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htm MATERIA MEDICA Descriptia remediilor

INDICATII DE INTERPRETARE ................................ ................................ ................................ .................. 6 Acidum acetylsalicylicum (Acetyls-ac) ................................ ................................ ................................ ...................... 7 Acidum benzoicum (Benz-ac) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .... 7 Acidum nitricum (Nit-ac) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .......... 8 Acidum Phosphoricum (Ph-ac) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ . 9 Acidum Sulphuricum (Sul-ac) = E 513/H2SO4 ................................ ................................ ................................ .......... 9 Aconitum napellus (Acon) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ..... 15 Agaricus muscarius (Agar) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ...... 18 Allium cepa (All-c) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................... 19 Allium sativum (All-s) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ............. 20 Alumina (Alum) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ....................... 20 Aloe socotrina (Aloe) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ............... 21 Ambra grisea (Ambra) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ............ 22 Antimonium crudum (Ant-c)................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ... 23 Antimonium tartaricum (Ant-t) ................................ ................................ ................................ .............................. 24 Apis melifica (Apis) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................. 24 Argentum nitricum (Arg-n)................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ..... 27 Arsenicum album (Ars) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ........... 28 Arsenicum iodatum (Ars-i) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ...... 30 Arnica montana (Arn) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ............. 31 Aurum metallicum (Aur) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ......... 32 Avena sativum (Aven) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ............. 33 Barium carbonicum (Bar-c) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .... 33 Bacillinum (Bac) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ...................... 34 Belladonna (Bell) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ..................... 35 Bellis perennis (Bel-p)................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .............. 37 Berberis vulgaris (Berb) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .......... 38 Borax (Borx) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................ 39 Bovista lycoperdon (Bov)................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ......... 39

Bromium (Brom) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ..................... 44 Bryonia (Bry) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 45 Bufo Rana (Bufo) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ..................... 47 Cactus grandiflorus (Cact) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ...... 49 Cadmium metallicum (Cadm-met) ................................ ................................ ................................ ......................... 50 Calcium carbonicum (Calc)................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ..... 52 Calcium fluoratum (Calc-f) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ..... 55 Calcium iodatum (Calc-i) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ........ 56 Calcium phosphoricum (Calc-p) ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................. 57 Calendula officinalis (Calen) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ... 58 Collinsonia canadensis (Coll)................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ... 58 Camphora (Camph)................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................. 59 Cantharis (Canth)................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .................... 60 Capsicum annuum (Caps) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ....... 62 Carbo animalis (Carb-a) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ......... 63 Carbo vegetabilis (Carb-v) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ...... 64 Carcinosinum (Carc) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ............... 66 Carduus marianus o. Silybum marianus (Card-m) ................................ ................................ ................................ 69 Causticum (Caus) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .................... 69 Chamomilla (Cham) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................ 71 Chelidonium (Chel) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................. 72 China officinalis (Chin) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ........... 74 Cimicifuga racemosa (Cimic) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 75 Cina Artemisia cina (Cin) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ........ 76 Cinnabaris (Cinnb) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .................. 79 Cocculus indicus (Cocc) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ........... 79 Coccus cacti (Coc-c) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................. 81 Coffeea cruda (Coff) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................ 81 Colocynthis = Citrullus colocynthis (Coloc) ................................ ................................ ................................ ............ 83 Conium (Con) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .......................... 84 Crocus sativa (Croc-s) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ............. 85 CROTALUS CASCAVELLA TERRIFICUS (CROT-C) ................................ ................................ ................ 86 Cuprum metallicum (Cupr) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .... 86

Drosera (Dros) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ......................... 88 Electricitas (Elec) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ..................... 88 Digitalis (Dig) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 89 Dulcamara (Dulc) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .................... 90 Eucalyptus globulus (Eucal) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .... 91 Eupatorium purpureum (Eup-pur) ................................ ................................ ................................ ......................... 91 Euphrasia officinalis (Euphr) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 92 Ferrum metallicum (Ferr) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ....... 93 Ferrum phosphoricum (Ferr-p) ................................ ................................ ................................ .............................. 94 Graphites naturalis (Graph)................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .... 94 Gelsemium sempervierens (Gels) ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................ 96 Glonoinum (Glon)................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .................... 97 Hamamelis virginiana (Ham) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 98 Helleboris niger (Hell) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ............. 99 Hepar sulfuris (Hep) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .............. 100 Hydrastis canadensis (Hydr) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ . 102 Hyoscyamos niger (Hyos) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ...... 103 Hypericum perforatum (Hyper) ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................ 104 Ignatia amara (Ign) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ............... 105 Ipecacuanha (Ip)................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .................... 106 Iodum purum (Iod)................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................ 114 Iris versicolor (Iris) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................ 115 Kalium bichromicum (Kali-bi) ................................ ................................ ................................ .............................. 116 Kalium carbonicum (Kali-c)................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 117 Kalium chloratum (muriaticum) (Kali-m) ................................ ................................ ................................ ............ 118 Kalium iodatum (Kali-i) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ........ 120 Kalium muriaticum (Kali-m) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ 121 Kalium phosphoricum (Kali-p) ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................. 122 Kalium sulphuricum (Kali-s)................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ . 122 Kreosotum (Kreos) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................ 123 Lachesis mutans (Lach) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ......... 125 Ledum palustre (Led) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ............ 127 Lilium tigrinum (Lil-t)................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ........... 129

Lycopodium (Lyc) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................. 130 Magnesium carbonicum (Mag-c) ................................ ................................ ................................ .......................... 132 Magnesium phosphoricum (Mag-p) ................................ ................................ ................................ ...................... 133 Medhorrinum (Med) = Neisseria gonorrhoeae ................................ ................................ ................................ ..... 133 Mercurius corrosivus (Merc-c) ................................ ................................ ................................ .............................. 135 Mercurius solubilis (Merc) Mercurius Solubilis Hahnemanni = (Hg2O). ................................ ............................. 135 Mercurius sublimatus dulcis (Merc-d) ................................ ................................ ................................ .................. 143 Mercurius iodatus ruber = Mercurius bi-iodatus (Merc-ir) ................................ ................................ ................ 144 Mercurius corrosivus (Merc-c) ................................ ................................ ................................ .............................. 144 Mezereum (Mez) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .................... 148 Naja tripudians (Naja) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ........... 148 Natrium Muriaticum (chloratum) (Nat-m) ................................ ................................ ................................ ........... 149 Natrium sulphuricum (Nat-s) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ 154 Nux moschata = Myristica fragrans (Nux-m) ................................ ................................ ................................ ....... 156 Nux vomica (Nux-v) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ............... 157 Petroleum (Petr) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .................... 160 Petroselinum sativum (Petros) ................................ ................................ ................................ .............................. 162 Phosphorus (Phos) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................. 162 Phytolacca decandra (Phyt)................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ... 164 Plumbum Metallicum ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ............ 165 PSORINUM (psor.) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ............... 166 Pulsatilla o. Anemone pratensis (Puls) ................................ ................................ ................................ .................. 171 RATANHIA PERUVIANA ( RAT) ................................ ................................ ................................ .............. 179 Rhus toxicondendron (Rhus-t) ................................ ................................ ................................ .............................. 181 Sabina (Sabin)................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................ 182 Sanguinaria canadensis (Sang)................................ ................................ ................................ .............................. 183 Secale cornutum (Sec) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ........... 183 Selenium metallicum (Sel) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ..... 184 Sepia succus (Sep)................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .................. 185 Silicea terra (Sil) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .................... 187 Solidago virgaurae (Solid) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ..... 197 Spigelia anthelmia (Spig) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ....... 197 Spongia tosta (Spong) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ............ 198

Stannum metallicum (Stann)................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ . 198 Staphisagria = Delphinium staphisagria (Staph) ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 199 Sticta (Stict) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 201 Stramonium datura (Stram)................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 201 Strophantus gratus ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................ 203 SULPHUR IODATUM (Sul-i.) ................................ ................................ ................................ .............................. 205 Sulphur lotum (Sulph) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .......... 207 Symphytum officinalis (Symph) ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................ 211 Syphillinum = Luesinum (Syph)................................ ................................ ................................ ............................ 212 Tabacum officinalis = Nicotiana tabacum (Tab) ................................ ................................ ................................ ... 216 Thuja (Thuj) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .......................... 217 Tuberculinum bovinum Kent (Tub)................................ ................................ ................................ ...................... 218 Uranium nitricum (Uran-n) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 220 Urtica urens (Urt-u)................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ............... 221 Veratrum Album (Verat) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ...... 221 Vipera berus (Vip) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................. 223 Zincum metallicum (Zinc) ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ..... 224 LITERATURA HOMEOPATA IN LIMBA ROMANA................................ ................................ .................. 226 LINKURI HOMEOPATE ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 226

Indicatii de interpretare

Lista cu remedii
Mai jos cateva remedii cu antidoatele lor i lista de remedii pe care ele le antidoteaza. Lista a fost luata de aici pe pagina germana: i din materia medica a Dr. Kent. (vezi linkurile de la sfarsit )

Explicatia termenilor Complementar: Intermediar. Tema Incompatibil:

remedii care se completeaza efectul remediului mentionat remedii care se pot da alternant cu remediu principal firea sau felul pacientului ( i a remediului) nu se poate lua impreuna sau la intevale scurte

Urmat bine de: remedii care s-au dovedit eficientae atunci cand sunt date dupa acest remediu Urmeaza bine: remedii care dat cu succes inaintea remediului n cauza. Cauza:
cauza bolii (de cele mai multe ori sunt cauze sufletesti)

Explicatia semnelor folosite

A = Arsen , Fe = Ferrum , Abrevierea elementelor dupa semnele tabelei elementelor chimice (= C) Remediu indicat se comporta cronic cu celalalt (= A) Remediu indicat se comporta acut cu celalalt (= An) Remediu indicat se comporta asemanator cu celalalt * - - .* remedii care au aratat efecte bune in aceasta ordine > >> . < . << . # + +/o. = amelioreaza,mai bine/mai mult = cu mult mai bine /mai mult = mai rau/mai putin = cu mult mai rau /mai putin = alternant cu = apartin impreuna = apartin impreuna sau pot aparea amandoua

Simptomele scrise cu LITERE MARI sunt cele principale i des tipice gasirii remediului.

Acidum acetylsalicylicum (Acetyls-ac)

= Aspirina (nu este remediu homeopat ! A fost pusa doar pentru a vedea cu ce este antidotat efectul ei) Exista multi oameni care sunt alergici la aspirina. Aspirina este un acid, luat ca atare face sangele acid i deci dauneaza sanatatii, caci n sangele acid se inmultesc i mai multi patogeni. Asemanator: Matr-d. (= asemanator cu Cham /= asemanator cu Chen-anthelminticum- giftig/= asemanator cu Asperin). Zing (=asemanator cu Aspirina) Incompatibil cu: Oameni sensibili la aspirina nu suporta nici Benzoicum acidum si derivate Antidotat de: Cadm-met, Acidum benzoicum (Benz-ac) Incompatibil cu: Vin Antidoteaza: Cop. Efect: psoric/litemic/sifilitic/sicotic, schimbari rapide de simptome, aparute subit, stanga (catre dreapta )

Acidum benzoicum (Benz-ac) Acut: (>) urina cu miros rau + putine simptome + vv, urina miroase sau a mirosit bestial (Oci); palid/ii este frig repede/umed, se gandeste la intamplari neplacute din trecut/inchis/rezervat/nu-si poate exprima sentimentele+ exsudatii putine, fara liniste + se retrage/nu doreste sa fie prins in conversatie = dureri plimbatoare (s. catre d.) ++simptome, transpiratia nu face mai bine, intoleranta la aclool, bere, vin, ciocolata, cafea, dulciuri,
Ameliorare: in timpul zilei, la liniste, aer curat, caldura Agravare: frig, galagie, dezbracare, la aer liber, presiune (curea, ceas, pat), miscare (in afara de durere de cap si de dinti, reumatis, artrita si guta + articulatii care troznesc la miscare, pietre la rinichi Caracteristic: durere ruptatoare/urica care moroase, ofensiv, friguros Complementar: Colch, Cop, Hip-ac (Benz-ac = An), Lyc, Kalm, Incompatibil cu: Vin Antidoteaza: Cop, Efect: psoric/litemic/sifilitic/sicotic / schimbari rapide de simptome, aparute subit actioneaza de partea stanga (catre dreapta )

BENZOICUM ACIDUM * Guta si reumatiscm asociate cu probleme urinare MIND: - - Hipocondrie. - Lucrurile oribile il afecteaza profund. Inclinatie sa palavrageasca de lucruri neplacute GENERALITIES: - - >> cand urina CONTINE sedimente - - > Caldura. - < Aer liber, dezvelire, vin, miscare HEAD: - - Durere alternanta cu simptome reumatice MOUTH: - - Limba groasa, ca un burete, cu ulcere. - - Inflamatia limbii. THROAT: - - Amigdalita. Durere > mancat. STOOL: - - RAU MIROSITOARE/subtire/apos/alb. URINARY: - - Urina: foarte MIROSITOARE, ca de cal (Nit-ac), culoare inchisa, plina de sedimente. - Pietre la rinichi < partea dreapta. - - Insuficienta renala COUGH: - - < Noaptea, stat intins pe partea dreapta, cu piept dureros. CHEST: - - probleme cardiace de la guta sau reumatism supresata (Abrot); # probleme cu rinichii. EXTREMITIES: - - ARTRITA, GUTA +/o. # cu URINA GROASA SI RAU MIROSITOARE cu SEDIMENT. - - Nosode artritice/Exostoze. - Guta < genunchi, degetul gros de la picior , < partea dreapta. - - Contractie, in special la degete.

Acidum nitricum (Nit-ac) Tip: Mafiot

Cauza: Sudoare suprimata la picioare; Tema: Imparat/Masura virtutii/Accesibiltate; Complementar: Ars. Arum-t. Aur. Bac. Bapt. Bell. Calad. Calc (cand nu-si face efectul). Cann-i. Cars. Cop. Eup-per. Hep. Kali-c. Kali-i. Lac-c. Lach. Lyc. Med. Merc. Paeon. Petr. Phos. Psor. Puls. Pyrog. Rat. Rhus-t Sep. Streptoc. Sulph (Nit-ac = A). Syph (Nit-ac = A). Teucr. Thios. Thuj. Tub. Urmeaza bine: Cadm-s. Calen. Carb-an. Dulc.Fl-ac. Kali-p. Kreos. Merc-c. Merc-if. Mez. Nat-c. Nat-m. Sil. Urmat bine de: Ant-t. Arg-n. Arn. Arum-t. Asaf. Bov. Cann-s. Carb-v. Caust. Cop. Fl-ac. Graph. Kali-b. Kali-p. Kreos. Mez. Merc-c. Nat-m. Phos. Sec. Sil. Intermediar : la sifilitici : Merc. Syph. Incompatibil cu: Hep. Lach. Nat-m. Calc (dupa Nit-ac).Lipsa de somn. Antidoteaza: Agar. Calad. Calc. Caus. Chin. Cinnb. Cub. Con. Dig. Euph. Hyos. Kali-i. Lach. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc. Rhus-v. Chinina. Otravire cu mercur. Antidotat de: Acon. Arn. Calc. Calad. Camph. Carb-an. Cars. Con. Echi. Hep. Merc. Merc-c. Merc-s. Mez. Mur-ac. Nat-c. Petr. Phos. Phyt. Puls. Rhus-t. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sul-ac. Sulph. Efect: 40 - 50 zile choleric/melancolic/flegmatic/sanguinic/canceroid/litemic/malarial/ ringwormoid/ oxygenoid/tifoid/leproid/tuberculin/sicotic/sifilitic/ psoric Este unul din remediile principale ( vezis i Thuja) pentru negi. Negii sunt des urmarea unei constitutii sifilitice. Tipic pentru remediu sunt fisuri la gura, rect i nas. Hemoroizi.


Repertoriu: NITRICUM ACIDUM (nit-ac.) MIND: - - TEAMA cu privire la sanatate (Agar. Ars. Kali-ar). Teama de boala (cancer)/de moarte. - Nu face usor contacte cu alti oameni. De parca ar exista o bariera. Nu este implicat emotional - Egoist, suspicios - - Il deranjeaza orice. Nefericit, nemultumit. Se plange. - Pesimist si and depresiv. morocanos. - - Psihic miserabil. - Iritabilitate. < dimineata. Injura. - - Sensibil la galagie (Ferr. Nux-v). - NU POATE SA UITE. Uraste. Nu il misca scuzele altora. - Dezamagit, descurajat. - Ajunge in stare de apatie, indiferenta, izolat emotional, nihilist GENERALITIES: - - FRIG. - - < rece. >> cu caruta, cu bicicleta. - Durere < noaptea. - - Slabiciune. - - Miasma sifilitica. Dureri de oase < noaptea. - DURERI INTEPATOARE CA DE TEAPA (Arg-n. Kali-c. Nat-m. Hep. Sil). - FISURI. - - RAU MIROSITOARE. Descarcari corozive. - Ulceratia membranelor mucoase. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Pofta: GRAS. SARAT. iuteli. heringi. Lucruri nedigerabile. - Aversiune: branza, cascaval, oua. HEAD: - - Durere de cap cu senzatie de banda in jurul capului sau de presiune catre interior. < apasare (de la caciula, galagie). EYE: - - Negi pe pleoape. - - Inflamatia irisului. Inflamatia corneei. EAR: - - Dificultate la auzit > la mers cu masina, cu trenul, avionul - Troznituri in urechi la mestecat. - - Lichid din ureche: rau mirositor, coroziv. NOSE: - - Negi - - Fisuri in nari. - Raceala cronica. Rau mirositoare. Exsudatii corozive. - - Sangerari din nas. < noaptea. FACE: - - Anemic/piele cazuta/palid. - - negi pe buze (Caust). - - Maxilarul trozneste la mestecat. - Eruptii. herpes. Crapaturi la buze, la coltul gurii. MOUTH: - - limba crapata in toate directiile. Crapatura pe mijlocul limbii (des ca o furca) THROAT: - - Durere ca de teapa la mestecat. Radiaza catre urechi. STOMACH: - - Ulcer - - Indigestie si rau de la lapte RECTUM: - - Constipatie. Dureroasa. - - Nu poate sa iasa afara (Nux-v). - Hemoroizi. - - Dureri violente la ore dupa scaun (Paeon. Rat). - Fisuri. Fistule - - Condylomata. - - Cancer (Nat-s).

URETHRA: - - Uretrita cronica. - - Strictura. Cu dureri ca de la ace.a URINE: - - RAU MIROSITOARE. PUTERNICA. Ca de CAL (Benz-ac).Arsura. - se simte rece la urinat. MALE GENITALIA: - - Condylomata. Sangereaza la atinger. - Fimoza. - - caderea parului pubic - - Ulcere. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Condylomata. - - Leucoree. Rau mirositoare. se cojeste (Kreos). - Vagina. Mancarime < inainte si dupa ciclu (Kreos). Intepaturi n vagin. - Caderea parului pubic. - - Ulcere. CHEST: - - Sfarcuri crapate (Castor-eq. Graph. Phyt). Dureri ca de la o teapa. BACK: - - Raniri ale coloanei. - - Durere dupa coit. EXTREMITIES: - - Dureri de oase. < noaptea. - - Dureri ca de la o teapa sub unghii - Transpiratie rau mirositoare care cauzeaza rana cu dureri intepatoare. - - negi pe mana. - Transpiratie la maini si picioare dupa raniri la coloana SLEEP: - - CARE NU ODINESTE (Mag-c. Mag-m. Lach). - - Se trezeste la ora 2 n.. SKIN: - - Ulcere putrezite cu dureri intepatoare - - FISURI. - NEGI. Condylomata. Sangereaza usor. - - Eruptii. Eczema. Psoriasis. Herpes

Acidum Phosphoricum (Ph-ac) Tema: comunicare totala Cauza: Tristete/dor de iubit/dor de casa/dezamagire/stres la scoala/umilire/soc/parasitul casei parintesti/despartire/iubire dezamagita/deceser (acut/trecut); Complementar: Aven. Bry. Calc-p. Chin. Ign. Mur-ac. Rhus-t. Sulph. Staph. Verat. Urmeaza bine: Calc-f. Carb-v. Cic. Ger. Lach. Nat-m. Nux-v. Ruta. Ter. Thuj. Tub. Urmat bine de: Ars. Bell. Caus. Ferr. Fl-ac. Ferr-p. Kali- p. Lyc. Nat- p. Nux-v. Puls. Ruta. Sel. Sep. Tub. Intermediar: Psor. Incompatibil cu: dilutii inalte la boli acute Antidoteaza: Lach. Merc. Osm. Slag. Fosfatele Antidotat de: Acon. Arn. Camph. Cocc. Coff. Nit-sd. Nux-v. Staph. Efect: 40 zile Flegmatic/sanguinic/coleric/melancolic/limfatic/fosforic/tifoid/ psoric/sicotic/sifilitic/tuberculin/neurastenic Repertoriu: PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM (ph- ac.) * slabiCIUNE and pierdere de putere pe planul EMOTIONAL, care progrseaza pe planul fizic si mental. MIND: - - Suferinte de la NECAZ. Sufera in tacere. - - O molesire sau cadere pe planul emotional care conduce la Indiferenta, APATIE - Vrea sa fie lasat singur(in pace). Doarme cu fata la perete. - Emotii congelate, indiferent la orice tip de stimulare (Hyos, Sep). - Uituc si memorie slaba, in special pt. cuvinte. - - Raspunde incet (Hell). GENERALITIES: - - SUFERINTA de la NECAZ, DROGURI; ABUZ, PIERDEREA FLUIDULI VITAL (sperma, etc.), dupa boli si excese sexuale. - - < dupa coit. - - > Somn. - slabiCIUNE cu tendenta la transpiratie sau senzatoe de caldura: creset repede la copii. - Caderea parului (cap, sprancene, genitale, etc.) - - Uscaciunea mucoaselor. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Pofta: racoritoare, sucuri, fructe, lapte rece HEAD:- - CADEREA PARULUI, parul se albeste (lyc, Sep). - Durere de cap ca si cum ar fi o greutate pe crestetul capului, < effort cerebral,dupa coit; se duce pe partea pe care sta intins EYE: - - vedere confuza, ca si cum s-ar uita prin ceata. RECTUM - - Diaree, fara durere, nu epuizanta insa de lunga durata; < vara. URINE: - - laptoasa, ca si laptele coagulat la sfarsitul mictiunii. MALE GENITALIA: - - Pierdere de lichid prostatic < noaptea, in timpul scaunului. - Impotenta, ejaculace precoce, des dupa excese. CHEST: - - Palpitatii la copiii care cresc prea repede, dupa mahnire, onanie. EXTREMITIES: - - Amorteala si slabiciune. Oboseala puternica dupa mers. - - Dureri de crestere. Acidum Sulphuricum (Sul -ac) = E 513/H2SO4 Cauza: Alcool/Rani; Complementar: Arn. Calen. Cars. Con. Puls. Ruta. Urmeaza bine: Con. Cham. Fl-ac. Merc-c. Nux-v. Seneg. Sep. Syph. Verb.

Urmat bine de: Ars. Calc. Carb-v. Lyc. Nux-v. Phos. Plat. Rhus-t. Ruta. Sep. Sulph. Antidoteaza: Caps. Cic. Nit-ac. Puls. Gaze de esapament, ulei de motoare, carburanti Acidul sulfuric diluat este antidot la otravirea cu plumb i un remediu ajutator la debaraserea de baut (alcool) Antidotat de: Acet-ac. Camph. Hydr-c. Ip. Nux-v. Puls. Tab. Efect: 30 - 60 zile, repetarea intareste efectul Melancolic/flegmatic/limfatic/ canceroid/tifoid/malarial/ psoric/sifilitic/tuberculin otravitor, pe partea dreapta Head, pain, evening (agg.) (134) Head, pain, increasing gradually, but ceasing suddenly (141) Head, pain, sitting (agg.) (147) Head, pain, touch (agg.) (149) Head, pain, sides, one side (166) Head, pain, temples (168) Head, pain, blows, as from, temple (173) Head, pain, drawing (182) Head, pain, jerking, forehead (186) Head, pain, plug, peg or wedge, as from a (See Nail) (188) Head, pain, pressing, temples, inwards (199) Head, pain, sore, bruised, sensitive to pressure (204) Head, pain, stitching (206) Head, pain, stitching, forehead (208) Head, pain, ulcerative (221) Head, shocks, blows, jerks, etc. (See Jerking Pain, Pulsation, Plug, Nail) (230)

MIND Mind, answers, aversion to (p. 3) Mind, answers, difficult (3) Mind, answers, refuses to (3) Mind, cheerful, gay, happy (See Mirth) (10) Mind, excitement, excitable (40) Mind, fear (See Anxiety) (42) Mind, hurry (52) Mind, hurry, eating, while (52) Mind, hurry, mental work, in (52) Mind, hurry, movements, in (52) Mind, hurry, movements, in, cannot do things fast enough (52) Mind, hurry, occupation, in (52) Mind, hurry, walking, while (52) Mind, hurry, writing, in (52) Mind, impatience (53) Mind, impatience, trifles, about (54) Mind, irritability (See Anger) (57) Mind, memory active (See Ideas) (64) Mind, memory, weakness of (See Mistakes) (64) Mind, mood, alternating (67) Mind, mood, changeable, variable, etc. (68) Mind, mood, changeable, perspiration, during (68) Mind, prostration of mind (69) Mind, sadness, mental depression (75) Mind, serious (See Sad) (79) Mind, speech, monosyllabic (82) Mind, suspicious (85) Mind, wearisome (92) Mind, weeping, tearful mood, etc. (92) VERTIGO Vertigo, air, open, in, amel. (97) Vertigo, lying down, necessary (100) HEAD Head, congestion, hypermia, etc. (See Fullness, Pulsation) (109) Head, constriction, forehead (113) Head, eruption (115) Head, fullness (See Enlarged) (118) Head, heaviness (See Pressing) (124) Head, itching of scalp (128) Head, looseness of brain, forehead, in (130)

EYE Eye, ecchymosis (238) Eye, inflammation (241) Eye, inflammation, scrofulous (242) Eye, lachrymation (See Tears) (245) Eye, pain, burning, smarting, biting (252) Eye, pain, foreign body, as from, canthi, outer (256) VISION Vision, dim (275) Vision, myopia (283) EAR Ear, discharges, offensive (286) Ear, noises, roaring (299) Ear, noises, roaring, rhythmical (300) Ear, noises, rushing (301) Ear, pain, tearing in (315) Ear, stopped sensation (317) HEARING Hearing, impaired (321) Hearing, impaired, leaf or membrane, like, before the ear (322) NOSE Nose, coryza, discharge, without (dry) (327)

Nose, coryza, hunger, with (328) Nose, discharge, thick (332) Nose, sangerari din nas (335) Nose, sangerari din nas, evening (336) Nose, sangerari din nas, blood, dark, and thin (336) Nose, sangerari din nas, blood, fluid (336) Nose, sangerari din nas, climaxis (337) Nose, liquids come out through nose on attempting to swallow (340) Nose, obstruction (340) Nose, smell, diminished, wanting, lost (350)

FACE Face, cobwebs, sensation of (356) Face, discoloration, black, and blue spots (358) Face, discoloration, changing color (359) Face, discoloration, pale (359) Face, discoloration, red (361) Face, discoloration, red, climaxis, during Face, erysipelas (373) Face, heat (375) Face, heat, flashes (377) Face, heat, flashes, climaxis, during (377) Face, inflammation, submaxillary gland Face, pain, submaxillary gland (384) Face, pain, stitching, submaxillary gland Face, swelling, sensation of (393) Face, swelling, jaw, lower, glands in general Face, swelling, parotid gland (394) Face, swelling, parotid gland, left (394) Face, swelling, submaxillary glands (394) Face, twitching (395) MOUTH Mouth, aphth (397) Mouth, aphth, bleeding, bloody, offensive ichor (397) Mouth, aphth, children, in (397) Mouth, aphth, white (397) Mouth, aphth, gums (397) Mouth, aphth, tongue (397) Mouth, aphth, tongue, spots, in (397) Mouth, bleeding (397) Mouth, bleeding, oozing of blood (398) Mouth, bleeding, gums (398) Mouth, bleeding, gums, easily (398) Mouth, coated, white (See Discoloration, Membrane) (398) Mouth, dryness, tongue (404) Mouth, inflammation, tongue (406) Mouth, membrane, false (407) Mouth, membrane, false, whitish yellow Mouth, odor, offensive (409) Mouth, pain, burning, raw and smarting Mouth, pain, burning, tongue (411) Mouth, saliva, watery (417)

Mouth, salivation (417) Mouth, smooth, shining, glazed, glistering glossy tongue (419) Mouth, stomacace (420) Mouth, swelling, gums (420) Mouth, swelling, palate (421) Mouth, taste, bad (422) Mouth, taste, putrid (425) Mouth, taste, wanting, loss of taste (427) Mouth, taste, wanting, coryza, in (427) Mouth, ulcers (428) Mouth, ulcers, gangrenous (428) Mouth, ulcers, phagedenic (428) Mouth, ulcers, white (428) Mouth, ulcers, yellow (428) Mouth, ulcers, gums (428) Mouth, vesicles (429) Mouth, vesicles, tongue, burning (430)

TEETH Teeth, edge, feel as if on (431) Teeth, mucus on, yellow (433) Teeth, pain, upper teeth (433) Teeth, pain, evening (434) Teeth, pain, evening, in bed (agg.) (434) Teeth, pain, air, cold (agg.) (435) Teeth, pain, bed, in (435) Teeth, pain, biting teeth together, when (agg.) (435) Teeth, pain, cold, anything (agg.) (436) Teeth, pain, lying, while (agg.) (437) Teeth, pain, masticating, from (agg.) (437) Teeth, pain, warmth, external, amel. (439) Teeth, sordes (See Mucus) (447) THROAT Throat, liquids taken are forced into nose (See also Food) (454) Throat, membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc. (455) Throat, membrane, white (456) Throat, membrane, yellow (456) Throat, pain, swallowing, on (459) Throat, pain, burning, sophagus (461) Throat, pain, rawness (462) Throat, pain, sore (463) Throat, pain, sore, left (463) Throat, pain, sore, evening (463) Throat, pain, stitching (464) Throat, roughness (465) Throat, scratching (466) Throat, swallowing, difficult (467) Throat, swelling, uvula, dematous (469) EXTERNAL THROAT STOMACH Stomach, appetite, wanting (479) Stomach, appetite, wanting, hunger, with Stomach, aversion, coffee (480) Stomach, aversion, food, hunger, with

(481) Stomach, coldness (482) Stomach, coldness, cold drinks, after (482) Stomach, constriction (483) Stomach, contraction (483) Stomach, desires alcoholic drinks (483) Stomach, desires, alcoholic drinks, brandy Stomach, desires, fruit (485) Stomach, disordered (486) Stomach, emptiness, hunger, without (489) Stomach, eructations (489) Stomach, eructations, coughing, after (490) Stomach, eructations, drunkards, in (490) Stomach, eructations, acrid (492) Stomach, eructations, acrid, drunkards, in Stomach, eructations, bitter (492) Stomach, eructations, foul (495) Stomach, eructations, sour (496) Stomach, eructations, sour, drunkards, in Stomach, eructations, sweetish (497) Stomach, eructations, waterbrash (497) Stomach, fullness, sensation of (498) Stomach, hanging down, sensation of, relaxed (499) Stomach, heartburn (499) Stomach, heartburn, drunkards, in (500) Stomach, hiccough (501) Stomach, hiccough, painful (502) Stomach, loathing of food (See Nausea) (504) Stomach, nausea (504) Stomach, nausea, cold drinks, after (506) Stomach, nausea, drunkards, in (507) Stomach, nausea, faint-like (507) Stomach, nausea, pregnancy, during (509) Stomach, pain (511) Stomach, pain, evening (511) Stomach, pain, cold drinks, after (512) Stomach, pain, burning (515) Stomach, pain, burning, drunkards, in (516) Stomach, pain, clawing (517) Stomach, pain, cramping, griping, constricting (517) Stomach, pain, pressing (520) Stomach, pain, sore, bruised, beaten (tenderness) (522) Stomach, retching, cough, with (525) Stomach, thirst, extreme (529) Stomach, thirst, vomiting, after (530) Stomach, vomiting, morning (531) Stomach, vomiting, drinking, after (532) Stomach, vomiting, drinking, cold water after Stomach, vomiting, drunkards, of (533) Stomach, vomiting, pregnancy, during (534) Stomach, vomiting, sour (539) Stomach, vomiting, sour, eating, after (539) Stomach, vomiting, water (540)

ABDOMEN Abdomen, anxiety in, stool, after (541) Abdomen, bubbling (See Rumbling) (541) Abdomen, bubbling, lying on the back, while Abdomen, emptiness (546) Abdomen, emptiness, stool, after (546) Abdomen, enlarged, spleen (547) Abdomen, hard, spleen (551) Abdomen, hernia, inguinal (552) Abdomen, hernia, inguinal, strangulated Abdomen, pain, noaptea (556) Abdomen, pain, eating, after (agg.) (558) Abdomen, pain, lead, from (558) Abdomen, pain, stool, after (agg.) (560) Abdomen, pain, violent (561) Abdomen, pain, spleen (569) Abdomen, pain, cramping, griping (573) Abdomen, pain, cutting (578) Abdomen, pain, cutting, umbilicus, region of Abdomen, pain, stitching, hypochondria, left Abdomen, pain, stitching, liver (595) Abdomen, pain, stitching, spleen (596) Abdomen, spleen, complaints of (602) Abdomen, trembling (604) Abdomen, trembling, eating, after, lying on the back, while (604) Abdomen, weakness, sense of (605) Abdomen, weakness, sense of, menses, as if, would come on (605) Abdomen, weakness, sense of, stool, after

RECTUM Rectum, aphthous condition of anus (606) Rectum, constipation (See Inactivity) (606) Rectum, diarrh a (609) Rectum, diarrh a, cold, drinks, after (611) Rectum, diarrh a, drinking water, from Rectum, diarrh a, eating, after (612) Rectum, diarrh a, emaciated people, in Rectum, diarrh a, fever, typhoid (613) Rectum, diarrh a, fruit, unripe fruit, after Rectum, diarrh a, hot weather (613) Rectum, diarrh a, oysters, after (614) Rectum, diarrh a, painless (614) Rectum, dysentery (616) Rectum, hmorrhoids (619) Rectum, hmorrhoids, drunkards, in (620) Rectum, hmorrhoids, mercury, after abuse of (620) Rectum, itching (622) Rectum, pain, stool, after (agg.) (624) Rectum, pain, burning (625) Rectum, pain, burning, stool, during (626) Rectum, pain, stitching (628) Rectum, pain, tearing, stool, during (630)

STOOL Stool, bloody (635) Stool, copious (636) Stool, green (637) Stool, hard, first, then fluid (638) Stool, mucous, slimy (639) Stool, mucous, yellow (640) Stool, odor, offensive (640) Stool, pasty, papescent (641) Stool, sheep dung, like (See Balls) (641) Stool, soft (641) Stool, stringy (642) Stool, yellow (644) Stool, yellow, orange (644) Stool, yellow, saffron, like (644) BLADDER Bladder, pain, desire be postponed, if (646) URETHRA Urethra, pain, burning, urination, during (agg.) (675) URINE Urine, bloody (681) Urine, sediment (688) Urine, sugar (691) GENITALIA MALE Genitalia male, heat (699) GENITALIA FEMALE Genitalia female, aphth (715) Genitalia female, itching (720) Genitalia female, leucorrh a (720) Genitalia female, leucorrh a, acrid, excoriating (721) Genitalia female, leucorrh a, albuminous (721) Genitalia female, leucorrh a, bloody (721) Genitalia female, leucorrh a, burning (721) Genitalia female, leucorrh a, milky (722) Genitalia female, leucorrh a, transparent (723) Genitalia female, leucorrh a, white (723) Genitalia female, menopause (724) Genitalia female, menses, copious (725) Genitalia female, menses, frequent, too early, too soon (726) Genitalia female, menses, late (727) Genitalia female, metrorrhagia, black (729) Genitalia female, metrorrhagia, black, liquid (729) Genitalia female, metrorrhagia, fluid (730) Genitalia female, metrorrhagia, thin, fluid blood (731) Genitalia female, sterility (744)

LARYNX AND TRACHEA Larynx and trachea, pain, larynx, swallowing, on (752) Larynx and trachea, pain, soreness, larynx, touch (754) Larynx and trachea, roughness (755) Larynx and trachea, voice, hoarseness (758) RESPIRATION Respiration, asthmatic (763) Respiration, difficult, noaptea, during (767) Respiration, difficult, hang down, legs, amel. COUGH Cough, air, cold (agg.) (781) Cough, air, cold, walking in (781) Cough, air, open (agg.) (782) Cough, dry, evening, loose in morning (787) Cough, dry, expectoration, morning, only in Cough, loose, morning (796) Cough, paroxysmal (799) Cough, short (803) EXPECTORATION Expectoration, morning (812) Expectoration, bloody, spitting of blood (See Chest Hmorrhage) (813) CHEST Chest, discoloration, spots, ecchymoses (829) Chest, hmorrhage (See Expectoration) Chest, hmorrhage, pneumonia, results of Chest, oppression, hang down, unless his legs (840) Chest, pain, pressing (858) Chest, pain, stitching (863) Chest, pain, stitching, sides, left (869) Chest, pain, tearing, between the ribs (872) Chest, palpitation heart (873) Chest, palpitation heart, stooping (877) Chest, ulcer, lungs (882) Chest, weakness (882) BACK Back, pain (894) Back, pain, lumbar region (905) Back, pain, aching, lumbar region (916) Back, pain, sore, lumbar region (933) EXTREMITIES Extremities, discoloration, ecchymoses (978) Extremities, discoloration, upper limbs, blue, in spots, both (978) Extremities, discoloration, upper limbs, purpura hmorrhagica (979)

Extremities, discoloration, shoulder, spots Extremities, discoloration, forearm, bluish spots (979) Extremities, discoloration, lower limbs, bluish, spots (981) Extremities, discoloration, lower limbs, ecchymoses (981) Extremities, discoloration, lower limbs, redness, in spots (982) Extremities, discoloration, leg, blue, spots Extremities, discoloration, ankle, blue spots Extremities, discoloration, ankle, purple, spots (983) Extremities, discoloration, ankle, redness, spots, in (983) Extremities, dryness, hands (984) Extremities, eruption, hand (993) Extremities, excoriation, thighs, between (1004) Extremities, itching, fingers (1023) Extremities, itching, fingers, tips (1023) Extremities, jerking, lower limbs (1030) Extremities, jerking, knee (1031) Extremities, pain, cutting, thigh (1099) Extremities, pain, cutting, knee (1099) Extremities, pain, pressing, foot (1122) Extremities, pain, stitching, joints (1138) Extremities, pain, stitching, upper limbs, joints (1139) Extremities, pain, stitching, fingers (1143) Extremities, paralysis, hemiplegia (1176) Extremities, twitching, joints (1216) Extremities, twitching, hand (1217) Extremities, twitching, fingers (1217) Extremities, ulcers, lower limbs (1221) Extremities, ulcers, lower limbs, black base Extremities, weakness, lower limbs (1228) Extremities, weakness, ankle (1232)

Fever, continued fever, hmorrhagic (1285) Fever, continued fever, hmorrhagic, oozing of dark thin blood from capillaries (1285) Fever, perspiration absent, heat, with

PERSPIRATION Perspiration, clammy (1295) Perspiration, eating, after, warm food (1297) Perspiration, motion, amel. (1298) SKIN Skin, burning, spots (1304) Skin, cicatrices, red, become (1304) Skin, cicatrices, stinging (1304) Skin, discoloration, bluish, spots (1306) Skin, discoloration, pale (1306) Skin, discoloration, red, spots (1306) Skin, discoloration, spots, small (1307) Skin, ecchymoses (1308) Skin, eruptions, boils (1309) Skin, eruptions, red (1318) Skin, eruptions, scabies (1318) Skin, eruptions, urticaria (1321) Skin, intertrigo (1327) Skin, itching, scratching, changing place, on Skin, itching, spots (1329) Skin, purpura hmorrhagica (1330) Skin, sore, becomes (decubitus) (1331) Skin, stinging (1331) Skin, ulcerative pain (1333) Skin, ulcers, black (1333) Skin, ulcers, bleeding (1333) Skin, ulcers, mottled areola (1337) Skin, ulcers, phagedenic (1337) GENERALITIES Generalities, morning (1341) Generalities, forenoon (agg.) (1341) Generalities, evening (agg.) (1342) Generalities, night (1342) Generalities, air, open, aversion to (1343) Generalities, air, open agg. (1344) Generalities, alcoholic stimulants (1344) Generalities, anmia (1344) Generalities, cold in general agg. (1348) Generalities, cold, air agg. (1348) Generalities, cold, becoming (agg.) (1349) Generalities, cold, becoming, after, agg. Generalities, cold, tendency to take (1349) Generalities, cold, wet weather agg. (1350) Generalities, constriction externally (1350) Generalities, constriction, internally (1350) Generalities, food, cold drinks agg. (1362) Generalities, food, oysters agg. (1363) Generalities, hmorrhage (agg.) (1365) Generalities, hmorrhage, blood does not

SLEEP Sleep, dreams, anxious (1236) Sleep, dreams, misfortune, of (1241) Sleep, sleepiness (1248) Sleep, sleeplessness, noaptea, midnoaptea, before (1252) Sleep, sleeplessness, night, midnight, after Sleep, waking, early (1255) CHILL Chill, coldness in general (1259) Chill, air, in the open, amel. (1262) Chill, descending (See Coldness of Back) Chill, warm room, amel. (1276) Chill, warm room, not amel. in, nor by a warm stove (1276) FEVER Fever, heat in general (1278) Fever, bed, in (agg.) (See Night and Warmth) (1281) Fever, continued fever, typhus, typhoid

coagulate (1365) Generalities, hmorrhage, orifices of the body, from (1365) Generalities, heat, flushes of (1365) Generalities, heat, flushes of, perspiration, with (1366) Generalities, heat, sensation of (1366) Generalities, heat, sensation of, eating warm food (1366) Generalities, heat, vital, lack of (1366) Generalities, injuries (including blows, falls and bruises) (1368) Generalities, injuries, extravasations, with (1369) Generalities, injuries, bone (1369) Generalities, injuries, glands, of (1369) Generalities, injuries, soft parts, of (1369) Generalities, jerking, muscles (1370) Generalities, jerking, muscles, sleep, on going to (1370) Generalities, lassitude (1370) Generalities, pain, appear gradually, and disappear gradually (1377) Generalities, pain, appear gradually, and disappear, suddenly (1377) Generalities, pain, glands (1378) Generalities, pain, pressing, together Generalities, pain, pressing, muscles

Generalities, pain, sore, bruised Generalities, pain, stitching, muscles, burning in muscles Generalities, paralysis, one-sided (1390) Generalities, paralysis, organs, of (1390) Generalities, pulsation externally (1392) Generalities, pulse, small (1396) Generalities, riding horseback agg. (1397) Generalities, sensitiveness, internally (1398) Generalities, side, symptoms on one side Generalities, side, crosswise, left lower and right upper Generalities, side, right (1400) Generalities, swelling, glands (1405) Generalities, trembling, internally (1409) Generalities, twitching, sleep, on going to Generalities, walking, fast, amel. (1412) Generalities, weakness, enervation (See Lassitude, Weariness) (1413) Generalities, weakness, diarrh a, from Generalities, weakness, old people (1418) Generalities, weariness (See Weakness) Generalities, wounds (1422) Generalities, wounds, constitutional effects of (1422) Generalities, wounds, cuts (1422)

Aconitum napellus (Acon)

Cutremur/Zguduitura/ Piatra din valuri Tema: Suparare = creeaza teama;

Cauze: Suparare /frig (vant uscat) /Excitare dupa care ar fi putut urma moartea/ soc/sistem nervos zdruncinat Melli Uyldert : fixat pe durerea sentimentala, despre care nu poate vorbi, se apara impotriva la ce i spun simturile pentru ca este prea concentrat la ce gandeste, exprimarea furiei il poate vindeca
Complementar: Aeth (= C). Alum (C). Amyl-ns. Arn. Bell. Berb. Bry. Caust. Cham. Coff (febra/f r somn) Kali-br. Kali-n. Mill. Nat-lac. Phos (Acon = vegetabiles An). Spong. Sulph (= C/ mai bine se da o doza inainte). Cant + Cham + Con + Ph-ac + Seneg = An. *Acon - Bry - Phos* *Acon - Spong - Hep* *Acon - Sulph - Psor* Urmeaza bine: Abrot. Ars. Aur. Cact. Calad. Camph. Canth. Caps. Carb-v. Cham. Chel. Cimic. Conv. (simptome cardiace cand nu- i face efectul).Croc. Euphr. Ferr. Glon. Ham. Hep. Iod. Ip. Kali-br. Lach. Led. Merc-c. Merc. Nux-v. Op. Plat. Puls. Rhus-t. Sep. Sil. Spig. Stram. Tub. Verat. Urmat bine de: Abrot. Aloe. Am-c. Anis. Anthraci. Apis. Arg-n. Ars..Cact. Calc. Cann-i. Canth. Cocc. Colch. Euphr. Ferr. Hep. Infl. Ip. Kali-br. Lach. Led. Lyc. Merc. Merc-c. Puls. Rhus-t. Sec. Sep. Sil. Spig. Staph. Sulph (la abuz de Acon). Tub. Verat. Visc.

Antidoteaza: Abies-n- Ammoniums. Arn. Aspar. Asa-f. Astac. Bell. Berb. Brom. Bry. Cact. Canth. Cham. Chel. Cinm. Cimic. Cit-l. Cob. Cocc. Coff., Croc. Dol. Glon. Graph. Iod. Kalm. Kreos. Lyc. Merc-p. Merl. Mez. Morph (urmari tardive de la). Morph-act. Nit-ac. Nux-v. Petr. Ph-ac. Puls. Rhus-t. Seneg. Sep. Sol. Spong. Stry. Stry-n. Sulph. Verat. Ther (la Rubeola). Verat. Vib. Antidotat de: Acet-ac. Acon. Amyl-ns. Ars. Bell. Berb. Camph. Cham. Cit-l. Coff. Dol. Lyc. Nux-v. Paris.

Petr. Sep. Sulph. Verat. Vin, acide din plante, fructe acre, limonada, otet. Incompatibil cu: Acet-ac. Dol. Sec. Spig. La febra care creeaza eruptii de piele sai sunt vindecatoare, in afara de atunci cand pacientul se tavaleste in pat cu frica de moarte i piele uscata. Nu se da la infectii cu malaria/formare de puroi/infectii locale/tresariri de muschi epuizante/simptome ascunse/transpiratie/nu se pune pe pielea ranita. Cafea, acrituri, ulei, soare Efect: 1 ora pana la mai multe saptamani

Planta : Carul lui Venus (Omag) Familia : Ranunculacee

Febra ridicat cu apari ie brusc dup expunere la frig uscat Anxietate, Hipertensiune, Nevralgii Tulbur ri febrile: Febr ridicat cu apari ie brusc dup expunerea la frig uscat. Piele uscat i cald ; sete intens ; agita ie anxioas ; tuse seac . R gu eal i tuse crupal . Otite cu dureri insuportabile. Hipertermie - insola ie. Tulbur ri neurologice: Nevralgii intense, cu senza ie de furnic turi i parestezie mai ales a trigemenului. Agravare: - la frig uscat, c tre miezul nop ii. Ameliorare: aer curat, odihna, traspiratie calda, cand pacientul se dezveleste Stare de excita ie general , cu fric de moarte. Tulbur ri cardiovasculare: Puseuri de hipertensiune, cu tahicardie i palpita ii. Angor coronarian. Hemoragii sangvine cu aspect ro u str lucitor. Alte tulbur ri: Amenoree ca reac ie secundar la frig sau Ameliorare: - la apari ia transpira iei (n st rile febrile). ACONITUM este folositor la incepultul unei boli acute, atunci cand simptomele se dezvolta puternic in scurt timp. La boli induse de aer rece si uscat, curent de aer insa si de arsita. Psihicul arata frica mare si neliniste. La raceli se recomanda imediat, de indata ce pacientul a remarcat ca a racit. Deseori pecientul stranuta si se simte mai bine la aer liber. Si la gripa este indicat atunci cand ea e indusa de vant rece si uscat, cand febra vine repede, cu friguri si apar dureri de articulatii. Ca si la Beladonna gasim si aici transpiratie la partile imbracate. Si la dureri de gat si tuse cauzata din acealasi motive. La tuse in general nu se gaseste secretie. La Aconitum ii este sete de lichide reci si multe. Ajuta si la socuri psihice care apar in mod brusc dupa accidente. Ajuta si la dureri la pacienti care sunt sensibili la dureri ( tipa) si au o teama plina de neliniste.

1. Mind. Great agitation and tossing of the body with anguish, inconsolable irritability, cries, tears, groans, complaints, and reproaches. Sensibil irritability. Fearful anticipations of approaching death; predicts the day he is to die. Sadness. Presentiments, as if in a state of clairvoyance. Anthropophobia and misanthropy; has no affection for anybody. Maliciousness. A strong disposition to be angry, to be frightened, and to quarrel. The least noise, even music, appears insupportable. Humour changeable; at one time sad, depressed, irritable, and despairing; at another time gay, excited, full of hope, and disposed to sing and dance. Vexed at trifles; takes every joke in bad part. Dislike to talk; answers laconically. Alternate paroxysms of laughter and tears. Great, inconsolable anxiety. Anxiety respecting one's malady, and despair of a cure. Fear of spectres. Fear of the dark. Disposition to run away from one's bed. Mind, as it were, paralysed, with incapability of reflection, and a sensation as if all the intellectual functions were performed in the region of the stomach. Paroxysms of folly and madness. Unsteadiness of ideas. In the delirium is unhappiness, worry, despair and raving, with expression of fear upon the countenance; but there is rarely unconsciousness. Delirium, chiefly at noaptea; with ecstasy. Weakness of memory. Ailments from fear, fright, vexation. ACONITUM NAPELLUS (acon.)

MIND: - - TEAMA (& preziceriea mortii/insarcinarea/munca). Convins ca va muri, - TEMI:(multime/locuri stramte/locuri deschise/intuneric/lift/tunel/boli cardiace/ca inima se va opri/comotie cerebrala/lesin/avion/cutremur) .- - neliniSTE cu frica . PANICA:(brusca, violenta). Ca un cutremur interior.Cu palpitatii, fara rosie, ameteala vertigo, amorteala pe o parte, lesin, transpiratie, tremurat, lipsa de aer. < Miezul noptii pana la ora 4 h./5, 30 min. dupa ce a adormit/la adormit (Lach). < cand devine cald in pat/apus de soare (pana la ora 12 h.).Calm intre atacuri de panica. - Extrovertit. Doreste companie. - - Anxietate pentru altii. Poarta simpatie altora. - Capricios. - - Se plange, face reprosuri. Se cearta. Mizantrop ( nu-i plac oamenii). - Suprasensibilitate la galagie, lumina, atingere - - Trist, indiferent; cu aversiune la companie. GENERALITIES: - - excitabilitatea sistemului nervos si vascular. - - Doreste aer curat. - < vreme cu FRIG USCAT /VANT (est), < devine rece cand altii sunt supraincalziti. (durere de cap) - < Miscare; stat intins pe partea afectata; atingere (in special in timpul febrei). - < TEAMA, SOC; senzatie de MOARTE IMINENTA. - - < la apusul soarelui. - > Exsudatii (voma, diaree). - - Fletoric. Congestii locale. - Epilepsie si convulsii. - - Amorteala, furnicaturi < left side. - Durere intolerabila, intepatoare, arzatoare. Pune mana la locul unde are durerea. VERTIGO: - - in timpul panicii. - - La ridicare, la incercarea de a sta in fund in pat HEAD: - - Dureri de cap chinuitoare, (< occiput/frunte), cu teama de moarte; dupa sperietura; - Congestie si senzatie de plin , < seara; ca si cum ar fi marit - - Senzatie de fierbere inauntru. EYE: - - FOTOFOBIE de la lumina soarelui. - - Ochii se simt mariti. - Conjunctivita de la vant rece/uscat, reflectia zapezii. Inflamatii de la rani (Symph.). - - Pierderea vederii dupa sperietura, vreme foarte rece sau fierbinte. - Fierbinti si uscati. Conjuctivita rosie a pleoapelor. Lacrimatii profunde. Pleoape tari si umflate. EAR: - - Partile exterioare ale urechilor fierbinti si rosii; sensibiliate cu dureri; intolerabil la galagie. NOSE: - - Miros acut la mirosuri neplacute. - - Sangerari din nas; rosu deschis. FACE: - - PALID la ridicare, cu lesin. - Expresie cu anxietate. - - NEVRALGIE, PAREZA dupa vant rece si uscat < partea stanga. - Un obraz rosu, altul palid (Cham). - - amorTEALA pe o parte MOUTH - - Amorteala/furnicatura/senzatie de arsura in limba/buze..- - Totul are gust amar (apa, etc.). TEETH:- - Scrasnit. - - Durere de la vant rece si uscat in timpul sarcinii. THROAT:- - Inflamatii acute cu febra inalta, roseata inchisa, arsuri si intepaturi. Inghititul dificil. STOMACH:- - Gastrita de la baut apa rece cand era infierbantat. - SETE de cantitati mari (de apa rece). - - Durere arzatoare catre gura. - Presiune ca de la o piatra catre spate. BELLY: - - Umflare (de la gaze), fierbinte, dureros la atingere < regiunea ombilicala. - Colici severe cu scaun verde, apos > dupa scaun. - - Hepatita acuta. Dureri sau inflamatie la splina. URINARY: - - RETENTIUNEA urinei la NOI-NASCUTI, de la SPERIETURA, de la frig, in special la copii, cu plans si neliniste. - - Urinari frecvente in timpul crizelor. MALE GENITALIA: - - Inflamatia acuta a testicolelor FEMALE GENITALIA - - Inflamatii acute ale ovarelor cu cicluri suprimate. - Menstruatii suprimate, lipsa de ciclue de la sperietura sau rece Avort din sperietura LARINGE/TRAHEE: - - KRUPP, in stadiu incepator, dupa vant rece si uscat. Laringe sensibil la atingere, inspiratie, ca si cum ar fi o rana. RESPIRATION:- - Hiperventilatie cu sunet ca la Krupp, agonizare, cu teama de sufocare..- PSYCHOGENIC DYSPONEA (Lob.). (sperietura, excitatie cardiaca) COUGH: - - Scurta, uscata, ragusita, latratoare, sfortata; de la iritatia din gat. CHEST:-- PALPITATII (+ anxietate/teama de moarte) neLINISTE; < stat intins. Ca si cum ar fi apa clocotita in piept. Ca si cum inima ar exploda. - - Pneumonie, pleurezie. - ANGINA. Durere intensa in toate directiile, in special in jos catre mana stanga cu amorteala si furnicaturi - Intepaturi in partea dreapta, < stat intins pe partea dreapra, miscare, tuse, respiratie EXTREMITIES:- - Reumatism acut cu senzatie de dilatare a partilor. - Afectiuni des asociate cu amorTEALA, FURNICATURI. - Paralizie, de la expunerea la vant rece si uscat, de la sperietura, isteric - Paralizie la mesc, incapabil de miscare, creeaza panica. SLEEP:- - Neliniste.- - Insomnie nervoasa, cu anxietate, neliniste. - Cosmaruri, in loc de atacuri de panica. - - Pozition: partea stanga. FEVER: - - FEBRA. SKIN: - - Hepatita (galbinare) la noi nascuti.- - Uscata.- - Eritem, < soare. Erizipel. Eruptii rosii. - Intepaturi usoare ca de la ace. Furnicaturi.

Agaricus muscarius (Agar) Tema: soarta; Cauza: ger/are rece/suprimare; Complementar: Bar-c. Calc. Dros. Gels. Phys. Staph. Tril-p. Tub. Urmeaza bine: Bell. Cimic. Cupr. Dulc. Merc. Nux-v. Op. Puls. Rhus-t. Sil. Stann-i. Tarent. Urmat bine de: Bell. Cupr. Merc. Op. Puls. Rhus-t. Sil. Tarent (Typhus + Kopfrollen). Incompatibil cu: Bell, sare Antidoteaza: Anthraci. Tuib. Alcool Antidotat de: Absin. Atrop. Calc (la ger). Camph. Coff. Nit-ac. Physin sal. Puls. Rhus-t. Zinc. Vinum. Absinth. Eisen. Fette. Holzkohle. Cafea. Uleiuri. Vin si tarii din vin (coniac). Substante cu mercur La otravire : Atro. Puls. Efect: 40 zile Diagonal + in ambele parti + parti schimbatoare tuberculin/coleric/flegmatic/sanguinic/hydrogenoid/destructiv/tifoid/malarial/leproid/psoric/sicotic/promovea za fecundatia Repertoriu:
AGARICUS MUSCARIUS (agar.) * Neurological symptoms. Twitchings. Convulsions. MIND: - - Suppressed, non-agressive manner (Staph. Bar-c.). - Dependant, weak-willed. Avoid responsibility (Lyc.). Seek sheltered, comfortable life. - ANXIETY about health. Fear of cancer (Ars, Kali-ar. Nit-ac. Phos). They drive you crazy with it. - - Tell everybody about their (supposed) complaints. - Desire to help people with fatal conditions. Superstitious way of doing good deeds. - Morbid thoughts (about death/disease/ghosts/graveyards/coffins). An element of spookiness about them.- - Obsessed with sufferings of people around them. - Out of body experiences which feel good, even > general state (Cann-i: terrifying experience).- - Exciting, cheerful states alternating with fearful, sad states. - Anxious when feels happy. Are sure they will die because they feel calm, happy. - Mental symptoms: Loquacity. Hilarity. Embrases everyone. Makes verses. Crazy fearlessness. Stupid'. Indifferent. - - "Dare-devil". Temerity. Runs about in dangerous places. - physical # mental symptoms. - - Hysteria after sex. Fainting. CHILDREN: - - Late learning to walk, to talk. - - Slow comprehension. Irresolution. - Dependent. Chorea, convulsions after punishment. - Restless. Fidget. Wild at playing. Bad concentration. GENERALITIES: - - CHOREA, TWITCHINGS, SPASMS, CONVULSIONS. < Coition, excitement, fright, death of oved one, suppressed eruptions or discharge.Aura: sensation of cold air going along body or spine.Chorea in children. Spasms after punishment. - Neurological disorders. Paralysis. M.S. A.L.S. - - > After sleep. - Child rolling the head, biting himself (meningitis). - - < Cold. - < Before thunderstorm. - - << dimineata, > evening. - - < After COITION. - Sensation of HOT OR COLD needles sticking in. - Complaints diagonally: right arm, left leg. - - Alcoholism: trembling, itching. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - < Cold food and drinks. - Desire: Salt, salthy things, eggs. - - Aversiune: Bread, meat, wine. HEAD: - - Pain: sensation of icy or hot needles sticking in head. - Feels cold, esp. after scratching; forehead cold, but feels warm when touched. Coldness in spots.- - Pain right side, as from nail, < sitting, > walking. - Meningitis: Rolls head, bite or try to injure themselves. EYE: - - Convulsive involuntary MOTION of eyes, like a pendulum (Elaps). - Trembling or TWITCHING eyelids, < left, << before thunderstorm > during sleep. EAR: - - Extreme itching, with burning (Ars. Bry. Petr.). - Redness. - - Chilblains during menses. Feels frozen, frostbitten (Petr/Puls.). NOSE: - - Extreme itching, with burning (Ars. Bry. Petr.). - Red tip of nose. - - Pain in root during headache. - Long cough ends in sneezing.- - Hay fever: itching in ears, palate, nose. FACE: - - TWITCHINGS, < left side. - - GRIMACING, esp. mouth. - Painful part as if frozen. - - Paralysis.

STOMACH - - Empty eructations alternating with hiccough. BELLY: - - Pain in liver and spleen when jogging. - Quivering and twitching of abdominal muscles, < seara in bed. URINARY: - - Dysuria with painful coldness & twitching of left leg. - Urine feels cold on passing (Nit-ac). - - Urine milky in afternoon. GENITALIA: - - Sexual desire increased < dimineata on waking.Masturbation. COUGH: - - Paroxysmal, convulsive cough ending in sneezing. CHEST: - - Palpitations with red face, < seara, after stool. - Tubercular remedy. Pneumonia, bronchitis. - - Ailments after disappearance of milk. BACK: - - LUMBAGO. SCIATICA. - - Pain < SITTING (Am-m.), raising thigh when sitting, motion; > lying. - Tension, < standing, stretching, touch. - - Coldness, as from cold water flowing. EXTREMITIES: - - Twitchings or spasms, esp. in nates; < before thunderstorm/after coition. - DIFFICULT coordination. Awkwardness, stumbling, clumsy (Apis, Bov. Nat-m.). - Jerking of muscles on falling asleep, esp. toes. - - Chorea after punishment in children. - Chilblains. - - Coldness in spots. - - Paralytic weakness lower limbs dur. pregnancy. SLEEP: - - Starting on falling asleep (Kali-c.).SKIN: - - Chilblains, like icy or hot needles.

Allium cepa (All-c) Tema: nu simte nimic; Complementar: Carb-v. Euphr. Phos (= C). Puls. Sars..Sulph, Ther, Thuj, *All-c - Phos - Sulph* *All-c - Calc - Sil* Polypen Urmeaza bine: Meny. Psor, Sang, Tell. Urmat bine de: Arn, Calc, Calc-sil, Cham, Nux-v, Sil, Verat, Incompatibil cu: All-s, Aloe, Scil, cap clar/f r slabiciune/afectiuni la plamani/cai respiratorii/allergie, dilutiile inalte maresc durerea Antidoteaza: Arn. Calad, Cham. Chel, Euphr. Lyc, Thuj, Verat, Antidotat de: Arn, Ars. Cham, Coff-t. Merc-c. Nux-v, Phos. Thuj. Verat, Cafea, mncare calda, Efect: 1 zi, brusc/hydrogenoid/ de pe stanga pe dreapta/pe partea stanga Planta : Ceapa Rinite: corize banale, rinite sezoniere sau ne-sezoniere, cu debut cu str nuturi numeroase,apoi o secre ie care irit narinele i buza superioar . Secre ii oculare neiritante i tuse spastic dureroas , cu senza ie de zgrietur sau de ruptur .
Nevralgii i nevrite: nevrite ale bonturilor de amputa ie.

Agravare: la c ldur , la alergeni sezonieri. Ameliorare: la r coare ALLIUM CEPA (all-c.) MIND: - - Absent-mindedness. Dullness < afternoon. - - Depression. Misanthrophy. - Sleepiness, lethargic (Op. Nux-m.) with indifference. - - Mistakes in writing. - Passive insanity after emotional shock. Does not recognize relatives, indifferent to them. Foolish behaviour. Walks on his toes or lateral side of feet. GENERALITIES: - - >> open air - - << warm room/evening. - Ailments go from left to right side. - - Ailments after operations, injuries. - NEUralgic, tearing pains, like a thread; AFTER amputation (Am-m/Asaf/Hyper/Staph/Symph). FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: onions - - Aversiune + <: cucumber - - > Onions HEAD: - - Pain mostly forehead ext. to temples or nose. - - < Warm room, evening, closing eyes, winking, << when discharge (coryza, menses) dimishes > Open air, during menses. EYE: - - Lachrymation in warm room. - - Sensation of smoke. NOSE: - - CORYZA + HAY FEVER:ACRID, EXCORIATING, WATERY DISCHARGE from nose and BLAND LACHRYMATION (Euphr: opposite). Discharge irritates upper lip. Violent sneezing. < warm room, evening; > open air. Starts left, ext. to right. Spreading to ears, throat, larynx, bronchi. - WARNING: If you're not sure about the remedy-choice, don't give high potencies since unjust application of All-c may cause dyspnea, esp. in people tending to allergic asthmatic complaints. - Polyps.

FACE: - - Neuralgia > cold air. - - Paralysis, < left side; with profuse urine. LARYNX & TRACHEA: - - PAIN lyrinx on coughing, must grasp larynx. - Whooping cough. - - Hoarseness. RESPIRATION: - - Allergic asthma. COUGH: - - < Cold air, going from warm room to cold air or v.v. getting into bed at night. BACK: - - Pain right scapula, < lying. EXTREMITIES - - Ulcers feet, esp. heel.

Allium sativum (All-s)

Usturoi Feinschmecker Complementar: Am-m. ARS. Incompatibil cu: All-c. Aloe. Scil. Supraaciditate/Yoga Antidoteaza: Plb (wird von All-s ausgeleitet). Tetan Antidotat de: Cina. Lyc. Efect: coleric/tuberculin/afrodiziac, antibiotic


ALLIUM SATIVUM (all-s.) Acts directly on intestinal mucous membrane increasing peristalsis. Colitis, with pathological flora. Has vaso-dilatory properties. Arterial hypotension begins usually in 30 to 45 minutes after twenty to forty drop doses of the tincture. Adapted to fleshy subjects with dyspepsia and catarrhal affections. High livers. Patients who eat a great deal more, especially meat, than they drink. Pain in hip, pain in psoas and iliac muscles. Pulmonary tuberculosis. Cough and expectoration diminishes, temperature becomes normal, weight is gained, and sleep becomes regular. Haemoptysis. Head. - - Heavy; pulsation in temples; catarrhal deafness. Mouth. - - Much sweetish saliva after meals and at night.Sensation of hair on tongue or throat. Stomach. - - Voracious appetite. Burning eructations. Least change in diet causes trouble. Constipatie, with constant dull pains in bowels. Tongue pale, red papillae. Respiratory. - -Constant rattling of mucus in bronchi. Cough in the dimineata after leaving bedroom, with mucous expectoration, which is tenacious and difficult to raise. Sensibil to cold air. Dilated bronchi, with fetid expectoration. Darting pain in chest. Female. - -Pain in swelling of breasts. Eruption in vagina/on breasts/vulva during menses.

Alumina (Alum)
Labil Ostatec Tema: f r identitate; Cauze: Furie, manie/dezamagire/ridicat/suprasolicitare/intoxicare cu metal/comotie cerebrala; Complementar: Bry. (= A), Cars (cand Alum nu- i face fectul sau este prea scurt). Caust, Dulc, Ferr (Alum = C), Fl-ac. Lyc (= vegetabiles An). Med, Morg. Morg-p. Nat-m. Op, Plb, Sep (Alum = C), Sil. Urmeaza bine: Alumn. Arg-met. Bapt. Bov, Cic. Euphr, Ign, Lach. Psor, Puls. Stann. Sulph, Thuj. Urmat bine de: Arg-met, Bell. Fl-ac. Lach. Stann. Sulph, Intermediar: Cham. Chin. Incompatibil cu: Alcool, vin, tutun,, bauturi reci, mncare rece sau calda, lapte, cartofi, sare, legume verzi, doze tari in timpul sarcinii Antidoteaza: Aloe. Bry. Camph. Cham. Hep. Ip. Lach. Merc. Mez. Op. Plb. Blei. Antidotat de: Bry. Cadm-met. Cadm-m. Cadm-ox. Calc. Camph. Cham. Iodof. Ip. Jab. Plb. Puls. Sil. Cafea. La otravire: Cadm-met. Cadm-ox. Efect: 40 - 60 Zile / stanga sus catre dreapta jos sifilitic/psoric/chlorotisch/tifoid/sicotic / efect lent ALUMINA (alum.) * CONFUSION AND RETENTION.

MIND: - - inceTINEALA. Inlegere greoaie. Amortit, incetosat la minte. - SIMPTOME VAGI, nu exista simptome clare. - - Pare inchis, se autoprotejeaza. - Raspunde incet si vag. Nu pare involvat, vorbeste monoton. - Dificil la exprimare. Isi freaca fruntea. - - Mintea pare 'constipata'. - Imaginatie limiTATA. Nehotarare. Neintelegere. - Nu suporta PRESIUNEA, in special cea de TIMP.Senzatie interioare de a fi in graba /nu suporta sa fie grabited.Nu poate sa fac doua lucruri deodata. - Poate sa-si scrie biletele sa nu uite ce are de facut. Lucreaza mult sa-si invinga incetineala. - Aversiune la conversatie < dimineata. Nu intelege despre ce vorbesc altii - Nu-si arata sentimentele. Isi arata furia numai catre membrii familiei. - remarca problemele mentale: TEAMA de nebunie.- - conFUSIE de identitate. "Cine sunt eu ?". Cand vorbeste crede ca vorbeste altcineva. Totul pare ireal. - TEAMA DE CUTITE, sange (Nux-m.), carcalaci, boala, epilepsie (Arg-n. Merc), duhuri rele (Calc. Manc). Impulsuri de a omora sau rani cand vede cutite (Merc.) sau sange. - Anxietate dimineata la plimbare. - - Pierderea sperantei de vindecare. Depresie. GENERALITIES: - - >> seara. - - > Zapada/mancat/stat intins. - - < Caldura (patului). - DRYNESS. - - << dimineata la plimbare; - - < Orele 16 - 20 . (Lyc.), cateodata >. - Periodicitate, la fiecare a doua zi. - - DEREGLARI neurologice: Paralizie, m.s., a.l.s. - Afectiuni de la luat de medicamente alopate (chimice) pe timp lung, c.v.a. - - Poate fi incet (Calc-ph. Sil). FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Pofta: mancare uscata/lucruri indigerabile. - - << cartofi/alimente care contin amidon. VERTIGO: - - Cand inchide ochii in timp ce sta in picioare (Rhomberg's sign). HEAD: - - dureri periodice. Pe o simgura parte. -- Caderea parului EYE/VISION: - - Tumoare la glandele meibomiam (Chalazion). - Uscaciune. - - INGROSAREA pleoapelor. Intarire. - - Caderea genelor. NOSE: - - Raceli frecvente, extinderea catre gat. Sinuzita -- Uscaciune. Crapaturi FACE: - - Senzatie de stramtare a pielii. - - Palid, de culoare albicioasa. THROAT: - - Isi drege gatul de la uscaciune/inghitit greoi de la uscaciune sau paralizie. Se inneaca. RECTUM/STOOL: - - consTIPATIE zile intregi, chiar cu scaun MOALE (Sil.). rect paSIV si USCAT (Hep/Nux-m/Sep).Rectul pare paralizat. Nu simte nevoia sa iasa, trebuei sa ajute cu degetele. Transpira de la efortul de a iesi afara. > in timp ce urineaza. BLADDER: - - Mictiunea: jet slab < dimineata la miscare.Retrasa, trebuie sa preseze mult timp MALE GENITALIA: - - Impotenta, des dupa excese. FEMALE GENITALIA: - poate avea predilectii sexuale/ii place jocul dinainte de contactul sexual propriuzis/ nu permite orgasm - MENSTRUATIE SLABA, numai o singura zi. - - Simprome alternante, la sfarsitul ciclului. - EPUIZARE MENTALA SI FIZICA dupa MENSTRUATIE (Carb -an).- - Leucoree (secret gros din vagin). COUGH: - - CONSTANTA, UCSTA(Caust., Rumx.), < dimineata, la vorbit. EXTREMITIES: - - PARALIZIE: inceput lent, onset, incepe cu amorteala talpilor, picioare grele, furnicaturi in membrele superioare - - Mers necoordinat, ATAXIE (=lipsa de coordinare). - dreGLARI senzoriale, de ex. reactie lenta la intepatura de ac (Cocc, Plb).- - Unghii care crapa usor. SLEEP: - - Neodihnitor. Plimbari frecvente, < inainte de menstruatie.- - Viseaza de hoti (Nat-m.). SKIN: - - USCATA. Fisuri - - manCARIME fara eruptie (Ars, Dol. Mez. Sulph).Scarpinat pana la sangerare. - - Fara trasnpiratie.

Aloe socotrina (Aloe) Tema: Patria, locul parintesc; Cauza: Viata sedentara; Complementar: Aesc (Aloe = An), Ham. Kali-bi, Morg-p, Ox-ac. Sep, Sul-ac, Sulph. (Aloe = vegetabiles An). Urmeaza bine: Acon. Coll, Nux-v. Urmat bine de: Gamb. Kali-br. Nux-v. Incompatibil cu: All-c, All-s, Squil., depresiuni/slab la corp/oameni batrani/graviditate Antidoteaza: Paeon, Sulph., mustar Antidotat de: Aln, Alumn, Arn, Camph, Cham, Crot-t, Lyc + Nux-v (Ohrenschmerz), Op, Sulph, Thuj, Verat, Sulph (dupa uzul de Aloe impotriva la constipatie), otet,acizi din plante, mustar, Efect: 1 zi, plethorisch/acut/psoric/sicotic/avortiv/melancolic/flegmatic/carcinoid/avortiv

Diverse: Aura de la Aloe are toate culorile

ALOE SOCOTRINA (aloe) MIND: - - Cro, peevish < cloudy weather. - - Irritable before stool, weak after. - Preoccupied with his disease (stool). - - Irritable, discontented, filled with displeasure. - Angry when hearing diffirent opinion. Has to restrain himself.- - States #, < during digestion, after eating.Easily excited, # resigned and weak. Mental activity # indolence. - Appears to be calm, stoic, content. Underneath he is indifferent, not involved in life. - Loathing of life. - - Predicts time of death (acute cases). - Fear on seeing blood, doctors, hospitals, being alone, high places. - - > Evening. GENERALITIES: - - Portal Kongestion and stasis.- - < Heat (can be chilly) - - > Cold app-lications, open air. - - Sensation of plug internally; sensation of congestion over bodysurface .FOOD AND DRINKS: - Desires: Fruit, esp. apples. - - < Beans and peas, sour things. HEAD: - - congestive PAIN >> cold applications, << heat. - Dull pain with heaviness in eyes and nausea. - - Pain during constipation, before stool. - Complaints of head alt. with:abdominal, uterine symptoms, back pain, hemorrhoids. EYE: - - Twitching lids, esp. left, during daytime. - - Closes eyes from headache. EAR: - - Sensibil to noise (music) cause trembling. FACE: - - Heat - - Lips dry and cracked. STOMACH: - - Appetite increased, < dimineata after stool; emptiness after stool. - Indigestion after beer, sour things, mistakes in diet. - - Bitter eructations. BELLY: - - spastic or ulcerative COLITIS.- - Complaints < from suppressed anger. - Flatulence, distention, rumbing, < before stool. RECTUM: - - Annoying, tormenting, INSECURE feeling in rectum - INvoluntary or UNnoticed STOOL on passing flatus. Feels weak. Has to keep his atten-tion to the sphincter.During sleep, urination, after eating.Irritability/shame because of this. - Intolerant, deep itching, sticks finger in rectum. - Sensation of plug, full sensation; paralyzed feeling. - Diaree: 5 h. or 6 h. driving them out of bed (Podo/Sulph); from unripe fruit, beer, oysters; < being overheated, before menses, from vexation; < standing, > lying on BELLY; sputtering, cream colored, burning stool, mucus in stool, jelly-like. - HEMORRHOIDS like bunch of grapes, purple, > cold bathing. - Constipatie alt. with frequent stools. MALE GENITALIA: - - Impotency. COUGH: - - > Lying on BELLY, < rising from sitting. EXTREMITIES: - - Coldness and numbness.Cold hands alt. with cold feet. DREAMS: - - That he is soiling himself.

Ambra grisea (Ambra) Tema: Maturitate; Cauza: Griji de lunga durata/esec/decese in familie, prieteni; Complementar: Ign. Mosch, Nat-m. Urmeaza bine: Elec, Tub, Urmat bine de: Ars. Dros. Lyc, Mosch. Puls, Sep, Sulph, Tub, Valer. Incompatibil cu: Mosch, Nux-v. Staph. Zahar Antidoteaza: Carb-v, Nux-v, Staph, Antidotat de: Camph, Coff, Nux-v, Puls, Sep. Staph, Efect: 40 zile, limfatic/malarial/psoric, numai pe o parte
AMBRA GRISEA (ambr.) * INHIBITION, TIMIDITY, BASHFULNESS. MIND: - - Emotional, sentimental people who suffer from inhibition. - Impossible to express himself, communicate, < company of strangers.Must make tremendous effort to keep conversation going. - Cannot let go. Aversiune to seeing or hearing others laughing. Feeling shit - Extremely conscious of what people will think about them. - Embarrassed esp. regarding personal habits like stool, urine, perspiration. - Ailments from failure, being put down/insulted, embarassment in their work: lose confidence, become bashful, avoid people. - Dwell on past unpleasant experiences, offences, being hurt. - Strong sex desire, lascivious thoughts and masturbation; feel guilty. - - Claustrophobia. - Sensibil to music. Music <. - - Irritability. Hysteria. Fear of killing.

- Forgetful, dull, mental slowness. Unable to calculate. - - - Delusions, often frightening. - Mind weakens like when getting prematurely old. Dreamy state of mind.Silly prattling, loquacity, jump from one subject to another, ask questions but don't wait for the answer. GENERALITIES: - - impressionable patients, tired, emaciated. - Prematurely old and senile (Alum. Bar-c. Plb. Sec). - Ailments like nondescript vertigo, high blood pressure, headache, colitis. arteriosclerosis. - << presence of others/music/spring/dimineata in bed - - One-sided perspiration. - Numbness. - - Nervousness, twitches, jerks. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: SALT. - - Aversiune: fat (Nat-m). - - > cold drinks (water). VERTIGO: - - Nondescript vertigo, giddiness, esp. of old people. HEAD: - - Hyperaemia, heat, while listening to music. - Heaviness or trembling sensation in head from talking, conversation. EYE: - - Dim vision as in elderly people. EAR: - - Impaired hearing without underlying pathology as in ageing proces. - - Noises. NOSE: - - Sangerari din nas, < early dimineata while lying in bed, during menses. FACE: - - Twitching. Spasmodic trembling. Spasms of lips. - - Old looking expression. - One-sided perspiration. MOUTH: - - TUBercles under tongue. ranuLA (sublingual cysts). Nodosities under tongue r.. THROAT: - - Sensation of a lump with difficult swallowing. - - Grayish mucus. STOMACH: - - Pain > frequent sips of cold milk, < excitement, lying on BELLY. - Emptiness, > lying down. - - Heartburn after milk.- - Indigestion from warm drinks. BELLY: - - Internal coldness; onesided. - - Pressing pain around navel > eructations. - Colitis. - - Flatulence, > eructation and flatus, which is impossible around someone RECTUM: - - Can only pass stool if no one is around. - Constipatie during pregnancy, from sedentary habits.- - Hemorrhage during stool. URETHRA/URINE: - - Cannot pass urine in front of others. MALE GENITALIA: - - Violent erections in dimineata. Desire increased. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Desire increased. - - Metrorrhagia after exertion, between periods, from slight provocation, from hard stool. - - Bluish leucorrhoea, < night. COUGH: - - Nervous cough, < From hearing music, when in company. - Deep cough followed by eructations; or eructations excite cough. RESPIRATION: - - Asthmatic; in old people; < slight exertion, coition, music; > eating. CHEST: - - Palpitation < music, walking in open air. EXTREMITIES: - - Trembling from conversation. - - Contraction of hamstrings. - Rheumatism, arthritis.- - Heaviness, paralytic weakness; with numbness. - Cramps in thighs, calves, feet, at night - Bluish discoloration left leg (varices) during menses, with pressing pain. SLEEP: - - Sleepless after conversation, from excitement, from worries. - Sleepy with sleeplessness after going to bed. - - Position: right side.

Antimonium crudum (Ant-c) Cauza: mncare prea multa/(racire dupa masa) supraincalzire/eruptii cutanate suprimate/ dezamagire; Complementar: Am-m. Bar-c. Hep. Nat-m. Puls. Sil-mar. Squil. Sulph. Thuj. X-Ray. Urmeaza bine: Ant-t. Ip. Merc. Nat-c. Puls. Urmat bine de: Bry. Calc. Ip. Lach. Lyc. Merc. Sep. Incompatibil cu: Potenzen unter D 6 Aeth. Carne de porc? Antidoteaza: Brom. Calc. Hep. Merc. Plb. Puls. Puls-n. Sep. Intepaturi de insecte. Antidotat de: Calc. Hep. Ip. Merc. Merc-s. Plat. Puls. Efect: 40 zile sus d. - jos s. /partea stanga/ coleric/ flegmatic/hydrogenoid/destructiv/ringwormoid/psoric/sicotic/sifilitic
ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM (ant-c.) MIND: - - Emotii < luna -(extasy)/lumina de lumanare, muzica: poezii, fantasii sentimentale - Ganduri/imaginatii romantice < noaptea (Nat-m./Staph). - SENTIMENTALITATE coplesitoare, < vebra, menstruatie. - - Imaturitate emotionala. - orice emotie afecteaza STOMACUL/PLEXUL SOLAR. - - Sensibil/inchis. - Emotii romantice, nerealiste, fine creeaza experiente dureroase. Afectiuni de la tristete - Capricios, TRIST de la dezamagire. - - devine SENSIBIL/< atingere/cand este privit. - Ganduri la sinucidere noaptea dupa iubire dezamagita - - Anxietate noaptea in pat (viitor). - retardatie mentala. Idiotie.

GENERALITIES: - - Bulging, callosities, lumps. - << (radiant) heat, < sun/open fire/etc./<< cold bath/< seara/night, in bed. - < Alcohol, wine, esp. SOUR WINE/Menses/Loud noise. - - > Open air. - Obesity, esp. at younger age - - Prostrated easily (Stann). - Metastasis of complaints (Abrot.). Stomach pains # headaches, arthritic pains. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: CUCUMBER, pickles, sour.- - << sour things HEAD: - - Headache in +/o/# with stomach problems. EYE: - - Red, inflamed lids. Conjunctivitis. - - Pustules on margins. FACE: - - Cracks in corners of mouth. - - Eruption on eyelids, chin or cheeks. MOUTH: - - Tongue COATED THICK WHITE, like snow. "Milky tongue". STOMACH: - - CENTRE of affecion Many complaints. Associated with headaches. - Loss of apetite during headache. - - Thirstless. - - sensiTIVE solar plexus ABDOMEN: - - DIGESTIVE problems - - Flatulence; painful. Rumbling. Distention. - Diaree from sour food or drinks. STOOL: - - Lumpy. MALE GENITALIA: - - Increased desire. - - Impoteny with atrophied testes, penis. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Sexual desire increased, < suppressed menses. Nymphomania. - Menses suppressed from cold bathing - - Lumpy leucorrhoea. - Bearing down sensation of uterus. EXTREMITIES: - - Splitted nails. - - Paralytic trembling of hands, < motion, writing. - Gouty, arthritc symptoms. - - Callosities of soles painful. Corns, indurations. - Horny WARTS on hands, fingers.- - Cracks next to fingernails. SKIN: - - DRY. Cracked. - - THICK/HARD/SORE. - - HORNY EXcressences, warts.

Antimonium tartaricum (Ant-t)

Complementar: Carb-v. Bar-c..(la boli de batranete. Blat-o. Ip (Ant-t = C/somnolent din cauza lrespiratiei deficiente. Ant-t. (cand plamanii ameninta s colabeze/ Pacient somnoros/Tusea inceteaza sau se rareste). Kali-bi. Kali-c. Op. Phos. Samb. Sang. Sil. Sulph.

*Ip. - Bry. - Ant-t. - Puls.* (Bronsiata) Urmeaza bine. Bac. Camph. Caus. Cocc. Crot. Ferr-p. Kali-m. Nux m. Puls. Sep. Ter. Vario. Urmat bine de: Ant-am. Ant-c. Arum-d. Camph. Carb-v. Cina. Dros. Ferr-p. Hep. Lob. Mosch. Nux-m. Puls. Seneg. Sep. Ter. Verat. Incompatibil cu: Dilutii sub D 6 Apis melifica (Apis)
Complementar: Arn. Ars.. Bar-c (= C). Canth. Hell. Ign. Kali-c. Lach. Lyss (= An). Merc-cy. Nat-m. (= C). Nat-s. Nux-m. Pana. Puls. Sars Stram. Sulph. Tub-m. *Apis - Nat-m - Sep* Urmeaza bine: Acon. Bry (la aparitia strigatului de la meningita). Camph. Dig. Hell (cand incepe sa apara intepeneala/pareza). Glon. Hep. Hyper. Iod. Ip. Lyc. Merc. Op. Spig. Thuj. Tub. Urmat bine de: Apisin. Apoc. Blat-o. Bry. Calc-p. Cann-s. Colch. Cupr. Cupr-ar. Diph. Foll. Graph. Iod. Kali-bi. Lyc. Medus. Merc. Nux-v. Op. Phos. Skook. Stram. Streptoc. Zinc. Intermediar: Staph la paralizie. Tub la reconvalescenta. Incompatibil cu: Led. Phos. Rhus-t (la eruptii de piele acute). Periculoase sunt dilutii joase la gravide/ dupa luat de sange din vena/baie fierbinte Antidoteaza: Anthraci. Aspar. Camph. Cann-i. Cann-s. Canth.. Carb-ac. Chin. Cupr-ar. Dig. Iod. Kalm. Latm. Led. Nat-m. Nat-p. Sulph. Ter. Vac. Vesp. Vip. Mucaturi de insecte/radiatii atomice/ Abuzul de iod. China. Digitalis. Antidotat de: Arn. Ars. Camph. Canth. Carb-ac. Carb-v. Chimn. Cit-l. Com. Dig. Iod. Ip. Lach. Lac-ac. Led. Nat-m. Nat-p. Plan. Plat. Rhus-t. Sulph. Intepaturi de albina se antidoteaza cu sare, ceapa, ulei de masline cu sare. Incompatibil cu: Brom, Coff, Vesp, Vip, mancaruri i bauturi inghetate, reci/, acrituri, dulciuri, tutun

Substanta: Venin de albin

Toate tipurile de edem (umflaturi) acute sau cronice. Edem ro u spre ro u-deschis, cu apari ie rapid , cu durere n ep toare, arz toare, ameliorat la aplicarea de ap rece, localizat (n ep turi de insecte) sau generalizat.

Insola ii; urticarie; arsuri de gradul I. Deger turi cu dureri arz toare ca i cele provocate de ace nro ite n foc. Hidartroze brutale ale genunchiului. Dureri reumatismale cu articula ii ro ii, umflate. Angine cu edem al omu orului, cu dureri n ep toare. Nefrite acute edematoase. Febr f r sete. Ochiul: edem ro u-deschis, cu dureri n ep toare, orjelet, alazion. Agravare: - la c ldur local sau ambiant , la atingere. Ameliorare: la frig.

APIS MELLIFICA (apis) * SWELLING, EDEMA, < HEAT. MIND: - - Rage with uncontrolled emotions; say things to hurt. - PassionATE, intense emotions, not easily expressed. - - jealOUS. Ailments from grief. - Simulates good mood when feeling wretched. - - sexual interest. Even sexual mania. - BUSY. Restless. - - AkWARD/Clumsiness. - - Irritable. Quarrelsome. - Discouraged, weepy. Try to hide their feelings. - Fear of birds. - - Shrieking with pain, in sleep; brain cry. - Loquacious delirium, < menses; with meningitis. - - APATHY. Indifference. GENERALITIES: - - STINGING, BURNING pains. - << heat; < touch right side. - - >> cold application. - Edematous SWELLINGS. - - Sudden, rapid developing complaints. - Ailments from suppressed eruptions, suppressed sexual desire. - - Anaphylactic shock. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: Milk. HEAD - - MENINGITIS rolling head/bores occiput in pillow, brainCRY, after suppere red skin eruptions - - Congestion < heat/before menses swollen Enlarged sensation - Headache with vertigo. - - Hydrocephalus. EYE: - - Inflammations with swellings, burning pains, > cold applications. - Swelling of conjunctiva, lids turned inside out. FACE: - - Swelling around eyes, rose coloured. - - Flushed - - Erysipelas ext. to eyes. MOUTH: - - Swollen tongue and lips. - - Grinding teeth. THROAT: - - Inflammation > cold drinks. GLOTTIDIS. - Swollen uvula like a water bag, with burning pain, > cold. STOMACH: - - THIRSTLESS. ABDOMEN: - - Ascites. - - Sore feeling, sneezing. Sensibil to touch. URINARY: - - Cystitis: burning pain. Shrieking from pain. - RetenTION of URINE. Acute kidney FAILURE with EDEMA over whole body MALE GENITALIA: - - Desire increased. - - Swelling of scrotum, testes, < right side. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Hypertrophy of uterus - - Tendency to abortion early . - Desire increased. - - CYSTS, indurations, swelling OF OVARIES, < RIGHT. RESPIRATION: - - Dyspnoe, suffocation from edema, < lying down, heat. - Feels he could not draw another breath; every breath seems to be the last. EXTREMITIES: - - Swelling, inflammation of joints (ANKLES (Med.).. Rheumatism. - Heavy and powerless, as if paralysed. SLEEP: - - Drowsy. DREAMS - - Of travelling long distances/flying. - - Full of care/toil. SKIN: - - EDEMA of entire body. - - Transparent, waxy. - Erysipelas: sudden onset of rose coloured eruption. - URTICARIA: with swelling; < noaptea, > cold water.

Argentum nitricum (Arg-n) Cauza: Soc (psihic), suprasolicitare, stres Complementar: Brom, Calc, Canth, Carb-v.Cars. Con. Gels, Graph, Hydroph. Iod. Kali-c.Lyc (psoric + Argn: sycotic), Med. Nat-m, Nit-ac, Puls (= An), Sep, Staph, Sulph. Thuj, Tub-k. *Puls - Arg-n. - Merc-c*
Urmeaza bine: Acon. Arg-met, Ars. Brom, Bry, Cann-s. Caus, Cic. Cop. Iod, Merc-c. Merc, Morb. Phos, Puls. Spig, Spong, Verat, (FlatUS) Urmat bine de: Arg-met, Arg-ox. Ars. Bar-m. Bry. Calc. Con. Gels. Hydr. Lyss, Mang, Merc, Merc-c, Phos, Sang. Sil, Spig, Spong, Stann. Sulph. Verat, Intermediar: Puls. Tub in recovalescenta Incompatibil cu: Brom, Coff, Vesp, Vip, bauturi i mncare rece, mncare grea, acrituri, dulce, tutun, cocaturi Antidoteaza: Am-c, Am-caus, Gels, Kali-i, Merc, Nat-m, Op, Tab, excesul de sare, fumatul, mercurul Antidotat de: Ars. Bell, Calc, Cina, Iod, Lyc, Merc, Merc-c, Nat-m, Nit-ac, Phos, Puls, Rhus-t, Sep, Sil, Sulph, otraviri cu nitrat d argint se antidoteaza cu Ars..Coff, Iod, Merc, Nat-m, sare + lapte Arsuri cu nitrat de argint : Nat-m, partea stanga + agravare pe parte stanga Efect: 30 zile limfatic/carbonitrogoid/stenisch/yphoid/psoric/sifilitic/sicotic/tuberculin/sanguinic/coleric/melancolic/flegma tic Diverse: nu este prezent in natura

Nitrat de argint
Anxietate, Vertij, Trac , Ulcera ii, Gastrita pe fond nervos, faringita, tuse Anxietate: Nervozitate de anticipa ie i trac (diaree) cu precipitare, team de a nu ajunge la timp. Tremur turi, tulbur ri de coordonare. Vertij de n l ime sau la nchiderea ochilor Ulcera ii: Ulcer gastric. Faringite, laringite cu durere ca de a chie nfipt n mucoasa afectat . Agravare: la dulciuri, la nchiderea ochilor, la c ldura ambiant . Ameliorare: la frig. Pacientii care au nevoie de Argentum se simt siliti sa faca totul in graba. Mananca repede, vorbesc repede, merg repede si cer si de la altii sa se grabeasca. Daca ii asteapta un eveniment important ii apuca emotiile si fac diaree. Le este teama in general sa apara in public sau in fata unei multimi mari. La multi le este frica de cladiri inalte si inaltimi. Se potriveste in special la persoane nervoase, isterice si simptomele sunt in general pe fond nervos.Tremurat puternic sau senzatia ca trupul este silit intr-o menghina. Alterori senzatia de extindere sau umflare a intregului corp. Tipice sunt dureri ca de la o teapa. Pacientii de argentum au nevoie de dulciuri, care insa le inrautateste simptomele si poate creea o diaree puternica. Scaunul este verde si arata ca spanac tocat, iese cu mare presiune. Burta este sensibila la presiunea hainelor. Pacientii arata uscati si slabi, copii arata ca niste oameni batrani. Pierderea de greutate este de jos in sus. Argentum actioneaza foarte bine si la laringe si organele respiratorii. Vindeca raguseala si pierderea vocii din cauza cantatului ca si tusea atunci cand se canta alto. Teama de a ajunge prea tarziu, mereu in graba Teama de inaltime, de poduri Teama de evenimente din viitor, examene. Teama de a sta singur, se simte mai bine in societate Impulsiv Claustrofobie ARGENTUM NITRICUM (arg-n.) MIND: - - Extrovert. Over-emotional. Cannot hide feelings. - Sympathetic. Desire company (expression feelings).- - Vivid imagination. - IMPULSES. Mental weakness. - - Anxiety about HEALTH. Fear being alone. - FEARS: heights, crossing bridge, CLAUSTROFOBIA, fainting, disease, hospitals, death. - ANTICIPATION. Hurry. Feels he lacks time. - ANXIETY NEUROSIS with irrational behavior. Compulsive neurosis.

- Suggestible. SUPERSTITIOUS. Fixed ideas.- - Weak memory. Brain fag. GENERALITIES: - - periodiCAL weakNESS. - - Tends to growths (warts/papillomas). - < HEAT.- - > Cold applications, cold bathing.- - < Lying on right side. - Neurological complaints: incordination, convulsions, ataxia. - - splinter-like PAINS FOOD/DRINKS: - - Desires sweets (+ <<)/sugar/salt/strong cheese/desires ice cream/cold drinks. VERTIGO: - - From heights. When crossing a narrow bridge. HEAD: - - Pain starts gradually, stops suddenly.Headache from fright/mental exertion. With weakness. EYE: - - Photophobia < warm room.- - Purulent opthalmia, esp. in babies. - ConjunctiviTIS. Bright red, raw area, like raw meat. - - Ulcers of conjunctiva, cornea. THROAT: - - Inflammations, splinterlike pains, < swallowing, > cold drinks. - Sudden HoarseNESS, LOSS of voice in PUBLIC speakers, singers. - Polyps, condylomata vocal cords. STOMACH: - - Loud explosive eructtaTIONS. - - Vomiting mucus during Diaree. -- Ulcers. ABDOMEN: - - DISTENSION.- - Pain when lying on right side. RECTUM: - - Flatulence. - - Diaree from anticipation, excitement, sweets. URINARY: - - Frequent urination from anticipation. - - Involuntary urination. MALE GENITALIA: - - Sexual desire increased. - - IMPOTENCY, loses erection because of sudden fixed idea during sex. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Sensation of swelling at right ovary. - - Metrorrhagia < after coition. RESPIRATION: - - Dyspnea, < room full of people, taking deep breath. CHEST: - - Sensation heart is beating so violent that it will jump out of place. - Palpitations < lying right side. EXTREMITIES: - - ATAXIA, esp. lower limbs. Paralysis. - - Weakness, heaviness. - Numbness in forearms, < sleep, touch.- - Coldness in forearms during menses. - Restlessness. Chorea.

Arsenicum album (Ars) Gen: Gzarcit Aristrocrat Fricos Functionar public Fundamentalist Tema: Isolatie/Aparare;
Complementar: All-s. Aes-c Ant-t. Anthraci. Arn. Apis. Ars-i. (cand Ars nu-si face efectul). Bapt. Bar-c. Blat-o. Berb. Bry. Cact. Calc-p. Carb-v. Cars. Cean. Cham. Chel. Chin. Colch (= vegetabiles An). Cupr. Cupr-ar. Dig. Echi. Euph (cand Ars nu-si face efectul). Ferr. Graph. Hydr. Iod (= An). Ip. Jug-r (=An din plante)..Kali-bi. Kali-c. Kreos. Lach. Lyc. Malar. Merc. Merc-c (= An). Nat-m. Nat-s. Nit-ac. Osm. Phos. Psor. Puls. Pyrog (Acut = asemanator cu Ars). Rat. Rhus-t. Sars. Sec. Senn. Ser-ang. Staphyc. Sil. Stroph-h. Sulph. Sul-i. Syph. Tarax. Tarent; Tarent-c. Thuj.Tub. Verat (= An). Verat-v. Bar-c + Nat-s + Thuj = C. *Ars - Carb-v - Kali-c* *Ars - Carb-v - Kali-c - Sulph* *Iod - Merc - Ars* *Ars - Thuj - Tarent* *Ferr-p. + Ars. + Caps. * (Otitis) Urmeaza bine: Acon. Ambra. Bell. Canth. Euphr. Ferr-p. Fl-ac. Hyp. Op. Parat-B. Phos (Plamani). Sil-mar. Stram. Stront-c. Sul-ac. Sulph (Sensibil la caldura). Tab. Tub (sensibil la frig).. Urmat bine de: Aran. Bell. Cic. Fl-ac. Nux-v. Ran-sc. Stry. Strych-g. Intermediar: Carb-v. Hep. Scir. Sulph. Syph.

Incompatibil cu: dilutii sub D 6 Antidoteaza: Adren. All-c. Anthraci. Apis. Arg-n. Arn. Brom. Carb-an. Carb-v. Chin. Dig. Chinin-s. Colch: Elaps. Eucal.Euph. Ferr. Ferr p. Graph. Ham. Hep. Hyp. Iod. Ip. Kali-bi. Kali-c. Kali-p. Kreos. Lac-vf. Lach. Leon. Mag-c. Mag-m. Mag-p. Malar. Merc. Mill. Nat-c. Nat-m. Nat-p. Nux-v. Phos. Plb. Rhus-t. Samb-n. Sapon. Seneg. Stry. Stry-n. Sulph. Tab. Tarent-c. Thyr. Verat. Alcool. Folositul de iod, otravire cu plumb. Antidotat de: carbune de animale, Magnesium (lichid). Tarii din vin. Tutun (copii care au fumat). Nucsoara.
Bapt. Bry. Calc. Camph. Cann-s. Carb-ac. Carb-v. Cham. Chin. Chinin-s. Dig. Euph. Ferr. Graph. Hep. Iod. Ip. Iris. Kali-bi. Lach. Merc. Nat-c. Nit-sd. Nux-m. Nux-v. Ol-j. Op. Phos.Plb. Plat. Rhus-t. Rhus-v. Samb-n. Sul-i. Sulph. Tab. Tarent. Thuj. Verat.

Otravire cu arsen: Ars. Cytisin. Phos. Rhus-t. DMPS. Sul-i.

Substanta: Anhidrid arsenioas

Anxietate, durere arz toare ameliorat la c ldur , sl bire a st rii generale Tulbur ri ORL: Dispnee de efort sau la pozi ia ntins; criz de astm; agravare c tre ora 1 diminea a, cu o stare general de frig intens, ns cu nevoie de aer proasp t. Coriz : secre ii foarte iritante i cu senza ie de arsur . Ameliorare la c ldur . Otite: dureri arz toare. Tulbur ri digestive: Gastro-enterite acute: diaree maronie, cu senza ie de arsur , cu stare de grea , n leg tur cu o intoxica ie alimentar . Dezgust fa de carne, intoleran a la b uturi de la ghea i la nghe at , la fructe, apetit pentru b uturi calde. Tulbur ri cutanate: Urticarie, zona zoster, eczem cu descuamare fin , cu aspect de praf de orez sau de t r e, ameliorate la aplicarea c ldurii. Deger turi cu dureri arz toare intense. Ochi: pleoap u or zgriat (jupuit ), arz toare. Nevralgii arz toare, ameliorate la c ldur .

Ameliorare: la c ldur

i la aplicarea c ldurii, la schimbarea pozi iei.

Agravare: ntre orele 1 i 3 diminea a, la frig, la fructe. Symptoms:

1. Mind. Melancholy, sometimes of a religious character, sadness, care, chagrin, cries and complaints. Anguish, driving one out of bed at night, and from one place to another in the daytime. Restlessness. Great fear of being left alone. Anger, with anxiety, restlessness and sensation of coldness. Anxiety, restlessness, and excessive anguish which allows no rest, principally in the evening in bed, or in the dimineata on waking, and often with trembling, cold sweat, oppression of the chest, difficulty of breathing, and fainting fits. Anxiety of conscience, as if a crime had been committed. Inconsolable anguish, with complaints and lamentation. Hypochondriacal humour, with restlessness and anxiety. Fear of solitude, of spectres, and of robbers, with desire to hide oneself. Indecision and changeable humour, which demands this at one time, that at another, and rejects everything after having obtained it. Despair; he finds no rest, esp. at night, with anguish. Despondency, despair, weariness of life, inclination to suicide, or excessive fear of death, which is sometimes believed to be very near. Too great sensibility and scrupulousness of conscience, with gloomy ideas, as if one had offended all the world. Ill-humour, impatience, vexation, inclination to be angry, repugnance to conversation, inclination to criticise, and great susceptibility. Caustic and jesting spirit. Extreme sensibility of all the organs; all noise, conversation, and clear lights are insupportable. Great apathy and indifference. Great weakness of memory. Stupidity and dulness. Delirium. Delirium, with great flow of ideas. Loss of consciousness, and of sensation; dotage; maniacal actions and frenzy. Madness; loss of mind (from the abuse of alcoholic drinks). ARSENICUM ALBUM (ars.) * A deep seated INSECURITY. MIND: - - - Feels vulnerable and defenseless esp. concerning disease and death. - Needs company for reassurance and support. Demanding and clinging.- - Selfish. - Possessive. Greedy.- - FASTIDIOUS. Orderly.- - Critical. Perfectionism. - RestlessNESS with anxieTY and or weakNESS. Nervous. - FEARS: being alone/disease/death, robbers, poverty. - Anxiety attacks, < 12 - 3 h. Anxiety neurosis. - - Anorexia nervosa. - Suicidal. Impulse to kill, fear of killing. GENERALITIES: - CHILLY, < cold, > heat (except headache). - - << after midnight, 0 - 2 h. - - < Seaside. - BurnING, >> heat - - Discharges: Acrid, scanty, thin, offensive. - - Right sided. - Periodicity. - - WeakNESS - - Alternating complaints.- - TendenCY to malignacy. - Apyrexia, patients who seldom or never develop fever.- - Edema, ascites. FOOD AND DRINKS: - Desire: FAT/lard/olive oil/sour things (lemon)/alcohol (whiskey/wine)/bread. - Aversiune: Farinaceous food, beans and peas, meat, sweets. - - > Milk, warm drinks. HEAD: - - - HOT head with COLD body - - Headache: Congestive, burning; periodical; # arthritis, stomach pain; > cold applications.Headache after eating ice-cream (Puls.). EYE: - - - Conjunctivitis. Acrid, burning discharge. Keratitis. Iritis.- - Photophobia.

- Swelling of the lids. NOSE: - - - CORYZA, HAY FEVER: Acrid watery discharge. Violent sneezing < waking in the dimineata. - - << right side. FACE: - - - SwelLING around/under eyes - - EpitheliOMA of lids.- Prematurely old. Shrivelled. Bluish and cold. MOUTH: - - - Aphthae, ulcers: burning > warm drinks. THROAT: - - - Inflammation, ulceration: burning pains, > warm drinks. STOMACH: - - THIRST for SMALL quantities frequentLY.- - Anxiety felt in pit of stomach. - Affections with BURNING :Gastritis, ulcer, malignancy. - Pain > (sweet) milk, < cold food/drinks, 2 h. - - Vomiting after cold food or drinks. ABDOMEN: - - Food poisoning: DIAREE and VOMITING simultaneousLY (Verat.), with restlessness, coldness, weakness - - Ascites - - Colitis - - Hepatitis. RECTUM/STOOL: - - DIAREE with vomiting (Verat), with great WEAKNESS.From cold drinks, fruit, ice cream. - - Stool: acrid, offensive. URINARY ORGANS: - Involuntary urination. - - ATONY, PARALYSIS of bladder, esp. in eldery people. GENITALIA: - - Malignancy of ovaries, testes, uterus. RESPIRATION: - - ASTHMATIC, < after midnight/lying down; > sitting. - With anxiety, restlessness, weakness, cyanosis, burning in chest. CHEST: - - Palpitations, arrythmias: < after midnight/lying down/with anxiety. - Pneumonia. Pleurisy. Emphysema. - - Sensation of smoke or dust in lungs. - Cancer of mammae. EXTREMITIES: - - Paralytic weakness. - - Black nails - - Coldness. Raynaud syndrome. SLEEP: - - Restless. - - Dreams of robbers. SKIN: - - DRY, rough, scaly.- - Psoriasis, eczema. - - Ulcers, chronic, spreading, burning. - Itching without eruption, must scratch until it bleeds.- - Gangrene.

Arsenicum iodatum (Ars-i)

= mai mult arsen decat iod/= Ars + EXUdatii indaratnice/caustice + mucoase arzatoare/rosii/umflate+ arde/mananca unde atinge + NElinist + cald + afectiuni la ganglioane

Tema: SILIRE; Solutia:: NEliniste; Copil: Hiperactiv/distruge/nu raspunde; Negativ: A. Arsura, B. Cald, < Arsita/Frig. C. Exudatii: acute = subtiri+ caustice+ iritante, cronice: verde/galbene ca mierea. D. simte orificiile ca si cum s-ar strange
SLAB, nemultumit/taciturn/jignit usor/nu vrea sa raspunda, fara vlaga/ EPUizat (nenorocire care vine/de a-si pierde mintile/oemeni); Rau de ganduri; Senzatie de greutate, pulsatoare Agravare: Efort (cerebral) + doreste miscare) /Caldura patului/urcat scarile/Mere/ Plamani, /inflamatia ganglionilor/piele Ameliorare: > aer curat 1. Excitat/nerabdator/nelinistit + irascibil+ Manie, 2. Epuizat + indiferent, repulsie fata de intrebari si raspunsuri, 3. Trist/nemultumit/repulsie fata de munca/incapabil de a invatan; Complementar: Aur. Ars (cand nu-si face efectul). Calc-p. Cars.(cand Ars-i. nu-si face efectul ). Iod. Kali-c, Kali-i, Nat-m. Phos, Sil. Stroph-h. Tub. Urmeaza bine: Chin, Con. Mag-f. Sulph, Tub-d. Urmat bine de : Apat. Calc-f. Calc-p. Fl-ac. Kali-c. Kali-f. Lap-a. Mag-f. Nat-f. Phos. Sil. Intermediar : Tub la recovalescenta Incompatibil cu: dilutii sub D 6 inainte de masa, dilutii joase Antidoteaza: Mill, Sulph., Cancer, Antidotat de: Bry, Efect: sanguinisch/oxygenoid/psoric/sifilitic/tuberculin/sicotic Repertorium: ARSENICUM IODATUM (ars-i.) MIND: - - RESTLESS (Ars. + Iod.), < night. Never stops moving. - Hyperactive children. Difficult concentration.- - Changeable moods.

- Irritable. Over-sensitive to noise. - - Impatience and hurry. - Sudden impulse to kill with knife. - - Anxiety and fear, < warm bed. - Indifference and prostration. - - Sadness.- - Mental prostration. Acts as if stupid. GENERALITIES: - - <<Watmth - < Exertion, ascending stairs/Draft, bathing and cold. - Desire open air. - - DIScharges: THICK/YELLOW, honeyLIKE; corrosive. - TUBurculin Thin, emaciated people; burns out the body ;frequent colds. - Weakness. Lack of reaction. No recovery after pneumonia. - Severe chronic conditions. Cancer. Tuberculosis.- - Induration: glands, ulcers. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: Milk, stimulants - - Aversion: Fish. HEAD: - - Headache with DULL, HEAVY feeling - - Psoriasis: thick scales with inflamed, raw patches underneath. EYE: - - Granular conjuctivitis. Chronic catarrhal conditions - Red margins of lids. Lids swollen, red. - - Protrusion. NOSE: - - Hay fever.- - Catches colds easily. Chronic catarrh. - Excoriating, honey-like discharges. - - Pain at root of nose. ABDOMEN: - - Hard, distended. RECTUM: - - Pressure on rectum from uterus, when lying. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Cancer of uterus. Ovarian tumors. - - Acrid leucorrhea. RESPIRATION: - - Asthmatic, difficult, < ascending, 11 p.m. to 2 a.m. CHEST: - - Valvular problems. - - Anxiety in heart region. - Colds go to chest: Bronchitis, pneumonia. - - Pleurisy. Phtisis. EXTREMITIES: - - Edema. SKIN: - - Harsh. Dry, scaly. - - Psoriasis.

Arnica montana (Arn) Om care se descurca i face totul singur Tema: Intamplari neasteptate/Viata devine o adunatura de moloz; Cauza: Soc/Rana/Furie/soc psihic/pierdere financiara/suprasolicitare/eruptie de piele care nu poate s iasa la suprafata
Complementar: Acon. Aesc-h. Apis. Ars..(intareste efectul la Arnica in caz de dizenterie + varice). Bar-c. Bell-p. Bry. Cact. Calc. Hep. Hyp. Ip. Led. Lyc. Nat-s. Nux-v. Psor. Rhus-t. Spig (= C). Sul-ac. Sul-i. Sulph. Thlas. Verat. Verat-v. *Arn - Rhus-t - Calc* (dupa entorsa) Urmeaza bine: All-c. Calen. Cham. Chin. Con. Cupr. Ferr. Ham. Led. Nat-m. Nit-ac. Op. Rhod. Symph. Urmat bine de: Am-c. Bar-i. Bar-m. Bell. Berb. Cact. Calad. Calen. Cham. Chel. Chin. Cic. Colch. Con. Cur. Cupr. Euphr. Ferr-p. Ham. Hell. Iod. Mang. Mill. Nat-m. Op. Phos. Plb. Puls. Ruta. Stront. Symph. Intermediar: Acon. Ars. Bell. Con. Nux-v. Rhus-t. Sulph. Sul-ac.

Incompatibil cu: Acet-ac. (otet) cafea. slabiciune Daunator n cazuri de muscaturi de caine i animale agresive. Vinul agraveaza efectele neplacute von Arnica /Transpiratie/piele ranita (Calendula) Gravide/dureri de nastere/ aplicare de tincturi nediluate la enervare i irascibilitate/ la medicamente care subtiaza sangele/ hemocromatoza Antidoteaza: All-c. Am-c. Ammc. Apis. Ars. Calen. Camph. Carb-v. Chin. Chinin-s. Cic. Cimic. Cina. Coff. Esin. Ferr. Ferr-p. Ham. Hyos. Ign. Ip. Kreos. Merc. Nit-ac. Nux-v. Ph-ac. Phys. Senec. Seneg. Ammoniac. Fum de carbune de lemn. Vaccine Antidotat de: In dilutii: Acon. Am-c. Am-m. Ars. Bell. Camph. Canth. Chin. Cic. Cocc. Coff. Ferr. Ign. Ip. Phys. In substante: Camfor. Ip. Cafea. Otet. Intepaturi de viespe. Afectiuni : toate tipurile de traumatisme, surmenaj , fragilitate capilar
Traumatisme: Toate tipurile de oc, c z turi, accidente, r ni, interven ii chirurgicale, inclusiv tratamentul preventiv (extrac ii dentare de asemenea). Surmenaj: Profesional sau sportiv, cu senza ie de contuzie, de vn taie, de curbatur (patul pare prea tare). Surmenaj al corzilor vocale (cnt re i, oratori). Surmenaj cardiovascular: cord suprasolicitat la sportivi; puseuri hipertensive; capul este cald, congestionat, corpul este rece.

Fragilitate capilar : Rupturi dureroase ale vaselor sangvine mici periferice, urmate de hematoame. Sangerari din nas. Nefrite hematurice. Varice dureroase, senza ie de lovitur . Puseuri hemoroidale. Deger turi alb strui sau violacee. Febr cu fenomene hemoragice. Toate hemoragiile. Na tere: nainte, n timpul i dup . Agravare: - la cea mai u oar atingere, la mi c ri bru te (zgl ituri, scutur turi), - la frig umed. Ameliorare: -la repaus, odihn , n pozi ia culcat, cu capul la orizontal . (zdruncin turi)

Aurum metallicum (Aur) Tema: Onoarea/Contradictie; Complementar: Ars-i. Bry. Calc-f. Carb-v. Kali-i. Lach. Merc (Aur = C). Mill. Nit-ac. Sil. Sol (= An). Staph. Sulph. Syph. *Stram - Puls - Aur*
Urmeaza bine: Bell. Carb-an. Chin. Coff. Con. Merc-c. Puls. Urmat bine de: Acon. Bell. Calc. Chin. Lyc. Puls. Rhus-t. Sep. Sil. Intermediar: Stront (Osteoporoza) Incompatibil cu: Calc. Sil. Sulph. (entorse). Apa din surse sulfuroase. Antidoteaza: Cinnb. Cupr. Kali-i. Lach. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc. Merc-if. Plb. Spig. Alcool, tutun (Copiii care au fumat). Mercur. Antidotat de: Bell. Camph. Chin. Cinnb. Cocc. Coff. Cupr. Hep. Merc. Mill. Puls. Sol-n. Spig. Efect: 50 - 60 zile, pe partea dreapta sclerotic/limfatic/sanguinic/melancolic/tifoid/psoric/sicotic/tuberculin AURUM METALLICUM (aur.) * DEPRESSION and LOATHING of LIFE. MIND: - - Introverted. Serious with a touch of sadness. - - Sensibil. Refined. Easily hurt. - Sensibil to any criticism.- - Don't share emotions. Outbursts of temper. - Emotoinal weakness, mentally strong. - - Correct. Well educated. Conscientious. - Responsible/disciplined/(highly ambitionous. Convicted to be more capable than others. - WORKAHOLIC. Attain high position in society. - Ailments from grief, humiliation, from business reversal. - Self-reproach. Feels worthless, incapable. Fear of failure. - FORSAKEN FEELING. Delusion lost affection of friends. - Strong sobbing at night during sleep. Moaning during sleep. - ANXIETY OF CONSCIENCE. Delusion neglected his duty, has done wrong everything will fail, he is unfit for the world. - - PRAYING with weeping. Despair of salvation. - Emotions become still, cool, hard. - - Fear heart disease, high places, in crowd. - SUICIDAL IMPULSES; esp. JUMPING FROM HIGH PLACES. Suicidal from pain. - Desires death. The idea of dying brings relief, almost joy. GENERALITIES: - - >> evening.<< sunset till sunrise - - > Moonlight - Warmblooded, > open air, cold applications.- - >> Music (religious/classical/soft). - Pains < noaptea.- - Syphilitic miasm - - Swelling glands. Indurations. Malignancies. - Bone pains.- - Emaciation in pining boys; obesity in old people. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: Alcohol, milk, bread, sweets.- - Aversiune: meat. HEAD: - - Headache < blowing nose.- - Falling of hair.- - Exostoses of skull. - Violent headache with suicidal thoughts.- - Boring pain, l. or r. side of root of nose. EYE: - - Inflammations, ulcerations. - - Horizontal hemiopia - - Moonlight > vision. EAR: - - Mastioditis. Karies. Obstinate offensive discharge. NOSE: - - Carcinoma.- - Kareis. - Chronic nasal obstruction.Sinusitis.- - <lutination of nostrils. Inflammation of bones. MOUTH: - - Sour, bitter taste. ABDOMEN: - - Incarcerated flatus. - - Swelling and hardness of glands, liver. Bubo. - Pain right hypochondrium. Tension on sides of abdomen.- - Inguinal hernia children. MALE GENITALIA: - - Inflammation & induration testes < r. side.- - Undescended testes. - Sexual desire increased. Masturbation. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Induration, ulceration of uterus.- - Fibromas uterus (Aur-m-n.). CHEST: - - ANGINA PECTORIS. - - Endocarditis. Rheumatic conditions heart.

- Palpitations with anxiety, < hormonal changes, night, sudden noise, emotional stress. Arrhythmia. Extra systoles. - - Oppression in region of heart, with edema of legs EXTREMITIES: - - Psoriatic arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis.Wandering pains. Pain < noaptea - Bone pains < noaptea. SLEEP: - - Sleepless with tossing about in bed. Short interrupted periods of restless, anxious sleep. - Nightmares.

Avena sativum (Aven)

Complementar: Brass-c. Nat-m. Ph-ac. Puls. Sil. Tub. Tub-m. Antidoteaza: Morph. Miorph-act. Op. X-Ray. Droguri/medicamente gen psihofarmaca. Efect: cu apa fierbinte efectul este intarit Planta : ovaz. Se foloseste nediluat, in forma de tinctura sau in dilutii foarte slabe: D1, D2. Afectiuni : insomnie, slabiciune, impotenta, reconvalescenta, lasatul de fumat i droguri, nervozitate. La pacienti nervosi, nelinisti, epuizati, dependenti de droguri i tutun. Efectul apare uneori de abia dupa o saptamana. Link: Has a selective action on brain and nervous system, favorably influencing their nutritive function. Nervous exhaustion, sexual debility, and the morphine habit call for this remedy in rather material dosage. Best tonic for debility after exhausting diseases. Nerve tremors of the aged; chorea, paralysis agitans, epilepsy. Post-diphtheritic paralysis. Rheumatism of heart. Colds. Acute coryza (20 drop doses in hot water hourly for a few doses). Alcoholism. Sleeplessness, especially of alcoholics. Bad effects of Morphine habit. Nervous states of many female troubles. Dose.--Tincture ten to twenty drop doses, preferably in hot water.

Barium carbonicum (Bar-c)

Barium carbonicum este un remediu indicat la copii care nu cresc decat incet si se dezvolta mai tarziu decat ceilalti, ca si pentru oameni in vartsa care devin prea timpuriu uituci si slabiti. Efectul acetui remediu este foarte lent si tebuie luat mai multe luni la rand. Oamenii care au nevoie de acest remediu sunt ceva deosebit, nu par de pe acest pamant si le vine greu sa se descurce in aceasta lume. El este copilaros, face grimase, rade si in suflet este un copil. Este timid, se ascunde si se simte cel mai bine in mijlocul familiei. El poate fi invalid psihic si fizic si poate avea nevoie de ingrijire. Oamenii cu Down-Syndrom, autism si Alzheimer au nevoie des de Barium. Copiii care au nevoie de Barium carbonicum nu se pot concentra. Le este frica sa fie intrebati la scoala ce a fost predat ieri. Parintii nu-i dau copilului, de natura mai lenta, timp sa inteleaga intrebarile pe care ei le pun, curiosi, dupa ce acesta soseste de la scoala. Copilul trebuie sa se straduiasca enorm pentru a nu pierde din vorbele invatatorilor. Daca cineva are rabdare cu acest copil, el va intelege, in graba insa se va pierde. Poate fi uituc, cu frica de straini, extrem de timid. Acest remediu ajuta la arterioscreloza, alzheimer, inima slabita. BARYTA CARBONICA (bar-c.) * IMMATURITY. MIND: - - Shy, Timid. Children hide behind mother. Children don't play, just stare, have no friends Fear strangers, stay in family.- - Delayed development. Slow learning to talk, walk. - Childishness in old people. Senility. Silly.- - LACK OF SELF CONFIDENCE. - IRRESOLUTION. Weak will.- - Difficult comprehension. Weak memory. - Dependant in relationships, easily suppressed (Staph). - Neat, perfect in dress (conscientious about appearance).

- Suspicious: "They laugh at me".- - Acute: breakdown of mental functioning. - Biting fingernails.- - Jealousy in children causing: enuresis, colds, hiding etc. GENERALITIES: - - Dwarfishness. Immature development of parts of the body. - Ailments from c.v.a. - - Chilly. - - Swelling glands. FOOD AND DRINKS - - Aversiune: fruits, esp. plums. HEAD: - - Baldness MOUTH: - - Open mouth. THROAT: - - Swelling tonsils.- - Stricture oesophagus. Spasms oesophagus, on swallowing. GENITALIA:- - Small, immaturely developed.- - Sexual desire low, indifferent. Specially indicated in infancy and old age. This remedy brings aid to scrofulous children, especially if they are backward mentally and physically, are dwarfish, do not grow and develop, have scrofulous ophthalmia, swollen abdomen, take cold easily, and then always have swollen tonsils. Persons subject to quinsy which is prone to suppurate; gums bleed easily. Diseases of old men when degenerative changes begin; cardiac vascular and cerebral;-who have hypertrophied prostate or indurated testes, very sensitive to cold, offensive foot-sweats, very weak and weary, must sit or lie down or lean on something. Very averse to meeting strangers. Catarrh of posterior nares, with frequent epistaxis. Often useful in the dyspepsias of the young who have masturbated and who suffer from seminal emissions, together with cardiac irritability and palpitation. Affects glandular structures, and useful in general degenerative changes, especially in coats of arteries, aneurism, and senility. Baryta is a cardio-vascular poison acting on the muscular coats of heart and vessels. Arterial fibrosis. Blood-vessels soften and degenerate, become distended, and aneurisms, ruptures, and apoplexies result.

Bacillinum (Bac)
Complementar: Bar-c. Calc-p (Bac = A). Cars. Dys-co. Hydr. Iod. Lach. Kali-c. Kali-i. Lach. Merc. Nat-m. Nit-ac. Pall. Psor (Bac = A). Sil. Solid. Sulph. Sulph -i. Syph. Zing. Urmeaza bine: Caus. Morb. Squil. Stann. Urmat bine de: Bar-c. Dros. Ins. Puls. Syc-co. Tarent. Thuj. Thyr. Intermediar: Hydr. Lev. Thuj. Substanta: secret tuberculos

Afectiuni: tuberculoza. Meningita tuberculoasa. Exista tendinta catre receli i inflamatii n gat. Slabiciunea cailor repiratorii i a plamanului. Inflamatii n gat recidivante, cronice i tuse. Glandele de la ceafa umflate i sensibile.Sudori noaptea. Bacillinum este indicat la slabiciunea plamanului la batrani i copii cu raceli cronice, cu sufocari in timpul noptii i tuse ingreunata. Raceala insufocatoare. Expectoratie putina. Infectii cronice la plamani cu lipsa de aer i secretie bronsitica. Micoze pe pielea capului (Tinea) i Pityriasis versicolor (micoza) la corp. La pacientii cu TBC le merge mai bine la clima uscata i insorita in munti i in paduri cu pini. Bai de soare i laptele ajuta la boala. Dupa Dr. Cartier acest remediu estre foarte indicat in special in cazurile cand secretie abundenta de puroi din bronsii ameninta s astupe plamanii.
Trebuie comparat cu Bacillinum testium, Tuber. Bovinum (Bov), Tuber. Aviaire und Tuber. Koch.

Piept durere ascutita in zona precordiala, opreste respiratia Extremitati Tremuratul mainilor. Maini vinete. Durere in genunchiul stant la mers. Inflamatie tuberculoasa a genunchilor Gat gadilat in gat, creeaza tuse. Intepaturi in marului lui adam cu tuse subita Piele Tinea (micoza pe piele), Pityriasis. Eczeme. Glandele pielii marite i sensibile Fata cosuri putrezite pe obrazul stand care se sparg din cand in cand i care se mentin timp indelungat. Constitutie de tuberculoza. La pacientii care au tuberculoza mostenita, cu dureri extreme la rani. Pacienti cu tendinte reumatice i reziduuri sifilitice in sange, dureri generale in muschi Cap Durere de cap violenta, adanc in cap, care revine din cand in cand < la scuturarea capului. Durere extrema de cap cu senzatie de curea de fier stransa in jurul capului, Meningita. Tine( micoza la pielea capului). Alopecia areata. Plaman Plaman slab. Astma umeda (cu expectoratii). Raceli cu durere in gat. Tuse dura, care zdruncina pacientul. Tuse in timpul somnului care nu il trezeste. Secret pureios din bronsii.. Tuberculoza. Stagnare in plamani. Galagie ca de apa la tuse i secret pureios care este expectorat. Tuse care il trezeste noaptea, cu expectoratie usoara. Expectoratie de secretie usor de expectorat, care se desprinde usor i nu este atoasa. Stomac imbalonare cu dureri care pisca sub coaste Modalitati mai rau noaptea i dimineata devreme. Mai rau la aer rece

Nas Congestia nasului. Secretie mucoasa in nas. Rinichi urina marita, palida, cu sediemnt alb. Se trezeste de mai multe ori noaptea s urineze Urechi Otita dupa inflamatie in gat. Rect Diaree abrupta inainte de micul dejun, cu rau. Constipatie rea cu gaze rau mirositoate. Sangerari puternice din intestin. Durere intepatoare din cauza hemoroizilor. Flatulenta cu gaze rau mirositoare. Spate Noduri limfatice din ceafa marite i sensibile. Senzatie de haine ude pe coloana. Durere intepatoare in omoplatul stang. < stat intins in pat noaptea. > caldura Somn Insomnie absoluta. Vorbeste in somn. Somnoros ziua i nelinistit noapea. Vise multe Sudoare sudoare noaptea. Mancare Apetit miscorat. Temperatura Valuri de caldura, ceva sudoare, durere puternica de cap. Febra cu pierdere de greutata, dureri de burta i senzatie de boala. Neliniste noaptea, tipa in somn. Limba ca o capsuna., ceva sudoare. Dinti - Pyorrhoe. Durere in dinti, in special in dintii din fata de jos, sensibili la aer. Scrasnit de dinti in somn. Dinti crescut prost. Annotatii - Remediul este indicat mai degraba la tuberculoza cronica decat la cea acuta. O doza intermediara de Bacillinium va creea o schimbare minunata la pacientii cu antecedente de boli de piept i plamani in familie. Bacillinum este un remediu acut in special la constitutia de Phosphorus i Calcium carbonicum. Grimmer il folosea in cazuri de tuberculoza mosteninta cu dureri extreme i tendinta catre reumatism i dureri generale de muschi. Dupa Clarke eczemele de pe marginea pleoapelor este un indiciu puternic pentru Bacillinum. Dac dupa Bacillinium apar des recidive ar trebui incercat Tuberculinum. Remediu bun pentru pacientii care reactioneaza bine la remedii acute insa fac mereu recidive. Raceli repetate. Belladonna (Bell) Antagonisme Tema: Pretentie/Frica cu soc care a ranit; Cauza: s-a racit cand a fost infierbantat( spalat la cap) /enervare/tristete/teama/furie/dereglare circulatorie (temperatura/hormoni) eruptie cutanata suprimata/umilire; Complementar: Acon. Anthraci. Aur (Bell = A). Bor. Calc + Sil (= C). Carb -v. Cham (= An). Chel. Cist. Cupr (= metallisches Bell). Cupr-act. Glon. Hell. Hep. Hyos. Lach. Laur. Mand (= C). Merc-cy. Merc. Natm. Nit-ac. Ox-ac. Plb. Puls. Pyrog. Rhus-t. Sabin. Sang (= C). Scarl (Bell = An). Sec. Stram. Sulph. Tub. Vario. Zinc. *Hep - Merc - Bell - Lach* *Bell - Calc - Tub* *Bell - Hep - Sulph* (Otita) *Bell - Merc Hep* afectiuni cronice cu simptome acute Urmeaza bine: multe remedii Urmat bine de: multe remedii Intermediar: Hyos. Stram. Sulph. Tub. Incompatibil cu : Chin, Cit-l mareste/scade efectul Bell + Dulc + Merc-if + Sec, Aceticum acidum (otetul) agraveaza simpromele, Alcool/Otet, cand simptomele cresc incet /la febra continua/Apatie/Epuizare Antidoteaza: Acet-ac. Acon. Antip. Arg-n. Ars-met. Arum-t. Atrop. Aur. Aur-mur. Bar-act. Bar-c. Bar-i. Berb. Cann-i. Cann-s. Cean. Cedr. Coff. Chin. Colch. Cop. Chin. Chinin-s. Colch. Cop. Croc. Crot-t. Cupr. Cupr-ac. Euphr. Ferr. Ferr-p. Gels. Glon. Grat. Hep. Hyos. Ign. Iod. Jab. Kali-m. Kalm. Lach. Lyss. Mag-p. Mand. Merl. Merc. Merc-p. Morph. Morph-s. Nitr-o. Nux-v. Op. Osm. Pall. Phyt. Plat. Pl b. Puls. Pyrog. Rhus-t. Rhus-v. Rumx. Santin. Sars..Seneg. Sol. Stram. Valer. Vip-t. Intoxicatie de la carnati. Ulei de terpentina. Previne: scarlatina Antidotat de: In dilutii: Acon. Arn. Calc. Camph. Coff. Coff-t. Con. Hep. Hyos. Merc.Stram. Vin. Cafea. In doze materiale : Acizi din plante, otet, ceai verde, cafea, vin.

Planta: Belladona sau M tr guna

Febr , Usc ciunea mucoaselor, Congestii, Spasme Tumor - Rubor - Dolor - Calor Febr : Apari ie brusc i nivel crescut (39 - 39,5C) cu fa a colorat n ro u, cald i cu transpira ie abundent . n convulsiile hipertermice se d Belladonna la dilu ia 15 CH sau 30 CH, n a teptarea medicului. Usc ciune intens a mucoaselor: Faringite, rinofaringite, r gu eli, angine care necesit degluti ii frecvente. Traheite cu tuse seac i dureroas .

Otite medii congestive cu dureri pulsatile. Congestii: Cefalee pulsatil , bufeuri de c ldur , insola ii, expuneri prelungite la soare, arsuri de gradul I. Congestie mamar n perioada al pt rii. Puseuri hipertensive. Debut de abces dentar. Ochi ro ii, sensibili la lumin (orjelet, alazion) Remediu pentru apedincita acuta cu febra. Agravare: la lumin intens , la zgomot, la atingere Ameliorare: prin repaus (odihn ) La bolile acute Belladonna actioneaza foarte bine in special la bolile insotite de febra. La copiii care au febra trebuie sa se gandeasca in primul rand la Belladonna. Febra apare brusc, ca din ser senin si este puternica. Pacientul este foarte fierbinte. Piele este in general uscata, insa poate fi transpirata sub haine. Fata este rosie si pupilele dilatate. De multe ori stare apropiata de delir. Setea poate fi prezenta insa exista si lipsa de sete. Deseori se intalnesc dureri de cap puternice, ca lovituri de ciocan. Noaptea se agraveaza simptomele, febra creste. Apare tuse care este de obicei uscata, magareasca. Unii copii plang inainte de a aparea tusea (Bry. Hep.) Cateodata tusea se termina in stranutat. La dentitia copiilor insotita de febra. Bell. Se potriveste bine cand durerile de gat sunt insotite de febra (amigdalita). Gatul este foarte rosu si se simte o arsura in gat. Durerile se maresc cand se inghit lichide. Actioneza bine la scarlatina cand simptomele de mai sus sunt prezente si poate impiedica boala atunci cand inca nu s-a facut contagierea. Bell. este buna si la otita acuta, atunci cand simptomele generale apar insa o poate vindeca numai daca infectia nu este prea avansata. Daca s-a facut puroi atunci trebuie folosite alte remedii ( Hepar, Merc. Puls, Sil). Bell. vindeca sau amelioreaza orice tip de durere ( cap, fiere, nastere) atunci cand semnele urmatoare sunt prezente: dureri pulsatoare, roseata puternica, pupile dilatate. 1. Mind. Melancholy, with grief, hypochondriacal humour, moral dejection, and discouragement. Great agitation, with continual tossing about, inquietude, and anguish, chiefly at night, and in the afternoon, sometimes with headache and redness of face. Desire to die, and inclination for suicide. Lamentations, groans, cries, and tears. Perversity, with tears (in children). Timidity, disposition fearful, mistrustful, and suspicious; apprehension and inclination to run away. Fear of approaching death. Mental excitation, with too great sensibility to every impression, immoderate gaiety, and disposition to be easily frightened. Nervous anxiety, restlessness, desire to escape. Dotage, delirium, and mania, with groaning, disposition to dance, to laugh, to sing, and to whistle; mania, with groans, or with involuntary laughter; nocturnal delirium; delirium with murmuring; delirium, during which are seen wolves, dogs, fires, &c.; delirium by fits, and sometimes with fixedness of look. Stupefaction, with congestion to the head; pupils enlarged. Delirium. Great apathy and indifference, desire for solitude, dread of society and of all noise. Repugnance to conversation. Disinclination to talk, or very fast talking. Ill-humour, disposition irritable and sensitive, with an inclination to be angry and to give offence. Folly, with ridiculous jesting, gesticulations, acts of insanity, impudent manners. Fury and rage, with desire to strike, to spit, to bite, and to tear everything, and sometimes with growling and barking like a dog. Dejection and weakness of mind and body. Dread of all exertion and motion. Loss of consciousness. Fantastic illusions (when closing the eyes). Dementia, to such an extent as no longer to know one's friends, illusions of the senses and frightful visions. Complete loss of reason, stupidity, inadvertence, and distraction, inaptitude for thought, and great weakness of memory. Memory: quick; weak; lost. BELLADONNA (bell.) * INTENSIFICARE MARE a simptomelor. MIND: - - teama de caini.- - Vrea sa loveasca oamenii, sa-i traga de par, sa scuipe, sa muste. - Des echilibratii emotional cu atacuri de furie, etc.- - Emotii vivide, imaginatie. - Simturi acute. Sensibil la lumina, galagie, impingeri.- - Iritabilitate. Atacuri subite de furie. Se da cu capul de pereti.- - Incercare de a evada, de a se ascunde. - Impulsuri violente i manie. Psihoza. GENERALITIES: - - Robust, vital, fletoric. - Circulatie: congestIE, flushes, DURERI zvacnitoare. Tensiune inalta. - Durere (in spec. nevralnice) vin si apar brusc. - - Convulsii, piscaturi. - << partea dreapta - - < 15 h << Miscare maxilarului, galagie, lumina, atingere- - < Caldurea, soare. - < Curent rece dupa infierbanteala/Schimbare brusca de temperatura. - < Schimbari hormonale, menstruatie. - >> Stat intins pe abdomen, presiune - - > Stat in fund in pat cu capul invelit.

ACUTES: - - schimbari BRUSTE. Atac violent. - - FEBRA INALTA - INFIERBANTEALA arzatoare; ROSEATA aprinsa - - DURERI zvacnitoare, USCACIUNE. - CAP FIEBINTE cu extremitati RECI.- - ochi stralucitori. Privire salbatica. - delireaza usor, are halucinatii. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Dorinta: Limonde, lamai. VERTIGO: - - < LA INTORS IN PAT, la miscarea capului. - - Meniere: ringing right ear. HEAD: - - Durere: PULSATOARE, throbbing, ca de coican/care te INEBUNESTE (Gels) Picoare reci in timpul durerii de cap/<< partea dreapta/lumina/galagie/impingere/ aplecare catre fata/soare > aplicatii reci, camera intunecata, presiune, stat in fund, dupa tuns de par, datorita schimbarilor hormonale. Durere de ca si cum capul sa-r sparge. - - Sinuzita: senzation de greutate < atingere usoara; > apasare puternica. EYE: - - Fotofobie. - - Stralucitori. Privire salbatica - - Pupile dilatate. EAR: - - Otita, < partea dreapta; durere zvacnitoare. NOSE: - - Sangerari din nas, bright red; with hypertension (Meli.). FACE: - - Red. - - Acnee: rosu ca focul, red, furunculi adanci si durerori care lasa urme (Sil, Thuj, Tub). Teeth: - - Scrasnit din dinti in somn THROAT: - - Amigdalita < partea dreapta. GATUL EXTERIOR- - Aversiune la haine stramte (Lach.). STOMACH: - - LIPSA DE SETE - - Durere catre spate > intins pe burta. ABDOMEN: - - Colon diagonal : colita, iesit inafara, palpabil. - Durere de apendicita < atingere usoare, impingere; > intins pe burta. AFTER: - - Hemoroizi: congestionati, cu zcanituri, sensibili la atingere. FEMALE GENITALIA: - Afectiuni ale ovarului drept (Apis, Lyc. Pall. Podo).- - Dysmenoree. - Sangerari cu sange rosu deschis mixat cu coagule inchise (Croc.Sabin.); se simte fierbinte. COUGH: - - LATRATOARE (Dros. Stram.) CHEST - - Mastita (inflamatia glandelor de la piept), < partea dreapta. EXTREMITIES: - - Extermitati reci cu congestie la cap. SLEEP: - - Sforaie, doarme adanc.-- Viseaza de caderi (Thuj.); se trezeste brusc. - Pozitia: pe burta. SKIN: - - Uscata si fierbinte. Sensibil la soare.

Bellis perennis (Bel-p) Cauza: raceala brusca ( i de sentimente) din afara la fierbinteala/ rana tesutului ( i psihic sub centura), munca fizica permanenta ( i mers, stat in picioare, calatorii lungi/presiune mecanica) Complementar: Arn. Cars. Phyt. Psor. Vanad. Urmeaza bine: Asaf. Pyrog. Urmat bine de: Coff. Ham. Incompatibil cu: nu se da seara, face somnolent Antidoteaza: cnd devine rece/baut de rece cnd este infierbantat Efect:: fosforic/carbohydrogenoid/sclerotic/tuberculin/avortiv pe partea stanga
Remediu pentru traumatisme, lovituri in partile moi, rani la sportivi i muncitori invatati cu greul, atunci cnd Arnica nu da rezultate. Oboseala fizica de la munca grea.

Bellis acts upon the muscular fibers of the blood-vessels. Much muscular soreness. Lameness, as if sprained. Venous congestion, due to mechanical causes. First remedy in injuries to the deeper tissues, after major surgical work. Results of injuries to nerves with intense soreness and intolerance of cold bathing. After gout, debility of limbs. Traumatism of the pelvic organs, auto-traumatism, expresses the condition calling for this remedy; ill effects from masturbation. Excellent remedy for sprains and bruises. Complaints due to cold food or drink when the body is heated, and in affections due to cold wind. Externally, in nvi. Acne. Boils all over. Sore, bruised feeling in the pelvic region. Exudations, stasis, swelling, come within the range of this remedy. Rheumatic symptoms. Does not vitiate the secretions. "It is a princely remedy for old laborers, especially gardeners" (Burnett). Modalities.--Worse, left side; hot bath and warmth of bed; before storms; cold bathing; cold wind.

Repertoriu: BELLIS PERENNIS (bell-p.)

* SPRAINS, BRUISES, rani, fracturi de oase, etc. MIND: - - Confusion of surroundings. - - Psychic traumatism. Doesn't tell or show it. - - Obstinate. Fixed ideas. GENERALITIES: - - SPRAINS, BRUISES, injuries, bone fractures. etc. - Injuries to deeper tissues after major operation, esp. on pelvis organs, abdomen. TRAUMA of pelvic organs, after parturition. Sore, bruised feeling in pelvic region (uterus). - < OVERexertion. - - Ailments after: cold drinks (cold food), getting cold when heated. - Overworked old labourers/gardeners/commercial travellers/railway spine. - Boils. Abscesses. FACE: - - Acne, < menstrual irregularities. ADOMEN: - - Inability to walk during pregnancy from soreness of abdominal walls. - Pain after ice-cream.- - Ailments after operation on abdomen. MALE GENITALIA: - - Masturbation in children. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Masturbation. - - Menses: suppressed from cold. Dysmenorrhea. - Sore pains of uterus during pregnancy. - - Metreorrhagia, < exertion. - - Ailments from interrupted coition. CHEST: - - Cancer of breast, induration of mammae after contusion of the breast. BACK: - - Injuries of coccyx (Hyper.).

Berberis vulgaris (Berb) Complementar: Acon. Ars. Lyc. Mag-m. Ox-ac. Sulph. Thuj. Urmeaza bine: Bry. Calc. Canth. Cean. Kali-bi. Psor. Rhus-t. Urmat bine de: Calc. Calc-p. Chol. Cupr-ar. Pitu. Intermediar: Ars. Lyc. Sil. Staph. Sulph. Thuj Incompatibil cu: lipsa de tesut/infectie la rinichi+ febra, Alcool , nu se ia seara Antidoteaza: Acon. Op. Antidotat de: Acon. Bell. Camph. Cham. Fum. Nux-v. Efect:sclerotic/coleric/melancolic/tifoid/litemic/psoric/sifilitic/sicotic/tuberculin

Planta: Dracil Afectiuni: Rinichi, Ficat, Vezicul biliar , Piele, Reumatism

Rinichi: Litiaz urinar ; diurez variabil insuficient ; dureri renale mai ales stngi, senza ie de lovire. Ficat - Vezicul biliar : Colic hepatic cu dureri iradiante, tulbur ri ale func iilor hepato-biliare cu ame eli, somnolen postprandial , scaune decolorate. Piele: Dermatoze n form circular , pruriginoase, cu descuamare fin lamelar ; herpes circinat. Reumatism: Gut i manifest ri articulare ale uricemicilor. Lombalgii i lombosacralgii.

Agravare: la cea mai mic mi care brusc . Ameliorare: prin diurez abundent .
BERBERIS VULGARIS (berb.) * Arthritic affections and urinary disturbances. MIND: - - Optimistic. Couragous. - - Aversiune of twilight. Delusion of spectres in twilight. - Weary of life during menses. - - Mental work is impossible by least interruption. GENERALITIES: - - < left side. - - < Motion - - Prematurely old & worn out patients. - Radiating PAIN, e.g. in arthritis, gout, lumbago, kidney colic, cystitis, neuralgia. - Pains: sharp, twinging, radiating in uncoordinated fashion (no pattern). FACE: - - Blue circles around eyes. - - Sunken. LARYNX: - - Polyps of vocal cords. ABDOMEN: - - Galbladder colic. AFTER - - Fistula anus: with shooting pain in After. BLADDER: - - CYSTITIS: radiating pain < before and after urination, on urging to urinate, when not urinating, motion; painful urging to urinate, < motion; sediment in urine: flocculent, yellow, cloudy, mealy, thick, white, red, sandy, gelatinous. KIDNEYS: - - KIDNEY STONES/COLIC: pain radiates into thigh, bladder, testes, genitalia; < jar, lying, motion, menses, pressure,

urination, > standing; numbness region kidneys. Gurgling or bubbling sensations in kidney region. MALE GENITALIA: - - < motion, left side. - - Pain (in spermatic cord, ext. to) testes. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Dryness vagina. - - Menses only evening when lying. BACK: - - Pain/lumbago: radiating, around abdomen, sciatic-like, ext. downward, into spermatic cord. < Lying, sitting, rising from sitting. With stiffness and prostration. EXTREMITIES: - - Arthritis: WANDERING (Puls/Form/Kali-bi/Kali-s), < motion, during. menses. - Gout and arthritis, radiating pain.

Borax (Borx)

Cauza: afte suprimate Complementar: Acet-ac. Bell, Lach. Stram. Tub, Urmeaza bine: Calc, Psor, Sulph, Urmat bine de: Ars. Bry, Calc, Calc-i. Lyc, Nat-p. Nux-v, Phos, Sil, Sulph, Verat. Incompatibil cu: Acet-ac (vorweg). Vin/Otet/(saures) Obst/Alcool/Anticonceptionale Antidoteaza: Cham, Plb, Rhus-t. Antidotat de: Cham, Coff, Efect: 30 Zile , durata lunga, Atentie! Face gravida ! / pe partea dreapta
coleric/flegmatic/melancolic/hydrogenoid/tifoid/litemic/psoric/sicotic BORAX VENETA (borx.) MIND: - - Fear downward motion (elevators, stairs, airplanes). babies put to bed or being rocked, seasick), - Irritable. Swears.- - Timid. Mild. - Fear falling; infection (Nat-m).- - STARTING easily, from NOISE, even at a distance. - Babies cry and scream, when nursing, before passing stool or urine, during sleep. GENERALITIES: - - > After stool (Nat-s)./< 10 h.- - Diaree or thin stool + aphtae.- - If you're looking for a Natrum, but can not find it, think of Bor.- - Mucous membranes pale. INFANTS (AZ): - Birth-trauma. Late birth. - - Timidity. Do not react - - Aversiune being rocked. - Loss of appetite. Prefer right breast. - - Pale face. Dark red tongue. - Shrieking during sleep. Clinging to mother, cradle. - - Shriveled palate, like hands and feet. - Skin suppurates easily after scratching. - - Eyelashes grow into eyes (Graph). VERTIGO: - - Descending stairs. HEAD: - - Pain < 10 h.. (Nat-m). - - Hair tangles easily. FACE: - - Herpes about mouth. - - Suffering, anxious expression. MOUTH: - - APHTAE, ulcers; with heat in mouth; ext. through whole gastrointestinal tract. Pain when nursing, in child. TEETH: - - Dentition difficult. - - Karies. STOMACH: - - Nausea from carriding/seasickness/Indigestion after pears; pain from fruit. ABDOMEN: - - Diaree after fruit/smoking; with colic/aphtae. - Sensation of motion of hard body. BLADDER - - Infections in children, painful urging for urination, SHRIEKING before, know it will hurt. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Leucorrhoea: transparant, white, albuminous, like boiled starch, as if warm water flowing down. - Sensation of distention in clitoris with sticking. Pain in clitoris + leucorrhoea. - Herpes. - - Sterility - - Vaginismus from pain - - Dysmenorrhea. CHEST: - - Pain in opposite breast when child nurses. - Empty feeling in mammae, after child nurses, + stitches, > compressing/pressure with hand. - Milk: Cheesy, bad; shild refuses milk. - - Stitching pain during cough or respiration. SLEEP: - - Sleeplessness 3-5 a.m.; from heat, esp. in head. - - Waking as from fright. SKIN: - - Herpes (lips, face, genitalia), < pregnancy. - - Unhealthy.

Bovista lycoperdon (Bov)

Cauza: cosmetice; Complementar: Calc. Rhus-t. (cand Bov nu- i face efectul), Sulph. Urmeaza bine: Verat. Urmat bine de: Alum, Rat, Sep, Verat, Incompatibil cu: Coff, Cafea Antidoteaza: Carb-v, Tatent, Tarent-c, aplicatii de Teer, Fum de carbune/Otravire cu monoxid de carbon Antidotat de: Camph, Coff.,Cafea Efect: 7 - 14 Zile, dreapta sus pe partea stanga, flegmatic/sanguinic/tuberculin/psoric/sicotic

BOVISTA LYCOPERDON (bov.) MIND: - - Hysterical element x + menstrual problems. - - Alternating moods. - Loquacity and unreserved conversation. Openhearted, tell the plain truth. Naive. - Quarrelsome. Takes everything in a bad part. - - Restless. - AWKWARD in speech & action: stutters, drops things. - Staring, look fixed on one point. Absent minded. Dull - - Fear of contagious disease. - Closed, can't connect, go in and out of eye contact, sensitive, < criticism. GENERALITIES: - - < Before and during menses. - - < Tight clothing. - Perspiration smells like onions. - - Sensation of enlargement or swelling (head, heart). FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: bread. FACE: - - Acne < summer, from use of cosmetics, bathing. STOMACH/ABDOMEN: - - < Tight clothing. AFTER: - - DIAREE before or during Menses. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Menses ONLY at night (Mag-c).- - Dysmenorrhea. Metrorrhagia between menses, < exertion. - - Leucorrhea, < before or during menses. EXTREMITIES: - - AWKwardness hands, drops things. Clumsy before menses. SKIN: - - General puffiness; bloated body surface, causing EASY indentations with blunt instrument (scissors etc.). - Herpetic eruptions. Eczema.Urticaria < excitement, bathing.

Bovista VERTIGO Vertigo, morning (96) Vertigo, headache, during (99) Vertigo, standing, while (agg.) (104) Vertigo, sudden (105) HEAD Head, enlarged sensation (See Expanded, Swollen) (115) Head, eruption (115) Head, eruption, bleeding after scratching Head, eruption, pimples (117) Head, heaviness, forehead (126) Head, itching of scalp (128) Head, itching of scalp, warm, when head becomes (129) Head, pain, morning (agg.) (133) Head, pain, menses, before (142) Head, pain, menses, during (agg.) Head, pain, sexual, excesses, after Head, pain, sleep, after (agg.) (147) Head, pain, unconsciousness, with Head, pain, walking in open air, after Head, pain,

(Red and blue only) MIND Mind, absent-minded (See Forgetful) Mind, anxiety (4) Mind, chaotic (10) Mind, concentration, difficult (13) Mind, confusion of mind (See Concentration) Mind, dullness, sluggishness, difficulty of thinking and comprehending (37) Mind, indifference, apathy, etc. (54) Mind, irritability (See Anger) (57) Mind, memory, weakness of (See Mistakes) Mind, mood, alternating (67) Mind, offended, easily (See Sensitive) Mind, quarrelsome (70) Mind, restlessness, nervousness (72) Mind, sensitive, oversensitive (See Offended) Mind, sexual excesses, mental symptoms from Mind, stupefaction (84)

warm room agg. (151) Head, pain, sides, one side (166) Head, pain, sides, left (167) Head, pain, sides, room (agg.) (168) Head, pain, pressing, occiput (196) Head, pain, pressing, sides, inward Head, pain, sore, bruised, sensitive to pressure (204) Head, pain, stitching (206) Head, pain, stitching, forehead (208) Head, pain, stitching, forehead, motion, on Head, pain, stitching, forehead, eyes over Head, pain, stitching, forehead, eyes over, right (209) Head, pain, ulcerative (221) Head, sensitiveness of brain (229)

Nose, obstruction (340) Nose, obstruction, night (341) Nose, pain, rawness, nostrils (346) Nose, pain, sore, inside (347) Nose, pain, sore, septum (347) Nose, scurfy nostrils (See Discharges) (349)

EYE Eye, agglutinated, night (235) Eye, blueness of lids, margins (235) Eye, heat in (241) Eye, inflammation, lids, margins Eye, pain, foreign body, as from (256) Eye, paralysis of optic nerve, amaurosis (261) Eye, paralysis of optic nerve, amaurosis, right (261) Eye, staring (265) VISION Vision, hemiopia (280) Vision, loss of vision (blindness) Vision, nearer, objects seem (283) EAR Ear, discharges, measles, after (286) Ear, discharges, offensive (286) Ear, discharges, purulent (287) Ear, discharges, scarlet fever, after Ear, itching in (291) Ear, itching, boring with finger, amel. Ear, pain, stitching, in (313) HEARING Hearing, impaired (321) NOSE Nose, catarrh (324) Nose, coryza, discharge, with (fluent) Nose, discharge, crusts, scabs, inside (330) Nose, discharge, crusts, detach, hard to, and leave raw and sore (330) Nose, discharge, viscid, tough (332) Nose, epistaxis (335) Nose, epistaxis, morning (336) Nose, epistaxis, blowing the nose, from (337) Nose, epistaxis, blowing the nose, from, morning (337) Nose, epistaxis, sneezing, when (338) Nose, itching (339)

FACE Face, convulsions, spasms (357) Face, cracked lips (357) Face, discoloration, pale, morning Face, discoloration, pale, morning, rising, after Face, discoloration, red (361) Face, eruptions (See Skin) (365) Face, eruptions, cheeks (365) Face, eruptions, chin (365) Face, eruptions, forehead (365) Face, eruptions, mouth, around (366) Face, eruptions, crusty, scabby, nose, inside and on (368) Face, eruptions, herpes (368) Face, eruptions, pimples (370) Face, eruptions, pimples, forehead (370) Face, eruptions, pimples, lips (370) Face, heat (375) Face, pain, tearing, jaw, lower (390) Face, swelling (392) Face, swelling, lips (393) Face, swelling, lips, upper (393) Face, ulcers, mouth, corners of (396) MOUTH Mouth, bleeding, gums (398) Mouth, bleeding, gums, easily (398) Mouth, bleeding, gums, sucking them Mouth, numbness (408) Mouth, pain, gums (410) Mouth, pain, burning, tongue (411) Mouth, pain, cutting, tongue (412) Mouth, scorbutic gums (See Detached) (418) Mouth, speech, stammering (419) Mouth, taste, bitter (422) TEETH Teeth, caries, decayed, hollow (431) Teeth, pain, bed, in (435) Teeth, pain, menses, during (437) Teeth, pain, sucking teeth agg. (438) Teeth, pain, boring (441) Teeth, pain, digging (441) Teeth, pain, drawing (441) Teeth, pain, stitching, stinging (444) THROAT Throat, dryness (450) Throat, pain, burning (460) Throat, pain, stitching, asthma, before (464) EXTERNAL THROAT

STOMACH Stomach, appetite, wanting (479) Stomach, clothing disturbs (482) Stomach, desires, cold drinks (484) Stomach, eructations, morning, breakfast, before (489) Stomach, eructations, breakfast, before (490) Stomach, eructations, empty, breakfast, before (494) Stomach, fullness, sensation of (498) Stomach, nausea (504) Stomach, nausea, morning (505) Stomach, nausea, breakfast, before Stomach, nausea, eating, after (agg.) Stomach, pain, pressing (520) Stomach, pain, sore, bruised, beaten (tenderness) (522) Stomach, thirst, extreme (529) Stomach, thirstless (530) ABDOMEN Abdomen, clothing, sensitive to Abdomen, distension (544) Abdomen, excoriations, inguinal region (547) Abdomen, itching (553) Abdomen, pain, bending double, amel. (557) Abdomen, pain, chill, during (557) Abdomen, pain, eating, after, amel. Abdomen, pain, hypogastrium, menses, during (565) Abdomen, pain, inguinal region (566) Abdomen, pain, burning (571) Abdomen, pain, cramping, griping (573) Abdomen, pain, cramping, griping, eating, after, amel. (575) Abdomen, pain, cutting (578) Abdomen, pain, stitching (sticking, etc.) (591) Abdomen, pain, stitching, inguinal region (594) Abdomen, pain, stitching, liver (595) Abdomen, pain, twinging (598) Abdomen, tension (603) RECTUM Rectum, diarrh a (609) Rectum, diarrh a, morning (609) Rectum, diarrh a, evening (610) Rectum, diarrh a, menses, before Rectum, diarrh a, menses, during Rectum, flatus, offensive (618) Rectum, pain, burning (625) Rectum, pain, tenesmus (630) STOOL Stool, hard (638) Stool, hard, first, then fluid (638) Stool, thin, liquid (642) Stool, thin, liquid, fecal (642)

Stool, thin, liquid, formed then thin Stool, thin, liquid, yellow (642) BLADDER Bladder, urging, frequent (See Urination, Frequent) (653) Bladder, urging, urination, after KIDNEYS PROSTATE GLAND URETHRA Urethra, discharge, gleety (669) URINE Urine, color, red (684) Urine, sugar (691) GENITALIA MALE Genitalia male, seminal emissions (nightly) GENITALIA FEMALE Genitalia female, excoriation (718) Genitalia female, leucorrh a (720) Genitalia female, leucorrh a, acrid, excoriating (721) Genitalia female, leucorrh a, albuminous Genitalia female, leucorrh a, greenish (722) Genitalia female, leucorrh a, lumpy Genitalia female, leucorrh a, menses, before (722) Genitalia female, leucorrh a, menses, after Genitalia female, leucorrh a, ropy, stringy, tenacious (722) Genitalia female, leucorrh a, thick Genitalia female, leucorrh a, transparent (723) Genitalia female, leucorrh a, walking agg. Genitalia female, leucorrh a, white Genitalia female, menses, morning Genitalia female, menses, morning, only (724) Genitalia female, menses, night, only (724) Genitalia female, menses, night, more at (724) Genitalia female, menses, copious Genitalia female, menses, copious, morning (725) Genitalia female, menses, copious, exertion agg. (725) Genitalia female, menses, dark (726) Genitalia female, menses, exertion brings on the flow (726) Genitalia female, menses, frequent, too early, too soon (726) Genitalia female, menses, pale (727) Genitalia female, menses, scanty Genitalia female, menses, scanty, daytime (728) Genitalia female, menses, thin (729) Genitalia female, metrorrhagia (729)

Genitalia female, metrorrhagia, between the menstrual periods (729) Genitalia female, metrorrhagia, exertion, after (730) Genitalia female, pain, bearing down, uterus, midnight, after (735) Genitalia female, pain, labor-like, menses, before (739) Genitalia female, tumors, ovaries, cysts (745)

LARYNX AND TRACHEA Larynx and trachea, voice, hoarseness, morning (759) RESPIRATION Respiration, asthmatic (763) Respiration, difficult (766) Respiration, difficult, manual labour (770) COUGH Cough, irritation in air passages, from, trachea, in, from (795) EXPECTORATION Expectoration, difficult (815) Expectoration, viscid (820) CHEST Chest, fullness, heart (833) Chest, itching (836) Chest, oppression (838) Chest, oppression, fever, during Chest, pain, respiration, deep (agg.) Chest, pain, pressing Chest, palpitation heart (873) Chest, palpitation heart, eating, after Chest, palpitation heart, exertion (agg.) (875) Chest, palpitation heart, menses, during (agg.) (876) Chest, perspiration (878) Chest, perspiration, axilla (878) Chest, perspiration, axilla, garlic, like (878) BACK Back, heaviness, weight (891) Back, itching, lumbar region, coccyx Back, pain, stitching, shooting (936) Back, pain, stitching, cervical region Back, pain, stitching, dorsal region, scapul (937) Back, pain, stitching, dorsal region, scapul, between, straightening up amel. (939) EXTREMITIES Extremities, awkwardness (953) Extremities, awkwardness, hands Extremities, awkwardness, hands, drops things (953) Extremities, awkwardness, fingers Extremities, coldness, hands (958)

Extremities, coldness, foot (962) Extremities, contraction, leg, calf Extremities, corns, pressing (969) Extremities, corns, shooting (970) Extremities, corns, stinging (970) Extremities, cramps, leg (974) Extremities, emaciation, leg (985) Extremities, eruption, itching (986) Extremities, eruption, upper limbs, herpes Extremities, eruption, hand, herpes Extremities, eruption, hand, pimples Extremities, eruption, lower limbs Extremities, eruption, lower limbs, eczema (997) Extremities, eruption, lower limbs, herpes Extremities, eruption, lower limbs, moist Extremities, eruption, lower limbs, scabs Extremities, eruption, lower limbs, vesicles Extremities, eruption, knee, hollow of Extremities, eruption, knee, hollow of, crusty Extremities, heaviness, hand (1015) Extremities, heaviness, foot (1017) Extremities, itching, upper limbs Extremities, itching, hand (1022) Extremities, itching, lower limbs Extremities, itching, hip (1025) Extremities, itching, foot (1027) Extremities, pain, chill, during Extremities, pain, lower limbs (1062) Extremities, pain, cutting, forearm Extremities, pain, sore, bruised, joints Extremities, pain, sprained, wrist Extremities, pain, stitching, joints Extremities, pain, stitching, forearm Extremities, pain, stitching, wrist Extremities, pain, stitching, thigh Extremities, pain, stitching, ankle Extremities, pain, stitching, ankle, outer (1152) Extremities, pain, stitching, foot Extremities, pain, tearing, joints Extremities, pain, tearing, shoulder Extremities, pain, tearing, elbow Extremities, tension, joints (1202) Extremities, tension, shoulder (1203) Extremities, ulcers, fingers (1220) Extremities, weakness, hand (1227) Extremities, weakness, hand, paralytic (1227) Extremities, weakness, fingers (1228) Extremities, weakness, knee (1229) Extremities, weakness, leg (1230) Extremities, weakness, foot (1232)

SLEEP Sleep, sleepiness (1248) Sleep, sleepiness, evening (1249) Sleep, sleepiness, dinner, after (1250) Sleep, sleepiness, eating, after (1250) Sleep, waking, frequent (1255)

CHILL Chill, morning (1259) Chill, morning, bed, in (1259) Chill, evening (1260) Chill, pain, with (1269) Chill, periodicity regular and distinct Chill, predominating (1270) Chill, time, 5 a.m. (1273) Chill, time, 6 a.m. (1273) Chill, time, 4 p.m., to, 8 p.m. (1274) Chill, time, 7 p.m. (1274) Chill, time, 8 p.m. (1275) Chill, time, 9 p.m. (1275) Chill, time, 10 p.m. (1275) Chill, warm room, not amel. in, nor by a warm stove (1276) FEVER Fever, heat absent (1287) Fever, perspiration absent (1289) Fever, uncovering amel. (1292) Fever, uncovering, desire for (1292) PERSPIRATION Perspiration, morning, sleep, during Perspiration, odor, rank (1298) Perspiration, symptoms, while sweating, amel. SKIN Skin, discoloration, yellow, new born children Skin, eruptions, bleeding, after scratching Skin, eruptions, desquamating (1311) Skin, eruptions, discharging, moist Skin, eruptions, herpetic (1312) Skin, eruptions, herpetic, dry (1313) Skin, eruptions, herpetic, itching Skin, eruptions, herpetic, moist Skin, eruptions, overheated, from being Skin, eruptions, pimples, hard (1315) Skin, eruptions, urticaria (1321) Skin, eruptions, urticaria, night Skin, eruptions, urticaria, warmth and exercise (agg.) (1321) Skin, eruptions, vesicular (1322) Skin, intended easily from pressure Skin, inelasticity (1326)

Skin, itching (1327) Skin, itching, biting (1327) Skin, itching, burning (1327) Skin, itching, burning, night (1327) Skin, itching, scratch until it bleeds, must Skin, itching, scratching agg. (1328) Skin, itching, scratching, unchanged by Skin, itching, warm, in bed, on becoming Skin, moisture (1330) Skin, ulcers, deep (1334) Skin, ulcers, discharges, tenacious Skin, warts (See Excrescences) (1339) Skin, warts, painful (1340) Skin, warts, stitching in (1340) Skin, warts, suppurating (1340) GENERALITIES Generalities, morning (1341) Generalities, afternoon (agg.) (1341) Generalities, evening (agg.) (1342) Generalities, night (1342) Generalities, air, open, amel. (1344) Generalities, clothing, intolerance of Generalities, coition, after (1348) Generalities, cold in general agg. Generalities, eating, before (1357) Generalities, eating, after, amel. Generalities, food, cold food agg. Generalities, hmorrhage (agg.) Generalities, heaviness, internally Generalities, menses, before Generalities, menses, during (agg.) Generalities, menses, after (1374) Generalities, numbness, internally Generalities, orgasm of blood (1376) Generalities, pain, digging up (burrowing, rooting sensation) (1380) Generalities, pain, pressing, inward, deep inward with instruments (1383) Generalities, pain, pressing, together Generalities, pain, stitching, internally (1386) Generalities, pain, twinging (1389) Generalities, perspiration, amel. Generalities, plethora (1391) Generalities, sexual excesses, after Generalities, side, crosswise, left lower and right upper (1400) Generalities, walking agg. (1411)

Bromium (Brom) Complementar: Arg-n. Kali-c, Microc. Osm, Sulph, Tub, Urmeaza bine: Calc-i. Bad. Fl-ac. Fuc. Hep. Iod, Kali-i. Lach. Lap-a. Phos, Puls. Rad-br. Sil. Spong, (in crup . Thyr. Urmat bine de: Arg-n. Lach. Plante care contin brom : Dubo-m. Fuc, Lem-m, Alge de mare Incompatibil cu: Arg-n. (> dupa Brom), Lapte

Antidoteaza: Cur Stry, Antidotat de: Am-c, Ant-c, Ars. Camph, Coff, Colch, Mag-c, Merc.Op, Sare, Otravire cu brom (Bromism): Kali-br, Op, Sulph, Cafea, Aburi de alcool, Aburi de Natriumthiosulfat, Efect: 20 - 30 zile melancolic/flegmatic/psoric/tuberculin, pe partea stanga BROMIUM (brom.) MIND: - - Cheerfull; lively disposition. - - In the evening, when alone, feels as if he should see something if he should turn around; as if someone behind him. Delusions strange persons looking over his shoulder; will see someone on turning. - Nervous excitement; quarrelsome.- - Hysteria from suppressed sexual desire. - Weakness with aversion to every kind of work; indifferent/tired/sad/discouraged. - Sits alone in her room without doing anything; looks constantly in one direction without saying anyhting. - - Biting nails. GENERALITIES: - - Affects glands: parotid/submaxillary/thyroid/testes/ovaries . - Glands SWOLLEN, (stony) HARD, but painless, NO supparation - Lot of RESPIRATORY symptoms, esp. of larynx & trachea. - << heat, summer, change from cold to warm. << left side - >> sea side (Med), violent motion.- - Emaciation and weakness. History of tb.. HEAD: - - Pain < left side, drinking milk. NOSE: - - Chronic, obstinate coryza, with rawness of nostrils. FACE: - - SwelLING of paratoid, submaxillary gland, << left. EXTERNAL THROAT:-- - INdurated cervical glands, like STONES. LARYNX: - - - Hoarseness. Croup. Constriction. - - Cold sensation on breathing. RESPIRATION : - - - Sensation as if air-passages full of smoke, dust, fur. - ASTHMA in sailors who come ashore, > seaside (Med), < dust, inspiration difficult. Chill on inspiring. COUGH: - - - Dry; hoarse; suffocative. < Swallowing, dust/smoke, overheating. CHEST: - - - Pneumonia with sangerari din nas. MALE GENITALIA: - - - Swelling testes, hard, painless, < left side. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - - Swelling, tumors of left ovary.- - Flatus from vagina.

Bryonia (Bry)

Tema: S -i mearga bine/Individualitate Cauza: Suprimare/uscaciune/supraincalzire/raceala vara Complementar: Abrot. Acon (= A). Alum (= C). Arn (Bry atunc cand Arn nu- i face efectul la afectiuni la articulatii). Ars. Aur (iubeste moarte/Bry este impotriva ei/= A) Bapt. Blat-o. Bufo. Chel. Dios. Eup-per (Bry = An). Coloc + Kali-c + Lyc + Nat-m (= C). Ferr-p. Kali-m. Op. Petr. Ph-ac. Phos. Phyt (cand Bry nu- i face efectul). Ptel. Puls (antagoniste). Pyrar. Pyrog. Rhus-t. Rhus-v. Ricin. Sep. Ser-ang. Spong. Squil. Stict. Sulph (Sulph = C ca si Calc cu Bell). Tub. Tub-b. Upa (cand Bry nu- i face efectul). *Acon - Bry - Phos* *Bry - Rhus-t - Calc* *Ip. - Bry. - Ant-t. - Puls* (Bronsita) *Meny. - Bry. - Nux-v. - Verat. - Staph.* (constipatie) Urmeaza bine: Am-caus. Apis. Benz-ac. Borx. Calen. Carb-an. Caus. Coll. Cypre-l. Daph-o. Dig. Gels. Guai. Hell. Hep. Hyper. Ip. Lach. Led. Nux-v. Ran-b. Sabad. Seneg. Sil. Spig. Stram, Urmat bine de: Ant-t. Asc-t (cand Bry nu- i face efectul). Anis. Bell. Berb. Cact. Calc-f. Carb-v. Cham. Dig. Dros. Dulc. Hell. Hep. Hyos. Merc. Mur-ac. Nux-v. Petr. Sabad. Sabin. Squil. Intermediar: Puls. Rhus-t. Sulph. (Sulph la inceput amelioreaza). Incompatibil cu: Calc, Chel, Sep, alimente care imbaloneaza, varza acra, salate verde, carne Antidoteaza: Alum. Am-c. Ang. Ars. Ars-i. Calc. Cedr. Cham. Chin. Chim. Chlor. Cina. Clem. Daph. Frag. Jug-c. Lact-ac. Mag-c. Malar. Merl. Menis. Merc-d. Merc. Mez. Mur-ac. Op. Ost. Ran-b. Rhod. Rhus-t. Rhus-v. Ricin. Salol. Scroph. Seneg. Slag. Tab. Pojar/Scarlatina Antidotat de: Acon. Alum. Ant-t. Apoc. Calc. Camph. Caps. Cham. Chel. Chlor. Clem. Coff. Ferr. Ferr-m. Ign. Mur-ac. Nux-v. Puls. Rhus-t. Seneg. Planta: Cucurb ea, Mut toare

Inflama ii, Usc ciune a mucoaselor , Exsudat al seroaselor , Dureri punctiforme Inflama ii: Febr cu debut progresiv, cu sete necesitnd mari cantit i de ap rece. Tendin c tre imobilizare, culcare pe par-tea dureroas . Insola ii, expuneri prelungite la c ldur . Usc ciune a mucoaselor: Tuse seac , dureroas , traheite sau bron- ite; sete intens . Constipa ie cu scaune uscate, ca arse". Exsudat al seroaselor: Pleurite. Hidartroze, artrite reumatismale acute Dureri punctiforme: Cefalee cu debut progresiv, ameliorat la aplicarea unui bandaj strns. Punct dureros la nivelul toracelui, cu ameliorare la exercitarea unei presiuni puternice. Punct dureros ovarian n dreapta. Dureri punctiforme la nivelul snilor; mastite; mastoze. Agravare: la mi care, la cea mai u oar atingere, la c ldur (cu excep ia durerilor locale), la mncare, c tre orele 21. Ameliorare: la repaus, la exercitarea unei presiuni puternice sau la culcarea pe partea dureroas , la frig, la transpira ie

SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind. Anxiety and inquietude, with fear of the future. Frequent tears. Despair of being cured, with fear of death. Restlessness, with fear of the future; fear of death, which he thinks is near. Fear, with desire to run away. Discouragement. Aversiune to conversation. Exceedingly irritable and inclined to be angry. After having been angry he is chilly; has a red face and heat in the head. Irascibility and passion. Want of memory. Momentary absence of mind. Giddiness. Desire for things which are rejected when obtained. Delirium (at night) and ravings about the transactions of the day. Unconsciousness.

Repertoriu: BRYONIA ALBA (bry.) * < MOTION, > REST. MIND: - - AVERSION being disturbed. Irritable, wants to be left alone Reserved. - Fear of poverty, of starving, anxiety about future.- - Materialistic. Possession oriented. - Insecurity, withdrawn into themselves, isolated from social contact. - Thoughts, talks about BUSINESS. Determined. - Despair of recovery. Seem to hold others responsible for teir suffering. - Dullness dimineata on waking, < exertion, conversation. - Children ask for things that are difficult to find, immediately throw it away (Cham). GENERALITIES: - - - >> rest (being quiet)/pressure, > lying on painful side. - << Least motion But may be restless from severe pains.- - < Heat/Over-heating/2 h.. - > Cold applications, except stomach: < cold applications. - DRYNESS mucous membranes; emotionally.- - Often slow onset of acute diseases. - Injuries, sprains, etc.- - Stitching pains. ACUTE: - - Slow onset (Gels).- - THIRST for LARGE quantities often; at long intervals. - Also possible: dry mouth & thirstless. - - Pains: << slight motion, < heat. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: meat, oysters, warm drinks (milk) or cold drinks. - Aversiune: Fat.- - < Beans and peas, bread. - Great THIRST for large quantities (often or long intervals). VERTIGO: - - Sensation they are sinking through bed. HEAD: - - Pain: starts over LEFT eye, extends to occiput & whole head, < moving eyes/light (= motion of iris)/jar, cough, touch, < ironing (= motion + heat)/when constipated, > pressure, holding head, closing eyes. - Meningitis. EYE: - - Pain on moving eyes or lids. NOSE: - - Sangerari din nas from suppressed menses; < dimineata after rising. FACE: - - Chewing motion, in arteriosclerosids/fever with brain involvement.- - Dry, cracked lips. MOUTH: - - Dry, with/without thirst.- - Discoloration tongue brown or white.- - Bitter taste. TEETH: - - Pain, > cold water, lying on painful side. STOMACH: - Capricious appetite.- - Gastritis > warm drinks. - - Sensation of a stone, < after eating. - Vomiting on slight motion, while coughing, immediately after drinking, after eating. ABDOMEN: - - Appendicitis (1st rem, 75%): < touch, > pressure, lying on painful side. - Peritonitis.- - Pain in liver, > lying on right side.

AFTER: - - Constipatie. Dryness.- - Diaree, < motion/dimineata after rising and moving/fruit/warm weather. STOOL: - - Dry, hard, large. COUGH: - - Dry, hard painful. < Motion, warm room. CHEST: - - Pneumonia. Bronchitis. Pleuritis.- - Mastitis. - Pain on coughing, hold chest to keep it immobile.- - Pain on inspiration in pleuritis. EXTREMITIES: - - RHEUMATISM of joints and muscles, artritis, gout; inflammation of joints with swelling and stiffness. < Motion, heat; > rest, cold, pressure. SLEEP: - - On left side. SKIN: - - Dry. - - Jaundice after anger (Nux-v.). - Eruptions: rash, urticaria, vesicular. Slow appearance in eruptive fevers.

Bufo Rana (Bufo)

Kent Repertory:

MIND Mind, absent-minded (See Forgetful) ( 1) Mind, anger, convulsion, before ( 2) Mind, complaining (See Lamenting) (p. 12) Mind, confusion of mind (See Concentration) (13) Mind, imbecility (53) Mind, laughing (61) Mind, memory, weakness of (See Mistakes) (64) Mind, sadness, mental depression Mind, shrieking, convulsions, before Mind, starting, startled (82) Mind, starting, easily (83) Mind, stupefaction, convulsions, between (84) Mind, unconsciousness, convulsions, after (90) Mind, unconsciousness, epilepsy, after (90) HEAD Head, congestion, hypermia, etc. (See Fullness, Pulsation) (109) Head, heat, coldness of body, with Head, pain, sides, one side (166) Head, pain, vertex (171) Head, pain, cutting, occiput (181) Head, pain, lancinating, occiput Head, pain, stitching, occiput (210) Head, pain, stunning, stupefying EYE Eye, movement, eyeballs, constant, rolling (246) Eye, movement, eyeballs, constant, rolling, upward (See Turned) (247) Eye, pupils, dilated, epilepsy, before Eye, redness, lids, edges of (265) Eye, sunken (266) Eye, turned, upward (268)

VISION Vision, acute (271) NOSE Nose, sangerari din nas (335) FACE Face, bloated (See Swelling, Congestion) Face, convulsions, spasms (357) Face, convulsions, beginning in face (357) Face, discoloration, grayish (359) Face, discoloration, pale (359) Face, discoloration, red, headache, during Face, distortion (364) Face, eruptions, scurfy (372) Face, expression, besotted (374) Face, expression, confused (374) Face, expression, foolish (374) Face, expression, intoxicated (374) Face, perspiration (390) Face, perspiration, convulsions, during Face, swelling (392) MOUTH Mouth, abscess, gums (See Fistula, Boils, Ulcers, Pustules, Suppuration) (397) Mouth, biting, tongue (397) Mouth, biting, tongue, spasms in (397) Mouth, froth, convulsions, during (405) Mouth, motion, tongue, lapping (407) Mouth, open, wide, before an attack of epilepsy (409) Mouth, pain, burning, cold water agg. Mouth, saliva, bloody (416) Mouth, saliva, frothy (416) Mouth, speech, difficult, chorea, from (419) Mouth, speech, stammering (419) TEETH Teeth, grinding, epilepsy (432) Teeth, looseness of (432) Teeth, pain, toothache in general (433) Teeth, pain, night (434) THROAT

Throat, choking, constricting (See Larynx) Throat, dryness (p. 450) Throat, inflammation (453) Throat, pain, rawness, cold air, drawing Throat, pain, sore (463) Throat, spots in the pharynx (467) STOMACH Stomach, emptiness, weak feeling, faintness, goneness, hungry feeling (487) ABDOMEN Abdomen, bubo (541) Abdomen, liver and region of (553) Abdomen, pain, hypochondria, right (563) Abdomen, swelling, inguinal region, glands, of (See Bubo) (603) RECTUM Rectum, dysentery (616) Rectum, hmorrhoids (619) Rectum, pain (623) STOOL Stool, bloody (635) Stool, watery, Stool, watery (643) BLADDER Bladder, urination, involuntary (659) Bladder, urination, involuntary, convulsions, during (659 URINE Urine, color, red (684) GENITALIA MALE Genitalia male, erections, wanting (impotency) (696) Genitalia male, masturbation, disposition (701) Genitalia male, masturbation, disposition, solitude, seeks (701) Genitalia male, seminal emissions (nightly) Genitalia male, sexual passion, increased Genitalia male, sexual passion, violent GENITALIA FEMALE Genitalia female, cancer, uterus (715 Genitalia female, itching, voluptuous (720) Genitalia female, leucorrh a, menses, before (722) Genitalia female, leucorrh a, thin, watery Genitalia female, leucorrh a, yellow (723) Genitalia female, menses, frequent, too early, too soon (726) Genitalia female, menses, scanty (728) Genitalia female, pain, ovaries (731) Genitalia female, pain, ovaries, extending, groin (733) Genitalia female, pain, uterus, sitting long Genitalia female, pain, burning, ovaries Genitalia female, pain, cramping, ovaries Genitalia female, pain, sore, ovaries (741) Genitalia female, pain, sore, uterus (741) Genitalia female, pain, stitching, ovaries Genitalia female, polypus, uterus (743) Genitalia female, swollen, ovaries (744) Genitalia female, tumors, ovaries, cysts LARYNX AND TRACHEA Larynx and trachea, inflammation, larynx Larynx and trachea, tickling in the air passages, night, 3

a.m. (757) COUGH Cough, night, 3 a.m. to 4 a.m. (781) Cough, cold, becoming, on, feet (784) Cough, dry (786) Cough, tickling, larynx, in, from, night, 3 a.m. to 4 a.m. (808) CHEST Chest, cancer, mamm (824) Chest, cancer, mamm, epithelioma (824) Chest, nodules, mamm, in (838) Chest, pain, mamm (845) Chest, pain, burning, coughing, during Chest, pain, burning, mamm (853) Chest, palpitation heart, waking, on (877) Chest, paralysis, heart (878) Chest, phthisis pulmonalis (878) Chest, shocks, heart, region of the (880) Chest, swimming in water, as if the heart EXTREMITIES Extremities, arthritic nodosities, knee (953) Extremities, clenching, thumbs (956) Extremities, clenching, thumbs, in epilepsy Extremities, convulsion (968) Extremities, drawn, inwards, thumbs (984) Extremities, eruption, lower limbs, vesicles Extremities, eruption, foot, sole of, vesicles Extremities, eruption, foot, sole of, vesicles, yellow fluid, with (1003) Extremities, felon, lymphatic inflamed Extremities, felon, panaritium (1005) Extremities, felon, thumb (1005) Extremities, inflammation, lymphatics of arm (1018) Extremities, inflammation, leg, erysipelatous (1019) Extremities, milk-leg (1033) Extremities, numbness, upper limbs (1036) Extremities, pain, joints, gouty (1047) Extremities, pain, lower limbs, sciatica Extremities, pain, sore, bruised, leg, motion, on (1133) Extremities, paralysis (1176) Extremities, stiffness, upper limbs, epilepsy, before (1192) Extremities, stiffness, lower limbs, epilepsy, before (1194) Extremities, stretched out, leg, epilepsy, before (1195) Extremities, swelling, upper limbs (1196) Extremities, swelling, upper limbs, red Extremities, swelling, wrist (1197) Extremities, swelling, hand (1197) Extremities, weakness, lower limbs (1228) SLEEP Sleep, comatose (1234) Sleep, comatose, convulsions, between Sleep, deep, convulsions, after (1234) Sleep, deep, convulsions, between (1234) PERSPIRATION Perspiration, cold (1296) Perspiration, convulsions, during (1296)

SKIN Skin, burning (1303) Skin, discoloration, green spots (1306) Skin, eruptions, blisters (1309) Skin, eruptions, carbuncle (1310) Skin, eruptions, pustules, malignant (1317) Skin, eruptions, vesicular (1322) Skin, eruptions, vesicular, gangrenous (1322) Skin, ulcers, burning (1334) Skin, ulcers, cancerous (1334) Skin, unhealthy (1339) GENERALITIES Generalities, cancerous affections (1346) Generalities, chorea (1347) Generalities, convulsions (1351) Generalities, convulsions, begin in the abdomen (1352) Generalities, convulsions, begin in, face (1352) Generalities, convulsions, clonic (1352) Generalities, convulsions, coition, during (1352) Generalities, convulsions, consciousness, without (1352) Generalities, convulsions, epileptic (1353)

Generalities, convulsions, epileptiform Generalities, convulsions, fright, from Generalities, convulsions, menses, before Generalities, convulsions, menses, suppressed, from (1354) Generalities, convulsions, onanism, after Generalities, convulsions, sexual excitement, from (1355) Generalities, convulsions, suppuration, during (1355) Generalities, convulsions, tonic (1355) Generalities, convulsive movements (1356) Generalities, emaciation (1357) Generalities, menses, during (agg.) (1373) Generalities, onanism, from (1376) Generalities, pain, burning externally (1378) Generalities, pain, burning, internally (1379) Generalities, paralysis, painless (1390) Generalities, sexual, excitement agg. (1399) Generalities, strength, sensation of (1403) Generalities, swelling, glands (1405) Generalities, ulcers, cancerous (1410)

Cactus grandiflorus (Cact)

Cauza: Foame Complementar: Arn. Ars. Gels. Kali-br. Spig. Urmeaza bine: Acon. (cand nu- i face fectul la Angina pectoris) Arn. Ars. Bell. Bry. Dig. Cham. Coll. Cupr. Eup-per. Glon. Ib. Ip. Lach. Naja. Nux-v. Phos. Rhus-t. Spong. Sulph. Verat-v. Urmat bine de: Dig. Eup-per. Lach. Nux-v. Sulph. Antidoteaza: Adren. Aml-ns. Antidotat de: Acon. Camph. Cham. Chin. Eup-per. Efect: sanguinic/melancolic/sicotic/limfatic/malarial/plethorisch
CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS (cact.) * Dureri contrangatoare. MIND: - - Shrieking from pain. - SADness in heart disease (Aur-i/Syph). - - Closed. Aversiune consolation (Nat-m). - Anxiety about health. Fear of heart disease. Fear < dimineata on waking. - Sensibil to light, noise.- - Difficulty in expressing ideas on writing. GENERALITIES: - - Congestii in partile cu dureri. - CONSTRICTION, violent pain, like a wire: tight & thin. As if caged in wire. - Hemorrhages, with constriction. Internal hemorrhage, trombosis. - << 11 h./23 h. << lying esp. on left side.- - > Open air.- - Periodicity. HEAD: - - Pain: with severe constriction; with sensation of pressure, 11 h. followed by sangerari din nas, with congestion, flushed red face, < fasting, noise of talking - - > pressure right sided (also in face). NOSE: - - Sangerari din nas, from congestion (Meli). FACE: - - Congestion. - - Pain < right, least exertion, wine, noise, light, fasting. THROAT: - - Constricting sensation, with pulsation of carotides. Swallowing difficult, needs to drink when swallowing food. RECTUM: - - Hemorrhage.- - Swollen, painful hemorrhoids. BLADDER: - - Constriction of neck of bladder, preventing urination. - - Hematuria. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Severe constricting pains in uterus, during menses or labor. - - Clotted menses; each clot that is passed gives temporary relief from pain. Menses black, pitch-like. - Menses stops when lying. - - VAGINISMUS. Constricting pains during coition. RESPIRATION: - - Asthmatic, from heart disease.- - Rattling/Periodic suffocative spells.

CHEST: - - CONSTRICTION about heart or chest. Severe heart pathology. Heart feels grasped by iron hand. Pain < lying on left side, exertion, talking loudly. Pain ext. to left arm (Lat-m); with edema of hand. With difficult respiration. - Palpitations < exertion, from unrequited affections, lying left side; at night from fearful dreams, menses. - Oppression as from a weight. EXTREMITIES: - - Coldness. - - EDEMA of left hand with heart problems - Rheumatic complaints, < seara, rest, beginning to move; > continued motion (Rhus-t). SLEEP: - - Sleeplessness from pulsation in parts of body.- - Dreams of falling.

Cadmium metallicum (Cadm-met)

Cauza: Tristete/vaccin/otravire cu plumb; Complementar: Calen. Urmeaza bine: Ip. Acut: ca o gripa Otravire cu Cadm-met: Rau/salivare/gust de metal/ameteli/dureri de cap/voma/dureri de burta/diaree/tensiune mica/temperatura creste/osteoporoza/sterilitate Link:

Repertory: [Patricia Hatherly]

Mind: Impatient/agitated/restless/frustrated/irritable/QUICK to anger [< nightfall; < 3-20 h.; < noise]; tendency to swear/wants to argue/revengeful/confused/wants to be l. alone/indisposed to talk/content with own company/concentration difficult/Indifferent/apathetic/detached/unmotivated/bored/lacks purpose/lazy/indolent/desires rest/flat/sense of euphoria on waking/centred, calm/experiencing inner strength/clear mind/mental concentration good/organised/thoughts run through the head (evening/in bed/prevents sleep/anxious/apprehensive (like butterflies in stomach/there will be something on the road around next bend)`/oversensitive to impressions/senses acute/As if boundaries have been defined/have been invaded/anticipatory excitement about the future/desire to throw out old belongings to make way for new/others seem violent/feels like time has lengthened, that there are more hours in the day/ feels sorry for self/feels rejected/desires sympathy/desires company/cries easily. Vertigo: As if intoxicated. Head: Congestive headache feels like cotton wool (pain: pressing/like brain is enlarged/pressed outward like a balloon/vibrating sensation/from temple to temple + exhaustion/nausea/< light/warmth/facing the sun, rising/motion/laughing, mental exertion/being rushed or hurried, cloudy weather, afternoon/> lying down/rest/eyes closed/dull headache > mental/physical activity/tension headache > leaning head back/occipital headache As if top of the head isopen/As if goose-bumps on the scalp/As if tugging around external head/dull pain in crown of head becomes booming on coughing/burning pain in occiput ext. eyes/ache in eyes < motion, light [glare], pressure/> sleep, rest/cold/head heavy (cannot lift off pillow/neck not strong enough/head feels heavy, need a stick to hold it up/ As if head is going to drop off < thinking/scalp feels tight. Eyes: Heavy/tired/hot/sockets ache (As if pain shoots towards back) > shutting eyes, cold compress/feeling of pressure behind eyes ext. ears feel like theyre going to fall/pop out/ As if pushed out of sockets by pressure internally) < sun, << glare, cold compress/photophobia/watering/As if sand in them on closing/red/sore/stinging/burning, agglutinated (inner canthi) on waking in the dimineata/discharge: lime green (hard/soft)/blurry (difficulty reading fine print) < reading, rain/As if eyesight has improved with desire not to wear glasses/br., silver sparks in field of vision. Ears: Sensibil to noise (loud/high-pitched)/As if pressure inside, As if blocked with mucous/pulse rushing in ears/voice re-echoes in head < blowing nose/As if white noise being played in ears/humming noise/loss of hearing/impaired hearing/buzzing in ears < background noise/increased wax (gluey/sticky/slimy/wet/yellow/orange/As if inner ear feeling wet and cold/As if water in my like running wax/a wet, cold feeling/external ear feels hot to touch (red)/l. then r./(R ear feels hot # cold on & off all day). Nose: Coryza < warm room/bland, watery discharge < r. nostril/sneezing < air-conditioning/dry, hot feeling

on waking < l. nostril/r. nostril blocked when lying on l. side/l. nostril blocked when lying on r. side/1. in the morning, yellow discharge,2. green 3. thin 4. clear/As if nose is blocked/feels like hawking mucous from nose/when nose is blown all is clear/sense of smell (loss/heightened)/thick/green discharge early morning/crusts/scabs followed by thick, sticky mucous/congestion < l. side/blood clots l. nostril on waking/small spots of blood in mucous/greenish-yellow mucous with brownish lump blown out of nose/ropy catarrh/whitish mucous, but feels dry/dry posterior nares. Face: Feels dry/lips feel dry (desire to lick). Mouth: Breathing through mouth, very conscious of it and it feels uncomfortable/Saliva has strong/disagreeable smell/slimy/diminished sense of taste/mouth feels gummed shut when wakes in the morning/palate and tongue feel scalded/pimple on tip of tongue (L side of centre)/gums sore and inflamed l. lower jaw around last molar/gums bleed when cleaning teeth/rough, sore patch on inside of r cheek. Teeth: Feel loose/experiences difficulty with chewing things. Throat: Sore, DRY/feels like tonsils are shrivelling up > drinking water/throat parched, not > by drinking water/tonsils swollen < r. side < empty swallowing/choking sensation at base of throat/As if could vomit/As if a mobile piece of wood in back of throat/yellow-green expectoration/loss of voice on talking, must cough and clear throat to retrieve it. Stomach: Bloated, (after evening meal)/stomach feels full/sick feeling/burping, dyspepsia/nausea after coffee/slight burning sensation travelling up oesophagus into back of throat/appetite diminished/appetite increased/desires meat to fill stomach/contractive pain in abdomen when eating < swallowing/great thirst # little thirst/ Desire dairy products after eating/water and salt/coff/sweets/jasmine tea/spicy food/raw fish/fruit/< milk/aversion: cheese/ Abdomen: Full, upset feeling > stool/bloated/flatus lying in bed on waking/can feel wind moving through colon/rumbling in r. hypogastrium/offensive flatus < night/onions/noisy/copious/uncontrollable flatus/painful if not expelled/pain: sudden, darting. Rectum:Constipatie/evacuation (insufficient/incomplete/unsatisfactory/small/pale stools after much straining/waiting a long time to pass stool/urge disappears half-way through movement/strong urge (with pain) with small, greasy, clay-like stool/fast transit time/sudden call to evacuate preceded by sharp pain in abdomen; Stool: Like sheep pellets/small lumps clumped together/dark/dry/sticky/loose/small amount passed/sinks to bottom of bowl/long/thin/greenish/floating/frequent motions (3x by 10 h.), 3x daily/motion expelled with flatus/loose + sprays out (after dinner/after apple juice)/golden-brown Urinary: organs: Increased frequency/clear, copious/strong-smelling, greenish urine/yellow urine passed with a burning, hot sensation/stings afterwards so dreads having to urinate/kidneys sore to touch. Male sexual organs: Increased desire/no desire/indifferent/little sensation with ejaculation/pleasant/buzzing sensation in genitals without erection. Female sexual organs: Vagina sensitive, external genitals feel swollen during menses < touch (heavy or light), walking around, pressure of sanitary napkin/during menses: sensation of something falling out/sexual desire increased/sexual desire decreased/menses: sudden onset (early) painless/flow profuse, dark, clots/cramping in back and abdomen. Respiratory organs: Occasional unproductive cough/dry with tightness across chest & lungs/As if pressure on chest with a need to take a deep breath/shortness of breath < walking upstairs/hill, after sex As if someone was sitting on chest/As if chest opening up. Respiration: Breath stale/musty/offensive/like rotten onions during the night/ Back/Neck: Pain at nape of neck/neck feels stiff while lying in bed/tense in neck ext. occiput/sharp pain ext. neck to shoulder and neck to occiput/l. side of neck feels stiff/desires to stretch and bend backwards to relieve tension in upper back/shoulder and r. deltoid feel bruised/pain (burning/sore/in ldeltoids

(aching)/sharp pain ext. neck to shoulder/low-grade ache in middle to lower back < sitting/ache in lumbar region (dull to sharp)/As if backbone is bent wrong way/twisted/< lifting/walking/motion/> sitting/walking around/bending backwards. Sleep: deep, heavy/wakes unrefreshed, feeling exhausted/no desire to get out of bed/sleep difficult from thoughts/sleep light/disturbed by headache/restless sleep from pains in limbs/difficulty finding a comfortable position (wanting to draw legs up in bed/tendency to clasp hands between knees in bed)/generally sleepy. Dreams: success in business/robbers/someone in the house/someone knocking on front door(cannot sleep until house ichecked)/violence (someone wants to kill him with a crowbar/woman tied down with bricks and drowned in a yacht)/ future happiness (new house/successful career/kids happy)/amorous/ haemorrhoids/animals: (multi-coloured elephant/birdseed/dogs walking on hind legs/a ginger rat/red crabs with large nippers)/water/sewage/toxic cereal/groups of people/people speaking in pictures/men neglecting housework/flying / skimming over the ground in a wok/inside of the L breast. Extremities: Muscles of upper arms and neck sore/sore from middle of scapula to neck < movement of shoulders, > pressure/elbows sore with headache/hands cold/pain L wrist, grasping </hands and feet puffy (morning) with a sensation of tingling after urination/hands and feet swollen, hot < hot weather, warmth in general/pads of feet feel like balloons/tightness R side from ribs to above hips/red, itchy spots erupt over limbs/legs feel wobbly/sensation of heaviness, muscles stiff, painful/tension in hamstrings and calves/sudden twitching of legs/sensation of jumpy legs when at rest/wandering pain in lower limbs from knees to ankles/tearing pain L heel/desire to draw legs up in bed and clasp hands between ankle swollen/ankles give way on going upstairs Skin: Dry on face and hands/red patch beside nose, flaking off/large pimple below R ear lobe/face oily/large red pustules (like boils) on sides of face near hairline/> squeezing (contains firm, formed plugs of pus)/blind, red eruptions < touch, pressure/skin on hands and feet feels tight, itchy > scratching/skin on hands and feel hot to touch/skin itchy: back, shoulders, groin < dimineata/> scratching, bathing in warm water. Temperature: Chilly when out of bed/desire to wrap up/sensitive to cold, drafts/night sweats/fever with nausea/body temperature alternates between hot and cold according to the weather/odour during the night from skin/offensive perspiration < heat, afternoon. Generalities: high energy/whole body aches/body feels sensitive (touch, temperature)/physical exertion </tired on waking/sensation of heaviness/awkward, clumsy/S/S move from L to R/symptoms alternate. Modalities: < l./warm room/air-conditioning/inside/blowing nose/15 h. 20 h./after Nightfall/cloudy weather/rain/breakfast/motion/light pressure/covering/lying/sleeping/ laughing/milk/[empty] swallowing/lying on side of ailment/on waking/sunlight/glare/standing/physical o. mental exertion/ascending steps/noise > stool/food/hot drink/outside/fresh air/sleep/rest/lying down/pressure/cold applications/warm weather/not smoking.

Calcium carbonicum (Calc) Baza straveche/femeia straveche archetipa Matroana la tara Tema: suprasolicitat; Cauze: Griji/Enervare/Efort Complementar: Aesc-h. Aeth. Agar. Arg-n. Bar-c. Bell (= A). Bov. Bufo. Calc-ar. Caps. Cars. Cham. Chin. Cina. Conchin (= An). Cupr. Cupr-act. Dig. Dros. Dulc. Epiph (Calc = An). Gels (= A). Graph. Hep. Ign. Ip. Kali-c. Lach. Lyc. Mag-c. Nat-m. Nat-s. Nit-ac. Nux-m. Nux-v. Parathyr. Pareir. Petr. Phos. Podo. Psor. Puls (Calc = oft zu bevorzugen). Rhus-t (= C). Rhus-v. Ruta. Sars. Seneg. Sep. Sil. Spig. Stram (= A). Stict. Sul-i. Sulph. Teucr. Thlas. Tub. Tub-a. Tub-b. Tub-m. Valer. Visc. *Sulph - Calc-- Lyc* *Sulph - Calc-- Sil* *Calc- Sulph - Phos*

*Sulph - Calc - Sel* *All-c - Calc - Sil* Polypen *Bell - Calc-- Tub* - Calc-- Tub* *Sulph - Calc- Lyc - Sulph* *Sulph - Calc-- Lyc - Led - Ther* *Calc - Calc.p. - Phos.* *Arn - Rhus-t - Calc* (dupa entorse) *Ars - Carb-v - Kali-c - Sulph*


Urmeaza bine: multe remedii Urmat bine de: multe remedii Intermediar: Ars. Cupr. Lyc. Nit-ac. Phos. Psor. Puls. Scir. Incompatibil cu: Bad. Bar-c. Bry. Kali-bi (inainte de Calc). Kali-c. Nat-c. Nit-ac + Sulph nu se da dupa Calc. ! Baie, uscaciuni, iuteli, dulciuri, oua, la batrani se da numai odata Antidoteaza: Acet-ac. Alum. Agar. Ant-c. Arg-n. Bell. Bism. Bry. Calc-p. Chin. Chinin. Chinin-s. Cop. Corr. Crot-t. Cupr. Dig. Lach. Merc. Mez. Nit-sd. Nit-ac. Op. Ox-ac. Phos. Podo. Puls. Pyrog. Sil.Tub. Urmarile muncii la fabricile de portelan. Antidotat de: Ant-c. Bism. Bry. Camph. Chin. Chinin-s. Coff. Dig. Dulc. Graph. Hep. Iod. Ip. Lyc. Merc. Mez. Nit-sd. Nit-ac. Nux-m. Nux-v. Phos. Puls. Rhus-t. Sep. Sulph.
Indicat frecvent la afectiuni cauzate de lucrul in sau cu apa. La inflamatii cronice ale articulatiilor, umflaturi fara inflamatii. Agravare: la frig, la vreme umeda si rece, la schimbare de vreme, in special la vreme umeda, la urcare, la epuizare mentala sau fizica. Indicat in special la persoane blonde, cu tendinta de ingrasare, la copii cu intarzieri in crestere, la cei care transpira usor sau care au tendinta la diaree. Copii rahitici cu burta umflata, slabiti. Imbecili. Melancolie, teama ca se va intampla ceva rau. Memorie slabita. Isi pierde usor respiratia. Polipi nazali. Raceli la orice schimbare de vreme. Sangerat din nas. Miros rau din nas cu secret galben. Nas si nari cu rani de la scurs. Gust acru de durata in gura . Umflarea amigdalelor. Ragaieli acre, vomitat acru. Senzatie de rece ca ghiata in si pe cap, in special pe dreapta. Transpiratie la cap, uda perna in timpul noptii. Scurgeri din ureche si glandele urechii umflate. Diaree la copii. Constipatie. Scaun mai intai tare dupa aceea ca o pasta si lichid. Burta umflata. Pofta de mancat lucruri nedigerabile, oua, sare, dulcriuri. Laptele nu face bine. Aversiune catre grasimi.Colici la vezica biliara. Raguseala fara durere (> dimineata). Tuse uscata care gadila in gat, noaptea. Piept sensibil la atingere, apasare, presiune. Colici renale. Picioare umede si reci. Senzatia ca ar purta ciorapi uzi. Talpi aspre. Umflaturi la articulatii , in special la genunchi. Agravare: la orice frig, apa, spalat, aer umed. Ameliorare: vreme uscata, stranutat. Dilatare cronica a pupilelor.

Dureri de dinti la gravide care apar la frig sau curent de aer. Dentitie intarziata la copii. Ascaride si diaree cronica cu pofta mare de mancare. Umflarea testiculelor la copii. Menstruatii profunde. Slabiciune, epouizare mare, in special la femei. Lapte prea diluat si excesiv la femei care alapteaza. La recovalescenta, recidive.
Sulfur nu se da dupa Calc ci numai inainte !

SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind. Melancholy, dejection, and sadness. Disposition to weep, even about trifles. Vexation and lamentation, on account of old offences. Anxiety and anguish, excited by fancies, or frightful stories, also with shuddering and dread during the twilight, or at night. Excessive anguish, with palpitations of the heart, ebullition of the blood, and shocks in the epigastrium. Anxious agitation, forbidding rest. Disposition to take alarm. Sadness, with heaviness in the limbs. Apprehensions. Easily frightened or offended. Children are self-willed. Despair in consequence of the impaired condition of the health; or hypochondriacal humour, with fear of being ill or unfortunate, of experiencing sad accidents, of losing the reason, of being infected by contagious diseases. Discouragement and fear of death. Impatience, excessive excitability, and excessive liability to mental impressions; the least noise fatigues. Excessive ill-humour and mischievous inclination, with obstinacy and a disposition to take everything in bad part. Indifference, apathy, and repugnance to conversation. Aversiune to others. Solitude is insupportable. Disgust and aversion to all labour whatever. Absence of will. Great weakness of memory and of conception, with difficulty in thinking. Dizziness of mind. Tendency to make mistakes in speaking, and to take one word for another. She fears she will lose her understanding, or that people will observe her confusion of mind. Loss of sense and errors of imagination. Delirium with visions of fires, murders, rats and mice.

Mind.--Apprehensive; worse towards evening; fears loss of reason, misfortune, contagious diseases. Forgetful, confused, low-spirited. Anxiety with palpitation. Obstinacy; slight mental effort produces hot head. Averse to work or exertion. Head.--Sense of weight on top of head. Headache, with cold hands and feet. Vertigo on ascending, and when turning head. Headache from overlifting, from mental exertion, with nausea. Head feels hot and heavy, with pale face. Icy coldness in, and on the head, especially right side. Open fontanelles; head enlarged; much perspiration, wets the pillow. Itching of the scalp. Scratches head on waking. Eyes.--Sensitive to light. Lachrymation in open air and early in morning. Spots and ulcers on cornea. Lachrymal ducts closed from exposure to cold. Easy fatigue of eyes. Far sighted. Itching of lids, swollen, scurfy. Chronic dilatation of pupils. Cataract. Dimness of vision, as if looking through a mist. Lachrymal fistula; scrofulous ophthalmia. Ears.--Throbbing; cracking in ears; stitches; pulsating pain as if something would press out. Deafness from working in water. Polypi which bleed easily. Scrofulous inflammation with muco-purulent otorrh a, and enlarged glands. Perversions of hearing; hardness of hearing. Eruption on and behind ear (Petrol). Cracking noises in ear. Sensitive to cold about ears and neck. Nose.--Dry, nostrils sore, ulcerated. Stoppage of nose, also with fetid, yellow discharge. Offensive odor in nose. Polypi; swelling at root of nose. Epistaxis. Coryza. Takes cold at every change of weather. Catarrhal symptoms with hunger; coryza alternates with colic. Face.--Swelling of upper lip. Pale, with deep-seated eyes, surrounded by dark rings. Crusta lactea; itching, burning after washing. Submaxillary glands swollen. Goitre. Itching of pimples in whiskers. Pain from right mental foramen along lower jaw to ear. Mouth.--Persistent sour taste. Mouth fills with sour water. Dryness of tongue at night. Bleeding of gums. Difficult and delayed dentition. Teeth ache; excited by current of air, anything cold or hot. Offensive smell from mouth. Burning pain at tip of tongue; worse, anything warm taken into stomach. Throat.--Swelling of tonsils and submaxillary glands; stitches on swallowing. Hawking-up of mucus. Difficult swallowing. Goitre. Parotid fistula. Stomach.--Aversion to meat, boiled things; craving for indigestible things-chalk, coal, pencils; also for eggs, salt and sweets. Milk disagrees. Frequent sour eructations; sour vomiting. Dislike of fat. Loss of appetite when overworked. Heartburn and loud belching. Cramps in stomach; worse, pressure, cold water. Ravenous hunger. Swelling over pit of stomach, like a saucer turned bottom up. Repugnance to hot food. Pain in epigastric region to touch. Thirst; longing for cold drinks. Aggravation while eating. Hyperchlorhydria (Phos). Abdomen.--Sensitive to slightest pressure. Liver region painful when stooping. Cutting in abdomen; swollen abdomen. Incarcerated flatulence. Inguinal and mesenteric glands swollen and painful. Cannot bear tight clothing around the waist. Distention with hardness. Gall-stone colic. Increase of fat in abdomen. Umbilical hernia. Trembling; weakness, as if sprained. Children are late in learning to walk. Stool.--Crawling and constriction in rectum. Stool large and hard (Bry); whitish, watery, sour. Prolapse ani, and burning, stinging hmorrhoids. Diarrh a of undigested, food, fetid, with ravenous appetite. Children's diarrh a. Constipation; stool at first hard, then pasty, then liquid. Urine.--Dark, brown, sour, fetid, abundant, with white sediment, bloody. Irritable bladder. Enuresis (Use 30th, also Tuberculin. 1 m.). Male.--Frequent emissions. Increased desire. Semen emitted too soon. Coition followed by weakness and irritability. Female.--Before menses, headache, colic, chilliness and leucorrh a. Cutting pains in uterus during menstruation. Menses too early, too profuse, too long, with vertigo, toothache and cold, damp feet; the least

excitement causes their return. Uterus easily displaced. Leucorrh a, milky (Sepia). Burning and itching of parts before and after menstruation; in little girls. Increased sexual desire; easy conception. Hot swelling breasts. Breasts tender and swollen before menses. Milk too abundant; disagreeable to child. Deficient lactation, with distended breasts in lymphatic women. Much sweat about external genitals. Sterility with copious menses. Uterine polypi.

Respiratory.--Tickling cough troublesome at night, dry and free expectoration in morning; cough when playing piano, or by eating. Persistent, irritating cough from arsenical wall paper (Clarke). Extreme dyspn a. Painless hoarseness; worse in the morning. Expectoration only during the day; thick, yellow, sour mucus. Bloody expectoration; with sour sensation in chest. Suffocating spells; tightness, burning and soreness in chest; worse going upstairs or slightest ascent, must sit down. Sharp pains in chest from before backwards. Chest very sensitive to touch, percussion, or pressure. Longing for fresh air. Scanty, salty expectoration (Lyc). Heart.--Palpitation at night and after eating. Palpitation with feeling of coldness, with restless oppression of chest; after suppressed eruption. Back.--Pain as if sprained; can scarcely rise; from overlifting. Pain between shoulder-blades, impeding breathing. Rheumatism in lumbar region; weakness in small of back. Curvature of dorsal vertebr. Nape of neck stiff and rigid. Renal colic. Extremities.--Rheumatoid pains, as after exposure to wet. Sharp sticking, as if parts were wrenched or sprained. Cold, damp feet; feel as if damp stockings were worn. Cold knees cramps in calves. Sour footsweat. Weakness of extremities. Swelling of joints, especially knee. Burning of soles of feet. Sweat of hands. Arthritic nodosities. Soles of feet raw. Feet feel cold and dead at night. Old sprains. Tearing in muscles. Sleep.--Ideas crowding in her mind prevent sleep. Horrid visions when opening eyes. Starts at every noise; fears that she will go crazy. Drowsy in early part of evening. Frequent waking at night. Same disagreeable idea always arouses from light slumber. Night terrors (Kali phos). Dreams of the dead. Fever.--Chill at 2 pm begins internally in stomach region. Fever with sweat. Pulse full and frequent. Chilliness and heat. Partial sweats. Night sweats, especially on head, neck and chest. Hectic fever. Heat at night during menstruation, with restless sleep. Sweat over head in children, so that pillow becomes wet. Skin.--Unhealthy; readily ulcerating; flaccid. Small wounds do not heal readily. Glands swollen. Nettle rash; better in cold air. Warts on face and hands. Petechial eruptions. Chilblains. Boils. Modalities.--Worse, from exertion, mental or physical; ascending; cold in every form; water, washing, moist air, wet weather; during full moon; standing. Better, dry climate and weather; lying on painful side. Sneezing (pain in head and nape).

Calcium fluoratum (Calc-f) Cauza: Boli acute/rani/antibiotice/la crestere/tristete Complementar: Aur. Bar-c. Calc-i. Carb-an. Ferr-p. Fl-ac. Lach. Lap-a. Pitu. Plb. Puls. Rhus-t. Sep- Sil. Sulph. Syph. Tub-k. X-ray. Urmeaza bine: Am-i. Ant-i. Ars-i. Aur-i. Bad. Bry. Calc. Calc-i. Calc-p. Caps. Carb-an. Ferr. Ferr-p. Fl-ac. Hed. Luf-op. Kali-i. Kali-m. Nat-i. Nat-m. Sil. Spong. Stann-i. Stict. Stront-c. Zinc-i. Urmat bine de: Calc. Calc-p. Cann-s. Ferr-p. Kali-m. Mag-c. Nat-m. Ph-ac. Phos. Squil. Intermediar: Sil. Thyr.. Antidoteaza: Bar-i. Merc. Rhus-t., negi dupa radiografii Efect: nu se da des, efectul dureaza pana se arata, melancolic/carbonitrogen/sifilitic/psoric/tuberculin pe partea stanga Diverse: prezent in dinti, oase, in dinti, in tesut, usureaza nasterea
Repertoriu: CALCAREA FLUORICA (calc-f.)

MIND: - - TEAMA de saracie. Treama de dorinta financiala sau emotionala. - Dorinta puternica pentru securitate, siguranta. Atasament, dependenta. - Anxietate pentru sanatate (Calc) cu teama de moarte (Calc. Kali-ar. Lyc. Nit-ac). Teama de boala care urmeaza sa vina (Kal-c), ca sanatatea e pe duca. - - Bun la imitat. Face pe clovnul GENERALITIES: - - INTARIREA glandelor, a testutului, a tumorilor, tare ca piatra - Valuri de caldura (Puls), cu palpitatii. - Cu sange cald; cateodata < frig. Poate fi friguros. - << Frig umed; inceput de miscare.- - > miscare continuata, caldura .- - < vreme calda/ soare. - >> Mancat, < tinut post. - - Afectiuni pe partea stanga. - DEPUNERI PE OASE (EXTOZA) , in special cu reumatism/artrita. - - Nodule in tendoane. - Tumori vasculare/VARIce/vene MARITE.- - Scaune verde ca iarba. Arsuri de la raze X. HEAD: - - Exostoses, cephalatoma in babies. EYE: - - Cataracta. - - Durere > cand inchide ochii si apasa usor cu mana. - Ciste sub piele; tumori la pleoape. EAR: - - Depunei de calc pe timpan. - - Supuratie cronica a urechii mijlocii. MOUTH: - - Crapaturi pe limba; intarirea limbii. TEETH: - - se rup si se farama usor. Pierderea dintilor - STRICATI THROAT: - - Supuratie cronica a amigdalelor. Amigdale aspre si zdrentuite. - Durere si arsura cu senzatie de sufocare, < noaptea, cold drinks, > bauturi calde. EXTERNAL THROAT: - - Gusa tare .- - Umflare cu intarire a glandelor. STOMACH: - - Infometat mereu. Extenuare cu apetit marit. Indigestie de epuizare cerebrala ABDOMEN: - - Flatulenta, < la sarcina, cand se ridica. RECTUM: - - Diaree de la grasime. - - Hemoroizi; cu dureri de mijloc. - - Fistule. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Uter foarte tare cu fibroide mari (mioame). CHEST: - - Noduli mari la sani. BACK: - - SCOLIOZA. Curbura coloanei. Exostoza la coloana (depunere pe os). EXTREMITIES: - - Vene cu varice. - - Fibroide recidive in gaura genunchiului ( spatele genunchiului) . - Exostoze depuneri de calc (degete, calcai). Artrita la noduri. - - Unghii tari si crapate care cresc rapid - Artrita, lumbago, sciatica: < frig, > caldura, > miscare continua. - pierdEREA ligamentelor, supraINTINDERI ale articulatiilor - - Picioare umflate la zile fierbinti. PERSPIRATION: - - puternica. - - Rau mirositoare. SKIN: - - Subtire si alba. - - Crapatur. - - Fistule. Supuratii. Cicatrcie; adeziune dupa operatii.

Calcium iodatum (Calc-i) Cauza: Dezamagire/Tradare/Cel care graneste familia nu aduce destula mancare Complementar: Calc-f. Iod. Sil. Tub, Urmeaza bine: Borx. Calc-i (cand Calc nu-si face efectul), Mag-f. Merc-if. Plb. Urmat bine de: Apat. Brom. Calc. Calc-f. Fl-ac. Iris. Kali-f. Lap-a. Mag-c (cand Calc nu-si face efectul).Mag-f. Nat-f. Sul-i, Sulph. Intermediar: Calc. Tub-k. Antidoteaza: Nit-sd. Mercur, Efect: psoric/sicotic/sifilitic/tuberculin/oxygenoid Repertoriu: CALCAREA IODATA (calc-i.) Treatmentul afectiunilor scrofuloase, in special la glande si amigdale marite. Marirea glandei tiroide in timpul pubertatii. Copii slabiti cu dispozitie la raceli dese. Secretii puternice si galbene. Polipi. Fibroze uterine. Krupp (inflamatie in gat). Head. - -Durere de cap cand se merge (cu bicileta, caruta, etc.) impotriva vantului rece. Usuratic. Raceala; < radacina nasului; stranutat; miros putin. Polipi in nas si urechi. Throat.- - Amigdale marite si pline cu cripte mici. Respiratory.- Tuse cronica; Durere in piept, dificultate la respirat dupa sifilis si foloisea de mercur (Grauvogl). Febra cu neliniste, expectoration verde purulenta. Krupp. Pneumonie. Skin .- - Ulcere putrezite, varice. Transpiratie usoara. Eruptii de culoarea cuprului si papuloase/micoza pe piele/eczema: crusta lactea/inflamarea glandelor/piele crapata/ caderea parului.

Calcium phosphoricum (Calc-p)

Complementar: Ars-i. Bac (Calc-p = C). Bar-c. Calc. Carc. Carb-an (= An). Carb-v. Cham. Chin. Conchin Equis. Graph. Hep. Kali-p. Mag-c. (cand Calc-p. nu- i face efectul). Mag-p. Nat-m. Ph-ac. Ruta. Senec. Sil. Sulph. Sul-i. Symph. Thyr. Tril-p. (tendinta de sangerare/afectiuni in timpul ciclului). Tub. Tub-a. Tub-k. Tub-m. Zinc. *Calc - Calc.p. - Phos.* Urmeaza bine: Apis. Ars. Berb. Calc-f. Ferr-p. Iod. Kali-m. Kali-p. Nat-p. Nat-s. Plb. Thuj. Valer. Urmat bine de: Ars. Calc-ar. Calc-f. Ferr-p. Iod. Kali-c. Kali-m. Merc. Nat-p. Phos. Psor. Rhus-t. Sanic. Trilp (tendinta de sangerare/afectiuni in timpul ciclului) Intermediar: Nat-p. Tub in recovalenscenta Incompatibil cu: Bar-c. Nat-m.,Cafea Antidoteaza: Ferr. Puls. Tub. Antidotat de: Calc. Efect: 60 zile pe partea stanga CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA (calc-p.) MIND: - - - Frica de furtuni cu fulgere, intuneric, animale, stat singur. - Sensibil/poarte simpatie/Anxietate pentru altii/Iritabil/morocanos/se plange/critic. - neMULTUMIRe interioara. - - DORINTA de a calatori (Tub), din cauza nemultumirii. Neliniste. - devine ince. Lipsa de interes. Indiferenta emotionala.- - Oftat. - Slabiciunea memoriei. Concentratie si intelegere dificila - Afectiuni dupa STIRI PROSTE SUBITE, griji, pierderi de persoane, stres. GENERALITIES: - - << vreme rece si umeda, in special la topitul zapezii. < schimbari de vreme/curent . - << efort cerebral /stres. - - Afectiuni de la ASIMILARE PROASTA. Oasele devin moi, se rup usor. Fracturile nu se vindeca. Lipsa de putere, Epuizare. Slabiciune. - Remediu principal pentru scolarii suprasolicitati: din activi si deschisi devini ingrijorati si lenesi. - Polipi. - - Oameni slabi. FOOD /DRINKS: - Desire: CARNE AFUMATA (Tub/Caust), porc/salam/grasime/dulciuri/iuteili, mirodenii/piper. HEAD: - - DURERE DE CAP < effort cerebral (Calc: effort fizic), uitat la TV; > odihna, aer liber.Durerea urmeaza pe cicatricele de la operatii (Syph). - - Hydrocephallus (hidrocefalee) - Fontanele deschide la bebelusi. Oasele de la cap moi. EAR: - - Durere in urechi si auz diferit in urechi din cauza la amigdalele marite NOSE: - - Polipi. FACE: - - Durere, plimbatoare/se duce in alte parti ale corpului/incep altundeva si de duc catre fata. THROAT: - - Amigdale umflate. STOMACH: - - Apetit marit, < ora 4 p.m.; cu epuizare (Phos/Tub). ABDOMEN: - - CRAMPE la bebelusi, copii < iesirea dintilor. Colica de la gaz. - Durere, in special in jurul buricului < scolari, bauturi reci, inghetata, fructe, cu radiatii catre vagin EXUdatii prin ombilic la bebelusi (Abrot). RECTUM: - - mancarime seara.- - Polipi. Fisuri. - - Diaree; rau mirositoare; cu gaz. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Libidou marit, < inainte de ciclu. - DYSmenoree: Crampe in uter inainte de ciclu. Senzatie dureroasa ca si cum uterul ar fi greu si apasa in jos. - - Leucoree. - - Durere in uter < vreme umeda si rece. RESPIRATION: - - cu dificultate: < ridicat din leagan, diminata la sculat; > stat intins. COUGH: - - Tuse sacadata < iesirea dintilor, vreme umeda si rece, in timpul zilei. CHEST: - - Laptele este apos, subtire, are gust sarat. BACK: - - IntePENEALA, durere in zona CERVICALA, < curent, frig, vreme umeda (Rhus-t/ Cimic). - Scolioza. Spina bifida. EXTREMITIES: - - Slabiciunea muschilor si a ligamentelor.- - Probleme cu oasele. Dureri la crestere. - RHEUMA. Guta. Dureri de la artrita. - - INTEPENIRE, < dimineata, > miscare (Rhus-t). - Carpal tunnel (Guaic/Viol-o). - - Crampe la scris. - - Amorteala, furnicaturi. SLEEP: - - Ofteaza in somn. - - Viseaza de calatorii. SKIN: - - Eruptii uscate. - - Acnee < la fete tinere.

Calendula officinalis (Calen)

Complementar: Cadm-met. Gun. Hep. Hyper. Sal-ac. Sul-ac. Urmeaza bine: Arn. Ars. Bry. Nit-ac. Phos. Rhus-t.

Urmat bine de: Arn. Arist-c. Ars. Bry. Nit-ac. Phos. Puls. Pyrog. Rhus-t. Sil. Incompatibil cu: Arum-d. Arum-dru. Arum-i. Arum-m. Arum-t. Camph. Antidoteaza: Hep. Tetan. Antidotat de: Aeth. Arn. Chel. Rheum.Aplicatii locale de: Aeth. Efect: canceroid/coleric antibakteriell (Staphylococcus aureus)

Planta: G lbenele, Filimic Compozite Pl gi i infec ii

Pentru uz extern, ca antiseptic local al pieli si mucoaselor. Pentru uz intern, ca hemostatic, antiseptic, antalgic (ulcere varicoase). Repertoriu: CALENDULA OFFICINALIS (calen.) * VINDECAREA RANILOR. MIND: - - Ii este frica ca ceva o sa se intample (Caust. Phos.). - - Iritabil. - Extrem de nervos. Sensibil la galagie.- - Speriat usor. Incepe cu sperietura. - Neliniste cu teama de catastrofa iminenta. - - Bulimie. GENERALITIES: - - RANI: carne cruda, inflamate, rosii, intepatoare, deschise, taieturi, supuratii, zgrarieturi, rupturi - - PROMOVEAZA granulatia sanatoasa si vindecarea rapida - Epuizare dupa pierdere de sange sau durere excesiva in special daca sunt mai mari (propportional) decat rana - Durerea este excesiva si mult mai puternica decat pare rana. - - Ranirea muschilor, a temdoanelor Previne lymphangitis, cangrena, septicemia. - - Dupa nastere, mai ales cezariana - Dupa operatii- Dispozitie de a raci in special la vreme umeda - < Miscare, atingere. < vreme umeda. - - > odihna. EAR: - - Auz diferit din cauza la cicatrcie pe timpan. Surzenie, auz diferit in urechi < vreme umeda, bai, baut ; > in tren, la sunete de la distanta. TEETH: - - Dupa extractia dintilor. STOMACH: - - Arsura in piept cu piele de gaina.- - Foame imediat dupa masa sau alaptat FEMALE GENITALIA: - Condylomata, ulcere la cervix.- - Leucoree rau mirositoare. - - Cancer la uter. CHEST: - - Umflaruri la sani. Cancer la san. EXTREMITIES: - - Slabiciune, < in memrele inferioare. SLEEP: - - Senzatia de cadere de la inaltime la adormit. SKIN: - - Formarea de cicatrice. - - Colorare galbena.

Collinsonia canadensis (Coll )

= Sep + acut/= folosit la afectiuni asemantoare cu cele pt. Arnica Tema: doreste recunoastere prin sarcina (copil)/ trebuie sa recunoasca sarcina (copil) Negativ: A. durere de cap surda + constipat, B. Hemoroizi (+ alte afectiuni / Durere de cap); Constipat dupa lipsa de menstre/ Hemoroizi (sangerosi), Durere de cap / Afectiuni digestive +/# constipat/ Hemoroizi, Agravare: enervare, exciatre emotionala/frig/noaptea/sarcina Ameliorare: caldura Acest remediu este extrem de important pentru acuzele rectale, avnd o configura ie mai complex n privin a simptomelor fizice i ceva mai redus ca psihism. Suferin ele remediului sunt legate de congestia portal i pelvian care predomin tabloul simptomatologic, producnd acuze polimorfe ce cuprind o varietate larg de localiz ri, unele insuficient cunoscute, astfel: mare remediu al tusei ce apare dup folosirea intensiv a vocii, este vorba de suferin a vocii oratorului , cu dureri locale, r gu eal i mai ales o tuse uscat , epuizant ; remediu valoros, dac e administrat naintea unei interven ii chirurgicale pentru afec iuni rectale,

comb tnd atonia fibrelor musculare, constipa ia, catarul mucoaselor, staza portal ; important remediu n hemoroizi, a c ror crize dureroase alterneaz cu episoade de palpita ii i de alte acuze cardiace (dureri, opresiune, dispnee, aritmie, tendin la lipotimii ce se amelioreaz eznd); Psihic, remediul se remarc prin: agravarea simptomelor de baz , la cea mai mic emo ie sau excita ie precum i seara i noaptea (al turi de binecunoscuta agravare la frig, respectiv ameliorare la c ldur ); de asemenea, pacientul se plnge de o senza ie de greutate n tot corpul, ndeosebi la cap i n zona frontal , ca o cefalee surd , mai ales dup supresii ale crizelor hemoroidale; ca manifest ri senzoriale, cel mai cunoscut simptom este acea senza ie de ace sau de a chii de lemn n rect, cu constric ii i tenesme; exist totodat , la femei, o senza ie de amor eal parestezic a fe ei, membrelor i vulvei, n aceast zon fiind descris i senza ia de tumefac ie a labiilor i clitorisului.

COLLINSONIA CANADENSIS (coll.) * Portal, pelvic congestion: hemorrhoids, constipation. MIND: - - Ailments from emotional excitement. - - Irresolution. GENERALITIES: - - < Night. Pregnancy. Excitement. - - Dropsy from heart disease. - Faintness from pain in abdomen. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: Cheese. HEAD: - - Headache when constipated, from suppressed hemorrhoids. NOSE: - - Chronic nasal catarrh MOUTH: - - Yellow coated tongue. Bitter taste. THROAT: - - Chronic catarrh. ABDOMEN: - - Dull pain in liver region. - Cutting pain followed by yellow stool with mucus and blood. RECTUM: - - HEMORRHOIDS: Sensation of sharp sticks (Aesc.) or sand.< Night Bleeding. # with heart trouble - - Sensation of constriction. - CONstipation, alt. with diarrhea, < pregnancy. - - Hard stool. - - Itching. MALE GENITALIA: - - Varicocele. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Pruritus vulva. - - Prolaps uterus. - Dysmenorrhea and constipation. - - Swelling and dark redness. LARYNX: - - Hoarseness from overuse of voice. EXPECTORATION: - - Bloody after suppression of hemorrhoids. CHEST: - - Palpitations alt. with hemorrhoids. EXTREMITIES: - - Sensation of swelling.

Camphora (Camph) Tema: Trauma; Cauze: suprimare/raceala; Complementar: Bar-c. Calc-ac. Canth. Carb-v. Hydr-ac (= An). Nat-m. Op. Urmeaza bine: Coloc. Zinc./ Urmat bine de: Acon. Ant-t. Apis. Ars. Bell. Cocc. Cupr. Gels. Nux-v. Pop-t. Rhus-t. Tub. Verat. Intermediar: Op. Antidoteaza: aproape toate remediile calde, remediile impotriva la viermi intestinali, remedii din plante. Tutun, migdale amare, fructe/seminte cu acid cianic. Simptome ramase dupa remedii de scos viermii, dupa otravirea cu aicizi, metale, saruri, ciuperci, muscaturi i intepaturi de serpi i insecte veninoase In caz de otravire cu paliditate/diaree/membre reci/la lipsa de constiinta se da repetat remediul in doze mari. Camphorul mareste efectul aciziilor din plante. Antidotat de: Acon. Anac. Ant-t. Arn. Cann-i. Canth. Coff. Cupr. Dulc. Hydr-ac. Lyc. Nit-sd. Op. Phos. Picro. Spong. La luatul oral de Camphor: Canth. Coff. Dulc. Op. Phys. Abuzul de Camphor : Mentho. Phos. Efectul: 1 zi
CAMPHORA OFFICINALIS (camph.) MIND: - - Insensibilitate, disparitia simturilor - Atacuri de anxietate noaptea. Frica sa fie singuri noaptea (Stram).Frica de intuneric.

- Sentimentul ca o sa moara. - - Iritabilitate de la durere sau de la bagatele - Ii place sa se certe, lupte, mania de a disputa. Jignit usor. - - Dictatorial. - Delirium: Isi distruge hainele. Bears the breasts (Puerpural mania). GENERALITIES: - - < frig, la aer rece. - - COLAPS, slabiciune. Soc. - racEALA, COLORAT albastru.- - este RECE Ca ghiata insa nu vrea sa stea invelit (Carb-v/ Sec). - CRAMPE. CONVULSII. Tetanus. - Dureri de la senzatii de frig. - - Colera (Ars). - - < Eruptii sau exidatii suprimate > exsudatii (pornite de la sine). - - durere sau plangere > ganditul la ele. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Pofta: bauturi reci. HEAD: - - durere de cap > cand se gandeste la ea. - - Caldura cu extremitati si abdomen rece - zvacnituri si lovituri ca de ciocan in zona coocipitala, sincronizate cu pulsul NOSE: - - Rece. - - Rangerari persistente, inspecial cu pielea gaina FACE: - - Buza superioara retrasa. Maxilar inclestat de la crampe. - Palid (paliditate care alterneaza cu roseata), albastrui, rece. Piscaturi. - - sudoare rece (Verat.). MOUTH: - - Limba si respiratie rece. Limba albastra STOMACH: - - Raceala, poate alterna cu infierbanteala - - Sete de bauturi reci (Phos.). - Vomitat cu anxietatea, neliniste (Ars.). - - Gaura stomacului foarte sensibila ABDOMEN: - - Rece, poate alterna cu arsura. RECTUM: - - COLERA. - - Constipatie de la inactivitatea rectului. URINARY: - - Afectiuni de la dorinta sexuala suprimata (Con, Puls, Apis). - Cistita: arzatoare (Canth.), durere la mictiune, durere si senzatie de a urina fara a putea.- - Nefrita acuta sau cronica. MALE GENITALIA: - - Afectiuni de dorinta sexuala suprimata (Con, Puls, Apis). - Impotenta: pierde erectia in timpul contactului sexual. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - dereglari climacterice. - Dorinta sexuala marita - - dureri de nastere insuficientea, cu frig si dorinta de a fi dezvelit LARYNX/TRACHEA: - - Voce slaba. RESPIRATION: - - Dificultati la respiratie cu sufocatii. Atacuri asmatice. - - Asfinxiere (Laur.). CHEST: - - Rece in piept care vine dela stomac. EXTREMITIES: - - Crampe, convulsii. - - Sindromul Raynaud. - rece la maini/picioare. Picioarele devin fierbinti si arzatoare in timpul noptii, le dezveleste (Calc.). - Slabiciune la memrele inferioare, mers ingreunat, ca la betivi - - Crampe in spatele labei piciorului, < miscare. SLEEP: - - Somn ca in coma. Somnolenta si amorteala - Somnolent in timpul zilei, fara somn noaptea (Staph.); cu neliniste si picioare reci SKIN: - - Dermatita, eruptie de la soare (Bell. Nat-c. Nat-m. Puls.). - RECE CA GHIATA (Carb-v. Verat.). - - Sensibilitate dureroasa sau lipsa de sensibilitate (nu poate sa spuna diferenta dintre cald si rece).

Cantharis (Canth) Cauza: infectii de vezica tratate cu medicamente, infectii, gonoree Complementar: Apis. Arg-n. Camph. Cop. Coc-s (Canth = An). Equis (Canth = An/= Canth-similar + Cantitatea de urina la 1x). Kali-bi. Lyss (= An). Merc-c. Merc-s. Pyrog. Sep. Sulph. Ter. Urmeaza bine: Bry. Calad. Cann-s. Caust. Bell. Laur. Merc. Phos. Puls. Sel. Syc-co. Symph. Urmat bine de: Apisin. Ars. Bell. Berb. Cann-i. Cann-s. Clem. Cupr-ar. Gaul. Kali-i. Lach. Merc. Nux-v. Pareir. Phos. Pop. Puls. Incompatibil cu: Coff. Ulei Alcool. Otet. Antidoteaza: Apis. Bism. Camph. Cham. Clem. Coff. Culx. Merc. Rumx. Tere-ch Ter. Arsuri de gradul 1/2 Antidotat de: Acon. Apis. Arn. Camph. Caps. Caust. Kali-n. Laur. Puls. Rheum. Sep. Symph. Rhus-t. Canth ca afrodiziac: Apis. Camph(spirit). Kali-n. Acid citric. Ulei de masline. Otet. Alcool. Efect: 30 - 40 zileAphrodiziac/rapid/deranjator , de partea dreapta psoric/sifilitic/sicotic/acut/tifoid/malarial/coleric Substanta: Cantarid Afectiuni: Vezicule, Arsuri, Cistite
Erup ii veziculare: sub form de b ici, arz toare; herpes, zona zoster, eczeme, pemfigus, prurit arz tor. Cistite acute: nso ite de dureri arz toare nainte, n timpul i dup fiecare mic iune. Nefrite hematurice

cu dureri insuportabile. Arsuri de gradul II cu flictene produse de lichide fierbin i. Produse de soare (expunere prelungit la soare) Altele: Afte i angine ulcero-necrotice, cu arsuri intense. Gastrite cu pirozis intens. Cherato-conjunctivite acute

Agravare: la urinare Ameliorare: la c ldur , n pozi ia culcat.

CANTHARIS VESICATORIA (canth.) * Afecteaza sistemul urinari si organele sexuale MIND: - - neliniste, fruitless. Minte fara liniste. - Tensiune interioara care incearca sa gaseasca un ventil prin agresiune sau sexualitate. - Nemultumire. Dispozitie de a contrazice. Furie. - Frica simtita in stomac si care se extinde si catre alte parti. - Frica de apa, oglinzi, obiecte stralucitoare (Stram); moarte. - - Hidrofobie. - Manic-depresiv. - - Furie cu plans, latrat, urlat. Iesit din minti. Violenta (Stram.). - Ameteala brusca, pierderea contiintei. - - Afazie (pierderea vocii). GENERALITIES: - Dureri taietoare, muscatoare, arzatoare - - Inflamatii VIOLENTE, rapide si intense. - > Stat intins. - - > Caldura, in afara de piele > frig. - - SensiBILITATE in toate partile. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - - < Cafea. HEAD: - - - Durere arzatoare, ca de la apa fierbinte. Matreata. EYE: - - - Inflamatie cronica/acuta, in special dupa arsuri. - Spasme involuntare la ochi. EAR: - - Mastoiditita. - - Senzatie de aer fierbinte. FACE: - - Congestie cu caldura intensa. - - Erizipel, cu basici arzatoare/muscatoare de fierbinti/cu mancarime. MOUTH: - - Arsuri care radiaza catre stomac - - Rosie, acoperita cu basici. - Scrasnit din dinti. Maxilar blocat. THROAT: - - Inflamatie cu arsuri excesive < baut > stat intins. - Incapabil de a bea lichide. - - Spasme violenta atunci cand se atinge laringele. STOMACH: - - Dureri arzatoare. - - teama si neliniste se simte in stomac. - Sensibilitate peste stomac: Convulsii de la apasare usoara. ABDOMEN: - - Peritonita. Arsura in tractul gastro-intestinal. RECTUM: - - Tenesmus. - - Diaree with burning pain - - Bloody stool with mucus. URINARY: - - CISTITA/URETRITA: Durere ARZATOARE violenta, / durere la MICTIUNE violenta, nevoie intolerabila, pierderea de piacturi de urina, fierbinti/ cu excitatie genitala, erectie, cu neliniste/ danseaza in agonie prin camera, tipa de durere, nevoie la stat pe scaun > la mers < / durere < baut /urina cu sange NEFRITA: Durere in spate, sensibila la atingere; colica MALE GENITALIA: - - DORINTA SEXUALA violenta; deranjeaza somnul - - Priapism. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Prurit cu dorinta sexuala puternica < in timpul menstrei. - DORINTA SEXUALA PUTERNICA, cateodata ameliorata de contact sexual. - Menstre prea dese, prea puternice. Sange inchis la culoare Umflatura neagra a vulvei. - Arsura in ovare; foarte sensibil la atingere la menstruatie. - Placenta ramasa in uter cu durere la mictiune. RESPIRATORY: - - Mucus tenace in caile respiratory. - - Tuse uscata si scurta in faze. CHEST: - - Acrirea laptelui in timpul menstrei - Pneumonie, pleurezie, < dreapta; cu dureri arzatoare. BACK: - - SPASME TETANICE, care silesc sa se aplece catra fata sau spate. Opisthotonos (pozitie rigida si anormala a spatelui. Emprosthotonos. (un spasm tetanic la care capul si picioarele sunt aduse catre fata iar coloana se indoaie catre spate.) EXTREMITIES: - - Arsuri in talpi noaptea. - Eczema pe dosul mainii si intre degete; basici cu arsuri si mancarime SKIN: - - ARSURI SI OPAREALA - - Erizipel. Eruptii veziculare. - Eruptii cu arsuri imense, < atingere.

Capsicum annuum (Caps)

Tema: Status quo; Acut: 1. febra + friguri + sete + sensibil la galagie/nelinistit/fricos = stadiu de lunga durata

2. febra fara setet = stadiu de scurat durata, 3. Stadiu de sudoare+ miroase, fara somn, Declansator: bauturi dulcie/alcoolice Cauza: Mutat/Criza de varsta medie Complementar: Bar-c. Carb-v. Cina. Ferr-p. Nat-m (= C). Rhus-t. Sil. Sulph. Tub. *Caps - Kali-bi* *Caps - Sil* *Ferr -p. + Ars. + Caps.* (Otita) Urmeaza bine: Bell. Chin. Lyc. Meny. Merc. Puls. Sil Urmat bine de: Bell. Calc-f. Cina. Cinnb. Kali-bi. Lyc. Meny. Puls. Sil. Incompatibil cu: in timpul sarcinii/traiul in haos inflamatii Antidoteaza: Bism. Bry. Calad. Cina. Canth. Cass. Chin. Chinin. Cina. Cocc. Coff. Cof-t. Crot-h. Dulc. Lach. Merc. Op. Alcool/Cafea/Chinin, Cura de paprica iute pentru dependentii de alcool/opium. Cancer. Antidotat de: Acon. Calad. Camph. Chin. Cina. Calad. Cof-t. Nux-v. Sul-ac. Sulph. Fum de la sulf care arde. Efect: 7 zile stanga jos. Efect lent + lenes plethorisch/limfatic/tifoid/malarialpsoric/sicotic/melancolic/flegmatic/sanguinic/litemic CAPSICUM ANNUUM (caps.) MIND: - - NOSTALGIA, drawn to the past, long for it, HomesickNESS (with red cheeks, sleeplessness). Kind of sweet melancholy, noble sadness. - Sensibil. Phlegmatic - - Insecure about social contacts, but doesn't withdraw. - Offended easily. Ailments from emotional excitement. - Shuts of emotions. Lack of feeling. Aversiune of things that break away routine. - Depression, anxiety. Eventually indifference, + des. stimulants. - - Alcoholism. Clumsy. Indolent. Uncleanliness of body. - Fear of getting into trouble, being criticized/censured, police (Merc). - Sensibil to noise during chill, acutes. - - Obstinate, capricious children. GENERALITIES: - - Obese, flabby/Chilly - - < Cold/draft, > heat - Burning PAIN, << COLD applications (Ars). local BURNING with CHILLINESS. - Slow, tired, weak constitution. Lack of reaction. - Wants to achieve maximum, with minimal effort - Aversiune of motion, which >. - - > Continued motion. - Ulcers.- - Pain (anywhere) from coughing. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: STIMULANTS, pepper, alcohol, coffee. HEAD: - - Bursting pain, < coughing. Holds head on coughing. - Migraine with forgetfulness and nausea. - - Headache > motion, < rest. EYE: - - Burning and lachrymation during cough. EAR: - - Mastoiditis with burning pain. - - Chronic suppuration of ears. NOSE: - - Red but cold, tip hot. - - Colds and influenza with violent sneezing, burning. FACE: - - Little red veins cheeks, nose (like in alcoholics). - Neuralgia: fine needle-like pains, coursing along nerve, < touch, going to sleep. - Burning pains < draft of air.- - Diffuse redness cheeks, nose. Flushing (Ferr. Puls.). MOUTH: - - Burning, esp. tip of tongue. - - Stomatitis. Ulcers. THROAT: - - Hot, punguent air comes up from throat, < coughing, tasting bad. - Inflammation with burning pain and dark redness; pain < coughing. - - Hoarseness. STOMACH: - - Burning pains < after eating. Heartburn. Ulcers. - Nausea after coffee. - - Great thirst before, during chill, after stool, Diaree. ABDOMEN: - - Flatulent colic. - - Burning. Colitis. RECTUM: - - Hemoroizi with congested face.- - Burning. Tenesmus.- - Urging after drinking. BLADDER: - - Tenesmus. Burning in orifice of urethra, < urination, coughing. MALE GENITALIA: - - Coldness of scrotum, atrophy of testes with loss of sensibility. - Painful nightly erections. FEMALE GENITALIA: - Menses irregular with pain in left ovarian region. - - Climacteric disturbances. COUGH: - - < Coffee, evening; > drinking cold water. BACK: - - Lumbago, sciatica. Pain on coughing. - Sensation of cold water dropping dwon back. EXTREMITIES: - - Pain in hip-joint, ext. to feet, < coughing, touch. - Pain on coughing. - - Stiffness < after rest, starting to move, > continued motion. SLEEP:- - Sleepless < after midnight; from emotions, homesickness, cough. - Dreams about the past. - - As if falling from a height during sleep (Thuj.). SKIN: - - Burning, stitching, itching. - - Flabby.

Carbo animalis (Carb-a)

Complementar: Calc-f. (Carb-an = An). Calc-n. Calc-p (= continut in Carb-a/= An). Con. Cund. Dros. Fl-ac. Kali-c. Nat-c. Phos. Psor. Scir. Staph. Sul-i. Urmat bine de: Anthraci. Ars. Aster. Aur. Bell. Bry. Calc-f. Carb-v. Hep. Kali-c. Nit-ac. Phos. Puls. Sep. Sil. Stann. Sulph. Verat. Incompatibil cu: Carb-v. Antidoteaza: Chin. Chinin. Nit-ac. Ziz. Chininae. Otravuri/mncare stricata/ Otravire/Cancer. Antidotat de: Ars. Camph. Coff. Lach. Nux-v. Otet. Vin. Efect: 60 zile, lent /profund/ascuns/diagonal, stanga sus pana dreapta jos, alternativ/ psoric/sicotic/sifilitic/tifoid/leproid/plethorisch/melancolic/ flegmatic Diverse: mame Carb-an au copii Cars Se sperie usor. Ameteli dimineata. Senzatie de presiune in creier. Presiune pe cap, Vajaiala in urechi, Scurgeri din urechi; Intepaturi in oasele obrajilor; in maxilarul si dinti; durere care trage in gingie; sangerari ale gingiilor; pungi cu puroi in gingie; uscaciunea cerului gurii si a limbii; gust amar in gura; ragaieli cu dureri; ragaieli acre, sughit dupa masa; rau noaptea. Cap greu dimineata. In special a cefei si a tamplei stangi, cu senzatie de ameteala Dureri de cap in crestetul capului, ca si cum ar fi teasta sparta asa ca trebuie tinuta cu mainile, in special noaptea si la vreme umeda Junghiuri in partea dreapta a capului, Junghiuri si clapanit in ceafa Sangerari din nas dimineata la stat pe scaun si dupa masa Basici la buze, dinti foarte miscatori, basici in gura care creeaza arsuri Gust amar in gura, dimineata. Senzatie de rau de la tutun, dupa mancat de carne cu senzatie de voma si ragaieli de aer, umflarea puternica a burtii. Ragaieli cu miros la mult timp dupa masa CARBO ANIMALIS (carb-an.) MIND: - - NOSTALGIA. Mournful feeling of isolation. Homesickness. - Desire for meditation. Reflecting. - - Desire solitude, avoids conversation. - Ill-humoured taciturnity. Anger about past events. - - Changeable moods. - Fear of suffocation, < closing eyes. Fear evening/dark/high places.Anxiety at night. - Frightful images before sleep. GENERALITIES: - - Susceptible to colds and easy sprains. - - Numbness. - WEAKNESS (all Carbo's), < menses, nursing women, least loss of vital fluids. - MALIGNANCIES, CANCER, esp. stomach, uterus, glands, burning PAIN - Induration, swelling of glands, lymphnodes.- - << cold. Coldness at night in bed. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: Eggs/whisky/sauerkraut/tonics. - Aversiune: Fat, rich food, tobacco. HEAD:- - - Pressive headaches < cold air, damp weather. - - Head sensitive to pressure of head. - Headache as if tornado in head/head blown to pieces, has to sit up at night and hold it together. EAR: - - Hearing confused, cannot tell direction of sound; as if tone came from another world. - - Otorrhea and swelling of mastoid. NOSE: - - Sangerari din nas preceded by vertigo or pressive headache. - Hard, bluish tumors on tip of nose. Red tip, cracked. FACE: - - Bluish cheeks and lips.- - Acne. Erysipelas. - - Vesicles or cracks on lips. MOUTH: - - Knotty indurations in tongue. - - Burning blisters which become ulcers. STOMACH: - - Cancer. - Weak digestion. Flatulence.- - Weak, empty feeling, not > eating; in nursing women. ABDOMEN: - - Induration of pancreas. - - Coldness rising up in mouth. - Great distention; after operation. - - Hard, suppurating bubo, offensive discharge. MALE GENITALIA: - - Cancer of testes. Scirrhus. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - MENSES, dark, clotted, too frequent, too long, FOLlowed by EXhaustion, can hardly speak. Flow only in morning (Bov.). - Cancer of uterus, burning pain down thighs.Cancer of ovaries. R. ovary seems heavy ball. - Induration of neck of uterus with burning.- - Fluor burning, biting, stains linen yellow. CHEST: - - Painful induration in mammae, purple, < r. Cancer.- - Induration, swelling axillary glands. BACK: - - Injury and neuralgia of coccyx, burning pain < touch, sitting, lying. - Glands of neck swollen.

EXTREMITIES: - - Great weakness and numbness in thighs, < menses. - Weak joints. Straining and overlifting produce great weakness.Ankle sprains. PERSPIRATION: - - Profuse, offensive night sweat, staining yellow. SKIN: - - Malignant ulcers. - - Blue. Venous plethora. - - Red spots, smooth, indurated. - Cicatrices become painful. - - Copper-colored eruptions.

Carbo vegetabilis (Carb-v)

Complementar: Aesc-h. Ant-t. Arg-n. Arn. Ars. Camph. Caus. Chin. Cic. Cist. Crot-h. Dig. Dros. Kali-c. Lach. Laur. Lyc. Mur-ac. Phos. Puls. Sec. Sel. Sep. Sulph. Tarent. Tub. Verat. Verat-v. *Ars - Carb-v - Kali-c* Urmeaza bine: Acal. Bell. Bry. Cadm-s. Calc-p. Carb-an. Colch. Cupr. Graph. Laur. Merc. Nit-ac. Nux-v. Psor. Sil. Spong. Tab. Sul-ac. Urmat bine de: Abrot. Acon. All-c. Bry. Carb-ac. Cina. Cocc. Colch. Cupr. Merc. Nat-s. Nux-v. Ph-ac. Psor. Stann. Intermediar: Op. Scir. Incompatibil cu: Carb-an. Caus. Kreos. Ars + Lach. nicht in Wechsel mit Carb-v. Antidoteaza: Anthraci. Apis. Ars. Calad. Calc-ar. Chin. Chinin-s. Dros. Kreos. Lach. Merc. Nat-m. Nat-p. Nit-sd. Psor. Slag. Stann. Tarent. Tarent-c. Vin. Doze de chinina la degerat suprimat. Urmari de intoxicatie cu carne i peste stricat, grasime rancezita. Sare si peste sarat. Utilizare de mercur. Otravire cu plumb. Antidotat de: Ambra. Am-c. Arn. Ars. Bov. Camph. Caust. Chin. Coff. Dulc. Ferr. Lach. Merc. Nat-m. Nitsd. Op. Puls. Cafea. Dupa otravire cu fum de carbune: Acet-ac. Am-c. Arn. Bell. Bov. Coff. Op. Efect: 60 Zile, lent

Afectiuni principale : digestie slabita, epuizare, vene si circulatie slabite, imbalonare, ragaieli Patientul este: are respiratie greoaie sensibil la frig simte colici in burta simte nevoia puternica de aer curat are buze vinete, lesinuri si colapsuri are digestie lenesa, nu vrea carne are o piele albastruie este imbalonat face fata rosie dupa masa sau alcool are gaze si ragaiala dupa mancare grasa
Cei care au nevoie de Carbo vegetabilis sunt des grasi sau greoi, cateodata insa si foarte slabi. Acest remediu se foloseste des la cancer. Actioneaza asupra venelor, arteriilor si capilarelor cat si asupra sistemului limfatic

Acut: 4. sfarsitul bolii (mortes), epuizat/indiferent, RECE (Respiratie, limba, transpiratie, piele), Sete de aer curat Copii: apatic, membre reci, la aer liber, seara si noaptea este mai bine Pozitiv: robust; Negativ: ii este frig si inauntru e fierbinte; membre reci, are nevoie de aer proapspat. Imbalonare, nu suporta cureaua stransa, mai rau la ragaieli, mai bine noapte sau cand sta intins. Miroase cumva. Circulatie proasta, probleme cu venele Repertoriu: CARBO VEGETABILIS (carb-v.) [Hahnemann]
Fire: -gandit ingreunat, nu mai stie ce vrea, dimineata se trezeste greu . nervos si manios. Cu teama, teama de stafii, indiferent, asculta tot fara sa se exprime si sa gandeasca despre cele auzite; tzendinta la manie, irascibil Nelinistit si cu teama intre orele 16-18 Sensorium: ameteli, trebuie sa se tina de ceva, nervos de la flatulenta. Lesin dupa sculat, dormit. Capul: greu ca plumbul, congestie de sange la cap, sangerari din nas Cand transpira are dureri zvacnitoare. Durere cu presiune deasupra ochilor cu lacrimimare. Ochii dor la miscari. Durere dupa mancat. Presiune la tample si in crestetul capului. Durere surda in ceafa. Nas: sangerari de mai mi multe ori pe zi, stranutat des cu gasuseala. Fata: palida, gri-galbena, verde/ fata hipocratica (cu nas ascutit). Sudoare rece la fata, fata si limba rece

Limba: gusta mara in gura, limba uscata. Gust amar inainte si dupa masa. Gust sarat Limba alba cu secretie galbena-maron. Limba neagra Cere cafea, acrituri, dulciuri/saraturi. Are ragaieli dupa lapte. Nu mananca decat la pranz Nu vrea carne si mancare grasa, lapte. Dupa masa acid in gura, greutate si imbalonare la stomac, ca si cum ii explodeaza burta. Sarea si carnea nu-i face bine Ii este teama sa manance din cauza durerilor. Simptome gastrice de la vin, cafea, unt, grasimi, peste, apa rece, legume care imbaloneaza CARBO VEGETABILIS (carb-v.) * STAGNATION. MIND: - - Irritability towards family members. Bad temper (Sep.). - Anxiety from anticipation. Timid. - - Need for stimulation. Compelled to arouse himself. - Fear of being alone in the evening, at night, in bed; of strangers, accidents, ghosts. - Sees frightful images in the dark; anxiety on closing eyes. - Indifference, not interested in anything (Ph-ac/Sep.). - - Don't want to get up out of bed. - Sudden periodical weakness of memory. - - Unconsciousness. Lies as if dead. - Dullness. Answers slowly. Difficult concentration. Confusion. GENERALITIES: - - FAINTING, COLLAPSE. - CHILLY, COLD PERSPIRATION, cold breath. COLD, but wants to be FANNED. - Complaints after acute illness/injury; loss of fluids, suppressed discharge, drugging. - WeakNESS. Sudden lack stamina. Lack of reaction. - Imperfect oxidation. Blood seems to stagnate: blueness, coldness, ecchymosis. - Hemorrhages: dark, oozing. - - > Discharges. - - >> fresh air. fanning. - << overeating. Slight exertion - - < Lying flat, need pillows (Kali-c/Calc/Puls.). FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Aversiune: FAT. - - Desire: Salt, sweets. - - < FAT. HEAD: - - Headache from overheating, eating fat, < lying, pressure of hat. - Falling of hair after severe illness, parturition. - - Cold sweat on forehead. EYE: - - Sensation of heavy weight on eyes. - - Ailments from overexerting eyes. - Vision of black floating spots. - - Hemorrhage. EAR: - - Mumps migrate to mammae or testes. NOSE: - - Sangerari din nas. - - Varicose veins on nose. FACE: - - Puffy. Cyanotic. Pale and cold with cold sweat. - - Heat after drinking wine. MOUTH: - - Cold breath, tongue. - - Bleeding gums. THROAT: - - Scraping. Much mucus, easily brought up. - Contraction, hinders swallowing. STOMACH: - - FLATulence, DIStension > eructations, < lying down .- - Heartburn. Ulcers. Cancer - Sense of fullness after few mouthful. - - INdigestion from simplest food. ABDOMEN: - - FLATulence/DIStension > flatus.- - Abdomen feels as if hanging down/Colic. RECTUM: - - Diaree from fat + heavy food. - Hemoroizi: Blue/large/protruding/burning/offensive. MALE GENITALIA: - - Ejaculation too soon. - Itching and moisture near scrotum. - - Swelling of testes from metastasis of mumps. FEMALE GENITALIA: - Menses frequent, copious, passive flow. - - Leucorrhea before menses, irritating. LARYNX: - - Hoarseness, longlasting, < seara, slight exertion. RESPIRATION: - - DYSponea from bloatedNESS, << over-eating, >> eructation, fanning. Asthma with bloating stomach. - - Wheezing, rattling. - - Cheyne-Stokes. CHEST: - - Destructive lung diseases. - - Oppression. - Organic heart disease. Weak heart. Congestive heart failure. FEVER: - - Internal burning heat. EXTREMITIES: - - Coldness. Numbness. Weakness. - - Raynaud. SKIN: - - Blue, cold. Cyanosis. Marbled. - - Ecchymosis. - - Gangrene. - Indolent, varicose ulcers. - - Jaundice from overeating, from fat food.

Carcinosinum (Carc) Substanta: Nosoda din tumori canceroase

Tip: Cel care e mereu de vina Martir asemanator cu Cupr- /= Ars la lucru + Sulph acasa.

Tema: Vitalitatea; Solutia: positiv: dezlegarea conflictului + un nou tel (in viata) ; negativ: a sta pe loc pe planul interior + a cauta in exterior in zadar; Ascunde: stagnare, arata perfectionism exterior Copil: ascultator/cuminte/timid/ajutator/senSIBIL/usor de jignit/nu suporta cearta/nu suporta critica/nu poate castiga in dispute/lasa pe altii s i fure jucariile/plange dincauza certilor parintilor/precoce in toate/f r somn/nesigur pe el/fiecare experienta negativa i confirma incapacitatea/incapatanati/nu isi admit greselile /agresivi acasa i slabi la scoala/ sunt chinuiti de alti copiii care le vad slabiciunea i lipsa de aparare Acut: Infectii, raceli + secretii . albe transparente, atoase-lipicioase 2. galbene-lipicioase/verzi, atoase/sangeroase (+slabicune cu lesin/senzatie de coborare a stomacului) Pozitiv: Inteligent/talentat/creativ/indeplineste asteptarile (parintilor ) Negativ: A. Nu suporta cand este certat, B. trebuie s pastreze ordinea + controlul C. Sensibil, simte pentru altii, renunta la drepturi in favoarea altora, D. Intamplari groaznice lasa urme adanci, E. Sentimente de vinovatie + lipsa de incredere, F. Lipsa de vitalitate i forte de aparare/reactiune (febra), G. Precoce, H. Nu are boli de copii sau prea tarziu sau mai tarziu mai multe I. Frici. K. Cancer la rude, L. cu sange fierbinte, M. F r somn, N. TEAMA, O. Acnee; 1. Se simte neiubit/supus/suprimat/Lipsa de incredere in sine 2. Trist/nefericit/nemultumit 3. Apatic/indiferente 4. Depressiv + tendinta de sinucidere Type A: Usor ranit, sensibil, atent la orice nimic, Type B. Agressiv, f r scrupule, cere de la altii. Boli grele in copilaria timpurie. Cauza: Lipsa de somna/Vant/traume/presimtiri
Complementar: Alum. Arg-n. Ars. Ars-i. Bac. Bel-p. Bufo. Calc. Calc-p. Chel. Columba (= An). Coff. Con. Diph. Dios. Dios. Dys. Foll. Graph. Ign. Kali-bi. Lach. Lyc. Med. Merc. Morb. Nat-m. Nat-s. Nit-ac. Nux-v. Op. Phos. Psor. Puls. Rhod. Rhus-t. Sabin. Sacch. Sep. Spig. Staph. Sul-ac. Sulph. Syph. Thuj. Tub. Ven-m. X-Ray. Urmeaza bine: toate remediile Urmat bine de: toate remediile. 1. Cars. 2. Sacch. Intermediar: Calen. Incompatibil: Thuj. , cand pacientul are febra sau putina vitalitate Antidoteaza: BCG. Nit-ac. Op. , daune cronice de la vaccine Antidoteaza: Carb-ac. Carb-ox. Glon. Lach. Lyc. Nux-v. Sep. Sutherlandia frutescens Inhibat de : Lentinus edodes. Thea.
Dr. Smits scrie ca remediul acesta (facut din una sau mai multe tumori cancerigene din diferite organe afectate de cancer) este facut de fiecare firma in mod diferit in tari diferite! Un remediu de Carc facut dintr-o singura tumoare va actiona diferit fata de unul facut din mai multe tumori ! Tara / Firma / numarul de tumori din diferite organe folosite la fabricarea lui Holland: Dolisos 15 VSM 58 Belgium: Homeoden 1 UNDA 48 Dolisos 15 Germany: Stauffen 58, with exclusion of bowel tumors DHU 17 France: Dolisos Prohibited! Boiron Prohibited!

Switzerland: Dolisos 15 Schmidt-Nagel 12 USA: Boiron 1 Dolisos 1



Carcinosinum (15T) lack of confidence connecting the inner force cancer, a deeper understanding Synthesis
AG = Alphons Geukens, Belgium; DF = D.M. Foubister, England; DC = Dorothy Cooper, England; HH = Hui Bon Hoa, France; PL = Pladijs, Belgium; PO = Proceso Sanchez Ortega, Mexico; TS = Tinus Smits, Holland; WT = Templeton, England 1. ESSENCE: WANT OF SELF CONFIDENCE WITH WEAK DEFENSES CAUSATIONS: rudeness (PO,TS), sensitive to rudeness (3); domination for a long time (?,TS); excessive parental control (DF), harsh upbringing (TS); absence of the father (TS); too much responsibility too early (DF,TS); a too great effort to please his parents, especially the father; lack of approbation or constant disapproval (TS), undermining of self-confidence (TS), too high expectations from the parents (TS); lack of opportunities to realize his abilities, to make a career; being obliged to do things against his will; long lasting grief (TS), prolonged fear (DF,TS), long lasting unhappiness (DF,TS); mental, emotional and physical suppression (TS); anticipation (DF,TS); vaccination (PO,TS) 2. ASPECT: blue sclera (DF,TS); frequent blinking of eye lids (WT,TS); numerous moles, especially on the back (DF,TS); cafe-au-lait spots (DF,TS); warts on soles (AG,TS) or on palms (TS); patient whose life has been a long hard struggle (DF,TS) 3. FAMILY HISTORY of cancer (DF) 4. WEAK DEFENSE MECHANISMS on the mental, emotional and physical plane (TS) 5. LACK OF REACTIVITY; no fever for a very long time (DC,TS) 6. The usual childhood illnesses appear later in life and are often very severe; common childhood illnesses often absent or occur more than once (DF); tendency to have an inflammatory illness very early in life (whooping cough or pneumonia) (DF); from repeated suppressions of inflammatory diseases in childhood (?,TS) 7. LACK OF CONFIDENCE (?,TS); fear of failure (TS); anxiety about making mistakes (TS); sensitivity to reprimand (DF) TIMIDITY (WT) 8. EASILY OFFENDED, takes everything in bad part (4) 9. FASTIDIOUS (3) in his work (TS); UNTIDY except for what he is working on (TS) ; desire to ARRIVE ON TIME for an appointment (TS); fears to make mistakes (TS); tendency to adapt overly to the requirements of other people to deserve their approval, fears to be criticized (TS) 10. Excessive sense of DUTY (WT,TS), feeling responsible for everything (TS) 11. WORKAHOLIC; feeling of guilt when taking rest without having finished all the work ; even when sitting he has the feeling that he must do something: reading, knitting, crocheting, etc. (TS) 12. INABILITY TO REFUSE ANYTHING; WANTS ALWAYS TO PLEASE EVERYBODY; feeling of guilt when refusing anything; occupied with the needs of others, but completely unaware of his owns; permits others to overstep his own boundaries (TS) 13. ANTICIPATION, anxiety anticipating an engagement (WT,TS); anxiety when people are late (DF); anxiety about others (1) 14. SYMPATHETIC (2); anxiety about others (1)

15. FEAR of CANCER (?,TS); in a crowd (HH,TS); in narrow places (PL,TS); in high places (?,TS); spiders (TS), mice (TS), snakes (TS); failure in examinations (1,TS); failure (TS); thunderstorms (?,TS) 16. HORRIBLE THINGS affect him profoundly (HH,TS); cannot watch murder, suffering, cruelties, surgery, etc. on TV (TS) 17. Sensitive to MUSIC (DF,TS); weeps from music (DF,TS) 18. Loves DANCING (3); marked sense of rhythm (DF,TS) 19. Desire to READ (PL,TS) or DYSLEXIA (AG,TS) or impossibility to read because of a difficult concentration (TS) or mental exhaustion; difficult concentration during conversation (TS) 20. Desire to TRAVEL (2); NAUSEA RIDING in an automobile (1,TS) 21. LOVES NATURE, SEA (?,TS); loves ANIMALS (DF,TS); LOVES THUNDERSTORMS (DF,TS); loves storms (TS) 22. SLEEPLESS (2); difficult to fall asleep, overactive ideas (DF,TS), needs several hours to fall asleep (TS); wakens at 4 a.m. (DF,TS); short sleep amel.; sleepless during a large part of the night (WT,TS); unrefreshing sleep (WT,TS); waking at 4 a.m. (DF,TS); sleepless after 4 a.m. (DF,TS) 23. EXHAUSTION (DC,TS), when overtaxed and overworked, too much pressure 24. DULLNESS (1); confusion of mind (1); difficult concentration while studying, reading, etc. (TS); weakness of memory (1) 25. Obstinate (DF,TS) 26. Bites nails (DF,TS) 27. MAIN PHYSICAL COMPLAINTS: hayfever (?,TS); chronic, long continued coryza; chronic tonsillitis and sinusitis (DF,TS); infectious MONONUCLEOSIS (DF); acne (1,TS); fibromas (1,TS), ovarian cysts (TS); sterility (TS); warts on soles and palms of hands (AG,TS); acne, pustules on the back (TS); severe acne (TS); molluscum contagiosum (TS) 28. AGG.: BEFORE MENSES: aggressiveness, sadness, irritability, industrious, swelling of mammae, painful mammae (TS) 29. AMEL.: short sleep (1,TS); occupation (TS) 30. DESIRES: chocolate (2)

1. ESSENCE: WANT OF SELF CONFIDENCE WITH WEAK DEFENSES; fear of failure 2. Aspect: tics, grimaces (1,TS); frequent blinking of eyelids (WT,TS); biting nails (DF,TS); timidity (WT) 3. CAUSATIONS: vaccination (PO,TS), too much responsibility (DF,TS), harsh upbringing (TS), excessive parental control (DF) 4. LACK OF REACTIVITY (DC); no fever (TS); the usual childhood illnesses appear later in life, often very severe; common childhood illnesses often absent or suppressed (DF,TS) 5. Tendency to severe INFLAMMATORY illness, usually whooping cough or pneumonia in early life (DF,TS) 6. Tendency to be a model child, adapting overly to the requirements of the parents to deserve their approval and love (TS) 7. PRECOCITY from too much responsibility (DF,TS) 8. SCAPEGOAT (?,TS); he is teased a lot by other children because they feel his weak defense (TS) 9. Sensitive to REPRIMAND (DF,TS) 10. Desire to read (PL,TS) 11. Loves ANIMALS (DF,TS); loves nature (?,TS) 12. OBSTINATE (DF), disobedient children (WT), resisting the parental control (WT); intolerant of CONTRADICTION (?,TS) 13. SLEEPLESS children (DF) 14. Fear of spiders (TS), thunderstorms (DF) 15. ANGER with tendency to DESTROY things (?,TS) 16. Frequent coryza (WT) 17. Infectious MONONUCLEOSIS (DF) 18. Bites nails (DF,TS) Another good sources :

Carduus marianus o. Silybum marianus (Card-m)

Complementar: Hydr. Lac-d. Sep. Sulph. Urmeaza bine: Cham. Urmat bine de: Chel. Chol. Myric. Kali-br. Stann. Aloe. Card-m. Ham. Antidoteaza. Amanita phalloides, Alcool/BereAstma la mineri/Urmari de la munca in industria de portelan/sculptori/mineri (Sil) Efect: plethorisch/melancolic/coleric/litemic CARDUUS MARIANUS (card-m.) * Afecteaza ficatul si vezica biliara. MIND: - - Dispozitie hipocondrica. - - Aversiune la certuri. - - Lipsa de bucurie. - Sensibil to galagie. - - Slabiciunea memoriei, nu mai stie ce vroia sa faca GENERALITIES: - - FICAT si istemul PORTAL - - Friguros. - < stat intins pe partea stanga.- - < Miscare - - Slabiciune < mancat. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Pofta: Bere. VERTIGO: - - cu tendinta de a cadea catre fata, > sangerari din nas. HEAD: - - Dull heavy frontal headache, > eating; with foul tongue and vomiting bile. EYE: - - Yellowness. FACE: - - Jaundice. MOUTH: - - Roughness or greasy sensation palate. - - Bitter taste. STOMACH: - - Pressing pains. - - Vomiting bile. ABDOMEN: - - LIVER/GALL diseases PAIN in liver << when lying l. side, < motion. Pain ext. to right scapula near spine or to left scapula. - LEFT LOBE of liver affecTED. - - COLIC, GALL-STONES. - Cirrhosis of liver. - - Liver affections associated with lung affections. - Pain in spleen < deep inspiration. - - Pain abdomen > deep inspiration. - Dropsy. Ascites. RECTUM: - - Constipatie alt. with Diaree - - Hemoroizi. STOOL: - - Very hard and insufficient, clay-colored. URINE: - - Golden yellow. Bilious. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Chronic uterine hemorrhage with portal stasis. RESPIRATION: - - Asthmatic. COUGH: - - Hepatic or splenic cough. - - Must sit up. CHEST: - - Bronchitis. Pleurisy. - - Pain in sides, < on coughing. BACK:. - - Pain: drawing, inner margin right scapula; left scapula. EXTREMITIES: - - Drawing pain forearm, radial side. - Hip-joint disease. Pain ext. to thighs; < stooping, rising from seat. SKIN: - - Varicose veins, ulcers. - - Broken or hard thrombosed veins.

Causticum (Caus)
Complementar: Acon. Alum. Am-c. Ang. Ars. Arum-t. Asaf. Asar. Bar-c. Calc-f. Carb-v. Cocc. Colch. Coloc (Caus = C). Con. Cupr. Graph. Guai. Ign. Kali-p. Lach. Merc-c (> Caust). Nat-m. Pareir. Pert. Petros. Phos. Podo. Puls. Rhus-t. Seneg. Sep. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Tub. *Caust - Coloc - Staph* *Coloc Caus - Staph* Urmeaza bine: Arum-t. Asaf. Calad. Chin. Diph. Gels. Hep. Hyos. Jatr-c. Mag-c. Mez. Nat-s. Petr. Ph-ac. Psor. Rad-br. Ruta. Sil. Stram. Stront-c. Thuj. Tub. Tub-k. Urmat bine de: Alum. Am-caus. Ant-t. Arum-i. Bac. Bell. Bry. Cadm-s. Calc. Canth. Chlor. Diph. Diphtox. Dulc. Guiac. Hell. Kali-i. Lath. Lyc. Mag-c. Mez. Mur-ac. Nux-v. Plac. Ruta. Sil. Squil. Syc-co. Zinc. Intermediar: Ars. Bell. Calc. Cupr. Ign. Olnd. Phos. Podo. Psor. Puls. Rhus-t. Sep. Stann. Syc-co (Face n pat) Incompatibil cu: Acet-ac (vorweg). Carb-v. Cham. Cocc. Coff. Coloc. Kali-n. Nux-v. Phos (cand Caus are

efect nu se da Phos. Cand Caus nu are efect, Phos poate avea efect. Acid.

Arthrita cu inflamatie

Antidoteaza: Am-m. Asaf. Cnth. Carb-v. Cham. Chin. Coff. Coll. Coloc. Euphr. Grat. Guai. Hipp. Lyc. Merc. Nit-ac. Nit-sd. Phos. Plb. Rhus-t. Seneg.Sulph. Otravire cu Fosfor. Utilizare de mercur/sulf (la probleme cu pielea). Antidotat de: Ant-t. Asaf. Cham. Coff. Coloc. Dulc. Euphr. Grat. Guai. (contractii in membre) Kali-n. Lyc. Nit-sd. Nux-v. Pip-m. Efect: 30 Zile , e mai avantajos dac se repeta des, pe partea stanga CAUSTICUM (caust.) * GRADUAL PARALYSIS with induration of tendons. MIND: - - History of many shocks, griefs, disappointments. They suffer a lot. Ailments from fright, prolonged grief. - - Become closed. Mind looses flexibility. - SENSitive, excitable, perceptive individuals. - - Sensibil to environment, others feelings - SYMPathetic. Full of cares. Anxiety about others. - - Strong SENSE of justice Idealism. - Many FEARS (somethingt bad is going to happen/twilight, dark, being alone at night/dogs, ghosts. - Against AUTHORITY. Don't like rules, sense injustice. REBEL. Involved in politics, social courses. Angry against system.Hardening inside. Becomes anarchist. Fanaticism. - - Mind gets tired, weak, breaks down.Can't grasp ideas. Deficiency of ideas Dullness, understands questions only after repetition. - FEELS as if he has forgotten something, must check it. - - Hurry while eating. - Ritualistic behaviour (Rhus-t. Tub. Iod. Rat). GENERALITIES: - - Complaints of nervous & musculo-skeletal system. - << Dry cold wind/weather - - >> wet damp cloudy weather (Hep. Nux-v.). - < From suppressed eruptions. - - Chilly. - NERVOUS system: Tics, chorea, twitching, convulsions, restlessness. Degenerative neurological diseases: e.g. MS. - PARALYSIS, esp. right side.- - Numbness < left side. FOOD AND DRINKS: - Desire: SMOKED MEAT, SALT, hot dogs, eggs, cheese. - - Aversiune: SWEETS. EYE: - - Heaviness of lids. Ptosis. - - Paralysis of ocular muscles after exposure to cold. - WARTS on lids, eyebrows. - - Strabismus - - Vision impaired, as from a mist. EAR: - - Accumulation of ear wax. - - Sounds re-echo in the ears. NOSE: - - WARTS. - - ERUPTIONS ON TIP OF NOSE (Aeth.). - Allergies. Hayfever. - - Sneezing morning on waking. Obstruction nose at night/lying. FACE: - - PARALYSIS, NEURALGIA after exposure to COLD DRY wind/weather, << right side - - Twitchings. MOUTH: - - STAMMERING (Merc/Stram.) < when excited. THROAT: - - CONSTANT scraping/swallowing. - - Paralysis. Swallowing difficult. STOMACH: - - Pain > cold drinks. RECTUM: - - Paralysis. Constipatie, passes stool easier when standing. - - Hemoroizi < walking/standing/straining the voice/touch/thinking about them. URINARY: - - INcontinence when coughing, sneezing, laughing. - RETENTION, from paralysis; after labor. Passes urine better when standing. - PARALYSIS, after over-distension. - - Enuresis in children. - Loss of sensibility of urethra, cannot tell when urine is passing. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Lack of enjoyment in sex. LARYNX/TRACHEA: - - HOARSE from overuse of the voice, singing, > cold drinks. - Mucus in larynx, must cough, hawk up mucus. - - Paralysis of vocal cords. COUGH: - - > COLD DRINKS (Cupr.), wet weather. < Cold air. - Hollow, hard, dry; from tickling in throat pit.- - Painful, raw and sore behind sternum. - CANNOT cough deep enough to reach mucus, becomes exhausted from coughing. CHEST: - - Bronchitis: feeling of rawness, open wound. BACK: - - Stiffness.- - Torticollis.- - Sciatica < cold, coughing, > warmth, of bed. EXTREMITIES: - - GRADUAL PARALYSIS - - Ataxia. - CONtractions, INdurations of tendons Dupuytren (Nat-p. Plb. Guaj. Lyc. Ruta). - Carpal tunnel syndrome (Calc-p. Guaj. Viol-o.). - Rheumatic pain < cold bathing, > wet weather, heat. Rheumatism/Arthritis of small joints

- Restless legs at night, during sleep. - - Twitchings, convulsions. Chorea. - WARTS AROUND NAILS.- - Paralysis, pain right deltoid. SKIN: - - Warts.

Chamomilla (Cham) Tema: Pretentie; Cauze: Suparare/furie/dinti/cafea/anestezice i dorigur/neurodermita suprimata/transpiratie Complementar: Acon. Bell. Calc. Calc-p. Grat (= C). Hell. Mag-c (= C):. Nux-v. Puls. Sanic (= C). Sil (cauza: lipsa de solicitare).; An = Acon (in Zorn) + Agn + Bell + Coff + Con + Hyos + Ign + Ip + Mag -p + Stram. *Cham - Grat* *Cham - Hep - Sulph* Urmeaza bine: All-c. Ars. Bry. Coff. Coloc. Cor-r. Cupr. Cupre-l. Hep. Lach. Led. Merc. Rhus-t. Sec. Spong. Sulph. Verat. Urmat bine de: Acon. Arn. Ars. Bry. Cact. Calc. Cina. Cocc. Coff. Coloc. Cor-r. Ferrr. Ferr-p. Form. Hep. Kreos. Led. Mag-p. Merc. Nux-v. Rhus-t. Samb. Sep. Sil. Squil. Staph. Sul -ac. Sulph. Intermediar: Puls. Sulph. Incompatibil cu : Caust. Nux-v. Phos. Zinc. , lejer/constipat,cafea Antidoteaza: Acon. All-c. Alumn. Alum. Ars. Berb. Borx. Bry. Caus. Cench. Chel. Chinin-s. Chlol. Chin. Cina. Clem. Cocc. Coff. Colch. Coloc. Cupr. Diopsit. Dios. Elaps. Elec. Hep. Hyp. Ign. Ip. Kali-br. Kalin. Kreos. Lach. Lyc. Mag-c. Mag-f. Mag-m. Mag-p. Merc. Nux-v. Op. Puls. Ran-b. Rheum. Rhod. Sars. Senn. Stry. Sulph. Tuj. Valer. Cafea. Droguri, suferintele cauzate de lipsa de droguri i bauturi. Antidotat de: Acon. All-c. Alum. Bor. Bry. Calc-hp. Camph. Canth. Caust. Chin. Cocc. Coff. Coloc. Com. Con. Dulc. Ign. Ip. Lach. Lyc. Merc. Nux-v. Op. Puls. Valer. Zinc. Magnesium. Vin. Cafea. Ceai de musetel: Chin. Coff. Ign. Nux-v. Puls-v. Mu e el, Romani bun

Tulbur ri de denti ie, Intoleran la durere Tulbur ri de denti ie: Dureri care fac sugarul mrit", ursuz, coleric, capricios. Febr cu ro ea i c ldur localizate la un singur obraz. Intoleran la durere n cazuri de: Nevralgii dentare, sciatic . Colici hepatice, nefritice. Otite cu dureri insuportabile. Dureri care induc st ri colerice la un individ calm.

Agravare: la manifestarea furiei, la sup r ri, nemul umiri, dificult i, la cafea i excitan i, seara naintea miezului nop ii. Ameliorare: la mi c ri pasive (leg nare pentru copii sau plimbare cu ma ina sau trenul). Simptome tipice: Stare psihica: se plange, nelinistit (daca e linistit atunci Cham nu e indicat !) , nerabdator. Foarte sensibil la durere. Copii mici s elinistesc numai daca sunt purtati mereu i mangaiati. Copilul vrea multe lucruri pe care apoi le refuza. Urechi: durere de ureche cu rana. Umflatura i caldura il innebunesc pe pacient. Fata: un obraj este rosu i fierbinte i celalalt palid i cald. Dureri de dinti care se inrautatesc la bauturi calde. Scaun verde, secretos Gat: laringe ca o rana, tuse uscata gadilatoare. CHAMOMILLA * IRRITABILITY of nervous system. ANGER.

MIND: - - OVERSENSITIVE to external impressions (noise, light). - GREAT SENSitivity to pain (Acon., Coff., Hep, Nux-v.). Impatient, violent with the pains.Pains unendurable. - IRRITABILITY. Violent anger. Whining restlessness. Complaining. Bad temper. Snappish. Impatient. - Irritable, sends doctor home, nurse out of the room. - Quarrelsome. Intolerant of being spoken to or interrupted. - Aversiune to being touched, looked at. - Capricious: ask for something, when given, trow it away. - Delusions, thinks he is insulted, of vexations and offences. - Weeping in sleep. - - Fear of wind. GENERALITIES: - Warm-blooded. - < 9 h., night, DENTITION, wind. - - < Narcotics. - > Warm applications (except tootache). - COMPLAINTS FROM ANGER, VEXATION. - - Cramps. Spasms. Convulsions. - Convulsions in nursing children, after anger of moter. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: Cold drinks. - - < Coffee. HEAD: - - Headache < dimineata, 9 h.., thinking of it. EYE: - - Distortion. Twitching lids. EAR: - - Burning heat. - - OTITIS media. Pain > warmth, < wind, noise, touch. FACE: - - ONE CHEEK RED, ONE PALE. - - Jerking. Twitching. - Neuralgia with hot sweat on head. - - Heat of face with cold body. - Perspiration after eating or drinking. MOUT: - - Feels hot. TEETH: - - DENTITION DIFFICULT, PAINFUL. - PAIN > COLD DRINKS, < warm drinks and food, entering warm room, touch, coffee, during menses, pregnancy. STOMACH: - - Thirsty. - - Nausea after coffee, narcotics. - - Colic after anger. ABDOMEN: - - COLIC, flatulent, < after anger, touch, menses, > warm applications. RECTUM: - - DIAREE DURING DENTITION - Stool GREEN, LIKE CHOPPED SPINACH; hot; odor of SPOILED EGGS (Arn/ Psor/Sulph.). FEMALE GENITALIA: - - DYSMENORRHEA: Labor-like pains, cramping in uterus, ext. into thighs (Xan.); < after anger. - LABOR PAINS INTOLERABLE. - Severe afterpains. Cramps when child nurses. RESPIRATION: - - Breat-holding spells. Asthmatic from anger. COUGH: - - Dry, tickling, irritable cough. - - < 9 to 12 p.m.; during sleep. - - Croup. EXTREMITIES: - - UNCOVERS FEET AT NIGHT. - Rheumatic pains drive out of bed at night, must walk. - New-borns making fists. - - Ankles give way in afternoon. - Numbness forearm on grasping anything. - Cramps. Convulsions of arms, tumbs drawn in. SLEEP: - - Sleepless from restlessness and heat. - - Nightmares. SKIN: - - Jaundice after anger. - - Rash of infants and nursing women. Itching at night. - SENsitive to touch.

Chelidonium (Chel)
Complementar: Ars. Bell. Bry + Lyc (cand Chel nu-si face efectul). Carc. Graph. Mag-m. Merc-d. Nat-n. Sulph. Urmeaza bine: Arn. Calc-lp. Card-m. Cor-r. Ip. Lach. Led. Psor. Urmat bine de: Acon. Card-m. Chol. Cor-r. Dig. Ip. Kalm. Led. Lyc. Nuph. Nat-s. Nux-v. Puls. Spig. Sep. Stann. Vero-o. Incompatibil cu: Bry. Acizi. Vine o. Cafeaua reduce efectul. Sarcina Antidoteaza: Ang. Bry. Calen. Chinin-s. Jatr-c. Jug-c. Tarent. Antidotat de: Acon. All-c. Camph. Cham. Coc-c. Coff. Merc. Sul-ac. Acizi din plante. Acizi. Cafea. Vin. Efect: 7 - 14 Zile lent, pe partea dreapta + nu face bine la stat intins pe partea stanga

Planta : rostopeasca ( planta otravitoare bun doar la negi ca tinctura aplicata direct pe negi. A nu se folosi ca ceai sau nediluata homeopatic a a cum se face in fitoterapie!!! )
Este un remediu important pentru vezica biliara i ficat, dezintoxifica ficatul. In afar de asta este folosit i la boli de plamani (ficatul are corespondenta cu plamanii) i nevralgii.

Simptome tipice:
rau, trebuie s vomite - ochi i piele galbena - scaun galben sau albicios - limba incarcata galben-albicios pe care se vad urmele dintilor - colici la vezica biliara - dureri in partea dreapta a burtii - dureri in omoplatul drept - durere in partea dreapta a fruntii - irascibilitate - teama - suparare

Alte simptome tipice: cap greu ca plumbul, dureri deasupra ochiului drept, ameliorare la baut foarte fierbinte, mancarea amelioreaza pe o bucata de vreme, alternanta intre diaree i constipatie, frige de ghiata in varfurile degetelor de la maini,

Ameliorare: mncare i bautara calda. Agravare: la atingere, la rece i pa vreme rece. Dimineata. CHELIDONIUM MAJUS (chel.) * Ficatul este afectat in principal. MIND: - - Dictatorial. Dominant. - - Practic. Nu face nonsense. - Anxietate pentru altii. - - Frica/deziluzia ca si-a ruinat sanatatea GENERALITIES: - - < ora 4 .., ora 14 . sau ora 16 h.. - - < Dimineata la mers. - - > Mancat. - << paret DREAPTA - - Friguros. - - << VREME RECE SI UMEDA. Schimbari de vreme. MANCARE SI BAUTURA - - - Pofta: produse lactate, branza, bauturi si mancaruri calde - Aversiune: Branza, spanac. - - > Bauturi calde, mancare, lapte cald HEAD: - - - DURERE DE CAP, PARTEA DREAPTA. Durerea deaspura ochiului drept. Presiune ca de la o banda stransa deasupra ochilor, > cu ochii inchisi EYE: - - - Nevralgie orbitala, < partea dreapta. - - Ingalbinarea NOSE: - - - Miscarea aripilor narilor FACE: - - - Nevralgie pe partea dreapta, catre dinti, ochi, cu probleme cu ficatul. Galbena. MOUT: - - - Limba galbena cu semne de la dinti. - - Gust amar. STOMACH - - - Durere de stomac > bauturi calde, in special lapte; temporar > mancare. - Rau si vomitat > bauturi calde. - - Dureri intepatoare care radiaza catre spate. - Crampe > stat intins pe stanga cu picioarele in sus ABDOMEN: - - - Suferinte la ficat si vezica biliara,colici la vezica bil, hepatita acuta, galbinare. - DURERE DE LA HYPOCHONDRIUl DREPT CATRE OMOPLAT. - Durere in abdomen > mancat, scaun, bauturi calde, stat intins cu picioarele in sus - Durere care se intinde transversal. RECTUM - - - Constipatie # Diaree: URINE - - - Galbena. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - - Arsuri in vagina, in fiecare zi exact la aceeasi ora RESPIRATION:- - - Dyspnea (lipsa de aer). Inspiratii scurte si slabe. - - Harait COUGH - - - Ca si de la praf EXPECTORATION - - - Harait, expectoratie putina - Mucus zboara din gura de la tuse CHEST: - - - Plamanul drept afectat. - - Dureri intepatoare (ca de la ace) < la inspiratie, miscare, tuse - Nevralgie intercostala < partea dreapta. BACK: - - - DURERE LA UNGHIUL INFERIOR DIN DREAP TA OMOPLATULUI, umarul drept (Ferrm/Sang.), - Durere de parca s-ar rupe spatele de la aplecat. EXTREMITIES: - - - O MANA SAU UN PICIOR RECE - - Varfuri de degete reci. - COLORARE GALBENA LA PALMA MAINIILOR - Reumatism < la membrele inferioare, in special la glezna dreapta

SLEEP: - - - Pozition: pe PARTEA STANGA. - - Neodihnitor. - - Viseaza de inmormantari, cadavre FEVER: - - - Arsita arzatoare care se indinde de la maini catre tot trupul SKIN: - - - GALBINARE.

China officinalis (Chin)

Complementar: Acet-ac. Ars (cand Chin nu- i face efectul). Calc. Calc-p. Carb-v. Cean. Cimic. Cob. Dig Erig. Ferr. Ferr-p. Grat. Hydr. Ip. Kali-c. Lach. Led. Lyc. Lyss. Merc. Nat-m. Nat-s. Ph-ac. Phos. Podo. Psor. Sulph. Sumb. Ter. Teucr. Thuj. Tub. Tub-b. Verat. *Chin - Croc-s* Urmeaza bine: Aeth. Arn. Bell. Cean. Cina. Coloc. Croc. Euphr. Ferr-act. Fl-ac. Guai. Ham. Hell. Hep. Ign. Merc. Nux-v. Podo. Puls. Sel. Sep. Stann.Tab. Tarax. Verat. Verb. Zinc. Urmat bine de: Ang. Arn. Ars-i. Asaf. Bell. Caps. Caus. Croc. Cund. Eucal. Ger. Hell. Ign. Merc-v. Myric. Olnd. Puls. Rhus-t. Sec. Sil. Stann. Intermediar: Puls. Intermediar la afectiuni cronice/ contact itensiv cu parintii/ se simte raspunzator Incompatibil cu: Bell (la probleme cu circulatia + temperatura ridicata). Dupa Coff + Dig + Kreos + Sel; Led. Morph (la probleme cu creierul). Sec. Tendinta de sangerare Antidoteaza: Acet-ac. Anth. Antraci. Ant-t. Apis. Arg-n. Arn. Ars. Asa-f. Aur. Aur-ar. Aur-met. Bry. Cact. Calc. Calc-ar. Caps. Carb-v. Cham. Cina. Cinn-b. Coff. Crot-t. Cupr. Cupr-ac. Dig. Elec. Eucal. Ferr. Ferr-p. Gels. Graph. Hem. Hell. Hyos. Iod. Ip. Kali-i. Kali-p. Kreos. Lach. Led. Lyc. Mang-s. Menis. Merc. Nat-c. Pall. Puls. Ped. Santin. Sec. Sep. Sulph. Verat. Visc. Urmare de la ceai negru i musetel. Antidotat de: Apis. Apoc. Aran. Arn. Ars. Ars-sf. Asaf. Bell. Bry. Calc. Calc-ar. Caps. Carb-an. Carb-v. Caus. Cham. Chinin-s. Cina. Cedr. Chelone glabra , Cina. Coff. Corn-f. Eup-per. Ferr. Hep. Iod. Ip. Lach. Led. Lith-c. Lith-m. Lyc. Malar (Reumatism dupa uzul de Chinina). Meny. Merc. Nat-c. Nat-m. Nit-ac. Nux-v. Onos. Op. Puls. Rhus-t. Salv. Sel. Sep. Sulph. Thea. Verat. Chinina este antidota de: Apoc. Ars. Chelone glabra Cupr-act. Malar. Nat-. Nit-ac. Nux-v. Puls. Urt. Baut de ceai. Ceai de musetel. Ceai de salvie. Efect: 14 - 21 Zile, pe partea stanga

Planta: Arbore de chinin Afectiuni: Sl biciune general n urma unor pierderi abundente de lichid organic sau n urma febrei prelungite Pierdere de lichid organic: Hemoragii: sangerari din nas, meno-metroragii, snge nchis la culoare cu paloare facial . Hemoragii repetate avnd ca urmare o anemie hipocrom i hiposideremic . China poate fi administrat preventiv n cazul interven iilor chirurgicale. Diaree nedureroas ns epuizant , cu gaze abundente urt mirositoare, dup ce s-au consumat fructe sau lapte. Meteorism abdominal important, asociat sau neasociat. Febr : Sindroame gripale sau pseudo-gripale. Febr periodic (paludism) n stadii succesive bine determinate, frisoane, c lduri, transpira ii. Agravare: la pierderi lichidiene, la atingere u oar , la curen i de aer. Ameliorare: la c ldur , la exercitarea unei presiuni puternice. Simptome tipice: zvacnire n cap, senzatie de presiune n ochi, vajaieli n urechi, imbalonare, ragaiala fara sa amelioreze, burta umflata, colica la vezica biliara, scuan fara dureri, tuse dupa fiecare masa, raceala sugrumatoare, galagie la respirat,dureri n membre i articulatii. Pielea sensibila la cea mai mica atingere, piele rece, dermatita.
1. Mind. Apathy and moral insensibility. Hypochondriacal dejection. Great anxiety. Disposition too scrupulous. Disposition to be alone. Discouragement. Ill-humour, with disposition to hurt other people's feelings. Discontent; the patient deems himself unfortunate, and ill-used by the whole world. Excessive irascibility, with pusillanimity, and inability to bear the least noise. Disobedience. Contempt for

everything; everything appears insipid. Slovenliness, with easily provoked tears, or with irritability. Fear of dogs and of other animals, esp. at night. Nervous irritation, with slowness of ideas. Great abundance of ideas, and of projects, with slow progress of thought (esp. in the evening and at night). Dread of labour. CHINA OFFICINALIS (chin.) MIND :- - NERVOUS and IRRITABLE. - - SENSITIVE and INTROVERTED. - Cannot express feelings easily; difficulties showing gratefullness or affection. - Touchy and easily offended. - - Nervous capacity is on edge; sensibility to noise. - Can be constant irritation with severe irritability, but a feeling of guilt afterwards. - Refinement, an artistic element, especially poetry to express themselves. - Great imagination, ABUNDANT IDEAS in the EVENING IN BED. - Imagine doing courageous things or make plans about great projects. - In the morning DULLNESS and they feel ridiculous about there ideas of last night. - Misplacing of words when reading and writing. - Impulses to kill; suicidal thoughts because of hopelessness, but lacks the courage. - Delusion of being persecuted. - - TEAMA: DOGS (animals) GENERALITIES :- - << slight touch, >> hard pressure (Emotional: superficial attention <, deep contact >) - - << Loss of vital fluids (loss of blood, nursing, Diaree, menses,...) - < FOGGY weater, autumn, cold/damp.- - < Night, draft, after eating. - PERIODICITY, every oter day or seven days. - - Neuralgias, migraine > pressure. - Anemia, weakness. - - PERSONAL or FAMILY HISTORY of MALARIA. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire : SWEETS, HIGHLY SEASONED - - Aversiune : FAT, beer, butter, fruit. - - <: Fruit, fish, milk, fat, beer. HEAD: - - Pain, periodical, > hard pressure, < loss of vital fluids. - - Sensibil to cold air. EYE/VISION: - - Photophobia. - - Neuralgia + with soreness of spine (spinal irritation). EAR:- - Tinnitus. NOSE - - Sangerari din nas. - - Acute smell. FACE: - - Neuralgia. - - Cold sweat around mouth MOUTH - - Bitter taste - - Tootache < least contact, draft. STOMACH: - - Thirstless. - - Hunger at night - Appetite appears only when eating or fullness after eating a little. ABDOMEN: - - COMPLAINTS of LIVER and GALL. - - GALL STONES/COLIC - FLATULENCE, DISTENTION, NOT > BY FLATUS OR ERUCTATION. - Hepatitis. Splenitis. RECTUM: - - Durchfalla from fruit, fish, milk FEMALE GENITALIA:- - Bloody leucorrhea. EXTREMITIES: - - One hand cold, other warm - - Pitting edema of legs with pale skin SKIN: - - Skin sensitive or painful during fever. SLEEP:- - SleeplessNESS from ABUNDANT IDEAS. - - Sleeplessness from slight noises.

Cimicifuga racemosa (Cimic) Cauza: Sperietura/Dezamagire/Nastere; Complementar: Chin. Lach. Nat-m. Phos-c (= A) Puls. Urmeaza bine: Caul. Dig. Spig. Urmat bine de: Acon. Agar. Bapt. Bell. Cupr. Hep. Ign. Nat-m. Op. Phyt. Rhus-t. Sep. Spig. Antidoteaza: Lycps-v. Tanac. Strych. Antidotat de: Acon. Arn. Bapt. Camph. Caul. Gels. Kali-c. Lil-t. Lycps-v. Puls. Sep. Efect: 8 - 12 Zile, coleric/melancolic/sanguinic/tifoid/sicotic /pe partea stanga/parti schimbatoare CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA (cimic.) * Muscular system, nervous system, female genitalia. MIND: - - Phobic FEARS: INSANITY, deat, being poisoned or murdered, impending evil. Fears < pregnancy. - Excitable, lively, extroverted. - - LOQUACITY, changing subjects. - Forceful. - - Sensibil, strongly reacting. HYSTERICAL. Nervous. Fidgety. - Changeable moods. Desire to travel. - - Irritable about trifles. - Vague, unclear in her descriptions. Can't think straight, give proper answers.

SIGHING (Ign. Calc-p). - - Mental # physical symptoms . - DepresSION, suicidal. Feels envelopped by heavy black clouds. - Delusions encaged, caught in wires. - - Suspicious, refuses to take the medicine. - Insanity from suppressed eruptions, menses; during pregnancy, labor, after labor. - Very SENSITIVE to noise during labor. Over-sensitive to pain during labor. - Dullness with headache. - - Ailments from disappointed love. GENERALITIES: - - < cold, draft/emotional stress/menses - - > Warmth. - PAINS: neuralgic, shooting downward, radiating, go all over (Berb.), sore sharp, stitching, changeable. - Chorea: around menses, with rheumatism, of side lain on. - Fibrositis, SOFT TISSUE RHEUMATISM. HEAD: - - HEADACHE: with DULLNESS, confusion, paralysed mind, with STIFFNESS & PAIN NECK, from vertex down to neck. Pain pressing outward, exploding. Soreness in occiput, < motion, > open air. - Vertex feels as if it would fly off; or as if it opened and let cool air in.Sensation of cold air blowing upon brain. - - Waving sensation or opening and shutting of brain. EYE: - - Pain from eyes to vertex. - - Deep seated pain < motion eyes, > pressure. - Ciliary neuralgia. Shooting pains, as from a needle in eyeball, < closing eyes. - Asthenopia associated with pelvic troubles. EAR: - - Tinnitus. FACE: - - Neuralgia > night. - - Flushes of heat. STOMACH: - - Nausea in pregnancy. - Nausea and vomiting from pressure on spine and cervical region. ABDOMEN: - - Soreness of abdominal muscles. RECTUM: - - Diaree when rheumatism disappears BLADDER: - - Nervous urination. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - DYSMENORRHOEA: << when flow gets more profuse. With rheumatism. - Cramping, shooting pain across pelvis, from ovary to ovary, and in thighs. - Laborpains, afterpains. Ovarian neuralgia. - Menses/lochia suppressed from emotion, from cold. - - Uterine prolapse. - Labor pains weak, ceasing (Caul., Puls.).Pains extend across abdomen and into sides. CHEST: - - Intercostal neuralgia, < left side, motion. BACK: - - RHEUMATIC PAIN, STIFFNESS, ESP. NECK, < draft. - Stiffness/Kontraktion in neck and back. - - Spasms, soreness of muscles along spine. EXTREMITIES: - - RHEUMATISM, esp. large muscles. Stiffness. Stitching, wandering, radiating pains. Muscular soreness, < after exertion. - Restlessness. - - Chorea. Jerks. - - Sciatica: pains darting about, stitching (Berb.).

Cina Artemisia cina (Cin)

Complementar: Calc. Caps. Carb-v. Dros. Lyc. Mand. Rat. Ruta. Sil. Sul-i. Sulph. Urmeaza bine: Ant-t. Bry. Cham. Cic. Crot-t. Dios. Santin. Stann. Teucr. Urmat bine de: Art-v. Bell. Chin. Cic. Ign. Nux-v. Pip-n. Plat. Puls. Quass. Rhus-t. Santin. Scir. Stann. Teucr. Viol-o. Intermediar: Bell. Carb-v. Cist. Med. Phos. Scir. Tub. Antidoteaza: Arg-n. Caps. Chin. Merc. Valer. Antidotat de: Arn. Bry. Camph. Caps. Cham. Chin. Dros. Eup-per. Hyos. Ip. Merc. Nat-m. Pip-n. Santin. Verat. Cafea/menta Efect: 14 - 20 Zile malarial/limfatic/psoric, pe partea stanga Cina (numita si iarba viermilor) este indicata la viermi intestinalim indeosebi la ascaride. Simptomele sunt foame neincetata, si noaptea, cu pierdere de greutate desi burta e umflata. Imediat dupa masa bolnavul simte o senzatie de slabiciune si simt nevoia frece permanent nasul sau sa se scarpine in nas. Trag de nas si buze pana sangereaza. Sunt prost-dispusi, mofturosi si se simti jigniti cu cea mai mica ocazie. Nu suporta apropierea corporala, atinsul, presiune. Noaptea se trezesc speriati, nu recunosc pe nimeni, tipa, se prind de cei dimprejur. Scrasnesc din dinti dinti noaptea. Pacientii care au nevoie de cina au tendinta sa atinga totul cu mana. Vindeca si vederea sasie catre interior. Un alt simptom tipic este un galgait ciudat in gat atunci cand se bea lichide sau la apa sau la crampe. Si la febra Cina este folositoare atunci cand fata este palida sau numai in jurul gurii este palida, eset sete la friguri

insa la caldura nu are sete, pofta de mancare crescuta inainte de friguri. CINA MARITIMA (cina) * Intestinal irritation like in worms. Convulsions. MIND: - - Has tantrums. Cries. Cannot be quieted. - - Capricious (Cham.). - IRRITABLE, excited, frantic. Offended at slightest joke .- - CO. Uneasy. Dissatisfied. - Lachrymose and complaining. - - Indisposition to play. - STRIKING, scratching, pinching. - - Throw things away, directed at you (Tub.). - Screaming, striking and biting. - - Disobedience. Not sensitive to punishment. - TOUCHY (Ant-c.). Can't stand to be hold or touched. Cannot bear to be looked at. Refuses hair combing or cutting. - INDIFFERENCE, AVERSION to being caressed, but wants to be carried, rocked. - Restless, can't sit still. - - Impelled to touch everything. - Violent screaming attacks at night, striking and kicking with hands and feet. - Abnormal consciousness. Precocious.- - Boring fingers into rectum or nose. GENERALITIES: - - CONVULSIONS: Before: Headache. During: Becomes stiff; with gurgling noise from throat to abdomen. Lies on back, screams, kicks and strikes with hands and feet. Head bent backwards. After: Headache. Cold perspiration on head. Pale, cold, bloated face with blueness around mouth. Twitching limbs. Sleepiness. < Night. From worms, anger, being scolded, punished, touched. - < Night; cold, open air; cold water; yawning. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desires: Capricious appetite. Sweets. - - Aversions: Moters milk. HEAD: - - Always leaning head sideways. Turns head from one side to anoter. - Meningeal irritability, esp. from worms. - - Head jerked backwards. - Headache before and after epileptic attack. EYE: - - Strabismus, esp. from abdominal irritation. - - Vision of colors is altered. - Convulsive movements of muscles of eyebrows. - Fatigue. Pain when using eyes by a light. - - Lachrymation from cough. EAR: - - Digging and scratching in ears. NOSE: - - PICKING and RUBBING nose all the time (Arum-t.). Boring in nose with finger. Rubs nose on pillow. FACE: - - PALE OR BLUISH AROUND MOUTH. Dark circles around eyes. - One red, one pale cheek. - - Bloated. - Pale and cold, or red and hot, can also alternate. - - Choreic movements. Twitchings. TEETH: - - Grinding teeth, during sleep. THROAT: - - Gurgling sound in esophagus, < during convulsions, swallowing, cough. STOMACH: - - Excessive appetite, soon after eating. Changeable appetite. - - Hiccough. - Gagging from cough. ABDOMEN: - - Painful twisting, rolling about navel. Region of navel sensitive to touch. - Colic in newborns. - - Bloated and hard. - - Unpleasant warm feeling. RECTUM: - - WORMS, esp. pinworms. - - ITCHING. - Diaree with cramping pain > pressure, desires to be carried over shoulder, lies on abdomen. - - White mucus in stool like little pieces of pop-corn. LARYNX/TRACHEA: - - Spasm from touch. RESPIRATION: - - Short, interrupted. COUGH: - - Violent cough ending in spasms. Whooping cough (Dros.). - Choking, suffocative, hacking cough morning after rising. - - Paroxysmal. Periodic. EXTREMITIES: - - Sudden inward jerking of fingers of right hand. - - Spasmodically stretching of feet. Spasmodic closure of hand. - - Stiffness before cough. - Spasms, twitching, jerking of hands and feet. - - CONVULSIONS of extensor muscles. SLEEP: - Position: On abdomen or genu-pectoral. - - Yawning. - - Night-terrors. - - Restless.

Cinnabaris (Cinnb)
Tema: 1 + 1; Solutia: pozitiv: comportament elegant, demn, miscator. S lase s se nasca ceva nou, dezvoltare spirituala. Negativ: cearta/a se vedea invincibil/ a simti o pierdere/ Negativ: A. Coloratie rosie (Fata/ulcere), Vrea s fie lasat in pcae/enervat usor/morocanos, suspecta pe toti/depresiv # veselie falsa(jucata) / slabirea memoriei/ doreste putere. Afectiuni + inrosit. F r somn. Nu este inclinat catre efort cerebral. Memorie SLABA + lenes/epuizat cerebral inainte de ciclu. Dureri de cap. Apetit. Arsura. Saliva multa. Sudoare nu amelioreaza. < seara/ noaptea, stat intins, partea dreapta. dupa dormit, Atingere/lumina/umezeala > Caldura/aer curat/dupa cina/la soare/atungere/miscare

Afectiuni : Mucoare, ulcere, oase, sinuzita << Caldura + Frig; Inflamatie (Amigdale/gat/trahee/fyrinx)
Complementar: Canth. Thuj. Syph. Urmeaza bine: Caps. Merc. Nux-v. Urmat bine de : Hep.

Repertorium: CINNABARIS (cinnb.) MIND: - - Cheerful. exhilaration. walking in open air . - - Delusion he is well. - Thoughts intrude and crowd around each oter. - - Nervous excitement over trifles. - Sensitive to slightest noise. - - Mocking. sarcasm. Sulky. - Sadness after eating. - - Indifference. indolence with sleepiness. GENERALITIES: - - Similar to Mercury - - Sensitive to touch. - > Open air; rest. - - < NIGHT; summer; walking. - - While lying on right side. feels as if contents of body were being dragged to that side. HEAD: - - Congestion to vertex and forehead. fullness. < after eating. - Intense headache. cannot raise head from pillow. > pressure. EYE: - - Shooting pains in orbital bones. esp. from inner to outer cantus. - Pains from lachrymal duct around eye to temple. from inner cantus aco brows to ear. - Redness of whole eye. NOSE: - - Pain like a saddle at root. < pressure of glasses. - - SINUSITIS. - Nasopharyngeal catarrh. Stringy mucus from posterior nares to throat. FACE - - Hot and swollen. esp. about eyes. MOUTH - - Fiery looking ulcers. THROAT - - Dryness and irritation - - Fiery looking ulcers. - Disposition to swallow from fullness. STOMACH: - - Heat ext. to neck/head. < night. > rising up in bed. - - Appetite increased. ABDOMEN - - Flashes of heat with great flatulence. - - Swelling inguinal glands. RECTUM: - - CONDYLOMATA. - - Bloody stools MALE GENITALIA: - - CondylomATA on prepuce (fan shaped). easliy bleeding on touch. - - Excoriation of penis. - - Inflammation of glans and prepuce with redness. violent itching with profuse secretion of pus. - Small red pimples on glans. Ulcers on penis. Chancres. - - Phimosis. - Offensive. acrid perspiration between Skrotum and thighs. EXTREMITIES: - - Pain in long bones when barometer lowers. - Pain from hip-joint downward. < night. SKIN: - - FIERY RED ULCERS. - - Itching as if pimples were coming out. - Condylomata. easily bleeding. SLEEP: - - Sleepy during daytime. sleepless at night (Staph.).

Cocculus indicus (Cocc) Cauza: Griji/Efort/Furie ; *Caus - Cocc - Staph* Complementar: Carb-v. Caus. Ip. Petr. Urmeaza bine: Acon. Calc. Cham. Colch. Dros. Hep. Ign. Nux-v. Olnd.

Urmat bine de: Ant-t. Ars. Bell. Con. Euph-c. Glon. Hep. Ign. Lyc. Nux v. Op. Picro. Puls. Rhus-t. Staph. Sulph. Intermediar: Nux-v. Incompatibil cu: Caus. Coff./ Cafea/Fumat. Antidoteaza: Ant-t. Aur. Cham. Colch. Cupr. Ign. Jug-c. Nux-v. Petr. Plb. Spig. Spong. Thuj (febra). Vac. Yuc./Alcool. Tutun. Musetel. Antidotat de: Acon. Arn. Bism. Camph. Caps. Cham. Coff. Coloc. Cupr. Gels. Ign. Iod. Lach. Merc. Nux-v. Olnd. Ph-ac. Sep. Staph. Tab. Alcool/Tutun Efect: 30 zile pe o parte numai, simptomele schimba partea coleric/sanguinic/melancolic/flegmatic/limfatic/tifoid/malarial/ringwormoid/psoric/tuberculin COCCULUS INDICUS (cocc.) * Neurological symptoms. Seasickness. MIND: - - Ailments from nursing the sick, grief. - - Sympathetic. - Mildness. Sensibil to rudeness. - - CARES about others. Anxiety about health. - Serious/rather introverted/sentimental. - - Dwells on past disagreable occurences (Nat-m.). - - Sensibil mood, everything worries and offends. - - Starting at trifles. Later: Dullness, stupefaction. Slow to answer a question (Alum/Hell/Ph-ac). Slow thinking. - Time passes too quickly. - - Weakness of memory for what has just thought. - Loquacity, dancing, singing in state of excitement. GENERALITIES: - - << Night-watching = CARES about others + LOSS of sleep - << Riding in a car/on shipboard - - < Cold air, menses. - WEAK nervous system: Paralysis, slowing down of functions, slow reaction to prick with a pin (Alum/Hell/Plb.). - - M.S., A.L.S., Alzheimer. - Numbness of single parts, as if gone asleep. - - Paralyses of parts that have been at rest. - Convulsions, twitchings. - - Weakness: < riding in a car/rising from bed/during menses, can scarcely stand/alcohol (DRUNK) confusion. - Stretching after lying down, at night in bed. - - Sensation of hollowness, or emptiness. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: Beer, cold drinks, mustard. - - < : Alcohol. VERTIGO: - - Spinning in all directions. - - < Loss of sleep. - << watching moving objects (Jab.)/Riding in a car, < looking at objects outside. - HAS to lie down. NAUSEA & vomiting on rising. - - Feels drunken. HEAD: - - - OCCIPITAL HEADACHE with vertigo, nausea; < Lying on back of head/from riding in a car/loss of sleep/coffee/alcohol/eating or drinking, cold air; > warm room/warm bed/bending backwards. - Sensation of emptiness. - - Opening and shutting sensation of occiput. - Sensation of constriction of brain; feels rolled up into a small ball. EYE: - - Objects seem to move up and down. EAR: - - Noises and impaired hearing. Stopped sensation. FACE: - - One-sided paralysis. - - Neuralgia, radiating, ext. to fingers. - Heaviness of eye lids. MOUTH: - - Tongue feels paralysed, difficult speech. STOMACH: - - NAUSEA from riding in cars, on boat, looking at moving objects/motion. From thought or smell of food` (Colch.); with VERTIGO. - Vomiting and nausea, with vertigo, on rising from bed, has to lie down. - Emptiness, weak feeling. - - Gastralgia from suppressed menses. ABDOMEN: - - Flatulent colic, from nervousness, not > passing flatus, < noaptea, coughing, menses, pregnancy. - - Pain as if sharp stones were moving, > lying on side. - Pain in hepatic region, < coughing, stooping, anger. - Weakness of muscles: umbilical and inguinal hernia. - - Hollow sensation. RECTUM: - - Hemoroizi after menses. - Diaree from riding in cars. - - Constipatie from paralytic problems. BLADDER: - - Frequent desire to urinate in pregnant women. - - Paralysis. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Menses too early, profuse, dark. - Severe DYSMENORRHEA with weakness, cramps, distention and colic. RESPIRATION: - - Hysterical asthma. CHEST: - - Sensation of emptiness.

- Palpit ation with vertigo and faintness, < quick motion, excitement. BACK: - - Weakness: Neck is too weak to support the head. - Weakness with neurological problems. - Paralysis from small of back downward (bladder, rectum, lower limbs). EXTREMITIES: - - Heaviness and weakness, progressing towards paralysis. - One-sided paralysis, < after sleep. - - Incoordination. Awkwardness. Trembling. - Numbness of feet. Numbness of hand on holding objects. - Feet and hands go to sleep alternately. - - Painful stiffness joints. - Knees crack on motion. - - Arthritic conditions with edema. SLEEP: - - SLEEPLESSNESS from mental or physical exhaustion, from cares. SKIN: - - Red pimples, itching at night in bed, < undressing. - - Ulcers, sensitive to contact.

Coccus cacti (Coc-c)

Urmeaza bine: Dros. Antidotat de: Lach. Antidoteaza: Chel. Coff. Efect: destructiv/reumatic/psoric/sicotic/sclerotic Diverse: se foloseste in rujuri i lichioruri Repertoriu : COCCUS CACTI (coc-c.) * Affects mucus membranes. MIND: - - Sadness 2 - 3 h. or 14 - 15 h. - - Anxiety after eating 14 - 15 h - Apprehensive, irritable, fretful. - - Confusion > open air. GENERALITIES: - - < Winter, cold weather/warm room - - > Open air. - Catarrhal conditions of mucus membranes. - - DIScharges STRINGY, THICK. HEAD: - - Congestion. Dull pressive headache, < jar, motion. EYE: - - Sensation of foreign body. - - Conjuncitivitis. EAR: - - Stopped sensation. Impaired hearing. - - Roaring as from a storm. NOSE: - - Coryza. Thick/viscid mucus in nasopharynx. Sneezing. - - Burning as of pepper. FACE: - - Purple, red on coughing. MOUTH: - - Sensibil: Rinsing mouth/brushing teeth/loud speaking is vomiting or cough. THROAT: - - Accumulation of THICK, VISCID mucus, difficult to detach. - RawNESS, scrapING, ticklING, < warmth in bed. - - Nausea in throat. - Food comes back on swallowing. STOMACH: - - NAUSEA/VOMITING/RETCHING from IRRITATION in mouth/throat ABDOMEN: - - Pains in left hypochondrium. - - Flatulent distention. URINARY ORGANS: - - Renal colic. - - Urinary calculi: brick-dust sediment. - Constant urging to urinate. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Menses: Profuse/black/thick/dark clots. Flow only lying down. - Metrorrhagia: vagina becomes packed with clots, bladder cannot be emptied. LARYNX: - - SENsation of a CRUMB. ticklING waking at night. - Fatigue of vocal organs, voice becomes rough and hoarse. - Croup from exposure to cold, > cold air. COUGH: - - Paroxysmal. Spasmodic cough. - - Whooping cough. - From TICKLING in throat, chest, rinsing mouth, brushing teeth; exposure to cold. - < 23.30 h./6 h./warm room, warm drinks. - - WITH RETCHING, VOMITING. - > DrinkING, esp. COLD drinks (Caust. Cupr.), COLD air. EXPECTORATION: - - THICK mucus, ROPY (Kali-bi.). BACK: - - Coldness. - - Violent pain in region of kidneys. EXTREMITIES: - - Sensation of splinter under fingernails.

Coffeea cruda (Coff)

Complementar: Acon. Am-m. Cars. Cham (= An). Ign, Nat-m (Coff = A), Puls, Urmeaza bine: Bel-p. Cham, Cycl, Op. Thea, Sulph,

Urmat bine de: Acon. Asaf. Aur, Aur-m. Bell, Cham. Fl-ac, Ign, Lyc, Nux-v, Op, Puls. Sulph, Incompatibil cu: Aster. Arg-n. Aur-nm. Bov. Calen. Camph. Canth. Carc. Caul. Caus. Cina. Cist. Clem. Cocc. Ferr. Hell. Ign. Iod. Ip. Lac-ac. Lup. Lyc. Mill. Nux-v. Stram. Rhus-t. Stry. Sulph. Valer. Vinc. febra. Migrena. Vin/Tamaie Antidoteaza: dupa Vithoulkas toate remediile i plantele otravitoare. Degeratul, Nikotina. Alcool. Cafea. Antidotat de: Acet-ac. Acon. Am-m. Arn. Aspar. Bell. Brom. Caps. Caust. Ham. Chin. Cic. Coc-c. Grat. Guai. Ign. Merc. Nux-v. Op. Puls. Sulph. Tab. Tub. Cafea. Dupa baut de cafea: Adren. Cham. Coff. Guaran. Ign. Merc. Nux-v. Sulph. psoric/limfatic/sanguinic/coleric/tifoid/raboid Efect: 1 - 7 zile COFFEA CRUDA (coff.) * Nervous sensitivity. MIND: - Nervous EXCITABILITY./SENSITIVE to all stimuli, PAIN. Impressionable. - AILMENTS from EXCESSIVE JOY, sudden pleasant surprises. - Moments of great euphoria, ecstasy. - Highly sensitive persons. Excitable, cheerful, happy. Later: Overexcitement, agitation, nervousness, fear. - Fear of death from pain (during labor). - Mildness. Easy suppressed (Staph.). Sentimental. - Less will power to make a decision. Insecurity inside. - Laughing # crying. - Easy comprehension. Perceive rapidly (Lach/Phos/Sulph/Verat.). - Racing mind (Med/Lach.). Hurried (Tarent.). - Lively fancies. Full of plans for the future (Chin.). - Memory active untill midnight. Clearness of mind in evening, at night. GENERALITIES: - - - Increased SENSIBILTY of senses - Neuralgic pains. - < Noise/touch/stimulants/Anger/excitement/excessive joy/pleasant surprises/odors/taste/open air. > Sleep. Warmth (except face/toothache). - Weakness. HEAD: - - - Headache < joy/noise/narcotics/footsteps/music/touch, etc. - Pain as if a nail were driven in head (Ign/Spig/Thuj.). - Congestion while speaking, after pleasant surprise. EYE: - - -- Can read fine print better. Power of vision increased. EAR: - - - - Acute hearing, overhears distant sounds. Noise hurts. - Hardness of hearing with noise of buzzing. NOSE: - - - - Acute, sensitive smell. FACE: - - - - Neuralgia < noise, excitement, joy; > cold, ice. - Heat with red cheeks. MOUTH: - - - - Acute taste. TEETH: - - - - Pain > holding cold water in mouth. Pain ext. to fingertips. with restlessness and anxiety. STOMACH: - - - - Hasty eating and drinking. Appetite increased. - Intolerance of tight clothing. - Thirst at night, wakens him. ABDOMEN:- - - - Intolerance of clothing. - Colic which seems unendurable, intestines feel cut to pieces. MALE GENITALIA: - - - - Hot, itching. Desire increased. - Nocturnal emissions followed by loquacity and irritability. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - - - Dysmenorrhea. Severe afterpains and labor pains with fear of death. - Hypersensitive to touch (Plat.), can hardly bear a napkin during menses. - Voluptuous itching, but to sensitive to rub or scratch. - Menses too early, long-lasting, large clots of black blood. COUGH: - - - - Short, dry, hacking, nervous cough, < noaptea, after measles; with sleeplessness and anxiety. Feels exhausted after coughing. CHEST: - - - - Violent, irregular palpitations from excessive joy or excitement. - Sudden rise of blood pressure. - Emaciation of mammae.

EXTREMITIES: - - - - Sciatic neuralgia < motion, afternoon, night, > pressure. - Trembling of hands if trying to hold them still. - Pain in limbs < noise./Pains extend to fingers. SLEEP: - - - - SLEEPLESSNESS: at night, sleepy all day (Staph.). from mental EXCITEMENT, after excessive joy. - Waking with many thoughts/ideas./waking from slight noise.

Colocynthis = Citrullus colocynthis (Coloc) Cauza: Sentimente neexprimate/Furie/Suparare/Dezamagire; Complementar: Act-sp. Bry (= An). Caus. Lyc. Kali-c (= C). Lach. Mag-p (= C/= vegetabiles An). Merc. Staph. *Caus - Coloc - Staph* *Coloc - Caus - Staph* Urmeaza bine: Cham. Fl-ac. Gamb. Rheum. Thios. Urmat bine de: Ars. Bell. Camph. Carc. Cham. Chin. Coll. Dios. Grat. Iris. Nux-v. Puls. Rhus-t. Sep. Spig. Stram. Sulph. Incompatibil cu: Colch - Verat - Sabad niciodata in aceasta ordine Antidoteaza: Anag. Caus. Cham. Gamb. Magnesiae. Podo. Rheum. Rhus-t. Otravire cu plumb. Antidotat de: Camph. Caus. Cham. Cocc. Coff. Nux-v. Op. Staph. Cafea. Otravire cu Colocynthis: Camfor. Lapte. Iesirea de bila.Magnesium. Lapte cald. Opium.
Efect: 1 - 7 zile, efect mai mic la cei care mananca carne, avortiv/malarial/coleric/psoric/sicotic/avortiv pe partea dreapta + mai bine cand se sta intins pe partea cu dureri Afectiunile pentru Colocynthis iau nastere din cauza emotiilor. Pacientul se imbolnaveste dupa furie sau suparare, atunci cand nu se considera apreciat sau a fost jenat de o nedreptate. Ca urmare se ajunge la insomnie, diaree, menstruatie suprimata si colici la burta care au urmatoarele caracteristici: dureri in burta ca pietre ascutite care se freaca una de alta. Se ghemuieste din cauza lor si se sprijina de mese,scaune, paturi. Caldura exiterioara imbunatateste simpromele si cea mai mica bautura sau mancare le agraveaza, numai cafeaua amelioreaza durerile ( pt. ca amorteste nervii din stomac). Colocynthis se potriveste si la dureri de mijloc care apar cu amorteala piciorului si care se amelioreaza de la caldura ( ca si la Rhus) cu deosebirea insa la Colocynthis miscarea face rau. Colocynthis actioneaza la articulatii reumatice care se inrautatesc de la miscare. Vindeca si inflamatiile artritice ale ochilor si strabismus divergent atunci cand celelalte simptome se potrivesc. COLOCYNTHIS (coloc.) * Neuralgic pains, colic, > pressure. MIND: - - - Proper, strong opinions. - - Reserved, tries to hide complaints. - Easily offended. Irritability. - - < Contradiction. - - < Mortification, indignation. - Humiliated from small things. - - Restlessness, irritable with pain. GENERALITIES: - - - - PAIN: violent, neuralgic, cramping, constricting >> pressure FROM anger indignation, vexation With restlessness & weakness. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - - < Farinaceous food, potatoes. - - > Coffee. HEAD: - - - Sharp cutting pains, one-sided, > pressure, heat, coffee. EYE: - - - Sharp pains > pressure. - - Gouty affections. - - Glaucoma, stony hard eyeballs. FACE: - - - Neuralgia, esp. left side, < touch, > pressure. With chilliness. - - Distorted. TEETH: - - - Neuralgic tootache, one-sided, daily, ext. to face, ear, head. STOMACH: - - - Thirst increased. - - Nausea and vomiting when pains get intense. - VIOLENT PAINS, esp. Pit of stomach, >> pressure/bending, from vexation, indignation. - Colic > coffee. ABDOMEN: - - - AGONISING PAINS >> pressure/bending double, drawing up legs, coffee, tobacco, < least food or drinks. - - Intestines feel squeezed between stones. RECTUM/STOOL: - - - Diaree < least food/drink; from anger/indignation, vexation - Tenesmus. URINARY: - - - Spasms of bladder, after operation on orifices. - - Frequent urging, tenesmus. - - Catarrh of bladder with discharge as white of egg (Nat-m.). - - Renal colic. FEMALE GENITALIA:

- Dysmenorrhea. Ovarian pains. - - Suppressed menses from anger, indignation. CHEST: - - - Intercostal pains. - - Suppressed milk from indignation. BACK: - - - Sciatica, > hard pressure, lying on painful side; with numbness. EXTREMITIES: - - - Contraction of muscles. Cramps.

Conium (Con)
Complementar: Acon (= An). Arg-n. Bar-m (Ganglioane). Carc. Caus. Nux-v. Phos. Plb. Psor. Sil. Staph. Sul-ac. Thuj. (= reactie gresita/Con = intepenire). Tub (= A). Urmeaza bine: Arn. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Bry. Calc. Calc-a. Carb-an. Cean. Cocc. Coll. Cycl. Dios. Dros. Lyc. Euphr. Ferr. Ferr-p. Lach. Lyc. Myrt-c. Olnd. Op. Puls. Rhod. Rhus-t. Sabal. Samb. Sep. Spong. Stann. Urmat bine de: Arn. Ars. Ars-i. Aster. Aur. Bar-c. Bar-i. Bell. Calc. Calc-a. Cic. Clem.Dros. Euphr. Ferr. Iod. Lach. Lyc. Lyss. Merc-ir. Olnd. Phyt. Puls. Rhus-t. Sep. Stram. Sulph. Valer. Intermediar: Ars. Bell. Scir. Incompatibil cu: Phos. Nit-ac + Psor dupa aceea. Alcool Antidoteaza: Ant-t. Bell. Cham. Cupr-ac. Cupr met. Merc. Nat-m. Nit-ac. Nit-sd. Op. Puls. Rumx. Sabad. Sabin. Sil. Sulph., Cancer. Antidotat de: Coff. Dulc. Gels. Merc. Nit-ac. Nit-sd. Sulph. Cafea. Vin. Efect: 30 - 50 Zile nu rezista/suporta alcool atunci cand este sanatos + ameliorarea simtomelor cand este bolnav. Con se da cu succes mai mare dupa alte remedii. Mamele Con au des Copii Cars coleric/melancolic/sanguinic/canceroid/tifoid/psoric/sicotic/sifilitic/tuberculin lent + pe neobservate, pe partea dreapta CONIUM MACULATUM (con.) * GRADUAL WEAKNESS, PARALYSIS with INDURATION, TUMORS of GLANDS. MIND:- - Materialistic/practical/business minded. - - attachment to partner/material things. - Looses flexibility of thinking. Fixed ideas (induration/narrowness of mind). - SUPERSTITIOUS. Compulsory neurosis (Arg-n/Rat.). - GRADUAL DETERIORATION: gloomy state, indifference, depression, leading to retardation and (premature) senility. - Emotions become weak, paralysed. Estranged from family. - Want of sensitiveness. - - Slowness. Answers slowly. - - Forgetfullness. - < Excitement . - - Sadness from continence, from masturbation, during perspiration, from suppressed menses, every fourteen days. - Confusion from alcohol, after siesta. - - Insanity # with oter mental symptoms. GENERALITIES: - - AILMENTS from suppresses sexual desire. -- Numbness - GLANDS: INdurations, MALignancies (mammae, uterus, testes); after injuries. - Neurological PROBLEMS: ASCENDING PARALYSIS, m.s., a.l.s., parkinson,... - < Rest/Night/Letting limbs hang down.. - - > Motion/Warmth/Letting limbs hang down. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: Salt/sour/coffee. - - Aversiune: Bread. - - < Alcohol/milk. VERTIGO: - - While LYING, TURNING over in bed - - Turning head. - - > Closing eyes. EYE: - - Photophobia with lachrymation. - - Lids are heavy, ptosis, < outer side. - Cataract after injury. - Paralysis of ocular muscles. Problems with fixing eyes on things. - Disturbed vision and accomodation. NOSE: - - Picking constantly in nose (Arum-t/Cina). FACE: - - Cancer, ulcer (lower) lip, from pressure of pipe. - - Swelling/induration of glands. THROAT: - - Food goes down the wrong way on swallowing. EXTERNAL THROAT: - - Swelling, induration of cervical glands. - Thyroid gland indurated (goitre). STOMACH: - - Heartburn < going to bed. - - Pain > eating, knee chest position. - Distention after milk. - - Ulcers. Cancer. - - Vomiting like coffee grounds. ABDOMEN: - - Pain right hypochondrium. Chronic jaundice. - - Distension after milk. - Swelling and induration of inguinal and mesenteric glands. RECTUM: - - Involuntary stools, during sleep. - Constipatie, frequent urging, hard stools, tenesmus; on alternate days. URINARY: - - Paralysis bladder: no urine when straining, involuntary loss after straining.

- Urine flows and stops again, intermittent. - Prostatic enlargement with heaviness in perineum. Cancer. MALE GENITALIA: - - High sexual desire. - Impotency. Premature ejaculation. Erections imperfect or too short. Seminal discharge by contact or presence of a woman. - - CANCER. Testes hard and swollen. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Motion of child painful during prgenancy (Arn.). - Over-sensibility after suppressed desire - Dysmenorrhea. - - Ovaries enlarged, swollen. - - CANCER ovaries, uterus. Polypi. - Leucorrhea with weakness, backpain and labor-like pain before:thick, acrid, milky. COUGH: - - < Lying. Must sit up. (Hyos. Puls. Sep. Sang.) - From dry spot in larynx or tickling in chest. - - Salt food. CHEST: - - Painful swelling of axillary glands, with numbness down arm. - MAMMAE: PAINful swellING with Induration MALignancies, hard nodules, spreading to axilla. From contusion, injury. Mammae tender/swelein around menses (Calc. Lac-c. Tub). BACK: - - Pain before leucorrhea. EXTREMITIES: - - GRADUAL PARALYSIS STARTING IN LOWER LIMBS. - Awkwardness lower limbs > closing eyes. PERSPIRATION: - - ON CLOSING EYES (on going to sleep). SKIN: - - Chronic ulcers with offensive discharge. - Urticaria after strong physical exertion.Rash before menses. - Eruptions, offensive, turning greenish.

Crocus sativa (Croc-s) Planta: safran Tema: Independenta/a fi parasit; Negativ: A. Sangerari = negre/cleioase/cu chegazuri, fire negre B. ca si cum ar ficeva viu in burta (copil nelinistit in burta mamei)/in piept, C. Rapid # Conditiile/capriciul D. Exuberant/afectionat + impresionabil + capricios, E. Respiratie greoaie + > cascat Cauza: Dragoste ignorata; Complementar: Nux-v. Puls. Sulph. Thlas. Thuj. Urmeaza binet: Chin. Olnd. Urmat bine de: Acon. Bell. Calc. Chin. Op. Rhust. Sep. Incompatibil cu : in timpul sarcinii Antidotat de : Acon. Bell. Op., Kaffee. Efect: 8 zile, avortiv/destruktiv/tifoid/coleric/sifilitic/psoric/sicotic/afrodiziac/ pe o singura parte CROCUS SATIVUS (croc.) * Hysterical tendency. Hemorrhages. MIND: - - HysteriCAL TENdency. - Alternating moods: Anger alt. with tenderness, laughing, singing; cheerfulness alt. with irritability, violence, weeping. - - Singing, dancing, jumping. - Vivid recollection from music heard. - - Mental # physical symptoms - Laughing immoderate. Children laugh silly on every occasion. - Affectionate. Embraces, kisses everyone. - - Irritable, takes everything in a bad part. - Anger, with violence, followed by repentance. - - Delusion being pregnant. GENERALITIES: - - Faintness < after labor, post-partum. - - Numbness in single parts. - >> open air - - << warm room - - < Left side/Menses, pregnancy, menopause. - HEMORRHAGE: dark, STRINGY, clotted - - Chorea, jerkings, twitchings. HEAD: - - Congestion with distented vessels during menses. EYE: - - Pain as from smoke, < menses. - - Lachrymation > open air. - Quivering of lids, < left upper. - - Exertion of vision <. NOSE: - - Epistaxis, dark, stringy, clotted; < hot weather, menses. ABDOMEN: - - - Sensation of something alive, moving in abdomen (Thuj), < during menses. As if pregnant. < Menses. - - Distention. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Metrorrhagia: Dark, stringy, clotted. < Least motion (Erig), overheating, during labor, menopause. - - Abortion.

COUGH: - - > Laying hand on stomach EXPECTORATION: - - Dark, stringy blood. CHEST: - - Sensation of something alive in chest. Violent movements of heart, as if something were jumping in chest. EXTREMITIES: - - Twitchings, contractions of single muscles.Chorea. - As if something alive, jumping up and down, in upper limbs. SLEEP: - - Sleepiness > litterary occupation.

Crotalus cascavella terrificus (Crot-c)

Substanta: venin de sarpe Complementar: Lach (cand Lach nu ajunge) Lyss (= An). Sulph. Antidotat de: Schlangenbissen: Arist-cl. Echi. Led. Seneg. Thuj. UVstrahlen, Efect: neurotoxic, partea dreapta Repertoriu: CROTALUS CASCAVELLA (crot-c.) MIND: - - DELusion & TEAMA of ghosts/spirits/voices spooky element. - TEAMA of being alone, < noaptea; thoughts of death when alone. - Mania: Throws herself against closed door, scratches it with her nails. Follows delusion of strange voice. - - Mania # metrorrhagia. GENERALITIES: - - < Menopause. - - < Sleep. - HEMORRHAGE: passive, dark blood; non-coagulable. - RIGHT-sided symptoms more specific then left. - Paralysis, esp. right side; after apoplexy. - - Intolerance of cloths. HEAD: - - Sensation of something alive in head. - - Pressing pain as by an iron helmet. MOUTH: - - Dryness. Indented tongue. - - Inflammation of tongue. - Paralysis tongue with difficult, thick speech. THROAT: - - Sensation of foreign body, not > swallowing. - - Constriction of thyroid. - Swallowing difficult, > liquids (Lach). - - Sensibil to clothing. BELLY: - - Sensibil to clothing.- - Sensation of constriction in hypochondria. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Lancinating pain in uterus, < washing with cold water. CHEST: - - Constriction as if in an armor. EXTREMITIES: - - cold feet. - - Pain < drinking.- - Hemiplegia < r. side; after apoplexy. DREAMS: - - Frightful. - - Spiders (Lac-c). SKIN: - - Severe conditions, esp. hives/urticaria:localised in one spot, red + itching (Med). - Discoloration blue. - - Erysipelas. - - Purple carbuncle with small vesicles around.

Cuprum metallicum (Cupr)

Complementar: Ars. Bell (Cupr = Bell metalica). Calc. Carb-v. Caus. Dios. Gels. Iod. Ip (Cupr = C/= vegetabiles An). Kali-p. Lach. Laur. Op. Phos. Sec. Stram. Tereb. Verat. Zinc. Zinc-p. Urmeaza bine: Agar. Apis.Arn. Bry. Cact. Camph. Cimic. Crot-t. Euphr. Ferr. Ouabin. Puls. Sulph. Urmat bine de: Agar. Apis. Cham. Cic. Hep. Hyos. Kali-n. Meny. Puls. Sulph. Stann. Intermediar: Calc. Incompatibil cu: Sulph. Oestrogen, Fumat, Furie Antidoteaza: Aur. Camph. Clem. Cocc. Dulc. Ferr. Merc. Op. Rhus-t. Tarent. Tarent-c. Previne: Cholera Antidotat de: Aur. Bell. Calc. Camph. Cham. Chin. Cic. Cocc. Con. Dulc. Ferr. Hep. Ip. Kali-bi. Merc. Merc-c. Nux-v. Op. Puls. Rhus-t. Sacch. Squil. Stram. Sulph. Verat. Otraviri: Camph. Ferr-cy. Ferr-s. Hep. Histid. Kali-bi. Otraviri: uns cu sapun, zahar, ceai din coaja de setar, albus de ou, Otraviri cronice: DMPS. Lasat de sange din vena. Efect: 40 zile , pe partea stanga/de pe stanga pe dreapta CUPRUM METALLICUM (cupr.) * CRAMPS on all levels. MIND: - - Mind is cramped. - - Vivid (sexual) imaginations, strong feelings, in adolescence. - - Feels guilty, frightened about them. - - Tries to control them.

- Become serious. Loose lightness, flexibility. Can't be superficial. - Cannot express feelings. Very closed. - - Ideas come suddenly in the mind and create a spasm. < When they let go of things, relax. - Express anger seldom, but with great violence. - - Compulsive. 'Act in spasms'. - Restless. Impulsive. Nerves wrought up to the highest tension. - Becomes slow. Ideas come slowly. Slow comprehending. Feel that their intellect is not working. - BELLOWING, SHRIEKING, WEEPING before convulsions GENERALITIES: - - CONVULSIONS: epileptic, abscences: From suppressed eruptions (Cic, Zinc) or discharge; after anger, vexation, emotional excitement; starting in fingers and toes; with cyanosis; < menses, pregnancy, labor, night, getting wet. - Twitchings, jerkings, chorea. - - One-sided paralysis after convulsions. - > Perspiration. - - < Pregnancy, labor. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - > Drinking cold water. HEAD: - - Convulsive motions of the head. - Frontal pain between the eyes, above root of nose.< Pressure, > lying down. EYE: - - Constant motion like a pendulum. - - Turned upward. - - Loss of vision before convulsions. FACE: - - Serious, severe, angry looking. - - Convulsions. Distorted. - CYANOTIC face & lips during convulsions, whooping cough. - - Grimaces. MOUTH: - - Foaming during convulsions. - - Lapping tongue to and fro. THROAT: - - Gurgling in esophagus when drinking. - - Spasms of throat and esophagus. - Torticollis. STOMACH: - - Cramps. Convulsions with vomiting. - Vomiting before or after convulsions. > Drinking cold water. - - Deathly feeling. - Pain solar plexus which radiates through to back. ABDOMEN: - - Cramping pain, < before and during menses. - Spasms of abdominal muscles, intestines. - Drawing pain in left hypochondrium, ext. to hip. RECTUM: - - Cholera. KIDNEYS: - - Suppression of urine with convulsions. URINE: - - Copious after convulsions. FEMALE GENITALIA: - Menses suppressed with convulsions; from suppression of footsweat. - Distressing afterpains. - - Dysmenorrhoea with cramps that start in the fingers. LARYNX/TRACHEA: - - Frigidity. Suppression of sex. - Constriction during cough. RESPIRATION: - - Asthmatic: < 3 h. - Difficult with cough; after fright, emotional stress. - - Arrested when coughing. COUGH: - - VIOLENT, SPASMODIC. Whooping cough. >> drinking cold water (Caust, Coc-c). With convulsions./suffocation/cyanosis. - UNinterrupted PAROXYSMS. - - Spasmodic state with cough. BACK: - - Spasmodic drawing. Opisthotonos. EXTREMITIES: - - Convulsions. Twitchings. Chorea. - CLENCHING thumbs and fingers, with convulsions. - CRAMPS. Mainly hands (fingers), legs (calves), feet. < Cholera, labor, during coition. SKIN: - - Copper-colored.

Alte surse : Dr. Tinus Smits Citat: Once the essence of Cuprum Metallicum is understood, it appears to be more frequently indicated than we would expect. The most difficult differential is with Carcinosinum, which has many symptoms in common. The provings of Templeton on Carcinocin show a cerebral torpor and mental inertia together with a feeling of tightness or constriction. Some publications stress the rigidity of the personality and lack of adaption. I understood after years of prescribing both remedies Cuprum and Carcinosinum that this rigid side is part of the Cuprum picture and if present in an apparent Carcinosin patient belongs to the Copper part more or less present in these patients. The remedy should be then Carcinosinum cum Cuprum. Another differential is with Arsenicum Album because of the enormous anxiety, fear of death, fastidiousness, cautiousness, amelioration from occupation, anxious restlessness and anticipation. But in the

Arsenicum patient there is much more dependence, he needs others to be reassured and to feel in security. The Cuprum patient presents itself much more as a strong personality who relies only on himself and hates to be dependant on others. Cuprum arsenicosum can be a good choice when in a Cuprum patient there is a tremendous anxiety and restlessness.

CHILDREN Cuprum children can be very difficult because of their great tension, irritability and maliciousness. They are not soft children and are difficult to handle with aversion to touch or to be approached. They can be timid with fear of strangers and aggressiveness, driving the parents to despair.

Drosera (Dros)
Complementar: Agar. Bac. Calc. Carb-v. Cina. Cor-r. Meny (= An). Meph. Nux-v. Sulph. Tub. Verat. Urmeaza bine: Ant-t. Bry. Con. Gnaph. Lach. Lyc. Pert. Naphtin. Ouabin. Puls. Rhus-t. Samb-n. Zing. Urmat bine de: in miasma tuberculina: Bac. + Kali-c. + Tub. Bell. Carc. Chin. Cina. Coc-s. Cocc. Con (Tb. + tuse uscata). Cupr. Gnaph. Graph. Hep. Ip. Kali-c. Lyc. Meph. Petr. Puls. Rhus-t. Samb. Sep. Spong. Intermediar: Tuse cu gafaiala: Sulph. Verat. Incompatibil cu: dilutii inalte de Tb. Antidoteaza: Cina. Tuse magareasca/Tb. (oase/glande/articulatii) Antidotat de: Camph. Carb-v. Gnaph. Efect: 20 - 30 zile, nu se repede in dilutii inalte. Litemic/tuberculin/psoric/sclerotic/afrodiziac/sal DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA (dros.) * Respiratory complaints. Spasms. MIND: - - Angry at trifles. - - Difficult concentration. Changes to something else. - Anxiety, sadness when alone. - - Suspicious of his friends. Delusion of persecution. - Inclination to drown himself. GENERALITIES: - - Epileptiform convulsions. - - Tubercular tendency. - Hemorrhages of bright blood. - - Emaciation. - - < Night/Heat FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Aversiune: Pork. NOSE: - - Sangerari din nas from coughing, stooping. - - Sensibil to sour odors. THROAT: - - Contraction on talking. STOMACH: - - Vomiting with cough. ABDOMEN: - - Colic after acids. LARYNX: - - Contraction. - - Deep, hoarse voice. - - Phtisis with rapid emaciation. RESPIRATION: - - Asthmatic when talking. COUGH: - - SPASmodic, VIOLent. sensation of crumbs or feather or from dryness in larynx.Whooping cough. Deep and hoarse.PARoxysms follow each other rapidly. Choking. Holds chest on coughing. With retching, vomiting. With sangerari din nas, bleeding from mouth. < AS SOON as head touches pillow/After midnight/Lying down/Heat/After drinking, eating/ Talking, singing, laughing, weeping/Emotional excitement. After measles. EXTREMITIES: - - Contraction fingers when grasping something. Writer's cramp. Spasms of fingers when coughing. - - Bed feels too hard (Arn). SKIN: - - Itching < undressing (Rumx), > rubbing.

Electricitas (Elec)

Substanta: zahar de lapte saturat cu electricitate Incompatibil cu: Chlol. M-ambo. Merc. Phos-h. Plb. Acizi Arsuri cu sulf Antidoteaza: Asaf. Chlol. M-ambo. M-arct. M-aust. Mag-c. Merc. Phos-h. Plb. Antidotat de: Cham. Chin. Mosch. Nux-v. Phos. Merc. Morph-act. Phos.Elektrosmog: Colch.

Accident cu curent: Phos (fata palida /tremura/tresare/nervos/teama). Nux-v (crispat/intepenit/aparent mort). Lach (fata albastra) Efect: 3 - 4 T. tuberculin

Digitalis (Dig)
Complementar: Acet-ac. Ars. Cact. Calc. Carb-v. Chin. Kali-c. Lach. Lyc. Myric. Ouabin. Quin. Sulph. Urmeaza bine: Bell. Bry. Cham. Crat. Daph-o. Ib. Myric. Nux-v. Olnd. Op. Phos. Puls. Sep. Verat. Urmat bine de: Bell. Bry. Cham. Crat. Nux-v. Op. Phos. Puls. Sep. Squil. Verat. Intermediar: Crat. Incompatibil cu: Asper. Chin. Ferr. Nit-sd. Senna. Stroph. lenter + puls puternic /Infarct/dilutii joase Antidoteaza: Adren. Ammoniums. Apis. Ars. Calc. Chinin-s. Chlol. Daph. Gels. Lob. Myr-c. Nux-v. Op. Phyt. Vin. Antidotat de: Absinth. Apis. Ars. Calc. Camph. Chin. Colch. Crat. Foenm-g. Laur. Nit-ac. Nux-v. Olnd. Op. Phos. Rhus-t. Sep. Ser-ang. Squil. Staph. Stroph-h. Alcool. Tee. Aether. Acizi din plante. Otet. Infuzi din vezica biliarae. Lapte. Otravie: Lapte cu Fenegrik. Cafea. Miljoc de indus voma. Efect: 40 - 50 zile mai putin efect la vegetariani / limfatic/nervos/tifoid/psoric/sicotic/anafrodiziac/sal Bun la boli cardiace cu puls slabit, neregulat, intermitent i anormal, cu adunare de apa n tesuturi i n organe. Slabiciune i dilatatie a muschiuluii inimii. Puls slab la stat intins dar neregulat atunci cand se ridica n picioare. Slabiciune mare, lipsa de putere, piele rece, respiratie neregulata. Galbinare din cauza intaririi i atrofierii ficatului. Slabit ca de moarte. Infatisare albastruie. Colaps, tendinat de a cadea la cel mai mic efort. Acest remediu stimuleaza muschiul inimii i puterea sistolei facand-o mai indelungata. Fire: depresiv, cu frica de viitor Cap: ameteli la mers sau la ridicat, durere puternica n frunte, dupa baut de apa rece sau dupa inghetata, cap greoi, dezorientare psihica. Buze i limba albastre Ochi: verdele este perceput altfel, pleoape albastre, vazut ca prin ceata, neclar, vazut dublu Stomac: rau puternic, slabiciune mare la stomac, se simte ciudat burta superioara Ficat: ficat marit, ranit i dureros Scaun: scaune ca o pasta alba, ca de calc sau cenusa. Diaree la hepatita Respiratie: slaba, nereguloata, nevoia de a insipira adanc, senzatie de rana n piept, pneumonie la batranete, senzatie de presiune la plamani, bronsita cronica. Nu poate sa suporte vorbitul. Inima: puls slab, neregulat, cea mai mica miscare creeaza palpitatii, plus marit la cea mai mica miscare, adunare de apa la inima Extremitati: umflarea picioarelor, picioarele amortesc usor, degetele de la maini se umfla noaptea, slbaciunea muschilor. Senzatia ca prin picioare trece o sarma incina. Piele: capilare albastre umflate, adunare de apa, piele rosie inchisa Dilutia: D cau CH 1-6 DIGITALIS PURPUREA (dig.) * Heart, liver and prostate affections. MIND: - - Sadness with sleeplessness from heart pains, due to unhappy love, grief. - Anxiety about conscience. Remorse. - - Indisposed to speak. Tearful moroseness. - Weeping from music. - - Fear that heart will stop if they move (opposite of Gels.). - Fear of death, about the future. GENERALITIES: - - - SLOW PULSE. - - < Lying on left side/Exertion, coition. - COMBINATION of heart and prostrate or heart and liver complaints VERTIGO: - - - With heart or liver symptoms. EYE: - - Blue lids. - - Detachment of retina. - - Objects appear green and yellow. Colours of the rainbow before eyes. Changes in perception of shades of green.

FACE: - - Face and lips bluish. - - Blue distented veins on lids, ears, lips and tongue. MOUTH: - - Tongue and gums blue. STOMACH: - - Nausea, < eating least food, smell or sight of food. Not > by vomiting. - Faintness, great weakness in stomach. Sinking feeling at pit of stomach. ABDOMEN: - - Enlarged, sore, painful liver. Hepatitis. RECTUM: - - Diaree during jaundice. STOOL: - - White, chalk-like, pasty. BLADDER: - - Constant urging < at night, with discharge of hot burning drops. - - Sharp cutting or throbbing pain at neck of bladder, as if straw were being thrust back and forth. - Retention of urine. PROSTATE: - - Prostatitis. Prostate enlarged, esp. old people. URETHRA: - - Urethritis. Constriction and burning as if urethra too small. MALE GENITALIA: - - Hydrocele. Edema of prepuce. Dropsical swelling of genitals. - Amorous desire with impotency. - - Phimosis. RESPIRATION: - - Dyspnea + heart problems. - - Deep sighing. - - Irregular. EXPECTORATION: - - Hemoptysis instead of menses or before menses. CHEST: - - WEAK HEART. Feels as if it would stop if he moves must hold breath and keep still. Sudden sensation as if heart stood still (Gels, Lob). - Pneumonia in old people. Chronic bronchitis. - - SLOW pulse. Slower than heart. - Passive congestion of lungs with hemoptysis due to weak heart (Queb). - Least motion causes violent palpitation. Weak puls, quickened by least motion. - Angina pectoris < raising arms, exertion, coition, excitement. - Irregular heartbeat. Intermittent pulse. - Hyperthrophy of heart. Dilatation. Cardiac dropsy. - Heart failure. Rheumatic heart disease. - PALPITATIONS, with depression from grief (Ign, Ph-ac). EXTREMITIES: - - Pain and numbness in left arm. - - Fingers go to sleep easily. - Dropsy. Shiny, white swelling joints. Swelling of fingers < noaptea.Swelling of feet. - One hand cold, the oter hot. - - Blue nails. - - Weakness. SLEEP: - - Starts from sleep from fear of suffocation. - Starts from sleep, as if falling from height. SKIN: - - Jaundice. - - Cyanosis. - - Dropsy.

Dulcamara (Dulc) Tema: Frig i f r ajutor, speriat/Dominanta Cauza: Suprimare/racire; Complementar: Alum. Bar-c. Calc. Calc-s. Kali-c. Kali-s. Lyc. Merc. (folgt GUT) Nat-s. Sulph. Thuj. Urmeaza bine: Bell. Bry. Caus. Lach. Led. Rhus-t. Sep. Verat. Urmat bine de: Agar. Ambro. Aral. Bell. Lach. Nat-m. Nit-ac. Nux-v. Puls. Sil. Rhus-t. Sep. Verat. Incompatibil cu: Acet-ac. Bell. Lach. Antidoteaza: Bar-act. Bar-c. Bar-m. Calc. Camph. Caus. Cham. Con. Cupr. Cupr-act. Euphr. Kali-n. Merc. Nat-s. Rhus-t. Lucru in camere frigorifice/aer conditionat Antidotat de: Bry. Calc. Camph. Caps. Cupr. Ip. Kali c. Merc. Physin-sal. Efectul 30 Zile, brusc coleric/flegmatic/hydrogenoid/litemic/flegmatic/ringwormoi/tifoid/psoric/sicotic

* < Vreme umeda si rece. MIND: - - Domineering and possesive in their relationship with other people.Especially those close to them. - - Strong-willed, self-centred; force their opinions on others. - Feel unappreciated if people don't show the gratitude they expect. - Censorious, critical, almost suspicious. - - Concerned, anxiety about family, others. Uptight. - - Talk about their children, family. - - Practical, matterof-fact people (Chel). GENERALITIES: - - Chilly. - - Stout, obese, bosomy. - << cold damp weather/humidity/change hot to cold, < summer to autumn/Cold food/ drinks/draft. - - > Warm, dry/motion

- Ailments from catching cold (Puls), sitting on cold, wet ground. - AILMENTS from suppresses eruptions, discharges - Allergy to cats (Tub, Sulph, Kali-c, Ars, Puls). - - Hypertension, high cholesterol. - Rheuma # Diaree o. Eruption (Kali-bi). FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: Sweets. HEAD: - - PAIN from suppressed catarrh or eruptions - < Cold, wet weather, > discharge, conversation. - Eruptions. Thick brown crusts, bleeding when scratched. - - Ringworm in the hair. EYE: - - Every cold settles in eyes. Thick, yellow discharge (Puls). - Profuse, watery lachrymation with hay fever, < open air. - - Twitching in cold air. EAR: - - Noises, buzzing at night. - Otitis, catarrh with nausea, swelling of parotids. < Left/night/vreme umeda si rece. NOSE: - - Hayfever < end of summer, fall. Allergy. Sinusitis. - Coryza, > motion (Rhus-t), < open air. Thick, yellow mucus. - Obstructed < vreme umeda si rece, draft, > warm room. - - Coryza of new born. FACE: - - NUERALGIA from suppressed eruptions. < Draft, vreme umeda si rece.Preceded by coldness of parts. - - Bell's palsy with difficulty speaking. Mout drawn to one side. WARTS (Caus/Nit-ac/Thuj). - - Twitching of lips in cold air. - Humid or crusty eruptions. - - Herpes about lips (Nat-m. Rhus-t. Sep). ABDOMEN: - - Colic from vreme umeda si rece, getting wet. AFTER: - - DIAREE from Cold damp weather, cold food; SUPPRESSED eruptions . < Night. - - Urging when getting chilled. BLADDER: - - Must urinate when getting chilled. - CYSTITIS, involuntary urination or retention from getting wet, from WADING with BARE FEET in COLD WATER (Puls). MALE GENITALIA: - - Herpetic eruptions. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Herpetic eruptions. - Suppressed menses, abortion from getting wet. RESPIRATION: - - Asthma: < Cold, wet weaTer; from suppressed eruptions. COUGH: - - Loose, rattling < wet weather, warm room. CHEST: - - Herpes on mammae in nursing women. - - Milk suppressed from cold. BACK: - - Pain in small of back, < stooping, vreme umeda si rece. - Stiffness across neck and shoulders < cold wet. - - Chill starts in back (Eup-per. Gels). EXTREMITIES: - - rheumatic COMPLAINTS Esp. joints, stiffness and pain. < Cold damp weather (Rhus-t, Calc)/Getting wet. - - > Moving about. - Flat warts on hands. - - Heaviness, paralysis after suppressed eruptions. SKIN: - - FLAT, SMOOTH WARTS (Ant-c), < cold washing. - Eruptions < before menses, in newborns, vreme umeda si rece. - Urticaria. Eczema. Impetigo. Herpes. - Humid eruptions or thick brown-yellow crusts, bleeding when scratched.

Eucalyptus globulus (Eucal)

Urmeaza bine: Ars (la febre repatate), Chin. Chinin-ar. Chinin-s. Efect de Eucalypt se amelioreaza prin Cafea, Antidoteaza: Anac. Strychnin. Stry-n. Previne: Malaria. Gripa. Vorbeugung: Gripa/raceala (+ reumatism) Antidotat de: Absin. Ars. Camph. Chin. Eup-per. Kreos. Nat-s. Phyt. Thuj. Cafea. Efect: tifoid/sifilitic/malaroid/sicotic/carcenoid

Eupatorium purpureum (Eup-pur)

Complementar: Bry (= An). Cact. Hyos. Nat-m. Nit-ac. Sanic. Sep. VAB. Urmat bine de: Am-c. Cean. Nux-v. Sep. Sulph. Tub. Antidoteaza: Cact. Chin. Cina. Eucal. Malar Antidotat de: Acet-ac. Camph. Op. Efect: 1 - 7 zile

malarial/tifoid/ringwormoid/litemic/sicotic/Acut/antibiotic EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM (eup-per.) * Complaints accompanied with bone-pains. MIND: - - Very restless, can't keep still. GENERALITIES: - - Chilly. < Uncovering, draft. - PAIN IN BONES, 'AS IF BROKEN'. - < Motion, but pain is so severe that he can't keep still. - Febrile diseases, like influenza, malaria. - Recurrent fevers, malaria-like (Chin, Nat-m). FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: COLD DRINKS, ice cream. HEAD: - - Periodical 'arthritic' headache with soreness internally. Every 3th or 7th day. - Occipital headache, with sense of weight, after lying down. Must lift head up with hands. - Headache > conversation, < fever, perspiration. EYE: - - Soreness in eyeballs (Bry), of lids. STOMACH: - - Nausea < motion, from smell or thought of food (Colch). - THIRST for FOR LARGE quantities of cold water before and during chill and before vomiting bile. - Vomiting immediately after drinking. COUGH: - - Hoarseness and cough, with soreness in chest. Supports chest on coughing (Arn. Bry. Dros). - Cough < 2 - 4 h.. (Kali-c); - > on hands and knees; kneeling faced towards pillow (Med). CHEST: - - Soreness, < coughing, motion. BACK: - - Pain as from a bruise and weakness in back. < Before and during chill, motion. - Chill felt first in back (Gels). EXTREMITIES: - - BONE PAINS WITH SORE MUSCLES. - Gout, arthritis associated or alternating with headache. CHILL: - - CHILL between 7 - 9 h..preceded by GREAT THIRST with GREAT SORENESS AND ACHING OF BONES.

Euphrasia officinalis (Euphr)

Complementar: Agn. All-c. Merc. Sulph. Urmeaza bine: Acon. Arn. Calc. Con. Nux-v. Phos. Puls. Rhus-t. Sil. Urmat bine de: Acon. Alum. Ars. Calc. Chin. Con. Cupr. Lyc. Nux-v. Phos. Puls. Rhus-t. Sep. Sil. Antidoteaza: Alcool/Otravire cu tutun Antidotat de: All-c. Art-v. Bell. Camph. Caus. Dulc. Merc. Puls. Ruta. Efect: 25 zile sanguinic/psoric/sicotic EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS (euphr.) * Catarrhal affections of mucous membranes, especially of eyes and nose. MIND: - - Hypochondriasis, no interest in surroundings. - - Confusion > washing face. GENERALITIES: - - Hay fever, allergies. - - Chilly. - - Ailments from injuries to eyes. HEAD: - - Catarrhal headache with profuse discharge from eyes and nose. EYE: - - Constant ACRID LACHRYMATION. < Wind (Puls). - ConjunctiVITIS. Burning/swelling/agglutination of lids.Margins itching and burning. - SENSATION OF SAND or dust in Te eyes. As if a hair before them. - Frequent inclination to blink. - - STICKY MUCUS on cornea, must wink to remove it. - Little blisters on cornea. - - Rheumatic iritis. Opacities. Cataract. - - Photophobia. NOSE: - - PROFUSE, BLAND CORYZA, with ACRID LacrimatION (opposite to All -c). FACE: - - Stiff upper lip, as if made of wood. AFTER: - - Condylomata, painful on touch. MALE GENITALIA - - Condylomata, burning when touched. FEMALE GENITALIA - - Amenorrhea with conjunctivitis. RESPIRATION: - - Asthmatic. COUGH: - - (Whooping-) COUGH only during DAY-TIME, with profuse lachrymation. > LYING DOWN (Mang). SKIN: - - Measles with marked eye-symptoms. - Condylomata, burning or stitching when touched.

Ferrum metallicum (Ferr)

Luptator/drumul meu sau autostrada Complementar: Alum (= C), Ars..Chin, Chinin-ar, Cic, Graph, Ham, Urmeaza bine: Acon. Bell, Con. Euph, Glon, Lyc, Merc, Phos, Verat, Urmat bine de: Acon. Arn, Bell, Con. Euph, Lyc, Merc, Ph-ac, Phos, Puls, Sulph, Verat, Incompatibil cu: Acet-ac. Chin. Dig. Thal. Tb. Bere. Cafea. Tee. Antidoteaza: Arn. Ars. Bry. Carb-v. Chin. Chinin. Chinin-s. Cupr. Hydr-ac. Iod. Ip. Kreos. Merc. Ter. ceai. Bauturi alcoolice. Abuz de Chin cu febra schimbatoare Antidotat de: Arn. Ars..Bell. Bry. Calc-p. Carb-v. Chin. Chinin-ar. Chinin s. Cupr. Hep. Ip. Kreos. Merc. Nat-m. Puls. Sulph. Verat. Preparaten cu fier prin: Ars. Calc-p. Chin. Chin-a. Cupr. Cupr-act. Hep. Histid. Nat-m. Nux-v. Puls. Sulph. Verat. Bere. Ceai. Efect: 50 zile diagonal stanga jos pana dreapta sus / Plethorisch/oxygenoid/tuberculin/tifoid/psoric/malarial/sicotic/sifilitic FERRUM METALLICUM (ferr.) MIND: - - Sensibil to noise, especially to rustling of paper. - Dictatorial. Contradiction aggravates. - - Irritability, < noise, menses. - Restlessness. Busy. - - Changeable moods. - - Anxiety. Fear of apoplexy (Aster). GENERALITIES: - - FALSE PLETHORA: look healthy, red cheeks, but are very weak. - FLUSHES OF HEAT with strong perspiration. - - OBESITY. - - WEAKNESS. - Anaemia, with local congestions. - - >> walking SLOWLY (Puls), but < exertion. - < Rest. - - < Cold. - - << noaptea. < After midnight. - - Chilly. - Ailments from loss of vital fluids (Chin). FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: Sweets, TOMATOES, bread and butter, liquid food, soup, sour. - Aversiune: EGGS, sour. - << eggs. VERTIGO: - - On rising; with obscuration of vision. - On crossing running water. - - On descending. HEAD: - - HeadACHE, lasting DAYS. Congestive, pulsating (Bell, Glon, Meli, Lach, Puls). > Pressure, walking slowly. Periodicity, every two weeks. Aversiune to cold drinks during headache. - Heat of head and face with cold extremities. EYE: - - Letters run together. EAR: - - Noises in ear < menses. NOSE: - - SANGERARI DIN NAS, < stooping; in children (Ferr-p). Alternating with hemoptysis. FACE: - - FLUSHED or PALE with EASY flushing CIRCUMSCRIBED REDNESS. < Excitement, chill, exertion, pain, wine. - - Varicose veins. Distented veins. STOMACH: - - SUDDEN vomitingwhbile eating OR IMMEDIATELY after eating even without nausea. - Vomiting < eggs, after midnight. Postoperative vomiting (Nux-v, Phos). - Increased appetite, alternating with loss of appetite. AFTER: - - Diaree: painless, while eating (Trom), or immediately after. BLADDER: - - Involuntary urination at night, while walking. - Urine dribbles all day in little girls. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Menses too soon, too profuse. Remit two or three days, Ten return. - Metrorrhagia, with flushing, < menopause. - - Amenorrhea. - Prolapsus. Fibroids. Abortion. RESPIRATION: - - Difficult, > slow motion. EXPECTORATION: - - Hemoptysis, < during lactation. CHEST: - - Palpitations, > slow walking, < motion, exertion. BACK: - - Pain, > walking slowly. EXTREMITIES: - - rheumatic PAINS of upper limbs, ESPECIALLY shoulders << rest/24 h., < cold. >> slow motion, > warmth. - Varicosities < during pregnancy (Puls). - - Cold feet, < seara in bed.

Ferrum phosphoricum (Ferr-p)

cei care merg cu valu Cauza: Rani/Sudoare suprimata;

Complementar: Bry. Calc-f. Caps. Chin. Kali-m. Nat-m. Phos. Sulph. * Ferr-p. + Ars. + Caps.* (Ototis) Urmeaza bine: Acal- Ant-t. Arn. Bry. Calc. Calc-p. Calc-s. Coloc. Hep. Ign. Kali-p. Nat-s. Nux-v. Ph-ac. Sil. Verat-v. Urmat bine de: Am-c. Ant-t. Ars. Bell. Calc. Calc-p. Calc-s. Cham. Con. Kali-c. Kali-p. Nat-p. Nat-s. Ph-ac. Pyrog. Rhus-t. Intermediar: Bry (afectiuni ale pieptului la copii) Incompatibil cu: Nat-m. Paris. Antidoteaza: Stront-br. Tb. Antidotat de: Arn. Ars. Bell. Chin. Ip. Par. Puls. Verat. pe partea dreapta Efect: oxygenoid/limfatic/sanguinic/tuberculin/psoric/Acut Repertoriu: FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM (ferr-p.) * Affections of respiratory tract. Hemorrhages. MIND: - - Excitable. Talkative. - - Changeable moods. - - Nervous. Sensibil. Irritable. - Indifference to exciting events. - - Memory impaired for names, facts, etc. Irritated at own mental slowness. - - Confusion > washing face with cold water, motion. GENERALITIES: - - Acute, HIGH or low fever but no strong characteristics - Chilly. - - < R. side/Exertion/4 - 6 h > Gentle motion (Ferr, Puls)/Cold applications. - HEMORRHAGES, bright red blood (Ferr/Ip/Mill/Phos). - - Weakness. Anemia. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: Sour, cold drinks, ale. HEAD: - - Headache, > urination (Gels), cold application, < fever, menses. EYE: - - Pain > urination. - - Photophobia during fever. EAR: - - Otitis media. Noises. - - Hearing impaired from colds. NOSE: - - Sangerari din nas; in children (Ferr). FACE: - - Flushed or pale, circumscribed redness (Ferr). - - Neuralgic pain > cold application, urination, < shaking head. TEETH: - - Pain > cold. THROAT: - - Inflammation. Tonsillitis. Sore throat in singers. STOMACH: - - Thirst for large quantities (Phos). - - Vomiting immediately after eating; bright red blood. URINE: - - Hematuria. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Menses early, profuse. - - Vagina painful during coition, with examination. COUGH: - - Dry, hard cough, < touching throat. EXPECTORATION: - - HEMOPTYSIS, bright-red blood (Ip/Mill/Phos). CHEST: - - PNEUMONIA, < R., in children (Lyc). - - Pleurisy. EXTREMITIES: - - Pain of right shoulder and upper limb, > gentle motion.

Graphites naturalis (Graph)

F r culoare Complementar Arg-n. Ars..Calc. Calc-m. Calc-p. Carb-v. Cars. Caus. Chel. Cob. Coll. Ferr. Hep. Hydr. Lach. Lap-a. Lyc. Morg. Psor. Puls (Graph = C). Sep. Streptoc. Sulph. Tab. Thuj. Tub. Graph = complementar la multe remedii. Urmeaza bine: Dros. Fl-ac. Guai. Hep. Nat-m. Rhus-t. Sep. Sil. Urmat bine de: Acon. Diph. Euph. Kali-sil. Merc-c. Nat-s. Nux-v. Phos. Rhod. Sil. Squil. Stann. Thios. Intermediar: Scir (cancer) Incompatibil cu: Graph. dupa Lyc. Antidoteaza: Acon. Ars..Calc. Eupi. Iod. Lyc. Plb. Rhus-t. Ther. Antidotat de: Acon. Ars. Chin. Lyc. Nux-v.Vin. Efect: 40 - 50 zile, partea stanga melancolic/flegmatic/sanguinic/malarial/hydrogenoid/destructiv/leproid/psoric/ringwormoid/sicotic/sifilitic/ oxygenoid se repeta rar/efect de lunga durata/nu se schimba remediu/ GRAPHITES (graph.) MIND: - - Blandness. Dullness. SLOWNESS. - - Timid, reserved. - IRresolution. Insecurity. Anxiety about the consequences of a decision.

- Trifles seem IMportant. - - Obstinate. Censorious. - - Discontented. Easily offended. - Irritability about trifles - - Changeable moods. - - Anxiety about future/salvation/trifles. - Fear something will happen, of misfortune. - Anxiety and fear < dimineata. Irritation, excitement, sleeplessness in evening. - Sensibil to music. Weeping from music (Aur), especially organ. - - Depression. - Aversiune to mental work.- - Difficult concentration, mental exertion = restless (Kali-p). - Weakness of short-term memory, > for long past events. - Absence of thoughts. Impressions don't penetrate. Hard to get information from them. - Confusion with weeping and awkwardness , < before and during menses. GENERALITIES: - - Chilly (can be warm). - < Cold and overheating (heat of bed)/Morning on waking/Menses. << left side. - OBESITY. Rapid emaciation in stomach diseases.from suppressed eruptions or discharge Emaciation of affected parts (Plb). - AILMENTS from suppressed eruptions or discharge - - Numbness. - Discharges: thick, sticky, offensive.- - Sudden weakness. Cataleptic.- - Fissures. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: CHICKEN. - Aversiune: SALT, SWEETS, FISH, meat, warm food. VERTIGO: - - < Morning on waking; looking upward; rising from stooping. HEAD: - - NUMBNESS or EMPTY FEELING (Cocc, Plat). - Headache: < left side, sunlight, while eating. - - ERUPTIONS < occiput. Psoriasis. - Alopecia. Falling of hair at temples. EYE: - - PHOTOPHOBIA (Nat-s), < sunlight. - Konjunktivitis. BLEPHARITIS. Keratitis. - - Eruptions on lids. Fissures of canthi. EAR: - - Otitis, < left. Chronic otorrhea, gluey, offensive. - - Noises, < noaptea, left side. - HEARING IMPAIRED, >> background noise - - Eruptions or cracks behind ear. NOSE: - - Cracked nostrils. - - Frequent colds. Coryza before menses. FACE: - - Cobweb sensation (Alum). - - Eruptions, esp. around mouth. Acne. MOUTH: - - Fissures in corners of mouth, lips. - - Offensive breath, like smell of urine. THROAT: - - Constant inclination to swallow. STOMACH: - - Stomach complaints after suppressed eruptions. - STOMACH DISORDERS with RAPID EMACIATION. Ulcers. Cancer. - Pain > eating, (warm) milk (Chel). ABDOMEN: - - Ascites. - - Eruptions, esp. inguinal region. AFTER: - - Constipatie < during menses, suppressed menses; instead of menses. - Fissures (Nit-ac, Rat). - - Eruptions. MALE GENITALIA: - - High desire or lack of interest, enjoyment. - IMPOTENCY. Ungovernable desire with poor results (Con, Gels, Lyc). Erections failing during coition (Lyc). Premature ejaculation. - Hydrocele.- - Eruptions, herpes;spreading to thigh. - - Cracks. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - High desire, nymphomania, or lack of interest. TUMORS of ovaries and uterus - - Enlargement and induration of ovaries. Uterine fibroids, cancer. - Menarche late. Menses scanty, late, not appearing. - - Eruptions. Cracks. - Leucorrhea profuse. LARYNX/TRACHEA: - - Hoarseness during menses. RESPIRATION: - - Dyspnea, from suppressed eruptions; > eating. - Suffocative, wakes from sleep. CHEST: - - CANCER OF MAMMAE, esp. old scar tissue. - Sore, cracked nipples. - - Eruptions in axilla, under breasts. EXTREMITIES: - - Swelling feet and toes during menses. - CALLOSITIES of palms and soles (Ant-c, Ran-b). - - Cracks of fingertips. - Eruptions < bend of elbows and knees. - - Numbness of forearms. - NAILS: DISTORTED, BRITTLE, thick, hard. - - Ingrowing toe nails (Sil). - Burning heat of foot soles, uncovers them. - - Rheumatic pains. SKIN: - - FISSURES, where skin and mucus membrane joins. - THICK, hard, dry, rough (Ant-c, Fl-ac). - - ERUPTIONS. Eczema. Herpes. Psoriasis. CRUSTS AND SCALES, OOZING H ONEY-LIKE, THICK, YELLOW, STICKY FLUID, sometimes offensive. - Itching < heat, during menses. - - KELOID (Fl-ac, Sil). - - Unhealthy.

Gelsemium sempervierens (Gels) Cauza: Tristete/Examen/teama/infectie/teama de aparitia in public Complementar: Agar. Agn. Arg-n. Bapt. Cact. Calc (= C). Cupr-ac. Cupr. Kalm. Mur-ac. Sep. Tab. Urmeaza bine: Camph. Caul. Ip. Lach. Lyss. Nat-c. Urmat bine de: Bar-c. Bry. Caul. Caus. Dig. Diph. Ip. Lyss. Merc. Nux-m. Spong. Zinc. Incompatibil cu: Atro. Op. Alcool < toate afectiunile de la Gels Antidoteaza: Atro. Cimic. Coca. Cocc. Con. Cupr-act. Jug-c. Mag-p. Nat-m. Nux-m. Op. Puls. Sol. Tab. Tarent. Gripa. Cafea. Antidotat de: Arg-n. Atro. Bell. Chin. Coff. Dig. Meli. Nat-m. Nux-m. Nux --v. Op. Puls. Sep. Stry. Cafea. Branza/Cascaval. Stimulanti. Sare Otravire: Nitroglicerina. Stricnina. Efect: 30 Zile pe neobservate ( i in caz acut) + vindeca repede coleric/melancolic/ sanguinic/flegmatic/limfatic/tifoid/malarial/sicotic Simptome tipice: Teama de ce vine, de viitor, dureri de cap, lipsa de voce, diaree, paralizie, greutate si oboseala in toate membre.
Nu poate sa fuga, ca iepurele in fata sarpelui, nu mai stie nimic desi s-a pregatit la examen. Des face o fata foarte rosie. Cel mai bine ar fugi de situatie. Afectiuni dupa vesti proaste. Durerei de cap cauzate de foen de munte. Durerile pornesc de la ceafa si se intand pana la frunte peste ochi. Senzatia de o banda stransa in jurul capului. Se simte slabit, cap rosu. Soarele si caldura agraveaza. Un remediu important la migrene. La lipsa de voce ajuta atunci cand aceasta s-a intamplat dup sperietura sau de la excitatie in aparitie cu public (Argentum), dupa emotii puternice bune sau rele. Gripa: un remediu excelent la gripa cu greutate in corp, dureri in ceafa si din ceafa cu roseata mare a capului. Puls incet si febra slaba sau inalta. Remediu important la gripa de vara (Dulcamara). Senzatie de paralizei in tot corpul si oboseala extrema sunt caracteristice la Gelsemium. Pleoapele cad si sunt grele sau ca paralizate ca si buza superioara, maxilarul, limba. Vorbit greoi, corzi vocale paralizate, mers tarat. Paralizii ale diferitilor muschi pot fi vindecati cu Gelsemium

Cauze: Soare, arsita, umezeala fierbinte, vin, 16-20 h, primavara, vara Aer cald, alcool, bere, cafea. Acut: de abia raspunde la intrebari. Febra + lipsa de sete + somnolent + epuizat, greutatea membrelor, tremuart, dureri in articulatii. Friguri din spate pana in spatele capului Fierbinteala peste tot + la cap + simte capul plin Transpiratie + epuizat + tremurat. Dureri in sinusuri fara expectoratie Ochii grei, apasati Copii: ameteli, se tine de ceva sa nu cada Ascunde: lasitatea arata laudarosenie pozitiv: initiativa proprie, curajos, activ, relaxat, liniste interioara negativ: A. fara sete, B. asteptarile paralizeaza, fara curaj, muschii nu mai asculta C. greutate in membre D. tremurat. E. vrea sa fie singur GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIERENS (gels.) * WEAKNESS LEADING TO PARALYSIS, on all levels. MIND: - - FEELING of weakNESS, of not being able to cope with daily life/responsibilities/work. - - COWARDICE. Needs support. - - Timidity. ANTICIPATION. - Desire to be quiet, to be left alone. Avoid people and distress of life. - STAGE FRIGHT, fear of exams, to take on new tasks. Feel almost paralysed. - Fear of falling, crowds. - - Mental weakness. Dullness. Forgetful. GENERALITIES: - - WEAKNESS, PARESIS, PARALYSIS. - AILMENTS from anticipation/fright/excitement/bad news - < Damp weather/Summer - - >> Urination. - TREMBLING from weakness/fear/anticipation . - Flushes of heat # with chills, < on back. - - Complaints since influenza, apoplexy.

FOOD AND DRINKS: - - > Alcohol. VERTIGO: - - Spreading from occiput (Sil). - - With disturbances of vision (Ferr). HEAD:- - OCCIPITAL PAIN EXT. UPWARDS (Sil). - Headache > urinating (Fl-ac), lying head high; < wine, 10 h.. - DULL, HEAVY with heaviness of eyelids. Can hardly lift head. - Headache with muscular soreness of neck and shoulders. EYE: - - HEAVY EYELIDS, can hardly open Tem. Ptosis. - WEAKNESS of ocular muscles. Amblyopia. Diplopia. - - Retinal detachment. - Diplopia or blindness before or during headache. Diplopia during pregnancy. NOSE: - - Acute coryza, < left side, with dull headache. FACE: - - Flushed. Hot, dusky red (Op). - - Dull, heavy expression. - - Neuralgia. MOUT: - - Tongue numb, heavy. Trembles. Paralysed. - - Thick speech. THROAT: - - Difficult swallowing, < warm food. - Pain from throat to ear on swallowing (Nux-v). STOMACH: - - Thirstless. AFTER: - - DIAREE from anticipation/excitement/fright/bad news. - Paralysis of Sphinkter and After. BLADDER: - - Paralysis. Retention. - Frequent urination from excitement/fright/bad news. MALE GENITALIA: - - Sexual energy weak, but easily excited. - Seminal emissions without Erektion. Slightest caress causes emission. - Impotency. Genitals cold and relaxed (Agn). FEMALE GENITALIA: - - False labor-pains extending up the back (Kali-c). - Dysmenorrhea with pain extending to back and hips. CHEST: - - FEELING as if heart would stop beating, if he did not keep in motion (Lob). BACK:- - CHILLINESS p and down back - - Pain under left scapula. - Weakness. - - Pain and stiffness cervical region extending to head. EXTREMITIES: - - Loss of power of muscular control. Paralysis. Contractions. - TREMBLING and WEAKNESS. - Heavy feeling, especially lower limbs. SLEEP: - - Sleeplessness from exhaustion, anticipation, excitement. - Drowsiness. Sleepiness of students.

Glonoinum (Glon) Cauza: Arsita/lucru extenuant/soc sufletesc/insolatie Incompatibil cu: Febra/ Soc/tensiune arteriala slaba/ colaps Antidoteaza: Ant-nl. Calc-ar. Cocain. Cars. Nicc-s. Pall. Sol. Antidotat de: Acon. Bell. Camph. Coff. Nux-v. pe partea dreapta plethorisch/sanguinic/tifoid/coleric/flegmatic/sicotic/sifilitic Efect: brusc/puternic Diverse: Nitroglycerina mixata cu pamant = Dynamita Substanta: Nitroglicerin Congestie cerebral , rau de mare, lesin
Cefalee congestive brutale, cu pulsa ii intense i vizibile ale carotidei, ameliorate prin inerea capului ntre mini i prin comprese reci. Dup insola ie sau la hipertensivi. Tahicardie, tahiaritmie. Hipertensiune congestiv . Bufeuri de c ldur la menopauz .

Agravare: la c ldur radiant ; la mi c ri bru te; la zgomot. Ameliorare: n aer liber; prin presarea capului ntre mini. GLONOINUM (glon.) * Violent irregularities of the circulation. MIND: - - Confusion. Cannot tell where he is. Gets lost in well known places.< Waking at night/inhaling fumes. - - Fear of apoplexy; of open spaces, < menopause. - Attempts to escape, jump out of window, with pain (headache). - - Time passes too slow. GENERALITIES: - - CONgestions,. PULSations. - - Flushes of heat, < menopause. - << sun. < Warmth/Menopause/suppressed Menses. - - > Cold/Open air. - Symptoms come and go with the sun. - - Sunstroke - - Hypertension. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: Tobacco. - - < Wine (Zinc).

HEAD: - - CONGESTIVE, PULSATING HEADACHE (Bell/Lach/Meli/Puls). - << Sun/< heat/wine/during menses/jar/tight collars.> Uncovering/pressure/lying in dark. Increases and decreases with the sun, even without exposure.Instead of menses. - Sensation as if brain is expanding, skull is too small. EYE: - - Red sclera with headache. NOSE: - - Sangerari din nas on going out in the sun, with flushed face. FACE: - - CONGESTION, with headache and palpitation. EXTERNAL THROAT: - - PULSATING CAROTIDS. STOMACH: - - Nausea and vomiting with congestion to head, e.g. sunstroke. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Climacteric complaints. - Suppressed menses with congestions to head and chest. CHEST: - - Congestions to chest and heart, < any exertion. - - Boiling sensation. Heat. - VIOLENT, VISIBLE PULSATION of HEART with THROBBING CAROTIDS and H EAT OF FACE. - - Angina pectoris.

Hamamelis virginiana (Ham)

Complementar: Aesc-h. Aloe. Bapt. Ferr. Fl-ac. Lach. Psor. Puls. Sep Urmeaza bine: Arn. Bel-p. Lach. Urmat bine de: Acon. Arn. Chin. Merc. Mill. Puls. Spong. Vip. Antidotat de: Arn. Ars. Camph. Chin. Puls. Efect: 1 - 7 Zile /plethorisch/tifoid/psoric/sifilitic Repertoriu: HAMAMELIS VIRGINIANA (ham.) * AFFECTIONS OF VEINS. MIND: - - Expects others to show respect to his opinions. - - Haughty. - Conscientious about trifles. Discontented. - - Dullness morning on waking. - Thinking constant about his ailments with complaining. - Forgetful of words while speaking. - - Fear of insanity. GENERALITIES: - - VariCOSE veins - - BRUISED SORENESS of affected parts. - PASSIVE VENOUS HEMORRHAGES, dark, profuse. - Distention of veins, large and blue. - - < Menses, pregnancy, suppressed menses. - Prostration out of proportion to amount of blood lost. HEAD: - - Fullness, followed by sangerari din nas (Meli). EYE: - - Bloodshot. Hastens absorption of intraocular hemorrhage (Arn). - Ailments after bruises, operation, etc. - - Soreness of eyes. NOSE: - - Sangerari din nas, profuse, passive, non-coagulating. > congestion of head (Meli). - - < From suppressed menses; instead of menses. MOUTH: - - Bleeding gums, dark, passive. THROAT: - - Varicose veins of throat and esophagus. AFTER: - - HEMORRHOIDS, bleeding profuse; with soreness.- - during pregnancy BLADDER: - - Hematuria. MALE GENITALIA: - - VARICOCELE. - - Pain along spermatic cord ext. into testes. - Testicles enlarged, hot, sore and painful. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Varicose veins. - - Menses dark, with sore pains. - Metrorrhagia, passive, dark flow. - - Vicarious menses. - - Ovaritis after blow, abortion. EXTREMITIES: - - VARICOSE VEINS + soreNESS and stinging, < pregnancy, menses (Ferr, Puls). - - Thrombophlebitis. SKIN: - - Phlebitis (Vip). - - VARICOSE ULCERS, VERY SORE. - Ecchymosis. Purpura. (Arn, Led, Sul-ac) - - Traumatic inflammations.

Helleboris niger (Hell)

Vezi si

Tema: Perceptie Acut: de abia raspunde la intrebari cu privire la boala; voma/diaree/fara constiinta, fara dureri/simturile nu mai lucreaza/meningita + da din cap, stat pe spate Copil: slabit/gingas/sta pe spate/se uita in gol, mai rau la consolare Negativ: A. ceea ce percep il lasa indiferent (vobeste, gandeste si raspunde incet) B. ii este frig, C. simturile sunt amortite fara prevedere, D. inidrenet, incet + > la concentratie asupra simptomelor E. miscari nedorite ale unui picior, F. < orele 16 - 20 . G. < consolare;
Palid/pierdut din greutate/incrunta fruntea, amortit/irascibil, disperat/FRICA + doreste ajutor, nehotarat/invidios

Cauza: soc/durere sentimentala/zdruncinare de creier/eruptii suprimate/chinuit Complementar: Apis. Bar-c. Bell. Cham. Nat-m. Puls. Zinc. Urmeaza bine: Arn. Bry. Caus.Chin. Cic. Hyper. Lyc. Nux-v. Op. Phos. Sulph. Urmat bine de: Art-v. Chin. Cupr-ar. Gels. Iodof. Lyc. Merc. Nat-s. Nux-v. Phos. Rhus-t. Sep. Sulph. Tub. Antidoteaza: Op. Scarl. Antidotat de: Camph. Chin. Efect: 20 - 30 Zile diagonal, stanga jos pana dreapta sus psoric/destructiv/tifoid/ leproid/ringwormoid/coleric/melancolic/flegmatic/acut/otravitor

Repertory MIND Mind, absent-minded (See Forgetful) (1) Mind, absorbed, buried in thought (1) Mind, answers, reflects long (3) Mind, concentration, difficult (13) Mind, concentration, difficult, studying, reading, etc., while (13) Mind, despair (35) Mind, dullness, sluggishness, difficulty of thinking and comprehending (37) Mind, ideas, deficiency of (53) Mind, indifference, apathy, etc. (54) Mind, indifference, loved ones, to (55) Mind, indifference, pleasure, to (55) Mind, indifference, relations, to (55) Mind, irresolution (57) Mind, memory, weakness of (See Mistakes) (64) Mind, memory, weakness of, heard, for what has (64) Mind, memory, weakness of, read, for what has (65) Mind, memory, weakness of, said, for what has (65) Mind, memory, weakness of, say, for what is about to (65) Mind, sadness, mental depression (75) Mind, senses, dullness of (78) Mind, slowness (81) Mind, speech, slow (82) Mind, stupefaction (84) Mind, unconsciousness (89) VERTIGO HEAD

Head, congestion, hypermia, etc. (See Fullness, Pulsation) (109) Head, inflammation, of meninges (128) MOUTH Mouth, dryness, tongue (404) Mouth, taste, wanting tastelessness of food (427) EXTERNAL THROAT STOMACH Stomach, emptiness, weak feeling, faintness, goneness, hungry feeling (487) Stomach, nausea (504) Stomach, sinking (See Emptiness) (526) Stomach, thirst (527) Stomach, thirst, extreme (529) Stomach, thirstless (530) ABDOMEN Abdomen, rumbling (600) RECTUM Rectum, diarrh a (609) STOOL Stool, mucous, slimy (639) Stool, mucous, colorless (See Transparent) (639) Stool, mucous, tenacious (640) Stool, mucous, transparent (640) Stool, tenacious (642) BLADDER Bladder, urging, frequent (See Urination, Frequent) (653) Bladder, urging, ineffectual (654) Bladder, urination, feeble stream (slow) KIDNEYS URETHRA URINE

Urine, albuminous (680) Urine, color, dark (683) Urine, scanty (688) Urine, scanty, perspiration, during (688) Urine, sediment, coffee grounds, like GENITALIA FEMALE Genitalia female, dropsy, uterus (717) LARYNX AND TRACHEA RESPIRATION COUGH EXPECTORATION CHEST Chest, dropsy (829) BACK Back, stiffness, cervical region (947) EXTREMITIES Extremities, awkwardness (953) Extremities, awkwardness, hands, diverted to talking, when (953) Extremities, heaviness, tired limbs (1013) Extremities, pain, stitching, joints (1138) Extremities, pain, stitching, joints, chill, during (1138) SLEEP CHILL Chill, beginning in and extending from, arms (1263)

Chill, internal, evening, worse lying down (1268) FEVER Fever, chill, with (1284) Fever, continued fever, stupid form Fever, continued fever, stupor, complete Fever, perspiration absent, heat, with Fever, shivering, with (1290) PERSPIRATION SKIN Skin, goose flesh (1325) Skin, swelling, dropsical (1332) GENERALITIES Generalities, evening (agg.) (1342) Generalities, anmia (1344) Generalities, cold, air agg. (1348) Generalities, convulsions, children (1352) Generalities, dropsy, external (1356) Generalities, dropsy, internal (1356) Generalities, emaciation (1357) Generalities, inflammation, serous membranes (1368) Generalities, irritability, lack of (1369) Generalities, pain, stitching, bones (1386) Generalities, reaction, lack of (1397) Generalities, swelling, puffy (1405) Generalities, weakness, paralytic (1418)

Hepar sulfuris (Hep) Cauza: Frig/Corpuri straine; Complementar: Acon. Anthraci. Ant-c. Arn. Ars. Arum-t. Bell (cand Hepar nu-si face efectul). Calc. Calc-p. Calen. Graph. Gun. Iod. Lach. Lyc. Merc. Mez. Mur-ac. Myric. Phell. Psor. Pyrog. Samb. Sil-mar. Sil (Hep = A). Spong. Staphyc. Streptoc. Sul-ac. Syph. Tuj.
*Merc - Hep - Sil* *Acon - Spong - Hep* *Hep - Merc - Bell - Lach* *Acon - Hep - Spong - Hep - Spong* (= Boenninghausens Crouppowders). *Sil - Calc-s - Hep* *Bell - Hep - Sulph* (Otitis) *Cham - Hep - Sulph* *Merc - Hep - Sulph* *Puls. - Hep. - Sil* *Bell - Merc - Hep* afectiuni cronice cu simptome acute *Hep - Lach - Plat* (in aceasta ordine dac puroiul nu este scos) Urmeaza bine: Ant-t. Bar-c. Bry. Carb-an. Cham. Cic. Cimic. Cinnb. Cupr. Dros. Fl-ac. Kali-i. Kali-s. Mercir. Nat-m. Nit-ac. Puls. Zinc. Urmat bine de: Abrot. Apis. Bar-c. Brom. Bry. Calad. Calc-s. Caus. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Echi. Daph. Fl-ac. Ferr-p. Hydr. Hyper. Ign. Kali-i. Kali-m. Mag-c. Mag-f. Nat-n. Nit-ac. Nux-v. Phos. Puls. Pyrog. Rhus-t. Sars..Sep. Staph. Sulph. Zinc. Intermediar: Spong. Incompatibil cu: sub dilutia CH 4 Nit ac. Spong. Tuberculi vechi inlamati care nu au cum s scoata puroiul (Otita) Nu este sensibil la aer rece + atingere Antidoteaza: Am-c. Am-m. Ant-c. Ant-t. Ars. Aur. Bell. Calc. Cast-eq. Chin. Chinin. Chinin-s. Cina. Cinnb. Cit-l. Cupr-a. Cupr-act. Cupr. Ferr. Iod. Iodof. Ip. Kali-br. Kali-c. Kali-i. Lach. Mercuriusverbindungen. Merc. Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc-if. Merc-ir. Merl. Mez. Nit-ac. Ol-j. Ost. Plb. Sil. Spong. Stram. Zinc. Metale. Ulei de peste. Aether. Otravire cu metale. Utilizare de iod. Tratament cu cortison (la mame) Antidotat de: Acet-ac. Alum. Am-m. Ars. Bell. Calen. Cham. Graph. Ign. Iod. Iodof. Kali-i. Merc. Sil. Otet. Acizi din plante

Efect: 40 - 50 Zile avantajos dac se repeta; cand puroiul este eliminat greu periodic/coleric/melancolic/flegmatic/sanguinic/hydrogenoid/litemic/ /tifoid/malarial/ringwormoid/ limfatic/psoric/ sicotic/sifilitic/tuberculin pe partea dreapta

Substanta: "Inim de sulf calcaros" . Amestec Hahnemann n p r i egale de floare de sulf purificat i de cochilie de stridie. Afectiuni: Inflama ii, Supura ii
Inflama ii: Laringite acute cu dureri ca date de a chii, tuse aspr , l tr toare, hipersensibilitate la durere. Traheo-bron ite. Supura ii: "Orice ran mic supureaz ". Conjunctivite purulente, corize purulen e sinuzite purulente, abcese dentare. Mirosul secre iilor purulente este ntotdeauna fetid.

Agravare: la frig, la curen i de aer, la cel mai mic contact. Ameliorare: la c ldur .
Dilu iile joase favorizeaz colectarea puroiului. Dilu iile nalte diminueaz cantitatea de puroi. Aten ie la utilizarea lui Hepar sulfur n cazul cavit ilor nchise de unde puroiul nu poate fi drenat.

1. Mind. Sadness and desire to weep. Anguish and extreme apprehension, esp. in evening, and sometimes suggesting suicide. Ill-humour; dislike even to see friends. Excessive irritability. Vexation and passion, with hasty speech and excessive weakness of memory. The slightest cause irritates him and makes him extremely vehement. A sort of furious spleen as though one could murder a man in cold blood. Anger; would have no hesitation in killing a man who offended him, only he knows better. Visions in the morning, in bed. HEPAR SULPHUR (hep.) * Vulnerability. Oversensitivity. MIND: - - VULNERABLE. - Sense of no protection, no barriers against things from outside. - Feel everything can hurt them. Must do things to protect themselves. - Marry into a wealthy family to ensure security. - OVERsensitive to pain (Cham, Coff). INTOLERANT of suffering. Great suffering over minor troubles. Complaining. - Sensibil to seeing or hearing terrible things, accidents, esp. blood. Feel as if it's happening to themselves.- - Nervous excitement. Great hurry in speaking, eating, etc. - REACT abusive, angry, rude, when they feel their security is threatened. Irritable. - Later: Impulse to kill, esp. when holding a knife (Alum).Impulse to set things on fire. - Hypochondriacal anxiety about health. Suicidal depression. - Fear of injury (dentist, bees, accidents), being alone at night, of fire.Agoraphobia. - Children: Irritable. Intolerant of contradiction. GENERALITIES: - - CHILLY - - < COLD. Touching cold things. - < UNCOVERING, even single parts. - - < DRAFT. Dry cold air. - > Wet weather. - - Fainting, nausea from pain. - SPLINTER-LIKE pains, stitching (Arg-n, Kali-c, Nat-m, Nit-ac, Sil). - Suppurations and swelling of glands. - - LONG-standing SUPputations (Calc-s). - RAU MIROSITOARE DISCHARGES, like old cheese; sour. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: SOUR, vinegar, pickles, fat, spices. - - Aversiune: Fat. HEAD: - - Sensibil to cold air, uncovering. EYE: - - Purulent Konjunktivitis with great sensitiveness to air, touch, > warmth. - Eruptions on eyelids. - - Ulcers of cornea. Iritis. Blepharitis. EAR: - - OTITIS (Bell, Cham, Merc, Puls) with stitching pain, > warmth. - Otorrhea, offensive like old cheese. - - Ears very sensitive to wind. NOSE: - - Sinusitis. FACE: - - Acne, leaving scars - - Crack in middle of lip.

TEETH: - - Abscesses - - Unbearable pain. THROAT: - - Inflammation, tonsillitis. Suppuration. - Stitching pain as from splinter, fish-bone on swallowing. Pain extends to ear, on tearning head, yawning. ABDOMEN: - - Abscess of liver - - Suppuration of inguinal glands. STOOL: - - Sour. BLADDER - - Weakness, < old men. Urine voided slowly, dribbling. Drops fall vertically. URETHRA: - - Sensation of splinter in urethra. MALE GENITALIA:- - Offensive condylomata.- - Herpes. Humid eruptions. - - Prostatitis. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Leucorrhea, offensive, like old cheese. - Abscess of labia, ovaries. LARYNX: - - CROUP: From cold dry wind or air, < seara, untill midnight. - Hoarseness. Laryngitis. RESPIRATION - - Asthmatic, wheezing, > dampness. - - Rattling. COUGH: - - Dry, hoarse, barking < seara till midnight; loose morning. < Cold, uncovering a part, cold food or drinks, draft. - Weeping before or during cough. CHEST: - - Abscess. Mastitis. - - Bronchitis. Pneumonia. - - Abscess, boils in axilla. EXTREMITIES: - - FELON - - Coldness. Raynaud (Carb-v, Sep). PERSPIRATION: - - Strong-smelling. Sour. SKIN: - - ABSCESSES, BOILS, fistulas, ulcers. Very sensitive to touch. Discharging offensive. - Warts. Eczema. Fissures. - - Unhealthy skin. Suppurates. Heals slowly. - Promotes expulsion of foreign bodies (Anag, Sil). DREAMS: - - Fire. Hydrastis canadensis (Hydr) Complementar: Ars. Bac. Bar-c. Card-m. Chin. Cori-f (= A). Graph. Kali-bi (Hydr = vegetabiles An). Kali-i. Lyc. Merc. Myric. Ptel. Sep. Staph. Thuj. Tub. Urmeaza bine: Arg-n. Hep. Kali-bi. Sep. Urmat bine de: Kreos. Plb. Puls. Incompatibil cu: febra, raceli acute i inflamatoare/afectiuni acute/pierdere de greuatet/ameteala/obosit cronic/flora intestinala slabita Antidoteaza: Kali-chl. Kali-i. Kali-m. Merc. Sul-ac. Vacc. Previne: Vario.Folosirea de Chlorat de potasiu/mercur Antidotat de: Merc. Sulph. Efect: 14 - 20 zile lent + are nevoie de timp s - i arate efectul destructiv/flegmatic/canceroid/tifoid/psoric/sicotic/sifilitic/tuberculin HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS (hydr.) * Mucous membranes. MIND: - - Irritable, < suppressed leucorrhea. Curses. Throws away food and medicine. Hatred. - - Desiere to snub one who differed from himself. - Fear of impending disease; being incurable. - - Depression. Discouragement in cancer GENERALITIES: - - Thick/yellowish/ropy DISchrges (Kali-bi). - Cancer and CANCEROUS STATES, when pain is principal symptom. HEAD: - - Pressing frontal pain, over eyes, with constipation. EYE: - - Inflammation with characteristic discharge. EAR: - - Otorrhea with characteristic discharge. - - Eustachian catarrh. Impaiered hearing. NOSE: - - SINUSITIS (Kali-bi/Lyc/Merc/Sil). - Thick, tenacious discharge from posteriar nares. Child aroused suddenly from sleep by post-nasal dropping. - Obstructed. Inclination to constantly blow the nose (Stict). FACE: - - Cancer of lips. MOUTH - - Cancer of tongue (Gali). THROAT: - - Pharyngitis. Yellow, tenacious mucus. STOMACH: - - GASTRITIS. Ulcers. Cancer. - Can retain only milk. Vomits all other food. - - Vomiting of thick, stringy mucus. ABDOMEN: - - Liver affected - - Jaundice. Gallstones. RECTUM: - - Constipatie with dull headache.

URETHRA: - - Thick, yellow discharge. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Ulceration of cervix. - - Cancer of uterus. - Leucorrhea, yellow, ropy, < after menses. RESPIRATION: - - Difficult when lying on left side. EXPECTORATION - - Thick, yellow, tenacious. CHEST: - - Bronchial catarrh. - - Cancer of mammae. EXTREMITIES: - - Rheumatic pains and weakness. SKIN: - - Deep spreading ulcers. Cancer.

Hyoscyamos niger (Hyos) Cauza: soc Complementar: Bar-c. Bell. (atacuri de degerat congestive dupa Bell sau Op) Cham (= An). Cupr-ac. Eupper. Rhus-t. Staph (Hyos = A). Urmeaza bine: Atro. Bry. Cadm-s. Cann-i. Cupr. Lach. Laur. Lyc. Nux-v. Op. Rhus t. Stram. Urmat bine de: Bry. Caus. Con. Lach. Lyc. Phos (lascivitate). Puls. Stram. Verat. Incompatibil cu: boala Basedow. Antidoteaza: Bell. Calad. Cina. Iod. Lyss. Merc. Op. Plb. Rumx. Stann. Stram. Stry (n). Aether.
Antidotat de: Acet-ac. Am-br. Arn. Bell. Camph. Chin. Cit-ac. Nit-ac. Physin-sal. Stram. Otet. Vin. Acid citric. Efect: 6 - 14 Zile amorteste organele de simt prin care se atrage atentia catre interior/ Otravitor/rapid/acut/ destructiv/sanguinic/tifoid/psoric/sifilitic Coleric/melancolic/flegmatic/sanguinic HYOSCYAMUS NIGER (hyos.) MIND: - - Strong emotions. Become strongly attached. - This leads to JEALOUSY and SUSPICIOUSNESS. - Quarrelsome. Cursing. Abusive. Fighting. - - Loquacity. - Interested in sexual matters. ShameLESS, obscene in behavior, talking, dressing. Children playing with the genitals or holding them. - Exhibitionisme. Erotic mania. - - Silly laughing. Foolish behaviour. - Fear of water, being poisoned, being alone. - Ailments from disappointed love. Feels will be destructed by emotions. Shuts them off. - EMOTIONS become BLOCKED, immovable (Aur, Ph-ac, Sep). DETACHED. - MANIA: Gestures with hands. Picking at bedclothes. Erotic. Suspicious. Loquacity. Violent impulses. Occasionally becomes violent. Delusion being poisoned, possessed by the devil. - Children: Behavior problems. Fighting. Abusive. Hurts younger siblings from jealousy. Sexual interest. - - Depression and timid behavior can be seen also. GENERALITIES: - - < Menses/Night. - AILMENTS from fright/disappointed love/jealousy. - - TwitchINGS, JERKS, SPASMS. - CONVULSIONS, epileptic: < At night, during sleep, menses, pregnancy. - Paralysis. - - Coma, stupor, delirium. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Aversiune: WATER (Lyss, Stram). VERTIGO: - - Before convulsions. HEAD: - - Meningitis. Encephalitis. EYE: - - Strabismus. Diplopia - - Twitching of lids or eye. EAR: - - Noises in ear before convulsions. FACE: - - Distorted. Twitching. - - GRIMACES (Agar). MOUTH: - - Foams with convulsions. - - Bites tongue while talking (Bufo/Ign). TEETH: - - Grinding. THROAT: - - Difficult swallowing of liquids, > solids, warm food. STOMACH:- - Hiccough, < noaptea. - - Vomiting during convulsions. RECTUM: - - Involuntary stool from excitement; during sleep. - Constipatie from fright. - - Diaree during or after delivery. BLADDER: - - Involuntary urination; < menses; during convulsions. - Retention, after delivery (Ars, Caust). MALE/FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Sexual DESISilRE. Masturbation. Promiscious. - HANDLES GENITALS. COUGH: - - Spasmodic, dry cough, < lying, night, > sitting.

BACK: - - Opisthotonos. EXTREMITIES: - - RestLESS hands. GESTURES. PICKING at bedclothes. - Spasms, jerks, twitchings. Convulsions. - - Paralysis. SLEEP: - - Sleeplessness from imaginary cares. - - Wakes up frightened.

Hypericum perforatum (Hyper) Tema: rana Complementar: Arn. Calen. X-ray. Urmeaza bine: Hep.Led. Urmat bine de: Apis. Ars. Bry. Cham. Hell. Rhus-t. Sulph. Incompatibil cu: Cascaval/Bere/Vin/Drojdie/Scmochine/Choc. Soare direct sau indirect Anuleaza efectele pilulelor anticoncepionale Antidoteaza: Cocain (Depression). Drogen. Dig. Plb. Tetan. Plasatul de maini magnetic, plasatul de maini. Medicamente chimcie (alopatice). Alina durerea dupa operatii, mai bun decat Morph. Nervi raniti i muscaturi de animale Previne: Tetanus. Antidotat de: Ars. Cham. Sulph. Efect: 1 - 7 zile limfatic/litemic/nervos/hydrogenoid/antidepressivum/ coleric/sanguinic/ fotosensibilisierend/antibakteriell/sensibilisiert vor Sonnelicht stanga sua catre dreapta jos Planta: Sun toare, Pojarni Afectiuni: Dureri ale termina iilor nervoase: "Arnica nervilor"
Traumatisme ale termina iilor nervoase, strivirea extremit ilor, unghii smulse, n ep turi profunde, dureri ale resturilor membrelor n urma amputa iilor. Aceste dureri sunt acute, se manifest prin zvcniri, sf ietoare, insuportabile. Dureri cauzate de zona zoster sau postzosteriene. Preventiv dup o extrac ie dentar , pentru a evita instalarea alveolitelor. Dureri ale coccisului. Sciatic dup o interven ie chirurgical .

Agravare: la umiditate; la frig; la mi c ri bru te (zdruncin turi). HYPERICUM PERFORATUM (hyper.) * Injuries to nerves and spine. MIND: - - MENTAL/EMOTIONAL SYMPTOMS after injuries (Nat-s); depression, dullness, forgetfulness, hysteria; < before tunderstorm. - - Mistakes in writing. Forgets what wanted to say. - - Delusion of voices of death people. - Feels as if lifted in the air. - - Fear of falling from height, downward motion (Bor). GENERALITIES: - - INJURIES to parts RICH in NERVES (Led). - PAIN: SHOOTING, UPWARD, ALONG NERVE. - Prevents tetanus (Led). - - Convulsions after injury, esp. to spine, head (Nat-s). - Ailments from PUNCTURED WOUNDS, lacerations, bites of animals; after operations. - - Ailments of shock, fright, mesmerism. - Phantom pains (All-c/ Staph). - - < Foggy weAter. FOOD/DRINKS: - - Desiere: Warm drinks. VERTIGO: - - When urging to urinate. HEAD:- - As if touched by ice cold hand. - - Throbbing and heat in vertex, < closed room FACE: - - Eruptions around mouth. TEETH: - - Ailments after dental procedures FEMALE GENITALIA: - - After-pains after instrumental delivery. CHEST:- - Scirrhus of breast after injury. BACK: - - INJURIES to SPINE, COCCYX (Sil). - - Pain shoots up the spine and down limbs. - - Bruised coccyx after labor. EXTREMITIES: - - Neuritis. - - Injuries to finger tips. - Needle or splinter, under nail, in finger or footsole (Led). - - Rheumatic pains. SKIN: - - Painful scars.

Ignatia amara (Ign) Tema: unitatea de masura; Actrita sentimente pe toata gama Ignatia este pt. Femei ceea ce Nux-v este pt.barbati Complementar: Ambr. Apis. Aur. Calc. Carc. Caus. Cham (= An). Coff. Ip. Lach. Lyc. Nat-m (= C + An). Ph-ac. Puls. Sep (Ign = A). Scarl. Sil. Stroph-s. Sulph. Zinc. *Ign - Nat-m - Sep*
Urmeaza bine: Ars. Bell. Chin. Cina. Cimic. Cocc. Hep. Mez. Nux-v. Plat. Ran-b. Rhus- t. Sil-mar. Spong. Squil. Staph. Teucr. Thuj. Urmat bine de: Alum. Ars. Bell. Caus. Chin. Cocc. Ferr-p. Mez. Nat-ch. Kali-p. Nux-v. Phos. Plat. Rhus-t. Ther. Valer. Intermediar : Puls. Incompatibil cu: Coff. Nux-v. Tab. Tutun/Cafea Afectiuni ale ficatului Antidoteaza: Arn. Bry. Calad. Cham. Chinin-s. Clem. Cocc (Sexorganen). Coff. Hep.M-ambo. M-arct. Maust. Nux-v. Phyt. Puls. Sel. Stann. Tab. Teucr. Zinc. Cafea. Coniac i tarii din vin. Vin. Ceai de musetel. Tab. Chinina Previne + vindeca: Ciuma. Antidotat de: Acet-ac. Arn. Bell. Nu Camph. Cham. Cocc. Coff. Cof-t. Lyc. Nux-v. Puls. Zinc. Doze materiale.Otet. Cafea. Efect: 9 Zile se ia dimineata. Efect mai slab la ceii care consuma carne Melancolic/flegmatic/sanguinic/tifoid/psoric/malarial / pe partea dreapta + se aseaza pe parte cu dureri

Planta: Bob de Igna iu

Hipersensibilitate emo ional Comportament paradoxal Tulbur ri depresive: Astenie intens dup o emo ie. Depresie, triste e t cut , suspinuri profunde, plnset care apare cu u urin , dar i schimbare rapid de stare, cu trecere de la rs la plns sau invers; consolare rapid prin distragerea aten iei. Trac cu senza ie de nod n gt. Tulbur ri func ionale spasmodice induse de hiperemotivitate: Blocaj al digestiei ulterior unei st ri de contrarietate. Tahicardie emo ional . Tuse spastic . Dureri punctiforme ale regiunii apendiculare (f r apendicit ) i ale regiunii cardiace (dureri func ionale). C sc turi spastice. Ame eli declan ate de cel mai u or miros, ameliorate mncnd.

Agravare: prin emo ii ; de c tre excitan i ; prin consolare. Ameliorare: prin distragerea aten iei; prin exercitarea unei presiuni puternice (asupra punctelor dureroase).
Afectiuni ca urmare a dorului, pierderii partenerului, departarea de partener, deceptii in dragoste: dureri de cap, dereglari de menstruatie, tresariri: Usor de ranit sentimental, usor de jignit; Natura extrem de defensiva si sensibila Ofteaza tare, deseori la pacienti in varsta, casca Nu-i place sa fie alinat. Schimbari de stare, ras cu plans (Pulsatilla, Mercurius, Crocus), se contrariaza. Isteric sau stare isterica. Teama de pasari sau gaini Ameliorare dupa calatorii si vreme calda si umeda. Durerile de cap se amelioreaza dupa urinat. In general agravare dupa dulciuri (Argentum), repulsie si nesuportarea de cafea si tutun. Simptome contradictorii: durerile de gat se amelioreaza dupa inghitit, cele de articulatii dupa presiuni, etc. Tresariri, spasme, in special ca urmare la dor si deceptii Transpiratie numai la fata sau la buze Dureri de cap de ca si cum ar fi bagat un cui in cap (Gelsemium) Senzatie de nod in gat (dispare la inghitit) Pofta de brabza, repulsie pentru fructe Poate avea toate simptomele ca urmare la durere sentimentala, mai ales crampe si spasme IGNATIA AMARA (ign.) MIND: - - Emotional sensitivity. Refined, artistic.

Romantic. Idealistic. - - CONFLICT between (romantic) FEELINGS and REALITY. Dissatisfied with emotional life. - - Ailments from grief, disappointment. Unable to cry. Cries when alone. Sobbing. Tries to control crying during interview. Brooding. SILENT GRIEF. - - SIGHING. - - Close themself off. Mistrustful. Rude. Changeable moods. UNpredictable Hysterical. - - Anorexia Nervoasa. Women's liberation. Wants to proove herself. - - Gets overstrained, frustrated. Conflict between her (romantic)nature and her work. Become tense, sharp. - Fear of birds (poultry), claustrofobia, insanity. Anxiety about health. GENERALITIES: - - Paradoxical, CONtradictory symptoms: e.g. nausea > eating heavy - AILMENTS from grief, emotional shock - - Hysterical tendency and symptoms: Numbness. Cramps. Spasms. Tics. Chorea. Sudden momentary paralysis. - > Travelling. - - Hirsutism. - - Intolerant or aversion of tobacco. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire. Cheese, fruit. - - Aversiune. FRUIT. - < Sweets (Arg-n)/coffee. HEAD: - - Pain as from a nail (Thuj). - - Loss of hair after grief (Ph-ac). EAR: - - Impaiered hearing except for human voice. FACE: - - PERSPIRATION on face only. - - Twitchings. MOUTH: - - Bites on inner cheek or tongue when chewing, speaking (Bufo). TEETH: - - Pain < smoking, coffee. THROAT: - - SENSATION of a lump. As if they have to cry. - Pain, > swallowing solids, < not swallowing. EXTERNAL THROAT:- - Spasms of neck. Torticollis. STOMACH: - - Capricious appetite. - Emptiness, not > by eating. - - Disorders with > heavy food. - Cramping pain. Hiccough. - - Bulimia. AFTER: - - SPASMS, stitching pain shooting up in After. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Suppressed menses from grief. LARYNX/TRACHEA: - - Spasm of glottis. RESPIRATION: - - Hyperventilation. - - Sighing (Calc-p, Cimic). COUGH: - - Paraxysmal cough, < coughing. No time for inspiration. Coughing increases inclination to cough. Reflex cough. CHEST: - - Oppression. Constriction. - - Palpitation from grief (Dig). BACK: - - Spasms. EXTREMITIES: - - Jerks, twitchings, chorea. - Hysterical numbness, tingling, paralysis. SLEEP: - - Sleeplessness or sleepiness from grief, bad news. DREAMS: - - Of water; waves coming over her. Drowning.

Ipecacuanha (Ip)
Complementar: Agn. An-t (Ip = A). Arn. Ars. Calc. Chin. Chinin-ar. Cocc. Cupr (Ip = A/= vegetabiles An). Ign. Lyc. Nat-s (Ip = A). Phos. Sulph. Thlas. Verat. *Ip. - Bry. - Ant-t. - Puls.* (bronsita) Urmeaza bine: Acon. Ant-t. Calc. Cham. Dros. Gels. Kali-n. Laur. Med. Nux-v. Podo. Samb. Urmat bine de: Acon. Ant-c. Ant-t. (la corpuri straine in laringe); Incompatibil cu: Aster. Bism. Coff. Op. Antidoteaza: Alum. Alumn. Ango. Ant-c. Ant-t. Apis. Arn. Ars. Calc. Chin. Chinin-s. Chlol. Chlor. Chlf. Cina. Crot-t. Cupr-act. Cupr. Dulc. Euph Ferr. Ferr-p. Hydr-ac. Kali-m. Kali-n. Kreos. Laur. Led. Lin-u. Lob. Med. Morph. Morph-s. Mur-ac. Murx. Op. Stict. Still. Sul-ac. Tab. Verat. Suprimare de china acuta. Aburi de cupru. Otravire cu Santin. Antidotat de: Alum. Apoc. Arn. Ars. Camph. Cham. Chin. Dulc. Ferr. Hep. Laur. Nux-v. Op. Sul-ac. Tab. Verat. Efect: 7 - 10 Zile /pe partea dreapta Hydrogenoid/limfatic/tifoid/psoric/malarial/periodisch

MIND Mind, anger, irascibility (See Irritability and Quarrelsome) (2) Mind, anger, ailments after anger, vexation, etc. (2) Mind, anxiety, fever, during (6) Mind, capriciousness (10) Mind, censorious, critical (10) Mind, contemptuous (See Scorn) (16) Mind, delirium (18) Mind, haughty (51) Mind, impatience (53) Mind, impatience, heat, with (53) Mind, introspection (57) Mind, irresolution (57) Mind, irritability (See Anger) (57) Mind, moaning, groaning (See Lamenting) Mind, moaning, sleep, during (67) Mind, morose (68) Mind, restlessness, nervousness (72) Mind, restlessness, heat, during the (74) Mind, sadness, mental depression (75) Mind, sensitive, noise, to (79) Mind, shrieking (79) Mind, shrieking, convulsions, before (80) Mind, sighing (See Respiration) (80) Mind, sighing, perspiration, during (80) Mind, starting, sleep, during (83) VERTIGO HEAD Head, cerebral hmorrhage (108) Head, constriction, tension (See also Drawing, Pressing) (111) Head, heat (121) Head, heat, coldness, feet, with (122) Head, heat, coldness, hands, with (122) Head, heaviness (See Pressing) (124) Head, open fontanelles (132) Head, pain, coughing, on (agg.) (138) Head, pain, gastric (140) Head, pain, heated, from becoming (140) Head, pain, maddening pains (142) Head, pain, nervous (144) Head, pain, pulsating (146) Head, pain, violent pains (150) Head, pain, extending, tongue (153) Head, pain, forehead, in (153) Head, pain, forehead, touch (agg.) (157) Head, pain, forehead, eyes, above, left (159) Head, pain, occiput (161) Head, pain, occiput, indigestion, after (163) Head, pain, occiput, jarring agg. (163) Head, pain, occiput, motion (agg.) (163) Head, pain, occiput, shaking head (agg.) Head, pain, occiput, sleep, after (164) Head, pain, occiput, standing, while (agg.) Head, pain, occiput, walking (164) Head, pain, occiput, extending, shoulders, to (165) Head, pain, temples (168) Head, pain, bursting (178) Head, pain, bursting, occiput (179) Head, pain, crushed, as if shattered, beaten to

pieces (180) Head, pain, dull, occiput (186) Head, pain, pressing (See Bursting, Drawing) (188) Head, pain, pressing, armor, as if in (189) Head, pain, pressing, occiput (196) Head, pain, pressing, occiput, standing, on (agg.) (197) Head, pain, sore, bruised, sensitive to pressure (204) Head, pain, sore, bruised, air amel. (204) Head, pain, sore, bruised, brain, in (205) Head, pain, sore, bruised, occiput (205) Head, pain, stitching (206) Head, pain, tearing, rending (214) Head, pain, tearing, forenoon (214) Head, perspiration, forehead (222) Head, perspiration, forehead, cold (222) Head, pulsating, beating, throbbing (See Bursting, Congestion, Hammering) (223) Head, pulsating, coughing, from (224) Head, pulsating, occiput, moving, on (agg.) (227) Head, sensitiveness of brain (229) Head, sensitiveness of brain, brushing hair, from (229) Head, sensitiveness of brain, stepping, to Head, shocks, blows, coughing, when (230) EYE Eye, chemosis (236) Eye, discharges of mucus or pus (237) Eye, discharges, canthi, hard, in (237) Eye, discharges, canthi, outer, hard, in Eye, inflammation (241) Eye, inflammation, choroid (243) Eye, inflammation, conjunctiva (243) Eye, inflammation, conjunctiva, pustular (including cornea) (243) Eye, injected, conjunctiva full of dark vessels (244) Eye, lachrymation, opening eyes, forcibly Eye, open, half open (247) Eye, openness, spasmodic (247) Eye, pain, stitching (258) Eye, pain, tearing (260) Eye, photophobia, artificial light (262) Eye, redness (264) Eye, redness, lids, edges of (265) Eye, staring, evening, waking, on (266) Eye, swollen (267) Eye, swollen, conjunctiva (267) Eye, swollen, lids (267) Eye, tension (268) Eye, turned, right (268) Eye, twitching, lids (269) Eye, ulceration, cornea (269) Eye, yellowness (270) VISION Vision, colors, blue, halo around candle Vision, colors, bright (273) Vision, colors, halo of colors around the light (274) Vision, colors, red, halo (274) Vision, dim (275)

EAR Ear, coldness, heat, during (286) Ear, noises, ringing (298) HEARING Hearing, acute, noises, to (321) Hearing, impaired (321) NOSE Nose, coryza, cough, with (326) Nose, coryza, discharge, without (dry) (327) Nose, discharge, suppressed (332) Nose, sangerari din nas (335) Nose, sangerari din nas, blood, bright (336) Nose, sangerari din nas, blood, clotted, coagulated (336) Nose, sangerari din nas, cough, with, whooping cough (337) Nose, obstruction (340) Nose, smell, acute, sensitive to the odor of, food (349) Nose, smell, diminished, wanting, lost (350) Nose, sneezing (350) Nose, sneezing, paroxysmal (351) Nose, sneezing, violent (351) FACE Face, convulsions, spasms (357) Face, convulsions, mouth (357) Face, discoloration, bluish (358) Face, discoloration, bluish, convulsions, with (358) Face, discoloration, bluish, cough, during Face, discoloration, bluish, cough, during, whooping cough (358) Face, discoloration, bluish, eyes, circles around (358) Face, discoloration, bluish, lips (358) Face, discoloration, pale (359) Face, discoloration, pale, heat, during (360) Face, discoloration, pale, menses, during Face, discoloration, red, chill, during (361) Face, discoloration, red, cough, during Face, discoloration, red, one-sided, one pale the other red (362) Face, discoloration, yellow (363) Face, drawn (364) Face, eruptions, rash (371) Face, heat (375) Face, heat, cold one side, the other hot Face, lockjaw (379) Face, perspiration (390) Face, perspiration, cold (391) Face, stiffness, muscles, cough, during Face, sunken (392) Face, twitching (395) MOUTH Mouth, bleeding (397) Mouth, discoloration, tongue, pale (401) Mouth, discoloration, tongue, yellow (402) Mouth, dryness, tongue (404) Mouth, fingers in the mouth, children put Mouth, mucus, slime, etc. (See Saliva) (407) Mouth, pain, burning, raw and smarting Mouth, pain, burning, tongue (411)

Mouth, salivation (417) Mouth, speech, wanting, apoplexy, after Mouth, taste, bloody (423) Mouth, taste, earthy (423) Mouth, taste, insipid (424) Mouth, taste, nauseous (424) TEETH Teeth, pain, biting teeth together, when (agg.) (435) THROAT Throat, blood oozing (448) Throat, choking, constricting (See Larynx) (448) Throat, choking, clearing the throat, when (See Retching) (448) Throat, dryness (450) Throat, pain, sore (463) Throat, pain, stitching (464) Throat, roughness (465) Throat, swallowing, difficult (467) EXTERNAL THROAT STOMACH Stomach, appetite, capricious (hunger, but knows not for what, or refuses things when offered) (476) Stomach, appetite, wanting (479) Stomach, aversion, food (481) Stomach, aversion, food, smell of (481) Stomach, desires, delicacies (485) Stomach, desires, sweets (486) Stomach, disordered (486) Stomach, disordered, vexation, after (487) Stomach, eructations (489) Stomach, eructations, empty (493) Stomach, eructations, food, tasting like Stomach, eructations, waterbrash (497) Stomach, hanging down, sensation of, relaxed (499) Stomach, hiccough (501) Stomach, indigestion (Includes Complaints After Substances Not Otherwise Described) (503) Stomach, indigestion, fruit, after (503) Stomach, indigestion, pork, after (503) Stomach, indigestion, vexation, after Stomach, inflammation (503) Stomach, irritation (504) Stomach, loathing of food (See Nausea) Stomach, loathing of food, eating, after Stomach, nausea (504) Stomach, nausea, abdomen, during pain in Stomach, nausea, chill, before (506) Stomach, nausea, chill, during (506) Stomach, nausea, chill, after (506) Stomach, nausea, constant (506) Stomach, nausea, cough, during (506) Stomach, nausea, deathly (506) Stomach, nausea, fever, during (507) Stomach, nausea, food, smell of (507) Stomach, nausea, food, rich, from (507) Stomach, nausea, fruit, after (508) Stomach, nausea, headache, during (508) Stomach, nausea, ice cream, after (508) Stomach, nausea, labor, during (508)

Stomach, nausea, menses, before (508) Stomach, nausea, menses, during (508) Stomach, nausea, menses, suppressed, with Stomach, nausea, motion, on (agg.) (508) Stomach, nausea, pain, during (509) Stomach, nausea, periodic (509) Stomach, nausea, pork, after (509) Stomach, nausea, pregnancy, during (509) Stomach, nausea, smoking, after (509) Stomach, nausea, stool, during (agg.) (510) Stomach, nausea, stooping, on (510) Stomach, nausea, sweets (510) Stomach, pain (511) Stomach, pain, coughing, from (512) Stomach, pain, ice cream, after (513) Stomach, pain, motion, on (agg.) (514) Stomach, pain, paroxysmal (514) Stomach, pain, rich food, after (514) Stomach, pain, urination, during (515) Stomach, pain, violent (515) Stomach, pain, cramping, griping, constricting (517) Stomach, pain, cramping, motion, on (agg.) Stomach, pain, sore, bruised, beaten (tenderness) (522) Stomach, retching (525) Stomach, retching, cough, with (525) Stomach, retching, smoking, after (526) Stomach, retching, stool, during (526) Stomach, tension (527) Stomach, thirst, apyrexia, during (528) Stomach, thirst, extreme (529) Stomach, thirst, heat, during (529) Stomach, thirst, perspiration, during (529) Stomach, thirstless (530) Stomach, thirstless, heat, during (530) Stomach, vomiting (531) Stomach, vomiting, apyrexia, during (532) Stomach, vomiting, chill, during (532) Stomach, vomiting, chill, after (532) Stomach, vomiting, coughing, on (532) Stomach, vomiting, diarrh a, during (532) Stomach, vomiting, drinking, after (532) Stomach, vomiting, eating, after (agg.) Stomach, vomiting, headache, during Stomach, vomiting, heat, during (533) Stomach, vomiting, ice cream, after (533) Stomach, vomiting, incessant (533) Stomach, vomiting, itching with nausea, must scratch until he vomits (533) Stomach, vomiting, menses, suppressed Stomach, vomiting, pregnancy, during (534) Stomach, vomiting, rich food, after (534) Stomach, vomiting, smoking, from (534) Stomach, vomiting, stool, during (534) Stomach, vomiting, stooping, after (534) Stomach, vomiting, vexation, after (535) Stomach, vomiting, violent (535) Stomach, vomiting, bile (535) Stomach, vomiting, bile, headache, with Stomach, vomiting, black (536) Stomach, vomiting, blood (536)

Stomach, vomiting, everything (537) Stomach, vomiting, food (537) Stomach, vomiting, food, cough, from Stomach, vomiting, food, undigested (538) Stomach, vomiting, frothy (538) Stomach, vomiting, green (538) Stomach, vomiting, mucus (538) Stomach, vomiting, mucus, cough, from Stomach, vomiting, mucus, jelly, like (539) Stomach, vomiting, offensive smelling (539) Stomach, vomiting, sour (539) Stomach, vomiting, sour, fluid (539) Stomach, vomiting, water (540) ABDOMEN Abdomen, inflammation (Peritonitis, Enteritis, etc.) (552) Abdomen, pain, aching, dull pain (See Boring, Drawing, Distress, Digging, Gnawing, Pressing, etc.) (554) Abdomen, pain, diarrh a, during (colic) Abdomen, pain, motion, on (agg.) (559) Abdomen, pain, periodical (559) Abdomen, pain, pregnancy, during (559) Abdomen, pain, radiating (560) Abdomen, pain, extending, anus (561) Abdomen, pain, extending, downward Abdomen, pain, extending, sides, to (562) Abdomen, pain, extending, sides, to, right Abdomen, pain, extending, uterus (562) Abdomen, pain, hypochondria (562) Abdomen, pain, hypogastrium, coughing, on Abdomen, pain, liver, colic, gall-stones Abdomen, pain, umbilicus (570) Abdomen, pain, umbilicus, extending, uterus Abdomen, pain, umbilicus, region of (571) Abdomen, pain, umbilicus, region of, menses, before (571) Abdomen, pain, umbilicus, region of, extending, to uterus (571) Abdomen, pain, clawing (573) Abdomen, pain, cramping, griping (573) Abdomen, pain, cramping, griping, hysterical (575) Abdomen, pain, cramping, griping, ice cream, after (575) Abdomen, pain, cramping, griping, motion, on (agg.) (575) Abdomen, pain, cramping, griping, hypochondria (576) Abdomen, pain, cramping, griping, umbilicus, region of (577) Abdomen, pain, cutting (578) Abdomen, pain, cutting, extending, left to right, from (580) Abdomen, pain, cutting, sides, left, to right Abdomen, pain, cutting, umbilicus (582) Abdomen, pain, cutting, umbilicus, region of (582) Abdomen, pain, cutting, umbilicus, region of, labor, during (582) Abdomen, pain, sore, bruised, tenderness, etc. (589)

Abdomen, pain, sore, umbilicus, region of Abdomen, pain, stitching (sticking, etc.) Abdomen, pain, stitching, paroxysmal (591) Abdomen, pain, stitching, extending, downward (592) Abdomen, pain, stitching, sides, left, to right (596) Abdomen, pain, stitching, umbilicus (597) Abdomen, pain, stitching, umbilicus, extending, uterus (597) Abdomen, pain, stitching, umbilicus, region of, extending to uterus (597) Abdomen, restlessness, uneasiness, etc. RECTUM Rectum, cholera, infantum (606) Rectum, cholera, morbus (606) Rectum, diarrh a (609) Rectum, diarrh a, bilious (611) Rectum, diarrh a, children, in (611) Rectum, diarrh a, cholera epidemic during (611) Rectum, diarrh a, cold, taking cold, after Rectum, diarrh a, dentition, during (612) Rectum, diarrh a, food, rich, after (613) Rectum, diarrh a, fruit, after (613) Rectum, diarrh a, fruit, sour, after (613) Rectum, diarrh a, fruit, unripe fruit, after Rectum, diarrh a, hot weather (613) Rectum, diarrh a, indignation, from (613) Rectum, diarrh a, indiscretion in eating, after the slightest (613) Rectum, diarrh a, pastry, after (614) Rectum, dysentery (616) Rectum, hmorrhage from anus (619) Rectum, hmorrhoids (619) Rectum, itching (622) Rectum, pain, pressing, downward, outward, etc. (627) Rectum, pain, tenesmus (630) Rectum, pain, tenesmus, stool, during STOOL Stool, bilious (635) Stool, bloody (635) Stool, copious (636) Stool, fermented (637) Stool, flaky (637) Stool, frequent (637) Stool, green (637) Stool, mucous, slimy (639) Stool, mucous, bloody (639) Stool, mucous, green (639) Stool, odor, offensive (640) Stool, scanty (641) BLADDER Bladder, retention of urine (See Urination Retarded) (650) Bladder, spasm (651) Bladder, tenesmus (651) Bladder, urging to urinate (morbid desire) Bladder, urging, frequent, cold, from taking Bladder, urging, ineffectual (654) Bladder, urination, frequent (657)

KIDNEYS Kidneys, pain (663) Kidneys, pain, burning (664) Kidneys, pain, stitching, stinging, sticking URETHRA Urethra, hmorrhage (671) Urethra, pain, burning, urination, during (agg.) (675) Urethra, pain, cutting (676) URINE Urine, bloody (681) Urine, bloody, clots (681) Urine, bloody, dysentery, in (681) Urine, burning (includes hot) (681) Urine, cloudy (682) Urine, cloudy, perspiration, with (682) Urine, color, dark (683) Urine, scanty (688) Urine, sediment, sand, red (brick-dust) Urine, thick (691) GENITALIA MALE GENITALIA FEMALE Genitalia female, abortion (714) Genitalia female, leucorrh a, menses, between (722) Genitalia female, menses, bright-red Genitalia female, menses, clotted (725) Genitalia female, menses, copious (725) Genitalia female, menses, copious, faintness, with (725) Genitalia female, menses, frequent, too early, too soon (726) Genitalia female, menses, irregular (726) Genitalia female, metrorrhagia (729) Genitalia female, metrorrhagia, active (729) Genitalia female, metrorrhagia, between the menstrual periods (729) Genitalia female, metrorrhagia, bright red (730) Genitalia female, metrorrhagia, bright red, clots, with (730) Genitalia female, metrorrhagia, continuous Genitalia female, metrorrhagia, gushing Genitalia female, metrorrhagia, intermittent flow (730) Genitalia female, metrorrhagia, labor, during and after (730) Genitalia female, metrorrhagia, motion agg. (730) Genitalia female, metrorrhagia, profuse Genitalia female, metrorrhagia, sudden Genitalia female, metrorrhagia, vexation, after (731) Genitalia female, pain, labor-like (739) Genitalia female, pain, labor pains, cutting, in umbilical region (739) Genitalia female, pain, labor pains, spasmodic (740) Genitalia female, prolapsus uterus (743) LARYNX AND TRACHEA Larynx and trachea, constriction (746) Larynx and trachea, constriction, larynx (746) Larynx and trachea, constriction, larynx, cough, during (agg.) (See Cough Choking) (747)

Larynx and trachea, dust, as from (748) Larynx and trachea, inflammation, larynx (748) Larynx and trachea, irritation, larynx (749) Larynx and trachea, irritation, trachea (750) Larynx and trachea, laryngismus stridulus (750) Larynx and trachea, laryngismus stridulus, cough, before the (750) Larynx and trachea, pain, rawness, trachea (See Chest) (754) Larynx and trachea, rattling, trachea (See Respiration) (755) Larynx and trachea, tickling in the air passages (757) Larynx and trachea, tickling in the air passages, warm room (757) Larynx and trachea, tickling, larynx, in Larynx and trachea, voice, hollow (760) RESPIRATION Respiration, accelerated (762) Respiration, anxious (762) Respiration, arrested, coughing (763) Respiration, asthmatic (763) Respiration, asthmatic, night (764) Respiration, asthmatic, children (764) Respiration, asthmatic, eruptions, after suppressed (765) Respiration, asthmatic, spasmodic (765) Respiration, deep (766) Respiration, difficult (766) Respiration, difficult, forenoon (767) Respiration, difficult, night, during (767) Respiration, difficult, air, in open, amel. (768) Respiration, difficult, ascending (768) Respiration, difficult, cough, with (768) Respiration, difficult, exertion, after (769) Respiration, difficult, expiration (769) Respiration, difficult, mucus in the trachea, from (770) Respiration, difficult, open, wants doors and windows (770) Respiration, gasping (772) Respiration, impeded, cough, during (773) Respiration, panting (774) Respiration, paroxysmal (774) Respiration, rattling (774) Respiration, sighing (775) Respiration, slow (775) Respiration, wheezing (776) COUGH Cough, evening, 7 p.m. (780) Cough, night (780) Cough, asthmatic (782) Cough, breathing, deficient, being (783) Cough, choking (See Suffocative) (783) Cough, constant (784) Cough, constriction, larynx (784) Cough, croupy (785) Cough, croupy, night (785) Cough, dry (786) Cough, dry, night (787) Cough, dry, fever, during (788) Cough, dust, as from (790)

Cough, eating, from (agg.) (790) Cough, exhausting (790) Cough, expectoration amel. (790) Cough, fever, during (791) Cough, hollow (793) Cough, irritation in air passages, from, larynx in, from (794) Cough, paroxysmal (799) Cough, paroxysmal, night (799) Cough, paroxysmal, attacks follow one another quickly (800) Cough, racking (801) Cough, racking, evening (801) Cough, rattling (801) Cough, spasmodic (See Paroxysmal) (804) Cough, spasmodic, evening (805) Cough, spasmodic, night (805) Cough, spasmodic, aged people (805) Cough, spasmodic, cold drink amel. (805) Cough, sudden (806) Cough, suffocative (806) Cough, suffocative, evening (806) Cough, suffocative, evening, 7 p.m. (806) Cough, suffocative, child becomes stiff and blue in face (806) Cough, tickling (807) Cough, tickling, larynx, in, from (808) Cough, tormenting (809) Cough, violent (809) Cough, warm, room (810) Cough, whooping (810) EXPECTORATION Expectoration, bloody, spitting of blood (See Chest Hmorrhage) (813) Expectoration, bloody, bright-red (813) Expectoration, bloody, streaked (814) Expectoration, difficult (815) Expectoration, mucous, bloody (817) Expectoration, taste, metallic (819) Expectoration, taste, nauseous (819) CHEST Chest, anxiety, in (822) Chest, anxiety, heart, region of (823) Chest, anxiety, heart, region of, expectoration, copious, amel. (823) Chest, congestion (hypermia of chest) Chest, constriction, tension, tightness (826) Chest, cyanosis (828) Chest, emphysema (829) Chest, eruptions, rash (830) Chest, hmorrhage (See Expectoration) Chest, hmorrhage, coagulated (833) Chest, inflammation bronchial tubes (bronchitis) (835) Chest, inflammation, children (835) Chest, inflammation, lungs (835) Chest, inflammation, lungs, infants (836) Chest, dema, pulmonary (838) Chest, oppression (838) Chest, oppression, morning (839) Chest, oppression, forenoon (839) Chest, oppression, chill, during (839)

Chest, oppression, fever, during (840) Chest, oppression, heart (841) Chest, pain, pressing, diaphragm (858) Chest, pain, rawness (includes trachea and bronchia) (860) Chest, pain, stitching (863) Chest, pain, stitching, night (863) Chest, spasms of (880) BACK Back, coldness, extending, up and down the back (886) Back, emprosthotonos (887) Back, inflammation, membranes, spinal meningitis (892) Back, opisthotonos (893) Back, pain (894) Back, pain, chill, before (895) Back, pain, chill, during (895) Back, pain, urinating, during (898) Back, pain, cervical region (899) Back, pain, lumbar region (905) Back, pain, aching (913) Back, pain, aching, chill, during (914) Back, pain, cramp-like, dorsal region, scapul, between, during motion (922) Back, spasmodic drawing, cervical region (head bent back) (946) EXTREMITIES Extremities, awkwardness (953) Extremities, awkwardness, lower limbs, stumbling when walking (953) Extremities, clenching (See Convulsions, Contraction) fingers (956) Extremities, coldness, hands (958) Extremities, coldness, hands, one hot, other cold Extremities, coldness, foot (962) Extremities, contraction, upper limbs (966) Extremities, contraction, upper limbs, spasmodic (966) Extremities, contraction, fingers, spasmodic Extremities, convulsion (968) Extremities, convulsion, left (968) Extremities, convulsion, upper limbs (968) Extremities, convulsion, lower limbs (969) Extremities, cramps, thigh, night (974) Extremities, discoloration, hand, paleness Extremities, heat, hand, one hand, coldness of the other (1011) Extremities, heat, hand, palm (1011) Extremities, heaviness, thigh (1016) Extremities, jerking, upper limbs (1029) Extremities, pain (1043) Extremities, pain, chill, during (1044) Extremities, pain, bones (1047) Extremities, pain, lower limbs, bones (1067) Extremities, pain, aching (1082) Extremities, pain, aching, chill, during (1083) Extremities, pain, aching, bones (1083) Extremities, pain, aching, bones, chill, during (1083) Extremities, pain, aching, thigh (1086) Extremities, pain, aching, thigh, fever, during

(1086) Extremities, pain, aching, thigh, bone (1086) Extremities, pain, aching, leg (1087) Extremities, pain, broken, sensation as if (1091) Extremities, pain, burning, hand, palm (1094) Extremities, pain, sore, bruised (1125) Extremities, pain, sore, bruised, bones (1126) Extremities, perspiration, hand (1181) Extremities, perspiration, hand, chill, during (1181) Extremities, perspiration, hand, cold (1181) Extremities, perspiration, hand, copious (1181) Extremities, perspiration, foot, cold (1183) Extremities, perspiration, foot, profuse (1184) Extremities, stiffness, convulsion, during (1191) Extremities, twitching, leg (1219) Extremities, twitching, foot (1219) Extremities, weakness, thigh, pregnancy (1229) Extremities, weakness, knee (1229) SLEEP Sleep, sleepiness, cough, with (1250) Sleep, sleepiness, vomiting, after (1251) Sleep, sleeplessness (1251) Sleep, yawning, coughing, after (1257) CHILL Chill, coldness in general (1259) Chill, air, in the open, amel. (1262) Chill, chilliness (See Generalities, Cold) Chill, disordered stomach (1266) Chill, drinking, amel. (1267) Chill, eating, after (agg.) (1267) Chill, eating, indiscretions, in (1267) Chill, exposure, malarial influences (1267) Chill, external (1267) Chill, internal (1268) Chill, internal, external heat agg. (1269) Chill, periodicity, irregular (1269) Chill, postponing (1270) Chill, quotidian (1270) Chill, shaking, shivering, rigors (1270) Chill, tertian (1273) Chill, time, 11 a.m. (1274) Chill, uncovering, undressing, amel. (1275) Chill, upper part of body (1275) Chill, warm room agg. (1276) Chill, warm room, not amel. in, nor by a warm stove (1276) Chill, warm, weather, in (1276) Chill, warmth, unbearable (1276) FEVER Fever, heat in general (1278) Fever, alternating with chills (1280) Fever, alternating with, chills, night, with perspiration (1281) Fever, changing, paroxysms, after, abuse of quinine (1282) Fever, chill absent, fever without chill Fever, chill absent, afternoon, 4 p.m. (1283) Fever, gastric fever (1287) Fever, intermittent, chronic, spoiled (1288) Fever, internal heat, with external chill (1288) Fever, irregular stages (1288)

Fever, paroxysms, irregular (1289) Fever, paroxysms, irregular, short chill, long heat, no thirst (1289) Fever, perspiration absent (1289) Fever, perspiration absent, heat, with Fever, remittent (1289) Fever, remittent, infantile (1289) Fever, remittent, prone to become typhoid, from the abuse of quinine (1289) Fever, shivering, alternating with heat Fever, succession of stages, chill followed by heat (1290) Fever, succession of stages, chill followed by heat, then sweat (1291) Fever, succession of stages, heat, alternating with chill, then sweat (1291) Fever, summer, hot season (1292) Fever, warm, room agg. (1292) PERSPIRATION Perspiration, in general (1293) Perspiration, night (1294) Perspiration, cold (1296) Perspiration, coughing, from (1296) Perspiration, hot (1297) Perspiration, odor, sour (1298) Perspiration, profuse (1299) Perspiration, room, in the (1300) Perspiration, scanty sweat (1300) Perspiration, sudden (1302) Perspiration, symptoms agg. while sweating SKIN Skin, biting (1303) Skin, coldness (1304) Skin, discoloration, red, spots (1306) Skin, dry (1307) Skin, eruptions (1308) Skin, eruptions, biting (1308) Skin, eruptions, measles (1314) Skin, eruptions, rash (See Granular) (1317) Skin, eruptions, rash, lying-in women, in (1317) Skin, eruptions, rash, scarlet (1318) Skin, eruptions, suppressed (1319) Skin, erysipelas (1323) Skin, inactivity (1326) Skin, itching (1327) Skin, itching, nausea, must scratch until he vomits (1328) Skin, itching, scratching, unchanged by Skin, itching, vomits, not relieved until he Skin, sensitiveness (1331) Skin, waxy (1340) GENERALITIES Generalities, evening (agg.) (1342) Generalities, night (1342) Generalities, air, open, amel. (1344) Generalities, anxiety general physical Generalities, apoplexy (1345) Generalities, arsenical poisoning (1345) Generalities, catalepsy (1347) Generalities, cold in general agg. (1348) Generalities, cold, air agg. (1348) Generalities, cold, becoming, after, agg.

Generalities, cold, dry weather agg. (1349) Generalities, cold, heat and cold (1349) Generalities, constriction externally (1350) Generalities, constriction, internally (1350) Generalities, convulsions (1351) Generalities, convulsions, left side of body Generalities, convulsions, children (1352) Generalities, convulsions, clonic (1352) Generalities, convulsions, consciousness, with (1352) Generalities, convulsions, consciousness, without (1352) Generalities, convulsions, coughing, after Generalities, convulsions, epileptiform Generalities, convulsions, exanTemata repelled or do not appear, when (1353) Generalities, convulsions, falling, with, backwards (1353) Generalities, convulsions, hysterical (1354) Generalities, convulsions, indigestion, from Generalities, convulsions, internal (1354) Generalities, convulsions, one-sided (1354) Generalities, convulsions, puerperal (1355) Generalities, convulsions, tetanic rigidity Generalities, convulsions, tonic (1355) Generalities, convulsions, vexation, from (1356) Generalities, convulsive movements (1356) Generalities, copper fumes agg. (1356) Generalities, cyanosis (1356) Generalities, dropsy, internal (1356) Generalities, eating, fast (1357) Generalities, emaciation (1357) Generalities, faintness, fainting (1358) Generalities, faintness, sitting, up, from Generalities, faintness, summer heat, from Generalities, faintness, warm room (1361) Generalities, flabby feeling (1361) Generalities, food, coffee agg. (1362) Generalities, food, fat agg. (1363) Generalities, food, fruit agg. (1363) Generalities, food, fruit, sour (1363) Generalities, food, pork agg. (1363) Generalities, food, rich, agg. (1363) Generalities, food, smell of, agg. (1364) Generalities, food, veal agg. (1364) Generalities, hmorrhage (agg.) (1365) Generalities, heat, sensation of (1366) Generalities, heat, vital, lack of (1366) Generalities, heated, becoming (1367) Generalities, heaviness, externally (1367) Generalities, inflammation, nerves (1368) Generalities, irritability, lack of (1369) Generalities, motion agg. (1374) Generalities, mucous secretions increased Generalities, narcotics agg. (1375) Generalities, nursing children (1376) Generalities, pain, bones (1377) Generalities, pain, biting (1378) Generalities, pain, cutting, internally (1380) Generalities, pain, pinching, externally Generalities, pain, pinching, internally Generalities, pain, pressing externally

Generalities, pain, pressing, load, as from Generalities, pain, pressing, together (1383) Generalities, pain, sore, bruised, internally (1384) Generalities, pain, sore, bruised, bones, as if (1385) Generalities, periodicity (1390) Generalities, perspiration gives no relief Generalities, pulse, imperceptible (1395) Generalities, pulse, imperceptible, almost Generalities, pulse, weak (1397) Generalities, quinine, abuse of (See China) (1397) Generalities, reaction, lack of (1397) Generalities, relaxation of muscles (1397) Generalities, sexual excesses, after (1399) Generalities, shocks from injury (1399) Generalities, shocks, electric-like, sleep, on going to (1400) Generalities, side, right (1400) Generalities, sitting, down, on first, agg.

Generalities, swollen sensation (1406) Generalities, tobacco agg. (1407) Generalities, vomiting agg. (1411) Generalities, waking, on (agg.) (1411) Generalities, walking agg. (1411) Generalities, warm agg. (1412) Generalities, warm, air agg. (1412) Generalities, warm, bed agg. (1412) Generalities, warm, room agg. (1413) Generalities, weakness, enervation (See Lassitude, Weariness) (1413) Generalities, weakness, diarrh a, from Generalities, weakness, menses, after Generalities, weakness, menses, after, disproportionate to loss of blood (1418) Generalities, weakness, sudden (1419) Generalities, weariness (See Weakness) (1421) Generalities, wet, getting (1421) Generalities, wind, warm, south (1422)

Iodum purum (Iod)

Prezentator la TV om care se crede important = Ars + sange fierbinte; Complementar: Abrot. Arg-n. Ars (= An). Ars-i. Bac. Bad. Calc-i. Calc-p. Cupr. Hep. Kali-i. Lach. (Iod = A). Loph. Lyc. (Iod = A). Merc. Nat-m. Osm. Phos. Phyt. Psor. Rhus-t (Iod = A). Sil. Spig. Spong. Sulph. Sumb. Thyr. Tub. *Iod - Merc - Ars* *Merc - Iod - Kali-bi* Krupp Urmeaza bine: Acal. Calc-i. Con. Kali-bi. Lap-a. Mag-f. Merc. Stann. Urmat bine de: Acon. Brom. Calc. Kali-bi. Puls. Incompatibil cu: Tb. la suprafunctia glanedei tiroide/boli ale glandei toroide/saptamanile dupa nastere la femei (dilutii joase), la luna scazatoare numai dilutii inalte Antidoteaza: Anac. Anac-oc. Apis. Arg-n. Ars. Calc. Carb-ac. Chin. Cocc. Ferr. Grat. Kreos. Merc. Thuj. Otravire cu plumb. Antidotat de: Acon. Ant-c. Ant-t. Apis. Ars. Bell. Camph. Chin. Chinin-s. Coff. Conv. Ferr. Graph. Grat. Hep. Op. Phos. Spong. Sulph. Thuj. Utilizarea de iod: Ars... Bell. Hep. Hydr. Hyos. Kali-i. Merc. Morph. Nit-ac. Op. Phos Otravirea: hrana cu cereale, cartofi, zahar dizolvat in apoa/ lape (de magarita), miscare, aer proaspat. Efect: 30 - 40 Zile. se da scurt in dilutiie joase, cel mai bune efect imediat dupa luna plina, sanguinic/coleric/oxygenoid/destructiv/ tifoid/leproid/ringwormoid/sicotic/sifilitic/ psoric/tuberculin/carcenoid, diagonal de jos stanga catre sus dreapta + mai rau atunci cnd sta pe partea bolnava IODIUM (iod.) * Combustion. MIND: - - RESTLESS. - - Loquacious. Hurried speech. - Meaningless activity. Irresistable desiere to run. Hurry. - Impatience. Irritable. Tendency to lose control. - - Anxiety > eating. Violent IMPULSES if forces himself to sit still - - Fear they will kill somebody. - Silly thoughts, can't get rid of them (Arg-n). Fear of imaginary things, misfortune. - Always FEELING they have forgotten something Patient writes down all symptoms. - Fixed ideas. - - COMPULSIVE NEUROSIS. Nervous. - Anorexia nervosa: Withdrawn, fixed ideas about diet, feels has forgotten something. - Hyperactive child (Ars-i, Tarent, Tub, Verat, Zinc). GENERALITIES: - - OVERactivity on all levels. Like hyperthyroid state. - WARMblooded. << heat. - - > Open air. Cold/exerion >> motion/eating < fasting - INCREASED appetite and/of enlarged glands with EMACIATION.

- Anorexia nervosa: Wrinkled skin, enlarged glands, emaciation. - Pulsations in whole body, ext. to fingertips, toes. HEAD: - - Head pain < fasting, warmth, > cold. EYE: - - EXOPHTHALMUS (Ferr-i). - - Constant motion of eyes. - Twitching of lower lids. NOSE: - - Hay fever, allergies. - - Hot fluent, acrid coryza. obstructed in warm room. FACE: - - Facial paralysis from suppression of goitre. THROAT: - - GOITRE (Spong). - - Swelling of glands. STOMACH: - - Appetite with amaciation (Calc/Nat-m/Tub). ABDOMEN: - - Enlarged mesenteric, inguinal glands, liver and spleen. AFTER: - - Chronic Diaree with emaciation, in children. - Diaree before rheumatic complaints (Dulc/Kali-bi). MALE GENITALIA: - - Swelling, induration of testes. Hydrocele. - ATROPHY of testes. Undescended testes. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - ATROPHY of ovaries. - - Uterus swollen, indurated. - Leucorrhea, acrid, corroding thighs and linen, < during menses. LARYNX/TRACHEA: - - Laryngitis. Grasps throat on coughing (All-c). - Croup (Acon, Hep, Spong). - - Edema glottis (Apis). RESPIRATION: - - Hay asthma.COUGH: - - Croupy. painful/dry cough/< Warmth/ indoors. CHEST: - - Pneumonia < right. - ATROPHY mammae. Nodosities in skin of mammae. - Heart feels as if squeezed by an iron hand (Cact). - Violent palpitations < slight exertion, heat, > cold. EXTREMITIES: - - Rheumatic pains, bone pains. - - Biting nails. - Convulsive movements and tremblings. SLEEP: - - Restless. Get out of bed, walk about. SKIN: - - Jaundice.

Iris versicolor (Iris)

Complementar: Phos. Sang. Sulph. Urmeaza bine: Calc-i. Coloc. Kali-bi. Nux-v. Spig. Urmat bine de: Spig. Antidotat de: Merc. Nux-v. Phyt. Antidoteaza Ars. Merc. Nux-v. Ol-j. Efect: tifoid/leproid/sifilitic Iris intareste fectul de la Acon. Periodic IRIS VERSICOLOR (iris) * Neuralgia. Gastro-intestinal and liver symptoms. MIND: - - Easily vexed. Censorious. Aversiune company, > when alone. - Discouraged. Depressed. Suicidal thoughts < before menses. - Fear of an approaching illness, death, poverty. - - Suicidal thoughts before menses. - - Cannot fix mind on studies. GENERALITIES: - - < Right side. - - BURNING of whole gastro-intestinal tract - - Periodicity. HEAD: - - PAIN above right eye, right temple With nausea, vomiting bile (Chel/Ip/Sang), which does not >.Alternating sides (Lac-c).Periodical, every week > Gentle motion .- - Eruptions. Impetigo. EYE: - - Visual DISTURbances before headache FACE: - - Right sided neuralgia, < after breakfast. MOUTH: - - Feels scalded. STOMACH: - - Vomiting sour, bilious, with burning, < eating sweets during headache. - - Nausea during pregnancy. ABDOMEN: - - Liver affected. Gallstone colic. - - Colic > bending forward, emission of flatus. - Herpes zoster, < right side. AFTER - - Diaree with burning at anus. Periodical. STOOL: - - Burning. Acrid. - - Bilious. MALE GENITALIA: - - Itching < scratching. EXTREMITIES: - - Shifting rheumatic pains. SKIN: - - HERPES ZOSTER with gastro-intestinal symptoms; < right side. - - Psoriasis. Eczema.

Kalium bichromicum (Kali-bi)

Gen: bautor de bere grosolan, f r simt Complementar: Abrot. Ant-t. Ars. Canth. Carc. Hydr (= vegetabiles An). Lach. Myric. Nat-c. Phos. Psor. Puls. Sep. Sul-i. Syph. *Merc - Iod - Kali-bi* Krupp *Caps - Kali-bi* Urmeaza bine: Apis. Calc. Canth. Carb-ac. Iod. Lach. Merc-ir. Spong. Sul-i. Urmat bine de: Arum-t. Aur. Berb. Carb-ac. Chol. Diph. Iris. Kreos. Lach. Nat-p. Nux-v. Intermediar: Scir. Incompatibil cu: Calc. Bere. hrana cu drojdie. Sangerari din nas/febra/enervare, irascibilitate Antidoteaza: Ars. Merc. Merc-cy. Merc-if. Merc-ir. Puls. Stry-n. Bere. Otravire cu Arsen(aburi)/Merc/Merci. Lucru cu bron, arama, crom, cupru,crom Antidotat de: Ars. Canth. Cinnb.Lach. Led. Merc. Merc-i. Nat-c. Phos. Psor. Puls. Sep. La otravire: apa cu calc, oua, magneziu lichid, ulei de migdalem ulei de masline, sapun, praf de copt (imediat dupa otravire) Efect: 30 zile, flegmatic/sanguinic/carbonitrogen/ringwormoid/sicotic/tuberculin/ psoric/sifilitic/acut KALIUM BICHROMICUM (kali-bi.) * Profuse, ropy, gluey discharges. MIND: - - NARROW-MINDED. Conservative. - - Closed, rigid, proper. - Tends toward a practical, materialistic point of view. - - Create a world of rigid routines. - Long-winded. Explains things excessively. Step-by-step, routinized way of thinking. - Begin to feel isolated and apart from social contact. - Discouraged and gloomy. 'Sadness after annoyance'.- - Easily angered and upset. - Sullen indifference. Peevish withdrawal. GENERALITIES: - - Chilly. - - < 2 - 3 h./Summer, though not < heat. - - Periodicity. - PAIN in small spots - - Wandering PAINS (Berb/Form/Kali-s/Puls). Suddenly coming and going. - DISCHARGES: viscid/ropy/gluey/yellow (Hydr). - - Ulceration of mucus membranes. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desiere: Beer << Beer Aversiune: Beer. HEAD:- - Ache in small spots. - - Pressing frontal pain or neuralgia from suppressed coryza. EYE: - - Lidswelling. - - PhotoPHOBIA and visual disturbances before or with headache. EAR: - - Viscid, ropy, yellow discharge. NOSE: - - Chronic coryza. SINUSITIS. - - thick/ropy/elasticyellow DISCHARGE. - PRESSIVE or BURNING PAIN at root of nose (Stict, Kali -i). - Hard, dry crusts, bleeding when detached. - - Elastic plugs. - Post-nasal discharge (Cor-r). - - Polyps (Calc/Sang/Teucr). - - Nasal voice. FACE: - - Neuralgia from suppressed coryza.. MOUTH - - Sensation of hair on tongue (Sil). - - Ropy mucus, saliva. - Tongue smooth, shiny (Pyrog/Lach/Ter). THROAT: - - Inflammation. Ulceration. - - Swelling of uvula. STOMACH: - - ULCERS. Cancer (Hydr). - GASTRIC COMPLAINTS # RHEUMATIC or RESPIRATORY COMPLAINTS (Dulc). - Indigestion from meat. - - Constant nausea in alcoholics. - Vomiting of ropy, yellow mucus or water. AFTER: - - Diaree < dimineata, drives out of bed, beer, summer. - Diaree # rheumatic complaints (Dulc). URINE: - - Ropy, viscid, obstructs urethra. KIDNEYS: - - Pain from kidneys ext. to bladder and to the knee. MALE GENITALIA:- - Desiere diminished when puts on weight. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Ovarian cysts < left side.- Prolapse of uterus < warm weather. - - Leucorrhea, yellow, tenacious. LARYNX/TRACHEA: - - Hoarseness. Krupp. RESPIRATION: - - Asthmatic, < 1-2 h.. - Rattling < in old people (Ammc.) (Kali-s. in children). - - Loud. COUGH: - - < Eating, morning on waking. EXPECTORATION: - - Copious, stringy, tough, yellow/green. CHEST: - - Coldness about the heart, deep in chest.

BACK: - - Pain in coccyx < sitting, during coition, before urination. - Pain in small spots, esp. angles of scapulae. EXTREMITIES: - - Rheumatic COMPLAINTS # gastrointestinal or respiratory COMPLAINTS (Dulc). - WANDERING PAINS (Berb, Form, Kali-s, Puls). - Arthritic pain < cold and < summer. - - Left sided sciatica, > motion, < warm weather. SKIN: - - Sifilitic ulcerations. - - Itching > cold air (Fago).

Kalium carbonicum (Kali-c)

om simplu i la casa lui Complementar: Acon.(la durei in cazuri acute). Ant-t. Apis. Arg-n. Ars. Ars-i.Bac. Brom. Bry (Kali-c = A). Calc. Carb-v (inainte de Kali-c la slabiciune). Chin. Cic. Coloc (= A). Dig. Dulc. Ferr. Lyc. Nat-c. Nat-m. Nit-ac. Nux-v (Kali-c = A). Phos. Psor. Puls. Sep. Streptoc. Stroph-h. Tub. VAB. *Ars - Carb-v - Kali-c* *Ars - Carb-v - Kali-c - Sulph* *Puls - Lyc - Kali-c* Urmeaza bine: Ars-i. Brom. Calc. Calc-p. Dros. Gamb. Hep. Kali-s. Laur. Merc-c. Mur-ac. Naja. Nux-m. Psor. Puls. Ran-b. Spig. Stann. Staph. Stront-c. Sulph. Tuj. Intermediar : Lyc. Sep. Urmat bine de: Ars. Fl-ac. Puls. Sulph. Incompatibil cu: Ant-t. Calc./febra/irascibilitate/TBC/guta acuta/colica la bila/afectiuni ale oganelor interioare Antidoteaza: Cimic. Dulc. Gamb. Kali-bi. Nit sd. Antidotat de: Camph. Coff. Dulc. Hep. Nit-sd. Efect: 40 - 50 zile, flegmatic/limfatic/s/tifoid/leproid/melancolic/psoric/sifilitic/sicotic/tuberculin KALIUM CARBONICUM (kali-c.) MIND: - - RIGID, INFLEXIBLE, DOGMATIC. - Systematic, proper, routine-oriented. - - Strong mental controll over emotions/behavior. - Matter-of-fact way of thinking. - - Can be sensitive but will not show it. - Emotions, anxiety felt in SOLAR-PLEXUS (Ant-c, Calc, Mez). - Hypersensitive to TOUCH, ticklish. - - Irritability at trifles. - Fears: being alone, impending disease, dark, ghosts, future. - Starting easily, from noise, when touched, during sleep. - - Capriciousness. GENERALITIES: - - STITCHING pains (Arg-n, Bry, Hep, Nit-ac, Sil). - - Dropsies. - CHILLY, < cold. - - << Draft, uncovering - - < 2 - 4 h./Coition - - Stout. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desiere: Sweets. HEAD: - - Falling of hair from temples. EYES: - - Dim vision after coition. - - SWELLING OF LIDS, < upper lid. EAR: - - Itching. Noises in ear. NOSE: - - Chronic catarrh. Sinusitis. FACE: - - SWELLING AROUND EYES. - - Falling of eyebrows. THROAT: - - Inflammation with stitching pain. - Pain < empty swallowing, becoming cold.Difficult swallowing. STOMACH: - - Emotions, anxiety felt in solar plexus. Sensibil epigastrium. - Sensation as if full of water. - - Gastritis. Ulcer. - Pain from cold drinks when overheated. AFTER: - - Painful hemorrhoids, burning and stitching, < coughing, touch. Has to lie on the back with nates spread apart (Paeon). - - Constipatie, < before and during menses. KIDNEYS: - - Stones - - Renal failure. MALE GENITALIA: - - Sensibil testicles. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Menarche delayed, difficult. - - Uterine fibroid. - Labor pains inefficient, felt in the back (Gels), ext. to buttocks and down legs. Miscarriage. - Metrorrhagia, leucorrhea with violent labor-like pains back pains. RESPIRATION: - - ASTHMATIC:< 2 - 4 H.. lying flat.> Leaning forward with elbows on knees or head between knees, sitting upright, lying head high. COUGH: - - Dry, hard cough,< 2-4 h..; with stitching pains. EXPECTORATION: - - Cheesy taste. CHEST: - - Pneumonia. Bronchitis. Tuberculosis. - - Angina pectoris. Heart failure. - Heart seems to hang by a thread. - - Hydrotorax. - Whole chest is painful. Wandering, stitching pains. - Swelling of mammae before menses (Calc, Lac-c, Tub) .

BACK: - - Weakness. Lumbago, sciatica. - - Pain < menses, labor, sitting erect, walking, > hard pressure. Must sit to turn over in bed (Nux-v). EXTREMITIES: - - Deformative arthritis, < cold, wet. - - Dropsies. - Sensibil footsoles (Med). SLEEP: - - SleeplessNESS. Waking 2 - 4 h..4 hours after falling asleep. - - Talking in sleep. - Jerks on falling asleep, during sleep. - - Starting up in sleep.

Kalium chloratum (muriaticum) (Kali-m) Tema: datoria de mama/sa se descurce singur Cauza: rani/ eruptie suprimata Complementar: Bry. Calc-s. Chin. Ferr-p. Nat-c. Puls (= An). Sul-i. Syph. Urmeaza bine: Calc-fl. Calc.-p. Hep. Kali-p. Merc-d. Thyr. Urmat bine de: Ant-t. Bell. Calc-f. Calc-p. Kali-p. Kali-s. Kino. Mag-p. Nat-m. Plat. Sil. Sulph. Intermediar: Scir. Syph. Incompatibil cu: Nat-m., Febra/enervare. Antidoteaza: Calc-s. Merc. Tab. Vaccine Antidotat de: Bell. Calc-s. Hydr. Merc. Puls. Sulph. Efect: tifoid/ringwormoid/sifilitic/sicotic TIEF
Kent Repertory (

MIND Mind, eat, refuses to (39) Mind, insanity, madness (56) Mind, mania, madness (See Delirium, Insanity, Rage, etc.) (63) EYE Eye, inflammation, conjunctiva, pustular (including cornea) (243) EAR Ear, discharges, white, milky (287) FACE Face, eruptions, mouth, around (366) MOUTH Mouth, aphth (397) Mouth, inflammation, follicular, ulcerative (406) Mouth, scorbutic gums (See Detached) (418) Mouth, swelling (420) THROAT Throat, membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc. (455) Throat, membrane, white (456) STOOL Stool, mucous, white (640) Stool, mucous, white, milk white (640) BLADDER Bladder, catarrh muco-pus (See Urine, Sediment Purulent) (645) Bladder, retention of urine (See Urination Retarded) (650) Bladder, urging to urinate (morbid desire) (652) Bladder, urination, dribbling (by drops) (655) KIDNEYS Kidneys, inflammation (662) Kidneys, inflammation, acute parenchymatous (See Albumen) (663) Kidneys, pain (663) URETHRA Urethra, chordee (669)

Urethra, discharge, gleety (669) Urethra, discharge, gonorrh al (670) Urethra, discharge, milky (670) Urethra, discharge, mucous, milky white (670) Urethra, discharge, white (671) URINE Urine, albuminous (680) Urine, albuminous, pregnancy (681) Urine, albuminous, scarlet fever, after (681) Urine, bloody (681) Urine, color, black (683) Urine, scanty (688) Urine, sediment, mucous (689) Urine, sediment, mucous, milky white (689) Urine, sediment, yellow (691) Urine, sugar (691) GENITALIA MALE Genitalia male, condylomata, penis, glans (694) Genitalia male, erections, painful (See Chordee, Urethra) (695) Genitalia male, erections, violent (696) Genitalia male, hydrocele, boys, of (699) Genitalia male, inflammation, penis, glans (699) Genitalia male, itching, scrotum (701) GENITALIA FEMALE Genitalia female, leucorrh a (720) Genitalia female, leucorrh a, milky (722) Genitalia female, leucorrh a, white (723) Genitalia female, metrorrhagia (729) LARYNX AND TRACHEA Larynx and trachea, croup (747) Larynx and trachea, croup, membranous (747) Larynx and trachea, croup, extending to trachea (748) Larynx and trachea, irritation, larynx

(749) Larynx and trachea, mucus, larynx (751) Larynx and trachea, voice, hoarseness (758) RESPIRATION Respiration, asthmatic (763) Respiration, difficult (766) Respiration, rattling (774) COUGH Cough, paroxysmal (799) Cough, rattling (801) Cough, rattling, hoarseness, with (801) Cough, spasmodic (See Paroxysmal) (804) EXPECTORATION Expectoration, milky (816) Expectoration, mucous (816) Expectoration, opaque (817) Expectoration, white (820) Expectoration, white, opaque (821) Expectoration, yellow (821) CHEST Chest, catarrh (824) Chest, coldness, heart, region of (825) Chest, constriction, tension, tightness (826) Chest, hmorrhage (See Expectoration) (833) Chest, hepatization of lungs (834) Chest, inflammation bronchial tubes (bronchitis) (835) Chest, inflammation, lungs (835) Chest, inflammation, pleura (836) Chest, pain, heart (849) Chest, palpitation heart (873) Chest, phthisis pulmonalis, acute (879) Chest, phthisis pulmonalis, pituitous (879) BACK Back, pain, dorsal region, scapul (902) Back, stiffness, cervical region (947) EXTREMITIES Extremities, bunions, foot (954) Extremities, chilblains, hands (955) Extremities, cramps, leg (974) Extremities, eruption, thigh, pimples (1000) Extremities, numbness, fingers (1039) Extremities, pain, joints, rheumatic (1048) Extremities, swelling, joints (1196)

Extremities, swelling, leg (1200) CHILL Chill, air, in the open (agg.) (1262) SKIN Skin, eruptions, discharging, greenish (1311) Skin, eruptions, dry (1311) Skin, eruptions, eczema (1312) Skin, eruptions, herpetic (1312) Skin, eruptions, herpetic, zoster, zona (1314) Skin, eruptions, mealy, white (1314) Skin, eruptions, pustules, scurfy (1317) Skin, eruptions, scaly, bran-like (1318) Skin, eruptions, scaly, white (1319) Skin, eruptions, vesicular (1322) Skin, eruptions, vesicular, white (1323) Skin, eruptions, vesicular, yellow (1323) Skin, erysipelas (1323) Skin, erysipelas, vesicular (1324) Skin, excoriation (See Intertrigo) (1324) Skin, excrescences, condylomata (1324) Skin, lupus (1330) Skin, ulcers (1333) Skin, ulcers, discharges, gray (1335) Skin, ulcers, syphilitic (1339) Skin, warts (See Excrescences) (1339)

GENERALITIES Generalities, cancerous affections, lupus (1346) Generalities, convulsions (1351) Generalities, convulsions, epileptic (1353) Generalities, cyanosis (1356) Generalities, food, fat agg. (1363) Generalities, food, pastry agg. (1363) Generalities, hmorrhage (agg.) (1365) Generalities, indurations (1367) Generalities, indurations, glands (1367) Generalities, inflammation, internally (1368) Generalities, pain, scraped, as if (1384) Generalities, side, left (1401) Generalities, swelling, glands (1405) Generalities, syphilis (1406) Generalities, warm, bed agg. (1412) Generalities, weariness, morning (1421)

Kalium iodatum (Kali-i)

Complementar: Aesc. Agn. Ars. Ars-i. Aur. Bac. Hyper. Iod. Ip. Kali-n. Lach. Lyc. Merc (Kali-i = A). Nat-c. Nit-ac. Phyt (Kali-i = An). Syph. Thyr. Urmeaza bine: Bad. Canth. Caus. Hep. Lap-a. Mag-f. Plb. Rad-br. Urmat bine de: Apat. Brom. Calc-f. Calc-s. Hep. Phos. Incompatibil cu: varice + febra. Febra/Irascibilitate/Afectiuni ale glandei tiroide Antidoteaza: Ant-nl. Hep. Iod. Kali-ar. Merc. Mez. Thea. Otravire cu mercu sau plumb, radiatii atomice Antidotat de: Am-m. Arg-n. Ars. Aur. Chin. Hep. Hydr-c. Merc. Nit-ac. Rhus-t. Sulph. Valer.

Efect: 20 - 30 Zile la copii le ajunge o singura doza, la oameni maturi se repeta, sanguinic/flegmatic/canceroid/leproid/sifilitic/psoric/sicotic/tuberculin pe ambele parti/simetric KALIUM IODATUM (kali-i.) MIND: - - Talkative. Full of jokes - - Passionate. - - Anxious and excited. - Anxious weeping. - - Fright at every trifle. Starting from every little noise. - Fear of evil. - - Troublesome and unreasonable impressions become fixed ideas. - Irritability towards own children. Hardhearted with own family. - Irritability and maliciousness with sadness. - Loss of memory, for words while speaking, while writing; cannot play music. GENERALITIES: - - WARMblooded. < Heat/Night, 5 h../Seaside. - > Cold. Open air/Motion. - - Flushes of heat. - Syphilitic tendency. Bone pains at night. - - Glands enlarged, indurated, atrophied. HEAD: - - Headache, < 5 h.. heat; > open air. - Headache associated with sinusitis. - - Hard, painful nodules on head. EYE: - - Konjunktivitis. Keratitis. Iritis. Chemosis. - - Swelling of lids. NOSE: - - Acrid, burning, watery or greenish/yellow discharge, < open air.Sneezing. - ALLERGY, HAYFEVER with dyspnea. - - SINUSITIS (Lyc, Kali-bi, Merc, Sil, Stict). - Pain and pressure at root of nose (Kali-bi, Stict ). - - Sensibil nostrils. MOUTH: - - Pain at root of tongue, < noaptea, protruding. - - Ulcers in mouth and on tongue. THROAT: - - Goitre, exophtalmic (Calc, Iod, Spong), sensitive to touch and pressure. - Swelling of uvula. BLADDER: - - Frequent urination before menses. MALE GENITALIA; - - Atrophy of testes - - Paraphimosis + swelling. - - Condylomata. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Uterine tumors. Hypertrophy. Subinvolution. - Scanty menses with obesity. LARYNX/TRACHEA: - - Edema glottis (Apis). RESPIRATION: - - Difficult, ASTHMATIC < 5 h.. heat, > open air. - Waking with suffocation. CHEST: - - Pleuritis. Pneumonia, < right side. - - Atrophy and tumors of mammae. EXTREMITIES: - - Rheumatism, esp. of knee, with swelling, > cold/motion, < heat. - Sciatica, < left side/night/lying on painful side, > flexing leg/motion/open air. - Uncovering feet. SKIN: - - Acne. Urticaria. Eczema - - Boils. Rough nodules - - Itching < heat, > cold.

Kalium muriaticum (Kali-m) Cauza: rabi/ eruptii de piele suprimate Complementar: Bry. Calc-s. Chin. Ferr-p. Nat-c. Puls (= An). Sul-i. Syph. Urmeaza bine: Calc-fl. Calc.-p. Hep. Kali-p. Merc-d. Thyr. Urmat bine de: Ant-t. Bell. Calc-f. Calc-p. Kali-p. Kali-s. Kino. Mag-p. Nat-m. Plat. Sil. Sulph. Intermediar: Scir. Syph. Incompatibil cu: Nat-m. Febra/Irascibilitate. Vaccine Antidoteaza: Calc-s. Merc. Tab. Antidotat de: Bell. Calc-s. Hydr. Merc. Puls. Sulph. TIEF Efect: tifoid/ringwormoid/sifilitic/sicotic

NOSE Nose, obstruction, diphtheria, in (p. 341) THROAT Throat, caseous deposits in tonsils (p. 448) Throat, hawks up cheesy lumps (p. 453) ABDOMEN Abdomen, weakness, sense of, eructations amel. (p. 605) COUGH Cough, croupy (p. 785) CHEST Chest, swelling (p. 880)

SKIN Skin, coldness (p. 1304) GENERALITIES Generalities, night (p. 1342) Kalium phosphoricum (Kali-p)
Detine singur controlul/ epuizat Cauza: suparare sentimentala/munca/excese sexuale/studiat/alaptat/emotii/galagie; Complementar: Anac.(Kali-p = An mineral). Calc-p. Caus. Cupr. Mag-p. Nat-c. Sil. Urmeaza bine: Cycl. Ferr. Ign. Kali-m. Kali-s. Nat-m. Nit-ac. Ph-ac. Zinc-p. Urmat bine de: Cycl. Ferr-p. Kali-p. Nat-m. Zinc-p. ciuperci comestibile contin mult Kali-p/sunt bune la reconvalescenta. Incompatibil cu: Nat-m. , febra/irascibiltate. Antidotat de: Am-m. Ars. Chin. Rhus-t. Sulph. Efect: coleric/sanguinic/ fosforic/tifoid/ ringwormoid/ psoric/tuberculin Diverse: continut in toate lichide corpului, indispensabil vietii Repertoriu: KALIUM PHOSPHORICUM (kali-p.) MIND: - - Nervous, oversensitive, delicate. - - Extroverted. Excitable. - IRRITABILITY from weakness (Chin). Everything is too much.Impatience at triffles. - Cruel to husband, baby. - - Haunted by and longing for remembering past events. - Anxious, fearful. Fear something bad will happen, bad news, disease, agoraphobia, when alone. Easily starting. - - Indifference. - MENTAL EXHAUSTION (Lec, Pic-ac). Difficult concentration. Forgetful for names and words. Mistakes in localities. - Sadness and restlessness from delayed menses; during mental labor (Graph). GENERALITIES: - - Chilly, < cold. - - << mental exertion. - - < Coition/Night, 2 - 5 h.. - WEAKNESS and easily FATIGUED. - - Ailments from overwork, excitement, worry. - Malignant tumors. - - Weakness after operation of cancer, chemotherapy. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desiere: Vinegar (Sep), cold drinks. VERTIGO: - - < Facing the sun. HEAD: - - Headache < mental exertion, > gentle motion. - - Itching at night, 3-5 h.. EYE: - - Weakness from reading, after coition. EAR: - - Otitis. Pain < lying down. Chronic otorrhea. - - Neuralgia left mastoid, < cold air. NOSE: - - Hay fever. Violent sneezing, < 2 h.. - - Itching posterior nares. FACE: - - Neuralgia < right, > cold application, talking/motion. MOUTH - - Gums swollen and bleeding, esp. with disturbed digestion. TEETH: - - Toothache # headache. STOMACH: - - Nervous, 'gone' sensation at pit of stomach. ABDOMEN: - - Fermentation. Food intolerances. AFTER: - - Offensive Diaree, < fright, while eating, > mental exertion. MALE GENITALIA: - - Seminal emissions - - Strong desiere with urging to urinate. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Offensive leucorrhea. - - Menses offensive. - Pain left ovary, > bending double (Coloc), lying on back, or left side. - Desiere increased after menses. COUGH: - - < 2 - 2.30 h.. EXTREMITIES: - - Pain > motion, warmth (Rhus-t). SLEEP: - - Sleeplessness from mental exertion, worries.

Kalium sulphuricum (Kali-s) Tema: Raspundere fata de partener Declansator: schimbare de vreme de la rece la cald-uscat Pozitiv: 1. tine la partner/harnic, muncitor/ajutator/are grija de sine/da ajutor/independent/respectat Negativ: A. cu sange fierbinte + racit dupa baie + < caldura, B. Nu vrea sa faca ce trebuie, C. Exudatii

galbene/verzi/groase/apoase/fibroase D. maini/picioare reci + afectiuni E. < seara, F. Nevralgie plimbatoare, G. zvacniri, H. Lenes + obosit (isi plange de mila + < consolare)/se pune in pat + <; 2. Gras/rosu/incet(la trup si spirit)/piele grosolana, nu-i place munca, inactiv (< camera calda, se plange/cand nu este luat in serios se infurie/nerabdator/descurajat/ nesigur/sensibil/ jignit usor, Frica (de moarte, de cazut, de oamenit, grabit/ capricios, respecat regulile, transpira usor, < la stat intins/galagie trebuie sa ramana in miscare + >, dureri plimbatoare, piele/mucoase, 3. neinteresat/inactiv; Complementar: Carb-v. Cycl. Dulc. Kali-m. Nat-c. Puls (Kali-s = C/= An mineral/= contine). Tub. *Kali-s Puls - Sil* Urmeaza bine: Bry. Calc-s. Kali-m. Nat-m. Nat-s. Sil. Urmat bine de: Acet-ac. Ars. Calc. Hep. Kali-c. Nat-m. Rhus-t. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Incompatibil cu: Nat-m. Febra/Irascibilitate. Antidoteaza: Otravire cu durch Rhus-t. Antidotat de: Otet. Efect: sangunic/litemic/sifilitic/sicotic/tuberculin/psoric Repertoriu: KALIUM SULPHURICUM (kali-s.) MIND: - - Timid. Lack of self-confidence. - - Busy. Hurried. Restless. - Discontented. Irritable. - - Anxiety from heat, > open air. GENERALITIES: - - WARMBLOODED. - - << heat. < Overheated. Warm room. - >> cold, open air - - < Evening. - - Wandering pains (Berb, Form, Kali-bi, Puls). - DISCHARGE: PURULENT, YELLOW. - - Ailments from suppressed eruptions. FOOD + DRINKS: - - Desiere: Cold food and drinks. - - Aversiune: EGGS, warm drinks. HEAD:- - Headache in warm room, > open air. - Dandruff, yellow, moist, sticky. - - Falling of hair. EYE: - - Inflammation with purulent, yellow discharges (Puls, Sulph). EAR:- - Otitis. Yellow, brown discharge. Glue ear. - IMPAIRED HEARING from catarrh. Eustachian deafness. (Calc, Petr, Sil). NOSE: - - Coryza, catarrh with yellow purulent discharge. - Obstruction with mouth breathing, snoring. - - Post-nasal discharge. FACE: - - Faceache in warm room, > cool, open air. MOUTH: - - Tongue coated with yellow mucus. STOMACH - - Stomach affections with yellow coated tongue. MALE GENITALIA: - - Gonorrhea. - - after suppressed Orchitis, (Clem/Med/Puls). RESPIRATION: - - RATTLING < during sleep, in children, warm room, > cool air. - ASTHMATIC, < seara, 3 h.. warm room , > cool air - - SNORING. COUGH: - - LOOSE, RATTLING cough, - - < seara, 3 h.. warmth. EXPECTORATION: - - YELLOW, PURULENT. CHEST: - - Bronchitis, esp. in children. EXTREMITIES:- - Rheumatic PAIN, WANDERING, < warmth, > cold (Guaj/Led/Lac-c/ Puls/Sulph). SKIN: - - Scaly eruptions. Desquamating. - Sores, ulcers with yellow, sticky discharges. - - Eczema. Epithelioma. Psoriasis.

Kreosotum (Kreos)
Tema: Casnicia; Solutia: pozitiv: a rezolva lucrurile; negativ: se simte folosit; Negativ: A. friguros, B. Exsudatii care fac rani/mirositoare/care produc mancarime, mucoase ranite si inflamate. C. (Emotii + plangacios +) zvacniri, D. Sangerari usoare cu sange inchis la culoare din rani mici E. Carii(negre), F. Afectiuni inainte de ciclu, G. Teama (Sex/Viol (Vise)), H. Sangerari la o zi dupa contact sexual Blond + gras, inhcis la piele + slab, expresie plina de suferinta = dependet/ lacom de mancare/dornic de mangaieli, iritat/ nemultumit (dorinte/sensibil/ nelinistit/irascibil, capricii rele, DORINTE +Nemultumire din cauza neindeplinirii lor, Dorinta de moarte; dinti negrii, sete seara, Simpromele alterneaza (de ex. dupa AppeTIT )

# Anorexie, Organele sexuale Agravare rea: << Contact sexual; Agravare < la aer liber/in timpul si dupa ciclu/la racire (baie)/vreme friguroasa/mancare/ Sarcinat/Liniste/stat intins, Ameliorare > caldura/mancare calda/miscare, arsuri + < scarpinat, stranutat; Complementar: Ars. (Cancer). Phos. Sulph. Syph. Ter. Tub. Uran-n. Urmeaza bine: Cham. Euph. Guai. Hydr. Kali-bi. Merc-c. Mez. Nux-v. Urmat bine de: Bell. Calc. Kali-c. Lyc. Nit-ac. Nux-v. Rhus-t. Sep. Sulph. Incompatibil cu: Carb-v + Chin dupa Kreos. Carb-ac. Chel. Antidoteaza: Anthrac. Guai. Merc. Plb. Antidotat de: Acon. Arn. Ars. Carb-v. Cham. Chin. Ferr. Ferr-m. Iod. Ip. Nux-v. Efect: 15 - 20 zile, partea stanga,destructiv/flegmatic/tifoid/psoric/sifilitic/sicotic/tuberklulin KREOSOTUM (kreos.)e * Excoriation. MIND:- - Dissatisfied with everything. Child wants things, throws them away and wants something else. - - Cross, wilful, obstinate. - Restlessness, < seara and at night, from 6 p.m. until 6 h..; must constantly move. - Weeping from music and slight emotional causes. GENERALITIES: - - EXCORIATING, CORROSIVE DIScharges. - Inflammation of mucous membranes. - - Hemorrhages - - Offensiveness. - < Left side. - - < 18 h.. to 6 h.. - - < Menses, pregnancy. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desires: Smoked meat - - < Cold food - - > Warm food. HEAD: - - Headache < before or during menses.Shooting pain ext. to jaws and teeth. EYE: - - Hot, salty, excoriating lachrymation (Euphr). EAR :- - Difficult hearing and noises, before and during menses. NOSE: - - Excoriating discharge. - - Chronic catarrh of old people. FACE: - - Burning pain < talking, > lying on affected side. - - Eruptions. MOUTH: - - Saliva acrid. - - Offensive breath. - Bleeding and retraction of gums. Inflammation, ulceration of gums. - Aphthae, salivation during pregnancy (Helon). TEETH: - - PREMATURE KARIES. of teeth (Staph). Black spots on teeth. - Dentition difficult, with restlessness, sleeplessness, irritability and crying (Calc-ph, Cham, Tub). - Toothache during pregnancy (Lyss, Sep). STOMACH: - - Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, before menses. - Weak digestion. Food is immediately rejected or vomited undigested several hours after eating. - Cancer of stomach. AFTER: - - Painful stool, child struggles and screams. BLADDER: - - Can urinate only when lying. - Enuresis in first part of night (Caust, Sep). Difficult to wake child. - Involuntary urination while coughing, while lying. URINE: - - Offensive. - - EXCORIATING. Scalding parts. MALE GENITALIA: - - Gangrene of penis (Lach). FEMALE GENITALIA - - CORROSIVE LEUCORRHEA, offensive, < between menses, during pregnancy. - - Burning, itching and swelling of internal and external parts, ext. to thighs, < after urination. - - Cancer of cervix, vagina. - - Menses excoriating, offensive. - Pain during coition, gives aversion and fear of sex. - - Hemorrhage after coition. - Menses flow intermits, ceases on sitting/walking, reappears on lying. Metrorrhagia < lying. - - Prolapse of uterus and vagina. COUGH: - - Hoarse, hollow cough from irritation in larynx, < changing position in bed. - Cough with retching and involuntary urination. - - Cough provokes yawning. EXPECTORATION: - - Offensive. Bloody. CHEST: - - Atrophy of mammae with small hard lumps in them (Iod). BACK: - - Pain under l. scapula > pressure, lying painful side, < motion, riding in carriage. EXTREMITIES: - - Pain and stiffness in left tumb, as if sprained.

DREAMS: - - Dreams he is urinating properly with enuresis. SKIN: - - Violent itching, < seara; with burning sensation after scratching.Burning heat and itching. - Excoriation of skin - - Eruptions about menses.

Lachesis mutans (Lach)

Exotic Tema: concurenta/ suprimare Cauza: apasare corporala sau sufleteasca/climateriu/alcool/refuz; Comlementar: Aesc-h. Am-c. (= An). Aml-ns. Apis. Ars. Aur. Bac Bell. Borx. Cact. Calc. Calc-f. Carb-v. Cars. Caus Chin. Cimic. Coloc. Crot-c. Crot-h. Cund. Dig. Foll. Glon. Graph. Ham. Hep. Ign. Iod. (= A) Kali-bi. Lac-c. (Lach = An) Loph. Kali-i Lyc. (Lach = A). Lyss. (= An) Mag-c. Merc. Mur-ac. Naja. Nat-m. Nit-ac Paris. Phos Plat. Pyrog. Salam. Sang. Sep. Spig. Staph. Sulph. Syph. Thuj. Thyr. Tub -d. Tub-r. Zinc. Zinc-i *Hep - Merc - Bell - Lach* *Hep - Lach - Plat* (in aceasta ordine cnd puroiul nu este eliminat). Urmeaza bine: Acon. Bad. Brom. Bry. Cact. Chin. Con. Dulc. Euph. Hyos. Kali-bi. Laur. Lyss. Meny. Merc. Merc-c. Naja. Nat-m. Nux-v. Olnd. Plat. Puls. Ran-s. Rhus-t. Sil Sulph Tarent Tub. Nosode la climateriu Urmat bine de: Acon. Am-c. Alum. Brom. Bry. Cact. Cham. Chel. Chol. Cic. Con. Diph. Dros. Echi. Euph. Gels. Ham. Hyos. Meny. Merc-if. Merc-pn. Nux-v. Olnd. Ph-ac. Psor. Puls. Rhus-t. Sil. Staph. Stram. Stry-p. Tarent. Valer. Vario. Verat. Vip. Intermediar: Sil. Incompatibil cu: Acet-ac. Acon. Am-c (in afara de Am-c in dilutie inalte dupa Lach in dilutie joasa) Carb-ac Cit-l. Dulc Nit-ac Psor Samb. Sep , alcool ,dilutii joase la tendinta de sangerare/furie, dilutii joase Antidoteaza: Am-c. Am-m. Am-i. Anth. Anthrac. Apis. Ars.. Bufo. Caps. Carb-an. Carb-v. Cars. Cean. Cedr. Cham. Chin. Chinin. Chinin-s. Coc-c. Crot-h. Hep. Kali-bi. Lyc. Lyss. Mag-p. Merc. Nat-m. Nuxm. Nux-v. Op. Rhus-t. Rumx. Sabad. Sabin. Samb. Sulph. Tab. Tarent. Trach-v. Verat. Vip-t. Acid Antidotat de: Alum. Am-c. Ars. Bell. Calc. Camph. Caps. Carb-v. Cean. Cedr. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Coff. Colch. Crot-h. Hep. Led. Merc. Nat-m. Nit-ac. Nux-m. Nux-v. Op. Ph-ac. Rhus-t. Samb. Sep. Tarent. Thuj. Verat. alcool, bere, vin, acizi, otet, caldura puternica/soare/sare Efectul: 30 - 40 Zile inhiba coagularea sangelui coleric/melancolic/flegmatic/sanguinic/tifoid/leproid/oxygenoid/psoric/ sifilitic/sicotic/tuberculin schimba repede (de pe stanga pe dreapta.)

Substanta: Lachesis mut

Afectiuni: Menopauza, Alcoolism, Angine Tulbur ri ale menopauzei: Cicluri menstruale diminuate sau r rite la mai multe luni, cu metroragii cu snge de culoare nchis , apari ia bufeurilor de c ldu-ra, echimoze spontane, cefalee congestiv, pulsatil , occipital stng . Hipertensiune arterial . Modificarea dispozi iei i a comporta-mentului, alternan excita ie/depresie. Gelozie, nencredere. Senza ie de constric ie, intoleran la gulere, fulare, coliere. Tulbur ri din alcoolism : Tulbur ri digestive ale alcoolicilor, cu pierderea poftei de mncare, ficat hipertrofiat, dureros. Hemoroizi de culoare violacee. Tulbur ri ORL: Angine care evolueaz de la stnga la dreapta sau anghin stng . Mucoasele sunt violacee i se manifest o mare dificultate la nghi irea lichidelor, mai ales a celor calde.

Agravare: prin diminuarea sau dispari ia unei scurgeri, prin atingere la c ldur sub orice form , la soare, la trezire. Ameliorare: la apari ia unei scurgeri naturale sau patologice, la aer liber.

LACHESIS MUTUS (lach.) * INTERNAL OVERSTIMULATION SEEKING AN OUTLET. MIND: - - PASSIONATE, expressive, outgoing. - INTENSE. Creative, vital, lively. - Constant overflowing ideas. Jumps from one subject to another. LOQUACITY, which < if sexual desire is suppressed. - Attached to material values. Very possessive to things and persons. Envy. JEALOUSY (Hyos. Calc-s). - SUSPICIOUS. Fear of being poisoned. - Dictatorial. Selfish. Don't want to be restricted. - - Agressive. Critical. Sarcasm. - Anxiety and depression in the morning. - - Religious affections. - Feelings of guilt. Delusion has committed a crime. - Delusion is under super-human control. - Delusion of death people, talking with the death; of his own funeral. - Psychosis. Manic-depression. Paranoia (Hyos/Kali-br/Verat). - - Fear of SNAKES (Lac-c) insanity (Calc/Cann-i/Manc/Puls) , heart disease, being poisoned. GENERALITIES: - - LEFT SIDED Complaints from left to right side. - WARMBLOODED, << heat/suppressed discharges. Blocked circulation (collars, tight clothes, etc.)./lying left side < During or after SLEEP/sleeps into aggravation/Before menses/suppressed sexual desire/spring/fall/slight touch - > Open air/onset discharges >> Discharges. - CIRCULATION. High blood pressure. Strokes. Dark hemorrhages. - Flushes of heat, from below upwards. - HORMONAL DISTURBANCES. Menopause/Pregnancy/climacterium (faintness) FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: FARINACEOUS, oysters, ALCOHOL. HEAD: - - Intense left sided throbbing headache; in waves (Sep). < Menopause, pregnancy, on waking, before menses, sun; > Onset of menses (Meli), discharges (coryza), pressure. - Falling of hair, < during pregnancy (Sep). EYE: - - Retinal hemorrhages. EAR: - - Left sided otitis. NOSE: - - Allergies with asthma. Hay-fever. - Discoloration bluish. - - Sangerari din nas. FACE: - - Plethoric. Flushed (Aesc/Bell/Sang/Sulph). Bluish. Mottled. - Neuralgia, left side. MOUTH: - - Tongue trembles when protruded. - - Bleeding gums. THROAT: - - Left sided pharyngitis, tonsillitis. Bluish, purplish. < Warm drinks, swallowing liquids or saliva, slight touch (clothing). > Cold drinks, swallowing solids. Pain extends to ear. - Lump in throat which induces swallowing. - Difficult swallowing, especially saliva or liquids. - SENSITIVE to touch, pressure, cant tolerate tight COLLARS. STOMACH: - - Sensibil to clothing. - Eructations before convulsions, during menses. BELLY: - - Sensibil to touch or pressure of clothing. RECTUM: - - Diaree ameliorates. - - Hemoroizi. Purplish, congested. - Hemorrhage like charred straw, black particles. KIDNEY: - - Kidney stones, colic < left side. URETHRA: - - Small tumors in urethra causing retention. URINE: - - Hematuria. Blackish. MALE GENITALIA: - - High desire. FEMALE GENITALIA: - HIGH DESIRE. Promiscuous. Early masturbation (Grat/Orig/Plat/Staph). - Affections of left ovary (Ust). - - Uterine hemorrhage: black blood (Cycl). - PREMENSTRUAL SYNDROME. < Before menses, > onset of menses. - Ailments from suppressed menses (climacteric, pregnancy, birth control pil). RESPIRATION: - - SUFfocation on falling asleep/waking from sleep with SUFfocation - ASTHMATIC: < jealousy, during or after sleep, heat, night, touching the larynx, tight collars; - - > sitting bent forward (Kali-c, Spong), open air. CHEST: - - PALPITATIONS, oppression << lying on left side (Phos), during and after sleep, heat. - Angina pectoris. High blood pressure. Rheumatic heart. - Herpes zoster on left side. - - Mastitis. Bluish discoloration.

BACK: - - Herpes zoster on left side. - Neuralgia of coccyx, < rising from sitting, > sitting still. EXTREMITIES: - - R. sided sciatica (can be left) with oversensitiveness to touch. - Can't bear to have fingers touched each other, spreads them apart (Lac-c). - Varicose veins, bluish purplish. - - Numbness of left arm, finger tips (Lat-m). SLEEP: - - Position: IMPOSSIBLE on LEFT SIDE (Phos). - DISTURBED by dreams or sense of suffocation. - General aggravation during or after sleep. DREAMS: - - Of death people. - - Of snakes (Lach). SKIN: - - Oversensitive to touch, pressure. - - Herpes zoster < left side. - DISCOLORATION BLUISH, PURPLISH. Cyanosis. Ecchymosis. Purpura. - Gangrena. Dissecting wounds. - - Varicose veins.

Ledum palustre (Led) Cauza: Alcool/taietura; Complementar: Arn.(Led cand Arn nu-si face efectul). Chin. Lyc. Sep. Sulph. Ther. Tub. *Kalm. - Led. Rhod.* *Sulph - Calc - Lyc - Led - Ther*
Urmeaza bine: Acon. Ars. Bell. Bry. Cham. Chel. Colch. Lyc. Nux-v. Phos. Paris. Phos. Puls. Rhus-t. Verat. Urmat bine de: Acon. Bell. Bry. Calc. Cham. Chel. Chin. Dulc. Hyper. Lyc. Merc. Nux-v. Paris. Puls. Rhust. Sep. Sul-ac. Incompatibil cu: Acet-ac. Apis. Chin. Rhus-t. Bere (accentueaza efectul) Antidoteaza: Apis. Chin. Colch. Kali-bi. Lach. Plb. Rhus-d. Rhus-t. Triat. Vesp. Alcool/Whiskey.Odravuri de la serpi i insecte.Urmarile gripei. Antidotat de: Apis. Camph. Coff. Ip. Op. Rhus-t. Efect: narcotic/afrodiziac/otravitor

Copii: senzatie de strangere a pieptului la tuse magareasca Acut: 1. Intepaturi (Cui, Muscatura) + durere + umflatura + manacrime 2. Bolnavul simte locul cald, altul il simte rece. Recele face bine, patura este data 3.palid, paralizat, cu pete ca de petunie( albastre) . Rani de la degerat Chronic: Caldura agraveaza Pozitiv: harnic/se distreaza/vesel/plin de viata Negativ: nu ii plac oamenii, ii este frig mere, caldura face rau, frigul bine, simptomele sedezvolta de jos in sus catre articulatiile mici Muscaturi si intepaturi de insecte se simt reci la atingere. Recel le face bine Cauza: alcool, taieturi Fire: nemultumit, singuratic, uraste pe cei apropiati, are teama sa se culce ca va muri. Se supara usor si isi strica usor dispozitia. Robust, serios, palid, gingas, ii este frig, nemultumit cu altii, schimbator, critic, nu-i plac oamenii, tendinte la taieturi, insecte, accidente. Reumatismul se muta de jos in sus. Febra si frig, bai reci fac bine, nu-i place societatea, miscarea face rau, caldura patului face rau, eruptie la fata (frunte) cu pete rosii.
Ameteli ca de la intoxicatie, mai ales la mers in aer liber. Se simte ametit dupa masa. Capul tinde sa cada in fata Cap: dupa udatura apar simptome la cap Durere de cap ametitoare, ameteala cauzeaza durere de cal zvacnitoare Durere de cap apasatoare, cu neliniste atunci cand se acopera capul Nu suporta nici un fel de caciula Ochii: nu supota lumina, durere la deschsul pleoapelor. Pupile dilatate. Presiune in spatele ochilor ca si cum acestia vor sa fie dati afara. Lipirea pleoapelor noapte. Senzatie de nisip in ochi. Lacrimi acide care ransesc obrajii. Urechi: aude greu, ca si cum ar fi pline cu vata. Vajaielei in urechi ca de vant

Nasul: sangerari indelzungate, cu rana ulterioare in nas in partea superioara, sange deschis la culoare Fata: cosuri si basici cu sange la frunte, fata palida si umflata Limba: gust mar in gura Gura: miros rau din gura Mancat: la mancatul in graba apare durere in capul pieptului. Senzatie de presiune deja la mancare putina, se simte amortit Rau si vomitat: brusc apa din gura. Burta: senzatie de umplere in partea superioara a burtii. Colici seara. Lipsa de apetit cu picoare reci Scaun: constipatie, scaun cu sange, diaree, lipsa de caldura Urina: urina putina sau multa. Urinat intrerupt. Arsuri in uretra Sex: pofta marita de sex Femei: cicluri prea din vreme, sange rosu deschis, lipsa de caldura, secretie din vagin, urinat noaptea Laringe : mancarime in gat Respiratie : cu crampe, inspiratie dubla ca dupa plans. Respiratie rapida, apasatoare, dureroasa Plamani: congestie in piept Inima: puls rapid si plin , dureri in piept, in osul pieptului Gat, spate: Junghiuri in umar si durere in spate la ridicare mainilor Maini: junghiuri ascutite la ridicarea mainilor. Pulsat in umeri, Dureri reumatica in incheiturile mainilor Dureri reumatica in amandoi umerii Maini cu tremurat, eruptie cu mancarime la inchietura mainii Noduri de guta la mana si nodurile degetelor, durere care se urca in sus in maini Transpiratie in palma. Picioare: presiune insoldul drept. Durere reumatica de jos in sus, incheieturi umflate /palide/fierbiniti/cu junghiuri/durere tragatoare.Membrul afectat e mai rece decat restul coropului. Guta: Mancarime intensiva la picioare si artuiculatii Umflaturi la degelete mari de la picoare, picoare umflate, talpa sensibila, tendoanele tari. Reumatismul incepe jos la picoare si creste catre sus Seara caldura in maini/picoare. Transpiratie de durata in acestea Nervi: Frica si lesinuri Somn: Somnoros ziua, noaptea fara somn, fantazii la inchiderea ochilor, vorbeste in somn, senzatie de sufocat Temperatura si vreme : nu suporta caldura sobei si a patului, indeosebi din cauza arsurii si durerii din membre Friguri, febra, transpiratie: friguzri, sete. Dimineata friguri. Lipsa de caldura in corp - Friguri in spate cu obraji fierbinti fara sa fie rosii, nu are sete, maini reci Senzatii: de amorteala si furnicaturi in membre Pielea : pete rosi albastre, ca petuniile. Herpes uscat cu mancarime puternica, care arde la aer liber. Piele uscata, lipsa de transpiratie. Muscaturi de insecte, indeosebi de tantari Varsta si constitutie: femei slabite si palide carora le e frig mereu LEDUM PALUSTRE (led.) * Rheumatic complaints. Punctured wounds, stings and bites. MIND: - - Irritable. Dissatisfied. - Desire for solitude. Misanthrophy. - - Restlessness, must constantly move. GENERALITIES: - - CHILLY + << heat - - PAINS >> by cold applications. - < Heat, heat of bed. - - < Night. - - Complaints go from below upward (Thal). - ColdNESS of affected part Antidote of animal poisons. - Ailments from PUNCTURED WOUNDS. Prevents tetanus. - - Alcoholism. - Tetanus with twitching of muscles near wound. - - Hemorrhages. Dark blood. HEAD: - - Headache covered head, < jar, misstep, getting wet, > cold applications. EYE: - - Blood shot. Bruises (Arn/Ham/Symph). - Hemorrhages or ailments after injury or operation. NOSE: - - Sangerari din nas, < cough. FACE: - - Mottled. Bloated. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Fibroids with hemorrhages. - Great coldness during menses with desiere open air. - - Dysmenorrhea. RESPIRATION: - - Dyspnea. Suffocative arrest of breathing, before cough.

COUGH: - - Spasmodic. Whooping-cough. EXPECTORATION: - - Hemoptysis; # rheumatism. CHEST: - - Rheumatic heart. - Bronchitis. Emphysema of old people. Phtysis preceded by neuralgia and rheumatism. EXTREMITIES: - - RHEUMATISM. GOUT. Mainly of lower limbs. Podagra. Nodosities. AFFECTIONS travelling upward from feet. - >> cold applications (Guaj/Lac-c/Puls/Sulph). Put Their feet in ICE WATER. << heat in bed, motion. Swelling of affected joints. - - Easy spraining of ankles. - Cross-wise pains (Agar, Rhus-t, Tarax), left shoulder and right hip. - - Felon. - Itching of feet/ankles < heat of bed, scratching. - - Elephantiasis of lower extremities. SKIN: - - PUNCTURED WOUNDS. BITES. Stepping on a nail (also in horses).(Hyper) - INSECT BITES AND STINGS (Apis, Urt -u). - - Injuries to parts rich in nerves (Hyper). - AFFECTED PARTS become COLD/PUFFY/MOTTLED with > COLD (snake bites). - Twitching of muscles around wound (tetanus). - Ecchymosis. Purpura. Long-lasting discoloration after injuries (Sul-ac). - Eruptions on covered parts, > cold applications. Ulcers, boils > cold applications. - Passive edema. Congestions. Lymphangitis. Purple discoloration and swelling.

Lilium tigrinum (Lil-t)

Complementar: Conv (= An). Sep (= C/sentimental influentat de altii. Urmeaza bine: Squil. Incompatibil cu: dilutii sub C5 (agraveaza) Antidoteaza: Cimic. Helon. (Anteversion) Nux-v. (Kolik) Phys. Antidotat de: Plat. Puls. Efect: coleric/melancolic/sanguionisch/ stenisch/litemic/psoric/sicotic/ pe partea stanga LILIUM TIGRINUM (lil-t.) * Uterine and cardiac troubles. Emotional, nervous manifestations. MIND: - - CONFLICT between morality and sexuality Strong religious and sexual feelings. - TORMENTED about salvation. Religious despair # sexual feelings, nymphomia. Feels guilty. - - IRRITABLE. NASTY. Easily offended. Curse and strike. - Irritable after sex. - - Envy. DISSATISFIED with her own things. - - Aimless HURRIED manner. Must keep busy. Wants to do several things at once (Sul-ac, Tarent). - Hysterical behaviour. Alternating mental states. - - Sensation of living in a wild dream. - Wild feeling on top of head (Med). Has to scream to relief it. - Sadness. Constant inclination to weep. < Consolation - Anxiety salvation, insanity, incurable disease, heart disease. - Confusion. Aversiune to mental work. - - Mania. Manic-depressive (Lac-c/Lach). - Desiere to pull hair of people in front of them (Bell). GENERALITIES: - - Alternation of symptoms. As if body seperated by vertical plane. Before plane are sesations, behind plane no sensations at all Plane moves backward + ,sides of plane marked by a vertical itching line Physical symptoms # with mind symptoms. Sadness at night, Diaree in morning. Uterine problems # heart symptoms. - < Warm room. Faintness in warm room./After coition/ Climacteric/Anger/Excitem,ent - > Motion in open air. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desiere: Meat. HEAD: - - Headache: < Warm room, > open air (Puls). With uterine disease. - Wild feeling in head (Med). Face - As if pulled into cartoonlike Features/As if Nose BIG + chin disappeared EYE: - - Visual disturbances with headache. THROAT: - - Sensation of lump. STOMACH: - - Sensation of lump. - - Vomiting with displacement of uterus. ABDOMEN: - - < Downwards of whole abdominal content, even from throat on, < standing. Wants to support abdomen. RECTUM: - - Pressure on rectum as from a lump, with constant desire for stool, < standing. - Constipatie. Ineffectual urging due to prolapse. - Diaree driving out of bed in the morning (Sulph). - - Hemoroizi. BLADDER: - - Involuntary, while straining for stool.

URETHRA: - - Burning pain during and after urination. MALE GENITALIA - - Increased desire. - - Malignant diseases from suppressed desiere. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - DESIRE NYMPHOMANIA (Hyos, Plat). - Uterine prolapsus or displacement. BEARING down as if whole abdominal contents would escape (Bell, Sep). < During menses, during stool, walking; > crossing legs (Murx, Sep), putting hand against vulva. - Menses only when moving, stops when at rest. - - Symptoms # pain in heart. RESPIRATION: - - Difficult, < warm, crowded room (Kali-s/Puls/Sulph). CHEST: - - Sensation of CONSTRICTION about heart, as if grasped in a vise (Cact), < noaptea; has to walk bent forward. - PALPITATIONS, > lying on back, < during pregnancy, lying on right side. - Angina pectoris with pain in right arm, < lying right side, stooping. - Congestion if desiere to urinate is not obeyed. BACK: - - Pain with uterine prolapse. EXTREMITIES: - - St<ering gait. Can't walk straight or on uneven ground.

Lycopodium (Lyc)
Om de stiinta Oportunist Hippie Laudator Vanator de fuste escroc moderator la TV Tema: Recunoasterea egoului; Complementar: Abrot. Alum (Lyc = vegetabiles An) Anac. Arg-n (= sicotic + Lyc: = psoric). Arn. Ars. Benz-ac. Berb. Beto. Bry (Lyc = C). Calc. Carb-v. Chel (cand Lyc nu-si face efectul). Chin. Chol. Cina. Coloc. Crot-h. Cycl. Dig. Dulc. Ethyl. Ferr. Fl-ac. Graph. Hep. Hydr. Ign. Iod (= A). Ip. Kali-c. Kali-i. Lach (Lyc = C). Led. Mag-c. Mag-m. Med (Lyc = An). Merc. Meny. Morg. Nat-m (Lyc = An). Nit-ac. Nux-v (Lyc = C). Olnd. Pareir. Phos (Lyc = C). Plb. Podo. Psor. Puls (= C/Lyc. = oft zu bevorzugen). Rad-br. Rat. Rhust (= A im Rheuma). Seneg. Sep. Sil-mar. Sil. Solid. Stach. Streptoc. Sulph (Lyc = An). Sul -i. Syc. Syph. Ter. Thuj. Tub. Tub-r. *Puls - Lyc - Kali-c* *Sulph - Calc - Lyc* *Sulph - Calc - Lyc - Sulph* *Puls - Lyc - Fl-ac* *Sulph - Calc - Lyc - Led - Sulph* Urmeaza bine: Multe remedii. Urmat bine de: Multe remedii. Intermediar: Bry. Nux-v. Phos. Psor. Puls. Scir. Senn. Tarax. Thyr. Tub.

Incompatibil cu: Coff. Nux-m. Sulph. Zinc. Vin , Cafea. *Sulph - Calc - Lyc* trebuie date in aceasta ordine, nu se incepe cu Lycopodium. Stridii (branza sau cascavalul ajuta la probleme cu digestia) Pietre la fiere la batrani /Scarlatina + edem Antidoteaza: Acon. All-s. Aloe. Calc. Camph. Cars. Caus. Cham. Chin. Chlor. Ferr. Gad. Ign.Kino. Lyc. Mang-act. Merc. Merc-if. Merc-pn. Nat-s. Puls. Sabad. Sabin. Tab. Antidotat de: Chin. Coff. Lach Nux-v. Op. Plb. Tab. Cafea. Ceapa. Planta: Pedicu a (Piciorul lupului) Afectiuni: Tulbur ri hepatice i digestive, Meteorism abdominal
Somnolen i indispozi ie posf-prandial . Intolerant la stridii, usturoi, ceap . Foame important care antreneaz o proast dispozi ie, ns repede satisf cut . Foame nocturn . Pirozis, reflux gastro-esofagian cu senza ie de arsur . Abdomen contractat, mai ales n partea inferioar . Tulbur ri diverse la hepatici: Angine: localizare pe dreapta cu evolu ie spre stnga. Obstruc ie nazal cronic . Impoten , ejaculare precoce. Nisip ro u urinar. Iritabilitate. La sugari, dificultate digestiv i anorexie. La copii, v rs turi acetonemice.

Agravare: la ingestia materiilor grase, la mncatul stridiilo, la sfr itul dup -amiezii (orele 17). Ameliorare: la b uturi calde, n aer liber. SYMPTOMS.
1. Mind. Silent, melancholy, and peevish humour; despair of eternal salvation. Desponding, grieving mood. Sadness when hearing distant music. Anguish, esp. in region of epigastrium, with melancholy and

disposition to weep; esp. after a fit of anger, or on the approach of other persons. Sensibil disposition. Dread of men; desires to be alone, or else aversion to solitude. Excitement after a glass of wine, almost mischievous. Must laugh if any one looks at her to say anything serious. Inclined to laugh and cry at same time. Irritability and susceptibility, with tears. Irascibility. Obstinacy. Estrangement and frenzy, which manifest themselves by envy, reproaches, arrogance, and overbearing conduct. Disposition to be very haughty when sick; mistrustful; does not understand anything one says to them; memory weak. Avaricious. Character, mild and submissive. Complete indifference. Aversiune to speaking. Fatigue from intellectual exertion, and incapability of devotion to mental labour. Giddiness. Inability to express oneself correctly; misapplication of words and syllables. Confused speech. Confusion about everyday things, but rational talking on abstract subjects. Inability to remember what is read. Stupefaction. Dulness. Repertoriu LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM (lyc.) MIND: - - LACK of SELF-CONFIDENCE. Feels weak and inadequate. - Fear of responsibility. Cowardice. - - Timid. Fear of people. - Presents themselves different than they feel inside. - Image of capability and courage. Extroverted, friendly. - Tries to hide feelings of incapability. Counteracts. - - Boasts. Haughty. Egotism. - Love of power. Dictatorial towards those who can be controlled. Timid and passive towards superior. - - Irritability, < dimineata. - Superficial relationships. Fear of marriage. Runs away from family..Promiscious. - Cries when thanked. - - Often intellectual people like schoolteachers, lawyers. - Fear of speaking in public, ghosts, dark, suffering (hypochondriacal), conflicts. Desire for company, but in the next room. - Confusion. Weakness of memory. Spells wrongly, misplaces words or syllables. GENERALITIES: - - << right side Symptoms go from right to left. - << 16 h. - 20 h.. (Hell), afternoon. - - < Morning on waking./fasting. - > Evening/open air. - - Emaciation of upper part of body. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: SWEETS, olives/Aversiune: COLD DRINKS, oysters. - < Cabbage, beans, oysters, onions. HEAD: - - Headache < right side, 4-8 p.m., fasting, > open air. - LOSS of fear or GRAY HAIR at YOUNG AGE. - DEEP furrows in forehead - - Shakes head without apparent cause. - - Eruptions. EYE: - - Styes towards inner canthi. - - Cracks in canthi (Graph). EAR: - - Otitis media < right side (Bell). - - Eruptions about and behind ears. - Noises. Every noise causes peculiar echo. NOSE: - - SINUSITIS, < right side. - OBSTRUCTION < at night. Snuffles of infants (Nux-v, Samb). - Fan-like motion of nostrils in respiratory complaints (Ant-t). - Food and drinks come through nose on swallowing (Arum-t, Lac-c, Lach). FACE: - - Emaciated. Wrinkled. Frowning of the eyebrows (Hell). - Neuralgia, < right side (Bell. Chel. Puls). - - Acne. THROAT: - - Pharyngitis. Tonsillitis. < Or starts on right side, > warm drinks. STOMACH: - - HUNGRY AT NIGHT (Phos, Psor). - APPETITE INCREASES while eating or ravenous APPETITE with fullNESS after eating a mouthfull.(Chin). - - Pain from cold drinks or food. - Gastritis > warm drinks, rubbing. - - Distention. Sour eructations (Rob, Sulph). ABDOMEN: - - FlatulENCE. Distention. > Eructation, flatus. Everything turns into gas. Rumbling. (Carb-v. Chin). - Affections of LIVER. Gall-stones with colic (Card-m. Chel. Chin. Nat-s). - Pain right hypchondrium. ext. to back (Chel), < eating to satiety. - Sensibil to pressure of clothing (Lach). - - Inguinal hernia, < right. - Brown spots on abdomen (Sep). RECTUM: - - Constipatie when travelling, away from home. - Diaree from cold drinks, fright, excitement, anticipation. STOOL: - - First part hard, last part soft and thin. BLADDER: - - Retarded urination. Painful. - - Frequent urination at night. Enuresis. KIDNEYS: - - Kidneystones, colic, < right side. PROSTATE: - - Hypertrophy. URINE: - - Sediment of red sand, brick-dust.

MALE GENITALIA: - - PROmiscuous - - IMpotency with his wife. PREMATURE EJACULATION or LOSS or erection during COITION (Graph, Sulph). - - Herpes. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - PROMISCUOUS .- - Flatus from vagina (Lac-c). - - Herpes. - Frigidity with husband. - - Ovarian complaints, cysts, < right side (Apis, Pall, Podo). REPIRATION: - - Dyspnea/Asthma/COUGH: - - Chronic/dry tickling cough with emaciation. CHEST: - - Bronchitis, pneumonia, < right side. Tb. - Chronic chest complaints in children. - - Brown spots (Sep). - Palpitation < indigestion, evening in bed. BACK: - - Pain > urination. - - Burning between scapula (Phos). - Emaciation of cervical region (Nat-m). - - Torticollis (Lachn, Nux-v, Phos). - Lumbago, < right side. EXTREMITIES: - - RHEUMATISM. Gout. Nodosities. Podagra. < Right side, beginning to move. > Continued motion. - Sciatica < right side, lying on painful side, > walking. - ONE FOOT or HAND HOT, OTHER ONE COLD (Chel, Chin, Puls). - Hot burning foot soles. Uncovers them at night. - - Cracks on heels, < right. - Painful corns. - - Offensive perspiration of feet. SLEEP: - - Position: ON RIGHT SIDE (Phos). - UNrefreshed(Lach, Mag-m, Mag-c, Phos). - - Waking as from fright; from hunger. SKIN: - - Dry, wrinkled (Sec) - - Varicose veins, nevi. - - Brown spots. - Psoriasis. Tinea.

Magnesium carbonicum (Mag-c) Cauza: Cearta parintilor/a fost parasit; Complementar: Aeth. Calc. Calc-p. Cham (Mag-c = C):. Cist. Coloc. Lach. Lap-a. Lyc. Psor. Rheum. Rhust. Rhus-v. Streptoc. Sulph. Tub. Urmeaza bine: Toate calciurile cand Magn-c nu-si face efectul. Caus. Cist. Phos. Puls. Sep. Spig. Urmat bine de: Caus. Phos. Puls. Sep. Incompatibil cu: Lapte. Antidoteaza: Acet-ac. Brom. Ox-ac. Puls. Rheum. Tarent. Remedii cu Magnesiu se iau impotriva la aciditate la stomac Antidotat de: Ars. Bry. Calc. Cham. Coloc. Elec. Merc. Nux-v. Puls. Rheum. Cafea. Ingurgitatul de doze masive de Magnesium carbonicum: Rheum. Efect: 40 - 50 zile Calc pentru copii, Magn la pubertate limfatic/leproid/ringwormoid/malarial/psoric/sicotic/tuberculin Repertoriu: MAGNESIUM CARBONICUM (mag-c.) * Gastro-intestinal disorders. Neuralgia's. MIND: - - Forsaken feeling. FEELS as if not beloved by parents. friends. etc. - Intolerant of disharmony. Sensibil to what people think about them. - Reserved. Easily hurt and depressed. - - Sensibil to noise. touch. etc. - Remedy often seen in orphans/abandonned children (Kent)/adopted children. - Can be very irritable (Cham). Discontented. - - Biting nails. - Anxiety and fears all through the day. < warm food. > going to bed. GENERALITIES: - - Children fail to thrive because of digestive disorders. food allergies. - Neuralgia's < left side. - - > Motion. walking about. - < Cold. draft/3 h. (Kali-c. Am-c)/after sleep << Menses. During pregnancy. - Periodicity. every 21 days. - - General weakness. Marasmus. - Acidity. SOUR (Hep. Rheum): Smell of body. discharges. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire for meat with aversion for vegetables. or v.v.. - Desiere: MEAT. bread and butter. fruit. - - Aversiune: VEGETABLES. fruit. - - < Milk. HEAD: - - Itching of scalp. < rainy weather. - - Occipital bone sinks in. EAR: - - Diminished hearing with noises in ears. < in a room. Deafness suddenly coming and going. Nervous deafness. - - Meniere's disease. NOSE: - - Coryza and obstruction. < before menses. FACE: - - Sallow complexion. Pale. - - Neuralgia's. < left side (Spig. Verb). < Draft. cold. temperature. > Pressure. walking. TEETH: - - Toothache: < during pregnancy. night. cold. rest. > motion.

change of

- Teeth feel too long. < noaptea. THROAT: - - Sore throat before menses. STOMACH: - - Slow digestion. Food becomes sour. - - Vomiting of undigested milk. - Sour eructations. Heartburn. Gastritis. - - Pain from milk. ABDOMEN: - - DISturbances of liver. Hepatitis. - Colic with Diaree. < milk. - - Rumbling. Distention. Heaviness. RECTUM: - - Constipatie. < after mental shock (Op). - Diaree. < milk. artificial food. dentition. - - Worms. STOOL: - - Sour. - - Undigested milk in nursing children. - Whitish or pale; pasty. when liver is affected. BLADDER: - - Involuntary urination. < walking. rising from seat. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - No menstrual discharge during abdominal. only afterwards. Menes flow MORE PROFUSE at night. or only during sleep; CEASE while walking (Bov) - Pitch-like blood. EXTREMITIES: - - Hot feet. uncovers them (Cham. Med. Puls. Sulph). - Restless lower limbs in evening. SLEEP: - - UNREFRESHED. More tired on waking than when going to bed. - Sleepless around 3 h.. Early wakening.

Magnesium phosphoricum (Mag-p)

Complementar: Calc-p. Caus (Mag-p = A). Cham (= An). Coloc (= vegetabiles An/Mag-p. = C). Ferr (Mag-p + Ferr = Antagonisti). Kali-p. Staph (Mag-p = A). Tub. Urmeaza bine: Bell (cand da gres). Bry. Cham. Cist. Kali-m. Nux-v. Urmat bine de: Cist. Antidoteaza: Cop. Antidotat de: Ars. Bell. Camph. Cham. Coloc. Gels. Lach. Merc. Nux-v. Efect: ringwormoid/fosforic/tifoid/psoric/sicotic pe partea dreapta

Repertoriu: MAGNESIUM PHOSPHORICUM (mag-p.) * Neuralgia MIND - - Oversensitive. - - Lamenting all the time about pain. - Irritable. Capricious. - - Indisposition to mental exertion. GENERALITIES: - - Neuralgic PAIN >> pressure/heat. rubbing. << r. /< cold HEAD - - Headache < from cold and > from pressure. warmth (Mag-m). EYE: - - Involuntary movements of eyeballs. - Disturbances of vision before or during headache. FACE: - - Right sided neuralgia's. < from cold. touch and > by heat and pressure. TEETH: - - Pain. > heat. < pressure. cold. STOMACH: - - Hiccough. - - Cramping pains > warm applications. ABDOMEN: - - Radiating pains. colic > pressure. bending double. rubbing. warmth. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Dysmenorrhea. > pressure. bending double. rubbing. warmth. - Ovarian neuralgia. CHEST: - - Intercostal neuralgias. EXTREMITIES: - - Writer's cramps. Cramps from prolonged exertion. - Sciatica. < cold. right side. > heat. pressure. - Weakness upper limbs. trembling. Parkinson. Medhorrinum (Med) = Neisseria gonorrhoeae Om important Aventurier Om de lume Hedonist Om bun la toate Complementar: Alum. Arg-n. Cann-i. Cars. Gonot. Lyc (= An). Nat-m. Nat-s. Nit-ac. Psor. Puls. Rhod. Rhus-t. Rhus-v. Sep. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Syc-co. Syph (= C). Thuj (= C). Tub. Urmeaza bine: Mand. Nat-s. Sabin. Staph. Tub. Urmat bine de; Bar-c. Calc. Ip. Lap-a. Phos. Puls. Intermediar: Sycose: Med. Nat-s. Thuj. Incompatibil cu: Ip. Agravarea afectiunilor acute/la afectiuni cardiace la batrani nu se dau doze mai mari de C200/se dau doze unice Antidotat de: Ip. Lil-t. Nux-v. Thuj. Antidoteaza: Lil-t. Nat-s.

Efect: flegmatic/ringwormoid /litemic/sicotic/psoric/pe ambele parti/symmetric Inceputului efectului = secretii din mucoare Diverse: creeaza febra (evt. prin 2 injectii de 8 ml) . Lapte pasteorizat ( i ^gonoree) Repertoriu: MEDORRHINUM (med.) * EXTREMES in pathology on all three levels. Difficult to maintain a neutral, stable state. Everything is taken into excess. There is PROFUSION or INVERSION. Occuring in the same person, or in different individuals. MIND: - - PROFUSION: Extroverted, impulsive, over-excited, aggressive, forceful, high sexual desire. - INVERSION: Suppressed, timid, reserved, loss of emotional and mental power, absentminded, forgetful. - - Fitful, works very well for a short period, then collapses. - Mispresents themselves to others. Portray themselves different than they really are (Thuj). - Agressive and hard, self-centered, at other times great sensitivity. - Very fond of animals or cruel to them. - - PASSIONATE, need to express it. - Looking for new experiences, illegal things. - - Fear: dark, ghosts, insanity, claustrofobia. - Religious fanatics when retiring. Guilty about former life. - - Biting nails. - Wild, scattered, out-of-control feeling inside (Lil-t). As if a storm occuring in the mind. - Time passes too quickly. Hurriedness. - - Forgetful of words while speaking (Ph-ac). - Delusion that someone is behind him. - - Confusion, lose contact with reality (Alum). GENERALITIES: >> evening "Night People"/sea not just love it but are > by it. - > Lying abdomen. - - SYCOTIC MIASM. Warts, tumors, growths of any kind. - Profuse discharges which ameliorate (Lach). - Medical history with heart disease at young age in ancestors. - Reiter's Syndrome in conjunction with arthritis. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: FAT, salt and sweets; ICE, SOUR (unripe) FRUIT (Calc-s. Verat), alcoholic drinks (liqueur), fish, meat, cold drinks. - Aversiune: Eggplant, slimy food, beans and peas. HEAD: - - Migraine. EYE: - - Conjunctivitis with profuse discharge. <lutinated in the morning. - Swelling under eyes. EAR: - - Impaired hearing, from swelling of tonsils and throat-glands. NOSE: - - Chronic rhinitis with thick mucus. - - Catarrh. Sinusitis. - Post-nasal discharge or obstruction. - - Snuffles of children (Lyc, Nux-v, Samb). - Intense itching internally of tip; rubs all the time. THROAT: - - CLEARING of throat (Caust, Mang, Staph). - Inflammation, tonsillitis, > sea. STOMACH: - - Pain < 2 h.. (Kali-c), > knee-elbow position. Gastritis. Ulcers. RECTUM: - - Constipatie, > leaning backwards. BLADDER: - - Recurring cystitis. URETHRA: - - Nonspecific, chronic urethritis. - - Stricture. PROSTATE: - - Enlarged. Prostatitis. MALE GENITALIA: - - DESIRE. Masturbation/Perverse/Extreme sexual behaviour (Plat). - Herpes. Condylomata. - - Orchitis. Epididymitis. - - Impotency. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - DESIRE. Masturbation/Pervers/Extreme sexual behaviour Plat). - Chronic vaginitis. - - Herpes. Condylomata. - - Tumors of ovaries and uterus. - Dysmenorrhea. Bearing-down, labour-like pains, > drawing up knees. RESPIRATION: - - Asthmatic >> knee-chest position, lying on face; from childhood. COUGH: - - > Lying on abdomen. CHEST: - - Heart disease at YOUNG age, i.e. early 40's. - Heart conditions after streptococcal infection. Rheumatic heart. - Chronic respiratory complaints. Bronchitis. Asthma. EXTREMITIES: - - SENSITIVE footsoles (Kali-c). - - SwelLING of ankles. - HOT FEET, UNCOVERS THEM (Fl -ac, Puls, Sulph), walks barefooted. - Cold toes though feet are hot. - - Rheumatic complaints; after suppressed gonorrhea. - Restlessness of lower limbs in bed (Rhus-t, Zinc). SLEEP: - - Position: GENU-PECTORAL (knee-chest position). SKIN: - - Warts, tumors. - - Eczema from infancy; with respiratory complaints.

Mercurius corrosivus (Merc-c)

Acut: diaree + sete/inflamatii ochi/gat/gura/rinichi A. durer in gat arzatoare/ > caldura/cere bauturi calde, Amigdale/gatul umflat/ulcere adanci, B. Limba cu depuneri albe-galbene C. dureri ca de glont in gat+ amigdale/< la inghititul in gol (radiaza catre urechi)/bauturi reci > caldura. Complementar: Ars (Merc-c = An). Cann-s. Canth. Caus (ajuta Merc-c). Cop. Sil. Ter. X-Ray. *Puls - Arg-n. - Merc-c* Urmeaza bine: Acon. Arg-n. Carb-v. Euph. Fl-ac. Graph. Merc. Tere-ch. Urmat bine de: Acon. Arg-n. Ars. Aur. Bell. Cadm-s. Clem. Colch. Kali-br. Kali-c. Kreos. Lach. Merc. Nitac. Nux-v. Rhus-t. Sep. Sul-ac. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. Intermediar: Acon. Incompatibil cu: Afectiuni la rinichi Antidoteaza: All-c. Chlor. Legaturi de chrom. Cop. Cupr. Form. Merc. Sep. Ter. Tromb. Antidotat de: Arg-n. Ars.Calc-s. Hep. Lob. Merc. Nit-ac. Podo. Sep. Sil. Vezi Mercurius solubilis (Merc). La otraviri: Albus de ou Efect: tifoid/psoric/sicotic/sifilitic/acut, partea stanga

MERCURIUS CORROSIVUS (merc-c.) * Corrosive element. GENERALITIES: - - Mucous membranes EXCORIATE. BURN like fire. - Discharges excoriate and cause burning. - - TENESMUS. - - < Night. EYE: - - Acrid lachrymation. Burning and soreness. - - Photophobia. - Swelling of lids. red and excoriated. - - Konjunktivitis in infants. - Ulcers on Kornea and Konjunktiva. - - Iritis. Retinitis. Keratitis. NOSE: - - Acrid coryza with rawness and smarting in nostrils. MOUTH: - - Dry + burning with thirst - - Salivation. Salty saliva. - - Aphtae. Ulcers. THROAT: - - Pharyngitis. Burning. Pain < slight pressure. swallowing liquids. - Spasmodic constriction of throat and esophagus with retching. on attempting to swallow. - Ulceration of throat and tonsils. - - Swelling of uvula. STOMACH: - - Burning pain. Ulcers. - - Painful retching and vomiting. ABDOMEN: - - Colitis ulcerosa. Crohn's disease. RECTUM: - - TenesMUS. CONtonuous URGING. not > stool. - Burning. excoriating stool. - - Never get done feeling. - - Spasms during coition. STOOL: - - Hot. Bloody. Slimy. BLADDER - - TENESMUS. Continuous urging. URETHRA: - - Urethritis. Intense burning. Purulent discharge. - - Gonorrhea. URINE: - - Hot. burning. MALE GENITALIA - - Heat of glans - - Paraphimosis. - - Balanitis. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Intense inflammation of vulva. CHEST: - - Nipples cracked - - Swelling of nipples. SLEEP: - - Position: On the back. knees bent. SKIN: - - Ulcers. rapidly spreading.

Mercurius solubilis (Merc) Mercurius Solubilis Hahnemanni = (Hg 2O).

Orasean mediu scamator, copperfield, clovn, revolutionar, evreu migrator

Tema: Haos/Ordine; Cauza: nedreptate ( i prin procese/functionari publici); Complementar: Am-m. Ars. Aur (= An + A). Bad (= An). Bar-c. Bell (=An). Calo (= An). Calo-p (= An). Carc. Chin. Clem. Coloc. Dulc.(sicotic). Euphr. Ferr. Franc (= An). Hep. Hydr. Ibis (= An). Iod. Iris (= An). Kali i (= A). Lach. Lyc. Mez (= An). Nit-ac. Nux-v. Phyt (= An + vegetabiles Merc). Podo (= An + vegetabiles Merc). Puls. Rheum. Sars. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Syph (= A). Ter. Thuj. Tub. X -Ray. *Merc - Hep - Sil* *Merc - Hep - Sulph* *Iod - Merc - Ars* *Hep - Merc - Bell - Lach* *Bell - Merc - Hep* afectiuni cronice cu simptome acute Urmeaza bine: Apis. Bry. Cann-s. Canth. Cham. Colch. Daph-o. Euph. Ferr. Ferr-p. Gels. Guai. Ham. Hell. Lach. Led. Mag-m. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Plat. Plb. Rhod. Rhus-t. Ruta.Sabad. Sel. Spig. Staph. Stront-c. Verat.

Urmat bine de: Acon. Agar. Ant-c. Apis. Arg-met. Arg-n. Asaf. Calc. Calc-p. Calc-s. Caps. Carb-v. Cham. Chin. Chol. Cinnb. Crot-h. Dulc. Echi. Ferr. Guai. Iod. Jac. Kali-bi. Kali-chl. Kali-m. Lach. Lem-m. Lyc. Mer-c. Merc-if. Mur-ac. Pilo. Phos. Plat. Plb. Psor. Puls. Rhus-t. Sec. Spong. Staph. Still. Intermediar: Kali. + Nit-ac. In dilutii joase/Arg-n dilutii inalte Incompatibil cu: Acet-ac. Phyt. Sec. Sil vor Bac + Merc + Sulph. in Psora Afectiuni la rinichi Desinterie cu limba uscata sub dilutia CH C12

Antidoteaza: Am-m. Ang. Ant-c. Ant-t. Aran. Arg-met. Arg-n. Ars. Asaf. Aur. Bar-act. Bar-br. Bar-c. Barm. Bell. Bism. Calad. Calc. Cann-i. Cann-s. Canth. Carb-v. Cham.Chin. Chinin-s. Chol. Cina. Cocc. Coff. Con. Cop. Cor-r. Crot-h. Crot-t. Cupr-a. Cupr. Eucal. Dulc. Euphr. Ferr. Hydr. Iod. Iris. Jac-g. Jal. Kali-bi. Kali-i. Kali-m. Lach. Mag-c. Mag-m. Mag-p. Mand. Mang-act. Mang-m. Merc-c. Mez. Nat-s. Nit-ac. Op. Ost. Phyt. Plant. Plat. Plan. Plb. Puls. Rheum. Rhus-r. Rhus-t. Ruta. Sars. Sep. Sil. Spig. Still. Stram. Sulph. Ter. Tuj. Valer. Verat. Viol-t. Otravire cu arsen/cupru / muscaturi de insecte/radiatii atomice. Consum de zahar. Mumps Antidotat de: Acet-ac. Alum. Ang. Ant-c. Ant-t. Aran. Arg-met. Arg-n. Arn. Ars. Asaf. Aur. Aur-m. Bell. Bry. Calad. Calc. Calc-f. Camph. Caps. Carb-v. Caus. Chel. Cham. Chin. Chion. Cina. Clem. Cob-n. Coff. Con. Cor-r. Cory-c. Crot-h. Cupr. Daphn. Dulc. Elec. Ferr. Fl-ac. Guai. Hep. Hydr. Hyos. Iod. Iris. Jac-g. Jal. Kali-bi. Kali-chl. Kali-i. Kali-m. Kali-s. Kreos. Lach. Lyc. Mag-m. Merc-c. Mez. Mur-ac. Nat-m. Nit-ac. Nux-m. Nux-v. Op. Ph-ac. Phos. Phyt. Podo. Puls. Ran-b. Rat. Rhod. Rhus-g. Rhus-t. Ruta. Sars. Sel. Sep. Sil. Spig. Staph. Still. Stram. inc. Sulph. Tere-ch. Tuj. Valer.
Otet. Plantele Solanaceae (cartofi, rosii, vinete, etc.). Apa care contine fier. Sel. Cand a fost folosit mercur pt. a elimina mancarimea; Intoxicatii cu mercur: All-s. Alumn. Ferr-c. Fl-ac. Hep. Histid. Nit-ac. Nuph. Nux-m. Puls. Rhus t. Sars. Staph. Sulph. Thuj.

Efect: lent + neobservabil. Sulph intareste efectul de la Merc hydrogenoid/limfatic/pletorisch/oxygenoid/ tifoid/malarial/ coleric/ melancolic/sanguinic/flegmaticsifilitic/ psoric/ sicotic/tuberculin Sunstanta : Preparat ob inut din nitrat de mercur, acid nitric i mercur metalic
Secre ii muco-purulente: secre iile au ntotdeauna miros foarte nepl cut" Tulbur ri ORL: Amigdalite acute sau cronice. Corize cu secre ii nazale muco-purulente corozive, str nuturi frecvente.Sinuzite dureroase. Oreion. Tuse productiv mucopurulent .Tulbur ri digestive : Halena fetid . Limb p strnd amprenta din ilor pe margini. Sete intens n ciuda unei hipersaliva ii. Diaree verzuie, cu mucozit i sau amestecat cu snge. Probleme dentare: Gingivite, stomatite, pioree alveolodentar . Tremur turi ale extremit ilor, agravate la emo ii i la oboseal . Transpira ie care nu duce la ameliorarea st rii generale n perioada febril . Agravare : noaptea, la frig umed. Ameliorare : la o temperatur moderat i usc ciune.

Mercurius Sursa: Profil

Mercurul este un agent iritant, inflamator i distructiv a c rui ac iune este universal asupra organismului. Este unul din cele mai mari i importante remedii homeopatice. Este un remediu cu un mare polimorfism simptomatologic, care permite cu mare greutate s se g seasc o punte de coeren ntre unele din aceste simptome, uneori absolut antagoniste i nea teptate. Totodat este unul dintre remediile cele mai schimb toare, cu cele mai multe agrav ri la factorii nconjur tori i cu foarte pu ine amelior ri.

Tabloul intoxica iei cu mercur

n intoxica ia acut provocat de Mercur, se observ urm toarele manifest ri : - Inflama ie dureroas a tubului digestiv, cu: - stomatit , gingivit , saliva ie, fetiditate a halenei, - faringit , - gre uri i vomismente de materii filante i sanghinolente, - diaree sanghinolent de tip dizenteric; - albuminurie, hematurie, anurie, - hemoragii polimorfe, - sl birea contrac iilor cardiace, - ncetinirea respira iei, - sudori reci, vscoase, - colaps. Moartea se produce n 24-30 ore n st rile supraacute, n urm toarele 12-15 zile n cele acute.

Ac iunea sa asupra sistemului nervos cerebro-spinal

- agita ie motorie, tremur turi mici ale extremit ilor, limbii i buzelor; - chiar paralizii flasce i f r atrofie, cu preferin pentru mu chii extensori; - depresie cerebral foarte puternic , ntr-un stadiu mai avansat.

Ac iunea sa asupra sistemului nervos vegetativ

n sfera vegetativ Mercurius influen eaz n mod particular tubul digestiv i aparatul urinar ; - n privin a tubului digestiv el ac ioneaz , inflamnd amigdalele, ficatul, intestinul, glandele salivare, pancreasul. - irita ia arborelui urinar, dup o prim faz de excita ie diuretic , determin fenomene inflamatorii cu reducerea sau chiar suprimarea func iilor renale.

Ac iuni asupra altor organe i esuturi

n stare acut , Mercurius excit circula ia producnd bufee sanghine ale fe ei. n intoxica iile prelungite i profunde, el perturb ntr-att nutri ia organismului nct se ajunge la emaciere ca ectic . El altereaz sngele fluidificndu-l, distrugnd sau deformnd globulele ro ii, aparnd frecvent hemoragii cauzate de aceste altera ii sanghine i de caracterul ulcerant al inflamatiilor sale. De fapt, toate esuturile sunt atacate de Mercurius: - la nivelul esutului limfatic: adenite acute i cronice. - la nivelul mucoaselor: st ri inflamatorii cu catar, mai nti clar apoi muco-purulent; - la nivelul pielii: erup ii variate, acute i cronice, mergnd de la simplul eritem n limfangite, la erup ii veziculoase, papulo- pustuloase, sifiliforme, n timp ce secre ia sudoral este extrem de mult crescut . - la nivelul articula iilor: se manifest de asemenea, n mod particular, irita ia esutului fibros i seros ; - la nivelul esutului subcutanat i al oaselor: se noteaz o stare inflamatorie a esutului celular subcutanat i esutului osos, inflama ia prinznd n special periostul i oasele lungi n toate st rile inflamatorii provocate de Mercurius exist tendin a producerii de: ==> supura ii; ==> ulcera ii ==> necroze. Ca orice metal, determin procese cronice lente i prelungite.

Intoxica ia cronic provocat de Mercur red tabloul frapant al diferitelor manifest ri ale sifilisului. Acesta pare a fi i a a zisul geniu al remediului, ntruct exist o mare similitudine, pe de o parte, ntre simptomele intoxica iei cronice i cele ale patogeneziei sale i ntre manifest rile nu numai primare i secundare ci i cele parasifilitice ale centrilor nervo i. Aceast similitudine este subliniat odat mai mult i prin marea modalitate a acestui remediu, agravarea nocturn a simptomelor.

Caracteristici generale clinice

Tabloul clinic al manifest rilor sale inflamatorii acute, de tip scofulos, inclusiv caracterul lor distructiv nc de la nceput, se aseam n cu cele ale terenului ereditar sifilitic. De aceea, influen a lui terapeutic antiinflamatorie l indic n acele st ri acute n momentul n care inflama ia intr , ca i la Pulsatilla, n stadiul de coc iune, dup Aconitum, Belladonna, Bryonia. Trebue men ionat i apari ia, pe prima scen a simptomelor sale, a hipersecre iei glandelor digestive, n mod special saliva ia sa caracteristic , cu gust metalic, un simptom concomitent foarte obi nuit al acestui remediu. Ca tipologie, Mercurius corespunde temperamentelor limfatico-nervoase, hidrogenoide, simpaticotonice.

Sindroame dominante
a) Sindromul de astenie cu tremur turi fine; b) Sindromul sifiloid i scrofuloid : adenite, tulbur ri osoase, ulcera ii; c) Sindromul de hipersecre ie general ; d) Sindromul anemic; e) Sindromul de inflama ie tisular : abces, flegmon; catar; f) Sindromul oro-faringian : inflama ie; ulcera ie, difterie; g) Sindromul dizenteric; h) Sindromul de inflama ie urinar : dizurie, cistit , anurie; i) Sindromul cutanat : erup ii veziculo-papuloase, supurante. Aceast enumerare justific afirma ia privind universalitatea atingerilor morbide manifestate de Mercurius, dar i dificultatea stabilirii de repere simptomatologice specifice. G sim aici persoane: = cu tr s turi morale alese, pa nice i creative, dar i = persoane cu tr s turi amorale, josnice, cu impulsii distructive.

Istoria mercurului i geniul remediului

Materia medical a acestui remediu este extrem de abundent i polimorf , cu simptome ntr-att de variate i opuse pe plan fizic i mental nct apare prea pu in coeren ntre ele. Pentru a memoriza i alimenta intui ia noastr privind acest remediu, ar fi binevenite cteva idei de sintez , sau un oarecare fir c l uzitor... Paradoxal pentru acest metal care este cu siguran un excelent conductor ! Pentru a atinge acest scop, mai multe c i ni s-au p rut posibile i complementare : fiziologia, fizica, chimia, alchimia, astronomia i mitologia, ca mijloace de p trunde la spiritul remediului, de-a lungul a ceea ce oamenii au descoperit legat de acest subiect al Mercurului, de utilitatea lui, a rolului s u n via a uman i simbolurile pe care el le-a evocat nc din Antichitate. Dup o prim analiz a datelor din diferitele surse, apar esen iale dou cuvinte-cheie pentru n elegerea nucleului Mercur: a.Mercurul transmi tor b.Mercurul, corp str in

a.Mercurul transmi tor-conductor

Termenul de Mercur a fost introdus n secolul VI, de alchimi ti, pentru a desemna metalul Hydrargir (Hg) cuvnt grec latinizat semnificnd argintul lichid conferindu-i simbolul celei mai apropiate planete de Soare. Uimitoarele propriet i ale acestui corp, singurul metal lichid la temperatura obi nuit , foarte sensibil

la orice varia ie fizic a mediului ambiant i de aparen foarte instabil (ca bula de mercur), le-a reamintit rapiditatea i nencetatele salturi sclipitoare pe cer, ale planetei Mercur. Le denumeau, de aceea argint viu. Acest metal greu (z = 80), care este absent n corpul uman, nu exist n stare pur pe planeta noastr , ci sub form de sulfur de mercur sau cinabru (HgS). El posed propriet i foarte originale din punct de vedere fizico-chimic : o foarte slab reactivitate proprie, ceea ce face ca el s absoarb i s transmit foarte u or to i stimulii fizici, cum ar fi varia iile de presiune (de aici folosirea lui la barometre, regulatoare tehnice, joje, etc. ) de temperatur (termometre), sau de diferen e de poten ial electric (comutatoare, redresoare de curent, etc.) i tot felul de stimuli chimici, conferindu-i puterea de a se amalgama cu toate metalele grele i u oare (termenul de amalgam, la origine, se referea numai la combinarea mercurului cu aurul). Aceast proprietate de transmi tor este n analogie cu caracteristicele zeului Mercur al Italicilor, asimilat zeului grec Hermes, dotat cu sandale naripate pentru a se putea ridica i deplasa cu u urin ; el este mesagerul diligent al lui Jupiter, cel care transmitea oamenilor, mesajele zeilor din Olimp, i vice-versa. El este de asemenea zeul c l toriilor (statuile sale jalonau marile drumuri i r scruci romane) i, pe deasupra, zeul negustorilor, al comercian ilor. Altfel spus, el reprezint un principiu de leg tur , de schimburi i de adaptare. El este unul din simbolurile inteligen ei ingenioase i realizatoare care prezideaz comer ul. La partea sa opus , el este de asemenea simbolul intelectului pervertit i al respingerii regulilor sociale, i deci zeul protector al celor ce n eal i fur . Reg sim aceast alternativ n nsemnul caduceei, atribut al lui Mercur, care reprezint confruntarea dintre principiile contrare i complementare, singurul mijloc de a accede la inteligen i la socializare : sus i jos, stnga i dreapta, masculin i femenin, rigiditate i suple e, bine (arborele cunoa terii) i r u ( arpele). n acest fel, Mercur, zeu inteligent, este de asemenea i zeul medicinii ! ajut medicul s n eleag , s g seasc un echilibru ntre for ele opuse n el, ca n cazul pacientului s u, i s se nal e reprimnd instinctele sale.

b.Mercurul, corp str in

Din punct de vedere chimic, mercurul este total absent n corpul uman. El este foarte toxic; este un caustic distrug tor, n special al parenchimelor. El incearca s se combine, amalgameze, cu toate metalele grele i u oare ale organismului, i n acest fel s perturbe, de fapt s perverteasc practic toate metabolismele (Na, Cl, Cu, S, Pb, Zn, Ca, Mg, Alb, etc.) i aparatele cele mai nobile (ochi, hematopoiez , mu chi, sistem nervos, coagulare, oase, ap rare imunitar , etc. ) . n alchimie, ntoarcerea la mercur este intoarcerea la solu ie, ceea ce reprezint o regresie total la o stare nediferen iat . Reg sim acela i gen de simbolism n medicina chinez , unde mercurul este extras din cinabru, drogul imortalit ii, pentru c este constituit din dou corpuri opuse i complementare : sulful i mercurul ; primul este un element de foc, mascul, yang iar cel de al doilea, ap , femela, yin, i deci influen abil i dotat cu o mare plasticitate. In acela i fel, bolnavul Mercurius este influen abil, deschis, hipersensibil la mediul exterior i capabil s se adapteze la situa ii dificile, cteodat chiar s aib o con tiin elastic , p r sind atunci c ile moralei.

Copilul Mercurius
Dup coloratura sa miasmatic , copilul Mercurius va putea evolua n direc ii opuse, mercurul avnd totdeauna un dublu sens, datorit faptului c el se poate adapta la orice; = fie n sensul bun, i va fi un realizator pozitiv, la sensul bun pragmatic, cel care n elege totul, n maniera lui Hermes, zeul hermetismului, adic al misterului i artei de a descifra; = fie n sensul r u, i va putea deveni anticonformist, asociabil, mincinos, ho , pervers, anormal, purt tor de anomalii luetice, distrug tor moral pentru al ii i fizic pentru el (ulcere, carii, patologie osoas , distrugeri parenchimatoase, etc.), abrutizat i stupid. Cit m aici comentariile Dr Didier Grandgeorge : Precis datorit mesajului divin, de la proximitatea lui cu soarele, Mercurul are misiunea de a transmite acest mesaj restului umanit ii. El are, pentru aceasta, mijloacele, cu curajul s u, ndr sneala sa, autoritatea sa, elocin a sa. Totu i, perversiunea l pnde te i, prin egocentrism, el este tentat s deturneze mesajul pentru propria sa folosin . Chiar tipul de delict al Mercurului este delictul ini iatului...foarte precoce n ale zeilor secrete. Mercurius remediu sifilitic, oedipian, va putea s - i ucid tat l (impulsie brusc de a ucide pe cei pe care i iubeste mai mult), odat ce le cunoa te mesajul, pentru a-l folosi pentru el-nsu i i a manipula pe ceilal i cu vrful nasului.

B. Prezentarea simptomelor: Mercurius solubilis St ri mentale y introvertit, nchis n sine, intens emo ionabil i suspicios; y impulsuri l untrice, violente deseori, idei distructive (s njunghie pe cineva, etc.); impulsul de a ipa; y grab , iritabilitate; y precocitate; y team de: boal , moarte, demen , ntuneric, cimitire, locuri nalte, fantome, oameni; agorafobie, team de s r cie (zgrcenie accentuat ); y r spunde lent, se blbie; y anxietate i panic , atacuri de panic cu team puternic de demen ; y deregl ri compulsive (porniri nest pnite, irezistibile, ritualuri, constrngeri auto-impuse); y retras, deprimat; impulsuri sinuciga e; Generalitati: y remediu luezinic ; y agravare general noaptea; y agravare i la frig i la c ldur (Nat-c., Ip.); y agravare cnd se nc lze te n pat; y agravare la vreme umed ; y agravare n aer liber; y scurgeri cu miros resping tor; y scurgeri suprimate cu agrav ri consecutive; y mare debilitate i sl biciune; y agravare general de la transpira ie; y sudori nocturne; ptialism y nf i are: figur palid , serioas , pielea fe ei are pete i e translucid ca marmura; Cap: y acnee cronic din care se elimin serozitate i puroi, l snd cicatrici; y rinit cronic , rinoree verzuie i arsuri n nas; y afte n gur i pe limb ; ulcera ii bucale i faringiene; y otit acut sau cronic ; y limb amprentat de din i; y gust metalic n gur ; y respira ie cu miros greu, resping tor; y saliva ie excesiv , mai ales noaptea n pat; y gingivit ; dureri de din i; Gt:
y y y

faringit acut sau cronic , limb nc rcat i saliva ie; adenopatie cervical ; pielea gtului i pieptului, n partea superioar , se nro e te dup o emo ie puternic (Nat-m.);

Gastro-intestinal: y dore te pine cu unt, dulciuri, sare; y aversiune: dulciuri, sare, anghinare; y gastro-enterit acut cu diaree i senza ia de ne-evacuare complet ; y scaun cu miros greu; y colit ulcerat ; Uro-genital: y -nevoi frecvente de a urina y -hemoragie uretral y -ulcere ale prepu ului i glandului y -dureri n ep toare, de irante, ovariene y -lacta ie n timpul menstrelor (nu in sarcin ) y -Lacta ie n locul menstrelor y -prurit vaginal cu arsuri

y y y

nclina ii sexuale intense, uneori pervertite; -ejaculare prematur ; -paleativ n cancerul uterin i de sn (Kent)

Extremit i: y -tremur general, n special al minilor, mai accentuat cnd scrie sau m nnc y -secuse musculare, mi c ri convulsive, dezordonate (copii) -folosit n paralizia agitant Tremur turile, sl biciunea, sudorile, fetiditatea, supura iile i ulcera iile, ca i agravarea nocturn agravarea la c ldur i la frig, constitue ceea ce impresioneaz la acest remediu (Kent) Piele:
y y y

eczem ; prurit, agravat la c ldura patului sau cnd transpir ; ulcera ii ale pielii, de obicei superficiale i cu tendin a de a se extinde; erup ii cu miros resping tor, ce las cicatrici; psoriasis; furunculi; erizipel;

Repertoriu: MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS (merc.) MIND: - - Reserved. withdrawn from general vulnerability. - - Need to feel real contact to communicate. Desieres to communicate. but difficulty making contact. - Strong feelings inside. expressed with difficulty. Stammering. - Have violent impulses. e.g. to strike or even kill. that frightens them.Tries to restrain them Is ashamed about it. - Delusion is a crimial. - - Delusion everybody is an enemy. Paranoia. - Phobic states. Depression. - - Slowness. dullness. Answers slowly (Hell. Ph-ac). - (Internal) hurriedness to compensate. but inefficient. - Fear of insanity. people. tunderstorm. being attacked from behind. CHILDREN: - - Sensibil and closed. timid. - - Restless. - Precocious. Act like grown-ups. Flirting. but not sexual. GENERALITIES: - - Weak defense mechanism gives instability. inefficiency of organism. - Living thermometer'. Over-reacts from +/o with weakness. nearly everything aggravates. - << cold and warm (Ip. Nat-c)/perspiration/night < Heat of bed/Suppressed discharge. - >> Lying down (Mang). - - Syphilitic miasm. - Discharges offensive. greenish-yellow. - - Chronic suppurations. ulcerations. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desiere: BREAD AND BUTTER (Mag-c). cold drinks. - Aversiune: SWEETS (Caust. Graph). salt. HEAD: - - Catarrhal headache.- - Pain after suppressed discharge; # with perspiration of feet. EYE: - - Every cold settles in the eyes. EAR: - - OTITIS MEDIA. Chronic or acute. - - Offensive otorrhea. - - Mumps. NOSE: - - Chronic coryza with offensive. greenish discharge. - - Sneezing > lying. FACE: - - Acne. with pus. leaving scars. MOUTH - - Aphthae (Bor). Ulcerations. - - SALIVATION << noaptea in sleep. - Offensive breath. - - Metallic taste (Rhus-t). - - Indented tongue. - Inflamed. bleeding gums. TEETH: - - Abszess. - - Become gray. THROAT: - - INFLAMMATION. acute or chronic. Pharyngitis. tonsillitis. - Swelling of glands. - - Flushed when excited (Ign. Nat-m). STOMACH: - - Thirsty for cold drinks. ABDOMEN: - - Gastroenteritis. Ulcerative colitis. RECTUM: - - Diaree with strong urging. tenesmus. - - 'Never get done' feeling. STOOL: - - Offensive. - - Greenish. Bloody. Slimy. MALE GENITALIA: - - Phimosis. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Leucorrhea. excoriating. greenish. < noaptea. Itching and burning. < urinating. COUGH: - - < Night. warmth of bed. lying on right side. EXPECTORATION: - - Greenish. Purulent. EXTREMITIES: - - TrembLING of upper limbs/hands. < writing/holding objects (Gels/Plb). Parkinson. - - Bone pains at night. SKIN: - - ITCHING << perspiration. heat (Mang). - Chronic ulceration with tendency to spread. - - Unhealthy. - Eruptions. offensive. Eczema. Boils. Psoriasis.

Mercurius sublimatus dulcis (Merc-d)

Complementar: Chel. Urmat bine de: Kali-m. Mag-m. Antidotat de: Alum. Aur. Bry. Hep. Nit-ac. Podo. Efect: = lent in comaparatie cu alte combinatii de Mercurius coleric/tifoid/sifilitic/sicotic

MIND Mind, restlessness, nervousness (p. 72) EYE Eye, inflammation, choroid (p. 243) Eye, inflammation, conjunctiva, pustular (including cornea) (p. 243) Eye, ulceration, cornea (p. 269) EAR Ear, catarrh, eustachian tube (p. 285) Ear, inflammation, media (p. 291) FACE Face, discoloration, pale (p. 359) MOUTH Mouth, aphth, gangrenous (p. 397) Mouth, gangrenous (p. 405) Mouth, salivation (p. 417) Mouth, ulcers (p. 428) Mouth, ulcers, deep (p. 428) THROAT Throat, inflammation, tonsils (p. 454) Throat, ulcers (p. 470) STOMACH Stomach, vomiting (p. 531) Stomach, vomiting, milk, after (p. 534) Stomach, vomiting, milk (p. 538) Stomach, vomiting, sour (p. 539) ABDOMEN Abdomen, distension (p. 544) RECTUM Rectum, condylomata (p. 606) Rectum, constipation (See Inactivity) (p. 606) Rectum, dysentery (p. 616) Rectum, urging, constant (p. 633) STOOL Stool, black (p. 635) Stool, chopped, eggs (p. 636) Stool, green (p. 637) Stool, watery, Stool, watery (p. 643) Stool, watery, green (p. 643) BLADDER Bladder, retention, enlarged prostate, from (p. 651) PROSTATE GLAND Prostate gland, inflammation (p. 668) Prostate gland, pain, stitching, urination, during (p. 668) Prostate gland, swelling (p. 668) URINE Urine, scanty (p. 688) GENITALIA MALE Genitalia male, condylomata (p. 693) EXTREMITIES Extremities, cramps, leg, night (p. 974)

GENERALITIES Generalities, faintness, fainting (p. 1358) Generalities, swelling, glands (p. 1405) Generalities, weakness, forenoon, 10 a.m. (agg.) (p. 1415)

Mercurius iodatus ruber = Mercurius bi-iodatus (Merc-ir) Cauza: curent de aer in timpul transpiratiei Urmeaza bine: Bell. Con. Urmat bine de: Apat. Bell. Bar-i. Calc. Fl-ac. Hep. Kali-bi. Lap-a. Nat-f. Thuj. Incompatibil cu: Bell. glanda tiroida-/afectiuni la rinichi Antidoteaza: Diopsit Antidotat de: Bar-br. Hep. Kali-bi. Thuj. Efect: previne atac de astma, mai alles cand se da seara/ deseori nu are efect oxygenoid/reumatic/sifilitic Repertoriu: MERCURIUS IODATUS RUBER (merc-i-r.) GENERALITIES: - - LEFT sided remedy. Complaints going from left to right side. THROAT: - - Inflammation and pain. starts on LEFT side Tonsillitis. - Sensation of lump with inclination to hawk. MALE GENITALIA: - - Sarcocele. LARYNX/TRACHEA: - - Hoarseness on getting little wet. EXTREMITIES: - - Rheumatic pains. wandering. - - Moist cracks in handpalms. Mercurius corrosivus (Merc-c)
Suferinte create de secretii acide, care creaza sangerari si rani. Colita, diaree, dureri cu crampe la intestine ( a efectuarea scaunului) Infectii la vezica urinara, bronsita, afte in gura, miros in gura. Infectii in gat, Paradontoza, gingivita. Sangerari din gingii. Intoxicatie cu mercur si amalgam. Boli similare cu cele vindecate de Mercurius solubilis *Puls Complementar: Ars (Merc-c = An). Cann-s. Canth. Caus (ajuta la Merc-c). Cop. Sil. Ter. X-Ray. Arg-n. - Merc-c* Urmeaza bine: Acon. Arg-n. Carb-v. Euph. Fl-ac. Graph. Merc. Tere-ch. Urmat bine de: Acon. Arg-n. Ars. Aur. Bell. Cadm-s. Clem. Colch. Kali-br. Kali-c. Kreos. Lach. Merc. Nit-ac. Nux-v. Rhus-t. Sep. Sul-ac. Sulph. Thuj. Verat. Intermediar: Acon. Incompatibil cu : Afectiuni la rinichi Antidoteaza: All-c. Chlor. Chromverbindungen. Cop. Cupr. Form. Merc. Sep. Ter. Tromb. Antidotat de : Arg-n. Ars.Calc-s. Hep. Lob. Merc. Nit-ac. Podo. Sep. Sil. Vezi Mercurius solubilis (Merc). La otravire cu aceasta substanta : Albus de ou Efect: tifoid/psoric/sicotic/sifilitic/acut, partea stanga Repertoriu: MERCURIUS CORROSIVUS (merc-c.) * Corrosive element. GENERALITIES: - - Mucous membranes EXCORIATE. BURN like fire. - Discharges excoriate and cause burning. - - TENESMUS. - - < Night. EYE: - - Acrid lachrymation. Burning and soreness. - - Photophobia. - Swelling of lids. red and excoriated. - - Konjunktivitis in infants. - Ulcers on Kornea and Konjunktiva. - - Iritis. Retinitis. Keratitis. NOSE: - - Acrid coryza with rawness and smarting in nostrils. MOUTH: - - Dry + burning with thirst - - Salivation. Salty saliva. - - Aphtae. Ulcers. THROAT: - - Pharyngitis. Burning. Pain < slight pressure. swallowing liquids. - Spasmodic constriction of throat and esophagus with retching. on attempting to swallow. - Ulceration of throat and tonsils. - - Swelling of uvula. STOMACH: - - Burning pain. Ulcers. - - Painful retching and vomiting. ABDOMEN: - - Colitis ulcerosa. Crohn's disease. RECTUM: - - TenesMUS. CONtonuous URGING. not > stool. - Burning. excoriating stool. - - Never get done feeling. - - Spasms during coition. STOOL: - - Hot. Bloody. Slimy. BLADDER - - TENESMUS. Continuous urging. URETHRA: - - Urethritis. Intense burning. Purulent discharge. - - Gonorrhea. URINE: - - Hot. burning.

MALE GENITALIA - - Heat of glans - - Paraphimosis. - - Balanitis. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Intense inflammation of vulva. CHEST: - - Nipples cracked - - Swelling of nipples. SLEEP: - - Position: On the back. knees bent. SKIN: - - Ulcers. rapidly spreading. Only the red (guiding) symptoms are here: HEAD Head, coldness, chilliness, etc. (108) Head, perspiration, forehead (222) EYE Eye, inflammation, syphilitic (242) Eye, inflammation, iris (243) Eye, inflammation, iris, night, agg. Eye, inflammation, iris, syphilitic (243) Eye, pain, night (249) Eye, tears, acrid (267) EAR Ear, inflammation (290) NOSE Nose, catarrh (324) Nose, coryza, discharge, with (fluent) FACE Face, eruptions, syphilitic (372) Face, everted lips, swollen (373) Face, perspiration, cold (391) MOUTH Mouth, aphth (397) Mouth, bleeding, gums (398) Mouth, bleeding, gums, easily (398) Mouth, discoloration, gums, pale (400) Mouth, discoloration, gums, purple Mouth, discoloration, tongue, yellow, dirty (403) Mouth, gangrenous, gums (405) Mouth, odor, offensive (409) Mouth, pain, sore (413) Mouth, saliva, viscid (417) Mouth, salivation (417) Mouth, spongy gums (420) Mouth, swelling, gums (420) Mouth, swelling, palate, velum (421) Mouth, taste, saltish (425) TEETH Teeth, looseness of (432) THROAT Throat, choking, sophagus (449) Throat, pain, swallowing, liquids (459) Throat, pain, burning (460) Throat, pain, burning, pressure, on (461) Throat, pain, burning, sophagus (461) Throat, pain, burning, sophagus, pressure, on (461) Throat, pain, rawness (462) Throat, pain, rawness, sophagus (463) Throat, spasms, swallowing, compelling him to retch (467) Throat, spasms, sophagus (467) Throat, spasms, sophagus, swallowing, on Throat, swallow, constant disposition to Throat, swallow, constant disposition to, choking, from (467) Throat, swallow, constant disposition to, eating amel. (467) Throat, swallow, constant disposition to, spasm in throat, from (467) Throat, swelling (469) Throat, swelling, uvula (469) Throat, ulcers (470) Throat, ulcers, spreading (470) Throat, ulcers, fauces (470) Throat, ulcers, uvula, spreading (470) EXTERNAL THROAT STOMACH Stomach, desires, cold drinks (484) Stomach, pain, sore, bruised, beaten (tenderness) (522) Stomach, thirst, extreme (529) Stomach, vomiting, bile (535) ABDOMEN Abdomen, abscess, liver (541) Abdomen, inflammation, appendicitis Abdomen, pain, ilio-ccal region (565) Abdomen, pain, sore, bruised, tenderness, etc. (589) Abdomen, swelling, inguinal region, glands, of (See Bubo) (603) RECTUM Rectum, diarrh a (609) Rectum, dysentery (616) Rectum, pain, tenesmus (630) Rectum, pain, tenesmus, diarrh a, during Rectum, pain, tenesmus, dysentery, during (630) Rectum, pain, tenesmus, stool, before Rectum, pain, tenesmus, stool, during Rectum, pain, tenesmus, stool, after (agg.) (631) Rectum, urging, constant (633) Rectum, urging, frequent (633) Rectum, urging, stool, after (634)

STOOL Stool, black (635) Stool, bloody (635) Stool, frequent (637) Stool, green (637) Stool, hot (638) Stool, mucous, slimy (639) Stool, mucous, bloody (639) Stool, mucous, green (639) Stool, odor, offensive (640) Stool, pasty, papescent (641) Stool, small (See Long and Narrow) (641) Stool, yellow (644) BLADDER Bladder, tenesmus (651) Bladder, urging to urinate (morbid desire) (652) Bladder, urging, constant (653) Bladder, urging, frequent (See Urination, Frequent) (653) Bladder, urination, dribbling (by drops) (655) Bladder, urination, dysuria (656) Bladder, urination, feeble stream (slow) (657) Bladder, urination, forked stream Bladder, urination, frequent (657) URETHRA Urethra, discharge, acrid (669) Urethra, hmorrhage (671) Urethra, itching, gonorrh a, with (672) Urethra, pain, biting, urination, during (673) Urethra, pain, burning (674) Urethra, pain, burning, urination, during (agg.) (675) Urethra, pain, stitching, extending, backward (678) Urethra, pulsation (679) Urethra, ulceration, meatus (680) URINE Urine, acrid (680) Urine, albuminous (680) Urine, albuminous, pregnancy (681) Urine, bloody (681) Urine, burning (includes hot) (681) Urine, casts, containing, epithelial Urine, color, brown (683) Urine, color, dark (683) Urine, color, greenish (683) Urine, color, pale (683) Urine, scanty (688) Urine, sediment, mucous (689) Urine, sediment, sand, red (brick-dust) Urine, thick (691) GENITALIA MALE Genitalia male, heat, penis, glans (699) Genitalia male, sensitiveness, penis, glans (711) Genitalia male, suppuration, prepuce, under

the (712) Genitalia male, ulcers, spreading (713) Genitalia male, ulcers, penis (713) Genitalia male, ulcers, penis, chancres Genitalia male, ulcers, penis, hard Genitalia male, ulcers, penis, glans Genitalia male, ulcers, penis, prepuce RESPIRATION Respiration, difficult (766) CHEST Chest, pain, stitching (863) Chest, swelling, mamm, nipples (881) BACK Back, curvature of spine (887) Back, curvature of spine, lies on back with knees drawn up (887) Back, pain, night (894) EXTREMITIES Extremities, drawing up limbs, amel. Extremities, swelling, foot, dematous SLEEP Sleep, position, back, on (1246) Sleep, position, limbs, drawn up (1246) Sleep, sleepiness (1248) Sleep, sleeplessness (1251) CHILL Chill, motion, during (agg.) (1269) Chill, rising up, on (agg.) (1270) FEVER Fever, stooping (1290) PERSPIRATION Perspiration, cold (1296) SKIN Skin, eruptions, syphilitic (1319) Skin, excrescences, condylomata (1324) Skin, excrescences, fungus, syphilitic Skin, ulcers, syphilitic (1339) Skin, warts (See Excrescences) (1339) GENERALITIES Generalities, hmorrhage (agg.) (1365) Generalities, lying, back on, amel. Generalities, pain, burning, internally Generalities, pain, sore, bruised, internally (1384) Generalities, pain, stitching, internally Generalities, pressure agg. (1392) Generalities, swelling, affected parts of Generalities, swelling, glands (1405) Generalities, syphilis (1406) Generalities, weakness, enervation (See Lassitude, Weariness) (1413

Mezereum (Mez) Cauza: eruptie de piele suprimata; Complementar: Hep. Merc (Mez = pflanzliches An von Merc). Puls. Sulph. Syph. Urmeaza bine: Calc. Caus. Euph. Ign. Lyc. Nux-v. Phos. Urmat bine de: Bell. Bry. Calc. Caus. Chrysan. Ign. Kreos. Lyc. Nit-ac. Nux-v. Phos. Rhus-t. Sep. Sil. Incompatibil cu: cazuri acute Antidoteaza: Calc. Chr-ac. Kali-hp. Merc. Nit-ac. Phos. Phyt. Rhus-t. Vac. Alcool.Vaccine. Antidotat de: Acet-ac. Acon. Alum. Bry. Calc. Camph. Hep. Kali-i. Merc. Nux-v. Phos. Rhus-t. Sul-ac. Sulph. Acizi. Otet. Cafea nu. ringwormoid Efect: 30 - 60 Zile, efect puternic /flegmatic/sanguinic/rheumatic/sifilitic/psoric/malarial/sicotic/ Repertoriu: MEZEREUM (mez.) * Skin eruptions. Ailments from suppressed eruptions. MIND: - - ApprehenSION in stomach (Calc. Kali-c). Anxiety. emotions felt in stomach. - Desiere company. - - Conscientious about trifles. Anger at trifles. - Religious or financial melancholy. Hypochondriasis. - Sad and anxious when alone. - - Thoughts vanishing while speaking. - Indifference. everything seems death to him. - Looks through the window for hours without being conscious of objects around. GENERALITIES: - - CHILLY. < Cold/cold air.Cold to the bone/Coldness of affected parts; in spots. - - << Touch. - AILMENTS from suppressed ERUPTIONS (Graph. Sulph. Zinc). FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desiere: Fat. HAM FAT. HEAD: - - Eruptions: Thick. leathery crusts. with pus underneath it. Hair sticks together. - Headache < touch; from suppressed eruptions. - - Scalp and hair sensitive to touch. EYE: - - Ciliary neuralgia; after operations (removal of eyeball). EAR: - - Eruption behind ears (Graph). - - Deafness from suppressed eruptions. - As if too much open. as if cold wind blowing into ear. FACE: - - Eruptions. Herpes zoster - - Neuralgia's < noaptea. eating. > heat of stove. STOMACH: - - ApprehenSION in stomach as if something was going to happen Every shock. bad news. sudden noise gives faint feeling in stomach. - - Gastritis. Ulcers. RESPIRATION: - - Asthmatic from suppressed eruptions. BACK: - - Injuries to coccyx. EXTREMITIES: - - Eruptions where circulation is poor. - Pain and burning in periost of long bones. esp. tibia. SKIN: - - ERUPTIONS. Eczema. THICK. leathery SCABS with PUS underneath it (Olnd). - Intolerable ITCHING. < at night. heat. heat of bed. touch. Changing place on scratching. - Herpes zoster. burning. - - Cracks forming geometrical patterns. Naja tripudians (Naja) Substanta: venin de cobra Tema: Folosit + responsabil; Kind: = Nat-m + trist/= Lach + gingas/domol/linistit/fricos/ocrotit/asculta parintii, friguros,alergic Pozitiv: Atractiv/communicativ/nobil/puternic/rezista la atacuri/plin de raspundere; Negativ: A. Atacuri de inima + putine simptome (Efort/vorbit/mers, B. de la stanga la dreapta + < stat intins pe partea stanga, C. Sensibil la frig, D. fara sangerari ;
NerVOS/depresiv/nu vrea sa vorbeasca/se tot gandeste la probleme(imaginare/propriul stadiu), nehotarat intre datorie + necesitate(craciun), treama (singur/ploaie) ca si cum totul merge gresit + nu se poate imbunatati, impulsuri subite de sinucidere, depresiv, Durere le la inima sau catre inima, edem fara septicemie, afectiuni bruste

Agravare : la transport/stat intins pe stanga/Efort/vorbit/mers/dupa somn/ Alcool/curent rece/dupa ciclu/ presiune de la haine/ploaie/vreme de iaran sau toamna Ameliorare : stranutat/condus/aer proaspat/stat intins pe dreapta, Afectiuni : Nervi/Defecte de ventile la inima, Tuse cu crampe/Alergie/ sistemul circulatoriu si cardiac Complementar: Lach. Lyss (= An). Spig. Sulph. Urmeaza bine: Cact. Kalm. Psor. Spig. Urmat bine de : Cact. Kali-c. Lach. Incompatibil : sub dilutia C 8 Antidoteaza: Tab. La muscatura de cobra: Stimulante cu Ammonia Antidotat de: Cit-l. Led. Tab. Thuj. Efect: creaza paralizie respiratorie la constienta deplina, fara septicemie si sangerare Litemic/psoric/sicotic/tuberculin, de la stanaga catre dreapta Repertorium: NAJA TRIPUDIANS (naja) * Affections of HEART. MIND: - - Mild tempered Lachesis. - - Brooding over imaginary troubles. - Increased perception of what he ought to do.Dutiful. Responsible. - Delusion neglected his duty. Feels himself a failure. As if everything were done wrong and could not be rectified. - Delusion injured by his surroundings; neglected; suffered wrong. - Contradiction of will. Sense of duality. Conscientious/feeling of being wronged. Always in dilemna. Alternating moods. - Melancholy. - - Dreads to be left alone. Aversion talking. - Fear of rain (Elaps), misfortune, heart disease. GENERALITIES: << lying on left seide/left side (Lach). - < Sleep. Night/Tight collars/Damp weather. - - > Open air. - - Chilly. HEAD: - - Pain in left temple, left orbital region, > smoking, alcohol, < cessation of menses. NOSE: - - Hay-fever, with dry larynx; asthma. MOUTH: - - Dryness. THROAT: - - INtolerant of collars. - - Swallowing difficult or impossible, from CONstriction or paralySIS of throat or esophagus. - Sense of choking, grasps the throat, < going to sleep. - - Pharyngitis, tonsillitis < l. side. BAUCH: - - Flatulence with rumbling and colic. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Affections of left ovary. LARYNX/TRACHEA: - - Rawness, < after coughing. - - Sensitive to touch. RESPIRATION: - - Suffocative spells while sleeping. Wakes up suffocating, choking. < Lying on left side. - - Cardiac asthma, < lying down. - - Asthmatic from hay-fever. COUGH: - - Dry, hacking cough from cardiac disorders (Cact). - - Sympathetic. CHEST: - - Cardiac disorders; almost a specific for VALVULAR CARDIAC DISorders. - PALPITATIONS < on waking, slight exertion, lying left side; with inability to speak. - ANGINA PECTORIS. Pain > lying on right side (Spig); ext. to nape, left shoulder and arm (Lat-m, Kalm). - - Threatened paralysis of heart. - - Acute and chronic endocarditis. - Pulse changes force (Dig). BACK: - - Pain shooting from left scapula to chest, or vice versa. - Pain between shoulderblades with heart affections. Tired feeling between shoulderblades, has to lie down or lean backwards to rest. EXTREMITIES: - - Numbness of left arm. - - Cold feet. - - Edema of hands and feet SLEEP: - - Position: Impossible on left side.

Natrium Muriaticum (chloratum) (Nat-m)

Natrium chloratum ste cel mai des intalnit tip in tarile dezvoltate ! Cauza : Soc, ranire sentimanetala, dezamagire Sotia lui Lot din biblie Regina Victoria Gentleman Martir Iov

Negativ: fuga de sentimente/ a evita sentimentele Complementar: Abrot. Ant-c. Apis (= A/febra/piele). Ambra. Arg-met. Arg-n. Ars-i. Ars. Aven. Bar-i. Bell. Bry (= A/Afectiuni la plamani / la serum) Camph. Caps (= A). Cars. Caus. Cean. Cedr. Chin. Chinin-ar. Cimic. Cor-r. Cycl. Dig. Equis. Eup-per. Ferr. Ferr-p. Helia. Hell. Ign (= A). Iod. Kali-ar. Kali-c. Lach. Lyc

(= An). Mag-m. Malar. Medus. Mur-ac. Myrt. Nat-s. Pana. Plat. Podo (Nat-m = C). Puls (= A). Sabad. Senec. Sep (Nat-m = C). Sil. Spig. Squil. Sul-i. Sulph. Tarax. Thuj. Thyr. Tub. Tub-m. Vac. Verat (Nat-m = C). *Ign - Nat-m - Sep* *Apis - Nat-m - Sep* Urmeaza bine: Alumn. Arum-t. Calc. Calc-f. Dulc.Glon. Kali-m. Kali-p. Kali-s. Kalm. Lach. Lyss. Mag-m. Merc. Nux-v. Olnd. Staph. Tub. Urmat bine de: Agn. Alum. Anac. Arn. Ars. Art-v. Bell. Brom. Calad. Calc. Calc-f. Cann-s. Carb-v. Cean. Ferr. Gels. Graph. Hep. Kali-p. Kali-s. Kalm. Kreos. Lach. Levo. Nat-ar. Nat-c. Nat-s. Nit-ac. Nux-v. Olnd. Petr. Ph-ac. Phos. Puls. Rhus-t. Ruta. Sil. Spig. Sulph. Intermediar: in cazuri cronice Sep. Tub la reconvalescenta Incompatibil cu: Calc-p. Ferr-p. Kali-m. Kali-p. Kali-s. Nit-ac. Podo. Febra(crampe)/dureri de cap (Bry = A). Usturoi daca este sanatos Antidoteaza: Acet-ac. Agn. Apis. Arg-n. Brom. Carb-v. Chin. Chinin-s. Cina. Gels. Lach. Myrth. Nat-sd. Nat-s. Oua. Sulph. Eisen. Chinina. Intepaturi de albina. Inflamatii ale mucoasei dupa contact cu nitrat de argint. Antidotat de: Apis. Arg-n. Ars (dupa facut baie in apa sarata.) Bad. Camph. Carb-v. Con. Gels. Laur. Mirositul de Nit-sd. Nux-v. Op. Phos. Sep. Dupa ce s-a folosit sare: Apis. Arg-n. Ars. Carb-v. Caus. Con. Nat-m. Nit-ac. Nit-sd. Phos. Sulph. Tub. Efect: 40 - 50 zile, lent, partea stanga coleric/melancolic/malarial/hydrogenoid/leproid/oxygenoid/limfatic/ tifoid/ carcenoid/sifilitic/ psoric/ sicotic/ Tuberculin Schlafen

Alte simptome: Fisuri anale, teama, senzatie de par in gat, inconsistenta, palpitatii. Urticarie. Mancarimea pielii Negativ: nu lasa sentimentele sa iasa la suprafata, fuge de ele. Isi ascunde durerea Fraza des spusa: imi pare rau..../nu-i asa ca sunt prost; Acut: friguri + sete. Febra fara sete. Vrea apa minerala Copii: tristi si sensibili, deseori primul copil, prietenos, rezervat, nu vrea sa fie consolat. Stie ca dragostea nu este neconditionata/ se supara din cauza asta/se manie la pedepse/sensibil cand parintii se cearta/ dornic de armonie/teama de a-si pierede parintii/vorbeste putin si asculta mult/ are teama la intuneric din cauza oamenilor/ atent la detalii/inchis/timid/se uita des si scurt intr-o parte/ maraitor/obraznic/ merge tarziu in picioare/putini prieteni/singuratic/citeste mult si cu drag/scolari bun/ le place muzica/nu le place sa fie consolat/face in pat pana la 10 ani/nu-i place cand se rade de el/ face pe clovnul pentru a primi afectiune daca nu o are/are nevoie de afectie/invata greu sa vorbeasca. Plange fara motiv, puternic, isteric. Nu poate sa planga desi e trist. Plange cand povesteste de boli/ atunci cand este mustrat/amar/cand e ger/ cand crede la altii ii este mila de el/ de la suparare veche/cand este singur (in pat) Vrea sa se spele. Isi spala mereu mainile Pozitiv: mic, gingas/cap mic/gat subtire/prietenos/fata stralucuitoare/privire deschisa/da mana puternic/plin de raspundere/cu morala inalta/iubeste copii si animalele/sensibil/cinstit/intelept/social/ecologic/talent organizatoric/deosebeste iubirea de sentimentalism. Negativ: slabanog, sete dupa bauturi reci, trist fara sa planga la loc retras. Fara speranta, tristetea il paralizeaza, nu-i place consolarea, nu se foloseste de ocazii, se gandeste prea mult la cele trecute sau neplacute, vrea multa dare, senisbil la frig si curent, aer liber face bine, aer statut rau. Durerile apar si dispar incet, Inchis, constipat. Afectiuni din caua ca nu ii intelege pe cei din jur, nu uita, nu se impaca, singuratic, are frica de a fi ranit, gelos, scene isterice. Sufera din cauza lipsei de iubire a altora, depresiv, plangfe usor/greu/ in siguratate Isi cauta parteneri cu daune. Nu poate sa se lepede de iubiti si emotii, da totul pentru partener si se uita pe sine. Loial. Ii este frica de hoti. Apare rece de la distanta. Confunda sentimentalismus cu iubirea, dezamagit in iubire, are nevoie de confirmare, nu se intelege pe sine, isi repeta intruna grijike, afectiunile, scuzele. Ii este frica sa se faca ridicol, palpitatii. Panica atunci cand vorbeste de sentimente. Rusinos, fire rebela, suprima sentimentele cu intelectul (mandria), face pe clovnul, are grija de altii. Dependete: droguri, alcool, bulimie, anorexie, sex, munca, perfectionism. Alege si calea sinuciderii. Nu-i place societatea. Stagnari : lacrimi, mania, tristetea, digestia. Grabit/fara somn/doarme toata ziua. Pielea galbena/palida/uleioasa/transpiratie. Parul uscat. Agravarea simtomelor-, 10-11h, noaptea, la intins, caldura, aer de mare, lumina, galagie, zgomote.

Face bine: transpiratia la aer curat, bai reci, intinsul pe pareta stanga,ii place pestele si fainoaselem supa. Nu.i place painea si grasimile. Simte mucoasele uscate.

Barbat: depresiv + manie. Violent, cinic, mandrie pentru capacitatile intelectuale, inchis. Femei: ii pasa cum arata, petrece mult timp cu cosmetica/infatiseara. Dramatizeaza, se pun in mijlocul atentiei,
Tip A. copilul care se tine de mana mamei Tip B. copilul retras Tip C. munceste peste masura - Workoholic = (ca si Aurum). Tip D. dependent de cafea, nicotina, hasis, alcool, munca, mancare, (barbatul similar cu Lycopodium) Tip P. dependent de partner, devine depresiv cand partenerului ii merge bine Tip E. Parinti reci Tip F. Parinti suprimatori Tip G. Sfatuitor/experti = Sulph + lauda asteptata/= Lyc + are temele preferate. Mandru de capacitati. Predica parerea si nu asculta Tip H. Perfectionist. Tip I. Singuratic Tip K. Martir/Victima. Tip L. Clovn = asemanator cu Sulph.ur. Daca este gras compenseaza cu glumele si primeste atentia necesara Tip M. Predicator Tip N. Rebel Tip O. Brutal Tip Q. Ganditor pozitiv Tip R. Vampa. Tip S. Visator (asemantor cu Phoshorus) Tip T. Snob/Dama de societate, se uita in jos la altii, arata ce a mostenit, calitatile, afectata. Ii este important cum arata Tip U. Tip puternic si introvertit, isi ascunde sentimentele, evita societatea, nu-i plac simpatiile, nu arata afectiune Tip V. Missionar; La pubertate corpul este simti ca strain.

Substanta: sare marin Tulbur ri de nutri ie , Pierdere n greutate , Deshidratare , Depresie

Tulbur ri de nutri ie: Pierdere n greutate n ciuda unei mari pofte de mncare. Limb ca o hart geografic . Sete intens . Preferin pentru sare sau alimente s rate sau respingere total a alimentelor s rate, cu constipa ie persistent , scaune uscate i tari. Oboseal fizic i intelectual . Cefalee. Convalescen n urma unor boli grave. Tulbur ri cutanate: Deshidratare a pielii care cap t un aspect zbrcit, mb trnire precoce sau piele uleioas . Veruci n pliurile cutanate. Fisur vertical median a buzei inferioare. Acnee comedonian a fe ei. Urticarie solar . Herpes labial.

Agravare: la malul m rii, la soare i la c ldura, la sup rare, necaz, prin consolare. Ameliorare: la aer liber, prin transpira ie. Dr. Ioan Teleianu - note de curs 17.XII.2000

Clorur de sodiu
Na Cl este compus din cristale cubice cu ionii situa i exact n col uri: fiecare cristal poate fi u or desf cut n cristale din ce n ce mai mici. Iat deci o structur care i confer propriet ile sale fizice dominante: transparen a i fragilitatea. De la na tere, remediul Nat-m. are o constitu ie fragil care explic nclina ia spre distrofie. Toat copil ria se caracterizeaz prin emaciere, anemie i aspect maturizat nainte de vreme. La adolescen are o paloare specific , de tip clorotic (cristalul de sare), p strat i la vrsta adult . Astfel, Nat-m. pare s nu aib nici o protec ie, nici o structur care s -i dea soliditate, nici un perete protector. A a se explic plnsul facil, depresia accentuat agravat de ncerc rile de consolare, incapacitatea de a st pni emo iile puternice.

Trebuie totu i s supravie uiasc i de aceea i construie te zidul s u propriu de protec ie, devenind riguroas i rigid n turnul s u de filde . Dar zidul de sare, construit cu migal , nu rezist . In contact cu apa sarea se dezagreg u or, ap rnd suferin e noi, iar la c ldura soarelui, prin evaporarea apei, apar de asemenea alte suferin e. i totu i savoarea s rii care face parte din noi nu poate fi perceput f r ap i f r c ldur . Ele o fac i nefericit i sublim i necesar .


NUTRITIE [ >tractul digestiv; > CREIER; > SANGE; > MUSCHI]. MINTE. INIMA. GLANDE [MUCOASE; splina; ficat]. Piele. * Stnga. Dreapta.

PERIODICITATE [9-11 a.m.; la soare; dup menstre; zile alternative]. CALDURA [soarelui; canicula; umiditatea]. Efort; ochi; mental. Emo ii violente. Simpatia ostentativ . Pubertate. Chinina. Malaria. S rurile de argint. Litoral sau aerul maritim (oceanic). Plnsul. Pozi ia culcat, in special pe partea stng . Aer liber. B i r coritoare. Transpira ie. Odihna (tihna). Inainte de micul dejun. Respira ia ampl . Litoralul m rii. Presiune; culcatul pe ceva dur. F r mese regulate [postind]. Culcat pe partea dreapt . Imbr c minte strns pe corp.


*Toate remediile Natrum sunt hipersensibile i rezervate (nchise). La Nat-m. defensivitatea i resentimentul dominant se exprim cel mai bine prin dictonul: S nu r nesc pe nimeni, s nu fiu r nit de nimeni.

PSIHICE (mentale):
Mare VULNERABILITATE poate fi foarte u or RANIT. Fric de a fi RESPINS. Dorin de SOLITUDINE. DEAP N (rumeg ) ntmpl ri nepl cute din trecut; nu- i poate scoate din cap vechile nepl ceri (necazuri). Le tot aduce i readuce n minte, ascultnd n special MUZIC trist . Se aga de experien ele traumatizante tr ite, care i vin mereu n minte ["o idee st ag at , mpiedicnd somnul, inspirndu-i replici de r zbunare, etc." - Boger]. SUFERA IN TACERE (demnitate). Foarte RESPONSABIL; sentiment de culpabilitate. Simpatetic [absoarbe necazurile i problemele celorlal i, i se mpov reaz cu ele cnd e singur]. OBJECTIV i controlat pe plan MENTAL, IMATUR pe plan emotional. ["Balan a lui inclin n ambele p r i poate s fie extrem de con tiincios sau lipsit de orice interes;

afectuos sau f r s -i pese de cei din jur; plin de lacrimi sau f r fric de nimic; se apuc s fac totul sau vrea s fie sus inut de altcineva n tot ceea ce trebuie s fac ; plnge din motive nensemnate sau nimic nu-l face s plng ." Borland]. -ZIDUL din jurul Nat-m. dispare dup alcool sau n timpul sexului. ["Ei pot trece la o extrem opus ; extrem de vorb re i dup alcool; careva care dup ce bea iube te pe toat lumea este de cele mai multe ori un Nat-m.; el este unul dintre remediile cu tendin e obscene n timpul sexului." R.Morrison].

DEFENSIV i prudent. ["Ei au o aparen de auto-ap rare, aproape de opozi ie. Nu sunt prea amicali ca pacien i i par s te priveasc cu rezerv . R spund la ntreb ri de obicei ferm, foarte scurt, asesea abrupt, i nu exteriorizeaz nimic altceva la nceputul interviuluiand" - Borland]. < CONSOLARE. ["Se spune despre ei c au o intoleran la consolare; n realitate ei i doresc cu ardoare consolarea de la persoane de bun credin ." -Borland]. "Tr s tura caracteristic care distinge starea de spirit la Nat-m. poate fi recunoscut n conflictul emotiv al integr rii personalit ii sale. El se plaseaz totdeauna deasupra propriilor sale resurse, fie deliberat, deoarece respinge orice ofert de simpatie i tov r ie, fie involuntar, prin pierderea unei persoane iubite si de care depindea emo ional. Aceast stare de izolare i singur tate e accentuat de faptul c i dore te intens dragostea, simpatia i comunicarea cu ceilal i ; totu i o pornire interioar , am putea spune, frneaz aceste impulsuri obligndu-l s nu le accepte (pacientul este emotiv, isteric, plng re , dore te simpatia i i ascunde suferin a, plngnd pe ascuns, etc..) i silindu-l s g seasc sursa de energie n sine-nsu i. Acest impuls de a se separa de ceilal i e mai puternic dect dorin a emo ional de comunicare uman astfel c pacientul e sf iat de o lupt interioar (cu porniri contradictorii). El va trece prin experien a separ rii de oameni i a singur t ii ca printr-o etap n calea reg sirii eului propriu [Whitmont]. GENERALE De regul CALD; poate avea frisoane. < CALDURA, in special c ldura SOARELUI. Mare poft de SARE. LITORALUL marii < sau >... Mare SETE; pentru b uturi reci. < 10 A.M. Durerile apar i dispar GRADAT [2]. Dup transpira ie [3]. Scurgeri "asemenea albu ului de ou". FIZICE CEFALEE [patologie central ]; b t i de cioc nel, ca de explozie, inebunitoare; deasupra ochilor; la trezire; & tulbur ri vizuale, amor eal par ial ; < transport, < mi care, chiar a ochilor, < lumina, < zgomot, < citit, < soare, < menstre, < 10 a.m. la 3 p.m.; > culcat in camer ntunecoas , > presiune pe ochi. Herpes labial. Usc ciune vaginal . Limba n HARTA de geografie. L crimare stnd n vnt; n timpul tusei; cnd rde. Fisur adnc la mijlocul pleoapei inferioare . Pielea fe ei uleioas , lucioas . Dureri de spate > culcat pe ceva tare (dur); > ap sare puternic . Dureri de burt > de mbr c minte stns . Repertoriu: NATRIUM MURIATICUM (nat-m.) MIND - - Emotianal VULnerability leading to introverSION. Closed person (> alcohol). - Intolerant of any form of grief. rejection. ridicule or humiliation. - Avoid being hurt or to hurt others at all costs. - Tries not to show emotions; to maintain control over Their circumstances. Fastidious. - Turn to emotionally safe activities. e.g. reading. music. - Great sense of responsibility. Integrity. People confide in them.

Loyal in realationships (Staph). - - Self-contained. Serious. Objective. Can appear cold. at a distance. - - Aversiune to company. Consolation <. Hysterical tendency when emotions can't be controlled anymore. Laughs over serious matters. Giggling changing in to hysterical weeping. Uncontrolled. hysterical sobbing with shaking. spasms. twitchings. - - Changeable moods. - Fantansizes about relationships. Falling in love with unattainable persons. - Emotionally strongly attached. but does not show it. - Depression. even suicidal. Sad but cannot weep. - Dwells on past disagreable occurances. - - Biting fingernails. - - Sensibil to music. - Fear robbers. claustrophobia. heigths. insects. Hypochondriasis. - Fixed ideas. 'good or bad'. - - Last stage: Lost control. obscene. shameless. GENERALITIES: - - Mainly warm (can be chilly). - << sun. < heat/Nose/10 h.. - - < or > Sea. - AILMENTS from GRIEF. - - Periodicity. - - Discharges like white of egg. - Stitching pains. - - History of malaria (Chin). - - Multiple sclerosis. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desiere: SALT. fish. sour (lemon). bitter. beer. - Aversiune: fat/slimy food/chicken; aversion: fish. bread. VERTIGO: - - Tendency to fall to the left. - - < Pregnancy. tea. > Cold applications. HEAD: - - HEADACHE. "like little hammers beating". < 10:h.. (to 15 h..). GRIEF. SUN. on waking. light. noise. reading. menses. > Lying dark and quiet room. perspiration. cold application. pressure. In schoolgirls (Calc-p/Puls). Precede by numbness. tingling in lips. tongue and nose. - Eruptions at margin of hair. Alopecia. - - Falling of hair. < temples. whiskers. EYES: - - Lachrymation < wind. on coughing. reading. - Horizontal line dividing lower lid in two. in hysterical children (Asaf/Ign/Lil-t/Mosch). - Bruised and stiff sensation. < reading. exerting vision. Weak eye muscles (Ruta). - Letters run together. Images retained too long (Lac-c). NOSE: - - Hayfever. Coryza "like white of egg". Sneezing. - - One-sided numbness. FACE: - - Neuralgia. < left side. - - Cracked lips. corners of mouth. - HERPETIC ERUPTIONS. esp. about lips (R hus-t/Sep). MOUTH: - - Apthae (Bor). THROAT: - - Affections of thyroid. Goitre - - Sensation of a lump. - Stitching pains (Arg-n. Hep. Sil). - - Emaciation of neck (Lyc). STOMACH: - - Thirsty for cold drinks (Phos/Sulph). - - Gastritis. ulcers. < grief. quarrels. RECTUM: - - Constipatie. BLADDER: - - Unable to urinate in presence of others. - Involuntary urination. < on coughing. laughing. sneezing. walking. MALE GENITALIA: - - Falling of pubic hair. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Averse to sex. Painful coition. dryNESS of vagina (Sep). - Sterility. - - Falling of pubic hair - - Leucorrhea - - Bearing down. < dimineata. RESPIRATION: - - Asthmatic. < between 17 -19 h. - - Sighing. CHEST: - - Palpitations. < noaptea. lying left side. noise. BACK: - - Lumbago. > hard pressure. lying on hard surface (Sep). EXTREMITIES: - - Skin of fingers cracked. esp. about nails; peeling off of tips. - Hangnails. Biting nails. - - Trembling of hands. < writing. > rubbing. - Painful corns. - - Late learning to walk. in children. SLEEP: - - Position: ON LEFT SIDE. - Insomnia from grief or thoughts of past disagreable occurances. DREAMS: - - Of thieves. cannot go to sleep again untill house has been searched. SKIN: - - Greasy. - Eruptions < sea. salt. Hives after violent exercise.Eczema. Psoriasis. Ringworm.

Natrium sulphuricum (Nat-s) Tema: Recunoastere; Solutia: sa-si arate independenta mandra Acut: Ficat; Negativ: A. cu sange cald/ii este frig ( in pat). B. Obiektic/realist. C. < umezeala. D. Plamani/ficat. E. Exsudatii: subtiri + galbene-verde + cu puroi/groase + galbene

F. periodice. G. Barbat H. Diaree dupa sculare Corpulent/apatic/incet/fata rosie/ nu cunoaste/primeste dragoste/limitat din cauza ca copii sau partenerul au prioritate /stoic/nu are bucurii = Depression = >> ganduri la sinucidere (spanzurat/nu o face din cauza durerii rudelor). Dor si durere sentimentala/ Limitare din cauza familiei/partenerului. Resentimente din cauta ranii + slabiciune/ganduri de razbunare.Vrea sa fac totul cum trebuie /= insa este incapabil Capricios/greoi/lenes/indolent/nemultumit. Exsudatii galbeneapoase Agravare: dimineata (inainte de micul dejun/ la stat pe spate/pe partea stanga /atingere/musica/ umezeala/mare/inainte de schimbare de vreme de la uscata la umeda-uda / locuinte umede/frig/Cafea/ legume (verzi) Ameliorare: miscare/ apasare/schimbarea pozitie/vreme uscata si fierbinte/scaun.

Tip A. intelectual pasionat Tip B. spiritual; 1. Astma mostenita. 2. Dor/Durere sentimentala. 3. Are succes/sa se casatoreasca cu o anumita femeie. 4. Este mai bine sa nu-i raneasca pe altii/Divort. 5. Razbunare/Agresiune catre partnera. 6. Sinucidere
Cauza: Rana la cap; Complementar: Ant-t. Apis. Arn. Ars (= A). Act-t. Bell. Bry (= A). Cars. Cean. Chin. Dulc. Form. Ip (Nat -s = C). Kalium (in Asthma). Lept. Med. Nat-m. Phos. Podo. Rhod. Rhus-t Rumx. Sep. Thuj. Tub-r. Urmeaza bine: Calc-s. Carb-v. Ferr-p. Graph. Nat-c. Sil. Urmat bine de: Aloe. Arg-n. Asc-t. Calc. Calc-p. Calc-s. Caus. Chel. Coloc. Dros. Echi. Ferr-p. Gamb. Hell. Kali-s. Lyc. Nat-c. Ox-ac. Puls. Rhod. Rumx. Sil. Squid. Sulph. Intermediar: Calc-p. Kali-s. Tub la reconvalescenta Incompatibil cu: Umidiatate. Aer de mare. Plante crescute langa apa. Antidoteaza: Bar-act. Bar-m. Bell. Eucal. Morph. Op. Tuj. Antidotat de: Bar-c. Dulc. Hed. Lyc. Med. Merc. Nat-m. Nit sd. Puls. Rhus-t. Still. Sulph. Thuj. Efect: 30 - 40 zile, distruge celulele, plethorisch/laxativ/litemic/hydrogenoid/ ringwormoid/melancolic/flegmatic/tuberculin/psoric/sicotic/sifilitic/sal partea stanga Diverse: ingroasa sangele/= se pune in chimicale de spalat WC-ul/folosit la fabricatia geamurilor

NATRIUM SULPHURICUM (nat-s.) MIND: - - Sensibil but closed. - - Fastidious. According to a plan. - Systematic. Proper. Responsible. Dutiful (Aur. Kali's. Naja). - More irritable than other Natriums. - - Hatred for others. Revengeful. Eventually hard. - Kind of indifference. Emotions not involved. Estranged from family. - Depression with suicidal thoughts (hanging or shooting). Restrain themselves out of responsibilty for others. who depend on them. - Sensibil to music; weeps from music. - - Cheerful after stool. - Mental/emotional changes after injuries to the head or spine. GENERALITIES: - - SYCOTIC miasm - - < Heat. sun. << wet weather esp. warm - > Dry. cool weather. >> after Stool - Discharges: Greenish-yellow. - AILMENTS from INJURIES to head and spine. - - Ailments from grief. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desiere: Frozen food. YOGHURT. Cold drinks. - Aversiune: YOGHURT. HEAD: - - Ailments from injuries to the head (Arn). - Headache with affections of the liver. gall. indigestion; bitter taste. vomiting bile. EYE: - - PHOTOPHOBIA (Graph). - - Yellow discoloration of conjuntiva. - Konjunktivitis with greenish discharge. agglutinated. EAR: - - Stitching pain < right. in dampness. going from cold to warm. - Noises. < right side. NOSE: - - Chronic catarrh with greenish. salty mucus. Post-nasal discharge. - Sangerari din nas before and during menses.

MOUTH: - - Greenish-yellow discoloration of tongue. - - Bitter taste. e.g. during headache. STOMACH: - - Vomiting bile - - Heartburn. Gastritis. Ulcers. ABDOMEN: - LIVER and GALLbladder Hepatitis. Gallstone colic (Card-m/Chel/Chin/Lyc). - Liver painful. < touch. jar. lying on left side. tight clothes; > lying right side with legs curdled up (Mag-m). - - Indigestion and flatulence from farinaceous food. - Flatulence. < before breakfast. - - Diabetes mellitus. - - Colic > kneading abdomen. RECTUM: - - Cancer of rectum (Nit-ac). sigmoid colon. - - Condylomata. - - SUDDEN URGING and DIAREE << dimineata after RISING/farinaceous FOOD/fruit/wet weather. STOOL: - - SPUTTERING from flatus mixed with stool. - - Yellow. bilious. URETHRA: - - Greenish discharge. URIN - - Bilious. MALE GENITALIA: - - Increased sexual desire - - Condylomata. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Condylomata. - Greenish leucorrhea. + hoarse; after gonorrhea. RESPIRATION: - - ASTHMATIC. << dampness. 4 - 5 h.. (Kali-i). heat. after grief. in children. > cool. dry weather. - - Rattling. EXPECTORATION: - - Greenish. CHEST: - - Holds chest when coughing from hollow. weak sensation or from pain. - Pneumonia. Chronic bronchitis. Pain through left lower chest. BACK: - - Rheumatism. Sciatica - - Injuries to the spine. EXTREMITIES: - - HIP JOINT DISEASE. Rheumatic pains in hips. < left. - Rheumatic pains. < wet weather. > motion. - Heat of soles of feet. uncovers them (Lyc/Med/Puls/Sulph). - Itching while undressing. < lower limbs. SLEEP: - - Position: On the left side. SKIN: - - Warts. Condylomata. - - Itching while undressing (Rumx). - - Jaundice.

Nux moschata = Myristica fragrans (Nux-m)

Planta: Nucsoara Acut: Febra/somn de coma/nu-si aduce nimic cand se scoala Pozitiv: 1. vesel, ironic, vioi Negativ: A. nu transpira/transpira cu greutate, B. par ridicat, C. friguros D. Afectiuni + somnoros (+ friguros+ fara sete )/doare la timpuri sua locuri nepotrivite) sau derutat sau gandurile ii dispar la ocupatie + continua, E. derutat/visator (lesina), F. uscaciuen (piele, mucoasa, ochi) + fara sete + vrea sa transpire, G. Imbalonare + constipatie (gravide), H. gandeste lent

Spirit = lent + fara ganduri/Halucinatii, labil, totul pare departat, seriozitatea ii face placere, Frica/stres la lucru, piele rece si uscata, friguros, << la graviditate (schimbare totala), < vreme rece si umeda/stat intins pe partea cu dureri/in timpul menstruatiei +sarcinei/la condus/la enervare/frig/raceala/dupa masa sau baut > caldura exterioara/invelit/vreme uscata si calda/camera calda, nervi sensibili Femeie: 1. slaba, mica, lesin (la stat indelungat in picioare, somnoroasa, uita intamplari recente, lucreaza ca in rutina ( ca in vis) 2. Nervoasa, irascibila, sensibila ( la durere + isterica), slabita, mananca mult/rapid, sete 3. indiferenta/depresiva/inhibata/cu simturi atrofiate/ pierderea memoriei/somnoroasa/ca intr-un vis, imbalonari, piele sau mucoasa uscata Complementar: Apis. Calc. Kali-c. Lyc. Nux-v. Puls. Sep. Thuj. Urmeaza bine: Ant t. Gels. Laur. Rhus-t. Stram. Urmat bine de: Abies-c. Ant-t. Asaf. Bell. Cocc. Con. Croc. Gels. Glon. Ign. Mag-c. Mosch. Op. Phos. Rhus-t. Stram. Sulph. Ther. Valer. Antidoteaza: Ars. Calc. Chinin-s. Gels. Ign. Lach. Laur. Merc. Plb. Rad-br. Rheum. Rhod. Alcool. Bere stricata. Colici de la plumb. Terpentina. Aburi de mercur. Antidotat de: Ars. Camph. Gels. Lach. Laur. Nux-v. Op. Rhod. Thuj. Valer. Zinc. Lichior. Bere. Chimen Efect: 60 zile, limfatic/hydrogenoid/tifoid/avortiv/sedetativ, otravitor Diverse: folosit la linistit copii cand mama pleaca de acasa =/ la adulti se creeaza substante asemantoare cu amfetamina

NUX MOSCHATA (nux-m.) * Sleepiness. Dullness. Confusion. MIND: - - Absent-minded. - - DULLNESS. SLEEPINESS (Op). - Confusion, spaced-out feeling (Alum/Anh/Cann-i). Feels strange, intoxicated, with irresistible drowsiness. - Alternating moods. Hilarity # dullness. - ForgetFUL for what was about to do. Weakness of memory. - Answers slowly (Hell/Ph-ac). - - Irresolution in projects.- - Bewildered, as if in a dream. - Surroundings seemed changed. - - Doesn't recognise well-known streets. - Stupefaction, < menses, pregnancy; comes to herself with a start. - As if 2 persons, real self seems to be watching other self (Anac). Delusion has two heads. GENERALITIES: - - Chilly - - < Cold, wet/Windy, stormy weather/Changes of weather/ Menses. Pregnancy. Suppressed menses. - - > Dry, warm. - NarcolepSY; fights to stay awake. - - FAINTING fits: from pains/hysteria/sight of blood. - DRYNESS of mucous membranes. HEAD: - - Feeling of expansion, with sleepiness. Bursting headache, < cold air, vreme umeda si rece, eating little too much. - Sensation of looseness of brain < shaking head. EYE: - - Dryness, impeding movements of lids. - - Objects appear too large o. small o. distant. EAR: - - Pain, < wet weather, approach of rain or wind. NOSE: - - Dry, chronic obstruction and coryza. < Cold, damp weather. - Hay fever with marked sneezing. FACE: - - Pale with blue circles around eyes - - Dryness of lips. MOUTH: - - DrynESS. Tongue adheres to roof of mouth. - - Not thirsty (Puls. Bry). Take water and hold it in mouth to moisten it. - Mouth dry, < during menses. - - Sensation of cotton. Saliva seems thick, like cotton. - Tongue numb, paralyzed. TEETH: - - Toothache during pregnancy, > warmth. THROAT: - - Great dryness - - Sensation of lump rising. STOMACH: - - Nausea and vomiting with inclination to sleep, < pregnancy. - Thirstless. - - Distention. ABDOMEN: - - Colic < drinking cold, newborns, > heat; with constipation. - Umbilical hernia, mainly newborns. RECTUM: - - Tremendous CONSTIPATION; straining with soft stool; must remove stool mechanically (Alum). - - Diaree, < cold drinks in summer. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Menses variable, irregular in time, quantity. - Menses copious with sleepiness; scanty. LARYNX-TRACHEA: - - Loss of voice from walking against wind. CHEST: - - Palpitation, with fainting attacks. - - Palpitations, > drinking hot water, walking. EXTREMITIES: - - Rheumatic pain, < getting feet wet/cold/wet weather/draft, > warm, dry. - Weakness from slight exertion. - - Numbness. - - As if limbs floating in air. SLEEP: - - OVERPOWERING SLEEPINESS. SKIN: - - Dryness.

Nux vomica (Nux-v)

locuitor de capitala/ cuceritor/imparatia romana/ parul din supa

Tema: Setea de putere; Solutia: a fi activ/deschidere-sinceritate; Fraza tipica: fara mine nu merge nimic; La otravire cu Nux vomica: Pulsul + respiratia neobservabile, crampe (corp intins drept)/fata + maini albastrui /muscii fetei trasar Acut: se acopera la febra; Copil: Hep-Kind = Calc-s + Nux-v- + asemanator cu Tub, supra-curajos/hiperactiv/fara odihna/certaret/bun la gura/gelos(pubertate), fumeaza si ia droguri devreme Pozitiv: Incredere in sine/fara teama/munceste independent/practic/simt puternic pentru dreptate si nedreptate/ii place lupta/succesul/sa fie conducator Negativ: A. Crampe, B. friguros + > aplicatii calde/cap si fata fierbinte, < camera calda/> la aer liber, C. somnoros + cu insomnie,

D. dorinta puternica de a iesi afara (urina/scaun (constipat)/ Lucrut) + simte ca nu iesit tot E. se leaga de orice nimic (face reprosuri, rade de slabiciunea altora), F. Isi desemneaza telul si drumul vietii + se zbate pt. succes + << critica/ limitarea (= Furie/este eliminat din drum)/OrganisaTOR (ignoreaza detalii importante), G. Sete/doreset rece + </nu-i place lucrurile fierbinti + >, H. Fara apetit (mananca mult si rar) + cu gust fad (iubeste acrituri cu mirodenii si carne);
= Eroul actiuni in povestile lui, slab/salbanog/nu are planuri clare/violent + focos/plin de reprosuri, se leaga de altii/arogant/grosolan/lacom/irascibil/nerabdator (circulatie/asteptare) + intotdeauna + (nu se stapaneste), pedant la lucru/cu sotia + insa nu cu el acasa, capricios acasa + fara mila (in rest sarmantt =/nu-i plac copiii, sensibil, plin de pretentii + si fata de sine, crampe dupa extenuare < dimineata (la scurt timp dupa trezire/ora 3 dimineata/ora 10 - 11 dimineata/dupa efort cerebral/suparare/dupa mancare/atingere, cere iuteli si morodenii/grasime/alcool/stimlanti + <, sensibil cu nervii + digestia, stomac supraexcitat

1. Fixat pe putere (Sex/Savoruri/Jocuri/Electronica), intotdeauna ocupat/doarme putin, bea si mananca, incordat (muschi/ganduri, sexual), 2. Inghite tot (Mancare, medicamente/sex/distractii), 3. Epuizat/fara somn, sensibil la durere, reactii sensibile 4. Crampe (Inima), scaun si urina putina + dorinta deasa, greseli la vorbit Tip A. Razboinic, Victorie = > cand are succes + se straduie pt. urmatorul succes/nelinistit daca nu face ceva care il incanta/provoaca, agil (la trup si spirit) /sportiv, actioneaza agresiv/din vointa proprie, nu poate sa asculte de ordine, cauta pozitii fara comandanti /nu se razbuna, pragmatic + nu este grijului, uraste cand este invins/nu este un luptator izolat, = direct/adevarat/planifica, zi haotica, Morala + flozofia nu au importanta /simplu Femeie: cariera/masculina/nu are aplecari catre ocupatii feminine, gelos (pe femei/probleme cu menstruatia) Tip A. Cavaler, = asemanator cu Sulph-/Lyc-/Caus; apara pe cei slabi/rudele/corect/politicos/carismatic/nu are capricii/spirituel Tip B. Imparat din cersetor, santajeaza sa ajunga la putere/tine de putere, pare charmant/darnic/are cunoastere/ Boss de mafia/Dictator/sef de concerne Tip C. Rege: = asemantor cu Ars+ sigur de sine pingalitor acasa, domneste eficient si drept, savureaza viata de familie+ o lasa sotiei, politician de succes, se lauda singur Tip D. = asemanator cu Nat-m scrofulos/ Plat = Nux-v Tip E. asemanator dar nu este multumit decat cand are succes si are dreptul la cele mai bune lucruri Tip F. Expert practic/Chirurg, = asemanator cu Nat-m Mandru de cunostine/= asemanator cu Lyc nu ii priveste pe ceillati ca de susr/= asemanator cu Sulph + savureaza/ = asemanator cu Kali-c-+ pragmatic, recunoaste usor ce este esential /da atentie la lucrurile neimportante (= ceea ce nu-i place in interesul propriu) Tip G. Playboy = Tub lacomia de savurare/pe langa putere, se simte agresiv + isi rezevra dreptul, iubeste excitatiile (repetarea), castiga si cheltuie bani, droguri ca experiment; Cauza: lipsa de somn/petreceri, excese/lipsa de miscare/locuit la oras Complementar: Aesc-h (= An), Arn, Bry, Cact, Calc, Cham, Con. Croc, Dros, Kali-c (Nux-v =A), Lyc (Nux-v = A), Merc, Morg, Phos, Puls (Modalitati/Temperament contrariu), Rhus-t. Sep (Nux-v =A), Stram. Sulph (= C), Strych-g, * Nux-v Sep - Sulph * (Autointoxicatie) * Meny Bry Nux-v Verat - Staph* (Constipatie)
Urmeaza bine: multe remedii Urmat bine de : multe remedii Intermediar: Ip. Sep. Bry. + Sulph la constipatie Incompatibil cu : Acet-ac. Aster. Camph. Caus. Cham. Cocc. Coff. Glon. Ign. Ip. Nat-c. Nux-m. Op. Tab. Zinc. alcool, otet, acizi. Antidoteaza : dilutii din plante narcotice sau cu efect violent, Acon. Acet-ac. Aesc. Agn. Ail. All-c. Aloe. Alumn. Alnus. Ambra. Am-m. Ars. Ars-h. Bel. Berb. Bism-met. Bry. Calc. Carb-an. Caus. Caps. Cham. Chin. Chinin-s. Clem. Cocc. Coff. Colch. Coll. Coloc. Crot t. Cuprac. Cupr. Dig. Euph. Gels. Glon. Gnaph. Graph. Grat. Guai. Hydr-ac. Ign. Indg. Ip. Iris. Kali-br. Kreos.

Lach. Lil-t. Lyc. Mag-c. Mag-bcit. Mag-cy. Mag-m. Mag-p. Malar. Merc. Merl. Mez. Mosch. Morph. Nat-m. Nux-m. Ol-an. Olnd. Op. Antidotat de : Acon. Ambra. Am-m. Ars. Bell. Berb. Camph. Cham. Cocc. Coff. Dig. Euph. Ign. Iris-v. Lach. Olnd. Op. Pall. Plat. Puls. Stram. Sulph. Thuj. Alcool, tarii, vin, iuteli, Acizi din plante, Acizi, cafea, plante puternice

Planta: Colubrin (Turta lupului)

Tulbur ri datorate sedentarismului, Hiperexcitabilitate, Iritabilitate ulbur ri digestive: Preferin i abuz de b uturi alcoolice i de mncare picant , care dau gre uri i v rs turi alimentare avnd ca rezultat ameliorarea st rii. Limba este curat n partea anterioar i nc rcat cu un depozit gras, alb, n partea posterioar . Somnolen dup mese, imperioas , de aproape un sfert de or , care faciliteaz digestia. Flatulen , constipa ie, hemoroizi, cefalee, migrene. Gre uri provocate de r ul de transport. Tulbur ri ORL: Rinite spastice cu str nuturi n salv n momentul n care pune piciorul pe podea. Coriz provocat de frig (dup mersul la coafor/frizer). Tulbur ri psihice : Nux vomica este medicamentul omului de afaceri (femeie sau b rbat) surmenat. Tulbur ri de caracter, iritabilitate, agresivitate. Insomnie cu trezire la orele 3 ale dimine ii.

Agravare: la alcool, la tutun, la excitan i, la medicamente, la trezire, la frig, la curen i de aer. Ameliorare: dup un somn scurt, prin v rs turi provocate, la c ldur .
Nux vomica poate fi utilizat preventiv naintea unei mese copioase (o doz la dilu ia 9 CH), naintea unei anestezii generale pentru protejarea ficatului (5 granule la dilu ia 9 CH cu trei sau patru zile naintea interven iei i de asemenea n zilele urm toare).

1. Mind. Hypochondriacal, peevish, morose (stubborn), thoughtful and sorrowful humour, sometimes with inclination to weep, without being able to do so. Hypochondriac humour of persons of sedentary habits, and of those who dissipate at night, with abdominal sufferings. Inclined to find fault and scold; morose; stubborn; an insane desire when alone with her husband, whom she adores, to kill him. Melancholy, with great uneasiness respecting the health, eagerness to speak of the disease, despair of a cure, and fear of approaching death. Desire for solitude, repose, and tranquillity, with repugnance to conversation. Anguish, anxiety, and excessive uneasiness, often with agitation which allows no rest whatever, as from consciousness of having committed a crime, and which urges even to suicide; but is afraid to die. The fits of anguish take place mostly on lying down in evening, or after midnight, towards morning, and are sometimes accompanied by palpitation of heart, heat and sweat, nausea, and vomiting, dilation of pupils, and oppression of heart. After anger, chilliness alternating with heat, vomiting of bile and thirst. Moral exaltation and excitability, with extreme susceptibility of all organs, great sensitiveness to least pain, to least smell, noise or movement, extraordinary readiness to take fright, and sensibility so great that music even causes tears to flow. Light and music unbearable. Anxiety and restlessness in the evening. Does not wish to be touched; wants to be alone. Dizziness of the mind, i.e., an unsteady, wavering condition. Incontrollable irritability, and lamentations, complaints and cries (during the sufferings), sometimes with heat, and redness of cheeks. Timidity, mistrust, and suspicion, with wavering and indecision. Frightfully apprehensive about getting married, girl lies on a sofa and throws her arms and legs about and refuses to see a doctor (cured with high potency, Skinner). Inclination to weep, with great susceptibility and irritability, disposition to be angry (habitual), to yield readily to passion, to criticise, and to utter reproaches. Spiteful, malicious. Delirium tremens, with over-sensitiveness, nervous excitability, and malicious vehemence. Every harmless word offends; every little noise frightens; cannot bear the least, even suitable medicine. Humour peevish and malevolent; quarrels, insults, and invectives, with immodest expressions and excessive jealousy, mingled with tears and cries. Fiery, excited temperament. Ill-humour, vexation, and anger, breaking out in acts of violence. Awkwardness and drowsiness. The time passes too slowly. Ennui (great laziness), with dislike to and unfitness for bodily and mental labour. Incapacity for meditation; tendency to misapply words when speaking; difficulty in finding suitable expressions; mistaking weights and measures; frequent confusion when writing, with omission of syllables, or entire words. Extravagant and frantic actions, frightful visions, loss of consciousness and delirium, sometimes with murmuring.

Repertoriu: NUX VOMICA (nux-v.) MIND: - - Ambitious, COMPETITIVE to a pathological degree. - Self-reliant. Matter of fact. - - Dictatorial. Arrogant. - - Responsible. Efficient. - Fastidious. - - Strong values to work. Becomes workaholic. - Gets overwhelmed by his work. Cannot accept a limitation. Fear of marriage. - Stimulates himself with coffee, alcohol, drugs, etc. - - Over-stressed. Oversensitive. - IRRITABILITY. Sometimes kept inside. Weeping from anger. - - Impatient. Hurried. - Cursing and scolding. - - Can become real agressive. Violent impulses. - Malicious. Cruel. - - Suicidal disposition (shooting or jumping), but lacks courage. - Mental disorder. Aversiune to answer. GENERALITIES: - - CHILLY. - - > Warmth/Wet weather (Caust, Hep). - < Cold, drafts/Uncovering a part/Morning/Dry weather/Eating. - Anti-peristalsis (vomiting, urine, stool). - - Convulsions, < anger. - Apoplexy, with sticking pains in affected limbs. - - Fainting from odors, during labor. - Sensibil to all impressions: odors, light, noise, smells, etc. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: SPICES, FAT, ALCOHOL, STIMULANTS. - Aversiune: Meat. - - < : Stimulants. VERTIGO: - - Waking him from sleep at night. HEAD: - - Headaches and migraines. - - Sensibil to draft (Chin/Hep/Sil). < Cold, alcohol, mental exertion, anger, waking, before menses. > Heat. EYE: - - Photophobia, < dimineata. EAR: - - Itching in eustachian tube, compels to cough or swallow. NOSE: - - HAYFEVER, ALLERGIES, CORYZA: with sneezing, < after eating, morning. Obstruction < noaptea, outdoors. - Snuffles of newborns (Lyc/Samb). - - Sensibil to odor of flowers. FACE: - - Acne - - Lockjaw - - One-sided perspiration. TEETH: - - Grinding. THROAT - - Choking, on falling asleep. STOMACH: - - GASTRITIS. ULCERS. - - Retching with inability of vomiting. - Nausea and vomiting < anger, vexation, stimulants, abdominal pains. - Pain < anger, vexation, tight clothes, > warmth, warm drinks. - Sensation of stone after (over)eating. - - Complaints from alcohol abuse. ABDOMEN: - - Distention. Flatulence. - PAIN AND CRAMPING < after eating, before stool, cold; > after stool, warmth. - Colic in babies with irritability and arching of the back (Cham/Dios). - Crohn's disease. Hepatitis. - - Hernia: Inguinal, umbilical. RECTUM: - - CONSTIPATION, CONSTANT INEFFECTUAL URGING. - Diaree with constant urging; alternating with constipation. - Hemoroizi. Prolapsus. - - Spasms during orgasm. - Urging for stool while urinating (Mur-ac); with every labor. pain; during menses. BLADDER: - - CYSTITIS, CONSTANT URGING, passes only a few drops. > Heat, warm bathing. - - Retention of urine, > warm bathing. KIDNEYS: - - Colic. MALE GENITALIA: - - Increased desire. Promiscuous. - Seminal emissions during sleep, with dreams. - - Impotency. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Dysmenorrhea > warmth; with urging for stool; ext. whole body. - Uterine spasm during orgasm. Prolapsus. - - Increased desire. Promiscuous. - Ineffective labor-pains, ext. to rectum, with urging for stool. RESPIRATION: - - Asthmatic: < noaptea, 3-4 a.m., cold, morning, after eating. COUGH: - - > Warm drinks. < Morning in bed. CHEST: - - Angina pectoris. - Palpitations < from stimulants, anger, vexation, excitement, after eating. BACK: - - Pain, must sit up to turn over in bed (Kali-c, Kali-p); < fever, urging for stool. - Opisthotonos. EXTREMITIES: - - Muscle spasms, cramps and contractures. Twitchings. Jerkings. SLEEP: - - SleeplessNESS. Wakes at 3 - 4 h.., thinking about work, business. Falls asleep just before time he should get up. - - Sleepiness during the day. - Unrefreshed (Lach. Mag-c. Mag-m. Nit-ac). DREAMS: - - Quarrels. - - Amorous. SKIN: - - Urticaria with gastric derangements.

Petroleum (Petr)
Complementar: Calc. Cocc. Lyc. Maland. Nit-ac. Phos. Psor. Sep. Sulph. Urmeaza bine: Bry. Dros. Nux-v. Puls. Sil. Urmat bine de: Bell. Bry. Caus. Nux-v. Puls. Sec. Sil. Squil. Incompatibil cu: dupa Sep. Antidoteaza: Nit-ac. Plb. Otravire cu plumb. Antidotat de: Acon. Camph. Cocc. Nux-v. Phos. Otravire cu plumb Efect: 40 - 50 zile, durata lunga/lent / coleric/sanguinic/psoric/raboid

Substanta: Petrol alb

Periodicitate hibernal i alternan a la nivelul pielii si al mucoaselor Tulbur ri cutanate: Ragade i fisuri ale extremit ilor degetelor, cu aspect murdar. Deger turi cu senza ie de arsur , fisurate. Dermatoze provocate de hidrocarburi sau deriva ii acestora. Erup ii veziculare cu secre ii. Tulbur ri digestive: Diarei exclusiv diurne provocate de varz i varza acr sau dup ncetarea unei erup ii. Rau de transport: Indispozi ii, gre uri ameliorate prin consumul de alimente naintea plec rii sau prin nchiderea ochilor. Agravare: la mncatul verzei, al verzei acre, iarna, la transportul cu autovehiculul, avionul, vaporul. Ameliorare: vara, la c ldur .

* SKIN PROBLEMS, catarrhal conditioins of the mucous membranes. Mind - - Great irresolution. - - Want of self confidence. - Anxious and timorous disposition. Yielding. - - Weeping at trifles. - Uneasiness in regart tofuture. Feels death near and must hurry to settle affairs. - Conscientious about trifles. - - Hypochondriacal, sadness. - Irritability, easily offended. Inclination to anger and scold. Violence. - Confusion, < walking in open.Does not know where she is in the street (Glon/Nux- m). - Delirium: Thinks another person is lying with him in bed (or that he is double, or one limb is double). Imagines has a third leg which will not keep quiet. Continuous delirious talk of the same distressing subject. Hallucinations of vision. GENERALITIES: - - << winter; PASSIVE MOTION (from riding in cars/seasickness, etc.). - << Cold petrochemical fumes (Sul-ac), during stormy weather. - - > Warm air. - Chilly. Sensation of internal coldness. - Ailments from suppressed eruptions. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Aversiune: FAT, MEAT. - - < cabbage. VERTIGO: - - Felt in the occiput (Gels/Sil), like seasickness, < raising the eyes. HEAD: - - Moist eruption on the scalp, seborrhea (Olnd). - Occiputal pain extending upward, with vertigo, > sangerari din nas. EYE: - - Skin around eyes dry and scurfy. Fissured canthi. - Infections of lachrymal duct. Fistula. EAR: - - Eruptions in and around ear. Cracks. - - chronic CATARRH. Diminished hearing and noises. (Calc, Kali- s, Puls). NOSE: - Cracks of the nostrils. STOMACH: - - Gastralgia > eating. Feeling of great emptiness > eating. - HUNGER immediate after Stool or DURING Diaree (Olnd/Sulph). - RAVENOUS HUNGER, MUST rise at night ro eat (Lyc/Psor/Sulph). - NAUSEA from Motion of a carriage, SEAsickness (Cocc/Tab). ABDOMEN: - - Cold sensation in the abdomen. RECTUM: - - DIAREE from surpresSED ERUPTIONS (Dulc). DIAREE only daytime. << riding 9n a carriage, < vegetables (cabbage). - - Fissures. Itching. MALE GENITALIA: - - Eruptions, herpes and moisture, spreading to anus and thighs.Excoriation of perineum. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Eruptions. Herpes. Soreness and moisture. Itching < menses. RESPIRATION: - - Respiratory problems associated with skin problems. COUGH: - - Dry cough with oppression of chest < at night, lying. CHEST: - - Herpes on the chest. - Sensation of coldness about the heart, as if there was a cold stone in the heart. EXTREMITIES: - - Chillblains, itching and moist; corns.

- Skin problems: CRACKS, deep and bloody especially on HANDS, fingerTIS, WINTER. - Dry eczema usually, skin thickened; psoriasis. - - Finger- nails painful when touched. - Offensive perspiration of feet with tenderness. Burning sensation of soles. Uncovers. - Sensation of splinter in heel with burning pain, < walking,standing.Cracks in the heels. SKIN: - - ERUPTIONS, usually DRY, can be moist, ECZEMA, PSORIASIS, HERPES.- - DRY, CRACKED, ROUGH, LEATHERY. - Deep cracks, bloody, painful, << winter. - Very sensitive, clothing is painful.- - Every injury tends to suppurate. - Itching at night, < heat of the bed. Scratches untill it bleeds.

Petroselinum sativum (Petros) Planta: patrunjelul Incompatibil cu: infectii acute la rinichi/organele genitale feminine Complementar: Caus. Thuj. Efect: litemic/sicotic/sifilitic/afrodiziac/avortiv/Milch hemmend gifTIG Repertoriu: PETROSELINUM SATIVUM (petros.) * URINARY CONDITIONS, especially of the URETHRA. GENERALITIES: - - Ailments from trauma, bruises. BLADDER: - - SUDDEN/irresistable DESIRE to urinate, child jumps up and down with pain. - - Burning + TINGLING from perineum throughout whole urethra URETHRA: - - urethral CONDITIONS + biting/itching in urethra; wants to stick something in it to scratch it. - - Acute gonorrhea. - - Milky/yellow discharge.

Phosphorus (Phos) Cauza: Suparare/teama/griji/excese (zahar, sare)/ploaie/tuns (efect electro-static);

Complementar: Acon (= vegetabiles An). All-c. (Phos = C). Ars. Ars-i. Bos-c (= vegetabiles Phos + klar). Bry (Phos = C). Calc. Carb-v. Cars. Caus. Chin. Cist. Con. Cupr. Dys (Phos = Prototip). Ferr. Ferr-p. Iod. Ip. Iris. Kali-bi. Kali-c. Kreos. Lach. Laur. Lept. Lyc. Mag-m. Nit-ac. Nux-v. Op. Petr. Plb. Puls (Phos = oft zu bevorzugen). Pyrog. Rhod. Rhus-t. Rhus-v. Samb. Sang. Senn. Sep. Sil-mar. Sil. Spong. Sulph. Ter. Thlas. Tub. Valer. *All-c -Phos -Sulph* *Acon -Bry -Phos* *Puls -Phos -Sil* *Calc -Calc-p. -Phos.* Urmeaza bine: Ars-i. Bapt. Bar-c. Bell. Borx. Brom. Cact. Calc-f. Calc-p. Calen. Canth. Carb-an. Chlf. Dig. Euphr. Ferr. Glon. Graph. Hell. Hyos. Ign. Iod. Laur. Levo. Mag-c. Merc. Nat-s. Nit-ac. Nux-v. Pic-ac. Plb. Psor. Puls. Quass. Ran-s. Sabad. Samb. Sars. Seneg. Spong. Squil. Stann. Stront-c. Sul-ac. Valer. Urmat bine de: Bell. Calc-p. Canth. Chlor. Dig. Euphr. Ferr. Fl-ac. Hell. Laur. Led. Mag-c. Mang-m. Petr. Plb. Sars. Intermediar: Psor. Tub in recovalescenta Incompatibil cu: Apis. Caust (cnd Phos are fect nu se da Caust geben.Cand Phos nu are efect atunci Caust poate avea efect. Cham. Rhus-t. Tb. Antidoteaza: Aeth. Arg-n. Ars. Calc. Camph. Chlf. Dig: Elaps. Elec. Iod. Kali-bi. Merc. Mez. Nat-m. Nit-ac. Petr. Puls. Rad-br. Rhus-v. Rumx. Slag. Tab. Tere-ch. Ter. Tub. Sare. Droguri, medicamente alopate, anestezie, campfor Antidotat de: Ars. Calc. Camph. Cham. Chlf. Coff. Kali-pm. Mez. Nux-v. Op. Psor. Sep. Stram. Ter. Terech. Vin. La otravire : Cupr-s. Lach. Nux-v. Terpentin. Efect: 40 zile ringwormoid/ oxygenoid/destrukt/malarial/tubekulin/tifoid/leproid/ psoric/sicotic/sifilitic/sanguinic

Substanta: Fosfor alb

Alternan ntre faze ale excita iei senzoriale i intelectuale i manifest ri depresive nso ite de timiditate i angoas . Hemoragii: Hemoragii frecvente i abundente. Sangerari din nas, hemoragii digestive, hematurii. Hemoragii ale pl gilor i ulcerelor. Preventiv, pentru hemoragii datorate interven iilor chirurgicale, extrac iilor dentare. Tulbur ri ORL: Laringite prin oboseal vocal , la cel mai u or frig. Tuse seac foarte dureroas . Afonie cu dureri arz toare. Tulbur ri digestive: Hepatite virale. Pancreatite. V rs turi acetonemice.

Agravare: - la emo ii puternice, la surmenaj, pe timp de furtun , la frig. Ameliorare: prin somn, mncnd. PHOSPHORUS (phos.) * DIFFUSION. MIND: - - OPEN, EXTROVERTED, LIVELY, EXPRESSIVE. - SYMPATHETIC. - - Sympathizes with homeopath, sits forward on the chair. - DESIRES COMPANY (can be less in later stages). - FEARS: Dark, being alone, tunderstorm, disease, something will happen, death, insects, ghosts, any fear. - Anxiety for others. - - Startles easily. - - SENSITIVE to all external impressions. - Vivid imagination. Creative. Artistic. - - Desire to be magnetized. - Sensibil to suggestion & reassurance - - Clairvoyance. - Concentration difficult, daydreaming. - Dullness and indifference in later stages when other symptoms subside. GENERALITIES: - - Tall, thin, delicate. - - OVERSENSITIVE. - < While alone, twilight, left side, lying on left side, warm food, salt, fasting. - > Cold drinks/sleep (even short)/rubbing/eating. - - BURNING PAINS. - HEMORRHAGES. Ecchymosis. - - One- sided paralysis after apoplexy. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: SALT, HIGHLY SEASONED, ICE CREAM, CHOCOLATE, Wine, COLD FOOD AND DRINKS, FISH. - Aversiune: Sweets, FISH, fruit, meat, oysters. VERTIGO: - - < Looking upwards, rising. HEAD: - - Pain < fasting, heat; > cold, sleep, eating. - - Falling of the hair. EYE: - - Glaucoma. - - Retinal troubles with lights and hallucination of vision. - Green halo around objects, letters appear red, objects appear red or blue. - Atrophy and paralysis of optic nerve. NOSE: - - KORYZA EXT. to CHEST. - Sangerari din nas, in childhood; instead of menses. - - Oversensitive smell FACE: - - Left- sided paralysis. MOUTH - - Bleeding gums - - Dry tongue and lips. THROAT: - - HOARSENESS, APHONIA, painless or with painfull raw feeling; < evening, public speakers. STOMACH: - - THIRST FOR COLD DRINKS, LARGE QUANTITIES. - Appetite increased, hungry at night (Lyc, Petr, Psor, Sulph). - BURNING PAIN >> cold drinks, << and eventually vomits as soon as water is warmed up in the stomach (Bism, Pyrog). - Post- operative vomiting. - - Vomiting of undigested food soon after eating. ABDOMEN: - - Affections of the liver. RECTUM: - - Bleeding haemorrhoids. - - Sensation as if the anus remained open. - Discharge of blood < stool. STOOL :- - Long, narrow and hard; with blood. MALE GENITALIA: - - irresistable DESIRE, PRIAPISME. - - Involuntary emissions. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - MENSES PROFUSE, BRIGHT RED. - Metrorrhagia:bright red blood. - - Fibroids and tumors of uterus; ovarian cysts. - OVEREXCITEMENT, SEXUAL DESIRE INCREASED. RESPIRATION - - Respiration anxious, hyperventilation. COUGH: - - Cough from irritation in throat < cold air, talking or laughing, evening, lying left side, change of temperature or weather. - Nervous, dry cough < presence of strangers, strong odors. EXPECTORATION: - - Hemoptysis. CHEST: - - RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS. - PNEUMONIA < LEFT SIDE with burning pains, bloodspitting and oppression.

- Holds the chest when coughing. - - PAIN and PALPITATIONS: << lying left side (Lach), >> cold drinks. - Flushes of heat in heart region. - - Sensation of heat in the chest. - Chest immovable (main remedy) (Vithoulkas). BACK: - - Sensation of heat between the scapulae. - Burning pain extending up the spine to between the scapulae. EXTREMITIES: - - Numbness hands and fingers, < dimineata on waking. SKIN: - - ECCHYMOSIS. SLEEP: - - Position: ONLY onright side (Lyc). - EASILY REFRESHED, except in later stages when the liver is affected.

Phytolacca decandra (Phyt) Cauza: Inflamatia amigdalelor/Boli infectioase Complementar: Bar-m. Bel-p. Bry Kali-i (= An) Iod. Merc (Phyt = An + vegetabiles Merc) Rhus-t Rhus-v. Sil Syph. Urmeaza bine: Bry. Cimic. Con. Guai Puls. Urmat bine de: Calc-f Calc-s Intermediar: Med. Tub. Bry (vrea liniste) Phyt (vrea miscare + <<)/Cortico Rhus-t (mai rau la vreme rece i umeda/ miai bine la caldura + miscare inceata) Incompatibil cu: Merc Antidoteaza: Bapt Eucal. Iris. Merc Antidotat de: Bell. Bry. Clem. Coff. Dig. Ign Iris Merc Mez. Nit-ac Nit-sd Op Phos. Ran-b. Sulph , Cafea, Lapte, Sare, Salate Efect: de pe stanga pe dreapta sanguinic/ringwormoid/hydrogenoid/litemic/canceroid/sifilitic/sicotic/ psoric/tuberculin Planta: Crmz Afectiuni: Angine ro ii, Algii fulgurante, Glande mamare
Tulbur ri ORL: Angine - Amigdalite. Faringit cu dureri arz toare cu iradiere n urechi i n gt. Mucoase de culoare ro u-purpuriu. Tulbur ri mamare: Mastoze chistice. Tensiune i congestie mamar premenstrual Obstruc ie mamar dureroas n timpul al pt rii. Fisurarea mameloanelor dup supt. Algii: Dureri reumatismale i osoase fulgurante (ca n ocul electric). Periartrit scapulo-umeral . Blefarite, orjelet, alazion.

Agravare: la umiditate, la frig, prin mi care. Ameliorare: la vreme uscat , prin repaus PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA (phyt.) * Glandular remedy Hot inflammation and swelling of glands. MIND - - Sensibil to pain. Weary of life from pain. Children weep during dentition. - Indifference to life. GENERALITIES: - - << cold, wet weather - - < Night, motion. - - > Warm and dry, rest. - Sensibil to electric changes. - - Syphilitic bone pains. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: Warm drinks during mastitis. - < Warm drinks during throat pain. HEAD: - - Rheumatism of scalp < rainy weather. NOSE: - - One- sided Koryza. MOUTH: - - Inflammation root of tongue (Gali), < protruding tongue. - Tip of tongue red. - - Coated, indented tongue. - - Stringy saliva. TEETH: - - Dentition retarded, painful. - - Pain >> biting tetth together THROAT: - - INFLAMMATION throat, tonsils, parotids.DARK RED, BLUISH RED (Bapt. Lach). PAIN >> cold drinks, << warm drinks. << right side (Lyc). - Feels narrow, rough, hot. - - Shooting pains into ears on swallowing. - Mumps. - - Swelling of cervical glands. MALE GENITALIA: - - Orchitis. FEMALE GENITALIA - - Ovarian neuralgia < right. CHEST: . - - MASTITIS, ABSCES (Con, Sil).

PAIN RADIATES over whole body. << while nursing << left side. Mastitis after 1e menses/appear soon after delivery./after mental or emotional stress. - Hard and sensitive with purple hue. - - Milk diminished, < stress or excitement. - Milk thick and lumpy. Coagulates, hangs out in strings. - Nipples: cracks and small ulcers (Castor- eq). - Tender breasts before and during menses. - Tumors of breasts with enlarged axillary glands (cancer). EXTREMITIES: - - PAIN where tendons attach to bone (Rhod, Rhus- t). - Rheumatic pains < cold and wet, morning. - - Bone pains < noaptea. SKIN: - - Purple hue (boils, eruptions) (Lach).

Plumbum Metallicum
Diplomat Marioneta ultimul imparat alt Chinei Saturn Tema: intepeneala; Acut: E. atingere = cu dureri = fara putere Complementar: Alum. Am-c. Bell. Calc-f. Con. Lyc. Op. Phos. Propl. Rhus-t. Sec. Sulph. Syph. Thall. Urmeaza bine: Ars. Am-c. Arn. Gels. Hydr. Merc. Nux-v. Phos. Plat. Puls. Sil. Still. Tril-p. Urmat bine de: Apat. Ars. Calc. Calc-i. Calc-p. Fl-ac. Kali-i. Lap-a. Mag-i. Merc. Nat-f. Nux-v. Op. Phos. Plb-i. Puls. Sep. Sil. Still. Sulph. Incompatibil cu: doze puternice in timpul sarcinii Antidoteaza: Aeth. Ars. Aster. Alum. Caus. Op. Rhus-t. Stram. Otetul. Antidotat de: Acet-ac. Aeth. Alum. Alumn. Aln. Ant-c. Ars. Aur. Bar-c. Bell. Borx. Carbn-s. Caus. Cocc. Coff-t. Coloc. Elec. Glech. Graph. Hep. Hyos. Hyp. Iod. Kali-bi. Kali-br. Kali-i. Kreos. Led. Lyc. Merc. Nat-n. Nat-p. Nat-s. Nux-m. Nux-v. Op. Petr. Pipe. Pip-m. Plat. Plb-ar. Plb-i. Plect. Puls. Sec. Stram. Strych. Sul ac. Sulph. Syph. Thall. Zinc. Alcool (previne efectul). Dezintoxicare de plumb: Vit C. + E. Ca. Zinc. All-s. Otravirea cu plumb: Alumn. Ant-c. Bell. Carb-v. Carbn-s. Cocc. Coloc. Hep. Histid. Hyos. Kali-i. Kali-br. Kali-m. Merc. Nat-n. Nat-p. Nat-s. Nux-v. Op. Petr. Plat. Sul-ac. Zinc. Acid sulfuric diluat ca antidot impotriva la otravire cronica cu plumb Otravire: Ceai de scoarta de stejar Efect: 20 - 30 zile incet/neobservabil / diagonal stanga jos catre drepata sus destructiv/sclerotisch/coleric/melancolic/psoric/sicotic/sifilitic

Metall: Plumb
Afectiuni: Constipa ie, Scleroz Tulbur ri digestive : Constipa ie, spasme anale cu scaune reduse, tari, negre (excremente de oaie). Durere abdominal crampoid . Colici abdominale violente. Scleroz : Scleroz vasculara cerebral . Diminuarea memoriei, tulbur ri de comportament.Deficit intelectual, bolnavul nu n elege i are tremur turi. Anemie. Nevrit optic .

Agravare: seara i noaptea, prin mi care. Ameliorare: prin exercitarea unei presiuni puternice,cu trunchiul flectat.
PLUMBUM METALLICUM (plb.) * ARTERIOSCLEROSIS. MIND: - - Slowing down of functions like in arteriosclerotic deterioration. - Slowness in perceptive and expressive functions. - Memory poor, esp. for words. Struggle to find the right word. - Apathy, no enjoyment in ordinary things. - - Hysterical faking of sickness. - 'High- livers', people who have been selfish and possessive and have become accustomed to these things. Self- satisfied. - - Fixed ideas. - Irritability because of apathy, with impuls to do harm to themselves. - Counteract the apathy by getting involved in things which are unac-

ceptable to society, e.g. scandalous behavior, gambling, GENERALITIES: - - ARTERIOSCLEROSIS. - - SLOWING down of all functions - Slow development of symptoms. - - Ailments after strokes. - Neurological conditions: Parkinson, A.L.S. M.S. C.V.A. - ATROPHY of affected parts, e.g. paralyzed muscles. - - DRAWING, contracting pains. - Cramps and pains > by rubbing, massage (Phos). - - PARESIS leading to PARALYSIS. - Weakness of muscles with trembling, spasms. - - CONTRACTIONS of muscles. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: FRIED and salty food. - - < Eggs and fish. MOUTH: - - Blue line along margins of gums. FACE: - - Appearance: Skinny, earthy hue, deep lines and pores in the face. ABDOMEN: - - SENSATION of a string drawing backwards at the umbellicus (Plat). - Pain as if abdominal wall is drawn to spine. - - COLIC, radiating to all parts of body. - Pain causes desire to stretch (Dios). - - Obstructed bowels. RECTUM: - - Constipatie with urging and spasm of anus. Spasmodic constriction. STOOL: - - Hard, lumpy, black. BLADDER: - - Retention from paralysis if sphincter. MALE GENITALIA: - - Impotency. Increased desire. - Testes feel constricted, drawn up. - - Retraction of testes. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Vaginismus with emaciation and constipation. CHEST: - - Palpitations < lying on the left side. - - Drawing pains as in abdomen. - Induration of mammary glands. - - Angina pectoris. EXTREMITIES: - - PARALYSIS EXTENSORS, wrist - drop, ankle- drop. - TREMOR hands < writing, eating (Merc). - Sclerosis TENDONS palms, HARD, THICKENED and CONTRACTED (Ruta). - Dupuytren (even without contraction). - EMACIATION OF PARALYSED MUSCLES. - Mainly affects upper extremities. - - Offensive perspiration of feet. SKIN: - - Anesthesia or hyperesthesia of the skin.

PSORINUM (psor.)

Istoric: Este un nosod. Hering l-a preparat din materia sero-purulent a veziculelor de scabie.
D.p.d.v. terapeutic campul de ac iune este cel al manifest rilor psorice cu lips de reac ie n bolile cronice, lips de vitalitate i apetit dup cazuri acute severe, acolo unde remedii bine alese nu aduc ameliorarea sau nu o realizeaz pe deplin, acolo unde Sulphur este indicat dar nu apare ameliorare. Din punct de vedere al manifest rilor psorice este foarte apropiat de Sulphur. Se spune despre aceste dou remedii c fac lumin n cazurile confuze. Psorinum e util atat n manifest rile de la nivelul pielii (expresie superficial a bolii) cat i atunci cand datorit supresiilor erup iilor boala este mpins n profunzime, generand tulbur ri mentale i lips de vitalitate. Constitu iile care beneficiaz cel mai mult sunt: 1. Persoanele cu boli de piele i adenopatii (care au avut n antecedente erup ii supresate). 2. Persoanele nervoase, nelini tite care tresar u or. 3. Constitu iile psorice cu lips de vitalitate i de reac ie vital ap rute dup boli severe. 4. Constitu ii psorice cu miros nepl cut al corpului i care nu poate fi ndep rtat de sp lat. 5. Copii delica i, palizi, cu aspect boln vicios, miros urat, capricio i i irascibili.

CAUZALITATE : Probleme i tulbur ri dup boli infec ioase, care dureaz de ani de zile. Emo ii ; emo ii u oare care genereaz tulbur ri severe. Probleme ap rute dup ridicarea unor greut i prea mari, disloc ri, luxa ii, lovituri. ESENTA REMEDIULUI: George Vithoulkas, n Convorbiri despre homeopatia clasic , spune c 3 idei de baz se reg sesc n tabloul lui Psorinum :

1. Mancarimea (Itching) intern i extern , 2.Descompunerea (Decomposition) intern S r cia (Poverty) intern i extern .

i extern

i 3.

Pe plan fizic : Sunt afectate n principal pielea i plicile (orice gen de erup ie cu manc rime), aparatul respirator, urechile i intestinul, partea dreapt a corpului. E considerat cel mai friguros remediu din toat MM (se mbrac gros vara uneori cu p l rie sau c ciul ). Are o marcat tendin c tre boli acute; r cesc u or i vindecarea treneaz mult. Lips de vitalitate vrea notdeauna s ajung acas s se ntind - este un alt aspect al s r ciei despre care vorbeam mai sus( i lipsa de reac ie vital nu reac ioneaz la remedii corect alese), prostra ie dup boli acute. La acestea se adaug mirosul urat (putred, cadaveric) al corpului i al tuturor elimin rilor (diareea, transpira ia, otoreea, erup iile). Oamenii nu pot sta n aceea i camer cu pacientul Psorinum. Transpira ie urat mirositoare, abundent noaptea sau de la cel mai mic efort (n special dup o boal acut debilitant ). Intotdeauna foame cu durerea de cap dac m nanc se amel cefaleea; foame n mijlocul nop ii. Inainte de a avea un atac (cefalee, epilepsie, grip ) se simt foarte bine. Pe plan mental: Anxietatea (gradul 4 impreun cu ARS, KALI-AR, CALC-AR) (este manc rimea intern care apare adesea dup supresia unor erup ii la nivel extern) i disperarea n ceea ce prive te viitorul (grd 2 impreun cu Nat-M rubric cu 8 remedii) ; fric de s r cie i faliment (insecuritate la nivel material) grd 2- chiar dac e bogat are senza ia c o s dea faliment- aceast fric se reg se te n cel mai nalt grad la Bryonia (singurul de grad 3). Ca o parantez e interesant c s r cia real poate s produc aceste cazuri de Psorinum (n timpul ocupa iei Greciei de c tre germani, datorit stresului i condi iilor mizere 80% din popula ie a avut scabie. senza ia c sunt abandona i ,p r si i, angoase care pot s ajung la ganduri suicidare fric pentru s n tate, disperat c nu se va face bine, fric de singur tate. Mind, Despair- itching of the skin from (rubrica cu 3 rem; singurul rem de gradul 3). REMEDIUL pe larg: Mental: - ANXIETATE (gradul 4 impreun cu ARS, KALI-AR, CALC-AR) SI DISPERARE IN CEEA CE PRIVESTE VIITORUL (Mind Despair future about rubrica de 8 remedii Nat-M si Psor singurele grd 2). SE SIMTE UN RATAT. F r speran , pesimist. Descurajat. - Fric de cancer, e ec. - SE SIMTE PARASIT, ABANDONAT. - FRICA DE SARACIE SI FALIMENT. - Se simte s rac i c nu- i va reveni niciodat dup e ecul n afaceri. -Viseaz ho i i pericole. - Fric de singur tate, de foc. - Anxietate n leg tur cu s n tatea. DISPERAT CA NU SE VA FACE BINE . - Depresie datorit manc rimii. - DISPERARE DE LA MANCARIMEA PIELII. (3 remedii, el fiind singurul de gradul 3 ; carbn-sulph, dolichos pruriens de gradul 1). - Moroc nos i n mare depresie. Descurajat. Ganduri de sinucidere . - Melancolie religioas . - STARI DE ANGOASA agg. NOAPTEA,nso ite de mare nelini te. (Ars). - Copii: cu stare de bine i juc u i ziua, ip i plang toat noaptea. sau bebelu i boln vicio i care nu dorm nici ziua nici noaptea, sperio i, iritabili i plang cio i. GENERALITATI : - Inf i are murdar . - Foarte friguros. (Se spune despre el c este cel mai friguros dintre remedii). - Ii lipse te c ldura vital . (generals- heat- lack of vital heat). - Frecvente probleme acute, r ce te u or, i se vindec greu. - SE SIMTE FOARTE BINE INAINTE DE A FACE O CRIZA. - ELIMINARI CU MIROS DE PUTRED, DE HOIT (scaun, transpira ie, secre ii, ntregul corp indiferent cat s-ar sp la).

- Emaciere cu apetit crescut sau apetit pierdut dup o boal lung . - SLABICIUNE, LIPSA DE VITALITATE. - Menopauz : Bufeuri de c ldur , ca i cum s-ar turna ap cald pe ea. - Corp dureros, face u or luxa ii i se r ne te u or. - Aversiune la carnea de porc.

CAP: - SENZATIE DE FRIG, trebuie s si-l acopere chiar i n timpul verii. - Durere agg. de expunerea capului la frig, curent, agg de post, erup ii supresate, amel. de epistaxis i de mancat. - Migrene, dureri cronice cu foame (nainte i n timpul migrenei) i vertij. Durere ca de cioc nele care bat (Nat-Mur). - Dureri ca dup o lovitur puternic nso ite de menstre supresate, dureri precedate de tulbur ri de vedere ; se amel la epistaxis. - P r uscat, f r luciu, aspru, se ncurc u or. - ERUPTII la nivelul scalpului care fac s adere i p rul la ele (Graph). OCHI : Oftalmie cronic cu recuren e constante. Intunecarea vederii. Infec ii recurente, cronice. Aglutinare, puroi. Blefarit . URECHE : - Infec ii cronice cu otoree urat mirositoare. - Erup ii n conductul auditiv extern i n spatele urechilor. - Cruste cu secre ii n jurul urechilor. - Herpes de la tample peste urechi pan la obraji. - Elimin ri urat mirositoare de la eczema n jurul urechilor. Manc rime insuportabil . - Otoree cu miros putred nso it de durere de cap i diaree apoas ofensiv ca miros. - Puroi fetid din urechi de culoare maronie. Cerumen ro u. Senza ie de zgomote iluzorii ca i cum ar auzi cu ni te urechi care nu-s ale lui. Nas: - Coriz constant ca n febra fanului. - Sinuzit . Fa : - Erup ii umede, urat mirositoare. - Aspect murdar, ca i cum nu s-ar fi sp lat. - Palid , boln vicioas . GURA: Cr p turi recurente la col urile gurii. Simte c din ii se clatin , apoi apare durerea agg de atingere. Simte varful limbii ca op rit (ars). Gust murdar n gur sau amar. Ulcera ii ale limbii i gingiilor; mucus cu gust prost adherent la palatul moale. Pioree a gingiilor, sangerare. Gingiile se retrag de pe din i. GAT: Amigdalite recurente (recurring quinsy). Vindec tendin a la a face amigdalite. Amigdale foarte mari, cu dureri la nghi ire i iradiere n urechi. Saliva ie abundent i urat mirositoare, mucus aderent n gat. Ca un dop n gat care mpiedic expectora ia. GAT EXTERN: - Adenopatii laterocervicale dureroase la atingere; durerea iradiaz la nivelul capului. - Ceaf cu excoria ii de la secre iile eczemelor scalpului. STOMAC: - INTOTDEAUNA II ESTE FOAME. - Apetit nes ios dar cu toate acestea este slab.

- SE TREZESTE NOAPTEA SI TREBUIE SA MANANCE (si la gravide) (Lyc, Phos). - Grea de la mi c rile f tului ; grea n sarcin neameliorat de alte remedii. - Pierdera apetitului dup o boal , cu sete mare.

ABDOMEN: Flatulen i disfunc ii hepatice. Flatus cu miros de ou stricate. RECT: Scaune cu mucus, sange, fluid ntunecat la culoare, excesiv de fetid, putred, care se r spande te n toat casa. Diareea sugarilor (cholera infantum). Constipa ia sugarilor i copiilor mici la copii palizi, cu aspect boln vicios i cu adenopatii. Scaun dificil de eliminat, cu sange din rect i hemoroizi arz tori. RINICHI: Enurezis constant, agg la lun plin . GENITAL MASCULIN: - Erup ii urat mirositoare. Gonoree cronic , secre ii nedureroase, din uretr , care pateaz lenjeria n galben. Sifilis primar, tertiar. - Aversiune pentru sex. GENITAL FEMININ: - Leucoree fetid cu durere mare de spate i debilitate (sl biciune), erup ii urat mirositoare. - Vomit constant i frecvent n timpul sarcinii. Fatul se mi c violent. - Manc rime. - Aversiune pentru sex. RESPIRATIE: TUSE, BRONSITA, DISPNEE amel. STAND INTINS PE SPATE CU BRATELE INDEPARTATE DE CORP ca i cum ar fi crucificat, agg. STAND N SEZUT. Tuse uscat , puternic cu mare sl biciune n piept. Tuse care revine n fiecare iarn de la erup ii supresate. Expectora ie cu sange i senza ie de c ldur n piept. SPATE: - Durere lombar agg. de mers i stat n picioare. Durere ca de n ep turi la nivelul spatelui. Durere surd seara, nu poate s - i ndrepte coloana. PIEPT : Senza ie de fierbin eal la nivelul pieptului. SENZATIE DE ULCERATIE SUB STERN . Durere n piept cu extindere la umeri, agg de baut lichide reci. EXTREMITATI: ERUPTII la nivelul plicilor articula iilor; ntre degete, n jurul unghiilor. AMORTEALA A PICIOARELOR SI BRATELOR . SOMN : Insomnie de la manc rimi intolerabile. Tresare u or.Vise cu imagini vii care continu TRANSPIRATIE: - Fierbinte. - Mirosul este intolerabil. - Transpir abundent, de la cel mai mic efort (Tub, Calc, Sulphur) i noaptea. PIELE : - Aspect murdar, foarte uscat sau gras , uleioas . - ERUPTII de orice fel: eczem , acnee, psoriasis. Cruste peste tot. Pustule lang unghiile degetelor ; scabie ; p duchi recurent ; - MANCARIME chiar i f r erup ie, CARE DA NASTERE DISPERARII : agg. NOAPTEA, LA CALDURA, LA CALDURA PATULUI, amel. de aer rece.
i dup ce se treze te.

- Se scarpin pan sangereaz sau pan la ran vie. (Skin itching scratching- bleeds; must scratch until : Psor, Graph, Med, grd 2, ARS grd 3); (raw;must scratch until it is: Graph, Petr grd 3; Sulph, Psor grd 2). De multe ori leziunile de grataj seam n cu cele de scabie iar dg. Dif. se face la microscop (cele de grataj sunt mai superficiale). - ganglioni m ri i; glandele sebacee secret excesiv ( piele gras ). - veruci, furuncule.

MODALITATI: - agg. AER RECE, FRIG, CURENTI DE AER, INAINTE DE FURTUNI, CAND POSTESTE, noaptea,haine de lan , schimb ri de vreme, c ldura patului, carne de porc. - agg. de ERUPTIILE SI ELIMINARILE SUPRESATE. - agg. de mi care, plimb ri. - amel. de c ldur , cand se mbrac c lduros (chiar i vara ar purta pardesiu sau c ciul ). Seam n cu vagabonzii aceia care miros puternic, nesp la i i cu c ciul pe cap n mijlocul verii. - amel. stand ntins cu capul mai jos decat corpul sau n lini te, de stat ntins n general ; amel de odihn c nd st n cas . - amel cand m nanc ; cand are epistaxis ; de transpira ia abundent ; REMEDII COMPLEMENTARE : Sulph, Tub. Bac, Sep. REMEDII SIMILARE: Sulph, Tub, Ars, Graph, Aur, Chin-s, Mez, Petr, Sil. DIAGNOSTIC DIFERENTIAL: Diagnosticul diferen ial cu Sulphur se face n primul rand pe baza faptului c pacientul Psor. este foarte friguros i vrea s se mbrace gros chiar i vara, n timp ce pacientul Sulphur este predominant c lduros.
H.C. Allen mai men ioneaz c Psor e indicat n cazurile cronice unde remediile bine selectate nu produc ameliorarea (n cazuri acute Sulphur), i de asemenea n cazurile n care Sulphur pare indicat i nu ac ioneaz .

Comparatii: Ars: anxietate cu nelini te i prostra ie; team pentru viitor, fric de s r cie, foarte friguros, eczema Sulph: boli de piele cu prurit intens, apetit crescut, insomnie, anxietate. Calc : disperat c nu se va mai ns n to i, anxietate pentru viitor, team de s r cie, friguros, boli frecvente. Clinic : Probleme ale pielii, ECZEMA, ERUPTII , MANCARIME, Acnee, Adenopatii, Alergii, Astm, Dureri de spate, Enurezis, Furuncule, Cancer (- prostat - grd 2, Sulphur grd 2, Thuja grd 3, Con grd 3), Constipa ie, Cholera Infantum, Dispepsie, Diaree, Debilitate, Efecte post difterie, Gonoree, Sifilis (inclusiv ter iar), Grip , Amigdalite, Febra fanului ,Hemoragii, Hemoroizi, Impoten , Leucoree, Migrene, Oftalmie, Otoree, fetid , Scabie, Sciatic , Disfunc ii splenice, Paduchi, Disfunc ii hepatice. -In practica lui Clarke, Psorinum a vindecat mai multe cazuri de boala fanului decat orice alt remediu. ( deoarece multe cazuri se dezvolt pe o constitu ie psoric i cand aceasta este vindecat , alergenii nu mai au nici un efect). -Polipi nazali au fost vindeca i cu Psor. atunci cand simptomele generale indic remediul. - Psor. a vindecat de asemenea cazuri de cefalee precedat de nce o area vederii sau de vederea cu puncte negre.

CAZURI 1. Domni oara N. n varst de 20 ani a avut o erup ie la plicile articula iilor cotului i a genunchilor, uscat , solzoas cu mici vezicule n jurul marginilor nro ite, care disp rea n ntregime vara i reap rea iarna. Manc rime violent , agg de c ldura patului i de sc rpinat. Psor 50M, 2 doze la interval de 6 s pt mani au vindecat cazul.
2. Hawley raporteaz un caz de cholera infantum cu scaune foarte sub iri i apoase, cu colora ie verde

murdar i miros cadaveric care nu s-a ameliorat la nici un remediu. Copil foarte iritabil nedormit de 2 zile i dou nop i. S-a administrat Psor. 50M 1 doz dizolvat n ap . In 2 ore copilul a adormit i n a 4-a zi era complet vindecat f r a se mai repeta remediul. 3. Bernard H raporteaz un caz al unui copil de 3 ani cu episoade de constipa ie nc de la na tere, cu durata de 3-4 zile, datorate unei inactivit ti a rectului. In a 4-a zi defeca ia era foarte dureroas ceea ce f cea ca pacientul s - i mic oreze efortul pe cat posibil. In octombrie 1833 i s-a administrat Sulphur 30 CH. Scaunul a fost o singur dat f r dureri apoi constipa ia a revenit. I s-a administrat Alumina 30 CH care a avut un efect ceva mai lung, dar n aprilie 1834 totul era ca la nceput. Psorinum 30 CH a adus vindecarea total . 4. Domni oara C, n convalescen dup febr tifoid f cut-o s - i redobandeasc un apetit s n tos. i-a pierdut total pofta de mancare. Psor (200 CH) a

5. Domnul P, 50 ani se plangea doar de sl biciune, poft de mancare absent i transpira ie de la cel mai mic efort (se reg se te n gradul 3 i la Sulph, Tub, Calc, Graphites). Psor (30 CH) a vindecat rapid cazul. 6. Dl X, 21 de ani, a fost obligat s alerge ntr-o zi pan aproape de epuizare. De i puternic i s n tos, de atunci a devenit u or fatigabil, transpir la cel mai mic efort, dureri severe n partea dreapt a corpului, agravate de tuse,de ras i de mi care. Extrem lentoare a min ii (dullness), ameliorat de epistaxis. Durere de cap precedat de vedere nce o at (negur n spatele ochilor). Psor 30CH a vindecat cazul. 7. Dl C, 43 de ani, ipohondru i cu iritabilitate de 9 luni; a trebuit s renun e la afaceri; are depresie mental i senza ie de discomfort marcat la nivelul capului; se gande te c nu o s se mai fac bine niciodat , i-a pierdut orice speran ; nu se poate concentra la afaceri; pare confuz. Prezint amor eal a picioarelor i bra elor, mai acc. pe stanga, agg. n pat, cu furnic turi i usturimi la nivelul scalpului i membrelor. Limb acoperit cu un strat alb. Transpir foarte u or la efort i uneori noaptea i i-a pierdut din memorie. Psor CH 200 a ameliorat mult i l-a ajutat s revin n afaceri. Ca o precizare la final: remediul se prescrie ca i toate celelalte remedii numai pe baza simptomelor pacientului i nu doar pentru constitu ia psoric propriu zisa.

Pulsatilla o. Anemone pratensis (Puls)

Mimoza/Anima Raritate Cauza: Excitare emotionala/nimicuri/inceput de adolescenta; Tema: Suparare + singura; (fiindca are mereu nevoie de consolare)

Complementar: All-c. Am-m. Ant-c. Apis. Arg-n. (= An). Ars. Asaf. Asar. Avan. Bell Bry. Calc. Calc-f. Calc-s. Cars. Carb-v. Caus. Cham (= An). Chin. Cimic. Coff. Crat. Croc. Cycl. Ferr (= An). Fl-ac. Gadus (= An). Graph (= C). Ham. Hell. Helon (= An). Ign. Kali-bi. Kali-br. Kali-c. Kali-m (= An). Kali-s (= C/= mineralisches An/= enthalten). Kalm. Lac-c. Laur. Lyc (= C /= oft zu bevorzugen). Merc. Mez. Mut. Nat-m. (= C). Nit-ac. Nux-m. Nux-v. Phos. Ran-s. Rhod. Rhus-t. Ruta. Sabad. Seneg. Sep (Puls: Raceala + Sinuzita). Sil (= C). Spig. Spong. Squil. Stann. Staph. Stront-c. Sulph (= C). Sul-ac. Sul-i. Sumb. Teucr. Thuj. Tub (= An). Tub-sp. Zinc. *Puls - Arg-n - Merc-c* *Puls - Lyc - Kali-c/Fl-ac* *Puls - Sil - Fl-ac* *Puls. - Hep.- Sil* *Stann - Puls - Aur* *Puls - Phos - Sil* *Kali-s - Puls - Sil* *Ip.- Bry. - Ant-t. - Puls.* (Bronsita) *Puls. - Sil. - Fl-ac. - Thuj* Urmeaza bine: Multe remedii Urmat bine de: Multe remedii Intermediar: la femei de varste medie Ars. Bry. Chin. Nux-v. Rhus-t. Sulph. Tub in Reconvalescenta Incompatibil cu : Ars. Bell. Cham. Lach. Nat-c. Nux-m. Nux-v. Sec. Sep. Rhus-t. Otita + in dilutii joase/inceput de raceala/ mncare grasa/ manie Antidoteaza: Agar. Ambr. Am-b. Alum. Ant-c. Ant-t. Anthraci. Arg met. Arg-n. Arum-t. Asaf. Aur. Bell.

Bry. Calc-ar. Calc. Canth. Cham. Chin. Chinin-s. Cimuc. Coff. Colch. Cupr. Cycl. Euphr. Ferr. Ferr-p. Gels. Ham. Ign. Jac. Kali-bi. Kali-m. Lil-t. Lyc. Mag-c. Mag-m. Merc. Nat-hchls. Nat-s.Nit-ac. Nux-v. Op. Pip-m. Plat. Plb. Psor. Ran-b. Ran-s. Rheum. Rhus-t. Sabad. Sabal. Sabin. Sel. Spig. Stann. Stram. Sulph. Sul-ac. Sulo-ac. Tab. Tarent. Thuj. Tub. Valer. Vario. Verat. Viol-t. Ziz. Otravire cu ciuperci otravitoare. Whisky. Aburi de mercur i cupru. Utilizarea de preparate cu fier, chinina.

Antidotat de: Acet-ac. Asaf. Ant-c. Ant t. Asaf. Bell. Calc-p. Camph. Cench. Cent. Cham. Chin. Coff. Ign. Lyc. Nux-v. Plant. Plat. Rheum. Stann. Sulph. Sul-ac. Chinina. Magnesium. Acizi. Otet. Planta: Dedi el, Anemon
Mare variabilitate a simptomelor, Agravare la aer nchis, Acrocianoz Tulbur ri respiratorii: Rinite cu nas nfundat n timpul nop ii, cu secre ii n timpul zilei, pierderea gustului i mirosului. Rinite alergice. Tuse uscat nocturn , productiv pe timpul zilei. Tulbur ri ginecologice: Menstre r rite, pu in abundente, scurte, cu snge de culoare nchis , cu scurgeri n timpul zilei, mai pu in noaptea. Secre ie lactat prea abundent dup na tere. Tulbur ri circulatorii: Vene dilatate, edem datorat c ldurii i imobilit ii. Varice, ulcere varicoase. Extremit i reci, nghe ate la frig, deger turi. Tulbur ri psihice: Variabilitate a dispozi iei, cu trecere u oar de la rs la plns. Ameliorare prin consolare. Timiditate, ro e te cu u urin . Maladii infec ioase: Rujeol , rubeol . Oreion. Tulbur ri digestive: Diaree cu scaune de consisten variabil . Dezgust i intoleran la gr simi. Preferin pentru i intoleran la nghe at , la produse de patiserie. Scaune variabile (consisten , culoare). Agravare: la c ldur , n repaus, la gr simi, la zah r. Ameliorare: la aer rece, prin mi care lent , prin consolare. Sursa: Pulsatilla este unul dintre cele mai importante remedii pe care le ntlnim n practica homeopatic , iar dac ar fi s lu m n seam caracteristicele sale temperamentale, el este printre cele la care ne gndim extrem de frecvent, pentruc portretul s u homeopatic ntruchipeaz cel mai bine tr s turile generale, att de distincte, ale sensibilit ii blnde, tipic femenine, ale personalit ii care are o mare nevoie interioar de aten ie, tandre e i protec ie i care, deopotriv , cere i eman dragoste, afec iune, calm sufletesc. Este vorba deci de atribute ce apar in, mai mult sau mai pu in, tuturor oamenilor i ndeosebi sexului femenin. Istoric vorbind, Pulsatilla este remediul la care Hahnemann s-a referit cel mai explicit cu privire la cerin a studiului temperamentelor hipocratice i a diatezelor, n homeopatie, ca element de care medicul homeopat trebue s in seama n mod obligator n stabilirea tratamentului i urm ririi evolu iei bolnavului : Deci, utilizarea medicinal a Pulsatillei va fi cu att mai eficace, n afec iunile n care aceast plant este potrivit , n conformitate cu simptomele corporale, cu ct exist n acela i timp, la pacient, un caracter timid, cu nclinarea de a plnge, cu o tendin la ndurerare ascuns i la o proast dispozi ie pe care i o petrece n lini te sau n orice caz, un caracter blnd, cu tendin de a l sa de la sine (a ceda), mai ales dac pacientul n starea sa normal de s n tate avea o bun dispozi ie echilibrat i ginga (sau chiar frivol i u or exaltat ). Este, deci, n mod particular adaptat pentru temperamentele lente i flegmatice; pe de alt parte, nseamn c e pu in potrivit pentru indivizi care iau rapid o decizie i sunt mai iu i n deplas rile lor, chiar dac pot p rea bine Istoric vorbind, Pulsatilla este remediul la care Hahnemann s-a referit cel mai explicit cu privire la cerin a studiului temperamentelor hipocratice i a diatezelor, n homeopatie, ca element de care medicul homeopat trebue s in seama n mod obligator n stabilirea tratamentului i urm ririi evolu iei bolnavului :

Deci, utilizarea medicinal a Pulsatillei va fi cu att mai eficace, n afec iunile n care aceast plant este potrivit , n conformitate cu simptomele corporale, cu ct exist n acela i timp, la pacient, un caracter timid, cu nclinarea de a plnge, cu o tendin la ndurerare ascuns i la o proast dispozi ie pe care i o petrece n lini te sau n orice caz, un caracter blnd, cu tendin de a l sa de la sine (a ceda), mai ales dac pacientul n starea sa normal de s n tate avea o bun dispozi ie echilibrat i ginga (sau chiar frivol i u or exaltat ). Este, deci, n mod particular adaptat pentru temperamentele lente i flegmatice; pe de alt parte, nseamn c e pu in potrivit pentru indivizi care iau rapid o decizie i sunt mai iu i n deplas rile lor, chiar dac pot p rea bine dispu i. APARITIA PACIENTULUI LA CONSULTATIE Ne-am mai referit, fugitiv, la aceast ipostaz . Cteva am nunte se impun, pentru c n homeopatie trebue s ne obi nuim cu felul meticulos de a observa fizionomia i atitudinile bolnavului, nc de la intrarea n cabinetul de consulta ie. Trebuie tiut n mod clar c multe din tr s turile deja men ionate, ce par destul de distincte pentru acest remediu, nu trebue atribuite din capul locului Pulsatillei, f r a fi analizate cu toat aten ia, situa ie care este i mai preten ioas dac ne referim la simptomele clinice, propriu zise ale remediului. La primul contact cu medicul, de cele mai multe ori orice persoan de sex femenin se prezint la consulta ie cu o not de amabilitate i circumspec ie. Pulsatilla, de i a a t cut i inhibat , cum apare n primul moment, va intra n cabinet, dac s-ar putea spune, cu zmbetul pe obraji, cu jen cochet , gata s plac i s colaboreze, ns nu va ti cu precizie cu ce s nceap . Se va comporta n mod blnd, ascult tor, f r un aplomb deosebit i n genere, ne avnd un tipar clar al simptomelor sale r v ite, va furniza elemente destul de disparate, de cele mai multe ori neconcludente nici pentru un homeopat cu experien . Iat o prim surpriz pentru un remediu cu un portret att de colorat i distinct. De aceea, vor fi de ajutor, unele informa ii date de persoana care nso e te Pulsatilla la consulta ie, mama de regul , pentru c i nevoia de a fi nso it de cineva de ncredere este frecvent la acest remediu. Dificultatea nu ine neap rat numai de starea sa emo ional , fragil , ci pur i simplu de patologia sa versatil , mobil , cea care se refer chiar la acuzele fizice i la caracterul lor contradictoriu, schimb tor: se simte excelent o or i mizerabil n ora urm toare, spune un autor (S.M. Guanavante). Nu rareori, povestind unele necazuri, referindu-se la unele mici mofturi infantile sau la unele scene emotive, va l crima extrem de u or, pentru ca, pe moment, la o glum sau ncurajare, s zmbeasc cu lacrimi cu tot, care vor dispare aproape imediat, ca prin farmec. i dau lacrimile de bucurie i dup un mul umesc amabil, iar colarul mngiat de profesorul lui cu blnde e sau l udat electiv, n fa a celorlal i colegi, va face acela i lucru. O privire mai sever sau r t cit , necontrolat, a medicului, o va pune pe gnduri sau speria destul de u or, iar o mb rb tare i va da aripi. A doua oar va veni singur la consulta ii iar cnd va fi gravid , se i spune n c r i, va prefera s fie asistat de medicul mamei sale, n care are ncredere. n orice caz, comunicarea la prima consulta ie se va situa deci, de cele mai multe ori, la nivel general, cum se spune, ntre suferin e i dr g l enii, iar medicul va sesiza n patologia ei multe simptome r v ite, unele f r mare importan , ce vor fi prezentate exagerat, i invers. n plus, la unele simptome evocate sugestiv de medic, Pulsatilla va fi rapid de acord cu el, fiind extrem de influen abil , f cndu-i chiar pl cere s - i arate acordul facil cu p rerea acestuia, de dragul conversa iei. Se vor putea desprinde, totu i, unele idei legate de cauzalitatea acuzelor sale i de localizarea preponderent a patologiei sale clinice. Din acest punct de vedere nu trebue s ne scape o frecvent constatare i anume c debutul suferin elor ei mai marcante, n special cele de ordin mental-emo ional, poate apare n unele momente de cump n , pe care Pulsatilla intuie te c nu le poate surmonta singur , prea departe de protectorii ei apropia i: plecarea de acas , stabilirea chiar i temporar ntr-o alt localitate, la studii de ex., schimbarea locuin ei prin c s torie, dac nu chiar actul c s toriei n sine, graviditatea sau apropierea na terii, apoi grijile cre terii copiilor, etc. Ve i constata c totul reintr n ordine mai ales dac simte c prime te ajutor din partea celor dragi, adesea fiind nevoie s vin chiar mama sa s o ajute. Ce frumos au reintrat n ordine multe din simptomele unei paciente studente, dup ce a venit i mama ei s locuiasc cu ea n ora ul universitar n care i f cea studiile (mai ales c "protectorul" ei temporar, un coleg, o decep ionase) ! MANIFESTARILE CLINICE TIPOLOGIE

A a cum am mai men ionat, Pulsatilla ntruchipeaz poate cel mai bine tipologia femenin . De aceea descrierile portretului s u temperamental abund n descrieri uneori mult prea roman ate. De aceast dat , ne vom referi, punctual, la aspecte care s nu ne scape, chiar dac unele au fost deja evocate. Este un subiect limfatico-sanghin, extrem de sensibil, impresionabil, emotiv i timid, timiditatea sa manifestndu-se destul de vizibil prin mbujorarea fe ei, ceea ce i d o not specific , Pulsatilla afi nd un fel de sfio enie docil , pl cut , care parc a teapt , cum am mai spus, n elegerea i protec ia persoanei de al turi. Adeseori, cnd intr n cabinet, ai impresia c ochii ei sunt gata s l crimeze de emo ia ntlnirii, iar privirea sa blnd i u or jenat i spune c poate fi cu u urin afectat chiar i de o privire mai pu in prieteneasc sau aspr , putnd face cale ntoars dac interlocutorul pare ostentativ. Pulsatilla, nu numai copil ci i adult tn r, vine la consulta ie nso it , cel mai adesea. de cineva apropiat. Nu este n cauz numai sensibilitatea ei care o face u or reactiv , u or de inhibat, de dominat cum s-ar crede, sau sugestibil , de i toate aceste tr s turi i apar in cu prisosin . Este ceva mai profund la acest remediu i anume nevoia permanent a unei certe dovezi de n elegere, sprijin, de securizare interioar i stabilitate, f r de care edificiul ei pare c se clatin . De aici i caracterul s u schimb tor, deseori ascuns sub masca unei spontaneit i directe, copil re ti, care este n acela i timp cooperant dar i ezitant. La fel, mobilitatea, schimbarea uneori brusc a dorin elor i reac iilor sale, variabilitatea spontan , nea teptat , chiar a multor manifest ri fiziologice i patologice, la Pulsatilla. Pn i r spunsul prompt la consolare, bine-cunoscut la acest remediu, este acceptat rapid, ca o necesitate stringent a restabilirii echilibrului interior afectat, att de fragil. La Pulsatilla deci, lucrurile se ntmpl direct, aparent emo ional, nu trec mai nti prin acel filtru preponderent ra ional, cum se ntmpl la Natrum muriaticum, tot unul din remediile cu sensibilitate recunoscut . Asta nu nsemneaz c totul se petrece f r un sim al controlului. Dac ne referim, de exemplu, la acea aversiune fa de sex, pu in cam exagerat n unele scrieri, ea se bazeaz i pe precepte i convingeri morale sau religioase adnc nr d cinate (Roger Morrison), ideile sale morale fiind adesea p trunse de un puritanism juvenil. Se scrie, n texte, c Pulsatilla are ntr-atta nevoie de protec ie nct, mult vreme, ntre ea i mama sa, persist nc leg tura vital a cordonului ombilical, c ea r mne cu o stare de dependen fa de cei apropia i, pentru c organismul s u avnd unele func iuni nc imperfecte, le maturizeaz i compenseaz n timp, deci ulterior. i aceste ipoteze par s fie confirmate de constat rile clinice. Totu i Pulsatilla este recunoscut i pentru dogmatismul s u, din care nu pare s mai fie chiar att de u or scoas sau influen abil i nici schimb toare, fiind de aceast dat , iat poate chiar rezultatul stabilit ii reg site, cunoscut pentru nc p narea ei posibil , cnd nu va ceda nici un centimetru din una sau alta din convingerile sale. Este vorba, n mod cert i aici, de nevoia sa vital de sprijin, aten ie, dragoste proiectate, ntr-un fel sau altul. Ea va colabora cu ceilal i dac ace tia vor fi loiali, aten i i respectuo i, pentru c ine enorm la aceste valori; i va accepta total partenerul de via dac acesta va fi tandru, protector i va avea calit i care s -i atrag i admira ia, fiind extrem de geloas i egoist , pentru c satisfac iile sale supreme vor r mne n registrul celor mai directe i juvenile aspira ii. O clip afectate toate acestea, ea va suferi i va c uta echilibru, de multe ori de una singur , ntre credin i speran , semn tot al nevoii supreme de protec ie. O excelent viziune asupra remediului o g sim exprimat de Guy Loutan, care remarc faptul c la Pulsatilla ...totul se demonteaz , lucrurile nu mai au leg turi cu nimic. Totul pare un decor. Ne mai existnd leg turi ntre lucruri, totul e descompus n elemente. Este imobilizat ntr-o idee fix pe care n-o poate lega de nimic. Ne mai fiind n raport cu nimic, ca parte din tot, ea nu tie unde se afl n cadrul acestei crea ii. I i pierde reperele... Cu alte cuvinte, am zice c remediul are darul de a putea aduce p r ile napoi la totul lor.

ndr znesc s cred, cunoscnd cteva situa ii n care Pulsatilla a putut face ceea ce nici un alt medicament nu a putut, c acest remediu, care caut ntr-att salvarea suprem , o poate i restitui, n conjuncturi critice, atunci cnd condi iile aduc organismul n impas vital i cnd este nevoie de o total protec ie, pe care n termeni ipotetici, n via , numai mama, creatorul copilului neputincios, i-o atribuie, prin procesul divin al crea iei. Nu este o afirma ie hasardat . A realiza, n cazul unei prezenta ii pelvine, cu cteva zeci de ore nainte de na tere, culbuta i intrarea n ritmul normal al travaliului, este o isprav pe care, din cte am citit, numai Pulsatilla o poate realiza. S ne reamintim c i Boenninghausen a fost salvat de la moarte, n urma bolii de care a suferit, cu firava, instabila, nl crimata, emotiva, tandra, etc., dar att de miraculoasa i distinsa Pulsatill . CAUZALITATI Printre acuzele cele mai frecvent ntlnite, legate de unele cauzalit i sau factori declan an i, men ion m: Tulbur rile gastrice, de tip indigestie, din cauza alimentelor grase, patiseriilor, cremelor, ap rute chiar din perioada copil riei; R celile frecvente sau alte tulbur ri pe vreme umed sau dup contactul picioarelor cu apa, chiar dup ploi de var sau activitate n locuri umede; Acuze ap rute dup suprimarea menstrelor, sau suprimarea menstrelor dup emo ii, r celi, picioare umede, etc. Urm ri ale unor boli infec ioase (rujeol , oreillon) sau vaccin ri; Abuzul de diferite preparate, de regul anti-anemice (fier); s-a putut remarca faptul c patologia Pulsatillei este legat sau declan at de perioada pubert ii (femeia mai n vrst , de mai trziu, va spune c problemele mele au nceput odat cu vrsta pubert ii. S ne amintim i de remarca: ro e te ca o adolescent , de aceast dat simptomul putnd apare i la vrsta adult .); se pot ad oga bolile n urma abuzului de ceai, Cham., Chin., Merc., Sulph. Blnde ea sa poate constitui un fel de cauzalitate sau factor favorizant al multor st ri de suferin de ordin mental-emo ional, pentru c ea poate mbr ca, cu timpul, aliur patologic , ducnd la resemnare i pasivitate extrem ; Pulsatilla i va interioriza problemele (urm rile unor frici, a necazurilor, geloziei, umilin elor i jignirilor, emo iilor puternice supraliminare, etc.) i va c dea prad acestora, a teptnd de la ceilal i sprijinul de care are adesea atta nevoie i mai ales n momentele oportune. Se tie c acest remediu, datorit sensibilit ii sale, are destule dificult i de a se integra ntr-un grup (Horvilleur), simpatia i respectul celorlal i fiind un fel de hran moral , vital . Aceast remarc este ntr-att de important nct Pulsatilla poate fi indicat i n situa ii de retard afectiv la copii.

SIMPTOME DOMINANTE Exist autori care, n urma experien ei, au ajuns la concluzii foarte sigure, cu privire la valoarea absolut sau prioritar a unora din simptomele unor mari remedii, cum e i Pulsatilla, astfel nct le-au conferit acestora atribute determinante n stabilirea diagnosticului de remediu. Nash, de exemplu, men ioneaz ase elemente clinice importante diagnosticului la acest remediu, astfel:

1. Caracter dulce, blnd, gentil, amabil, trist i descurajat, care plnge u or, are p r blond sau n orice caz mai deschis, ochi alba tri, fa palid , mu chi moi i flasci; 2. Caracter schimb tor. Totul se schimb la Pulsatilla. Durerile ca i tumefac iile se mut de la o articula ie la alta. Hemoragiile apar, apoi se opresc sau sngereaz din nou. Nu exist dou scaune la fel, dou accese febrile asem n toare, etc.; 3. Gust r u n gur , agravat diminea a, cu mare usc ciune a gurii dar cu absen a setei; 4. Tulbur ri digestive frecvente, ap rute cu u urin ndeosebi n urma patiseriilor sau mnc rurilor bogate i grase; 5. Toate mucoasele produc scurgeri neiritante i vscoase (groase); 6. Cicluri ntrziate, pu in abundente. Menstre suprimate mai ales dup udarea picioarelor;

Trebue s men ion m, printre marile simptome ale remediului, ntlnite mai frecvent n practic , i urm toarele: Simptome mental-emo ionale:

Sentiment de abandon. Docil, supus (ascult tor), ng duitor, care nu poate refuza pe nimeni. Foarte n eleg tor fa de problemele celorlal i; D , pentru a primi. Poate avea idei rigide, moralizatoare, dogmatice (ntr-un stadiu mai avansat). Preten ios (meticulos) Nehot rt. Fric de locuri strmte; n aglomera ii; cnd e singur; de ntuneric; de nebunie. Poate deveni manipulativ pentru a atrage aten ia. Arunc responsabilitatea asupra altora. Autocomp timire. Oarecare team de sexul opus; Energie sexual mare, cu accent mai mare pe leg tura sufleteasc dect cea fizic sau refuz pe motive morale sau religioase; Gelozie marcat ; Suspicios (neincrezator), considernd pe toata lumea du manul s u (iluzii, gr.2) Antipatie inexplicabil pentru o anume persoana (remediu unic, gr.1)

Simptome generale:


Friguros, totu i absolut intolerant fa de orice form de c ldur . Frilozitate n perioadele dureroase (totu i cu aversiune la c ldur ). Variabilitate a simptomelor. Tulbur ri unilaterale; la Pulsatilla simptomele se manifest numai ntr-o jum tate a corpului ( de exemplu, migrene pe o parte, uneori l crimare unilateral , transpira ie sau alopecie unilateral ; la b rbat, pn i pilozitatea fe ei poate fi inegal n cele dou jum t i; un picior sau mn cald i de cealalt parte rece, etc.); Durerile dispar treptat dup debut brusc sau gradat. Dureri de din i ameliorate la frig, rece, agravate de c ldur i mncare cald ; Cefalee, migren legat de ciclu, la menopauz , la c ldur , la soare, fiind ameliorat n aer liber, cu aplica ii reci, de band strns pe cap. Ame eal , mai accentuat cnd prive te n sus, n timpul ciclului, ameliorat culcat; Absen a setei. Prezint n permanen tulbur ri, ncepnd de la pubertate. Menstrele pot apare n timpul al pt rii, sau apari ia de secre ie lactat mult timp dup n rcarea copilului; Senza ie de ap rece turnat pe spate;

Simptome fizice:

Se nro e te cu u urin . Varice; plenitudine (staz ) venoas . Scaune variabile. Menstrua ii cu snge nchis, ntrziate ( la pubertate), n cantitate redus , neregulate. Astm; Dispnee sau opresiune toracic , stnd culcat, noaptea, sau dup r celi, emo ii, c ldur ; Palpita ii mai severe noaptea, n pat sau culcat pe partea stng ; Tuse cu expectora ie neaderent diminea a i uscat seara. Coriz alergic ; Catar nazal cronic; Obstruc ie nazal n timpul nop ii (prefernd nara dreapt ). Secre ie groas , galben , verzuie, resping toare; agravat n camere nc lzite, amel. n aer liber. Conjunctivit alergic sau infec ioas ; mnc rimi i l crimare, ameliorate de comprese reci; canal lacrimal blocat la copiii mici (Sil.) Senza ie de gol n stomac la b utorii de ceai. Otit medie la copii; agravat noaptea, agravat de c ldur ; copilul scnce te; vrea consolare. Inflama ia glandelor: parotide (metastaze urliene), sni (mastite, n special dup oreillon), ovare (ovarite, cu menstre ntrziate), testicule (orhite cu sensibilitate la atingere, varicocel, metastaze urliene, etc.), prostat (prostatite, tumefiere a cordoanelor spermatice);


Galactoree, mastit , chist mamar; Urinare involuntar , mai ales n timpul sarcinii, la emo ii sau cnd tu e te; Hemoroizi

Modalit i:

camera cald ; camer neaerisit ; aplica ii calde; culcat pe partea dureroas ; stnd n picioare; seara spre crepuscul (Phos.); cu picioarele atrnate; de presiunea atmosferic joas ; abuz de fier; la nceperea mi c rii (gr.3), dar amel. la mi care continu (gr.3). n pozi ie culcat pe partea stng (gr.3). mncnd pn la sa ietate. n n la

SYMPTOMS. 1. Mind. [This remedy is particularly applicable for complaints which are found to occur in patients of a mild, yielding, or good-natured disposition; also in those who by, their sickness, or naturally, are very easily excited to tears they are very apt to burst into tears whenever spoken to, or when they attempt to speak, as in giving their symptoms, &c. Affections of the mind in general; covetous; mistrustful; absent-minded; lowspirited (H. N. G.)] Melancholy with sadness, tears, great uneasiness respecting one's affairs or about the health; fear of death (tremulous anguish, as if death were near), care and grief. Involuntary laughter and weeping. Great anguish and inquietude, mostly in precordial region, sometimes with inclination to commit suicide, palpitation of heart, heat, and necessity to loosen the dress, trembling of hands, and inclination to vomit. Fits of anxiety, with fear of death, or of an apoplectic attack, with buzzing in ears, shiverings, and convulsive movements of fingers. Apprehension, anthropophobia, fear of ghosts at night or in evening, with an impulse to hide or to run away, mistrust and suspicion. Covetousness. Taciturn madness; with sullen, cold, and wandering air, sighs, often seated with the hands joined, but without uttering any complaint. Despair of eternal happiness, with continual praying. Discouragement, indecision, dread of occupation, and obstructed respiration. Disposition envious, discontented, and covetous, exhibiting itself in a wish to appropriate everything. Caprice, with desire at one time for one thing, at another time for something else, either being rejected as soon as obtained. Hysterical laughter after meals. Hypochondriacal humour and moroseness, < seara, often with repugnance to conversation, great sensitiveness, choleric disposition, cries, and weeping. Ill-humour, sometimes with a dread of labour, and disgust or contempt for everything. Inadvertence, precipitation, and absence of mind. Difficulty in expressing thoughts correctly when speaking, and tendency to omit letters when writing. Giddiness; patient neither knows where he is nor what he does. Great flow of very changeful ideas. Nocturnal raving; violent delirium and loss of consciousness. Frightful visions. Weakness of memory. Fixed ideas. Stupidity. n aer curat (vrea ca ferestrele i u ile s mi c ri mers n pozi ie culcat alimente i la consolare; aer fie deschise, camera s lent pe spate b uturi liber. fie aerat ). blnde. (gr.3). (gr.3). reci;

PULSATILLA PRATENSIS (puls.) MIND: - - Forsaken FEELING, often expressed in the need for attention.They do anything to fulfil this need. - - >> consolation - - Yielding. - EMOTIONAL, SYMPATHETIC, WEEPS EASILY. - Often mild, but can be irritable. - - Changeable moods. - - Timidity, blushes easily.

- Jealous. - - Irritability before menses. - Fears: men (i.e. opposite sex), dark, heights, narrow places. - Fixed ideas, dogma's, can be of a religious kind. - - Praying. GENERALITIES: - - CHANGEABLE SYMPTOMS. - Hormonal disturbances. - - WARMblooded, << heat (but can be chilly). - << sun/warm room/menses/pregnancy/menopause/suppressed menses - < Getting feet wet, twilight. - >> open air/colde applications (Guai/Lac-c/Led/Sulph). - - > Slow motion (Ferr). - Wandering PAIN (Form/Kali-bi/Kali-s). - - Ailments from measles. - Bland, yellow- greenish discharges. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: Cheese, COLD food, CREAMY things, ICE CREAM, (peanut) butter, hard- boiled eggs, sweets. - - << fat and rich food, < ice- cream. - Aversiune: FATS and RICH food, butter, pork, warm food. VERTIGO: - - < Menses, looking upward, on rising, after eating. HEAD: - - Headache: < Sun/heat/hormonal changes/ice cream; > cold applications. EYE: - - KONJUNKTIVITIS, allergies. Pain, itching > cold application (Sulph). - Obstruction of lachrimal duct, yellow- greenish discharge (Kali-s/Sil).- - Styes (Staph). EAR: - - OTITIS, << noaptea, heat. - - Hearing diminished from otitis. - Mumps extending to epididymis or mammae (Piloc). NOSE: - - Hayfever, < open air or > open air, < warm room, evening. - Bland or yellow- greenish discharge. FACE: - - FLUSHES of heat. Blushes easily. - - One- sided perspiration. MOUTH: - - Dry, without thirst. TEETH: - - Pain > cold water. STOMACH - - ThirstLESS. RECTUM:- - Changeable stools.- - Diaree from ice cream. BLADDER: - - Recurrent cystitis. - Urination involuntary, < pregnancy/coughing/walking/sitting. PROSTATE GLAND: - - Prostatis, enlargement of prostate gland. MALE GENITALIA: - - ORCHITIS, EPIDIDYMITIS; from MUMPS or suppressed gonorrhea, < left side. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - DESIRE - - Menarche DELAYED - Menses EASILY suppressed, << getting feet wet - Menses PAINFUL, DELAYED, IRREGULAR, CHANGEABLE, SHORT. - Sexual desire increased. - Labor PAINS INeffectual, changeABLE - - Malpresentation of fetus. RESPIRATION: - - DYSPNEA, < Lying, evening and night, warm room, after suppressed eruptions. > Open air, sitting. COUGH: - - DRY COUGH EVENING and NIGHT, LOOSE MORNING (squil). - Cough < lying down in evening, disturbing sleep, warm room, exertion; > open air. CHEST: - - Galactorrhea, esp. in women who do not nurse a child, during menses or in girls. - Mastitis. - - Swelling of the mammae before menses. BACK: - - SENSATION of cold water pouring down back EXTREMITIES: - - WANDERING ARTHRITIS. - PAINS, >> COLD applications, SLOW MOTION; << warmth - HOT FEET, UNcover them at night (Cham, Med, Lyc, Sulph). - Pains in the heels. - - VARICES, < pregnancy, warmth; > cold. PERSPIRATION: - - One- sided, esp. left side. SLEEP: - - Position: on ABDOMEN or BACK, arms RAISED over HEAD or ABDOMEN. - - Sleeplessness from activity of mind, RepeaTING THOUGHTS (Thuj). SKIN: - - Skin eruptions, itching < heat, night; > cold. - - Measles.

Ratanhia peruviana (Rat)

Pozitiv: vesel in societate Negativ: A. Sughit, B. Sfarcuri crapate, C. Sangerari (rect), D. Rectum (arde ca si focul ca o teapa ); Depresiv/certaret/iritat/capricios de la durere, inchis la culoare /SLAB , undeva arde ca focul, mancarime in anus, tulburari dupa avorturi, dureri in corp pe aici si colo, constipat < singur/noaptea/stat intins/in timpul sarcinii/atingere/mancat iute/dupa scaun

> plimbat in camera/societate/baie rece/spalat cu apa fierbinte/imbalonare Cauza: viermi

Ratanhia peruviana:
iritabilitate constant i proast dispozi ie, cu tendin a de a se sup ra i ofensa cu u urin din orice, de a se certa, de a acuza pe al ii; mereu fnos , afi nd n jurul s u o expresie de nemul umire agitat , o nelini te mental sau neastmp r, cu exacerb ri de excesiv nervozitate chiar la stimuli minori; starea persist oarecum i n somn, trezindu-se noaptea cu team special spre ora 2. 00. i fric , s rind n sus din pat, n

st ri depresive cu team de singur tate, u urat prin conversa ie i prin imp rt irea cu cei din jur a temerilor sau gndurilor sale; uneori adev rate st ri de confuzie mental , ce se amelioreaz n aer liber (se tie c , de obicei, constipa ia cronic se simte ca la ea acas la sedentari, plimbarea n aer liber devenind factor reconfortant); inclinare spre fantasme i supersti ii; Vithoulkas a remarcat nevroze obsesionale c reia i cad victime pacien ii Ratanhia. El a descris i un tip de supersti ie cu constrngeri de natur religioas . Pacientul i impune n general constrngeri, ndeosebi n leg tur cu igiena rectal . pacientul i simte capul plin, greoi, ca i cnd ar fi ame it sau intoxicat, cu dureri n puncte limitate, n diferite p r i, uneori violente; efortul de evacuare a scaunului produce aproape constant dureri mari de cap, avnd chiar senza ia c i explodeaz capul dup ce a evacuat; alteori are senza ia de n ep turi n cap, mai ales cnd face anumite mi c ri sau cnd respir adnc; se plnge de o stare general de nesiguran , de sl biciune fizic transpira ie a ntregului corp; i de prostra ie, cu anxietate i

uneori, cnd merge, are senza ia c ar fi pi cat de insecte n diferite p r i ale corpului, n special la ceaf i membre, care se amelioreaz prin frecare sau grataj; asemenea senza ii, ca de n ep turi, arsuri sau viermuieli, cea mai cunoscut fiind senza ia de cioburi sparte n rect , pot apare i n alte p r i (genunchi, axil , talp i c lci, etc., uneori cu caracter subit, violent, ce oblig pacientul s ipe; senza ia de mnc rime n nas, n diferite alte zone, n special pe spate i zona genital-perineal , fiind urmate, dup gratajul obi nuit, de irita ii i erup ii veziculoase; la gravide se descriu dureri mari de din i, cu senza ia c din ii s-au alungit, agravate noaptea (legat de sarcin , se tie c n scrierile din antichitate Ratanhia e men ionat ca plant abortiv ). ziua, pacientul are crize de c scat repetat, ca i sughi violent, apucndu-l somnul n timpul mesei, iar noaptea are un somn greu cu unele tres riri bru te de spaim , acest somn fiind dominat de vise anxioase cu diverse nc ier ri, certuri, sup r ri i necazuri, uneori vise cu nmormnt ri, cu cimitire, etc., sculndu-se diminea a suficient de terorizat i alarmat pentru un psihism i a a destul de afectat.

Cu asemenea acuze mentale, nu ne mai punem ntrebarea de ce, n popor, se i zice cu atta precizie: s-a sculat cu fundul n sus , n astfel de tablouri psihice ale multor cazuri cu patologie dominant ano-rectal ! Repertorium: * Rectal symptoms. Compulsive neurosis. MIND: - - Sensitive, easily overturned with stress. - Closed person with apprehension and fear. - Anxiety about members of the family. Ailments from cares. - Fear of death. Fear something will happen when alone, relieved by conversation. - Superstitious. Fear something bad is going to happen to himself or his family, if he doesn't do something properly. - - COMPULSIVE NEUROSIS. Religious insanity. GENERALITIES: - - < Night, touch, exertion. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: Chicken, salt, sweets, fat. HEAD: - - Bursting headache while straining at stool and after stool. MOUTH: - - Toothache at night, > walking. STOMACH: - - Violent hiccough. RECTUM: - - HEMORRHOIDS. Protrude with stool. - FISSURES of anus with constriction - - Long-lastingn PAIN after Stool (Nit-ac, Paeon).

- Aches, as if splinters of glass sticking. Knife-like stitches. - Burning pains before + after stool > cold applications.Other pains > warm applications. - Excoriation and oozing of rectum. - - Pin worms. CHEST: - - Cracks in nipples. EXTREMITIES: - - Pains > motion. SKIN: - - Fissures

Rhus toxicondendron (Rhus-t)

Co-Alcoolic Cauza: Suprasolicitare/Entorse/Vreme rece i umeda; Complementar: Am-m. Arn (= A). Ars. Bell. Benz-ac. Bov. Bry. Calc (= C) Calc-f. Caps. Cars. Caus. Hyos. Iod (= A). Kali-c. Lyc (Rhus-t = A la reumatism). Mag-c. Med. Nat-s. Nit-ac.Nux-v. Ph-ac. Phos. Phyt (cand Rhus-t nu-si face efectul). Plat. Plb. Puls. Pyrog. Rad-br. Rhod. Rhus-v. Sabin. Sep. Stront-c. Sulph. (Urmeaza bine). Tarax. Thuj. Tub. (Urmeaza bine). Tub-k. Valer. Vario. *Rhus-t - Calc - Tub* *Bry - Rhus-t - Calc* *Arn - Rhus-t - Calc* (dupa entorse) Urmeaza bine: Multe remedii Urmat bine de: Multe remedii Incompatibil cu: Anac. Apisin. Apis. Phos. Dupa venine. Evt. la bai/Bere. Antidoteaza: Agar. Agn. Ail. Anac. Anac-oc. Ant-t. Anthraci. Apis. Arg-n. Ars. Astac. Bor. Bry. Calc. Calcf. Cain. Caus. Chin. Chr-ac. Chlor. Cist. Clem. Coloc. Com. Crot-t. Cupr. Cur. Daph. Daph-o. Dig: Dulc. Echi. Euph-a. Euph-l. Graph. Guai. Jac. Jug-r. Kali-i. Kali-p. Lach. Led. Malar. Merc. Mez. Nat-s. Nit-ac. Phel. Pip-m. Plumbg. Pop-c. Rad-br. Ran-b. Rhod. Sang. Sapin. Sars. Sep. Sin-n. Sulph. Verat. Viol-t. Antidotat de: Acon. Am-c. Ampe-br. Anac. Anag. Ant-t. Apis. Aq-sil. Ars. Bell. Bry. Camph. Chr-ac. Chrox. Clem. Coff. Crot-t. Cupr. Cypr. Graph. Grind. Guai. Kali-s. Lach. Lappa. Led. Merc. Mez. Plat. Plb. Ran-b. Rhod. Sang. Sars. Sep. Serp. Sulph. Tanac. Tub. Verb. Vib-o. Virg. Otravire cu Rhus: Cypr + Gun + Kali-s + Malar + Merc + Plan + Plb + Puls. Previnere: Ampe-tr. Efect: 1 - 7 zile, pe partea dreapta + stat intins pe partea bolnava Coleric/melancolic/flegmatic/sanguinic/hydrogenoid/malarial/ringwormoid/ litemic/tifoid/psoric/sicotic

RHUS TOXICODENDRON (rhus-t.) * Rheumatic complaints. Skin. MIND: - - BUSY, RESTLESS. - - Timid and mild, yet lively. - Later on irritable, impatient. - - Depressed, morose. - Becomes rigid and stiff as with the muscles and joints. - SUPERSTITIOUS. Compulsive, ritualistic behaviour. - Behavior disorders with restlessness, irritability. - - Fear of being poisoned. GENERALITIES: - - >> motion, << beginning to move. - << rest and << over-exertion. << cold/cold wet, < foggy, cloudy weater, becoming wet. - < Draft/Uncovering, cooling down single parts/Tunderstorms/Evening, night/Left side. - >> warm and dry hot bathing - - > Stretching. - Sudden periodic chills esp. at night. - - Fever 10 h. as if dashed with cold water. - Hemiplegia < left side. - - Parkinson's disease. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: COLD MILK, cold drinks/sweets/cheese/yoghurt/ oysters. - Aversiune: meat. - < Cold drinks. HEAD: - - Pain < Storms, cold and wet weater, changes of weater.From cervical stiffness. > Motion. - Eruptions. EYE: - - Lids inflamed, <lutinated and swollen. - Iritis, rheumatic, < cold, dampness. Ulceration of cornea. NOSE: - - Redness of tip. - - Eruptions. FACE: - - HERPETIC ERUPTIONS ABOUT THE LIPS (Nat -m, Sep). - Eruptions. Acne. Cracks at corners of mouth. - - Inflammation and swelling of glands. - Jaws crack on chewing. Easy dislocated jaws. - - Facial neuralgia. MOUTH: - - TONGUE COATED except red triangular space at tip BELLY: - - Violent pain > continued motion. RECTUM: - - Diaree, < getting wet, with pain down thighs. MALE GENITALIA: - - Herpes. - - Enuresis in boys. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Herpes. - - Pelvic articulations stiff when beginning to move. LARYNX: - - Hoarseness from overstraining voice, sometimes > speaking. RESPIRATION: - - Astmatic < suppressed eruptions. COUGH: - - Cough < cold, wet weater, uncovering a part, chill, > warm drinks. EXPECTORATION: - - Hemoptysis from overexertion. CHEST: - - Bronchitis, pneumonia with hemoptysis. - Cardiac hypertrophy from overexertion. - - Palpitations. - Angina with pain and numbness in left arm (Lat-m).

BACK: - - PAIN and stffNESS: < Overlifting, rest, beginning to move, cold wet weater. > Motion, heat, hard pressure, massage. - StiffNESS of the neck, << draft (Calc-p, Cimic), < cold, wet weater. Needs to stretch and move. Massage neck constantly. Muscles bound up in neck. EXTREMITIES: - - ARTHRITIS, RHEUMA with PAINFUL STIFFNESS, << rest/beginning to mov/vreme umeda si rece/exertion, < dimineata on waking/night in bed/before storm, >> motion/warmth/dryness - Pain LEFT SHOULDER, inner side left scapula. - RESTLESS extremities Restless legs in bed at night. - Sprains. Overexertion. - - Bursitis. Tendonitis. - - Chorea. Twitching. Tics. PERSPIRATION: - - Whole body except head. SLEEP: - - RESTLESS, must constantly move to find a good position. DREAMS: - - Dreams of great exertion. SKIN: - - VESICULAR ERUPTIONS. HERPES (Ran -b). Urticaria. Herpes. Psoriasis. - - ITCHING >> hot waether (Rhus-v.). - Thickened skin in long-standing skin disorders.

Sabina (Sabin)
Complementar: Act-sp. Bell. Cars. Nit-ac. Rhus-t. Sep. Spong. Sulph. Thlas. Thuj (= C). Urmat bine de: Ars. Cupre-i. Phos. Med. Nux-v. Puls. Urmeaza bine: Ars. Bry. Puls. Ran-b. Antidoteaza: Thuj. Antidotat de: Camph. Con. Lach. Lyc. Puls. Efect: 20 - 30 zile /limfatic/sclerotisch/plethorisch/flegmatic/psoric/sicotic/avortiv/avortiv/sal SABINA (sabin.) * Mainly known for complaints of female sexual organs. MIND: - - Music is intolerable, produces nervousness and sadness. - Sensibil to the slightest noise. - - Anxiety about losing the baby when pregnant. - Screaming with pain during dysmenorrhea. - Sensation of something alive in BELLY. GENERALITIES: >> open air << heat < Warm room/warm bed. - < Motion. - - Tendency to hemorrhages. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: Lemons. Salt. Refreshing things. VERTIGO: - - < Suppressed menses (Cycl, Puls). NOSE: - - Sangerari din nas. RECTUM: - - Hemoroizi bleeding copious with bright red blood. URINE: - - Bloody urine. MALE GENITALIA: - - Sycotic excressences with burning soreness. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - profuse uterine HEMORRHAGES, bright red BLOOD with black CLOTS, with cramping pains. < Motion, but sometimes > walking (menses only when lying down). - - Menorrhagia between menses. - UTERINE PAINS: PAIN lower back ext to pubis and thighs Pain shooting up vagina. Arching of back because of pain. Pain pubis as if bone would break open. - Bleeding and contractions, > lying flat on back. - Sexual desire increased, < during flow or hemorrhage. - Recurrent abortions, esp. in first trimester. - - Retained placenta. Intens after-pains. - Inflammation of ovaries and uterus after abortion. - Leucorrhea, offensive, corrosive, < after menses. - Condylomata, may be right on uterus. BACK: - - Pain with menses, labor, uterine complaints. EXTREMITIES: - - Arthritic pains in joints. Rheumatic pain in heels and metatarsal bones. - Bruised pains in anterior part of thighs. - - Gout < warm room. SLEEP: - - Position: Left side SKIN - - Itching, moist figwarts.

Sanguinaria canadensis (Sang)

Complementar: Bell (Sang = C). Ant-t. Iris. Lach. Phos. Sars. Spig. Sulph. Tub. Urmeaza bine: Arg-n. Glon. Verat-v. Urmat bine de: Pent. Antidoteaza: Bapt. Iodof. Op. Rhus-t. Antidotat de: Op.(Narcoza) Rhus-t. Efect: scurt /alternari neregulate cu alte remedii Coleric/malarial/limfatic/tuberculin/sifilitic/psoric/sicotic SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS (sang.) MIND: - - Desires to be held, which ameliorates. - - Sensibil to light, noise, odors. - Delusion is on a journey/were in some vehicle which was moving and jarringher. She is in a railway car and begs other to hold her. - Cloudy, damp weather < mind symptoms. - - Confusion > eructation. GENERALITIES: << right side. >> eructations, flatus, vomiting - - < Sun/Climaxis. - FLUSHES of heat, CONGESTION and BURNING. - Respiratory complaints alternating with Diaree (Dulc). FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: SPICY (Chin, Lac-c, Phos, Sulph). - Aversiune: Butter (Puls). - - < Sweets. - - > Acids. HEAD: - - PAIN:right side, from occiput or neck ext. upward to forehead and right eye With congestion, pulsation. With nausea and vomiting. >> vomiting/passing flatus or eructation > Lying/sleep/dark. < Light/noise/jar/fasting/climaxis. Periodicity, 7 days. FACE: - - Facial neuralgia. Pain extends from upper jaw in all directions. - Flushing. Redness and burning. - - Circumscribed red circles on cheek. NOSE: - - HAY FEVER, < odor of flowers. - - Coryza or obstruction, < right side (Ars). - Coryza followed by Diaree. - - POLYPS (Kali-n, Teucr). - - Burning sensation. EAR: - - Burning in ears. - - Polyps. MOUTH - - Burning and dryness. THROAT: - - Inflammation, tonsillitis, < right side. - Dry and burning sensation in throat and esophagus. - - Esophagitis. STOMACH: - - Thirsty. - - Vomiting bile, < headache. - - Heartburn. Gastritis. RECTUM: - - Diaree as coryza improves. - - Cancer of rectum (Nit-ac). FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Climacteric disorders. - - Uterine fibroids. RESPIRATION: - - Respiratory troubles alternating with Diaree. - Asthma with stomach disorders, with heartburn and reflux. - - Asthma < flowers. COUGH: - - Cough returns with every cold. - - Cough of gastric origin, >> eructations/flatus/ or vomiting - Tickling behind sternum causes constant hacking cough. - Spasmodic cough after influenza and whooping-cough. - - < Lying. EXPECTORATION: - - Expectoration tough, rust-coloured, offensive. - Hemoptysis from suppressed menses. CHEST: - - Respiratory affections < right side. - - Heat and tension behind sternum. - Burning pain in chest, < coughing, < right side. - - Burning as of hot steam. - Soreness of breasts before and during menses, < right side. EXTREMITIES: - - RIGHT SHOULDER pain (Chel, Ferr-m). < Raising arm/night/turning in bed/lying on it/motion/Lying in bed: pain tortures them, become restless. Ext. to neck and head or down the arm. - HEAT and BURNING of palms and soles. Uncovers feet.

Secale cornutum (Sec) Cauza: expectoratii sau iesiri suprimate Complementar: Ars..Bell. Carb-v. Cupr Plb. Psor Thuj Urmeaza bine: Acon. Bell. Chin Merc Petr. Puls Urmat bine de: Acon. Bell. Cham. Chin Ergot .Euph. Merc Puls
Incompatibil cu: Acon. Bell. Chin Merc Puls, Dureri la nastere Antidoteaza: Alet. Plb Squil, Lepra. Antidotat de: Camph Chin. Lact. Nux-v. Op Sol-n Stram. Verat. Zinc. Efect: 20 - 30 Zie, pe partea dreapta litemic/melancolic/malarial/tifoid/tifoid/leproid/psoric/

sicotic/sifilitic/avortiv Substanta : cornul secarii SECALE CORNUTUM (sec.) * Circulation. MIND: - - - Restlessness. - - Fear of death and insanity, very suspicious because of it. - Puerperal mania: Exposes the body, tears at genitals, inserts vinger into vagina and scratches untill it bleeds. Laughs, claps her hands over head, beside herself. - Insanity with inclination to bite or drown himself. GENERALITIES: - - << heat >> cold application/uncovering/cool air/wants to be fanned - > Being rubbed (Phos, Plat)/Stretching out limbs (Rhus-t). - - < Before/during menses. - Burning PAIN >> cold application. - Hemorrhage: PASSIVE, VENOUS, DARK OOZING BLOOD (Ham). - Ailments of excessive smokers. - - Thin, scrawny, weak people with shrivelled skin. - Paralysis. Convulsions. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: Sour, lemonade. EYE: - - Incipient cataract, especially old women. - - Diabetic retinitis. NOSE: - - SANGERARI DIN NAS (alcoholics) DARK, < slight touch; with exhaustion. FACE: - - Blue circles around eyes. - - Oldlooking. Pale, dry, shrivelled. - Cramps commence in face ext. whole body. - - Spasmodic distortion. Lock-jaw. MOUTH: - - Tingling and stiffness of tip of tongue. - - Blue or pale lips. STOMACH: - - Thirst unquenchable and ravenous appetite with emaciation. - Vomiting of blood and coffee-grounds fluid. - - Burning pain. RECTUM: - - Diaree with icy coldness, great exhaustion and aversion being covered. - Involuntary stools. Anus feels open. STOOL: - - Olive-green, bloody, putrid. BLADDER: - - Paralysis of bladder. Retention. - - Enuresis in old people. - Discharge of black blood from bladder. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - CONTINUOUS passive HEMORRHAGE of dark, thin blood - First trimester abortion in women who had lots of babies (= weakened). Painless hemorrhage. - - No expulsive action during labor. Contractions of uterus slow down on standing. - - Leucorrhea brown, offensive. - Menstrual colic with exhaustion, coldness and intolerance of heat. - Puerperal fever. - - Bearing down, > lying doubled up. CHEST: - - Suppression of milk. EXTREMITIES: - - CRAMPING and TINGLING in legs on exertion. Claudocation. Staggering gait. - FORMICATION and NUMBNESS, < calves, > rubbing. - Convulsions of hands. Fingers spread apart and bend backwards. Violent pain in fingertips. - - Jerks, convulsive movements < noaptea, > stretching limb. - Icy coldness and cyanose. Raynaud. - - VARICOSITIES, < heat, > cold. - Heat of feet with UNCOVERING. SKIN: - - COLD to TOUCH but AVERSION being covered. - GANGRENE, dry, black, < distal parts. - - Dry, shriveled and numb. - FORMICATION. - - Mottled dusky-BLUE. Ecchymosis. - Varicose ulcers. Ulcers black and burning, > cold. SLEEP: - - Insomnia from drug and alcohol abuse Selenium metallicum (Sel)

Cauza: Nopti nedormite/efort cerebral/febra/vreme fierbinte *Sulph - Calc - Sel* Complementar: Carb-v. Sulph. Thuj. Urmeaza bine: Bry. Calad. Nat-c. Pic-ac. Staph. Teucr. Urmat bine de: Calc. Chin. Lyc. Merc. Nux-v. Sep.
SELENIUM METALLICUM (sel.) * Weakness. Mental and physical exhaustion. MIND: - - Weakness from mental labor. - Forgetful in business, dream of what they had forgotten. - Fear of impending disease. - - Aversiune to company, even intimate friends. - Morose. Irritable.< After coition. - - Dipsomania, < before menses.

GENERALITIES: - - WEAKNESS, broken down states, << heat/sun/over-heating/fever/ sexual excess/coition/physical and mental exertion < loss of fluids/prolonged fever/ draft/after sleep. - Emaciation of face, hands and thighs. - - Bad effects from drinking tea, alcohol. - FALLING of HAIR from whole body (eyebrows, whiskers, axilla, genitals,...) FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Aversiune: Salt. - Desire: Stimulants, ALCOHOLIC DRINKS (esp. before menses), brandy, tea. HEAD: - - Loss of hair. Alopecia. - - Hair painful to touch. - Pain over left eye, < sun, tea, salt, strong odors. EYE: - - Falling off of eyebrows and whiskers. FACE: - - Emaciation. TEETH: - - Pain with cold feeling, > cold water, cold air. STOMACH: - - Hiccough and eructations after smoking. BELLY: - - Chronic liver affections. Fine rash over liver region. - Throbbing in BELLY < pregnancy, prevents sleep. RECTUM: - - Constipatie, accumulated stool, needs mechanical aid. BLADDER: - - Involuntary dribbling of urine while walking, after urinating or stool. MALE GENITALIA: - - Hydrocele. - - Prostatitis. Hypertrophy. - IMpotenCY with increased sexual desire/with lascivious thoughts. Premature ejaculation. - SEMINAL emission TOO EASY. Dribbling of semen during stool/sleep/sitting/walking. LARYNX: - - Incipient tubercular laryngitis. - - Clear, starchy mucus. - Hoarseness of singers. Scraping. - - Nodes on vocal cords. BACK: - - Weakness from seminal discharge. EXTREMITIES: - - Emaciation of hands and legs. - - Vesicular eruption between fingers. SLEEP: - - Insomnia from pulsation in all vessels. Catnaps. DREAMS: - - Lascivious dreams with emissions which awaken him. SKIN: - - Dry scaly or vesicular, itching eruption. Itching in small spots. - - Acne.

Sepia succus (Sep) Cauza: stagnare hormonala/umilinta/lucrat prea mult Complementar: Alet. Aloe. Alum (= C). Arg-n. Aster. Bacls-7. Bry. Calc. Calc-f. Canth.Carb-v. Card-m. Cars. Caus. Chin. Chinin-ar. Cob. Coll (= A). Cop. Eup-per. Faec. Form. Gels. Glon. Graph. Ham. Helon. Hydr. Ign (= A) Kali-bi. Kali-c. Lach. Led. Lil-t (Sep = C). Lyc. Med. Merc. Murx. alle Natriums. Nit-ac. Nux-m. Nux-v. (Sep = C). Petr. Phos. Plat. Psor. Ptel. Puls (raceala + sinuzita). Rhus-t. Sabad (boli la gat). Sabad. Sabin. Sars. Sil. Sulph. Thuj. Tub. Tub-a. Valer. Vib. X-Ray. Zinc. *Nux-v. - Sep. - Sulph.* (Autointoxicatie) *Sep - Sil - Sulph* *Ign - Nat m - Sep*
*Sep - Sulph* *Sulph - Sars - Sep* *Apis - Nat m - Sep*

Urmeaza bine: multe remedii. Sep are un efect mai bun dupa Nit-ac + Sil + S Urmat bine de: Ant-t. Arg-met. Bell. Bry. Calc. Chin. Cean. Chol. Cob. Con. Dig. Dulc. Euph. Fl-ac. Graph. Guai. Hyper. Kali-n. Mag-c. Mag-m. Medus. Mut. Olnd. Op. Paris. Rat. Rhus-t. Sul-ac. Syph. Tarent. Intermediar: Calc. Caus. Ign. Psor. Puls. Sulph. Incompatibil cu: Bry. Lach. Nat-c. Psor. Puls. abcese vechi de TBC noaptea Antidoteaza: Acet-ac. Ambra. Ant-t. Arg-n. Calc. Canth. Cars. Chin. Cic. Cimic. Cist. Cit -l. Cocc. Cop. Daph. Dig. Kali-bi. Kali-br. Lach. Mag-m. Merc. Merc-c. Mur-ac. Nat-m. Nat-p. Nit-sd. Phos. Rhus-t. Sars. Sil. Sulph. Tab. Tub. Antidotat de: Acet-ac. Acon. Ant-c. Ant-t. Calc. Chin. Cist. Merc (pt. barbati). Merc-c (pt. femei). Nat-m. Nat-p. Nit-sd. Phos. Plat. Rhus-t. Sars. Sulph. Acizi din plante. Efect: 40 - 50 zile oxygenoid/destructiv/canceroid/sanguinic/ tifoid/leproid/ plethorisch/astenisch/coleric/ melancolic/flegmatic/ malarial/ringwormoid/ psoric/ sicotic/sifilitic/tuberculin / pe partea stanga Actioneaza mai accentuat i mai mult timp la femei

Substanta : Cerneal de sepie

Depresie, Staz , Ptoz Tulbur ri de comportament: St ri depresive reac ionate cu pesimism, descurajare, cu pierderea afec iunii fa de propria familie, deta area fa de activitatea proprie. Oboseal

foarte intens , ndeosebi diminea a. C utarea solitudinii, nu suport consolarea, pesimism, vede totul n negru". Tulbur ri uro-genitale: Senza ie de presiune pelvi-genital , necesitate frecvent de urinare. Leucoree cronic iritant . Aversiune pentru actul sexual. Infec ii urinare recidivante. Tulbur ri cutanate: mb trnire a pielii cu pete g lbui. Herpes labial sau geni. Eczeme micotice. Psoriazis fisurat. Tulbur ri digestive: Dezgust fa de mncare i de lapte care determin diaree, ns dorin de o et, castraveciori, mnc ruri acre i picante. V rs turi incoercibile, hipersensibilitate la mirosuri de buc t rie. Senza ie de vid gastric sau de greutate abdominal . Constipa ie, senza ie de plenitudine rectal , hemoroizi. Migrene. Gre uri n primele luni de sarcin , frecvent masc gravidic .

Agravare: la frig, n ortostatism, prin consolare. Ameliorare: prin exerci ii violente (dans), la c ldur . SEPIA OFFICINALIS (sep.) * STASIS. MIND: - - Close-up, become introverted, averse to company, >> while alone. - Excitable, sensitive. - - Fear: storms, ghosts, poverty. - Irritable < menses, < when tired. Cutting, sarcastic, penetrating. They see other peoples weakness because of detachment and hurt their feelings. - Lacking of emotions. INdifference to loved ones. Become hard. - Constant weeping, because of guilt and awareness of emotional changes. Weeping when telling symptoms. - - Depression < menses. - - Dullness, sluggishness. - Cannot be stimulated to have joy or emotion. - Love dancing and tunderstorm because of the stimulation of organism. GENERALITIES: - - CHILLY. - >> evening/exertion/vigorous activity > Occupation. - << hormonal changes (menses/abortion/pregnancy/menopause)/left side. - < 14 - 16 h. or 15 h. - 17 h.. - < Coition/Sea/Loss of fluids/. - Periodicity: 28 days. - - Ailments from drug abuse and spiritual seeking where suppression of emotions is stimulated. - FLUSHES OF HEAT. - - Easily fainting. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Aversiune: Fat, salt. - Desire: Sweets/chocolate/VINEGAR (salad dressings)/SOUR/bread/salt/stimulants. HEAD: - - PAIN: LEFT SIDE, over LEFT EYE (Spig/Thuj). > Motion. - - < Fasting, menses, menopause. - Flushes of heat. - - Falling of hair, < hormonal changes. NOSE: - - Chronic catarrh ext. to sinuses with nauseating post-nasal discharge. FACE: - - Cracking of lips. - - FEVER BLISTERS ABOUT LIPS (Nat -m/Rhus-t). - Yellow saddle over bridge of nose, or sallow look. - Acne < menses. Chloasma. Vitiligo. THROAT: - - Intolerance of clothing. - - Sensation of a lump. STOMACH: - - Aversiune food, even smell of food. - EMPtiness, NOT > BY EATING. - Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy, < sight or smell of food, morning before eating. BELLY: - - Brown spots on BELLY (Lyc). - - Enlarged, relaxed. RECTUM: - - CONSTIPATION, < pregnancy. - - SENSATION OF LUMP. - Itching of rectum. - - Cancer of rectum (Nit-ac). BLADDER: - - INCONTINENCE on coughing, laughing, sneezing. - SENSATION of a stone. - - Enuresis in first sleep in children. MALE GENITALIA: - - Condylomata. - - Impotency. - - Prostatitis. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - AverSION to sex, < hormonal changes. Inability to have orgasm. Frigidity. - Painful coition. Pains shoot up vagina. - Severe LEUCORRHEA, even in little girls. Vaginitis < pregnancy, with much itching. - PROLAPSE of UTERUS. BEARING -DOWN >> sitting with legs crossed (Lil-t, Murx). - Premenstrual syndrome. Menses scanty. Dysmenorrhea. Amenorrhea. - Condylomata. - - INFERTILITY. habitual ABORTIONS 3e to 5e month. - sensitive to movement of foetus and to touching uterus . - - Tight os during labour. COUGH: - - Dry,< noaptea, lying, > sitting up.

CHEST: - - Dyspnea, > motion. - - Breasts become flat. - - Scanty lactation. BACK: - - PAIN, >> hard pressure/motion, > lying on something hard, - Coldness as from a cold hand between shoulderblades. EXTREMITIES: - - Raynaud. - - Cold feet in the evening in bed. - Cracks on the back of the hands < cold, water. SKIN: - - Herpetic eruptions. - - Psoriasis. Vitiligo. Chloasma. Ringworm, < spring. - Urticaria > warm room, < open air. - - Dry skin. Thickened and parchment-like.

Silicea terra (Sil) Cauza: Vaccine Complementar: Abrot. Aeth. Agn. Alum. Anthraci (= C). Aq-sil. Ars. Ars-i. Asar. Aur. Aven. Bar-c. Bufo. Calc. Calc-f. Calc-p. Calc-s. Caps. Cham.
(Cauza: lipsa de solicitare). Cina. Cist. Clem. Con. Equis-h. Ferr. Fl-ac. Hekla. Hep (Sil = C). Hippoz (Sil = A). Iod. Kali-br. Kali-p. Lap-a. Lyc. Maland. Merc. Merc-c. Paris. Phos. Phyt. Psor. Puls (Sil = C/= oft bevorzugt)). Pyrog. Ruta. Sanic. Sep. Sulph. Sumb. Syph (cnd Tub. nu- i face efectul). Teucr. Thuj (= A). Tub. Tub *Sep - Sil - Sulph* *Kali-s - Puls - Sil* *Sil - Calc-s - Hep* *Thuj. - Sil. - Fl-ac.* *Sil Sulph* *Sulph - Calc - Sil* *Puls - Phos - Sil* *Puls. - Hep. - Sil* *Caps - Sil* *Puls - Sil - Fl-ac* *Merc - Hep - Sil* *Puls. - Sil. - Fl-ac. - Thuj* *All-c - Calc - Sil* Polipi Urmeaza bine: Bell. Berb. Borx. Bry. Calen. Cann-s. Carb-an. Caus. Chin. Cic. Daph-o. Dios. Ferr-p. Graph. Guai. Ign. Ins. Kali-s. Lac-d. Lachn. Lap-a. Mag-m. Mur-ac. Nat-m. Nat-p. Nat-s. Nit-ac. Olnd. Ph-ac. Plb. Ran-s. Rhod. Rhus-t. Sabad. Sil-mar. Spig. Squil. Stann. Stram. Symph. Thiosin. Verat. X-Ray. Urmat bine de: Agar. Ant-t. Aran. Art-v. Asaf. Aster. Bell. Brom. Bry. Calc-s. Caps. Carb-v. Euphr. Graph. Lach. Med. Nux-v. Petr. Plb. Rhus-t. Vitrum. Intermediar: Alum. Calc. Fl-ac. Hep. Microc. Psor. Scir. Sep. Sulph. Tub in reconvalescenta Incompatibil cu: Merc. Nux-m. corpuri /artculatii straine in corp/depuneri tuberculinice Antidoteaza: Alum. Anthraci. Arg-n. Fl-ac. Daph. Hep. Merc. Merc-c. Mez. Nit-acm Osmod. Sabal. Sil. Sulph. Tuj. Vac. Utilizarea de mercur. Urmarea muncii in industria de portelan/sculptori/mineri (Card-m) Mancare de fructe cu apa multa (pepeni, etc.). Vaccine (cnd Thuj nu este indicat). Radiografii Antidotat de: Anthraci. Calc. Calc-s. Camph. Con. Daph. Fl-ac. Hep. Merc. Merc-c. Sep. Sulph. La abuzul de acid silic: Fl-ac. Efect: 40 - 60 zile pe partea dreapta coleric/melancolic/sanguinic/flegmatic/ringwormoid/malarial/oxygenoid/ hydrogenoid/litemic/tifoid/leproid/psoric/sicotic/sifilitic/tuberculin

Substanta: Siliciu
Se ia timp indelungat pentru a actiona. Se foloseste in general la infectii cu puroi cronice, fistule. Talpa si palme reci si umede, tendinta de infrigurare. Barbati tinerui cu chelie, rani la osul fundului, cu probleme cu oasele si articulatiile. Mineral necesar la par, oase si articulatii al caror lipsa cronica (cereale, oase de vita) aduc mari carente in acestea. Unghii cu pete albe sau valurate. Transpiratia lasa pete galbene. Este indicat des la astma atunci cand lipsa de aer se inrautateste la curent de aer. Nu au astampar. Apeitul dispare cand incep sa manance. Se potriveste la oameni egoisti, plini de teme, lipsa de incredere in sine, de aparitie in public, cu idei fixe, cu credinta ca totul va da gres, cu teme de examen, de esec, incapatanati, tendinta la lipsa de teama in situatii

periculoase, carora le este important ce cred altii despre el, ca imaginea lor despre el sa corespunda exact cu cea in care se vede el insusi, ordonati, organizati, meticulosi. Le e frica sa se descopere ceva rau despre ei. Poate fi confundat cu Aurum insa el este in comparatie cu Aurum legat de o imagine si nu de datorie. Copilaria este cel mai frumos timp din viata la Silicea. Par fara emotii, nu pot arata caldura si sentimente. Frica de cazaturi.

1. Mind. Despondency, melancholy, and disposition to weep. Nostalgia. Anxiety and agitation; yielding, anxious mood. Taciturnity; concentration in self. Inquietude and ill-humour on the least provocation, arising from excessive nervous debility. Scruples of conscience (about trifles). Restless and fidgety; great liability to be frightened, esp. by least noise. Discouragement. Moroseness, ill-humour, and despair, with intense weariness of life. Wishes to drown herself. Disposition to fly into a rage, obstinacy, and great irritability. The child becomes obstinate and headstrong; cries when kindly spoken to. Excitement with easy orgasm of blood. Repugnance to labour. Apathy and indifference. Weakness of memory. Incapacity for reflection. Great distraction. Tendency to misapply words in speaking. Fixed ideas; the patient thinks only of pins, fears them, searches for them, and counts them carefully. Head, cold air, head sensitive to (109) Head, eruption, occiput (115) Head, eruption, moist, occiput (116) Head, eruption, nodes (116) Head, eruption, pustules, occiput Head, hair, falling (120) Head, heat, flashes of, after chilliness (122) Head, heaviness, forehead (126) Head, hydrocephalus (128) Head, itching of scalp, occiput (129) Head, open fontanelles (132) Head, pain, headache in general Head, pain, air, cold, from (agg.) Head, pain, air, draft of, from (135) Head, pain, ascending steps, on Head, pain, binding head, amel. Head, pain, closing eyes, amel. (137) Head, pain, coition (See Sexual) Head, pain, cold, becoming, from Head, pain, cold, becoming, from, feet (138) Head, pain, cold, becoming, from, head getting cold, on (138) Head, pain, hammering (140) Head, pain, heat, during the (agg.) Head, pain, heat, amel. (140) Head, pain, heat, amel., hot applications (140) Head, pain, jar, from any (See Sensitive, Coughing, Laughing, Stepping, Riding) (141) Head, pain, light, daylight (141) Head, pain, lying, in a dark room, amel. (142) Head, pain, mental exertion, from (agg.) (143) Head, pain, periodic headache (145) Head, pain, riding in a carriage, after (146) Head, pain, rising, from lying (agg.) Head, pain, sexual, excesses, after Head, pain, stepping, false step Head, pain, stepping, heavily agg. Head, pain, straining eyes,

(Red only)
MIND Mind, anxiety, menses, during (agg.) Mind, anxiety, noise, from (7) Mind, concentration, difficult (13) Mind, confusion of mind (See Concentration) Mind, conscientious about trifles Mind, consolation agg. (16) Mind, dullness, sluggishness, difficulty of thinking and comprehending (37) Mind, exertion, agg. from mental Mind, fright, complaints from (49) Mind, hysteria (52) Mind, imbecility (53) Mind, irritability (See Anger) (57) Mind, irritability, coition, after (59) Mind, irritability, consolation agg. Mind, magnetized, desires to be (63) Mind, mildness (65) Mind, morose (68) Mind, prostration of mind (69) Mind, restlessness, nervousness (72) Mind, restlessness, internal (74) Mind, sensitive, oversensitive (See Offended) (78) Mind, sensitive, noise, to (79) Mind, sensitive, noise, to, slightest Mind, starting, noise, from (83) Mind, timidity, about, appearing in public (89) Mind, weeping, consolation agg. VERTIGO Vertigo (96) Vertigo, headache, during (99) Vertigo, occipital (102) HEAD Head, air or wind, sensitive to draft Head, caries (108)

from Head, pain, violent pains (150) Head, pain, weather, damp, cold Head, pain, wrapping up head, amel. Head, pain, forehead, in (153) Head, pain, forehead, foot-steps Head, pain, forehead, heat, amel. Head, pain, forehead, pulsating Head, pain, forehead, eyes, above Head, pain, forehead, middle (161) Head, pain, forehead, middle, frontal sinuses from chronic coryza Head, pain, occiput (161) Head, pain, occiput, warm wrapping up amel. Head, pain, occiput, extending, upward (165) Head, pain, occiput, extending, vertex, to Head, pain, burning, wrapping up warmly amel. (177) Head, pain, bursting, vertex (179) Head, pain, bursting, vertex, binding up head amel. (179) Head, pain, pressing, occiput (196) Head, pain, pressing, occiput, wrapping up head amel. (197) Head, pain, pressing, vertex (200) Head, pain, pressing, vertex, binding head up amel. (201) Head, pain, pressing, vertex, outward Head, pain, sore, bruised, sensitive to pressure (204) Head, pain, sore, bruised, forehead Head, pain, stunning, stupefying Head, pain, tearing, forehead (216) Head, pain, tearing, occiput (218) Head, pain, tearing, occiput, wrapping up head amel. (218) Head, pain, tearing, occiput, extending, forward (218) Head, pain, tearing, occiput, extending, upward (218) Head, perspiration scalp (221) Head, perspiration scalp, sour (222) Head, pulsating, beating, throbbing (See Bursting, Congestion, Hammering) (223) Head, pulsating, vertex, bending head back amel. (228) Head, sensitiveness of brain, brushing hair, from (229) Head, swollen glands of head (232) Head, ulcers, occiput, on (233) Head, uncovering head agg. (233) EYE Eye, cataract (236) Eye, cataract, foot-sweat suppressed, after (236) Eye, discharges, yellow (237) Eye, fistula, lachrymalis (240) Eye, inflammation (241) Eye, inflammation, foreign bodies Eye, inflammation, scrofulous (242) Eye, inflammation, iris, hypopion, with

(243) Eye, inflammation, lachrymal, glands (243) Eye, inflammation, lachrymal, sac Eye, lachrymation, open air (agg.) Eye, pain, air, cold, agg. (249) Eye, paralysis of optic nerve, amaurosis (261) Eye, stricture of lachrymal duct Eye, swollen, lachrymal, gland (267) Eye, swollen, lachrymal, sac (267) VISION Vision, colors, black, spots, floating (musc volitantes) (272) Vision, colors, dark, specks (273) Vision, dazzling (See Trembling) Vision, dim Vision, dim, reading (277) Vision, dim, suppressed foot-sweat, after Vision, exertion of vision agg. (See Looking) Vision, hypermetropia (280) Vision, loss of vision (blindness) Vision, run together, letters (283) EAR Ear, abscess behind (See Boils, suppuration) Ear, abscess, in meatus (285) Ear, caries, threatened (285) Ear, caries, threatened, mastoid process (285) Ear, catarrh, eustachian tube (285) Ear, discharges (286) Ear, discharges, bloody (286) Ear, discharges, caries threatening Ear, discharges, cheesy (286) Ear, discharges, offensive (286) Ear, discharges, purulent (287) Ear, discharges, thick (287) Ear, discharges, watery (287) Ear, eruptions, behind ears (288) Ear, eruptions, behind ears, scabby (289) Ear, inflammation, eustachian tube (290) Ear, inflammation, media (291) Ear, itching in (291) Ear, itching, eustachian tubes (292) Ear, noises, roaring (299) Ear, pain, behind ear (306) Ear, pain, tearing in, behind the ear Ear, stopped sensation (317) HEARING Hearing, acute (321) Hearing, impaired (321) NOSE Nose, abscess (324) Nose, caries (See Ozna) (324) Nose, catarrh (324) Nose, catarrh, dry, chronic (325) Nose, catarrh, extends to frontal sinuses (325) Nose, coryza (325)

Nose, discharge, hard, dry (331) Nose, discharge, hard, dry, morning Nose, discharge, offensive (331) Nose, discharge, purulent (332) Nose, discharge, thick (332) Nose, dryness, inside (334) Nose, dryness, inside, suppressed foot sweat, after (335) Nose, dryness, inside, sensation of Nose, obstruction (340) Nose, obstruction, foot sweat suppressed, from (341) Nose, obstruction, pus, with (341) Nose, ozna (343) Nose, ozna, syphilitic (343) Nose, pain, in (343) Nose, pain, bones (343) Nose, pain, burning, smarting (344) Nose, pain, gnawing (346) Nose, pain, sore, bruised, externally Nose, pain, sore, inside (347) Nose, scurfy nostrils (See Discharges) Nose, smell, diminished (350) Nose, smell, diminished, wanting, lost Nose, sneezing, ineffectual efforts Nose, ulcers, inside (353) Nose, ulcers, painful (353) Nose, ulcers, septum, round ulcers FACE Face, abscess, antrum (355) Face, abscess, parotid glands (355) Face, cracked lips, corners of mouth (357) Face, eruptions, nose (366) Face, eruptions, acne (366) Face, eruptions, acne, forehead (366) Face, eruptions, crusty, scabby, lips Face, expression, suffering (375) Face, indurations (378) Face, indurations, parotid gland (378) Face, inflammation, parotid gland, suppuration, with (378) Face, pain, cold applications agg. Face, pain, cold, exposure to, from (See Wind) (381) Face, pain, heat, of stove amel. (381) Face, pain, stormy weather (382) Face, pain, warmth amel. (383) Face, perspiration (390) Face, spots (See Discoloration) (392) Face, swelling, toothache (393) Face, swelling, jaw, lower, glands in general (393) Face, swelling, jaw, lower, glands, hard, painful (393) Face, swelling, parotid gland (394) Face, swelling, submaxillary glands Face, swelling, submaxillary glands, painful (394) Face, ulcers, lips (396) MOUTH Mouth, boils, gums (398) Mouth, dryness (403)

Mouth, fistula, gums (405) Mouth, hair on, sensation of, tongue Mouth, hair on, sensation of, tongue, anterior part (405) Mouth, inflammation, gums (406) Mouth, pain, sore, gums (413) Mouth, suppuration, gums (420) Mouth, taste, wanting, loss of taste Mouth, tumors, gums, size of walnut, in place of two bicuspids (427) Mouth, vesicles, gums (429) TEETH Teeth, abscess of roots (430) Teeth, dentition difficult (431) Teeth, dentition, slow (431) Teeth, looseness of (432) Teeth, pain, suppressed foot sweat, after (439) Teeth, pain, warmth, wrapping up head amel. (439) Teeth, pain, winter (440) THROAT Throat, dryness (450) Throat, inflammation, pharynx (chronic) (454) Throat, inflammation, tonsils (454) Throat, mucus, tenacious (457) Throat, pain (458) Throat, pain, on becoming (458) Throat, pain, stitching, swallowing, on (agg.) (464) Throat, suppuration, tonsils (467) Throat, swelling, tonsils (469) Throat, swelling, uvula (469) EXTERNAL THROAT External throat, abscess (471) External throat, induration of glands External throat, pain, cervical glands External throat, swelling, cervical glands (474) External throat, swelling, cervical glands, hard (474) External throat, swelling, cervical glands, suppurative (474) External throat, uncovering throat agg. STOMACH Stomach, appetite, increased, chill, during Stomach, appetite, ravenous, canine, excessive (478) Stomach, appetite, wanting (479) Stomach, aversion, meat (481) Stomach, aversion, milk, mother's Stomach, eructations, waterbrash Stomach, nausea (504) Stomach, nausea, constant (506) Stomach, nausea, vaccination, after Stomach, pain (511)

Stomach, pain, cramping, griping, constricting Stomach, pain, pressing (520) Stomach, pulsation (524) Stomach, thirst (527) Stomach, thirst, night (528) Stomach, thirst, chill, during (528) Stomach, thirst, extreme (529) Stomach, vomiting (531) Stomach, vomiting, eating, after (agg.) (533) Stomach, vomiting, milk, after (534) Stomach, vomiting, milk, mother's Stomach, vomiting, milk, curdled

ABDOMEN Abdomen, abscess, liver (541) Abdomen, enlarged, children (546) Abdomen, flatulence (See Rumbling) Abdomen, flatulence, obstructed (548) Abdomen, hard (550) Abdomen, heat (551) Abdomen, inflammation, appendicitis Abdomen, movements of the f tus, painful Abdomen, pain, warmth amel. (561) Abdomen, pain, liver, jarring agg. Abdomen, pain, cramping, griping Abdomen, pain, cramping, griping, hypochondria, extending cross back Abdomen, pain, sore, stool, straining at, from (590) Abdomen, pain, stitching, hypochondria (592) Abdomen, rumbling (600) Abdomen, tension (603) RECTUM Rectum, constipation (See Inactivity) Rectum, constipation, difficult stool (See Inactivity) (607) Rectum, constipation, difficult stool, natural stool (607) Rectum, constipation, difficult stool, stool recedes (607) Rectum, constipation, ineffectual urging and straining (607) Rectum, constipation, menses, before Rectum, constipation, menses, during Rectum, constriction, stool, during Rectum, diarrh a (609) Rectum, diarrh a, children, in (611) Rectum, diarrh a, dentition, during Rectum, diarrh a, emaciated people, in (612) Rectum, diarrh a, warmth, of bed amel. (615) Rectum, diarrh a, wrapping up warmly amel. (615) Rectum, fistula (617) Rectum, flatus (617)

Rectum, flatus, offensive (618) Rectum, hmorrhoids, suppurating Rectum, hmorrhoids, ulcerating Rectum, inactivity of rectum (621) Rectum, moisture (623) Rectum, pain, stool, during (624) Rectum, pain, burning (625) Rectum, pain, burning, stool, after (agg.) (626) Rectum, pain, burning, stool, after a hard (626) Rectum, pain, cutting (626) Rectum, pain, soreness (628) Rectum, pain, stitching (628) Rectum, paralysis (See Inactivity) Rectum, tension (632) Rectum, ulceration (633) Rectum, urging, desire (See Tenesmus) (633) STOOL Stool, dry (637) Stool, hard (638) Stool, knotty, nodular, lumpy (638) Stool, large (638) Stool, light-colored (639) Stool, odor, offensive (640) Stool, odor, putrid (640) Stool, scanty (641) BLADDER Bladder, urging, night (652) Bladder, urination, involuntary, night (incontinence in bed) (659) KIDNEYS Kidneys, addison's disease (662) PROSTATE GLAND Prostate gland, emission, stool, difficult, with (667) Prostate gland, suppuration (668) URETHRA Urethra, pain, burning (674) URINE Urine, sediment, sand (690) Urine, sediment, sand, yellow (690) GENITALIA MALE Genitalia male, empyocele (694) Genitalia male, formication, scrotum Genitalia male, hydrocele (699) Genitalia male, hydrocele, boys, of Genitalia male, induration, testes Genitalia male, sexual passion diminished (711) Genitalia male, sexual passion, increased Genitalia male, sexual passion, violent Genitalia male, tubercles, spermatic cord Genitalia male, tubercles, testes (713)

GENITALIA FEMALE Genitalia female, cancer, uterus (715) Genitalia female, fistula, vagina (718) Genitalia female, itching (720) Genitalia female, leucorrh a (720) Genitalia female, leucorrh a, acrid, excoriating (721) Genitalia female, leucorrh a, copious Genitalia female, leucorrh a, gushing Genitalia female, menses, absent, amenorrh a Genitalia female, menses, acrid, excoriating Genitalia female, menses, late (727) Genitalia female, menses, suppressed Genitalia female, metrorrhagia, between the menstrual periods (729) Genitalia female, pain, uterus, nurses, while child (734) Genitalia female, pain, after-pains, child nurses, when (735) Genitalia female, pain, sharp, uterus, nursing, while (741) Genitalia female, tumors, vagina, cysts (745) Genitalia female, ulcers (745) LARYNX AND TRACHEA Larynx and trachea, irritation, trachea RESPIRATION Respiration, asthmatic (763) Respiration, catching (765) Respiration, catching, night (765) Respiration, catching, fever, during Respiration, deep (766) Respiration, difficult (766) Respiration, difficult, dust, as from COUGH Cough, morning, waking, on (778) Cough, cold, becoming, on (784) Cough, irritation in air passages, from, trachea, in, from (795) Cough, tickling, trachea, in, from Cough, uncovering, feet or head (809) Cough, warm, fluids, amel. (810) EXPECTORATION Expectoration, daytime only (812) Expectoration, morning (812) Expectoration, bloody, acrid (813) Expectoration, lumpy (816) Expectoration, mucous (816) Expectoration, purulent (817) Expectoration, thick (819) Expectoration, yellow (821) CHEST Chest, abscess, axilla (822) Chest, abscess, lungs (822) Chest, abscess, mamm (822) Chest, alternating with, rectal symptoms (822) Chest, cancer, mamm (824)

Chest, catarrh (824) Chest, cicatrices, suppurating (824) Chest, constriction, tension, tightness Chest, constriction, suppressed foot-sweat, after (827) Chest, empyema (830) Chest, fistulous openings in mamm Chest, induration axillary glands (835) Chest, induration, mamm (See Lumps, Nodules) (835) Chest, induration, mamm, left (835) Chest, inflammation bronchial tubes (bronchitis) (835) Chest, inflammation, lungs, neglected Chest, inflammation, mamm (836) Chest, nodules, mamm, in (838) Chest, pain, mamm (845) Chest, pain, mamm, nurses, while child Chest, pain, cutting, mamm, nursing, while Chest, pain, sore, mamm (862) Chest, pain, stitching, mamm (866) Chest, pain, stitching, mamm, nursing, while Chest, perspiration, axilla (878) Chest, perspiration, axilla, offensive Chest, phthisis pulmonalis (878) Chest, phthisis pulmonalis, acute Chest, phthisis pulmonalis, incipient Chest, swelling, axillary glands (880) Chest, swelling, mamm (881) Chest, swelling, mamm, cicatrices Chest, ulcer, lungs (882) Chest, ulceration, of mamm (882) BACK Back, bifida (884) Back, coldness (including Chill) (884) Back, coldness, cervical region (886) Back, curvature of spine (887) Back, curvature of spine, pain in (887) Back, eruptions, cervical region (887) Back, eruptions, boils, cervical region Back, eruptions, carbuncle, cervical region (887) Back, eruptions, pustules, painful Back, fistul (889) Back, injuries of the spine, coccyx Back, pain (894) Back, pain, jarring agg. (See Spine) Back, pain, nursing, while (897) Back, pain, cervical region, extending, eye, to (901) Back, pain, cervical region, extending, head, to (901) Back, pain, cervical region, extending, occiput, to (901) Back, pain, cervical region, extending, upward (901) Back, pain, cervical region, extending, vertex, to (901) Back, pain, dorsal region, spine (904) Back, pain, sacral region, coition Back, pain, sacral region, rising from sitting (911)

Back, pain, coccyx, fall, after a (912) Back, pain, coccyx, pressure (912) Back, pain, coccyx, riding, as after a long carriage ride (912) Back, pain, coccyx, rising from a seat (agg.) Back, pain, coccyx, touched, when Back, pain, spine (912) Back, pain, lameness, sacral region Back, pain, lameness, sacral region, rising from a seat, when (929) Back, pain, sore, cervical region (932) Back, pain, sore, lumbar region, night Back, pain, sore, coccyx (934) Back, pain, sore, coccyx, injury, from Back, pain, sore, coccyx, sitting, when Back, pain, sore, spine, spinal irritation (934) Back, pain, sore, spine, jar of bed Back, pain, stitching, coccyx (941) Back, pain, stitching, coccyx, rising from seat Back, perspiration, lumbar region Back, pulsating, lumbar region (945) Back, stiffness (946) Back, stiffness, cervical region (947) Back, weakness (tired feeling, in spine) (950) EXTREMITIES Extremities, abscess, thigh (952) Extremities, abscess, knee (952) Extremities, abscess, knee, gonarthrocace Extremities, bandaged, sensation as if, knee Extremities, bunions, foot (954) Extremities, burs (954) Extremities, carbuncles (954) Extremities, caries of bone (954) Extremities, caries of bone, lower limbs (954) Extremities, caries of bone, femur Extremities, caries of bone, tibia (954) Extremities, caries of bone, fibula Extremities, caries of bone, foot (955) Extremities, caries of bone, toes, left toe (955) Extremities, coldness, knee (961) Extremities, coldness, leg (961) Extremities, coldness, leg, warm room Extremities, coldness, foot (962) Extremities, coldness, foot, evening Extremities, coldness, foot, evening, bed, in (agg.) (963) Extremities, coldness, foot, icy cold Extremities, coldness, foot, menses, during Extremities, coldness, foot, mental exertion Extremities, corns (969) Extremities, corns, inflamed (969) Extremities, corns, sore (970) Extremities, corns, tearing (970) Extremities, corrugated nails (970) Extremities, cracks skin, hands (See Chapping) (970) Extremities, cracks skin, toes, between (See

Excoriation) (970) Extremities, cramps, calf (975) Extremities, cramps, foot, sole (977) Extremities, crippled, fingers nails Extremities, crippled, toe nails (978) Extremities, discoloration, fingers, nails, white, spots (981) Extremities, discoloration, fingers, nails, yellow (981) Extremities, distorted nails (984) Extremities, eruption (986) Extremities, eruption, scabs (987) Extremities, eruption, upper limbs Extremities, eruption, lower limbs Extremities, eruption, thigh, boils Extremities, eruption, leg, calf, boils Extremities, eruption, toes, scabs Extremities, excoriation, toes, between (See Perspiration, Excoriating) (1004) Extremities, exostoses (1004) Extremities, felon (Onychia, Paronychia, Panaritium, etc.), beginning in nail Extremities, felon, bone, caries Extremities, felon, panaritium Extremities, felon, periosteum Extremities, felon, stinging pain Extremities, felon, suppurative stage Extremities, felon, tendons affected Extremities, fistulous openings, joints Extremities, heaviness, lower limbs (1015) Extremities, hip-joint disease (See Pain in Hip) (1017) Extremities, inflammation, bones Extremities, inflammation, joints Extremities, inflammation, leg, tibia Extremities, ingrowing toe nails Extremities, ingrowing toe nails, ulceration, with Extremities, itching, lower limbs Extremities, itching, leg (1026) Extremities, lameness, upper limbs Extremities, numbness, hand, night Extremities, numbness, leg (1041) Extremities, pain, coition, after (1044) Extremities, pain, warmth, amel. Extremities, pain, shoulder, cold, on becoming (1052) Extremities, pain, fingers, ulcerative Extremities, pain, fingers, bones of Extremities, pain, fingers, nails (1061) Extremities, pain, fingers, tips of, ulcerative Extremities, pain, fingers, first (1061) Extremities, pain, fingers, first, ulcerative Extremities, pain, fingers, first, nail Extremities, pain, hip (1067) Extremities, pain, toes, first, ulcerative, walking, while (1082) Extremities, pain, drawing, leg, calf Extremities, pain, pressing, knee Extremities, pain, pressing, knee, constrictive (1121) Extremities, pain, sore, bruised (1125)

Extremities, pain, sore, bruised, coition, after Extremities, pain, sore, bruised, foot Extremities, pain, sore, bruised, foot, walking, while (agg.) (1134) Extremities, pain, stitching, joints Extremities, pain, stitching, leg (1150) Extremities, pain, tearing, upper limbs Extremities, pain, tearing, upper arm Extremities, pain, tearing, fingers, joints of Extremities, pain, tearing, thumb, joints Extremities, paralysis (1176) Extremities, paralysis, forearm (1178) Extremities, perspiration, hand (1181) Extremities, perspiration, hand, copious Extremities, perspiration, hand, palm Extremities, perspiration, foot (1183) Extremities, perspiration, foot, constant Extremities, perspiration, foot, offensive Extremities, perspiration, foot, profuse Extremities, perspiration, foot, suppressed Extremities, perspiration, foot, sole Extremities, perspiration, foot, sole, itching Extremities, perspiration, toes (1184) Extremities, perspiration, toes, between Extremities, perspiration, toes, between, offensive (1184) Extremities, restlessness (1187) Extremities, roughness, fingers, nails Extremities, split nails (1191) Extremities, spotted nails (1191) Extremities, stiffness (1191) Extremities, stiffness, joints (1191) Extremities, stiffness, fingers, second Extremities, stiffness, lower limbs Extremities, stiffness, hip (1194) Extremities, stiffness, knee (1194) Extremities, stiffness, ankle (1195) Extremities, suppuration, hip (See Hip Joint Disease) (1196) Extremities, swelling, upper arm, vaccination Extremities, swelling, forearm, red Extremities, swelling, lower limbs Extremities, swelling, thigh, femur Extremities, swelling, knee (1200) Extremities, swelling, knee, spongy Extremities, swelling, leg (1200) Extremities, swelling, foot (1201) Extremities, thick nails (1207) Extremities, tingling, upper limbs Extremities, tingling, fingers (1208) Extremities, ulcers, nails (1220) Extremities, ulcers, fingers, nails Extremities, ulcers, fingers, nails, around Extremities, ulcers, lower limbs Extremities, ulcers, lower limbs, bluish areol Extremities, ulcers, lower limbs, burning Extremities, ulcers, lower limbs, deep Extremities, ulcers, lower limbs, itching Extremities, ulcers, leg Extremities, ulcers, leg, burning Extremities, ulcers, foot, heel

Extremities, ulcers, toes, nail Extremities, uncovering, agg. Extremities, walking, gressus gallinaceus Extremities, weakness (1224) Extremities, weakness, lower limbs Extremities, weakness, ankle (1232) Extremities, wetting feet agg. (1233) SLEEP Sleep, dreams, anxious (1236) Sleep, dreams, events, previous (1239) Sleep, dreams, events, long past Sleep, dreams, frightful (1240) Sleep, dreams, vivid (1244) Sleep, restless (1247) Sleep, sleeplessness (1251) Sleep, sleeplessness, night, midnight, before Sleep, sleeplessness, night, midnight, after Sleep, sleeplessness, orgasm of blood Sleep, sleeplessness, waking, after CHILL Chill, bed in (agg.) (1263) Chill, chilliness, morning, lasting all day Chill, chilliness, menses, before Chill, chilliness, menses, during Chill, heated, overheated Chill, icy coldness of the body (1268) Chill, menses, before (1269) Chill, menses, during (1269) Chill, motion, during (agg.) (1269) Chill, sides, one-sided (1272) Chill, trembling and shivering (1275) Chill, uncovering, undressing (agg.) FEVER Fever, heat in general (1278) Fever, evening (1279) Fever, night (1279) Fever, external heat (1286) Fever, hectic fever (1287) PERSPIRATION Perspiration, in general (1293) Perspiration, morning (1293) Perspiration, night (1294) Perspiration, odor, offensive (1298) Perspiration, odor, sour (1298) Perspiration, profuse (1299) Perspiration, profuse, morning (1299) Perspiration, profuse, night (1299) Perspiration, sleep, during (agg.) (1301) Perspiration, suppressed, complaints from SKIN Skin, burning (1303) Skin, burning, scratching, after (1303) Skin, cicatrices, break open (1304) Skin, cicatrices, painful, become (1304) Skin, cicatrices, sore, become (1304) Skin, discoloration, spots, moist Skin, discoloration, spots, stinging Skin, discoloration, white, spots Skin, dry Skin, dry, inability to perspire (See Inactivity) (1308)

Skin, eruptions (1308) Skin, eruptions, carbuncle (1310) Skin, eruptions, crusty (1310) Skin, eruptions, discharging, moist Skin, eruptions, discharging, white Skin, eruptions, discharging, yellow Skin, eruptions, dry Skin, eruptions, herpetic Skin, eruptions, herpetic, corrosive Skin, eruptions, herpetic, dry Skin, eruptions, herpetic, mealy Skin, eruptions, mealy (1314) Skin, eruptions, painful (1315) Skin, eruptions, phagedenic (1315) Skin, eruptions, scabies, dry Skin, eruptions, scaly, bran-like Skin, eruptions, stinging (1319) Skin, eruptions, suppurating (1319) Skin, eruptions, ulcerative pain, with Skin, excrescences, fungus, cauliflower Skin, excrescences, fungus, hmatodes Skin, excrescences, fungus, syphilitic Skin, indurations, nodules, etc. Skin, inflammation Skin, inflammation, inclination to Skin, itching (1327) Skin, itching, burning (1327) Skin, itching, tickling (1329) Skin, moisture, spots (1330) Skin, pain, scratching, after (1330) Skin, sensitiveness Skin, sore, becomes (decubitus) Skin, swelling, spongy (1332) Skin, ulcerative pain, scratching, after Skin, ulcers Skin, ulcers, bluish Skin, ulcers, burning Skin, ulcers, burning, margins, in Skin, ulcers, cancerous Skin, ulcers, crusty Skin, ulcers, deep Skin, ulcers, discharges, corrosive Skin, ulcers, discharges, ichorous Skin, ulcers, discharges, offensive Skin, ulcers, discharges, offensive, putrid Skin, ulcers, discharges, scanty Skin, ulcers, elevated, indurated margins, with Skin, ulcers, fistulous Skin, ulcers, foul Skin, ulcers, fungus Skin, ulcers, indolent Skin, ulcers, indurated Skin, ulcers, indurated, margins Skin, ulcers, inflamed Skin, ulcers, itching Skin, ulcers, itching, around about Skin, ulcers, jerking pain, with (1337) Skin, ulcers, mercurial (1337) Skin, ulcers, phagedenic (1337) Skin, ulcers, pressing (1337) Skin, ulcers, red areola (1337)

Skin, ulcers, sensitive, margins Skin, ulcers, spongy Skin, ulcers, spongy, margins, at Skin, ulcers, stinging, stitching Skin, ulcers, stinging, margins Skin, ulcers, suppurating Skin, ulcers, suppurative pain, with Skin, ulcers, swollen Skin, ulcers, swollen, margins (1339) Skin, ulcers, unhealthy (1339) Skin, ulcers, warmth, amel. (1339) Skin, ulcers, white spots, with (1339) Skin, unhealthy (1339) GENERALITIES Generalities, afternoon (agg.) (1341) Generalities, evening (agg.) (1342) Generalities, night (1342) Generalities, night, midnight, after (agg.) (1343) Generalities, abscesses (1343) Generalities, abscesses, glands (1343) Generalities, air, open, aversion to Generalities, air, draft agg. (1344) Generalities, air, open agg. (1344) Generalities, cancerous affections Generalities, cancerous affections, fungus hmatodes (1346) Generalities, cancerous affections, scirrhus Generalities, caries of bone (1346) Generalities, change of, weather agg. Generalities, coition, after (1348) Generalities, cold in general agg. Generalities, cold, air agg. (1348) Generalities, cold, becoming (agg.) Generalities, cold, becoming, after, agg. Generalities, cold, becoming, a part of body agg. (1349) Generalities, cold, becoming, feet Generalities, cold, becoming, head Generalities, cold, tendency to take Generalities, cold, wet weather agg. Generalities, constriction, of orifices Generalities, constriction, band, sensation of a Generalities, convulsions, night Generalities, convulsions, epileptic Generalities, convulsions, suppressed, footsweat, after Generalities, convulsions, vaccination, after Generalities, eating, after (agg.) Generalities, emaciation (1357) Generalities, emaciation, children (marasmus) Generalities, exostoses (1358) Generalities, food, cold food agg. Generalities, hair, sensation of a Generalities, hard bed, sensation of Generalities, heat, vital, lack of (1366) Generalities, heated, becoming (1367) Generalities, heaviness, internally Generalities, hunger, from (1367) Generalities, indurations (1367) Generalities, inflammation, externally

(1368) Generalities, inflammation, internally, gangrenous (1368) Generalities, inflammation, bones Generalities, inflammation, serous membranes Generalities, irritability, excessive physical Generalities, jar, stepping, agg. (1369) Generalities, lassitude (1370) Generalities, lie down, inclination to Generalities, lifting, straining of muscles and tendons, from (1371) Generalities, lying, bed, in, agg. Generalities, lying, side on, painful, agg. (1373) Generalities, motion agg. (1374) Generalities, motion, aversion to Generalities, numbness, single parts in Generalities, pain, burning externally Generalities, pain, cutting, internally Generalities, pain, jerking, internally Generalities, pain, pressing externally Generalities, pain, pressing, internally Generalities, pain, sore, bruised Generalities, pain, sore, bruised, externally Generalities, pain, sore, bruised, coition, after Generalities, pain, stitching, internally Generalities, pain, tearing, externally Generalities, pain, tearing, internally Generalities, pain, tearing, upward Generalities, pain, tearing, muscles Generalities, pain, twisting (1389) Generalities, pain, ulcerative, externally Generalities, pain, ulcerative, internally Generalities, pain, ulcerative, glands Generalities, paralysis, organs, of Generalities, periodicity (1390) Generalities, perspiration, suppression of Generalities, plethora (1391) Generalities, pressure agg. (1392) Generalities, pressure, amel. (1392) Generalities, pulsation, internally Generalities, pulse abnormal (1393)

Generalities, pulse, frequent, accelerated, elevated, exalted, fast, innumerable, rapid Generalities, pulse, frequent, and small (1394) Generalities, pulse, imperceptible Generalities, pulse, small (1396) Generalities, riding, after (1397) Generalities, rising agg. (1397) Generalities, sensitiveness externally Generalities, sensitiveness, internally Generalities, sensitiveness, to pain Generalities, sexual excesses, after Generalities, sleep, during, agg. Generalities, softening bones (1402) Generalities, stone-cutters, for (1403) Generalities, swelling, affected parts of (1404) Generalities, swelling, bones (1405) Generalities, swelling, glands (1405) Generalities, swelling, glands, inflammatory Generalities, syphilis (1406) Generalities, touch agg. (1407) Generalities, touching, cold things agg. (1407) Generalities, tumors, fibroid (1409) Generalities, ulcers, glands (See Skin) Generalities, uncovering agg. (1410) Generalities, uncovering, single part agg. Generalities, vaccination, after (1410) Generalities, walking, fast agg. (1412) Generalities, warm, bed, amel. (1413) Generalities, warm, stove, amel. Generalities, weakness, enervation (See Lassitude, Weariness) (1413) Generalities, weakness, diarrh a, from (1416) Generalities, weakness, emissions, after Generalities, weakness, nervous Generalities, weariness (See Weakness) (1421) Generalities, wet, getting, feet (1421) Generalities, wine (agg.) (1422) Generalities, wounds, heal, slow to

Solidago virgaurae (Solid)

Complementar: Lyc. Sulph. Tub.nosoden. Antidoteaza: Nux-v. Urmeaza bine: Sabal. Antidotat de: Iodof. Efect: psoric/litemic

Se foloseste la pietre la rinichi, in uretra, nefrite, infectiuni cronice la rinichi. Se ia mai mult timp in dilutie joasa (D1-2-3-4) sau ca ceai/tinctura. Solidago virga aurea este planta numita splinuta. D0 este tinctura de splinuta.

Spigelia anthelmia (Spig)

Complementar: Arn (Spig = C). Cact. Calc. Cars. Colch. Iod. Kalm. Lac-c? Lac-f? Lach. Naja. Nat-m. Puls. Sang. Spong. Sumb. Urmeaza bine: Acon. Ars. Bry. Chel. Cimic. Coloc. Dig. Iris-v. Laur. Olnd. Verat. Verat-v. Zinc. Urmat bine de: Acon. Apis. Arg-n. Ars. Ars-met. Art-v. Bell. Bry. Cimic. Dig.. Iris-v. Kali-c. Kali-n. Lith-c. Lyc. Mag-c. Nux-v. Olnd. Rhus-t. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Zinc. Antidoteaza: Aur. Colch. Kalm. Merc. Tab. Antidotat de: Aur. Camph. Cocc. Merc. Puls. Efect: melancolic/astenisch/sclerotisch/sicotic/ psoric/tuberculin/sal, otravitor !

SPIGELIA ANTHELMIA (spig.) * Neuralgia's. Heart symptoms. MIND: - - Anxiety about health/future/others. - TEAMA of pointed objects (Sil). - - Sensibil to touch, noise. Touched part feels chilly. - Delusion floating in the air. GENERALITIES: - - << left side - - < Touch/Motion/Smoke/tobacco/Jar. Concussion. - Neuralgic PAIN. Stitching, burning. Like hot needles. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: Warm drinks. - - Aversiune: Coffee. VERTIGO: - - < Looking down. HEAD: - - PAIN: L. SIDE. INvolving L. EYE (Sep/Thuj). Sometimes ext. backwards into brain, or from occiput ext. above left eye. Stitching. < Stooping/noise/making a false step/motion/touch/jar/smoke/open air. > lying head high/while washing head with cold water, but worse afterwards. Periodical. - Painful tenderness of scalp when touched. EYE: - - PAIN IN and AROUND l. EYE. CILIARY NEURALGIA (Verb). Stitching pains. < Motion eyes or face. - - Eyes feel to large. - No settled focus. Difficult to fit glasses. - - Glaucoma. Iritis. Strabismus. NOSE: - - Chronic catarrh. Sinusitis. FACE: - - NEURALGIA involving LEFT EYE, < Stooping/touch/motion/morning till sunset/drinking tea. MOUTH: - - Toothache, < smoking, > while eating, worse afterwards. BELLY: - - Pain about the navel with worm affections. REKTUM: - - WORMS (Cina). Itching and crawling. RESPIRATION: - - Dyspnea, < moving/raising arms, > lying on right side/with head high. CHEST: - - ANGINA PECTORIS. << least motion/lying on left side, < deep inspiration. >> hot drinks, > lying right side. Pain ext. to left scapula and left arm. Whole left side is sore. - - Tobacco heart. - Stitching pain about heart synchronous with pulse. - PALPITATIONS: violent, visible, audible. With offensive breath. < Bending forward, motion, inspiration, lying on left side. Noise asfrom a spinning-wheel or purring cat. - - Left intercostal neuralgias extending down the arm. BACK: - - Pain about left scapula. EXTREMITIES: - - Numbness of left arm. - - Rheumatic pains.

Spongia tosta (Spong)

Complementar: Acon. Bry. Dios. Hep. Iod. Kali-br. Phos. Puls. Sabin. Spig. Sul-i. Tub. *Acon - Spong - Hep* *Acon - Spong - Hep - Spong - Hep* Boeninghausen's Krupppowders Urmeaza bine: Cact. Dros. Gels. Ham. Lap-a. Mag-f. Merc. Puls. Sabin. Urmat bine de: Arg-n. Bell. Brom (la Difterie). Calc. Calc-f. Carb-v. Cham. Con. Fl-ac. Ign.Iod. Kalm. Lapa. Mag-f. Nat-f. Nat-m. Nux-v. Rhod. Rhus-t. Sep. Sulph. Incompatibil cu: Hep, mucoase uscate/ afectiuni cardiace Antidoteaza: Iod, Camph, Osm, Krupp (Difteria)/Pojar/Varsat de vant Antidotat de: Acon. Camph, Cocc. Hep. Efect: 20 - 30 zile Coleric/flegmatic tifoid/ ringwormoid/ sifilitic/limfatic/tuberculin/psoric/sicotic SPONGIA TOSTA (spong.) * Respiratory, glands and heart conditions. MIND: - - Cheerfulness alt. with irritability, sadness. - Tormented by a frightful scene of some mournful event of the past. Vision of horrible events of the past. - Thoughts intrude and crowd around each other on closing eyes. - Fear of heart disease, dead, future. Waking with great fear after midnight. GENERALITIES: - - < Before midnight/Heat, warm room/Sleep/Exertion, motion. - Swelling and induration of glands. - - Slow onset of disease. FOOD AND DRINKS: >> warm drinks and food NOSE: - - Nostrils wide open with fanning (Ant-t, Lyc). FACE: - - Terrified, anxious expression. - - Cyanosis. THROAT: - - Pain from eating sweets. - - THYROID (Iod). Goitre. BELLY: - - Colic, > warm drinks. - - Cannot bear tight clothing. MALE GENITALIA: - - PAINFUL SWELLING of spermatic cords and testes (Puls). - EPIDIDYMITIS. Orchitis (Rhod). RESPIRATION: - - DRYNESS of all AIR-PASSGES. - DYSPNEA: < After midnight/during sleep/during menses/hot room/lying head low. >> eating and drinking warm > leaning body forward/bending head backwards. - Awakes in fright with feeling of suffucation (Grin, Lach, Op). Sleeps into <ravation, < during menses. COUGH: - - DRY, KRUPPY, RASPY, like a handsaw sawing thin wood, BARKING. >> drinking and eating esp. warm things << before midnight, < cold drinks, inspiration. CHEST: - - Cardiac valvular disorders. Hyperthrophy of the heart. - Cannot bear tight clothing. - - PALPITATIONS, < before menses, after midnight. LARYNX: - - HOARSENESS. KRUPP (Acon, Hep). << before midnight. - Pain, < talking, swallowing, touch.

Stannum metallicum (Stann)

Substanta: Cositor Dat gres, falimentat Copil : = Asemanator cu Cham; Negativ: A. slabIT (in piept/imposibil sa vorbeasca/vorbit/Transpiratie/vrea sa stea intins/GREUTATE, Senzatie de paralizie) B. > Merge rapid C. Friguros, D. Ii este foame + nu poate manca/ totul are gust amar( in afara de apa) E. Afectiunile vin si dispar inCET (cu soarele ?); Starea spirituala REA, lipsa de speranta/tris/descurajat/se simte ca un strain in sine insusi/ vrea sa planga, plansul nu-i face bine, frica sa vada oameni, sa auda ce spun altii despre el, lipsa de incredere in sine < vorbit = greu/ vorbeste putin, depresiv, enervat de la contrazicere, slabirea corpului, caderea parului, secretii galbene + dar nu acide, Agravare: ora 10 /cand isi foleste vocea/canta/urca si coboara scarile/la efort/stat intins pe p. dreapta/bauturi calde/miscare Ameliorare: miscari rapide/tuse cu expectoratie/presiune la nervi, organel genitale + respiratie, la FICAT Artrita/Terminatia oaselor inflamata/Glaucom/Ficat (Ciroza)/faringe inflamate/ Inflamatia

tendoanelor/Edeme Complementar: Caus, Hippoz. Puls, Urmeaza bine: Alum. Arg-n. Carb-an. Carb-v. Carbn-s. Card-m. Cham. Chin. Cic. Cina. Colch: Cupr. Graph. Nat-ar. Sil. Tab. Verat. Urmat bine de : Alum. Bac. Bell. Bry. Calc. Chin. Cina. Con. Iod. Kali-c. Lyc. Lyss. Nux-v. Phos. Rhus-t. Sel. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Tub. Antidoteaza: Puls. Antidotat de: Carb-v. Coff. Hep. Hyos. Ign. Puls, La otravire cu cositor: ceai din coaja de stejar Efect: 35 zile, partea stanga / durerea vine si dispare lent coleric/flegmatic/hydrogenoid /tuberculin/psoric/sifilitic/sicotic STANNUM METALLICUM (stann.) * WEAKNESS and EXHAUSTION. Often related to respiratory system. MIND: - - Sweat, undemanding. Can go along well with people. - Get an aversion to people because of weakness. - - Anxiety about future. - No hope, feels so weak, they know they will die soon. - Difficult concentration because of mental weakness: thoughts go from one subject to another. Begin one task and get off into another without finishing any. - Anxiety, sadness before menses, > flow. GENERALITIES: - - WEAKNESS. As if flowing through the veins. - << using the voice (speaking, singing, laughing)/least exertion - - < 5 h. - PAINS APPEAR and DISAPPEAR GRADUALLY, coming and going with the sun. - Attacks of epilepsy with clenching thumbs, in teething children. - Skinny, pale and exhausted patients. HEAD: - - Pain and neuralgia, < between 10 a.m. and 16 h., gradually increasing and decreasing with the sun. < Motion/jar. EYE: - - Burning from weakness. MOUTH: - - CAN HARDLY TALK FROM WEAKNESS IN CHEST. THROAT: - - Much mucus, difficult to detach. STOMACH: - - Empty sensation. - - Pain > pressure. - - Vomiting from smell of cooking. BELLY: - - Colic > hard pressure. - - Sensation of emptiness. REKTUM: - - Prolapse of rektum during stool. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Prolapse of uterus and vagina with weak, sinking feeling in stomach, < stool. Bearing down. - - Desire increased from scratching distant parts. - Leucorrhea with weakness, alternating with neuralgias. RESPIRATION: - - DIFFICULT, from or with WEAKNESS. DYSPNEA << sligth exertion/using voice . COUGH: - - with WEAKNESS in CHEST and THROAT. - - Hold chest when coughing. - Dry cough at night, with sweet or salty expectoration in the daytime. - Cough < using voice, lying on right side, evening untill midnight, exertion. EXPECTORATION: - - SWEET OR SALTY TASTE. Putrid. Offensive. Profuse. CHEST: - - WEAK, EMPTY FEELING, < USING THE VOICE, E XERTION. - Asthma. Bronchitis. Pneumonia. Tuberculosis. - Stitching pain in left side of chest, < stooping, inspiration, expectoration, lying left side. EXTREMITIES: - - WEAKNESS. Drops things. Legs give out. - Jerks and spasms. Cramps. - - Typewriters' paralysis. - Weakness and pain in deltoid and arm, < using voice. SKIN: - - Discoloration: yellowish copper. PERSPIRATION: - - Exhausting night-sweats (Tub), < towards morning. SLEEP: - - Position: one leg drawn up, the other stretched out.

Staphisagria = Delphinium staphisagria (Staph) Cauza: umilinta/ Suprimare /operatie/rani de cutite i obiecte taioase Complementar: Agar. Aur. Berlin Wall (= C). Cars. Caus. Cocc. Coloc (= A). Con. Hyos (= A). Hydr. Meli. Lach. Nat-hcls. Ph-ac. Puls. Sulph. Syph. Tuabe (= An). Thuj. *Coloc - Caust - Staph* *Caus - Coloc - Staph* *Meny. - Bry. - Nux-v. - Verat. - Staph.* (Constipatie) Urmeaza bine: Berb. Carb-an. Cham. Hep. Lach. Merc. Olnd. Tarax. Verat. Viol-t.

Urmat bine de: Calc. Fl-ac. Ign. Kali-c. Lyc. Med. Merc. Nat-m. Nux-v. Rhus-t. Sel. Stram. Incompatibil cu: Ran-b. Antidoteaza: Ambra. Cocc. Coloc. Dig: Merc. Nit-ac. Ph-ac. Ran. Tax. Thuj. Ter. Trom. Tab. Verat. Muscaturi de tantari (= Culx) Antidotat de: Ambra. Camph. Abuz de Mercur sau . Thuj. Efect: 20 - 30 zile, se repeta rar, Coleric/sanguinic/melancolic/ phoisphorisch/ringwormoid/malarial/tifoid/ sifilitic/ psoric/ sicotic

Planta : Iarba porcilor

Nevroze, Prurit, Orjelet, alazion, Cistite Hipersensibilitate neexteriorizat . Tulbur ri de caracter: Tulbur ri de caracter, depresie, nevroz dup vexa ie, indignare, nedreptate suferit sau resim it , susceptibilitate extrem . Tulbur ri cutanate: Prurit care migreaz n urma gratajului. Dureri post-operatorii la nivelul pl gilor chirurgicale deschise (de bisturiu). alazion - orjelet recidivante. Tulbur ri uro-genitale: Cistalgii cu urin limpede. Cistite ale femeii tinere (proasp t c s torit ). Tulbur ri urinare ale sarcinii care este dificil suportat . Agravare: la indignare, mnie, vexa ie, la cea mai mic atingere a regiunilor afectate. STAPHYSAGRIA (staph.) * SUPPRESSION OF EMOTIONS. MIND: - - Ailments from INdignation/MORtification/romantic DISappointments Suppression of emotions, anger, grief. History of abuse, incest. - GENTLE, SWEET and MILD persons. Sensibil to rudeness. Unable to fight own rights. - Very considerate of others. Not demanding. - Reluctant to give information. Doesn't want to be a burden. - SELFLESS. Never egotistical, harsh or proud. - No bitterness. Blames herself instead of others. - ROMANTIC and SEXUAL FANCIES before falling asleep. Masturbation. Can go to lasciviousness. - Timid when they feel attracted to someone. Romantic vulnerability. - Depression. - - Suppressed anger can give outbursts of temper. ANGER with THROWING, usually not at persons. Trembling from anger. - Later stage: excessive irritability, destructive. Very excitable. - - Talk to themselves. - Vanishing of thoughts on mental exertion with sensation of wood or ball in head . Difficult concentration. Forgetfulness. - - Fear high places. GENERALITIES: - - << afternoon nap/anger/indignation/grief/mortification. - < Morning on waking/Masturbation, sexual excesses/Least touch of affected parts. - Complaints after surgery, cuts. - Wounds do not heal easily. Damaged tissue becomes indurated. - Hard tumors, chronic indurations, especially in sexual organs. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: Sweets, milk. - - Aversiune: Fat, milk. - - <: Milk. HEAD: - - SENSATION of a BALL or WOODEN BLOCK in forehead or occiput (Irid. Kali-n). Numb or hollow sensations. - Head pain from suppressed emotions; < coition, masturbation. - Eruptions. Loss of hair, < about ears and occiput. EYE: - - STYES which leave small hardened spots. - Photophobia. Iritis. - - Lacerated or incised wounds. TEETH: - - PREMATURE DECAY, in children. - - Black and crumbling. FACE: - - Neuralgia. Pain from lips over face. - - Twitchings. THROAT: - - SWALLOWS OR SCRAPES CONSTANTLY while talk ing. STOMACH: - - Nausea after operation. BELLY: - - Ailments from abdominal operations. - - Colic from anger, from surgery. BLADDER: - - CYSTITIS aster every intercourse/honeymoon. - Ailments after catheter, lithotomy. PROSTATE: - - Enlarged. - - Prostatitis, pain from anus to urethra. Cancer. MALE GENITALIA: - - MASTURBATION. Masturbate till falls asleep at night. - Impotency when confronted or after excess. - - Condylomata painful on touch.

- Orchitis, < left. - - Induration, tumors of testes. - - Atrophy of testes, < sexual excess. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - MASTRUBATION. Frigid when confronted. - Cysts and tumors. Cancer. - - Painful sensitiveness of organs, < sitting. - Amenorrhea from indignation. - Ailments after FIRST INTERCOURSE which is very painful causing suffering. LARYNX: - - Loss of voice after anger. COUGH: - - Nervous or emotional cough. - - Chronic hacking cough. EXTREMITIES: - - TREMBLING from anger. - - CHOREA. SLEEP: - - Sleepy all day, sleepless at night, body aches all over. - Sleeplessness from romantic or sexual fancies. Masturbates to fall asleep. DREAMS: - - Amorous dreams with seminal emissions. SKIN: - - Itching. Changing place on scratching. - PSORIASIS after GRIEF, SUPPRESSED EMOTIONS. - Cut wounds don't heal. Unhealthy skin. - - Oversensitive spots. Ulcers, scars, warts extremely sensitive. Touch may give convulsions.

Sticta (Stict) Negativ: A. vorbeste cu toti i despre tot ( i atunci cand nu este ascultat), B. Da mereu aerul pe nas cu galagie, Nasa f r secretie C. Raceala coboara = tuse uscata/bronsita D. Ca i cum pluteste. E. Senzatie greoaie, surda la radacina nasului
Nervos/ f r somn, tuse (uscata) neincetata, senzatie de plutire in picioare > exudatii i expectoratii Antidotat de : Ip. Complementar: Act-sp. Bry. Urmat bine: Calc. Calc-f. STICTA PULMONARIA (stict.) * Respiratory and rheumatic complaints. MIND: - - Great desire to talk. Doesn't care if anyone listened. - - Hysteria, must lie down. - Very lively. Felt as if she could to fly. - - Dullness with coryza. GENERALITIES: - - < Wet weather/Sudden change of temperature/night/Lying down. - > Open air/Least discharge. HEAD: - - Headache with DULL PRESSURE in FOREHEAD, at ROOT of NOSE. - CATARRHAL HEADACHE before discharge APPEARS (Hydr/Kali-bi). NOSE: - - Fullness ar root of nose - - Dryness with scabs , < seara and night. - Constant INCLINATION to blow nose NO DISCHARGE. - CHRONIC OBSTRUCTION. Sinusitis. - - Hayfever. Incessant sneezing (Squil). LARYNX/TRACHEA: - - Tracheitis. ---COUGH: - - Dry, hacking, < lying down, evening and at night, inspiration, when tired Loose in the morning. CHEST: - - Bronchial catarrh with nervous and rheumatic complaints. BACK: - - Stiffness and rheumatic pain of neck, ext. to shoulders. EXTREMITIES: - - Chorea-like spasms. - - Legs feel as if floating. - RHEUMATIC PAINS with stiffness procede catarrhal symptoms. - Rheumatic pain of right shoulder and arm. - 'Housemaid's knee'. Shooting pains in knees. - Red spots of inflammation on affected joint. - Inflammation of bursae. - - Inflammation at root of fingernails. SLEEP: - - Sleeplessness from cough, nervousness, after surgical operations, from injuries, accidents; child must be rocked.

Stramonium datura (Stram)

f r centru Cauza: sperietura/ Suprimare Acut: febra f r durere/hectica/injura/vrea s fuga/deliriu/frica de intuneric, stat singur, straini crampe/gat uscat + sete + nu simte nevoia s bea / fata rosie, membre reci, urina foarte putina Copil: violent/atacuri de manie (musca, inteapa intentionat) vrea s omoare i s raneasca, vorbeste despre atacuri de furie precedente f r cainta/distant/ frica (de stat singur, intuneric, sileste parintii s stea cu el pana a adormit /frica de caini, de apa, doarme cu lumina aprinsa, cosmarurile se continua dupa ce a adormit, vorbeste mult, i plac ritualele pentru a supune frica, irascibil i agresiv, hiepractiv, se tine agatat de mama,

scrasneste din dinti noaptea. SETE. < Lumina, apa, lucuri lucioase.

Pozitiv: Vesel/ activ i plin de viata/ Putere/face pe clovnul/ascultator/are grija de altii Negativ: A. Violenta care face frica (+ balbaiala) + pierdut cand este singur, B. Crampe/TEAMA [intuneric/Apa/Violenta/Animale, Caini/ singur/de a fi parasit/Tunele/camere inchise C. < Intuneric + > Lumina, D. < singur + > societate, E. Panica, F. Vorbeste neincetat, G. Vrea s fie tinut i se tine de (mama), H. Afectiuni dar f r dureri/senzatie neplacuta, I. Vazut dublu K. SUDOARE, L. Durere de cap + Afectiuni la creier + frunte cu riduri, M. SuGHIT;
Complementar: Apis. Bell. Borx. Calc. Cham (= A). Cupr-act. Kali-br. Med. Nux-v. Plat. Sol-t-ae. Sulph. Tarent. Verat. *Stram - Puls - Aur* Urmeaza bine: Bry. Coloc. Con. Cupr. Glon. Hyos. Lach. Lyc. Lyss. Nux-m. Staph. Verb. Urmat bine de: Acon. Ars. Bry. Calad. Caus. Cean. Con. Cupr. Hyos. Lyc. Lyss. Nux-m. Op. Puls. Pyrog. Sacch. Sec (cand Stram nu- i face efectul). Verat. Zinc. Incompatibil cu: Coff. Antidoteaza: Bell. Cit-l. Cupr. Dor. Hyos. Lyss. Merc. Nux-v. Op. Phos. Plb. Puls. Sec. Tab. Monoxid de carbon Antidotat de: Acet-ac. Bell. Camph. Cit-l. Coff. Hyos. Merc. Nux-v. Op. Plb. Puls. Senn. Menta.Acid citric. Tutun. Acizi din plante. Otet. Otravire: Acet-ac.(Otet), Ceai din coaja de stejar. Nux-v. Tab. Efect: rapid/ acut/plethorisch/tifoid/psoric/sifilitic/sicotic/tuberculin Otravitor STRAMONIUM (stram.) * VIOLENCE. MIND: - - VIOLENCE and TEAMA of violence - - A subconscious, dark element. - Intens emotions leading to violence: out of control, sudden anger. Can be destructive with striking, biting, tearing, smashing. - On the other hand EMOTIONAL VULNERABILITY. Fear of beinginjured. Delusion is alone in the wilderness. Forsaken feeling. - STRONG FEARS AT NIGHT. WAKE WITH TERROR, wild look in the eyes. Half awake, half dreaming. - - Child wants to sleep with the parents. - Often seen in people without violent behaviour, but with FEARS - FEARS: DARK (sleeps with light on), WATER (deep, dark), reflecting surface, running water, Death, cemetries, ANIMALS, esp. dogs (that might attack), Being alone (< noaptea), VIOLENCE, CLAUSTROFOBIA, TUNNELS. MENTAL CONDITIONS, mania, psychosis with violent behavior, increased strength . Delusions, e.g. of black dogs. Talking in a foreign language. - Delirium with febrile conditions. - - Jealous, threatens to kill. - Children: Behavior disorders. Can appear very quiet during consultation. - AILMENTS after FRIGHT, from SUPPRESSED ANGER. GENERALITIES: - - SPASMS, CONVULSIONS, CHOREA. Tics. Jerks. Distortions. - Neuro-muscular conditions. - - Epileptie: < light, looking at bright or reflecting objects. - Febrile convulsions, delirium. - Ailments from fright, suppressed anger, head injury, vaccination, fever, cerebral accident. - << dark - < Looking into light. - >> light/cCompany, warmth. - Painlessness of complaints usually painful. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Aversiune: WATER. VERTIGO: - - In the dark or with eyes closed. HEAD: - - Jerking of the head. - - CONGESTION (Glon). Pulsation. - Pain from occiput to head, < sun, heat, lying, motion, > sitting up. - Meningitis. Encephalitis. From suppressed otitis. EYE: - - PHOTOMANIA. - - Dilated pupils. - Strabismus. Diplopia. - - Paralysis of optic nerve. - - All objects look black. EAR: - - Hallucinations of hearing. FACE: - - Expression of terror. - - Distorted. Tics. Jerks. - - One side hot, the other cold. - Heat of face with cold hands and feet. MOUTH: - - Violent STAMMERING: big struggle to get the word out. TEETH: - - Grinding of teeth. THROAT: - - Spasms on swallowing. Constriction.

EXTERNAL THROAT: - - Torticollis. REKTUM: - - Dark, painless, involuntary, offensive Diaree. BLADDER: - - Retention of urine < old people. - - Enuresis after fright. MALE GENITALIA: - - Desire increased. - - Hands constantly kept on genitals (Hyos). FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Desire increased. Nymphomania. < before menses. - Hands constantly kept on genitals (Hyos). - Metrorrhagia; with loquacity, singing, praying. - Puerperal mania. Convulsions after labor. RESPIRATION: - - Suffocation when water is poured on head. - Nervous, spasmodic asthma. COUGH: - - BARKING. DEEP. LOUD (Bell). - From looking into bright light or fire. BACK: - - Opisthotones. EXTREMITIES: - - CONVULSIONS, SPASMS, CHOREA, JERKS. - Graceful, rythmic, involuntary motions. - - Coldness with heat of face. - Severe pain left hip. Hip-joint disease. Absces of left hip joint. - Hemiplegia with convulsions in the unparalysed parts. SKIN: - - Chronic abscesses, boils; septic states with spasms. - - Dry and burning.

Strophantus gratus
Ce este Strophantin? (sursa : Strophantin a fost descoperit in anul 1859 in Afrika, din intamplare, a fost preparat in Anglia, a fost analizat in Franta si a fost utilizat pentru prima oara cu succes in Germania de Profesorul Fraenkel sub forma de Injektii intravenoase. Seful lui Fraenkels era Professor von Krehl. Dupa acestia mai sunt inca numite doua clinice renumite din Heidelberg si Badenweiler ca si multe premii din medicina.

Atunci cand in anul 1924 Profesorul Edens, Ordinarius la Universitatea de Medicina din Dsseldorf leadovedit colegilor sai experientele extraordinare ale remediul Strophantin la aghina pectorala si la infarct, el a recoltat nu numai laude si mirare ci si indoiala si sceptica. Un lucru normal in medicina si stiinta, mai ales daca ne gandim cat de rau a fost tratat Semmelweiss, ca fundatorul igienii, de colegii sai pe vreamea aceea. Profesorul Edens a spus Faptul ca Strophantin nu este folosit inca se poate considera o greseala medicinala. Pana in 1975 Strophantin a fost folosit intravenos cu mare succes in toate spitalele si multi doctori in varsta cunosc bine efectul acestei substante. Chiar si preparatele orale care s-au produs din anul 1947 arata efecte nemaipomenite. Desi pana in ziua de azi Strophantina este una din cele mai bune remedii pentru boli de inima fara efecte secundare, medicina din ziua de azi spune ca nu are efect, ca este otravitoare si ca exista ceva mai bun. 97 la suta din doctorii care au folosit Strophantin remarca o eficienta extrem de mare, restul de 3 la suta fac inca remarci pozitive desi nu sunt convinsi. Profesorul de farmacologie Hamlyn, cat si mai tarziu Professor Schoner si altii au arata incepand din 1991 ca substanta nu este nu numai o substanta dintr-o planta exotica, care in cantitate mare este otravitoare, ci este produsa in corpul oricarui mamifer,, si deci si al omului in cantitati mici In aceste cantitati mici actioneaza ca un hormon si are influenta asupra regulatiei electrilitilor din celulele muschiului inimi , ale tensiunii, ale utilizarii oxigenului in situatie de stres si la eliminarea de substante din corp ca urmare a metabolismului Strophanthin actioneaza pozitiv in concentratii mici pentru ca deschide pompa de sodiu-potasiu care eset prezenta in peretii oricarei celule. In concentratii mari Strophantin impiedica acesata pompa. Pentru descoperirea pompei de sodiu-potasiu din anul 1950 danezul Skou a primit in anul1997 premiul Nobel. Substantele date de medici in cazul bolilor de inima (Digitalis) impedica tocmai functionarea aceste pompe

din orice celula. Strophantin imbunatateste functionarea pumpei si ajuta la eliminarea acizilor din celula. Remediul Strophantin se poate obtine ca pastile, ca injectii si in doze homeopate (Dilutia D4 sau CH3, CH4) Strophantin se poate procura ca medicament de la Firma Meda sub numele de Strodival Vorbiti cu doctorul dumneavosatra sa va prescrie acest remediu chiar ca Placebo daca nu merge altfel. Acest lucru este posibil (in Gemania).

= semanator cu Apoc/= Dig + rapid + sistolic

Negativ: A. Buze rosii , B. Puls raoid /incet , C. Asteptare cu tensiune, D. Afectiuni + Apasare in piept
Gras, teama de lovituri de soarta, vorbeste incet, + puls rapid/congestie catre cap/#congestie catre inima/ pupile dilatate, +pulile miscorate rapid (dureri de cap), doreste cafea,

Agravare: < Intuneric Ameliorare > lumina soarelui. Afectiuni : INIMA ( fibrilatii + respiratie adanca) + Stomac/Edeme Afectiuni cardice si de circulatie/FRICA ; Repertorium: General Retentie de apa (interior/exterior) de la boli de inima General - Tutun < General Mancarui si bauturi - <: ceai/alcoool Doreste: Bere Aversiune : Alcooll General Slabicune (dupa orice exces)/Durerea se intinde catre sus General Secretii din mucoase marite General Zvacniri exterioare/Lesin (de la durere) General Convulsii General - Arterioscleroza/ Anemie General Efort fizic graveaza Piele - Urticaria lesend Membre Durere in brate - oase/dreapta Piept - Edem la plaman Piept - Palpitatii (neurocirkulatorische Astenie/cu teama)/Afectiuni la inima Scaun - Stropeste//Stomac Voma Gat exterior - Gusa - Basedow//Fata culoare rosie, pete Vazut - Diplopie, vazut dublu ( in timpul durerilor de cap) Durere de cap : la frunte (la radacina parului / se intinde catre tample) Ameteala - Pubertate/la batrani Fire idei nebune Fire vorbaret, palavragiu copii vorbesc ca batrani destepti Fire - teama de lovituri de soarta Fire Precose Fire Alcoolism Complementar: Ars. Ars-i. Crat. Kali-c. Laur. Nat-f. Urmeaza bine: Ferr. Urmat bine de: Apoc. Asper. Cupr-ar. Ferr. Helon. Laur. Incompatibil : Dig, Alcool (si tincturi care contin alcool/Febra, luat timp indelungat ( se acumuleaza ) Antidoteaza: Dig:, Alcohol. Tab. Thea. Efect flegmatic

SULPHUR IODATUM (Sul-i.) Sulphur iodatum Sul-i. Sulfura de iod aspect macroscopic pulbere cristalin , de culoare cenu iu nchis, negricios. Sulfur-ul blnd , corespunznd miasmei tuberculinice. Combina ie ntre Sulf i Iod Combina ie ntre dou remedii cu ac iune profund , ambele calde, Sul-I prezint intoleran pronun at la c ldur , cu ameliorare la rece (iarna) Tropism : piele (erup ii pustuloase, eczema umede, prurit), mucoase (secre ii abundente, prelungite), sistem ganglionar, vascular (bufeuri, congestie cefalic , pletor )

Caracteristici: Boli de piele persistente, specific : foliculita b rbii, acnee. erup ie pustuloas buz superioar eritem al b rbiei Acnee supurat Eczem acut , zemuind - keynote ro u nchis, edem, zemuind , prurit intens Hipertrofie nedureroas a glandelor, cu infiltrarea esuturilor, indura ie i ngro are postinflama ie. Sl biciune, ca dup grip . Prosta ie, sl bit. Senza ie de c ldur arz toare intern, cu r ceal extern . Secre ii acide, g lbui. Degetele devin albe, insensibile Supura ie- favorizeaz reabsorb ia Mental Evit efortul (team de efort). Nehot rt. Gr bit, agitat, trist. Incapabil de munc . Speriat la trezire. Agita ie noaptea. Tresare la trezire. Cap Senza ie: p rul este ridicat (erect). Ca i cum este strns din lateral de o menghin Durere : > asfin it. Lateral & vertigo. < prinderea p rului, ajunare, nainte i n timpul menstrei, camer nc lzit . Vederea Zigzag-uri. Nas Mucus verde n narine. Excoria ia n rilor. Sim ul mirosului acutizat. Fa a Parotide hipertrofice post-parotidit . Erup ie papular . Acnee supurat . Gur Limba ngro at , glazurat , dup inflama ie. Uscat .

Din i Senza ie de din i moi, acoperi i cu puf moale.

Gt Uvula i amigdalele m rite i ro ii. Edema iate. Durere, usc ciune la degluti ie. Hipertrofie cronic a amigdalelor Mncare, b utur Apetit crescut la copiii cu sc dere n greutate (marasmus) Durere de cap agravat ajunnd. Anorexie. Sete. Dorin pentru: acru, mur turi, limonad . Stomac Senza ie de tremur tur n epigastru, la efort. C ldur n epigastru. Gol n epigastru. Abdomen Ganglioni mezenterici m ri i. Rect Constipa ie refractar . Scaun galben deschis, urt mirositor. C ldur

i prurit anal, flatus, hemoroizi.

Urinar Urin purulent , cantitativ redus , nisip maro. Miros de zmeur . Stricturp post-gonoree, mic iune dureroas , cu jet spiralat. Genital B rba i: durere surd , prostat . Arsur la cap tul distal, penis. Hidrocel la copii. Femei menstre neregulate. Leucoree abundent , agrav nainte i dup menstr . Respira ie Asmatic , raluri, sufocant . Astm alergic cu str nuturi, catar Tuse Spasmodic , agrav diminea a Sput verzuie, purulent , abundent , vscoas , galben . (Kali-bi.) Torace Senza ie de constric ie, pleurezie. Erup ie cutanat Inim Senza ie de c ldur (Rhod.) Durere sfredelitoare, asociat cu dispnee. Palpita ii Membre inferioare T lpile sunt dureroase, cu senza ie de arsur cnd st n picioare. (Merc., Carb-v) Labele transpirate i reci noaptea, n pat. Somn Somnoros ziua, neastmp r noaptea / (Staph). Somn neodihnitor, doarme cu gura deschis , se treze te speriat. Vise : Confuze Piele Prurit urechi, nas, uretr Pustule gt. Acnee. Pruritul de b rbier. Lichen plan. Erup ie pruriginoas antebra e. Eczem acut , cu pielea de culoare rosu nchis, edem i prurit sever.

P rul de pe membre st ridicat (Irid-met)

Modalit i Agravare: Efort, chiar minim. C ldur . Intins pe partea dreapt . nainte de furtun . Noaptea. La aplecare. Amelioare : aer rece, ortostatism, expectora ie, iarna Tipologie Copii slabi, agita i, se mi c cu grab , ns obosesc repede Sunt c lduro i, prezint facies adenoidian, cu ro e i localizate dup efort/emo ie Clinic: poliadenopatii, frecvent laterocervicale, dure m t nii, vegeta ii adenoidiene i/sau hipertrofie amigdalian . Amigdale: m rite, criptice, cu depozite de fibrin Transpir u or, mai ales la cap i mai ales noaptea Clinic : hidrocel. Adultul - c lduros, senza ia de c ldur intern , transpir u or, iese la aer i r ce te (!) Nelini te interioar , pare mereu gr bit. Are senza ie de c ldur intern concomitent cu cea de r ceal extern . Nu suport c ldura, iar mi carea (nc lze te !) l agraveaz , de i o dore te ca urmare a nelini tii interioare. Secre iile sunt acide (leucoreea, transpira iile) Pielea sensibil , uscat , cu tendin la supura ie (pustule, abcese, furuncule) Patologie : tendin e tuberculinice : cataruri simple pneumonii, pleurezii, tuberculoz . Pierde n greutate n ciuda unui apetit crescut (Iod), cu stare de sl biciune-oboseal general mai accentuat la 11 am (Sulf) Frecvent copil / adolescent, uneori adult cu stare pronun at de slabiciune Dorin puternic de aer proasp t (Iod), ns r ce te u or Senza ie de c ldur . Picioarele ard (Sulf), ns n pat sunt reci (dg. dif. Sulf) Hipertrofia amigdalelor cu adenopatii multiple. Rinofaringite, otite recurente Bron it cu tuse violent , asfixiant acumulare mucozit i vscoase, dificil de eliminat Eczem cronic , mai ales umed , pruriginoas , agrav. la c ldur
Acnee a spatelui i frun ii Modalit i Agravare : c ldur Diminea a, spre 11 am Ameliorare : aer proasp t Expectora ie Complementare : Acut : Phosphorus tri iodatus, Arsenicum tri iodatus, Pulsatilla Cronic : Silicea, Natrum muriaticum, Aviare, Tuberculinum Clinic : Acneea punctata (chiste reten ie glande sebacee puncte albe), eczem acut (cu exudat abundent) , pruritul de b rbier. Urechi, acufene. Gonoree. Rinit alergic . Grip . Rinichi, dureri. Lichen plan. Buz superioar , erup ii. Parotid , hipertrofie. Prostat . Scalp, usturimi. Coloan vertebral , sl biciune. Uretr , strictur . Limb , ngro are. Amigdale, hipertrofie cronic .

Sulphur lotum (Sulph)

Sulful este tipul: emigrantul in vestul salbatic, guru, pionier, autodicat, vanator de fuste, excentric, filozof, geniu, doctor homeopat Cauza: Suprimari de orice fel Complementar: Acon (Sulph = C wie Calc zu Bell). Aesc-h (= An). Aeth. All-c. Aloe. (= vegetabiles An). Am-c. Anac. Ant-c. Ant-t. Apis. Arg-n. Arn. Ars. Aur. Bad. Bar-c. Bell. Berb. Bov. Brom. Bry (Sulph = C). Cact. Calc. Calc-f. Calc-p. Caps. Carb-v. Card-m. Cann-i. Cann-s. Canth. Caps. Cars. Caus. Chel. Chin. Cic. Cina. Coll. Cor-r. Croc. Crot-t. Daph-o. Dig. Dros. Dulc. Equis. Euphr. Ferr. Ferr-p. Fl-ac. Glon. Gnaph. Graph. Ign. Iod. Ip. Iris. Kali-bi. Kali-br. Kreos. Lach. Led. Lept. Lyc (= A). Mag-c. Maland. Med. Meli. Merc. Mez. Micro. Morg. Morg-p. Myric. Nat-m.Nit-ac + Nux v (Sulph = C). Op. Oscilloc. Oci-s. Ox-ac.

Parathyr. Petr. Ph-ac. Phos. Plb. Podo. Psor (+ i este frig + trist + cnd S. nu- i face efectul). Puls (Sulph = C). Pyrar. Pyrog (= An). Rat. Rheum. Rhus-t. Ruta. Sabin. Sang. Sel. Sep. Sil. Solid. Staph. Staphycoc. Stram. Streptoc. Sul-i. Syph. Thuj. Thyr. Tub. Tub-d. Urt-u. Ust. Valer. Verat-v. Visc. Zinc. Toti serpii.

*Ars - Carb-v - Kali-c - Sulph* *Cham - Hep - Sulph* *Sulph - Ars* *Sulph - Calc - Lyc* *Sulph - Calc - Sil * *Sulph - Sars - Sep*

*Bell - Hep - Sulph* (Otitis) *Nux-v. - Sep. - Sulph.* (Autointoxication) *Sulph - Calc - Lyc - Led - Ther* *Sep - Sulph* *Sulph - Calc - Sel* *Merc - Hep - Sulph* *All c - Phos - Sulph* *Sep - Sil - Sulph* *Acon - Sulph - Psor* *Sulph - Calc - Lyc - Sulph*

Urmeaza bine: remedii acute". Multe remedii Urmat bine de: Multe remedii Intermediar: Calc. Carb-v. Cars. Hep. Kreos. Merc. Nux-v. Op. Psor. Puls. Scir. Sul-i. Tub (la recovalescenta) Incompatibil cu: dimineata nu se da Calc + Merc inainte de Sulph/ Lyc nu dupa Sulph. Aur-m. Kali-c. Nit-ac. Nux-m. Puls. Ran-b (Asthma). Rhus-t. Thuj. Apa cu sulf. Tb. (numai la inceputul bolii + rar)./depuneri tuberculoase, Inflamatie la urechi/Scleroza/apa cu sulf/Cafea/la insomnie se da numai dimineata. Antidoteaza: Acon. Aln. Aloe. Alumn. Anthraci. Apis. Arg-n. Ars. Act-t. Calc. Caps. Chin. Chinin-s. Cinnb. Coff. Colch. Con. Cop. Crot-t. Cupr. Ferr. Guan. Guai. Hipp. Hydr-c. Hyper. Iod. Kali-bi. Kali-br. Kali-i. Kali-m. Kali-p. Lin-c. Merc. Mez. Morph. Miorph-act. Nat-m. Nat-s. Nit-ac. Nux-v. Olnd. Op. Paris. Phyt. Plb. Podo. Puls. Pyrog. Rhus-t. Sars. Sep. Sil. Stry. Stry-n. Tab. Thuj. Tub. Vacc. Valer. Afectiuni cauzate de ingurgitarea de metale. Utilizarea de aloe vera pentru scaun. Urmari ale carbunilor. Prevenitor de febra/malaria, Antidotat de: Acon. Aloe. Apis. Ars. Ars-i. Camph. Caus. Cham. Chin. Coff. Con. Crot-t. Ferr. Hyper. Iod. Lach. Merc. Nat-m. Nat-ars. Nux-v. Puls. Rhus-t. Sel. Sep. Sil. Sol-v. Syph Thuj. X-Ray. Sel (dupa utiolizarea de Sulph la mancarime). Rani de la sulf care arde: Elec. Abuz de sulf: Puls. Sel. Efect: 40 - 60 zile coleric/flegmatic/sanguinic/stenisch/melancolic/tifoid/leproid/ringwormoid/malarial/ carbonitrogenoid/ hydrogenoid/sicotic/ sifilitic/ psoric/ tuberkuilin/ numai pe o parte + doarme poe partea stanga

Element: Sulf
Este remediul homeopat cu gama cea mai larga si cel mai bine cunoscut. Ajuta la eliminarea toxinelor si dupa tratamente cu medicamente (cortizon, antibiotice). Remediu necesar sau ajutator la orice boala cronica. Multe boli, n special cronice se pot trata cu alte remedii de abia dupa cateva doze de sulfur. Ajuta la multe boli de piele, articulatii, afectiuni ale ficatului, vena pforta, intestine, glande, circulatia sangelui, infectii si slabirea sistemului imunitar. Simptomele se inrautatesc de la: lapte, dulciuri, la ora 11.00, vreme, haine care tin cald, pat cald, bai, vaccine, hemoroizi, suprimarea bolilor, luna plina, vorbit, climateriu. Simptomele se imbunatatesc de la : are proaspat, transpiratie, vreme uscata, miscare, mers, intins pe partea stanga, tragerea membrului afectat catre corp. Temperament: copilaros, prost, arogant, egoist, plin de fantazie, inventiv, filozof, fanatic, lenes de miscare si lucru, memorie slaba pt. cele vorbite i pt numele persoanelor, manios la greselile lui, plange fara motiv i la climateriu Tipic pentru temperamentul sulfur este ca nu suporta hainele stranse, calduroare, are mult caldura n el ( element de foc), se dezveleste noapte, nu ii place caldura prea mare sau are aversiune chiar de ea. Cerinta de dulciuri. Se plange ca mananca dulciuri. Foame continua care il obliga sa manance des sau la ore ciudate. Daca nu mananca il iau des durerile de cap. Dezgust pt. vin, ii place de multe ori berea. Laptele i

fainoasele nu-i fac bine. Sulful este tipul: emigrantul in vestul salbatic, guru, pionier, autodicat, vanator de fuste, excentric, filozof, geniu, (doctor) homeopat

Solutia: pozitiv: lucreaza pentru grupul de societate/ se descurca singur negativ: lenes, lasa pe altii s lucreze Simptome acute: buze rosii/ picioare desculte/cauta racorire/transpiratia miroase/sete/diaree/bronsita/hepatita Ajuta: baut de lichide/post indelungat/evitarea fainoaselor A. nas racit/caldura din incaperi infunda nasul/nasul curge la aer liber B. secretie nazala arzatoare/acida/lipicoasa/galbena verde C. cere bauturi calde D. tuse uscata noaptea/ziua lejera/dupa sculat expectoratie albicioasa/ secretie groasa E. cere bauturi calde /f r apetit F. mai bine la aer liber/este cald Declansator: Infierbanteala/bauturi incingatoare (alcool)/ lipsa de miscare; Copii: iubeste berea/impotrivnic/se cearta, curios/ entuziasmat de idea sau hobby-ul sau/darnic/murdar/ mananca lucruri murdare sau muci sau mult i este slab/sef de clasa/crede ca stie totul/nu deune efort caci crede ca stie/nu asculta de sfaturi/fata i buzele rosii/nu vrea s se culce sau s faca baie/somn usor/teama s nu ia boli contagioase/sete/pofta de mncare Pozitiv: inalt i subtire /solid, curios, inresat de stiinta i de toate/optimist/isi imparte bucuriile i cunoasterea cu altii/umor/liberal/intelectual/rapid/activ/tacut/retras/respect fata de traditii/nu este conservativ/iubeste natura/se orienteaza la viitor/adaptabil/f r teama/sigur de sine/povesteste cu placere/face usor prieteni/se retrage repede Negativ: A. egoist/cei place aia ramne placut B. teoretizeaza/vrea s stie lucrurile metafizice/filozof/nu se vede pe sine/cocheteaza C. sange cald dar cu frig in anumite parti ale corpului i are nevoie de aer liber, miscarea in are liber i face foarte bine, caldura i face rau D. exudatii rau mirositoare i acide E. cere dulciuri/mirodenii, bea mult i mananca putin F. mancarime la anus G. baia i face rau i nu i place, murdar, locurile murdare nu i fac bine H. sange impartin neechilibrat in corp/cap fierbinte i picioare reci/gaurile coroului sunt rosii I. Arsuri + mancarime K. statul in pcioare i face rau, intinsul i sezutul i face bine/trebuie s se plimbe prin camera/ sezutul il face f r putere/coloana f r vlaga L. Trebuie s se scoale dimineata din cauza nevoii de scaun Typ A = Asemanator cu Barium carbonicum + incredere in sine, solid/activ/lenes/lent/practic/incet/versat tehnic/idealist/puternic/nu este intelectual/visator/se sacrifica/cu picioarele pe pamant/ materialist/nu-l intereseaza lucrurile exterioarem materiale/are nevoie de recunoastere/student bun,/are pararea ca barbatul castiga banii si femeia face restul Typ A a. lejer/prietenos/pozitiv/ochi stralucitori Typ A b. = Asemanator cu Nat-muriaticum dar f r griji /= asemanator cu Tuberculinum, cu incredere in sine/agresiv/ingust la minte/femeie inchistata Typ A c. = barbat, bun la afaceri/practic/lucreaza cu placere/soldat/aventurier/marinar/mestesugar Typ A d: escroc/aventurier+ alcoolic + i pare rau dupa aceea, darnic + prieten criminal Tip B: filozof/cauta cauzele/ale multe intrebari absurde/idei noi/slabut/elegant imbracat/artist/intelectual/nerabdator/nelinistit/teoretician/se iubeste pe sine, face baie rar insa e sensibil la mirosuri, Typ B a: Ganditor/Om de stiinta/inventator/se descurca singur in timpuri rele, briliant la lucru + cineva

cu cafre e greu de trait Tip B b: Romantic; Tip C. Filozof aerian/cu lipsa de realism/isi neglijeaza familia i pe el insusi Typ D: Sulfur plin de frici Typ E: = Asemanator cu Lachesis vorbeste repede i cu mila de sine, da vina la altii. Cei mai in varsta Sulfur sunt egocentrici, le este frica s fie condamnati, slabi,ososi i slabi

Cauze de boli: Suprimarea bolilor de orice fel (medicamente, antibiotice, cortizon) SYMPTOMS.
1. Mind. Melancholy and sadness, with grieving ideas; uneasiness respecting the patient's own condition and prospects, and about business affairs, so as to become exceedingly unhappy, disgusted with life, and even to despair of eternal salvation. Egoistic. Dwells on religious or philosophical speculations; anxiety about soul's salvation; indifference about lot of others. Vexatious and morbid ideas of the past arise and cannot be got rid of. Hypochondriac mood (through the day, in evening he is inclined to be merry). Strong tendency to weep, and frequent weeping, alternating sometimes with involuntary laughter. Disconsolate humour, with scruples of conscience, even with respect to the most innocent actions. Fits of anguish, esp. in evening; timidity and great tendency to be frightened. Precipitation, restlessness, and impatience. Peevishness; childish peevishness in grown people. Ill-humour, moroseness, quarrelsome disposition, disposition to criticise, and dislike to conversation. Irritability, disposition to anger and passion. Great indolence and repugnance to all exertion, both mental and bodily. Too lazy to rouse himself up, and too unhappy to live. Indecision, awkwardness (at his work), inadvertence, anthropophobia, with feeling of giddiness. Stupidity and imbecility, with difficulty in understanding and in answering correctly. In afternoon, stupefied state after a glass of wine. Great weakness of memory, chiefly for proper names. Misplaces or cannot find the proper word when he speaks. Mistakes as to time, thinks it earlier than it is; at vesper bell (7 p.m.) insists it is only 5 p.m., quite angry when one attempts to convince her of her error. Forgetfulness of that which is about to be uttered. Great flow of ideas, for the most part sad and unpleasant, but sometimes gay, and interspersed with musical airs. Strong tendency to religious and philosophical reveries, with fixed ideas. Incoherent speech. Mania, with a settled idea of having all things in abundance, possessing beautiful things, &c. Delirium, with carphologia. Errors respecting objects, a hat is mistaken for a bonnet, a rag for a handsome gown, &c. Foolish happiness and pride; fantastic illusions of the intellect, esp. if one turns everything into beauty, as an old rag or stick looks to be a beautiful piece of workmanship; everything looks pretty which the patient takes a fancy to. Melancholia and epilepsy, with strong impulsive tendency to suicide by drowning or leaping from window; five fits a day with at times two hours of unconsciousness, always < during menses (Sul. 10m cured). SULPHUR (sulph.) MIND: - - Self-conscious. SELFISH. Egotism. - - Usually self-confident. Domineering. - CRITICAL. Thinks himself better. Eventually DISGUST for others. - PHILOSOPHICAL/INTELLECTUAL TYPE: - - Reclusive. Theoretical speculations. Scatter their mind in investigations. Looking for the truth behind things. Wants to discover something nobody discovered. - PRACTICAL TYPE: Over-enthusiasm. Practical idealist. Gives a lot to others. Social. Extroverted. - Needs recognition. - - THEORIZING. Always occupied with his mind. - LAZY. Procastinate. Inertia. - - Aversiune to DIRT from others. Don't see their own dirt. Indifference for their environment, for their personal appearance. Their house or office is a mess. Can't keep their cloths clean. - Fastidiousness can be seen also. - - Collects anything. 'Rags are like riches'. - Mechanical thinking; takes things apart. Inquiring mind. - - Obstinate and irritable. - Hypochondriacal. - TEAMA of contanimation/infection/high places claustrofobia, death, accidents, for family. - CHILDREN: - - Curious. Investigate. Obstinate. Domineering. Wants to be treated as grown-ups. Picky. Disgust. Don't eat from the plate someone touched. Dirty, eat from their nose. GENERALITIES: - - Intellectual type: Pale, lean - - Practical type: Plethoric. - WARMBLOODED. Sometimes chilly. - - << heat/heat of bed/11 h./standing/+ aversion bathing (Am-c)/suppressed eruprions or discharges/left side (Lach, Phos). - < Winter. Wintersun/night/Climacteric./wool

- >> cold applications (Fl-ac. Lac-c. Puls). - DISCHARGES RAU MIROSITOARE./ Profuse and offensive perspiration. - BURNING PAINS. - - Periodicity, 7 days, < week-ends. - - Diabetes. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: SWEETS, FAT, SPICES, ALC OHOL (BEER, WHISKEY), ice cream, COLD DRINKS - - Aversiune: EGGS, SOUR, fish, fat, olives. VERTIGO: - - Vertigo high places (Calc, Nat-m). HEAD: - - Headache: Burning headache, < vertex. << weekend/prolonged sleep < Heat. Sun/Winter > Cold. - Eruptions, itching along hair margin. Dandruff. EYE: - - CONJUNCTIVITES with sensation of "sand in eyes". > Cold applications. - Blepharitis. MARGINS of LIDS RED, BURNING. Iritis. - Purulent discharge. <lutination in the morning on waking. - Disturbances of vision before headache. EAR: - - Otitis media. Otorrhea - - Offensive discharge. - - Impaired hearing from catarrh. NOSE: - - AVERSION to odors of loves his own - - Acne on the nose. FACE: - - Plethoric. Flushes < menopauze. - - RED LIPS. STOMACH: - - Appetite INCREASED, < 11 h. - - Gastritis. Stomach ulcers. Heartburn. - BURNING PAINS > COLD DRINKS. - - Drinks much, eats little. REKTUM: - - DIAREE, DRIVES out of bed in the morning AROUND 5 - 6 h. - Diaree from beer. - - Flatus offensive. - - Hemoroizi. - ITCHING, BURNING << noaptea/heat, >> cold. - Redness. Moist and eruptions around rektum. STOOL: - - Offensive stool. MALE GENITALIA: - - High desire. - - Impotency. Erektions incomplete during coition. - Eruptions extending to perineum. - - Offensive perspiration. - Long-lasting burning in urethra after coition. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Offensive, burning leucorrhea. - - Offensive perspiration. - Eruptions and itching. RESPIRATION: - - Difficult, < noaptea, must sit up, > open air. BACK: - - WEAKNESS and PAIN << standing. Can't sit straight up or stand erekt. EXTREMITIES: - - FEET HOT and BURNING. UNCOVERS them at night. - Offensive perspiration of feet. - - LEFT SHOULDER PAIN. - ARTHRITIS, >> cold applications, << heat (Fl-ac, Guai, Led, Puls). - Brittle and distorted nails. - - Lymphangitis < forearms. SLEEP: - - SLEEPLESSNESS. CAT -NAPS. Wakes at 5 h.. - Position: LEFT SIDE (Calc, Nat-m). - - Laughing in sleep. DREAMS: - - NIGHTMARES WHEN SLEEPING ON BACK. SKIN: - - ANY TYPE OF ERUPTION: moist, burning and itching. - ITCHING, << heat/night in bed/wool/bathing >> cold. - Boils. Acne. - - Unhealthy skin. Farbe - 8 C = primal red

Symphytum officinalis (Symph) Cauza: Lovituri de soarta/Suparare/Furie/Fracturi de oase; Complementar: Calc-p. Urmeaza bine: Arn. Cars..Ruta. Sil. Urmat bine de: Arn. Canth. Fl-ac. Ruta. Incompatibil cu: Obezitate/Edem /Rani Antidoteaza: Canth. alunga capuse i purice Efect: sifilitic/canceroid/acut Repertoriu:
SYMPHYTUM OFFICINALE (symph.) * Injuries of bones and eyes. GENERALITIES: - - FRACTURES. IMPROVES setting of bones. - Pains in bones or periost after injuries. - - Injuries of periost, bones. - Phantom pains (All-c/Hyper). EYE: - - INJURIES of theYEBALL (Arn/Ham). FACE: - - Injuries to face - - Cancer - - Inflammation of bone. STOMACH: - - Gastralgia. Duodenal ulcers.

BACK: - - Backache from excessive sexual indulgence or violent exertion. - Caries of vertebrae. EXTREMITIES: - - Neuralgia of the knee after injury - - Painful weakness of joints.

Syphillinum = Luesinum (Syph)

Complementar: Aur. Ars. Ars-i. Aur. Bac. Bar-c. Calc-f. Cars. Cinn-b. Elaps. Fl-ac. Hep. Kali-bi. Kali-i. Kali-m. Kreos. Lach. Lyc. Med. Merc (Syph = C). Mez. Nat-m. Nit-ac (Syph = C). Phyt. Plat. Plb. Sil. Staph. Still. Sulph. Thuj. Urmat bine de: Hoch Urmeaza bine: Nat-c. Cinnb. Hoch. Sep. Sul-ac. Tub. Antidoteaza: VAB. Plb. Sulph., daune cronice de la vaccine Antidotat de: Nux-v. Efect: coleric/functioneaza mai bine imreuna cu Tub, sifilitic/sicotic/psoric/tuberculin / de pe dreapta pe stanga.

Substanta : nosoda din secretii ulceroase de sifilis (lues)

Sifilisul este din pacate o boala foarte des raspandita i care nu mai prezinta simptomele tipice ale sifilisului deoarece boala este suprimata. Din sifilis se naste tuberculoza, cancerul, dementa, Alzheimer, pierderi de sarcina in luna a 7a i probabil ca majoritatea bolilor cronice degenerative ca MS, etc. Pe vremuri Syphilinum se dadea pacientilor ca remediu reactionar la sifilis suprimat". Astazi folosirea lui se recomanda ca remediu reactionar la sifilisul ereditar i la cel dobandit atunci cand este greu de tratat. Dac comparam remediile Mercurius si Syphilinum se remarca ca la primul procesele sunt inca active in timp ce la al doilea boala ia un caracter degenarativ. Aceste procese degenerative insa nu se gasesc numai la sifilis. Dimpotriva, i psora arara o multitudine de astfel de procese, asa cum este aratat de Hahnemann in cartea Bolile cronice

1. Spirit Teama, frica, indoliala, lipsit de speranta. Frica puternica de noapte, din cauza epuizarii corporale i mentale la sculat. Aceasta este asa de nesuportabila incat pacientul prefera moartea.
Irascibilitate, chef de cearta, injura, nemultumire, morocanos, se enerveaza usor,capricios, suparat, manios, furios, pofta de distrugere. Musca, loveste, omoara. Morocanos, irascibil. Nu vrea s fie domolit, violent la contrazicere. Indiferenta. Nu se mai bucura de nimic. Trsitete, melancolie, depresiune, se plange, urla, ofteaza, vrea s se omoare. Indoielnic, lipsit de speranta, nu mai mai crede in vindecare.Foarte nervos, plange f r motiv. Bebelusi care plnag imediat dupa nastere. Melancolie.

2. Sensorium Vedenii, idei nebune, nebuneala cu gesticulatii, gesticulatii i vorbarie. i inchipuie ca este nebn la minte sau atacat de paralizie. Kent: teama de boli mentale i de paralizie
Slabiciunea memoriei, uitare. Memorie de scurta durata slaba dar cea de lunga durata este buna Pierderea memoriei. Uita utimele intamplari, nume, date in timp ce intamplari vechi sunt inca bine tiparite in minte. Nu i aduce aminte de fetele i numele de persoane, carti sau locuri. Memorie slabita pentr date. Diverse : Slabiciune la matematica, cu restul de capacitati normale. Spalat sfortat, simte nevoia s - i spele des mainile

4. Somn. Noaptea f r liniste i somn. Se trezeste imediat dupa miezul noptii i nu mai poate s doarma pn la ora 6. Senzatia: se teme de noapte i dimineata, caci slabiciunea i durerile sunt mai rele dupa trezire. Timpul. Adormitul este posibil de abia catre ora 6 dimineata 5. Ameteala Ameteala la privitul catre sus. Ameteala de la arsita 6. Cap

Eruptie murdara pe pielea capului. Cadere puternica de par , parul cade cu smocul, chelie

7. Dureri de cap Durere de cap sifilitica: noapte, creeaza deliriu i insomnie . Dureri nevralnice de cap. Migrena cu arterii zvacnitoare. Senzatia : Dureri de cap noaptea innebunitoare. Senzatie de explozie in crestetul capului. Durere de jur imprejur. Ca i cum o greutate ar atarna la spatele capului sau capul ar fi impins cu putere catre inapoi . Durere strivitoare, taietoare la baza creierului mic. Locuri: In mijlocul creierului. Durere la nervii pielii capului, in mod regulat mai rea noaptea i mai bine dupa crapatul de zi. In spatele capului. Se intinde: Se intinde la un ochi. De la tampla la tampla. De la frunte prin creier pn la ceafa. Durere de cap in ceafa insuportabila, se intinde pn la nervii ganglionali din ceafa i cauzeaza intarirea cefei Simptome insotitoare: Slabiciune, neliniste, insomnie i irascibilitate. Congestie catre fata, gat i cap. Multe glande mici de la gat marite. Modalitati/Timpurile: durerea de cap incepe catre ora 16, mai rea catre ora 22 - 23 Uhr, inceteaza dupa rasaritul soarelui. Mai rea noaptea i mai slaba ziua 8. Ochi Myopie. Strabism - Strabismus paralyticus, ochiul este intors catre interior i nu poate fi miscat decat pn la linia mediana Diplopie vazut dublu: o imagine se vede sub alta Amauraose. Atrofia nervului optic. Netzhaut este decolorata, aspra i cu pete Anisokorie. Eruptie rosie, papuloasa in coltul interior al ochiului cu cosuri pe nas. Aceste cosuri sunt rosii cu centrul bagat inauntru. Lipirea pleoapelor. Umflarea pleoapelor superioare. Ptosis: ochii par somnorosi din cauza pleoapelor care atarna. Paralizia M. obliquus superior. Cheratita Keratitis phlyctaenularis cronica i recidivanta. Keratitis interstitialis. Ochiul stang este acoperit cu un invelis ciupercos, durere puternica < noaptea. Oftalmie acuta Ophthalmia neonatorum (Arg.nitr., Calc, Hep, Kali s. Sulf). Lacrimari puternice. Ochii lipiti dimineata. Iritis, inflamatia irisului, durere puternica, care creset din noapte in noapte < intre ora 2 i 5 dimineata. Sensibil la lumina, vede pete negre in fata ochilor Conjunctivita acuta stanga cu durere destul de puternica in ochi, urmata de Iritis Senzatii: Dureri intense noaptea. Lacrimi muscatoare. Simptome insotitoare:Iritis cu fotofobie, blocarea conjuctivei. Chemoza, vedere slabita, durere orbitala, pupila intepenita. Modalitati: Durerea din ochi se inrautateste noaptea dupa apa rece. Timpurile: Iritis se agraveaza intre orele 2 i 5. Durerile de ochi devini mai puternice dupa apusul soarelui pn la rasarit. Pleoapele se lipesc noaptea. 9. Urechi Dureri de ureche. Secretie putrezita, ascutita, apoasa sau puroiasa din ureche cu Puroi la urechea stanga cu secretie multa de puroi. Surditate incet crescatoare, surzenie completa. Surzenie de la infectie. Depuneri de calciu pe timpan. Carii la mastoid. Paralizia nervilor auzului. Senzatie: dureri ascutite taie in ureche 10. Nas Nas infundat. Atacuri cu curs se nas. Secret gros, galben-verde rau mirositor. In somn se creeaza o coaja uscata in ambele nari. Oasele nasului sunt distruse de carii i nasul se afunda. Nas rusesc. Nasul este distrus, ulcere in nas sangeroase, intarituri care atarna in nas Ozaena syphilitica nas rau mirositor cu secret galben-verde gros i cruste nazale. Senzatie: Mancarime in nara stanga, pe partea interioara. Arsura in nas. Nas uscat Infundarea nasului noaptea. Se formeaza cruste i coji in ambele nari in timpul somnului 11. Fata Nevralgie faciala. Fata este stramba. Vorbitul, mestecatul, suflatul sunt greoaie. Pareza pe partea dreapta, vorbit de neinteles. Ochiul drept se misca incolo i-ncoace . Fata palida. Exzema cu crusta, mancaritoare, arata ca un herpes. Eruptii ca niste tuberculi, de culoarea cuprului pe fata. Ulcere la buze i la barbie, in special stanga, cu cruste. Unde: la buze i barbie 12. Dinti, gingie, maxilar

Crapaturi mici, ca de semiluna in dintii din fata de sus. Dintii din fata micsorati (ca de soricel). Dinti de lapte ca de fereastrau. Dinti deformati, strambi, cu pete i se destrama timpuriu. Dinti cu forma rotunda ( i nu patrata) la copii. Dintii putrezesc la gingie i se rup. Senzatie: Senzatie de vierme in dinti. Senzatie coiudata, de parca dintii ar fi deplasati i la inchisul gurii nu se mai potrivesc pe ceilalti. Senzatie ca ceva esate in dinti, f r durere, i nu se poate spune in ce dinte se afla.

13. Gura, gust Limba rosie di groasa, cu doua crapaturi mari in directia dintilor. Limba incarcata alb, se vad urmele dintilor la marginea ei. Limba rosie, groasa i ca buretele. Pareza pe o parte a limbii. Cnd este scoasa limba o ia intr-o parte. Greutati cu mestecatul. Afazie. Gaseste greu cuvintele. Debilitate. Respiratie rau mirositoare. Ulcere in gura, fiecare loc este atacat. Formarea de ulcere la cerul gurii. Paertea moale a cerului gurii poate fi distrusa total. Schimbari noduroase in cerul gurii. Herpes in gura, la amigdale, cerul gurii i gatul intarit, face inghitul de lichide greoi, Salivare noaptea (Merc).Senzatie: Limba se simte ca paralizata 14. Gat Atrofie cronica a amigdalelor.Ulcer in gat. Amigdalita. Faringita acuta. Senzatie : Durere in gat. Durere la inghitit, in special de lichide 15. Stomac i esofag Ulcere la stomac Voma de saptamani sau luni ca urmare a eroziunii suprafetei mucoaselor intestinelor. Apetit moderat, caprisios sau lipsa de apetit. Lipsa de apetit luni intregi, inainte i era foame mereu. Sete. Pofta de bauturi alcoolice tari. Repulsie fata de carne. Dyspepsie mancarea nu face bine. Imbalonare, ragaieli. Aciditate cu durere i senzatie de rana in stomac pn la gat. Reflux. 17. Abdomen Durere in partea dreapta, urmata de umflarea ganglionilor. Inflamarea nodurilor ganglionale in zona curelei. Umflaturi de culoare purpurie in partea stanga, mari cat un ou de porumbel. O umflatura mare se deschide in pareta dreapta cu puroi mult, f r durere. (lipsa de dureri este un semn al sifilisului secundar) Senzatie: dureri in burta (adanca), Senzatie de caldura in hipogastrium. Dureri ca de lance in burta, intr-o parte.Timpul: Durerile se inrautatesc noaptea 18. Rect, anus, scaun Ani multi constipatie idaratnica. Rectul pare strans. Constipatie cronica. Scaune inchide la culoare i rau mirositoare. Scaune prea deschise. Cazuri indareatnice de Cholera infantum. Fisuri la anus i rect. Ulcere intarite la iesirea intestinului. Hemoroizi. Formarea de noduri, Gummata, sangerari abundente, condiloame, paralizia partii finale ale intestinului gros. Iesirea anusului, iesirea intestinului gros prin anus. 19. Organele urinare i urina Urina arzatoare de fierbinte. Mictiune greoaie i foarte inceata: Lipsa de presiune . Mictiuni rare nici macar odata la 24 de ore. Urina mai multa dupa friguri, noaptea. Urina putina, galbena ca lamaia. Senzatie: Mancarime in gure uretrei. Dimineata la urinat senzatie ca uretra este infundata la 2 cm de gaura. Timpuri: Nevoie de mictiune puternica intre orele 19 i 5 20. Genitale masculine Clarke: Dupa sifilisul suprimat apare o umflatura dureroasa la testicule i sac. La orice vreme umeda apar dureri in rinichi care se intind catre uretra dar nu se duc in vezica urinara ci prin canalul spermal catre testicule. Sunt dureri chinuitoare Bupe sifilitice pe preput . Ulcer de marimea unei mazari uscate, cu marginile ridicate, baza acoperita de o depunere grasa, f r durere sau senzatie. Ulcus molle, care se intinde rapid. Inflamatie i intarirea canalului spermal. Eruptii tip herpetic pe sacul testicolelor i la pielea preputului. Intarirea testicolelor i a canalului spermal Senzatie: Bube sifilitice arzatoare, la preput sau deasupra coronei glandis. Ulcere f r dureri Se intind: Dureri chinuitoare de la rinichi catre uretra in canalul spermal i in testicole

21. Genitale feminine Uterul i vecinateta sunt moi i f r vlaga. Pierdere de sarcina, nastere de copii morti. Leucoree abundenta, galbena i groasa. rau mirositoare. Putina lecuoree alba. Geringe weiliche Leukorrhoe. La sifilisul ereditar se scurge pn la calcai. Ranirea genitalelor i secretie muco-purulenta la copii. Secretie acida creeaza mancarime. puternica i inflamarea genitalelor exterioare.

Menstruatii dureroase, care vin cu 2 saptamani prea devreme, roz-rosie, deschise la culoare, abundente, curg puternic cateva zile, usor de spalat. Dupa 28 de zile se repeta f r durere. Miros ca de carne putrezita. Sensibilitate puternica a intrarii uterului in timpul menstruatiei i la contactulu sexual dureri insuportabile. Ovare blocate i inflamate, tendinta la tumoare la ovare. Ciste la ovare. Noduri in vagin i la labii. Formare de ulcere la intrarea uterului. Intarirea cervixului. Senzatie: Dureri in ovarul drept in partea stanga, impiedica somnul. Dureri ascutite ca de glont in uter. Rana in labii care se intinde catre stanga. Mancarime puternica a vulvei, dureaza pn la ora. Simptome insotitoare: Raguseala, pierdere de voce aproape de tot in ziua dinatintea menstruatiei. Durere permanenta pn la mijloc la prezenta de leucoree Modalitati: Secret acid apos se inrautateste de la caldura patului. Sensibilitatea intrarii uterului este mi mare in timpul ciclului. Timpurile: Mancarime i inflamatiia genitalelor sunt mai rele noaptea de la caldura patului. Dureri noaptea in ovare. Dimnineta mancarime in vulva pn la ora 10 22. Cai respiratorii Imbolnavire a zgarciului de la marului lui adam, formare de ulcere la marul lui adam. Afonie. Atacuri puternice de lipsa de aer (Dyspnoe), fluierat. Apasare pe piept, de parca s-ar opri respiratia. Tuse uscata sacadata f r secretie. Insa i cu secretie groasa, galbena f r gust. Tuse gafaitoare cu voma groaznica. Secretie: mucoasa, puroioasa, gri, verde, verde-galbena, f r gust. Astma cronica, vara in special la vreme umeda i calda. Atacuri astmatice noaptea la vreme calda. Atacuri spastice de astma noaptea sau in timpul unei furtuni. Galagie in piept i gat. Eruptii de eczeme hepetice pe piept
Senzatie: Astma a pornit de la senzatia ca osul pieptului ar fi tras catre vertebre. Ditalatare ingreunata a pieptului. Senzatie de rana in piept. Astma cu rana in piept i neputinta de a sta intins. Durere i senzatie de presiune in spatele osului pieptului. Durere in mijlocul pieptului la aplecarea capului catre spate. Zgarietura, arsura i senzatie de rana vie in gat pn la plexul solar, cu gafaiala i senzatie de sufocare. Modalitati : Tuse < la stat intins pe partea dreapta. Astma mai bine dupa rasarit. Astma cronica se inrautateste vara la vreme umeda i calda

23. Inima, circulatie, puls Imbolnavirea ventilelor inimii. Dureri de inima. Dureri de inima ca de lance de la baza inimii catre vraful ei, noapte (Med. de la varf catre baza), de la baza catre umar (Spig.). Senzatie: Dureri ca de glont in inima. Presiune i durere in spatele plexului solar. Stramtorarea pieptului cu respiratie groaie 24. Sani Sani sensibili la atingere. Senzatie de rana in timpul ciclului 25. Aparatul locomotor Inflamatia articulatiilor, reumatism ameliorat de caldura, se agraveaza noaptea Piept: Carii ale vertebrfelor pieptului. Eruptie de herpes la piept Spate: Carii ale vertebrelor care cauzeaza cocoseala catre fata. Intepeneala muschilor. Negi cu tulpina mici ca boldurile pe spate. Inflamarea ganglionilor in special la ceaga. Se intaresc i dor. Abces la muschiul coapsei (Psoas). Dureri in osul sacral (la legatura cu coloana) Modalitati: dureri de membre noaptea, ameliorare de la caldura. Dureri in spate in zona rinichilor, mai rele dupa mictiune. Dureri in osul sacral la stat pe scaun. Dureri in coloana mai bine dupa miscare, aplica de caldura. Durerile de coloana se inrautatesc noaptea. Cele din zona cefei incep intre orele 17-19 i sunt mai rele noaptea
Extremitatile superioare: Reumatism la articulatia umarului sau la inceputul muschiului deltoid, mai rau dupa ridicarea laterala a bratului. Nu poate ridica bratul decat in unghi drept. Artrita. Inflamatia

unghiei la degete. Se simte silit s se spele des. Ulcere rele pe podul palmei. Senzatie: Senzatie ca i paralizat cnd ridica bratul mai mult decat unghiul drept. Dureri apasatoare in toate membrele, ca i durerile de crestere. Senzatie de amorteala in palme Tabacum officinalis = Nicotiana tabacum (Tab)
Complementar: Agar. Gels. Graph. Op. Urmeaza bine: Ip. Lob. Verat. Urmat bine de: Ars. Carb-v. Chin. Lyss. Stann. Incompatibil cu: Ign. Nux-v. Antidoteaza: Acet-ac. Aran. Ars. Aur-mn. Cic. Cocc. Coff. Colch. Cur. Eug. Ip. Lyc. Lob. Mand. Naja. Natm. Skook. Stram. Stry. Sul-ac. Zinc. Urmarile fumatului: Parkinson. Chlor, Muscaturi de insecte i serpi Antidotat de: Abies-n (boli cardiace). Acet-ac. Agn. Arg-n. Ars. Atro. Bry. Calad. Camph. Cham. Cic. Cit-l. Clem. Cocc. Coff. Conv (afectiuni cardiace). Daph. Dios. Gels. Ign. Ip. Kali-m. Kalm. Lach. Lob. Lyc. Murac (dupa utilizarea de Tutun). Naja. Nux-v. Op. Phos. Plan. Puls. Sep. Spig. Staph. Stram. Stry-n. Sulph. Tab. Verat. mere acrel. Otet. Vin. Pofta de fumat: Aran ix. Copii care au fumat: Arg-n. Ars Aur Calad (D 1) Stevia. Verat. Ip. Vomitat; Ars. Mestecat de tutun; Nux-v. Simptome gastrice a doua zi la fumat; Phos. Palpitatii; Ign. Puls. Sughit; Clem. Durere de dinti; Sep. Neuralgie pe partea dreapta a fetei. Dispepsie.Nervozitate cronica; Lyc. Impotenta; Sudoare rece vine de la fumat exagerat Lasarea de fumat: Arg-n. Calad. Plan. Helichrysarum angustifolia + orientale sau stoechus (Uleiuri). Daphn (D1). Lach. Lob. Mom-ch. Pip-m. Plant. Stry. mere acre. Pentru cei care fac tigari: Gels.

Lasatul de fumat: Clisma zilnica Intoxicatie cu nicotina: Atro. Ign. Ip. Naja. Nux-v. Sep. Eichenrindetee. Cafea. --------------------- + Afectiuni cardiace: Conv. --------------------- la baieti tineri: Arg-n. Ars. Verat. In doze materiale. Lyc. Morinda citrifolia (= Noni). Naja. Nux-v. Sep. Cafea si vin.
Efect: coleric/melancolic/sanguinic/tifoid/limfatic/sicotic/psoric/avortiv

TABACUM (tab.)
* Symptoms with deathly nausea, vomiting, icy coldness and sweat. MIND: - - Sadness, < menses, climacteric. - - Anxiety > weeping. Anxious restlessness. - Desires company at night. - - Feels as if someone were coming to arrest/murder him. GENERALITIES: - - Icy coldness, covered with cold sweat. - >> uncovering abdomen - - > Open fresh air. - << opening eyes - - < Motion/HEAT/COLD/Tab - - Desire for tobacco. VERTIGO: - - On opening eyes - - > Open air. HEAD: - - Headache with severe nausea. < Urinating, > open air. EYE: - - Lachrymation during nausea - - Tobacco blindness. - Retina retains images too long (Nat-m). EAR: - - Meniere's disease, as if sea-sick. NOSE: - - Discharge increased with nausea. FACE: - - Pale, sunken. Covered with cold sweat. MOUTH - - Salivation during nausea. STOMACH: - - DEATHLY NAUSEA, with or without vomiting. < Tobacco << opening eyes/least motion - - >> fresh air/uncovering abdomen - TERRIBLE FAINT, SINKING FEELING at pit of stomach. Sense of relaxation of stomach, with nausea. - - Nausea during pregnancy with much spitting (Sep, Sym-r). - SEASICKNESS (Cocc, Petr). - - Gastralgia, pain extending to left arm. - Vomiting violent, with cold sweat, < least motion. ABDOMEN: - - Coldness. - - Horrible colic. Intestinal obstruction. REKTUM: - - Constipatie, < tobacco. - - Rektum paralysed, prolapsed. - Diaree with nausea and vomiting, prostration and cold sweat (Ars, Verat). Sudden urging. Like sour milk, thick, curdled, watery. - - Rektal tenesmus. Spasm. KIDNEY: - - Colic. Violent pain along urether, < left side. RESPIRATION: - - Dyspnea with tingling down left arm, < lying left side (Kalm).

CHEST: - - Arteriosclerosis. High bloodpressure. Tobacco heart. - Palpitations, < lying left side (Lach, Phos, Spig). EXTREMITIES: - - Icy coldness. - - Cramps. Spasms. Jerking. PERSPIRATION: - - Profuse with nausea.

Thuja (Thuj)
Gen: Vinovatie sexuala Borderline Nasul (de mafia) Maria Magdalena Tema: Strain; Cauze: Vaccin/hrana artificiala/otravire/alergie/narcotice Complementar: All-c. Ant-t. Ars (= A/Thuj = An von Ars). Aster. Aur-mn. Bar-c. Berb. Cann-i. Cann-s. Cars.Caus. Chin. Cinnb. Coli. Con (Erstarrung/Thuj. Falsche Reaktion). Croc. Cupre-au (= An). Dulc. Eug. Form. Graph. Gun. Hep. Hydr. Iod. Kali-br. Lach. Maland. Med (= A). Merc (Thuj = C). Microc. Nat-m. Nat-s. Nit-ac. Nux-m. Ox-ac. Pall. Pen. Petros. Psor. Puls. Rhus-t. Sabad. Sabal. Sabin (= A). Sars. Sec. Sel. Sep. Sil-mar. Sil (Thuj. = A). Squil. Staph. Sulph. Syc-co. Syph. Ter. Teucr.Tub. Tub-r. X-ray. *Ars - Thuj - Tarent* *Puls. - Sil. - Fl-ac. - Thuj* *Thuj. - Sil. - Fl-ac.*

Urmeaza bine: Asaf. Misama tuberculinica: Calc. Cann-s. Cop. Fl-ac. Ign. Kali-c. Lyc. Merc. Merc-ir. Natc. Puls. Tub. Vac. Urmata bine de : Alum. Apis. Art-v. Asaf. Bar-m. Calc. Calc-cn. Calc-p. Camph. Cann-s. Carc. Cast-eq. Caus. Cop. Cur. Cupre-f. Hep. Ign. Kali-c. Lyc. Lyss. Ph-ac. Tarent. Tub. Vac. Intermediar: Scir. Tub. Incompatibil cu: ceapa, la sarcina, diagnoza sau suspectie de tumori Antidoteaza: All-c. Ars. Cast-eq. Colch. Eucal. Iod. Lup. Med. Merc. Merc-i. Merc-if. Merc-ir. Nat-s. Nuxm. Nux-v. Sulph. Thea. Ther. Vacc. Vario. Intoxicatii cu metale, ceai, cafea, bere. Vaccine (cand Thuj nu- i face efectul: Ant-t. Cand Thuj. nu este indicat : Sil). Antidotat de : Camph. Cham. Cocc. Coff. Colch. Iod. Mate. Merc. Nat-s. Nux-v. Puls. Sabin. Sil. Staph. Sulph. ceapa. THUJA OCCIDENTALIS (thuj.)
MIND: - - Low self-esteem. FEELINGS OF WORHTLESSNESS. - FEELS THAT NOBODY WOULD LOVE THEM IF THEY REALLY KNEW THEM. - Feels unattractive. - - Have problems finding their identity. - - Feels separated from people. Distant in relationships. Feel lonely and empty. Depressions. - Tries to fit in. Imitates the behavior of popular, successful people around them. - Loose contact with themselves. Sensation of being frail. Delusion is made of glass. - SECRETIVE to hide what they think others don't like about them. Lies. Deceit. As if withhelding something ugly. - Suspicious as to what people think of them. Mistrustful. - - Become hardhearted. - Manipulative, dictatorial to compensate the inner feeling. - Conscientious about trifles. Fixed ideas. Fastidious. - Sensibil to (church)music, Weeping from music. - - Fear of wind (Cham, Puls). - Swallows words at the end of the sentence. Forgetful while speaking. GENERALITIES: - - SYCOTIC. Hyperthrophy. - - Chilly. - << cold, damp weather/left side - - < Afternoon (5 p.m.) - General amelioration of chronic complaints during coryza. - AILMENTS from SUPPRESSED GONORRHEA, WARTS. - AILMENTS from VACCINATION, ESP. SMALLPOX. - Chronic catarrhal infections. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: ONION (RAW), garlic, TEA, sweets. - Aversiune: ONION, TEA. - - < ONION/Tea/Dulciuri. HEAD: - - Hair greasy or dry, like straw and it sticks up. - LEFT SIDED HEADACHES, FOREHEAD and TEMPLE. like a nail (Ign). EYE: - - Warts on lids. FACE: - - TUMORS OR WARTS (Caust, Dulc, Nit-ac) - - Acne, with scarring. - Greasy. Face looks waxy, shiny. - - Eyebrows very thin, absent on lateral half.

NOSE: - - Sinusitis. - - Dryness of nose. Post-nasal drip. - - Nose running during stool. STOMACH: - - Bulimia. BELLY: - - SENSATION of SOMETHING ALIVE in BELLY (Croc). Feels like they are pregnant. - Brown spots (Lyc, Sep). REKTUM: - - CONDYLOMATA. - - Fissures. - - Constipatie with receding stool. - Diaree < dimineata, after breakfast. BLADDER: - - FORKED STREAM. PROSTATE: - - Hypertrophy. URETHRA: - - Urethritis. MALE GENITALIA: - - CONDYLOMATA - - Herpes. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - CONDYLOMATA. - - TUMORS, CYSTS, FIBROIDS. - Ovarian cysts, < left. - - Herpes. - Pain in left ovary, < menses, extending to left inguinal region. RESPIRATION: - - Asthmatic, < cold, damp weather. EXTREMITIES: - - Legs feel as if made of glass or wood. As if they would break. - Nails: brittle or deformed nails (Graph, Sil). - - Ingrowing toenails (Graph, M-aust, Sil). - Rheumatic pains < cold, damp weather, rest. SLEEP: - - Position: LEFT SIDE (Calc, Nat-m, Sulph). - - Wakes at 3 - 4 h.. DREAMS: - - OF FALLING. PERSPIRATION: - - OILY. SWEET-SMELLING. RAU MIROSITOARE. - Only on uncovered parts. - - Whole body except the head. SKIN: - - WARTS, GROWTHS, TUMORS. - - KELOID. - Herpetic eruptions. Eczema. Psoriasis. - - Eruptions only on covered parts.

Tuberculinum bovinum Kent (Tub)

Complementar: Agar. Ant-s-aur. Ars. Ars-i. Aven. Bar-c. Bell. Borx. Brom. Bry. Calc. Calc-i. Calc-p. Calcs. Caps. Carb-v. Cars. Caus. Chin. Coli. Con (= C). Dros. Fl-ac. Form. Gels. Graph. Hydr (ajuta la punerea de greutate). Infl. Kali-c. Kali-p. Kali-s. Kreos. Led. Levo. Lyc. Mag-c. Mag-p. Mang-act. Med. Merc. Natm. Nit-ac. Olnd. Phos. Psor. Puls (= An). Rhus-t. Rumx. Sang. Sep. Sil. Solid. Spong. Streptoc. Stront-c. Sulph. Sul-i. Syc-co. Ther. Thios. Thuj. Thyr. Tub-a. Uran-n. X-Ray. Zing. *Bell - Calc - Tub* *Rhus-t Calc - Tub* Urmeaza bine: Acon. Ambra. Camph. Eup-per. Hell. Lac-ac. Morb. Nat-c. Nux-v. Ph-ac. Stann Tarent. Tubk. Verat. Viol-o. cnd remedii alese bine nu- i fac efectul Urmat bine de: Acon. Alum. Ambra. Apis. Calc. Frag. Lach. Med. Nat-ar. Nat-c. Nux-v. Ph-ac. Sabad. Symph. Syph. Tarent. Thuj. Tub-k. Viol-o. Ars-sf /Psor/Sulph/Syph cand Tub nu-si face efectul Incompatibil cu: Cast-v. Sil. Sulph. Afectiuni la intestinele mari i mici, piele, rinichi/inima slaba/Tbc/astma/Carnce/cnd sunt altii de fata/neliniste/Nu se da sub Dilutia CH 500. Antidoteaza: BCG. Cic. Coff. Kalm. Skook. Schimbari de temperatura. daune cronice de la vaccine Antidotat de: Acet-ac. Agar (Hustenreiz + heilt). Betin. Calc. Calc-p. Cur. Malar. Nat-m. Nux-v. Ol-j. Phos. Plan. Puls. Sep. Upa. Sulph. Verat. Drenaj: Card-m. Coc-c. Puls. Sol-v. Efect: la copii mai des, se repeta neregulat/ lucreaza mai bine imporeuna cu Syphlent/ incet/pe partea stanga melancolic/flegmatic/sanguinic/fosforic/limfatic/leproid/ ringwormoid/ psoric/sicotic/tuberculin/sifilitic

1. Mind. Fixed ideas: as if a strange person were at his side; as if the soul were separated from the body; as if the body, esp. the limbs, were of glass and would break easily; as if a living animal were in the abdomen. Sensation as if whole body very thin and delicate and could not resist least attack; as if continuity of body would be dissolved. Insane women will not be touched or approached. Imbecility after vaccination, restless, drivelling. Mental dejection. Anxious apprehensions respecting the future. Disquiet, which renders everything troublesome and repugnant. The merest trifle occasions pensiveness. Music causes him to weep, with trembling of the feet. Hurried, with ill-humour, talks hastily. Indisposition to any kind of intellectual labour. Mental depression after childbirth. Very depressed, sad, irritable. Scrupulous

about small things. Feels she cannot exist any longer; quiet, shunning every body. Aversiune to life. Moroseness and peevishness. Overexcited, quarrelsome; easily angered about trifles. The child is excessively obstinate. In reading and writing he uses wrong expressions. Talks hastily and swallows words. Thoughtlessness; forgetfulness. Slowness of speech and of reflection; seeking for words when in conversation. Incapacity for reflection. Cretinism.


MIND: - - ROMANTIC LONGINGS. - Seeks self-gratification, fulfillment and change. But never achieve it. - NEVER TRULY SATISFIED. Driven to change. Restless. Desire to travel. - 'Burns the candle at both ends'. Dissipate themselves. - Becomes irritable over daily circumstances. Cursing. - Agressive and malicious. Frustration. - TEAMA of dogs and CATS. Disgust with cats, sometimes fur. Compulsive neurosis. Wants things to be done in a certain order.Checks things. Ritualistic behavior. - Shrieking in sleep < before menses. - Loquacity during fever. - - Mental redardation in children. GENERALITIES: - - Allergies to fur, especially cat fur. - Lose weight even though they eat a lot (Lyc/Psor). - << before storm/<< slight exposure to draft - < changes of weather (Rhod)./Vreme umeda si rece/sea/evening - > Warm, dry weather/open air/mountains >> in pine forests - Chill before falling asleep. GLANDS ENlarged, INdurated. like knotted cords - General exhaustion. Weakness. Fatigue. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: FAT, PORK, HAM, SALAMI, SMOKED MEAT, COLD MILK, ice-cream, spices, salty. - Aversiune: Meat with desire for fat. - - << milk (allergies). HEAD: - - HeadDACHE: like iron band Periodic: every week, every other week. - STRIKES HEAD AGAINST THINGS (Apis, Bell). - Alopecia. - - Rolling of the head. EYE: - - Conjunctivitis. Blepharitis. - - Long, fine eyelashes in children. EAR: - - Recurrent otitis. FACE: - - Alopecia. Acne. - - Circumscribed red discoloration of cheeks. TEETH: - - GRINDING DURING SLEEP (Ars, Bell, Cann-i). - - Dentition difficult, slow. THROAT: - - Enlarged tonsils.EXTERNAL THROAT: - - HARD SWELLING of glands in neck and nape like knotted cords (Bar-i/Bar-m/Calc-i). STOMACH: - - All-gone hungry feeling drives to eat. RECTUM: - - Painful constipation. - - Recurrent Diaree, < early morning. MALE GENITALIA: - - HIGH promiscuous DESIRE (Fl-ac, Med). - Early masturbation. - - Painful erections in children. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - HIGH promiscuous DESIRE (Med, Plat). - Dysmenorrhea. Pain increases with the flow. - - Amenorrhea. RESPIRATION: - - ASTHMATIC >> walking against wind/riding in car with head outside COUGH: - - DRY, HARD, HACKING, < during sleep. CHEST: - - FREQUENT, RECURRENT colds/pneumonia etc. - - Thin, narrow chest. - Painful swelling of breasts before menses. - - Perspiration on chest with cough. BACK: - - Fine, dark hair grows along the spine, in children. - - Perspiration on lung area. EXTREMITIES: - - Rheumatic complaints: < rest, beginning to move, vreme umeda si rece; > motion, warmth (Rhus-t). - - Wandering pains. - - Finger tips brown. SLEEP: - - Position: Knee-chest position (Med). - - Restless. DREAMS: - - Nightmares. FEVER: - - Recurrent. PERSPIRATION: - - PROFUSE at night, WEAKENING (Stann). SKIN - - Itching > heat, e.g. open fire; < cold air, scratching. Changes place upon scratching (Staph). - - Eczema. Ringworm. Psoriasis.

Uranium nitricum (Uran-n)

Urmat bine de: Kreos. Complementar: Tub. Vergleich: Contine: Radioactivitate, Allox Incompatibil cu: niedrige Potenzen Antidotat de: X-Ray. Efect: sicotic

Afectiuni: diabet, boli la rinichi, la ficat, tensiune inalta, adunare de apa in tesuturi (din cauza rinichilor probabil)
Chief action is upon the kidneys, where it causes a degeneration, with albuminuria or glycosuria. It increases the total quantity and specific gravity of the urine, and produces acridity, with mucous discharges and incontinence. Its chief therapeutic application has been in the treatment of diabetes (both mellitus and insipidus) and in Bright's disease. Dr. Hughes considers it best suited to cases of diabetes originating in dyspepsia or assimilative derangement, while Phosphoric Acid is better adapted to those of nervous origin. In this I can, from my own experience, fully concur. Its most marked symptom is "Great emaciation, debility, and tendency to ascites or general dropsy." Compare.- (Uranium nitricum) Ars., Merc. cor., Arg. nit., Phos., Phos. ac Causes glycosuria and increased urine. Is known to produce nephritis, diabetes, degeneration of the liver, high blood pressure and dropsy. Its therapeutic keynote is Great emaciation, debility and tendency to ascites and general dropsy. Backache and delayed menses. Dry mucous membranes and skin.

Relationships Compare: Syzygium; Phos-ac.; Lact-ac.; Arg. Nit.; Kali-bich.; Ars.; Phloridzin (a glucosidal principle obtained from the bark of the root of the apple and other fruit trees. Produces diabetes and fatty degeneration of the liver; intermittent fever. Daily doses, 15 grains. Phlorizin causes glycosuria. No hyperglycemia results. It compels the secretory epithelium of the kidney to break down serum albumin into sugar. There is no increase in blood sugar.)
Ill-tempered; dull, heavy pain Nostrils sore, with purulent, acrid discharge Mental depression. Lids inflamed and agglutinated; Styes. Diuresis Incontinence of urine Diabetes Emaciation and tympanites Burning in urethra, with very acid urine Unable to retain urine without pain Enuresis ( Mullein Oil.) Copious urination Urinary Organs. Stomach; Excessive thirst; nausea; Vomiting ravenous appetite; eating followed by flatulence Boring pain in pyloric region gastric and duodenal ulcers Burning pain Abdomen bloated Gas, second only to Lycop. urine; copious; urine; copious; night; ; urine; sugar in urine; Male; Complete impotency, with nocturnal emissions Organs cold; relaxed, sweaty. Uranium Nitricum is available to buy through our online shop from WHP in USA, Boiron in USA, Boiron in Canada, Hylands in USA, Weleda in UK (not for export), by clicking the red 'View Purchase Options'


Urtica urens (Urt-u)

Complementar: Medusa. Nat-m. Phenob. Sulph. Mucaturi de albina/guta/malaria. Antidoteaza: Apis. efcete de la scoici/chinia/Mercur/Serpi/Scorpionio Antidotat de: Sol. Suc de urica sau de melc se pun pe locul cu durerea Efect: melancolic/litemic/tifoid URTICA URENS (urt-u.) * Urticaria-like eruptions. Rheumatism. Lactation. GENERALITIES: - - ALLERGIC reactionsaftereating shel-fish - - Periodicity, yearly. - Ailments from suppressed nettle-rash, suppressed milk. - Urticaria alternating with rheumatism.- - < Cold bathing. Cool damp air. STOMACH: - - Vomiting from suppressed urticaria. REKTUM: - - Pinworms with urticaria. MALE GENITALIA: - - Itching, stinging and swelling of scrotum. Keeps him awake. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Itching, stinging and swelling of genitalia. CHEST: - - DISturbances in lactation - - SwelLING of breasts, with burning and stinging. EXTREMITIES: - - Acute gout.- - Rheumatism associated with urticaria-like eruptions. - Pain in right deltoid, < rotating arm inwards. SKIN: - - Urticaria-like eruptIONS/itchiNG/burnING/stingING. Red blotches. Sensibil to touch. < Over-heating. - - Itching like formication. - BURNS and SCALDS of first/second degree (Canth). - INSECT BITES and STINGS (Apis, Led). Chicken pox.

Veratrum Album (Verat)


Tema: De gasit echilibrul/Dependent; Mutter: Manipuleaza + = suprasolicitata; Fraza tipica: Sper; Ascunde: Lipsa de speranta despre situatia sociala, arata : se tine de punctul sau de vedere. Lipsa de speranta despre situatia sociala + nimeni nu are voie s stie Acut: = asemanator cu Camph ; Diaree/Colaps + friguros + sudoare rece/sete, diaree + vomitat/colici /crampe in gambe; Copil: = asemanator Coloc + sudoare rece (frunte); precoce/serios/intelectual/intreaba lucruri folizofice, f r somn/se joaca noaptea/ENERGIE, Neliniste/se tine de mama, Sete + cere lapte rece, galagie de la mate,des diaREE + >; Cauza: sperietura prin ranirea mamei; Pozitiv: activ/ energic/se considera pozitiv; Negativ: A. in mod subit devine SLAB/MAT, B. Exsudatii (= verzi), C. Arsura, D. Infierbantat, E.Sete, F.ii este FRIG (in parti ale corpului) + sudoare rece la frunte/ ca i cum ar avea sloiuri de gheata pe cap/cere rece/(acrituri) fructe/sare, G. afacerist/ENERGIE, H. se indoieste de vindecarea sufletului, I. Astma + intepenirea inimii K. Diaree (# voma) epuizatoare, L. Sugrumat + cere rece (bauturi); 1. Sigur de sine./morala dubla/Oamenii sunt cu mine sau contra mea/arogant/ambitios, 2.Atacuri isterice /grosolan/nerusinat # Depresiuni/se roaga, 3. predica; Cauza: a fost folosit cnd era copil

Complementar: Arn. Ars (Verat = An). Carb-v. Chin. Cupr. Dros. Ferr. Ip. Laur. Nat-m (= C). Ph-ac. Stram. *Colch. - Verat. - Sabad.* *Meny. - Bry. - Nux-v. - Verat. - Staph.* (Constipatie) Urmeaza bine: All-c. Am-c. Ant-t. Bell. Borx. Bov. Cadm-s. Camph. Cann-i. Cann-s. Carb-an. Crat. Cupr-a. Dig. Dulc.Hyos. Lach. Laur. Lyc. Meny. Merc-c. Nux-v. Plat. Ran-s. Zinc. Urmat bine de: Acon. Act-t. Am-c. Arg-n. Bell. Bov. Bry. Calc. Cham. Chin. Dig. Dulc.Grat. Led. Laur. Lyc. Meny. Merc. Nux-v. Phos. Plat. Puls. Rhus-t. Samb. Sarot. Sep. Sil. Spig. Stann. Staph. Stram. Sulph. Tab. Tub. Antidoteaza: Acon. All-c. Ars. Cain. Chin. Chinin-s. Cina. Cupr. Dios. Euph-a. Ferr. Ferr-p. Hedeo. Hydrac. Ip. Lach. Op. Santin. Sec. Tab. Vib-o. Alcool. Cafea. Tutun.Opium. Chinina, Otravire cu cupru Previne : colera Antidotat de : Absinth. Acon. Ars. Camph. Chin. Coff. Hydr-ac. Staph. Mjloace de voma. Ceai. Cafea. La otravire:Cafea puternica Efect: 20 - 30 zile coleric/melancholisch/flegmatic/sanguinic/litemic/typhoid/sifilitic/sicotic/psoric/malarial efectul apare i dispare lent

Planta: Strigoaie (Spnz) Epuizare cu transpira ii reci, v rs turi, diaree, stare de prostra ie. Simptome tipice Copii hiperactivi i neascultatori, destepti i precoci Actiuni f r rost, silite Arogant, critic, gaseste cusur in toate Manie, psihoza acuta sau cronica Idei fixe cu privile la realitatea sau identitatea Violent, sete de distrugere, taie sau rupe lucrurile Caldura interioara i exterioara, peiel cianotica Sudoare rece, in special pe frunte Scaun, sudoare i urina din belsug Clapsuri cu vomitat i diaree Vomitat explozic, inrautatit prin baut i la cea mai mica miscare sete de apa rece care este vomitata imediat Pofta de acrituri, fructe acre pofta de fructem sare, inghetata, sardele Ameliorare: caldura, liniste, intins Agravare: efort, inainte de ciclu, la schimbari de vreme, din cauza sperieturii, alcool, vreme umeda i rece, de la baut Pacientul este intotdeauna activ. In el este o forta care il indeamna mereu la activitate. Copii sunt foarte precoce i inteleg ca i oamenii maturi. Neliniste motorica mare. Se joaca f r incetare, canta, picteaza f r sfarsit. Pot fi poarte epuizanti pentru parinti. Cand este pedepsit copilul nu arata sentimente.Cand cresc mari multi fug de acasa. Adultii lucreaza extrem de mult, de multe orii f r rost. Aroganta mare. Dorinta de a fi ceva deosebit se accentueaza la adulti. Prin activitate atrag atentia celorlalti. Se arata deosebit de ambitios i incearca s - i atinga scopul. Nu isi recunoaste greselile. Telurile nu sunt reale. Se simte ceva deosebit, cu misiune speciala. Ceea ce el face este moral, ceea ce alti fac nu este moral. De multe ori fuge in minciuna pentru a iesi din gropile pe care i le-a sapat. Intolerant i infumurat. Ajung des la disperare i nu mai au incredere in sine, devin manici depresivi. Se pot inchina la nesfarsit, dpot deveni obsceni. Nerusinori de multe ori, vorbesc incontinuu, sunt prosti, lasi, sireti, tind catre calomnie, injuraturi, cicaleala. Sunt usor jigniti cand sunt contrariati. Insa pot fi i veseli i bucurosi. La psihoze isi arata insa cealalta fata. Este indicat i la intoxicatii in loc de Arsenicum atunci cand diareea sau vomitatul este in cantitati mari i

bruste, cu pierdere mare de lichid. Dupa aceste pierderi apare o totala epuizare. Pacientul este rece ca ghiata i are mainele albastrui.

VERATRUM ALBUM (verat.) MIND: - - MENTAL OVER-stimulation - - Intellectual precocity. - RESTlessness, repetitive behavior out of internal restlessness. Likecutting or tearing things, into smaller and smaller pieces. - - Inquisitive. - CRITICAL. Hardhearted. Cursing. - - Haughty. - Never happy with SOCIAL POSITION. Feel they deserved better. - - Jealous. - Mania. RELIGIOUS DELUSIONS. ERRORS OF IDENTITY. Thinks he is Christ or appointed by God. Thinks he is a chosen person, send to save the world. - Erotic mania. Exhibitionisme. Kisses everyone. - - Anxiety about salvation. - Gloomy before menses. - - Waking with screaming from nightmares. - Lies, does not know what he is saying. GENERALITIES: - - CHILLY. Internal coldness, as if ice-water in the veins. - << cold. - - WeakNESS. COLLAPSE with coldNESS, COLD PERspiration. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Desire: SOUR, UNRIPE FRUIT, SALT, highly seasoned, ICE, COLD DRINKS, cucumber, herring, sardines, anchovies. - - < Fruit, cold water. HEAD: - - COLD PERSPIRATION ON FOREHEAD (Carb -v, Op) or vertex. - Neuralgic pains with weakness, vomiting, collapse, cold perspiration. - Cold sensation of vertex. EAR: - - Ears alternating hot and cold. NOSE: - - Cold tip. FACE: - - Pale, cold. - - Lips cold and blue. MOUTH: - - Cold breath (Camph, Carb-v). - - Tongue pale, cold. TEETH - - Grinding. THROAT: - - Sensation that water is running down on Te outside when drinking. STOMACH: - - VOMITING + DIAREE SIMULTANEOUSLY, with COLD PERSPIRATION, WEAKNESS (Ars). - - PROJECTILE VOMITING. - Thirsty. - - Cold feeling in stomach. STOMACH: - - Cold feeling. - - Cramps. Distention. Colic. AFTER: - - DIAREE: < During chill, during menses, motion. Profuse, watery, forceful. with VOMITING, COLDNESS, PROSTRATION (Ars). FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Desire increased, < before menses. - Dysmenorrhea: with coldness, prostration. vomiting and Diaree. RESPIRATION: - - Asthmatic < cold, damp weAter, > bending head back. CHEST: - - Sensation of coldness in the chest. - - Pneumonia. Chronic bronchitis. EXTREMITIES: - - COLD. BLUE. Raynaud. - - Blue nails. - - Jerks/twitches/Cramps. - Rheumatic pain < cold, wet weather, warmth of bed, > walking up and down.

Vipera berus (Vip)

Complementar: Lyss (= An). Sulph. Urmeaza bine: Ham. Lach. Antidotat de: Led. Thuj. Efect: periodic

VISION Vision, dim (275) FACE Face, clenched jaw (356) Face, convulsions, spasms (357) Face, discoloration, bluish (358) MOUTH Mouth, pain, tongue (410)

EXTREMITIES Extremities, discoloration, ecchymoses (978) Extremities, fullness, hand, veins of (1008) Extremities, fullness, leg, veins of (1008) Extremities, hang down, letting limbs, agg. (1009) Extremities, swelling, hand, dark (1198) SKIN Skin, discoloration, blackish, spots (1305) Skin, eruptions, vesicular, cracked, breaking (1322) Skin, ulcers, swollen (1338)

GENERALITIES Generalities, pain, broken, as if bones (1378) Generalities, swelling in general (1404) Generalities, varicose veins (1410)

Zincum metallicum (Zinc) Cauza: expectoratii suprimate Complementar: Bar-c. Bell. Calc-p. Cupr-act. Cupr. Hell. Ign. Lach. Op (Zinc = metallisches Op). Psor. Puls. Sep. Sulph. Urmeaza bine: Apis. Bry. Caus. Daph-o. Gels. Hep. Kali-br. Spig. Stram. Urmat bine de: Calc. Camph. Chin. Hep. Hydr-ac. Ign. Phos. Rhus-t. Spig. Verat. Incompatibil cu: Cham. Nux-v. Vin. Eruptii de piele suprimate care nu se arata, ca la scarlatina Antidoteaza: Aster. Bar-c. Cham. Daph. Ign. Kali-br. M-ambo. M-arc. M-aust. Merc. Nux-m. Nux-v. Op. Plb (este eliminat de Zinc ). Puls. Sec. Alifii cu zinc Antidotat de: Camph. Hep. Ign. Lob. Tab. Efect: 30 - 40 zile melancolic/sanguinic/flegmatic/coleric/ limfatic/nervos/tifoid/leproid/psoric/tuberculin Afectiuni: Astenie, Agita ia picioarelor Astenie psihic i nervoas , epuizare, descurajare, depresie. Comprehensiune lent (repetarea ntreb ri-lor nainte de a da r spunsuri). Dificultate colar sau surmenaj intelectual cu tulbur ri ale memoriei. Dismenoree cu sindrom premenstrual dure-ros, ameliorat de scurgeri. Sindrom al picioarelor nelini tite". Anorexie sau dispepsie cu intoleran la vin. Alternan ntre dermatoz i sindrom neurologic. Zona zoster ale c rei erup ii apar dificultate. Agravare: la consumarea vinului, la zgomot, la atingere - prin dispari ia unei erup ii sau a unei elimin ri normale. Ameliorare: printr-o scurgere fiziologic , printr-o erup ie cutanat . ZINCUM METALLICUM (zinc.) * OVER-STIMULATION of NERVOUS SYSTEM, leading to exhaustion of it. MIND: - - RESTLESS, HYPER-ACTIVE, OVER-SENSITIVE. - Over-active mind and ideas abundant. Loquacity. - DISCONTENTED and complaining. Torments everyone with his complaints (Nit-ac). - Irritability from noise (Ferr), talking of oters. - Fits of anger with weakness afterwards. - - Mental weakness < dimineata. Dullness. Confusion. Slowness in thinking. Mistakes in speeking and writing. - Repeats questions before answering (Aur). - Sadness > evening. Feels calm when thinking of suicide. - Superstitious (Arg-n. Con. Rhus-t. Stram). - Children: Restless. Discontented (Calc-p/Sanic/Tub). - - Shrieking like a cow. - Delirium with violence and desire to escape. GENERALITIES: - - OVER-STIMULATION of NERVOUS SYSTEM, with WEAKNESS of it in later stages << Wine - < 11.00/Vaccination (Malandr/Sil/Thuj)/Cold - > Evening (Med/Sep)/>> discharges/menses (Lach).

- AILMENTS from SUPPRESSED DISCHARGES and ERUPTIONS. - Parkinson. - - SPASMS, JERKS, TICS, CHOREA. FOOD AND DRINKS: - - Aversiune: Fish, sweets. - - << winde (alcohol). HEAD: - - MENINGITIS. Rolls head from side to side, shrieks, bores head in pillow, twitching all over body, ending in stupor and paralysis (Hell). - Forehead is cold and occiput is warm. - Occiputal headache with rolling of head. - - Headache from wine. > Open air. EYES: - - Stitching pain inner canthi. - - Inflammation during menses (Ars.). - Strabismus. - - Photophobia. FACE: - - Cracks lips and corners of mouth. - - Twitchings, tics. - Sickly, unhealthy, wiTered, wrinkled. MOUTH: - - Grinding during sleep (Ars/Bell/Cina/Cann-i/Tub). STOMACH: - - Gastritis, indigestion, < wine, bread, veal, milk. - Appetite increased around noon, 11 a.m. (Sulph). BELLY: - - Cramping pain, colic, < eating, noise, conversation. AFTER: - - Suppressed Diaree gives cerebral complaints. - Diaree during headache - - Constipatie or Diaree from wine. BLADDER: - - Can urinate only when sitting, leaning backwards. - Retention of urine from paralysis. Hysterical retention. MALE GENITALIA: - - Desire increased. Violent erections. - Easily excited. Premature ejaculation. - - Loss of pubic hair (Nat-m/Ph-ac/Sel). - Child grasps genitals when coughing. FEMALE GENITALIA: - - Strong desire. Masturbation. Nymphomania. - << before menses and >> by flow (Lach) - - Menses flow more at night (Mag-c). RESPIRATION: - - Asthmatic from suppressed discharge, menses, eruptions. - DYSPNEA >> from least expectoration COUGH: - < Eating sweets. - - Dry cough in Te morning before menses and during menses. CHEST: - - Pain mammae before or during menses. BACK: - - Burning pain in spots; in spine < sitting. EXTREMITIES: - - Numbness and formication in legs when lying. - RestlessNESS. CONSTANTLY MOVES LEGS and FEET (Rhus-t. Tarent), < in bed. - Twitches, jerks, electric-like activity in muscles. Hyperactivity in Te muscles. - Painless paralysis. - - Pain in Te heels from wine. - Varicose veins on legs, < pregnancy (Ferr, Puls). SLEEP: - - SleeplessNESS from RESTLESSNESS or jerking of extremities, especially legs and feet (Ars. Caust. Rhus-t. Tarent). - Wakes as from fright, with shrieking, recognizes no one. - Comateuse sleep from suppressed eruptions. SKIN: - - Eruptions. Fissures.

Literatura homeopata in limba romana Repertoriul Edi ie adaptat de simptome al materiei medicale homeopatice i extins la peste 50.000 rubrici, de Dr. Ioan Teleianu "KentPlus"

Linkuri homeopate Limba englez Online Repertory: REPERTORISING after Kent Kent Repertory (engleza) Reversed Kent's Repertory. A SYNOPTIC KEY OF THE MATERIA MEDICA by BOGER ORGANON OF MEDICINE by Hahnemann Samuel BOENNINGHAUSEN'S CHARACTERISTICS MATERIA MEDICA & REPERTORY. HOMOEPATHIC MATERIA MEDICA by William BOERICKE, M.D. REPERTORY by Oscar E. BOERICKE, M.D. 13 Remedii constitutionale. (Clark) Medicina constitutionala (Clark) Allen's Clinical Hints compiled from T.F. Allen's Hand Book The Testimony of the Clinic by Eugene Beauharnais NASH Pagina despre homeopatie (engleza, franceza) Pagina cu remedii sortate pe boli ( germana) Homeopathy Home David Little (excelent) Homeopathic Educational Service Lyghtforce Homeopathy On Line (A Journal Of Homeopathic Medicine) Homoeopathic Website by Will Taylor M.D. The Canadian Academy of Homeopathy The Classical Homeopathy Department of the "MEDICINE GARDEN" (Dr. Sumit Goel) Minimum Price Homeopathic Books B.H.J.: British Homeopathic Journal (An International journal) B. Jain Publishers OMHI (International Homeopathic Medical Organization) - Dr Alain Horvilleur Homeopathic Education Society (Bombay, Mumbai)

UKHMA (United Kingdom Homoeopathic Medical Association) The Foundation for Homoeopathic Research (Indian web site)

ICH : The Institute of Classical Homoeopathy

Limba romn (Societatea Romn de Homeopatie) Site de homeopatie dedicat medicilor debutanti si cursan ilor redactat de Dr. Ioan Teleianu. (Dr. Ioan Teleianu) Site de homeopatie dedicat pacien ilor. (Dr. Ioan Teleianu) Site de homeopatie dedicat medicilor homeopa i. (Dr. Ioan Teleianu) Site de homeopatie dedicat medicilor homeopa i profesionisti - (Dr. Adrian Alecu) - (Dr. Adrian Alecu) - (Dr. Gheorghe Jurj) - (Dr. Marius Negomireanu) - (Dr. Cristina Berbecel) - (Dr. Cadar Sorin Dan) - (Dr. Adrian P. Adam) - (Dr. Radu Sarandan) - (Dr. Geo S vulescu)

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