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International Journal of Forecasting 8 (1992) 315-327 31.


Stochastic demographic forecasting

Ronald D. Lee
Department of Demography, University of California, 2232 Piedmont Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94720,

Abstract: This paper describes a particular approach to stochastic population forecasting, which is
implemented for the USA through 2065. Statistical time series methods are combined with demographic
models to produce plausible long run forecasts of vital rates, with probability distributions. The
resulting mortality forecasts imply gains in future life expectancy that are roughly twice as large as those
forecast by the Office of the Social Security Actuary. The method for forecasting fertility is useful
mainly for providing estimates of the variance and autocorrelation in fertility forecast errors, and not
for making stand-alone point forecasts. The forecasts of the probability distributions of the vital rates
can then be used in a stochastic Leslie matrix to produce stochastic population forecasts. These provide
probability distributions for the quantities forecast, reflecting lower bound estimates of uncertainty.
Resulting stochastic forecasts of the elderly population, elderly dependency ratios, and payroll tax rates
for health, education and pensions are presented.

Keywords: Population, Forecasting, Aging, Dependency, Mortality, Fertility, Projection, Social


1. Introduction The power and influence of long-run de-

mographic forecasts derives from their reassur-
Demographic forecasts are used for many pur- ingly concrete aspect. A payroll tax policy based
poses. Sometimes the main interest is in the size on the predictable retirement of the baby boom
of the future population, but more often it is in generations surely seems well founded and pru-
some component of the total, such as children or dent. Yet even for this highly predictable event,
the elderly, or some function of the age dis- much uncertainty remains. What proportion of
tribution, such as a dependency ratio. Forecasts the baby boomers will survive to retire, and how
may have a powerful influence on policy. In the long will they live after retirement? How many
United States, forecasts of a rising elderly depen- children will be born in the coming decades to
dency ratio led to legislated increases in the pay support them as workers in their retirement?
roll tax rate for Social Security during the 1980s Demographic forecasters attempt to indicate the
and continuing in the future, and scheduled post- uncertainty of their forecasts, but these attempts,
ponements of the age of retirement. These de- leading to high, medium and low brackets on the
mographically inspired increases have in turn forecasts, are often seen ex post to have been
shaped the level and incidence of federal taxes, unsuccessful.
permitting an offsetting reduction in income tax A number of approaches have been taken to
rates and a reduction in the progressivity of the problem of systematically assessing the un-
overall federal taxes. certainty of population forecasts. These include
Correspondence to: R.D. Lee, Department of Demography, using time series methods to forecast the popula-
University of California, 2232 Piedmont Avenue, Berkeley, tion growth rate [Cohen (1986)], stochastic simu-
CA 94720, USA. lations of population growth with randomly vary-

01(79-2070/92/$05.0~ @ 1992 - Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved

316 R. D. Lee I Stochastic demographic forecasting

ing vital rates [Pflaumer (1988)], analysis of er- eluded that the projected growth rate from the
rors in past forecasts [Keyfitz (1981), Stoto base year of the forecast up to T years later has a
(1983), US Bureau of the Census (1989)], and probability distribution which is largely indepen-
the development of stochastic models for the dent of T.’ On the basis of this work, it is
vital rates, which are then used in stochastic possible to attach probability bounds to forecasts
Leslie matrices to generate probability distribu- of population size, but not to other aspects of the
tions for the future population [Sykes (1969), forecast, such as age bands or ratios. This work,
and Alho and Spencer (1985)]. which treats the projection method as a black
This paper describes an approach taken to box, has proved very useful. The approach sug-
demographic forecasting in recent research by a gested here, however, takes the opposite tack of
team consisting of Carter, Lee, and Tuljapurkar. formally modeling the errors arising from some
The research continues the development of the but not all sources, and evaluating their effects
stochastic Leslie matrix approach mentioned on the forecasted variables of interest.
above, combining statistical time series analysis The complexities of this more formal ap-
with mathematical and statistical demography. proach can be better appreciated if we re-
There is particular emphasis on developing time examine the logic of the traditional high-low
series models for the vital rates which are suit- bounds, taking fertility as an example. Consider
able for long-run forecasting, with horizons of 75 the number of births 40 years in the future. It
years or so. The analysis of the propagation of will depend on the level of fertility in 40 years,
error through the Leslie matrix, and the deriva- and also on the number of reproductive-age
tion of probability intervals for the forecasts are women, which will in turn depend on the level of
distinctive in not relying on linear approxi- fertility for the first 25 years of the forecast. The
mations, and not using recursions, which are high scenario assumes not only that fertility will
shown to be incorrect in the presence of au- be at the ‘high’ level in the fortieth year, which
tocorrelation [see Tuljapurkar (1992)]. let us assume has probability p, but also that it
An overview of the traditional approach to was high every year in which the reproductive-
demographic forecasting and its limitations pro- age women were born. The probability of this
vides a convenient point of departure. composite outcome must be much less than p (it
would be p * pZ5 if fertility were independent
2. The traditional approach from year to year), because annual variations in
fertility tend to offset one another over time,
Consider the way in which uncertainty is resulting in a narrower interval covering prob-
handled by traditional projections. Typically, ability p for composite outcomes such as births in
high, medium and low trajectories are specified 40 years. The degree to which the interval is
for each input (fertility, mortality and net migra- narrower will depend on the extent of autocorre-
tion). Many methods are employed to choose the lation in the forecast errors. The confidence
medium trajectories (surveys of individual inten- band on fertility by itself does not provide the
tions, consultation of experts, statistical model- information we need to assess the uncertainty of
ing, consideration of social and economic fac- population projections; we also need to know
tors, and so on), but the high and low variants the autocorrelation.
are usually chosen less systematically. Then an Now consider the uncertainty in projecting
overall high projection of the population is made the number of children under the age of 15 in 60
by taking together all the high trajectories, and a years. This involves a weighted sum of the num-
low projection by taking together all the low ber of births from 45 to 60 years in the future,
trajectories. While usually no probability inter- with the weights equal to future survival prob-
pretation is given to the resulting high-low inter- abilities. Ignoring the uncertainty in these
val, the user is certainty invited to believe that in weights, there should again be cancellation of
some sense the intervals are likely to contain the errors in forecasting the births for each single
actual future values. year - 45 years ahead, 46, 47 and so on. The
Keyfitz (1981) and Stoto (1983) have analyzed
the performance of past forecasts by the United ’ Analysis by the US Bureau of the Census (IYXY) questions
Nations and the US Census Bureau. and con- this conclusion. however.
R. D. Lee I Stochastic demographic forecasting 317

band with probability p of containing this age information to be used in preparing a population
group size should be narrower still relative to the forecast? The medium forecast could be pre-
high and low range on fertility itself. But now we pared on the basis of the expected value (point
must take into account not only the autocorrela- forecast) of fertility in each year. The result
tion in errors projecting fertility, but also the would not be the trajectory of expected values of
autocorrelation in errors in projecting births. population size, owing to the multiplicative way
Since there is very substantial overlap in the in which fertility enters the projection process
groups of reproductive-age women from one [Tuljapurkar (1992)], but it would probably be
year to the next, a great deal of autocorrelation reasonably close except for very long-run fore-
is automatically introduced by the mechanics of casts. The temptation would then be to use the
population renewal. Variation in mortality adds upper and lower probability bound (whether
further complexity, as does migration. This dis- taken at 95% coverage, or at two-thirds cover-
cussion indicates the inconsistencies that arise age, or whatever) in a traditional forecast. But
when we try to give a probabilistic interpretation this would be entirely mistaken, for at least four
to the high-low intervals of the traditional reasons. First, the probability coverage for the
method. scenarios must be calculated jointly with mortali-
The problems become still more acute when ty and migration. Second, the probability inter-
we consider the uncertainty in forecasting an age vals are intended to cover annual variations in
group ratio such as the old age dependency ratio: fertility, but as we have seen, this is not readily
the population age 65 and over divided by the convertible into information about population
population 20-64. The high forecast will com- size scenarios, since a good deal of cancellation
bine a high denominator (resulting from high of errors is to be expected. Third, the width of
fertility) with a high numerator (resulting from the probability interval for fertility or mortality is
low mortality), and the low forecast will pair a completely useless and uninterpretable for fore-
low denominator with a low numerator. The casting purposes without taking account of the
range generated in this way obviously will be autocovariance structure of the errors, which
much too narrow. In practice, the Social Security cannot be done using traditional methods. And
forecasts combine low fertility and low mortality fourth, all the problems of inconsistency remain
in their ‘pessimistic’ scenario, and high-high in undiminished in the probability intervals for dif-
their -optimistic’ scenario, and the census projec- ferent aspects of the projection, as discussed
tions suggest that a corresponding scenario be earlier. For these reasons, stochastic forecasts of
used when considering pension problems using fertility and mortality cannot readily be used to
their forecasts [Wade (1989)]. In addition to the inform traditional demographic forecasts, or to
difficulty in assigning probabilities to these evaluate the width of their high-low intervals.
scenarios, it is important to note that no con- Lee (1991a) takes a small step towards bridging
sistently high or consistently low trajectory can the gap by calculating probability intervals for
cover the likelihood that fluctuations in vital the average level of fertility up to each forecast
rates will result in irregular age distributions. horizon, but such partial measures do not go
There have been many attempts to model and nearly far enough.
forecast births or fertility as time series, and Evidently, there is no hope of treating uncer-
several that treat mortality in this way [see, for tainty in any way that is even roughly consistent,
example, Lee (1974b), Saboia (1977), McDonald so long as we take the traditional approach. We
(1981), Alho and Spencer (1985, 1990), Bell and turn, now, to a different approach, in which the
Monsell (1991), Carter and Lee (1986), Bozik vital rates are modeled as stochastic processes,
and Bell (1987, 1989), Gomez (19X9), McNown and on the basis of these, a stochastic population
and Rogers (1989, 1992), Alho (1990), and projection is generated. Probability intervals can
others reviewed in Land (1986)]. For evaluations then be calculated for any quantity of interest.
of this work, see Lee (1981), Land (1986), Lee Unfortunately, this approach is very complex.
(1991b) and Lee and Carter (1992). Suppose that Probability intervals cannot be calculated recur-
an effort of this sort has been successfully carried sively, and for reasons indicated earlier, there is
out, resulting in a forecast of fertility, with a no way to combine the intervals for components
corresponding probability interval. How is this to obtain an interval for the whole. Each must be
318 R. D. Lee I Stochastic demographic forecasting

calculated separately. Also, there are some values of these coefficients define different
sources of uncertainty that are not incorporated families.’
in this analysis. These include possible errors in Fertility, mortality and migration can all be
the data for the jump-off population and in the handled in this way. Here, mortality will be used
data used for fitting the vital rate models; errors for illustration. Let nz,,, be the central death rate
in specifying the models; errors in estimation of for age x at time t. The model used for mortality
the model parameters; and future structural is
changes invalidating the estimated models.
ln(m,.,) = a, + b.,k, + cr., .

Here exp(a,) describes the average shape of the

3. Modeling vital rates
age profile, and the b,‘s describe the pattern of
proportional deviations for this age profile when
The first goal is to model the vital rates as
the parameter k varies. Parts of the Coale-
stochastic processes. Fertility, mortality and mi-
Demeny (1983) life-table system are build on a
gration vary strongly with age, so it is necessary
model somewhat like this (where k is taken to
to model and forecast age-specific rates. How-
equal e,,,), and preliminary versions of the UN
ever, there is a strong tendency for the age-
model life-table system also used an approach of
specific rates to move together, with respect both
this sort. Gomez (1990) found that out of the
to trend and to fluctuation. There are several
numerous models he considered using explora-
possible approaches. One, used in recent work
tory data analysis, this model gave the most
on mortality by Rogers (1986) and McNown and
satisfactory fit to historical Norwegian mortality
Rogers (1989, 1992), is to develop an explicit
data. The approach is related to the principal
analytic expression for the age profile, and then
components methods developed by Bell and
to model and forecast the time series of values of
Monsell (1991) for mortality, and Bozick and
some or all of the parameters. They use the
Bell (1987, 1989) for fertility.
Heligman-Pollard (1980) mortality model,
This model cannot be fit by simple regression,
which uses eight parameters to describe the age
because there is no observed variable on the
profile of mortality. Similar approaches have
right-hand side. Nonetheless, a least-squares so-
sometimes been taken to forecast fertility. The
lution exists, and can be found using the first
advantage of these methods is a parsimonious
element of the Singular Value Decomposition [or
expression for any particular age distribution.
SVD; see Wilmoth (1990) or Lee and Carter
The drawbacks are first, that more than one
(1992) for details]. On inspection we can see that
variable must be forecast, and that covariances
the solution cannot possibly be unique, however.
of the variables must be taken into account;
To distinguish a unique solution, I will impose
second, in most published forecasts no probabili-
the further conditions that the sum of the b,‘s
ty intervals are provided, presumably owing to
equal 1.0, and that the sum of the k,‘s equal
the problems with covariances just mentioned;
zero. Under these assumptions, the a,‘s are sim-
third, in the case of mortality all published fore-
ply the average values over time of the ln(m,.,)
casts are for relatively short horizons of 10 or 15
for each X.
years, so the long-run stability of such forecasts
The model was fit to US data from 1933 to
has not yet been established; and fourth, there is
1987. and to Chilean data from 1952 to 1987,
some indication that the time series of the pa-
both for sexes combined. [For a treatment of
rameter values are erratic, at least for the United male and female mortality differences, see Car-
States in recent years [see McNown and Rogers ter and Lee (1992).] Exhibit 1 shows the esti-
(1989) and Keyfitz (1990)]. mated values of a, and b., for the two popula-
The strategy pursued here is to generate a tions. The a,‘~, as noted, are just the average
one-parameter family of age schedules, in the
’ In effect, this is the way we define a family of age
sense that variations in one parameter generate
schedules. since it is of course true that variation in other
the entire range of schedules in the family. An
dimensions can be induced by varying other parameters.
actual description of a particular age schedule Our usage here is consistent with standard terminology in
additionally requires twice as many age-varying demography, as employed with respect to the Cole-
coefficients as there are age groups. Different Demeny (1983) model life tables. for example.
0 variation in k. It is also not surprising that sets of
coefficients for the United States and Chile look
quite similar. Because of the normalization, their
absolute levels have no particular meaning. With
N age groups, if b, = b,.= 1 IN for all x and y,
then all the rates would move up and down
proportionately, maintaining constant ratios to
one another. However, it can be seen that in fact
some ages are much more sensitive than others.
Generally speaking. the younger the age, the
greater its sensitivity to variation in k. The ex-
ponential rate of change of an age group’s mor-
tality is proportional to the b, value: d In(m,,,)/
dt = (dk,/dt)b,. If k declines linearly with time,
-6 then dk,/df will be constant and each m, will
0 30 60 90
Age Group decline at its own constant exponential rate.
, I

4. Second stage estimation of k

The estimation process just described gener-

ates values for 0,. b, and k,, and we could
proceed directly to the next step of modeling k,
0.1 as a time series process. Instead, we make a
second-stage estimate of k by finding that value
of k, which, for a given population age dis-
tribution and the previously estimated parame-
ters a, and b,, implies exactly the observed
number of total deaths for the year in question.
‘\ That is, we search for k, such that
0 30 60 90 D, = c exp(u, + b,k,)N,., .
Age Group
where D, is total deaths in year t, and N,,, is the
Exhibit 1. (a) Comparison of estimated u* coefficients for the
population age x in year f.
United States. 19X-1987, and Chile, lY5221987. (b) Com-
parison of estimated ha coefficients for the United States,
There are several advantages to making a
19.3%IYX7, and Chile, 1952-1987. NOW: The age groups are second-stage estimate of k in this way. First, this
0, I-4. S-Y, .80-84, gs+. guarantees that the life tables fitted over the
sample years will be consistent with the data.
values of the logs of the death rates. Not surpris- Because the first-stage estimation was based on
ingly, the Chilean coefficients lie above those of logs of death rates rather than the death rates
the United States at all ages except the highest. themselves, sizable discrepancies can occur be-
reflecting the fact that mortality was higher, on tween predicted and actual deaths. Second, in
average, in Chile from 1952 to 1987, than in the this way the empirical time series of k can be
United States from 1933 to 1987.j The b,‘s de- extended to include years for which age-specific
scribe the relative sensitivity of death rates to data on mortality. are not available, since the
’ The Chilean data treat hS+ as the open age group. The second-stage estimate of k yields an indirect
Coalc--Guo (lY8Y) method was used to construct agc- estimate of mortality. For the United States, this
specilic mortality estimates at older ages. For the United allows the base year of the forecast to be brought
States. the open age interval is SS+. Lee and Carter used
forward by two or three years, because of the
the Coale-Guo method to estimate mortality up to 10%
1OY. but the tigures shown in Exhibit 1 are not affected.
long time lag in publishing age-specific rates. For
The quality of age reporting above age 65 is probably poor Chile, it allows us to fill in several gaps in the
in the United States and in many other countries as well. middle of the time series of mortality.
320 R. D. Lee I Stochastic demographic forecasting

For populations with seriously incomplete of errors. For a discussion of errors arising from
data on fertility or mortality, the second-step e _~,,and from the estimation of a, and b,, which
estimation offers many opportunities for indirect are here ignored, see the appendix to Lee and
estimation. For example in China there are Carter ( 1992).
national age-specific mortality data for only a We can now use the fitted time series model
few years, and population age distributions for for k to forecast it over the desired horizon.
four scattered census years over a 40-year Exhibit 2 shows past values of k for the United
period, although total births and deaths are States, 1900-1989, and their forecasts from 1990
available annually. a, and b, can be estimated to 2065. Note that the estimated values of k over
from as few as two life tables. Given these, one the base period change quite linearly. In fact, the
can begin with the earliest census, and find the change in k over the first half of the period
value of k, and the corresponding life table (for almost exactly equals its change in the second
single years of age) for the following year. This half. This contrasts with our usual understanding
can be used to survive forward the population that the pace of mortality decline has decelarated
for one year, and likewise to survive births. This over time, an understanding based on the trends
procedure yields an estimate of the population in life expectancy at birth, which we will examine
age distribution one year later. The process can later. The approximate linearity of k in the base
be replicated recursively up to the present. In period is a great advantage from the point of
this way the population and its mortality history view of forecasting. Long-term extrapolation is
can be reconstructed annually, and a long time always a hazardous undertaking. but it is less so
series of k, can be created as a basis for forecast- when supported in this way by the regularity of
ing. This method is a version of inverse projec- change in a 90-year empirical series. Also note
tion [see Lee (1974a)]. Similar methods can be that, aside from the influenza epidemic of 1918,
used to reconstruct a time series of fertility as a the variability of the series is similar throughout
basis for forecasting. the period. This also is a desirable feature for
forecasting purposes.
Exhibit 2 shows the point forecasts, which are
5. Vital rates as stochastic processes

The next step is to model k as a stochastic

time series process. This is done using standard
Actual. 19CKl-1969
Box-Jenkins procedures. In most mortality ap-
plications k, is quite well modeled as a random
walk with drift k, = c + k,_, + u,. In this case,
the forecast of k changes linearly and each
forecasted death rate changes at a constant ex-
ponential rate. However, sometimes a model of
this general form but with an added moving
average term or autoregressive term is superior.
Forecasts. 1990-2065
In this case the pattern of change is somewhat
Note that each of the m,‘s is now itself mod-
eled as a stochastic process driven by the process -60
1900 1950 2000 2050 2100
k. Note also that if we ignore the error term e.,.,,
the variations in the ln(m,)‘s will be perfectly Date
correlated with one another, since all are linear Exhibit 2. Estimated and forecast values of the mortality
functions of the same time-varying parameter k. parameter k for US data. 1900-1989 and 1990-2065, with
This is a very convenient feature of the model, 95% probability intervals. Nore: The 95% probability inter-
val is shown. It reflects only innovation error, not uncertainty
for it means that we can calculate the probability
from estimation of drift or other sources. These are second-
bounds on all (period) life-table functions direct- stage estimates of k. The forecasts are based on a random
ly from the probability bounds on the forecasts walk with drift, with a dummy variable for the 1918 influenza
of k, without having to worry about cancellation epidemic.
R. D. Lee I Stochastic demogruphic forecasting 321

essentially a linear extrapolation of the base and low forecasts by the Census Bureau (1989)
period series. The analysis of Chilean data and the Social Security Actuary [Wade, (1989)].
showed a similar result, as did Gomez’s (1990) There are several points to note. First, we (Lee
analysis of Norwegian mortality data which took and Carter) forecast an increase in life expectan-
a slightly different approach. Ninety-five percent cy of 10.6 years (sexes combined), from 75.5 to
probability intervals are also shown for the fore- 86.1, between 1989 and 2065. This is more than
cast of k. The figure shows intervals that reflect twice as great as the increase projected by the
only the error term in the random walk, which Census Bureau and the Social Security Actuary.
expresses the innovation error. However, these The difference translates into substantially high-
could be augmented to include uncertainty about er forecasts of the elderly population, to be
the rate of decline in k, which is itself estimated discussed later. Second. although we projected a
[see Lee and Carter (1992)]. linear trend in k, the forecast for life expectancy
The next step is to convert the forecasts of k is for growth at a slowing pace. The difference is
into forecasts of life-table functions. This is done due to the decreasing entropy of the survival
using the equation which gives ln(m,,,) as a curve [see Keyhtz (1977)]. When mortality is
function of k, given the previously estimated higher, general mortality decline saves many
age-specific coefficients a, and b.,. Once the im- young lives which contribute more to gains in life
plied forecasts of m,., have been recovered in expectancy; when mortality is lower, general
this way, any desired life-table function can be mortality decline saves largely old lives which
calculated. For period life-table functions, the contribute less to gains in life expectancy. Third,
probability intervals can be found directly from the probability interval is fairly tight, even
the intervals on k. To find probability intervals though the plot includes uncertainty in the esti-
for cohort life-table functions. we would have to mated drift term in addition to the innovation
take into account the autocovariance structure of error. Previous use of statistical time series
errors in k, which is less straightforward. methods to forecast vital rate series had general-
Exhibit 3 displays actual (fitted) base period ly found very wide probability intervals, so wide
values of life expectancy at birth along with the that there seemed to be little information in the
forecasts derived from the forecasts of k in Ex- forecasts after a couple of decades. We see here
hibit 2. The figure also shows the high, medium that this need not be the case; indeed, these
intervals have been criticized as being implaus-
ibly narrow. Note, however, the intervals on the
forecasts of k were not particularly narrow. We
believe that the narrowness of the forecasts of
life expectancy arises from the low entropy of
the survival curve when life expectancy reaches
high levels: even sizable variations in k have
little effect on the level of life expectancy, be-
cause mortality has become so concentrated at
the older ages. This concentration does not
necessarily represent a Fries-like ‘compression’
of mortality [Fries (1980)], but occurs even if, as
here, mortality declines at all ages at historical
2ccQ 2050 2100 rates. An increasingly small proportion of deaths
date occur before age 65, for example.
Exhibit 3. Actual and forecast values of life expectancy at
birth for the United States. 1900-1989 and 1990-2065: Lee+
Carter vs. official projections. Note: The Lee-Carter e,, 6. Fertility
forecasts are derived from the forecasts of k in Exhibit 2, but
the 95% probability intervals shown include uncertainty from
Procedures for fertility are in some respects
the estimated drift term as well as innovation error [see Lee
and Carter, (1992) for details]. High. medium and low
similar to those for mortality. but in other re-
projections from the US Bureau of the Census (1989) and spects quite different. Differences arise in part
the Social Security Actuary [Wade (1989)] are also shown. because fertility series in industrial populations
322 R. D. Lee / Stochastic demogruphic fbrecusting

are typically much less regular than mortality fertility index g, is calculated as
series. They fluctuate widely, and their pasts
appear to contain less useful information about g, = In{(J; + A - L)i((U -f, - A)} .
their futures. The proposed strategy is to depart
from standard Box-Jenkins procedures by intro- where A is the sum of the a, coefficients. Then
ducing prior constraints on the fitted models. the series g,-G” is modeled, with G* chosen such
There are several points to note. First, the basic that when g = G*, then f= F” [see Lee (1991a)
model described above for the age distribution of for details].
mortality can be used, but it is much more Obviously, the point of estimating a model
satisfactory for unlogged fertility rates.’ As for constrained in these ways cannot be to learn
mortality, a second-stage estimate of the fertility something new about the likely future trend of
parameter, say L, was made. Second, we know fertility, since the ultimate future level is as-
that average fertility is bounded below by zero sumed a priori rather than estimated. Rather,
and above by a bio-social upper limit of about 16 the point is to learn something about the degree
children per woman. Point forecasts of fertility of uncertainty in the forecast. and more particu-
may violate these bounds, but in any event the larly about the autocovariance structure of the
usual assumption of normally distributed errors errors. As discussed carlier, this autocovariance
certainly allocates positive probability to levels structure is an absolutely essential ingredient for
outside these bounds. To get around this difficul- evaluating the uncertainty of the implied popula-
ty, an inverse logistic transform of f; may be tion forecasts. While the point forecasts of fertili-
forecast rather than f, itself. Although developed ty are quite sensitive to the prespecified equilib-
independently in this work, an identical proce- rium level, the width of the 95% probability
dure was first used by Alho (1990). The inverse band is relatively independent of prespecified
logistic transform can be chosen such that the range, as is the autocovariance structure [see Lee
derived forecast of f; itself must fall between (1991a)]. The imposed upper and lower bounds
preassigned bounds. For the United States after evidently mainly affect the upper and lower
1900, I have taken these bounds to be 0 and 4 2.5% of the distribution of the fertility forecast,
children per woman. Finally. the ultimate fertili- rather than the central 95%.
ty level implied by unconstrained time series Exhibit 4 plots the resulting forecast for the
models, even using the logistic transform, ap- total Fertility Rate, along with 95% probability
pears quite capricious, and depends on aspects of intervals. The intervals appear to bc very wide.
the model that are not well estimated.’ In the but recall that these should contain 95% of the
illustrative application below, the long-run annual variations in fertility. We are accustomed
equilibrium level of the total fertility rate was to seeing intervals for traditional forecasts, inter-
constrained to be 2.0. vals that are designed to generate plausible high-
Let f,,, be the birth rate for women age x at low bounds for the total population. Therefore
time t. Then the basic model of age variation is the high-low fertility assumptions must be much
narrower than would be necessary to cover 95%
f,., = a, +‘kc of the annual variations. most of which would
cancel. For a further discussion. see Lee (1991a).
The goal is to forecast f; with suitable con- Modeling and forecasting net migration pro-
straints. With upper and lower limits of U and L, ceeds in a similar way, although because reliable
and an equilibrium level of F”, the transformed data are scarce for the United States, the age
distribution of net migrants is simply assumed to
’ In the logged version. the estimate of the fertility parame- remain fixed at that assumed in the census pro-
ter f (corresponding to k in the mortality model) is unduly jections [US Bureau of the Census (1989)]. Net
inHuenced by the secular trend in fertility at the older ages. migration can be positive or negative. and has no
’ In particular. the forecast behaves very differently dcpend-
clear upper bound; consequently. bound con-
ing on whether or not a constant term is included, and
whether or not the original series is differenced before
straints were not specified. However, an equilib-
modeling. Often. there is little purely statistical basis for rium level consistent with the long-run assump-
making decisions on these aspects of the model. tion of the census projections was prespecified.
R. D. Lee I Stochastic demographic forecasting 323

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 00 10 20 30 40 50 60

Exhibit 4. Actual and forecast values of the total fertility rate for the United States, 1909-1989 and 1990-2065, with 95%
probatnlity interval. Note: Forecasts are based on a logistic-transformed index, constraining fertility to lie between 0 and 4
children per woman. The ultimate level of the forecast is constrained to be 2.0. See Lee (1991) for details.

7. Stochastic population projections sults reported here pertain to female dominant

single sex projections.
Having developed stochastic models of age The propagation of error in the Leslie matrix
specific fertility, mortality and migration, the is analyzed using procedures described in Tul-
next step is to construct stochastic forecasts of japurkar (1990, 1992) and in Lee and Tuljapur-
the population itself and its age distribution. This kar (1991). Although the details of these proce-
approach was apparently first implemented by dures will not be discussed in this paper, there
Sykes (1969), and in more detail by Alho and are several points to note, illustrating the com-
Spencer (1985). The Sykes (1969) paper plexity of the problem. First, the stochastic point
pioneered in focusing on time series variability as forecasts of population variables are not derived
the most important source of uncertainty in from the point forecasts of the individual rates.
population forecasts, but the modeling of the Instead, they must take into account the entire
vital rates was rather crude and the forecast, probability distribution for each rate, because of
with Z-year age groups, was only illustrative. the non-linear nature of population renewal. The
Alho and Spencer (1985) pioneered in a number following example, due to Tuljapurkar, shows
of ways, including considering a broader range of why: Alternating annual population growth rates
sources of error, and incorporating expert opin- of zero and 0.02 average out to a growth rate of
ion. However, they restrict their forecasts to a 0.01, which would be the point forecast for the
15year horizon in which it is not necessary to growth rate. But the population subject to these
deal with compounding second generation uncer- growth rates will grow at a lesser average rate
tainty (uncertain fertility of uncertain numbers of equal to {sqrt(l.OO* 1.02) - l} per year, or
reproductive-age women), and they do not con- 0.00995. This example also shows why it may be
sider probability intervals of functions of the age important to screen out implausible extreme val-
distribution such as ratios of age group sizes. The ues from the forecasts of the vital rates by
projections described here have a long horizon, specifying upper and lower bounds. [For a more
covering the period from 1990 to 2065. The formal statement. see Tuljapurkar (1992)]. Sec-
uncertainty of various functions of the age dis- ond, the stochastic forecast is not recursive when
tributions is considered, including age group size errors are autocorrelated. To move ahead one
ratios. and implied tax rates for transfers. Re- step, we need more information than is con-
324 R. D. Lee / S/ochn.stic demographic forecusrin~

tained in the population age distribution at the may be assumed to capture ‘optimistic’ and ‘pes-
previous step. The moments of the population simistic’ outcomes from the point of view of the
distribution, even the first. depend on non-linear Social Security system [Wade (1989)]. None of
functions of the autocovariances of the errors these cases reflects the possibilities that fertility
which preclude recursive calculation [Tuljapur- might be initially very low, creating a small
kar ( 1992)]. cohort of those who will be old at the end of the
Detailed (but preliminary) results of the sto- forecast period, and that fertility might then rise,
chastic population projections can be found in creating a large number of working-age people
Lee and Tuljapurkar (1991). The discussion here to support them. Nor can they reflect the possibi-
will be limited to some of the more important lity that fertility might start high for a decade,
implications of the results, particularly those then go very low for fifty years. and then again
having to do with population aging and its impli- be very high at the end of the forecast period,
cations. First consider the elderly population. creating a severe life cycle squeeze. with a small
Because we forecast mortality to decline more number of working-age people with large num-
rapidly than do the Census Bureau and the bers of both children and elderly to support at
Social Security Actuary. we also forecast a large the same time. To capture such possibilities, and
elderly population. Specifically. our point fore- to assign them appropriate probabilities, it is
cast of the population 65 and over for 2065 is necessary to allow vital rates to vary stochastical-
more than 18% larger than the figures for the US ly, which traditional methods cannot.
Bureau of the Census (1989) and Social Security We have forecast the elderly dependency
[Wade (1989)]. For the population 85 and over, ratio - that is, the ratio of the population 65 and
we expect 28% more than the Census Bureau over to the population 20-64 [see Lee and Tul-
and over 40% more than Social Security. These japurkar (1991)]. This depends on the uncertain-
differences in point forecasts have major implica- ty in fertility as well as the uncertainty in mor-
tions for the challenge posed by population tality. For 2065. our point forecast of the depen-
aging. The low forecasts of the Census Bureau dency rate is 14% higher than that of census. and
and Social Security are very similar to our lower 22% higher than that of Social Security. The
95% probability bound. However, our upper 95% probability intervals that we generate for
bound has 5.6 million more people age 85 and 2065 are twice as wide those of Social Security,
over than does the Census. and 11.4 million and eight times as wide as those implied by the
(57%) more than does Social Security! From Census Bureau’s high-low brackets! However.
these comparisons, it appears that the Social the Census Bureau explicitly recommends using
Security and Census forecasts may be understat- a specially constructed forecast combining low
ing both the expected level and the upside range mortality and low fertility to get a sense of the
of the future proportions of elderly. These as- high range for elderly dependency. This special
pects of their forecasts follow from their rather scenario is very similar to the Social Security
lower forecast of life expectancy gains as dis- pessimistic projection, although our upper bound
cussed earlier. is 33% higher than both of these. Probably the
For some policy purposes, we are more inter- main reason for our much wider intervals is that
ested in the elderly dependency ratios than we our stochastic fertility model expresses more un-
are in the absolute numbers of elderly. One of certainty about future fertility. and incorporates
the major shortcomings of the traditional fore- the possibility of long swings in fertility. We
cast methods is their inability to convey a sense believe that this is an important and realistic
of the uncertainty of dependency ratios. Because feature of our approach.
the high-low scenarios are assumed to hold fixed The total dependency ratio is the ratio of the
over the full range of the forecast, the extreme population under age 20 and over 65, to the
age group ratios are those that result from per- population aged 20-64. It allows for offsetting
manently high fertility and low mortality, or variations in the dependency of children and the
permanently low fertility and high mortality. In elderly, and therefore it is not surprising that its
some variations, permanently high fertility and forecast is far less uncertain than is the elderly
high mortality, or low fertility and low mortality, dependency ratio.
R. D. Lee I Stochastic demographic forecasting 325

Dependency ratio calculations give each age to rise in real terms for some time to come,
group a weight of unity. If we are interested in contributing further uncertainty. The calcula-
the implications of our forecasts for public ex- tions also assume, contrary to fact, that these
penditures, however, we might want to weight public transfer expenditures must be funded ex-
the age groups by the amount they receive in clusively from labor income. Despite these short-
transfers or subsidies to create a numerator for comings, these calculated tax rates provide a
the ratio, and weight the age groups by the suggestive interpretation of the age distribution
amount of their labor earnings to form the de- changes we forecast, and illustrate the power of
nominator. Then the ratio is a kind of implied the stochastic forecast.
average payroll tax rate necessary to support
health, education, pensions, and other social
welfare programs, on the assumptions that all 8. Problems and possibilities
revenues for these programs come from taxes on
labor earnings. Holding these tax and transfer This paper has described an approach to sto-
based weights constant over the forecast horizon, chastic population forecasting. It has shown how
we can calculate point forecasts and confidence statistical time series methods can be melded
intervals for ratios of this sort [see Lee and with demographic models to produce plausible
Tuljapurkar (1991)]. Our preliminary forecast is long-run forecasts of vital rates, with probability
that the payroll tax for the elderly will more than distributions. The method used to forecast mor-
double by 2065, with 95% bounds containing tality has some promise for improving both the
possibilities ranging from a return to the low point forecasts of mortality and measures of their
levels of today to more than tripling - a range uncertainty. The method for forecasting fertility,
from 0.12 to 0.44 in 2065. This is a very wide by contrast, is useful mainly for providing esti-
interval, but earlier, from 2015 to 2030, when the mates of the variance and autocorrelation in
baby boom retires, the interval is much nar- fertility, items that are centrally important for
rower, primarily reflecting uncertainty about the next step. The vital rate forecasts can then be
mortality, not fertility. A substantial rise in combined in a stochastic Leslie matrix, and used
payroll taxes seems virtually certain, even to produce stochastic population forecasts. These
though the projection fan widens to contain provide probability distributions of the quantities
lower tax rates later in the century. forecast. The resulting measures of uncertainty
Just as the forecasts of the total dependency must be viewed as lower bounds on uncertainty,
ratio were less uncertain than those of the elder- since a number of the potential sources of uncer-
ly dependency ratio, so the forecast of the tainty have not been incorporated in the
payroll tax rates necessary to fund all public analysis.
sector transfers, to children, younger adults and Estimates of uncertainty should, in principle,
the elderly, are less uncertain than are those for be crucial for policy formation based on popula-
transfers to the elderly alone. The point forecast tion forecasts. However, there are serious bar-
is for a 50% increase in taxes in 2065, with a riers to the more widespread use of these or
range from the current level up to a doubling of similar methods. First, while the methods de-
the current level. Once again, an increase scribed here for modeling the vital rates are not
around 2030 appears nearly certain, while the particularly difficult to employ, the calculation of
longer run picture is far less so. the stochastic population forecast itself is ex-
These calculations are based on the simple tremely complex to implement. We hope to de-
assumption that, age for age, the costs of public- velop some simple approximations or rules of
ly provided health care, education, and pension thumb for deriving rough probability intervals
programs remain the same in relation to age- from the models of the vital rates. Alho (1991)
specific earnings as they are today. This assump- presents some interesting ideas for making the
tion is relatively robust to variations in inflation, results of stochastic forecasts accessible to users.
but pension costs will be sensitive to the rate of Second, planners are not accustomed to working
growth of productivity, which is additionally un- with forecasts of probability distributions. In
certain. Health care costs are likely to continue theory, it is straightforward: the planner uses a
326 R. 1). Lee I Stochastic demographic fbreurstmg

loss function to weight each possible outcome, fertility”, paper presented at the lY89 Meetings of the
and then integrates over the weighted prob- Population Association of America.
abilities. This yields a number which may be Carter, L. and R.D. Lee, lY86. “Joint forecasts of U.S.
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time series models”, Journal of the American Statisticul
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55 no. 4. 613-643.
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Acknowledgments 49-80.
Keyfitz, N.. 1977, Applied Mathemutical Demography Wiley.
New York).
Research for this paper was supported by a
Keyfitz. N.. 1981. “The limits of population forecasting”,
grant from NICHD, ROl-HD24982. Much of Population und Development Review. 7 no. 4, 579-593.
the work described was conducted jointly with Keyhtz. N.. 1990. “Future mortality and its uncertainty”,
Lawrence Carter and with Shripad Tuljapurkar. paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Popula-
tion Association of America.
Land. K., 1986. “Methods for national population forecasts:
A review”, Journal of the American Statistical Associa-
tion, 81. no. 396, 888-901.
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