Leadership Connect Session - The Service Factor in Fulfilling Purpose

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Leadership Connect Series...

Fulfilling Purpose: The Service Factor

11 T H DEC EMBER 2022
“ The greatest tragedy
in life is not DEATH,
but a life without

• Dr. Myles Munroe
Contextualizing Service in Purpose

SERVICE: Offering or surrendering one’s PURPOSE: God’s unique reason for our
time, skills and other resources, to achieve a creation. His original intention for bringing
given task in the advancement of the us into this world. His ordained role for us
Kingdom to play in His Grand Plan.
• To give Him pleasure. Col. 1:16
Service as a Duty: Exodus 23:25 – 26: To God: • To glorify Him, reflect His glory on earth.
And ye shall serve the LORD your God, and he Rev. 4:11
shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will • Agent of His Will to carry out His Counsel
take sickness away from the midst of thee.

Servive as a Call: Ps 78:70-72: He chose David

from following ewes to shepered Israel
according to the intergrity of his heart.

Is. 6:8 - Send me

To God & Others God-determined

Question: Is it possible for us to fulfil Purpose without Service?

Matthew 20:28,Mark 10:45,John 13:1-17

5 Key Areas of Service as a precursor to fulfilling Purpose
Physical Resources
Our Talent & Skills Beyond time and talent, God expects us to serve with
any and all physical resources at our disposal. 2 Cor
1 Cor. 12:4-6 Sometimes, our talents 8:7
and gifts are pointers to our areas of
calling. These may not be obvious
sometimes, until an encounter with
God helps us to discover. Moses,
God expects us to serve him and
Our Time others with our finances and
without grudges. He expects us
Of everything that God to do it out of our love for Him.
Deut. 15:10, Luke 6:38
placed at hour disposal, time
remains the most important In fulfilling the
because its finite. Jn 9:4 Purpose of God for
Work while its day
our lives, these are
5 areas to look at.
Spiritual Gifts
Particularly, our spiritual gifts are great
pointers to the Purpose of God in our lives
and God expects us to deploy them optimally
in His Service. Rom12:3-8, 1 Pet. 4:10
Some Bible Characters We Can Learn Service From....

These key characters fulfilled purpose through service to God, brethren or their nation

Moses Joshua Gideon Ruth Esther Deborah David Daniel

Meekness Courage Courage Perseveran- Courage Courage Godly-Heart Wisdom

Courage Leadership Faith Faith Worship Faith in God
Faith Integrity Discipline
Intimacy Courage
with God Encourage-
In serving to fulfil Purpose, the scriptures
only promised those that finish
1 Cor. 9:26-27 - I
run, not as one
Rev. 3:21 – To him
that beats the that overcometh..

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