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Day : Thursday Date : 23 June 2022

Room Ty Total Room Out Of Ser Vacant Sold Sigle Occu Company R Comp
pe s vice pancy ate
Single 40 2 3 35 87% 0 0
Twin 25 0 0 25 100 % 0 0
Deluxe 35 1 8 26 74 % 0 0
Suite 10 0 4 6 60 % 0 0
TOTAL 110 3 15 67 61 % 0 0
Revenue 48.000.000 800.000 8.300.000 46.650.00 - - -

Room Occupancy % 82 % Total room revenue Rp 46.650.000
Bed Occupancy % 81 % Average room rate Rp 696.000
Double Occupancy % 77,1 % Yield % 80,4 %
Occupancy Week To Date -
Occupancy This Night Last Yea -
Cancellations % -
No-shows % -

Discounts and Complimentary

Rooms Rate Name Affiliation/Explanation

3 room out of service karena sedang dalam perbaikan
- Kamar no. 48 perbaikan AC
- Kamar no. 101 perbaikan pada kamar mandi
- Kamar no. 23 sedang dalam perbaikan dan pengecekan ulang aliran listrik

Prepared by :

Nabilla Fauziah
MS e
Single 40 Rp 300.000 Rp 400.000 Rp 250.000 10.500.000
Twin 25 Rp 400.000 Rp 550.000 Rp 350.000 14.300.000
Deluxe 35 Rp 500.000 Rp 650.000 Rp 450.000 15.800.000
Suite 10 Rp 850.000 Rp 1.100.000 Rp 1.000.000 6.600.000

Single = 40 room ditempati 1 pax > 35 x Rp 300.000 = Rp 10.500.000

Twin = 26 room ditempati 2 pax > 25 x Rp 550.000 = Rp 13.750.000
Deluxe = 22 room ditempati 2 pax > 22 x Rp 650.000 = Rp 14.300.000
= 3 room ditempati 1 pax > 3 x Rp 500.000 = Rp 1.500.000
Total = Rp 15.800.000
Suite = 6 room ditempati 2 pax > 6 x Rp 1.100.000 = Rp 6.600.000
Total Revenue = Rp 46.650.000

Bed Occupancy = 81 %
Rooms Total Room Sold Keterangan
Single 40 35 35 room ditempati 1 pax
Twin 25 26 26 room ditempati 2 pax
Double 35 25 22 room ditempati 2 pax
3 room ditempati 1 pax
Suite 10 6 6 room ditempati 2 pax

>> 35 + 52 + 47 + 12 = x 100 = 81 %

Double Occupancy = 77,1 %

>> = × 100 = 77,1 %

Yield = 77,59 %
>> Pendapatan Potensial = ( 35 x 300.000 ) + ( 25 x 550.000 ) + ( 35 x 650.000 ) + ( 10 x 1.100.000 )
= 10.500.000 + 13.750.000 + 22.750.000 + 11.000.000
= Rp 58.000.000
>> Pendapatan Aktual = ( 35 x 300.000 ) + ( 25 x 550.000 ) + ( 22 + 650.000 ) + (3 + 500.000) + ( 6 x 1.100.000 )
= 10.500.000 + 13.750.000 + 14.300.000 + 1.500.000 + 6.600.000
= Rp 46.650.000
>> Yield = x 100 = 80,4 %

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