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8° ANO – Atividade Avaliativa Bimestral – 2º Bimestre


Betales, and even a band called Museum in

Kazakhstan; and there are many more too!
1. Decide whether the following statements     The Bootleg Beatles now do over 100 shows a
are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F): (1,5) year, and they always bring in big audiences!
Once, they filled the 10,000 seat Budokan
stadium in Japan!
    There are also dozens of
Beatles conventions and Beatles weekends every
year, in different parts of the world. The annual
BeatleFest in America (founded in 1974) takes
place twice each year, and attracts up to 20,000
    In Britain, the Beatles are still a big tourist
attraction. Thousands of people go to Liverpool
every year, to see where it all began. In Liverpool,
they can visit the Beatles' museum, take a
The Beatles – Still going strong "Beatles' Tour" of the city (seeing places like
Penny Lane), or visit the house where Paul
MacCartney lived as a teenager.

Amazing! Over fifty years after they last played     So why did the Beatles become so popular in
together (August 1969), the Beatles are still one
the sixties, and why are they still so popular
of the most popular rock groups in the world!
During the six years of their existence, they led a today?
revolution in music. Over half a century later, their     They became popular because they caught the
records still sell in millions every year.  spirit of a generation. Sixties teenagers were very
different from fifties teenagers; they wanted to
 All over the world, teenagers know the tunes, change things, and escape from the
and often some of the words too, of the Beatles' rather dull fifties. The Beatles came along,
most famous songs. Yesterday, Penny Lane, Hey offering a new type of music, with new
Jude and When I am Sixty Four are among the instruments (electric guitars). They were not the
best known. only group, of course; but they were the best, the
  most original. At first they copied rock 'n' roll
   Among more recent pop groups, many big songs from America. These were not well-known
names  - such as Oasis, Blur or Foo Fighters in England at the time, but it was easy to get rock
- owe a lot to the Beatles, and they say so! In 'n' roll records in Liverpool, a busy port city at the
their album the Masterplan, Oasis did a new time. Sailors brought the most popular records
version of the Beatles' song I am the Walrus. from America, and these became popular with
    However there are also dozens of bands all young musicians in Liverpool. Then the Beatles
over the world which do nothing but copy the began writing their own songs - and people liked
Beatles. There is a band in England called them.
the Bootleg Beatles, a band in America called     When they became popular, they did not stop
the Fab Four, a Norwegian band called Det

doing new things; instead, they pushed back the c) Would you _____________the music? It’s too
frontiers of pop/rock music in all directions. And loud.
where they went, others followed.
    Today people are still following them; and d) I'd like to _________________at Carnegie Hall
probably they will continue following for a long someday. 
time to come. e) This week the band did the last ______of
their world-tour.
a) The Beatles are more popular today than ever.
( )
____________________________________ f) Lisa tried to _____________ her thoughts and
____________________________________ expression on her new _____________.

b) Oasis have recently copied a Beatles’ song. g) He was trying to be really cool, fashionable
( ) and _______________.
____________________________________ h) The band will _______________three studio
albums, two collaboration albums and
c) The Beatles once filled Japan’s Budokan two _____________________.
stadium. ( )
3. Read the dialogue and circle the correct
d) There is a Beatles Festival every year in the alternatives. (1,0)
USA. ( )
____________________________________ 1. I can’t stop singing that song – it’s really
____________________________________ simple / catchy!
e) Paul McCartney lived in Penny Lane when he 2. Babies often fall asleep when you sing
was a teenager. ( ) soothing / ear-splitting lullabies.
____________________________________ 3. The heavy metal concert was so thought-
provoking / ear-splitting, my ears really hurt
f) Penny Lane is in Liverpool. ( )
____________________________________ afterwards.
4. She sang in such a forgettable / high-
g) The Beatles always wrote their own songs. pitched voice that I thought our glasses would
( ) break!
____________________________________ 5. I don’t like boring pop music. I find it very
relaxing / bland.

2. Use the expressions from the box to complete

each gap: (1,5)
4. Write the correct form of the adjectives given.
beat - compose – gig – live albums – (1,5)
perform – release – track – turn down –
a) He's such a monotonous speaker. I was
cheating – trendy
______________ stiff. (bore)

b) Most sequels are ___________________.

a) Some people believe that using Auto-Tune is
a form of___________________. (disappoint)

b) The radio played a hip-hop_____________.

c) I had such a ___________________ day I ( ) permission
went straight to bed. (tire)
( ) ability
d) Everyone's very ____________________
( ) advice
about the news. (excite)
7. Rewrite the sentences using can´t, don´t
e) I was __________________for my piano
have to, mustn´t, must: (1,5)
classes. (motivate)
Example: It is impossible for me to come to
5. Which option is the most appropriate? the lunch.

I can´t come to the lunch.

a) It’s not a good idea to leave a child


a child unsupervised.

b) It’s not possible for me to study and work at the

same time.
I _______________________and work at the
same time.

c) It is very important that you be there on time.

a) The trip was exhausting. That´s why they
look so tired. You ____________________there on time.
b) They look so exhausting! The trip was
c) It was an exhausted trip. That’s why they d) It is not necessary to read all those books.
look so tiring.
You ______________________all those books.

6. Match the columns: (1,0)

8. Complete the crossword with the appropriate
1) May I come in? places: (1,0)

2) I can´t speak French. 1) She instructed certain of her favourites in

gymnastics and athletics.
3) My best friend ought to call his mom.
2) Have you seen my tennis racket?

4) You mustn´t park here. 3) I need to get some boxing.

5) They must see a doctor. 4) Jake is doing weight training on Saturday.

( ) obligation

( ) prohibition

Have a nice test!


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