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Class 10 - English
Sample Paper 03

Maximum Marks: 40
Time Allowed: 90 minutes

General Instructions:

1. The Question Paper contains THREE sections.

2. Section A-READING has 18 questions. Attempt a total of 14 questions, as per specific instructions for each
3. Section B-WRITING & GRAMMAR has 12 questions. Attempt a total of 10 questions, as per specific
instructions for each question.
4. Section C-LITERATURE has 30 questions. Attempt 26 questions, as per specific instructions for each
5. All questions carry equal marks.
6. There is no negative marking.


Question No. 1 to 10 are based on the given text. Read the text carefully and answer the

I rested for a moment at the door of Anand Bhawan, on Market Road, where coffee-drinkers and tiffin-
eaters sat still at their tables, uttering low moans on seeing me. I wanted to assure them, “Don’t mind
me, you hugging the cash box — you are a coward, afraid even to breathe. Go on, count the cash, if that
is your pleasure. I just want to watch it, that’s all. If my tail trails down to the street, if I am blocking
your threshold, it is because I’m told, I’m eleven feet tip to tail. I can’t help it. I’m not out to kill — I’m
too full. I found a green pasture full of food on my way. I won’t attack until I feel hungry again. Tigers
attack only when they feel hungry, unlike human beings who slaughter one another without purpose
or hunger.”
To the great delight of children, schools were being hurriedly closed. Children of all ages and sizes were
running helter-skelter, screaming joyously, “No school, no school. Tiger, tiger !” They were shouting
and laughing and even enjoying being scared. They seemed to welcome me. I felt like joining them. So I
bounded away from the restaurant door. I walked along with them, at which they cried, “The tiger is
coming to eat us; let us get back to school!”
I followed them through their school gate while they ran up and shut themselves in the school hall
securely. I climbed up the steps of the school, saw an open door at the far end of a veranda, and walked
in. It happened to be the headmaster’s room. I noticed a very dignified man jumping on the table and
heaving himself up into an attic. I walked in and flung myself on the cool floor, having a special liking
for cool stone floors.
As I browsed, I was aware of cautious steps and hushed voices all around. I was in no mood to bother
about anything. All I wanted was a little moment of sleep; the daylight was very bright

1. Where did the narrator rest for a moment?

a. School

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b. On the street
c. In the pasture
d. Anand Bhawan
2. Identify the word which means the same as HEAVING UP.
a. running away
b. climbing
c. raising
d. hiding
3. Who is the narrator here?
a. A Deer
b. A Tiger
c. A Human Being
d. A Student
4. How did the diners at Anand Bhawan react to seeing the narrator?
a. Locked themselves in the cafe
b. Sat still and uttered low moans
c. Started running here and there
d. Continued having food/coffee
5. When do tigers attack?
a. When they are sleepy
b. When they are hungry
c. Anytime, without any purpose
d. In every few weeks
6. In this context, how are human beings different from tigers?
a. Humans slaughter one another when hungry
b. Humans slaughter one another without any purpose/hunger
c. Humans slaughter one other with a definite purpose
d. Humans slaughter tigers only
7. Why were children happy and even enjoying being scared?
a. They wanted to touch the tiger
b. Schools were being closed
c. Schools remained open even on the tiger’s arrival
d. They had never seen a tiger before
8. What was the tiger’s opinion about the man at the cash counter?
a. He is a coward
b. He is brave
c. He is money-minded
d. He is going to be its prey
9. Where did the people shut them from the tiger?
a. Restaurant
b. Veranda
c. School Hall
d. Home
10. Identify the word which means the same as HUGGING.
a. holding tightly in the arms
b. hiding
c. counting

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d. rubbing
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Question No. 11 to 18 are based on the given text. Read the text carefully and answer the

Land-use Changes in India

Land-use in a region, to a large extent, is influenced by the nature of economic activities carried out in
that region. However, while economic activities change over time, land, like many other natural
resources, is fixed in terms of its area. At this stage, one needs to appreciate three types of changes that
an economy undergoes, which affect land-use.

i. The size of the economy (measured in terms of value for all the goods and services produced in the
economy) grows over time as a result of increasing population, change in income levels, available
technology and associated factors. As a result, the pressure on land will increase with time and
marginal lands would come underuse.
ii. Secondly, the composition of the economy would undergo a change over time. In other words, the
secondary and the tertiary sectors usually grow much faster than the primary sector, specifically
the agricultural sector. This type of change is common in developing countries, like India. This
process would result in a gradual shift of land from agricultural uses to non-agricultural uses. You
would observe that such changes are sharp around large urban areas. The agricultural land is
being used for building purposes.
iii. Thirdly, though the contribution of the agricultural activities reduces over time, the pressure on
land for agricultural activities does not decline. The reasons for continued pressure on agricultural
land are:
a. In developing countries, the share of population dependent on agriculture usually declines
much more slowly compared to the decline in the sector’s share in GDP.
b. The number of people that the agricultural sector has to feed is increasing day by day.

India has undergone major changes within the economy over the past four or five decades, and this has
influenced the land-use changes in the country. There are two points that you need to remember

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before you derive some meaning from this figure. Firstly, the percentages shown in the figure have
been derived with respect to the reporting area. Secondly, since even the reporting area has been
relatively constant over the years, a decline in one category usually leads to an increase in some other
category. Four categories have undergone increases, while four have registered declines. Share of the
area under forest, the area under non-agricultural uses, current fallow lands and net area is sown have
shown an increase. The following observations can be made about these increases:

i. The rate of increase is the highest in the case of areas under non-agricultural use. This is due to the
changing structure of the Indian economy, which is increasingly dependent on the contribution
from industrial and services sectors and the expansion of related infrastructural facilities. Also, an
expansion of area under both urban and rural settlements has added to the increase. Thus, the
area under non-agricultural uses is increasing at the expense of wastelands and agricultural land.
ii. The increase in the share under forest, as explained before, can be accounted for by the increase in
the demarcated area under forest rather than an actual increase in the forest cover in the country.
iii. The increase in the current fallow cannot be explained from information pertaining to only two
points. The trend of current fallow fluctuates a great deal over years, depending on the variability
of rainfall and cropping cycles.
iv. The increase in net area sown is a recent phenomenon due to the use of culturable wasteland for
agricultural purposes. Before which it was registering a slow decrease. There are indications that
most of the decline had occurred due to the increases in area under nonagricultural use.

11. What factors lead to an increase in the size of the economy?

a. All of these
b. Increasing population
c. Change in income levels
d. Available technology and associated factors
12. How does the composition of the economy in developing nations undergo a change?
a. The secondary and tertiary sectors grow slower than the primary sector
b. The secondary, tertiary, and primary sectors grow at a similar pace
c. All of these
d. The secondary and tertiary sectors usually grow much faster than the primary sector
13. On what factor does the land-use in a region depend upon to a large extent?
a. On the size of the population of that region
b. On the topography of that region
c. Nature of economic activities carried out in that region
d. Nature of the working population in that region
14. Land ________ in terms of its area over a period of time.
a. becomes invisible
b. increases
c. is fixed
d. diminishes
15. On what factor does the land use depend upon?
a. All of these
b. The size of the economy
c. The pressure on land for agricultural activities
d. The composition of the economy

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16. What is the economic status of India?

a. Superpower
b. Underdeveloped
c. Developed
d. Developing
17. What is the proportion of land occupied by forests in the year 1950-51 and 2014-15?

a. Option-D
b. Option-A
c. Option-B
d. Option-C
18. Since the past how many years, India has undergone major changes within the economy?
a. Past 100 years
b. Past 40-50 years
c. Past 75 years
d. Past 10-20 years
19. They ________ so many hotels in the region in recent years that gradually they ________ the natural
beauty of the area.
a. were building / destroy
b. are building / have destroyed
c. will built / have been destroying
d. have built / are destroying
20. I _______ tennis yesterday.
a. will play
b. played
c. play
d. have played
21. ________ I get some plates while you are cutting the cake?
a. Do
b. Let
c. Did
d. Shall
22. The men of the community ________ not support the leader.
a. is
b. does
c. do
d. have
23. He said, "What a beautiful scene!"
Reported speech: ________
a. He wondered that it was a beautiful scene.
b. He exclaimed that it was a very beautiful scene.

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c. He exclaimed what a beautiful scene it was.

d. He said that what a beautiful scene it was.
24. According to the studies, dolphins, whales and ________ other sea creatures use highly sophisticated
navigation systems.
a. each
b. any
c. many
d. much

Question No. 25 to 30 are based on the given text. Read the text carefully and answer the

A formal letter is one written in a formal and ceremonious language and follows a certain stipulated
format. Such letters are written for official purposes to authorities, dignitaries, colleagues, seniors, etc
and not to personal contacts, friends or family. A number of conventions must be adhered to while
drafting formal letters.

25. You will write your name and address in the ________ of the letter.
a. bottom left
b. top right corner
c. top left corner
d. centre
26. Which of these would you avoid using in your letter?
a. Do not
b. Cannot
c. I am
d. Wouldn't
27. What will you write on the top of your letter on the left side?
a. Salutation
b. Subject
c. Sender's address
d. Subscription
28. Where should you write the date in your letter?
a. Under the salutation
b. Under recipient address
c. Above your address
d. Above recipient address
29. Suppose you are writing your letter on a computer, how should you align your text?
a. Justified (spread to fit the line)
b. Right
c. Centre
d. Left
30. Which of the following, you will not need in a formal letter?
a. Using correct sentences
b. Checking spellings
c. Using paragraphs

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d. Using pictures

Question No. 31 to 35 are based on the given text. Read the text carefully and answer the

“We, who were outlaws not so long ago, have today been given the rare privilege to be host to the
nations if the world on our own soil. We thank all of our distinguished international guests for having
come to take possession with the people of our country of what is, after all, a common victory for
justice, for peace, for human dignity.”

31. The guests at the spectacular ceremony are being called distinguished because they
a. they are visiting the country for this purpose.
b. they are eminent world leaders witnessing it.
c. they have resumed diplomatic relations with the country.
d. they have been invited as guests to attend it.
32. It is a victory for ‘human dignity’. Pick the option that lists the correct answer for what ‘human dignity’
would include.
a. (i) equality (ii) liberty (iii) indecency
b. (i) immorality (ii) self-respect (iii) equality
c. (i) equality (ii) liberty (iii) self-respect
d. (i) liberty (ii) indecency (iii) self-respect
33. Why does the speaker say that it is a ‘rare privilege’?
He says this as they have
a. seldom been given this honour.
b. experienced it for the first time.
c. been deprived of this honour.
d. been chosen over other countries, for this honour.
34. How do you think the speaker feels? Choose the option that best fits his state of mind.

a. (i) emotional (ii) elated (iii) unmindful

b. (i) elated (ii) unmindful (iii) overwhelmed
c. (i) overwhelmed ii) elated (iii) honoured
d. (i) elated (ii) honoured (iii) unmindful
35. Pick the option that showcases the usage of ‘host’ as in the extract.
a. He is the best host that one can ever come across.
b. She met the host and apologised for her friend’s misbehaviour.
c. He was praised for his hospitality as the host of the party.
d. She was able to host the event without any hindrance.

Question No. 36 to 40 are based on the given text. Read the text carefully and answer the

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“Mr. Keesing had a good laugh at my arguments, but when I proceeded to talk my way through the next
lesson, he assigned me a second essay. This time it was supposed to be on An Incorrigible Chatterbox.
I handed it in, and Mr. Keesing had nothing to complain about for two whole lessons. However, during
the third lesson, he’d finally had enough. “Anne Frank, as a punishment for talking in class, write an
essay entitled-‘Quack, Quack, Quack, said Mistress Chatterbox’.”

36. What convincing argument was made by Anne?

i. She was talkative just like any other student in the class.
ii. She had the right to be talkative, as it was a classroom and not a prison.
iii. She had inherited the trait from her mother, so couldn’t stop being talkative.
iv. She found it impossible to be quiet like the others as she couldn’t change herself.
a. Option (i)
b. Option (iii)
c. Option (iv)
d. Option (ii)
37. What does had a good laugh imply, in the context of Mr. Keesing?
It means that he
a. pulled up Anne for her arguments in the essay.
b. ridiculed Anne in front of the whole class.
c. realised the humour in it and was amused.
d. celebrated his ability to make Anne write the essay.
38. Based on this extract, pick the option with the list of words that best describe Mr. Keesing.
a. tolerant and strict
b. jovial and creative
c. innovative and jovial
d. strict and innovative
39. Why do you think Mr. Keesing chose the title - An Incorrigible Chatterbox - for Anne, to write on?
This was so because he expected
a. Anne to explore her creative writing skills.
b. that this would embarrass Anne and would check her indiscipline.
c. her to apologise and not repeat her talkative behaviour.
d. Anne to express her inability to elaborate on such a topic.
40. How did Anne feel when she was punished the third time by Mr. Keesing?
a. was thrilled at another opportunity to showcase her writing abilities.
b. was happy as she had to write three essays on the same topic.
c. enjoyed making fun of Mr. Keesing in her own way.
d. was worried as she had run out of original ideas for her essay.
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Question No. 41 to 45 are based on the given text. Read the text carefully and answer the

What is the boy now, who has lost his ball,

What, what is he to do? I saw it go
Merrily bouncing, down the street, and then
Merrily over - there it is in the water!

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41. The extract suggests that the poet is:

a. the boy talking about himself.
b. a parent recounting the incident.
c. imagining the incident.
d. an onlooker observing.
42. The poet seems to have indicated the merry bouncing of the ball to:
a. indicate the cheerful mood of the boy.
b. contrast with the dejected feeling of the boy.
c. support the happiness of the experience of playing.
d. create a sense of rhythm in these lines.
43. Choose the situation that corresponds to the emotion behind the exclamation mark in the poem.
i. Hey! Hey! That's no way to dispose off the garbage. Have you no community sense? Please put it in
the bin.
ii. I knew it! I knew he'll fare well in his auditions for 'Young Chef'. Now, we prepare for the semi-
iii. I don't know where I've placed my ID card. Let me check the bag once more. Ah, finally!
iv. I've been trying to call mom for the past 20 minutes and can't get through. I don't know how...
Aarrgh! Again!
a. Option (iii)
b. Option (iv)
c. Option (ii)
d. Option (i)
44. The poem begins with a question. Based on your reading of the poem, the speak
a. is thinking to himself.
b. wants the boy to answer the question.
c. expects the passersby to respond.
d. is looking for answers in a self-help book.
45. Alliteration is a literary device that occurs with the same letter or sound at beginning of adjacent or
closely connected words.
Pick the option that showcases an example of alliteration from the extract.
a. I saw it go
b. What is the boy now
c. Who has lost his ball
d. And then/Merrily over

Question No. 46 to 50 are based on the given text. Read the text carefully and answer the

I had forgotten about them in the excitement of the theft. Whole sentences, I knew, could one day bring
me more than a few hundred rupees. It was a simple matter to steal - and sometimes just as simple to
be caught. But to be a really big man, a clever and respected man, was something else. I should go back
to Anil, I told myself, if only to learn to read and write.

46. Anil taught Hari Singh to:

a. write his name
b. cook food
c. ride a bicycle

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d. steal money
47. In his excitement of the theft, he forgot:
a. to lock the door
b. about his education
c. to take his clothes
d. to cook food for Anil
48. He realised that education could give him:
a. none of these
b. money
c. both respect and money
d. respect
49. He went back to Anil:
a. to give the money and leave
b. to confess his mistake
c. to thank him
d. to read and write
50. Which work means the same as smart?
a. Clever
b. Big
c. Simple
d. Respected
51. Why was Lencho angry when he counted the money?
a. The postmaster rebuked him.
b. The amount received was not what he expected.
c. The postmaster gave him fake currency.
d. Most of the notes were damaged.
52. "But if it had to perish twice." What does ‘it’ stand for in this line?
a. World
b. Desire.
c. Ice
d. Fire.
53. The whole family of the young seagull addresses him as:-
a. Hardworking
b. Brave
c. Coward
d. Courageous
54. Who was the most popular girl in school? (The Hundred Dresses-I)
a. Wanda
b. Maddie
c. Peggy
d. All of these
55. Name the poetic device used in the line Has given my heart. (Dust of snow)
a. Simile
b. Metaphor
c. Alliteration
d. Oxymoron
56. According to Nelson Mandela's doctrine, A man who takes away another man's freedom is a _________.

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a. Prisoner of loyalty
b. Prisoner of Hatred
c. Anti- Nationalist
d. Traitor
57. Name the poetic device used in the line On pads of velvet quiet. (A Tiger in the Zoo)
a. Consonance
b. Oxymoron
c. Assonance
d. Metaphor
58. Why were the two boys in London surprised and fascinated?
a. They saw a hound in their backyard.
b. They saw dollars floating in the air.
c. They saw footprints originating out of nowhere.
d. They saw an extraterrestrial.
59. The thief used to take ________ rupees from the money everybody which was given by Anil for grocery
a. 1
b. 10
c. 50
d. 5
60. The chapter is all about a pet animal named Tricki. Who was Tricki?
a. A Rabbit
b. A Cat
c. A Mouse
d. A Dog

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Class 10 - English
Sample Paper 03


1. (d) Anand Bhawan
Explanation: Anand Bhawan
2. (c) raising
Explanation: raising
3. (b) A Tiger
Explanation: A Tiger
4. (b) Sat still and uttered low moans
Explanation: Sat still and uttered low moans
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study material for CBSE, NCERT, JEE (main), NEET-UG and NDA exams.
5. (b) When they are hungry
Explanation: When they are hungry
6. (b) Humans slaughter one another without any purpose/hunger
Explanation: Humans slaughter one another without any purpose/hunger
7. (b) Schools were being closed
Explanation: Schools were being closed
8. (a) He is a coward
Explanation: He is a coward
9. (c) School Hall
Explanation: School Hall
10. (a) holding tightly in the arms
Explanation: holding tightly in the arms
11. (a) All of these
Explanation: All of these
12. (d) The secondary and tertiary sectors usually grow much faster than the primary sector
Explanation: The secondary and tertiary sectors usually grow much faster than the primary sector.
13. (c) Nature of economic activities carried out in that region
Explanation: Nature of economic activities carried out in that region
14. (c) is fixed
Explanation: is fixed
15. (a) All of these
Explanation: All of these
16. (d) Developing
Explanation: Developing
17. (b) Option-A
Explanation: Option-A
18. (b) Past 40-50 years
Explanation: Past 40-50 years
19. (d) have built / are destroying
Explanation: have built / are destroying

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20. (b) played

Explanation: played
21. (d) Shall
Explanation: Shall
22. (c) do
Explanation: do
23. (b) He exclaimed that it was a very beautiful scene.
Explanation: He exclaimed that it was a very beautiful scene.
24. (c) many
Explanation: many
25. (c) top left corner
Explanation: top left corner
26. (d) Wouldn't
Explanation: Wouldn't
27. (c) Sender's address
Explanation: Sender's address
28. (d) Above recipient address
Explanation: Above recipient address
29. (d) Left
Explanation: Left
30. (d) Using pictures
Explanation: Using pictures
31. (b) they are eminent world leaders witnessing it.
Explanation: they are eminent world leaders witnessing it.
32. (c) (i) equality (ii) liberty (iii) self-respect
Explanation: (i) equality (ii) liberty (iii) self-respect
33. (b) experienced it for the first time.
Explanation: experienced it for the first time.
34. (c) (i) overwhelmed ii) elated (iii) honoured
Explanation: (i) overwhelmed ii) elated (iii) honoured
35. (d) She was able to host the event without any hindrance.
Explanation: She was able to host the event without any hindrance.
36. (b) Option (iii)
Explanation: She had inherited the trait from her mother, so couldn’t stop being talkative.
37. (c) realised the humour in it and was amused.
Explanation: realised the humour in it and was amused.
38. (d) strict and innovative
Explanation: strict and innovative
39. (b) that this would embarrass Anne and would check her indiscipline.
Explanation: that this would embarrass Anne and would check her indiscipline.
40. (d) was worried as she had run out of original ideas for her essay.
Explanation: was worried as she had run out of original ideas for her essay.
41. (d) an onlooker observing.
Explanation: an onlooker observing.
42. (b) contrast with the dejected feeling of the boy.

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Explanation: contrast with the dejected feeling of the day

43. (b) Option (iv)
Explanation: Option (iv)
44. (a) is thinking to himself.
Explanation: is thinking to himself.
45. (c) Who has lost his ball
Explanation: Who has lost his ball
46. (a) write his name
Explanation: write his name
47. (b) about his education
Explanation: about his education
48. (c) both respect and money
Explanation: both respect and money
49. (d) to read and write
Explanation: to read and write
50. (a) Clever
Explanation: Clever
51. (b) The amount received was not what he expected.
Explanation: Lencho appealed to the All mighty to get a sum of hundred pesos but unfortunately the
postmaster could collect seventy pesos only.
52. (a) World
Explanation: The poet through the poem tries to opine that hate and greed are the greatest malice in this
world. The poet says that although he favours the belief that the world would end in fire, he also feels that
if the world were to end twice it would end in ice i.e. man’s propensity to hate the other will be the cause of
it’s demise.
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53. (c) Coward
Explanation: Being a bird, the young seagull has a fear of flying and because of it he didn't even tried once
to fly. That's the reason why his family addresses him as a Coward.
54. (c) Peggy
Explanation: Peggy
55. (c) Alliteration
Explanation: Alliteration
56. (b) Prisoner of Hatred
Explanation: Nelson Mandela's doctrine articulates that, A man who takes away another man's freedom is
a prisoner of hatred as he is locked behind the bars of prejudice and narrow-mindedness.
57. (d) Metaphor
Explanation: Metaphor
58. (c) They saw footprints originating out of nowhere.
Explanation: The two boys were astonished on spotting footprints on the steps of a house. They soon
realized that they had no visible origin.
59. (a) 1 Explanation: 1
60. (d) A Dog
Explanation: The chapter is about a pet animal named Tricki. He was a dog who was owned by a wealthy
single woman named Mrs Pumphery.

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