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How The Push for Lead-Free Standard in Electronic Product (Rohs) Increased Social

Justice in The USA.

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It is undeniable that social justice is a complex and multi-faceted issue. According to

Buettner-Schmidt and Lobo (2012), social justice is the belief that everyone deserves equal

social, political, and economic rights and opportunities. In the US, the push for lead-free

standards in electronic products is one aspect of the social justice movement that has gained

traction in recent years. This is due in part to the growing awareness of the harmful effects of

lead exposure, particularly on children. Lead is a neurotoxin that can have a range of negative

health effects, including learning and behavior problems, developmental delays, and even death

(Mayer, 2006). Children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of lead exposure, as their

bodies are still developing. The push for lead-free standards in electronic products is an

important part of the social justice movement because it seeks to protect vulnerable groups from

the harmful effects of lead exposure.  This essay will thus look at the campaign for lead-free

standards in electronics and how it has improved social justice in the United States.

The push for lead-free standards in electronic products in the USA was motivated by a

desire to protect the environment and ensure social justice. The USA has a long history of

environmental justice activism, which has fought for the rights of marginalized communities

who are disproportionately impacted by environmental pollution. The push for lead-free

standards can be seen as part of this tradition as it ensures that products are not harmful to the

environment and protects the health of consumers. There are several existing theories and

scholarly journals that support the argument that the push for lead-free standards is an

environmental justice initiative.

First, the theory of environmental racism posits that people of color are

disproportionately impacted by environmental pollution and that this is a result of systemic

racism (Evans, 1998). This theory has been used to explain the disproportionate impact of lead
poisoning on communities of color in the USA. Second, the concept of environmental justice

emphasizes the need to protect the rights of all people to a clean and healthy environment. This

includes the right to be free from environmental pollution (Buttner-Schnidt and Lobo, 2012).

Third, in the Journal of Environmental Health, researchers have argued that the push for lead-

free standards is an important environmental justice initiative. They state that “the elimination of

lead from electronic products will have a positive impact on the health of children and adults,

and the environment.”. In addition, they argue that the push for lead-free standards will help

reduce the disparities in health outcomes between communities of color and white communities

(Birdsal and Wheeler, 1993). In summary, the push for lead-free standards in electronic items in

the USA is an important environmental justice initiative. This is because it protects the health of

consumers and the environment.

The drive for lead-free standards in electronics improved social justice in the United

States by guaranteeing that these products were safe for everyone to use, regardless of social

standing. There is a growing body of evidence that suggests that lead exposure is a social justice

issue. Lead contamination disproportionately impacts communities of color and those with lower

incomes. According to a National Resources Defense Council research, children from lower-

income homes are twice as likely as those from higher-income families to have high blood levels

of lead (Evans,2004). There are several reasons why low-income children and children of color

are more likely to be exposed to lead. One reason is that they are more likely to live in older

housing that is more likely to contain lead paint. They are also more likely to live in

neighborhoods with high levels of industrial pollution. The campaign for lead-free standards in

electrical items is a significant step in addressing the issue of lead exposure. By ensuring that
commodities are safe for everyone to use, irrespective of their social position, the playing field

can be leveled to guarantee that all children have the chance to attain their full potential.

Moreover, the push for lead-free standards also helped to ensure that all Americans,

regardless of social status, had the opportunity to participate in the economy. This is because

lead exposure can lead to developmental problems that make it difficult for children to succeed

in school and later in life (Cabrera, 2008). By ensuring that products are safe for all Americans to

use, the push for lead-free standards helped in ensuring that these products were safe for use by

everyone, regardless of social status.

Additionally, the push for lead-free standards has led to increased participation by

consumers in the production of electronic products. In particular, consumers have become more

aware of the environmental and health hazards posed by lead and other toxins in electronic

products, and have demanded that companies producing these products adopt lead-free

standards. This increased awareness has been driven in part by the work of social justice and

environmental justice organizations, which have raised public awareness of the issue and pushed

for stricter regulation of the electronics industry (Renzi, 2010). Foxal (1978) points out that the

lead-free movement has given consumers a voice in the process of designing and producing

electronic products. As a result of this increased participation, electronic manufacturers have

been forced to consider the needs and concerns of consumers when designing and producing

products. According to Foxall (1978), the increased participation of consumers in the production

of electronic products has led to several benefits. First, it has ensured that products are designed

and produced with the needs of consumers in mind. This is a significant advance in social justice,

as it ensures that products are designed for the people who will be using them, rather than for the
profit of the manufacturer. Second, the increased participation of consumers has led to increased

transparency in the electronic manufacturing process.

In the past, consumers were largely unaware of the conditions under which electronic

products were manufactured. However, the lead-free movement has led to increased scrutiny of

the manufacturing process, and this has resulted in improved conditions for workers and a

greater focus on environmental sustainability. Lastly, the lead-free movement has resulted in

increased pressure on electronic manufacturers to use environmentally friendly materials and

processes. In the past, electronic manufacturers have often used harmful chemicals and materials

in the production of their products. However, the lead-free movement has led to a greater focus

on environmental sustainability, and this has resulted in the use of more environmentally friendly

materials and processes.

In conclusion, the drive for lead-free electronic items has improved social justice in the

United States. This is due to the fact that lead is a very hazardous metal that can result in a wide

range of health issues, including brain damage, developmental issues, and even death. Lead

exposure is especially harmful to children, who are more likely to absorb it through their skin

and develop serious health problems as a result. The push for lead-free standards thus helped to

ensure that all Americans, regardless of social status, had access to safe products. This is

consistent with the social justice notion that all individuals should have access to the resources

they require to live healthy and productive lives. In addition, the push for lead-free standards also

helped to ensure that all Americans, regardless of social status, had the opportunity to participate

in the economy. This is due to the fact that lead exposure can result in developmental issues that

make it challenging for kids to excel in school and in later life. By ensuring that products are safe
for all Americans to use, the push for lead-free standards helped to level the playing field and

give everyone a fair chance to succeed. All these lie at the very core of social justice concerns.


Birdsall, N., & Wheeler, D. (1993). Trade policy and industrial pollution in Latin America:

where are the pollution havens?. The Journal of Environment & Development, 2(1), 137-


Buettner‐Schmidt, K., & Lobo, M. L. (2012). Social justice: A concept analysis.  Journal of
advanced nursing, 68(4), 948-958.
Cabrera, F. L. (2008). WEEE and ROHS: are they spurring innovation among small and medium

sized electronics businesses in the US?. Rochester Institute of Technology.

Evans, G. W. (2004). The environment of childhood poverty. American psychologist, 59(2), 77.

Evans, J. E. (1998). Challenging the Racism in Environmental Racism: Redefining the Concept

of Intent. Ariz. L. Rev., 40, 1219.

Foxall, G. (1978). Towards a balanced view of consumerism. European Journal of Marketing.

MAYER, S. K. (2006). Intersections: Exploring social justice issues in the physical

sciences. Hund, CSC, Fr. Bill and Hogan, Margaret Monahan," Teaching, Faith and

Service: the Foundation of Freedom"(2006), 10, 215.

Renzi, J. T. (2010). Sustainable Investment and Analysis.

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