QA-05 Ratio-2 - Q

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l a
e C
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QA - 05
Ratio - 2
e s
s s
In first five months sales (in Rs.) of a store is 54000, 62000, 55000, 40000 and 72000

respectively. If average of sales of first six months is Rs. 60,000. What was the sale in

6th month?

(1) Rs. 87,000

(4) Rs. 67,000

e C
(2) Rs. 57,000

(5) None of these

(3) Rs. 77,000

il n
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Question – 1
e s
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There are two sections – A and B – of a class, consisting 25 and 32 students
respectively. If the average weight of section A is 38 kg and that of section B is 35 kg,
then find the average weight of the whole class.

l a
(1) 35.5 kg (2) 36.3 kg

(3) 40.7 kg (4) 41.8 kg

il n
O n

Question – 2
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The average weight of A, B and C is 40 kg. If the average weight of A and B is 35 kg
and that of B and C is 36 kg, then find the weight of B.
(1) 22 kg (2) 23 kg
l a
(3) 28 kg (4) 30 kg

e C
il n
O n

Question – 3
e s
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Ramesh receives the following scores in his maths test: 78, 92, 83 and 99. What score
does he need in the next test in order to have an average of 90 in the five tests?
(1) 92 (2) 94
l a
(3) 97 (4) 98

e C
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Question – 4
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The mean of 50 numbers is 30. Later, it was discovered that two entries were wrongly
entered as 82 and 13 instead of 28 and 31. Find the correct mean.
(1) 36.12 (2) 30.66
l a
(3) 29.28 (4) 38.21

e C
il n
O n

Question – 5
e s
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Average weight of 10 people is 50kg. When one person is added to the group the
average weight increases by 1kg. What is the weight of that new person?
(1) 60 kg (2) 59 kg
l a
(3) 61 kg (4) 50 kg

e C
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Question – 6
e s
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Average height of 5 people is 162cm. When one person is removed, the average height
of the remaining people becomes 161cm. What is the height of the person removed?
(1) 161 cm (2) 162 cm
l a
(3) 163 cm
(4) 164 cm
(5) None of these

il n
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Question – 7
e s
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The bowling average of a cricketer was 12.4. He improves his bowling average by 0.2
points when he takes 5 wickets for 26 runs in his last match. The number of wickets
taken by him before the last match was

l a
(1) 125 (2) 150

(3) 175 (4) Data insufficient

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Question – 8
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The average speed of a train for the first 5 hours was 63 km/hr, for next 3 hours was 58
km/hr and for next 2 hours was 72 km/hr. What was the average speed of the train for
the entire journey?

l a
(1) 65 km/hr (2) 63.3 km/hr (3) 60 km/hr

(4) 64.33 km/hr (5) None of these

il n
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Question – 9
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A is the average of a series of n consecutive odd numbers starting with x and B is the
average of n consecutive odd numbers starting with x + 4. The value of (B – A)
(1) is always 4.
l a
(2) depends on x.
(3) depends on n
e C
il n
(4) is always a multiple of 4.
(5) both (2) and (3).

O n

Question – 10
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Consider the set S = {2, 3, 4, ……, 2n + 1}, where ‘n’ is a positive integer larger than
2007. Define X as the average of the odd integers in S and Y as the average of the
even integers in S. What is the value of (X – Y)?

l a
(1) 0 (2) 1

e C (3) 1 n

il n
(4) n  1 (5) 2008

O n

Question – 11
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The average age of 7 consecutive natural numbers is K, then what will be the average
of next 7 consecutive natural numbers?
(1) K (2) K + 7
l a
(3) K + 1
(4) K + 49
(5) None of these

il n
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Question – 12
e s
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Consider a sequence of seven consecutive integers. The average of the first five
integers is n. The average of all the seven integers is

(1) n
l a
(2) n + 1

e C
il n
(3) k × n, where k is a function of n

(4) n   

Question – 13
e s
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The average age of a husband and wife, who got married 5 years ago, was 25 years at
that time. The average age of the family including the husband, the wife and two

l a
children who were born during the interval is 16 years now. How old are the children
now? [All of them have different ages with integral values]
(1) 1 year, 3 years
(2) 4 years, 1 year
e C
(3) 2 years, 3 years

il n
(4) 2 years, 2 years

(5) None of these

Question – 14
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Ten years ago, the ages of the members of a joint family of eight people added up to
231 years. Three years later, one member died at the age of 60 years and a child was

l a
born during the same year. After another three years, one more member died, again at
60, and a child was born during the same year. The current average age of this eight-
member joint family is nearest to
(1) 23 years

e C
(2) 22 years (3) 21 years

il n
(4) 25 years (5) 24 years

O n

Question – 15
e s
Three classes X, Y and Z take an algebra test.

s s
The average score in class X is 83.

l a
The average score in class Y is 76.
The average score in class Z is 85.

il n
The average score of all students in classes X and Y together is 79.
The average score of all students in classes Y and Z together is 81.

O n
What is the average score of all the three classes?
(1) 81 (2) 81.5
(3) 82 (4) 84.5

Question – 16
e s
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Ramesh analysed the monthly salary figures of five vice presidents of his company. All
the salary figures are integers. The mean and the median salary figures are Rs 5 lakh,

l a
and the only mode is Rs 8 lakh. Which of the options below is the sum (in Rs lakh) of
the highest and the lowest salaries?

(1) 9 (2) 10
e C (3) 11
(XAT 12)

(4) 12

il n
(5) None of the above.

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Question – 17
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A, B and C enter into a partnership. A invests Rs. 800 for 4 months, B invest Rs. 1,200

for 8 months and C invest Rs. 1,400 for 10 months. They gain Rs. 1,340 together. Find

the share of A.
(1) Rs. 160
(3) Rs. 480

e C
(2) Rs. 700
(4) Rs. 320

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Question – 18
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A invested Rs. 4,500 in a business. After few months, B joined him with Rs. 3,000. At
the end of the year, the total profit was divided between them in the ratio 3 : 1
respectively. After how many months did B join the business?

l a
(1) 2 months (2) 4 months

(3) 6 months (4) 8 months

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Question – 19
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A, B and C enter into partnership. A invests 4 times as much as B invests and B invest
three-fourth of what C invests. At the end of the year, the total profit earned is Rs. 7,220.
What is the share of A?

l a
(1) Rs. 1,520 (2) Rs. 1,140 (3) Rs. 4,450

(4) Rs. 4,560 (5) Rs. 2,250

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Question – 20
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A, B and C invested their capitals in the ratio 5 : 6 : 8 respectively. At the end of the
business term they received the profits in the respective ratio 5 : 3 : 1. Find the ratio of
the duration for which they invested their capital.

l a
(1) 3 : 4 : 1 (2) 4 : 3 : 1 (3) 8 : 4 : 1

(4) 4 : 1 : 8 (5) None of these

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Question – 21
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Seeta started a business by investing Rs. 4,200. After six months, Geeta joined with an
amount of Rs. 5,400. Three years after Seeta’s investment, they earned a profit of Rs.
3,190. What was Seeta’s share in the profit?

l a
(1) Rs. 1,650
(4) Rs. 1,850

e C
(2) Rs. 1,960
(5) Rs. 1,540
(3) Rs. 1,740

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Question – 22
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In a business partnership among A, B, C and D, the profit is shared as follows :

A's share B's share C's share 1

 
l a
B's share C's share D's share 3

If the total profit is Rs. 4,00,000, the share of C is

(1) Rs. 1,12,500

il n
(2) Rs. 1,37,500 (3) Rs. 90,000
(4) Rs. 2,70,000
(5) None of these

Question – 23
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Abhishek and Rani started a partnership business by investing Rs.1 cr and Rs.2 cr

respectively in the beginning of the year. Each of them withdrew one-fourth of their

investment after each quarter till 2nd quarter. At this point Susmita and Randeep joined
them with Rs.50 lakh and Rs.1 cr respectively. Randeep withdrew his entire investment

after 3 months. If the profit at the end of the year is Rs. 41 lakhs, the combined share of

Abhishek and Rani is

il n
(1) Rs.22 lakh (2) Rs.33 lakh
(3) Rs.8 lakh (4) Rs.30 lakh

O n

Question – 24
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Rajiv is a student in a business school. After every test he calculates his cumulative
average. QT and OB were his last two tests.83 marks in QT increased his average by

l a
2. 75 marks in OB further increased his average by 1. Reasoning is the next test, if he
gets 51 in Reasoning, his average will be ___?

e C (XAT 08)

il n
(1) 59 (2) 60
(3) 61 (4) 63

O n

Question – 25
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Prof. Bee noticed something peculiar while entering the quiz marks of his five students
into a spreadsheet. The spreadsheet was programmed to calculate the average after

l a
each score was entered. Prof. Bee entered the marks in a random order and noticed
that after each mark was entered, the average was always an integer. In ascending

fifth marks Prof. Bee entered?

e C
order, the marks of the students were 71, 76, 80, 82 and 91. What were the fourth and

il n
(XAT 2011)
(1) 71 and 82 (2) 71 and 76
(3) 71 and 80

O n (4) 76 and 80

Question – 26
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A man travels at v m/s for ‘t’ seconds. He travels at 2v m/s for ‘t1’ seconds. If the

average speed for the entire journey is v, find t1 as a fraction of t.
t (2)
e C
il n
(3) 3 t (4) t

O n

Question – 27
e s
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The mean of six positive integers is 15. The median is 18, and the only mode of the
integers is less than 18. The maximum possible value of the largest of the six integers is

l a
(1) 26 (2) 28

e C (3) 30
(XAT 13)

il n
(4) 32 (5) 34

O n

Question – 28
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The average weight of a class of 100 students is 45 kg. The class consists of two

sections, A and B, each with 50 students. The average weight W1 of Section A is 1 kg

less than the average weight W2 of Section B. If Deepak, the heaviest student of
section B, is moved to Section A, and Poonam, the lightest student of Section A, is

e C
moved to Section B, then the average weights of the two sections are interchanged.
What is the weight of Poonam if it is known that movement of Deepak from Section B to
A (without moving Poonam) makes the average weights of the two sections equal?
(1) 70 kg
il n
(2) 15 kg (3) 20 kg
(4) 25 kg

(5) None of these

Question – 29
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A set of consecutive positive integers beginning with 1 is written on the blackboard. A

student came along and erased one number. The average of the remaining numbers is.

What was the erased number?

C l
il n
(1) 7 (2) 8
(3) 9 (4) None of these

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Question – 30

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