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Read up on Forge of Fury for future Kobold Gang game

Look into expanded rules for spelljammer, read 2e book
Look into potion brewing

DoIP Notes:
Orcs are splintered/leaderless
Field Encounters:
Orc camp, power struggle, Warg trainer leader
Orc chase on warg/horseback
Cryngir attacks while party is trying to enter axeholme?
Orc Anchorite initiate crossing path with party

Used Field Encounters:

Escaped Goat, wearing bell, reluctant to be captured, refrence to future enounter
in SLW

It has been warm and dry around phandalin, something that party is greatful for
when they remember the storm from the lighthouse.
Traveling along the Triboar trail they find a long strech of wet/muddy dirt
(evidence of cryngir's straifing attacks along the trail)

IDEA: Green "Fey?" Dragon "King" of Neverwinter Wood, Name (Syl)(Daar) = Elven for
Green, Draconic for King / "Narath No-Wing"
Rewards for doing SylDaar's bidding:
Magic Rams horn that fills with healing potion when the command word "Glom"
(Draconic for "fill") is spoken
Wooden Battleaxe, made of feywood hard as iron(find/make up something suitable),
normally roughly the size of a handaxe but grows to full size when exposed to a
splash of water, remains at this size for 4-6 hours before reverting to its shunken

Goat Encounter, goat randomly hold grudge against one player, none threatingly

DM Improvemnt Notes:
Describe monsters/places more
Look for ways to introduce variety into homogenous groups of enemies, spice up
basic enounters

More patter for Elad, wild rumors, comical nonsense, exterminator talk
look for ways to use exterminator expertise in combat, traps/poisons ect

Elad Notes:
Son - Eldon Belbrig
Wife - Andry Belbrig

Pc ideas:
Yuan-Ti warlock of the world serpent. sticks to snakes
Plasmoid monk, can shift mass for more powerful punches, multiple arms?

Spelljammer Campaign Ideas:

Rouge Ulithid wants exstinguish suns

Other Campaign Ideas:

Pirates of the Sea of Fallen Stars

General Ideas:
wererat ratking, some ratking, RATKING RATKING

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