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[efile GRAPHIC print - DO NOT PROCESS [LATEST DATA - Production DIN: 16221686991110) £4040 ne snes U.S. Individual Income Tax Return as v 1S Up Ony—Doat re osnin ip. JoMta wo, ssa5-0074 Flanended Rem Cisnge SZ vanevsingjomy Ciwaries mira seperatay prs) Cl Head ot Housenoi (HOH) J vata widower (QW) Filing Status 11 you checked the MS box, enlor the name of epoue I you shack the HOM er QW ex, enter the cilete nameithe qualifying ‘chad arly person a child but ot your dependent. Your frst name an mide Tata Tae name DONALD 3B NELANIASTRUNP Tbs rebum, 90086 frst name and mV a Tas name Imouse's social security number lore adress iano’ avd Sen Tivautave & PO tax, see acer Rat. a Presidentat Election Campaign Gheskher you cx you speeit ‘ing joy, et $30 go es fing Checking ahox low yltnat change Cit, opt otic, sta ZIP cde, youve &fereon ites st camila spaces lo eee natch). ZY v PALM BEACH, FL 3460 Spee “Forgan county nae Faion rovnesitatccuiy 1f more than four dependents, see Instone and hee Standard someone can sain: L) varane deoenert C1 Your spaise aba desenctt Deduction ne (Cl spouse temizes on « separate retum or you wore a dvalsiatisafen AgolBindness You: WZ Were born before daruary 2.1858 [] Are tind Spouse: (] Wes tern before January 2, 1988 Ct tire Dependents (ee sictns} {BY Saal Saray maior] (3) Faas you | GAD 7 Pease aa ee ae _ Cid at uin cin er trends _ 3 ow a o TT 0 Oo o o o I Wages, salares, We cle Alach Form W2 PLD De Sia | 20 Terence nicest [2a 233], Tobieinwes ma ih Bitqied [aw fS)——Tasse.ase Peace "| 3a quaied divers [Ba 76.540] Ornay svn Ata Bf edind Bb 73981 Maredting | aa ma csrouors . . [aa b aaleenant oe. fam SEER |e renoneand annunies: [ae a twableamont 9). ) [aa roar Maneating | sa socal secunty senetts: [5a bTeatleanount . 1... [SB Jpmpes | Capital gain or (les) ataeh Schedule DW required If mat require, Oe SB _sasnaar vicowes, | 70 Otherincome om Schedule ,neS sve se te ee ee ee De Tis.s98511 Sze te Add ines 1, 2, 3b, 4b, 4d, 5b, 0, nd 7a. This is yourtetalincome ss ss ss LTD 443,503 menos, | a Adzistments a rceme trom Schadvle 3, Ine 22 ieaes [om 2.79 Sine 'b Subtioa tre. fom ile 7b. Tisis your agjusted grassincome sm Lam ae WeiSander Standard deduction or itersized deductions (from Scheduie A) |_9 4,408,544} Stenson" [20 cutee tusiess ncome dechcton atten Fomaias rFomasos-a [AO Descton 26] s3u ac inee9 and 0. 2 8 p caniveina a wae le s9s,s2 'b Taxable income. Subtac ine L1a ram ne 8. i ero or less enter -0- 2 fa 2.97517 For iscosure,Prvecy Act, ne Paperwork Reducton Aci Notes, see separseinatustons, Ta we ae Fon z380 Gos rum 1009 2019 123 Tax wenjOakihay i mg) aller alan 30 [ate Saal ' Add Schedule, ne and ine I2aandenterthe ofl. sj ss [AD 5,700 238 Caldimonmt orem io aterdepeniet. ee se (A > Add Schodue3, tne 7, and na taaanderterihetoal 2) ys ee 425,335 14° Sura ine 130 ffomtine 2b. Czeoorlesemter-— | te La ‘Da.st8 435 Gthertove,ncuding exif empleyment tx, rom Senet 2, ne 19 Dot) Gas 8 Cigaimama) 46 Addlines 14 and 15. is Syourtetaltaks ee ee ee ee PLB 0575 swatting [47 Federal ncome tox wiibet fom forme W2andi999 2 | te es [ae 36,000 [am _crer payments and cfundobe ced Eames income cred (EC) cose wo x (Ba Atdtoral eld oe cred, Attach Sede 8012 Do faa ¢ American oppertunty creat rem rormases, new... [ase @smeaoglnei se ee ee le ae pio, Add ines 188 trough 48, These are your otal other payments and refundable creas [180 110,007 19° Addins 17 ad 100 These ve your total paymente eee es es se La 1,086 497 Refund 20 trie 19 move than ne 1, sbirct ne 1 rors Ine TH Tn He Svar you overpald [20 105,520 2a Anountot tne 20 you wae refunded to you, irre sae i auaced, creck reve, » CI [2zal RYEGCRPEE by Routing nurbar » ctype: Cehseting _Csevings > & Account number 1 22._ Anca ine 29 you wank pond te you aD etintan >_> [BE 10.52 Fmount 23 Amount you owe Subiertiie 1 rem ne 16, For deals on how to pay see ramus > [23 You Owe 24 _Eximitedtzcpenaty weiesincvons). ss ss » | 20] ‘Fhird Porky De ovate aowaroterponen hw fa jo Pa papare] bss im ih Fa RST Sea nansivs vas, Gongs bow Designee Cine (Gterter Desgne's Prone Persona eneaen paneer hanes no umber (om) nin =e Sour stnacre ate Your seupaton eR toe doy esate ca tioe Ahistreume tert 9-14-2020] PRESDENT i a Teebuctons. PSone varaie Wa Bat, Baa RoE Tae | Sane ocean | FBS rae reapeceay tr Vane aaa | one eng haan mame [Era anaes oa eparereAgntire ate TW Thea es & srapary Desave Fanranane © HRERS TEAUP Prone re tryed Use Only Paap ieaiias | OP serene ol Fe NTS TBISS wooosury, Wy, 117972003 ‘Gea ravw FS Gav FonTT OAD Tar SOCIO ane Te ates TORTI, Tam reso TH LATEST DATA Production. Du: Cl nw wteoan Additional Income and Adjustments to Income attach to Ferm 1040 or 1049-SR. Depunnast of he Testey Go to Form1040 for Instructions and the latest information, Ince Revene Senice CEEECETZZIEE | 2019 atachmert Sequancs Ne. OL TeeGate mre TOE Tar SY RS Scanie recanccraane 7 ary bre drng 215, yay eee wT, RE, tan, Sense ae any MVC ET ary - cia uty during ba years sa Sev SM OP ew a yer Zino Patt Additional income: 2 Toable refunds, rts, oF foals oats a OGRE ES yy LE ni 2a Almonyrecthed see se Dil t it) as ae of argh rors or seperation eretment (se nsictons) Pe _ 3 Bienes income eles). tach Schedule CH. = - crower. Le 235.860 4 Onergansor (esses) AceenFoma/97 tee 3 5 Rental entat, yates partnerships, Scxpuatons, tun ct Altech schealee@ os. [os Free & Farmicone or (os) AUGNSthedser ss ys ws vss ste ve ee. LS 2 vnerloymartcompermtion ve eevee eee. DF 8 Other ince. Ust type and amcunt > 9 Combine ines 1 Ureugh 8. Ener tere and on Form 1040 or 1040-5, na 7 i 2 1605 Fai H_Aglustments w income 21. Catan ans erense f seits, erin tis, nee ass overmentoAtach Form 2308 : cored x fax 22 Heat soungs acount Gecurton. Atach MBE LL Le es Ge 13 Moving expencarfrmamber ofthe med Fores AtachFomm 3093) Pt es Dae 14 Deductible part of self-employment tax. Attach Schedule SEW) © + 6 ee ee ee ee 14 62,789 A5 Sufemployed SCP, SIMPLE endquifedns ss vs ss sv vee te eee. Las 16 Seltemplevedheath insurance desucton. . sss se. Le 47 Penal onearywthowelofsevigs sss ts seat ees e esses. DF 8a Aimony pale o : mameonnsen, & ao a oe [Als DRESS | ee meats bs Bite feria dove or eparaton agree eve erctons) a9 taveauton et ee te te ete ee [29 20 sncortloanintrestcewucton oS PDL TL Illi Fe 24. Tulon and fee. teh Form 6917 2 22 Addins 10 tvough 24. These er your a esas nese Fa For Paperwors Radueton Ret Notes, 220 your tx rou Tattucien Schedde Form TOI TOIT TR) BOT Name: DONALD J % mELANIA Go to wwunirs.aov/Schedules for instructions and the latest information. 2019 | Amount 2 Rage smourts on inet ST ST STRTPREY) 3 Exludable interest on series EE End |U'S. sovngs bonds Issued ae 198. tech formBE1S sr Par arrrael le 44 Subtract ine 3 from tne 2, Enter the result here ane on Form 1040 oF 20@0-SK, ne 20 11,332,436 ‘Notar Iline 4 is ver $1,500, you mut complete Part ‘Amount tram ot pa Part Il 0 asgocures ue sia Ordinary e3. TRUMe vil ae CONST CORP-DIT GR TR Dividends {HOH Ci beac Havin aia (See instructions {cetrucions fer Farm 3999 or is0-s8, line 30.) ‘Note: 1r you Feeelved 2 Form 2089-D1V or obsttute fa brokerage fri, isetre rms name es the payer ane enter Evoraneey Svianda shown onthattom. z 6 ide anaunis note: ne 6s ever $1,500, you rast comolete Fart I Parti You must complete tis pare yeu (a) had ove $1,500 of vate terest or eranaryaaendsy (@) aga [ogy Sees () ends darbuton fone nore aronip of orataretuario.aforsan tusk, {Yes | No i 7a_ AC anytime during 2013, ad you have a thera here! oslgroture nuk over a nancial account Foreign (uch as 2 bank account, seariies account, or brokerage account) located ma foreign country? See Accounts = Imus ss ees ee ves and 1°%es," are you requred to fe HCE Form 114, Report f Fareign Sank and Financial Accounts (BAR), th rept tat nena intrest er sgnature nuhorty? See Fincen Form 11a snd fs insvustlo for Ting Trusts Faber ond exception to those requirements a seen (See nstrucuons)) it yu are reeuired tole Fine Form 234, erter the rame ene foreign country where te tana recount ened PUM nnn shy . 8 Dating 2619, ld you reve 8 elittlon trom, or were you the grata of or ranstorero oeign EUSUr De ves you mayhave tafe Porm 9500, Scetntuctona ress en we ro For Paperwark Reduction Adi Notice, see your tx return instructions, Cai: We, 17iveN Schedule ® (Form 1040 oF 4040-SR) 2015 Additional Data Software ID! Software Version: SSN: ‘Spouse SSN: Name: DOWALD J & MELANIA Oe 257 7 grossincome. Aidines $a 3 wee ee LD 32.017 Dave HE Expenses. Entor exoanses for business use OF yaur home only on ine 30- sacverisnp se ee LB 48 Ofce expense (see instructions) 9 Car and truck pense (oe 29 Pensien ond prot shaving pans [a9 instructors) vee [oO 20 Ren or lease (see instructons} A0Cemmissins and tees. [0 a Veicee,madiney, erdcaviomert «| 20] Aa convectiabor (see nsruciens) [ta bb Other burirerspropaty . . [zon] azoepeion =. sw 24 Repairs and maintenance 2 43 Depreciation and section 179, 22Suppies (net neutedin Parity — [az ‘expense deduction (nce res included In Par (sce 2 Tae * + [ae 34,087 Instructions). 13 2aTravel and meals 4.4 employee benene programs - walled acc a we as os oe se [em (ether thanentine 9). & Deductbte meals (see structions) - [pap] As tmuranee (ethers neath) | [a —_ erie = 26 Interest (se ins a s le 26 Waces (lessempteyment crests)” [ae . ee} J] ara otrereroenses cram ines). [7a by Reservedforfuture use... [276] 417 Lege and orofessonal services, [37 Ba Total axpansoe before dopanies for buses was OT feme: Ald nes @ WweaghaTS an 29 Temtauve prot or (ess). Subtracine 28 tom lke 7 on ae fe eaee es Dae ¢ 130 cypentes for business uce of your home. Da nde report these expenses elsewhere, Altech Form 6829 unless tung the simple mecrod (gee we uctons), ‘Simplified metaod tiers oniy: ena the toil square footage af: (a) your home ‘and (0) thal Dartof your heme used for business Use the Sinplited Method Warksheet nthe inetrutirs| {figure the amount ts entor en line 30, 30 [34 Net protit or (Hoss), Subirect ne 29 trem tne 29 5 + Ifa prot, enter on both Schedule 1 (Farm 1040 or 1040-SR), line 3 (0° Form 10: ‘and on Schedule SE, line 2. (Ifyou checked the bor en ine 1, see Instruction). Estates i ‘Sntoron Form 4044, line 3, Jha ° + Haless, you must 3019 ns 22, 132 Iryouhave a ts, cheik te Uox that describes your Investment 1n sh acuity (See Instructors). + Ifyou checies 323, enter the loss on bath Schedule 1 (Form 1040 or 1040-SR), line 2 (or Form } 32a All nvesivartis ask 1040-NR, line 13} and on Schedule SE, line 2. (Ifyou checked the box en lire 1, see the line 3 instructors). Estates and teres, entoran Porm 1043, line 2 + Ifyou erected 32s, you must tach Form 6198. Your loss may be Site, 320 C1 sone nasneuis nai For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, See the Separate Instructions THE Ne, T1554? Schedule C (Form 1040 or T040-SR) 20S ‘Sehedle © (Form 1040 or 1040-SR} 2018 Part Iii Cost of Goods Sold (see instructions) eae 23 Methods) used AE SEe oe a Dose » Cl Lowert cos ormarke ———_€ [1 other (attach exolanaton) 34 Wosthere ary charge in determining quantities, coi, er valuations between opening end cosng inventory? Jean sesh eeisntion Peer erie’ Bee: Dive. 335 Inventory st beginning of your dffirent os act years easing Inventory, attach exolantion o (a 38 Purchases less custo items witnrewn for personals vw ee ee ee Lae 37 Costotlabor. Donetinciude any amounts toyourselh we ew Lael BE Mateielsandsumies oe ee ee ee ee ee baal 38 othercoste eecunnantomed USSR EEREEED Lael 40 A rae 35 rough 20 see G2 ERES ao 4a everbiinenmenvel og ce REGS - Lal 442._Cost of goods sold, Suis Ine 43 for ine 40. Enter he result hers anon tne 4 2 3 Paiiv Information on Your Vehicle. Complete tis part enly if you are claiming cer or truck expenses on line 9 and are not required to fle Form 4552 for this Business. See the instructions fer line 13 to find out f you must fle Form 4562. “43 When did you place your vehicle serie for business purpaaea? (month, day, yoar) AA ofthe tts! numberof ils you drove your vahice during 2018, enter the numbarof ries you used your vehicle fr: a ausiness b Commuaing (se insructons) © ther 45 Wat your vehicle avaiable for personal ues string of-ty hours? pete ee es Dyes Ono ‘46 Doyou (ar your spouse) have enather vehicle available for personal use? see eee) Dyes Ono 447% Do you have evidence to support your deduction? fee e wa ee ewaresas Bye Ono, b Wrves"isthe evidence write? ws se Les Oo Part ¥_ Other Expenses. List belon busliess expenses not icuded on ines 8-26 or line 30. “o_ Total other expenses arrewawer Mela Scheie (Form TORU or OTTER) BOIS fafils GRAPHIC print DO NOT PROCESS [LATEST DATA - Production ‘DLN: 16221688891110] ON ls 3545-0074 ams Profit or Loss From Business (Form 1940 or ? 2019 Cae (ale Propristrehip) 50 to ws. oov/Scnedulec for Instructions and the latest information, secchmere upuena ft Taanny [P Atte 0 Form 1040, 1080-3R, 1040-NR, or Loaly partnerships generally must ile Form] SNS be ecuset ‘oss. Name o prepa ‘Social security numbar (SSN) own TUN 1k Ponca briness or pretending Svat oer ee Taso] 1 tec hominis AMIRTON nao © Business nar To Senarate business name, leave banc ‘D Emplever Ib paror DIT AEROSPACE LLe (enmy/ ie ner.) E Business sccress (Incuding sulte or ream ne.) CI. MAZARS. ky, town or postofce state, and ZIP core WOODBURY, _ i “1iv89” F Aecounting method: (2) Zl cach (2) Cl acnist (3) Ll other (epee) ph 6 bia you “materaly parce” inthe operation of tis busesscurrg 20157 I "We," see instructors for Umiton SSeS. Clyeg po 1H.1 you started or sequred this business during 2049, chesieheres ss ss eee en am By bid you mate any payments In 2018 tet would reaure you tole Frm(s) 1099? (see Insrictions) eae 2 vie 2311s, ad you or wll you fle required Forms 30897 ew ee ee eee es Myre dy PRET Income 2 Gomera se gua Pe a Sea FOE ENG DE Wa PRED tz you gn Frm 2 ae the “SUNY empbyee” baron Gatton wes checked > s — 2 Refurns and allowances Be seal 2 3 3 Subtrectline 2fominet ve ee ee 3 32193 4 Costotgeadesold (Fomine 2) r 2 5 Gross prot. sustract ine 4 emiines sa4 Ragu RSS s 32085 her income, ineucig federl and sate gozoine © fel tex cet. refund (Se Instructions) 6 Gross income. Addins $3706_2 ee aos Pano _ Expenses. Enler exenses for business uve of Your Home only on Ine 30. Se ra ry 18 Office expense (see Intutiore) [8 Si 9 Car and track experaes (sce agrension ana prome-starngpans [49 trsvuetors) cee [8 20 Rent orlease (ste irotatons} AOCommissent andes | | [40 a venices,maaney, aeeeuomen = | 20a] 19.346 Contract abor (see instructions) [aa TH53) py othertusiessproseny . . - [aes azoeeton ss a at Repairs and maintenance. + | a4 EC an eee vs 22Supples (nat incudedin pati) — [az a6 aiereoriied agToesonsicenses se ss Pag 32 instuetors) 3 324 Travel and meat: 24 nloyee benef srograms ae see ee es ss | zeal 1.458 a4 «| (trerthan nine 18). ' peductble meals (see nsiucuons) - [pgp astrsurence (ether tren neath) [as S70] sees oe $8 keer Goes Rakeacior) 26 Waces (essemoloymentereits) as 369 @ Nortgege (padto tanks, et: | 16a . = ae ate 27a ote exoenses (rom ine 48). [27a 1 “cslat er Reserved ferfuture we. + 27 Lega ard professional services [37 tas]? ia =e ‘BE Talal expenses Foire Sxpenue oF busines uae theme Aad ines UveUghaVE ars 29° Tentative oof or (os). Subba line 28 ram ine 7 aS gauge e [ay 5.657 30 Expenses for Cusiness use of your ome. Do ne reper these expenses elsewhere, Atach Form 8829 unless ng tne silted method (see instructions) Simplified method files only: enter the total square footace ot: a) your heme: and byte Patt! your hore ures for busine: Use the Simplites Method Werlaheatn Be instructions forigue the amount to enter on ne 50 30 _ 4 Net profit or (loss). Subtract ine 30 from ine 28 sifa prot enter on both Schedule 1 (Form 1080 or 1040-SR), ne 3 (o> Form 1040-NR, ine 13) sane en Schedule Se, line 2- [you checked the bor online. 208 Istastion)Eatates and tact, enter on Form 4034, tine 3. 39 Vlas cei + Ir foss, you must go tore 32, 32. Iryouhave 3 ose, check the box Hat éestites your investment this activity (see ncuron) + Fyou checked 32a, enter the love on herh Schade 1 (Ferm 1940 or 4040-88), line 3 (or Form } oF 4040-NR, line 13) snc en Schodule Se Fine 2. (IF you checked the bos en line 4, ave the ine 31 insirvctons). Estates and tuts eter on Ferm 104%, line 3- ‘+ ST you checked 32b, you must 2tach Form 8198, Yair loss may fe limita, 12h Cl sonsinesintie oti For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the separate Instructions: Ta is) TTSGUPSchadule € (Form 1640 or 1040-SR) 2058 Software ID: Software Version: ssn ‘Spouse SSN: Name: DONALD 38 NELANIA Gontncons Adline Sard : Ucn gt ai Pare expenses, Er exes lor bustess use cf aur Tae only Oui. akties . ite pre ee naciony [TE Weturtibas} ce 20 Rent or lease (see instructions): ineonet or ee matte)” [EE Jonetaennecs BS 1B ovprenoneuin 19 2a sues (et nce patm) PBR tigre seein tn se includes in Foren ie a wee 2 Oe ee per 24 Employee benettt progams a aed se ee es [zaal (Charan ine © veaixbe mess (ee svat) [pan “ar Wrngane {os bbsepeie! te ‘26 Wages (less employment credits} 26 2 marae 278 ober genes am net). [a enna tae 308 — ‘Reserved forfuture use. , . | 27b) intwntomeenient [a a7 38 Tenane potter) tert ne am oe? : 3 mam 30. Experses for business use of your home. Do net repert these expenses elsewhere, Attach Form 8829 unless Using the simplited method (sue Instructions). Simplified method fllers only: enter the tetal square fentage of (a) your home and (b)the| par of yourhome used for business Use the Simp Method Workahestin tre instructons fe ngure vie amount ta ence” on tine 33, 30 34 Net profit or (loss). Subiract Ine 20 from Ine 29, + T's profi, ereer ch bath Senedla 1 [Form 1020 oF 1040-SR), ine 3 (or Form 1049-NR, line 43) and oh Schedule SE, line 2 (If you checked the box anne 3, fee Weruclens), Extites ad bust, thier on Ferm 2044, line 3, i ae #2 fos, you must got line 32 32. I youhave 3 loss, check te box tat describes your investmert in ths activity (see instructions) + Tryou checked 322, exter the lens on beth Schedule 1 (Farm 1040 or 1040-SR), Une 2 (or Form } 222 tinestmant st 41040-MR, line 13) =yo'en Schodule $5, line 2, (It you eneched the bor an line 2, see the ne 3 Insirtions). Enates ona tract, enter on Ferm 2044, line 2+ + Hypo desea a you uot such Porm 6190" et ss oy Be na 126 C senenmonti ns For Paperwork Reduction AcE Notice, sea the separate instructions Cat No, TIS34PSchadule C (Form 1640 or 1020-SA) 7039 Form 1040 Schedule C, Part V, Other expenses: (o]pescpeon [_tianvenr TISCELAVEOOS TES | 2 enTnG EES 205] FB BPRNSE Tit DUES A SUBSCRITONE 100 Baa Schedule € (Ferm L040 oF 1040-Sk) 2019, Part Ii Cost of Goods Sold (see instructions) eae? 33. metnoa() uses 0 wal cesingFventanys aos » Cl tome otcestormereet —_e ] omer artecn explanation) 34 Mee wer any cng naterinng quits caso vlan einen aprng nd cg nveor? Trewaucd agente ene nee rm Dive One 35. inventory at Begining of year. IF aterertrom las eas closing inventory, attach explaraton 5 [les 36 Purchases less com of tame thdraunfer personal se ve 36 37 Cot of lator De rot incide any amounts paidteyounstt 6 ve ee ee ee Lae 36 Wibendoppes ee eS eee ee He we Loe BE Chiral Gua nas weaves env eosenama ease Lee 0 Addlnes SURE ee ee ee eas [aol EL Invenio atendeh ear vee ee Lae 442 _Cost ot goods sold. Subtiactine $1 online aD. fter th suit nee andentied | a 8 Partiv Information on Your Vehicle. Complete this pare only if you are caiming car or truck expenses on line 9 and are not required to file Form 4962 for this business. See the instructions far line 13 to find cut if you must file Form 4562, “43. When old you lace your vehicle in servcefar business purposes? (month, cay, year) 144 or the total number of miles you drove your vehicle during 2018, erter the numberof miles You Used your vehicle fr: Bucneet bb Commuting (202 instructions) € Other 45 was your Yenicle avaliable rer personal use aurng er-auty nours? see ee ee Gives Ono 148 De you (or your spouse) nave another vehicle evalabe for pesaral use? tee ee Gives Ono 47» be you have evidence to support your deduction? See eee) Dyes One b IF *¥e5\" is the evidence written? Soe ee ne Ces One V_ Other Expenses. List below busmnass expenses ror heluded on Ines 8-26 or Ine 30. ‘48 Total other expenses, Erterheeandaninea7e ~~ =| Schedule € (Form 1010 oF TDAO-SAY BOTS Additional Data ‘Software 1D: Software Version: SSN ‘Spouse SSN: Name: CONALD 3 8 NELANIASTRUNP [efile GRAPHIC print DO NOT PROCESS J LATEST DATA Production ON Ho 1545-0078 SCHEDULES Profit or Loss From Business (Ferm 1040 or 2019 (rere (Sele Propristorship) oan So to unuuirs.sovtScheufec tor rstractions and the latest information, stechmene Deprinmt sf ny |P Attach to Form 1046, TOA0-SR,L0aO:N or L0alpavnershis generfy must fle Form] = oo Rane oa Sadat cacy mbar RR) 'A iseba business or reesaon,nolvang pedo Src [ec nsctone Teco tem roroctone fin oS © fses sare Ino separate RIE fae, lave BBE DemseyerIonamier Erenoenvoniue (enews) © Buses edzrees nccna sate orem ao. ies = Gey earter pan tog taeda SARA AY aaa F Accounting method: (2) WZ cash (2) C0 Accrual (3) otter (specty) iameperctineel G 04 you “metry parca” nthe operation of hs business cura 261971 oe seeirstuciinforImikon ses Clyeg Zl no H ttyou stated or sequred na bss suing 2019, chetkleres vet vn ee canoe Ey 1 id you mate any paiments In 2019 that would requir you toi Form) 1090 (Se Incucons) Elves One 31 1F"¥e;" you or Wk you le Ged FOS AOBBI ts wee vt ne ee Eaves lo Patt Income 2 SoRreens ae Fe NCIS ONC aa AE TENE War ra 10 Yon 2 ape ta "tata ripe ‘box on that form was checked. » Oo SS 2. Retursandatowrees : eel’ 2 3 swwvactine2fominet st tet cvvebnnrneree Tao 44 Coctef goad sl (rem Ine 42) Polhill ibe hibiiiiii: 3 5 Gross profe. Sutra: inestromine? | |e Tas & Othericeme, elaing ede and state cosine or fs tx ceo refund (se Inston) : 7 Grossincome,Aédines Sand. ss a rae FETE Park H__@xpenses, Eile! expenses or buenas ose of Your Heme only On Ine 30 Cr a 38 OFiceexpece con navustera) [SB Dearassracc evs ae a9 ersien and proe-stareg pans [a9 Instructions) aie Le 20 Rent or lease (see instructions): Aocommissons ondtees | [a0 a wics rmaceyieteawent .. [ata aaa 4a Contract abor (se srucions) 2a pose tarcaporey «+ Te a20enetn fe 2A Repalvondrmahiemnce ss [ae 57 39 Dejecatian and section 178 2asummies (net nertedin pave) | [aa 186 eee ee sea as incuged n Fart ove 2 : 260 Insurers) 2 ee 14 Employee benefit programs 1% prea yee sb eH bb (ahertionentne 9). peauole meas (st insrectons) [aa deimonetermion ath [as PE sue Ee irterelt: (ane Instructions 26 Wages (less employment credits} 26 32,641 3 Nortgese (sad to banks, et _ : eres; Mone emenes (rine sa) [Bm wists 17 Legal and professional services 17 _ 2,099] HRSSSS eRe, es |B Ta Total expenses ESTE Capen fr DATES aE TOME TH REO ETS SOT 29 Tentave pif or (os). Subtract ne 28 fomne 7 a 2 “234.375 30. Expenses or tusiess use of your nem, Donor epart hese expenses elsewhere, Atach Form 8829 unless sng ne sited method Gee rations) Shnnlfed method Mrs nly entertains uae fetage of (a) your here and () te patel your heme ad for rem Use he Sinpiied Nehod Waaheat Ta We Irstuctons gue tne amount ener ene 30 34. Netproit or (los), Subtract line 30 Fo ne 28 Ty-ipinoe snr a bth Schedle 1 (arm 2040 or 1040-5R), fa 3 (or Form t040-NR, tine 13) ] sey seeteate nigypuonscsneveronvet meraneiesyehamonis | exeeron Form Loa4, line 3. Si + Ifaless, you must go t line 32. ee 32 It you have 3 bss, check the box that daserlbas your invastment fn thls acthity (see incructions), 41940-NRy line 43} and o7 Scheslule 5 line 2. (Ifyou cnorkee tre zy tle fy see the ne 31 irstuctons) estates and tus, ener on Ferm 209i, line 3. + Ifyou cneched 32, you must attach Form 6198. Your lass may be imited + Ifyou chccied 325, ontar the loss on beth Schedule 4 (Ferm 1040 or 4040-SR), line 9 (cr Form } 32a Yair mesments st sk 3 CT ene mestneti For Paparworke Reduction Ae Notice, eoa tha caparal Tstraion: TSE Ne, TISHAP Schedule € (Farm 1040 or 0a0 SR) OAS Schedule € (Form 2040 ar 1040-5) 2010 Page 2 Dae Ti Gout of Goods Sold (wre natTaAS) 33 Meshod(s) used» elue doing vent mie 2 Ceest » (1 Lower of caster market © C1 other (ataeh explanation) 24 share ary hang tring ual, ci, rans beeen pegs ding vento? omic T ee rere ee ones ve Ono 35 Inventory et begining ot yer. If aferent rom ast year's casing vestry, tach expansion = (se 36 Purchases les costo ems witheraom forperonal ust we ee [88 7 Costatlabor. Co net inlude ary amounespald youre ee BE Hoeisleandevpotes cece eee [ae 39 Oeics ee 3 $0 Ri IReET INT ee eee ES 40 a fot amventiry eeend oryORr ee eee ee ee [ae 42_costof goods sold, Syorct ne 41 ram ne 40. envertneresutrereangontmed 2 a ss | ae 2 Park IV Information on Your Vehicle. Complete this part only if you are clalming car or truck expenses on line 9 and are nct required to file Form 4562 for this business, See the instructions for Ine 13 to find out if you must fle Form 4562. “43 When da you place your vehicle m service for business purposes? (month dey, yer) ® 44 Ofthe toie| number of miles you drove your vehicle during 2018, eter the nurtber af males you used your vahile for: 2 Busress 'b Commuting (see instructions) © Other 45 Wes your vetice avalabe fr personal use during of ty hours? wennsca aos ee DOvee Olive 146 Doyou (oryour spouse) have ancther vehicle avaliable for partons! ues? ime 38 ver Lino “a79 Do you have evicenes to support yaur daduction? x vee CINo bit-Yese ithe avience written? = ws Clyes Cine Tue Gther Expenses, Ut scion busiest Ooerse not ncuded on Mes Eze erie 70 FOE EPEISE, aes 15.557 97 a Br 19 ictal € Form TOT or TOTO ER) OS “E_Total other expenses Heres adonine@a [efile GRAPHIC print - DO NOT PROCESS J LATEST DATA Production oer we Profit or Loss From Business feseme (Sele Propristorship) G0 to unvivs.g0v/Schedulec for instructions and the latest information. > Attach to Form 1040, 1040-SR, 1040-NR, or 1041; partnerships generally must file Form o eachment Sequence Name o pepe MELAWIA TRUMP. [A Pricbal business a” prafession, eluding product or serves (see istrurbons) {© fusinacs gama Ifa separate business name, eave Blac MELANIA TRUMP EE Business adress (Incuding suite orreom 90) Social security number (SSN) DEmalover To numer (emmys rs) Chy, town er pest afice, state, aad PIP vate. EW VOR WORE F Aecounting matned: (2) A cash (2) Clacrt (3) Llother (spout) R Cia you "materially partite" n the operation ofthis business during 20192 "No," see Instructons for imiton SSeS. yes no H Ifyou stored of sequred his busness duing 2049, cheskheres vv ee ee ene » 5 id you ake any payments In 2019 thet woul require you tle Frm) 10992 (eee netics) 2 Theixe 3. 11Yes," ed you or nll you Mle egueed Form 10897 ee we ee Plyeeld Der Income ee Gms Tecepts or SSeS, See MSTUCKDNS [or Ine T and cheek tne box Fn Heoiye War eponed tz you en Form W:2and the Statutory enpbjee“boxonthatfor was hecced ws eC] | 8 2 Reinsane-slewances pai 8 oe Ce 2 3 Subactinezfromiinet ¢ see eee ee eee ee ee DB A Gost of goods sole (Fomine 2) ee ee eee ee [A 3 5 Gross profit. Sustrac:ine 4 romine3 sw 25 SHR RE 5 © Gther ircame, ncucing federal ond ste gasoline or fue tex creditor refund (ee Msirctins) §— . . 55a 7 Gross income. Aidiines Sand 6... eto 3,848 Barz Hi Expenses, Eile @penses for busters use of your home only one 30 ‘BAdverising ~. Ls 48 Oca sepane (eos Intaimtora) LAB 9 Carand uuck expenses (see 419 Pension anc pronitsnaring plans 39 Instuctions) see [8 20 Rent or lense (see instructions) s0Commissions sndfees |. | 40 2 Weices, macnnery,andequpment | 20a 411 Contract labor (see instructions) [4a iO tudcecnety, «= = Tana a20ereien ss . Be 2a Ropsicsend mantersnce «ss [ak 113 oefreciaton end section 172 22Sipples (ot included in Parti) — [2 expense decuction (not included in Part TI) (see caTemsent emesis w & si Fraps Sa Ribnae pes 8 Wee 20) * b Deducubie meats (see instructions). [4p ssherins(aernen) TB aoe en a See ee ee 26 Wages (less employment credits) 26 Sees ss 2a doer omens om tne 8) [A herein b Reserved fortutureuse . . . [27] 39. tena tthe) suse 8 fem ne? 38 3 30 pee or sess of or hore, Go ret reper rete expres severe Ach or EEE une Uaratie soled sah deacons Sireiind mars mak ero sqe lag (9) yourbone ani) 24. Netra 7 Goes) Suna ine Safran ne 38 SOP Pl Beet Pn 1040 1040-9, ine 3 Form 3840-4, tine 13) Seta a3 a , + Ira oss, you must go to ine 2. 32 Ifyouhavea loss check te box that descibes your iwestmert inthis activity (see instructions) 2 you ena 1040-NR, Ine 13) anc on Schedule SG, ine 2 (21 you checkas the tox online 3, eae te Ine 22 ed 2a, enter th leet oy beth Schedule (Farm 1040 07 1040-8R), ine 3 [o" Form | 32a Ltinvestnents atok frac fates atts eer on reo how Pisa Feseucasanarana + you ciecked 32b, you must eUlsch Ferm 6198. Your loss ray be mies, For Paperwork Reduction Ac Natice, see the separate instructions CE Ng, T1SSPSchedule € (Form 1640 ar 7080-SR) 2029 ‘Schedule € (For 3040 of 1040-53) 2030 rege 2 Da TT Cost of Goods Sold [ese naruions) 32 Methoo(s) usec to ue cong rmeniny: S a a cost 6 1 Lower a cost er market © 1 other (aetach explanation) 34 Was there any change n determining avert, cose, or vlutlans bebseen opening an coin nventan/? - Pon eee ret Trae en Teh eee lve Clive 235 Twente et boing of yar erent fom lst years closing Inventory, atach explanation a. fg, 36 Purchases les costof ame Wthdawn forperonaluse ve ee ee ee [88 27. Cost oflaber. Bonet nlate any amounts pad to youre we ee ee fad 38 Notoaie and supplies 38 98 Oerests e 30 40 Ads Ines95 HOWHIB 6 ee ee 40 2 a4 inventory endanyert eee ee eee Lael 42_ cost of oods sold. Subtrectiine 41 rom ine «0. entertheresutthere angonineg ss a ss | az a Pare IV Information on Your Vehicle. Compiete this part only if you ere claiming car or truck expenses on line 9 and ere not required to file Form 4562 for this business, See the instructions for ine 13 to find out f you must file Form 4562. 143. When elo you place your vehicle in Service far business purpeses? (month, day, yee) 144 ofthe total number of mies you grove your vehicle during 2038, enter the number of miles you used your vehcl for Business bb Commuting (see instructions) © Other 45. Was your vehicle avalsble for personel use during off-duty hours? pee ee + Dyes Ono 146 De you (or your spouse) have sncther vehicle avatable for personal use? cee es Olver One 473 Do yeuhave evidence to support your dedution? Ba Pah EMRE Se eR (ne bb hvess" ithe evidence writen? Bua eee (no Fart Otier Bepenses. [st below Biniese tenses Not rchded on ines 6-26 or ne 50 ‘a _Total ether expenses Eire andonine@e “Radale € ori TORS TOT ERY BOTS [ede GRAPritc print- 00 NOT PROCESS [LATEST DATA- Production] DIN: se221688091770) eee, ig Profit or Loss From Business freee can 2019 DOWALD JTRUME [A Parcipal business or profarson, Including produc or Bavics raratnieora) emer code tom iat © Business name, ino separate business name, leave lark Denelover Onn DIT OPERATIONS LE ‘end canine 27-9212092 Busrness address including sate er roam na) CIO MAZARS oa. iy, town or postofce, sata, end ZiP code WEGDEURY, “HY S787 F accounvng metnoa: (a) Sl can (2) Clacerua (3) Clonercpecryy) — p_______ 6 Did vou "materially paticpate" i the operation ofthis ausiness during 2019? 179," se inetrctone for Ime anosset—- Ch yeg St Np Hr youstarted of acqures ths business Curing 2019, check ere + eee te ee ee ee Dd you make any paymantsin 20:9 tat would raquce you to fle Form(s) £0369 (aac nsinctons) ws ee es yep No 3 1t"Ye5/" ld you oF wil you fle required Forms 10897 sve we ee ee Bee Part Income: 4 Gross receipts or sales Sea Astruchons forlne Land Cheek De bax W DNs heame was remored to you on Form W-2 and the “statutory employee" box on that form was checked nn Returns and atowances ov ee ne es 1 Subtractiine 2fromIN€1 ve ee ee eee eee ee LS ost of goods scld (Fomling 42) ee ee ee [ew a 5 6 Gross profit. Subset line & om line 2 CCiner income, incluang tedera end state gasoline or ual tax cree or rend (see InsvUctions) s+ 7 Groceincoms. Addiines $236 1 ss ww ses ee Pari 11 _ expenses. Eier expenses fer buses: use oF vour Tome only on ine 30. BAcverisng 2 18 Office expense (ses etraaions) [AR 9 Carard truce expenses ee 5 39 Pension and proft-stasira plars 19 ietructions) Bg ct 20 Rent or lease (see instars): aocommissions andes... [a0 fa Vehicles, maciney, ad equpnart . | 200 aa Conzet labor (exe insructions) [aa bh Otter basrmsepcoperty see. [ROE 42 Depletion 32 BuRepatcs ard maintenance... [2a 9 erection scien 179 22Suppliee (not Included in Paras) — [a aed fob see zaTousanaicenses ss... [ae 32 Instructions) 8 2a Travel onc mei 14=mployen ber (iherthan anise 9) ss — Sj ate ev eee [om 14 Deductible meas (see irstructons) dtmmatincteiail) [Se ‘Sethi ‘4s imcerest (see instructions): ‘26 Wagee (less employment credits} 3 Wortaare (raidta banks, ete.) [168 ‘eri yee 27a other expenses (rom tine 48). [7a ce ec eraccota) vertese * Reserved rorruture use... [276 417 Legs end profeesonal services [a7 Tome] Rmencetrerns ‘2B Total expanses before expenses for busiiess Use oT TarTe, ABU ines BUNOIGR DTS > | 7B 29. Tentative profit or (las), Subtract ine 28 from tine 7 18% 3 29 7,382 $30 Expenses for busiress use of your home. Dono: eport these expenses elie, Attach For BBI9 less Ung the sinalfied method (ea Imructnes). Simplified method flare anys enter the eta! square footage of: (a) your heme: part of your heme used for business: forigure ne amount enter en line 3 31_Notprofit or (toss). Subtract ine 39 ‘fom the 28, Tifa prof, enter oy beth Sehedule 1 (Form 1040 or £049-SR), line 3 [or Form 1040-NR line 43) | 1 (0) | he Simplifed Methow WaraneSL Ine iretructions ‘ancien Schedule SE, line 2 (If you ciecked te ba cn line 4, see Instructions), Estee an Crus, enter on Form 1041, line 3. + Teatoss, you must go to ine 32 ‘32. [fycunavs 3 lose chase the box that deserbas your investment inthe activity (eee Inatrustons) = + Ttyou checked 323, enter the loss on beth Schedule 4 (Porm 1040 or 040-SR), line 3 (ar Form ) 32a Sai mesinertis at ish 4040-NR, Hine 13) and on Schecule SE, ine 2. (IF you cheziee the boxON line 1, See Uline 3. Instructors). estes ang trusts, ent an Form 1044, line 3. + Ifyou crecked 329, you must attach Form 6198. Your lass may belted a -0)577 For PaparwoHi Reduction Ae Notice, soa the Fa natrwconay {it Hs, TISSAP Schedule © (Form 1080 oF T04'SR] TORS ‘Software ID: ‘Spouse SSN: Name: DONALD) & NELANIA ata to Form 8886-8 Downe Hcrsies 00 10 mwts.cor/ronnsove for lnstuctons dnd te ees norman. it yr have nore than reo rade, buaiesae_&agpragetans, POMPEI Wd GRIGG Mey Soleus Cas eI. Bes halons 1 “Trae, busines, oraogregaton rane ‘a)Quaites | (oyRecucton ross |e) Adusted uated isiness {noting (ses insticion)]busnes income lncaretoss) (Comore) ant @) it Zerooriese, et 0. Seehieiio ba Toe 2 Qiotied busines net fons) caryfrward em pio’ yeus, Srensucions : ofa 193000 3 Te tne tees. ogc osten Cone te tpi ncn es cn ‘a2 foralados or buses, : sane |i sisrisi9 4 Teal aces, businesses, or agatecatos income. fl the pesitve amounts. on Ins ,ctume a, for altiades, busnesses,o saprestons ‘ sizasasa 5 Lersss natch income of thre, buenessne, or sqyegitins. Erin the parenthceot one tha amar tthe sbeolte alot or ine Alnete esau each te basses oF Begreqnton ovine slr (0) ee nsrustons ree sau [Le sazesana © _Guattea business net toss) carowaia Subvacne $ fom Ine Heer rere, ter 5 426355, Fer Pvacy Act and Paperwork Redurtion Act Notie, sex soparateiatrvefon ae ‘Schale © For BBE A) Additional Data Software ID: Software Version: SSN: Spouse S3N: ‘Nam DONALD J & MELANIASTRUMP Line 1-Loss Netung and Gamytoward Group Information, 1 Trade, business or aporenation name Capauaites | (o) Retain or ] Ce sarees income tens) atoctiors) Raa Lago CSTE aos Tara Sas o [40 WAIL DEVELOPHENT ASSOC TLC 3a 970 5411 970 o [HUDSON WATERFRONT ASSOC VF 236,057 ~796,857| 3 THUDSGN WATERFRONT ASSOC 1D IF 536.567 536 557 2 [HUDSON WATERFRONT ASSOC IVP 206,436 200,436 o FiRNPCrS Lt Ts20. 135 ERRCH a Freunn pcaza we 32061554 3,205 654 © FTRUNP INTERNATIONAL GOLF CUBIC 656,954] 589.954 i Fri COMMERCIAL LAC. 200,224 208,426 ° FrRUNP INTERNATIONAL ROTEL HAWATT LIC Tate cag is 680 0 aT NCLDINCS Lic HICAGO HOTEL MANAGE 1,656,500 1,650,540 ° DUT HOLDINGS LLG— TRUMP CHICASO CONMERCIAL FL 16 70 16.710 0. BJT HOLDINGS LAC TRUMP CHICAGO RESIDENTIAL 710,700 0,784 o DUT HCLEINGS LLC LFS ACQUESTTICN LLC S25. 285 3751,435] 0 Fr IVTERNATIONAL REALTY We 526,001 526.093 2 DIT HOLDINGS LLC -THEC CHARLOTTE LE 523.37 513 377 0 BJT HOLDINGS LAG TRUMP LAS VEGAS NENBERLLE 696,333 7558335 © sr HOLOINGS Lic S VEGAS MANAGING W 14935 4.934 0 HUDSON WATERFRONT ASSOCIATES VIP EER 942,596] @ HUDSON WATERFRONT ASSOC UL 7.582.535 7,552, 535 0 FTmune B25 UN Go LE 340,535 340,934 ° Dur HOLDINGS LOC TRUMP WT HOTEL © TOWER 7396, 50] 7398.199 0 Additional Data Soreware 1: Software Version: SSN! ‘Spouse SSN: Name: DONALD J & MELANIACTRUMAP 1 Trade, busines, er agreaston name Gp Quaies | (6) Reticton or | _(eyadncted Dismaie | lore ating fore | aucited msi (ant Gy arzere ries, ster 0 ESOL UPTED PARTNERSHIP OE PE Ta] aay 3 ur HOLDINGS LLC - TGC JUPITER NAWAGENTENT IC 3a 759 = 759 @ rr WoLDTuGS Le TW VENTURE Le visa 17,689 ° fbr connect Hue aT = 938 2 HUDSON WATERFRONT ASSOCIATES (VL 355.208 365,309 2. Ds NOLDINGS LLC - TRUMP GOL ACQUISITIONS LL aa xm o [TRON EQUITAALE FirTH AVE CO XZ] 7.225 tT FurrERAY REALTY con a7 a7 —j iT HOLDINGS Mi Lic - wafeA-TAGO CHURLIC aay 4.88) 3 FrRunr PLAzA Wessen ine 99 Tia 334 3 Fn MENRER CORP em 6734 3 p97 HOLDINGS Wm GLE “TRUMP EHICAGO ROTEL 16,753 5.759 o DIT HOLDINGS NM LIC THOM CHICAGO RESIDENT 418 a3 oy D7 HOLDINGS NH LLe= TRUM GxcAgO COMMERCIA 7 179 o DIT HOLDINGS NM LIC LFS AQUISITION MEMBER C aa 3.975 ci DT CONNECT IT HEMBER CORP ee ose @ DJ HOLDINGS MM LLC- TNE CUARLOTE LE E229 50] 0 DDT HOLOMICS Hl LIC TNC JUPITER WANAGERENT 307 “367 ° 7 HOLDINGS mM LLC JUPITER GOLF CLUB MAMAS ie aa “3 DIT HOLDINGS HH LLG DT LIDO TECHNICAL SERVE 2a =210] 2 DST FOLOMGS HM LLC> OT BALI TECHNICAL SERVI 167 =157] o [BIT NOLDINGS HH LIGLLC TRUMP COLF ACQUIETT a5 5 3 ONT HOLOMNGS HM LIC 18 ACQUISTIONS UL aaa ai a. [OUT HOLDINGS MM LIGLLG TNC CHARLOTTE LLE 5.207 5.207 2 [DITROLOINGS Hl LIGLLE “TRUMP LAS VEGAS HET 17.054 “75a o [DITHOLDIIGS HM LIGLLE™ TRUM LAS VEGAS Hi 35: 51 © [OUT HOLDINGS M4 LICLLC -W VENTURE LLC 381 =a © fb} HOLDINGS Wa LLeLLe “TWEE UPITER WET IL 257 357 @ [DUT HOLDINGS MM LICLLC TRUMP CHICAGO COWL ia a 0 HUDSON WATERFRONT ASEOG LP aa Tia ° [ovr ROLDINGS Lic - 1 TOWER RETATCINE 334.55 30 3 [YT HOLDINGS Mi TLC TRLM® CHICAEO NOTA NAWEG 1,333 36923 or ODT ROLDINGS Me LLC TRUMP INTL GOLF Lu rr 18] 0 [507 HOLDINGS MM LIC TRUM LAS VEGAS WANAGHL FE) asa oy DUT HOLDINGS MM LLC ~ TRUM LAS VEGAS REWBER Taz Tie =a JT HOLDINGS 1 Miao WALL OEVELOPWENT AS 528 5.295] 3 [ODT FOLDINGS MM LLCILC TRUMP CHICAGO RESIDENT 3 4.13] 3 [DDT FOLDINGS 11 FEUME NOBEL WANACEENT LI=( p24 26 p24.2sa © ODT OPERATIONS TLLc 209 #4206) o FTHE EAST 61 ST COMPANY 3533 frie east 61 sr couPanr “aie PARK BRIAR ASSOCIATES IE 5725 7 HOLDINGS Lc Hiss UNIVERSE LP LP =2i,08 STARRETT CITY ASSOCIATES 103,975 JT HOLDINGS Lic - TaUMP IWTERMATIONAL HOTELS Za [DIT HOLDINGS LLC TRUMP NATIONAL GOLF CLUB C 597.181 [ecir shornina Cowen We “3.71 DUT HOLDINGS LLC TRUMP DEVELOPMENT SERVICES S7.a05 [DUT HOLDINGS LLC - TRUMP SALES & LEASING CHIC ~2.373 JT HOLDINGS LIC“ TRUMP FERaY POD Lc a7 - [BJT HOLDINGS LLG - TRUMP FANAMA HOTEL WARAGEH “226.30 [DIT HOLDINGS LIC = TRUMP CAROUSEL LC rex] uT HOLDINGS LIC=—4ea MEE ERIE [DUT HOLDINGS LIC = TRUMP SCOTSSOROUGH SQUARE 6.371 DIT HOLDINGS LC TRUMP NATIONAL GOLF CLUB L 720,233 DIT HOLDINGS LIC THC PIE ATUL LLC a7 BIT HOLDINGS LIC TNGe DUTGHESS COUNTY 97.231 BJT HOLDINGS LIC= TRUMP WATIONAL GOLF CLUS W 510,677 [OUT HOLDINGS LLG - TRUMP VIRGINIA ACQUISITION “aEa 3 [DUT HOLDINGS LIC TRUMP WORLD PRODUCTIONS LL aa =I [DDT HOLDINGS LLC — TRUMP VIEYARO ESTATES UL ma.a78 [OUTHOLDINGS LIC - TRUMP VIRGINIA LOTS LLC 30m [DUT HOLDINGS LLC — TRUMP CHICAGO RETAIL MANAG ae [DUT HOLDINGS LIC. TRUMP ENDEAVOR 52 UC asia. 28i [BIT HOLDINGS JUPITER GOLF CLUB 305,574] * “Frade, tsinass, er epgragation neme () Quatited ‘income (55) (by Redacrien for | (e) Adtusted Tess nating (woe | qualiiee busress isvustons) | boome (Combine G@) ata (0) F220 ress, enter -G-) OTT RSTSINGS TRIN OOD POST OPEC Baa C OTTPOLOINGS 1c - THe SATES & WARKETIVG IE Liat DrTHOLDINGS GLE TIE CENTRAL RESERVATIONS 252951 pTrROLDINGS LLC TH CHINA TECHHUCAL SERVIC =2.60 = orrholomgs tLe THe Saku SERVICES LIC 2554 orrhOLDiN LLe DTT OPERATIONS LLC 73,383 Fruit raLace rane Le aH OTFROLOINS Lc - WESTMINSTER ROTEL WANRGENE =e pr Ho.iNcs Lie —TRunP REALTY SERVICES Le “73 [DITHOIDINGS LIC“ WEST ALN OPSTATIONSLIC Hse | forrioibings We“ Lanierow ray iowoiucs ro JDrTHOWDINGS ILC THC HOTEL DEVELOPAENT Uc 5 forrniowines Wie TRON? 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Lye Ene Fes," attech Form 9949 and see its Instruclons for aditloral requirements For reporting your gan or ls Part | Short-Term Capital Gains and Losees - Generally Assets Held One Year or Leas (226 instructions) ‘See irabuciona fo how to igure Ge oon @ © () , to exter onthe Ines below, froceeds | cox Acyustents to ‘Gain oF (loss) This form may be easier to complet if you (salesprce) | (or other basis) gamorlessfrom | Subtract column (2) ‘round of conte to whale delle Form(s} 8949, Par, Tine 2, column (3) from eolumn (3) 834 combine the osu with ‘cokinia (6) Fay “Tals for a shertterm wansactons feported on Form 1098-8 for whch basis was repertad fo the IRS and for which you have ne adjustments (see Iratructions). 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