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Lesson Plan

School : Taib GHODBANE Level: First Year Time:

Teacher : Meriem BELLOULA Class: 1 Sc 1-2
Theme: Intercultural Exchange Sequence:
Unit 1: Getting through Rubric: Unit Introduction
Lesson focus:
 Vocabulary related to technological tools and means of communication.
 Functions: guessing, suggesting, comparing.
 Language skills: listening ans speaking.
Targeted Competencies: interact, interpret.
Learning objective: By the end of the lesson, learners will demonstrate their ability in:
- Identifying and defining the concept of intercultural exchange
- Naming the different means of communication and knowing their functions.
Materials: Pictures, textbook, white board.

Tim Rationale I-P procedure

15 T-Ls Warm Up:
min Ls-T -T greets Ls and asks about their weekend.
- invites the learners to look at the pictures distribute, then label each one of them.

-T engage LA in a discussion through questions.

1. What does these pictures represent?
2. What is the purpose of these means?
3. How often do you use them?
4. Name the social media applications you like the most.
Task one: Match each definition with the appropriate tech tool.
Email is to send and receive mails electronically.
Social Media are applications and websites we use to chat With people.
Fax is a tool to call or send papers via satellite.
Mail is the traditional way of sending a document to people.
Newspaper are used to know about what is happening around

15 -T asks Ls what is something common between all these techs?

min -Ls deduce the meaning of Intercultural exchange.
Task two: fill in the gaps to have a full definition of intercultural exchange:
Ideas – Exchange- country - understanding – traditions.

Cultural .................. is sharing different................. tradition, and Knowledge

with someone who may be coming from a completely different .....................
than your own. It has become more and more important. As it cultivates
personal contact among nations by promoting mutual ........................ of
social features such as nation’s language, customs, and cultural………….
min Project presentation : Page 39
1. Making a job application booklet .
2. Making an internet user’s guide for beginners.
 The T asks Lsto choose their partner and sets the deadline of the final
submissions' deadline.
 The T explains and guides Ls on how to design these projects using the
information and instructions on page 39

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