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Acute monoarthritis
Jill M. Ellis, DHSc, MPAS, PA-C

Acute monoarthritis affects a single joint and has many
potential underlying causes, including crystal deposition dis-

eases, infection, trauma, and osteoarthritis. A comprehensive

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health history and physical examination can help narrow

the list of differential diagnoses; judicious diagnostic testing
can help pinpoint the diagnosis. Clinicians also must be able
to recognize which patients require emergency referral to
prevent long-term adverse consequences.
Keywords: acute monoarthritis, septic arthritis, crystal
deposition disease, gout, pseudogout, joint

Learning objectives
to chronically disabling and deadly.3 Clinicians in primary
Identify the key characteristics of common causes of and emergency care must be familiar with the clinical
presentation and initial diagnostic workup for this condi-
Create a comprehensive differential diagnosis for isolated tion so that they can provide appropriate initial treatment,
joint pain. provide timely referral for patients more likely to have
Recognize indications for urgent intervention and/or emergency conditions such as septic arthritis, and identify
referral. patients at high risk for chronic disability or significant


rthritis is a nonspecific term referring to joint pain
or disease associated with physical signs of articu- The most common causes of acute monoarthritis are
lar inflammation or degenerative change. Arthral- crystal deposition diseases, including gout and pseudog-
gia refers to joint pain that is not associated with abnormal out; septic arthritis; trauma; osteoarthritis; rheumatoid
findings on physical examination. Both arthritis and arthral- arthritis; undifferentiated arthritis; and other primary
gia can occur in one or more joints. When a patient pres- inflammatory arthridities, such as seronegative spondy-
ents with joint pain, identifying the presence or absence of loarthropathies.1,4-8 A meta-analysis of four cohort stud-
physical findings and symptom distribution is key because ies analyzed the differential diagnoses for patients
the differential diagnosis varies substantially based on these presenting with acute arthritis to an arthritis clinic, two
criteria. EDs, and an acute care setting.1 Two studies specified that
Acute monoarthritis is an arthritis that occurs in a single arthritic symptoms needed to have been present for less
joint for less than 2 to 4 weeks, and is a common present- than 2 to 4 weeks; the other two studies did not specify
ing symptom for patients in primary care and emergency a time frame for symptom duration. Undifferentiated
settings.1,2 Diagnosis of acute monoarthritis can be chal- arthritis was the most common diagnosis in this patient
lenging and outcomes range from benign and self-limiting population, followed by gout, septic arthritis, osteoar-
thritis, and rheumatoid arthritis.1
Jill M. Ellis is an associate professor in the PA program at Grand Valley
State University in Grand Rapids, Mich. The author has disclosed no CLASSIFICATION SYSTEMS
potential conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise. Classification of acute arthritis is helpful to narrow the dif-
DOI:10.1097/01.JAA.0000553379.52389.eb ferential diagnosis during the diagnostic process. Common
Copyright © 2019 American Academy of PAs classification systems divide presentations according to

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effusion, and pain with movement.10 Inflammatory pro-

Key points
cesses, especially systemic rheumatic diseases, commonly
Acute monoarthritis, which affects a single joint, has are associated with joint pain with inactivity and morning
many potential underlying causes. stiffness lasting more than 30 to 60 minutes.10 Noninflam-
Certain patient history and physical examination findings matory processes can be due to trauma, repetitive use,
can point to specific diagnoses. degeneration or ineffective repair, neoplasm, and pain
Some patients, including those with septic arthritis or amplification. Noninflammatory processes are associated
compartment syndrome, need emergency referral to a with joint pain that increases with prolonged use and usu-
specialist for care. ally are not associated with morning stiffness.10
Location of symptoms Patients who present with joint
pain may have pathology in intra-articular and/or periar-
acuity, presence of inflammatory symptoms and signs, loca- ticular structures. Intra-articular pathologic processes
tion of symptoms, and number of joints affected (Table 1).2,9 originate in the synovium, synovial fluid, articular cartilage,
Acuity Extremely acute onset of joint symptoms, which intra-articular ligaments, and/or joint capsule. Pathologic
can occur within seconds, suggests a process that disrupted processes involving these structures include septic arthritis,
the internal structure of the joint, such as traumatic injury crystal-induced arthritis, and systemic rheumatic diseases.
to bone or soft-tissue structures.9 Acute onset over hours Periarticular structures include supporting structures such
to days is the most common time frame for acute inflam- as bursae, tendons, ligaments, muscle, fascia, bone, nerves,
matory processes, such as septic or crystal-induced arthri- and overlying skin. Pathologic processes involving these
tis.2,9 Gradual onset over days to weeks more commonly structures include bursitis, tendonitis, sprains, strains, and
represents osteoarthritis, tumors, infiltrative disease, or others. Pain that originates from intra-articular structures
more indolent infections.2 Longstanding symptoms may typically is deep, worsens with movement of the joint and
occur due to a monoarticular process or to a monoar- weight bearing, improves with joint rest, and is maximal
ticular exacerbation of a polyarticular disease.9 at extremes of joint motion.2,10 Associated swelling is com-
Inflammatory symptoms and signs Inflammatory joint mon with intra-articular pathology. Pain that occurs with
symptoms may be infectious, crystal-induced, immune- joint movement is more likely caused by pathology in
related, or reactive. The presence of synovitis (an acute periarticular structures.2,10 Vaguely localized pain in the
inflammation of the membrane lining synovial joints) is proximity of the joint may be due to referred pain from a
the hallmark of inflammatory arthritis. Characteristic distant source, such as shoulder pain associated with angina,
findings of synovitis include warmth over the joint, joint or a lesion in the surrounding bone.2,10 Another difference

TABLE 1. Characteristics of common causes of acute monoarthritis2,9

Inflammatory vs.
Condition Onset Location of symptoms

Gout Acute (24 hours Intra-articular and/or periarticular (inflammation may

or less) extend beyond intra-articular structures)

Pseudogout Acute (hours to a Intra-articular and/or periarticular (inflammation may

couple of days) extend beyond intra-articular structures)

Septic arthritis Acute (hours to a Inflammatory Articular

couple of days)

Trauma Extremely acute

(seconds to minutes) Noninflammatory Intra-articular and/or periarticular

Osteoarthritis Gradual (weeks Noninflammatory Articular

to months) (most common)

Rheumatoid arthritis Gradual (days Intra-articular and/or periarticular (associated soft

to weeks) tissue swelling common)
(includes ankylosing Gradual (days Intra-articular and/or periarticular (may have associated
spondylitis, reactive Inflammatory
to weeks) enthesitis, dactylitis, bursitis, tenosynovitis, myopathy)
arthritis, psoriatic arthritis,
colitic arthritis)

26 Volume 32 • Number 3 • March 2019

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Acute monoarthritis

between intra-articular and periarticular processes is that of hypertension, obesity, cardiovascular disease, chronic
intra-articular processes are usually associated with reduc- renal failure, or nephrolithiasis is at increased risk for
tions in both active and passive range of motion; periar- gout.11 Risk factors for septic arthritis include diabetes,
ticular processes are associated with reductions in active rheumatoid arthritis, history of joint surgery, and current
range of motion only. or recent skin infection.2,12 Patients with a coagulopathy
The location of the joint also can provide diagnostic are at increased risk for hemarthrosis.2
clues. Crystal-induced arthropathies typically affect the The patient’s medication list often provides additional
first metatarsophalangeal joint and the knee. Septic arthri- diagnostic clues (Table 2). Certain medications cause
tis commonly involves the knee or hip.5 Rheumatoid musculoskeletal symptoms, such as statin-induced myop-
arthritis typically occurs in smaller, peripheral joints. athy. A recent prolonged course of corticosteroids increases
Number of joints involved Monoarthritis, by definition, the patient’s risk for infection and/or avascular necrosis.2
involves only one joint. However, monoarthritis may be Diuretic use increases the risk for gout and anticoagulant
the initial presenting symptom for an oligoarthritis that use increases the risk for hemarthrosis.2,11
involves two to four joints, or polyarthritis, which affects A social history can contribute information helpful to a
five or more joints. This most commonly occurs with final diagnosis and can guide therapeutic options. Ask
rheumatoid arthritis and seronegative spondyloarthropa- patients about risk factors such as:
thies.2 Monoarticular or oligoarticular presentations occur • travel history—patients who have traveled to a country
in 5% to 20% of patients ultimately diagnosed with with endemic tuberculosis may be at increased risk for
rheumatoid arthritis.9 Additionally, a patient with an atypical infections.
established polyarticular process may develop an acute • sexual history—sexually transmitted infections can be
monoarthritis, defined as pain in one joint that is out of associated with the development of reactive arthritis.
proportion to pain in other joints.2
Associated symptoms The presence or absence of certain
symptoms can narrow the differential diagnosis of mono- Joint effusion signals
articular arthritis. For example, a sensation of “giving
way” or “locking” of a joint in addition to joint pain and intra-articular pathology.
swelling suggests ligament or cartilage disruption or a loose
body in the joint.10 Weakness in association with joint pain
and swelling suggests a neuromuscular cause for the symp- • exposure to environmental or occupational hazards—tick
toms. If the weakness is associated with altered sensation, bites increase the risk for Lyme arthritis, and certain
pathology is likely present in an associated nerve root or occupations, such as farming and mining, frequently are
peripheral nerve.10 Fever can be an accompanying symptom associated with overuse injuries and osteoarthritis.2
for acute monoarthritis; however, it is not specific to a • dietary habits—patients with diets high in purine and
particular diagnosis. However, the presence of constitutional those who consume increased levels of alcohol are at
symptoms, such as fever and weight loss, in combination increased risk for gout.2,11
with systemic symptoms, such as dermatologic, ocular, • use of alcohol or illicit substances. IV drug use increases
and vascular manifestations, suggests the presence of the risk for septic arthritis, which may present in atypical
systemic rheumatic disease.10 The combination of arthritis, locations.2
urethritis, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, and/or dermatitis sug- Obtaining a complete family history also is important
gests a reactive arthritis, a subtype of seronegative spon- because a patient’s risk for certain conditions such as gout
dyloarthropathies.2,9 The presence of psoriatic nail changes and rheumatoid arthritis is increased with a positive family
or plaques suggests psoriatic arthritis, another subtype of history.1,13
seronegative spondyloarthropathy.2 Symptoms of ocular Look for signs that indicate the need for speedy evalua-
inflammation and back pain in addition to peripheral joint tion and referral: history of significant trauma; presence
pain and swelling suggest ankylosing spondylitis, a form of a warm, swollen joint; presence of constitutional symp-
of seronegative spondyloarthropathy.2 toms; weakness; neurogenic pain; and claudication pain.10
These symptoms can indicate emergency conditions such
CLINICAL PRESENTATION as internal derangement of the joint, infection, or neuro-
History Obtain a complete history when evaluating a patient vascular compromise. Treatment decisions also may be
with suspected acute monoarthritis. Thoroughly document influenced by information obtained in the health history.
the onset, character, location, and presence of additional Certain treatments may be appropriate in young, otherwise
symptoms specifically related to the acute joint symptoms. healthy patients, but not in older adults with multiple
Ask the patient about inciting events such as trauma and comorbid conditions and reduced functional ability.
investigate comorbid conditions that might contribute to Evaluate the patient’s functional ability, strengths, and
the clinical picture. For example, a patient with a history resources, and identify barriers to treatment.10

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TABLE 2. Some causes of drug-induced musculoskeletal conditions16

Condition Less well-established causative agents
causative agents
• Bisphosphonates • Cytokines
• Bupropion • Minocycline
Nonspecific • Immunizations (BCG,
• Cefaclor • Other immunizations
inflammatory hepatitis B, rubella)
• Cardiovascular agents (ACE inhibitors,
arthritis • Interferon-alfa
beta-blockers, clopidogrel, hydralazine,
streptokinase, ticlopidine)

• Antimicrobials (fluoroquinolones, pyrazinamide)

Nonerosive • Immunizations (BCG,
• Cytokines
arthropathy/ hepatitis B, rubella)
• Granulocyte and granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factors
arthralgia • Interferon-alfa
• Other immunizations

• Antimicrobials (ethambutol, pyrazinamide)

Crystal deposition • Cardiovascular agents (gemfibrozil, low dose salicylate, nicotinic acid)
disease (gout, Diuretics • Gastrointestinal agents (H2 receptor antagonists, proton pump inhibitors)
pseudogout) • Immunosuppressants (corticosteroids, cyclosporine, tacrolimus)
• Cyanocobalamin, retinoids, thiamine

Septic arthritis Corticosteroids

Hemarthrosis Anticoagulants

• Bisphosphonates
Avascular necrosis
• Corticosteroids
• Cardiovascular agents • Anti-inflammatory agents (chloroquinoline, colchicine,
Myalgia/ (fibrates, nicotinic acid, hydroxychloroquine)
myopathies statins) • Antimicrobials (fluoroquinolones, zidovudine)
• Corticosteroids • Granulocyte and granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factors
• Bisphosphonates
• Granulocyte and granulocyte-
Nonspecific macrophage colony Cardiovascular agents (fibrates, statins)
bone pain stimulating factors Retinoids
• Immunosuppressants
(cyclosporine, tacrolimus)

• Corticosteroids
• Fluoroquinolones

• Antimicrobials (isoniazid,
• Antiepileptic drugs
Systemic • Antimicrobials
• Cardiovascular agents
rheumatologic • Antithyroid drugs
(hydralazine, methyldopa,
disorders (lupus, • Cardiovascular agents
procainamide, quinidine)
polymyositis, • Chelating agents
• Chlorpromazine
dermatomyositis, • Hormonal therapy
• Chelating agents
scleroderma) • Immunosuppressants
• Psychotropic agents
• Tryptophan

Physical examination Perform a thorough examination and palpation, the patient may have soft-tissue swelling
of the symptomatic joint and surrounding area, the secondary to edema in periarticular structures, synovial
contralateral joint, and a general screening examination thickening, and/or joint effusion. Joint effusion may be
to identify additional affected joints and/or systemic difficult to appreciate on examination but is important
manifestations. Include inspection, palpation, range-of- to detect because it signals intra-articular pathology.
motion testing, assessment of stability, and strength and Special techniques can be used to detect effusion in
sensory testing in the examination. On joint inspection various joints (Table 3).2

28 Volume 32 • Number 3 • March 2019

Copyright © 2019 American Academy of Physician Assistants

Acute monoarthritis

The physical examination should localize the source of

pain to periarticular or intra-articular structures. Point TABLE 3. Physical examination techniques to
tenderness and/or tenderness over periarticular structures detect joint effusion2
can occur with pathology in tendons or bursae, such as
tendinitis or bursitis. Tenderness located over the entire Joint examination Comments
joint can indicate inflammatory arthritic processes such as technique
gout or rheumatic disorders. Noninflammatory joint dis-
orders, such as osteoarthritis, tend to be nontender to Inspection
Effusions may lead to a full
palpation.10 Reduced active and passive range of motion appearance in medial, lateral,
and palpation
and suprapatellar joint spaces
suggests synovitis, structural joint abnormality, or soft-
tissue contracture.10 Reduced active range of motion and
Milk fluid to lateral aspect of
preserved passive range of motion suggests a periarticular knee. Compression of this area
soft-tissue disorder such as bursitis or tendinitis.10 Tender- Bulge sign
can cause appearance of a fluid
ness to palpation along the course of a tendon and/or pain bulge medial to the patella.
produced when the tendon is stretched or stressed during
range of motion and strength testing suggests pathology Milk synovial fluid into center
of knee from all four quadrants.
in the tendon.10 The presence of instability suggests liga- Ballottement Push the patella firmly into the
mentous injury or tear.10 The feeling of crepitus with joint sign trochlear groove and release.
motion in association with joint pain can signify articular Moderate effusion will cause
surface abnormalities or synovitis; however, crepitus with- clicking or tapping sensation.
out associated joint pain often is a benign finding.10
The presence of extra-articular findings, such as derma- Inspect and palpate area in
tologic abnormalities, pericardial or pulmonary rubs, Elbow Inspection center of triangle bound by
hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, and/or and palpation lateral epicondyle of humerus,
tip of olecranon, and radial head
neurologic abnormalities, suggests the presence of systemic
disease as the cause of the arthritis.10
Certain physical examination findings are specific to
various diagnoses. For example, tophi have high clinical agents is more likely to occur in patients with nongono-
diagnostic value for gout.2 Patients with associated rash, coccal septic arthritis compared with those with gono-
pustules, and hemorrhagic bullae likely have gonococcal coccal septic arthritis.2 If clinical suspicion of infection
infection.2 Ocular inflammation, hilar adenopathy, and remains high and initial cultures fail to isolate a pathogen,
erythema nodosum suggest the presence of arthritis asso- repeat and confirm the cultures.2
ciated with sarcoidosis.2 Identifying crystals is important for the diagnosis of
crystal-induced arthritis. However, crystals can be difficult
DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION to identify depending on the skill of the observer.11 Polarized
Diagnostic testing should refine and confirm suspected light microscopy may not be available in certain clinical
diagnoses based on information obtained during the settings and tentative diagnosis can be made if crystals are
health history and physical examination. Synovial fluid identified using an ordinary light microscope. The needle-
analysis is the key diagnostic test to evaluate acute mono- shaped monosodium urate crystals associated with arthri-
arthritis and is required if septic arthritis is a diagnostic tis caused by gout are more easily identified with an
possibility. Arthrocentesis, the procedure performed to ordinary light microscope than are the calcium pyrophos-
remove synovial fluid for analysis, can be both diagnos- phate dihydrate crystals associated with pseudogout.2,14
tic and therapeutic in some patients because removing Remember that crystal-induced arthritis can exist in asso-
excess fluid can relieve symptoms and control infection.2 ciation with other arthritic processes, including septic
Synovial fluid analysis should include gross analysis of arthritis, so identification of crystals does not rule out
fluid appearance, white blood cell (WBC) count with concurrent infection.
differential, Gram stain, culture, and polarized light Additional laboratory testing may aid the diagnostic
microscopy to evaluation for septic and crystal-induced approach. For example, elevated serum uric acid levels
arthritis.2,10,12 Normal synovial fluid is clear. Inflamma- suggest a possible diagnosis of gouty arthritis; however,
tory changes cause synovial fluid to become cloudy and gouty arthritis can develop with normal or elevated serum
opaque; noninflammatory pathologic processes in syno- uric acid levels.2,10,12
vial fluid can result in a clear or cloudy appearance.2 Routine blood and urine tests, such as metabolic panels,
WBC counts in inflammatory synovial fluid are signifi- complete blood cell count, and urinalysis, should be
cantly increased, with associated increased percentages performed when systemic disease is suspected based on
of polymorphonuclear cells.10,12 Isolation of infectious the patient’s clinical presentation.10 Leukocytosis may be

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found in patients with septic arthritis but is a nonspecific Radiographs should be performed as a baseline study
finding. for patients with confirmed and suspected septic arthritis;
Obtain blood cultures in patients with suspected septic however, they have low sensitivity and abnormal radio-
arthritis. Additional cultures of the pharynx, urethra, graphic findings are nonspecific for septic arthritis. Arthro-
cervix, or rectum may be indicated for suspected cases of centesis is the only way to definitively diagnose septic
gonococcal arthritis.2 arthritis; however, radiographs provide supplemental
Rheumatic laboratory tests, such as erythrocyte sedi- information about disease severity and complications.
mentation rate (ESR), C-reactive protein (CRP), rheuma- Initial changes that may be seen on radiograph in patients
toid factor, anticitrullinated peptide antibody (anti-CCP), with septic arthritis are soft-tissue swelling, followed by
and antinuclear antibody (ANA), should only be ordered joint space narrowing. Chronic infection often leads to
after other acute inflammatory and noninflammatory more destructive changes.9 CT and MRI scanning are more
processes have been excluded based on patient history, sensitive and specific imaging modalities for this condition
physical examination, and/or synovial fluid analysis. ESR and may be required.
and CRP are nonspecific and can be elevated in patients CT, ultrasound, and MRI improve visualization of intra-
with infection, inflammation, or malignancy. Inflammatory articular and periarticular soft-tissue structures.9 Bone
markers, such as ESR and CRP, can be helpful to distinguish scintigraphy is optimal for assessing bone turnover.10 These
between inflammatory and noninflammatory causes for advanced imaging studies can help refine the diagnosis of
acute monoarthritis when this distinction cannot be deter- monoarthritis in patients who are difficult to diagnose,
mined clinically. and frequently are used in follow-up evaluation of patients
Rheumatoid factor and anti-CCP antibody should only with acute monoarthritis but are rarely indicated at initial
be ordered when there is at least a moderate suspicion for workup.
the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis.6 Rheumatoid factor
is nonspecific and can be identified in low levels in up to TREATMENT
15% of healthy patients.15 Additionally, the presence of Most patients who present with acute monoarthritis can
rheumatoid factor can be associated with other diseases, be treated conservatively with activity modification, local
including Sjögren syndrome, systemic lupus erythemato- care, and appropriate analgesia. Recognizing patients who
sus, pulmonary diseases, and infectious diseases.15 Anti- require emergency care is critical: septic arthritis, fracture,
CCP is more specific but less sensitive than rheumatoid compartment syndrome, osteomyelitis, necrotizing fasciitis,
factor.15 tumors, and systemic vasculidities can cause acute joint
Avoid ANA testing in patients who present with localized symptomatology.10 Patients who may have any of these
joint pain that is not associated with systemic symptoms; conditions should be referred immediately to an appropri-
up to 30% of healthy patients may have positive ANA at ate specialist. Urgently refer patients with internal derange-
very low titers.10,15 The presence of high ANA titers can ment associated with severe pain, poor function, or
reduce the risk of false positives; however, these antibodies instability, and patients with suspected acute tendon or
also are seen in patients with other systemic and organ- muscle rupture.10 The American College of Rheumatology
specific autoimmune disorders, infectious diseases, and recommends timely referral for patients with
malignancies. The American College of Rheumatology • undiagnosed multisystem or systemic rheumatic disease
recommends that clinicians avoid ordering bundled arthri- • undiagnosed synovitis, in patients whom repeat arthro-
tis laboratory panels because of the high frequency of centesis or synovial biopsy may be needed
false-positive test results.10 • musculoskeletal pain that is undiagnosed after 6 weeks
Diagnostic imaging Plain radiographs, bone scintigraphy, • unexplained immunochemical test abnormalities sugges-
CT, ultrasound, and MRI are common imaging tools to tive of underlying rheumatic disease
evaluate acute musculoskeletal complaints.9 • musculoskeletal pain not adequately controlled with therapy
Plain radiography often is the initial imaging study of • musculoskeletal pain associated with severe or progres-
choice and is indicated after significant trauma, when sive loss of function or work productivity
pain is not relieved following conservative therapy, and • conditions for which treatment with corticosteroids or
when the patient has a history of malignancy.2,10 Obtain immunosuppressive drugs is being considered
radiographs of the affected and contralateral joints. • dysfunction out of proportion to objective findings.10
Despite the frequency with which plain radiographs are
used in the clinical setting, they are nondiagnostic in CONCLUSION
most cases. Identification of erosive disease on early Acute monoarthritis is a common condition for patients
radiographs is a poor prognostic factor and indicative and has a wide range of causes, from benign to life-
of future disability.3 Chondrocalcinosis may be seen on threatening. Clinicians in primary and acute settings need
plain radiographs and is suggestive, but not diagnostic, to be comfortable obtaining a complete patient history
of pseudogout.2,10 and physical examination in order to select appropriate

30 Volume 32 • Number 3 • March 2019

Copyright © 2019 American Academy of Physician Assistants

Acute monoarthritis

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