Act 3 Scene 4

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Act 3 Scene 4

1) Lorenzo openly admires Portia.

• Has a noble and true conceit (understanding).
• God-like amity (Friendship; Meaning very generous)
• Happily, agreed to Bassanio leaving for Venice- Bearing the absence of
her Lord without any regret.
2) She is showing this regard and honour to a true gentleman and a very
loving friend of Bassanio.
3) If she knew the kind of man to whom she sends help, she will be proud of
her generosity; For Antonio deserves it completely.
4) Portia’s response-
• Never repented doing good.
• Antonio and Bassanio converse and spend time together; Their souls are
joined by the same bond of love as oxen are joined by yoke.
• Thus, Antonio and Bassanio have alike proportion- similar qualities. In
lineaments, manners and spirit.
• Concludes that Antonio must be like Bassanio.
• Thus, she’s hardly doing much in purchasing the semblance of her soul
from a state of hellish cruelty.
• Antonio is a semblance of Portia’s soul because Antonio and Bassanio
are similar and she loves Bassanio and believes that she resembles
• Embarrassed because indirectly she has praised herself.
• Becomes business-like and commits to Lorenzo the husbandry and
management of her house till Bassanio returns.
• She has taken a secret vow and will live in a monastery 2 miles away in
prayer and contemplation.
• She will be attended only by Nerissa.
• They will return only after the return of Bassanio and Gratiano.
5] Portia’s instructions to Balthazar-
• He is to take the letter and with all speed go to Padua and give to letter
to her cousin, Dr. Bellario.
• He will give some notes and garments which he is to bring with
imagined speed to the tranect, the common ferry between Belmont
and Venice.
• Balthazar assures he will go with all convenient speed.


a) Their husbands will consider them as men; will not be able to think
b) She bets that when they will both be dressed as men she will be the
PRETTIER fellow of the two
c) She will wear her dagger with braver grace
d) Speak with a reed (shrill) voice- the change of man and boy
e) Turn two mincing steps into manly strides
f) Speak of frays like a fine bragging youth
g) Tell QUAINT lies
h) Claim that honourable ladies sought his love which he denied
i) They became sick from heart break and died at his denial
j) He could not do anything about it; it was beyond him
k) Again he will repent and wished he had not killed them with his denial
l) Will tell 20 such puny (insignificant) lies
m) Men who will hear such tales will swear he had discontinued school a
year ago-the claims or boasts reflect immaturity
n) She will play her role to the hilt( play completely) with a thousand of
such raw (crude/ school-boyish) tricks
o) Will be a bragging jack
p) They are in a hurry – have to cover 20 miles
q) Coach at the park gate
r) She will tell the whole device (plan) in the coach

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