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For everyone who dreams of going out in the woods and being absolutely

railed by the things that go bump in the night, whether it’s Halloween or not.
Copyright © 2022 by Sarah Spade
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means,
including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except
for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
Cover by JoY Design Studio


1. October 29
2. October 30
3. October 31
4. Halloween
5. Forever

Available Now
Coming Soon
Keep in Touch
Also by Sarah Spade

If you’ve followed my work for any time at all, you might have seen that
my debut book back in 2018 was a take on Hocus Pocus for grown-ups.
Halloween Boo began the Holiday Hunks series, a set of contemporary
shorts with some heat, some heart and a little magic. At the time, my other
pen name—my actual real name—was where I kept my shifters, vampires,
and fae. Since then, I’ve written a complete rejected mates shifter series
under this name, plus a couple of monster romances. The most recent one
(that literally just came out) was set during Halloween. And that made me
think… in that book, the monster is a demon. It’s coincidental that the story
takes place during Halloween.
But what if I wrote another Halloween book, heavy on the smut while
also focusing on one of my favorite holidays? Well… Trick or Beast is the
result of that. It’s a surprise release just in time for the holiday, though I hope
you enjoy it whenever you get your paws on it.
Forgive the pun, but I went a little wild with this one. If you’re coming
into this book looking for a real plot? This probably isn’t what you want. If
you want to see one woman have a three-way with a pair of half-wolf, half-
man beasts, then be seduced by a mythical figure from folklore? Where insta-
love is a given, she consents immediately, and this is just a short story full of
filth and an HEA that’s almost unbelievable, but you want to believe it
Then come on into the dark forest of Blackmoor. Where the monsters
lurking in the shadows might eat you—or they might eat you out.

I f it wasn’t for my hair, I wouldn’t be walking into the dark forest of

Blackmoor two days before Halloween, full to the brim with the belief
that magic is real—and absolute fear that monsters really do exist.
All because of the color of my hair… at least, that’s what the guide who
prepped me admitted. As he gave me a handful of vitamins, a cup of water,
and a contract to sign, he asked me if the color was natural. He wasn’t the
first local to ask after my ruby red hair, and after the week when I was
considered a finalist for this opportunity, I got used to it and simply nodded.
He told me that it came down to me and one other chick and I only got the
chance to face the dark forest because my hair was more red than orange
while hers was more orange than red.
Okay. If he said so.
I guess it makes sense that only one of us was allowed to enter
Blackmoor. The prize we’re all after… if it’s real, there can’t be many to
offer. And if it isn’t real? Then I’m risking my life for nothing.
The magic of Blackmoor—and the cursed dark forest if protects—is a
well-kept and ruthlessly guarded secret. I only found mention of it by
accident, and despite being a pretty good internet sleuth, it took me months
and months of devoted research to gather enough information to think: holy
shit, this might be real.
A massive forest that shouldn’t exist, set off of a small town that cost me
three days’ hard travel to even reach, Blackmoor is more than a secret. It’s a
myth. Like the monsters that supposedly thrive amongst its shadows, it
shouldn’t exist.
But it does. I’m here right now, and it’s only just hitting me that here
there be monsters.
Every monster you’ve ever heard of, ever creature spoken of in myth…
rumors run that you can find them in Blackmoor. Werewolves, goblins,
vampires, ghouls, demons… they’re the dark magic that feed the shadows of
the forest.
But there’s good magic, too. A balance to the dark, and the reason why I
signed a contract that said I’d willingly walk into Blackmoor with nothing
but the dress I’m wearing and the boots on my feet and stay in the shadows
for three full days.
If I can make it all the way through Halloween, I’m free. I get to walk out
of the forest on November 1st. My prize?
Whatever the fuck I want. Seriously. It’s a wish that gets granted after
you prove yourself to the magic forest, and though odds of me surviving my
three nights are low—I only found evidence of a handful of applicants who
walk back out of the forest again—I’m single-minded enough
That’s the draw. That’s what gets hundreds of distraught and desperate
people to apply to the Blackmoor council—a group of three old men, plus the
guard who gave me my vitamins—for a chance to survive the monsters. If
you play their games, if you entertain them and survive… you get your wish.
It’s Halloween. A game of trick or beast, I guess, where the trick is me
making it out of Blackmoor in one piece without catching the attention of any
of the beasts that lurk in the darkness.
What do I have to lose? I’ve got no family left. A handful of friends who
are in different stages of their life than I am. As we quickly approach our
thirties, they’re all getting married, having kids, enjoying their careers… and
then there’s me. Lonely Layla Smith, with her dead-end job, cheap
apartment, obsession with fairy tales and happy-endings, and a sex drive
that’s gotten me into more trouble than I want to admit.
I like sex. Love it, really. It’s the only time I feel a connection with
another soul, a connection that I’m sorely missing out on. For those minutes
—because, let’s get real, my bar hook-ups are usually one-minute wonders
unless I get super lucky—I can pretend I’m not lonely. I can pretend someone
wants me for more than my pussy and my tits and my ability to fake an
orgasm to really psych up their ego. I’m loved, not just lusted after, and will
be treated like a queen long after my partners nut.
That’s what I applied to get the chance to get my wish. When dating apps
fail and I’ve gone through all the local guys without finding a single spark,
facing off against the beasts of Blackmoor seemed like my best bet. Three
full days and nights in the wood and, if the magic works, I’ll get my happy-
My forever.
There isn’t anything I won’t do for that, and I remind myself of that as the
bare trees, dark shadows, and eerie quiet first welcomes me into the woods.
It’s the middle of the afternoon when the guard guides me to the entrance
to the forest, though you wouldn’t know that once I cross past the first line of
trees. Right before we left the nearby town, my appointed guard checked my
contract, reminded me that I’m forfeit if I leave the forest before Halloween
is done—and that I enter the forest of my own free will and they’re not liable
for what happens to me—and gave me one more vitamin.
Only it wasn’t a vitamin. It was a charmed pill that would prevent
pregnancy for a year. I have no idea why he tried to sell me on that—I guess
a woman who believes in monsters and wishes would also believe in miracle
birth control even though I’ve been around the block by now and know no
contraceptive is fool-proof—but it looked enough like the other pills I had to
take to be allowed to enter their forest that I shrug and take it.
I want my wish. Everything I read about online, all the rumors and the
stories I found that convinced me that risking three nights in the dark forest
of Blackmoor for a wish was real, told me that it was worth it. Sick and tired
of being alone, all I wanted was someone to pick me. To choose me. To love
me forever.
Of course, the thousand-dollar actual prize the Blackmoor council offered
to any takers wouldn’t hurt. I mean, I’m doing this because—at twenty-eight
—I’m still young and naive enough to believe in wishes, but I took the week
off of work for an adventure, and even if I only get a thousand dollars, it’s
As long as I make it out alive.
To be honest, I might believe in wishes, but I didn’t honestly think that
there would be monsters in the dark forest; at least, not the kind that the
rumors whispered about. I expected bears, maybe, or wolves—
There’s definitely wolves.
From the moment I took my first step into the forest, I heard them. It was
mid-afternoon, but the forest is aptly named. The trees are closely grown
together, caps of leaves mingling, blocking out the sun. Shadows are
everywhere. Sun filters in through the rare break in the trees, but it’s
definitely dark.
There’s something about the trees, too. They bow beneath the October
wind, or maybe that’s just what I want to believe is making them move.
The branches whip at me as I move further into the woods, almost like the
trees really do have a mind of their own and they’re trying to lash any part of
me they can. My hair gets snagged by one and I yank, ripping strands out. It
falls to the earth beneath my boots, the wind carrying it away before I can
even stop to recover it. If it’s so damn important, I probably should’ve, and I
hope I don’t regret it.
My guide warned me about my hair. It’s the reason my petition was
granted, after all. Of all the men and women who offered to spend three
nights in the dark forest, I was the chosen one—and all because of my hair.
The ruby red color meant something to the magic swirling around
Blackmoor. I didn’t care what. I wanted my wish, and they wanted a redhead.
Now I just have to survive my stay.
The howling wolves I was prepared for. Sentient trees that yanked my
hair and ripped at the black satin dress that I was told to put on before I was
marched to the edge of the forest? Not quite.
A stray branch catches me in the face. I gasp at the shock of pain. My
hand flies to my right side. It’s hot and it’s wet. Blood. The strip of wood
split the corner of my mouth and part of my cheek right open.
Fucking great.
Keep going, Layla. Don’t think about what kind of creatures… what kind
of monsters… in the supposedly cursed forest might be attracted by your
blood. Just keep going, find a spot to hunker down, and make it three days.
All I have to do is survive until midnight on Halloween, when the clock
ticks over from October to November, and I get my wish.
It’s so silly now. Lost in the dark forest… the idea that it was worth
risking my life because all I wanted was someone to love me, to take care of
me, to erase the loneliness I’ve known my whole life… it had seemed worth
it when I read the rumors of Blackmoor online.
Nearly every comment on the forum scoffed and called the legend of the
dark forest fake. Another legend, a fairy tale that grown women should’ve
given up by now.
I want my wish, but I don’t want to be eaten by a wolf or something to
get it.
If I leave before Halloween, I don’t get my prize. I don’t get my thousand
dollars. According to the contract I signed, they could actually toss me back
to the monsters. I promised three days to the beasts and there’s no breaking
that clause.
I thought that line of print was kidding. I’m not so sure now, especially
when I stop short, facing off against a shadow figure in the distance with
gleaming red eyes.
Is it another person? The locals told me that, this Halloween, I would be
the only one in the forest—so what’s that? What kind of animal stands on its
back legs like, or has eyes like that? And those horns jutting from its head.
Because… because it’s an animal, right? Not some red-eyed demon that
has its attention locked on me.
I take a step back, easing my hand to my mouth, eager to wipe away the
blood. The eyes gleam even brighter with my motion.
Oh, boy. They weren’t kidding, were they? It’s… it’s a monster, and I’m
its prey. Those are hungry eyes, and it’s looking at me like I’m lunch.
Holy shit, I’m gonna set some kind of record. The beasts of Blackmoor…
I must be the quickest meal these monsters have ever had.
Just as I have that thought, the howls that were behind me seem to have
caught up. Another one rips through the dark forest, tearing me from my
paralysis as I turn to glance behind me.
Wolves. I see wolves. Oversized wolves that would probably come up
past my belly button if they were next to me… there are two of them, too.
Fangs bared, ears slicked back, they came racing into the small clearing
where I am before bolting past me, aiming right for the red-eyed demon in
the distance.
Wait. No. One of them streaks by me, leaving a rush of wind in its wake.
It’s the bigger of the two with black fur even darker than the shadows, bright
yellow eyes locked on the threat ahead of me. The smaller wolf—and I say
‘smaller’, though it’s still fucking huge—stops right next to me, as though
it’s protecting me.
I… I kinda think it is.
The big wolf is, too. It chases the other monster off, disappearing into the
darkness ahead for a few moments where all I hear is the quickened beat of
my heart and the soft snuffles coming from my new friend.
It seems like hours later, though it was probably only minutes, when the
black wolf returns. It snarls something to the other wolf. Immediately, the
smaller one joins it.
For a split second, I think they’re going to leave me. Considering they
saved me from that other creature, I… I don’t want them to. If they’re good
wolves, I want them to stay.
They do.
Something passes between the two of them. As one, the two wolves begin
to circle me. The bigger one—the one with all black fur and bright yellow
eyes—is on the inside of the circle. The slightly smaller one has dark grey
fur, soft golden eyes, and a leaner form. He’s on the outside of the circle,
moving quicker to match the pace of the larger one.
This goes on for a while. Long enough that I get the idea that they’re
continuing to protect me—until the bigger one breaks formation and bounds
right at me. Already on edge—can you blame me?—I trip on the heels of my
boots in a mad dash to get away from them.
They’re freaking fast. The bigger wolf barrels into me, knocking me the
rest of the way off-balance. I start to fall toward the cold ground, though I
don’t hit it. Instead, the smaller wolf tucks beneath me right in time that,
when I hit, it breaks my fall.
I’m convinced they planned it. How? No idea. Why? No clue. But once
I’m down, the bigger wolf moves over me, face darting toward mine. Its
muzzle opens, tongue dripping saliva on my cheek. Those fangs… holy shit.
It’s going to eat me for real now, isn’t it? The wolves saved me from that
demon-thing just so they could have a meal in peace.
Oh god, oh god, ohgod, ohgod, oh—
Oh. Never mind.
It’s not eating me. Instead, the wolf is using its raspy tongue to lick the
blood from my cheek before nuzzling me with its wet nose. Once it’s done, it
goes down on its belly, front paws stretched in front of it as it lowers its
muzzle down to rest there. On my other side, sandwiching me, the smaller
wolf does the same.
Huh. It’s… it’s almost like these wolves are telling me that I’m safe now.
That I’m okay.
And I’ve probably lost my mind. Fair enough. Barely half an hour into
my three-days in Blackmoor, I’m being coddled by a pair of huge ass wolves
that saved me from a creature out of my nightmares and I’m assigning a pair
of wild forest animals a protective personality.
Because why not?
first few hours that I’m parked between the two of them until the chill in the
air grows colder, the shadows impossibly darker, and the sun trades places
with the moon in the sky.
It all happens so fast. One moment, I had a black wolf to my left, a dark
grey wolf to my right. Then, all of a sudden, they both jumped up—and they
just kept going.
They were wolves. They’re not anymore. Each one is a man—kinda—
about six feet tall with a broad build, a naked yet undeniably muscular body
that is covered in patches of fur covering their tawny skin. Most of it is
centered on their chest, their arms, the backs of their hands, and the thatch of
dark brown fur just about their cocks.
Their features are similar, too. The bigger one has a couple of inches on
the other, with black hair and fur. The smaller one is a little more compact,
his coloring closer to brown despite his wolf fur being dark grey. Their eyes
are the same as they were as wolves, and their facial features are sharp.
The two males look at each other. Speaking in a cacophony of snarls that
are a stark reminder that they were wolves two seconds ago, the bulkier beast
gestures at the other one. He jerks his head down, watching his dick stir, then
go hard. The bigger beast’s cock is doing the same.
They both turn to look at me.
The smaller one moves toward me, cock leading the way.
I can’t help it. I’m staring at it. Head swiveling back and forth, I’m
staring at both of them.
They’re not wolves. They’re shifters. Werewolves. Half human man, half
wolf, these two monsters are pure beast—and they’re both aroused.
The bigger one throws out a hand. A paw. Whatever. It’s huge, kinda
gnarled, with two-inch long claws attached to each finger.
The smaller one snarls.
The bigger one snaps his fangs. “Go.”
They can talk.
It’s guttural. Low. No denying that was English though, especially when
the smaller one says, “Stay.”
The bigger one shakes his head. “Go. Now.”
Some more snarls, and a short howl that cuts off the rest of the argument.
Throwing one last look over his shoulder, the small werewolf takes off
running. Within seconds, he’s gone.
Okay. I have no idea what that was about, but since I’m not along with
the bigger wolf and his massive paw has dropped to his shockingly hard
erection, I don’t have time to worry about that right now.
“Mate.” He points at my chest. “Mine.”
‘Mate’? Uh oh. I’m not sure if that means the same thing to a man-beast
as it does me, but considering he was a wolf a few minutes ago, I’m gonna go
with yes. Same thing with ‘mine’.
And the way he’s currently stroking that giant cock of his…
Yeah. I think I know why these two stuck around after saving me from
that demon-thing. At least this one. Now that he’s more human than wolf, he
wants a little nookie. And I’m the only woman in sight.
He seems to be thinking the same thing. Behind his fangs, he smiles as
says, “Female.”
Uh-uh. At the very least, I refuse to be called by that. For most of my life,
I’ve been reduced to what I was. And, yeah, that’s because I used that to my
advantage. Does that mean this monster is going to do that to me, too? I made
all my lovers call me by my name. It’s part of that connection I crave.
I don’t know what’s going to happen next, but one thing for sure? If he
can say ‘female’, he can sure the fuck say my name.
I tap my chest. “Layla. Lay. La.”
“Layla,” he echoes without hesitation. Smart beast. He goes on the prove
that by mimicking my gesture, rapping his claws against his brawny build.
“Alpha.” Folding his fist, he shoots out his pointer finger, gesturing to where
the other werewolf was before the bigger beast snapped his fangs and the
smaller one went running. “Beta.”
I’m not sure if those are they’re names or, like, they’re ranking or
something. It could be both, and even if it’s not, I decide that that’s what I’m
going to call them.
“Mate.” He strokes his cock. “Layla mate. Mate Alpha.”
Welp, there we go. He just put it out there like that. He wants to fuck me,
and as big as he is—everywhere—he definitely has the equipment to do it.
Is this what I’m going to have to do to survive?
Everything I heard about the beasts of Blackmoor was that they would eat
you if they got their claws in you.
I… I’m beginning to think ‘eat’ might have another meaning. If the
monsters are anything like Alpha here, that could be the case.
Oh boy.
Well, he would’ve be the worst guy I had sex with. I’ve fucked for way
less, and with guys who I wouldn’t look twice at if I wasn’t feeling lonely
and horny. I’ve always said I’d be down to try anything once—and after the
possessive way he’s been eyeing me, as if he’d die if he can’t touch me, I’m
kinda warming up to the idea of giving him a try. I mean, he’s definitely a
monster, with claws and fangs, but a human-ish body that would put most
dudes to shame.
And that’s not even touching on his huge dick.
My mouth waters. I’ve always known I had a higher libido than most
women I’ve met, but there’s gotta be something wrong with me if I get my
first eyeful of werewolf dick and immediately want to put it in my mouth.
Then again, why shouldn’t I? I don’t waste time communicating with
him. He’d only give me short answers, and it’s not like I don’t already know
what he’s expecting from me. He wants to mate.
Maybe he’ll be satisfied by a little dicksucking.
It’s worth a shot. I suck him off, and maybe he’ll be satisfied enough to
let me head off into the woods by myself. Earlier, I tried to when I had to find
a bush to piss in, but both of the wolves trotted after me. I didn’t think
anything of it, though now that I know they were werewolves, they already
got to see me pop a squat.
I can do this. It won’t be so bad and, honestly, I’d be lying if I said it
didn’t turn me on even a little to think about what it would be like to get my
tongue on such a beautifully thick cock.
Do I surprise him? I… I think I do. Whatever kind of beast he is, he’s
gotta be relying on his instincts. He wants sex, I’m an available female, and
that’s all there is to it.
Does the human side of him currently in control really think it would be
so easy as to command me to mate and I’d sink down to my knees and reach
for his cock? Probably not, but whether it’s because he can’t really speak in
sentences or he’s not pushing his luck, he just stands there as I begin to
fondle his dick.
Just one more to suck, I tell myself. It’s clean, with a woodsy smell that is
surprisingly a huge turn-on for me. Despite being a wolf minutes ago, if I
didn’t look above his novel, I’d think I had a well-endowed mountain man or
something standing in front of me, huge paws braced as I dart my tongue out
to taste him.
It’s not bad. He’s hot and heavy, the fur only covering his groin leaving
the rest of his thick cock smooth as velvet-covered steel. I trace the veins
bulging out of the side with my tongue, then try to take as much of him past
my lips as I can.
He’s a good werewolf. For the first few minutes, he lets me play with him
—but then his instincts stake over. While he slowly starts to rock on his
heels, before long the points of his claws are keeping my head in place as he
begins to thrust.
After that, it becomes obvious that he’s straight-up fucking my mouth.
I don’t even bother to attempt to close my lips around him again. I’d only
choke on his size, and I’m pretty sure he’s not looking for some sweet,
seductive BJ anymore. He’s literally using the heat and the width of my
mouth to mimic fucking, isn’t he?
Because he’s still insisting that we mate, I’m betting.
Oh, yeah. This is just a precursor of what this powerful male will do once
he gets me flat on my back. That’s totally what’s going to happen, isn’t it?
Probably before the other wolf gets back, I’d bet, since he wasted no time
propositioning me as soon as he sent Beta off.
Now, I’ve been with two guys at the same time before. Been with a
woman and a guy, too, so threesomes aren’t new to me. But two beasts? With
dicks like theirs? I’m thinking I should probably satisfy one of these guys and
hope he’s not down with sharing.
Unless he is… and then I’ll handle it.
Whatever it takes to survive, Layla. Whatever it takes to get your wish.
Happy fucking Halloween.
Alpha is bucking against me. I know the signs. He’s frantic, ready to
come in my mouth, but his big body stills right before he does. Letting go of
my head, he pulls his engorged shaft out of my mouth.
“Layla.” The grunt of my name is a harsh rasp. He’s panting, yellow eyes
bright with lust and need. “Mate. Now.”
Hooking his hands under my arms, he pulls me to my feet easily. Once
I’m standing, Alpha flexes his claws. I don’t know how I know, but the beast
is seconds away from shredding my dress off of my body so that he can touch
Fuck me.
I can’t let him do that; the shredding part, not the fucking since… yeah…
I think that’s a foregone conclusion now. His claws look sharp enough to rip
through the fabric of my satin dress, but do I really want to spend two days in
Blackmoor in only my underwear? That’s exactly what I’ll have to do if he
ruins my dress.
“No,” I tell him.
He makes a disappointed sound in the back of his throat. To my surprise,
though, he grips his dick, but steps away from me.
“Want,” he says again. He waggles his cock. “Layla.”
Yeah, yeah. I know exactly what he wants.
Funny thing is, I want it, too.
This is my choice. If I do this… if I go ahead and take off my dress, I’m
gonna fuck this monster. He seems to understand me even if his English is
made up of single words, so I don’t think he’ll force me to do anything I
don’t want to. The way he just lowered his hand as soon as I told him ‘no’
makes me believe that, and maybe I’m naive as hell, but as aroused as Alpha
is, if I kept my dress on and my legs closed, he might settle for me sucking
him again.
But… shit. I started out hoping that a blowjob would satisfy the
werewolf, but it’s not gonna satisfy me. Running my hands and tongue all
over his length has me dying to know how good it would feel to have him
inside of me.
I might regret this come morning. Tonight? With the moon on our skin
and his warmth keeping me from feeling the October chill, I want to give in
to Alpha.
So I do. I shrug off the dress as quickly as I can, tossing it to the side
where I can retrieve it once we’re finished. My boots stay on, in case I have
to start running through the woods again, but I turn to him wearing nothing
else but my panties and bra.
That might’ve been a mistake. I stopped Alpha from tearing off my dress,
yeah, but my underwear was too much a tease to the aroused werewolf.
Before I can stop him again, he pounces on me, claws slashing. My poor
panties are shredded, the fabric fluttering to the forest floor as Alpha does
anything to get to my pussy.
Alpha is a master with his claws. There’s not a single scratch left on me
despite the flurry with which he attacked my panties, and I feel a whole lot
better about my decision to move forward with him. If he can control himself
from cutting me apart when he’s dying to mate me, I have hope that the beast
will be gentle—well, gentle-ish—once he shoves his dick inside of me.
Then again, I’m game for rough. As long as he doesn’t hurt me, I’m game
for anything.
Well, except for letting him shred my bra the same way he did my
panties. I’d rather not run without a bra if I don’t have to, and while it’s
annoying to go commando, I can deal with that. Gotta save my bra, though.
So, holding up my hand, I reach behind me, unhooking my bra, letting my
boobs spring free.
Alpha groans, big paws immediately going straight to my tits. He palms
them with a sense of possessiveness, bending low to swipe his cheek against
the side of one boob, before he grabs me by my lower back. Before I know it,
he’s flipped me around, positioning me so that I’m on my hands and knees.
Duh. He’s a werewolf. Of course he’d want to mount me and fuck me
That’s exactly what he does. Covering my body with his, bracing me with
his arms on both sides of my body, he prods my entrance with his cock. I’m
already so turned on that the only resistance he finds is a slippery slit. Lifting
one hand, he must grab his dick and position himself in just the right spot
because, next thing I know, he’s thrusting all the way inside of me.
Now, I’ve had big dick before. I know what I can handle. I never
would’ve entertained mating this monster if I thought he’d rip me in half. He
might be on the larger side of what I can handle, but I had faith in my body.
Even so, when I say I feel like I’ve been fucking impaled, I mean it.
It’s… it’s intense. I’ve never been so full in my life and, holy shit, I love it.
Especially since Alpha stays seated a moment, making sure that I’m not in
any pain. Once I arch my back, inviting him to go impossibly deeper, he trails
his tongue down the length of my spain and begins to move.
It’s rough. It’s hot. It’s fast. At first, I try to meet his pace, but it isn’t
long before I realize that the most I can do is just hold on and take it.
I’m lost in the sensation. I barely realize that I’m outside, that anyone
could be spying on us, that I’m literally fucking a werewolf… all I care about
is how amazing this feels, and how I’m going to justify it to myself when I’m
done. Considering I’ve always been a slave to pleasure, I don’t think that’ll
be so hard—and Alpha is making the sex totally worth it.
He keeps going and going. I’m beginning to think that being a werewolf
means that you can fuck for hours when, all of a sudden, he pulls out. I hadn’t
even come myself yet, so forgive me if I’m a little disappointed that he stops
so abruptly. What is he doing? I hear snarls from behind me, soft yips and
deep rumbles. Did he pull out to come on the grass or something.
Oh. Never mind. He’s back, though something… something seems
He’s not moving so quickly, and I figure it’s because he got close and he
wants the fucking to last longer. I must’ve gotten used to his size because it
isn’t so daunting… and that’s when Alpha steps in front of me, leisurely
stroking his cock, and I realize he’s not the one fucking me.
Beta… they traded places on me, didn’t they? The other werewolf must
have come back, found Alpha fucking me, and the snarls and yips…
werewolf talk. He asked for a turn and the bigger werewolf allowed it.
I think about it for a split second. Do I want this? It’s insane to think that
I could stop these two werewolves from railing me like this, but something
tells me that, if I say ‘no’ again, Beta will pull out and that would be the end
of this.
It would serve them right. Who does that? Who tag teams a stranger in
the middle of the woods without getting her permission first?
The beasts of Blackmoor do.
I almost pull away from him. Unlike Alpha, Beta is barely gripping me.
His strokes are slow, leisurely, as though desperate to show me how he’s a
good monster. A sweet werewolf.
And, damn it, it’s working.
Okay. From the moment they both went hard as they looked down at me,
I think I always knew that I’d end up fucking each one of them. Like before, I
remind myself that this is just something I’m doing so that I could get my
wish, and if this might just be most erotic threesome I’ve ever had, that’s a
plus side to this whole thing.
Once Beta seems sure of his welcome, he begins to thrust a little harder. I
meet his every one, keening as I start to build toward my orgasm. I’m not
really worried about the werewolves getting their own—following their
instincts, they’ll probably demand it—but in the throes of sex, I always look
out for myself.
Beta is, too. As though afraid I might change my mind and cut our
session short, he’s not trying to last. His big body bowed over mine, he
squeezes me to him, rocking into me as fast as possible, hoping to finish
I understand why a few seconds later when, once again, the chill hits my
overheated back and my pussy is suddenly empty.
What the—
A full shriek is ripped from my throat when Alpha seats himself inside of
me again. It’s a rough thrust that I’m soaked enough to take easily, though I
can’t say I was expecting that. I probably should’ve been, and the force of his
entry slamming into me tips me over the edge. I immediately clench around
his thicker dick, moaning as I come.
I shriek, and Alpha lets out a full-throated roar. He follows me into my
orgasm, bucking up into me as he fills my pussy up with his come. Even after
he’s done, we stay connected a few moments longer until he finally pulls out
of me, leaving me to flop onto my back and stare up at the canopy of trees.
Welp. That just happened, didn’t it? And if Beta has his way, it’ll
The other werewolf motions for me to turn back over. Gripping his dick,
he looks like he’s ready to mount me again. “Red mine.”
Alpha shakes his head. “Layla.” He points at me.
Beta nods, understanding. “Layla,” he repeats. “Ours.”
Alpha snorts. With a paw gesturing to my pussy, he says, “Alpha mark.”
Yeah. Obviously. He came inside of me instead of pulling out, so he
definitely marked me, huh?
Beta is stroking himself now. His dick is still wet from sex with me, and
undeniably hard. I guess he hadn’t finished like he had tried so desperately to.
“Fine. Alpha want.”
Beta snarls. “Want Alpha.”
Alpha points at me. “Mine.” Then, to my surprise, he points at Beta and
says the same thing.
The other werewolf immediately drops to his knees in front of Alpha’s
Oh. I… I guess I wasn’t too far off when I said that they were partners,
huh? And all that ‘Alpha want’ wasn’t his way of trying to convince the
bigger beast to let him have a turn with me.
He, uh, wanted a turn with Alpha, didn’t he?
Seems so. As if it’s the most natural thing in the world for the two of
them, Alpha grabs his dick. Beta’s lips part. The bigger werewolf feeds the
smaller one his cock, only stopping when I can’t see anything but Beta’s head
bobbing, swallowing the whole damn thing whole.
Alpha seems to take the cocksucking as his due. For a few seconds, he
stands there, head thrown back, allowing Beta to worship him with his
mouth. I’m just beginning to wonder if I’m intruding on something—or if
this is my cue to look for my dress and get the hell out of here—when
Alpha’s head shoots toward me.
His golden eyes flash. Crooking his claw at me, he rumbles softly,
His cock slips out of Beta’s mouth with an audible pop. “Layla ours,” he
echoes before he wraps his lips around the head again, returning to what he
was doing.
Um. Okay.
Alpha obviously wants me to go over to him. Considering he’s kinda
busy, it’s not like he can lope over to me again, so I do.
Holy shit, he’s strong. Even while getting blow by another werewolf, he
manages to snag me by the arms, hefting me up easily until he’s placed my
legs over his shoulders, my pussy right in front of his mouth.
As Beta goes down on him, Alpha goes down on me, and, yeah. This is
quite possibly the hottest thing I’ve ever done before. Tightening my thighs,
grabbing his shaggy hair as I hold on for dear life, I just go along for a ride.
I can sense when Alpha is going off in Beta’s mouth because the way
he’s licking me becomes jerky and almost distracted. Beneath me, the
sucking sound becomes a slurp, then a soft pant as Beta stays down on his
Alpha doesn’t stop, though. Now that he’s come again, he makes it his
purpose to have me fall part on his face. Careful not to cut me with his fangs,
he licks, he sucks, he nuzzles… he even takes my sensitive clit in between his
teeth and tugs and, holy shit, that does it.
He rides out my orgasm, refusing to pull away from my pussy until I
release the deathgrip my thighs have on his head. Only then does he
manhandle me easily, taking me down from my perch on his shoulders,
shifting me so that I’m in position to face Beta.
The other werewolf has finally risen up from his knees. Wiping the
remains of Alpha’s jizz from his mouth with the back of his paw, he’s staring
at me as if wondering how my pussy would taste next.
Alpha doesn’t let him give him a chance. At least, not right away.
Holding me tight, it’s obvious that, while he says ‘ours’, his more possessive
and dominant side really means that both me and Beta are his.
He kneads one of my tits with his paw, the other wrapped around my
waist, his erection nestled between my ass cheeks. His strength keeps me
lifted high in the air, my back to him. For a split second, I wonder if he’s
going to go for a hat-trick and try to stick his cock into my ass; after my
mouth and my pussy, that’s the only hole he hasn’t fucked, and Alpha is still
hard as a damn rock beneath me. After coming in me, then making Beta
swallowing his semen, you’d think he’d finally go down, but nope. A
monster’s stamina is fucking impressive, I’ll tell you that.
He doesn’t, though. Instead, angling my pussy out,
“Layla mate Beta. Yes?”
Beta’s golden eyes look down on me. His beastly expression softens,
filled with hope and as much need as Alpha’s had when I sank to my knees in
front of him.
Oh. Now that Alpha showed us all that he was the most dominant by
fucking me, then instructing the other werewolves to suck his dick, it seems
like Beta finally gets a chance to come. He’s made it clear he’s owned us
both, and only now that he has, Beta can finish fucking me.
How can I refuse him? With his cock straining toward me, shoulders
hunched as though he’s about to go off anyway, it’s not like I need that much
more stamina myself. As long as Alpha gives me his strength, holding me up
so that I don’t collapse in a pile of boneless Layla, sure. I’ll mate Beta.
I nod. That’s about as much as I have the energy for. Beta lunges forward,
unerringly finding my soaked pussy. He slips his cock right inside while
Alpha uses his strength to hold me in place while his partner takes full
advantage of his turn with my body.
Did I think I didn’t have it in me to come again? Let me tell you, I’m
beginning to think werewolf cock might be one of the best-kept secrets of
Blackmoor because Beta has my oversensitized body wringing out one final
orgasm as he bucks wildly into me.
It doesn’t hurt that Alpha slips his hand between our bodies. Between
stroking the root of Beta’s slick cock as he pulls out, then using the side of
his claw to flick my clit to have me mewling with need, he works both of our
bodies as we find completion together.
I come first. I think Beta was waiting for me, too, because the moment
my legs start to shake, my pussy clenching around his cock, he throws back
his head and howls. He bucks one final time, filling me up with this jizz, and
Alpha searches for my face to give me a savage kiss that swallows my hoarse
After that, the three of us fall into a tangle of slick limbs and tender
touches, the scent of sex and male musk perfuming the air. I curl up next to
one of the beats, naked and covered in come, but I could care less.
One night done, and I can’t really complain how it ended.

I ’m not alone when I wake up.

I didn’t expect to be. However, instead of being curled between the
two muscle-bound, beastly males who pleasured me late into the night, I
come to with damp grass slicking my arms, the scent of sex in the air, and my
fingers buried in dark grey fur as I spoon an oversized wolf.
Beta. He’s oversized, but he’s not massive like the big, black wolf that is
Alpha on four legs.
His eyes are open, tongue lolling as he pants softly. When he notices I’m
up, he yips, then runs his tongue from chin to cheek. A wolf’s version of a
good morning kiss, I guess, and considering I’m pretty sure that tongue
could’ve licked me anywhere while I slept naked beneath the canopy of the
trees, I’ll take the cheek.
Rising up off the ground, I search for my dress. It’s dirty and wrinkled,
but it’s all I got, and I let out a sigh of relief when I see it a few feet away
from where I’m kneeling. Falling forward so that I’m on my hands and knees,
I begin to crawl toward it.
Behind me, Beta growls softly. It’s not a warning sound. In fact, unless
I’m wrong, it sounds a lot like the growls he made when I offered to let him a
turn after Alpha finished…
Oh. Right. Because I’m on my hands and knees again, presenting him
with my ass. That’s gotta be why.
Yeah. That’s a no for me, wolf.
“Don’t even think about it,” I mumble as I scurry away, almost to my
That’s the problem with allowing a pair of wild werewolves to ravage
you. The morning after is a lot more awkward when they’re speaking in
grunts and yips that you can’t understand. True, Alpha and Beta were all
about grunts and yips last night, too, but at least I understood the few English
words they knew. Now that Beta’s in his wolf form again, I might be able to
communicate with him. I have no idea what he’s saying.
Then again, can he understand me? When a wet nose nuzzles my right ass
cheek, I shriek, then fall back on my heels, glancing behind me. The fact that
they didn’t approach me for sex until the moon rose high in the sky and
they’d shifted from a full wolf to a half-wolf, half-man beast made me think
they only fucked human women when they could pass as men.
At least, I hoped so. I might have shown the werewolves that I was down
for anything last night, but a girl has her firm limits. Me? Screwing a wolf—
even if I know he’s a shifter—is a no-no.
I’m torn between freaking out and wondering how I’m going to fight off a
werewolf in his fur when I turn and see that he’s not preparing himself to
mount me. Instead, he’s sprawled out on his belly, the picture of pure
Beta chuffs when I scowl at him, tongue still lolling.
Oh? He thinks he’s funny, does he?
Reaching behind me to snatch my discarded dress with one hand, I rip a
handful of grass out of the earth with the other. I go to my knees so that I’m a
little taller than Beta, then sprinkle the grass on top of his ears. His chuff
turns into a soft growl as he twitches his ears, shaking his head back and forth
to knock the grass back to the ground.
While he does, I tug my dress on over my wild bed—ground—hair. I’m
pretty sure the wolf isn’t interested in my human body, but I’d rather not be
caught in the woods with my tits hanging out if I don’t have to. I got lucky
that Alpha and Beta were the two monsters who found me last night, and
even if I first agreed to fuck them because I was desperate for protection
against the other ones, I don’t regret what I did.
In fact, if it wasn’t for the fact that Alpha is notably missing and Beta is a
wolf again, I might just have initiated sex again myself.
Even in the haze of lust, I thought I’d wake up the next morning and wish
I hadn’t let them touch me. I… that’s not the case. Not even a little. They
were gentle with me when they had to be, and even when Alpha’s nature
meant he got a little rough, it wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle.
And then there’s the way he dominated Beta the way he had. Watching
Beta take Alpha’s cock between his fangs before the bigger werewolf
demanded I sit on his face… I almost pinched myself to make sure it was
real. That it wasn’t just the depths of my fantasies rearing their head as Alpha
both gave and received some.
I have no doubt in my mind that, if I wasn’t there, Alpha would’ve fucked
Beta instead. There’s an obvious bond between them, and I expected them to
be gone by morning. I’m glad they’re not. They saved me from the red-eyed
beast that first lunged at me, and they gave me more pleasure than I’ve had in
years. If I could rely on them for another two nights, that would be fucking
Especially since, just as Beta knocks the last of the grass off, and I’m
fully dressed again, Alpha comes trotting toward us. He immediately
approaches me, wolfish mouth opening slightly as he takes in my scent. I’m
definitely not squeaky clean. I’m covered in sweat, the males’ musk, dirt,
grass, and more fluids than I want to pay attention to.
His yellow eyes brighten. He obviously likes it.
I hold out my fingers. Alpha lets me run them through his bristly black
fur before he goes to see Beta next. The two wolves rub flanks, then turn to
head off in the same direction that Alpha had come from.
For a second, I’m sure that Alpha only returned to retrieve Beta. They had
their fun with the red-haired human, and now they’re moving along to their
next conquest together.
Ah, well. It was fun while it lasted—
Alpha turns back. Stomping the earth with his front paw, he snaps his
fangs at me, then jerks his head behind him.
“Do you… am I supposed to follow you?” I ask.
He bobs his head, then jerks it again.
I’ll take that as a ‘yes’.
Hurrying toward Alpha, I see that Beta is waiting a few steps ahead. As
soon as I join them, Beta takes the lead, Alpha staying behind me. They’re
guarding me again, and I’m grateful. The dark forest is full of shadows no
matter what time of day it is. A few stray beams of sunlight filter in through
the trees, but it’s still so eerily quiet. It’s so nice knowing I’m not alone—and
that the two werewolves are a force to be reckoned with in Blackmoor.
Up ahead, the shadows are tinged with orange. The chill fades until I
sense some heat as we approach. Beta leads me between a slender gap
between another copse of trees where I find a small fire, a metal plate and
matching knife just out of the reach of the banked flames, and a… a…
It’s a deer. A dead one. Even if the fire didn’t make it easy to see that it
was eerily still, its blank eyes staring up into the darkness, the massive wound
near its belly makes it pretty hard to believe it was just sleeping.
Alpha comes around me, moving to stand near his kill. Because it’s his.
Thanks to the flames, I can see that his black muzzle isn’t just dark—it’s wet.
Alpha’s responsible for the wound on the deer, and probably the rest of the
He must have got the fire going before he shifted back to his wolf and
went hunting for breakfast. Same thing with laying out the plate and the
knife. No fork, but beggars can’t be choosers. He made it so that his new
human pet would have some food, too, even after he reverted back to his
daytime form.
Granted, I’m not really sure how I’m supposed to butcher the poor dear.
I’m not a vegetarian and I’ve had venison before, so it doesn’t gross me out
as much as it might another chick, but that doesn’t mean I know exactly how
to go about turning a carcass into a meal.
Good thing I don’t have to.
As if he can sense my hesitation and confusion, the black wolf takes care
of it. Alpha uses his fangs to tear off a hunk of meat. He drops it in the grass
in front of me, daring me to refuse.
For a moment, I almost do. The raw meat was in his mouth… and, you
know what? So was my pussy. As for my mouth, if I can suck a monster’s
cock and let him sloppy kiss me while he pounded away inside of me, I think
it’s a little ridiculous to go hungry because he bit my meat for me.
I might not need to eat now. I still have two full days in the woods left.
Something tells me I’m going to need my strength.
“Thanks, Alpha,” I murmur, bending low to retrieve the meat.
He licks the edge of my hand, then trots over to the fire. Only after I spear
my meat onto the point of my knife and haphazardly try to cook it without
charring it entirely does he return to the deer carcass and dig back in.
Beta hovers just behind Alpha. After his first few bites, Alpha lifts his
blood-soaked muzzle. He lets out a short howl, then scoots over to let Beta
join him in the meal.
I’ve known them for one night. It’s… it’s ridiculous to get jealous over

the three of us head off into the woods again. They lead me to a small brook
that they encourage me with yips and nudges to drink out of. It’s only about
two feet across, maybe ten inches deep, so I can’t bathe, though I do scrub
my hands and face after I drink my fill.
I think about splashing my pussy, too. My underwear is a casualty to
Blackmoor—I recovered my dress, but my bra is missing and my panties
were ripped off by Alpha’s claws—and even if I didn’t regret last night, I let
two monsters finish inside of me. It’s too late to think about any kind of
diseases they might have, and I only hope the pill they gave me works the
way the guide promised it would, but I’m less than fresh. My thighs are
sticky from shifter spunk and the dribbles from when I peed earlier.
I scoop up some water, then reach for my dress.
It’s Beta who snarls. That startles me into spilling the water, splashing my
He doesn’t look vicious when I look into his golden eyes. Instead, I get
the idea that he’s simply giving me a friendly warning.
Then, as if I didn’t catch his meaning right off the bat, Alpha takes the
skirt of my dress between his fangs. He jerks his head again, taking the fabric
with him.
Right. No washing them off of me.
Got it.
I let it go. I can take plenty of showers in November, once I’m home
again. And the more I think about it, the more it hits me that my guide
must’ve expected something like this to happen to me. Why else would a
super duper birth control vitamin be added to the mix?
That’s something to think about later. Right now, it’s all about getting
through my contracted time.
With Alpha and Beta watching over me, it goes faster than I expected.
Once they’ve fed and watered me, they lead me further into the woods. The
first time I seem to flag—and it’s not too soon into the walk considering my
legs are still a little weak from last night—they insist on the three of us
curling up into a heap so that we can rest.
We do that a lot. Each time, one of the wolves stays alert, making sure
that no other monsters approach where we are, while the other lets me use
him as a pillow. There’s something about the warmth of a werewolf and the
unique scent clinging to his fur that makes me feel safe and comforted even
in the dark forest.
When we’re not napping, we’re moving through the woods. I get the idea
that they’re leading me somewhere, and I only hope that they’ll be willing to
walk me back when it’s time to leave. The idea that the possessive wolves
might not does cross my mind once or twice, but I quickly make myself
forget about it.
The guide promised he’d get me out. If I was alive and wanted to leave,
I’d get my wish. Not even Alpha and Beta could stop me.
I think.
It doesn’t matter. I have to believe that, just like I have to trust that these
two aren’t just leading me to my doom after they got what they wanted from
Part of me expects that, when the moon rises again and they shift, that’ll
be another night of sex. It’s what happened yesterday, after all. They guarded
me, then I fucked them. I know all about tit for tat. They took care of me
again today, and once they’re standing by me, naked and even bigger than I
remember, with absolute hunger written on their beastly faces, I figure it’s
my turn to take care of them.
And I’m more than ready.
Beta is the first to move into me. Sucking in a breath, he trails his claws
down my arm. He begins to pant softly, his cock already twitching, growing
harder by the second under my heated stare.
Alpha snarls. Both of us look over to where he’s standing there, shoulders
hunched, fangs on display. Unlike Beta, he’s already fully erect seconds after
the change, though he’s ignoring the massive cock jutting out from between
his thick legs.
He points one of his claws at me, then jerks his head. It’s a ‘no’ gesture if
I’ve ever seen one, and Beta yips.
Alpha’s yellow eyes flash. “No.”
“Want,” grunts Beta. “Want Layla now.”
“Soon,” is all the more dominant shifter says before pointing ahead of
I follow his point, but all I see is darkness. The sliver of the moon
hanging over our heads is strong enough to turn the wolves back into their
more human-ish beast forms, but I can barely see ahead of me.
Luckily for me, they can. And I was totally right when I figured they
were leading me somewhere because, about twenty minutes later, Beta leads
me in front of a small, single-room cabin with a wooden door and a chimney
poking out of the side of its thatched roof.
Is this their house? After a night of fucking out in the woods, are we
going to go inside and find a bed? Because as raw and animalistic as last
night was, I wouldn’t say no to a bed.
And that’s when Beta waves his paw at the cabin. In a dejected grunt, he
says, “His. Layla his.”
Excuse me?
Before I can even ask what he means by that, Alpha looms in front of me.
I gasp as he suddenly grips me by the back of my neck. He’s careful not to
cut me with his claws as he lifts me up on the tips of my toes before taking
my mouth. It’s a savage kiss, but he’s as careful with his fangs as he is with
his claws. The only blood I taste is from the meat he hunted for me, that he
and Beta chowed down on once they were sure I was fed. I guess the water
from our breaks wasn’t enough to rinse it out of his mouth completely.
In the real world, I’d be disgusted by that. In Blackmoor, with Alpha
kissing me as if he wants to leave a lasting claim on me, the bloody taste gets
me fucking hot. I squirm, trying to get closer to him. He’s so strong, just the
grip from his fingertips keeps me exactly where he wants me. Shame it’s not
impaling myself on his hard cock.
All too soon, he releases me. He takes two steps back, angling his hip out
as he drops one paw down to his straining erection. His arm is long enough
that he can reach my tit with the other, palming me through the dirty dress I
tugged back on this morning.
It only takes a few rough strokes before he’s bucking into his fist,
spraying the skirt of my dress with his come.
Beta lopes toward me again. Taking a knee, he nuzzles my hip, then uses
the side of his thumb to collect some of Alpha’s thick jizz. He hops back up,
cupping my chin in his palm. One quick swipe leaves the come behind my
left ear, down the curve of my jaw.
Alpha has his hands on his hips, standing proudly as the other werewolf
basically paints my skin with his semen “His,” he says, repeating what Beta
said. Then, baring his fangs at me in pure male satisfaction, he says, “Ours.”
Beta’s tongue darts out, lapping at my jaw. Just like how he sucked Alpha
off last night with relish, he rumbles in pleasure as he tastes Alpha on my
skin. “Ours,” he echoes.
Alpha crooks his claw at Beta. With a look of regret—that also has
promise smoldering in his golden gaze—he backs away from me. He
breathes in deep, as though taking in the last of my scent, then disappears
back into the shadows of the dark forest.
I’m left with the bigger of the two werewolves. Despite how he stroked
himself to come on my dress, obviously marking me, he’s completely erect
again. I can only imagine what the two males are going to do once they’re
alone again and, to my surprise, I feel a pang of jealousy that I’m not going to
be a part of it.
But I’m not. Alpha makes that clear when he points at the door. “Layla.
In. Wait.”
“Wait? Wait for what?”
Wait for who?
Alpha doesn’t need to speak in full sentences for him to get his point
across, or for him to understand mine—
Too bad I don’t understand what that’s supposed to mean. Did they bring
me to meet someone else?
Who? And do I really want to meet him?
He uses his pointed, whiskered chin to jerk at the closed door. Since he
seems so sure that I have to go inside the dark cabin to wait for some
mysterious ‘him’, I go and rest my hand on the knob. It turns easily under my
I glance back at Alpha. He nods at me.
They haven’t done anything to hurt me yet. As much as I can, I trust
Welp. Here goes nothing.
Pushing in the door, I’m greeted with more shadows. The single room is
dark, but it’s also empty. Whoever I’m waiting for obviously hasn’t been by
in a while, and not only because I’m the only thing in the whole space. Dust
coats the floor, the air smelling musty and old.
Also, like a dying fire, embers and ash and nothing more.
The werewolves already proved to be fierce protectors, devoted lovers,
and the best caretakers a woman could wish for while willingly trapped in the
dark forest. I don’t know who Alpha and Beta have brought me to meet, but
if I have to wait, why can’t they wait with me?
Especially since I know a way we can kill some more time until it’s
morning and they’re back in their wolf forms…
Turning on my heel, I search for Alpha, hoping I can convince him to
stick around a little longer. My odds of surviving my three nights in
Blackmoor shot through the wolf once I realized that they were just looking
for a human to slake both their lusts with and turn their protective instincts
on. If all it cost me was some mind-blowing sex with two hot werewolves, I
knew exactly how I could make it through the last of my time here.
Only… he’s gone, too.
Just like that, both of my beastly lovers have melted back into the dark
woods, and I’m left wondering what ‘his’ and ‘him’ mean—and how soon is

T he clock strikes midnight and I’m still waiting for the mysterious ‘him’.
It’s Halloween, I realize. I have to make it through tonight, then
tomorrow. The next time it’s midnight, I can walk out of the dark forest
and I’ll get my wish. The $1,000 payment’s pretty nice, too, but my true
wish? I’m doing everything I can for that.
If I wasn’t, I would’ve bolted from the cabin already. What was a single
room with nothing in it has, over the last few hours, filled with at least thirty
carved pumpkins. Each one has a different face, and there are a few that are
turnips. It’s dark in here, so it’s hard to tell, but they slowly appeared
whenever I glanced away.
The clock was something else that manifested out of thin air. One second
that corner was empty, then the grandfather clock loomed in the shadows. By
ten o’clock, a pair of carved pumpkins were perched on top of it, and by
eleven, it was surrounded.
Then, at the twelfth stroke of midnight, a blinding light flares around me
before immediately dulling. Because the pumpkins, I discover? They aren’t
just pumpkins. They’re jack ‘o lanterns—and the flickering flames reveal the
tall, towering male figure that suddenly joins me in the cabin. His head is
bowed, every inch of him covered in black, though I see human hands
peeking out from beneath a layer, flat along his thighs.
I squint over at him, too frightened to do anything else but see if I can
make out his features. The flames only reach so far. The darkness in the
center of the room becomes a mass of shadows. The light from the lanterns
leaves him in silhouette, or maybe he and the black cloak draped over him are
just part of the dark.
He lifts his head. I gasp.
In the shadows beneath his cloak, I see his eyes. They’re burning as
bright as the lanterns. Literally. He has fire for eyes.
I take a step back, taking him in.
He stays where he is, allowing me to look my fill. Not that I can see
much. He’s covered from head to toe in the black fabric. I mean, he has two
legs and pale hands peeking out from beneath the cloak, but apart from the
fiery eyes, I see nothing else.
And that… that has me backing away from him a few more steps.
“Don’t be afraid of me,” he whispers. “Not you. Not tonight.”
Hang on. I blink. Afraid? Why would I be afraid? At least I can tell that
he’s man-shaped with a man’s voice…
No, seriously. What am I so scared of? I was chased by two wolves, then
pleasured by them when the moon came out and I discovered they weren’t
just wolves: they were werewolves. Beastly men who talked in grunts, but
who were bipeds with people-ish features and definitely human cocks. I’d
been fucked within an inch of my life, then treated like a queen before they
brought me to this cabin. True, I couldn’t really understand Alpha and Beta,
but I… I don’t know. I felt them inside of me—and not just when they
shoved their dicks in me. We had a connection I’m not sure I can even
explain, and when the shadowy figure with the flaming eyes whispers for me
not to be afraid, I realize something.
I’m not. Not really.
I’m actually quite curious, and I echo his whisper with one of my own.
“Who… who are you?”
He ignores my question.
Yeah. That’s not going to work for me.
“Who are you?” I ask again.
“For Halloween, I’m yours. That’s all that matters, Layla.”
The two syllables are a caress. I’ve never heard anyone whisper my name
with such devotion… but that’s a problem right there. I told Alpha and Beta
my name, loving the way they rasped it out. This man? I didn’t tell him a
“You know my name.”
“I do.”
“But I can’t know yours.”
His clock whispers as he moves closer. “I have something for you.”
I guess that’s my answer. Then again, why am I surprised? The way
Blackmoor works, I wouldn’t be surprised if every soul in the dark forest
knows that I’m here, fighting for my forever.
“Okay. What is it?”
It’s a bean. A small green bean.
“For you.” He drops the bean into my hand. “In case you’re feeling…
sore. It’ll erase any aches and pains you have. I give you my word.”
I’m not sure why I’m supposed to trust his word, but it’s a bean. I pop it
in my mouth, chew, and swallow.
He lets out a sound of contentment. “Good. Now remove your dress.”
Why am I not surprised that the cloaked figure demands that of me next?
I open my mouth to refuse—I might’ve slept with Alpha and Beta, but
that doesn’t mean I’ll put out for just anyone—when he lifts his arm and
snaps his fingers before telling me, “Behind you.”
I turn—and that’s when I see a golden, clawfoot bathtub sitting in the
middle of the shadows. Steam rises off of the water, the scent of cotton candy
filling the air.
“Remove your dress,” he says again.
This time, I don’t think twice. To get in that tub, I need to be naked, so
there goes the dress. I bend over, reaching for my bootlaces, suddenly aware
that the shadow man is behind me when I hear him take in a deep breath.
Whoops. I shift so that I’m not mooning the mysterious stranger, then
untie my boots. I kick them off as fast as I can, then climb into the tub so that
I’m not standing there naked in front of him.
It feels fucking amazing. The water is warm and soothing, and it reaches
the bottom of my books as I sink into it. It’s perfumed, too. There’s oil in
here, I think, or maybe soap. It doesn’t matter. It’s a magic bath and I can
finally scrub the outdoors—and the sex—off of me.
Once I’m seated, he approaches the tub. He drops to his knees so that he’s
at its side. Rolling his sleeve back, revealing a pale hand that stands out in the
lantern light, he reaches into the tub, swirling his fingers in the water.
“Do you like it, Layla?” he asks. “Is the temperature alright?”
“It’s perfect.”
“I’m glad to hear it.” His hand strokes the side of my hip. “How does this
“It… uh… it’s nice.”
“You don’t mind?”
For protection, I had a three-some with two werewolves. For a bath, I’ll
let a cloaked figure look at me naked and touch my hip. “Nope. I’m good.”
“And now?” He travels across my lower belly, fingers probing through
the curls covering my pussy. Without even having to be asked, I let my legs
fall apart. He takes advantage of that, running one finger down my slit and up
“Still okay,” I gasp.
“What about this?” He dips his finger inside. Not all the way, maybe just
to his first knuckle, but I stiffen when he breaches my entrance because
there’s no way that was an accident. “Does it hurt?”
I try to relax. That wasn’t what I was expecting when I climbed in the tub,
but after how hot and bothered Alpha and Beta left me earlier, I can’t say I’m
“No.” As I relax, he pushes more of his finger inside of me. Yes. “It
doesn’t hurt at all.”
“My boys are wild. Hungry. But they’re also very, very loyal. They like
you, but they were rough with you. It’s been so long since they’ve had a
female, and never since she satisfied them both. I hope it wasn’t too much.”
You know, I’m not surprised to hear that. Both Alpha and Beta feasted on
me as if they were starving. And, sure, they were rough. They’re also a pair
of werewolves, half man, half beast. Rough was putting it mildly, but it was
nothing I couldn’t handle. They were sweet in their wolfish way, too, and I
don’t regret what passed between us.
Though I have to wonder how the hell does he know about any of that?
“I was watching,” he tells me before I can ask. “From the shadows…
that’s all I could do. But I watched the beasts of Blackmoor pleasure you.
Now it’s my turn.”
“What?” I gasp—and not only because he crooked his finger inside of
me, sending a jolt of pleasure through me. “You were watching us? Why?”
“Because. I have my reasons. And no,” he adds, again cutting me off
before I can even formulate my thoughts. “I won’t tell you that, either. Not
until tomorrow night.”
Right. Because I can’t leave Blackmoor until midnight on Halloween.
The werewolves had their turn with me, now they’ve passed me off to their…
owner, I guess. If they’re his pets, then he must be their master.
The way he’s touching me, making me forget that my previous lovers laid
me at his feet, like a fucking offering…or an offering to fuck… has me
thinking that he’s my master, too.
I don’t care. Just like last night, if this is what I have to do to get through
my three nights in the dark forest, I’ll do it. It worked out pretty well already,
and the way his touch is almost reverential has me hoping that, whatever the
shadow man wants from me, I’ll be able to take it.
“Ah, my sweet, sweet treat. Between you and I, you’ll take everything I
have, and I’ll demand everything you are. And if you please me… if you
allow me to please you… I promise, this will be a Halloween you’ll never
Okay. How did he know that?
“Can you read my mind?” I demand.
“You have a very expressive face,” he says by way of an answer. In. Out.
His finger is still dipping in and out of me, slow enough that I can feel his
knuckle dragging along my nerve endings.
“Yeah? If that’s the case, what does my face say I’m thinking now?”
He lowers himself even further, warm breath fanning my cheek as he
murmurs, “That one finger’s not enough. You want me to fill you, and you’re
hoping I’ll take pity on you and give you more.”
He does. Wedging his middle finger next to his pointer, he begins to fuck
me with both.
My hands go right to the edges of the tub. Gripping them tightly, I let my
head fall back on my neck, angling my hips up enough to make it easier for
him to have complete access to my pussy.
The shadowy figure drops his head, too, his hood still covering his face.
He moves his lips to my bare throat. Through the haze of lust I can’t deny, I
wonder if he’s going to bite me. I haven’t seen any fangs on him, but between
the dark shadows and the fiery eyes blazing out of his sockets, he could have
concealed them. Only… he doesn’t. He presses an open-mouthed kiss to the
side of my neck, going right for one of my erogenous zones. I groan, and as if
that was the permission he was waiting for, he not only picks up the pace
with his two fingers, he adjusts his hand to circle my clit with his thumb.
The gentle touch from before has turned possessive. He’s still kissing me
while I’m moving my hips now, meeting the wells between his fingers as he
bangs me. Water is sloshing around us, my hands slipping from the metal tub,
but I’m chasing another orgasm. It’s different than the ones that Alpha and
Beta gave me. There’s something momentous in a faceless, nameless,
shadowy figure seducing me in his bathtub, all of the carved pumpkins and
turnips watching us the way he confessed to spying on me fucking the two
That does it. The idea that he was there even if I couldn’t see him, that he
decided it was his turn and now he’s fingering me in the bathtub… my legs
start to quiver. I’m riding his fingers, shoving my pussy into his hand as his
thumb rubs my clit now. It slides off, from either the motion or the bathwater,
but I follow his hand until pleasure slams into me.
I throw my head back, my hair dipping beneath the water as I ride my
climax out. The shadow man hums as I gasp softly, muttering nonsense under
my breath as I come down. I’m pretty sure I started to pant, “Fuck me, fuck
me,” at the peak of my orgasm. Maybe I just wished he would join me in the
water, take off his cloak, and replace his fingers with his cock.
Too bad he doesn’t.
I hook my arms over the side of the tub, languid and limp as he takes his
hand back. Cupping it, he pools water in his cupped palm, then cascades it
over my hair, washing it for me while I struggle to get my breathing under
I blame last night. Sex with the two werewolves was so intense that a
little seduction, a little mystery, and I came just as hard because it was such a
uniquely different experience.
Or maybe it has something to do with the shadow man’s magic touch…
I let him do whatever he wants. After he washes my hair, he runs his
hands over the rest of my body, making sure I’m clean. Then, leaning over
the bathtub, he doesn’t seem to care that he’s wearing his long black cloak or
that I’ll soak it. He reaches into the bathwater and scoops me out.
He moves me closer to the fire so that I don’t feel a chair. With another
snap, he’s holding a black dress.
No, I realize as he helps me into it. It’s a black robe that looks similar to
the dress the guide gave me before I entered the forest, only it’s silkier and
hits the floor.
That’s not all he conjured. Easing me around so that he can tie the robe
for me, I see that the tub is gone. In its place, there’s a bed—a freaking bed—
with two pumpkin-shaped pillows and a burgundy comforter.
I gasp.
He brushes his hand along my side. “Do you like it?”
“I love it.”
“Good. I’m glad. You’ll be comfortable when I’m gone, then.”
Gone? “Are you leaving? Already? You just got here.”
And I want to learn more about my shadow man.
“I have to. There are things I must take care of. I only walk the grounds
of Blackmoor one night a year.”
I get it. “On Halloween.”
He nods, the hood on his cloak rustling with the motion. “That’s right.
But fear not. You’ll be safe here.”
Moving toward the window, he pulls the curtain aside so that we can look
out onto the forest at night. “Come, Layla. Tell me. What do you think of my
Tightening my robe, I move toward him, then peek out of the window.
I’m not even a little surprised to see that Alpha and Beta—in their beast form
—are pacing in front of the cabin. They’re bigger shadows in the dark,
silhouetted thanks to the flickering lights behind me, but I know exactly
who’s out there even as I ask, “Your wolves?”
He nods. “My… companions, you could say. Alpha and Beta. They’re my
“Pets?” I suggest. Just like I considered myself their pet.
He inclines his head in agreement. “Yes. And my guards. They’ll be
yours, too, for as long as you accept them.”
I feel a lot better knowing that they’re out there watching over the cabin. I
can sleep soundly, sure they won’t let anyone else in through that front door.
But what about them?
“They won’t come in, will they?”
“If you invited them any other night, they would, my sweet,” he whispers,
his warm breath heating up the back of my neck. “But Halloween is mine and
they know it. They’ll watch you… protect you… pleasure themselves to your
scent reaching them on the breeze… but they won’t touch you again while
you’re mine.”
A lump lodges in my throat. I’m still not afraid, but it’s scary how turned
on I am. “Am I?” My voice is thick. I swallow roughly. “Yours, I mean?”
“Oh, yes, my sweet,” drawls the shadow man. “And I promise you this:
the next time you’re fucked, you’ll be calling my name.”
I shift behind me to face him. “But I don’t know—”
He’s gone.
“—your name.”
silk sheets, not waking up until past eleven—according to the grandfather
clock—and finding a full spread of food waiting for me is even better.
I won’t begrudge Alpha feeding me freshly killed deer. Even when he’s
walking around on two legs, he’s still more wolf than man. He provided for
me the only way he could.
And the shadow man? His magic laid out some of my most favorite foods
for me without me telling him a single thing about myself.
I’ve given up wondering how. To me, these three days in Blackmoor are
like a dream. I’ll do what I have to to survive, I’ll enjoy the males who have
treated me well, and I won’t question the magic so long as I get what I want
in the end.
Still, I can’t help but feel a little jealous. How many times have these
three worked together to seduce the human women who find themselves in
the dark forest? I know that everything I did—everything they did to me—
was because I wanted it. If I refused, I would’ve been left to another monster,
I’m sure, but someone would’ve found a use for me one way or another. I’d
rather it be for sex than as a meal.
But how many came before me? How many will come after? The shadow
man admitted that Alpha and Beta have had other women, even if they
weren’t as satisfied by them as they were with me. There’s no reason to be
jealous, too, when I’ll be gone in thirteen hours and my time in Blackmoor
will only be a memory.
Then again, no one ever said jealousy was a rational emotion. And if this
—all of this… the bed, the bath, the food—isn’t something they do every
Halloween for the women who brave the dark forest, then why did the three
males do this for me?
And what is the shadow man expecting of me when he returns?
I’ll have to find out. Before I ate, I peeked my head out of the window
and saw that Alpha and Beta—in their wolf forms—were still standing guard
out front. Their heads swiveled when they caught sight of me in the window
before I waved and dropped the curtain, and I know instinctively that, if I try
to leave, they’ll do everything to stop me.
So I don’t. Instead, I start picking at the first plate of food—a plate of
pasta with meat sauce—and wait for the shadow man to return.
I expect him to come back once it’s dark. If Alpha and Beta’s change is
triggered by the sun going down and the moon going up, I figured it would be
the same for the cloaked male who owns this cabin.
I’m wrong. I’ve just finished my lunch when I hear him murmur, “You
ate well. I’m glad. Alpha told me he fed you, but he’s been a wolf for so long,
he doesn’t remember what it was like to be a human. I thought you’d enjoy
this more.”
“I did. Thank you.” I gestured at the empty plates. “But I’m leaving
tonight so you really didn’t have to do all that.” Especially since I’m not sure
what the price I’m going to have to pay for his generosity is. “Unless…
unless this is something you do for every woman who promises to spend
Halloween in the dark forest.”
There are rumors. So many rumors. I researched every single one in the
beginning when I was convinced that the magic of Blackmoor had to be fake,
and the more I read, the more I was sure that it couldn’t be true. It just… it
couldn’t be.
But it is.
If he could only walk the forest for one night out of the year—and Alpha
and Beta waited for a red-haired female they could bring to their master—
maybe it was just my turn this year. That’s why he’s being so generous. Not
because he expects anything of me.
Right. And he fingered me in the bathtub and promised me that, the next
time I was fucked, I’d be screaming his name… which, yeah. I still don’t
know it.
“Who are you?” I breathe out. “You told me you’d tell me today.”
He bows his head. “I did. Everything will change once you know, though.
Know who I am… what I can do. Are you sure you’d rather tonight be just
for us?”
“If there’s going to be a tonight, I want to know who you are.”
“Very well. My name… I was Stingy Jack once. When I was alive.”
The way he says that… “And you’re not alive now?”
He shakes his head. “I exist because the lore insists I do. But my
legend… the story of Stingy Jack all begins after I die and neither heaven nor
hell would take me. In the centuries since, I’ve become every Jack in every
legend that’s ever been told.”
I blink. Hearing he’s undead is bad enough, but this? “You’re fucking
kidding me.”
“Oh, my sweet Layla. If you let me, I have every intention of fucking
you, but not because I’m kidding. This is no jest. This is who I am.”
And I asked, didn’t I? Set aside the fact that he’s so sure I’m gonna sleep
with him—and, who am I kidding, I am—and I can’t believe this. Jack? The

I jut my chin at him. “Name another one,” I dare him.

“Of course.” Lifting his hand, shaking back the sleeve of his clock, he
ticks them off his elegantly slender fingers. “Jack of All Trades,
obviously. Jack the Giant Killer from King Author’s Court, and the other
giant-slayer, Jack from Jack and the Beanstalk.”
Jack and the Beanstalk, huh? Welp. That explains the bean last night,
doesn’t it? Only, instead of his magic bean sprouting a massive stalk that
reaches into the sky, it healed any of my aches and pains and slight twinges
from a night being pleasured by two werewolves.
His eyes twinkle as if he knows exactly where my thoughts have gone.
With a tiny curve to his lips, he continues.
“Jack and Jill… and, yes, my crown still aches some nights. Jack Be
He pauses then, lifting up his cloak. Beneath it, his legs are encased in a
pair of black pants that were hidden beneath the cloak’s length. Jack turns
just enough to reveal a noticeable singe on the seat of his pants. At least,
that’s probably what he wants me to look at. As lusty as I am, I’m checking
out his ass… and, for a dead guy, he’s got a nice one.
“Jack Sprat,” he adds, “and even Jack Frost when the winter comes.”
His hand is still held high. Wiggling his fingers, the patch of air turns
cold. Snowflakes spark into existence, melting almost immediately, courtesy
of the hundreds of lanterns in the room.
I gasp. The display of magic is incredibly impressive, but I also can’t help
but wonder what those chilly fingers would feel like on my overheated skin.
It’s gotta be amazing.
I don’t even realize that I’ve started to inch closer to him until he offers
his hand to me and I’m near enough to lay my palm over his. Whoa. I was so
right. Not only does the magic cling to his fingertips, icy against mine, but
there’s a jolt of… of something passing between us at our first touch.
It starts with my hand, skittering down my arm, shuddering down my
spine, filling me with an undeniable heat that goes straight to my pussy.
You’d think after the way that Alpha and Beta worked my body over, I
wouldn’t be ready to fall flat on my back for Jack. Then again, he did give
me that bean last night…
“What is it, Layla? What are you thinking right now?”
That I want to be railed by a hundred different Jacks.
I swallow back that retort before it slips out. Instead, I confess, “I want to
see you.’
“I thought you would.” His hands go to his hood. “If I take this off, I will
take off everything. Are you prepared for what you might find?”
When he puts it like that… I lick my lips, nodding. “Yes. I am.”
“As you wish, my sweet.”
Jack removes the cloak and I… I don’t know what to look at first.
His eyes are still fire. That was no trick. His skin is pale, gleaming against
the lanterns that are still glowing in the shadows of the cabin. But his face…
even without the hood, it’s hard to tell. It’s hazy and dark, his features nearly
hidden, though something happens as I peer closer.
I see a face. The fire dims, revealing blue eyes… no brown… no green. A
long nose… no, one with a broken twist. A lush mouth, one that’s grinning,
one that’s sad… black hair, brown hair, no hair… With every blink, I see a
new male.
I see a new Jack.
The body, though, that doesn’t change. And… whoa. What a body.
Beneath his cloak, Jack is as tall as I thought, with a broad chest, luminescent
skin, and muscles that look like they’ve been carved out of him the same way
his pumpkins all have faces carved into them.
Speaking of pumpkins… with his cloak pooled at his feet, the scent of a
freshly baked pumpkin pie reaches me. It’s almost like he kept one smuggled
under the fabric, but he’s not holding a pie or anything with the enticing
pumpkin spice scent. His hands are completely empty—and he’s not hiding
anything in his pockets because, holy shit, Jack doesn’t have any clothes on
under his cloak.
The shifting faces have me dropping my gaze lower and lower until I find
his cock. Impressively thick with just the right length to pleasure me without
having me worry if it’ll fit like with Alpha, it’s…
Okay. That’s a little bit of an exaggeration. It’s just… compared to his
pale skin, the way it’s gone hard and thick gives it a darker cast than the rest
of him. In the firelight, it looks orange, and more tempting than any dick I’ve
ever seen before.
I can’t help myself. I immediately fall to my knees, taking hold of Jack’s
dick before bringing it near my face.
The pumpkin spice smell grows stronger the second I have my mouth
inches away from the head of his cock. Jack has gone still, as though waiting
to see if I’m going to slip it between my lips or shove him away. He’s so sure
that I’m going to be an easy lay, right? It would serve him right if I gave him
a couple of licks as a tease and then decide that’s all I want to do with him.
There’s no doubt in my mind I’m going to taste him. Something about
that dick… I just gotta, so I do—and I get the shock of my life.
His cock isn’t just the source of the pumpkin-y scent. The whole length of
him tastes like freaking pumpkin spice.
“Why?” I lap at his head, just to make sure, and I know I’m not imagining
it. “Why do you taste so good?”
“Do?” He plants his legs, bracing them, giving me full access to his groin.
“No one’s ever tasted me like this since I’ve been in Blackmoor.”
If that’s so, if this is really Jack’s first blowjob in the dark forest, I’m
going to make it count.
I take him as deep as I can, hollowing my cheeks until his fingers find my
hair, threading through the strands. I lick the underside of his length, swirling
my tongue around the head again, squeezing his balls. He whispers my name
—he whispers the nickname he has for me—and lets me do whatever I want
to him.
And then he whispers softly, “What is it you want?,” and I nearly choke.
I know why Jack’s asking me that. No one enters Blackmoor of their own
free will. I gave myself up to his beasts because I was desperate, and I might
be on my knees for a mythical legend of a man because something tells me
that I’m meant to—that this is right—but I came here for a reason.
He knows it, too. Just like he knows that I can’t answer him with my
mouth full of cock.
I don’t have to.
“You want forever, don’t you?” His fingers trail through my hair again,
gripping my head gently as he guides me to take him a little deeper. When I
do choke this time, I’m not sure if it’s because he’s triggered my gag reflex
or because of what he said. Both, probably.
Jack pulls his hips back, pausing when all that’s in my mouth is the head
of his cock. “Apologies,” he murmurs. “You must forgive me. I’ve waited a
long time for this. I’ve waited a long time for you.”
There’s something in the way he says that. It’s not the way he apologizes
for gagging me—compared to Alpha, Jack treated getting head like I was
worshiping him, while the big beast needed to fuck me any way he could—
but how he said ‘you’ like that. As though I’m not just another sacrifice to the
monsters in the dark forest, but someone who means something to him.
My lips part. Releasing his cock, I tilt my head up so that I can look at
him. His fiery eyes are burning as bright as one of his lanterns as he meets
my gaze.
“Yes,” he says. “You, Layla. I’ve been waiting more than three centuries
for you.”
I… huh?
Jack leans down, tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear before
bending over me. Next thing I know, he’s got me in his arms as he lifts me up
from my kneeling position, tossing me on the bed. I land on my back, still
trying to make sense of what he just said to me.
I never get the chance. The second I hit the bed, Jack covers my body
with his. He makes quick work of my robe, untying it and letting it fall back
so that I’m naked beneath him. His cock—still wet from my mouth—is
nudging my thigh, as though begging me to help guide him to my heat.
“I made you a vow, Layla. You know my name.” He places his lips by
my ear. “And now I want to hear you scream it.”
He rises up, resting back on his heels, showing off his magnificent dick as
he makes me a feast for his fiery gaze. The flames flicker as he inches back,
taking me in.
Once he reaches the edge, he climbs off. Jack grips me by the ankles,
spreading my legs apart. The fire in his eyes fills his sockets until they’re
mini bonfires peering out of the shadows of his face. The warmth licks at my
bare feet, even going so far as to warm my core—or maybe that’s the way he
stares at my open pussy with desire and hunger.
Before I know what he’s doing, he tugs me across the bed, throwing my
legs over his shoulders. Jack buries his face between my legs, using his
tongue to lap up every ounce of cream that welled up between my legs as I
went down on him.
He’s not as ravishing as Alpha, though there’s a desperation in the act
that tells me he’d lick me, suck me, and tongue-fuck me until midnight if I let
him. He squeezes my thighs, panting my name against my mound, showing a
vulnerability that’s shocking from such a male.
I’m squirming. Being around Jack already had me getting horny, and that
was nothing compared to finding out his dick tasted so fucking amazing.
When he laid me out on the bed, I was expecting him to immediately stick his
cock in me and I was so close to begging for it.
This… this is good. I’m not complaining that the mythical Jack is eating
me out. His tongue is as magical as the rest of him, and I start clutching the
sheets between my fingers as he brings me inches away from coming all over
his face.
He knows. How? No clue… but he knows. And just when I open my
mouth, ready to shout of my release, he moves away from my pussy.
The fire in his eyes makes his wet lips glisten. In the depths of his
shadows, I see one of the males he might be—this one has an impish smile, a
strong jaw, and shaggy brown hair—as he places his hands beneath my thighs
and scoots me back.
That gives him enough room to join me on the bed. Curling one of my
legs around his waist, he grips his cock and guides it right to my entrance.
I’m pleading with him to hurry up, hoping that I haven’t lost the orgasm I
was chasing, almost sobbing with relief when he doesn’t tease me. Instead,
with one powerful thrust, he seats himself inside of me.
“Yes. Oh, yes.”
He starts to move inside of me. Shorter thrusts, rocking himself inside of
me as he shudders at just how right we feel together, Jack is groaning softly.
“Huh?” It’s not English. I have no idea what he’s saying, but it’s nothing
I understand… and, for some reason, it seems like I should.
“I said, three hundred years was worth it for this cunt.”
“You’re mine, Layla. You were made for me. For us. And now I’ll show
you, if only for tonight, that you belong to me.”
I’m used to guys saying things I want to hear during sex. That… that’s
something else entirely.
“I do?” I mean, he’s fucking me right now. I guess, for tonight, I do. So
why does it sound like Jack says ‘tonight’ and what he really means is
“Mmm.” Another Jack—this one a blonde with stormy grey eyes—steals
a kiss before he begins to piston his hips a little faster. “You see, my sweet,
I’m not the only creature who haunts the dark forest—and I don’t mean
because I’m every Jack. There are hundreds of us monsters… myths…
legends inhere. More, I’m sure, since my time is so short and I see so few.
But, like the humans who enter the shadows, we all want something, too.”
“What… what do you want?”
I’m breathless. My back is sliding along the sheets as Jack increases his
rhythm. As though he can sense exactly what my body needs before I can
even think of it, he adjusts his angle, his cock finding the exact spot to have
me mewling beneath him.
And his fingers… I’m so fucking hot that, with his icy fingers flicking
one hard nipple, then the next, I can’t help but moan.
I want to hear his answer, though. What do the monsters in the dark
“The same thing you do, Layla. We want forever with the one soul meant
for us. We want our mates… and we’ll do anything to claim them.”
“How do you know when you find them?”
It takes way too much effort to get that out. I swear, he’s fucking the
sense ride out of my brain. Probably on purpose so that I’ll give up and just
scream his name like he wants. But I can’t. Not yet.
Not until I understand what this is all about.
“We know.” He bends over me, stealing a quick kiss before bracing his
arm by my head. Damn it. He’s gone impossibly deeper, lengthening stroke
so I feel every inch of his dick. “I knew the moment you entered the forest.
When I watched you with my wolves… I knew you’d be mine. Then you
entered my cabin and I wanted to give you anything.” He swivels his hip,
slamming his groin against mine, staying there so there isn’t any room
between our bodies. “I want to give you everything. I’m Stingy Jack. I cursed
myself because I cheated the devil. Too stingy for a ticket to Heaven. But
you, Layla… there isn’t anything I wouldn’t give you. Because”—he pulls
out, then slams back in—“you are mine.”
He does it. With that last thrust, he rips his name from my throat.
His shadow face splits into a grin as the fire in his eyes blaze. “That’s my
sweet, sweet treat. Again. I’ll give you everything if you just give me this.”
I don’t know what he does to me. Whether it’s magic or something else, I
can’t tell, but it’s like every Jack he ever was is in this room with me because
I feel hands and tongues all over me. The sensation is overwhelming and,
when I shout out his name again, it’s because he has me coming around his
And that’s only the first time he gets me to do that…
It’s only noon. We have twelve hours until his time in Blackmoor is done
with until next year, and Jack seems intent on making me scream his name as
many times as he can before the magic whisks him away.
And I’m pretty much okay with that.

hand moves on the grandfather clock… it’s one second closer to Jack leaving
I could have forever. If I stay in the dark forest, I would never grow old.
Under his protection—under his claim—I would never die. Even if one of the
monsters dared disrespect Jack, he’s a package deal. To accept him as my
fated mate, I would belong to Alpha and Beta, too.
He lays out his proposal. In exchange for waiting in his bed every All
Hallow’s Eve, of being the one woman he could be a man with and not just a
legend, I would share his magic. I’d get the forever I wanted, plus the true
love I never expected I’d find. He’d get his fated mate, and Alpha and Beta
would get theirs.
Me. I’m the one woman who could satisfy the spirit of Halloween, and
the bonded pair of werewolves that serve him. My red hair might have
attracted Alpha and Beta at first, but that’s because Jack’s been searching for
a woman with ruby red hair who could tame his beasts and accept every piece
of him for three centuries.
It was fated. We were fated. The magic whispered details about me to him
long before I existed, and I proved I was the female he searched for when I
willingly mated his wolves, then walked into his cabin and showed him no
Well. Maybe a little, but I covered it up really quick. By the time he was
stroking me in the bathtub, I was his—and I proved it when I let him claim
me on his silken sheets.
I only get one night with him. If I stay, Alpha and Beta will protect me—
pleasure me—until next Halloween comes around. For that night, and every
Halloween after, I can be with Jack in this cabin. I’d be freaking immortal, so
long as I never left the dark forest.
As the seconds wind down, my mythical lover waiting for my answer, he
asks me what he can do to convince me to stay. If I go, he’s looking at an
eternity of loneliness. Alpha and Beta have each other—and any females they
might find in the forest—but Jack… I’m the only fated mate he gets.
He’s full of magic. He can give me anything, except two nights in a row.
Is that enough?
With four minutes left until midnight, I whisper, “This is our cabin. Mine
and yours. But… if I stay… I want one I can share with your wolves.”
They won’t leave my side. Jack wasn’t kidding when he said the wolves
are loyal. With the exception of leaving me in the cabin because their master
commanded them to give me some space, they’ve been just outside of the
cabin door, howling for our attention. When he leaves, if I choose to stay
here, I’ll never be alone again. Not only will they want to make me the third
in a triad comprised of me and them, but they’ll spend every second of the
next year keeping me safe and sound and satisfied until Jack comes back for
It’s tempting. So very tempting. I don’t really have anything waiting for
me outside of the forest, and three males devoted to keeping me happy and
fed and well-pleasured for the rest of an immortal life sounds fucking
Can I commit to it, though? I wanted forever—but did I mean forever?
Three minutes and Jack is holding me close as though sure these are the
last seconds we’ll have together in this cabin…
“Done. I’ll conjure one bigger than this with everything you have in the
mortal world.” Because, surprise, Blackmoor isn’t quite part of the world I
knew. It’s some kind of pocket dimension, something I don’t really
understand, but the magic and the monsters are only possible because of it.
That’s not the only surprise I learned, either. Expressive face, my ass…
he totally can read my mind. That’s how he knows exactly what to offer me
—and that I was probably going to say yes from the moment he conjured me
the bathtub.
“Okay,” I say at last. “I’ll give you a year. I might change my mind and
leave next Halloween, but I’ll be here until then.”
His exhale of relief warms my neck. “One year. After that, you’ll give me
“So sure, are you?” I tease.
I have to. The idea that I just agreed to a year in these woods is so
daunting that, even though he’s gotta know exactly where my thoughts are, I
can’t promise forever forever just yet.
“I am,” he says, kissing the side of my neck. “And maybe you’re not so
sure, my sweet. But that’s okay. You will be. Next Halloween.”
“You think so.”
“I know so.”
Yeah. He does, doesn’t he?

I n his wolf form, Beta bumps against my knee. He nudges me with his
muzzle, rubbing against me, a soft whine escaping him as he cocks his
head. I know what he wants. He’s angling his head just so, ears twitching,
tongue lolling out of his mouth as he implores me to run my fingers through
his fur.
I almost don’t. I’m so annoyed at my wolf mates that I even tried refusing
the meat Alpha hunted this morning. When he’s changed into his human-ish
form, Alpha understands what it’s like to be mated to a human female. As a
wolf, he insists on treating me like the alpha female. He refuses to let me go
hungry, and will keep dropping meat from his kills in front of me until I
accept it.
It’s a good thing I never went vegetarian like I toyed with when I was
younger. Thanks to the cabin Jack conjured for me last year before he
dissolved into shadows, I have a magical fridge that gives me every type of
ingredient I want. All I have to do is ask and it’s there when I open the door.
My wolves love it, but not when they’re actual wolves. In that form, their
instincts take over and it’s all meat, meat, meat. I load up on my veggies after
dark because I know Alpha will be his pushy, domineering self if I don’t eat
whatever he puts in front of me.
I’ve gotten used to him. Beta, too. Over the last year, we’ve gone from
lovers connected through lust to a family with bonds forged through a love I
never thought I’d find.
That doesn’t mean I’m happy with them right now.
It started two days ago…
Now, one of the first things I conjured in my cabin—after a working
toilet—was a calendar. I wanted to be able to count down the days until Jack
returned for Halloween. When there were a couple of days to go, both Alpha
and Beta stopped initiating any kind of sex with me. I tried, and they gently
rebuffed me.
I didn’t understand. The whole last year, if one wasn’t trying to bend me
over, it’s because the other already had me in a compromising position—and
if I was too tired, they had the lust and the energy to fuck each other. In the
cabin, in the woods, beneath the moon… as long as they were changed, they
were primed to mate.
Until October 29th, the anniversary of my arrival in the dark forest of
I know what they’re doing. They want me to build up my need so that
Jack gets the chance to relieve it for me. As if I haven’t been dreaming about
the taste of pumpkin spice or what it feels like to have hundreds of hands
roaming my body as my one true mate joins his body with mine… I can’t
wait to be reunited with Jack, if only for one night, and no amount of
abstaining from sex with my wolves will change that.
Tell that to my stubborn mates.
It’s a loyalty thing. They see me as Jack’s first, and theirs second. If only
for a couple of days, they’ll go without if it’s something that will make their
master happy.
I remember how Jack told me he watched Alpha and Beta fuck me before
he had them bring me to him. I discovered that that’s where Beta ran off to
when Alpha first found me. Recognizing their pull to me—plus my red hair
—and they guessed I could be Jack’s mate, and theirs, too. When I welcomed
them as easily as I had, they were sure of it, and Alpha sent Beta to the cabin
where he could send a howl to the shadows of Jack that always lurked in
He can’t walk the dark forest when it isn’t Halloween, but one of the
aspects that make him up can materialize when called by his wolves. Beta
called him that night, letting Jack see me in the throes with Alpha, then Beta
when he returned to where we were.
Now that all three of them know for sure that I do belong to them, they
don’t want to put their master through that. He watched once to make sure I
could be the one. Now, he wants to believe that I belong to him and him
alone. He knows that’s not true—he left me with his wolves so that I
wouldn’t have to be lonely or go without any kind of pleasure or
companionship—but, as Halloween approaches, it could be.
I get that. It’s kinda sweet that my wolves would put themselves through
that for Jack, especially since their ‘no sex’ pact extends to them, too. We’re
all crawling with need, and I’m absolutely sure that Alpha is going to blow
Beta’s back out as soon as midnight comes tonight, but I don’t want to be
rude to Beta because I’m itching to be fucked.
So I run my fingers through his fur, and say, “He gave me to you, you
know. He probably watches us anyway when he can. You guys are being
I talk to my wolves when they’re in their fur because I now know they
can understand me. While their instincts change depending on what shape
they’re in and what time of night it is, they’re equally intelligent no matter
We’ve come so far this last year. I can only imagine how that’ll change
after tonight.

pressed to my crotch. He’s probably torturing himself with the scent of my
aroused pussy, but he whines when I try to push him away so I just let him
stay there.
Alpha, on the other hand, goes out for a run. He knows that his partner is
more than capable of keeping me safe from what lurks out in the forest. It’s
almost Halloween, too, so there’s gotta be another woman out in the woods,
just like me last year. Instead of tracking her down and mating her like he did
to me, he’s careful to make sure no one even approaches our territory.
He doesn’t return until it’s well after sundown. My big beast is stretching
the sweatpants that I request from the closet in our bedroom. I don’t mind if
my wolves are naked in the cabin, but I’ve decided to own my jealous streak.
Human women don’t just visit during Halloween, I discover; that was fate
pulling me to find Jack and my wolves. At any moment, there might be
magic afoot or a story being told. Blackmoor is a world of legends, and even
though I was meant for Jack, Alpha, and Beta, that doesn’t mean I want
anyone else getting a good look at my males.
The sweatpants are a compromise. Jack’s magic conjures them for me
almost as quickly as my wolves burst through them, but if they’re running
around outside, they pull them on because it makes me happy.
Though not as much as what’s bulging against them of course…
As soon as Alpha returns to the cabin, Beta grabs a pair of his own. Once
he’s dressed, he takes the lead, Alpha bringing up the rear as my two wolves
make me the middle of a Layla sandwich. Together, we head out into the
Our cabin isn’t too far from Jack’s, of course. In minutes, we’re arriving
outside of the closed door. No one has stepped foot inside of it since I left it a
year ago, and I can’t wait to see if it’s changed.
Beta waits on the edge of the cabin’s immediate territory. Alpha’s the one
who leads me to the door.
Before I can reach for the knob, he cups my chin in his hand, turning my
head so that I’m looking up into his dark eyes. “Will you stay?”
When I first stayed with them, they only spoke in grunts. English had
changed so much during their long, long lifespans, and they spent half of it as
wolves, so it had devolved over the centuries. The only other soul they spoke
to was Jack. Besides his one-day-a-year visit to Blackmoor, he did most of
his communicating telepathically.
Then I arrived. The grunts got old quick, and I spent the last year working
with them to speak in full sentences instead. Sometimes they revert back to
one-syllable answers, and there are times when any one of the three of us
miscommunicates, but there’s no missing his meaning now.
Will I stay?
I can leave. Courtesy of the contract I signed, on Halloween, I can walk
right out of the dark forest and return to the world I left behind.
I smile up at him. “What do you think?”
“I think I’m interested to hear the answer myself, my sweet.”
I spin on my heel. The door to the cabin is open, a cloaked figure
darkening the doorway.
My heart skips a beat. That voice. That silhouette. The delectable aroma
of pumpkin pie already in the air…
I start to dash toward him, but a gentle hold on my shoulder has me
pausing. Glancing up, I see that my wolf has dropped his paw there.
Over my head, Alpha dares to meet the fire in Jack’s eyes. I turn to look
at my mate.
He waves his hand. “Very well. Just don’t mark her before I get the
chance. You both have the whole year with our mate. I only have tonight.”
Huh. Maybe my wolves were right. Jack’s voice gets a bit of a hard edge
when he mentions only having one night with me, though I’m right, too. He
knows that I’m as much his wolves’ mate as I am his.
Alpha goes first. Grasping me by my hair, he yanks my head back with
just enough force to have my mouth falling open for him to plunder it. I cling
to the fur in his chest, holding tightly to him, until he ends the kiss as quickly
as he began it.
Beta is second. At Jack’s gesture, he lopes forward, taking me in his
arms. His is a soft kiss, barely stroking my tongue with his before he tucks
his whiskered chin against the column of my throat.
“Enjoy the master,” he says, hissing the ‘s’ in master. “And I will lap his
come from your cunt when he’s gone so that you know that we belong to
you, and you belong to all four of us.”
Oh, god. Teaching him to talk? It’s worth it for just how filthy Beta can
be when my wolves aren’t depriving us.
When it comes to Alpha and Beta, there’s no question which beast is the
more dominant of the two. But throw Jack in the mix, and my werewolves
would willingly bare their throats for their master.
After a year apart from my fated mate, so would I. Or, rather, I’d throw
myself to my knees for him like I did the night he claimed me. I’m halfway
there now, and only because Beta is slow to pull away do I hold onto some of
my dignity.
That’s okay. Beta’s right when he assumes I’ll be here come the first of
November—I will, and every one after that.
I love my wolves. I do. They’re wild and they’re sweet and they still treat
me like a fucking queen. But the moment I dash over to Jack, flinging myself
into his open arms, I feel like I’ve come home again.
Maybe fate got it right. Maybe the promise of a male meeting me for one
magnificent night of a whole year, giving me everything I want, then
disappearing before he can disappoint me is what I’ve wanted all along. I
don’t know.
But if there’s one thing I do know, it’s that I belong here. With Jack on
Halloween, with Alpha and Beta while we’re waiting for his return, and in
Blackmoor, where I got my wish after all.
I wanted someone to love me. I wanted my own happy-ever-after.
I wanted forever.
And I got it, didn’t I?

I really should’ve known better than

to play around with that spell book…
How was I supposed to know that the
incantations scrawled inside of it
worked? That the first one I read would
open a portal into a demon plane — or
that the next one was an unbreakable
vow to the seven foot tall shadow
monster I unwittingly summoned into my
He says his name is Malphas, that
he’s something called a Sombra demon,
and I’m his mate.
Monster, demon… whatever he is,
his muscles are bigger than my head, and
that club between his legs… I don’t
know if mate means the same thing to
him as it does me, but he’s gotta be
Spoiler alert: he’s not.
Mal has been waiting for more than a thousand years for the one woman
meant for him. He’s convinced that’s me, and he’s willing to do anything to
prove it. And maybe there’s something really wrong with me because, before
long, I find myself eager to let him try…
* Mated to the Monster is the first in a series about the Sombra demons, a
race of shadow-based monsters who will do anything to claim their females.
Mal and Shannon might come from different worlds, but when it comes to
fate, lust, and forever… they might just be a perfect match.

* Big Bad Wolf is my take on a Little

Red Riding Hood retelling. When Scarlet
agrees to enter the dark forest for her
grandmother, she never expects to catch
the attention of the big, bad wolf. Wolf
will give new meaning to the phrase
“better to eat you with” in the next erotic
retelling in this series!

Coming in 2023

Stay tuned for what’s coming up next! Follow me at any of these places — or sign up for my newsletter
— for news, promotions, upcoming releases, and more:

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Holiday Hunk
Halloween Boo
This Christmas
Auld Lang Mine
I’m With Cupid
Getting Lucky
When Sparks Fly

Holiday Hunk: the Complete Series

Claws and Fangs

Leave Janelle
Never His Mate
Always Her Mate
Forever Mates
Hint of Her Blood
Taste of His Skin
Stay With Me

Never Say Never: Gem & Ryker

Sombra Demons
Drawn to the Demon Duke*
Mated to the Monster
Stolen by the Shadows
Bonded to the Beast

Stolen Mates
The Feral’s Captive
Chase and the Chains
The Beta’s Bride
The Beasts of Blackmoor
Trick or Beast
Big Bad Wolf

Wolves of Winter Creek

(part of Kindle Vella)

Claws Clause
(written as Jessica Lynch)
Mates *free
Hungry Like a Wolf
Of Mistletoe and Mating
No Way
Season of the Witch
Sunglasses at Night
Ain’t No Angel
True Angel
Ghost of Jealousy
Night Angel
Broken Wings
Of Santa and Slaying
Lost Angel
Born to Run
Uptown Girl

Ordinance 7304: the Bond Laws (Claws Clause Collection #1)

Living on a Prayer (Claws Clause Collection #2)

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