GE 201 STATICS QUIZ-1 (For 6072) - Solutions

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QUIZ-1 (for section 6072)

1) The magnitude of the resultant of the three coplanar forces A, B and C
shown in the figure is most nearly

A) 7 N B) 7.8 N C) 9.2 N D) 10.3 N

2) Which of the following is a unit vector perpendicular to the plane
determined by the vectors A = 2i + 4j and B = i + j - k?


The Correct Answer is: C

3) Resolve the 300 N force into two components, one along line P and the
other along line Q. Note that F, P and Q are coplanar.


The Correct Answer is: C

4) A force is defined by the vector A = 3.5i – 1.5j + 2.0k. What is most
nearly the angle between the force and the positive y-axis?
A) 200 B) 660 C) 700 D) 1100


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