Mathematical Population Studies: An International Journal of Mathematical Demography

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Publisher: Routledge
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Mathematical Population Studies:

An International Journal of
Mathematical Demography
Publication details, including instructions for authors and
subscription information:

Andrei Rogers
Published online: 21 Sep 2009.

To cite this article: Andrei Rogers (1995) Preface, Mathematical Population

Studies: An International Journal of Mathematical Demography, 5:3, 1-1, DOI:

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Do complex causal forecasting models outperform complex extrapolative forecasting

models, and do simple extrapolative forecasting models outperform both of them?
The debates on this topic in the literature on population forecasting are at times
heated, but the evidence presented thus far is largely speculative and conjectural.
To shed more light on such questions a workshop involving a dozen scholars, and
supported by funds provided by the Institute of Behavioral Science at the University
of Colorado, was convened in Boulder, CO on September 17-18, 1993. Most of the
participants in this workshop met again at a specially organized session on popula-
tion forecasting at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America
in Miami, May 3-5, 1994. The papers presented at that session have been reviewed,
revised, and extended for inclusion in this special issue of Mathematical Population
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Studies. We hope that the arguments and evidence presented here will stimulate a
more informed and enriched debate.

Andrei Rogers

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