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1. Conduct an interview with the chosen leader, identifying

evidence of his/her traits, styles, and leadership situations.
Relate your findings to the module concepts. For example, how
did your chosen leader demonstrate the trait of “emotional
intelligence”? Prepare examples. (free flow, no need to show the
interview questions)

2. Write a report profiling your chosen leader.

 First, introduce your leader, and state why you selected him/her.
Was their leadership effective or not effective? 5 marks, no need
tht long. Not compulsory to disclosed the interviewee details.

 Next, expand upon the traits, behavioral and situational

approach of your leader, discuss at least three (3) properly
referenced and defined theory/concepts/terms from the module
reading. For example, if you select Directive Leadership
Behavior, describe what the term means in the context of
leadership and how your leader demonstrates it. 20 marks

 Next, describe any transformational leadership factors that you

can identify and describe in your chosen leader based on the
module reading. For example, if your leader was an inspirational
motivator, critically discuss this factor by providing the situation
that has ever happened.

 Finally, based on the reviewed chosen leader characteristics, you

need to construct your self-development strategies to enhance
your characters, potentials and talents as leaders.

3. In addition to the text, you are encouraged to use reliable and

properly cited Internet resources (books, refereed journal
articles, etc.). You may also draw from your personal work
experience with appropriate examples to support your

4. The length of the review must be between 3000 to 5000 words

including the references with Font 12 Times New Roman, 1.5
spacing. 10 marks

5. Students have to follow the APA style for referencing.

6. The assessment of the assignment is based on the table below:

No. Assessment Criteria Marks Allocation

1. Introduction 5 marks
2. Content - Profiling of Chosen 20 marks
3. Self-Development Strategies – 20 marks
Critical Thinking
4. Conclusion 5 marks
5. Flow, Language, Citations and 10 marks
Similarity Index Score (Must be
less than 20%)
Total 60 marks @20%

7. The deadline/submission date: M4 (17th Dec 2022)

1. Introduction
2. Profiling of choosen leader
2.1 3 concepts (tasks, situation, behavioral)
(inteliigence, directive

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