
through the given examples and tutorials.

In addition, for each API there are specific sample requests that you can send via Insomnia or Postman
to see what the requests and responses look like.

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To explore our APIs with Postman, follow these steps:

1. Import our request collections as well as our environment file.

2. Specify your API key in your environment: "api_key": your API key
3. Start exploring

API Client Libraries

To speed up development and make coding easier, we offer the following client libraries:

• JavaScript client - try the live examples

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• Others like C#, Ruby, PHP, Python, ... automatically created for the Route Optimization API

Bandwidth reduction

If you create your own client, make sure it supports http/2 and gzipped responses for best speed.

If you use the Matrix, the Route Optimization API or the Cluster API and want to solve large problems,
we recommend you to reduce bandwidth by compressing your POST request and specifying the
header as follows: Content-Encoding: gzip . This will also avoid the HTTP 413 error "Request
Entity Too Large".

Contact Us

If you have problems or questions, please read the following information:

• Public forum
• Contact us
• GraphHopper Status Page

To stay informed about the latest developments, you can

• follow us on twitter,
• read our blog,
• sign up for our newsletter or
• our forum.

Select the channel you like the most.

Map Data and Routing Profiles

Currently, our main data source is OpenStreetMap. We also integrated other network data providers.
This chapter gives an overview about the options you have.


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Geographical Coverage

OpenStreetMap covers the whole world. If you want to see for yourself if we can provide data suitable
for your region, please visit GraphHopper Maps. You can edit and modify OpenStreetMap data if you
find that important information is missing, e.g. a weight limit for a bridge. Here is a beginner's guide that
shows how to add data. If you have edited data, we usually consider your data after 1 week at the

Supported Routing Profiles

The Routing, Matrix and Route Optimization APIs support the following profiles:

Name Description Restrictions Icon

car access, weight=2500kg,

car Car mode car image
width=2m, height=2m

car access including delivery

and private roads. Use only
car_delivery Car mode in case your drivers are car image
allowed to access these

car that heavily penalizes

car_avoid_ferry Car mode car image

car that heavily penalizes

car_avoid_motorway Car mode car image

car that heavily penalizes

car_avoid_toll Car mode car image

Small truck like a height=2.7m,

Mercedes Sprinter, width=2+0.34m, small truck
Ford Transit or Iveco length=5.5m, image
Daily weight=2080+1400 kg

Like small_truck but

including delivery and private
small truck
small_truck_delivery Small truck roads. Use only in case your
drivers are allowed to access
these roads.

Truck like a MAN or height=3.7m,

truck truck image
Mercedes-Benz width=2.6+0.34m,

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Name Description Restrictions Icon

Actros weight=13000+13000 kg,
hgv=yes, 3 Axes

Fast inner city, often used for

food delivery, is able to
ignore certain bollards, scooter
scooter Moped mode
maximum speed of roughly image
50km/h. weight=300kg,
width=1m, height=2m

Like scooter but including

delivery and private roads.
scooter_delivery Moped mode Use only in case your drivers
are allowed to access these

Pedestrian or walking
foot without dangerous foot access foot image

Pedestrian or walking
with priority for more
beautiful hiking tours
and potentially a bit
hike foot access hike image
longer than foot .
Walking duration is
influenced by
elevation differences.

Trekking bike
bike bike access Bike image
avoiding hills

mtb Mountainbike bike access

racingbike Bike preferring roads bike access

Please note:

• the free package supports only the routing profiles car , bike or foot
• up to 2 different routing profiles can be used in a single request towards the Route Optimization
API. The number of vehicles is unaffected and depends on your subscription.
• we offer custom routing profiles with different properties, different speed profiles or different access
options. To find out more about custom profiles, please contact us.

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• a sophisticated motorcycle profile is available up on request. It is powered by the Kurviger

Routing API and favors curves and slopes while avoiding cities and highways.


If you want to include traffic, you can purchase the TomTom Add-on. This Add-on only uses TomTom's
road network and historical traffic information. Live traffic is not yet considered. If you are interested to
learn how we consider traffic information, we recommend that you read this article.

Please note the following:

• Currently we only offer this for our Route Optimization API. Contact us if you would like to use it for
the Matrix or Routing API.
• In addition to our terms, you need to accept TomTom's End User License Aggreement.
• We do not use TomTom's web services. We only use their data with our software.

Contact us if you want to buy this TomTom add-on.

Geographical Coverage

We offer

• Europe including Russia

• North, Central and South America
• Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates
• South Africa
• Southeast Asia
• Australia

Supported Vehicle Profiles

Name Description Restrictions Icon

car Car mode car access car image

Small truck like a Mercedes height=2.7m, width=2+0.4m, small

small_truck Sprinter, Ford Transit or length=5.5m, weight=2080+1400 truck
Iveco Daily kg image

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Custom Model

A custom model allows you to modify the default routing behavior of a vehicle profile by specifying a set
of rules in JSON language. There are three JSON properties to change a profile: priority , speed
and distance_influence that are described in great detail in the next sections and you can get a
quick overview in this example-driven blog post.

But first we will give an introductory example for each of these JSON properties. Let's start with
speed :

"speed": [{
"if": "road_class == MOTORWAY",
"limit_to": "90"

As you might have already guessed this limits the speed on motorways to 90km/h. Changing the speed
will of course change the travel time, but at the same time this makes other road classes more likely as
well, so you can use this model to avoid motorways.

You can immediately try this out in the Browser on GraphHopper Maps. GraphHopper Maps offers an
interactive text editor to comfortably enter custom models. You can open it by pressing the "custom"
button. It will check the syntax of your custom model and mark errors in red. You can press Ctrl+Space
or Alt+Enter to retrieve auto-complete suggestions. Pressing Ctrl+Enter will send a routing request for
the custom model you entered. To disable the custom model you click the "custom" button again.

In the second example we show how to avoid certain road classes without changing the travel time:

"priority": [{
"if": "road_class == LIVING_STREET || road_class == RESIDENTIAL || road_class == UNCLAS
"multiply_by": "0.1"

This example avoids certain smaller streets. View it in GraphHopper Maps.

The third example shows how to prefer shortest paths:

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"distance_influence": 200

View this example in GraphHopper Maps.

There is a fourth JSON property areas that allows you to define areas that can then be used in the
if or else_if conditions for speed and priority . Please read more about this and the other
properties below and try some examples in GraphHopper Maps with the help of this blog post.

Customizing speed

When using custom models you do not need to define rules that specify a speed for every road
segment, but rather GraphHopper assumes a default speed. All you need to do is adjust this default
speed to your use-case as you will always use the custom model in conjunction with a routing profile
which is used to determine the default speed.

The custom model is a JSON object and the first property we will learn about here is the speed
property. The speed property's value is a list of conditional statements that modify the default speed.
Every such statement consists of a condition and an operation. The different statements are applied to
the default speed from top to bottom, i.e. statements that come later in the list are applied to the
resulting value of previous operations. Each statement is only executed if the corresponding condition
applies for the current road segment. This will become more clear in the following examples.

Currently the custom model language supports two operators:

• multiply_by multiplies the speed value with a given number

• limit_to limits the speed value to a given number

if statements and the multiply_by operation

Let's start with a simple example using multiply_by :

"speed": [
"if": "road_class == MOTORWAY",
"multiply_by": "0.5"

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This custom model reduces the speed of every road segment for which the road_class attribute is
MOTORWAY to fifty percent of the default speed (the default speed is multiplied by 0.5 ). Again, the
default speed is the speed that GraphHopper would normally use for the profile's vehicle. Note the if
clause which means that the operation ( multiply_by ) is only applied if the condition road_class
== MOTORWAY is fulfilled for the road segment under consideration. The == indicates equality, i.e. the
condition reads "the road_class equals MOTORWAY". If you're a bit familiar with programming note
that the condition (the value of the if key) is just a boolean condition in Java language (other
programming languages like C or JavaScript are very similar in this regard). A more complex condition
could look like this: road_class == PRIMARY || road_class == TERTIARY which uses the or
( || ) operator and literally means "road_class equals PRIMARY or road_class equals TERTIARY".

There can be multiple such 'if statements' in the speed section, and they are evaluated from top to

"speed": [
"if": "road_class == MOTORWAY",
"multiply_by": "0.5"
"if": "road_class == PRIMARY || road_environment == TUNNEL",
"multiply_by": "0.7"

In this example the default speed of road segments with road_class == MOTORWAY will be multiplied
by 0.5 , the default speed of road segments with road_class == PRIMARY will be multiplied by
0.7 and for road segments with both road_class == MOTORWAY and road_environment ==
TUNNEL the default speed will be multiplied first by 0.5 and then by 0.7 . So overall the default
speed will be multiplied by 0.35 . For road segments with road_class == PRIMARY and
road_environment == TUNNEL we only multiply by 0.7 , even though both parts of the second
condition apply. It only matters whether the road segment matches the condition or not.

road_class and road_environment are road attributes of 'enum' type, i.e. their value can only be
one of a fixed set of values, like MOTORWAY for road_class .

Other road attributes like get_off_bike are of boolean type. They can be used as conditions
directly, for example:

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"speed": [
"if": "get_off_bike",
"multiply_by": "0.6"

which means that for road segments with get_off_bike==true the speed factor will be 0.6 .

For attributes with numeric values, like max_width you should not use the == (equality) or != (
inequality) operators, but the numerical comparison operators "bigger" > , "bigger or equals" >= ,
"smaller" < , or "smaller or equals" <= , e.g.:

"speed": [
"if": "max_width < 2.5",
"multiply_by": "0.8"

which means that for all road segments with max_width smaller than 2.5m the speed is multiplied
by 0.8 .

The limit_to operation

Besides the multiply_by operator there is also the limit_to operator. As the name suggests
limit_to limits the current value to the given value. Take this example:

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"speed": [
"if": "road_class == MOTORWAY",
"multiply_by": "0.8"
"if": "surface == GRAVEL",
"limit_to": "60"

This implies that on all road segments with the GRAVEL value for surface the speed will be at most
60km/h , regardless of the default speed and the previous rules. So for a road segment with
road_class == MOTORWAY , surface == GRAVEL and default speed 100 the first statement
reduces the speed from 100 to 80 and the second statement further reduces the speed from 80 to
60 . If the road_class was PRIMARY and the default speed was 50 the first rule would not apply
and the second rule would do nothing, because limiting 50 to 60 still yields 50 .

A common use-case for the limit_to operation is the following pattern:

"speed": [
"if": "true",
"limit_to": "90"

which means that the speed is limited to 90km/h for all road segments regardless of its properties.
The condition " true " is always fulfilled.

else and else_if statements

The else statement allows you to define that some operations should be applied if an road segment
does not match a condition. So this example:

"speed": [
"if": "road_class == MOTORWAY",

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"multiply_by": "0.5"
"else": "",
"limit_to": "50"

means that for all road segments with road_class == MOTORWAY we multiply the default speed by
0.5 and for all others we limit the default speed to 50 (but never both).

In case you want to distinguish more than two cases (road segments that match or match not a
condition) you can use else_if statements which are only evaluated in case the previous if or
else_if statement did not match:

"speed": [
"if": "road_class == MOTORWAY",
"multiply_by": "0.5"
"else_if": "road_environment == TUNNEL",
"limit_to": "70"
"else": "",
"multiply_by": "0.9"

So if the first condition matches ( road_class == MOTORWAY ) the default speed is multiplied by
0.5 , but the other two statements are ignored. Only if the first statement does not match (e.g.
road_class == PRIMARY ) the second statement is even considered and only if it matches
( road_environment == TUNNEL ) the default speed is limited to 70. The last operation
( multiply_by: "0.9" ) is only applied if both previous conditions did not match.

else and else_if statements always require a preceding if or else_if statement. However,
there can be multiple 'blocks' of subsequent if/else_if/else statements in the list of rules for
speed .

else_if is useful for example in case you have multiple multiply_by operations, but you do not
want that the speed gets reduced by all of them. For the following model

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"speed": [
"if": "road_class == MOTORWAY",
"multiply_by": "0.5"
"else_if": "road_environment == TUNNEL",
"multiply_by": "0.8"

only the first factor ( 0.5 ) will be applied even for road segments that fulfill both conditions.

Limit rules to certain areas

You can not only modify the speed of road segments based on properties, like we saw in the previous
examples, but you can also modify the speed of road segments based on their location. To do this you
need to first create and add some areas to the areas section of the custom model. You can then use
the name of these areas in the conditions of your if/else/else_if statements.

In the following example we multiply the speed of all road segments in an area called custom1 with
0.7 and also limit it to 50km/h . Note that each area's name needs to be prefixed with in_ :

"speed": [
"if": "in_custom1",
"multiply_by": "0.7"
"if": "in_custom1",
"limit_to": "50"
"areas": {
"custom1": {
"type": "Feature",
"id": "something",

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"properties": {},
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [

Areas are given in GeoJson format, but currently only the exact format in the above example is
supported, i.e. one object with type Feature , a geometry with type Polygon and optional (but
ignored) id and properties fields. Note that the coordinates array of Polygon is an array of
arrays that each must describe a closed ring, i.e. the first point must be equal to the last. Each point is
given as an array [longitude, latitude], so the coordinates array has three dimensions total.

Using the areas feature you can also block entire areas i.e. by multiplying the speed with 0 , but for
this you should rather use the priority section that we will explain next.

Customizing priority

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Make sure you read the introductory section of this document to learn what the priority factor
means. In short it allows similar modifications as speed , but instead of modifying the road segment
weights and travel times it will only affect the weights. By default, the priority is 1 for every road
segment, so it does not affect the weight. However, changing the priority of a road can yield a relative
weight difference in comparison to other roads.

Customizing the priority works very much like changing the speed , so in case you did not read
the section about speed you should go back there and read it now. The only real difference is that
there is no limit_to operator for priority . As a quick reminder here is an example for priority:

"priority": [
"if": "road_class == MOTORWAY",
"multiply_by": "0.5"
"else_if": "road_class == SECONDARY",
"multiply_by": "0.9"
"if": "road_environment == TUNNEL",
"multiply_by": "0.1"

means that road segments with road_class==MOTORWAY and road_environment==TUNNEL get

priority 0.5*0.1=0.05 and those with road_class==SECONDARY and no TUNNEL, get priority
0.9 and so on.

Edges with lower priority values will be less likely part of the optimal route calculated by GraphHopper,
higher values mean that these road segments shall be preferred. If you do not want to state which road
segments shall be avoided, but rather which ones shall be preferred, you need to decrease the priority
of others:

"priority": [
"if": "road_class != CYCLEWAY",
"multiply_by": "0.8"

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means decreasing the priority for all road_classes except cycleways.

Just like we saw for speed you can also adjust the priority for road segments in a certain area. It
works exactly the same way:

"priority": [
"if": "in_custom1",
"multiply_by": "0.7"

To block an entire area set the priority value to 0 . You can even set the priority only for certain roads
in an area like this:

"priority": [
"if": "road_class == MOTORWAY && in_custom1",
"multiply_by": "0.1"

Some other useful attributes to restrict access to certain roads depending on your vehicle dimensions
are the following:

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"priority": [
"if": "max_width < 2.5",
"multiply_by": "0"
"if": "max_length < 10",
"multiply_by": "0"
"if": "max_weight < 3.5",
"multiply_by": "0"

which means that the priority for all road segments that allow a maximum vehicle width of 2.5m , a
maximum vehicle length of 10m or a maximum vehicle weight of 3.5tons , or less, is zero, i.e. these
"narrow" road segments are blocked.

Customizing distance_influence

The distance_influence property allows you to control the trade-off between a fast route
(minimum time) and a short route (minimum distance). The larger distance_influence is the more
GraphHopper will prioritize routes with a small total distance. More precisely, the
distance_influence is the time you need to save on a detour (a longer distance route option) such
that you prefer taking the detour compared to a shorter route. Please note that this value is a number,
not a string.

A value of 100 means that one extra kilometer of detour must save you 100s of travelling time or
else you are not willing to take the detour. Or to put it another way, if a reference route takes 600s
and is 10km long, distance_influence=100 means that you are willing to take an alternative
route that is 11km long only if it takes no longer than 500s (saves 100s ). Things get a bit more
complicated when priority is not 1 , but the effect stays the same: The larger
distance_influence is, the more GraphHopper will focus on finding short routes.

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Road attributes

GraphHopper stores different attributes for every road segment. Some frequently used are the following
(some of their possible values are given in brackets):


• road_environment: (ROAD, FERRY, BRIDGE, TUNNEL, ...)
• road_access: (DESTINATION, DELIVERY, PRIVATE, NO, ...)
• surface: (PAVED, DIRT, SAND, GRAVEL, ...)
• smoothness: (EXCELLENT, GOOD, INTERMEDIATE, ...)
• toll: (MISSING, NO, HGV, ALL)
• country: ( MISSING or the country as a ISO3166-1:alpha3 code e.g. DEU )
• hazmat: (YES, NO), hazmat_tunnel: (A, B, .., E), hazmat_water: (YES, PERMISSIVE, NO)
• track_type: (MISSING, GRADE1, GRADE2, ..., GRADE5)
• urban_density: (RURAL, RESIDENTIAL, CITY)

To learn about all available encoded values you can query the /info endpoint

Besides this kind of categories, which can take multiple different string values, there are also some that
represent a boolean value (they are either true or false for a given road segment), like:

• get_off_bike
• road_class_link
• roundabout

There are also some that take on a numeric value, like:

• average_slope: a number for 100 * "elevation change" / edge_distance for a road segment; it
changes the sign in reverse direction; see also max_slope
• curvature: "beeline distance" / edge_distance (0..1) e.g. a curvy road is smaller than 1
• hike_rating, horse_rating, mtb_rating: a number from 0 to 6 for the sac_scale in OSM, e.g. 0
means "missing", 1 means "hiking", 2 means "mountain_hiking" and so on
• lanes: number of lanes
• max_slope: an unsigned decimal for the maximum slope (100 * "elevation change / distance_i") of
an edge with sum(distance_i)=edge_distance . Important for longer road segments where
ups (or downs) can be much bigger than the average_slope.
• max_speed: the speed limit from a sign (km/h)

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• max_height (meter), max_width (meter), max_length (meter)

• max_weight (ton), max_axle_load (in tons)


Custom models are currently:

1. only available for the POST Route Endpoint. If you are interested in using this for the Matrix or
Route Optimization API please contact us to get access to an early alpha version. For the
Isochrone API it is also planned.
2. only available for the following parent profiles: foot , bike , scooter , car and
small_truck .
3. only available for OpenStreetMap.

This feature will strongly benefit from feedback, so do not hesitate to share your experience, your
favorite custom model or some of the problems you ran into when you tried building your own with
custom model.



For debugging you can use the custom model editor in GraphHopper Maps (click the 'custom' button).

When debugging problems with custom models you should first try if your request goes through without
an error using an empty custom model.

For production you should avoid to include road_access and toll in the profile as we will change their
values in the next weeks which could cause unexpected problems.

Route calculation is slower

The route calculation with custom_models will be slower as a different algorithm has to be used. The
more the result deviates from the optimum the slower the response can get. Still for certain use cases
you can make the calculation if you tune the custom_model and e.g. exclude certain ways via {
"if": "road_class == TRACK || road_class == RESIDENTIAL", "multiply_by": "0" } .

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All routes for my custom model fail

This could mean that either your custom model made some of the roads near the start and destination
inaccessible, then usually we return a PointNotFoundException with the point_index with the "location
snap" problem.

Or, the custom model made all roads between your start and destination inaccessible, then we return a
ConnectionNotFoundException. This happens e.g. when you exclude tunnels, ferries or motorways but
all routes between start and destination have these road attributes satisfied, i.e. we cannot find a route.

Solution: relax your custom model and e.g. instead of excluding certain road attributes via
"multiply_by": "0" you should try to use "0.01" .



Security Scheme Type API Key

Query parameter name: key

Route Optimization API


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The Route Optimization API can be used to solve traveling salesman or vehicle routing problems.
Solve your first problem by following these steps. If you already have a GraphHopper account, start
with step 2.

1. Sign up for GraphHopper

2. Create an API key

3. Download simple traveling salesman problem and save it in a local folder

4. Open your command line, go to that local folder and use cURL (What is cURL?) as follows:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" "

Alternatively, you can use our Editor to explore that API:

1. Login to your GraphHopper account

2. Go to Editor
3. Click the Optimize button to solve your first problem
4. Analyze the solution on the Map or as raw JSON Output

If you have successfully solved the first problem, we recommend this tutorial - Getting Started with the
Optimization API. It shows and describes the essential elements to model your vehicle routing problem.

To explore the full specification, we recommend that you either use our route editor, which you can find
in our dashboard, or use a REST client such as Insomnia or Postman, as described here.


We provide a number of tutorials illustrating how to use the Route Optimization API and how to model
your vehicle routing problems:

• Getting Start with the Optimization API - Traveling Salesman Problem

• How to solve a traveling salesman problem with a week-planning horizon?
• How to schedule technicians with skills and multiple dependencies between tasks?
• What is the difference between the min. of completion time and min. transport time?
• How to model multiple delivery routes with a single vehicle?

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POST route optimization problem

To get started with the Route Optimization API, please read the introduction.

To solve a new vehicle routing problem, make a HTTP POST to this URL<your_key>

It returns the solution to this problem in the JSON response.

Please note that this URL is very well suited to solve minor problems. Larger vehicle routing problems,
which take longer than 10 seconds to solve, cannot be solved. To solve them, please use the batch
mode URL instead.


REQUEST BODY SCHEMA: application/json

The request that contains the vehicle routing problem to be solved.

vehicles Array of objects (Vehicle) non-empty

Specifies the available vehicles.

vehicle_types Array of objects (VehicleType)

Specifies the available vehicle types. These types can be assigned to

services Array of objects (Service)

Specifies the orders of the type "service". These are, for example, pick-ups,
deliveries or other stops that are to be approached by the specified vehicles.
Each of these orders contains only one location.

shipments Array of objects (Shipment)

Specifies the available shipments. Each shipment contains a pickup and a
delivery stop, which must be processed one after the other.

relations Array of JobRelation (object) or GroupRelation (object)

Defines additional relationships between orders.

algorithm object (Algorithm)

Use objectives instead.

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objectives Array of objects (Objective)

Specifies an objective function. The vehicle routing problem is solved in such
a way that this objective function is minimized.

cost_matrices Array of objects (CostMatrix)

Specifies your own tranport time and distance matrices.

configuration object (Configuration)

Specifies general configurations that are taken into account when solving the
vehicle routing problem.


200 A response containing the solution


X-RateLimit-Limit integer
Your current daily credit limit.

X-RateLimit-Remaining integer
Your remaining credits until the reset.

X-RateLimit-Reset integer
The number of seconds that you have to wait before a reset of the
credit count is done.

X-RateLimit-Credits integer
The credit costs for this request. Note it could be a decimal and
even negative number, e.g. when an async request failed.

RESPONSE SCHEMA: application/json

copyrights Array of strings

status string
Enum: "waiting_in_queue" "processing" "finished"
Indicates the current status of the job

waiting_time_in_queue integer <int64>

Waiting time in ms

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Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

processing_time integer <int64>

Processing time in ms. If job is still waiting in queue,
processing_time is 0

solution object (Solution)

Only available if status field indicates finished .

400 Error occurred when reading the request. Request is invalid.

500 Error occurred on server side.

POST /vrp

Request samples

Payload Curl Java

Content type

Copy Expand all Collapse all

- "vehicles": [
+ { … },
+ { … }
- "vehicle_types": [
+ { … }
- "services": [
+ { … },
+ { … },
+ { … },
+ { … }
- "shipments": [
+ { … }

24 of 84 12/30/2022, 7:23 PM
Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

- "objectives": [
+ { … },
+ { … }
- "configuration": {
+ "routing": { … }

Response samples

200 400 500

Content type

Copy Expand all Collapse all

- "copyrights": [
"OpenStreetMap contributors"
"job_id": "d62fcadd-c84a-4298-90b5-28550125bec5",
"status": "finished",
"waiting_time_in_queue": 0,
"processing_time": 459,
- "solution": {
"costs": 438,
"distance": 17994,
"time": 4094,
"transport_time": 4094,
"completion_time": 4172,
"max_operation_time": 2465,
"waiting_time": 78,
"service_duration": 0,
"preparation_time": 0,
"no_vehicles": 2,
"no_unassigned": 0,
+ "routes": [ … ],
+ "unassigned": { … }

25 of 84 12/30/2022, 7:23 PM
Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

POST route optimization problem (batch mode)

To solve a vehicle routing problem, perform the following steps:

1.) Make a HTTP POST to this URL<your_key>

It returns a job id (job_id).

2.) Take the job id and fetch the solution for the vehicle routing problem from this URL:<job_id>?key=<your_key>

We recommend to query the solution every 500ms until it returns 'status=finished'.

Note: Since the workflow is a bit more cumbersome and since you lose some time in fetching the
solution, you should always prefer the synchronous endpoint. You should use the batch mode only for
long running problems.


REQUEST BODY SCHEMA: application/json

The request that contains the problem to be solved.

vehicles Array of objects (Vehicle) non-empty

Specifies the available vehicles.

vehicle_types Array of objects (VehicleType)

Specifies the available vehicle types. These types can be assigned to

services Array of objects (Service)

Specifies the orders of the type "service". These are, for example, pick-ups,
deliveries or other stops that are to be approached by the specified vehicles.
Each of these orders contains only one location.

shipments Array of objects (Shipment)

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Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

Specifies the available shipments. Each shipment contains a pickup and a

delivery stop, which must be processed one after the other.

relations Array of JobRelation (object) or GroupRelation (object)

Defines additional relationships between orders.

algorithm object (Algorithm)

Use objectives instead.

objectives Array of objects (Objective)

Specifies an objective function. The vehicle routing problem is solved in such
a way that this objective function is minimized.

cost_matrices Array of objects (CostMatrix)

Specifies your own tranport time and distance matrices.

configuration object (Configuration)

Specifies general configurations that are taken into account when solving the
vehicle routing problem.


200 A jobId you can use to retrieve your solution from the server - see solution endpoint.


X-RateLimit-Limit integer
Your current daily credit limit.

X-RateLimit-Remaining integer
Your remaining credits until the reset.

X-RateLimit-Reset integer
The number of seconds that you have to wait before a reset of the
credit count is done.

X-RateLimit-Credits integer
The credit costs for this request. Note it could be a decimal and
even negative number, e.g. when an async request failed.

RESPONSE SCHEMA: application/json

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Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

RESPONSE SCHEMA: application/json

job_id string <uuid>

UUID. Unique id for your job/request with which you can fetch your solution

400 Error occurred when reading client request. Request is invalid.

500 Error occurred on server side.

POST /vrp/optimize

Request samples

Payload Curl Java

Content type

Copy Expand all Collapse all

- "vehicles": [
+ { … },
+ { … }
- "vehicle_types": [
+ { … }
- "services": [
+ { … },
+ { … },
+ { … },
+ { … }
- "shipments": [
+ { … }
- "objectives": [
+ { … },
+ { … }

28 of 84 12/30/2022, 7:23 PM
Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

- "configuration": {
+ "routing": { … }

Response samples

200 400 500

Content type

Copy Expand all Collapse all

"job_id": "44886560-b584-4da5-b245-768151dacd8f"

GET the solution (batch mode)

Take the job id and fetch the solution for the vehicle routing problem from this URL:<job_id>?key=<your_key>

You get the job id by sending a vehicle routing problem to the batch mode URL.



jobId string
Request solution with jobId


200 A response containing the solution

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Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API


X-RateLimit-Limit integer
Your current daily credit limit.

X-RateLimit-Remaining integer
Your remaining credits until the reset.

X-RateLimit-Reset integer
The number of seconds that you have to wait before a reset of the
credit count is done.

X-RateLimit-Credits integer
The credit costs for this request. Note it could be a decimal and
even negative number, e.g. when an async request failed.

RESPONSE SCHEMA: application/json

copyrights Array of strings

status string
Enum: "waiting_in_queue" "processing" "finished"
Indicates the current status of the job

waiting_time_in_queue integer <int64>

Waiting time in ms

processing_time integer <int64>

Processing time in ms. If job is still waiting in queue,
processing_time is 0

solution object (Solution)

Only available if status field indicates finished .

400 Error occurred on client side such as invalid input.

404 Requested solution could not be found.

— 500 Error occurred on server side.

GET /vrp/solution/{jobId}

30 of 84 12/30/2022, 7:23 PM
Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

GET /vrp/solution/{jobId}

Request samples

Curl Java

curl -X GET ""

Response samples

200 400 404

Content type

Copy Expand all Collapse all

- "copyrights": [
"OpenStreetMap contributors"
"job_id": "d62fcadd-c84a-4298-90b5-28550125bec5",
"status": "finished",
"waiting_time_in_queue": 0,
"processing_time": 459,
- "solution": {
"costs": 438,
"distance": 17994,
"time": 4094,
"transport_time": 4094,
Routing API
"completion_time": 4172,
"max_operation_time": 2465,
"waiting_time": 78,
"service_duration": 0,
Introduction 0,
"no_vehicles": 2,
"no_unassigned": 0,
+ "routes": [ … ],
+ "unassigned": { … }

31 of 84 12/30/2022, 7:23 PM
Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

The Routing API is part of the GraphHopper Directions API. Routing is the process of finding the best
path connecting two or more points, where the meaning of ''best'' depends on the vehicle profile and
use case.


• You can use the Routing API for navigation: have a look at our open source demo navigation
application and adapt it to your needs. See also this blog post.
• See this blog post on how to retrieve information of the road segments or "per leg".
• Have a look into the custom_model Feature where many requirements can be covered - see
some examples here.

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Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

GET Route Endpoint

The GET request is the most simple one: just specify the parameter in the URL and you are done. Can
be tried directly in every browser.



point Array of strings

The points for which the route should be calculated.
Format: latitude,longitude . Specify at least an
origin and a destination. Via points are possible. The
maximum number depends on your plan.

profile string (VehicleProfileId)

Default: "car"
Specifies the vehicle profile of this type. The profile is
used to determine the network, speed and other
physical attributes to use for routing the vehicle or
pedestrian. See the section about routing profiles for
more details and valid profile values.

point_hint Array of strings

The point_hint is typically a road name to which
the associated point parameter should be snapped
to. Specify no point_hint parameter or the same
number as you have point parameters.

snap_prevention Array of strings

Optional parameter to avoid snapping to a certain
road class or road environment. Currently supported
values are motorway , trunk , ferry , tunnel ,
bridge and ford . Multiple values are specified
like snap_prevention=ferry&
snap_prevention=motorway . Please note that in
order to e.g. avoid motorways for the route (not for the
"location snap") you need a different feature: a
custom model.

curbside Array of strings

33 of 84 12/30/2022, 7:23 PM
Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

Items Enum: "any" "right" "left"

Optional parameter. It specifies on which side a point
should be relative to the driver when she
leaves/arrives at a start/target/via point. You need to
specify this parameter for either none or all points.
Only supported for motor vehicles and

locale string
Default: "en"
The locale of the resulting turn instructions. E.g.
pt_PT for Portuguese or de for German.

elevation boolean
Default: false
If true , a third coordinate, the altitude, is included
with all positions in the response. This changes the
format of the points and snapped_waypoints
fields of the response, in both their encodings. Unless
you switch off the points_encoded parameter, you
need special code on the client side that can handle
three-dimensional coordinates.

details Array of strings

Optional parameter. The following path details are
available: street_name , street_ref ,
street_destination , roundabout , country ,
time , distance , max_speed , max_weight ,
max_width , toll , road_class ,
road_class_link , road_access ,
road_environment , hazmat , hazmat_tunnel ,
hazmat_water , lanes , surface ,
smoothness , hike_rating , mtb_rating ,
foot_network , bike_network , get_off_bike .
Read more about the usage of path details here.

optimize string
Default: "false"
Normally, the calculated route will visit the points in
the order you specified them. If you have more than
two points, you can set this parameter to "true"
and the points may be re-ordered to minimize the total
travel time. Keep in mind that the limits on the number
of locations of the Route Optimization API applies,
and the request costs more credits.

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Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

and the request costs more credits.

instructions boolean
Default: true
If instructions should be calculated and returned

calc_points boolean
Default: true
If the points for the route should be calculated at all.

debug boolean
Default: false
If true , the output will be formatted.

points_encoded boolean
Default: true
Allows changing the encoding of location data in the
response. The default is polyline encoding, which is
compact but requires special client code to unpack.
(We provide it in our JavaScript client library!) Set this
parameter to false to switch the encoding to
simple coordinate pairs like [lon,lat] , or
[lon,lat,elevation] . See the description of the
response format for more information.

ch.disable boolean
Default: false
Use this parameter in combination with one or more
parameters from below.

heading Array of integers <int32>

Favour a heading direction for a certain point. Specify
either one heading for the start point or as many as
there are points. In this case headings are associated
by their order to the specific points. Headings are
given as north based clockwise angle between 0 and
360 degree. This parameter also influences the tour
generated with algorithm=round_trip and forces
the initial direction. Requires ch.disable=true .

heading_penalty integer <int32>

Default: 120
Time penalty in seconds for not obeying a specified
heading. Requires ch.disable=true .

pass_through boolean

35 of 84 12/30/2022, 7:23 PM
Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

pass_through boolean
Default: false
If true , u-turns are avoided at via-points with regard
to the heading_penalty . Requires
ch.disable=true .

algorithm string
Enum: "round_trip" "alternative_route"
Rather than looking for the shortest or fastest path,
this parameter lets you solve two different problems
related to routing: With alternative_route , we
give you not one but several routes that are close to
optimal, but not too similar to each other. With
round_trip , the route will get you back to where
you started. This is meant for fun (think of a bike trip),
so we will add some randomness. The round_trip
option requires ch.disable=true . You can control
both of these features with additional parameters, see

round_trip.distance integer <int32>

Default: 10000
If algorithm=round_trip , this parameter
configures approximative length of the resulting round
trip. Requires ch.disable=true .

round_trip.seed integer <int64>

If algorithm=round_trip , this sets the random
seed. Change this to get a different tour for each

alternative_route.max_paths integer <int32>

Default: 2
If algorithm=alternative_route , this parameter
sets the number of maximum paths which should be
calculated. Increasing can lead to worse alternatives.

alternative_route.max_weight_factor number
Default: 1.4
If algorithm=alternative_route , this parameter
sets the factor by which the alternatives routes can be
longer than the optimal route. Increasing can lead to
worse alternatives.

alternative_route.max_share_factor number

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Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

alternative_route.max_share_factor number
Default: 0.6
If algorithm=alternative_route , this parameter
specifies how similar an alternative route can be to
the optimal route. Increasing can lead to worse


200 Routing Result


X-RateLimit-Limit integer
Your current daily credit limit.

X-RateLimit-Remaining integer
Your remaining credits until the reset.

X-RateLimit-Reset integer
The number of seconds that you have to wait before a reset of the
credit count is done.

X-RateLimit-Credits integer
The credit costs for this request. Note it could be a decimal and
even negative number, e.g. when an async request failed.

RESPONSE SCHEMA: application/json

paths Array of objects (RouteResponsePath)

info object (ResponseInfo)

Additional information for your request

400 Your request is not valid. For example, you specified too few or too many points.

401 Authentication necessary

429 API limit reached.

500 Internal server error. We get notified automatically and fix this asap.

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Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

GET /route

Request samples

Curl Java

curl ",12.414&point=48.224,3.867&profile=ca

Response samples

200 400 401 429 500

Content type

Copy Expand all Collapse all

- "hints": {
"visited_nodes.sum": 58,
"visited_nodes.average": 58
- "info": {
+ "copyrights": [ … ],
"took": 2
- "paths": [
+ { … }

POST Route Endpoint

38 of 84 12/30/2022, 7:23 PM
Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

Please see the GET endpoint for alternative method on how to get started. If you are familiar with
POST requests and JSON or you need the custom_model Feature then please continue here.

Especially when you use many locations you should get familiar with this POST endpoint as the GET
endpoint has an URL length limitation. Additionally the request of this POST endpoint can be
compressed and can slightly speed up the request.

To do a request you send JSON data. Both request scenarios GET and POST are identical except that
all singular parameter names are named as their plural for a POST request. The effected parameters
are: points , point_hints and snap_preventions .

Please note that in opposite to the GET endpoint, points are specified in the order of
longitude, latitude .

For example point=10,11&point=20,22 will be converted to the points array (plural):

{ "points": [[11,10], [22,20]] }

Note again that also the order changes from latitude,longitude of the GET request to
[longitude,latitude] for the POST request similar to GeoJson.


curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" "[


REQUEST BODY SCHEMA: application/json

profile string (VehicleProfileId)

Default: "car"
Specifies the vehicle profile of this type. The profile is
used to determine the network, speed and other
physical attributes to use for routing the vehicle or
pedestrian. See the section about routing profiles for
more details and valid profile values.

points Array of Array of numbers

The points for the route in an array of
[longitude,latitude] . For instance, if you want to
calculate a route from point A to B to C then you
specify `points: [ [A_longitude, A_latitude],
[B_longitude, B_latitude], [C_longitude, C_latitude]]

39 of 84 12/30/2022, 7:23 PM
Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

point_hints Array of strings

Optional parameter. Specifies a hint for each point in
the points array to prefer a certain street for the
closest location lookup. E.g. if there is an address or
house with two or more neighboring streets you can
control for which street the closest location is looked
up. Make sure you do not include the house number of
city name and only the street name to improve the
quality of the matching.

snap_preventions Array of strings

Optional parameter to avoid snapping to a certain road
class or road environment. Current supported values
motorway , trunk , ferry , tunnel , bridge
and ford . Please note that this feature does not e.g.
avoid motorways for the route - it only avoids it for the
"location snap".

curbsides Array of strings

Items Enum: "any" "right" "left"
Optional parameter. It specifies on which side a point
should be relative to the driver when she leaves/arrives
at a start/target/via point. You need to specify this
parameter for either none or all points. Only supported
for motor vehicle profiles and OpenStreetMap.

locale string
Default: "en"
The locale of the resulting turn instructions. E.g.
pt_PT for Portuguese or de for German.

elevation boolean
Default: false
If true , a third coordinate, the altitude, is included
with all positions in the response. This changes the
format of the points and snapped_waypoints
fields of the response, in both their encodings. Unless
you switch off the points_encoded parameter, you
need special code on the client side that can handle
three-dimensional coordinates.

details Array of strings

Optional parameter. The following path details are
available: street_name , street_ref ,

40 of 84 12/30/2022, 7:23 PM
Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

street_destination , roundabout , country ,

time , distance , max_speed , max_weight ,
max_width , toll , road_class ,
road_class_link , road_access ,
road_environment , hazmat , hazmat_tunnel ,
hazmat_water , lanes , surface , smoothness ,
hike_rating , mtb_rating , foot_network ,
bike_network , get_off_bike . Read more about
the usage of path details here.

optimize string
Default: "false"
Normally, the calculated route will visit the points in the
order you specified them. If you have more than two
points, you can set this parameter to "true" and the
points may be re-ordered to minimize the total travel
time. Keep in mind that the limits on the number of
locations of the Route Optimization API applies, and
the request costs more credits.

instructions boolean
Default: true
If instructions should be calculated and returned

calc_points boolean
Default: true
If the points for the route should be calculated at all.

debug boolean
Default: false
If true , the output will be formatted.

points_encoded boolean
Default: true
Allows changing the encoding of location data in the
response. The default is polyline encoding, which is
compact but requires special client code to unpack.
(We provide it in our JavaScript client library!) Set this
parameter to false to switch the encoding to simple
coordinate pairs like [lon,lat] , or
[lon,lat,elevation] . See the description of the
response format for more information.

ch.disable boolean
Default: false

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Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

Default: false
Use this parameter in combination with one or more
parameters from below.

custom_model object (CustomModel)

The custom_model modifies the routing behaviour of
the specified profile. See the detailed documentation.
Below is a complete request example in Berlin
including the required "ch.disabled": true

"points": [
"profile": "car",
"ch.disable": true,
"custom_model": {
"speed": [
"if": "true",
"limit_to": "100"
"priority": [
"if": "road_class == MOTORWAY",
"multiply_by": "0"
"distance_influence": 100

headings Array of integers <int32>

Favour a heading direction for a certain point. Specify
either one heading for the start point or as many as
there are points. In this case headings are associated
by their order to the specific points. Headings are given

42 of 84 12/30/2022, 7:23 PM
Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

as north based clockwise angle between 0 and 360

degree. This parameter also influences the tour
generated with algorithm=round_trip and forces
the initial direction. Requires ch.disable=true .

heading_penalty integer <int32>

Default: 120
Time penalty in seconds for not obeying a specified
heading. Requires ch.disable=true .

pass_through boolean
Default: false
If true , u-turns are avoided at via-points with regard
to the heading_penalty . Requires
ch.disable=true .

algorithm string
Enum: "round_trip" "alternative_route"
Rather than looking for the shortest or fastest path, this
parameter lets you solve two different problems related
to routing: With alternative_route , we give you
not one but several routes that are close to optimal, but
not too similar to each other. With round_trip , the
route will get you back to where you started. This is
meant for fun (think of a bike trip), so we will add some
randomness. The round_trip option requires
ch.disable=true . You can control both of these
features with additional parameters, see below.

round_trip.distance integer <int32>

Default: 10000
If algorithm=round_trip , this parameter
configures approximative length of the resulting round
trip. Requires ch.disable=true .

round_trip.seed integer <int64>

If algorithm=round_trip , this sets the random
seed. Change this to get a different tour for each value.

alternative_route.max_paths integer <int32>

Default: 2
If algorithm=alternative_route , this parameter
sets the number of maximum paths which should be
calculated. Increasing can lead to worse alternatives.

43 of 84 12/30/2022, 7:23 PM
Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

alternative_route.max_weight_factor number
Default: 1.4
If algorithm=alternative_route , this parameter
sets the factor by which the alternatives routes can be
longer than the optimal route. Increasing can lead to
worse alternatives.

alternative_route.max_share_factor number
Default: 0.6
If algorithm=alternative_route , this parameter
specifies how similar an alternative route can be to the
optimal route. Increasing can lead to worse


200 Routing Result


X-RateLimit-Limit integer
Your current daily credit limit.

X-RateLimit-Remaining integer
Your remaining credits until the reset.

X-RateLimit-Reset integer
The number of seconds that you have to wait before a reset of the
credit count is done.

X-RateLimit-Credits integer
The credit costs for this request. Note it could be a decimal and
even negative number, e.g. when an async request failed.

RESPONSE SCHEMA: application/json

paths Array of objects (RouteResponsePath)

info object (ResponseInfo)

Additional information for your request

44 of 84 12/30/2022, 7:23 PM
Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

400 Your request is not valid. For example, you specified too few or too many points.

401 Authentication necessary

429 API limit reached.

500 Internal server error. We get notified automatically and fix this asap.

POST /route

Request samples


Content type

Copy Expand all Collapse all

- "points": [
+ [ … ],
+ [ … ]
- "point_hints": [
"Thalkirchener Str."
- "snap_preventions": [

Coverage information
- "details": [
Use this to find out details about the supported vehicle profiles and features, or if you just need to ping
the server.
"vehicle": "bike",
"locale": "en",

45 of 84 12/30/2022, 7:23 PM
Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

"instructions": true,
"calc_points": true,
"points_encoded": false

200 Coverage Information

Response samples

200 400 401 429 500

RESPONSE SCHEMA: application/json

Content type
version string
The version of the GraphHopper server that provided this response. This is
not related to the API version.
Copy Expand all Collapse all
{ bbox string
- "hints": { The bounding box of the geographical area covered by this GraphHopper
instance. Format:
"visited_nodes.sum": 58, `"minLon,minLat,maxLon,maxLat"
"visited_nodes.average": 58
}, object
- "info": { The supported features, such as elevation, per vehicle profile.
+ "copyrights": [ … ],
Matrix "took":
- "paths": [
+ { … }
] /route/info
Response samples


Content type

Copy Expand all Collapse all

"build_date": "2014-02-21T16:52",
- "bbox": [

46 of 84 12/30/2022, 7:23 PM
Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

The Matrix "0.4",
API is part of the GraphHopper Directions API and with it you can calculate many-to-many
distances and times a{lot more efficient than calling the Routing API multiple times.
- "features":
+ "foot": { … },
In the Routing API we support multiple points, so called 'via points', which results in one route being
+ "car": { … }
calculated. The Matrix API results in NxM routes, or more precise NxM distances or times being
calculated but is a lot faster compared to NxM single requests.
The most simple example is a tourist trying to decide which pizza is close to her instead of using
beeline distance she can calculate a 1x4 matrix. Or a delivery service often in the need of big NxN
matrices to solve vehicle routing problems. For example the GraphHopper Route Optimization API
uses the Matrix API under the hood to achieve this.

Some other use cases for the Matrix API:

• Logistic problems often pick up many items from and deliver them to many locations.
• Calculating detours with many possible points in-between and selecting the best e.g. interesting for
ridesharing or taxi applications. For this 1-to-many requests are necessary.
• Finding the best tour for a tourist in the need to visit as many points of interests as possible.
• ...

API Clients and Examples

See the clients section in the main document and live examples.


The Matrix API calculates the well known distance-matrix for a set of points, i.e. it calculates all the
distances between every point combination. But we do not stop there, we also offer a time-, weight-
and route-matrix. The weight-matrix can be used as raw input for e.g. a vehicle routing problem (VRP)
and is more precise than a time- or distance-matrix. E.g. for bike routes the actual weight of a route
(e.g. the "beauty") is what you want to decide if a route is 'better' and not always the taken time or

A simple illustration for a 3x3 matrix with identical from and to points:

- to_point1 to_point2 to_point3

from_point1 0 1->2 1->3

from_point2 2->1 0 2->3

from_point3 3->1 3->2 0

A simple illustration for a 1x3 matrix with different start- and end-points:

- to_point1 to_point2 t_point3

from_pointA A->1 A->2 A->3

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Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

For every route 1->2, 1-3, ... or A->1,A->2,A->3 you can return only the weight, the time and the
distance. To calculate full routes you can use the Routing API.

Limits and Counts

The cost for one request depends on the number of locations and is documented here.

One request should not exceed the Matrix API location limit, which depends on the subscription, see
the pricing tab in our dashboard.

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Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

GET Matrix Endpoint

With this Matrix Endpoint you submit the points and parameters via URL parameters and is the most
convenient as it works out-of-the-box in the browser. If possible you should prefer using the POST
Matrix Endpoint that avoids problems with many locations and can also gzip the request. (Note, that all
endpoints return gzipped responses).



profile string (VehicleProfileId)

Default: "car"
Specifies the vehicle profile of this type. The profile is used to determine the
network, speed and other physical attributes to use for routing the vehicle or
pedestrian. See the section about routing profiles for more details and valid
profile values.

point Array of strings

Specify multiple points in latitude,longitude for which the weight-,
route-, time- or distance-matrix should be calculated. In this case the starts
are identical to the destinations. If there are N points, then NxN entries will be
calculated. The order of the point parameter is important. Specify at least
three points. Cannot be used together with from_point or to_point.

from_point Array of strings

The starting points for the routes in latitude,longitude . E.g. if you want
to calculate the three routes A->1, A->2, A->3 then you have one from_point
parameter and three to_point parameters.

to_point Array of strings

The destination points for the routes in latitude,longitude .

point_hint Array of strings

Optional parameter. Specifies a hint for each point parameter to prefer a
certain street for the closest location lookup. E.g. if there is an address or
house with two or more neighboring streets you can control for which street
the closest location is looked up.

from_point_hint Array of strings

For the from_point parameter. See point_hint

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Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

to_point_hint Array of strings

For the to_point parameter. See point_hint

snap_prevention Array of strings

Optional parameter to avoid snapping to a certain road class or road
environment. Current supported values motorway , trunk , ferry ,
tunnel , bridge and ford . Multiple values are specified like
snap_prevention=ferry&snap_prevention=motorway . Please note that
this feature does not e.g. avoid motorways for the route - it only avoids it for
the "location snap".

curbside Array of strings

Items Enum: "any" "right" "left"
Optional parameter. It specifies on which side a point should be relative to the
driver when she leaves/arrives at a start/target/via point. You need to specify
this parameter for either none or all points. Only supported for motor vehicles
and OpenStreetMap.

from_curbside Array of strings

Items Enum: "any" "right" "left"
Curbside setting for the from_point parameter. See curbside.

to_curbside Array of strings

Items Enum: "any" "right" "left"
Curbside setting for the to_point parameter. See curbside.

out_array Array of strings

Specifies which arrays should be included in the response. Specify one or
more of the following options 'weights', 'times', 'distances'. To specify more
than one array use e.g. out_array=times&out_array=distances. The units of
the entries of distances are meters, of times are seconds and of weights is
arbitrary and it can differ for different vehicles or versions of this API.

fail_fast boolean
Default: true
Specifies whether or not the matrix calculation should return with an error as
soon as possible in case some points cannot be found or some points are not
connected. If set to false the time/weight/distance matrix will be calculated
for all valid points and contain the null value for all entries that could not
be calculated. The hint field of the response will also contain additional
information about what went wrong (see its documentation).

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Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API


200 Matrix API response


X-RateLimit-Limit integer
Your current daily credit limit.

X-RateLimit-Remaining integer
Your remaining credits until the reset.

X-RateLimit-Reset integer
The number of seconds that you have to wait before a reset of the
credit count is done.

X-RateLimit-Credits integer
The credit costs for this request. Note it could be a decimal and
even negative number, e.g. when an async request failed.

RESPONSE SCHEMA: application/json

distances Array of Array of numbers

The distance matrix for the specified points in the same order as the time
matrix. The distances are in meters. If fail_fast=false the matrix will
contain null for connections that could not be found.

times Array of Array of numbers

The time matrix for the specified points in the order [[from1->to1,
from1->to2, ...], [from2->to1, from2->to2, ...], ...]. The times are in seconds.
If fail_fast=false the matrix will contain null for connections that
could not be found.

weights Array of Array of numbers

The weight matrix for the specified points in the same order as the time
matrix. The weights for different vehicle profiles can have a different unit
but the weights array is perfectly suited as input for Vehicle Routing
Problems as it is currently faster to calculate. If fail_fast=false the
matrix will contain null for connections that could not be found.

info object (ResponseInfo)

Additional information for your request

hints Array of objects

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Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

Array of objects
Optional. Additional response data.

default Unexpected Error

GET /matrix

Request samples

Curl Java

curl ",11.588051&point=50.241935,10.747

Response samples

200 default

Content type

Copy Expand all Collapse all

- "distances": [
+ [ … ],
+ [ … ],
+ [ … ]
- "times": [
+ [ … ],
+ [ … ],
+ [ … ]
- "weights": [
+ [ … ],
+ [ … ],
+ [ … ]
"info" {

52 of 84 12/30/2022, 7:23 PM
Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

- "info": {
+ "copyrights": [ … ]

POST Matrix Endpoint

The GET endpoint has an URL length limitation, which hurts for many locations per request. In those
cases use this POST endpoint with a JSON as input. The only parameter in the URL will be the key.
Both request scenarios are identical except that all singular parameter names are named as their plural
for a POST request. The effected parameters are: points , from_points , to_points , and
out_arrays . For the remaining parameters please refer to the guide of the GET endpoint.

Please note that in contrast to GET endpoint the points have to be specified as [longitude,
latitude] array (in that order, similar to GeoJson).

For example the query point=10,11&point=20,22&profile=car will be converted to the following


{ "points": [[11,10], [22,20]], "profile": "car" }

A complete curl Example:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" "


REQUEST BODY SCHEMA: application/json

One of MatrixRequest SymmetricalMatrixRequest

profile string (VehicleProfileId)

Default: "car"
Specifies the vehicle profile of this type. The profile is used to determine the
network, speed and other physical attributes to use for routing the vehicle or
pedestrian. See the section about routing profiles for more details and valid
profile values.

from_points Array of Array of numbers

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Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

from_points Array of Array of numbers

The starting points for the routes in an array of [longitude,latitude] .
For instance, if you want to calculate three routes from point A such as A->1,
A->2, A->3 then you have one from_point parameter and three
to_point parameters.

to_points Array of Array of numbers

The destination points for the routes in an array of
[longitude,latitude] .

from_point_hints Array of strings

See point_hints of symmetrical matrix

to_point_hints Array of strings

See point_hints of symmetrical matrix

snap_preventions Array of strings

See snap_preventions of symmetrical matrix

from_curbsides Array of strings

See curbsides of symmetrical matrix

to_curbsides Array of strings

See curbsides of symmetrical matrix

out_arrays Array of strings

Specifies which matrices should be included in the response. Specify one or
more of the following options weights , times , distances . The units of
the entries of distances are meters, of times are seconds and of
weights is arbitrary and it can differ for different vehicles or versions of this

fail_fast boolean
Default: true
Specifies whether or not the matrix calculation should return with an error as
soon as possible in case some points cannot be found or some points are not
connected. If set to false the time/weight/distance matrix will be calculated
for all valid points and contain the null value for all entries that could not
be calculated. The hint field of the response will also contain additional
information about what went wrong (see its documentation).


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Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

200 Matrix API response


X-RateLimit-Limit integer
Your current daily credit limit.

X-RateLimit-Remaining integer
Your remaining credits until the reset.

X-RateLimit-Reset integer
The number of seconds that you have to wait before a reset of the
credit count is done.

X-RateLimit-Credits integer
The credit costs for this request. Note it could be a decimal and
even negative number, e.g. when an async request failed.

RESPONSE SCHEMA: application/json

distances Array of Array of numbers

The distance matrix for the specified points in the same order as the time
matrix. The distances are in meters. If fail_fast=false the matrix will
contain null for connections that could not be found.

times Array of Array of numbers

The time matrix for the specified points in the order [[from1->to1,
from1->to2, ...], [from2->to1, from2->to2, ...], ...]. The times are in seconds.
If fail_fast=false the matrix will contain null for connections that
could not be found.

weights Array of Array of numbers

The weight matrix for the specified points in the same order as the time
matrix. The weights for different vehicle profiles can have a different unit
but the weights array is perfectly suited as input for Vehicle Routing
Problems as it is currently faster to calculate. If fail_fast=false the
matrix will contain null for connections that could not be found.

info object (ResponseInfo)

Additional information for your request

hints Array of objects

Optional. Additional response data.

55 of 84 12/30/2022, 7:23 PM
Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

default Unexpected Error

POST /matrix

Request samples


Content type



Copy Expand all Collapse all

- "from_points": [
+ [ … ],
+ [ … ],
+ [ … ]
- "to_points": [
+ [ … ],
+ [ … ]
- "from_point_hints": [
"Copenhagen Street",
"Richmond Avenue",
"White Lion Street"
- "to_point_hints": [
- "out_arrays": [

56 of 84 12/30/2022, 7:23 PM
Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

"vehicle": "car"

Response samples

200 default

Content type

Copy Expand all Collapse all

- "distances": [
+ [ … ],
+ [ … ],
+ [ … ]
- "times": [
+ [ … ],
+ [ … ],
+ [ … ]
- "weights": [
+ [ … ],
+ [ … ],
+ [ … ]
- "info": {
+ "copyrights": [ … ]

Matrix Endpoint
Prefer the synchronous endpoint and use this Batch endpoint for long running problems only.

The Batch Matrix endpoint allows using matrices with more locations and works asynchronously -
similar to the Batch Route Optimization endpoint:

• Create a HTTP POST request against /matrix/calculate and add the key in the URL:
/matrix/calculate?key=[YOUR_KEY] . This will give you the job_id from the response json
like { "job_id": "7ac65787-fb99-4e02-a832-2c3010c70097" }
• Poll via HTTP GET requests every 500ms against /matrix/solution/[job_id]

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Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

Here are some full examples via curl:

$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" "


Pick the returned job_id and use it in the next GET requests:

$ curl -X GET "


When the calculation is finished ( status:finished ) the JSON response will contain the full matrix
JSON under solution :

$ curl -X GET "


Please note that if an error occured while calculation the JSON will not have a status but contain
directly the error message e.g.:

{"message":"Cannot find from_points: 1"}

And the optional hints array.


REQUEST BODY SCHEMA: application/json

One of MatrixRequest SymmetricalMatrixRequest

profile string (VehicleProfileId)

Default: "car"
Specifies the vehicle profile of this type. The profile is used to determine the
network, speed and other physical attributes to use for routing the vehicle or
pedestrian. See the section about routing profiles for more details and valid
profile values.

from_points Array of Array of numbers

The starting points for the routes in an array of [longitude,latitude] .
For instance, if you want to calculate three routes from point A such as A->1,
A->2, A->3 then you have one from_point parameter and three
to_point parameters.

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Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API


to_points Array of Array of numbers

The destination points for the routes in an array of
[longitude,latitude] .

from_point_hints Array of strings

See point_hints of symmetrical matrix

to_point_hints Array of strings

See point_hints of symmetrical matrix

snap_preventions Array of strings

See snap_preventions of symmetrical matrix

from_curbsides Array of strings

See curbsides of symmetrical matrix

to_curbsides Array of strings

See curbsides of symmetrical matrix

out_arrays Array of strings

Specifies which matrices should be included in the response. Specify one or
more of the following options weights , times , distances . The units of
the entries of distances are meters, of times are seconds and of
weights is arbitrary and it can differ for different vehicles or versions of this

fail_fast boolean
Default: true
Specifies whether or not the matrix calculation should return with an error as
soon as possible in case some points cannot be found or some points are not
connected. If set to false the time/weight/distance matrix will be calculated
for all valid points and contain the null value for all entries that could not
be calculated. The hint field of the response will also contain additional
information about what went wrong (see its documentation).


200 A jobId you can use to retrieve your solution from the server.


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Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API


X-RateLimit-Limit integer
Your current daily credit limit.

X-RateLimit-Remaining integer
Your remaining credits until the reset.

X-RateLimit-Reset integer
The number of seconds that you have to wait before a reset of the
credit count is done.

X-RateLimit-Credits integer
The credit costs for this request. Note it could be a decimal and
even negative number, e.g. when an async request failed.

RESPONSE SCHEMA: application/json

job_id string <uuid>

UUID. Unique id for your job/request with which you can fetch your solution

default Unexpected Error

POST /matrix/calculate

Request samples


Content type



Copy Expand all Collapse all

- "from_points": [
+ [ … ],
+ [ … ],
+ [ ]

60 of 84 12/30/2022, 7:23 PM
Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

+ [ … ]
- "to_points": [
+ [ … ],
+ [ … ]
- "from_point_hints": [
"Copenhagen Street",
"Richmond Avenue",
"White Lion Street"
GET Batch Matrix [Endpoint
- "to_point_hints":
This endpoint returns the solution of a JSON submitted to the Batch Matrix endpoint. You can fetch it
with the],
job_id, you have been sent.
- "out_arrays": [
"weights", api_key
"vehicle": "car"string
} Request solution with jobId

Response samples
200 default

200 A response
Content type containing the matrix

Copy Expand all Collapse all
{ X-RateLimit-Limit integer
Your current daily credit limit.
"job_id": "44886560-b584-4da5-b245-768151dacd8f"
X-RateLimit-Remaining integer
Your remaining credits until the reset.

X-RateLimit-Reset integer
The number of seconds that you have to wait before a reset of the
credit count is done.

X-RateLimit-Credits integer
The credit costs for this request. Note it could be a decimal and

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Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

even negative number, e.g. when an async request failed.

RESPONSE SCHEMA: application/json

solution object (MatrixResponse)

default Unexpected Error

GET /matrix/solution/{jobId}

Response samples

200 default

Content type

Copy Expand all Collapse all

- "solution": {
+ "distances": [ … ],
+ "times": [ … ],
+ "weights": [ … ],
+ "info": { … }


Everything about geocoding

62 of 84 12/30/2022, 7:23 PM
Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

Geocoding Endpoint


Geocoding describes the process of transforming an textual address representation to a coordinate

( latitude,longitude ). For example the conversion from Berlin to 52.5170365,13.3888599 .

Reverse geocoding converts a coordinate to a textual address representation or place name. Find out
more about Geocoding itself on Wikipedia.



q string
If you do forward geocoding, this is required and is a textual description of
the address you are looking for.

locale string
Default: "en"
Display the search results for the specified locale. Currently French (fr),
English (en) and German (de) are explicitly supported. Otherwise leave the
locale empty.

limit integer <int32>

Default: 5
Specify the maximum number of results to return

reverse boolean
Default: false
It is required to be true if you want to do a reverse geocoding request.

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Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

If it is true , point must be defined as well, and q must not be used.

debug boolean
Default: false
If true , the output will be formatted.

point string
Forward geocoding: The location bias in the format 'latitude,longitude' e.g.
point=45.93272,11.58803. Reverse geocoding: The location to find
amenities, cities.

provider string
Default: "default"
The provider parameter is currently under development and can fall back to
default at any time. The intend is to provide alternatives to our default
geocoder. Each provider has its own strenghts and might fit better for certain
scenarios, so it's worth to compare the different providers. To try it append
the provider parameter to the URL like &provider=nominatim , the
result structure should be identical in all cases - if not, please report this back
to us. Keep in mind that some providers do not support certain parameters or
don't return some fields, for example osm_id and osm_type are not
supported by every geocoding provider. If you would like to use additional
parameters of one of the providers, but it's not available for the GraphHopper
Geocoding API, yet? Please contact us.

The credit costs can be different for all providers - see here for more
information about it.

Currently, only the default provider and gisgraphy supports autocompletion of

partial search strings.

All providers support normal "forward" geocoding and reverse geocoding via
reverse=true .

Default ( provider=default )

This provider returns results of our internal geocoding engine, as described

above. In addition to the above documented parameters the following
parameters are possible:

• bbox - the expected format is minLon,minLat,maxLon,maxLat

• osm_tag - you can filter key:value or exclude places with certain
OpenStreetMap tags !key:value . E.g. osm_tag=tourism:museum
or just the key osm_tag=tourism . To exclude multiple tags you add
multiple osm_tag parameters.

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Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

Nominatim ( provider=nominatim )

The GraphHopper Directions API uses a commercially hosted Nominatim

geocoder (hosted by OpenCageData).

In addition to the above documented parameters we currently support the

following parameters:

• countrycode - The country code is a two letter code as defined by the

ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2 standard. E.g. gb for the United Kingdom, fr for
France, us for United States.
• bounds - the expected format is minLon,minLat,maxLon,maxLat

Gisgraphy ( provider=gisgraphy )

This provider returns results from the Gisgraphy geocoder which you can try

Limitations: The locale parameter is not supported. Gisgraphy does not

return OSM tags or an extent.

Gisgraphy has a special autocomplete API, which you can use by adding
autocomplete=true (does not work with reverse=true ). The
autocomplete API is optimized on predicting text input, but returns less

In addition to the above documented parameters Gisgraphy allows to use the

following parameters, which can be used as documented here:

• radius - radius in meters

• country - restrict search for the specified country. The value must be
the ISO 3166 Alpha 2 code of the country.

NetToolKit ( provider=nettoolkit )

This provider returns results from the NetToolKit provider which is specialized
for US addresses and provides a wrapper around Nominatim for other
addresses. You can try it here.

The following additional NetToolKit parameters are supported (read here for
more details):

• source : User can choose which source provider to geocode the

address, this value is "NetToolKit" by default
• country_code : an iso-3166-2 country code (e.g : US) filter the results
to the specify country code

Limitations: NetToolKit does not support the locale parameter. NetToolKit

does not return OSM tags (e.g. osm_id, osm_type, osm_value).

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Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

does not return OSM tags (e.g. osm_id, osm_type, osm_value).

OpenCage Data ( provider=opencagedata )

This provider returns results from the OpenCageData geocoder which you
can try here. The difference to the nominatim provider is that other
geocoders might be used under the hood.

In addition to the above documented parameters OpenCage Data allows to

use the following parameters, which can be used as documented here:

• countrycode - The country code is a two letter code as defined by the

ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2 standard. E.g. gb for the United Kingdom, fr for
France, us for United States.
• bounds - the expected format is minLon,minLat,maxLon,maxLat


200 An array found locations


X-RateLimit-Limit integer
Your current daily credit limit.

X-RateLimit-Remaining integer
Your remaining credits until the reset.

X-RateLimit-Reset integer
The number of seconds that you have to wait before a reset of the
credit count is done.

X-RateLimit-Credits integer
The credit costs for this request. Note it could be a decimal and
even negative number, e.g. when an async request failed.

RESPONSE SCHEMA: application/json

hits Array of objects (GeocodingLocation)

took number <int64>

in ms

66 of 84 12/30/2022, 7:23 PM
Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

default Unexpected error

GET /geocode

Request samples

Curl Java

curl ""

Response samples

200 default

Content type

Copy Expand all Collapse all

- "hits": [
+ { … },
+ { … },
+ { … },
+ { … },
+ { … },
+ { … },
+ { … },
+ { … },
+ { … },
+ { … }
"took": 37

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Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

Isochrone API

Everything about isochrones

68 of 84 12/30/2022, 7:23 PM
Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

Isochrone Endpoint


You can get an example response via:

curl ",12.414551&key=[YOUR_KEY]"

Don't forget to replace the placeholder with your own key.


An isochrone of a location is ''a line connecting points at which a vehicle arrives at the same time'', see
Wikipedia. With the same API you can also calculate isodistances, just use the parameter
distance_limit instead of time_limit`.

Use Cases

Some possible areas in which this API may be useful to you:

• real estate analysis

• realtors
• vehicle scheduling
• geomarketing
• reach of electric vehicles
• transport planning
• logistics (distribution and retail network planning)

API Clients and Examples

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Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

See the clients section in the main documentation, and live examples.



point string
Specify the start coordinate

time_limit integer <int32>

Default: 600
Specify which time the vehicle should travel. In seconds.

distance_limit integer <int32>

Specify which distance the vehicle should travel. In meters.

profile string (VehicleProfileId)

Default: "car"
Specifies the vehicle profile of this type. The profile is used to determine the
network, speed and other physical attributes to use for routing the vehicle or
pedestrian. See the section about routing profiles for more details and valid
profile values.

buckets integer <int32>

Default: 1
Number by which to divide the given time_limit to create buckets
nested isochrones of time intervals time_limit-n*time_limit/buckets .
Applies analogously to distance_limit .

reverse_flow boolean
Default: false
If false the flow goes from point to the polygon, if true the flow goes
from the polygon "inside" to the point. Example use case for false : How
many potential customer can be reached within 30min travel time from your
store vs. true : How many customers can reach your store within 30min
travel time.


200 Isochrone Result

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Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

RESPONSE SCHEMA: application/json

polygons Array of objects (IsochroneResponsePolygon)

The list of polygons in GeoJson format. It can be used e.g. in the Leaflet


The number of polygon is identical to the specified buckets in the query.

Every polygon contains the bucket number in the properties section of the

copyrights Array of strings

default Unexpected Error

GET /isochrone

Response samples

200 default

Content type

Copy Expand all Collapse all

- "polygons": [
+ { … }

Map Matching API

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Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

Everything about map matching aka "snap to road"

72 of 84 12/30/2022, 7:23 PM
Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

Map-match a GPX file


You get an example response for a GPX via:

curl -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/gpx+xml" "

A minimal working GPX file looks like

<trkpt lat="51.343657" lon="12.360708"></trkpt>
<trkpt lat="51.343796" lon="12.361337"></trkpt>
<trkpt lat="51.342784" lon="12.361882"></trkpt>


The Map Matching API is part of the GraphHopper Directions API and with this API you can snap

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Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

The Map Matching API is part of the GraphHopper Directions API and with this API you can snap
measured GPS points typically as GPX files to a digital road network to e.g. clean data or attach certain
data like elevation or turn instructions to it. Read more at Wikipedia.

In the example screenshot above and demo you see the Map Matching API in action where the black
line is the GPS track and the green one is matched result.

To get a match response you send a GPX file in the body of an HTTP POST request and specify
request parameters like the key and profile in the URL. See below for more supported

API Clients and Examples

See the clients section in the main documentation, and live examples.

Limits and Counts

The cost for one request depends on the number of GPS location and is documented here.

One request should not exceed the Map Matching API location limit depending on the package, see the
pricing in our dashboard.



gps_accuracy integer
Specify the precision of a point, in meter

profile string (VehicleProfileId)

Default: "car"
Specifies the vehicle profile of this type. The profile is used to determine the
network, speed and other physical attributes to use for routing the vehicle or
pedestrian. See the section about routing profiles for more details and valid
profile values.

locale string
Default: "en"
The locale of the resulting turn instructions. E.g. pt_PT for Portuguese or
de for German.

elevation boolean
Default: false
If true , a third coordinate, the altitude, is included with all positions in the
response. This changes the format of the points and
snapped_waypoints fields of the response, in both their encodings.
Unless you switch off the points_encoded parameter, you need special

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Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

code on the client side that can handle three-dimensional coordinates.

details Array of strings

Optional parameter. The following path details are available: street_name ,
street_ref , street_destination , roundabout , country , time ,
distance , max_speed , max_weight , max_width , toll ,
road_class , road_class_link , road_access , road_environment ,
hazmat , hazmat_tunnel , hazmat_water , lanes , surface ,
smoothness , hike_rating , mtb_rating , foot_network ,
bike_network , get_off_bike . Read more about the usage of path
details here.

instructions boolean
Default: true
If instructions should be calculated and returned

calc_points boolean
Default: true
If the points for the route should be calculated at all.

points_encoded boolean
Default: true
Allows changing the encoding of location data in the response. The default is
polyline encoding, which is compact but requires special client code to
unpack. (We provide it in our JavaScript client library!) Set this parameter to
false to switch the encoding to simple coordinate pairs like [lon,lat] ,
or [lon,lat,elevation] . See the description of the response format for
more information.


200 Routing Result


X-RateLimit-Limit integer
Your current daily credit limit.

X-RateLimit-Remaining integer
Your remaining credits until the reset.

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Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

X-RateLimit-Reset integer
The number of seconds that you have to wait before a reset of the
credit count is done.

X-RateLimit-Credits integer
The credit costs for this request. Note it could be a decimal and
even negative number, e.g. when an async request failed.

RESPONSE SCHEMA: application/json

paths Array of objects (RouteResponsePath)

info object (ResponseInfo)

Additional information for your request

default Unexpected Error

POST /match

Response samples

200 default

Content type

Copy Expand all Collapse all

- "hints": {
"visited_nodes.sum": 58,
"visited_nodes.average": 58
- "info": {
+ "copyrights": [ … ],
"took": 2
- "paths": [
+ { … }

76 of 84 12/30/2022, 7:23 PM
Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

Cluster API


It solves the “capacity clustering problem” by assigning a set of customers to a given number of distinct
groups (called clusters). The API “clusters” by minimizing the total distance from each individual
customer to its designated group median. It can also consider minimum and maximum capacity
restrictions for each group.

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Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

Clustering can be used in many practical applications. For example, it can help to plan territories, i.e.
territory optimization for field teams with large territories for field workers, or to solve large vehicle
routing problems (VRP).

The idea is to divide a certain number of customers, a pre-specified number of clusters. As already
written above, a distribution is sought that minimizes the total cost (e.g. distance or time or a function of
distance and time). We currently support two approaches.

1. You can simply define a certain number of clusters via configuration ("clustering" with empty set of
"clusters") and additionally how many customers should be in such a cluster. This is defined by an
upper and lower limit ("min_quantity" and "max_quantity). The algorithm then searches for suitable
clusters and divides the customers into these clusters.

2. You can explicitly define clusters via "clusters". In this way, each individual cluster can be defined.
This approach not only allows each cluster to have its own capacity upper and lower bound, but
each cluster can also be assigned a fixed cluster center. In contrast to 1. the algorithm then does
not search for a suitable center, but assigns the customers given the fixed centers to each cluster.
Note that if you define clusters explicitly, any configuration of "clustering" will be overwritten by
these explicit clusters.

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Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

POST Cluster Endpoint

The Cluster endpoint is used with a POST request towards
/cluster?key=<your_key> . The solution will be provided in the JSON response. Please note that for
problems that take longer than 10 seconds a bad request error is returned. In this case please use the
asynchronous Batch Cluster Endpoint instead.


REQUEST BODY SCHEMA: application/json

Request object that contains the problem to be solved

configuration object (ClusterConfiguration)

clusters Array of objects (Clusters)

customers Array of objects (ClusterCustomer)


200 A response containing the solution


X-RateLimit-Limit integer
Your current daily credit limit.

X-RateLimit-Remaining integer
Your remaining credits until the reset.

X-RateLimit-Reset integer
The number of seconds that you have to wait before a reset of the
credit count is done.

X-RateLimit-Credits integer
The credit costs for this request. Note it could be a decimal and
even negative number, e.g. when an async request failed.

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Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

RESPONSE SCHEMA: application/json

copyrights Array of strings

status string
Enum: "waiting_in_queue" "processing" "finished"
Indicates the current status of the job

waiting_time_in_queue number <double>

processing_time number <double>

clusters Array of objects (Cluster)

400 Error occurred when reading the request. Request is invalid.

500 Error occurred on server side.

POST /cluster

Request samples


Content type

Copy Expand all Collapse all

- "configuration": {
"response_type": "json",
+ "routing": { … },
+ "clustering": { … }
- "clusters": [
+ { … }

80 of 84 12/30/2022, 7:23 PM
Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

Batch Cluster Endpoint

Prefer the synchronous endpoint and use this Batch Cluster endpoint for long running problems only.
The work flow is asynchronous:

• send a POST request towards

<your_key> and fetch the job_id.
• poll the solution every 500ms until it gives status=finished . Do this with a GET request
<your_key> .


REQUEST BODY SCHEMA: application/json

Request object that contains the problem to be solved

configuration object (ClusterConfiguration)

clusters Array of objects (Clusters)

customers Array of objects (ClusterCustomer)


200 A jobId you can use to retrieve your solution from the server - see solution endpoint.


X-RateLimit-Limit integer
Your current daily credit limit.

X-RateLimit-Remaining integer
Your remaining credits until the reset.

X-RateLimit-Reset integer
The number of seconds that you have to wait before a reset of the
credit count is done.

X-RateLimit-Credits integer
The credit costs for this request. Note it could be a decimal and
even negative number, e.g. when an async request failed.

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Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

even negative number, e.g. when an async request failed.

RESPONSE SCHEMA: application/json

job_id string <uuid>

UUID. Unique id for your job/request with which you can fetch your solution

400 Error occurred when reading client request. Request is invalid.

500 Error occurred on server side.

POST /cluster/calculate
GET Batch Solution Endpoint
Request samples
This endpoint returns the solution of the clustering problems submitted to the Batch Cluster endpoint.
You Payload
can fetch it with the job_id, you have been sent.

Content type

Copy Expand all Collapse all

jobId string
Request solution with jobId
- "configuration": {
"response_type": "json",
+ "routing": { … },
+ "clustering": { … }
- "clusters": [
200 A
+ response
{ … } containing the solution
- "customers": [
+ { … }
X-RateLimit-Limit integer
Your current daily credit limit.

X-RateLimit-Remaining integer
Response samples
Your remaining credits until the reset.
200 400 500
X-RateLimit-Reset integer
The number of seconds that you have to wait before a reset of the

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Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

Content type The number of seconds that you have to wait before a reset of the
application/json credit count is done.

X-RateLimit-Credits integer
Copy Expand all Collapse all
The credit costs for this request. Note it could be a decimal and
even negative number, e.g. when an async request failed.
"job_id": "44886560-b584-4da5-b245-768151dacd8f"
RESPONSE SCHEMA: application/json

copyrights Array of strings

status string
Enum: "waiting_in_queue" "processing" "finished"
Indicates the current status of the job

waiting_time_in_queue number <double>

processing_time number <double>

clusters Array of objects (Cluster)

400 Error occurred on client side such as invalid input.

404 Requested solution could not be found.

— 500 Error occurred on server side.

GET /cluster/solution/{jobId}

Response samples

200 400 404

Content type

Copy Expand all Collapse all

- "copyrights": [

83 of 84 12/30/2022, 7:23 PM
Documentation - GraphHopper Directions API

"OpenStreetMap contributors"
"status": "finished",
"waiting_time_in_queue": 0,
"processing_time": 4900,
- "clusters": [
+ { … }

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