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1] Rumour unchecked in the Rialto-

A] Antonio lost a ship richly laden in the narrow seas- Goodwins
B]-a very dangerous flat and fatal near the mouth of Thames
C] carcasses of many a tall ship lies buried
2] hopefully the gossip is false-untrue [Salerino]

3] Salanio personifies Gossip as women

A] an old woman who knaps ginger to keep their stomach warm
Or to aid digestion and make up tales
B] as false as a woman who want neighbours to believe that
She is weeping at the death of 3rd husband
4] Shylock arrives- Salanio says amen to the prayer that it be an end
Of Antonio’s losses- said amen hurriedly as Shylock is a devil
And if a devil crosses prayers – it will not reach God
5] Shylock accuses them of knowing about Jessica’s elopement
6] Salerio- taunts- he knows the tailor[ Lorenzo] who made the wings
7] humiliated Shylock- the bird[ Jessica] was fledged [ grew wings] so had to
leave the nest

8] Jessica unlike her father

A] flesh as different as jet from ivory
B] blood – as different as Red wine from Rhenish

9] Shylock knows about Antonio’s losses

A] calls Antonio a beggar who used to come so smug upon the
B] if he looks at his bond – called him usurer
C] lent money out of Christian courtesy
10] Will use his flesh to bait fish- if that does not happen it will feed his

11] Torture
*disgraced him
*Hindered him half a million
*Laughed at his losses
*Mocked at his gains
*Scorned his nation
*Thwarted his bargains
*Cooled his friends
*Heated his enemies

12] Justification – human justice

*Jew :-
1. has eyes
2. Hands
3. Organs
4. Dimensions
5. Senses
6. Affections
7. passions
*As any Christian
1. Same food
2. Hurt by same weapons
3. Subject to same disease
4. Healed by same means
5. Warmed by same summer and cooled by same winter
*Justification for revenge
1. Prick us – we bleed
2. Tickle us- laugh
3. Poison us – die
4. Wrong us – revenge
13] Learnt to take revenge from Christians- they take revenge.
When a jew wrongs- similarly so jew is justified to take revenge if a
Christian wrong
14] Threatens- he will execute revenge better than the Christians

15] Information given by Tubal:-

A] Jessica was in Genoa
B] spent in 1 night 4 score ducats in Genoa
C] gave away the turquoise for a monkey
A] Antonio lost a ship in Tripolis
B] Confirmed news- spoke with some of the sailors who escaped the wreck
C] While returning to Venice, talked to divers of Antonio’s
Creditors- swore he cannot choose but break

16 ] Shylock’s reaction to Tubal’s news

 About Jessica
A] dead at my foot and the jewels in her ears
B] hearsed at my foot and the ducats in her coffin
C] loss upon loss- thief went with so much and so much to find the thief
D] no revenge – only suffering- only sighs and tears
E] stickest a dagger at him for Jessica spent 4 score ducats
F] torture when he came to know about the turquoise

 About Antonio
A] thanked God that Antonio lost a ship
B] glad- will plague him [ after what the creditors told Tubal]
C] at the end tells Tubal to fee him an officer a fortnight before the bond
D] swears he will have his heart – once Antonio is dead he will make as much
profit he wants
17] Further information of wealth stolen by Jessica
A] a diamond – cost him 2000 ducats in Frankfort
B] precious jewels
C] turquoise given by Leah- emotional value- would not have stolen for a
wilderness of monkeys

18] Conclusion
Asks Tubal to meet him at the synagogue

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