Functions of Communication

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Functions of Communication


1) Education and instruction

Communication provides knowledge, expertise and skills for smooth functioning of people in
the society. It creates awareness and gives opportunity to people to actively participate in
public life.

2) Information

The quality of our life will be poor without information. The more informed we are the more
powerful we become. Communication provides information about our surrounding.

3) Entertainment

To break the routine life and divert our attention from the stressful life we lead today,
entertainment is essential part of everybody’s life.

4) Discussion
Discussions and debates clarify different viewpoints on issues of interest to the people. Through
communication we find out reasons for varying viewpoints and impart new ideas to others.

5) Persuasion

We communicate to persuade others to think the way we think or to change an attitude or

behavior, as well as have them understand what we are saying.

6) Cultural promotion

Communication provides an opportunity for the promotion and preservation of culture and
traditions. It makes people fulfill their creative urges.

7) Integration

It is through communication that a large number of people across countries come to know
about each other’s traditions and appreciate each other’s way of life. It develops integration
and tolerance towards each other.

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