Activity 1 - GE 9

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The Secret of the Lost Kingdom

In a faraway kingdom called Black Soil, there was a brave king

who ruled and took care of the entire land. He is King Gregory. King
Alfonso's partner in running the kingdom is his beautiful and virtuous
wife, Queen Maria Gemma. During their thirty-year stay in the kingdom,
all the units were prosperous and happy. Their fields are full of crops.
Fruit trees are dense with fruits. The people in each town give and help
each other. Several kingdoms tried to conquer Black Soil, but they
failed. The king's army is strong and skilled in warfare. That is why the
entire kingdom highly respects and looks up to the leadership of King
Gregory and Queen Maria. Nevertheless, the king and queen remained
loyal and loving to their kingdom and people.

One day, the king was seriously ill. The king became very sad
because they were not blessed with a child. That sadness gradually took
its toll on his health. Several healers have been called to the palace, but
King Gregory is still not getting better. Because of this, the kingdom
weakened, and the people became unhappy. Pests also attacked the
crops, so there was widespread famine.

But, one rainy night, there was a knock at the palace door. No one
was there when the soldier opened the door but left a basket at its foot.
Inside the basket was a crying baby boy. He immediately went to the
Queen and showed the baby. The Queen was overjoyed when she saw
the baby, and she went to the king's room. The baby was considered the
true child of the King and Queen. The son of King Gregory and Queen
Maria brought back their happiness. The King has also recovered from
his illness and seems to have regained his strength. Gradually, the
kingdom rose. People's enthusiasm returned, and the abundance of crops
also returned.

A few years passed, and the young baby grew into a robust young
man. He was named "Giovanni." From the Italian word "gee-oh-vah-
nee", which means God is gracious, the boy indeed became the grace of
the Lord for the Kingdom. While inside the infant’s room, a fortune
teller talked to the queen regarding the baby’s prophecy. He even
mentioned that each letter of his name yields a very significant sense.

G is for Giovanni, a Godsend boy.

I am the irresistible one who brings such joy.

O is for outstanding, the "one and only" you.

V is for the very special things he says and does.

A is for affectionate, a boy with great appeal.

N is for the neat way he always makes them feel.

N is for nice-as-can-be, so natural to love.

I is for the ideal boy who came from up above.

Since Giovanni's arrival, the joy, vitality, and abundance of the

kingdom that once lost have returned. He was also the next one to settle
in the land of Black Soil. He followed in the footsteps of his father, the
king, and the whole kingdom lived happily and peacefully for many

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